What are private cemeteries and are they in Russia? Business from scratch: Cemetery for animals Religious Muslim cemeteries.

What are private cemeteries and are they in Russia? Business from scratch: Cemetery for animals Religious Muslim cemeteries.
What are private cemeteries and are they in Russia? Business from scratch: Cemetery for animals Religious Muslim cemeteries.

We will help you choose areas for new burials in Moscow and the Moscow region on the convenience of location and cost of space in the cemetery.

If you do yourself organization funeral or cremation (without resorting to services agent The ritual service, then it is necessary to know that it is necessary to check the correctness of filling out all the references (the presence of all signatures and seals) in order to avoid the useless loss of time and usually leading to the breakdown of the funeral.

1. Recovered cemetery

The reheeze cemetery refers to one of the largest cemeteries located in the Moscow region. It is located in M.Oo Solnechnogorsk district near the village of "Perekino", 32nd kilometer on the Leningrad highway. Its area is 106 hectares.

The cemetery, founded on 01.06.1999, it was created to unload Moscow cemeteries, which and so have the status of closed and since then serves, in most cases, to give Earth of the departed residents of Moscow, even despite the fact that it is located on a decent distance from Moscow. In today's time, the territory of the cemetery has more than 70 sites. In developing plans to expand the area of \u200b\u200bcemetery under the burial at 25 hectares.

The address of the reheating cemetery: index 142771, the village "Perekino", Leningrad highway in the area of \u200b\u200bSheremetyevo airport. Public transport can be reached from the subway planer, bus or bus number 905

+7 495 6425396

2. Bogorodskaya cemetery

The cemetery is based in 1750. It was received from the nearby village of Bogorodskaya from the nearby village.

To date, new burials are allowed on the territory of the Novo-Bogorodsky (Bogorodsky) cemetery.

Cemetery address: M.O, Noginsky district, Dn Timikovo. You can get to Novo-Bogorodsky cemetering from Novogireevo Metro by bus or bus number 387.

In order to issue a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

3. Domodedovskoe cemetery

Domodedovskoe cemetery is located in the south of the Moscow region, without reaching the airport "Domodedovo", with a total area of \u200b\u200b127 GK.

The Domodedovsky cemetery is now closed for new burials, the purchase of a place in the cemetery is carried out on a commercial basis.

Domodedovskoe cemetery is open to visitors every day from May to September from 9.00 to 19.00, and from October to April from 9.00 to 17.00.

Address: index 142070. M.O., Domodedovo district, Istomiha village. You can get to Cemetery by public transport from Metro Domodedovo by bus number 510 or by car.

Domodedovo cemetery is open for visits daily from May to September from 9 am to 19 hours and from October to April from 9 hours to 17 hours. The burial at the Domodedovsky cemetery is made daily from 9 hours to 17 hours.

In order to acquire a plot on the cemetery, call:
+7 495 6425396

4. Cemetery Rakitka

The cemetery founded in 1985 was named at its location, about 10 kilometers from MKAD in the Kaluga highway.

The Cemetery of the Rakitka is now closed for new burials, buying a place in the cemetery is carried out on a commercial basis.

Address: M.O. District Leninsky, Kaluga highway 10th km from the Moscow Ring Road, the village of "Rakitka".

Only related burials are possible in the cemetery.

6. Bulanikovskoe cemetery

Bulanikovsky cemetery is placed in close proximity to MKAD (1-3km)

In the cemetery there is a territory for the burial of Muslims

You can drive to the cemetery by a minibus or bus number 37 from the station "Krasnogvardeyskaya" to stop 5 MKP-He "Zagor'a" (hereinafter on foot).

In order to issue a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

7. Mamonovsky cemetery

The cemetery provides places for new and related burials.

The Cemetery "Mamonovskoye" is located in not mediocre proximity to the Moscow Ring Road, geographically closer to the Domodedovsky cemetery.

You can flush to the Mamon Cemetery with urban transport from the Metro Domodedovo by bus or route number 355 and then on foot.
Address: M.O., Leninsky district, der Mamonovo.

In order to issue a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

8. Mikhneevskoe cemetery

The cemetery "Mikhnevskoye" is located in the area of \u200b\u200bLyuberetsky M.O.

