Ideal lion compatibility. Man Lion: Perfect compatibility with other zodiac signs

Ideal lion compatibility. Man Lion: Perfect compatibility with other zodiac signs
Ideal lion compatibility. Man Lion: Perfect compatibility with other zodiac signs

A self-confident, self-lean, leader in life is such a man lion. Compatibility with other signs is caused by the influence of the Sun, which is the patron saint of the sign. The lion does not endure loneliness, but often it is often difficult for him to build serious relationship due to innate pride and pride.

Who is he is a man? Characteristic, compatibility with the opposite floor.

A woman who chooses a man's lion's life in satellites, never have to miss. Family life with such a partner will be filled with romance, passion, sharp feelings and weighing good impressions.

Lion is quite simple: by nature he expansive, needs constant attention. The lack of proper respect for the Person Lion can lead him into rabies. According to the life of the representative of this sign very self-confident. In each company, the lion tries to stand out, become the center of attention, learn about all occurring events. The surrounding are often asked by his advice. The lion is always ready to rush.

The lions are inherent in the thirst for life, they always seek to have the best things. If the restaurant is, then luxurious if the car, then the VIP class. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by intellectuality and creativity, are not afraid of work, and therefore they are usually available to any benefits of civilization.

From other signs of the lions differ in their sentimentality and lovingness. In addition, they are inherent extreme generosity. If you were lucky enough to fall in love with a lion, he will throw you with all sorts of gifts, and about it without. By nature, such a man is always cheerful, active and happy. The surrounding it also tries to do at least a little happier. Good lion compatibility with optimistic personalities. But this sign does not perceive boring and sad people.

In truth, to achieve a sympathy of a man of a lion is quite simple. This causes this congenital lovingness. Lower the words of admiration, praise and already have a man lion on your hook. Compatibility in love with such a cavalier will give you a lot of pleasant moments. Lovely lion is ready for his chosen for any feats. Luxury flower bouquets, romantic evenings, gorgeous expensive gifts - and this is only the initial stage of courtship. From the very beginning, the man lion is given to the second half. He idealizes his beloved, not paying attention to the obvious disadvantages. As a rule, it is because of this relationship disintegrate. Compatibility of Lviv with other signs of the zodiac is usually determined by their sympathy.

Lions love and strive for luxury. To deserve to look in the eyes of others, they are ready to organize expensive parties, spending on this last money. As a rule, the apartment of the lion is furnished with exquisite furniture. It will treat their guests only in expensive drinks and exclusive dishes. As in life, the lion is trying to be first. He easily gives any undertakings. But the work that does not delight, the lion rapidly bother. Do not hesitate to ask for help from a representative of this sign, he is unlikely to refuse.

The wonderful sexual compatibility of Lion makes it a sensual, passionate and experienced lover. He tries to deliver his partner maximum pleasure. At the same time, the lion is very sentimental. He will really make a love letter or any ambiguous gift.

Who compatible zodiac sign lion? Compatibility with other marriages and loving relationships.

Proud, generous and generous lion man Compatibility with other signs has different. A woman who was lucky to fall in love with such a man will soon begin to feel like a real lioness. The chief of the world will give up the whole world to her feet. But in return, he will demand the same. When the lion is not burdened with serious relationships, it is very easy to seduce. If you try, then very soon a man will fall into your networks. To charm the lion, you need to tell him what is wonderful, praise all his advantages.

If you have a good compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, the lion is laid out in full. A woman will certainly be happy with him. To fulfill any desires of its elect, the lion will not regret anything. As a rule, romantic relationships will quickly develop into a family life. Get ready for what you may be far from the first to his wife.

Even after the supply of hands and hearts should not relax. Even a legitimate marriage does not guarantee a long relationship. From his chief lion expects a lot. If a woman does not justify his expectations, then the couple will quickly decay. The ideal wife according to Leo, should always be in the shade of her husband. He got used to feel like a leader. It is not worth saying such a cavalier about equality, otherwise the risk of quickly losing it.

A self-breather guy Lion compatibility with the opposite sex sees in its own way. In relations, he is an absolute owner. The lion will pour you gifts, surroundings and love, but you will have to completely dissolve in it. Every second he will control your actions and even thoughts. Be prepared that at some point you have to quit work to always be able to be near your chosen one.

But you should not be afraid, family life with lion is filled with a variety and pleasant impressions. A man will go to any feats, if only his chosen was happy. If he has already found a soul mate, it is unlikely that he will be interested in mumbling intrigues. The main thing is to be a lion inspirer, a real muse. With him, you will certainly visit theaters, all sorts of exhibitions, parties and other secular events.

