How many figures in the tangram puzzle. Tangram, with their own hands made: a fun and useful occupation.

How many figures in the tangram puzzle. Tangram, with their own hands made: a fun and useful occupation.
How many figures in the tangram puzzle. Tangram, with their own hands made: a fun and useful occupation.

Tangram is a puzzle, which is a square cut into 7 parts in a certain way. For preschoolers, tangram is a great lesson for school preparation. And at the age of 5 - 6 years, children love to play. They are interested in puzzles with pictures.

The goal of the game is to collect the figures of people, animals, birds, numbers, objects from the details of Tangram, ...

Rules of the game Tangram:

  • -In the collected figure should include all seven parts.
  • - Do not lean on each other.
  • - Party must adjoin each other.

Tangram scheme

(print can be in Word, download File clicking on the drawing by the mouse)

Parts of Tangram

This is the tangram himself, the invented pictures are obtained from its parts. It can be bought, but it's easy to do and taking the installation scheme with your own hands. The drawing can be printed on color paper on the printer or draw yourself using a ruler. Cut parts puzzle pieces made of colored paper. Then, laying out the desired figure to glue on a tight sheet.

An example of a dog scheme - made grades 1 class to the lesson of mathematics and technology.

The game for children tangram can be in several levels of difficulty. It is better to start with the simplest - lay out the sample figure.

Scheme - Rocket

So you can fold from the Tangram house.

At the second stage, you can offer children to lay out figures on a solid drawing.

And the third level, the most complicated: come up with your shapes similar to people, animals, birds. We offer pictures invented by children.

Tangram scheme - Fox

There are various legends about the appearance of Tangram. Here is one of them ...

Almost two and a half thousand years ago, China's elderly emperor was born long-awaited son and heir. Years passed. The boy grew up healthy and intelligent not in the years. One disturbed old emperor: his son, future lord a huge countryI did not want to learn. The boy delivered a greater pleasure all day to toys toys.

The emperor called for three wise men, one of whom was known as a mathematician, the other became famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher, and commanded them to come up with a game, to having fun, his son would have become the beginning of mathematics, learned to look at the world The artist's close eyes would be patient as a true philosopher, and would understand that often complex things consist of simple things.

Three wise men invented "Shi-Chao-Tyu" - a square, cut into seven parts.

From the parts of the Tangram you can get a lot of figures. You can offer a child to do, for example, a transport boiler, a plane, figurines - fencers, cock, pelican, wood, candle.

Tolstopatova Iraida Anatolyevna, teacher Madou "Magician" Labytnangi, Yanao.
Purpose: This game introduces children with geometric figures, teaches to fold certain figuresrecommended for children of middle and older preschool age, as well as for teachers and parents.
Didactic puzzle game "Tangram"

Purpose: Teach children to play puzzle games on their own, be able to lay out the set of geometric figures, the most different silhouettes.
Tasks: Develop the spatial representations of children, constructive thinking, logic, imagination, intelligence.
Develop a shallow motorcy, to prepare children to school.
Educate patience and preferably.
Rules of the game: The game needs to follow the following rules:
1. When drawing up images uses the entire set of parts entirely.
2. Details of the geometric constructor join each other.

Does everyone know what tanglers is? This is one of the famous puzzles. She was born in China over 3000 years ago. Of the 7 elements to which the square is divided, you can make many different items and animal figures.
Distribute this square on the cardboard and divide it into parts. First, ask the child to fold the square from these pieces again. Better, if the child can cope with the task, without looking at the pattern of the square. But if it does not work, then, of course, you can use the sample.

Of these figures, a variety of silhouettes are laid out. Child is easier to do this using samples with drawn component parts. Contour samples are more complicated for playback.
A very useful real drawings of those subjects, the silhouette of which is created using a puzzle game. In this case, the child will be easier to imagine the displayed object and maybe will be its own option. Such classes are useful in preparing children for school training.
Lump pohat
Long Ear.
Jumps cleverly
Loves carrot (hare).