In the Mikhnev cemetery there are plots for new and related burials.

The cemetery can be reached by public transport on a bus or bus number 525 from the Metro "Kuzminki", until the "GLZ" stops, it will take 20-30 minutes of the path with traffic jams.

In order to issue a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

9. Gorkinsky cemetery

Gorkinskoe cemetery is not far from the Moscow Ring Road (6 km) on Kashirskoye Highway and is considered one of the newest, not far from Moscow.

The opening of the cemetery occurred in mid-November 2010 and its area is 6 GK.

On the territory are also situated areas for Muslim burials.

Address: M.O., Dn "Gorki".
You can reach Gorkinsky cemetery by public transport by bus or bus number 505 from the m. Domodedovskaya, until the "Subsidorate" stop, on foot.

In order to issue a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

10. Penaginsky cemetery

At this clandium, as well as on Mitinsky, the disposal of the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP was buried.

Address: M.O, Krasnogorsk district, city Krasnogorsk, on Penaginsky highway, house 1

How to get there: the cemetery can be reached from the metro Tushinskaya, on any bus and minibus with the side of Krasnogorsk coming along the Penaginsk highway without reaching Krasnogorsk.

In order to issue a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

11. Tokarevsky cemetery

The territory of the territory of the cemetery is located 6 km from the Moscow Ring Road towards the area of \u200b\u200bNovoryazanskoye highway.

It contains sections for new burials 2 x 2 meters, under two graves, and large sizes.
As well as there are areas for generic burials from 2 x 2.5 meters.
Perhaps the burial of the urn with ashes to the ground, after the cremation of the body of the deceased.

You can get to the cemetery by public transport for 10-15 minutes by bus or bus number 348 from the Metro station "Kuzminki" or by bus number 393 from Vykhino metro station, on a bus number 561 Zhulebino-Tokarevo. "

In order to issue a new burial, call:
+7 495 6425396

Will not depend on the bosses. Anyone, becoming an entrepreneur, is responsible for himself. It is worth only to think about what is best to do.

Private cemeteries in world practice

On the one hand, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a business to ensure the last refuge is very logical. However, global practice shows that the solution of this issue is ambiguous.

Even in the new world and in Europe, another hundred years ago, the existence of private cemeteries was a common phenomenon.

Currently, such an idea is clearly not welcomed by the authorities. Why is this happening? The fact is that many years of experience of doing this business showed that privatization inevitably entails many problems related to the improvement, as well as the right of ownership of the grave in this territory.

Private cemeteries in Russia

Currently, the locations where the last refuge are located in the municipality department. How to open a private cemetery? Today in Russia such business contradicts the current legislation. However, the antimonopoly federal service has already made a proposal for changing regulatory acts.

There is a possibility that in a number of legislative acts will still be amended, and in the territory of the Russian Federation there will be private grades. It is assumed that land plots surveyed for forty-nine years will be released for them. According to experts, it will reduce the cost of funeral procedures. Upon expiration of the lease term, the cemetery will not be demolished. The authorities will conclude a new agreement on the use of the land plot for another forty-nine years.

Domestic burial

How to open a private cemetery until the amendments are taken to existing legislative acts? Currently, the business idea of \u200b\u200bdomestic pets is being implemented in Russia. This problem is relevant not only for residents of cities. She worries and population of countryside.

Today, an increasing number of people contains in the city apartments of animals. Domestic pets often become almost family members. However, their life expectancy is much less than those of people. The death of the animal turns out to be a tragic event for the owner. In addition, the burial of the animal becomes a big problem. In the city, it is impossible to make it impossible, but to throw a deceased pet to the garbage hardly anyone will decide.

Idea for business

Currently, private cemeteries for pets exist near the capital. However, in the regions for such activities there are still many free niches. It will not be much difficult to use this idea. In this case, you can get good dividends.

The first steps

In order to organize your own business on the burial of domestic animals, it will be needed to make a business plan of the cemetery. This document should develop basic provisions for such services. First of all, the Cemetery Business Plan is a document in which it is necessary to reflect the criterion for choosing a land plot.

It should be a territory that is either within the city or on its outskirts, but away from residential buildings. This stage is the most difficult, because it is necessary to choose a plot that does not represent a special value for the city authorities. After that, it will be necessary to conclude a lease agreement.

