Gymnastics stretching exercises. Uncomplicated Flexibility Exercises and Stretching Body

Gymnastics stretching exercises. Uncomplicated Flexibility Exercises and Stretching Body

Stretching is a number of exercises that are aimed at stretching bundles, muscles, on the mobility of the joints, weight loss. Move movements with the maximum amplitude of the joints are possible only if the muscles and their elastic fabrics surrounding. Using stretching, flexibility is not only suggested.

Each person who preferring meditative exercises to active fitness or aerobics gets health promotion, high stress resistance, resistant getting rid of unnecessary kilograms. Let's consider in more detail what stretching in fitness, and how to lose weight with it.

The benefits and harm of stretching

Recently, nobody knew about Stretching. This word happened from English Stretching, which means "Stretching". The benefits of stretching for the formation of a shape is huge. Stretching for weight loss will help keep the body in shape and relieve some chronic diseases. As a result of a set of exercises on stretching the muscles, the blood circulation in bundles becomes better, confidence appears, the mood improves.

The benefits and harm of stretching depend on correctly selected and exercises made. If you regularly stretch the muscles for weight loss under the supervision of a professional, then from Stretching classes you will get the following advantages:

  1. Improved circulation of lymph and blood, promoting weight loss.
  2. The disappearance of pain in the spine.
  3. Relaxed muscles without clamps.
  4. Superior metabolism due to fast metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Proper posture, muscle tone, excellent physical form.
  6. Increased body leather turgor.
  7. It will cease to feel fatigue.
  8. Get rid of cellulite, fat deposits.
  9. It will take the problem of deposition of salts in the joints.
  10. There will be no superfluous muscle relief.

Clothing for classes

It does not matter where you will be engaged in stretching, at home or in the gym, the main thing, during classes for weight loss take care of the clothes, in which it is convenient to stretch the muscles. Choose a solid sport form so that it can withstand any stretching, therefore it is not necessary to shy the tight things. It is better to give preference to nylon, elastane, polyester made according to the latest technologies so that the body is "breathing". Sleosines, T-shirts, T-shirts, tops of different configuration are suitable for stretching. Choosing shoes for stretch marks, it is better to pay attention to soft sneakers, czechs, sneakers or ballet shoes that will not prevent exercise for weight loss.

Music for Stretching

Stretching for weight loss is performed slowly, reminding the tempo of the movement of yoga, therefore the music for stretch marks need to choose a slow-moving, unhurried rhythm. When melodies are selected for stretching, they should be divided into several blocks:

  1. Slow music that will accompany the warm-up of all parts of the body for stretching the tendons and heating muscles.
  2. Faster rhythms on the second stretching unit, when there is an intensive load on the muscles for weight loss.
  3. The final stretching unit is a relaxing respiratory gymnastics, requiring calm melodies corresponding to the respiratory rhythm.

Complex Stretching Stretching Exercises

Stretching for weight loss includes two types of stretching: dynamic and static. A static stretching of muscle fibers is recommended, which cannot be accomplished by sharp movements in order not to get injured.

According to the Stretching technique for effective weight loss, taking one position, a person must be in it from 30 seconds and more, feeling how muscles stretch. With a dynamic stretching, the athlete performs all sorts of sharp maughs, twine, rigs, at which it is easy to be injured. For stretching legs, attacks are effective and walking with attacks. Consider effective exercises for stretching foot muscles and weight loss:

  1. "Butterfly". Effective exercise for slimming legs. For stretching, you should sit on the floor, two legs bend and connect with each other, not forgetting to keep your back straight. Then take both hands behind the feet and lean forward with a straight back, straightening your legs. Purpose: omitting both knees on the floor and lie on the feet of the body.
  2. Stretching inguinal muscles. This exercise is effective for stretching the icy muscles, which are located along the tibia. It is also performed on the floor. Obtain both legs wide in different directions, lean forward, placing hands back. The back and neck must remain straight. A minute later, lean towards the right sock, and then to the left.
  3. Transverse and longitudinal twine. Effective stretching for the inside of the hip. Try slowly and gently sit down at the longitudinal, and then on the transverse sword. Just do not force the results and apply force. If you regularly train, then in the end you will definitely sit on the twine.

