A bullet wound in a dream book. Dream interpretation: bullet, weapon, shoot

A bullet wound in a dream book.  Dream interpretation: bullet, weapon, shoot
A bullet wound in a dream book. Dream interpretation: bullet, weapon, shoot

A dream in which you were hit by a hail of bullets while in a combat zone:
portends that your success will depend on the ability to neutralize your opponents.

therefore, in a dream you will come into a cheerful mood and feel such an excess of vital energy in yourself that in one breath you will wash all the dishes and wash all the accumulated dirty laundry.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter Bullet

Bullet in a dream:
a sign of dedication and uncompromisingness. Be careful: a dream suggests that your uncompromising attitude can lead to undesirable consequences.

Bullet wound:
evidence that in pursuit of your goal you run the risk of making a serious or even irreparable mistake.

The newest dream book Bullet

Load weapons with bullets:
to a very serious conflict with the person you fear

buy a bullet: dream-warning: thieves are interested in your apartment.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century Bullet

Hear the whistle of bullets in a dream:
means that in reality you will not have the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

A dream in which you were hit by an enemy bullet:
dreams of unexpected and very bad news.

Dream Interpretation Frost Bullet

Seeing a bullet: to receive sad news from a loved one

give your behavior a reason to gossip.

Load weapons with bullets: to do a dubious business.

If in a dream you were hit by a bullet: in reality you will find out very bad news.

Be afraid of flying bullets, listen to their whistle:
to the inevitability of a difficult conversation with someone.

Modern dream book Bullet

If in a dream you felt that a bullet pierced your body through and through, but at the same time you did not feel pain:
it means that fun and good mood awaits you in life, a surge of vital energy, think about how best to use it.

A dream in which you were caught in a war zone under fire from bullets:
indicates that your success will depend on the ability to neutralize your opponents.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananita Bullet

To see bullets flying over you: evil consequences

casting bullets: do not get carried away with dangerous things

to be injured: disease

in the house: You are in danger

play with a bullet: fright, surprise.

Esoteric dream book Bullet

Flying bullet: wait for a blow, a painful injection.

See in the bandolier, horn and weapon details:
be careful, prepare for a strike aimed at you.

Do, cast if someone:
you will strike if you

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras Bullet

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal:
recommends paying attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds:
this is a clear sign that you are, unwittingly, in the thick of things.

If the wound is bleeding profusely:
you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask them to clarify the situation.

If there is no blood at all: you have to act on your own and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits the person:
in real life, you should be persistent and go on the offensive.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall:
it is a sign of coming trouble. You probably missed something very important, in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to fix the matter.

Collection of dream books

Why is Bullet dreaming about 11 dream books?

Below you can find out the interpretation of the "Bullet" symbol for free from 11 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form for all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal- recommends paying attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds you- this is a clear sign that you are, unwittingly, in the thick of things.

If the wound bleeds heavily- you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask them to clarify the situation.

If there is no blood at all- you must act independently and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits the person- in real life, you should be persistent and go on the offensive.

I was breathing in a cafe or restaurant with my friends, they were on the street with the boys, they went into one door of the cafe, and I went into one of the doors of the cafe, and I opened the kokimito with the keys, the bunch was a small zashol, I opened the door to the cafe itself, and there the light was turned off and immediately the Armenians came out from the other door. or another nationality person looked at me and zashol and someone said inappropriately and kept the ego I come in here a tall man pissed me a barrel vuho second

I work as operators in the game room, and I dream that they are stealing money from my cash register, a boy and a guy with him who pointed a weapon at me. I start to run to pick up the money and they start shooting at me and I run I run dodge bullets and all the same they hit me and I fall, waking up I look in my palm with a bullet and a jacket in the blood my guards took the money we called the police and they found the robbers

Dream that I am high, high on the top of the mountain and look at the amazingly beautiful nature (there are 2 more girls with me) then they jump from the cliff, and I follow them, but we do not crash, but fly low above the ground. One girl turned and I was surprised that I flew because I thought that I would not dare to jump, and the second replied that she knew that I would succeed. Another nuance - in a dream, these are like young witches

I dreamed that they shot at me (and I was at home and the shot was silent and it was as if the man was shooting exactly where he intended! In the dream, there were mom and dad, first they shot in the back - where the belt is, then somewhere else, and then in the groin (sideways) and this is not all at once! One will heal and a shot, mom was crying

Walking down the street, my ex-friend comes out to meet him, takes out a pistol and shoots at me 2 times, one bullet hits my left hand and a black dot remains, the second hits the chest. sleep is interrupted.