Improvement of the territory

The Cemetery Business Plan should include bringing the plot for rent. Improvement of the territory will be in the markup of the terrain for buildings. For promotional purposes, you will need to equip four or five graves.
The cemetery, on which domestic animals will be made, must have the following:

The wall for cremated pets, which will be a brick structure with splitting per square meters;
- "Alley of Glory" for the particularly distinguished animals, which in life were rescuers, circus artists, etc.;
- sections of the economy and VIP class for customers with various financial capabilities;
- Service center for those owners who want to order for their deceased pets coffin, photomenonalon, monuments in the cemetery and other ritual accessories.

Initial investments

How to open a cemetery? It will take a certain amount of initial capital. Cash investments are needed to pay for a rented land plot. The magnitude of this amount directly depends on the region, in whose territory there is private polishes. There will be the costs associated with the improvement of the territory. Their size can be from one hundred fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. For business promotion, you will need an advertisement (prepare about ten thousand rubles).

What documents do you need?

Business Plan of Pet Cemeteries should provide for all preparatory paper work. The license to keep this activity is not required. Nevertheless, before starting work, it is necessary to conclude a number of contracts with environmental services, with a SanEpidnadzor, as well as with a station to combat animal diseases.

The deceased pet is subject to the mandatory inspection of the veterinarian. In addition, all services should be provided in compliance with existing anti-episotic measures. A special certificate number three requires even transportation carried out in special transport.

A prerequisite for this business is the daily disinfection of cars that provide zooritual services. Once a month, a veton specialist should be invited. He will hold a complete disinfection of vehicles.

List of services provided

Foreign experience shows that good income can be obtained by opening a zoorital business. Pet Cemetery should bring good profits. Specific sizes will be dependent on the list of services provided. The main incomes of such cemeteries are formed at the expense of the amount paid for the leased cemetery place. A considerable share will be paid for the ritual services provided.

Prices in the cemetery in Moscow for one grave begins from five thousand rubles a year. The hosts, the dust of the pet that is placed in the wall, contribute a little less. The annual fee for place is three thousand rubles. The grave located on Alee Glory is much more expensive. Here in one place you will need to give fifteen thousand rubles a year.

If your company will carry out the delivery of animal corpses in the cemetery, it will be necessary for special transport, equipped with a refrigeration chamber. The transportation rate will vary depending on the kilometer.

On the territory of the cemetery you can build a building, equipping it with a stove for cremation. In the absence of a financial opportunity, a veterinary clinic can occur with which the relevant contract must be concluded. The cost of services rendered by the crematorium will be about eight thousand rubles. Such a tariff is established for the individual burning of the dust.

The yield of your business will depend on the spectrum of service center services, which can make monuments and portraits of favorite pets by ordering owners.

Not far from the cemetery, it is advisable to open the shelter for animals. In it, the owners will be able to find a new friend. The cemetery can also be built and a veterinary service, which will provide services for the elimination of old and sick animals.

Now you can calculate the yooritual business yield. Through the lease of burial sites from every hundred clients, the amount from three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles will be received per year. The provision of ritual services will bring an income from 0.5 to 1.5 million rubles. Service Center services will allow you to take from customers from two hundred to seven hundred fifty thousand rubles. Thus, annual income will be from 1 to 2.75 million rubles.

On May 28, in the suburbs of Shargy (Kostroma region), the first private cemetery in our country was solemnly opened. The initiators of his appearance were not only its owner - Eugene Golovin, but also the locals, the city and district administration.

Cemetery "Country"

At an hour of the day, in the suburb of this small city, surrounded by gray smooth palishes with rare, neat white columns of the territory with legs on the legs shifted twenty people. Lyudmila Kosterov, Head of the Public Recovery Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District in Schain and Sharinsky District, and the film crew of the local TV channel, and correspondents from newspapers, as well as just guests and just curious. Black umbrellas, dark outfits, flowers ... It seems that the people gathered here came to the funeral. Even the Sun, who watched guests collection from the cemetery, could not stand it and for the first time in all week he was crazy in chubby gray rain clouds.

Everyone was waiting for the main persons of the company - a priest and owner.

