What is the name of the pole dance - the direction of Pole Sport. Why dance on pylon is art

What is the name of the pole dance - the direction of Pole Sport. Why dance on pylon is art
What is the name of the pole dance - the direction of Pole Sport. Why dance on pylon is art

What if you want to lose weight, become more flexible, hardy and plastic at the same time? Is it really necessary to spend days and nights in the fitness club to achieve the desired result, including the cardiography, a stretching complex, exercises for the press, exercises on simulators and yoga? It turns out that instead there is enough only one type of sports - dances with a pole.

Dancing with a sixth, which are also called the dance on Pole Dance or the sixth acrobatics (Pole Sport), appeared in Russia not so long ago, and if at first many treated them wary, then very popular popularity of them as a sport began to grow . Today, many large fitness and dance studios included classes and training in the sixth.

The pillar of the sixth acrobatics can rightly consider striptease on the pole. But the main difference between modern training programs for dances with a pole from striptease is that it is not necessary to undress. In class, it is taught as elements of strip-plastics (dance ligaments, stretching exercises, the development of plasticity and flexibility) and acrobatic tricks on the pole.

The diligent pupils quickly learn to fly around the pole, holding themselves in the air alone alone, climb on it under the ceiling and effectively hang in the air down the head. As in any other sport, those who already have good physical training are progressing faster. But if there is a desire for success, anyone seeks anyone.

Pole Dance are engaged in ordinary women, thin and complete. And believe me, some pampus can give odds to many wellbirls in the performance of complex tricks. For those who are shy of group classes, there is always the opportunity to deal with the coach individually. And true enthusiasts can even install the pole houses to train on it in their free time.

Since almost any fabric has a sliding property, the most convenient to perform tricks in short shorts and tops.

In addition, the dances on the pole are the best option for those who bored during monotonous training on simulators or in group classes. First, because the classes will always be adjusted for a specific participant: everyone performs and teaches their set of tricks, focusing on the overall program. And secondly, because it will not be boring: a healthy portion of the drive and the ability to experiment in the lesson is provided.

Separately, it is worth saying a dress code adopted in classes. The golden rule for Pole Dance reads: the smaller clothes, the better. Since almost any fabric has a sliding property, the most convenient to perform tricks in short shorts and tops. Those who have been engaged long ago acquire special clothing from non-slip materials and high-heeled shoes for greater effect.

Regular classes on the pylon at the strength of their body effects are comparable to effective fitness training, as practically all muscle groups allow you to work. After all, to hang in the air, overcoming the laws of earthly attraction, without steel muscles do not do.

During classes, the entire upper part of the body will work, especially the hands that should be held in a variety of positions. In the racks and during the deflection back on the pole will work back. Numerous coups and support will train the press. The legs will not be ignored, especially the inner muscles of the hips, which will have to keep themselves on the pole. In addition, the dance with the sixth is developing endurance, flexibility, coordination, grace, dexterity and stretching.

Another indisputable plus of the sixth acrobatics is the development of a creative start. Owning a basic set of figures, you can experiment with their sequence and ligaments. And then - put yourself a whole dance, showing not only a creative veil, but also artistry. In some groups there is an independent flow of dance under the chosen music and its demonstration in the circle of other participants.

Finally, this sport has another advantage that no other training is possessed. Since the erotic attack of this dance is not going anywhere, the classes in the pole will develop femininity, self-confidence will allow and love their body. And one of this advantage should be pushing to start walking on them as soon as possible.

As the body is accustomed to, the bruises will stop appearing after each workout.

By the way, autumn with its long sleeves and tight pantyhose is the perfect time to start mastering the sixth acrobatics. After all, at first, no bruises do not do. Gradually, as the body gets used to, the bruises will stop appearing after each workout. Therefore, if you want to take advantage of the skill of the sixteen acrobatics, it's time to proceed to classes now.

