Maxim Fadeev about the care of Elena Dameman from the group Serebro: "Man just threw us! Seryabkina spoke out about leaving the Serebro group why they collect a new composition of silver.

Maxim Fadeev about the care of Elena Dameman from the group Serebro:
Maxim Fadeev about the care of Elena Dameman from the group Serebro: "Man just threw us! Seryabkina spoke out about leaving the Serebro group why they collect a new composition of silver.

Seriabkina occasionally performs separately from the team under the creative pseudonym Molly, thus implementing its ambitions. However, the native Serebro artist in the near future does not plan to leave, no matter how fans and sharks of the pen either sent it into solo swimming after the Darkovaya.


"I can say exactly that one day it happens - one hundred percent, because everything comes to an end. But I do not know when it is. I can say that I am not from those people who hurry. I like not thinking now. And I have no feeling that I want to be alone, "Olga admitted.

At this life stage, it is comfortable to work in the Union with the Polynamental Favoroskaya and Katchek. "I very much appreciate the time I spent in the group - despite all the conversations and rumors that we have something not that we have a grandfather in the group. In fact, all this is nonsense," Sergeyabkin assured.

According to the singer, she perceives its activities in the group not as a job, for her it is more. "Serebro is a living organism and most of my heart. Therefore, I do not know when my care happens when I do an exclusively solo career, and I don't want to think about it," the Hello Soloist quotes the soloist! .

Publication from Serebro (@Serebro_official) May 3 2017 at 12:10 pdt

On the tour of Seryabkin as a solo artist does not go. "But I think that after some time you start combining. I am interested to try to act as Molly, and as a soloist group," Olga noted.

According to the performer, Producer Maxim Fadeev is not only her boss, but also the best friend. "At the same time, I share friendship and work. When Maxim makes me a remark or voicing some kind of request, I always do it so that he does not repeat twice. Max for me - absolute authority, and I do not see anything wrong with it," said Singer. "It's just a big love, respect for a person who means a lot to me, which for me did everything."

Seryabkina hopes that he will never bring Fadeev. "He changed my life. Every time I am writing a song with him as a co-author, I approach this just as thridently, as the first time. I still seem incredible, and I am very grateful for the opportunity for them, For the fact that we are doing together and for being heard of me. I am very grateful to him for the fact that he raised a man thinking and feeling music, "Olga has emotionally summarized, which successfully cooperates with Maxim more than ten years.

By the way, the producer was previously confessed to Instagram that this group was given to him very and very difficult. Fadeev 10,000 times was ready to close Serebro due to nonsense of the atmosphere inside, but still found the strength to continue writing music for the team.

"Serebro is one of the most difficult human configurations, which only one could imagine ... creating a team of three people, you know that you are deliberately converting yourself to the incessant conflict situations in it. Because two will always unite against one," Fadeev posted .

According to Max, he is grateful to all artists who have ever singers in the team. "Each brought something to Serebro. And I do not regret that once invited a particular soloist to become part of the team. Someone was stronger, someone was weaker. But the effect of the" triangle "worked without failures. .) To my nervous system was crucified by these 10 years, "the producer complained. - Recently, the situation began to change. Girls try to behave in relation to me more carefully.

Olga Seriabkin - Russian pop singer, actress, ex-soloist, now serving solo under the creative pseudonym Holy Molly.

In addition to performing on stage, Olga is known for the fact that herself writes music and words to many compositions, produces poetic collections. Energetic and booty on stage, she protects its privacy from other people's views.

Childhood and youth

Olga Yuryevna Seryabkina was born on April 12, 1985 in Moscow. In the family of Oli People's Arts there was no art, but the girl was very plastic and sang perfectly, so parents took the 6-year-old baby to music school and in a ballroom circle. As a child, Olga managed everywhere, taking off between the three schools, because it was also necessary to teach lessons.

At the age of 17, Seryabkin became a candidate for the master of sports, since over many years of classes by ballroom dancing Olga repeatedly won at international competitions.

Parents did not know how the fate of his daughter in show business would work and advised her to get another, basic education. Therefore, Seryabkina, except for a school diploma, where she studied at the separation of pop singing, has a specialty translator - it is perfectly owning English and German.

His way to show-business Seriabkin began as a dancer.


The creative biography of the singer started in 2002. For 2 years, the girl worked as a back-vocalist and a dancer at the singer. Miniature, but a bright performer noticed. In 2004, Olga got acquainted with, and she led a girlfriend to the group "Silver". From this point on, the rapid career growth of the singer began.