Something is delayed - they talk in a whisper and looking around two guests. - Could and warn on the phone. Yet not in the tundra we live. Late would come.

Rightly above the heads of the public at the gate of large black letters, it was carefully derived: "Agency of ritual services. Cemetery" Country ". Quiet rustle of wide tires in the sand, and, finally, all as a collection. From the sky I went fine rain.

Well, let's start, probably, he met the public, opening the door of the jeep, Evgeny Golovin, the master of the cemetery.

"You can start," I tried to sanctify the cemetery of the Archpriest Father Seraphim, having time for two minutes to fit in the festive golden fellon, please correlate from the psaller rather greeted from the excitement of the page and pour out two hundred and a half plastic bottles of holy water in silver-chan. But as soon as the priest knew himself by Cadyl, and the Psalomer delayed the first note, someone from the crowd offered just in case "on the original Russian tradition" to cut a ribbon. Scissors, after long searches, found guests in one of the cosmetics.

It seems to me that you need to cut from this side towards the cemetery, they say, welcome from this light to the one, - a gracefully waving his hand, offered one of the ladies, the rest of her silently supported her.

The stupid short scissors blades dug into the fabric, five minutes in vain, turning her flesh. As a result, the threads still surrendered, and the path in the cemetery was opened. By this moment the rain turned into a shower. In the crowd passed the whisper: "The shower goes - Sharin is happiness. The priest fured out the gathered incense, read several pages from the sayings of Peter Mogile and Serbian Celebration, sometimes confrontation on difficult-acting ancient Slavic words.

See, and there already someone is buried, - by planing the holy father and chants, pointing a finger on wreaths and fresh holmik, she looked at one of the guests.

Yes, he could not wait for the discovery, we were convicted very long, and eventually we went to meet, "the owner explained. - A young guy crashed on our roads on a motorcycle. His name was Alexander Pankov.

Without paying attention to the expressed "celestial hlyhabi", the priest under the rain wall made three crosses, sprinkled all the holy water abundantly and, finishing the ritual, said: "Glory to you, Lord, happened!" Then he neatly folded the Bible, got into the car and left.

From the sky looked out for the sun, turning the shower in the mushroom rain.

Favorite city can sleep well

You see, it all happened to the cemetery, "after the solemn discovery and sanctification began to tell the owner of the funeral agency Evgeny Golovin. - I began to engage in the "sad" craft seven years ago. The idea arose after I almost killed Victor's friend's funeral for almost a week. I, a local resident, ran, as the head, signing the necessary pieces of paper, knees around the city and the suburbs in search of a coffin, wreaths, knocking, almost in the literal sense of the word, place in the cemetery. After everything was found, and the funeral passed, I realized that this industry needs to be developed. I took about the case: I have an illegal pedunner and not acquired profession of work teacher, army and three years of service in the police. And then removed a small room in the local house of culture. She was so close, that only I was placed on a chair and a table. Having hung on the door "Funeral accessories" and the same sheets twisted in all columns of the city. And it began, traveled to manufacturers to the area for twenty kilometers from the city, I was looking for good coffins. I have a lot of sawmills, but we have taken down a similar thing taken only from raw wood, not even upside it with a cloth. Himself at night painted coffins and decorated. Slowly business developed, people went to me.

As soon as the funeral service began to work on the principle of the conveyor, and the small room turned into a spacious two-storey office house, the golovin began to think about the cemetery. By that time he had already managed to build a chapel opposite the office.

The chapel is for simplicity of farewell to relatives, "continued, without deciding to leave his new brainchild, Evgeny Nikolaevich. - We still have a tradition from the village time - it is necessary to say goodbye to the dead in the house. There is no such room in the city, and since we are still quite a big city and we have even six-storey residential buildings - then carry the body there and here also without elevator - hard. Here I am a chapel in my project and built, the local artist made a crucifixion, Icons wrote. In November, the father of Seraphim was consecrated, with the approval of the Kostroma diocese. And after that, the only thing that in business I was not satisfied with the clients, so this is a complete lack of places on our three horseshylads. They are not just crowded, they needed them for all laws and universal standards for another ten years ago. Their state is terrible, I asked for a while ago the administration will allow you to clean up there, remove all the extra garbage. But they refused, as well as allocate land within the city. But with the idea of \u200b\u200ba new private cemetery, the administration of Sharinsky district was supported. In February, began issuing documents. And in April, we were already allowed to deal with the preparatory work. So now my clients have problems even less.