Paul Dance (Pole Dance / Dance on Pilon) is a dance with elements of acrobatics, which is performed on the pole - pylon. Classes This type of sports helps strengthen the muscles and support them in a tone. You will be better to own your body, which will benefit on self-esteem and acquire greater self-confidence.

Until recently, Paul Dance was perceived as an erotic dance in nightclubs. Now the dance on Pilon acquired a sports direction, requiring the ability to perform complex tricks on the pole and the presence of a high level of preparation. Paul Dance without a doubt is hot, incendiary, conquering increasingly popular dance. It is possible for all types of music, the main thing is to feel your body and move in the rhythm of dance, without stopping before difficulties and persistently work. After visiting courses Paul Dance you will be the owner of female flexibility and plasticity. The dance school unites all creative personalities, fills with bright ideas and allows you to participate in unforgettable shows. Our team united and works with a view to joint creativity, opens up for everyone the wonderful world of dance on Pilon to show his emotional sides. This is a popular appearance of a modern and seductive type of dance, the art of which can learn each, regardless of age and gender.

What is a pylon?

The pylon is a pipe from a metal of 40 millimeters in diameter, which is wrapped with hands and legs during dance elements. The material for its manufacture serve stainless types of metals, such as steel, brass, etc. It can also be of plastic. Often the main material is considered steel polished for light and smooth slip, but allowing simultaneously to hold it with his hands. Distinguish rotating and static pylons. Rotating are used for performances on stage, with their help you can achieve a brighter effect due to the best dynamics of the performance of the dance elements. The design of the pylon data includes special bearings and screws. For example, athletes sometimes use two pylons to alternate them when executing programs.

Training structure

Each training lasts 1 hour and includes a workout, assimilation of dance elements and working tricks, as well as securing skills at the end of the lesson. The prerequisite always takes into account the level of the student during the demonstration of dancing and tricks on Pilon.

In each lesson, you can easily be given every new trick, for this you only need a desire and work on yourself. Regardless of physical training, you can deal with this type of dancing and become the owner of a beautiful embossed figure. Many are interested in the question of how quickly you can learn acrobatic movements on the pole. It should be borne in mind that the result of workouts Paul Dance depends not only on the intensity of loads. An important component is time. Therefore, it is not necessary to despair if it is difficult at the initial stage, and be patient because Pole Dance is working for everyone. In training, everyone will find something for themselves. For some, it is important to pull the body, someone wishes to play on the stage, and someone is interested in a creative approach in dancing.

Careswear: Shorts, short top, comfortable sneakers. In addition, for your own safety and not to damage the pylon, you should not wear jewelry in the form of rings, chains and bracelets. Also, in order to avoid slipping, it is undesirable to use before training cream for hands and body. During training, hands, legs and spin are more involved, as well as the muscles of the press. Subsequently, the figure becomes embossed and the posture is improved. Therefore, the dance on the pylon is considered to be a kind of sport, where the pole is used as a kind of simulator. In the halls, there are usually several pylons - stationary and rotating. Groups are recruited small, not more than 10 people, which allows the teacher to pay attention to everyone, explain and monitor the dance movements of students.

Directions in the floor Dance

Paul Dance has two main directions. These are sports dancing, where dancers compete with each other in special sports programs, and pop dances for entertainment events. However, it is really difficult to differentiate with striptease dancing, "Go-GO", "Lap Dance". Paul Dance also applies to commercial dances.

Dance programs

Basic dance programs:

  1. "Pole Art" - artistic dances with high-quality execution of tricks, when setting attention is focused on artistry and dancer.
  2. "Exotic Pole Dance" - Exotic Dancing on Pilon, where tricks are not so important, and the focus is made on in which the tricks are present to a lesser extent, and the focus is directed to choreographic, plastic and erotic elements in the dance.
  3. "Pole Sport / Pole Fitness" are sports dancing, with a bias on the complexity of tricks and excellent physical training of the speaker.