If you truly value relations with Lvom, do not forget to give him affection and tenderness. Complete him, love him. Then your man will fulfill all your desires. In addition, you will feel confident and protected in a strong, wide lion.

What sees the perfect woman lion man? Horoscope compatibility, features of relationship with lion.

By nature, the lion is very emotional. He likes to love and be loved, as it brings new sensations. In relations, the Lion requires constant attention, praise and admiration. Also, a favorite woman should be completely predicted and faithful to such a man, to give up to him 100%. For its elect, the lion will become a reliable rear and support.

He is used to listen only to his own opinion. Often, the lion does not explain his actions, because he considers them the right. An ideal woman for such a man should be passionate, temperamental, be able to satisfy all its needs (both physical and emotional).

When there is a good compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in love, the Lion man will be completely given to his chosen. By nature it is optimistic and dreamy. The lion can often fall in love, and every time he will think that this is "that only". They manage emotions, which gives rise to a strong erotic start. Sometimes lion equates simple sexual attraction with real love.

The lion is very demanding in the relationship. He always seeks to suppress the identity of his chosen. However, if he manage to overcome egoism, then from the wild lion he can turn into a fluffy cat. Never hurt your man, otherwise the relationship can give a crack. Any criticism is able to completely cool the feelings of the lion. A woman who fully satisfies the lion in love and sex risks becoming his only and unique.

What does zodiac tell us? Compatibility "Lion and other signs", with whom the lion can bind his fate?

Male Lion can build relationships with almost all signs of the zodiac. Only one of them end quickly, while others last a lifetime. From his partner Lion will not suffer a lie, melancholiciness and uncertainty.

Liberty Lion Male Compatibility with others sees in its own way. He is able to charm the woman in the center of attention, loved by everyone. The loyalty of the companion guarantees strong relationships. The chosen one should not give a lion to bother. They must decide any problems together by consulting with each other.

People born under the sign of the zodiac lion are endowed with strong will and decisiveness. They love admiration and absolutely not against the bowl. In love relationships, they are warm, romantic and passionate. Lion has good compatibility in love and marriage with those who can fully understand it. Although the lions do not differ in such qualities as humility and modesty, however, they are heartfelt, generous, good-natured and charming. They carry the rays of the sun and can illuminate the room, just entering it.

The best compatibility in love and marriage at the Lion with the signs of the Zodiac Fire Emery: Aries (March 21 - April 20), Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) and Leo (July 23 - August 23). They are well compatible with Gemini (May 21 - June 21) and scales (September 24 - October 23).

Incompatible signs for Leo are Taurus (April 21 - May 20) and Scorpio (October 24 - November 22), although the union with a taurus can be useful for a career, and with a scorpion for emotional support. Relations with the Virgin (August 24 - September 23) can be beneficial in financial plan. As for marriage compatibility, one of the best elections for the marriage will be Aquarius (January 21 - February 18). For spiritual development, a fruitful partnership with cancer (June 22 - July 22).

Read more about Lion's love compatibility with all the twelve signs of the zodiac read in the articles below:

Horoscope compatibility lion with zodiac signs

Lev - Aries Lion - scales
Lion - Taurus Lion - Scorpio
Lev - Gemini Lion - Sagittarius
Lion - cancer Lev - Capricorn.
Lev - Lev. Lion - Aquarius
Lev - Deva. Lev - Fish

When the lion falls in love, he blooms. These people love attention and want to feel special for the lover. In the zodiac, Lev is one of the most faithful, and as soon as he found his lioness, she remains a devotee. They are ready to fulfill the desires of loved ones, and will also be reliable spouses in family life.

Along with positive features, they are prone to vanity and stubbornness. They can impass if their needs are not satisfied immediately. Although by nature they are faithful (after all, love is the most important thing in the life of the lion), they like signs of romantic attention. Be prepared for such a feature, they can even tell a partner on how they cause interest. But this is just a showful, and most likely harmlessly. They want to seem experienced in love, even if in reality there is little experience. But another story, if the beloved will allow yourself the same. But then you can hear the roar of the lion!

In love Lions, and men, women, have high expectations. For them, it is important that the lover possessed various advantages, including external. Although in reality the main thing will be how much attention from the second half they get, and if this is enough, everything else has little value. Indifference and indifference from the beloved person can cause cooling of feelings. They also lose interest in the relationship in which the spark of passion was fed. Although their needs in physical expression of love are quite strong, the need for spiritual union with the beloved is stronger. Even the most courageous erotic fantasies are intertwined with love and tenderness.