Sergeyabkin noted with her seductive parameters and fashionable men's magazines, where a rather candid photo session of Olga appeared soon. Photos of the singer in such magazines such as Maxim brought her fame.

But in the group, where Seryabkin came, the relationship with other participants was not always good. It is concerned that conflicts often arose between Olya and Lena Dameman. It came to the point that the singer even gathered from the group "Silver". Producer said that he had already found Ole replacement, but at the last moment the actress changed his mind and remained.

Elena Temnikov and Olga Seriabkin

In 2007, therefore, no one else has a well-known team attended Eurovision, sensationally taking 3rd place. An international competition and an excellent result has become a significant impetus in the popularity of the group. Now the girls knew the whole country in face. From this year, Olga began writing songs for his team.

In 2009, the Group released the first album "Opiumroz", and in 2012 a presentation of the second plate "Silver" MAMA LOVER took place.

Group "Silver" and Olga Seriabkin at Eurovision

In addition, Seriabquina's songs began to appear in repertoires of such well-known performers, as well as China groups. Nevertheless, Olga does not consider himself a poet songwriter, she has never studied this anywhere.

In early 2015, Olga decided that it was time for her to do a solo career. At the same time, she was not going to leave "silver". The girl took the Holy Molly alias and began to perform with his pop-hop pop-hop style compositions.

Holy Molly (Olga Seriabkin)

English-speaking songs for our own execution artist writes herself. The first received the name Holy Molly and was created together with Maxim Fadeev.

The premiere of the Holy Molly video clip was held together with DJ M.E.G. The composition is called Kill Me All Night Long. For the first time, the song appeared on the official youtube channel of Max Fadeev.

Olga Seriabkin - "Green-eyed taxi"

In the summer of 2015, Seryabkin starred in karaoke-comedy "the best day", in which the actor played the main role.

Olga appeared in the form of one of the partners of Dmitry, she was held on the basis of the general reasons and received this role. In the picture of Seriabkin, several songs performed several songs, including Caver on the famous composition "Green-eyed taxi".

Olga continues to create songs not only for himself and group, but also for other performers. In 2016, Seryabkin, for the first time, as presses, wrote poems intended for execution of a man. A new song, written by Olga, "Let's find each other" recorded a famous musician.

Now the singer has concentrated all his attention on the solo career and works on the album. The Molly Project already has 15 songs 2014-2018, it includes such compositions as for Ma Ma, Zoom, "I just love you." Salayabquina music fans are waiting for the presentation of her solo plate.

Nevertheless, the singer does not forget to pay attention to both the teams. In 2016, the third album of the Serebro group "Force Three" came out. After that, the group has undergone some changes: the vocalist replaced.

In the same year, 4 music video clips were removed on the songs of the group, in the 3rd of them a new participant appeared. In total, the video of Silver is currently over two tens of rollers. Olga is involved in solo music video. In 2016, clips were released on the songs "I just love you" and Style, and in 2017 - "If you don't love me."

Olga Seriabkin and Egor Crend in the transfer "Evening Urgant"

This joint track of Seryabkina and became the main musical premiere of the year. The artists performed a song on the broadcasting "Evening Urgant", where they told the touching history of the hit. Olga showed Hron ready-made verse and chorus songs, and an inspired musician added his part of the composition.

Soon on the channels of Malfa and Blackstar labels, there were their versions of the clips to the track. Duet presented the VK Music Awards award to the artist, making them artists of the year.

Olga Seriabkin with makeup and without

Later, Olga pleased the fans with another collaboration. Together with the musicians of the "Monthly" group, which includes the scandalous famous hip-hoper, she participated in the creation of the composition "This is not a monthly". The solo singer performed the author's songs Fire, "drunk", and together with released the video clip "I like".

In 2017, a presentation of the collection of singer poems called "Thousand M" was held. The book includes 54 poems written by Olga.

Personal life

Personal life Seryabkina is full of secrets. In that period of time when Olya worked as a back-vocalist in Irakli Pitzhalava, she was often noticed along with a singer at different public events and musical parties. The press spoke about Olga and Irakli's relations. But the rumors remained rumors.

Olga Seriabkin and Irakli

In the future, the singer began to attribute a novel with a colleague on stage. While working on a solo project, Olga began to communicate with the DJ M.E.G., with whom they recorded a joint track. A large number of joint images of Oli and M.E.G. It provoked rumors about their novel. But DJ is married, he has children, and Seryabkin herself claims that they are just friends.

