Old Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. Essay on the topic: Image of old prince Bolkonsky (l

Old Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. Essay on the topic: Image of old prince Bolkonsky (l
Old Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. Essay on the topic: Image of old prince Bolkonsky (l

In the novel "War and Peace" - the famous Moscow Barin, Bogach, Bowl. The characteristic of Rostov Ilya Andreevich with quotes is given in this article.
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Block Nicholya "The son of Prince Andrei and" Little Princess ", born on the day of the death of the mother and the return of his father, who was considered dead. Brought up first in the grandfather's house, then by Prince Maria. Externally, very similar to the deceased mother
The image of Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel "War and Peace" - Smart, proud, which is looking for a large intellectual and spiritual content in the life of a person. The characteristic of Andrei Bolkonsky with quotes is given in this article.
Bolkonsky Andrey - One of the main characters of the novel, Prince, Son M. A. Bolkonsky, Brother Princess Mary. "... a small growth, a very handsome young man with certain and dry features."
The image of Nikolai Rostov in the novel "War and Peace" - Open, cheerful, friendly, ready for the self-sacrifice of the hussar. The characteristic of Nikolai Rostov with quotes is given in this article.
Rostov Nicholas - Son of Graph Rostov, Brother of Vera, Natasha and Petit, officer., Gusar; At the end of the novel man Princess Mary Bolknoe. "A low curly young man with an open expression of the face", in which they saw "swiftness and enthusiasm."
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"Analysis of the most informative DNA sites ...
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1849 - Moves to Kiev, where he lives at his uncle S. P. Alfrieva. It is arranged to work on the state of the Kiev State Chamber. Lives in Kiev until 1857 - studies polish language, slavic culture, I am interested in religion.
1853 - Leskov marries Olga Smirnova's Daughters, without approval of relatives.
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According to them, the actor feels fine. As it became known, Karachentsov was urgently hospitalized on December 8 in the research institute named after Sklifosovsky in Moscow due to strong headaches.
People's Deputy of Ukraine Vladimir Parasyuk In the commentary, the publication of Gordon explained that the clock that he allegedly gave Holy Nikolai, in fact - a gift from the sister.
"About the watch from St. Nicholas I wrote to show that I am not afraid of the declarations ... we have in the family, how much I remember myself, there was always a tradition to give gifts to Nicholas. We are people believers, go to church. And everyone is waiting for the day Saint Nicholas.

Block family:

To draw conclusions about the family of the Bolkonsky from the novel of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace", you need to get acquainted with each member separately, to know his character and habit. So, let's begin.

Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky - Father of the Bolkonsky family, retired general. Judging by the description of the author, it is already old manAlthough its exact age in the novel is not specified.

Throughout the work, the hero produces an unpleasant impression, because he, although very clever and rich, but very stupid, besides, some oddities are noticeable in behavior.

Nikolai Andreevich often disrupts Marya on her daughter. Prince Bolkonsky is still unpleasant and because its own character of character, bordering the madness, supports the unbelief in God. Life position The hero is visible from this quote: "He said that there are only two sources of human defects: idleness and superstition, and that there are only two virtues: activity and mind." But where does the mind go, driven by evil and hatred? However, although Prince Bolkonsky seems rough, in front of his death, he is aware of the mistakes made towards his daughter, and asks for her forgiveness.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the "manner and characteristic" Elene Kuragin in the novel of the Lion Tolstoy "War and Peace".

The Hero of the novel has two children: the daughter of Maria and son Andrei, as well as grandson named Nikolya. With their images, the reader will meet this article.

Andrei Bolkonsky - Son of Prince Nicholas

Unlike his harsh father, Andrei has positive qualities, gradually, throughout life, turning into a mature man. At first, proud and hard, it becomes softer over the years, maintaining. In addition, this character possesses not only the power of will, but also a tendency to self-criticism.

It will not be superfluous to mention and about the attitude of Andrei Bolkonsky to the peasants, of which he replaces the barbecine on the lifts, and others let go of the "free blades".

A serious reason for change in character young man served military service. If at the beginning of the hero of the novel, going to the war with Napoleon, eager to get recognition and glory, then gradually his attitude to this issue changes.

He disappointed in former idol Napoleon, and decided, returning home, devote himself to the family. However, Bolkonsky is not in last time I had to survive such tests. 1812 became fatal for young Andrey., After all, in the Borodino battle, he received a fatal wound. Just before leaving the hero, "he experienced the consciousness of alienation from the whole earthly and joyful and strange ease of being."