The leader in all, such people are hot and passionate lovers, but not able to withstand relations for a long time, in one way or another, they do not confirm their dominant powers. Otherwise, especially at an early age Lions They are inconsistently, they can often be caught in a free state, which causes their numerous and short connective ties. Nevertheless, having understood with his feelings, many of them are fortunate enough to meet the real love of their life.

Mostly, Lions Because of its aggressive leadership, they often remain on one with them, feel abandoned and lonely. Despite all the grill and quarrels in relations, for partner Lion. It is important to understand that his beloved requires an understanding, he must be reminded that he is not alone in this world. Due to the characteristics of the character of the sign, a lionoften makes good unions with and, these signs are rarely shy about the expression of their feelings Lerv, do not claim the championship in partnership, and sometimes frankly smooth their beloved Lions.

Lions It is worthwhile to beware of the relationship with air, since their leadership qualities can only lead to serious mental experiences and unrequited feelings.

and: One of the most exciting combinations. In this union, both partners share the same views and desires, and if they like it without a rest. This union is imprisoned in heaven. and: This is not just an unlikely bond, most likely this union is based on deception. Phlegmatic but not deprived of material benefits calf May be seduced Lion. Only with its sustainable financial situation, but this will not change the nature of a large cat that loves to walk by itself.

and: This is not a bad combination. You like two halves complement each other. Generous a lion able to forgive even small intrigues from Twin.

and: Although a lion able to give some protection, both in financial and in another necessary Cancer Character, pressure on his part will be excessive. However, the lion itself in such a partnership will feel wonderful if it will not be disturbed by constant moraling from Cancec. and: It is quite difficult to imagine when two leaders, two dominant natures try to make love relationships. Perhaps in this charm, when no one is inferior to anyone and nothing. It will be torture and passionate relations until the very end.

and: Like any union with such a person as a lion These relationships will require serious concessions from Virgin. On the other hand, such a combination is beneficial to all a liongive Maiden confidence and security, and Virgo will help Lerv Feel that he is not alone in this world.

and: These two signs usually make up a good team able to achieve any goals set before them. The only problem of such a union can be exorbitant spending to which both partners are prone.

and: These relationships usually do not last too long, too far Scorpion And too much, in his desires, a lion. But, an unbridled passion, ardent arms, mental passions - will become an excellent and unforgettable replacement of the possibility of serious relationships. and: These two are very similar to each other in many ways, they will be united by the same passions, gusts and desires. However, unlike other signs Sagittariusit is not good to give a leadership in this union. LervWhat actually is the main cause of the long-term and success of these relationships.

a lionis too independent, but Fish too sensitive. Harmful, utopian relationships with a small amount of joys.

Compatibility Horoscope: Lion Zodiac sign Woman characteristic compatibility with other signs - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The lion is the lover of the sun, he lives under the control of this strong and bright star, being a man gifted and soulful. The lion has a very strong energy that allows them to achieve a lot in life. On the other hand, the lion is enough proud, stubborn and vain, and this sometimes prevents them in relations. According to the unlawful agreement of all zodiac signs, the Lion is always the leader and in everything. He easily controls people, and with pleasure takes on leadership, team roles in any team. When the lion is humble enough, he is still an informal leader, whose opinion surrounding willingly listen.

The lion is quite ambitious, but it brings him only when the ambition is not overly. It is the desire to achieve something in life, as well as to pronounce oneself in all spheres of life. It is the driving force that helps the lion to create a career and a happy personal life. It is not limited to momentary targets. For lion, global prospects are important to which he will strive for all his might.

The opinion of the surrounding people is very significant for Lion. He very painfully perceives criticism, but, at the same time, he will listen to the advice of more experienced and wise people. As a man of extremes, the lion with maximalism perceives, both their victories and failures. He always strives for perfection, and does not tolerate barriers on his path. A man lion, envying an opponent in business or relationship, first rush into an open match, which often ends with a scuffle. Lions women are looking for recognition and worship in all companies in which they appear, and therefore very often carrying bright clothes, a lot of cosmetics use, attract attention to cordial behavior.