Top Hand Exercises

  1. "Swing". Excellent exercise for weight loss hands. Stand up, straighten your back, take the dumbbells. Perform the hands of the movement up and forward (pendulum). At the highest point, turn down the thumbs down. Then make movements along the reverse trajectory back behind your back. Legs are constantly on the width of the shoulders. Make at least 30 times.
  2. "Compass". Stretching for shoulder ligament and joint. Stand up, pull on your hand to the level of shoulders. Rotate with your hands 10 times around the circumference, and then back. Increase the trajectory until the exercise plane becomes vertical.
  3. "Scissors". Extlifies the muscles of the extensors and hand flexors. Stand up and straight hands stretch at the shoulder level forward. Cut and divor the hands on the principle of "scissors", performing the exercise of the tower, then with the right hand from above.

Stretching for back at home

  1. Slop sitting. Stretching for deep spinal muscles. Sit on the rug, bend your knees, spread your legs wide. Make a slow breath, and on exhale, start slowly go ahead with a straight back and elongated hands. Try to get to the floor. Deep breathe deep, keep stretching from 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Pitch. These movements will improve the flexibility of the back, will help you lose weight with the buttocks, the back of the thigh. Get straight, take one step forward, then lean from a straight back, trying to touch the foots. With each other step, go down the lower. Make 14 steps with left foot, then change your leg on the right.
  3. "Good morning". This stretching stretches the flowered tendons and the bottom of the back. Stand up with a straight back, arrange hands in the chest area. Slowly tilt the back, flexing in the waist, as far as you can. Slowly accept the original posture. Make 12 times.
  4. "Dog". Excellent exercise for stretching back and for those who want to lose weight: leaving fat with hips. Put a stool back to the wall. At a distance of 60 cm from the seating, stand on your knees, and put the brushes to the edge of the chair. Slowly climb on socks, straightening the limbs, lock with a straight back, then return it back to your knees.

How to make a stretching of breast muscles at home

  1. "Applause". Effective stretching for chest elasticity. Become with a straight back. At the level of the shoulders, raise your hands, press each other's palms. Take straight hands as much as possible from each other back, then twist together, imitating cotton. Make 20 times by changing the exercise intensity.
  2. "Cobra". Exercise for weight loss in the field of waist. Lie on the stomach. Touch the floor with the fingers of the stop, directing the heels up. Put the palms on the floor, the chin also touches the floor, as if you were prepared to press up. Raise slowly the body top and remove the head back, flexing the spine. Help the palms and bend the legs trying to get the feet of the head. Stop for 30 seconds at the point of the highest stretch, then return back.
  3. "Bridge". This stretching increases thigh quadriceps and breast muscles. Lying on the back, bend your legs and put them nearby. Hips slowly raise up, shifting the shoulders and pressed to the floor of the forearm. Hold on half a minute, and after return back.

The best exercises for the muscles of the abdominal press

  1. "Onion". Such stretching stretches muscle stomach and chest fibers. During the exercise, the pose resembles a bow with a guy. Lie the belly down, bend legs. Check the speed of the spine, the ankle claps up behind your arms. Try to raise the legs above to the ceiling, for this heel approach the buttocks. With the right technique you will touch the floor only with the stomach.
  2. "Awakening". Helps stretch the muscles of the spine, oblique and front fibers of the abdomen, lose weight in the waist area. Stand up with a straight back, fingers twist together, then pull out your hand over your head, turning the palm to the ceiling. Squeeze the press and buttocks, breathe in the same time pulling up. When you exhale, go back to the right, fix on half a minute, return back. Do the same with the left slope.
  3. "Turn Cobra". This stretching is effective when weight loss for the outer and inner braid muscles of the waist. Lie on the belly, straighten your feet. Palms are silent into the floor, then push out with your hands, as if pressing. Do not break the hips from the floor, raise the torso up, flexing in the spine. Turn the body to the left by beating the right hand. Hold you half a minute in the pose at the resistance point, come back. Repeat the same with turning to the right.

How many calories is burned for training?

Many people are interested in questions: whether Stretching helps to lose weight and how many times a week you need to do. Calorie consumption during stretching average per hour training - about 150 kcal. But these data are not absolute for weight loss, after all, depend on many factors: body weight, the speed of metabolism, metabolism and others.