It is worth the place on the "country" is not so expensive - only 700 rubles, plus another monthly subscription fee, if you care for the grave is hard. True, the size of the head of the head, there can be nothing intelligible to say, not everything is calculated.

Only 21 thousand burials will be divided into 15 thousand hectares of the cemetery land. So, at the rate of two people per day, the cemetery will be filled under the "risk" just for 49 years allocated by Eugene Golovin on this enterprise. At the end of the term, anything can be created on it. For example, the predecessor of the head at the site of the present foreshow was going to build a flax building, but did not have enough money.

I can't buy land, too far for me expensive, - the entrepreneur continues. - But for rent for 49 years I took. Of course, the district administration will take some kind of rent, but the size has not spoken up yet. For us, after all, the same exact laws of the Russian Federation are applied as for the state "last bodies of the body." And then, take, for example, a statelessness in Sharin, there are buried under the power lines, which can not be done, because they are often repaired. So there all relatives who got places are warned that the graves at any time can demolish.

"Sleeping" to the dead on a new cemetery, as and bury the urns, unlike state disease, it is impossible. But if the client wants to "lie" next to a relative, you need to pay in advance for two or three places, depending on the size of the family. They say that the prayer already has a queue gathered at the eager to take care of the "last person".

There will be no problems with this, post all! - Golovin assures goodbye.

In the urban administration about the cheerful prospects of the entrepreneur yet, referring to the fact that the experience is new, the business is young. But in the area of \u200b\u200bthe managers turned out to be more optimistic.

This is good that he opens the cemetery, "the Chairman of the Committee on the Management of Property and Land Relations of the Administration of the Sharinsky district of Kostroma region Irina Lebedev commented on the Committee. - We have all the grades are in a deplorable state, everything is overflowing. And then I think it will not be too expensive to cost a place on a private cemetery. After all, we discussed with him that prices should be available, almost as in public grant. In addition, we supported us and the people. We were monitored in the winter, interviewed all residents of the city and villages. It turned out that for the new and clean, albeit the majority of the private cemetery voted. The only wishes had about prices. And then the Golovin himself is a respected person known in the city. He is engaged in charity, the churches helps, administration.

Eh, roads: dust yes pit

Sharya - the town is small. There are only 39 thousand people in it, but, according to residents of the Kostroma region, after Kostroma, it is in second place in terms of criminalization.

Large jeeps often explode here, private houses are dried, and the youth in the idleness of the idleness shoots from "Kalashnikov" on monuments, lanterns and shop windows, - shared with "RG" one of the local residents, conducted by Anna, waiting for a bus station to village Kozlovo .

According to the local legend, the name of the city is strange for the Russian language comes from the Tatar word "Sharya", which means "pit."

The city is really strongly reminiscent of a large pit: old black two-story houses begged under the severity of their own roofs, and it seems, is about to break down, and the roads are generally more like a colander, only more flat and elongated.

The asphalt on the roads places, of course, lies. But it is mainly either stray to the sun, as after a nuclear explosion, or disappears in the depths of the earth. So, for example, in this city, I first "flew" on the car, like a springboard. The car rushed on one of the main streets of the city. Suddenly, asphalt Colds ended with asphalt, and about meter from us the road continued, however, half a meter below. The taxi driver suggested that we come out if we do not want to fly, but we could not miss such extremes, we could not. Then he passed a little back, dispersed and, like a skier, rushed to break his head into the abyss. For a moment, all four wheels were in the air.

We have almost every day someone dies on the roads, if, of course, it is not raised, - the taxi driver of the virtuoso Anatoly Rybkin. - So we have a lot of victims, all with experience, but still either the neck break or legs, and so every year.

But the entrepreneur Evgeny Golovin does not give money on the road, because it believes that they still do not reach the roads. In the meantime, on urban statistics, Evgenia Nikolayevich is becoming the main clients of Evgenia, who dares everything more often on deadly tracks.

