Nomination for awarding to New Year's corporate party. Comic nomination for the new year on corporate

Nomination for awarding to New Year's corporate party. Comic nomination for the new year on corporate
Nomination for awarding to New Year's corporate party. Comic nomination for the new year on corporate

So begin new Year's corporate. And every year in each company it is customary to sum up the outcome of the year. And usually such results are summarized in a serious setting with official speeches and so on. And we suggest you a little change this tradition. After all, on new Year I want a holiday and fun. Spend an interesting ceremony with a photo session and give our colleagues comic nomination for the new year. We have prepared different nominations for your employees, and you will choose those that are suitable for your company.

All this event can be arranged in the form of a premium, such as Oscar or Teffi. Therefore, after declaring the nomination and the winner in this nomination, call the employee to a special wall, near which the award will occur. There you can also arrange a photo session. And if you still prepare funny masks, glasses and mustache on sticks, then this photo session is remembered to everyone forever.

But examples of comic nominations that can be attributed to men. It is necessary to start the nomination with the word - Mr.
Mr - I'm busy!
Mr. - Call back later!
Mr. - Break 30 minutes!
Mr. - Impressed again!
Mr. - again traffic!
Mr - everything, lunch!

For girls, you can come up with the following nominations:
Miss - chocolate!
Miss - Long Nail!
Miss - Kudryashka!
Miss - who is coffee?
Miss - Oh, I'm so tired!
Miss - SMS!
Miss - Social Network!

As you understand, all these nominations are "talking." So you will not be difficult to distribute them to your employees. Moreover, every office has people who relate to a particular nomination.

Also in the collectives there are such people who, in addition to their professional duties, are perfectly understood in other areas. For example:
Nomination - chief doctor! - She always knows how to treat!
Nomination - Stylist of the Year! - She always gives everyone tips on the hairstyle, on makeup and care for themselves!
Nomination - Lifeguard of the Year! - This employee is always responsive and always comes to the rescue!
Nomination - courier year! - He always goes to the buffet and buys something else on orders!
Nomination - Tastor of the Year! - He often comes to work after the night in the club, and often gives him alcohol!
Nomination - political analyst of the year! - I did not have time to start a working day, and he already argues in the way yesterday's statement of politicians!
The nomination is the best nail designer! - She can come to work with one nails, and leave with others!

You can make a little more creatively and come up with such nominations:
Meloman - He always has headphones in the ears.
Sprinter - He often hears it - "Take this paper to the director."
Coffeeman - begins a working day with coffee, continues the day with coffee and at the end of the working day he has in his hands again coffee.
Queen of social network - Morning begins with communication in social networksAt work also social networks, and at the end of the working day again the social network.

Well, this is what concerns nominations. And if you remember some cases with colleagues, then it must also be noted. You can present letters and diplomas for it. Here are examples of what to reward:
For the most affectionate words to your working computer that does not want to load!
For an unusual approach to the printer, which boats the paper!
For the most delicate voice when answering the phone!
For the best knowledge of the personal life of all employees!
For timely response to all problems!

If you think the corporate party can do without an impressive completing chord in the form comic award Employees - you are mistaken. Merry, positive and bright completion of the official part festive program Waiting for everything. Therefore, the main thing is not to deceive employee expectations and develop awards ceremony that will emphasize the idea corporate event And at the same time, it will become one of the most memorable and key moments of the holiday.

Nevertheless, it is not easy to think about such a completion, and the advice that can be found on the Internet is unsystematic and scattered, because of which the achievement of the necessary results is immediately put under big question. EVENTSPRO systematized network experience of comic corporate awards to help you choose the necessary directions of corporate promotion of employees.

Miss, Mr. and even Mrs.

Recall the famous Hollywood blockbuster with Sandra Miss Conventionality. You just collected employees for festive table? There is nothing better than a merry award of comic premiums and titles.

Mr. Idea Generator, Miss Grace, Mrs. Originality ... You can cover all the features of human nature: Mister Dreamer, Dreamer, Optimist, Miss Riddle, Wisdom, Compact ... Nominations of this type are as diverse as possible scenarios, but the presentation of prizes and souvenirs will be pleasant Supplement to the corporate evening.