To lose weight, you need to stretch stretching at least 3 hours a week in the gym or at home. Training should be carried out 2 hours after the last meal, so that calories are actively burned, and start the main movement only after the warm-up. Lose weight with stretching will happen if you do 6-8 approaches for each exercise, giving yourself a short rest every 15 minutes.

What is the difference between stretching from Pilates and Yoga

The benefit for the figure is both from Stretching and from Yoga and Pilates. But these are different practices. Movements for weight loss in Pilates are similar to the Yogan Asana, the difference is that there is no meditation in Pilates. During yoga and Pilates, the whole body works at once, and stretching exercises for weight loss, working separately for all muscle fibers. During yoga and pilates, deep breathing is used, which saturates internal organs with oxygen. Stretching gymnastics helps to relax, slows the aging, while maintaining the elasticity of the joints and ligaments.

Contraindications for classes

Harm Stretching can bring people when weakness with the pathologies of joints, spinal injuries, serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is not necessary to stretch the muscles in inflammatory lesions of the body, infectious diseases, at high temperatures. Stretching does not recommend spending after fractures, as muscle fibers and bones are stretched, which is dangerous for recently intersecting damage.

Lose weight with stretching will not work with:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hernias.

Video lessons: Stretching for beginners

Stretching is a way to lose weight. The main rule for beginners is not to load too untrained the body and thicker first. Before starting to systematically engage in Stretching, it is recommended to go to the physiotherapist consultation. In order for the weight loss to be the maximum effect of stretch marks, it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of movements so that the voltage is constantly felt. We have prepared for you a few Stretching video training from YouTube, with which it is easy to lose weight, without resorting to the help of the coach:

Classes with coach Olga Yangukhuk

Stretching with Catherine Catherine

With fitness instructor Egor Onegin

Pair Stretching

If you are an athlete (even beginner), then stretching before training will significantly reduce the chances of injuries, and after classes will help to avoid muscle fixedness.

So, consider the main advantages of this method of prevention of injuries:

  1. Strengthens and condenses muscles.
  2. Promotes improved blood circulation.
  3. Gives movements of smoothness and ease.
  4. Preserves health and warns injuries (not only at a sports nature).
  5. Improves human well-being.

Methods of stretching

Severe two main types of stretching - dynamic and static. At the first time, turning and oscillatory movements are performed, carved from one position to another. It is suitable for advanced athletes.

Newbiems are best used static stretching. With its execution, any sharp movements are not welcome, transitions to different positions are carried out smoothly and slowly. In each position you need to lock and do not move within a few minutes.

According to the studies conducted, the main purpose of which was to identify what type of stretching is better, and that option is effective. The results of the groups that were engaged in different types of stretch were the same.

Effective exercises

Many people think that stretching is the skill sitting on the twine. Such an opinion is erroneous, since almost all muscles of a person are involved in stretching.

So, consider from what actions it is necessary to begin training to increase the elasticity of muscles and joints. First of all, we prepare a place for classes: any flat surface (for example, gender) is perfect. Then go to the cosplex exercise itself.

For the front of the hip

We accept pose lying on the side. To begin with, we go to the left side and we end the right hand over the bottom of the right leg, which bend completely. After that, we begin to reach the right heel to the lower back, pulling the right leg a little back. Then we turn over the other side and we do the same operations with the left foot.

The execution time of the exercise lasts in the amount of 2 minutes (one for each leg).

For rear thighs

To begin with, occupy the starting position (lying on the back). Then it is necessary to cover the right (left) thigh with the hands and most attract the swinging movements for one minute. At the same time, the foot and thigh should be even, and the pelvis cannot be broken from the floor. Tincant is immediately rustier, then increase the amplitude of movements and strength stretching legs. Next, we change the leg and do the same exercise.

For berry muscles

The initial position remains the same as at the first exercise. Then bend the right leg in the knee and throw it onto the second, while the knee takes the most as aide. We climb the left leg with two hands and pull it up with the swinging movements. Next, we change the legs and do the same movements for one minute.

When performing this exercise, wrapped legs do not necessarily keep smooth. They can be bend and keep in a relaxed state.