The action took place on a field similar to a football stadium.
The dream is kind of black and white.
I dreamed of how I killed another person hiding from my bullets, I hit him with a good aimed shot with a burst (like it was an AK-47), but it was like a game.
A moment later, already in my sleep, lying down really dodged his bullets (whom I killed), At first I hid behind some kind of stone cobblestone, which is smaller and narrower than my shoulders and did not provide me with good cover and I had to roll from side to side and more than one bullet did not hit me, although there was a lot of shooting and bullets flew nearby, like a whistle from bullets was heard. After a while, under fire, I "decided" to run away ... I ran behind some kind of cover - safe. There was a man there, I could not see him, he didn’t seem to say anything, only saw me come running. It was scary. For all the time they did not seem to hit me. That was the day before yesterday. Thanks.

I was shot three times. whether on a bet, or whether it was a game. I was wounded in the stomach, leg and somewhere close to the neck. the first time I defended someone, fell, got up, and then, as if they were playing a game, they hit me 2 more times.

it was dark, I went out of the building with someone and got into a shootout, one might even say an ambush. As soon as they started shooting at us, they first hit me in the stomach. I hid behind the car, but someone came up and shot in the head, but I remained alive and there was no blood. Then somehow I ended up in someone's apartment. I waited for an ambulance for a very long time. Finally, when the ambulance arrived, they said that they could not do anything and had to be taken to the hospital. And they wanted to give an anesthetic injection ... ..but I woke up)))


I fell asleep in the afternoon after work, I dreamed that I see a bullet flying at me, I manage to turn around, run, but I fall and feel a bullet in my back, it hurts a little, but bearable. A man whom I know in a dream, but never saw in reality, pulls out a bullet from my back, no blood, then I woke up

I don’t remember exactly. but I dreamed that a girl, if I’m not mistaken, I knew her and fired a pistol. I fell kabuta died, but as I left I got up and went to help my friends. the blood came out of my head, but I didn’t die and the galava didn’t hurt. and dreamed of a friend, the kabut dog was also in a current state, but I don't remember any further.

I seem to be running away from the cops, they shoot at me from a weapon, they hit my shoulder, but I did not feel any pain, then I hear conversations to comb everything around, he will not go far wounded and then I wake up. But what is strange is that we have been looking for a child in orphanages for many years in a row, but to no avail! So the first part of my dream disappeared almost immediately after I woke up, but the information about the 12th orphanage in the city of Moscow was imprinted in my memory from the first part of the dream, and after I received this information this chase with shooting began!

I was wounded by the enemy, but he was taken prisoner at first, I rewound it myself with a bandage that bleeded easily, after I brought the prisoner, the doctors patched me up and the blood stopped flowing, after in the battle my machine gun was jammed, but someone helped me and I destroyed 4 more opponents to death

some old man climbed into the house, stole some papers, I started to chase him, grabbed him, but he shot me, in the hand seven times with a pistol of what small caliber

At first I was near the kindergarten, a friend went there for someone, then he runs out, says to me:
- (friend) run
- (I) Why, what happened, from whom?
- (friend) You see that robot, from him!
Well, we ran, he disappeared somewhere, I ran further hid, then he appeared again and the robot was catching up with us ... Then we kind of disappeared from him and I saw a chariot, the horse had a wick in its mouth, I immediately realized that there was a bomb, and that , who drove the chariot, a man with a cigar, was going to set it on fire, then the massacre began there, we ran further along the hay, and there was a horse in the hay, but not dead, as if it was also hiding, but felt we ran away and here they found us, and when we ran away they shot in my back, in part of the kidney. Some people ran out, most of them were girls, called an ambulance, she arrived in a second, as if she was around the corner, then the doctor came out and put me on the hood like the cops do, touched my wound, the feeling was not pleasant at all, and said the open wound will live and they put food in front of me, before that they seemed to put it to everyone, because it felt like they had a tradition or something)

i dreamed as if I was saving children from some kind of men, then shooting and they hit me "right now I remember 2 bullets in the left side of my chest" there are only 2 holes. I called an ambulance, but before I woke up she didn't come, then I I sit at the same table with these men, eat and talk sweetly, then I went into the room and woke up

there was something like that I was in some detachment of children prepared to kill the enemy (even you were there), then, I stood on the bank of the Kama with a woman and you, stood with my back to the bushes. it was very it was cloudy and the Kama had almost no banks, they shot at me from behind, and a bullet hit me between the shoulder blades, after that I fell, rolled down the concrete slabs, fell into the water and began to choke, but survived

I had a dream that my brother shot me 1 time in the back with a pistol, then he tried to find a pistol in order to take revenge - but another brother dissuaded me from doing this. After that, an acquaintance (whom I had not seen for 7 years) shot at me with an AK assault rifle and hit me in the back 4 times. Then my brother (who fired first) helped me to take out these bullets. The bullets looked strange, not ordinary.