Levels of performing various dance elements:

  1. Upper level - performing acrobatic elements on the pole at a two-meter height.
  2. The average level is 360 degree rotational motions around the pylon pipe, and in addition to this plastic elements on a 1.5-meters altitude.
  3. In the lower level, acrobatic and plastic elements are performed on the pylon, and on the floor.

Despite the external ease of dance movements, it is necessary to have sufficient stamina, plasticity and dexterity.

- These are dancing on pylon (special six) with elements of acrobatics. Many confuse this direction with striptease, which is wrong. In fact, Pole Dance is a type of fitness and it can be called even a separate sport.

Features Pole Dance

During the executions of the tricks, a sports projectile is used, called the pylon. Pole Dance combines such directions:

  • Pole Art. (execution of art tricks, artistic performance, the use of special costumes);
  • Pole Sport (pretext is made on complex physical exercises and tricks);
  • Exotic Pole Dance (less tricks, more plastics, choreography);
  • Pole Fitness (Includes complexes of exercise for the development of both muscles and plastics).

Exercises on pylon are pretty heavy and complex. They can be performed only after long-term preparation and pumping muscles. Without each athlete, acrobatic tricks on the pole are managed, because it is necessary to hang in the air at 1.5-2 m above the floor. The main elements: lifts on the pylon, twist, dance pas, whisa. Pole Dance is constantly improving, new exercises and tricks appear that need to be mastered, that is why this direction becomes so popular, because it does not have to stand still, you can be improved.

Pole Dance Championships

Recently, and more precisely since 2003, the whole championships initiated by Pole Dance began to be held. The sports program consists of three complexes: tricks at the top level of the pilon, on average and at the lowest level. The program of the participant should include both acrobatics and plastic elements. Transitions between tricks must be clean, the elements are necessarily interconnected. The jury pays great attention to small details: bending back, straight knees, elongated socks.

In many professional competitions, it is forbidden to use clothing from leather or latex and strip dancers shoes. The costume should not carry erotic orientation. Apply moisturizing oils with sparkles on the skin is not recommended, as this may cause. Do not bare a body. Intimate gestures and erotic poses are also prohibited. Such restrictions are entered in order to separate Pole Dance from striptease and emphasize not for sexuality, but athleticity. In most cases, competitions are held among girls, but there are also male groups.

The passion for many athletes precisely Pole Dance led to the fact that international organizations uniting lovers of this type of acrobatics were created. Now considers the question of including Pole Dance in the list of Olympic Sports.

Dancing on Pilon - The stunning type of acrobatic dance on the six, which combines the varieties of physical exertion necessary for uniform weight loss. The most pleasant in acrobatic classes is interesting tricks on the six, which will not allow even the most unsportsmanlike ladies for whom Sport has always been a kind of punishment.

Classes on Pilon will allow not only to lose weight, but also contribute to the development of artistry, plasticity and, of course, will add positive emotions.

You can proceed to classes without physical training. All necessary skills will come gradually when performing exercises. The necessary flexibility and coordination of movements will appear, and the muscles will become strong enough to perform more complex tricks on the pole.

1 Training burns about 1000 calories, Therefore, in no case can you adhere to a too strict diet, otherwise there is absolutely no effort to perform dance. The combination of choreography, power training and will allow to see the first changes in the figure after 5-6 lessons.

The most effective for weight loss will be a combination of training in the pole every other day. In the days of rest, it is recommended to visit Pilates or engage in sports walking. With such an alternation, you can reset all extra kilograms pretty quickly and surprise those around the rapid reincarnation.

Where to start classes and where to do?

It is recommended to start training:

  1. With the choice of musical direction. Here you can give a flight imagination and your fantasy. In acrobatic dances it is possible to use jazz, dance style, rap, rock and any other rhythmic music. It will be better to choose the direction that causes many positive emotions and the desire to move, it will make it possible to feel as confidently as possible.
  2. With the choice of comfortable clothes. The first workouts do not provide for frank dresses and high-heeled shoes on the dancer. Starting always stands with the most comfortable clothing. Short fitting shorts and T-shirt are perfect. It is in them that will be easier to cope with acrobatic tricks and at the same time not to hide the sexuality of their own figure. But the shoes at first will not need at all. It will be more convenient to engage in socks or cackers.
  3. From the equipment model. There is a torque view of the pilon and static. For beginners, of course, the static appearance will be better in the best way, on which it will be much easier to get acquainted with Azami acrobatics.