Maria Bolkonskaya - Daughter Nicholas

This is a very rich and noble nobleman. The author describes it as a very ugly face, with a heavy gait, a weak body, however, with beautiful eyes, in which love and sadness glowed: "The eyes of princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), There were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole face, these eyes were attractive than beauty ... "

As for the nature of the Princess Mary, it was a clean, innocent girl, good, calm and meek, besides, smart and educated. Another quality is distinguished by a girl: faith in God. She herself admits that one religion can explain to us what a person cannot understand without her help ... "

Marya Bolkonskaya is a woman, ready to sacrifice personal happiness for the good of the other. So, having learned that Madmoiselle Brying (it will talk about it below) secretly meets with Anatola Kuragin, she decides to arrange their marriage. Naturally, nothing comes out of this, however, this act is only emphasized positive traits Heroine.

Lisa Bolkonskaya, Little Princess

Lisa Bolkonskaya was the wife of Andrei Bolkonsky, as well as - the niece of General Kutuzov. She is a pretty face, very nice, cheerful, smiling woman, however, prince Andrei with her unhappy, although in humans and calls beautiful. Maybe the reason lies in the fact that Lisa loves "stupid social Society"To which Bolkonsky is experiencing an antipathy, and maybe the feelings for a young wife did not wake up in it, but one thing is clear: the spouse is more and more annoying Andrei.

Unfortunately, Princess Lisa never happened to experience the happiness of motherhood: at the first birth, to the despair of her husband, she died. The son of Nikolek remained half orphan.

Nikolek Bolkonsky

He was born in 1806. Unfortunately, mom died at childbirth, so the boy "lived with the cormal and nanny Savishnaya on half of the late Princess, and Princess Marya most The day spent in the nursery, replacing, as he knew how, the mother is a little nephew ... "

The child, as his own, raises the Princess Mary, with the whole soul attaching to him. She herself teaches the boy to music and the Russian language, and for other subjects it hire a tutor named Monsieur Desal from Switzerland. A poor boy has survived a heavy test for another seven years, because his father died in his eyes.

After the break in the description with Nicholya, you can again meet on the pages of the novel. Now this is already a fifteen-year-old teenager, "... A curly painful boy, with his brilliant eyes, sat by anyone who was not noticed in the corner, and, only turning the crispy head on a thin neck, which was out of the postponed collar ..."

Although Nikolai over time and forgets the image of his native father, but always remembers him with sadness and delight. The best friend is Pierre Duhov, to which he is especially attached.

Princess Marya is now worried about a grown nephew, because he is very afraid and timing, still sleeping with a lamp and societies.

Madmoiselle Bryri

Madmoiselle Brying, Frenchwoman, the orphan, which Nikolai Bolkonsky posed out of pity, was the companion of Andrei Bolkonsky's wife - Lisa. She loved the little princess, slept with her in the same room, and he listened when she poured her soul. But it was so far before time.
More than once, throughout the novel, Madmoiselle, Brying showed its negative qualities. First, when it became brazenly flirting with Anatolam, who, although she provided her signs of attention, was still the fiancian of Mary Bolkonskaya. Secondly, when during the war with Napoleon, he moved to the side of the enemy, than caused anger of a little princess, which no longer let the former companion.

Relationship of family members Bolkonsky

Complex and sometimes confusing relationships of the members of the Bolkonsky family occupy their special place in the lead. It reflects the life of three generations: Senior Prince Nikolai Andreevich, his son Andrei and daughter Mary, as well as the grandson of Nicholya. Each - with its character, habits, looks for life, but unites these people with hot love of the motherland, proximity to the people, patriotism, a sense of duty. Even the prince of Nikolai Bolkonsky, who seems to be a gross person at first glance, before the transition to the world of others, it begins to ask for forgiveness from the daughter of Marya, which put pressure during his life.

Family of the Bolkon's inherent activity and activity, and not this character trait has become key in creating their images? Thoughtful reader will try to explore such difficult but interest Ask. And, of course, make appropriate conclusions for yourself.

