As a real name of the singer Nyushi. How does Nyush have a really name and why did the girl decide to change the name? Nyusha's personal life

As a real name of the singer Nyushi. How does Nyush have a really name and why did the girl decide to change the name? Nyusha's personal life
As a real name of the singer Nyushi. How does Nyush have a really name and why did the girl decide to change the name? Nyusha's personal life

As a truly name is Nyusha, the famous Russian executive, I would like to know every fan. Songs of this performer ("Above", "Alone", "Choosing a Miracle", "Memory"), starting in 2009, occupy the first places in the charts of Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, etc. It is so popular that he starred in the series "Univer "And" HE people "in the role of themselves.

She was engaged in Thai boxing

As a nyush, a truly name is, today not only the fans of her musical talent, but those with whom she came across in life in other fields of activity. Perhaps the teachers who taught her Solfeggio (the singer does not have complete musical education) are proud that they are familiar with the star. In addition, the girl boxed in a Thai technique in the section, where there were some men, and also passed training in the studio at a modeling agency. There, of course, knew how Nyu was really called.

The singer's career began to develop when her father (and he is a famous musician from megapopular at one time of the "Affectionate May" group) became producer and picked up for himself a quartet of boys and girls. Initially, Vladimir Shurochkin (this is the name of Pap Nyusha) did not consider her daughter as a participant, since he treated skeptically to her talents. However, voice data inherited by the girl from parents-musicians, and the skills received when teaching the model helped it become a member of the group. Later she records the album. The words of the songs were her own, and the music was composed by the father of the singer.

Gerd says her voice

As a nyush, a truly name is, they know in one field of art. This is a multiplication. The singer voiced the role in the whole six cartoons since 2011. Her voice says Gerd in the "Snow Queen" and "Snow King", Smurfetta in the "Smurfs" and "Smurfs-2", the hypothesis in the "Family of Church". In addition, Nyusha is invited to voiced smurfetta in the third season "Smurfiki".

Music critics, which, of course, know how Nyush is really called, believe that she looks like a singer Maxim in his style. However, she herself adheres to another opinion. Star believes that they both belong to the new generation of young performers who have a similar audience. An interesting news for fans is that Nyusha often comes up in English, and then tries to translate. And to sing initially it was easier for in English. Although she believes that the Russian audience has its pronounced preferences in the form of observance and minor intonations, which is reflected in its work. For example, many consider the magnificent intercrafttement composition in the song "Above".

Like Anna became nude

So what is Nyusha's singer? In fact, everything is simple. Her pseudonym is derived from her name Vladimirovna Shurocha chose this name herself, when he performed on the project "STS chooses a star", and, they say, even swore for the right to wear it with since then it is called that even in the family. And some friends reduced her stage name to a very short one.

Which of young people today does not know such songs as "do not interrupt", "above" and "hurt"?! The performer of these songs already in his twenty years old became the owner of several musical awards, released two albums, on 8 her songs were removed video clips. And it is clear why now many are interested in the history of her life.

Anna Shurochka (Nyusha). Biography: year of birth and family singers

Anna Shurochka was born in the family of musicians in August 1990. Her father earlier was the soloist of the most popular "Affectionate May" group, and her mother Elena sang in one of the rock bands. Unfortunately, when Anna was only 2 years old, her parents broke up. Nevertheless, Dad always paid attention to his daughter. The girl began to sing almost from birth and already at 3 years old she had the first vocal teacher - Victor Pozdnyakov. He immediately realized that the girl had a magnificent hearing, and in just a year he was able to develop the range of her voice. It was the brownies that I instilled the love of the future singer to writing.

From 5 years old, daughter's musical education began to engage in dad, then she was the first time at the recording studio. There Anya recorded the "Song of the Big Malar." She recalls that the then received positive emotions were the most bright in her life. And, perhaps, it was then that a new star star appeared - from that moment he became more saturated. She began to sing constantly, even being in a car with parents or grandmother in the village. At 10 years old girl recorded a few favorite songs. And already at the age of 12, the father began to write songs specifically for her, and from this moment its first performances began.

Nyusha. Biography: Career Start

During the tour in the Urals, Pope wrote one of the songs for her, and Anya decided to write text on the girl even then perfectly owned the tongue. And later abroad did not even believe that she would come from Russia, and not from an English-speaking country.