Tricky jacket
Redhead head.
In the forest lives,
In the village of chicken steals (Fox).

He sleeps in Berlog in winter
Under the big pine.
And when spring comes,
Wakes up from sleep (bear).

Not a rider, but with spurs.
Wilder, yes badly flies.
On bells and fences
Songs singing (rooster).

Pedagogical value of the game "Tangram"

Promotes development in children of skills to play according to the rules and perform instructions, visual-shaped thinking, imagination, attention, understanding of color, values \u200b\u200band shapes, perception, combinatorial abilities.

As a result of exercises and tasks for this game, the child will learn to analyze simple images, Selecting geometric figures in them, will learn to visually break the whole object on the part and, on the contrary, make a specified model from the elements.

Tangram game is a puzzle game for children, which consists of solving various tasks with a magic square. "Tangram" is often referred to as a "cardboard puzzle" or " geometric designer". This is one of the simple puzzles, which is under the breed of preschool age.

T. angram is able to interest not only children who have this fascinating game Develops thinking and imagination, but also serious adult scientists. One of the greatest enthusiasts of Tangram is considered to be a writer and mathematician Lewis Carolle, in the library of which was a book with 323 tasks for this puzzle.

The game is very simple in the manufacture. 8x8 cm square from cardboard, plastic, equally painted on both sides are cut into 7 parts. The result is 2 large, 1 medium and 2 small triangles, square and parallelogram. Using all 7 parts, connecting them tightly to each other, you can make a lot of different images according to the samples and on our own design.

The essence of the game is to collect all kinds of figures from these elements on the principle of mosaic. In total there are more than 7,000 different combinations. The most common of them are figures of animals and humans.

How to make a puzzle?
In general, this type of puzzle is often called "cardboard". You can print a template on color double-sided cardboard and cut over the lines. But you can make more practical and durable parts from plastic. The material for such a puzzle can serve as a rigid office folder or plastic box from under DVD. These boxes are well cut with scissors. If you are confused by sharp corners of the details, then you can round them a little.

How to play:
Make figures on the contour pattern. Each figurines should include all seven parts, while they should not overlap.
Invent your figures on the same principle.
For kids. Collect the figures on the samples drawn on the elements (answers), like a mosaic.

Where to begin?
The very first exercise with such a game is the compilation of a figure of two or three elements. For example, from triangles to make a square, a trapezium. The child must navigate in the puzzle: Calculate all the triangles, compare them in size.
Then you can simply apply the details to each other and see what happens: fungus, a house, a Christmas tree, a bow, a candy ...

Second phase
After a few lessons and games with tangram, you can go to the exercises to fold the figures for the specified example. In these tasks you need to use all 7 puzzle elements.
Start with the compilation of the hare, it is the simplest of the figures below.

Third stage
A more complex and interesting for the guys is the recreation of figures for sample contours. This is the third stage of mastering the game. Recreation of figures in contours requires visual membership of the form into components, that is, on geometric shapes. Such tasks in kindergartens are recommended to offer children from 5-6 years.

One of the first tasks at this stage is a running goose, start with it. First, analyze with the child, their parts can consist of head, neck, gessa paws. Is it possible to make them other details ...
Then you can apply different puzzle elements, looking for the correct result.

The tables proposed below are tasks with answers can be printed on the printer and use in the game.


Pedagogical value of the game "Tangram"

Promotes development in children of skills to play according to the rules and perform instructions, visual-shaped thinking, imagination, attention, understanding of color, values \u200b\u200band shapes, perception, combinatorial abilities.

As a result of exercises and tasks to this game, the child will learn to analyze simple images, to allocate geometric figures in them, will learn to visually break the whole object on the part and, on the contrary, make a specified model from the elements.

Tangram game is a puzzle game for children, which consists of solving various tasks with a magic square. "Tangram" is often called a "cardboard puzzle" or "geometric constructor". This is one of the simple puzzles, which is under the breed of preschool age.

