Characteristics of the nostril life goals. Nozdrev - characterization of the image in the poem "Dead Souls

Characteristics of the nostril life goals. Nozdrev - characterization of the image in the poem "Dead Souls

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was a very acrimonious person and images for his heroes of the poem " Dead Souls"I drew from my friends, acquaintances and acquaintances. Fortunately, the society at that time was small and almost everyone knew each other.

So Nozdryov was portrayed by Gogol with two very famous people... The appearance and image from Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, yes, our great poet, and the character from the legendary, but half-forgotten Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy.

An American (a relative of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy), a desperate fidget, duelist, gambler and adventurer. He traveled with Kruzenshtern and Rezanov to America, managed to get everyone and quarrel and even wanted to seize ships and pirate, was landed on the Aleutian Islands, managed to get out of there, and walked from Kamchatka to St. Petersburg. He fought in several wars and the war of 1812, was twice demoted to the ranks, but retired as a colonel, killed eleven people in duels, and so on and so forth.

Fyodor Tolstoy was close in character to Pushkin, they were friends and probably joked and teased the withdrawn Gogol. It was Nozdryov who got it back on them.

Nozdryov's age in the poem is 35 years old. He is young, healthy and very energetic:

"He was of average height, a very well-built fellow with full ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and whiskers black as pitch. He was fresh as blood and milk, health seemed to sprinkle from his face. .. "

Gogol pays special attention to his sideburns:

"... his thick and very nice sideburns ..." - which, however, often thinned out after Nozdryov was fought for them for another trick.

The irrepressible energy of Nozdryov makes him lie, cheat, bully everyone around him:

"Nozdryov was, in some respects, a historical person. Not a single meeting where he was was without history. Some history certainly happened: either the gendarmes would take him out of the hall under the arms, or their friends would be forced to push him out."

He is incorrigibly passionate - cards, checkers, bets, whatever, just to compete and argue. With people, Nozdryov is always on the "you", always clings to the familiar, to the best comrade. But he can’t resist doing meanness to his friend:

"There are people who have a passion to spoil their neighbors, sometimes for no reason at all ... Nozdryov had the same strange passion."

At the same time, he is not spiteful, not vindictive: he lies, and reconciles, and dishonors from a pure heart.

"... what can only happen in Russia alone, after a few time he already met again with those friends who were playing with him, and met as if nothing had happened .."

By all appearances, this type of people was sharply unpleasant for Gogol. Nikolai Vasilyevich expressed his attitude to Nozdrev in the words of the coachman Chichikov:

"What a nasty gentleman!" Thought Selifan to himself.

Nozdrev the third landowner to whom Chichikov turned with a very delicate proposal was Nozdrev. The author describes him as a young and energetic man of thirty-five years old.

The words: "talker, boozer, reckless driver" are also addressed to him. He is always overwhelmed with emotions, he is always in search of something unusual, something interesting, in search of adventure. Nostril can be annoying for no particular reason to the best friend... He is very passionate, likes to tickle his nerves.

Its dominant qualities that bring clarity to all of the above things are "brightness and agility." All of his behavior is explained by these two qualities. Nozdryov does not know the word "plan", he does not plan anything, he does not plan anything. He just goes and does. And in his affairs he knows no boundaries.

One of the episodes vividly describes these qualities. On the way to his friend, Sobakevich, in the tavern, Nozdryov intercepts the dumbfounded Chichikov and almost forcibly takes him to his estate. But there he suits big scandal... Nozdryov is strongly quarreling with Chichikov because the latter does not want to play cards for dead souls, and to acquire a stallion of "Arab blood" and get a few dead souls in addition.

Nozdryov is a wicked, frivolous person. He loses easily at cards.
This person can easily betray, he does not know such a thing as strong friendship.
He has two children, whom he does not raise at all. This speaks of his irresponsibility.
Nozdryov is a master of "casting bullets". He is a liar, but he is a liar under duress. He deliberately imposes one lie upon another. Perhaps in this way he is trying to draw attention to his person.
Nozdryov loves to brag and exaggerate. He almost swore to Ch-woo that he was catching a huge fish in his pond.
Society provincial town treated Nozdryov and his antics with a certain indifference. But even without Nozdryov they could not. After all, the inhabitants of the city call it Nozdryov when they want to find out who Ch. Really is.

Nozdryov is a man of "dark and humble origin", a rogue and a cunning one.