There are several options for classes:

  1. Independent study of dance. You can buy a pole in a specialized store and set it according to the instructions. The program of classes is downloaded on the Internet or the disc is bought in the store. However, due to the complexity of the execution of acrobatic maneuvers, it is not recommended to start dancing on the pylon from scratch at home without a specially trained trainer.
  2. Fitness Centre It will be the perfect option for those who want to lose weight and combine their own homework. The exercise complex is built with taking into account weight loss and improving the shapes.
  3. Dancing school Promotes serious preparation with a more complex program. Here, in addition to working with the sixth, a whole bunch of complex dance movements is studied. And on the pilons, a wide variety of and also more complex tricks than in the usual fitness club are performed. The most pleasant bonus visits to specialized schools of dance is the possibility of participating in a variety of competitions. Start studying the dance technique is better with the acquisition of several classes with a Tet-A-Tet \u200b\u200bcoach. And then, much more efficient will be a visit to group classes.

Choice of equipment and clothing

Dancer clothing must define the maximum amount of body. The goal of such a frank nude lies in the best touch of the skin with the pylon, because it is the skin that can be held on a pole. In the first workouts, it is enough to learn how to keep themselves in acrobatic equipment without slipping, so some coaches are allowed to use leather gloves.

  • short-fitting shirt;
  • short-fitting shorts;
  • socks;
  • gaiters;
  • elastic bandage to maintain a stable muscle state;
  • leather gloves (only for first occupations);
  • (optional);
  • sandals or strips;

Shoes must be on high heels and open sock, And the straps maximize the skin and prevent falling during the dance. Despite the fact that in the striptease shoes it is quite difficult to walk, to dance in them when gaining some experience is much easily, as the sole allows you to make shuffles in the tricks on the pole as accurate as possible and strong.

Thus, strips have some kind of assistance when performing complex elements. However, new acrobatic movements should be performed first in the socks, and well reflecting the sandals.

Pylons for home use should be purchased in a specialized store to be confident as a product. For its installation, it is necessary to invite a specialist, because it is precisely from the stability of a pedez, the safety of performing acrobatic elements of the dancer depends.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of classes dancing on the pylon were:

  1. Uniform slimming and help in. A variety of acrobatic elements is working on all muscle groups and systematic visits to workouts will bring not only the charge of cheerfulness, but evenly remove all the extra centimeters and the manifestation of cellulite. In exchange, the figure will acquire the correct muscle relief.
  2. Incredible flexibility, plasticity. No matter how clumsily sometimes looks like the first skills of the exercise on the pylon. After a few visits to the studio, a special sense of music rhythm appears, and the dancer simply dissolves in it. The body becomes so flexible and plastic, which seems to be real performance of absolutely any acrobatic movement. Thanks to such a grace, a sense of pride appears for their own achievements and, of course, the degree of self-confidence is added.
  3. Availability to everyone. It is absolutely not important, pre-physical training, and even more external data. Attending training can anyone who do not have serious health problems.

Contraindications of classes of dancing are very small, but they still have a place to be:

  1. The presence of scoliosis. The execution of acrobatic elements implies a serious load on all spinal deposits. Sometimes the load is absolutely uniformly, which can lead to undesirable consequences.
  2. Knee injury or ankle. Many exercises in the type of twisting are driven by the region of the knees, so even if the injuries were in a distant past, it is clearly recommended to consult with a doctor about the desire to make such a load.
  3. Obesity above 2 degrees It also limits access to classes due to excessive ligament loads and joints of the joints.

If everything else is missing, then nothing prevents training for training.