In 2015, the singer fulfilled the dream of many fans and started an official account in a popular social network "In contact with".

In the same year, Olga told the press that some time met with the famous, cheerful and cool, as the singer itself was expressed, a musician, but the beloved literally tortured the girl with claims, and the couple broke up. Seryabkina did not revealed the name of the ex-boyfriend.

According to her, the former lovers agreed to not tell anyone about the relationship, but the fans of the singer are confident that Olga's mysterious Cavalier is a rapper.

At the end of the same year, Olga posted several joint photos with a participant in Instagram. In the pictures, young people hug and look happy in each other's society. It gave rise to rumors about the new relationship of the singer.

The musicians appeared together at parties and secular events, according to rumors, Oleg even called Olga his girlfriend. But the singer quickly refuted all the specles about the new novel, saying that journalists simply missed her friendly relations with a guy.

In 2017, against the background of joint creativity, Seryabkina with Yegor's crum, the fans began to discuss the possible romance of the stars. But as the rapper himself said, already on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe clip between him and the singer began underwent, which were overwhelmed into quarrels. The fans of artists could not accept the idea that their pets were not together.

Frames of couples, changed in photoshop, on which they look in love began to appear. One photo was not kept and published the singer herself, signing the picture with the words "with her husband and son."

Olga pays a lot of attention to its figure. With a rise of 158 cm, the weight of the girl is 51 kg (in some sources - 54 kg). It is possible to maintain perfect shape due to considerable efforts in the gym. The singer argues that its miniature growth and impeccable figure help develop a career. Yes, and creative biography is in direct relationship with appearance.

Neffatvenists believe that Olga's appearance is the result of plastics, but the singer itself claims that he did not resort to plastic operations, its appearance is the merit of genetics and permanent operation.

In the fall of 2018, Seryabkin became a guest of the transmission, where he frankly told about private life. According to the singer, her heart is not free, it is now in a relationship, but Olga's chosen name refused to call on the air. According to the artist, it does not refer to windy singles, despite the created scenic image. The singer need time to truly get close to the young man, while it expects long-term relationships.

Olga Seriabkin on the shooting of the video "Because love"

In early 2019, Seryabkina surprised the "Instagram" subscribers by the announcement of the new video "Because love", in which the words "I pretend that you are mine, all because love ..." used joint photos with Yegor's crum. Video also replete with scenes in which the performer is present in a dairy bath. Fans perceived the roller as evidence of the unsighted feelings of the singer to their colleague.

Olga Seriabkin now

In October 2018, Olga announced the departure from the group "Silver". Together with her, the team decided to leave other participants - Katya Kishchik and. Singers are going to build a solo career.

Olga Seriabkin - "Because love" (premiere of 2019)

Maxim Fadeev in December began casting contenders for the new group of group. Producer said he was not going to part with the previous participants. A number of new projects are planned in which girls will show themselves from the new side. Now the team is in the same form of the contract. The last concerts of the Silver Group took place in February 2019.


  • 2009 - "OPUMROZ"
  • 2012 - Mama Lover
  • 2016 - "Three Power"

Olga Seryabkin on the care of the Serebro group: "Everyone ever comes to the end"

Olga Seriabkin - Singer, Dancer, Poets, the author of Lolita Milyavskaya, Nargiz, Emin Agalar, and, of course, Serebro Group Hits, many of which have become a business card of the team. In the Olga group for more than 10 years, and without it, Serebro is difficult to imagine. It is not surprising that when a couple of years ago, Olga began to develop his own solo project, in which he protrudes under the pseudonym Molly, the team fans were worried: does she plan to leave Serebro? This year, Olga released a new song "If you don't love me," which he performed a duet with Egor's crom, and in June, an English-speaking single Fire was presented, which successfully started on iTunes. Having decided that such a focus on the solo career could still mean the care of the seabird in single swimming, asked Olga the question that interests her fans directly.

Olya, tell about your plans. Are you planning to leave Serebro?

The question is quite popular now. I can say exactly that one day it happens - one hundred percent, because everything comes to the end. But I do not know when it is. I can say that I am not from those people who hurries. I like not thinking now. And I have no feeling that I want to be alone. On the contrary, I very much appreciate the time I spent in the group - despite all the conversations and rumors that we have something wrong with our grandfather ... In fact, all this is nonsense. For me, Serebro is not work, this is life. Serebro is a living organism and most of my heart. Therefore, I do not know when my care happens when I do an exclusively solo career, and I do not want to think about it. At the moment, I'm not full as a solo artist, I'm not touring. But I think that after some time to start combining. I am interested to try to act as Molly, and as a soloist group.