I dreamed that I was hit by a bullet from a pistol, which the man was holding and he shot and hit me in the leg. But there was not enough blood, then I ran to the hospital and saw the mother of my boyfriend and told him not to tell him. Then they started pulling it out for me and I didn't feel anything.

I don’t remember how, the bullet wound was in my stomach on the right side.
Abundant bleeding started, scarlet blood flowed out, I tried to cover the wound with my hand. (This helped)
After that, the goal was to find a hospital, because I was sure that the bullet was in me, and did not slip into the flight.
Found a hospital (I don't know where she is, but this is not the first time I see her, I definitely know that I was there)
Friends, acquaintances are dreaming, for some reason I walk around the city I see acquaintances and all this with a hole in the right side. Sorry for the joke if it is out of place.
Then I am again in the hospital injected with some kind of drug, supposedly anesthesia, it does not work and this anesthesia is reintroduced. It works, I fall asleep.
Then I wake up in a dream from anesthesia and everything is fine, no wound ... nothing
I don't remember anything else.

I was in a room with large panoramic windows. they shot at me from the street, and hit me in the right foot and slightly hooked my head. I hid in a corner until the shooting stopped. then I left, but the rest of the dream pursued me and now and then I again ran away from someone

We were moving with my parents, I looked out the window and we had something like training shots and a large black round flew over my window and shot 3 times and hit my hand, the bullets cut my hand and flew past

I saw planes in the sky. American. The bombing began. I tried to escape, to steal. A man with a machine gun ran out to meet him. Shot me in the shoulder, I close my eyes and think to myself. This is what my death is. Then I get up and run. There is no blood from the wound. I meet a friend. She bandages my wound, then I run around with my wound and show it to everyone.

A month ago, I had a dream that I was badly wounded, there were four wounds in my torso and in my legs, but the bullets did not reach and there was no blood. And today, from 8 to 9 October (Thursday to Friday), I dreamed about the continuation of this dream. I sit and think, it is necessary to somehow get these bullets, otherwise it will go more festering .. I lift the T-shirt and there are already the tips of the bullets, I pulled them out without pain and blood with my own hands, but the bullets were big.

In a dream, I had three bullets in my body, they were sticking out like a ruler, starting from the lower abdomen and above, there was no blood. I was very afraid that I would die, and they took me to the hospital. Vraya pulled out one bullet, it was very small, and gave some kind of cream, said that everything would be fine with me and the creams would smear the rest of the wounds and they would come out of the wounds themselves.

Hello! I dreamed today as if my friends and I were in a difficult situation, and we were being "hunted"! Enemies (whose faces I had not seen before, that is, unfamiliar), were defeated, one of which I shot right in the heart! He ended up in our room in an almost abandoned building, asked not to kill him, but I still pulled the trigger and killed! At the same time, I clearly see how I loaded the bullet, held it in my hands, how it stood in the pistol, and then fired a shot! Feelings of regret about what was done did not leave me for a long time!

Hello. I remember that they shot at me and covered myself from the shot with my hand. The bullet hit the wrist. After that, a woman doctor pulled her out to me in the hospital. I remember giving an anesthetic injection and then stitching up the wound.

in a dream I saw a showdown passing by, a bullet hit me. (in the forehead, while I remained alive) and ran away from people who started a showdown. in the end I ended up at home and there I wanted to be called an ambulance, but my mother could not tell this to my father .then the wound on my forehead was getting deeper. it feels like they didn't help me in the end

They shot at me with a TT pistol at close range from 10 meters. They shot in the heart, but I dodged and turned sideways. The bullet hit the upper part of my left arm. There was no blood. I pulled out the bullet myself and wanted to leave it as a charm. No injury remained. The wound healed. Tanks entered the city and the war in Donbass continued again.

I am in some house with old friends and we are having fun, some neighbor did not like how we weighed loudly and I only remember how he starts shooting through the walls I start to run and try to hide I see how the bullets fly through the walls, then I hide and start I understand myself to examine myself that there is no place where it hurts, but then the thought comes to my mind a hundred from the shock, and I can not notice the wound and at that moment I find a wound on my leg, there is no blood! I begin to examine the wound and I understand that the bullet is inside, I take out her blood is gone! But there, as it seems to me, fragments of sneezes remain, I also pull out the wound, the wound becomes larger and then I begin to understand a hundred, I sleep and I am glad that this is a dream and in fact I have nothing and wake up

Hello! I would be immensely grateful) (I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday) There was a meeting of classmates, we were sitting in an old gray house, quite spacious. Then 2 people, a stranger, a girl and a guy appeared, they started shooting from the street, the shots were like a burst from a machine gun, although they had a pistol in their hands. Then I sharply see everyone and myself in a shelter, in a pale yellow building, for some reason I go out to the door (the main entrance and exit of the building) and the bullets hit my neck and got stuck there (I just remember how I felt them with my hands) there was no blood, I tried to get them failed. I woke up.