For the internal muscles of the thighs

№1. We occupy the position sitting and push the legs as much as possible so that they lay on the floor. Next, we perform tilts forward and stretch the highest possible way. With such inclons, the back is very important to keep as much as possible. We perform smooth slopes within one minute. With each subsequent tilt, we try to make their amplitude as much as possible. When everything is completed - we stretch alternately to the left and right thigh. Execution technique remains the same.

Upon completion of alternate sipping, go back to the tilt sitting in the same position. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can stretch the muscles very much, and the recovery will be long.

№2. Sitting we cross legs and press them as close as possible. Then we carry out the slopes forward so as to strive to reach the breast as far as possible.

One option is to fix the body in one position and the constant desire to lean forward. In this option it is very important that throughout the minute the body has retained in voltage.

The back must be smooth, and all muscles as relaxed as possible. We carry out this exercise for one minute.

For external thigh muscles

We occupy the situation sitting and clamping my right leg. Left leg bended in the knee and throwing out the right foot. Then we take one (you can two) with your knee of my left leg and strive for periodic inclined movements to reach it to the right chest (pressed to yourself).

Perform an exercise for one minute. This will allow stretching the external muscles of the left leg. Then change your legs and perform the same for the right leg and remember that all the muscles should be relaxed. It is also important not to overdo it.

For the top of the body

In a sitting position, raise and cross your hands in the castle above your head. Then we run the maximum pulling one hand to the side. Hands need to keep straight. This exercise is performed for forty seconds. It is too alternate for each of the hands for stretching the Delta and the side muscles of the back.

We return to the starting position, we assure one of the hands behind the head, and the second we press it on it for 40 seconds. In this way, we will stretch the rear muscles shoulders. The exercise can be performed both in a sitting position and standing. It is very important that you felt the tension in the back of the shoulder.

For breast muscles

We accept position sitting with crossed legs. Then put your hands back. On each breath, we strive to raise the chest as high as possible, and when you exhale, we lower down along with the blades. When performing the exercise, we reduce the blades as close as possible to each other.

The execution time should take at least one minute.

For the spine

First of all, as woken up in the morning, lie on the stomach. Hands place at the chest level. Start fucked in the back, leaning on the hands. It is enough to perform 9-12 repetitions. It will help to put the vertebrae to take off the pain if she was.

To fulfill the next exercise, you need to become face to the wall for a distance of 25 cm. Pull your hands as much as possible, and look at the fingertips of your fingertips. Then put your hands on the wall, we also touch her chin and chest.

Syrit for 10 seconds, then alternately tap the left and right cheek wall. There should be a spine stretching. If this did not happen, go from the wall a little further and repeat.

Muscle stretching neck

To do this, in any position, clasp your head at the back and most trying to tilt it down. You can also hold the neck in a static position without tilt.

At the same time, the load from the hands should increase over one minute. Then we tip my head right and the right hand is trying to pull on the right side. Then we do the same with the tilted head left.

Be careful, you don't need to turn your head very much. You should only help you with your hands so as not to damage the cervical spine.

Easy stretching before power training

Stretching needs to be engaged in both serious physical exertion, it is simply no need to pay a lot of time. It will be enough to pull all the muscles slightly, making an emphasis on those who have to do the greatest work in training.

You can take 1 exercise for each muscle group of the above and make them. Thus, you prepare the muscles to the load, warning the stretching and injury.


These are not some trickle 10 exercises are perfect for beginners who are still contraindicated to perform more complex stretching exercises. You ask, why not? The thing is that your muscles are not yet prepared for more complex and hard lessons.

In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen the basic working groups of muscles as much as possible. Only after you feel that you can carry large loads, it is allowed to stretch the stretching with heavier exercises.

For beginners it is very important to prepare, as it is so you can succeed at 100% of your health endeavors. The above set of exercises is great for beginners, regardless of their sex and age.

Stretching after training is a set of exercises to relax muscles after physical exertion. Final stretching is an important component of training, thanks to which you improve the elasticity of the muscles and the mobility of the joints . Stretching exercises not only save your body from injuries, but also help to train more efficiently.

Why do you need stretching after training?

During the exercise, your muscles are reduced, in other words crocheted. After completing the exercise, the muscles are lengthened, but not to the end, while remaining a little shorter than before the exercise. In order to regain the original length of the muscles, it will take several days - this is called recovery.