Somehow Maxim Fadeev noted in Instagram, that the team of three soloists is the most unstable, in such groups, the composition necessarily changes. How do you feel about such change?

The team of three people is really difficult. When you three, you need to consider the opinion of all three, compromises are necessary. But it all depends on the human factor: in one embodiment, it is unstable, firmly, and in another group can exist long enough. I adore our team. And it is incredibly interesting. Being a musician is an absolutely creative profession, life is inevitably oversaturated with events. For me, every new tile of life in Serebro is every time an adventure, and I love these adventures very much. Now we have a very coherent team. We with girls we understand each other with a half-clow, and this is just the state of stability that I spoke. We are comfortable threesome and hopefully this condition will last long enough.

It seems that in Maxim Maxim Maxim Fadeeyev, all artists are friends. Here on the award Muz-TV soloist Serebro was noticeably rejoiced for Nargiz, which received a reward, and she for you. Is it corporate consciousness, or are you so close to each other?

This happens not specifically - we are also friends. We are simply friends because everyone is united by the love of Max Music, love for our team, and we are always with warmth treat each other. Max often collects us on some joint kebabs or picnics, when there is a time free from tour. And it is truly. When Nargiz won, I was incredibly happy for her, because I know how it is important for her, because I feel my victory, because we are one team. Moreover, our company is now expanding, artists are becoming more and more, and I have already made friends with many. For example, Yura Semenics is the soloist of Kat Morsi Group. I adore him, a talented musician! And Tumar from the Cartel group. In general, we are all big power and actually one family.
Olga Seriabkin (Molly)

In February, you released a collection of poems. What was the impetus for their publication?

I periodically published my poems in Instagram, read comments of people who wrote: They like what I am doing, they are close. I wanted to share this and further, and at some point I decided that it was time to release the book.I confess, it's wildly pleasant to me that I had to even print an additional circulation, because the first was quickly excavated. This suggests that the book had to be released. In general, poetry for me is such a subtle art, my favorite. I like to find an accurate definition of some barely noticeable inner state. At this moment you feel like you could not take a deep breath for a long time, but suddenly it turned out. When I write, I will definitely need to be alone so that no one bothered me, and this is an amazing state.

Let's go back to your solo career. Song "If you don't love me" you can present in the execution of the Serebro group. But Fire is something completely new, resembling, rather, Ayo, ASA or IMany music. What kind of key will be the first solo album if it is planned?

"If you do not love me," we and Max wrote a few years ago. I remember, I flew into the cheat and it was then that I wrote one verse and chorus - "If you don't love me, then I don't know if you forget me, then I'm in response." I showed the lines of Max, and we did not understand for a long time that with this song to do. I do not agree with the fact that this song in the style of Serebro is in my opinion, everything is just the opposite. We believed that she was not quite suitable for a group, so they did not release it. The song just lay and waited in the wings. The text of the chorus it looks like a children's reader. I so Maxim and said: "You wrote a children's song." And so I lay this song "on the shelf", and then we somehow met on tour with Yegor's crum, I intuitively gave him a demo, and, apparently, Yegor realized that he should not miss this song.

Regarding the Fire track, I can say more than anything: this is a confession to a man. I like the song very much, I love to admit to people in what I feel. At this moment there are some kind of magic, I call this state of Deep SEA - the deep sea. I like to confess to a person in his feelings, I like to talk about everything openly. Despite the fact that in my life there were situations when I was hurt because I was open with my heart, I still think: this is the best and most indescribable condition - when you can talk about what you feel.

Returning to the theme of the solo album, I will not hide: I really work on it and over the songs - both for the Serebro group, and for the Molly project. At the same time, the solo album is not an end to me. You can have 155 albums, but they will be just a digital that will not mean anything to anyone, but you can write one, but each song is separate and all the songs together people will listen to at least 100 years. So, I want exactly such an album. Therefore, I need another time. I have a lot of songs that pull on the album, but I do not hurry. I want something whole, and it should not be mindless. I am against empty, no filled songs. I am against the action for the sake of action, without meaning.

The most popular question, but without it, no matter what happens in your personal life?

I had very different periods in personal life. Now such a period when I like someone, but he does not know about it. Usually I myself show the initiative: if someone like me, I go ahead, and the man, as a rule, learn about this first. I am not a baking, but active. And now I like a person, but he does not know about it, perhaps he does not even know, and I don't want him to know. It is very different from how I behaved before. In general, this is my own game. She inspires me, and let it be so. I want this person to notice me and take the first step if it is mutually. Maxim Fadeev and Olga Seriabkin

You are surrounded by fans, colleagues-musicians, but more than once he said that Maxim Fadeev for you - a special person, more than a producer. What did you mean?