Woman Lion is not inclined to flirt with everyone in a row - she knows the price. But the lioness in love can go to everything to arrange the chosen one, to achieve his love. Happy in a relationship, she can become a tender homemade cat guarding his home and purring on his knees of his beloved man. The best combination for the representative of this zodiacal constellation in the relationship may be marked with signs controlled by the elements of fire - Lvom, Olev and Sagittar. In the partnership of two Lviv, the struggle for power can break up, these two must learn to negotiate with each other. Relations with a man Saglot will be good if the lion will temper his dust and anger, and the Sagittarius will not carefully pickitate and annoy their own morals. Relations with a man can be somewhat strange. These two are too different, they will be able to peacefully coexist together if each other will take the autonomy. Taurus for a woman Lion will be a stronghold of reliability and self-confidence, but she can very much to bother the stubbornness of the chosen one, his desire to seize her in his property, subordinate to himself. It is hardly formed by her union with scorpion - they play completely different games, and rarely understand each other. A man's scales can supplement the power of lion with its softness and openness. For Capricorn, a woman lion will be too selfish, but for cancer and fish - it is unforgivable independently and wayward.

Male Leo is always looking for a whalete for himself. An important meaning for him has the beauty and mind of a partner, because he intends to withdraw her to the light, proud of how his great conquest. The lion is the perfect life satellite and the head of the family, but its chosen should for this take all the rules of the game. For a woman of Capricorn, Virgin, Scorpio does not seem to do this, because they will try not to fit their partner, but to move it, "re-educate" that the lion will meet with indignation. Unions with a female fish or woman cancer is possible only when the lion itself will need a quiet harbor and cozy care about his person. Woman Taurus will wake the sensuality of a lion, to light his passion. This pair can have an excellent joint future if both have their ambitions.

Lion compatibility with other zodiac signs

Woman Lion Compatible with other zodiac signs

Psychological compatibility Lion Women and Men's fish in relationships are quite complex relationships, and, like either.

Psychological compatibility Lion Women and Aquarius Men in relations in lion and aquarius so much in common, �.

Psychological compatibility Lion Women and Capricorn Men in relations and Capricorn and Lion confidently want.

Psychological compatibility Lion Women and Sagittarius Men in Relations Lion and Sagittarius are active fiery.

Psychological compatibility Lion Women and Scorpio Men in the relationship This union can not be called too.

Psychological compatibility Lion Women and Libra Men in relations One of the most durable unions, which.

Psychological compatibility of the Lion Women and Virgo Men in the relationship of Virgo makes the lion forget about their �.

Total compatibility rating: 8.8. Psychological compatibility Lion of men and lion Women in relations are non-resident.

General compatibility rating: 7.3. Psychological compatibility of man's cancer and a lion of women in the Sun relations.

General compatibility rating: 7.9. Psychological compatibility of the twins of a man and a lion of women in relations.

General compatibility rating: 7.9. Psychological compatibility Taurus of a man and a lion of a woman in the relationship of the lions.

General Compatibility Assessment: 8.1 Psychological Compatibility of Aries Men and Lion Women in Aries Relations and.

What is she, woman under a lion sign?

She is used to being always in the center of attention and swim in admiring views of others. And she does not need to make great efforts for this, because in its essence the woman lion is truly "Queen." It always looks great, radiates friendliness and light, has a wonderful taste in clothes and follows trend. Communicating with her, any cavalier feels a real "hero" capable of much. This, of course, makes it very popular among men. Fans always surround her and try to bypass the opponent in the struggle for her attention. But the strong floor should not be seduced, since even the excellent compatibility of characters does not guarantee that it is possible to become her "king."

general characteristics

A woman born under the sign of Leo is simply created in order for her to admire. She is beautiful, elegant, graceful, proudly marching the life path and manitis with its charm. Coquetry and flirting are fascinated by men, and women consider it a standing standard and strive to imitate her. From the young age, the girl Lion gets used to swimming in compliments from others, taking them as proper, because she is great about his superiority.

Communication with her is also nice because the woman lion is an excellent interlocutor. Its wit and intelligence contribute to a living and interesting conversation practically on any topic. But the vulgarity and rudeness will be unpleasant.

Representatives of this sign love to attend events where a high society is going. A variety of techniques, hiking of theaters, exhibitions for this secular lioness are a natural habitat. Therefore, men who look forward to compatibility with such a companion should also be part of such a society. It must be remembered that the lions are born for luxury and beautiful life. Such women love to spend a lot (even a lot!) Money for themselves. Such expenses can be both visiting beauty salons and the purchase of a real house-palace.

Zodiac gave representatives of this sign by the duality of thoughts:

  • they love to be in the society of people, but at the same time egocentric;
  • they are born to command, but do it tactfully and with great dignity;
  • they are arrogant and have high self-conceit, but kindly.