I tried my strength at the "Star Factory" the future singer Nyusha. Her biography, however, was not replenished with a new victory, Anya simply did not pass by age, she was only 14 years old. But still, it was the TV project subsequently helped her take off to the musical Olympus.

Already at 17, Anna Shurochka officially acts as a nyusha's pseudonym. The biography of a successful singer began since 2007, when she won the "STS ignites the Stars" contest. A year later, she takes the seventh place at the New Wave Competition, which was held in Jurmala. Then he records the final song of the main heroine in the dubbing to the film "Enchanted".

The first singer's first single is written in 2009, it was then that everyone heard the composition of the "Focus on the Moon". With this song, it becomes the winner of the "God of Ether 2010" award and in the "Radiohite - Performer" nation receives a reward. Also, thanks to this song in 2009, Anya becomes the winner of the song of the Year. In 2010, there is a single "Do not interrupt". This composition occupies an upper line among the hits in Russian, and the singer nominate to the "MUZ TV-2010" on the "Breakthrough of the Year" premium. In 2011, Nyusha releases three singles at once: "Patient", "Plus Presters" and "Above." In the same year, Anya enters the nominees to the "MUZ TV" on the "Best Singer" award. Then, on the European presentation of the MTV EMA 2011 awards, the singer wins the title "Best Russian Artist".

Nyusha. Biography: Personal life singer

Anna, like many celebrities, does not like to talk about her only it is known that the girl had a novel with Aristarkh Venezes (the reper ST), with some Alexander Radulov. The young man starred in the role of the main character in the singer's clip on the song "Hurt".

For all the years of the speeches, the singer Nyusha very much. Her biography and personal life we \u200b\u200bwill consider in detail in your article.

Unlike many stars of modernity, the Nyusha singer does not hide how old she is. You can read this information on any site where several articles are devoted to the work and biographies of the girl. But his personal life Nyusha advertises not so willingly. But we will talk about it somewhat later.

Nyusha: Biography Stars

Nyusha is not a real name of the singer. The girl is called Anna. Nyusha is her creative pseudonym. The Russian pop performer was born in Moscow. In August, the singer will be 27 years old.

Few people know that dad singer is a former participant in the "Laskovaya May" group. Interest in singing in the girl arose from the early childhood. Of course, this is the influence of her dad.

After the father of Nyusha - Vladimir, left the group "Lasky May", he began to speak with a solo career. Vladimir himself wrote music and lyrics. Now he is engaged in producing daughter. The mother of the singer was also related to creativity. She performed on stage along with the rock band.

Nyusha in childhood

Since childhood, Nyche is well acquainted with recording studios. She often appeared there with his father. Vladimir recalls that Anya (Nyusha) loved to play with the microphone. When the girl has grown, she understood that she would like to go in the footsteps of their parents and also to do music.

Starting from age for 3 years, parents took care that the girl took the lessons of vocal. Her teacher was Viktor Pozdnyakov. He believed that the girl had good data to become a singer. Pozdnyakov was not mistaken. Now Nyusha collects whole stadiums.

Nyusha (left), her friends and Valery Leontyev

It is known that Mom and Dad Singer Nyusha divorced when the girls were 2 years old. Ani has a brother and sister. The star of the star arranged his personal life pretty quickly. His second spouse became a choreography teacher for Nyushi.

By the way, in the biography of the stars there are no siblings and sisters. Those who we mentioned - consolidated.

First musical tests

The first musical samples of Anna fell on the 5-year age. Here she recorded the "Song of the Big Bears". After that, Nyusha began to sing everywhere. The girl was literally not stopped. The daughter of the former participant known for the entire USSR group "Affectionate May" felt like a real star. Of course, parents encouraged her desire for creative activity. After all, they themselves tied their lives with her.

Vladimir, realizing that the daughter was tuned very seriously, presented her synthesizer. After that, he hired for the daughter of the tutor.

His first song Anya wrote in 8 years. At this age, many children just learned to read well. Anya managed to write a song in English.

Anya (Nyusha) with friends

Of course, not all childhood Anya devoted exclusively to music. She had other interests. One of them is absolutely no maiden. The future singer was engaged in Thai boxing. It is not known whether it was her personal desire or the desire of parents who wanted to protect the girl from hooligans. The athletes from the singer did not work.

