Comedy Test A. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit"

Comedy Test A. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit"

The ideological and moral victory of Chatsky in the comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from the mind."

The comedy "grief from the mind" keeps some mansion in the literature and is characterized by a stronger vitality from other works of the word.

The main role in the comedy "grief from the mind", of course, is the role of Chatsky, without which there would be no comedy, but would probably have a picture of the morals.

It would be possible to think that Griboedov, from the deceic love for her hero, praised him in the title, as if warning the reader that his hero was smart, and all the other were stupid about him. But Chatsky is not only smarter than all other persons, but also positively smart. Speech boils with wit. He has a heart, and moreover he is immaculately honest. However, many are perplexed by Chapkom: what is he?

Magovyov speaks about Chazkom: "He writes nicely, translates." He, of course, traveled to no wonder, studied, read, was in intercourse with the ministers and went smashed - it is not difficult to guess why.

"It would be happy to serve, - Serve sick!" He hints himself.

He loves seriously, seeing future wife in Sofa.

Chatsky, and in this his mistake and tragedy, at first does not perceive Molchalin, does not see a worthy opponent in it. For Chatsky Molchanin - a complete insignificance, "the most complicated creation." A.S. Pushkin wrote: "Between the workshops of this charming comedy - the expiration of Chatsky in the love of Sofia to the silence - Charming! - And how naturally! Here, the whole comedy was to twist ... "

Character features and worldviews Griboedov found a deep reflection in the comedy "grief from the mind", primarily in the image of Chatsky. In this image, Griboedov first showed a "new person." This is an image of a bold and irreconcilable fighter for business, for the idea, for the truth.

Sadness was the fate of such a lone fighter, how the Chatsky is depicted, he is opposed to the world of Famous, rockozubs, silent and tapes, with their small goals and low aspirations.

The comedy Griboedov speaks about the grief of man, and the grief is coming from his mind. With the concept of "smart", "Melnik", then the idea of \u200b\u200ba person is not just intelligent, but free-reform. It is the mind of Chatsky in this wide and special understanding puts it out of the Famous, silent, rockozubs, chassis. The deepest sense of the comedy Griboedov is that it shows how in conditions of serfdom are doomed to persecution of any independent thought, every lively passion, any sincere feeling.

So who is Chapsky? I believe that despite my position, on his forced flight from Moscow, in ideological and moral terms, Chatsky remains the winner. This is confirmed by I. A. Goncharov's words: "Chatsky is broken by the number of old power. I inflicted, in turn, the fatal blow to the quality of his strength. Chatsky is a winner, an advanced warrior, a shotger and - always the victim. "

What is the meaning of the final of the play by A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"?. "Won from Moscow, here I am no longer riding ...". Such was the last phrase of Chase, what did she mean in addition to the banal meaning that he would no longer return to this city that the author invested in the last monologue of the chief hero?

Chatsky all over the work was opposed to residents of the house of Famusov. His character and the warehouse of the mind brought some problems alone, he did not possess a practical mind of Molchalin. By definition, the head of the state can not be a person like Chatsky.

For this you need silent, who always know who and what to say, where and with whom to meet, where and when to go, they are in any company, they are able to pull the tensions in society on themselves and get out of it intact. And such as Chatsky always pushed out of society for security purposes. They raise Tire from the bottom, but she will go, everything will fall on places thanks to silent. And this is understandable, an unstable society cannot exist, which means people with the mind of Chatsky should be pushed out of him, they are not the place here ... that is why the main character goes from Moscow, he almost expelled from the house of Famusov, his behavior was impossible for perception ...