Working with the employee, the lion is quite difficult. And although it is very talented, her impatience for any criticism is unlikely to make professional relationships comfortable. It is worth saying that any self-criticism and speech can not be about any self-criticism. If something went wrong somewhere, then anyone is to blame for this, but not she is.

In a personal life, a woman born under the sign of a lion, which is in the zodiac, loves drama and beautiful "special effects". If this is not, then such an actress will be able to create it independently. In most cases, it is to blame for the problems that are available in her life.

Love and Lev.

So that the woman lion takes care, a man will need to be very trying. She adores romantics and real knights. At the same time, all attention should be given only to her. Such a companion must be admired, constantly saying to her compliments and in no way pay attention to other women (if, of course, you want to continue the relationship).

To his satellite, the girl lion presents sufficiently high demands. Among them:

  • generosity;
  • strength and beauty;
  • refined taste;
  • desire to please her;
  • the desire to give dear gifts and make compliments.

At the same time, such a charming should not be kept locked and constantly jealous, because she appreciates his freedom and will not tolerate her restrictions.

And even if you fulfill all her wishes and become "the mostst", do not expect that its feelings will be deep and permanent. Alas and ah, lions and routine is impossible compatibility. As soon as your relationship will stop satisfying it, she will go to search for another partner. By the way, for this she does not necessarily discern you. For such women, a typical situation is when it is a pinnacle of a love triangle, where its fans are located in the two remaining corners.

And this seducer holy believes in the existence of "ideals" and therefore absolutely not able to understand men. Often it becomes the "wrong" partner. And she needs her men, she repels what it requires too much. As a result, a drama takes place, without which the representative of the sign of a lion, which is included in the zodiac, can not live.

Marriage for Lion.

The inclosure of these seduppors to marriage is simple enough, if you have the ability and resources to create all the conditions for luxury. In family life, a woman lion will be a wonderful wife, which is wonderful suitable for the role of a friend and charming companion. It will be able to be kind and affectionate, pleasant and calm, soft and friendly, and even compliant. But it will last only until it is affected by her pride. Such an attitude to myself This proud woman will not tolerate. And even your excellent compatibility will not interfere with it immediately turn into a fierce, arrogant and raging lion. To communicate with it in this state is quite dangerous. Therefore, it is better to wait for or draw it a beautiful and expensive gift.

In his usual mood, the representative of this sign can radiate warm sunlight and illuminate any society. In this pleasant radiation, her loved ones and friends are like to swim, since such a woman like no one knows how to create an atmosphere of comfort and grace.

Born under the sign of Lion, which is part of the zodiac, can reign both in society and at home. They always maintain order in their kingdom and will never allow negligence in their appearance. Such a hostess you will not see in Stopanne sneakers and a well-stopped sports suit. The children will bring up well, developing all the best in them:

With her husband, she will have a trusting relationship, and the woman lion is unlikely to want to change him if he is faithful to her. She is judicious and really appreciates his family, and therefore it will be struggling to keep it.

Sex and Lev.

The revolving side of the royalness, which the woman has a lion is its coldness in bed. Yes, she loves teasing men, exciting a strong desire in them, seducing them. But here the act of sexual proximity for it is not a goal. In their actions, it does not differ ingenuity. The process of seduction is greater interest to her, and then it is a matter of technology.

If the behavior of the lover does not suit her and physical compatibility is questionable, then such a partner will not think to wait until something changes. She simply will change the partner. After all, there are so many men who are thirsting for her attention, which is only to put out a finger - and they will come to her.

The desire to power that this zodiac sign was given will be manifested in bed. Such a woman seeks to dominate and adopt the role of leading. However, with the right approach, it will be able to agree to "equality".

The compatibility of Leo and True Passion is rare enough. But if the lover is experienced and knows exactly how to delight his partner, he will be able to wake deep feelings in it. And then the mistress will respond even on the slightest actions on his part.

Negative features

The beautiful and majestic woman lion, however,, like any other person, has both positive and negative features. And she has to know about them, as this will help her improve and develop.

Strengthened work on themselves and their shortcomings will be able to make life more harmonious and will help more successfully build their own destiny.

The main qualities that one or another sign possesses is obliged to the planets that make up Zodiac. Among them there is a one that has the strongest influence. And for each sign she is its own.