By the way, character traits and human qualities - far from the only possible nominations. Can be used famous phrases, quotes or even phraseologisms: Mr. "As a fish in water", "Call back", "I'm busy", "War of war, and lunch on a schedule", "hard to be God" and Miss "All men are ...", "Blonde behind the wheel".

New professions

The most important thing in this comic nomination is the use of such professions that are simply not in your team. Supervisory and good knowledge of their employees will come to the rescue. How have they proven themselves? For example:

  • makeup artist (likes to make makeup to his colleagues);
  • chief physician (in the drawer of his table you can find medications for any occasions);
  • master "Sado" (no, not at all what you thought about! "Sado" is japanese art Tea ceremony. If your employee loves to brew a variety of teas and flows with them colleagues - it is quite worthy of a similar nomination);
  • lifeguard of the year (an employee who managed to eliminate the consequences of any complex situations);
  • the best on the plates, the chef (one who possesses the skills to quickly collect a wonderful corporate buffet literally from nothing);
  • tastor (amateur try candy from each table);
  • psychotherapist (for example, your system administrator or a programmer, gently explaining to each employee the cause of non-working Internet or databases);
  • supermodel (happens that beauty replaces performance);
  • political or sports commentator (maybe you're accustomed to listen to the praise of Cristiano Ronaldo in the morning or hire indignation about the laws "about these migrant workers");
  • the secret adviser (or gray cardinal is anyhow. A person who can be at odd to throw a couple of phrases capable of changing the company's policy. Ah, at the same time, and its position in it);
  • the correspondent is National Geographic (the one who loves to travel and talk about it, and his table was littered with souvenirs from other countries).

Of course, you know your employees better than we. Therefore, perhaps you will come to mind other fun and more suitable nominations.

Hobby nomination

Boldly use the addiction and habits of your employees! And for a larger effect, do not forget to add the word "best", "diligent", "brave" and other similar epithets.
The name of the nomination depends only on your imagination and observation. So: Togolun Bird (happens), Master Feng Shui, MMORPG-amateur (fan of online games), DJ (always in headphones), Jokedotoman (funny jokes), Coffeeman and much more! We are confident that your employees are very versatile people.

Magniki and smartnitsa

Collect all the actions of employees in this nomination (both serious and funny) concerning any discoveries and ideas. It's perfectly fit just talent (for guessing crosswords or a successful solution of grade 4 challenges for the Son of the Director), Kinder Surprise (for the youngest and active employees), breakthrough of the year, generator of ideas and so on.

Golden Oscar

The easiest and most common type of comic award. The nomination corresponds to the nominations of the famous Hollywood event and look like:

  • the best director;
  • best script;
  • nomination for an unusual role;
  • nomination for the best role of the second plan;
  • nomination for the best episodic role;
  • for the best sound;
  • main costumes.

With this award version, you need to provide Hollywood attributes (red carpet, outfits, camera outbreaks).

"Oscar-1" topic will perfectly complement high quality and bright show The program, about a variety of programs of programs and their advantages you can find in the article "Show to Corporate. Who to invite? ".

Hand drawing

Of course, the most bright torque is the delivery of literacy. The gram must be:

  • funny;
  • such that she wanted to hang on the wall (or above the desk);
  • associated with the specific work of the office or enterprise;
  • unique (spend time and come up with such words that allocate each employee from the rest).

In addition to the literability, you can handle diplomas and certificates and even certificates, it all depends on your imagination and format of solemn award. If you will not surprise anyone by hand, the presentation of various certificates, permits and tolerances may surprise employees, especially when you present such certificates such as the "mayor of the city", "Killer" or permission to "flight into space in a drunk " etc.

Souvenirs, ready letters and cups

We offer approximate text content:

Awarded (such something) for:

  • ... entertainment jokes coming to the office of employees from other organizations;
  • ... successful color gamut makeup, perfectly inscribed in the interior of the office;
  • ... Daily familiarization of colleagues with political events OUR (and not only!) Countries;
  • ... a gentle voice by phone, zombies, and turning them into the company's friends;
  • ... the best cabbage grown on the farm in the social network during working hours;
  • ... excellent awareness of the personal life of all colleagues;
  • ... Saving colleagues from the disastrous influence of nicotine (for the permanent "shooting" of cigarettes in the smoking room);
  • ... Improving an atmosphere of the office (alert attitude to flowers in the lobby or office).