He is my best friend. At the same time, I share friendship and work. When Maxim makes me a remark or voicing some kind of request, I always do so that he does not repeat twice. Max for me is an absolute authority, and I do not see anything wrong with it. It's just a big love, respect for a person who did everything for me. There were situations when I did otherwise - not the way he told me, but then every time I regretted it, I thought it was to do the way he advised. Max is always, in any situation can count on me - it concerns work, and human communication. We are friends, we have been working for more than 10 years, and if you can put it, we live our big creative family, and this means much.

I hope Max I will never bring. And what I'm saying now, I also openly say to him. He changed my life. Every time I am writing a song with him as a co-author, I approach this as more precisely as the first time. I still seem incredible to me, and I am very grateful for this given the opportunity for them, for creating together and for being heard to hear me. I am very grateful to him for the fact that he raised a man thinking and feeling music.

Serebro's fans have a serious reason for sadness - the team leaves one of the most striking participants - 25-year-old Daria Shashin. A charming blonde, who, during the work, a whole army of fans appeared as a soloist of the popular trio, the whole army of fans across the country was forced to interrupt their creative activities. The favorite of the public adopted this difficult decision due to the disease. About the current situation, the victim of which Daria itself, and her colleagues, and her colleagues, the girl reported on social networks. Shashin turned to numerous fans with a frank statement and a request to maintain it in such a difficult period.

"To be honest, I wanted to protect you from this information until the latter," Daria said. - But many of you have already noticed some changes in how I began to behave on the stage. Therefore, I have to say ... About six months ago, I started a strong knee pain. I did not give any values \u200b\u200bfor a long time and continued to live an ordinary life - jump, run, dance, play sports ... When they strengthened, and I reached the doctor, it turned out the diagnosis of "congenital knee dysplasia." This can not be sick, it is a congenital pathology of fabric formation. The disease began to progress due to constant loads. Well, two weeks ago - the gap of the meniscus in the right knee. Now I am threaten two operations. Doctors strongly recommend stopped acting .... besides a snowboard, yoga, I am forbidden to elementary climbing the stairs, run, squat and so on I do not know what will happen. I continue to consult with doctors. Now we are waiting for the answer from the Israeli clinic, where I sent MRI on the advice. I did not think that I would once write a similar one, and even more so in social networks. But I know - it will be more honest towards you. So far just hold the cams for me. I love you".

By the way, the production center of Maxim Maxim Fadeev is in no hurry to seek the replacement of the Serebro soloist. The final decision will be made only after Shashina will pass a full examination and will be sure to continue working in the team, it will not be able. The state of health of the singer in the production center of the famous composer was reacted with proper understanding and respect.

"The statements common in the press are not entirely correct - there is no casting, and this issue will only be raised according to the results of Dasha's survey, the representatives of PCMF explained" Starkit ". - So far, as part of the group, it will be with us until the treatment begins. Only on its results will be clear whether it can continue to work in the team. Naturally, we do not want to lose her. But if it is necessary, the decision of Dasha will support. And only then the question will be raised about the search for a new soloist. "

It is noteworthy that the Darius itself is really not easy. The girl is seriously puzzled by how treatment will be undergoing and does not represent at all how to be further. It's no secret to anyone that with other soloists, the Shashina has very warm and trusting relationships - girls truly comfortably work with each other and spend together time. Apparently, the care of Daria from the group will become a big chagrin for her colleagues.

"I have now just from the doctor, of all five me attended by the clinic - this only one that laid down everything on the shelves and the most terrible one - the doctor said that I should stop my speeches and urgently make operations on both legs, not touching the question of dysplasia, - explained the singer. - Now I discuss this issue with loved ones. It is also discussed to refine until the end of April in such a state in which there is, because I really do not want to bring a group and Maxim Aleksandrovich, leaving now. "

(until October 2018), now builds a solo career under the pseudonym Molly and writes poems.


Olga Seriabkina was born on April 12, 1985 in the heart of Moscow - on Taganka, in the family of Yuri and Lyudmila Seryabkini. Father was a military man, and Mama is an engineer. Together with them grandparents lived. She also has a younger brother Oleg.