Some resourceful entrepreneurs may be interested in the question of how to open a cemetery for people and how to make a business plan with calculations. After all, the demand for a place for the burial of relatives always exists. And the acute problem with the lack and high cost of such services in government agencies gives rise to thoughts on the implementation of the private sector of this focus.

And if in more developed countries there has been such a practice for many years, then we are still only in government plans. It is quite possible in a short time it will be possible to implement this project, but now the situation is quite intense and confusing.


The problem with the search room for the burial of people becomes every year more acute. It is partly solved by the crematorium, without occupying a lot of space and observing certain environmental rules for the conservation of nature. Nevertheless, the need for cemeteries, especially in large cities and megalopolis, remains.

To date, find the grave for the deceased relative can only after long-term search and expensive bribes. A little easier is the case with those families who were disturbed in advance about the presence of their own family fenced plot, where the disposal of several generations in a row is supposed.

Bans and laws

In modern conditions, there are regulations in our country, assumed only municipal sites for the arrangement of the graves. And in most cases they are already crowded. Only in some regions this issue is solved with the help of semi-legal methods, when a private person rents land under the cemetery from the city administration and helps to bury people for a reasonable fee on an affordable territory.

To open a private cemetery by law, we will not work yet. At the official level, such activities outside the state institution is prohibited. Although in the Duma, this topic is already actively discussed and individual supporters are trying to promote the law on the implementation of private practice on the opening of cemeteries.

Services for animals

A little different things are in terms of burial household pets. In the laws of the Russian Federation, it does not have a word about this that for most entrepreneurs means that such activities are not prohibited.

And according to regulatory documents of sanitary and epidemiological control, the corpse of an animal of any kind refers to other biological waste that is subject to disposal. Similar activities are available for the fulfillment and private entrepreneur.

It is only important to do this according to the same standards - to make burial in the graves to a depth of at least 2 meters, and each of the cells should be protected from all sides by concrete floors. At the same time, it is necessary to act in close contact with the veterinary service and carry out disinfection of everything that only concerned the corpse.

The ritual domestic burial services are considered rather popular, as only in Moscow there are about 200 thousand dogs living in apartments or in private territories, as well as at least 2.5 million other pets (from cats to reptiles).

Binding to them, like family members, people wish to arrange them a funeral either almost worse than for a person. Therefore, they are ready to pay any money, just to pay tribute to a pet after his death.

Required documents

In Russia, the system for organizing a cemetery as a business has not yet been established. But such private sectors, at least for animals, are increasingly close to megacities. It should be immediately noted that this process is quite complex and long-term, requiring approach to representatives of authorities, excerpts, major financial investments and patience.

Paper red tier begins with the design of IP or LLC, which in general takes the least time. Even an individual entrepreneur may well organize a private animal cemetery within Russian legislation. The following OKVED codes are indicated:

  • 93.03 - provision of ritual services, etc.;
  • 52.48.34 - Implementation of various accessories for rituals;
  • 91.31 - refers to the religious side of the case;
  • 93.05 - includes other personal services;
  • 71.34 - Rent a catatal or other vehicles.

The tax system in this case may be simplified. But that's not all. To equip the plot, you will have to not just find a suitable territory, but also to issue a contract for long-term operation (49 years) with the possibility of renewal of the lease. After all, such a plot will not work out in the property.

You should also create a cadastral plan of the square, the passport to the Earth and specify its purpose. Get a permit from the state authorities to build various premises - crematorium, burial ground, etc.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the coordination of activities with sanitary and epidemiological control, because it will have to constantly cooperate and receive various references. With the burial of animals, permits and from the veterinary service, from which contact should be initially established.

Here you can download as a sample.

Organizational moments

It is important to find a convenient and spacious place in the relative distance from the city. At the same time, customers must be comfortable to reach it on their own or city transport. To instill a desire to take advantage of the services of burial in this area, it is desirable to enjoy it - to plant trees, bushes, to equip various buildings for service personnel.

In order for the selected place to meet all the requirements of the controlling bodies, it is desirable to carefully examine such documents as the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" No. 52 of 30.03.99 and the Federal Law "On the burial and funeral business" No. 263 of December 29, 2006. Among the main parameters are distinguished:

  1. Certain remoteness from residential buildings.
  2. Lack of landfills and industrial zones nearby.
  3. The land is also prepared accordingly, and in some cases a fresh soil layer will be taken.
  4. It is necessary to preserve the fences of the general territory so that wild or homeless animals cannot get to it.
  5. Protection of the site is envisaged.