Test on the Comedy "Mount Sieve" Griboedov

And 1. What is the name of the beloved Sofia, with whom she secretly meets at night? a) scalosub b) Chatsky c) Molchanin d) reheetles

And 2. Which of the heroes were friends with the father of Chatsky? a) scalosub b) migrasov c) srololly d) rich

And 3. What requires Chatsky in the final "grief from the mind"? a) Sani b) horse c) carriage d) brick

A 4. Who launched a rumor about Chatsky's madness? a) Molchanin b) Sofia c) migrant g) rockozub

And 5. What is the name of Chatsky? a) Alexander Andreevich b) Alexander Sergeevich c) Alexander Ivanovich d) Alexander Petrovich

And 6. Famuses calls the Chatsky dangerous person, because: a) Chatsky wants to steal sophia b) Chatsky - gossip c) Chatsky - Volnodomz d) Chatsky - Shuler

And 7. Who is Molchanin in love really in love? a) in Sofia b) in Khlestov c) to Natalia Dmitrievna d) in Lizu

And 8. In which city is the action of the comedy "grief from the mind"? a) Moscow b) St. Petersburg c) city n d) Pavlovsk

And 9. How old is Chatsky was not in Moscow? a) 2 years b) 3 years c) 4 years g) 5 years

And 10. Which of the heroes wears the rank of colonel? a) Molchanin b) Famuses c) reheetles d) slop
And 11. What is the name of the secretary of Famusov? a) reheetles b) zerkollin c) rockozub d) rich

And 12. A member of which club is Famuses? a) English b) american c) French d) italian

And 13. What class belongs to the Famous family? a) Messenger b) merchants c) nobles d) clergy

And 14. Where and by whom is the Migrauses? a) general in the shelf b) managers in a state location c) court doctor d) assistant minister

And 15. What is the name of the servant of Famusov, who walks with the crushed elbow? a) Filk B) Fomka c) Parsley d) Pavlushka

And 16. How old is Sophie Famusova? a) 17 years b) 18 years old c) 19 years d) 20 years

And 17. How many actions is the comedy "grief from the mind"? a) 2 actions b) 3 actions c) 4 actions d) 5 actions

And 18. Molchanin injected hand when he fell: a) with a staircase b) from horse c) with a bench g) with a porch

And 19. What is the name of the deaf prince in the comedy "grief from the mind"? a) Lylohovsky b) Krivukhovsky c) Bezukhovsky d) Toguhovsky

And 20. For whom Migrauses want to marry Sophia? a) for Chatsky b) for reheat clan) for scalosis d) for silence

In 1 finish line : but) "It would be happy to serve ..."; b) "Happy ...".

In 2, who of this list is not a Hero of Comedy "Mount from Wit":

Gorich, Famuses, Lisa, Molchanin, Zagoretsky, Toguhovsky, Bobchinsky, Reetales, Hleastov.

In 3 who is in the comedy "and a gold bag, and marks to the generals"?

In 4, specify the type of conflict that unfolds in the "Mount-mind" play.

a) love, b) social, c) love and social, d) family

In 5 who own the following words?

And Barsky anger, and Barsky love.

C1. Write out of the text of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" five "winged" expressions.

Answers to test questions by comedy "Mount from Wit"

A 1 - (c) Molchanin 2 - (b) Magovsov 3 - (c) carriage 4 - (b) Sofia 5 - (a) Alexander Andreevich 6 - (c) Chatsky - Volnoduumz 7 - (d) in Lisa 8 - ( a) Moscow 9 - (b) 3 years 10 - (g) Scalozub 11 - (b) Molchanin 12 - (a) English club 13 - (c) nobles 14 - (b) manager in a state spot 15 - (c) Parsley 16 - (a) 17 years 17 - (c) 4 Actions 18 - (b) from Horse 19 - (d) Prince Toguhovsky 20 - (c) per scalosis

In 1 - a) "serve would be happy to serve nauseous"; b) "Happy hours do not observe"; 2 - Bobchinsky; 3 - scalosub; 4 - in; 5 - Lisa

Nesterova I.A. Chap's tragedy in the comedy grief from the mind // Encyclopedia Nester

What is the tragedy of Chatsky and his problem?

The end of the eighteenth century marks the appearance of a large number of satirical works. At the beginning of the 19th century, the comedy Griboedov was "grief from the mind", who took the place among the works of his genre. The comedy carried the press of the Alexandrovsky reforms and war of 1812.