While the muscle does not return to themselves the original length, it will not restore and will not be able to work on the extension of the new force. Therefore, if you do not stretch after workout, then tighten your recovery So, reduce efficiency from classes. During the stretching of the muscles, you lengthen your muscles, return to them the initial length. Without stretching, the muscles are restored much longer.

In addition, the muscles remember their shortened length, so if they "have learned" to lengthen, they will decline worse. The cultivation of muscles reduces the amplitude, and this already entails the drop in power indicators. And not only! Muscles control our joints, and their insufficient elasticity disrupts the articular biomechanicWhat threatens injuries and inflammation.

What is the benefits of stretching?

  • Stretching after training improves the elasticity of the muscles and the mobility of the joints. It accelerates muscle restoration Reduces the likelihood of injury, helps to avoid stagnation in training.
  • Stretching stimulates the growth of new muscle fibers, and after them and strength. According to studies, stretching helps increase the efficiency of the workout by 10%.
  • Stretching after training will help improve blood circulation in the muscles. it reduce crepara (pain in the muscles after loads) will reduce the restoration time of muscles and joints, and will also improve the overall health. Blood circulation contributes to the growth of cells and preserving the functionality of the organs.
  • Stretching exercises develop your flexibility and mobility, thereby reducing the risk of injury during training or during everyday activity. In addition, it will help improve power indicators By increasing the amplitude of movement.
  • Stretching after training reduces heart rate and restores blood pressure.
  • The regular execution of stretching exercises, chest and shoulders straightens the spine, improves posture, helps get rid of pain in the back.
  • Stretching exercises reduce voltage and reduce stress caused by intensive loads. Also, stretching after training encourages the production of endorphins, providing a feeling of calm and satisfaction.

Do not confuse and stretching after training. A task workout - Wake up the body, prepare the body to load, heat the muscles and joints. The warm-up must include dynamic stretching, articular gymnastics and cardio-heating. A task stretch marks after training - Reduce the pulse, calm your body, stretch the muscles after loads. This is the final stage of training, stretching is always performed at the end of the lesson.

How is stretching?

Stretching duration is usually 10-15 minutes . If you are limited in time, you can shorten the length of stretching up to 5 minutes (This is a mandatory minimum) But in this case you either make it running and poorly, or pay attention only to individual muscle groups. Ideally, in addition to regular stretching after workout, a separate day to perform a total stretching of the entire body for 30-45 minutes.

If you had an intense training, then you need to restore the pulse before stretching. Page in a calm pace 1-2 minutes, making deep breaths and exhalations to restore breathing. Then proceed to stretching exercises, consistently stretching all muscle groups. Muscle order does not play a fundamental roleYou can exercise in any sequence.

Take the posture, slowly stretch the muscle to the sensation of light discomfort (but not pain) And delay in this position for 30 seconds. If you want to deepen a stretch and improve flexibility, you can delay in each position 45-60 seconds. Stretching is performed study should not be swinging or put pressure on the muscle. Hold slowly and gradually accompanying stretching deep breathing.

Special attention is paid to those groups of muscles who participated during training. But the stretching of the rest of the muscle groups will not be superfluous. Stretching is relaxing your muscles, so it cannot be performed before and during the class. It is necessary to stretch after each workout: do not neglect stretching exercises if you want to keep health and improve your physical capabilities.

Features of stretching after training:

1. Stretching after training should be static . Avoid pulsations, springs, pressure on the working muscle. Smooth soft tensile force - defining the condition of high-quality classes.

2. Exercise for stretching should accompany deep breathing. It will help you relax and stretch the muscles in a better way.

3. It is not worth practicing a pair exercise, in which another person has additional pressure on muscles and ligaments . With such a stretch, you can damage the joints or stretch the ligaments.

4. Try do not round back during slopes to the legs. If you do not have enough flexibility, you should not try to get a jerk to the legs, get a back, stretch your head down. The back should remain straight, otherwise the risk of injury to the spine.

5. That is why it is very useful to perform stretching exercises. in front of the mirror. So you can see all your mistakes and shortcomings.

