Turkic race. Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Russia

Turkic race. Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Russia
Turkic race. Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Russia

Where did the Turks come from?

Huns under the lead of Atilla invade Italy . V. Century N..e..


The question is not simple. It seems that Turks consider themselves the people who have lost their roots. Ataturk (Father of Turks), the first president of Turkey, gathered a representative scientific commission and set the task before it: to find the origin of the Turks. The Commission worked for a long time and worked hard, discovered a huge number of facts from the history of the Turks, but the clarity in the question did not come.

Our compatriot L. N. Gumilev introduced a great contribution to the study of the history of Turks. A number of his serious works ("Ancient Turks", "Millennium around Caspian") is dedicated to the Turkic-speaking peoples. It can even be argued that his works laid the foundation of scientific ethnology.

However, a respected scientist makes one completely tragic mistake. He defiantly refuses to analyze ethnonyms and in general, it claims that the language has no effect on the formation of an ethnos. This is more than a strange statement makes a scientist completely helpless in the simplest situations. Show it on the example.

Talking about the kimakov, the ancient Turkic nation, formed on the verge of the first and second millennium somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Kazakhstan, a strong state that existed about three hundred years, he cannot not express surprise on his sudden and complete disappearance. In search of the disappeared ethnos, the scientist documented all the surroundings. He was not traces in the Sheger of Kazakh tribes.

Perhaps the scientist assumes, the kimaki was assimilated with their conquered their peoples or scattered along the steppe. No, we will not explore ethnonym. It still will not give anything to anything, "says Lev Nikolayevich. And in vain.

Kimaki it's a little distorted Russian word homai. If you read this word in reverse side, Obserningقماح toamma : H. "Wheat". The connection is understandable and does not require explanation. Now compare the walking expression "Tashkent Bread city. " And the tubes did not come up with you. As for the name of the city of Tashkent, it consists of part kent "City" and arabic root that we can observe in the wordعطشجي yatashgi. "stoker". Do not flood the oven, do not bake bread. Some translate the name of the city as a "Stone City". But if bread city, It is necessary to translate his name as a city of stuffing, bakers.

In the outlines of the boundaries of modern Uzbekistan, we can easily see wheat lovers.

Here is his photo and drawing in life

Only simia can give simple answers to sophisticated questions. We will continue. Let's read ethnonym uzbeks in Arabic, i.e. backwards:خبز H.BZ means "Bread oven" and from hereخباز h. abba : Z. "Lacker, Khlebnik", "Seller of bread or one who is engaged in baking."

If we now see a quick look at the culture of Uzbekistan, you will find that the whole is overflowing with ceramics. Why? Because its technology is manufactured with bread baking technology. By the way, Russian baker and Arabicفخار f h.but :R "ceramics" The same word. It is for this reason that the Tashkent is the city of bread and for the same reason Uzbekistan, which can be proud of his caravan over the centuries. Samarkand, the capital of the Empire Tamerlane, Bukhara, Tashkent Monuments of ceramic architecture.

Register, Main Square Samarkand


The name of the square is explained as a derivative of PERS. r eGI - Sand. They say, once the river flowed at this place and caused a lot of sand.

No, it's from ar. re: G. and - "ask" (راجي ). And for rus. ask - AR. sharaf "honor". At this place there were roads from different ends of the world. Timur invited merchants, artisans, scientists in their capital, so that they make the city's capital of the world.

When the Russians are invited, they say I ask, and the Arabs sayشرف scarraf "Will Honor".

Persian word from ar.راجع re : G I. "Returning". If among the sands build a city and do not follow him, the sand will come back. So it was with Samarkand to Timur.

So we traced the path of supposedly the disappeared Turkic tribe of Kimakov. It turns out that it manifested themselves through another name having the same meaning.

But Turkic tribes are numerous. It is known that their homeland Altai, but they passed the long way from Altai in the Great Steppe to the center of Europe, surviving the so-called "passionary explosion" (Gumilev) several times. The last explosion was embodied in the Ottoman Empire, the end of which came with the end of the World War I, when the empire bored to a small state called Turkey.

The task of the Ataturk remains not solved. At the same time, the next awakening of the Turks is planned, which forces them to look for their roots.

In the heat of passionate excitement, which theories are not extended. It sometimes comes to the fact that the Russians are in the past Turks, the same applies, naturally, to the Slavs. And about Ukrainians and speeches can not be. Khokhol is the Turkish "Son of the sky."

An advanced position in the new movement of Pantürkism is a journalist Aji Murad, who literally at a few words trying to show that everything, for example, Russian words from Turkic languages. According to the method of juggling, it is clear that the journalist is very far from linguistics. And in the topic they declared, such knowledge would come in handy. After all, the linguistics have long learned to distinguish between his own languages. Even a simple man in most cases it can be seen. For example, in Russian, no one is trying to declare such, for example, words as an expedition, modernization, saksaul, horde, Balyk invoking Russian. Criteria is simple: the word belongs to that language in which it is motivated. There are other signs, extra. Borrowed words, as a rule, have a poor set of derivatives, a strange sludge structure, in its morphology are grammatical signs of someone else's language, for example, rails, marketing. The first English indicator of the plural, in the second traces of English gerundia remained.

So, the word khokhol. is in Slavic languages \u200b\u200bmotivated. It has another meaning of "naughty hair strand", "sticking hair cloth or feathers." And it was in reality. Ukrainians wore Ukrainians and were and remain stubborn in nature. Who is unknown?

This includes compliance and in arabic: لحوح lah.about: h. "Stubborn, persistent" derived from the verbألح " alahh.but "insist". Almost also called Poles, their eternal rivals lhai, of which the most stubborn Lykh Lech Kaczynsky.

But what is most surprised in the works of Aji Murad, that he is not even trying to raise the question of the meaning of the numerous names of the Turkic tribes. Well, at least thinking about the meaning of the word Turkic, denoting the Turkic super ethnos. Since so I want to put them at the head of all nations of the world.

Let's help the Turks. For Simia, this is not such a difficult task.

Let us turn to the ancient Egyptian fresco "Creation of the World", which is a programming file deploying ethnic groups.

On the fresco 6 characters, which corresponds to the biblical text about the creation of the world, called the sixdens in the Christian tradition, for God created the world for six days, and in the seventh day rested. And the hedgehog is clear that six (seven) days nothing serious will do. Just someone russian word The bottoms (levels) read as the days (weeks).

Figures on the Egyptian fresco are easily recognized by the silhouettes of the letters of the Arab alphabet. You can read about them in my book "System Languages \u200b\u200bof the Brain" or "World Periodic Law". We will be interested in only the central couple "Heaven and Earth".

The sky depicts the heavenly goddess chick. And under it a podfully yeb, the God of the Earth. Between them, it just happens that it is written in their names, if you read them in Russian: Fuck and Nut. Again, the Russian language has cut through. In ancient Egypt, the priests wrote in Russian? Leave the question without answering. Let's go further.

If you put the goddess of the sky on the "Pop", it will turn out ancientaarama Letter Gimel ( ג ), arabic "GIm". And if the Eba, the God of the Earth, put on the sinful land with my feet, will be the Arab letter Vav ( و ).

و andג

It is clear that the podfully fuck is China, the inhabitants of which are not tired to pronounce the name of the producing authority in Russian. Again Russian? And the goddess of the sky is Nut, it is India in which the mountains of Himalayas.