I was shot in the side, but I didn’t die, it didn’t even hurt, I just felt like there was something in my right side and it’s a bullet, I could even get up and go anywhere, just as I went to my older brother to ask “what am I do "he replied" you don't have any bullet, it just flew out from the other side ", but I felt that he was inside me ... I don't remember anything further

I dreamed that in the war a sniper was shooting at me, I saw flying bullets that flew towards me, the bullets had a white train, I dodged and thought that they flew past, but it turned out that two bullets were stuck in the back of my head, they were not brown there was no blood, I could even pull them out almost painlessly, but for some reason I didn't. I also dreamed in this dream that my tooth was filled.

I was not standing on the porch, a man I don't know was shooting at me. He was wearing black glasses and a black tuxedo. The bullet left a red spot on the skin on the left side. Out of fear I ran to another house, ran into some then the apartment and shouted "Save, help, they want to kill me." A woman came out of the room in a dark blue robe, with black hair and kicked me out. I stood in the entrance, looked where that man was, he drove in a black jeep and looked at the strangers.

Hello, I dreamed that they were shooting at me as if the war, as if a lot of people, did not see who was shooting, but I had bruises in my right leg on my foot and I knew that there were bullets, and in my right hand there was usually they put injections and droppers, there were also, as it were, abrasions and I started to get bullets out of my hand through the hole, while I did not feel pain, not when firing, not when pulling it out

I was with my leadership at a meeting and when we returned home I was wounded in both legs. bullets went through. see you soon, we stopped the blood and the doctors opened the wounds during the examination and put their fingers in there, I woke up from my screams

hello the fact is that I saw how men entered the house and killed my parents but I did not have time to hide he found me put a gun to my head but I grabbed him by the knees and asked him to wait two minutes to catch his breath and as soon as I went to the window he shot me in back

Hello, this is what I dreamed about - In a dream I was covering for a friend with a bullet in my back, but there was no pain. I brought my wounded friend to the hospital in my arms, put a sweater under my head, called the nurse and fell unconscious from blood loss, regained consciousness in the hospital

I remember the dream in fragments, it was not particularly emotional, most of it. Me, my twin sister (which in reality I don't have) and our parents fought some foreign government guys. In expensive suits, an earpiece and a transmitter from the ear, pistols ... And our parents are something like Sherlock and Watson, they were very smart and solved crimes. And we are with them. In one of the fights, a guy shot me when I stood with my back to him and watched the fight of my parents. I remember how I turned, he stood, pointing a gun at me, then I turn back and fall to the ground, on my stomach. I lie for a while, covered in blood, and then I wake up.

I dreamed that I was shooting and killing people, but at some point I got tired of losing all the cartridges and shot at me, the bullet remained in me, but later it was pulled out, but the penis came off.

I remember that we, with a group of familiar people, went down on a raft along the river to some village to rest. But I found myself in the midst of military events. Everyone is resting, and at this time I am going to seize enemy territory. I kill everyone in a row, as a result, my whole group is killed, I am left alone with a bunch of enemies. I go to the break, I kill many people run away from me. Then I hear that our people are coming to help and asking something and I blurted out that I was left without ammunition. The opponents took advantage of this and returned, surrounded but did not shoot, but threw a grenade in my direction. I took it and threw it back, it exploded without hitting me. But when I returned from the battle, I was bandaged from a bullet wound, or rather several, as far as I understood a burst of bullets, but I did not feel pain, and there was no blood. Then it turned out that my weapon was taken away from me, I started looking for it. Those people that I used to be afraid of are now a ghost and now everyone was afraid of me. They listened to me, shied away from me. In the end, I found some kind of strange pistol (a wide barrel with several small bullet holes, like there were 3 holes). While I found him coming out and a girl from her own wants to attack, I somehow know that she is an enemy. She starts to grab the barrel, but I immediately shoot. I wanted to leave her torment, but one person who loved her asked me to stop her torment, I agreed and cold-bloodedly finished her off, after which this guy said thank you to me. Then I went to bed. And there was a moment that one couple in love asked me to help them be together, away from the girl's mother. And when I went to sleep on the bed next to the couple, their mother was lying and I kicked her out to another bed (because everyone was afraid of me, she obeyed without further ado and left). I could not lie down, they began to engage in a second, I looked at all this (with a tired look) and left.