"He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to sprinkle from his face." Nozdrev had thick black hair, full ruddy cheeks, teeth white as snow, jet black whiskers. He was of medium height, not badly built. There is something open, direct, daring in the face. Talker. He spoke quickly, without thinking, coming up with ideas on the go. He quickly changed his mind. Favorite word Nozdrev, whom he called both his son-in-law and Ch. - a fetuk (a word that is offensive to a man). He was a "smart guy", from childhood he was known for a good comrade, he always made acquaintances quickly, he made friends, it seemed, forever, but always, having made friends with someone, he fought with him that evening. He is always a hunter to take a walk, even his marriage did not change him. His wife died, children were no longer needed. I couldn't stay at home more than a day. "I had a passion for cards". He played not entirely sinlessly and cleanly, for which he was often beaten. He also had a passion to spoil his neighbor, sometimes for no reason. He was a man of all trades. In society, he was tolerated, but when he crossed the boundaries of what was permissible, they kicked him away (for example, well, at the governor's ball).Ch. Understood perfectly well that Nozdryov was a "trash man."

Gogol ironically calls him " a historical person"And he says that" Nozdrevs "will not disappear soon in Russia.

On the one hand, the hero of the poem "Dead Souls" "Nozdryov appears in the work as a lively, active and restless person, but on the other hand, he can be called" a "dead soul".

The life of this landowner is absolutely spiritless. Gogol conveys this through the image of Nozdryov's estate, his study, where "" there were no visible traces of what happens in the study, that is, books or paper; hung only a saber and two guns "". The economy of the hero is completely ruined. Even lunch consists of dishes that are burnt or, on the contrary, not cooked.

Nozdryov does not develop internally, does not change depending on age: "" at thirty-five he was exactly the same as he was at eighteen and twenty: a hunter to take a walk. "

This landowner - "" dashing booze "": "" A sensitive nose heard him for several tens of miles, where there was a fair with all sorts of congresses and balls. " He also had a "passion for cards" ", and he played cards not entirely sinlessly and cleanly.

Nozdryov likes to lie, sometimes unnecessarily, to brag and exaggerate. Because of his character, he constantly finds himself in some kind of situations, stories, for which Gogol ironically calls him "a historical person."

This hero can easily betray a person, has a passion "to" spoil his neighbor "", while if the chance leads him to meet again with the person whom he offended, then he will not at all consider him as his enemy, on the contrary, he will manage again friendly. An example of this is how the hero treated Chichikov: it is Nozdryov who blabs the secret about buying dead souls at the governor's ball. But after what happened, the landowner continues to consider Chichikov a friend and even says to him: "After all, you are such a scoundrel, you will never come to see me."

Thus, the main character traits of the hero are: lack of spirituality, lack of internal development, frivolity, the ability to betray. His image is one of the universal human types, and Gogol writes that he "will not be out of the world for a long time."

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Updated: 2016-07-04

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The image of the landowner Korobochka in the poem "Dead Souls"
The third chapter of the poem is devoted to the image of the Box, which Gogol refers to as those "small landowners who complain of crop failures, losses and keep their heads a little to one side, and meanwhile collect a little bit of money in variegated bags placed on the drawers of the chest of drawers!" (or M. and Korobochka are in some way antipodes: Manilov's vulgarity is hidden behind high phases, behind discussions about the welfare of the Motherland, while Korobochka's spiritual scarcity appears in its natural form. high culture: in all its appearance, a very unpretentious simplicity is emphasized. This is emphasized by Gogol in the appearance of the heroine: he indicates her shabby and unattractive appearance. This simplicity reveals itself in relationships with people. The main goal of her life is to consolidate her wealth, continuous hoarding. It is no coincidence that Chichikov sees traces of skillful management on the estate. This household reveals its inner insignificance. She has no feelings besides the desire to acquire and benefit. Confirmation is the situation with the "dead souls". Korobochka trades in peasants with such efficiency as he sells other items of his farm. For her, there is no difference between an animate and an unanimated being. In Chichikov's proposal, she is afraid of only one thing: the prospect of missing something, not taking what can be bailed out for “dead souls.” The box is not going to yield them to Chichikov on the cheap. Gogol awarded her with the epithet "clubhead.") This money is obtained from the sale of a wide variety of products. households. Korobochka understood the benefits of trade and, after much persuasion, agrees to sell such an unusual product as dead souls.
The image of Korobochka's accumulator is already devoid of those “attractive” features that distinguish Manilov. And again we have a type - "one of those mothers, small landowners who ... are collecting a little money in motley bags placed on the drawers of the dressers." Korobochka's interests are entirely focused on the economy. "Strong-minded" and "club-headed" Nastasya Petrovna is afraid to sell cheap Chichikov dead souls. The "silent scene" that arises in this chapter is curious. We find similar scenes in almost all the chapters showing the conclusion of Chichikov's deal with another landowner. This is special artistic device, a kind of temporary stop of the action: it allows you to show with a special convexity the spiritual emptiness of Pavel Ivanovich and his interlocutors. In the finale of the third chapter, Gogol speaks of the typical character of Korobochka, the insignificance of the difference between her and another aristocratic lady.
The landowner Korobochka is thrifty, “is gaining a little bit of money,” she lives secluded in her estate, like in a box, and her homeliness eventually develops into hoarding. Limitation and stupidity complete the character of the "club-headed" landowner, who treats with distrust everything new in life. The qualities inherent in the Box are typical not only in the environment provincial nobility.
She owns a subsistence economy and trades in everything that is in it: lard, bird feathers, serfs. Everything in her house is arranged in the old fashioned way. She keeps her belongings neatly and saves money by putting them in bags. Everything goes into business for her. In the same chapter, the author great attention pays attention to the behavior of Chichikov, focusing on the fact that Chichikov with Korobochka behaves more simply, more cheekily than with Manilov. This phenomenon is typical of Russian reality, and, proving this, the author gives lyrical digression about the transformation of Prometheus into a fly. The nature of Korobochka is especially vividly revealed in the buying and selling scene. She is very afraid to sell too cheap and even makes an assumption, which she herself is frightened of: "What if the dead will be useful to her herself?" ... It turns out that Korobochka's stupidity, her "club-headedness" is not such a rare occurrence.