With six years, Olya was engaged in ballroom dancing. Already at this time, she demonstrated a hardness of character and once again refuted the doubts of the teachers who initially did not believe the kids on the choreographic field. "When I first came to the dances, I did not want to take me - they decided that I had no feeling of rhythm," Olga recalled. But subsequently she proved the opposite and even became a favorite of the coach. At the age of 12, she became a CCM on ballroom dancing.

The girl managed to combine dancing classes and almost excellent performance at school. In the final certificate, she had only three fourths, although, as Sergeyabkin admitted, she had a clearly pronounced tendency to humanitarian subjects - Russian, English, literature, but at exact sciences sometimes had to "negotiate" with teachers. Not bribes, but by activism - Olya was the first in everything that conceived amateur and school self-government. In his free time, she loved to compose poems and small scenes that played before his parents.

At the age of 17, Olga graduated from school and began to study linguistics at the Institute of International Law and Economics. She was one of the most promising student of the course and after graduating from the university became a graduate synchronist and English and German. But by that time she had already firmly knew that he would not work in the specialty

Creative way

In 2002, Olga's first-grandmother, who was engaged in ballroom dancing, got into RNB classes. She liked, and she decided to continue working in this direction. Soon she starred in the video of Dima Bilan "Mulatto" (a girl behind the bar stand).

In 2004, Sergeyabkin was invited to the themed festival, where she met the dancer Ilshat Shabaev. He appreciated Olga's ability and invited her to the dance to the singer Iraklia Pitzhalava, a graduate of the second "stars factory". At one of the first rehearsals, Seryabkin met the producer Max Fadeev. He asked the girl if she was able to sing, then she, defeats the scenes, showed her poems to producer. Then Fadeev revealed the cards: he gained the composition for a new female pop group project and invited Olga to audition.

In 2006, painstaking work began on the song material, the images of the participants and the concept of the Group, where, in addition to Olga, Elena Temnikov and Maria Lizorkina were entered. A year later, the group ranked third at the Eurovision Contest. During this period, Seryabkina first tried herself as the author of the text for the team. After participating in the International Competition, the maiden group woke up famous.

Now Seriabquina songs are performed not only by the participants of Silver, but also the China Group, Julia Savicheva, Glucose. 12 years old Olga worked fruitfully in the Fadeev group, constantly glad the fans with new hits. After the departure of Elena, the Damenikov from the group in May 2014, informal leadership in Silver passed to Seryabkina. She won the love of viewers not only with its powerful energy, but also by candid images - by that time Serebro began to emphasize the sexuality of the participants.

In September of the same year, Seryabkin began to build a solo career, not forgetting, however, about "silver". Her debut as a separate performer who took the Holy Molly alias (later was reduced to Molly), was a duet with DJ M.E.G. "Kill Me All Night Long." Subsequently, she more than once pleased fans with new singles, incl. Recorded together with purulent, Egor Crem, Big Russian Boss' Ohm.

Molly (Olga Seriabkin) ft. DJ M.E.G. - Kill Me All Night

In December 2015, the audience became acquainted with the Seriabquina-actress. She performed one of the key roles in the comedy "the best day." Her heroine is the provincial singer Alina whisper, crashed into a police petition car (Dmitry Nagiyev).

Olga Seriabkin - Green-eyed taxi (the best day)

In 2017, the EKSMO publisher has released a poetic collection of Olga Seryabkina "Thousand" M ", which entered 54 poems. "... a slim feminine world, where every reader will find himself - the wounded, in love, desperate, painted," said the accompanying book abstract.

Personal life Olga Seryabkina

The personal life of Seryabkina gives rise to a mass of rumors and speculation. So, about the unconventional relations of Olga Seryabkina and Lena Dameman wrote all the media: girls often kissed in public than shocked those present.

And although these actions had one goal - PR, Olga somehow told reporters that bisexual and in her youth she had novels with girls. For this deputy: "See today a special issue of a chartik, which we with Olezhey, spent in the new status for us in love with a couple." However, the intricate personal life of Oleg makes it in the truth of their novel.

Like each person, Olga has their hobbies and oddities. For example, Seryabkin is unreasonably afraid of dolls: such a disease is called pediophobia. Along with this, Olga is fond of cars and loves to drive through the night capital. Experiments with their own appearance - Favorite entertainment "Silver".

Olga Seriabkin today

In October 2018, Olga Seriabkina reported the departure from "Silver". The singers contract with the group is valid until the beginning of 2019.

She does not leave the Fadeeev Malfa label - promote the Molly brand will be under his name. The singer also promised a quick release of the debut solo album and the new material for "Serebro".