Arab and Aramaic letters have numeric values. The letter GIm stands in the third place and has a numeric value 3. The letter VAV is standing on the sixth place and has a numeric value of 6. Yes, and so it is clear that the Arab Wav is just an Arab Sixer.

The heavenly goddess often portrayed in the form of a cow.

In fact, the image of the cow belonged to the goddess of wisdom Isis. Between her horns of the Sun Disc. And that, that under it, under the heavens, always depicted in the form of a person, sometimes with a snake head.

This is because the Arabic name of the snake, the root dick, it seems that they write on the fence. Therefore, the most long fence has confused itself. Despite the fact that the zuc is a form of a mn. The number of Arabic words bison.

In Russian, the bison is "Bull", in Arabicطور TOUR.

For some time, the bison was acquired inside China, it was its necessary accessory. But since some pores realized its own significance. After all, you see, it is he who must be in a cow tokryv it is her, and not a person some. In short, I came to the bison (bull, tour) to say to a person: Kysch, Chechi, they say, from here. Since then, the man in Turkic - Kishi, Kizhi.

We formulate it more precisely. The Turkic word of Kishi "Man", comes from Russian Kyszy. It would be possible to say that from Arabicكش ka : Sh "Running", but the Russian interomotion is emotionally and more accurately transmits the perturbation of the tour. Word tour Comes from Arabicfrom aUR "Bull" derived from the verbثار frombut :R "be angry".

From this point on, when the Russian word Kysh sounded, the history of turks, bulls begins. They leave the subwayless God of the Earth, depriving him of the organ of copulation, why GEB becomes a female order, i.e. Middle Kingdom. Like on this map:

Photo of a modern tourist map of Tibet.

Easy to say !!! In reality, acquiring independence, it was necessary to leave the land of the earth. Where to? North, where the sky was not blue, Chinese, and blue, like Turkic. On Altai. The blue sacred color of the Turks we saw on the Uzbek palaces and mosques. But this is quite late times. Initially, the new color of the sky was designated on the Turkic yurts.

What are there palaces!

Prince his palaces covered with carvings?
That they are before Yurt Blue!

Archaeological locations show that Yurt existed from the 12th century BC.

Although the Turks separated from China, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Chinese "prosecution" still remained. This is the roots. Simia found out that when the bull is sacraled, it always reflects No. 2. Compare American Bison, Belarusian bison. And if this happens to the cow, it becomes the carrier of the number three. There is no brighter of the Exendary Sacred Cow, which goes on the roads of India located on the triangular peninsula.

Chinese number - 6, we saw it in arab letter, and in the pose of the Middle Kingdom and at the same time your own, Antikatasky, the number of the Turils - 5.

Union of the bull and cows: 2 + 3 \u003d 5. But if the addition sign is made rotating, the five will alternate with the six, with such a situation: 2 x 3 \u003d 6. Such is the cybernetic meaning of the Turkic number.

So that no one doubted that the Turks are bulls, toursTyurki used the word as honorary treatment beck. "This word means generally a lord and is always put after own name, apply. Abbas-Beck. "(Brockauz). No one comes to mind that this appeal comes from the Russian word bull. Meanwhile, nothing strange is that the bulls call particularly respected individuals by bulls.

What bull without a cow? The sacralism of the cow is reflected in the sacralities of milk for the Turkic tribes. And from here, for example, Caucasian Albania, which is in the north of Azerbaijan. This is arabic wordألبان alba : N. "milk products" . And how is the capital of Azerbaijan called? Azerbaijani bak. It is clear that this is the Russian word Bulls.

Someone may think that we can talk about the coincidence. Yes, weird coincidence. But there is another Albania, Balkan. Her capital Tirana. Nobody has a clear name. Why incomprehensible? Each Arab will say that this is "bulls" (ثيران t. : R a: n ). And Araba can be checked. Easily. He looked into the dictionary and made sure that the Arab did not lie.Such a parallelism will not invent. See: One Albania is associated with "Russian bulls", the other with "Arabic". Like Turks consumed to show the value of RA. What does Azerbaijan name mean? No one knows. Only simia gives straight and clearanswer. First part of Arabicجازر ja. : z. eP , ya : grazing " reznik ", the second part is Rus. Bum.

So, the topic "Cutting of a bull carcass" appears. I read in one historical book about the Turks that bashkira, Pecheneg and Oguza associated with the generality of historical fate. Not being a historian, I can't check it out. But I am striking me as a linguist that these names concern exactly the cutting of a living carcass. Bashkira from the tank, i.e. This refers to the front of the carcass. Pechenegi from russian liver. In Arabic, this concept is wider. This refers to not only a well-known organ, but also the central part of something. Oguza, understandable, from rus. about guzok. rear end. Bull's carcass is ritually dismembered by three parts by the cow number. Numbers are repeated (2 and h). Note this thing in the mind.

So, Julius is a bull. Creator and genetically tried. Neck, as a rule, the Turks are short, massive, it gives them the opportunity in the classical struggle (now Greco-Roman, in the time of the podbny -f Rannyuz) is easy to conquer top places. After all, in this kind of struggle, the main strong neck, so that there was a strong "bridge". And this in order for the strength to have to withstand the pose of the six. I know, because I myself was engaged in youth, then I was still "classic." You will come to training and stand in the pose of the Eba. This is called "download the bridge."

Sobs soothe. Calm, the rest of the soul in Arabic is calledرضوان reedv. : N. . In Arab Egypt, where an ancient clock cult is preserved, and where the newspapers are filled with necrologists, you can see this word in every obituary. The second part of the ethnonymameman comes from the AP.أمان "aMA : N. , "Ame: n "Calm".

Dutar - two-string tool, to the music of which dastans sing (fairy tales), fairy tales also tell the stories of the other world, the world number 2. Datar scattered a cultural wave throughout Central Asiabut "Dutar is an integral part of the centuries-old musical culture Turkmen people. If you listen to the sound of a dutar, then you can feel the heat of the hot Turkmen Sun, catch the multifaceted mountain rivers and splashing waves of ancient Caspiana. "This text is taken from the site سنةfrom anat "year"سنة sinat. "Sleep" - N.V.) to get to the condition, soak juices of land, - continues Nazarguli. - If you start working with the material immediately, it will later lead to the deformation of the Dutar and the distortion of the sound. When comes time (cf. ar.أجل "but gal "Time, end",آجلة "agila "That light." from Rus. mogila - N.V.), I'll get a scuba, I make a blank of them ... To make a good man, you need, first of all, a good tree. Best fits mulberry". He heard Tutankhamon these words, would turn over twice in the coffin.

Russian word string Comes from Arabicوتر vatar "String", "Protidence", derived from Arabicوتر vatara "pull on". Just the Russian letter of Vav is sometimes seen as Russian with. From here I. shoot and arrows. And also I. windbecause he pulls the sails. And if you read the opposite, it will turn out rule . It is such horses and love turks, especially Tajiks. After all, two reasons that the strings of Dutar.

But it is important for us that: " Turkmen music is different ... compound rhythmich. Intelligence and odd structures: 2 + 3, 3 + 2. (SiteBelkanto.ru.) . Will we know the formula of the building of the Turkic number? We transfer to the words: "bull + cow, cow + bull."

Sing, my Datar, rydi And sing about the side of your native.

In Egypt, the sleep of Pharaohs protected the Sphinx with a lion body. Here - the lioness, the silhouette of the muzzle of which can be seen in the outlines of the boundaries of modern Turkmenistan.

The lioness is digitized. This is a national number that is supported by the administrative division of the country. And on the flags of Turkmenistan it can be noticed.

