Light movements for dance. Simple dance movements

Light movements for dance. Simple dance movements
Light movements for dance. Simple dance movements


Decide with the type of dance. Each direction has its own characteristic movements, be it flamenco, break dance, rock and roll or samba. For example, for latin American dance, Sexual and playful, defining elements are patching hips, rotation, smooth movement in space. Movements and steps are performed at a high pace under fast music. Break-dance is based on acrobatic elements, turns around their body, rotation on hand and head. The dancer must have physical endurance, good coordination. Flamenco can be found according to the heels characteristic of the performer, by smooth free movements Hands like revealing and closing fan.

Examine the basic elements of the selected dance direction and execution technique. All compositions include basic elements. this style, postures, steps, gestures. To do this, you can watch dance clips, training programs. Your task to start is to study the dance dance. It is it that will be a solid foundation for further steps.

Pick up music. Each dance has its own characteristic sound, melody, rhythm. For example, the musical size of the salsa is four quarters. Dance is performed by B. fast Tempe with a complex rhythmic pattern. In some countries, this style is known as "Music Tropics". You can easily find the right songs by dance.

Listening to the melody, try to execute the basic elements of the dance. If the rhythm does not lie on the selected movement, do a combination slower or, on the contrary, faster. Change the basic elements. First, the dance will look like a set of basic movements that replace each other.

After studying the main elements and literacy, listen to music and try improvise. At this stage, you can just add your movements, to show creative skills. In order to make it easier to improvise, come up with the plot. For example, you have hands connected, and you can move only your feet. At the same time execution basic movements will be somewhat changed. Or the dancer depicts the hero, which just broke up with, and characteristic emotions are noticeable on his face, certain feelings are expressed through the body. At the same time, do not think, but simply show your inner state. Based on the plot, steps can be small, then large. Add items to the dance, accessories. Change your position in space. These techniques will somewhat "dilute" the learned basic elements, but retain the basis and characteristic movements for which the dance is found.


  • movement in dance

Very often, failure performances are the result of bad preparation, and not congenital fear of the audience. Therefore, if you have to make a report at the conference or pronounce a friend's wedding, stop worrying and deal with the case.

You will need

  • paper and pen (or computer), sources of information, camcorder


Answer yourself to the question: "What do I want to convey to the listeners?" If you do not set any purpose, speech Feelverly failed. Options may be:
give to understand the commissions that you are an excellent preparing good project, you need to put the highest grade;
Report to guests that the fiance - true friendwhich will never let down;
To talk about the brilliant prospects of your business, so that you are given to its implementation.

Analyze the potential audience. How to communicate with them and what to talk about? The factory workers will attract one and, and large businessmen - others. U is their interests, and housewives have their own. It is also necessary to take into account the specifics of the event. At the bottom of birth and at the student seminar - different atmospheric. Consider that in any audience can be more competent than you, so you should not abuse the facts and put yourself above others.

Collect materials for performance. The topic should be covered at least from two points of view. Then yours speech It will become more voluminous and interesting. But do not forget about the goal you are haunting. Use at least 3-4 sources of information. And be sure to analyze all the data. Otherwise, there will be a list of facts that are unsufficiented with personal understanding.

In no way, do not make yourself do a charging, but you want your body to be plastic, and all the muscles were in a tone? Then dancing to the music is a lesson for you! offers an original set of exercises, it presents simple dance moves from oriental dance.

Dancing - very useful activity For the beauty and health of the body, they:

  • form a beautiful gait and;
  • develop muscle flexibility and remove their voltage;
  • strengthen the internal muscles;
  • adjust the figure and promote weight loss;
  • learn to own your body;
  • develop coordination of movements;
  • remove, help with depression.

In this complex, all major muscles of the body are being worked out, you do not need to make monotonous boring exercises as when performing ordinary gymnastics. All you need to do is include pleasant rhythmic music and enjoy the dance movement!

First you need to make a small five minute warm-up: make rotational movements head, hands, torso, pelvis, make several slopes and squats. Now that your body warmed up, try learning a few simple dance movements. It is better to perform them in front of a large mirror to check the correctness of the performance of dance movements.