I shoot a big dog (like a house) because it attacked, and then it turns out - this is my old friend (boyfriend)
everyone is angry with me, and I take bullets out of him and sew up the wounds
although he still wanted to kill us, but to save

I dreamed that my friend and I ate in the fresh air
подъехала машина и мужик,какой-то негр в очках начал стрелять в меня,причем пули были маленькие
got one in the hand
everyone ran away the bullet I pulled out myself
then I ran into the yard, told Lera that we would meet at the store and go to Ranh, I climbed into someone's car, started it and drove off, and I knew that I had no license at all, I drove through the Red Army and stopped at the store, there was a sign that the parking is prohibited, I overtook the car, went into the store, Lera is not there, I sat there, I was bleeding, they examined my hand, I drove to Ranh, I came, parked the car, and then I actually got into some kind of game, I was already disguised , we run through the woods with a sword and a friend, at first we stumbled upon people, they explained to us where we are and what we are doing, my friend and I began to look for a way out, we run, we stumbled upon wolves, sort of dealt with them, we go further, some kind of abandoned castle , we went there, there went down to the crypt, there vampires attacked us, we fled from them, it feels like it was always gloomy in this forest, this man was hunting me again and someone was with him

I dreamed that there was a deep cut in the area of ​​the right leg from the knee to the groin, there were 3 bullets in the same leg, it is sewn up and you can see how it sticks out, the other with a notch when it hits, like the other in the groin area, through .... in this dream, no one helped me and only grinned, it was difficult to move and there was a terrible pain ... it felt like it was all in reality .... in a dream, even my beloved turned away from me ... and I saw how they shoot at me from a distance ... and who did not see. here is my mail:

And so in a dream I had a girl's phone number and I had to give it back, I followed her, she disappeared somewhere in the distance, then I saw a burning forest, when I approached this fire, I saw the burned soldiers, I walked past them and saw his friend, he was sitting near some building with a frightening look and told me that I would climb to the top, I did not leave him and we went up together, going into some room, he showed me his feet and he had 9 bullets in his feet on both legs he pulled them out, in this room there was still a little girl very beautiful with angelic eyes and she constantly walked beside me and I understood that I had to protect her and the military turned out to be zombies and tried to enter our room and we did not let them in at the end of everything we left this room but I never gave up the phone

I dream that the military has cordoned off us. There are military and terrorists among them. In the beginning, I don't see them, I ran after someone and bullets went at me. I closed myself to rukamm. The bullets hit my hands. I see on the left shoulder. Doesn't bleed. I don't feel pain. In this dream, all my nightmares were connected in the same way, while the injury did not bring me up as much as some other moments. I clearly see the wound and the bullet (that is, the place in the body through which the bullet passed)

Hello! I dreamed that I was leaving some room, and they shoot at me, hit me in the shoulder blades and shoulder, I was on the verge of death, but survived, walked with a bloody shirt, gradually began to feel good, why would it be

I am sitting in the country. Suddenly they shoot at me (I don’t remember who and under what circumstances) and a bullet would hit my chest, a couple of millimeters to the left of my heart. It doesn't hurt much, I can walk and there is no blood at all. But I understand that the bullet must be pulled out. I turn to my family for help, but no one takes it seriously, they say, "So I have to go to the hospital."

I dreamed that someone shot me (I don’t remember who and under what circumstances) and the bullet hit my chest, a couple of millimeters to the right of my heart. It didn't hurt much, I could walk, and there was no blood at all. I went to my family, but they did not take it seriously, they told me to go to the hospital. All this time I was walking, looking for consolation and a person who could help me. And I found him. Some guy said he could pull a bullet. I believed him, but in the end it turned out that he could not do anything. It seems that he didn't even try. But I managed to eat a lot of sleeping pills, as I was very afraid of pain. And I tore off the top of the bullet, which was at the level of the skin and the bullet was replaced with a small chip with a light bulb. And it was even worse than a bullet. I ran to my grandmother, and guests came to her. The guests began to say something about me, and my grandmother said a very strange phrase: “Yes, it’s hard for her now. She has a fractured main atrial bone. " Then I, it seems, went to the city myself, although I was afraid to fall asleep on the way.

