How much time should learn to dance tango? Frequent questions about salsa lessons (FAQ).

How much time should learn to dance tango? Frequent questions about salsa lessons (FAQ).
How much time should learn to dance tango? Frequent questions about salsa lessons (FAQ).

How much can you learn to dance oriental dances? \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d \u003d\u003d\u003d or: "And for how much I will learn to dance?" - asks me unfamiliar man By phone, wanting to sign up. Honestly, in the top of the most stupid questions - this is number 1. Because to answer it - the teacher must be at least a telepath and clairvoyant in one face! And by the power of his teaching genius, he must determine in voice for half a second: whether you have a dance or other physical preparation, or not; Your age; how good you feel the temperitmik; What is your motor and musical memory; And finally - what are your goals. Because only on the basis of these - primary data can be predicted, for what time you learn to dance. Point "Your Goals" - special. Simply put - what does it mean to "learn to dance"? - Because the question is dozens and hundreds of people answered me differently. As a result, such a picture was found: 1. "A la in chief." You will laugh, but for half regularly calling me to "learn to dance" - means to portray something similar to the "East", putting a bunch of bracelets and wrapped in monistas, so that, reaches the hips, just hang / hit colleagues on new Year's corporate or similar event. You can teach you this in a couple of weeks or even days - depending on how you grab. You can even just score in the search engine "belly dance" for beginners - and soon you can definitely depict "two tribe - we can turn the booty." Especially if on the ass to tie ringing scarves with monisti)))) the appropriate makeup, accessories - beads-earrings-bracelets - and you are a corporate dance floor star. ... Only it is not to "learn to dance" ... 2. "Sultan's surprise" - or "already something." Stay a more or less meaningful composition as a surprise beloved. Spectacular. For this, a competent teacher will already be required and a group of starters / hobbies, or individual classes, which, of course, is more expensive - but efficiency increases at times. For the teacher is fully focused on you. When doing twice a week, for 2-5 months (everywhere and everyone in different ways) is quite realistic to master the basics of Eastern dance and learn the setting of the zero degree of difficulty, even if you have never danced in life. 3. "Basic Level". For the year and a half of group classes, you master the basic and medium difficulty elements, you can dance 3-4 dances (again in each studio in different ways), we will master the choreography azami. Let's start distinguishing Arabic music from Indian, classic from pop. With the sounds of the tab, anywhere - "punches on shaking" and begins to boil blood)))))) Dance in the reporting of the school. Perhaps participate in the first contests. The awareness is punctured that the "belly dance" is not so easy, as it appeared at the beginning. Palaces, Sultans, Palm and Fimiams from the Tales of Shahryzada are blown - in their place, the native dance hall arises in their place more often))) 4. "Advanced Level": 2-3 years of study in a group + individual training, participation in the reporting conclusions of the school and others cultural events, Tense to the adrenaline buzz scene. The obsessive desire to continuously improve the technique and the performance level, expansion of the horizon. Recognize the top Arab artists of classics, instrumental, pop; You know Belldanse stars. Master classes, contests, costumes and strata are a separate cost of expenses in your budget. Start saving to Egyptian festivals. Next, the dances are increasingly becoming a way of life, you like to improvise more and more, and the more you recognize - the deeper an understanding comes: Belldans can learn all his life, he is inexhaustible, like any art ... Everyone - dance inspiration!

By different reasons People wishing to do dancing do not want to do it in special schools. In the age of progress you can learn to dance yourself, at home. Many women do not intend to become professionals, but strive to lose weight and maintain the figure. Dancing houses will help to achieve the goal.

How to learn modern dance houses

Many are interested in the question, how to learn to dance yourself at home. Especially popular use street dance, Break Dance, Latin and eastern dance. Each direction has certain features that distinguish them from other styles. Decide that you want to dance and with the way of learning dancing (video tutorials or instructor).

Choose a dance direction

Among the variety of styles and directions, the following can be distinguished:

  • Latin American. Direction is very popular. Rumba, Cha Cha-Cha, Salsa and Bachata carry high activity and look very impressive. The principles of dancing are based on the simplicity, openness and emotionality of movements.
  • Eastern (belly dance) will be suitable for girls and women of any age. The structure of the figure and the complex for this style do not matter. Dance movements are characterized by smoothness and mystery.
  • Club modern dances are created in order to be performed on discos dance. Dancing you need to carefully follow the rhythm so that the movements exactly match the music. TO club dance relate:
  • hip-hop;
  • street jazz;
  • brakedance;
  • go go;
  • funk.
  • National dances acquired great popularity. Very interesting through the movements to join the culture of a certain people. The most common are Irish, Indian dances, Tango and Flamenco.
  • Strip-plastic is suitable not only for the seduction of men, but also to maintain the shape of his body.
  • Ballroom dancing Create for graduation, weddings or other solemn events. Beautiful, smooth performance adds a man of refinement and elegance.
  • The famous ballet adds flexibility to a person not only during dance. Grace inherent ballerinas is noticeable in everyday life. Adults are very hard to learn this style, but some ligaments can be bore.