Pay attention to the desired size of the free area. Since the Earth is rented for 49 years and in the future it is desirable to prolong it, then the income must do this entire period. After all, if the place is over much earlier, the success of the business will be in doubt. The recommended area size is at least 10 hectares of land.

Also, the entrepreneur needs to take care of the acquisition of the following specialized equipment:

  • freezer for a cataphney;
  • surgical instruments for opening an animal for examination;
  • creaming furnace;
  • refrigeration equipment for corpses;
  • lighting devices with the possibility of their transfer to any place.

At the site will have to build some buildings - crematorium, administrative building, a hall for ritual services, mausoleums, a religious institution. Conveniently, if the veterinary clinic will be located on the same territory. So, you will not have to transport an animal on special transport and carry out additional disinfection of all surfaces.

Although the cemetery business does not imply a mass advertising, especially with the help of the media, still inform the population about the services provided by some way it is necessary. To do this, it is recommended to use the following channels:

  1. Create a site and on certain resources to make unobtrusive advertising of funeral services in private.
  2. Print printing promotional products (leaflets, business cards) and leave them in places where they can be relevant, for example, in veterinary clinics, pet stores, etc.
  3. It is appropriate to order an informational post in specialized publishing houses about animals, where the editor will assign a place for it in the right heading.

As soon as the local home pet owners know about you, the news will quickly spread through the "Sarafan Radio". It is it that will work for you for free and without too much effort. The owner of a private cemetery will only need compliance with established rates for various segments of the population (economy class, VIP-sites) and providing a wide range of services at a qualitative level.

Video: Ritual business.

Financial part

With estimates in the organization of cemetery business, almost no one can help. Existing entrepreneurs in this segment do not want to share such information, as they try to protect themselves from competition. In addition, the amount of investments strongly depends on the region of the country, rates for land leased area and the list of buildings on which the business owner is focused. In general, the indicators can be as follows.

Investments Price, in rubles
1 Erect crematorium and other structures 100 000
2 General arrangement of the territory 100 000
3 Acquisition of equipment 200 000
TOTAL: 400 000

This will have to add a significant amount for the payment of rent for land, which fluctuates in the range of 30-50 thousand per square meter. And also do not forget about monthly expenses.

Depending on the services provided and the availability of related additional institutions, the income also fluctuates. Moreover, next to the metropolis, the demand for such a cemetery is significantly higher than in a remote area, which will also affect the number of customers and the level of their solvency.

With a competent approach in large cities, you can quite count on the annual profit of about 1 million rubles. Due to this, it will be possible to cover the initial investment for 6-18 months.

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Since the beginning of XX, large urban cemeteries were eliminated in Moscow. The burial restrained the development of the city and violated the sanitary standards: to place cemeteries in the area of \u200b\u200bresidential building became illegally. The released land was given to transport hubs, microdistrict, industrial enterprises and parks.

In total, 12 illosities were eliminated on the territory of the old Moscow

The most famous disbanded cemetery - Dorogomilovskoye. The area of \u200b\u200billness stretched along the modern embankment of Taras Shevchenko, from the Bagration Bridge to the twelfth houses in Kutuzovsky Prospect. Jewish and punishment sections are located closer to the center. The graveyard was founded together with the family in others back in 1771 during the plague epidemic, when the Senate decided to prohibit burials within the city. The cemetery managed to exister until the end of the 1940s, the beginning of the mass residential and industrial development of the area. At the beginning of the decade, the relatives of the departed was invited to reburify the dust in the Vostarovsky cemetery, and in 1948 the authorities themselves dismantled the remaining graves. At the same time, the Elizavtian Church was demolished at the entrance to the cemetery, erected in the 1977th year on the project of architect Vasily Bazhenov. In the 1990s, the concept of the development of the microdistrict again revised: an office center "Tower 2000" and a shopping bridge appeared on the site of the former cemetery. In the near future, the other areas adjacent to the embankment can be given to the elite development.