I run through the forest in a dream and at some point I understand that they are shooting at me, I try to scream, but instead of screaming, I get only a characteristic bear roar and I understand that in a dream I am a running bear. Everything does not last long. The dream has been dreaming for the second month in a row

I dreamed that I was on a combat operation and was hiding from enemy bullets, but one of them wounded me. I called the doctor or he came himself, I don't remember, I took the scalpel and pulled out the bullet making a small incision on the leg. There was almost no blood. Fear of operating on oneself too. Everything was calm. I took out a bullet.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing is a reason for gossip. Putting it in a weapon is a dubious thing. Pouring bullets is good news.

I had a dream "Bullet"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing the whistle of bullets in a dream means that in reality you will not have the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant conversation. The enemy's bullet struck you - to unexpected and very bad news.

The meaning of the Bullet dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Successful activity. Convincing arguments, arguments. Aggressive impulses, performance.

Dream interpretation: what is Bullet dreaming of. Number 9 (nine)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal and recommends that you pay attention to what is happening around you. If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds you, then ...

Decoding and interpretation of the Bullet dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see a bullet or bullets is to receive sad news from a loved one. A bullet in a dream - to give your behavior a reason for gossip. To load a weapon with bullets is to do a dubious business. If in a dream you were hit by a bullet, in reality you will find out very bad news. Afraid …

Why is Bullet dreaming in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you were hit by a hail of bullets while in a combat zone portends that your success will depend on the ability to neutralize your opponents. If you felt that a bullet pierced your body through and through, but at the same time you did not feel pain ...

Dreaming - Bullet - What to Expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Bullets whistling overhead are bad consequences. Casting bullets - don't get carried away with dangerous things. Being wounded by a bullet is a disease.

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Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

She flew - to a blow, a very tangible prick. Seeing in the bandolier, horn, and weapon parts means that someone is planning to stab you. They made, cast themselves - this means that you are planning to take revenge on someone or strike, and this ...

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Of course, everyone knows this feeling when everything falls off their hands - in the morning red borscht spilled in the refrigerator, then fingers were burnt on a spoon in a coffee turkey, then jeans didn't fit, then the car poured fresh February slush on it. Such a day is possible if the day before ...

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Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Putting a bulletproof vest on yourself in a dream: you are too careful, so career growth is not foreseen in the near future. Seeing criminals in body armor: such a dream means that you will experience a feeling of envy of people. If you saw in a dream a bulletproof vest riddled with bullets: this ...

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Dream interpretation: why Cherry is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing cherries in a dream means that you will achieve popularity due to your friendliness and selflessness. Eating cherries portends the possession of some very desirable item. Seeing green cherries is a harbinger of approaching good luck. Sometimes a dream about her warns that your illegal love ...

Dream interpretation: why Cherry is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing cherries in a dream means that you will gain popularity thanks to friendliness and generosity. There is a cherry - such a dream predicts that you will acquire what you have dreamed of for so long. Seeing green cherries is a good luck soon. Seeing cherries in a dream means ...

Dream interpretation: what the fur coat is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat was very popular among the people - a fur coat turned inside with fur, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars. Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter looking at the window ...

Dream interpretation: what the egg is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the origin of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians whose actions were associated with evil spirits ate an egg in a shell so that ...

Dream interpretation: what is the dream of the Tablecloth

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A symbol of feast, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy-tale items is a self-assembled tablecloth that can feed any number of people. If you dream of a clean white tablecloth, it means that a happy marriage and material well-being await you. See in ...

Dream interpretation: what is the Peacock dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Probably the most popular fairy bird is the peacock, even the fictional firebird resembles a very real peacock, it is even called the “bird of paradise”. Therefore, the image of a peacock in your dream can personify hopes, dreams, fantasies. The peacock can symbolize in your dream haughty, pompous, proud ...

Dream interpretation: why is cornflower dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This flower for girls was the personification of her lover, which is why wreaths woven from cornflowers were so popular. In a dream, Cornflowers can serve as a reminder of your second half or be a reflection of your emotional impulses. Plucking a cornflower in a dream - awaits you in reality ...

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Bullets firing is ambiguous. Much depends on the specific situation and the outcome of the dream events. Emotions about sleep after waking up also matter. Let's consider the most common options.

Bullet made of gold

A golden bullet in a dream is, in general, a good messenger. The dreamer will soon expect great profits and enrichment. But it is also a warning. Be careful and don't lose yourself in the pursuit of money. You should not put wealth at the forefront, otherwise you will lose your moral qualities, for which you are appreciated and respected by others. The golden bullet is a sign of good luck, and at the same time a warning.