You need to choose a direction for yourself in accordance with your musical preferences. If the music does not like, you will not be able to do long and do not get qualitative result. Important role When the dance selection plays character. If you are a modest person, choose a style with smooth movements, if active - with rhythmic.

Make a graph training

During dance training, it is important to make your loads systematic. This will help drawing up training schedule. The houses are harder to fight laziness, because the dance school implies payment, so the motivation to dance is formed more. An independent or training with the invited teacher to skip is much easier. Remember that you will learn to really beautifully dance, only observing the discipline. The chart for dancing can be anyone that is convenient for you. The most common frequency is 2-3 times a week.

Types of home education

You need to choose a way of learning dancing in accordance with your budget and the necessary workout quality. Learn to dance modern dances home you can easily use the Internet. Having spent quite some money, you can purchase full-fledged video tutorials. If you want to do more seriously, ready to pay a lot, invite a private instructor.

Dance Tutorials

As a manual, how to learn to dance at home, video tutorials are suitable. It is useful to read the books to imbued with the atmosphere and history of your chosen direction. In mastering the dance, on their own training materials, the following steps must be observed:

  1. To start classes, you need to find videotapes with detailed lessons. On the Internet, you can detect them on the sites of dance schools, in social networks or video. The problem is that it is almost impossible to get a full course on the network, since they are laid out for informational purposes to attract customers. If you want to fully master the desired style, get discs in the store.
  2. When the manual is purchased, form a platform for classes in the apartment. You will need a large space and mirror so that you can follow your movements.
  3. Training should be carried out several times a week, mastering 2 classes at a time. First, repeat the movements behind the instructor on the video, then try it yourself.

Private homework

If you want to avoid visiting the school, but you wish to do with the teacher, you can hire a specialist in private. Please note that its services will cost you expensive, but the teacher will help work on each movement and not to miss training. If you decide to go this way, follow the instructions:

  1. Check out the list of dance schools in your city. You can do this using the Internet.
  2. Carefully read the reviews of those who do in this school regarding teachers. If you have not found information, refer to one of the students with this question.
  3. When the desired teacher is found, take his phone number and call. In the process of conversation, learn about the price of classes and time when you can meet.
  4. When you meet, discuss the frequency of training, their duration. Find out what kind of equipment you need for classes.

What dance can be learned at home

To date, stores and Internet portals offer many lessons. They will help learn to dance Lezginka at home, oriental, latin dances, master modern directions. Those who want to move in time, are suitable classic and folk elements. Educational video can be found to any style you like or direction.

Tver for beginners

How to learn to dance hard at home:

  1. Put your feet on your shoulder width so that the feet socks are right under the knees. Then make a deep cried, and put your hands on the hips.
  2. Start training movements. To do this, put the thumbs in your hands on the tailbone and push it forward.
  3. To finish the thigh back, do the same with the pelvic bones.
  4. When the main bundle starts to get, position the hand brushes on the knees. The wrist area should be addressed outward. The tempo of movements gradually increase.

How to dance hip-hop house

To learn hip-hop at home, you need to master several basic elements:

  1. Fundamental movements in dance: Steps (steppes) and kach. First pull right hand Up, and the lower limb, retain to the sock to look right. Bend the leg, take the weight of the body weight on it. Lift the hand to lower it so that it is on the same level with the shoulder. Turn the body to the left side, right leg Put on the sock, and bend the left. Make a sharp movement, dropping onto the right knee, rounded with your back. Try to reach the floor to the floor, then straighten up.
  2. Expand the socks left, the knees are bent, the support should be at the full foot. Paint your brushes with fingers placed on the chest so that the elbows were located in parallel. Make your hands pressing movement, pelvis in advance, back round. Straighten your back, turning to the side, the hands should slide along the body to the waist. The following movement strain the jagged muscles, the pelvic area will rise up, round round.

Eastern dance lessons at home

How to learn to dance home oriental dances:

  1. It is best to learn with an instructor or using video tutorials, but the basics can be comprehended independently. Start the training with slow hips in different directions, leaving the fixed upper part of the case.
  2. Continue the movement of the pelvis back and forth, gradually increasing the pace. Then try to connect the items.
  3. So that the dance looked more spectacular, set forward one leg, and let the body make moves in the form of eight, circle or arc. Based on the leg, try to make a wave by using breasts and stomach.