The first speeches fell for 12 years. Anya performed his own composition written in 8 years. Listeners were English-speaking citizens. It was amazing for them that the girl has so pure pronunciation. After that, the girl began to find out. However, Ana did not turn his head. She understood that she would still work and work on himself.

Wikipedia about the biography and personal life of the singer Nyusha is written only by general data. One we know that her father was actually against her singing career. Despite the fact that Ani's father helped her in every way to develop her talent, a man believes that the show business is not the sphere where it is worth trying. Of course, in the future, a man revised his views. It happened after Anya began to actively act. Vladimir saw a real talent in his daughter. From now on, he joined the work on its promotion with double strength.

For some time, Nyusha performed as part of the Children's Group "Grizzly". Its participants performed not only in Russia, but also in Germany.

Nyche (right) 14 years

At the age of 14, Anya wanted to become a mega of the popular show "Star Factory". It is possible that girls would have taken. However, it was one "but". She was too young to fight rivals.

First success

Creative Nyushi activity as singers began in 2007. She changed the name on Nyushu. However, not only changed her life for the better. Anna (she is Nyusha) took part in the competition "STS ignites Star". Here she presented several famous Russian pop compositions performed in their unique manner.

Participation in the contest "STS lights a star"

According to the star, now Nobody calls her anyone. Even "Nyusha" not always appeal to it. Most often, the girl is called simply "nu". Celebrities really like it. The girl believes that the name has changed positively on her fate.

Interestingly, there is no professional musical education at the singer. She did not give the documents to any of the conservatory. The girl has reality there is a musical talent that has been developed thanks to experienced teachers. Recall that despite the negative attitude towards the field of music, Nyusha's father took care that the girl would have a good teacher.

Participation in the competition »New Wave»

Another significant date in the biography of the singer Nyusha (all about the personal life and children of the star read below) was 2008. Then she ranked 7th in the competition "New Wave." Thanks to this, she received the right to record the final song "Enchanted", duplicated into Russian, from Disney company.

Debut album

In 2010, the first debut album of the singer came out. The name is "Choose a miracle." Nyushi's musical compositions sounded on the most fashionable Russian radio waves. It was her victory.

The first single Nyushi came out in 2009. The name of the musical composition is "Watch on the moon." The popularity of this hit led to the fact that the girl was repeatedly nominated for musical awards. Nyusha was a nomineer in the competition "Song - 2009" competition.

The first single "Watch on the moon"

Nyusha says she does not adhere to any particular genre in their musical compositions. There are several directions with which it prefers. Among them are Hip Hop, Soul, Jaz. However, the singer does not want to limit himself with something alone.

Nyusha believes that only because of the knowledge that she received, studying various musical directions, she became a star. The girl knows what the public needs, therefore it does not work exclusively in one genre. It is worth noting that the dominant genre in the singing career Nyushi remains pop. Musical compositions performed in this style in its albums are the most.

"Best Singer" and "Best Album"

Becoming a famous, singer Nyche was once thought about his personal life. In the first place for her there was creative activity. Look at the photo. Here Nyusha is depicted at the presentation of the "MUZ-TV" award. In the biography of the singer - it was one of the important steps.

Nyusha at the presentation of the "MUZ-TV" premium

A year after the release of the first album, the singer recorded several more musical compositions that became hits among Russian listeners. In 2011, she released songs "pain", "above" and others. In addition, she recorded one musical composition together with the French performer Gilles Luke. As a result, the girl nominated to the popular Muz-TV award.

According to MTV EMA 2011, the singer Nyusha became the best Russian artist of 2011. It was also included in the 20 best musical events of the year in Russia according to the magazine Billboard Russia.

Among other memorable events of this year - 2 Nyusha musical compositions included in the top of the most memorable songs of the outgoing year.

In 2014, the second music album "Association" came out. Music critics believe that Shurochka songs matured with her.

Personal life singers

There are no children from the singer Nyushi. The girl's personal life in contrast to her biography is covered with a mystery. Celebrity prefers not to spread about his beloved. Look at the photo. Here the girl is depicted with his first sweetheart. They became Aristarkh Venez. This is a Russian actor. The hero of the series "Cadet".