Come up with your wording, which will mix employees, at the same time (in a non-verbal and humorial form) to reveal their addictions, dignity or even disadvantages (the latter is the most important, because it helps people work on themselves and self-improvement).

Today it is not difficult to find many ready-made souvenirs with funny inscriptions that can be the basis of the nomination. In this case, it is not necessary to invent them on their own, of course, it is not necessary to give a t-shirt, a mug, a magnet or notepad to employees. The same applies to printing products. You can find letters, where it will already be written "just the goddess", "Master" Golden Hands "," Light Head, "and even" Help is given ... that he is just talent. "

One of the participants in the Queen group Roger Taylor somehow noticed that nothing remains in our world without awards - especially if a person tried. The award-winning head for the correctly thoughtful festive corporate evening will be an increase in the performance and loyalty of employees, as well as an increase in the image and the level of the enterprise itself.

In order for the event to go to "Hurray," we offer in advance familiar with errors that are often allowed when organizing corporate events "

Posted on 12/26/2017

Soon, namely December 13, the branch of our company in another city will be 10 years old!
And the director decided to encourage the branch's employees.

To do this, he gave me a task - to come up with nominations for awarding the honorary diplomas of all employees who work for many years, or more, compared to others.

Diplomas themselves with branded symbolism will invent a sysadmin, and I will have to come up with only the text.
Honestly, I did not know where to start - I was never engaged in a similar thing.
Yes, and people about whom I will have to come up with the text, I have never seen, maybe only with some by phone communicated.

Complicated the fact that you had to think comic nomination.

Well, how to find out if a person will be offended to think of something ridiculous or will heat from the soul?!

To cope with Satim task, I demanded from the cashier (he also like a personnel) characteristics for each employee who will be on the corporate party. In total, 10 people got - not so much easier - less need to break the head!

So, for 20 days of my ponday, I was born this is what:

1. Control branch.
In the nomination "Mother's native" awarded last name name patronymic, the head of the "urban" primary.
It is known that the Chef is always right - a person is very mistaken. Our name Patronymic is a real chief: always rights!
The real woman should
1). All the garden;
2). Build a house;
3). Engine children.
Name and patronymic real woman! And everyone has the result in front!

2. Sales Representative(daughter control branch)
In the nomination "Apple from Apple" awarded the name name
Folk wisdom - Everything is good in the child from parents. Everything is bad - from the father with his mother.
Name Patronymic - One hundred percent daughter of your mother: creative person, bright woman, indispensable worker!

Comic nomination. Honorary Diplomas for Awarding on Corporate or Grade Evening

Senior operator
In the nomination "Chopper" awarded the name name.
Nothing is cautionary for operators as a laughter of the senior operator!
And if God wanted us to think only head, he would have made us cubs. Name is not a bun: she thinks with a heart to raise sales at the maximum!

4. Operator
In the nomination "With the world on a thread" awarded the name of the name.
Name - True Lady. It creates such conditions under which the man (especially a male buyer) remains only one thing - to be a gentleman ... and buy everything she would have asked!

5. Accountant-cashier (he is the personnel)
In the nomination "War of War - Lunch on a Scheduled" Awarded Surname Name
Name is leading healthy image Life: Find breakfast itself, take half of his dinner, and dinner learn from the enemy.
Nothing kills the desire to work as a salary. And the name gives this salary ... But twice a month for an "kill the desire to work"!

6. Driver
In the nomination "The cat who walks in itself" is awarded the name name
This driver should not consider how many passersby he burned on the road.

Driver's work to drive a car, and not to upgrade statistics!
The name loves work very much. Quite often from the name you can hear important words (he speaks them into the phone phone): Do not overshadow my holy holiday: I'm not calling for work!

7. Operator
In the nomination "Game" awarded the name name
Dreams are plans in the mind, and plans are dreams on paper.
This nomination is a big hint for male. For beauty and harmony name is a permanent temptation of all men, which are in close proximity to the promising employees.
It is impossible to give everything everything, for all many, but only little.

8. Storekeeper
In the nomination "Mystery, covered with darkness ..." awarded last name name
The most mysterious employee in the team - no one knows that it pulls it to work so much, and therefore such a zeal for the labor process.
Do not know - silent! You know - pick up! - Presumable motto name for this issue. And only on this issue - in other matters, she is a very sociable young girl who can confirm all her colleagues.