How to learn to dance waltz yourself

Waltz - paired dance. It is possible to master it only with a partner. It is necessary to move in space against a clockwise, carrying out circle in the opposite direction. Each element must be executed under a clear rhythm, which is easy to catch, counting to three. Left hand Men must be located on the waist partners, the other he takes her hand. When the square of the movement will become confident, start trying to dance in a circle.

Video tutorials lezginki for men

For Salsa's classes and bachat, anything is best suitable for anything that does not make movements, clothing, necessarily clean, and comfortable shoes for you (replaceable shoes, in the fall and winter - it is obligatory). As dances paired, take care to your appearance A partner (partner) was encouraged with whom will be dancing.

In the first classes, most likely, you absolutely won't think that some kind of need special clothing or shoes for these purposes. At the beginning of the training, the program is very lightweight and for its execution does not need special equipment. But it is best to get shoes on a non-large heel or a wedge, but the sneakers with rubber inserts are not suitable on the sole. They will be difficult to rotate.

But if you decide to seriously engage in dancing directions and want to go to the case with all thoroughness, it is better to purchase specially created dance shoes. The design of such shoes can render positive influence On progress in doing the elements of dance, on posture and on the style of movements.

Shoes for classes salsoy Optional to buy in a specialized store. It can be bought in the usual trading point, the main thing is that this shoes do not slip from the feet, there was a good elasticity, a comfortable block, and did not shove the movement. But, after analyzing all these requirements, you can come to the conclusion that suitable shoes are easier to find in a special store.

2. Do you have classes for children?

On the this moment Salsa classes are not held for children. But in adult groups we take students, starting from seventeen age.

3. Is it possible to learn to dance yourself? At the disco? On video lessons?

Of course, you can learn to dance on the disco dance floor, and on video lessons. It all depends on your perseverance and the results you wish to achieve. Now online you can find many educational lessons for all dances. However, video lessons are rather additional element to passing classes in schools. First you need to visit dance schoolWhat would get basic knowledge and skills. The whole process will be guided by a professional teacher who has a certain experience, he will be able to indicate errors and give seld advice, he will show necessary advice And correct you where errors will be made. Thanks to this, you can learn to dance faster.

Bachhat on video lessons learn much easier. There is no such quantity of complex movements in this dance, they can also be mastering themselves, but, of course, it is better to either have a little experience in dancing, or chat and adopt some skills from the teacher. If you ask the history of the occurrence and development of Bachats, you can see that everything was dancing without any preparation. This dance refers to social dance, he is invented for everyone without exception, he has very simple moves. But still there are such movements that are quite problematic, and sometimes it is impossible to catch a video. And in the school of dancing with group training much more interesting than at home alone.

4. For what period of time you can learn to dance salsa?

It is quite difficult to answer this question. And it may depend on a variety of conditions. All people have different opportunities and abilities. The first one may need one single occupation to understand the specifics of movements, catch the rhythm of music, learn several movements in the aggregate, then will spend on it a large number of His time. The second condition of the speed of learning is the frequency of visits to the dancing. And what does phrase mean - did I learn to dance? Your skill and skill can be pulled out infinitely.

But still, relying on the experience of teachers of our school of dance, you can call the average deadlines for which training occurs. This period can be divided into three levels. At the first level, the feeling of rhythm is captured, and the main movements are fixed. It lasts one month. At the second level, which lasts two months, work with a partner. AND average levelwhere complex ligaments are studied. The duration of this level is 4 months.

Consequently, for the period up to 6 months, you can learn the basics of salsa. And improve your movements - infinite!

5. Is it difficult to learn to dance salsa?

In the phrase "learn to dance Salsa," there are two components: "dance" and "salsa". So "dance" is much more complicated than Salsa.

There are two categories of people who visit the dance schools - those who want to learn perfectly dance Salsa and those who want just salsa. Yes yes exactly Just Salsa. In this case, you can remember many movements, ligaments, but it is not to learn to dance. And the results of such workouts, alas, noticeable even unprofessionals.

Learn to dance Salsa more difficult than just Salsa. For example, there is a desire to "fade" on discos, then learn to dance is not at all necessary, since it will have to spend a lot of effort, spend a lot of time at school. It is necessary in order to feel the rhythm of the melody, control your body, purchase some skills and comprehend the basics of dance art, that is, stocking some experience. But it will require a lot of hard work.<.p>

Each himself answers the question whether all this is necessary. But if you still decided learn to dance Salsa, the results will be excellent. And for you and your partner. After all, you will dance much more fascinating, and even learn something. However, there are many examples who wanted dance Salsa, but their desire quickly dried up. And such students leave the dance school. And then repeat movements in clubs in such a way as it turned out to learn. And there are many such examples. And even if you are engaged in search new school, nothing will change until you start learning to dance.