After the relationship between the beloved is over, the girl has a short time there is one. Then she had a novel with Alexander Radulov. Radles - hockey player. He starred in one of Nyushi clips, where he played her beloved. It is possible that that is why fans and suspected the novel between the singer and hockey player. Nyusha herself did not comment on these rumors.

Former Beloved Nyushi - Alexander Radulov (hockey player)

Next, Nyusha was in relations with Yegor's crum. This time the singer confirmed his romance officially. Lovers began to meet in 2014. In some interviews, Creed talked about children. However, as a result, the pair broke up. Naturally, they do not have any children.

Egor believes that the father of Nyusha is to blame. The guy claims that Vladimir was against his relationship with the singer.

The girl says that their gap with the crum is quite expecting. After all, her and Egor had completely different looks for life. That is, the girl knew that they would not come out in advance. Moreover, lovers found themselves in show business. And as you know, two creative people can not be together for a long time.

Former Beloved Nyushi - Singer Egor Cre

After Nyusha broke up with a crum, information about her novels was not received in the press. Star fans do not believe that Shurochkin can be alone for a long time. After all, Nyusha is a very prominent and beautiful girl.

Nyusha on social networks: instagram

You can follow the biography and personal life of singer Nyusha in social networks.

All "advanced" Internet users who are interested in the works of the singer Nyushi managed to find the pages of the girl in social networks. One of the most popular social networks in Russia is instagram. Here the star is registered under NYUSHA_NYUSHA. As in contact and in Instagram, the administration confirms celebrity accounts assigning a special icon. Nyusha page is confirmed. So users leaving their comments under the photos of the girl can be sure that the account is not fake.

Nyusha in Instagram

During the existence of an account in Instagram Nyusha managed to acquire 3.5 million subscribers. The singer itself is signed by only 260 people. Behind whose life, Nyusha watches, you can find out by registering in Instagram.

Unfortunately fans, Nyusha almost never responds in the comments on messages.

His personal life singer Nyusha in Instagram does not illuminate. There are a lot of photos and videos from the public life of the girl. So, for example, from recently, the star is a mentor in the show "Voice. Children". This is a significant experience for Nyushi in her biography as singer, which also writes texts to their musical compositions. In instagram girls a lot of publications showing the reverse side of the shooting shows.

Nyusha on social networks: VKontakte

In addition to instagram, the singer actively uses VKontakte. Her page here is also confirmed. If you want to follow the life of the stars, you can find it on Nyusha Nyusha Nyusha Shurochka. The girl has one page Vkontakte, what she warns his fans in status.

On the Nyushi page there are links to the ACC of her mother and sisters. Links are active. You can go over them by opening on the Star Star Count Mother or Sister. Also in the account of the account of VKontakte, all the existing pages in other social networks are indicated.

In addition to Personal Personal Page Nyushi, Vkontakte has its official group and official fan club. On a page with nickname Nyusha Nyusha Shurochkin open comments. So anyone who is interested in the work of the singer can leave here for her a message.

Nyusha's singer's mother name Irina Shurochkin. On his page, she does not tell anything that is connected with the biography of her star daughter or with the personal life of Nyushi. But Irina lay out a lot of photos with her. VKontakte star Pope page was not found.

In addition to publications, photos and videos from their lives, Nyusha often makes themselves on the reposity page, which are associated with the activities of its fan club.

Nyusha (according to the passport - Anna Vladimirovna Shurocha) - a young Russian pop performer. Her songs have repeatedly occupied the leading positions in the domestic charts, the heroes of foreign cartoons were spoken by her voice, and nyushi called Nyusha "the most memorable event of recent years."


Nyusha grew in the family of musicians. Her dad, Vladimir Shurochkin, in the beginning of the 90s sang in the "Affectionate May" group, and after the soldier's career began. Irina Alexandrovna Shurochka, Mom of the future singer, performed with a rock band.

From early childhood Nyusha did not part with the microphone. From the age of three, she took the lessons of vocal from Victor Pozdnyakov. The producer argued that the girl managed to excellently develop a congenital musical rumor in just a year of classes.