9. Storekeeper
In the nomination "showed itself - the custody" is awarded the name name
The name is engaged in manifestation every day - it works a lot and works.
Not all that is gold, which lies badly, but all that is gold, who works well!
There are such seconds when everything solve moments and lasts it for hours.
This is how the working day is the name - and lasts it for hours ...

10. Cleaner premises
In the nomination "Clean - a guarantee of health, order - first of all" is awarded the name name
The name is the only employee who knows and actively uses the cherished formula: cleanness, it is a purely mass for purely volume.
Such knowledge can not boast any more worker, which makes honor and causes respect for this smart and economic woman!

It seems that everything turned out and not boring, but not quite fun - this is moral incentive, and it should be at least a little serious.
So that people feel that they value, respect them

16 ways to encourage staff: from "Oscar" to the public director parking

Nomination "Company Pride"
For high performance in work, energy and long-term, selfless work in the company

Nomination "Golden Foundation of the Company"
(For those employees who stood at the origins of the company's foundation)
For high professionalism and personal contribution to the formation and development of the company

Nomination "For impeccable work"
For conscientious work in the company and high level Professionalism

Nomination "Venger employee"
For high-quality performance of their duties, talent and dedication of the company

Nomination "High Start"
For high performance, perseverance in achieving the goals and taking professional vertices

Nomination "Nadezhda Company"
For dedication, increasing its professional and educational level in the company

Nomination "Stability - a sign of skill"
For not indifferent and responsible fulfillment of their duties, diligence and dedication of the company

Nomination "For Vigilance"
(for security guards, security and control services)
For impeccable security for maintaining security and calm in the territory of the enterprise and the protection of material values \u200b\u200bof the company

Nomination "For the Best Financial Situation"
(for example, a team of labor department and wages, accounting, financial department, etc.)
For many years of conscientious work and stability of financial indicators

Nomination "For Excellent Ecological Situation" (comic)
(for example, for cleaners)
For many years of impeccable work, for the purity of "morals", relationships and cleanliness of trade (or office) areas

The chest employee itself (comic)
For energy, perseverance, cheerful temper and high performance

Large employee (comic)
For the opening of the path of increasing the demographic situation

An employee that exceeds the plan (comic)
For sequence, perseverance and accuracy in the fulfillment of the five-year plan for 3 years

For movers, freight forwarders (comic)
For multiple, selfless work and carrying / transporting / transporting weights in the most

The corporate party should not be boring. If the host of the holiday can not provide employees of fun and laughter, it is better not to start this holiday.

Competitions have already been prepared, team members disassembled costumes.

Nomination for rewarding employees

But the party manager must take care of the promotions of the winners.

You will have to make nominations for the awarding staff fun for the new year and any other holiday.

Comic nomination on corporate party for employees

Options comic certificates For a corporate party, they are selected depending on:


    company activities;

    themes of the event (New Year's party, employee anniversary, early execution of the plan).

There are many reasons for the corporate. For the award nomination, it is necessary to smoy a small scene or pedestal, and decorate the walls balloons, ribbons and posters.

Be sure to prepare musical accompaniment. It is best to find out in advance every nomineer his favorite melody and with awarding to use it.

You can order comic diplomas and certificates in any printing company. Such award will be better than a box of chocolates or a bottle of champagne, because it will continue to the nominee forever and will remind a long time to remind a cheerful and noisy corporate.

What can be the nomination for rewarding employees?

    "The best paparazzi of the year" - Each participant will need to be done within 5 minutes on the phone funny photo.

    For the victory in the intellectual competition you can assign the title "He surpassed the burda himself". And the loser in this competition will receive a nickname "Natural Blonde".

    Nomination « Best Mom of the year" You can hand a employee who often leaves work early to pick up a child from kindergarten Or take to music.

    The most capricious colleague is suitable "The license for the implementation of whims".

    On the title "This man" Any representative of the power of the company can claim.

What could be worse than a boring corporate party? To do not happen to happen to you, take the best of responsibility, show creative and organize a cheerful and meaningful evening. And to start we offer original idea For a party in a circle of colleagues - comic nomination for employees to corporate.

In each team comes the time of summing up for a certain period of work when you need to thank employees. But I want this event to not be another official with the distribution of reference and did not turn into a dry and boring ceremony.