The Lion is familiar to the Sun, which gives it the following negative qualities:

  • the desire to always be in the center of universal attention and events;
  • often occurs increasing;
  • excessively developed pride;
  • thrust for drunkenness and extortion;
  • indifferent attitude towards everything that does not concern;
  • life in a closed world;
  • double standards of thoughts and feelings;
  • megalomania;
  • spraying towards others;
  • love for unnecessary tinsel, excessive pomp and ceremonies;
  • authoritarianism in behavior;
  • despotism to others;
  • vanity.

Suitable men

Beautiful compatibility of a lion with a man Square. He is able to enchant her from the first minutes of dating and will not let you get bored with the ongoing descendant of my ideas.

Relationship that a woman lion will build with a man Weighswill look like a fairy tale. Especially if their emotional component will be supported by solid cash accounts that this man has.

After meeting with a man Own A woman born under the sign of a lion is every chance of becoming married. But this will require efforts from two sides to study the complex art of compromise.

Man Twin It will be for the lioness to the listener in which it always needs. If he is not constantly looking for a new place, their compatibility will extend this relationship for many years.

Two Lviv Can create a solid alliance. But for this they need to learn to listen and take into account the interests of the opposite side.

Attractiveness that female lion feels for a man Maiden mutual. If they can find a compromise in the financial sphere, their relationship will be long and happy.

Inappropriate men

Man Cancer It is not capable of wondering the second half, so the relationship with the lioness will not be collapsed. Compatibility in the absence of adoration for such a woman is simply impossible.

With representatives of the sign CapricornIn the zodiac, women lions may have excellent professional relationships. But their personal life should be separate.

Few woman lion can get from a man FishHowever, in addition, he has nothing to offer. In addition, its excessive straightness will be very annoying.

The desire for the dominance that Zodiac endowed Talesmakes them inappropriate partners for Lviv. These two leaders are unlikely to ever be able to negotiate.

Abstract man Aquarius It will strive to keep your companion under the sign of a lion on a short leash. And she will not be avoided. Therefore, it is better to stay on the sideline from such a weight.

Strongly jealous man Scorpio And livid lion felling is simply impossible compatibility. She will never agree to be a fragrance, and he will not tolerate such behavior.

Woman Lion: Sign Characteristics, Compatibility, Oriental Horoscope

Bright, interesting, confident ... she attracts eyes and causes admiration. Woman Lion is a real diamond on an expensive rim. Men love her for a magnificent taste, royal posture and manners of a true lady. What is the characteristic of a woman who is a lion on a horoscope?

general characteristics

The real lioness always looks like just that the glossy magazine has just descended. This lady will not be able to catch surprise even at three in the morning. It is not surprising that women hate her - who will such competition like?

However, the woman-lion has not only external, but also spiritual beauty. She is friendly and friendly, responsive and friendly to people. Lioness loves to help others, she is not alien to charity. So there is a true feature of blue blood.

Love and family

In relation to love, the lioness resembles a lady from the Middle Ages. Her chosen must be a real knight, which will sing serenades under the lover window, fight for her in tournaments and constantly talk to her compliments. What to say, have to try.

Woman lion always has a spectacular appearance attracting attention. However, jealous it is as beautiful. She will not forgive not that betrayal, but even a stroke of an abandoned look at another woman.

The lioness loves pleasant words and expensive gifts. However, in debt it does not remain, addressing all his love and kindness of the chosen one.

The dominant in the family will be she and only she. Although you can try to influence it through a flattery - as a rule, it works, and the lioness turns into a pretty homemade kitty. However, it is worth a man to hurt her pride, as a real furia arises before him, sweeping everything in its path. So it is more expensive to criticize this lady.

As for loyalty, there is nothing to worry about: Lioness is one of the most devoted representatives of the zodiac circle. She has extremely painful pride, so it will not fall to a random intrigue. However, the lioness flirts with pleasure - she likes to feel universal admiration.

Woman-Lion is a magnificent mother, although sometimes it is inclined to break their children. And how otherwise - after all, the royal siblings should be content with the best. The dwelling of the lioness looks like a real palace. She is a welcoming mistress, and in hospitality she has no equal.

Someone who, and a woman-lion definitely not forced to sit at home. It will work anyway.

This woman easily moves through the career ladder. And there are several reasonable explanations. First, the lioness is a real workaholic. Secondly, it is easily a handy and perceives new information perfectly. And thirdly, thanks to its pronounced leadership, the Woman Lion will be able to lead even a very large team. Add to this creative veil, boiled energy and rare luck, and will be a real lady boss.

These ladies are distinguished by magnificent health. They are rarely sick, and if it still happens, then recovery comes very quickly.