Block family in the novel "War and Peace": characteristics and image of heroes

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If you read the novel, readers meet on the pages of his heroes, which feed the vital examples of morality and cause sympathy. They were already hard life Path, serving the motherland, raising children. That is described by Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. The image of the retired general, exiled to the village of Bald Mountains, does not refer to the central characters of the work. He is the father of two main heroes: Masha and Andrei Bolkonsky. But, nevertheless, his image is remembered with its bright uniqueness.

He, like most characters Tolstoy, have real prototype, Prince N.S.Volkomsky. When you read in the novel about the old prince, you notice that the author and warmth refers to his hero, respects him.

Characteristic character

A man appears in front of a heavy lave, but smart, capable of deep feelings. Prince, even living in the village, does not know how to miss - he knows how to take care of his time, can not idle. He engages with the daughter of Masha, works in the garden, writes memoirs. This is a person who loving order.

("Old Prince N.A. Bolkonsky", artist A.V. Nikolaev, 1960.)

Prince Strict and Surov, above all appreciates the family honor. These features are particularly pronounced in his behavior, as well as in relationships with children. "If you kill you, I, the old man, will hurt ... And if I find out that you didn't lead yourself as the son of Nikolay Bolkonsky, I will ... I am ashamed!" "He says to the eldest son when he goes to the front." Nikolai does not give his son at a part of faithful, does not hug him, only silently looks, and then he shouts angrily, so that he left. With his behavior, the old prince covers a deep sense of love for him. After the departure of the son, he, closed in the office, was crying for a long time, as evidenced by blowing and sighs, heard even behind the door.

The image of the hero in the work

(Anatoly Kluor in the role of Prince Nikolay Bolkonsky, feature Film "War and Peace", USSR 1967)

Nicholas is distinguished by low growth, small dry hands, smart, constantly brilliant eyes, a little extracted hanging eyebrows. He prefers to walk in Kaftan and Pudra. According to the character, the hero is demanding and cutting, but fair and principled, proud and restrained, in wonders that occur around in the world.

Bolkonsky patriot, having a sense of debt, decent, noble. And their children raises the same. The prince's family is dramatically distinguished from a number of other families of aristocratic light. Bologkoe hardworking and active. They are close to the people, know how to delve into the problems ordinary people, understand them.

The prince firmly convinced that the basis of life is "... only two virtues are activities and the mind." In her daughter, Marya he brings up the same convictions, because he learns it to all the sciences who know himself.

Nikolay Bolkonsky is represented by L.N. Thick as a collective image of patriots of his fatherland, high morality people. But he is not a representative of the outgoing generation. Andrey grew up the same as his father. People like Bolkonsky will always be among the advanced representatives of the people.

Block's family in the novel "War and Peace" - one of the key topics in the study of this work. Her members occupy a central place in the narration and play a decisive role in development. scene line. Therefore, data characteristics acting persons It seems special to understand the concept of epic.

Some common comments

The Bologkoe family in the novel "War and Peace" is typical for its time, that is, for the beginning of the 19th century. The author portrayed people in the images of which he tried to transfer the mindset of a significant part of the nobility. In describing these actors, it is primarily necessary to remember that these heroes are representatives of the aristocratic bond of the ages, the time that was a turning point in the history of Russia. This is clearly and was shown in describing the life and life of this ancient genus. Their thoughts, ideas, views, worldview and even homemade habits serve as a bright demonstration of how much a significant part of the nobility lived in the time consideration.

The image of Nikolai Andreevich in the context of the era

The Bolkonsky family in the novel "War and Peace" is interesting because the writer has shown how and what a thinking society lived in the early 19th century. The father of the family is a hereditary military, and his whole life is subordinated to a rigorous schedule. In this image immediately guessed typical image Old Velmazbi Times Catherine II. He is a man of the past, the 18th century than the new one. It is immediately felt as far as he is far from the political and public life of his time, it seems that he lives with old orders and habits that are more to the place for the epoch of the previous reign.

On the public activity of Prince Andrew

The Block's family in the novel "War and Peace" is distinguished by monolithium and unity. All her members are very similar to each other, despite the difference in age. However, Prince Andrei is more fascinated by modern politics and social life, he even takes part in the draft compilation state reforms. In it, the type of the young reformer, who was characteristic of the reign of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, is very well guess.

Princess Mary and Slekh Larshs

Block's family, whose characteristic is the subject of this review, was distinguished by the fact that its members lived intense mental and moral life. The daughter of the old prince Marya was completely out of the typical secular ladies and young women who were then in the highest light. Father took care of her education and taught it the most multiple scienceswho did not enter the program to upbringing the young lady. The latter studied homemade craft, artistic literatureFine art, while Princess under the leadership of the parent studied mathematics.