At the five-year-old age, Anya was first in a record studio, where he sang the "Song of the Big Malar". The girl experienced such rich emotions from participating in the record that he began to sing everywhere: at home, in the car with parents, in the village of grandmother. Supporting her interest, the father presented the daughter of the synthesizer, hired a tutor with solfeggio and piano.

Carier start

The first "true" song Anya recorded in 8 years. Composition called "Night" was performed in English.

Later, when a twelve-year-old girl spoke at a concert in Cologne, singing this and several other English-speaking compositions of their own essay, the listeners were amazed by her purest pronunciation without an accent.

At 9 years old Nyusha visited the children's theater and fashion "Daisy". Together with the group, she performed on the largest concert venues of Russia, including the Kremlin concert hall. But quite soon the girl broke up with the team of "daisies", deciding that she likes to make music more.

At the age of avenulence, the beginner artist joined the Grizzlie group. The team existed for 2 years, for the month of speeches ranks semi-Russian and visited tour in Germany. It was the first serious tour of Ani, with whom the girl coped perfectly, withstanding all the difficulties of nomadic life.

Nyusha in the Grizzlie group

Shortly after the decay of "Grizzly" on the family council, it was decided to send Nyusha to the casting "Star Factory". The girl did not want to compete with other performers, stating that such a format deprives the music of the "living" component, its individuality and emotions. But my father convinced the daughter that the "factory" is not suitable for a career start. However, samples were unsuccessful due to the young age of Ani.

In 2007, a seventeen-year-old girl attempted good luck on listening to the TV show "STS lights superstar." Svetov jury two songs of Bianchi and Christina Aguilers, she passed the selection and hit the transmission. During the competition, a pseudonym was born, known to every fan of Russian pop music, the sonorous and concise word "Nyusha" - derived from the real name of the singer.

Nyusha on the show "STS lights superstar"

A year later, Nyusha ranked seventh at the international competition in Jurmala "New Wave" and recorded the final song of the main character in the film "Enchanted".

The first single of the singer "Warm on the moon" came out in early 2009. Nyusha told that the composition was written during depression after parting with a young man. In the same year, the song brought a girl victory on the "God of Ether" award in the "Radiohite - Performed" nomination and was nominated for the "Song of the Year".

Debut album

The first album of the singers - "Choose a miracle" - was on sale in November 2010. The record made in the seventh place in the charts was perceived by critics ambiguously: someone believed that the "miracle" did not reflect the individuality of the young singer, but most of the listeners appreciated the album positively, noting that it was not deprived of musical paradoxicity, and in the texts you can find mystical motives worthy of Victor Pelevin.

Success and takeoff

2011 was truly phenomenal for Nyushi. Anna released the singles "above" and "painful", as well as sang a duet with the French performer of Hilles Luke. In the spring, the singer was nominated for the MUZ-TV Award in two categories: "The Best Singer" and "Best Album", but the star gave way to the title of winner faith Brezhnev and Sergey Lazarev.

But the European ceremony of MTV EMA 2011 brought a nuch of the "best Russian artist", after which the Billboard Russian magazine included the girl in the "twenty main musical events of the year." The year ended in no less ambitious achievements: the title song of the album "Choose a miracle" became the main song of the year in the opinion of the publication "poster", and the composition "pain" received the title of the most memorable pop chit over the past two decades.

On April 22, 2014, Nyusha's second solo album came out - "Association". The album was assessed positively: Nyusha was called the leader among the "unprofitable" Russian pop performers, and the listeners considered that the songs "matured" with the singer.


On television, there was no disregard rapidly soaring for the top of the musical Olympus singer. In 2011, she played itself in the series "Univer" in Tandem with Vitaly Gogunsky.

Nyusha's voice can be heard in the cartoon "Rango", where the singer voiced the animal of ah-ah named Priscilla. Together with the singer, Ivan Okhlobystin and Boris Klavov worked on the voice acting picture.

The next invitation to the voice acting appeared soon - in the same, 2011 Nyusha voiced the Smurfett in the "Smurfiki" film. This time, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became her "colleague on the workshop".

In 2016, Nyusha was invited to "Moscow Evenings", a new entertainment show Ivan Urgant, broadcasting on the first channel.