If you were wounded by a bullet in a dream, the dream book interprets this depending on the location of the hit:

  • A bullet in the leg - to a quarrel with a friend. Serious disagreements will arise, but if there is no blood, you will be able to restore each other's trust.
  • Bullet in hand - problems at work. You do not underestimate the seriousness of the situation; you will have to make more efforts than it was calculated.
  • A bullet in the forehead even in a dream does not bode well, expect a serious illness. If you shot at point-blank range - the news will scare you, but everything will not be so bad.
  • A bullet in the head is a career takeoff. The way he will not turn your head and try not to turn your nose up.
  • The dream book interprets a bullet in the back of the head as an obsession with the past. Too often you think about how you could solve old problems and forget about the present. Life can pass by in ethereal pictures of the past.
  • A bullet in the back indicates excessive stress and self-defense. Nobody will touch you, you can relax and enjoy life. But if you got two bullets, the dream book warns of a possible betrayal.
  • A bullet in the chest - failure in love. The closer the wound is to the heart, the stronger the experience of breaking up the relationship will be.

Bullet missed

In a dream, you turned out to be such a dodger that you caught a bullet with your teeth? Don't be happy, this is a warning, stop acting too frivolous. will help correct only a sincere desire to understand the interlocutor.

If you managed to escape from a bullet in your sleep or dodge like a movie hero, you are a terribly lucky person. The risk will pay off, you will be able to achieve everything you want. It's time to embark on an adventure.

Hiding from bullets means feeling insecure about your own abilities. Think over the plan and go ahead for new achievements.

Flying bullet

It is worth thinking about the people around you if you watched the flight of a bullet in a dream. At the same time, being on the battlefield promises a difficult situation in reality, the development of which you cannot influence in any way.

The flying bullet itself is a symbol of confidence, strong will and determination. If in a dream you just watch the flight without experiencing negative emotions, your efforts will soon bear fruit. The efforts were not in vain.

The bullet flew through your body without leaving a trace, moreover, there was not even pain - Vital energy is now at its maximum, it's time for great fun, just do not overdo it.

Love interpretation

If a bullet hit the head, Freud's dream book interprets this as difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex.

Back injury - disappointment in sexual relations with your soulmate.

A shot in the neck of another person - the one you saw in a dream has strong feelings for you. If they are mutual, you can, without hesitation, move on to action yourself.

Several hits in you, bringing almost real physical pain, means severe mental trauma. Your loved one will soon break up with you, or your hopes for a relationship will finally be shattered. You will not be able to recover for a long time, you will have to learn to live anew.

Shoot in a dream

It is interpreted not unambiguously. According to the first version, the shooter will soon commit some unusual act. His name will be discussed, some will even condemn for what he did. Sleep is a warning, think a few times about the consequences before moving on to action.

The second option - the dreamer will soon find out important news, which will turn out to be like a shot for him. The interpretation is silent as to whether this is good or bad news.

Participation in a firefight indicates an inner fear of being defeated by competitors. In personal relationships, this can mean the appearance of someone third. The dream indicates that the sleeper is himself to blame for what happened. To win, you need to make every effort and work carefully on yourself.

The worst sign is to drop your weapon. This means that there was a chance to emerge victorious, but the dreamer did not take advantage of it.


Seeing your own murder is like contemplating broken hopes. The man made plans, tried, and even the potential was there, but apparently somewhere he did not reach. This is regret about all the missed opportunities, and, at the same time, a chance to start a new life.

If they ate in a dream they made someone kill with a shot, which means that now everything in life is stable and safe. The killed is a kind of symbol of the past, past losses and failures. Now everything is working out, you can relax and forget about the problems.

Seeing weapons in a dream

For a man, this is a sign to stop. He was too carried away by digging in the souls of loved ones. To suspect your family and friends of betrayal is not only ugly, but also wrong, because all fears are ultimately in vain.

For a woman, a weapon means excessive hot temper and emotionality. It's time to remember your femininity and become a soft gentle kitty, otherwise you can lose your loved one.

Even the type of weapon that the dreamer holds in his hands matters:

  • Walter - promises a new romantic hobby;
  • Mauser portends financial well-being;
  • But the Colt is a deliberately disastrous business, in which it is better not to meddle.

Hidden numerological meaning

9 mm is the most common caliber of bullets, if you did not know this, then everything is subject to your subconsciousness. This is a kind of signal to stop and see what is happening around you.

If you dream of a bullet, then in real life you need to go on the offensive. You may have become involved in something that you did not want to participate in. To figure it out, actively use the help of numerology.

It is better to hold important meetings and negotiations now on the 9th and 27th, and it is better not to trust the intermediate link on the 18th. On the 18th, you can be easily misled; you should not trust the information received on that day.