On the Soviet flag 2, the blue lines were separated by a red field. On a modern one, the green field crosses the brown carpet with five patterns. Flag day is celebrated on February 19. On this day in 2001, the leadership changed the ratio of the Flag side, they became 2 k 3. Under the rhythms of Dutar? Five stars symbolize 5 regions of the country.

In general, Dutar is a descendant of the Turkic bow, adapted to the territory number 2. The transition was obviously smooth. According to ancient Arabic sources (indicated above) in the older times, the Turkmen has been wedding custom: The friends of the bridegroom shot from Luke on his persot. And then the groom himself prescribed the place of the first marriage night by throwing the boom. I do not know whether the custom preserved, but playing at Dutar from time to time bends his special technique, as if showing where this tool comes from.

There is a disease, satellite of all wars. The tetanus is called Tetanus on Latin.

Tetanus (Tetanus).

Wounded warrior before death.

Acute infectious disease characterized by heavy convulsions as a result of the damage to the nervous system. The causative agent is a tetanus stick (Clostridium Tetani). Penetration of the pathogen dispute into the wound (with soil, piece of matter, wood, etc.), if there is dead tissues in it (anaerobic conditions), causes a disease. S. - ordinary satellite wars. Tonic convulsions cover muscles of Neck, torso, belly; The head is trapped back, the spine is bent the kleseda - the patient touches the bed only with a population and heels ". (BSE) Bacillus S. produce poison similar to strikhnin, causing poisoning, - Tetanin. (Brockauz).

Russian name externally motivated by verb column . In fact, the name of the disease goes from the addition of the Arabic consoleاست east "ask" + in reverse readingنبل nabel "arrows", + يقي yakand "Protect", literally "ask for an arrow to protect." Hence the pose of stretched bow.The Latin name of the deadly disease comes from the Russian word aTTIV. (with m. Vashkevich "Dictionary of these etiological and hidden values." Release 4).

Turks - the community of ethno-speaking peoples that are preferably talking to turkic languages. Most of the Turks today - Muslims. However, there are those who professes Orthodoxy. Enhanced integration to other peoples led to the wide globalization of Turks around the world. In this article we have collected a brief information about the Turkic peoples, as well as interesting facts about the above-mentioned communities.

The first mention of the Turkic peoples

For the first time about the Turkic peoples, it became known in 542. The term was used by the Chinese people in the chronicles. Almost 25 years have passed and the Byzantines spoke about the Turkic peoples. Today, the whole world knows about Turks. In general, the term "Turks" is translated as solid or strong.

Who were the ancestors of the Turks?

Advantageously, the ancestors of the Turks had "Mongoloid" features. What does this mean: dark rigid straight hair, dark eye color; Small eyelashes; Light or dark skin color, cheekbones performed strongly, the face itself -proof, often low lap and highly developed fold of the upper eyelid.

Turks today

Today, Turks are far from their ancestors. At least with regard to appearance. Now is a kind of "blood with milk." That is - mixed type. The current Turks no longer have pronounced facial features, as it was before. And naturally, it has its own logical explanation. As mentioned earlier, the Turkic peoples integrated to other peoples around the world. A kind of "crossing" of Turkic peoples has passed, which led to a change in appearance.


Today, Azerbaijanis are one of the most mass communities among the Turkic peoples. And by the way, this is a major Muslim layer around the world. Today, more than seven million Azerbaijanis live in the same country, and this is over 90 percent of the country's total population. The history of the origin of the people takes its beginning from primitive times. Gradual colonization led to mixed ethnic origin. A special difference is a mentality that is a kind of acting in the modern world by the link between the West and East.

Have the following qualities:

  • Temperamental, emotional, very hot-tempered;
  • Hospitable and generous;
  • Opponents of interethnic marriages, in other words, Azerbaijanis - for the purity of blood;
  • Respect and reverence to the elders;
  • Very capable of learning languages.

Azerbaijanis of the famous with their carpets. For them, this is a traditional occupation, and source of income. In addition, Azerbaijanis are great jewelers. Up until the 20th century, Azerbaijanis conducted a nomadic and half-blood lifestyle. Today, Azerbaijanis culturally and linguistically similar to the Turks, however, by origin, they are not less close to the most ancient peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East.


This people, probably, one of the most mysterious. For several centuries, the Altai people live in their own "galaxy", which is rightfully not evaluated by a single living soul in the modern world. No one will understand. The Altai people are divided into 2 communities. This is the Northern Group and the South Group. The first communicate exclusively in the Altai language. The second is customary to speak Northaltai. Altai jestered cultural values Through years, and continue to live according to the rules of the ancestors. Interestingly, the health source and the so-called "healer" for this nationality is water. Altai believed that in the depths of the waters, the spirit lives, which is able to heal from any ailment. The people and today continue to exist in the balance foreign world. Tree, water, rock - all of this they consider animated objects and belong to the above with great respect. Any appeal to the highest spirits - send love to the whole living.


Hometown for Balcarians - Mountains of the Caucasus. North. By the way, the name itself suggests that Balkarians are residents of the mountains. This people are easy to learn. They have specific traits appearance. Large head, "eagle" nose, leather - light, but with the hair and dark hair. The history of the origin of the aforementioned nation-mystery covered with darkness. However, cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions are known from the long time and originated since a long time. For example, a woman, a girl, any representative of a weak half is obliged to unconditionally obey a man. Sit at one table with her husband is prohibited. To be in sight of other men - compare treason.


Bashkirs are another Turkic people. There are about 2 million Bashkirts in the world. One and a half of which live in Russia. National Language - Bashkir, also speak Russian and Tatar languages. Religion, as in most Turkic peoples - Islam. Interestingly, in Russia, the people of Bashkiria are considered "title." For the most part, they live in the south of the Urals. Predated, people led a nomadic lifestyle. At the beginning, families in the yurts and moved to new places behind the stadiums of livestock. Up to 12th century, people lived tribes. Cattle breeding, hunting, fisheries. Because of the hostility between the tribes, the people almost disappeared, as marriage with a representative of the hostile tribe was comparing betrayal.


Gagauza - the people, for the most part living on the Balkan Peninsula. Today, the house of Gagauz is Bessarabia. This is south of Moldova and the Odessa region of Ukraine. The total number of modern Gagauz is about 250 thousand people. Gagauza profess Orthodoxy. On the music of Gagauz, probably knows the whole world. In something, and this kind of art they are professionals. They are still an open political struggle and high level of democracy.


Dolgans are the people of Turks living in Russia. A total of their about 8,000 people. Compared to other Turkic peoples - this community is very small. The people are devoted to Orthodoxy, in contrast to most of the Turks. However, history says that in ancient times the people confessed animism. In other words - shamanism. The language on which the Dolgans communicate is Yakutsky. Today, the habitat of Dolganov is Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Karachay - a community that lives in the Caucasus, in the northern part of it. For the most part, this is the population of Karachay-Cherkessia. There are about three hundred thousand representatives of this nationality in the world. We confess Islam. It is noteworthy that Karachai is unique. Over the centuries, Karachaymen led an isolated lifestyle. Therefore, today they are independent. Karachayam Freedom is necessary as air. Traditions take their beginning from a long time. This means that in priority, family values \u200b\u200band respect for age.