1. Belly dance - form the muscles of the press

Pick up the stomach, Tensioning the muscles of the press, and then relax. In this movement, the breathing should not be used as a "retracting force". Alternately strain the muscles, and then relax. Get away supreme pilotage - Select and relax the belly in the fast pace. Start from 3-5 minutes and then, when you already get good, bring the belly dance up to 10 minutes.

2. We work out the thighs and buttocks

Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands relax. High "Draw" the eight, first 8 times in one direction, and then 8 times in the other side. Then slowly dropping down the time to do the four eights, and then slowly rise up, having traveled four more eights. Source-Climb 4 times. In order to better concentrate its attention on the movement of the thighs, the palms of hands are best placed on the back of the head (but not necessarily).

3. We work on the top of the body - shoulders

Standing straight legs are on the width of the shoulders, slightly bend left foot, And at this time, take the right to the right and make a couple of times with the right shoulder back. Now bend the right leg, the pelvis is shifted to the left, and the left shoulder makes the circular movement back - 2 times. Make 10 movements of the shoulders back along with the dance movements of your legs, and then 10 movements shoulder forward. Then, do the same movements with my legs and pelvis, and both shoulders make circular movements forward - 10 movements and then as much shoulders ago.

4. We work out the hips

All dance movements are easy to repeat, You can independently perform them, carefully traced the movement. The simplest dance movement of the hips is the alternate lifting of this one, then the other thigh up.

And now stand sideways to the mirror and move the pelvic movement to reject it as much as possible and then back.

Try Perform a somewhat different movement of the thighs, turning the hips along with the basin to the left and then right. The main thing is why it is necessary to monitor when performing this dance movement, - so that the upper part of the body remains fixed. You get well, will continue on. In order to perform the following dance movement, you need to put a little forward on the sock and make the movement of the thigh up-down, flexing and bending the leg.

Touching perform simple moves Hips you can try more time-consuming, with the simultaneous lowering of the body. Just keep in mind that such a dance movement takes more strength, so at first make so many movements as you can do. After all, the most important thing is to get a pleasant fatigue and a good mood.

5. We work on the muscles of the neck

Stand straight Hold your head right in front of yourself, start moving my head left-right, while watching it to be leaked! Now pull the nose forward, make sure that the head is not leaked! And then backward back. The shoulders remain fixed, only the head works: Make 10 movements left-right and as many movements back and forth. The most important thing in this movement so that the head is directly, did not lean, but "went" to the left and right and back and forth. This movement strengthens the neck muscles and helps heal, from which many suffer from who spends their time for a long time, sitting at the computer. In this case, be sure to include movements for your head into your dance program.

6. We work out caviar legs

And now It's time It is damaged and learn a few simple dance steps. Stand straight, cross your legs in front of yourself and changing the leg ahead, make dance steps with legs, hands can be kept divorced to the sides, or they can be in a free position. Repeat the dance movement 10-15 times. And the second dance movement for the ICR feet is done in the same initial position, only you need to carry out the crossing movement of your legs moving from side to the side. Repeat the dance movement 10-15 times.

To move well on the disco, it is enough to have a feeling of rhythm. Add to this dance movements with your hands and now you already ignite under an unfamiliar melody, in an interesting company. So that all this has become a reality is enough to spend half an hour and rehearse a couple of "chips" in front of the mirror.

Waves with hands

Out of time and outside fashion remains Weving, this ability to imitate the wave movement hands. We start with the right hand. Bend the elbow and take a palm to the end in front of yourself, so that the palm is parallel to the floor, and you looked at her a little top - down. Elbow and shoulder relaxed, tension only in the fingers. Now try repeating the movement of the wave, smoothly raising the palm up and describing the arc, dropping down. Focus on the palm of your fingers, forearm, elbow and shoulder are in a relaxed state and moving by hand inert. Start with a big amplitude and gradually reduce it to learn how to make a wave quickly. 10 minutes will leave for the development of this movement. Make the wave with both hands at the same time, directing the palm to meet each other, and when they cross, let it with a crossed wave up, it is a full-fledged dance movement that looks good even without connecting the legs.