6. To facilitate stretching execution, you can use a chair, for example, when inclined if you do not get to the floor, or as a support:

7. Also for convenience during stretching, you can use a strap, towel or elastic tape:

8. Stretching should be pleasant and comfortable, you can not reach through the pain. Your body should be relaxed, the muscles should not be tense.

9. Stretching does not replace the massage, so when regular training we recommend using a massage roller. This inexpensive useful inventory will help you avoid injuries and pain in the muscles.

We offer you the finished selection of exercises for stretching, which will help you to pay attention to all the muscles of your body. You can perform exercises in an arbitrary order, but traditionally stretching is performed from top to bottom. The proposed exercises for stretching can be performed both after cardio-loads and after strengths.

Exercises for stretching upper body

1. Stretching biceps and forearm

2. Stretching shoulders and hands

3. Stretching breasts and hands

Exercises for stretching housing

1. Stretching oblique muscles and top of the back

2. Stretching back and hands

3. Stretching back, loins and buttocks

4. Stretching lower back and press

5. Stretching back, shoulders and biceps hips

Exercises for stretching the bottom of the body

1. Stretching legs and buttocks

2. Stretching biceps of hips, popliteal tendons, buttocks

3. Stretching leading muscles (inner thigh)

Many novice athletes and even professionals consider stretching the poles for idlers. Nevertheless, fitness instructors tirelessly say that exercises for stretching the entire body are important at least powerful training and cardionloads. Effective correct stretching helps to avoid tensions in muscles, reduces the recovery time and allows you to not feel after the power loads a clumsy elephant in the dishwasher. The usual stretch stretch and hands, as well as the back and legs restores blood and lymph formation, allows you to freely own your body and even stimulates muscular growth. Let's figure out how to stretch the muscles and why such a hitch helps to establish new records.

Inspected people gradually lose plastic movements, they are overparing pain in the joints, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Wrong postures become so comfortable that a person can no longer sit and walk with a flat back. Avoid pain syndromes, increase the flexibility of the joints and reduce the risk of salt deposits will help lightly stretching for beginners on all muscle groups, which can be performed even at home.

In addition, the constant viewing of mobile gadgets incredibly loads the neck and leads to changes in the cervical spine. Due to the long daily work at the computer, the chest is squeezed, burning in the blades and sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe. A person suggests that he has problems with light or heart, while eliminating pain, oxygen fasting and fast fatigue can daily warm-up, yoga or stretching of atrophied chest muscles and shoulders.

In the end, an inflexible body looks reasonless and people of sedentary professions have to be extremely in old age. Belated stretching of the back and shoulder belt after long years of inaction can not cure. Is it not better to start regularly perform a complex of simple exercises for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system?!

Stretching for Silovikov: Bundles against muscles

Training with burdens increases muscle tone, shortening the ligaments and make them stagless. Ignoring stretching will lead to the fact that the power potential of the muscles will exceed the elastic capabilities of the tendons and ligaments. The load on the bone apparatus will increase significantly, and all subsequent training will be held with a large risk of injury. Sometimes it is stopped the stop of progress forcing professional athletes to change its attitude to stretching and visit the Strictching class.

An important plus stretch marks - an increase in the production of a hormone of somatropin, accelerating rehabilitation processes and muscle growth. The organism is faster than slags, more oxygen and nutrients come to the tissues. In training does not occur, overvoltage and spasms are eliminated.

Types of stretching

Stretching is dynamic and fast. It is performed without a pause with a gradual increase in the scope and speed of movements. So, for example, football players are preparing for the match: they make sharp maughs to the waist, and then to the chest. This type of load is suitable only prepared by the pro.

Static muscle stretching is performed smoothly with a pause at the end point. You can start with spring-free movements without jerks to maximize amplitude increases. Positions hold from 10 seconds to two minutes without a breath delay. Time is chosen depending on the training experience and flexibility, but most often in the stretched position are 30-45 seconds.

It will take 1-1.5 hours for independent lesson on Stretching. It is easier and more efficient to combine a 10-30-minute stretching with ordinary training. As a rule, it is stretched from top to bottom: starting with the muscles of the neck and the latter stretch the legs. You need to practice stretching constantly: it is only worth stopping classes, as a result instantly starts worsening.