Kyrgyz - Turkic people. The indigenous population of modern Kyrgyzstan. Numerous communities of Kyrgyz are also available in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. Kyrgyz - Muslims. In total, there are about 5 million people in the world. The history of the formation of the people takes its beginning in 1 and 2 millennia of our era. And only formed only in the 15th century. Ancestors - residents Central Asia and southern Siberia. Today, Kyrgyz united a worthy level of development and dedication to traditional culture. Sports competitions are very common, namely horse racing. Folklore has been well preserved - songs, music, heroic epic work "Manas", an improvisational poetry of Akynov.


Today, in the territory of the Russian Federation there is more than one hundred thousand people of the people - Nagai. This is one of the Turkic peoples who has long lived in the Lower Volga region, in the North Caucasus, in the Crimea, the Northern Black Sea region. In total, according to approximate estimates, there are a little more than 110 thousand representatives of the Noga. In addition to Russia, communities are in Romania, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkey. Experts are confident that it was founded by the Goldenordinsky Dolkin. And the center of Nogaitsev was the city of Sunchik on the Ural River. Today, a memorable sign is installed here.


Telengitis - relatively small people living on the territory of the Great Russian Federation. At the beginning of zero years, the people were introduced to the indigenous small peoples Russia. Currently, Telengitis live in the southern regions of Altai. In particularly dry places. However, they are sure that they chose a place that impregnated with unprecedented, extraordinary and enormous force, so there can be no talk about moving. Total Telengitis has a little more than 15 thousand people. This people are on the verge of extinction, it is possible that through some 100 years of telengitis representatives will not be left at all. Today, they believe in the spirits. Shaman is a kind of conductor between people and spirits. The harsh climate of Altai does not prevent Telengitis to lead a nomadic lifestyle. People are engaged in cattle breeding: breed cows, sheep, horses, and so on. Live in yurts and periodically move to new habitats. Men are engaged in hunting, women collecting.


Teleuts are rightfully considered the indigenous people of the Russian Federation. The language and culture of the people are very similar to the culture of Altaians. Modern televisers settled in the southern regions of the Kemerovo region. Total there are 2500 televisers. And for the most part it is residents countryside. We are confess to Orthodoxy and adhere to traditional customs in religion. The people in the literal sense of the word "dies". Every year they are becoming less and less.


Turks - the second community in the number of ethnic group in Cyprus. In total, there are almost eighty-one million people in the world. Most believers are Muslim Sunnis. Make up almost 90 percent of the total. Interesting Facts About Turks:

  • Men-Turks smoke very much, the country's authorities in the struggle for a healthy lifestyle have even become even penalcing in crowded citizens;
  • Tea lovers;
  • Men haircut men, women women. Such a rule;
  • Clear sellers storing to weigh more laid;
  • Bright makeup in women;
  • Adore board games;
  • Adore patriotic music and very proud of it;
  • Good taste.

Turks are a kind of people, they are patient and unpretentious, but very cunning and malicious. Not Muslims for them do not exist.


Uigur - the people who live in the eastern part of Turkestan. We are confessing Islam, Sunni interpretation. Interestingly, the people in the literal sense of the word scattered around the world. From Russia to the West of China. At the beginning of the 19th century, the people tried to turn into Orthodox faith. However, it was not crowned with great success.


Shorents are pretty small people of Turks. Only 13 thousand people. Live in the south of Western Siberia. Communicate, for the most part, in Russian. In this regard, the native - Shor is on the verge of extinction. Every year, traditions are fought by RUSSIAN. Call themselves tatars. Appearance - Mongoloid. Dark and elongated eyes, pronounced cheekbones. Truly beautiful people. Religion - Orthodoxy. However, to date, part of the Shorets profess Tengrianism. That is, the three kingdoms and nine skies that have a powerful force. According to Tengrianism, the earth is full of good and evil spirits. I wonder, but for men was considered a large find a young widow with a child. This is a faithful sign of wealth. Therefore, for young mothers who lost the spouse was a real struggle.


Chuvashi. In the world there are about half a half million people. 98 percent of which they live in the territory of the Russian Federation. Namely to the Chuvash Republic. The rest in Ukraine, in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Communicate on native to themselves - Chuvash language, which by the way there are 3 dialects. Chuvashi confess Orthodoxy and Islam. But if you believe the myths of the Chuvash, then our world is divided into three parts: the upper, medium and, accordingly, the bottom worlds. Each world has three layers. Earth is square. And keeps on the tree. From 4 sides, the land is blocked by water. And Chuvashi believe that sometime she comes to them. By the way, they, if you believe myths, live just in the center of the "square land". God - lives in the Upper World, together with the holy and not born children. And when someone dies, the path of the soul lies through the rainbow. In general, not myths, but a real fairy tale!

Inner Asia and South Siberia - malaya Motherland Turks, this is the territorial "patch", which over time has rummaged to the thousands of facilities in the scale of the whole world. The geographical addition of the Ark of Turkic peoples occurred, in fact, for two millennia. The prototurns lived in the Western Volga in the III - II of Millennium BC, they constantly migrated. The ancienture "Scythians" and Hunna "were also an integral part of the ancient Turkic kaganate. Thanks to their ritual structures today, we can meet the works of the ancient Rannesian culture and art - it is the Turkic heritage.

Turks traditionally engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, in addition, they mined and treated with iron. The leading sedentary and semi-oxide lifestyle, Turks in the Central Asian interfluve in the 6th century, formed Turkestan. The Turkic Kaganat existing in Central Asia from 552 to 745 was divided into two independent kaganata, one of which included modern Kazakhstan and the land of Eastern Turkestan, and the other was the territory where the current Mongolia, North China and South Siberia.

The first, Western, Kaganat after half a century ceased to exist, conquered by the eastern Turks. The new state of the Turks was founded by the register of Turgeches, the Türgesh Kaganat.

Subsequently, Bulgars were engaged in combat "formatting" of the Turkic ethnos, Kiev Princes Svyatoslav and Yaroslav. Pechenegs, fire and sword devastated South Russian Steps, replaced Polovtsy, they were defeated by Mongol-Tatars ... partly Golden Horde (Mongol Empire) I was the Turkic state, which was confronted later on autonomous Khanate.

In the history of the Turks were other numerous renal events, among which the most significant is the formation of the Ottoman Empire, which contributed to the conquest of Turkov-Ottomans who captured in the XIII - XVI centuries Earth of Europe, Asia and Africa. After the decline of the Ottoman Empire, which began in the XVII century, Petrovskaya Russia absorbed most of the former Galotordin lands with Turkic states. Already in the XIX century, East-Transcaucasian Khanate joins Russia. After Central Asia, the Kazakh and Kokand Khanate, together with the Bukhara Emirate, were part of Russia, Mikinsky and Khiva Khanate, and the Ottoman Empire was represented by the only conglomerate of the Turkic states.

About turks.

On Turks of the modern, the same Wikipedia says somehow quite indefinitely: "Turks are the ethno-language community of peoples speaking Turkic languages." But about the "ancient" Turks, it is where Bliekiva: "The ancient Turks - the tribe-hememon of the Turkic kaganate led by the genus Ashina. In Russian-speaking historiography, the term Turkutes are often used for their designation (from the Turk. - Turk and Mong. - Mongolian suffix plural) proposed by L. N. Gumilyov. In physical type, the ancient Turks (Turkites) were Mongoloids. "

Well, well, let the Mongoloids, and then to be with Azerbaijanis and Turks - a typical "Mediterranean" subproduce. And Uigurs? Even today, a considerable part of them can be attributed to the Middle Eastern Pan. If someone did not understand, all three people in today's terminology are turks.