Party is great wayto reward employees for good work, motivate them and increase them corporate culture. And to remove the official awards will help funny office awards. They are ideal for recognizing colleagues, assess their work at the end of the year, award ceremonies at informal meetings. It can be merry nominations, comic awards With the delivery of funny certificates or letters for managers of the company and ordinary employees.

See also:

To organize a party, you will need to some extent to transform the office to give an event a more informal nature and a fun atmosphere:

  • Organize an improvised scene or decorate the room in accordance with the reason you celebrate. It can be garlands, thematic posters, flags, a red carpet to the scene for nominees.
  • Music always creates a mood. Spend a survey among employees, ask them to submit your musical wishes in advance. So you get a playlist for your corporate party.
  • Organize a festive buffet. Here you can use such an idea: ask your employees to bring your favorite dish to the table. You can even hold a contest for best recipe Your office, and winner award.
  • In order to stimulate the spirit of competition, you can declare a photo contest in advance. An employee who will make the funny photo from the life of the office on the phone will also be marked at a party in the "best paparazzi" nomination.
  • You need to worry about prizes, awards, funny certificates and nominations for employees and participants of your corporate party.
  • To have fun to spend time, organize interactive gamesSleeping Sharad or arrange a tournament. This will allow to expand the circle of communication of your team, to learn more about each other.

We offer you some funny categories of awards for a corporate party. Optional to use these nominations. You can easily change the names or description to make fun bonuses unique for your group and specific recipients. The nominations can be from "for selfless office work" to the "best mice teller", mean a computer mouse. The last nomination is best suited to your sysadmin.

Funny nominations for women:

  • "Natural blonde" is not only her vocation in life, but also a major official duty in the office.
  • "The most transparent (ghost)" - in every organization there is always at least one employee who has just seen. You can hand this humorous certificate if it appears to take it.
  • "SPAME LADIEL" - Some employees cannot resist redirection email. Perhaps they really believe that Microsoft will pay 10 cents for each shipment of unnecessary mail. As a promotion, reward this funny certificate for endless incoming messages.

Funny premiums Men:

  • "The best surfer of the season" is even lazy employees who constantly hang on the network with the purpose of buying something or sell, need recognition. Show them that you recognize their skill of surfing on the Internet of this funny premium.
  • "The rider without a head" - in any team there is an employee who is periodically leadership gives the Tirad: "It would be better to lose your head!". This nomination for people, not by the time of losing the necessary documents.
  • "Breakthrough of the Year" is probably a fearless leader in your office - a bold and risky, which is not afraid to take up the performance of new tasks and rally around him a group of enthusiasts. For him, this premium.

We present a selection of comic nominations in verse for rewarding employees:

  • For the first beauties in your team:

Eyes like the sea reflect

And shine and blue spill and sky

And sponge juiciness flashes

And the mouth of the devilish is beautiful!

  • Nomination to the best financial director:

Mani, Mani, Mani, Mani,

I am financial tycoon:

Trojacch lies in his pocket -

Dollar, euro and manat.

  • At the end of the corporate party:

Oh, how solemnly prepared food!

But time went, and snore the candles ...

And all the food went there,

Where and all the act of humans.

We do not say today - goodbye,

We wish everyone to a new meeting!

Adults as children love when they give gifts, and if it is prizes. It will be just a sensation. Therefore, I bring to your attention the nomination - the beautiful half of our team ... That is, the male half ... Suitable for February 23 or the male anniversary ...
First nomination "Fighter of the Invisible Front". The prize in this nomination is awarded for modesty and purity of thoughts "
Three nominees are presented in this nomination: ___________________________.
Nomination Second "Mr." Wolf Tail ". The prize in this nomination is awarded for the unrestrained craving for winter species of extreme sports! In this nomination were presented ________________________________
The third nomination is called "Golden voice collective".
And she is given for the most successful stories in the field of love relationships.
Nomination "Mr." Charming Simulant ", For concealing from the views of persistent ladies and a loss of sight! and wins it after a long debate
Nomination "Mr." Punctuality- Alarm clock collective_______________”
Six nomination "Awesome aura", for filling the positive energy of the team and the removal of the stressful situation, smoothing the sharphugls. Is awarded ____________
. For patientity to raids in his office for correctness, understanding of the sympathy of the team. in the nomination "Mr." Kindness " After a long debate defeats ________________ !!! (________)
For confirmation of principle "You drive quische - you will be" the medal "modest a guy"! - awarded _____________
For the courage in combining the pleasant with useful and confirmation of the saying "Our set everywhere I slept" - the medal of the second degree "case - time, and fun - two"- awarded _____