When to stretch the muscles: before, during or after training?

Stretching is always performed after a good joint workout and 7-10-minute cardio (running, jumping, etc.). It is best to stretch the muscles at the end of the workout. If you do this before the power training, the rise of burdens will be given heavier and reduce the power indicators.

For example, if before squats, stretch the back surface of the thigh, it will turn out to make a deeper critic. But if you stretch the front surface of the thigh, it will be much more difficult to rise with a bar, it is difficult to cut a strongly stretched muscle. Therefore, it is necessary to be cautious, choosing exercises for stretching between approaches.

Safe Stretching Complex

Tensile muscles neck.

Development of the flexibility of the shoulder belt

  1. Lent your hands behind your back and grab one hand for the wrist. Flexing hands, pull up the brushes and protruding the chest for the best stretching of the front deltoid muscles.
  2. Clamp with your left hand elbow right hand at the level of solar plexus and pull it down.
  3. Catch the right hand for the left slightly above the elbow. Keep the left hand straight, press it to the chest and pull up.

Stretching muscles hands

  1. Stand left sideways to the wall and pull up the left hand. Maximize it in the elbow and lower the brush behind the back so that the palm is between the blades. Land the left side of the wall and pull the triceps.
  2. Take one hand behind the doorway and turn it back to it. For better stretching, lean a little forward.
  3. Get one hand behind the back from below (the elbow is directed strictly up), and the second one (the elbow is directed down). Try to connect the palms between the blades.

Stretching chest muscles

  1. Stand up at the doorway, putting one leg forward. Enter the forearms of the shoals and feed the chest.
  2. Standing face to the wall (as close as possible), put on the wall stretched toward the straight arm. Slowly unfold sideways to the wall and door frame.

Stretching back and spine

Complex stretch marks on muscle press

  1. Lying on the stomach, put palms under the shoulders and lift up the body, leaning on straight hands. Watch out in the thoracic and pull up.
  2. Standing straight, connect the fingers into the castle above the heads of the palms up and lean alternately to the right and left.

Stretching exercises

Muscle stretching Yagoditz

  1. Lying on the back, lift up up to 90 degrees in the knees of legs. Put the ankle of the right leg to put on the front surface of the left hip (slightly below the knee). Right knee pull over, deepening stretching.
  2. Sit on the floor. Sleep your left foot in the knee and tighten your shin to your chest. Expand the knee to the left so that the shine was parallel to the floor.
  3. Sitting on the floor, remove back and straighten the left foot, and the right move forward and bend in your knee to a straight angle. Palms can be restarted into the floor or lean forward with the focus on the forearm.

Learn to make a stretching stretching properly will help youtem on YouTube, photos, lessons in gif animations. Any visual feeding of the material allows you to quickly master everything yourself in front of the mirror. Take into account your capabilities, choose an adequate amplitude and do not hope using stretching to reset weight: promotes slimming power and aerobic training, refusal of fast carbohydrates and harmful transgins.

During the training, pull the muscles, not a bundle, and be very careful with a vulnerable shoulder belt. Muscles do not strain, because in a relaxed state they stretch much better. Do not allow strong pain and for stretching after workout, choose 1-2 exercises for each muscular group from the complex. Pay the same attention and the same time each leg, hand and half of the body. To achieve good results (, increase working weight, etc.) Do not stretch the stretch when there is a desire, and regularly, and preferably daily.

Factrum It is divided by the designed Spanish fitness coach of exercise complex, which will help you maintain your body in a tone, and images will clearly show which muscles are involved in one or another exercise. Pay attention to your breathing and that stretching does not cause any pain. Hold each position from 10 to 30 seconds.

Stretching muscles flexing the neck

  • Muscles involved: breast-curable-bed-like.
  • Execution: Put your hands on the hips, straighten your back and start gently tilt your head back. To stretching is stronger, you can help your hands, putting the palm on the forehead.

Stretching side neck flashers with hands

  • Muscles involved: breast-curable and large and top trapezoid muscles.
  • Execution: In the sitting position, straightening your back and helping your left hand, tilt the head left, trying to touch your shoulder ear. Repeat the exercise to the other side.