The picture below the Chinese Uigurs. If the girl on the left already clearly has Asian features in his appearance, then you can judge the second appearance yourself. (Photos from the site uyghurtoday.com) Look, what are the correct features of the face. Today, even among the Russians, this is not often like.

Especially for skeptics! No one no one has heard anything about Tarim mums. So, the place of finds of Mumiy - Sinjiang-Uygur National District of China - and in the photo their straight descendants.

Distribution of haplogroup at Uigurov.

Note, R1A prevails, having an Asian marker Z93 (14%). Compare with the percentage of the haplogroup C, which is also represented in the diagram. As you can see, C3, typical of the Mongols, is missing completely.

Little addition!

It is necessary to understand, the haplogroup C is not a purely Mongolian - this is one of the oldest and most common haplogroup, it is even found in Amazon Indians. The high concentration of C today reaches not only in Mongolia, but also in Buryats, Kalmykov, Khazaras, Kazakhov-Argynov, Australian Aborigines, Polynesians, Micronesians. Mongols are only a special case.

If we talk about Paleogenetics here, the range is even wider - Russia (bones, Sungir, Andronovsky culture), Austria, Belgium, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, China.

I will explain for those who believe that the haplogroup and nationality is the same thing. Y-DNA does not bear any genetic information. Hence sometimes perplexed questions - me, Russian, what about me in common with Tajik? Nothing but common ancestors. All genetic information (eye color, hair, etc.) is in autosomes - the first 22 pairs of chromosomes. The haplogroups are just tags for which you can judge the ancestors of a person.

In the 6th century, intensive negotiations begins between Byzantia and the state today known under the name of the Turkic Kaganate. History did not even save the name of this country for us. It is asked why? After all, the names of more ancient state entities reached us.

Kaganat just meant the form of government (the state was ruled by the people chosen by the People, Kaan in another transcription), and not the name of the country. Today, instead of the word "America" \u200b\u200bwe do not use the word "democracy". Although to whom, as it does not suit her like this name (joke). The term "state" in relation to Turks more thanks "Ile" or "El", but not the kaganat.

The reason for negotiations was Silk, or rather trade in them. Residents of Sogdiana (Interfolder Amudarya and Syrdarya) decided to sell their silk in Persia. I did not make a reservation by writing "my own." There is evidence that in the Zarafshan valley (the territory of the current Uzbekistan), at that time, they already knew how to grow a tute silkworm, and it was not worse than Chinese from it, but this is already the topic of another article.

And it is not at all the fact that Motherland Shelong is China, and not Sogdiana. Chinese story as we know it, 70% written by Jesuits in XVII-XVIII centuries*, the remaining thirty "supplemented" the Chinese themselves. Especially intensely "editing" went during the time of Mao Jedun, the cautious was still the one. He has even monkeys from which the Chinese have occurred. There were our own.

*Note. Not only most of From the made by Jesuits: Adam Salle von Belly took part in the creation of Chongzhen calendar. Later, he served as director of the Imperial Observatory and the Tribunal of Mathematics, actually engaged in the Chinese Souluscript. Martino Martini is known as the author of the works on Chinese history and the compiler of the New Atlas of China. An indispensable participant of all Chinese-Russian negotiations, when signing the Nerchinsky Treaty of 1689, Jesuit Parreni was. The result of the activities of Zherbión became the so-called so-called imperial edict about 1692 vermorpistance, which resolved the Chinese to take Christianity. Mentor Emperor Qianlun on science issues was Jean-Joseph-Marie Amio. Jesuits led by the regime in the XVIII century participated in the compilation of a large map of the Chinese Empire, published in 1719. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, missionaries were transferred to chinese And published in Beijing 67 European books. They introduced the Chinese with the European much literacy, European military science, mechanical clock and technology manufacturing technology of modern firearms.

The Great Silk Road was controlled by Venetians and the Genoese, the same "Black Aristocracy" (Ial. Aristocrazìa Nera *) - Aldobrandini, Borgia, Boncompani, Borghese, Barberini, Della Rovere (Lanta), Crescent, Column, Caetani, Kiji, Loudese, Massimo, Ruspoli, Rospillosi, Orsini, Odessales, Pallavichino, Picolomolomini, Pamphili, Pinyatelli, Pacheli, Pinyatelli, Pacheli, Torononia, Theoofilakti. And let the Italian surnames mislead you. Take yourself the names of the people among which you live - a long-standing tradition of dedicated **. This Aristocrazìa Nera actually rules the Vatican and, accordingly, the whole western world, and this is on their instructions, later, Jewish merchants from Byzantium all gold, as a result of which the country's economy collapsed and the Empire fell walked by Turks ***.


* It is members of Aristocrazìa Nera that are genuine "hosts of the world", and not some Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kuns. From Egypt, providing his rapid fall, they move to England. There, quickly realizing what "nishtyaki" brings with them the teaching of the crucifier, most of them moved to the Vatican. My good, read Masonic literature of the XVIII - XIX centuries, everything is very frankly - they are "encrypted" today.

** Jews simply took it on weapons, and much more, from the arsenal of their owners.

*** If anyone does not know, from the USSR, before his end, almost the entire gold reserve was taken out.

It is worth adding that the ephtalite tribes, also called White Huns, Gunnam-Gunnites, and which owned Central Asia (Sogdiana, Baktria), Afghanistan and Northern India (Gandhara) were completely conquered by the Turks Ashina (Baktria crossed Persians). The question arose - he does not want Persia to buy the Turkic Schölk -bud to trade with Byzantia, there is no less demand for him.

Shelk for the then global economy meant the same thing that oil today. It can be assumed how pressure was on Persia in order to force it to refuse to trade with Turks. In general, about the secret diplomacy of that time it is worth writing a separate article, but we are interested in negotiations today, more precisely, the journey of ZiMarh sent by the emperor with a Justian ambassador to Turks to Altai.

Information about the embassy reached us in the writings of several authors, I will use the description of Menander Tread. This will allow us to get closer to the rally - by whom there were Turks in fact - Mongoloids or all the same Europeanoids: "From the Turks, which in antiquity were called Sakami, the embassy to Justin arrived for the world. Vasilev also decided to send the Embassy on the Council to Turks, and a certain farm from Kilicia, who at that time was the strategist of the eastern cities, ordered to cut into this embassy. "

How much should you be sure that the "Piple whipping everything", presented to him on a saucer with the name "official story" to lie on the Mongoloid of Turks? We look at the same Wikipedia: "Saki (Dr. Pers. Sakā, Dr.-Greek. Σάκαι, lat. Sacae) - the collective name of a group of Iranian-speaking nomadic and half-blooded tribes I thousand to n. e. - First centuries n. e. in antique sources. The name goes back to the Saka Skiff Word - deer (cf. asset. Sag "deer). And the ancient authors, and modern researchers Saki, along with Massagets, are considered the eastern branches of the Scythian peoples. Originally Saki, apparently identical to Avestian tours; in Peklevian sources under Tours are already the Turkic tribes. In the Ahemedian inscriptions, "Sakas" are called all Scythians. "

There are few people know about it: the totem animal of the Don and Kuban Cossacks is a white deer. Recall the Sturbonian Parva Scythia, later called small tartaria cardographers.

Returning again to the theme of the bell ring. In this passage, a description of the rite of purification conducted by Turks for Zharcha is given: "On fire from the young sprouts of the incense tree, they dried them (embassy things), whispering some barbaric words in the Scythian language, called the bells and beat in the tambourine ..." You still continue believe that using the bell tongue prerogative christian religion - Then we go to you ... (Pardon! I apologize for the fool ... I could not resist ...)