For courage in the desire for better image Life Medal "Zagred will help us" rewarded ______________
For courage in the difficult storage case female secrecy According to the principle, "I will not say anything "Order" Chingachkuk "
2 degrees awarded __________________
The first greenery medal is awarded the young member of our team___________________________
For courage in keeping mysteriousness "Mr. X" medal is awarded ___________________________
For courage in the struggle for compliance with the principle, there are no ugly women "Order "Lady Raman" is awarded____________________________________

Medals can be any: Likhach, rich Pinocchio, Mr. Steamoz, Superman, Hero of our time, Exclusive Macho, Intellectual, Agent-007, Teddy Hercules, Schumacher.
"Order of 3 degrees" Galant Knight "

Hands .........
Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you from God
Gentleman be - calling,
Here are trying and try!
You are on the nature of the knights in everything,
And in every nobility we will find!
Good appreciation
And on the shoulder any test!
Oscar "in the nomination" Charming smile "
You are all great optimists,
Merry and humorists.
Let a humor of life decorates you
Problems in a joke turns!
No wonder you distinguished in sports
Go to victory learned!
Let the hardening will help you
Successes personal multiplies!

Oscar "in the nomination" Workaholics "
It is known that patience and work
Everything comfortable problems Perebrut!
We wish you hard to work
And in life a lot to achieve!

Oscar "Hero of Our Time"
Probably, you are not found
Such energy fountain!
Although it is not sitting on site,
But in life it will be useful!
Always useful, without a doubt,
Uncomplicated you are in everything,
So let you in life waiting for a rise!

Oscar in the nomination "Crazy handles
Hands .................. Dedicated to the employee, by magical
the hand of whose hand "will be broken" in
Work any office equipment.
Give you "golden hands",
And this is a plus in any science,
And in personal life, and in work!
In short, you will not disappear!

Oscar in the nomination "Technical Allow
You with appliances we have "on you",
So let the dreams fulfill!
No wonder you for all an example,
As a businessman, like an engineer!

Oscar in the nomination "Acting Volcano"
Available _____________________________
Let the energy of the spring
Does not run on a moment
So that everything is done,
So that life is filled!

Oscar in the nomination "Growth to become a mind"
Available _______________________.
Admiring, we are glad we
What is your height to become a mind!
So be high soul,
Let it expect to take a big!

Oscar in the nomination "Intellectual"
It helps the horizons
Wire a free conversation.
With people like it is known
Always be very interesting!
This is our most intellectual employee, erudite and intellectual. He is on the shoulder of solving the most difficult tasks
Oscar in the nomination "Reliable Shoulder"
We hear about such often
What you can, even in intelligence!
And if you yourself are faithful friend,
Everything is drawn to you around!

Medal "Mr. Antistress": "
This is the most calm voice Companies
Communication with him introduces you to a state of peace. You want to communicate with him again and again

Nomination "Keeper of traditions": it can always be
Find out what number who did what is in the company why this is what is called exactly and who called. He can
Infinitely tell the bikes from history (firm)
Nominations "He is our superman ...": - Female sympathy.
Our company.
Nominations "Rest them only dream»:
This is exactly what you can say the company, Motor
Energomizer. Companies.
Nomination "Thought with sound speed»:
The most awkward, intellectual workman, women are not a replaceable employee ,. You have repeatedly addressed him for delical Council. And what is the most interesting, - always got it! Immediately in one word - Internet the team.

Nomination "Artist of large and small scenes“:
Let with a hearing interruption
But the voice is loud there,
Good with my face ...
Yes, the advantages of all do not read!
If suddenly ask what you need,
The scene will suit you
And the talent is fed up
And colleague, and ...
Nomination " Hidden reserves collective " - The kernel of the collective, support.
Medal "keeping up with the times"
For responsible attitude to the work schedule:
Despite the crazy traffic jams, world cataclysms, the fall of the dollar and the rise in prices for gold and oil will appear in right place And at the right time.
Friends! We wish you to continue
Work, a friend burn,
Their talents to develop
Learning awards to extract!