Nyusha's personal life

Like most celebrities, Nyusha prefers to silence the details of his personal life. It is known that at the beginning of the singing career, the singer was in a relationship with the star "Cadet" Aristarkh Venezes, met with a hockey player Alexander Radulov, who played the role of a beloved girl in the clip "hurt", and rejected the courting of the RPER ST.

In the summer of 2012, the media was sent to the headlines: "Nyusha and Vlad Sokolovsky meet!". A couple relaxed together in the Maldives and having fun in secular parties. However, their relations turned out to be the result of the collaboration of PR-managers of celebrities. Nyusha and Egor Cre

In 2016, the press declassified the name of the new Nyushi guy (which she has long and carefully hid from the public). They were Igor Sivov from the International Federation of Student Sports. Igor had a marriage with choreographer Elena and two adult sons.

In January 2017, Igor made a beloved offer and in August they played a secret wedding in Maldives. November 5, 2018 Nyusha gave birth to a daughter. The baby called the ancient Jewish name Seraphim. For her, this is the first child, whereas for her chosen one. However, for the first time Igor Sivov decided to attend childbirth.

Nyusha now

Shortly before the birth of the singer pleased the fans with a new material - a clip on the song "Tay", in which she tried to pass the feelings from waiting for a child.

Nyusha - Tay

In the summer of 2019, Nyusha gave a large interview with Youtube-channel "Gentle editor". She told details from his parents' personal life and from mentoring experience in the fourth season show "Voice. Children". Also, Nyusha parried the statement of Egor Creida that they broke up because of the mercanthilities of Nyushi and the negative attitude of her father to Hiru. According to the singer, they simply did not come together with the characters, and she herself, although father's daughter, never failed her beloved because of his opinion.

Nyusha's affectionate nickname, which became a scenic pseudonym girl, gave her relatives. The baby from the first months was very pretty and charming, so no one ever called her full name Anna. Immediately after birth, she shouted so loudly that the midwife said - it will be a famous singer. So it happened.

In childhood

Nyusha's creative abilities inherited from parents. Her father also began his musical career very early. Vladimir Shurochkin at one time was known for the whole country as one of the participants in the superproject of the 90s, the teenage group "Affectionate May". Mother Nyusha, Irina, in the past was a soloist of a semi-professional rock band.

Although her parents broke up very quickly, Nyusha always remained a favorite of his father and supported a close relationship with him. Vladimir soon married again, and Nyusha had a more consolidated brother and a sister with whom had to find a common language. Fortunately, Vladimir's love and wisdom have enough for everyone.

Carier start

When Nyusha ask about the start of her creative path, it frankly admits that it cannot call the point of reference. Sometimes it seems to her that she was born with a microphone in his hands and certainly learned to sing before talking about.

At the request of the Father, at 3 years old, she worked several hours with a famous producer Victor Pozdnyakov, and he confirmed the great vocal data of babes. Then the father decided to unwind her career.

At the age of five, Nyusha first hit a professional recording studio - such a gift decided to make her father. Halfups they recorded the Children's song "Song of the Big Messenger", which even a couple of times sounded on the radio. The recording process was so much like Nyusha that she stated that he wanted to be only a singer.

In order to successfully subjected to your father's interest in music as quickly did not cooler, he strongly supported him. Together with the secondary school, Vladimir sends Nyush to learn to the private tutor on Solfeggio.

On his eighth birthday, she receives a real synthesizer as a gift - in the time the tool is very expensive and prestigious. In the same year, she again returns to the studio and records the English-speaking composition "NIGHT".

In order for the girl to freely feel on stage, Vladimir persuades his new wife Oksana, in the past speaking at prestigious tournaments on rhythmic gymnastics, to do choreographic training Nyushi.

Thanks to their joint classes, the girl mastered the dance basics, and then was adopted in one of the best children's dance groups of Moscow "Margarita", which often gave concerts in the Palace of Congresses.


When Nyche turned 11, Vladimir considered that she was already adult enough to live the life of real actress. He included it in the magnesley youth rock band and sent to the first tour of the tour.

At first, the baby was very difficult, especially since the route of the tour passed through the country, and then a few more speeches were in Germany. But Nyusha coped, and gradually she even began to like a nomadic lifestyle.