Now about the technological level of Julius: "The next day they were invited to another room where wooden columns were covered with gold, as well as a golden bed, which was kept four gold peacocks. In the middle of the room, many carts were delivered in which there were many silver things, discs and something from the cane. Also numerous images of four-legged, made of silver, none of them inferior, in our opinion, those that we have. " (allocated by me)

Especially for those who consider Tartaria Fake.

A little about the territory of the Turkic state. Professor Christopher Beckwith in his book "Empieres of the Silk Road" notes that Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, Urartu, starting from the 7th to the beginning of the 6th century BC. Communicated Turks. In the ruins of the walls of the cities of these countries today, the bronze tips of the Scythian type arrows are the result of invasions and siege. Approximately 553, it occupied the territory of the Caucasus and Azov Sea before Pacific Ocean, in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Vladivostok, and from the Great Wall of the Wall * to the river Vitim in the north. Clapo argued that all Central Asia was subject to Turks. (Klaproth, "Tableaux Historiques de L" Asie ", 1826)

It should not be assumed that it was something unshakable, Turks, as well as the rest of the peoples quarreled among themselves, fought, diverged in different directions, they were conquered, but again and again, as if the legendary Phoenix bird, they restrained the ashes - Russia Visual example.

*Note. Do not confuse the real wall with the topics shown today by tourists, Novodel: "... a magnificent and almost perfect building, which modern travelers see almost fifty kilometers from the capital, has little common with the ancient Great Wall, built two thousand years ago. Most of the ancient wall is now in a dilapidated state "(Eduard Parker," Tatars. History of the emergence ")

Istarchy called Sakaliba of all blonde bars. Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe and a number of eastern authors were called Turks of Hungarians. In all early Arabic geographical writings description of peoples of Eastern Europe Posted in the chapter "Turks". Al-Jahaine's Geographical School, starting with Ibn Ruste and to Al-Marvazi to Türkov attributed to Hiza (Uigurov), Kyrgyz, Karlukov, Kimakov, Pechenegov, Khazar, Burtasov, Bulgars, Magyar, Slavs, Rusov.

By the way, the Turks Ashina is considered the Chinese "Branch of Hongn House". Well, and Hunna (Huns) is 100% Mongola. Don't you know? Ay-Ya-Yai ... If not - Contact comrades from "Sanny", they will show you pictures with Mongols, I answer ...

And one more addition.

You know, I was always surprised by the fact when people who do not have something are attributed to their own possession. A typical example is "sanity". What, not even "sensate", but simply "thoughts" can talk about "people", the brain apparatus of which is completely deprived of the mental functions themselves, - only the basic instincts and other "installations". There, I mean the upper part of their body, nothing is no longer. I'm not talking about the presence of mentally unhealthy in their ranks ... But, here, you are - "sensible", and the point. Jews among them are a separate song, these on your mind, in their articles of Russophobia literally from all the cracks ... (who in the subject, I thought I guessed - about the "free artist" and some other "comrades").

I did not accidentally told about "other people's installations" - all reservations and inconsiderators in my articles are not random. The private information we have today makes it possible to attribute a significant part of the members of "sanctity" to the so-called fourth group with a predominance of law-based instinctivo-animal states.

The question of Turks would have been incomplete without evidence of who such Gunns (Hunnu): "In addition, the question of the origin of the Hongna is closely related to the question of which race and tribes belonged in the history of European Huns. This can be seen at least from the fact that representatives of all theories consider it necessary to talk about this connection between the two peoples. The question of the origin of the Huns belongs to the region, not only completely alien synology, but even to a certain extent belonging to the history of Europe. So, if the story of Hongna refers to a large extent to the history of China, and the Huns to the history of Europe, the question of the relations of one people to another belongs to the history of Central Asia, as the country through which Hongna moved to the West (if these two people are identified) or Where Hunna and Huns collided (if different). " (K.A. foreigners)

All those wishing to get acquainted in more detail with this question I send to the work of the Russian historian-orientalist, Doctor of Oriental Studies K.A. Alienneva "Hunna and Gunns, the analysis of theories about the origin of the people of the Hongna of Chinese Chronicles, about the origin of European Gunns and the mutual relations of these two peoples." (L., 1926, the second supplemented edition.) I will give only its conclusions.

"The results of our research are reduced to the next three conclusions:

(I) Hongna, who founded a powerful state, who founded a powerful state, the people of Hongna formed from the strengthened Turkish race. A significant part of the subordinate tribes consisted, in all likelihood, also from the Turks, although, as from the basis of the state, it was especially different during his prosperity, various other tribes were included, somehow: Mongolian, Tunguz, Korean and Tibetan.

Ii) after the semiconduct of the state into two parts (the semiconductances caused by political and cultural reasonsThan ethnic distinction - the South Hunn more obeyed the influence of Chinese civilization, the northern it is better to save tribal traits), the Northern Hunna could not maintain independence, and part of them were evaporated to the West. According to the historical news that you came to us, these evolving Huns were held in the usual way of nomads through juncaria and the Kyrgyz steppes and entered into Eastern Europe in the second half of the 4th century on R.X.

(Iii) In North-West Asia and in Eastern Europe, Hunnu, or Gunna, collided with other tribes. First of all, the Finnish tribes were stood on the way (it's hard to solve it, whether the Turks were completely dissolved in the Finnish mass or vice versa contributed to the appeal of Finns in the nomadic, equestrian people). The further Gunns moved, especially the Turkish element among them, and other nations were mixed, somehow Slavic and Germanic. It is very likely that between the subjects of Mo-Dha and Attil was very little common. However, it seems to us undoubted that the invasion of formidable conquerors of the IV-V centuries is due and caused by coup on the extreme easternities of Asia. "

What did this hunnose look like?

Below in the photo Fragments of carpet (bedspread, mantle), found in one of the burials Hunn in Noain-Ula (31 Kurgan). On the canvas embroidered a ceremony (presumably) preparation of the catfish beverage. Pay attention to the faces.

If the first two, most likely, can be attributed to the Mediterranean resin, then a person on horseback ... will meet a similar type today, you would say - pure "Rusak".

Of course, the carpet was declared bridally. Well ... It is quite possible ... Professor N.V. Salmak believes: "In a dilapidated fabric, found on a tightened blue clay of the floor of the hunnu's funeral chamber and returned to life with hands of restorers, a long and difficult story. It was made in one place (in Syria or Palestine), embroidered in another (possibly in North-West India), and found in the third (in Mongolia) "

I can assume that the carpet fabric could well be brief, but why are it embroidered in India? His embroidery was not? Then how to be with this.

The picture of the anthropological material from the burial of the 20th Noain-Winsky Kurgan is well-preserved enamel covers from seven lower dental shifts: the right and left fangs, the right and left first premolars, the left first and second molars. The facets of artificial womb are found on the first left premolator - linear traces and shallow cavities. Such a type of deformation could appear in the classroom of needlework - embroidery or manufacture of carpets, when the threads (most likely woolen) snapped with teeth.

The teeth belong to a woman of 25-30 years of Europeoid appearance most likely come from the coast of the Caspian Sea or Mezzani India and Ganges. The assumption that this slave does not withstand no criticism - the Kurgan Noin-Ula, according to the approval of the archaeologists themselves, belong to the Hong nor. The main thing here is that the woman embroidered, and much, what the traces of the teeth are indicated. So why did the carpet have hurried to declare imported? Because those depicted on it do not fit into the official version, saying that Hunna was Mongoloids?