Nozdrev- the third landowner from whom Chichikov is trying to buy dead souls. This is a brave 35-year-old "talker, revelry, reckless driver." N. is constantly lying, bullying everyone indiscriminately; he is very reckless, ready to "screw up" his best friend without any purpose. All N.'s behavior is explained by his dominant quality: "briskness and agility of character", that is. unrestrained, bordering on unconsciousness. N. does not conceive or plan anything; he simply does not know the measure of anything. On the way to Sobakevich, in the tavern, N. intercepts Chichikov and takes him to his estate. There he quarrels to death with Chichikov: he does not agree to play cards for dead souls, and also does not want to buy a stallion of "Arab blood" and get souls in the bargain. The next morning, forgetting about all the grievances, N. persuades Chichikov to play checkers with him for dead souls. Caught up in cheating, N. orders to beat Chichikov, and only the appearance of the police captain calms him down. It was N. who almost killed Chichikov. Faced with him at the ball, N. shouts out loudly: “he trades dead souls! ", Which gives rise to a lot of the most incredible rumors. When officials call on N. to sort things out, the hero confirms all the rumors at once, without being embarrassed by their inconsistency. Later he comes to Chichikov and himself tells about all these rumors. Having instantly forgotten about the offense he had inflicted, he sincerely offers to help Chichikov take away the governor's daughter. The home environment fully reflects N.'s chaotic character.His home is all stupid: there are goats in the middle of the dining room, there are no books and papers in the office, etc. We can say that N.'s boundless lies are flip side Russian prowess, which N. is endowed with in abundance. N. is not completely empty, it is just that his unrestrained energy does not find its proper application. With N. in the poem begins a series of heroes who have retained something alive. Therefore, in the "hierarchy" of heroes, he occupies a relatively high - third - place.

For the first time in the work, he appears in the city of NN. The reader will not know anything special about him except that he was a card sharper. His whole being was somehow ridiculous: he is ridiculous, he speaks nonsense, without thinking about the consequences of his statements.

The author himself, depicting the image of Nozdryov, speaks of him as a "broken guy". Actually, this is true, and all the actions of the hero emphasize this. Nozdryov is used to living in the present day, thinking little about the future. So, for example, he exchanged winnings in cards for absolutely unnecessary objects and things that he lost to other, more successful players the next day.

All this, according to Gogol himself, was due to some kind of agility, agility and restlessness of the character of the hero. This "energy" forced Nozdryov to perform other actions, most of them rash and spontaneous.

Portrait “He was of medium height, very well-built, with full, ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and jet-black sideburns. He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to sprinkle from his face ... "
Characteristic He is a fidget, a hero of fairs, balls, drinking, card table. He has "restless agility and quickness of character." He is a brawler, a reveler, a liar, a "knight of revelry." He is not alien to Khlestakovism - the desire to appear more significant and richer.
Manor “There was no preparation at home to receive them. In the middle of the dining room stood wooden goats, and two peasants, standing on them, whitewashed the walls ... First of all, they went to inspect the stable, where they saw two mares ... Then Nozdryov showed the empty stalls, where there were also good horses before ... Nozdryov led them to his office, in which, however, there were no noticeable traces of what happens in the offices, that is, books or paper; only a saber and two guns were hanging. "
Attitude to housekeeping He completely neglected his farm. He has only one kennel in excellent condition.
Lifestyle Plays unfairly at cards, is always ready to go “anywhere, even to the ends of the world, to enter whatever enterprise you want, to change everything that is, for everything that you want”. Naturally, all this does not lead Nozdryov to enrichment, but, on the contrary, ruins him.
In general, Nozdryov is an unpleasant person, since the concepts of honor, conscience, human dignity it is completely absent. The energy of Nozdryov turned into a scandalous bustle, aimless and destructive.