However, the Woman Lion, being a true gourmet, is prone to overeating. So, in order not to turn into a lady of weighty advantages, the lioness must follow their weight and play sports. Particularly shown in the fresh air - only on the nature of the lions fully feel their independence.

Compatibility Women Lion with other zodiac signs

The best partner for lioness is a man-Aries. He is eloquent, promising and extremely ambitious. These two stubborn people seek leadership, but in their case it does not interfere, but on the contrary, it helps relations. The most important thing is that they understand each other with a half-clow.

Woman lion and twin male - incredibly beautiful couple. It is this representative of a strong sex that is able to give a lioness to a storm of emotions and love experiences. Scandals in this family will not cost without whipping dishes and Italian passions. However, reconciliation will be no less enchanting.

It is unlikely that a man-Sagittarius is exactly what a lioness needs, although his ability to earn and live on a wide leg to her clearly impress. Their marriage can be quite successful, but only if the loving shooter will not give his lady reassigns for jealousy. And this, you see, unlikely.

The union of two lions blinds. Both are endowed with generosity, generosity and irrepressible thirst for life. If they can make compromises, there are long and happy together with a long life.

The man-cancer is unlikely to suit the Lioness - he will simply won't sleep behind her. She will enjoy his home, but excessive economy and the slowness of cancer will become a serious stumbling block.

Woman lion poorly find a common language with tales and aquarius. The first will be overwhelmed for her to be overwhelmed and landed, and the second are unnecessarily proud and peculiar.

Eastern horoscope

Now consider the characteristics of a woman born under the sign of the lion, depending on the year of her birthday along the eastern horoscope.

  • Lev-rat. This woman is smart and reliable. Financial well-being is of great importance for her. She loves to live on a complete coil, but at the same time extremely tied to home and family. This person is ready to work without tired, but only on such a work that will be able to provide her ample opportunities for self-realization.
  • Lev-dragon. A very interesting and energetic woman possessing bright charisma. It seeks to advance through the career ladder, but not at all because of the thirst for power, and because of the very earthly desire to improve well-being. This particular loves flirt, so that her victorious way is always litter with broken male hearts. In marriage, she always shows care, loves to equip life.
  • Lev-bull. This optimistic nature, as a rule, has a very spectacular appearance. In her opinion, everything that surrounds her should be fine: both clothes, and a house, and a man next. This woman has excellent intuition, so the rash deeds do not have to expect from her. As a partner for marriage, she is solely a male leader - another she just "eating."
  • Lev-Snake. This active, persistent woman is an undisputed leader in kind. In addition, it is an example of a classic shopaholic, capable of pulling all the earnings on beautiful trinkets. This feature can easily take the first step towards the man you liked. She is a beautiful mother and the hostess, although not everyone can get along with such a strong and difficult person.
  • Lev-cock. This charming beauty easily copes with any tasks, although due to excessive self-confidence it is satisfied with unplanned rest. She loves to distribute advice, although herself completely does not accept criticism. This lady always looks with a needle - it is not surprising that she has a lot of fans. Only a strong, volitional man who will give enough freedom to this wayward person, can be with her next.
  • Lev-tiger. This woman is accustomed to being in the spotlight - she does not agree to the smaller. Even if this person takes not the highest position, it will still be able to show their leadership qualities at the maximum. This lady needs a bright and charismatic partner who will appreciate her to dignity and provide opportunities for self-realization.
  • Lev-horse. Extremely energetic and cheerful feature, which loves to express their opinion as an ipaling tone. It is for this reason that there are many teachers and psychologists among such women. In relation to men, this lady shows the same severity: her chosen must be extremely attentive to his companion and maintain it in everything.
  • Lev-dog. This emotional, sociable woman always reacts very much to injustice. She is a real peacemaker who wants to make this world lighter. In the family, this woman appreciates stability. Being a keeper of a homely focus, supports comfort in the house and trying to avoid clarifying relationships.
  • Lev-rabbit. This extravagant feature has a surprisingly strong character. She loves the attention of the public so much that sometimes there is no frank emptipa. Pedanthism and perseverance - self-realization plays a very important role for her. From men, this bright feature requires unconditional worship and execution of all his whims. The one who gives her sincere attention and love will receive a magnificent mother, wife and hostess nearby.
  • Lev-Goza. Smart, imperturbable special, which always looks over a million dollars. This woman has a wide range of familiar, thirsting for her tips and support. She knows perfectly what its chosen one should be, so the men will have to use the entire potential of the hunter. In the family, such a woman becomes a loving mother and spouse.
  • Lev-pig. This hardworking optimist is a real fighter for good and justice. She shouldn't climb anything to her the top of the service staircase. In a personal life, this lady shows extraordinary sense and sincerity. It does not tolerate one-day novels and always seeks to serious relationships. Family for her in the first place.
  • Lev-monkey. Extremely bright, ambitious personality experiencing tireless craving for new impressions. This person can exercise itself in the field of scientific research. She is rather powerful, but at the same time she retains humanity. This woman is perfectly aware of what men like, and sometimes uses its charm for personal purposes.