Feelings upon waking up

If you woke up a second before the fatal hit, luck awaits in business, in life you will also be able to dodge a blow. Waking up relieved that you were not hit is also good. The problems that are outlined will not bring much frustration and pain.

Aching pain at the site of a bullet is a serious signal. This organ may not be all right. Better go to your doctor right away before it's too late.

Sleeping with guns and bullets is always a warning. But the warnings are there to keep you out of real danger. Be careful and listen to your subconscious mind.

Many different objects that can appear in dreams are considered signs that hint at the need to change something in your life. It is to such symbols that the dream book refers to cartridges. If you dreamed about them too, be sure to find out what such a vision could mean.

According to the interpreters of dreams, patrons in the world of night dreams are associated with warning. Such ammunition may well be dreamed of by someone who has recently acted rashly or negligently. And so that this does not become a reason for condemnation from others, it is better for a dreamer in reality to seriously think about his behavior. Famous interpreters will tell you what else a person who dreamed of live shells in the form of cartridges needs to know.

Weapon - to battle

According to Miller's dream book, the cartridge serves as a harbinger of a situation in which the sleeper will have to confront circumstances in order to ward off danger. But, if you dreamed about a sleeve, then it is rather a warning about the uselessness of the thing that you want to purchase in the coming days.

Another interpreter offers more extended versions of the interpretation for sleeping with ammunition. So, the Dream Interpretation from A to Z builds its interpretations on the features of the dreamed objects:

  • Blank cartridges, for example, indicate that in the real world, the sleeper spends too much time and energy on the implementation of the case, which is unlikely to justify his hopes.
  • The martial ones hint that now is not the right time to implement the dreamer's plans.
  • Small-caliber ones symbolize the small profit that the sleeper can get from the business he has begun.

According to the same dream book, cartridges in a clip are the personification of the envy of others. Moreover, the object of their envy will be the real successes achieved by the sleeping person. Thus, a dream with a full clip may well become evidence that very soon the dreamer will be lucky and his success will cause indignation among his ill-wishers.

Interested in what the patron is dreaming of, it will not hurt to look into another dream interpreter. For example, in the Modern Combined Dream Book. This source connects the projectile with a secret that the dreamer will find out in the near future. Moreover, if, according to the plot, you encounter ammunition in a completely atypical place, then the revealed secret will be a surprise for you.

For those who, in a dream, dreamed of loading a pistol with cartridges or, the Modern Combined Interpreter of Dreams recommends starting active actions to achieve this goal. But if you just had to hold a loaded magazine in your hand without trying to use it for its intended purpose, it means that soon you will be lucky enough to observe how the tense situation is resolved.

If you look into the Esoteric Dream Book, then the cartridges in it will be a hint of career growth. So, an empty gun case may indicate a promotion, which will not in any way affect the dreamer's financial situation. Well, to hold bullets in your hands in a dream is to receive valuable data or practical advice from a more competent person in reality.

As you can see, different dream books interpret the ammunition seen in dreams in different ways. So, the interpreter of the Wanderer offers a completely different explanation for the dreamed shells. According to him, if a person dreamed of a patron, then he will symbolize the abilities and potential of the dreamer. It is quite possible that at the moment the person has not yet revealed himself, but he has everything ahead.

Be carefull

Among the few symbols in the world of night dreams, dreams with cartridges and bullets are considered warnings. In some cases, they indicate the disadvantage of the business started, and in some, they promise dangerous connections, from which it is better for the dreamer to refrain.

So, for example, Tsvetkov's dream book believes: those who dream of plots with shells run the risk of getting involved in some kind of scam or they will be offered participation in a dubious enterprise. Therefore, it is better for a person not to ignore a dream with ammunition.

In turn, the interpreter of dreams Meneghetti believes that a cartridge from a pistol is a clear signal for action.... He dreams of people who are already about to start moving towards the goal, because, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone.

Why ammunition is dreaming (cartridges or bullets) is also explained by Vanga's dream book. According to him, holding such shells in your hands is a difficult situation, from which the dreamer will be able to get out with his head held high. But counting bullet casings in a dream means hiding a secret. It is quite possible that in reality a person is trying to hide from his family and friends something shameful, committed by him in the past.

The general dream book connects bullets with disagreements that can arise between the dreamer and the people around him for no apparent reason. Therefore, the interpreter advises the person who sees such a plot to be careful in statements and actions so as not to provoke a conflict.

But to see a bullet exploding in a dream - to an unexpected twist of fate and new circumstances that will take the dreamer by surprise. Although such a symbol does not portend a conflict, in reality it will not hurt a person to be on the alert in the coming days. Author: Elena Suvorova