Cross - View

Take hands during the dance, you can perform the movement "Cross". Pull out left, compressed in a fist, in front of me, but not exactly, but a little at an angle, so that the hand go to the right. Now pull right hand, compressed in a fist, so that the letter X formed is formed. To make this movement, you need to add some dynamics. For example, crossing the right hand with left, return it several times in its original position (in the tact of music), then lift the crossed hands above your head and open the cross, lowering and pulling up your hands to the belt with compressed fists, as they do in karate. Or you can open your arms and lower them through the parties, describing the arc, performing tactful movements of the legs.

Women's Dance Movements Hands

The girls will surely want more smooth dance movements with their hands, for them we also have several recommendations.


The movement is performed when there is enough space around, as it implies rotation. Raise your hands above your head, leaving the elbows "soft", it means they can be slightly bent, so that the hand was relaxed and plastic. Palm is collected in a weak fist with released index fingerswho look up. At the same time, the left and right wrists begin to rotate on the right to left along a small radius. After the second circle, the amplitude increases, and the forearm begins to rotate after the wrist, after 2 turn, both hands rotating in one direction, describe a circle above the head. Such a movement requires practices and self-confidence. It is ideal for losing or slow compositions when the movements of the legs are slow rhythm.

The simplest and most popular movement, which so love to make girls under any music is stroking. The straightened palm put, for example, on the neck and lead it down, through the center of the breast and from the solar plexus on the side, leaving the hand on the waist, bent in the elbow. In this performance, the movement will be called "Look at my chest", if you do the same with the same hand from the waist, climbing along the sides of the chest, from there to the neck, there to change the direction, slightly go back to the sides, go to the back and finish the movement with hands on Pope, then turn out "Look at my figure." Such options are quite frank, and it is better to use them or in purely female company, or for personal dance to your man. If you spend your hands only on the neck and play with the hair, then the movement "Look at my hair", which can be performed on any disco, for any movements of the legs. By the way, "Look at my hair" enters the female stylist of many social dance, for example, salsa and bacats.

Modern dancing are called those that arose at the end of the XX - early XXI century. These are mainly the directions applied in everyday life a person, for example, in a nightclub or on some celebration (, pole Dance and many others).

To modern dances today belong to Strip-Dance, Jump Style, Gou Gou, Schaffle, Hip Hop. Let's look at each of the types in more detail so that you can choose for yourself the best.

Many Strip-Dance compare with striptease, but these are different acts. Strip-DENS includes erotic and seductive movements that can be used both with undressing elements, and without, unlike striptease, where undressing is a mandatory part of the show.

Dance Jump Style (from the English. Jump - jump) - these are movement under fast and very energetic electronic music. All dance elements of Jimplel are reminiscent of jumping, and if Jimplel performs a group of dancers, then not synchronous movements are welcome. An important rule Jamplel's execution - dancers should not be very close to each other, and touch during the execution of tricks is prohibited. Jimplel today is incredibly popular in Germany, the Netherlands and France.

Dance Shaffle is a set of jazz movements that performed on new manner under modern electronic music. Shaffle - as fresh air Modern dance. He fascinates with his novelty and exclusivity.

If we talk about GO-GO, then it is worth it to emphasize the purpose of the performance - go-go invented as dance directionwhich will help girls attract enthusiastic views of men. The action of go-go is very rhythmic and sexy, and the dance must complement erotic costumes.

There are still many directions of modern dance. And their main plus is that movements different styles You can combine, unite, update. If you dance at a party with friends, feel free to perform a few movements of Strip Dance, hip-hop, go-go-go or Jamplel - all of them will be appropriate.

Lessons of modern dances for beginners

People who calmly feel in establishments where you need to dance, we recommend visiting modern dance lessons. For beginners today a lot interesting offers - Online on a par with schools and studios makes it possible to learn anything.

Let's try to learn some simple, but very spectacular bundles in GO-GO style.

Getting Started:

  1. Stain smoothly, straighten the shoulders, put your feet together.
  2. Stepping forward right leg, then raise the left, bent in the knee. When you begin to prepare for lifting the left leg, at the same time start the movement of the hands up.
  3. After the hand is at the top, lift your head and look up.