Efficiency and reviews

Going to classes for the purpose of weight loss, it is recommended to go for 8-10 lessons with a personal coach. It will help to build a program in a cardio-force style, where the frying calorie will perform an accent. And after, it is worth connecting the study of choreographic movements.

During classes, muscles of the back, shoulder belt will participate, the calf. Therefore, throw off extra centimeters can be proportional. To bring your shape to the perfect condition, you should start training from 15-20 minutes (frequency - every other day) and bring training to 60-80 minutes with the same periodicity.

In the remaining free days, you can choose classes in the shower. Great walking, swimming, walking.

In this mode, you can see the first results after 10-14 days, and after 2 months of training there will be a complete reincarnation, which will be difficult to not notice.

Having achieved the desired result, it is not recommended to stop classes. You can simply reduce the time of daily workouts or leave only a visit to the dance on the pylon 2 -3 times a week. This will allow maintaining ideal body shapes and maintain acquired plasticity.


Lera: "At a rather young age, I was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. But after receipt of the institute, the baby gave birth to and everything was abandoned. 10 years have passed. Children grew up, and I wanted to return former harmony and play sports. That's just to choose what you should do, went away for many months.

Now there are so many all sorts of fitness centers, simulators, dance schools, so it is quite difficult to determine. While I was looking for a search, accidentally saw a girl's blog that Pole Dance. Looking at the beautiful elements of the performance of the dance on the pylon, I fell in love. And of course went to the school of dances.

After 10 minutes of classes, I am insanely tired, but thanks to the sports past I took a fist and ... 3 months after the first workout took place. Impressions just a million and they are all so positive that I am in full confidence that I will never bother this sport.

Not only is my body looks better than in young years, so besides this, life brilliance appeared in his eyes, incredible confidence in itself and its own attractiveness. In addition, my movements became graceful and plastic. I am happy that I discovered dances on the pylon! "

Victoria: "It's hard to say that I went to the class of Paul Dance to throw extra kilograms. Never especially suffered overweight. But here the skin looked a flab and leaving on the beach wanted to wear the most closed swimsuit. Deciding to bring your muscles in order and throw them up a bit, I went to the fitness center for dance lessons on Pilon.

After just a few weeks, the muscles pulled significantly and in the mirror you can now see a sports attractive figure. Classes occur in a rapid rhythm with vigorous music. At the beginning of the lesson, it is necessarily present stretching, running, exercises for pumping the muscles of the back, legs, press and of course the buttocks.

The bridges go further. And after - a variety of acrobatic elements on the pole. The result is very pleased. In addition to the tightened muscles, it became very pleasant to feel the acquired power of the hands and legs. Oh yes! I completely forgot to boast. On the stomach after a few months of visiting dancing appeared small cubes! It looks insane sexually! "

Alexandra: "After childbirth, it was necessary to force their figure in order. Since visiting the simulatory halls brings boredom and monotony, the choice stopped at such a wonderful sport - dancing on Pilon.

Visiting workouts completely forget all problems and home affairs. Dissolve in music and acrobatic tricks. And the most pleasant thing is that extra kilograms melting in front of the eyes. The first result was visible after the fifth classes! In addition to dancing in free time, I am engaged in swimming and hiking with a child. Sometimes I attend Pilates.

I stick, but I do not sit on strict diets. I arrange yourself deserved weekend only on Sundays. For a month of this kind of physical exertion, I threw a little more than 10 kg of excess weight, pulled the abdominal muscles, and now you just don't want to throw such a charming sport. While there are strength and opportunities will be dancing on Pilon! "

I am in Pole Dance almost three and a half years, and throughout this time, some people strongly seek to prove that between my hobbies and striptease, you can also put a sign of equality. Previously, me, of course, it did it, but then I understood: the majority of the dance on the pylon only knows that the pylon is used for him. And with the sixth they are associated what? That's right, striptease.