For me, the facts are of paramount importance - new people appear - my opinion changes. In the official version of the story, the other way is, the facts are customized under the dominant versions, and those that do not fit into the framework are simply discarded.

Let us turn again to Wikipedia: "Indo-Scythian kingdom - amorphous in terms of boundaries The state created in the era of Hellenism on the territory of Bactria, Sogdiana, Arazhala, Gandhara, Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat, the eastern branch of the nomadic tribe Skifs - Sakami." Our woman is from there, and this is not my opinion, but scientists (D.I.N. T.A. Chikisheva, IAET SB RAS). Now re-read the place above, where I'm talking about the territory of the Turkic state. Availability a huge country Always means moving not only material resources, but also people. What is amazing if the woman born in one place is married thousands of kilometers from the house?

All carpets from Noin-Walin Kurgan were made in one place and, about one time. S. I. Rudenko also pointed to their similarity: "For the equipment of embroidery of drapery-rugs, the imposition on the tissue of multi-colored filaments of a weak twist and fixes them on its surface very thin threads." Such an embroidery technique "In Attasp" is found in the burials already with I c. BC e. throughout the territory populated by Turks ( Central Russia, Western Siberia, Pamir, Afghanistan). So why was it bridging them?

And what about the Mongols, you ask?

In fact, the Mongols were conquered by Turks in the VI century, and since then was the composition of the Turkic state? Could Genghis Han, which modern historians refer to Mongols *, stand up at the head of the Turkic tribes? I do not exclude such an opportunity, remember Stalin. However, it did not occur to anyone to call Georgia by the ruler of Russia. Is it possible to talk about the Mongols as the conquerors of the Universe? Well ... it's even a bad joke does not pull ...

*Note. Arabic sources, the same Rashid Ad-Dean (Rashid AT-Tabib), are called Genghis-Khan by an outcomes of one of the Turkic tribes.

IN modern history Turks were not lucky more. Under the Soviet power, almost all mention of this people were destroyed (decree of the CPSU Central Committee of 1944, which actually prohibited the study of the Golden Horde and Tatar Khanate), and the scientists of Turkists went together at the "logging". Power simply chose to replace the Turks on the Mongols. What for? This is already the topic of another article, and it is closely related to the question - whether Stalin really was in reality with the sole ruler, or, let the main thing, but still, a member of the Politburo where questions were solved by a collegial, ordinary majority.

A completely reasonable question: the conquest of the Mongols of Russia to this day remains the only, officially recognized, version of the story, so that all scientists are mistaken, one is so smart?

The answer is no less reasonable: scientists simply serve the current government. And the authorities have made no such tricks - most of the 20th century, Russia has lived with solid confidence that communism invented by Jews, the descendant of famous rabbis - our Russian bright future. I'm not talking about Christianity. Look, with what diligence people, betraying their own gods, are praising a stranger. Continue to continue?

Above, I talked about a riddle of a julius, in fact there is no riddle - Scythians, Sarmati, Gunns (Hunna), Turks, Tatars (Tartars) and about two hundred different names, these others are all the same people. As quite witty noted by K.A. Foreigners: "Win the ring Hunna - everyone is done Hunn, defeated the genus Xian-bi - everyone is done by Xian-bi, etc. From this there is a frequent change in names in the history of nomadic peoples. "

Unfortunately, there remains another question that has not received any explanation today: why the European altai population, Siberia, Kazakhstan so quickly, during some one and a half thousand years, mutated in the Mongoloids? What was the reason for? A notorious spoon of conception (Mongols) in a barrel with honey? Or some, more serious, and massive changes in the genetic apparatus caused by external factors?

Let's sum up.

You can talk with confidence - the Turkic state (state) was not mononational, it was present in her, beyond the Turks themselves, another mass of other nations, and national composition Changed depending on geography. Yes, and the Turks themselves preferred to rob to the local one.

Labels today Taldychat - everywhere there were "ours"; "Thinking", in turn, drowning with legs, squeezed - everywhere one Mongols. Neverse neither those nor others, Russia is a great example - a lot, say, in the north of the Yakutia of the Russians? But this is the same country.

Anthropologists V.P. Alekseev and I.I. Gofman leads the results of the studies of the two Hong Mogilniks (Tebsh-Uoul and Hirma-Toghoi): "Paleoanthropological material of the first, located in the south of Central Mongolia, is distinguished by pronounced mongoloid features, the second - European one. If for clarity to resort to comparison of the modern population, then we can say that people who left these monuments differed from each other, as, say, modern Yakuts and Evenks are from Georgians and Armenians. " You can compare modern Russian and Chukchi - the situation is similar. And what conclusion? Are these residents of different states? Or today there are no "national" cemeteries?

The Turks themselves were Europeanoids, in fact these are the Turan tribes, the descendants of the legendary Arya.

Turks became ancestor not only Russian people, but almost three dozen others.

Why did the Turks draw out of our story? The causes of the mass, the main one - hatred. The confrontation between Russia and the West has a much deeper root rather than it is customary to think today ...

P.S. The tortured reader will definitely ask the question:

Why do you need this? Why continue to rewrite the story? What is the difference, as it really happened, should not change anything - let it be as it was, as we used to get used to it.

Without a doubt, the "Straus Pose" is very comfortable for the majority - I do not see anything, I don't hear anything, I don't know anything ... A person who extended from reality is easier to transfer stress - only now the reality does not change from this. Psychologists even have the term "hostage effect" ("Stockholm syndrome"), describing the protective and unconscious traumatic bond arising between the victim and the aggressor in the process of capturing, abduction and / or the use of (or threats to the application) of violence.

Mr. Khalezov, in one of his articles, noticed: "Russia rose from his knees only in order to stand with cancer." And while we will all be "Ivanov, kinship, we do not remember us again and again will be put in the position known for everyone in the Kama Sutra.

We are heirs Great Steppeand not some kind of progressant of Byzantium! The awareness of this fact is our only chance to return the former greatness.

It was the steppe to survive Muscovy in an unequal struggle with Lithuania, Poland, Germans, the Swedes, the ethas ... Read Karamzin and Solovyova - they are as frank, just need to be able to separate the grain from the whores. "... Novgorod residents were driven by Muscovites for the Schend, but the Western Raint Tatarskaya suddenly hit them and decided the case in favor of the troops of great-room" - this is Solovyov about the battle of June 14, 1470, and this is already Karamzin, speaking of the war 1533 - 1586, describes the composition of the troops Moscow Principality: "In addition to Russians, Princes Cherkess, Shevkal, Mordovskie, Nogai, Tsarevichi and Murza, the ancient Golden Horde, Kazan, Astrakhan day and night went to Ilmen and Paipula."

And it is the steppe, call it tartaria or as, we betrayed, having hugged the western western emissaries. So why now cry, what do we live bad? Remember: "... And, throwing Srebrenniki in the temple, he came out, went and walked. The high priests, taking Srebrenniki, said: it is unable to put them in the treasury of church, because this is the blood price. Having made the same meeting, bought the land of the pot, for the burial of the wanders; Therefore, the land of that "earth of blood" is called this day. " (Matt., Ch. 27)

I want to finish today's article with the words of Prince Ukhtomsky: "... For the All-Russian power there is no other outcome: or to become what it is called from the century to be (the world force, which combines the West with the East), or to make a fall in the fall, because Europe is in itself Us in the end, will suppress our external superiority, and we don't have an awakened Asian peoples, there will be more dangerous than Western events "

Actually, he considered the article finished, just a friend, rereading, asked to complement - literally another one or two minutes of your attention.