According to Goncharov, the "comedy" grief from the mind "there is a picture of the morals, and the gallery of living types, and eternally sharp, burning satire, and at the same time and comedy ... what is hardly in other literature ...".

The main hero of the work is A.A. Chatsky. He was born in a small noble family. His childhood was held next to the Famus family. He connected him with his sofya, first friendship, and then love.

The life of the Moscow nobility quickly bored Chazzkom. He wanted to visit other countries. Returning in three years in Moscow, Chatsky realized that nothing had changed, but he was happy to return home. "I wanted to go around the whole light, and did not knock the hundredth of the share."

The most expensive memories on a foreign land, there were memories of the Motherland. In Moscow, Chatsky notes that the morals in the capital did not change at all. "When you are happy, turn home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us"! From all other characters comedy Chatsky features a shrill mind, freshness of views. This is how the Famuses responds about him: "It's a pity, very sorry, he is small with his head; and he writes nice, translates." Even Sofya, despite the hostility to Chatkom, speaks of him that he is "handsome, smart, eloquent ...".

The tragedy of Chatsky is that his mind will not allow him to close his eyes for chaos, creating in a secular society. The atmosphere of lies and chalobality in front of more influential and senior nobles and officials of top rank. Chatsky cannot calmly look at the worship before all foreign:

Oh! If we are born, we adopt everything,
Although the Chinese would have to take a few
Will they have a non-burning of Inomers;
Is he rising from alien mod?
So that smart, vigorous our people.
Although I did not consider us a language for the Germans.

Chatsky criticizes the methods of upbringing and education, operating in a secular society. He is annoyed that anyone who is not too lazy becomes a teacher. Chatsky condemns the fashion on foreigners teachers, which sometimes speak Russian, they do not know how:

Not that in science are far;
In Russia, under the great fine,
We everyone can admit
Historian and geographer!

Alexandra Andreevich outragets the ugly manifestations of serfdom. He sees the attitude of landowners to the servants and openly protests against it. In a conversation with the Famow, he indignantly leads an example of the manifestation of serfdom:

That nestor of the villains are notable
Crowd surrounded by servants;
Treating, they are in wines and fights
And honor, and life has been saved more than once: suddenly
On them he endured the Brozy Three Dogs "!!!

Chatsky - a man is very educated. He relates to science and art with great respect. The speech of his pass is rich in intonation. For Chatsky, the depth and constancy of feelings is characteristic. It is very emotional and open. This is brightly manifested in its attitude to Sofye. He loves her sincerely, gently. Despite the disregard of Sofia, he is not trying to hide his feelings. There are no falsehood in the behavior of Chatsky. He does not say what she does not think, what does not believe. Chatsky does not set a goal in order for anything to rise in the rank. He does not approve of sinoplace and flattery for the sake of the public situation. It requires serve "case, not to persons." He says:

Pins are given;
And people can deceive.

The Chatsky tragedy is due to the fact that its moral principles cannot get along with the hypocrisy of a secular society. He does not like theft and idleness of officials, but he cannot do anything with this because he is not endowed with the ranks and power. For the main character in man, it is important not a social situation, but its moral principles and quality.

The tragedy of the comedy is exacerbated by Thazzky, unlike most representatives of the secular society, appreciates and respects the Russian people. He considers it "smart and vigorous."

Griboedov emphasizes Chatsky's ability to very subtly to march the characteristics of the character of a person, so he first exposes the scoundrel in silence and notes with bitterness that "silent bliss in the world ...".

Griboedov creates a tragic image of a new person in an old society. However, all new things that already exist in Chatsky is the future that is already embodied and prepared to change the "old world", that is, the Famunsovshchina. However, Alexander Andreevich is unable to move from words to action. He turns out one on one with an old society and his criticism, unable to change something. This is the tragedy of Chatsky, i.e. Mount from the mind.