Such is the characteristics of a woman-lion - a real queen among other representatives of the zodiac circle. But this does not mean that it is impossible to approach her. Love, friendship, cooperation - everything is possible. In the presence of due respect to his person, this person is very favorable towards his subject.

Knowing a lion compatibility with other zodiac signs you will understand who is the most appropriate candidate for your satellite of life or you can solve problems in current relations with your partner. Read the article - all secrets in it.

Lions - very sunny sign. Due to the powerful, fiery energy, they are very attractive to the opposite sex. But that the partner does not extinguish this fire and did not give a lion to bother, it is important to find the second half of the second half.

Features of the behavior of a lion in relations with the opposite sex:

  • People of this sign are subject to instincts. They are prone to reckless actions, they do, as they feel, it often prevents an objective assessment.
  • Proud and vain lions can often offend and offended. Therefore, in relations with them, the partner should be able to be tactful and look for compromises.
  • Lions - royal life, because of what they often seem arrogant. But it is easy to find an approach to them: admire the lion more often, and get a colossal return.
  • They do not tolerate routine, the routine for them is the most important evil. Therefore, the partner should be able to surprise and give lion the whole range of emotions.

In general, this sign can build a long and strong relationship. But he always dominates, so the satellite of life needs to be chosen, ready for assignments and even submission.

Disadvantages of Lev.

It is important to know the disadvantages of this sign to be able to smooth out sharp corners and extinguish conflicts on time.

What can we expect from a lion in the relationship:

  • Modesty is not about lion. Get ready to listen to his self-ability, to succumb to and admire. It can bother, but in no case do not hear about this if you do not want to ruin the relationship.
  • High Leo can also offend. Perhaps only Aquarius will be able to make competition in this quality.
  • Lions are waiting from the partner of limitless respect. Although it does not always deserve it.
  • The lion is spoiled and sometimes resembles a small child in his endless "want."
  • He often throws things without completion. Therefore, the partner often has to "clean the tails".
  • Lions often change relationships, because the routine and events make them bored. It is very difficult to become a permanent satellite life for them.
  • May be aggressive and offend partner in trifles.
  • Pads on flattery.

Knowing these qualities, you can easily find an approach to lion nature, unpredictable and powerful.

Natural compatibility

Very good for relationships with lions are suitable for other fiery signs - Aries, Sagittarius.

The features of the relationship between these signs are as follows:

  1. Full understanding will never be, but it is interesting. The permanent trigger and the opening of the new sides in the partner will not let the fiery signs bother.
  2. If partners unites some common cause, these relationships are doomed to success. Therefore, for harmonious compatibility, you can try to create a business, become not only lovers, but also partners.
  3. The passion in the relationship will always be, but there is a risk to cool quickly, if no one wants to give up a dominant place in a pair. The constant struggle for leadership can lead to parting even if perfect compatibility.
  4. The family between fiery signs is a game in which everyone will constantly think about what move will be as follows.

If you decide to build relationships with Lvom, get ready to give up and be wise, then everything will go well.

Favorable compatibility

A good relationship can be created by a lion with air signs - twins, weights or aquarius.

Features of relationships in such pairs:

  1. The air is a colossal fuel for lion fire, which every day will flare up more and more. Therefore, these relationships have every chance of becoming long, happy, harmonious and full passion.
  2. But often the air signs are too tied to the lion, become obsessive, they see their attention. It is important to control these desires so that it does not end with parting.
  3. Temperament, intelligence and spiritual qualities are ideally compatible in such pairs. Therefore, everything is well addressed in sexual life, and in spiritual, and in creative. These people are always interested in each other.
  4. Air signs will not fight for leadership, so the Lion will not have a place to fight and conflict in a pair - he will transfer his ambitions to an external life and achieve a lot.

In such pairs, the behavior of the lion is of great importance. If he does not abuse patience and impose his opinion, everything will be safely.

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