Under my photos on social networks, there were no very unpleasant comments, because the stereotypical ideas that Haldens are engaged in debauchery, are quite common until now. But, it would seem that Pole Dance had long been out of the shadows and became one of the sports (officially - from October 2, 2017).

I always knew: Haldens - dance, and dancing is art. And I was always fascinated dancing. When I saw that halfdens work, I decided that I also want.

It took about a year so that my "want" went to "do". There were some fears and doubts that, by the way, had other newcomers with whom I communicated. Basically, they were formulated in the form of a phrase "I can't, I have weak hands, weak muscles of the press, not enough good figure, and indeed, what, what, Acrobat?" Doubts disappeared when I saw the number of Olga codes. Then the thought that in any case everything from something starts, took over, and I began to act: I found a school next to the house, I came to a test lesson, all such a small and trembling schoolgirl, enthusiastically looking at experienced dancers that performed Crazy tricks somewhere under the ceiling of the hall.

At the first lesson, I only did that I went around Pilon and tried to master the basic elements for which my level of physical training was clearly not enough. But he did not become - too, I wanted to surprise myself and find out what I was capable. I must say that I surprised. We sometimes even imagine that our body is capable of. I believed that the Visuions and Racks on the hands - the wings of the selected. Now I understand that this is the lot of persistently training.

After a couple of months, I already climbed the pylon without any problems. Under the very ceiling, there was a joy! Six months later, he learned the main tricks. And here's the one who says that Pole Dance is simple, "go to yourself around the pole and slowly take off the clothes," answer: you are wrong (I would have expressed much more sharply).

First, the dance on the pylon does not imply undressing. The exposure of some parts of the body (hands, legs, backs) is allowed solely in order to improve adhesion with a pylon. In other words, in ordinary clothes you simply slide down the smooth steel stick and damage yourself.

But the dancers wear shorts, open tops or swimsuits are not to seduce someone.

Moreover, the rules of various competitions are strictly regulated: how much is allowed to expose the body, what suit can be put on, and what - it is impossible, which width should be a lastrian shorts, etc. Yes, there is a separate direction in Poldens - Pole Exotic - there are not tricks, and choreography, grace, sensuality. However, the total exposure of the body during the speeches is forbidden, which many do not know.

In general, in the history of Pole Dance there are many things that are unlikely to have heard people who are not related to this area. For example, that initially pole, however, wooden, Indians were used as a yoga projectile (XII century), and this discipline of MallAkhambhamb was called ("pole gymnasts"). There was one more, which is already more reminiscent of modern dances on Pilon, - Mallastambha ("Post Gymnasts"). Iron Six used the Indian fighters to train their strength and dexterity. Some sources report that the pylon or pole used in their ritual dangers of women in African and Indian tribes. Previously, he embodied the symbol of the male start, but then the dances had a spiritual aspect from the pole.

For several centuries, Poldens developed only on the circus arena (it exists now). In the second half of the 20th century, the dance on Pilon was seduced. Since the 1990s, he appeared that Pole Dance, which we see now, and this is the merit of Canada Fonne Mandei, who recorded training videos, thanks to which society learned about this dance direction.

Those who think that Haldens - Sports exclusively for girls are mistaken.

The dance direction represents a older woman (famous in this grull Partinell over 60 years old), and men (Winner of the World Championship in Beijing 2015 Dmitry Politov, three-time world champion and Russia Evgeny Surilov) and even children (Emily Moskalenko). Most half days say: the main thing is not the age (gender, profession), the main thing is desire.

In Russia and in the world, speeches very actively to develop sports and improve it; Local and international organizations appear, which pay attention to the promotion of dance-acrobatic and sports disciplines on Pilon, and that the morality of society is striving for their activities, and think now is somehow strange. Once I was lucky to talk with one of the most famous Pole Dance dancers, the 2012 world champion Anastasia Skakhtornova, who admitted that he was not even trying to convince the others, what the difference between her favorite hobby and striptease: "In general, I heard that my videos often Show people to understand the difference themselves. And it is very nice. "