Nearby, on today's street of 1812 there was a small Philevskoye cemetery. On the cards of the beginning of the 20th century, the mistos is marked as a rustic - apparently, the total size of the cemetery was not too large. Now at the site of the alleged burial is the Gokhran building, erected in the mid-1950s.

In the neighborhood, on the territory of the current district "Fili-Davydkovo" was also eliminated by another Mazilovsky cemetery, named after the settlement of the same name. The burial stretched along today's small Fillevskaya street, now in their place there are residential buildings and distillation between the metro stations. The cemetery was limited to the lobby of the modern metro station "Pionerskaya" and the street of Oleko Dundich. Along the river river stretch, which is now enclosed in the collector. The decision to complete the liquidation of the cemetery was made in 1962, when the mass development of the microdistrict began.

Fraternal cemeteryLocated at the intersection of modern sandy and Novopesseny streets existed quite short. The graveyard, opened in 1915 for the heroes of the First World War, was closed for burials in 1925. In a canned state, the site stood until 1932, when it was reorganized into Chapaevsky Park. Next door, in a small sandy lane, there was another soldier cemetery, the people called "Arbatz". The graveyard was also reformatted in the park in the 1960s due to the development of the microdistrict.

Children's Park "Festival" is broken on the site of the famous Lazarevsky cemetery In Marina Grove. The burial has been buried since 1657, created as a cemetery for the poor, in 1771 the graveyard became one of the places of mass burial of the dead during the plague epidemic. In the XIX century, the mistake received the status of an elite and the graves of merchants and aristocrats appeared on the cemetery. Belonat on Lazarevsky stopped from the beginning of the 1930s, when the territory acquired an extremely neglected appearance. And in 1932 it was decided to reorganize the territory. Only a small part of the burial was transferred to the new places - no one took care of the most part of the grave for years.

Another small cemetery on Marshal Zhukov Avenue was liquidated in the middle of the last century with more practical purposes. Khoroshevsky graveyard, which is noted on the maps of the beginning of the 20th century, was replaced by the bus station.

Palace of Culture and other buildings of the company ZIL were built on the spot Cemeteries with Simon Monastery. The decision to disband the graveyard and the religious center was adopted in 1930. Most of the deceased were never reburied. Elements of necropolis can still be found near the surviving church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. The Palace of Creativity in connection with the reconstruction of the factory territory is not so long ago reformatted in the "Cultural Center ZIL".

Another partially preserved necropolis is located on Transfiguration Val. The brotherly cemetery for monks and ministers of the Nikolsky One-andperic Monastery acted since 1866. In the 1920s, the chambers were converted into the dormitory of the "Radio" plant. At the same time, to bury on the graveyard. In 1931, guided by sanitary standards, local authorities decided to eliminate the cemetery. The burial and tombstones were preferably taken to the territory of the city. Now on the site of the former necropolis, you can find only small elements of the grave and the only surviving memorable sign, delivered in 1921 on the grave of revolutionary Alexandra Alexandrova.

Semenov cemetery, Created in 1771, until 1935 was one of the most popular places for burials. In particular, a separate soldier section was operating at the graveyard, where the heroes of numerous wars were resting. But in 1935, it was decided to eliminate burials for the construction of the buildings of the Salute industrial enterprise. By 1966, the remainder of the cemetery was eliminated when laying the tramways. Two years ago, the Moscow City Duma decided to organize a memorial at the site of former military burials, but the project did not switch to the implementation stage.

In about the same period, two neighboring, Kozhukhovskoye and cholera cemetercreated in 1771 and 1817, respectively. The territory of the former mistakes is occupied by industrial buildings and the enterprise "MOSEELEFONSTROY". Fast food restaurants are also located on the territory.

Created at the same time Biryulyovskoe cemetery It lasts until 1978, after which the Square was broken in his place. At the same time, it was possible to preserve the temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who was restored after the fire by the forces of the Soviet authorities.

Former Deguninsk cemeteryin 1987, I pushed out in the depths of the Korovinsky highway MNTK "Microsurgery of the eye" named after Academician Svyatoslav Fedorov. Until the early 1990s, household garbage was selected on the territory of the area and there were households workers engaged in the construction of the hotel "Iris Congress Hotel". Later on the liberated territory equipped Square.