What do you think unites all those who want to learn to dance or have already started learning?

Right, this is the desire to know for what period of time you can learn to dance.

Our developing article on dancing will help you understand this issue.

Most beginners want to know the exact number of months, days and clock, which they will need to study.

This desire is quite logical, as it is known that time is the most valuable and irreplaceable resource. It always works against us, it is always little and lacks. Therefore, the question of which period of time you can learn to dance is quite natural and extremely relevant. How can you start something to do if you won't know when you can get the result ???

And then I have to upset you slightly, so that you, in our mental simplicity, did not behave on the Rosskazni of the newly suitable teachers who promise from you to make a star in just one occupation. Although this can be achieved in 2 seconds, just becoming a "star" pose, but no moreover ...

So, again about the timing ...
Starting your dance training, you will not know exactly how time you learn to dance.

Although it sounds too shocking and your brain will simply refuse to believe, but the reality is such that no one can say for sure, for what period of time you can learn to dance.

Now more about the reasons for this phenomenon, so that my statement does not leave the unfounded.

Each person has a certain set of skills that will initially influence the speed of its training through the quality of the material perception, coordination of movements, physical endurance and the ability to concentrate.

They can be both congenital and acquired.

Congenitalthe data is originally laid in a person from birth. It can be good flexibility, stretching, motor memory ...

Acquired, work out throughout life.

Each person is developed in different ways. There are no two people with the same data. Therefore, starting your dance training, it will be simply not correct to try to answer the question: "For what period of time you can learn to dance?"

If one person is enough to memorize one repeat, then another may be needed with a dozen ... in some, good plastic and coordination that may be congenital or acquired in certain life conditions. Other plastic "Polyn" and they still need to pass the stage of transformation through "Pinocchio" in a person ...
So, therefore, the time costs will be different in different, but this is if we are really under the word "dance" mean it is the ability to dance, and not just learn the scheme of the dance composition.

Do not forget about the traits of character. Someone at the very first difficulties immediately breaks down, and someone will work in the sweat of the face to the latter until he receives the result.

Special meaning It has how serious and systematically a person will be engaged. No matter how talented man was, but if he misses the occupation, it belongs to learning frivolously, the result will be very and very modest. Therefore, in my opinion, it is one of the most important moments In learning that you need to pay maximum attention.

"Everything disappeared the chef ... everything was gone !!!"
What can not be said for sure for what period of time you can learn to dance, not yet a reason for the abandonment of dancing.
The main thing is that you will learn to dance, the truth will require a certain amount of time.

Okay, so be ...
I will give hope to those who want to know, for what period of time you can learn to dance.
If you need to know how much time it is necessary for the Rankener, then professional teachers who have many years of experience can call approximate time. Here for these terms, you can navigate.

In order to be held in these timing, you can use all sorts of "accelerators", which uses the school in learning modern dance Juris capable of reducing the period of training period dance. You will be able to read a separate article soon about them. But if briefly, it is:

Individual sessions;

Dance form;

Training video dance;

Proper preparation for classes;

The duration of the period of time for which you can learn to dance, entirely depends on you and your desire to study dance. The greater and better you will work, the faster you can learn to dance.

We wish you so that you have no reason that it prevents the bad dancer to dance and let your dance give the audience joy and enjoyment.

They were inspired by the ease of dance on Pilon and decided to train. You thought it was easy and now you will quickly master the dance on the pylon and will brag around our wonderful abilities.

But 15 minutes of workout passed, and you even have a basic twist with difficulty. And you start thinking "This is not mine, I'll probably go home" or "I first need to roll up, and then you can be on the pylon," "I will never succeed like a trainer."

It is confident that such thoughts attended every novice. Were they and I have.

But do not hurry to follow the first wishes - to surrender!

Yes, pole Sport - It is difficult and hurt. This is more psychological check than physical. After all, in order to rejoice in their first successes on the pylon, such factors need to overcome:

    does not work

    terribly pain


  • when the training will already end

    Overcome all these difficulties will help 3 things: time, persistent repetition and "kick" coach.

    Of course, we all want, to get everything from the first time, beautifully easily and elegantly.
    Therefore, you just need to accept the fact that for all time you need, and for such power load As acrobatics on the pylon, it will be required not enough.

For how much you can learn the dance on the pylon is a very individual indicator. Now we will not talk about athletes, ballerina, gymnasts, that is, about people with very good physical training. Of course they can master the pylon for a couple of months and are already preparing for competitions.

As for us, ordinary peoplewho came to pole Dance completely from scratch and without any, then by experience (coaching and personal training) terms are about such:

    basic twists - about 5 classes

    the first tricks confidently and without insurance coach - a month or two