Side stretch stretch

  • Muscles involved: lateral deltoid muscles.
  • Execution: Straighten your hand across the body and slightly push it to it to enhance the stretching of the muscle. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Stretching neck in standing position

  • Enabled muscles: trapezoidal muscles.
  • Performance: in the standing position, legs together, with a straightened back slowly assigned the hips down and, helping his hands, tilt the head forward, trying to touch the chest chin.

Side slopes with support

  • The muscles involved: external abdominal muscles and the widest muscles of the back.
  • Execution: Stand straight and take the right to the right side. Repeat the exercise on the left side.

Pose of an elongated triangle

  • Muscles involved: external abdominal muscles.
  • Execution: Stand straight, the legs are slightly wider widths, hands stretched to the sides. Ahead standing stop looks forward, and the other is turned 90 degrees. Put your hand on ahead standing leg and, holding your back straight and raising the opposite hand, take ahead of the hip back and down.

Pose camel

  • Muscles involved: straight and exterior oblique muscles.
  • Execution: Sit on my heels, take your hands back and pour the hips forward and a little up, not overwhelming the lower back.

Stretching of the breast muscles at the wall

  • Execution: Stand right, face to the wall and, putting the right palm on it, slowly turn away from the wall. Repeat with the other hand.

Dog Pose Moroda Down Focusing on the Wall

  • The muscles involved: the chest and widest muscles of the back.
  • Execution: Stand at such a distance from the wall so that your body is parallel to the floor during the exercise. Take the position specified in the picture by supporting the back smooth, and then slow down in your chest.

Pose of a child

  • Muscles involved: the widest muscles of the back.
  • Performance: Stand up on all fours and slowly assigned hips back, trying forehead on the floor.

Twisting spine

  • Muscles involved: buttock and external abdominal muscles.
  • Execution: Lying on the floor, transfer the right leg through the whole body, slowly pressing your hand on the right knee to stretch it better. Repeat with the other foot.

Pose sitting dove

  • Enabled muscles: front tibial.
  • Execution: Sit on the floor, remove the right hand back, and put the right leg on the left above the knee, holding it with your hand. Repeat the same with the left foot.

Pose sitting dove

  • Enabled muscles: buttocks.
  • Execution: Sit on the floor, straightening your back, slowly tighten the leg to the chest and turn the thigh out. Repeat with the other foot.

Stretching extension and leading muscles in the hip joint in the sitting position

  • Enabled muscles: leading (adductors), popliteal tendons.
  • Execution: Sit on the floor, spread the legs wide. Not bending your legs in the knees and without tearing them from the floor, lean forward, sliding hands on the legs or stretching them and pulling forward.

Pose Butterfly

  • Execution: In the sitting position, bent the legs in the knees, mixing the feet and straightening your back, gently press the knees, lowering the hips and knees closer to the floor. Attention: so that the muscle stretching is stronger, move the heels as closer to the body.

Lunges in the direction

  • Enabled muscles: leading (adductors).
  • Execution: Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders. Transferring body weight to the right leg, bend it in the knee, while the left leg should remain straight. Repeat the exercise with the other foot.

Stretching muscles, spending foot in the knee, in the poverty position

  • The muscles involved: the muscles of the lumbar department and quadriceps.
  • Execution: Take the position of the lounge, ahead is the left foot, bent in the knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Grasp the foot of the right leg behind and attracted to the lower back. Change your leg.

Longitudinal fold forward

  • The muscles involved: the muscles of the back surface of the hip, popliteal tendons and calf muscles.
  • Performance: Sit on the floor, straighten and twist together. Do not break down the feet from the floor, lean forward.

Stretching of calf muscles standing

  • Performance: Stand on the edge of the steps (step-platform) and slightly turn the ankles inside and outward to stretch the calf muscles.

Light slope to one leg forward

  • The muscles involved: the muscles of the back surface of the hip, popliteal tendons.
  • Execution: Stand straight, one feet ahead is another, back straight. Putting hands on the hips, start to bend forward from the hip. Repeat the exercise with the other foot.

Stretching of calf muscles standing at the wall

  • Muscles involved: Cambalo-shaped and calf muscles.
  • Execution: Make a step forward, slightly rearing standing behind the stop outward. Slowly lower the heel standing behind his feet on the floor. Repeat the exercise with the other foot.