This is quite a simple move, but if you fulfill it gracefully, it will be very sexy and mounted. It can be continued by another ligament movements. After you stayed in the final position (stand on the right leg, the left is bent in the knee, the hand at the top), lower the left leg back and take a step, then another step right. Then stop for a second and go through two fast steps forward, starting with the right leg. Next, without a break, make the third step with the right foot, but not forward, but on the right side, and the fourth step - left foot on the left side.

You can continue this bundle with the most unexpected erotic movements. Come up with themselves or travel a simple reception - make a beautiful bending of the back, attracting to the movement and hips. Of course, in words, the base may not be too understandable, which is why we give you a video lesson for which novice will easily teach the bunch of these movements.

And now let's try to repeat the movements of the modern dance in another style - a mixture of hip-hop and R & B.

We begin our training with rotations with the shoulder joints, and the faster, the movements will be sharper, the better. The hands should not hang around near the body - put them on the waist. Then they will move a little, complementing the rotation of the shoulders. Improve the movement can be overwhelmed from foot to foot to the side.

We continue to work up with stepping, but change the movement of the hands: it can be a wagon bending hands In the elbows backwards or imitation of the movements of scissors alternately on the left and right.

All movements that are in this video lesson of modern dance, you can safely repeat on any dance floor and, believe me, no one will call you a boring dancer.

Modern dancing for children and adolescents

Modern dancing Very relevant in the life of children and adolescents, since at that age they are becoming becoming as personalities. Each child dreams to look stylish among the peers, and the art of modern dance can help this.

Modern dancing can be engaged in both guys and girls. Each child should choose the style of which he is closer in spirit - exactly what attracts and like most who want to dance in front of friends. Classes with modern dancing positively affect not only psycho-emotional, but also on physical Development Teenagers. The child strengthens the ridge, forms right posture And flexibility, pulls the muscles, and keeps them in a tone. Not every child or adolescent can be charged to charge in the morning or evening to maintain physical formBut to instill love for modern dance for any parent.

Unfortunately, there is an opinion that in the performance of modern dance there are age restrictions and only people under 30 years old can dance it, and even in general - only teenagers. But this is an erroneous opinion. In fact, modern dance is so universal that it is possible to perform it in 40, and in 50 years, just need to match the soul and body this direction choreography. If you are not fifteen for a long time, but you are young, you like moving and have physical trainingTo repeat the dance tricks of Jampstayla or Hip-hop, do not slow down with the beginning of training! Turn away from yourself the thoughts that the modern dance can dance only young people and convince this surrounding.

A, let's, will all start to dance in modern ones at home? It is unlikely that there is an opportunity to resist such temptation. There is not a single person in the world, which would not have revealed during the dances! And there are current new-fashioned dances, offer so much all kinds of unique approaches and movements! Previously, everyone went around, yes, and called it dancing. And now, mostly, the world broke into the world, demolishing everything on its own path, incendiary new items.

First, anyone seems to be that he will never be able to move. But it takes a little bit of time, and he already dances more than everyone else! And how many unsure words were at the very beginning. In any case, each Internet user has a unique opportunity, literally, right now, "with a raid" to rush into the dance, repeating the movements shown in the video.

Holly burst of energy! And many will feel something that has never felt in life. These are the modern dances, for which they do not really know and instructors. Moreover, in many talent beautifully move, lives from birth. So to speak, it is laid in them by the mother-in-nature, with which, oh how dangerous argue! It is better not to start these meaningless disputes. And start dancing this minute.

Video: Strip-Dance video lesson for beginners!

Video: Go-Go Dance! Strip of plastic. How to learn to dance at home?

Lessons of modern dance on video: Beauties teach beautifully to dance!

A selection of video lessons of modern dance houses for beginners:

Below is a whole selection step-by-step video The lessons of modern dances for novice houses, which will no doubt tell you anything necessary and useful. Squares from the video are small, click "Full screen" or double-click on the video for a more convenient viewing.

If you have questions, objections or you wish to express your opinion or point of view, then you can always unhindered to leave a comment below. We wish you good luck in your endeavor!