Tangram is able to interest not only children who have this fascinating game develops thinking and imagination, but also serious adult scientists. One of the greatest enthusiasts of Tangram is considered to be a writer and mathematician Lewis Carolle, in the library of which was a book with 323 tasks for this puzzle.

The game is very simple in the manufacture. 8x8 cm square from cardboard, plastic, equally painted on both sides are cut into 7 parts. The result is 2 large, 1 medium and 2 small triangles, square and parallelogram. Using all 7 parts, connecting them tightly to each other, you can make a lot of different images according to the samples and on our own design.

The essence of the game is to collect all kinds of figures from these elements on the principle of mosaic. In total there are more than 7,000 different combinations. The most common of them are figures of animals and humans.

How to make a puzzle?
In general, this type of puzzle is often called "cardboard". You can print a template on color double-sided cardboard and cut over the lines. But you can make more practical and durable parts from plastic. The material for such a puzzle can serve as a rigid office folder or plastic box from under DVD. These boxes are well cut with scissors. If you are confused by sharp corners of the details, then you can round them a little.

How to play:
Make figures on the contour pattern. Each figurines should include all seven parts, while they should not overlap.
Invent your figures on the same principle.
For kids. Collect the figures on the samples drawn on the elements (answers), like a mosaic.

Where to begin?
The very first exercise with such a game is the compilation of a figure of two or three elements. For example, from triangles to make a square, a trapezium. The child must navigate in the puzzle: Calculate all the triangles, compare them in size.
Then you can simply apply the details to each other and see what happens: fungus, a house, a Christmas tree, a bow, a candy ...

Olesya Tabakayeva

(Fascinating game with minimal cost)

The development of small motility in preschoolers is the main task, as it forms the right and coherent speech. But together S. small motor The child needs to develop the logic spatial and constructive thinking and intelligence.

I want to offer you an exciting puzzle game Tangram - an old Eastern puzzle of geometric shapes. One of the legends tangram Almost two and a half thousand years ago appeared in ancient China.

The task of the player in the educational game « Tangram» The folding figures from the puzzle pieces so that, first, all parts of the puzzle were used, and, secondly, the parts did not block each other. Figures can be hung as you like, put up with any side up. Here, in fact, all the rules.

With playing tangram You can get acquainted children start 3-4 years old. First you can introduce a child with different geometric shapes. Next, the child can impose figures tangram on the finished samplefor him it will be very difficult task. This is a game that develops in children combinatorial abilities, imagination, attention and ability to act according to the instructions.

For the older children, the task can be complicated for example, it is no longer to lay the figures on the sample and spread it next to the sample may not coincide with the real size, or you can offer a child to independently make a figurine

How to do tangles do it yourself

So for our work we will need materials:

Cardboard sheet

Simple pencil (or any writing tool)

From the sheet of cardboard, we cut the square from me 20 * 20. In the square we carry out a diagonal - it turns out 2 large triangles. One of them cut divide on 2 small triangles. We celebrate on each side of the second large triangle middle. I comply with these marks a medium triangle and other pieces (Square and parallelogram).

so proceeded

blacksmith square in my case 20.5 * 20.5

in the square we carry out a diagonal

we divide one of the triangles into two equal

we find the middle of the sides of the big triangle, we carry

find the middle of the side of a large triangle to be drawn to the corner of the small [

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we find the middle of the side of a small triangle connect it with a diagonal of large triangles

we find the middle of the next large triangle and make a line to the corner of the square, the remaining part will be parallelograms. tangles are ready

tangramm is ready to cut

to S. tangram It was more interesting to engage in a child, it can be scattered in my case, the children were represented by conventional wax crayons

here we have collected such a cute kitty from our tangram

as a result of folding figures tangram We get silhouettes resembling animal figures, birds, trees, people, household items and. t. d.