Place in society

Bolkonsky family, whose characteristic is so important for understanding the meaning of the novel, occupied a prominent position in the highest light. Prince Andrei led quite active public lifeAt least until it was disappointed in the reformer career. He held the post of Adjutant Kutuzov, took an active part in hostilities against the French. He was often able to see in secular rounds, receptions, bala. However, from the very first appearance in the salon of the famous secular lady, the reader immediately understands that in this society he is not his own man. He holds a few aside, not very talkative, although, apparently, is an interesting interlocutor. Only personWith whom he himself expresses the desire to join the conversation, his friend Pierre Duhov.

A comparison of the families of Bolkonsky and Rostochy further shaves the feature of the first. Old prince and his young daughter led a very secluded lifestyle and almost did not leave their estates. Nevertheless, Marya supported communication with higher LightBy exchanging letters with his girlfriend Julie.

Characteristics of the appearance of Andrey

The description of the Bolkonsky family is also very important to understand the nature of these people. Prince Andrei is described by a writer as a handsome young man of thirty years old. It is very attractive, keeps perfectly, in general - a real aristocrat. However, at the very beginning of his appearance, the author emphasizes that in his facial features there was something cold, alienated and even worn, although it is quite obvious that the prince is not angry. However, heavy and dark reflections imposed their faces of his face: he became a sullen, thoughtful and unlocking with others and even with his own wife holds extremely arrogant.

About Princess and Old Prince

Description of the Bolkonsky family should continue the small portrait characteristic Princess Marya and her harsh father. The young girl had lightweight appearance, as she lived intensely inner and mental life. She was humid, slim, but did not differ in beauty in the generally accepted sense of the word. A secular man may hardly call her beauty. In addition, serious upbringing of the old prince put her imprint on her: she was not a little thoughtful, somewhat closed and focused. In short, she was completely not like a secular lady. It was put on her imprint by the way of life who led the Bolkonsky family. It can be briefly described as follows: closedness, rigor, restraint in communication.

Her father was a thin man low height; He kept just like a military man. His face was distinguished by severeness and rigor. He had the appearance of a man of hardy, who also was not only in the beautiful physical formBut also was constantly engaged in mental labor. Such an appearance said that Nikolai Andreevich was a person uncomplicably in all respects, which was affected by communicating with him. At the same time, he could be bull, sarcastic and even somewhat unceremonious. This is talking about this scene of his first meeting with Natasha Rostova, when she visited their estate as a bride. The old man was clearly dissatisfied with the choice of his son and therefore, he gave a young girl with a very non-microgenic reception, letting him in her presence a couple of sharpness that deeply tremble her.

Prince and his daughter

The relationship in the family of Bolkonsky seemed to be called heart. This was especially affected in the communication of the old prince with a young daughter. He kept her about the same way as with his son, that is, without any ceremonies and discounts on the fact that she is still a girl and needed a softer and gentle handling. But Nikolai Andreevich, apparently, did not make a special difference between her and his son and communicated with both about the same one, that is, harshly and even rigidly. He was very demanding for her daughter, controlled her life and even read the letters she received from his girlfriend. In class, he was harsh and picky. However, on the basis of the foregoing, it is impossible to say that the prince did not like his daughter. He was very tied to her and appreciated all the best in it, but him because of the rigor of character could not communicate otherwise, and the princess understood it. She was afraid of her father, but he respected him and heard himself. She took his demands and tried not to contradict anything.

Old Bolkonsky and Prince Andrey

The life of the Bolkonsky family was distinguished by solitaryness and closure, which could not not affect the communication of the main character with his father. Their conversations could be called formal and even somewhat official. Their relationship did not seem mental, rather, conversations were similar to the exchange of views between the two very smart and understanding of each other. Andrei kept his father very respectfully, but somewhat cold, alienated and in his own way. Father, in turn, also did not indulge her son with parental gentlemen and caressing, limited to the comments of an exceptionally business character. He spoke to him only essentially, intentionally avoiding everything that could affect personal relationships. The more valuable the scene's final Wire of Prince Andrei to the war, when a deep love and tenderness to the son, which he, however, tried to hide, breaks through the icy calmness of the Father.