When the girl returned home again, at the insistence of her father she took part in Casting to the "Star Factory". But to compete with more adults and experienced performers, she was still unable - the girl flew out of competition on the first round. It greatly hit her pride, but did not make the dream of a successful singer career.

Over the next few years, Nyusha almost did not appear in public, improving the vocals and learning new compositions. The next attempt to go to the prestigious television show Nyusha took only 2007, and this time she turned out to be successful - the girl went into the live broadcast of the program "STS lights superstar". She did not win the show, but the participation in it made the girl recognizable.

A year later, Nyusha is sent to trying happiness to one of the most prestigious Russian songs "New Wave", which was then held in Jurmala. There she takes only the seventh place, but makes a lot of new useful dating and shows itself like a mature and very sensual performer. At the festival, she acquires its first fans.

In 2009, she records the debut track "Watching the Moon", which his father begins to unwind on all radio stations. Such a strategy gives excellent results, and in the same year the composition falls into the nomination for the "Song of the Year".

Many contributed to the success of the spiritual state of the girl during the record of the single - she just experienced parting with his beloved and was really ready to sweep on the moon.

Next year Nyusha presents the Miracle Debut Album. But the name did not justify himself, and the miracle did not happen - he was pretty cool. And although there were even mystical plots in some songs, and in general, the album sounded very well, the fans were waiting for more singer.

But in 2011, she pleased them at once with two hits: "Above" and "pain." For several months, these compositions on the tops of popular charts were able to resist and even almost brought the first musical awards, but in the end of the prizes for the best hit and the best execution were obtained by other artists.

But the authoritative music edition of Billboard Russia called Nyusha one of the main musical events of the year, and the track "pain" is the most memorable. Anyway, Nyusha gradually acquires star status and finds its place in the Russian musical tusovka. In 2014, she presented the second solo album and now continues to successfully develop the solo career.

Nyusha tried itself and as an actress, playing in several episodes of the popular youth series "University". And then she was invited to duplicate the cute animal of procked from the cartoon "Rango", and Nyusha was so fascinated by this process, which is now regularly engaged in a dubbing, and the heroes of several full-length cartoons speak her voice.

In winter, 2017, Nyusha takes part in the 4th season of the show "Voice. Children, "where he tries themselves as a mentor. In parallel, the singer records the new English-speaking single "Always Need You" and removes the clip on the song "Love You", which was a year earlier.

In the summer of 2017, Nyusha goes to the youth camp, the organizer of which was the dance school "Freedom Station" (by the way, this is another creative brainchild of the singer who opened its doors in 2016). In addition to personal communication, dance skills and meetings at concerts, the singer often indulges the audience with new photos and video in "Instagram" and "VKontakte".

Nyusha's personal life

Nyusha prefers her personal life not to advertise. But, since in an adult world, she plunged early, then the first relationship began at a rather young age. Its chosen one was one of the television cadets Aristarkh Venez.

But children's love is short-lived, and now he has changed his other FREND - hockey player and handsome Alexander Radulov, whom the father invited to filming the Nyusha's clip on the "pain".

With Alexander Radulov

After breaking with the Radulov Nyusha, the novel with Vlad Sokolovsky. In social networks there were numerous photos of a couple, which was tusil in clubs, then swimming in the ocean waves, he traveled through the tropical islands. It was so unlikely to secretly usually nyushu, that everyone suspected the catch and counted this relationship just a promotional trick.

With Vlad Sokolovsky

For about two years, Nyushi had a very warm relationship with a talented rapper Egor Crem. Many were waiting for them to end the wedding, but unexpectedly for all the couple broke up. In the gap, the crum accuses Nyushi's father, who categorically did not accept the guy himself nor his creativity.

Currently, the chief of Nyushi is the former athlete Igor Sivov, who has two adult daughters from the first marriage.

At the beginning of 2017, Nyusha announced that they were engaged, and now there are stubborn rumors that in the near future the couple expects addition to the family. But officially they have not yet been confirmed, as not named the date of the wedding.

With Igor Sivov

The official confirmation of the marriage of the famous pair never followed that only the interest of fans and journalists has strengthened. A lot of versions were born about where and how the wedding celebration of Nyushi and Sivova will be held: starting with a quiet family circle in the Maldives, where the annoying paparazzi will not get to the secret ceremony in Kazan.