People often, and in the comments, and in PM, pay attention to the inconsistency of my views of the official version of the story, give references to the "left" sites like "anthropogenesis", and sometimes on the opinion of fairly well-known scientists. My good, with an academic version I am not worse, and perhaps it is better than many visitors to the right, do not bother yourself.

Once, in other matters, it was not very long ago, people believed that the flat land rests on three huge whales, which, in turn, float in the endless ocean, and in general, we are the center of the Universe. I do not swim, I am absolutely serious. Just that, very briefly, voiced the version of the world order, which is quite recently, of the historical standards of course, was taught in the best European universities.

The keyword here is "believed." Not checked, namely believed. Tu, a small group, which decided to "check out", was waiting for an unenviable fate. Think since then something has changed? No, today they no longer laid fires on the squares, today they do a lot smarter, those who think otherwise they are simply declared fools. If the name of Jordan Bruno and now it is known to many, then how many "ridiculous" just rushed into the fly. Do you think among them were not great?

S.A. Geninsky, speaking of ways to manipulate consciousness, leads the reception (one of many), called "Razming": "When using this technique, ridiculous may be subjected to both specific individuals and views, ideas, programs, organizations and their activities, various associations of people against which the struggle is conducted. The choice of the object of ridiculous is carried out depending on the purposes and specific information and communicative situations. The effect of this reception is based on the fact that during the ridicule of individual statements and elements of human behavior, a humorous and non-serious attitude is initiated, which automatically applies to other statements and views. When used by the use of such a reception, the formation of a particular person of a "non-serious" person, whose statements do not deserve confidence. " (Psychotechnology of hypnotic manipulation of consciousness)

The essence did not change either on the iota - you should be like everyone, do it all, think, like everyone else, otherwise you are an enemy ... The current society has never needed thinking individuals, he needs "sensible" rams. A simple question. How do you think why the topic of lost sheep and shepherds is so popular in the Bible, then you mean shepherds?

To new meetings, friends!

Turks are a generalized name of the ethno-speaking group of Turkic peoples. Geographically, Turks are scattered in a huge territory, which takes about a quarter of the entire Eurasian continent. Pranodina Turks is Central Asia, and the first mention of the ethnonym "Turk" refers to the 6th century AD. And it is connected with the name of Kyok Turks (Heavenly Turks), which, under the leadership of the genus Ashin, created the Turkic Kaganat. In the history of Turks are known as: skillful cattle breeders, warriors, founders of states and empires.

Turk - pretty ancient name. For the first time, it is mentioned in Chinese chronicles with respect to a certain group of tribes with the VI century. AD The territory of the nomadic of these tribes spread to Xinjiang, Mongolia and Altai. Turkic tribes, Turkic languages \u200b\u200bexisted long before their ethnonym was registered in the annals of history.

From the speech of the Turkic tribes, the Turkish language leads its origin, from their common name - the name of the Turkish nation (in Turkish "Turk", in Russian "Turks"). Scientists distinguish the meanings of the word "Turk". and "Turk". At the same time, the Turks call all nations that speak Turkic languages: these are Azerbaijanis, Altai (Altai-Kizhi), Apchars, Balkarians, Bashkirs, Gagauz, Dolgans, Kajara, Kazakhs, Karagasi, Karakalpaks, Karapapakhi, Karachay, Kashkai, Kirgiz, Kumykov, Nogai, Tatars, Tofa, Tuvints, Turks, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Uygura, Khakasi, Chuvashi, Chuhlians, Shorents, Yakuts. From these languages, Turkish, Gagauz, Yuzhnokrym-Tatar, Azerbaijan, Turkmen, which are the Ogzovsk subgroup of the Turkic Group of Altai Language Family, are closest to each other.

Although the Turks are not historically a single ethnicity, but include not only related, but also assimilated peoples, nevertheless, the Turkic peoples are a single ethnocultural whole. And according to anthropological signs, you can highlight the Turks belonging to caucasoid raceAnd to the Mongoloid, but most often the transition type belonging to the Turanian (Southibirsk) race is found. Read more → Where did the Turks come from? .

The Turkic world is one of the oldest and numerous ethnos. The first settlements of the ancient ancestors of modern Turkic peoples stretched from the east to the west of Lake Baikal to the Ural Mountains separating Asia from Europe. In the south, the territory of their habitat covered Altai Mountains (Altan-Golden) and Sayan, as well as Lake Baikal and Aral. In the ancient historical era of Turkic from Altai penetrated North-West China, and from there approximately 1000 BC. Significant part of them moved to the West.

Then reached the Turks and the part of Central Asia, which is called Turkestan (Turkic Country). Over time, part of the Turkic tribes convened on the Volga, and then through the Dnieper, Dniester and Danube - to the Balkans. Among those Turkic tribes, which in the second half of the XI - the first half of the XIII centuries found the refuge on the Balkan Peninsula, were the ancestors of modern Gagauz. Balkans (Balkanlar - from Turkish) are used since the beginning of the XIX century and mean "impassable, thick, wooded orses."

L.N. Gumilev. Ancient Turks. Middle Asia on the eve of the creation of the Turkic power, con. V c.

Nowadays, Turkic peoples are generalized called the "Turkic world."

Reconstruction of the appearance of ancient Turks (Gothurs)

TO at the beginning of XXI in. The 44 Turkic ethnos recorded. This is 150-200 million people. The largest Turkic state in the world with a population of 75 million people (2007) is Turkey. The Little Particle of the Turkic World is the Gagauz people, most of which live in the Republic of Moldova. The dissolution of the Turkic tribes, the resettlement in the vast territories led to a significant difference in their linguistic terms, although they all spoke to the distant old old old-three old-year-old dialects. The Turkic population is divided into eight geographic regions:

1. Turkey;
2. Balkans;
3. Iran;
4. Caucasus;
5. Volga-Ural;
6. Western Turkestan;
7. Eastern Turkestan;
8. Moldova-Ukraine (over 200 thousand Gagauz).

About 500 thousand Yakuts (Sakha) live in Siberia, in Afghanistan, the Turkic population is about 8 million people, and in Syria - over 500 thousand people, there are 2.5 million Turkmen in Iraq.

Gothurs were strong nomadic people Turkic origin and were the first people who began the mass invasion of modern Central Asia and won local Iranian-speaking, Indo-European peoples. Their people were not completely europeanoid or mongoloid, but was a mongoloid-European-like mixed race, in accordance with the data of anthropologists. Read more → Turkic world - Gunns (Hunna), Gotürki ....

Turkic kaganat controlled part of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Siberia, part of the Caucasus and Western Manchuria. They fought against 100% of the Mongoloid, East Asian, Chinese civilization. They also fought against other civilizations, Central Asia and the Caucasus, which were 100% Indo-European.

Turkic kaganate during the highest expansion

Gotunk from Altai

Goturk V-VIII AD, from Kyrgyzstan

Gothrics from Mongolia

In accordance with the data of anthropologists, these people were 67-70% of the Mongoloid, and with a 33-30% european admixture, from a technical point of view, they are closer to the Mongoloid race, but with impurity. Also, they were often quite high.

Interestingly, among them there were reddish and brown hair with gray and green eyes.

Museum of Turkic memorial complex Hushuu Zaydam (Mongolia). Thanks to the incredible work of the Mongolian and Russian archaeologists, the museum became a genuine repository of valuable exhibits of the ancient Turkic era.