Two families in the novel

The more interesting is to compare families of Bolkonsky and growth. The first was a secluded closed lifestyle, there were strict, harshs, few. They avoided secular entertainment and were limited to each other's society. The second, on the contrary, were sociable, hospitable, cheerful and cheerful. The fact that Nikolai Rostov eventually married Marya's princess, and not in Sona, with whom children's love tied up. Must be, these so failed to better see the positive qualities of each other.

So Tolstoy describes the prince of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. Most of the old prince appreciated in people "Two Virtues: Activity and Mind" "He himself was engaged in the upbringing of his daughter and to develop both the main virtues in it, gave her the lessons of algebra and geometry and distributed all her life in continuous classes. He himself was constantly engaged in the Scripture of his memoirs, "the" calculations from the Highest Mathematics, the title of tobacker on the machine, then work in the garden and observation of buildings that did not stop in his estate. " Living in the village, Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky reads a lot, he is aware of the events. Unlike the inhabitants of the secular living rooms, he is deeply experiencing everything that is performed in Russia, and believes that the debt of nobleman is to serve his homeland. True love To his homeland and the consciousness of their debt in front of her sound in his part-time words Son: "Remember one, Prince Andrei: If you kill you, I will, an old man, will hurt ... And if I find out that you have not like my son" Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will be...a shame! " When in 1806, the Theater of Military Action approached the Russian borders, Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, despite his respectable age, took the appointment with one of the eight commander-in-chief on the militia. "He was constantly in the roads in three entrusted to him by provinces; It was performed before the pedantle in his duties, strict to cruelty with his subordinates and reached the slightest details of the case. " In 1812, learning about the capture of Smolensk by the French, the old prince Bolkonsky decides to "stay in the Bald Mountains to the last extreme and defend." Thoughts about the Motherland, about her fate, the defeat of the Russian army do not leave him and in the suicide hours. Nikolai Andreevich was a Russian Barin, sometimes Samorams and despotism were manifested in it, but when he was a man of a huge moral force of a high spiritual developed. The features of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky inherited his children - Prince Andrei and Princess Marya.The young Bolkonsky is dramatically distinguished from the Great Wednesday of its Education, latitude of interest. Pierre Duhov is surprised at extraordinary memory, the reading of Prince Andrew, his ability to learn. Empty and empty life of secular living rooms. Prince Andrew. "... the life I lead here, this life is not for me!" "He says Pierre."Bolkonsky's old prince did not want his daughter to be like secular women. He did not like the idleness, worked himself and demanded that the life of the princes was filled useful activities. The influence of the father did not pass without a trace. Princess Marya is capable of deep understanding not only of his life, but also actions "of other people surrounding. She immediately realized that for man Anatole Kuragin, and resolutely refused to offer Prince Vasily to become his son's wife. In a letter to Jules, she condemns the war , talks about how heavier for the people Recruitchina. In 1812, Princess Marya rejected Mademoiselle Brying proposal to ask for help to General Ramo and went to Boguchakov to not be in captivity of the French.Princess Marya was deeply religious man. Christian verbation suppressed feelings of protest and struggle for their happiness. "All complex laws of humanity focused on her in one simple and clear law - in the law of love and selflessness ..." She is alien to egoism, it is capable of sake of others to sacrifice its interests; Princess Marya is unshakable in fulfilling his debt towards relatives and relatives. Decent respect for patience and humility, which it is manifested in relation to the Father. She replaces the mother to Little Nicole, the son of Prince Andrew. Having learned that her brother was seriously injured and located in Yaroslavl, Princess, despite the difficulties of the path in war time, rides to him with Nikolya, considering his duty to be close to his brother and take all measures to facilitate his suffering.Coming out married Nikolai Rostov, Princess Marry his spiritual forces gives family. It has a beneficial effect on hot-tempered, and sometimes coarse and cruel in handling people's husband, with large love And attention refers to the upbringing of children. Thickly notices noticing that the princess of Marya was not distinguished by external beauty and. grace. But she conquered people with their spiritual beauty, high morality. Her dreams of love and family came true, but it seemed to her that "In addition to the happiness that she experienced, there was another, unattainable in this life ...", so the Countess of Marya did not feel quite calm; She sometimes wanted to say to her husband, "It's not about a single bread, the man will be fed," "Soul, Countess Marya has always strived for an endless, eternal and perfect and therefore never could be late."