Fake coupon thick brief content. The story of the lion of the fat "Fake coupon" as an expression of his concept of Christianity

Fake coupon thick brief content. The story of the lion of the fat "Fake coupon" as an expression of his concept of Christianity

November 20 marks a hundred years since the death of the great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. His extensive creative heritage still attracts the attention of thinking people around the world and retains importance as a source of fruitful ideas. It is time, in particular, re-comprehend the Tsvetsky concept of religion and the role of the church in the life of society. As you know, the writer in the last period of life was fascinated by the idea of \u200b\u200brenewing religion, purify Christianity from false teachings, obsolete rites and false church. It dedicated to this a big cycle of journalism; The motives of the restoration of true faith in the life of society are expressed in several stories and the pending of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From the works written by Tolstoy to these topics, I chose a tale for analysis "Fake coupon". It is important for evaluating the worldview of the Tolstoy, who has developed during this period of his life (the writer worked on the story since the late 1880s until 1904). In his diary, Tolstoy recorded in connection with this thing: "Active Christianity is not to do, create Christianity, but to absorb evil. The story "Coupon" really wants to add "(PSS, T.53, p. 197).

The story of the story was the image of a whole chain of dishonest and cruel actions committed by people of different classes, forgotten by morality and conscience that succumbed to the pressure of unconscious evil. Among them was the gymnasium lecturer of the Law of God Mikhail Vvedensky, which is described as:

"The commissioning lawmaker was widower, academician and a very proud person. Last year, he met in one society with the father of Smokovnikova (a student who fell and selling a coupon - an analogue of monetary bills - approx. Auth.) And encountered with him in a conversation about faith in which the Socialists broke it on all points and raised at Laughter, decided to draw special attention to the Son and, having found the same indifference to the law of God, as in the unbelieving father, began to pursue him and failed him on the exam. Having learned from Maryia Vasilyevna about the act of a young Smokovnikov, the introduction could not help but feel pleasure, finding in this case confirmation of his assumptions about the immorality of people deprived of the leadership of the Church, and decided to take advantage of this case, as he tried to assure himself, for the testimony of the danger that threatens Everyone retreating from the church, - in the depths of the soul in order to take revenge on the proud and self-confident atheist "(L.N. Tolstoy, PSS, T.14, p. 167). The lawmaker humiliated the boy in front of the class not for his actual guilt associated with a fake coupon, but from the petty evil feeling of revenge. Then there was a new clash with his father of Mitya Smokovnikova, in which he stated the priest: "It is complete to pretend. Don't I know that you do not believe in chole or death? - "I consider unworthy to speak with such a master, like you," Mikhail's father said, offended by the last words of Smokovnikov in particular, because he knew that they were fair. He passed the full course of the Spiritual Academy, and therefore it was no longer believed in what he confessed and preached, but believed only that all people should force themselves to believe in what he forced himself to believe. " In the future, this priest for his zeal received an increase in service and made a considerable career in the church.

In the image of the administrator of the injected Tolstoy, it was typical for the time of the hypocrite and adaptation, using the official church ideology for career purposes. Characteristic of this type of officials was carefully hidden disbelief in the dogmas of the church. The disbelief was also peculiar to many representatives of the educated layers of society, like an official of Smokovnikov. Moreover, these people did not consider it necessary to hide their atheism. Tolstoy repeatedly stated in his journalistic work that atheistic moods were distributed among the intelligentsia, despite the fact that the authorities strongly supported the Orthodox Church. The atheist in the young years was the Lion Tolstoy himself. Consequently, atheism in Russia is deep roots leaving in the past century. This phenomenon did not arise after the revolution of 1917, as the publicists who service the interests of the Orthodox Church are assured today, and much earlier.

But Lion Tolstoy in the last years of his life was actively engaged in morality. Having rejected the theory and practice of the Russian Orthodox Church as a fake, he tried to see the craving for real faith in ordinary people. To revive in the souls of people a genuine faith in Christ - he saw his spiritual mission in the last years of life. In the story "Fake coupon", this is the desire associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bnon-resistance to evil, plays an important role. The story was conceived by the writer as an artistic embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bneutralizing evil disrespect. In the first part of the work, the growth of evil is depicted, which spreads the breadcrumbs with circles, "elastic balls." In the second part, the circles converge again, good gradually absorbs evil and triumph in the moral enlightenment of heroes from the people - Stepan Pelageyushkin, Mahina, Vasily and others. They repent in perfect crimes and cruelty, begin to disinterestedly create good deeds. Particularly impressive Transfiguration of Stepan, the killer of six people. Under the influence of the meekness of Mary Semenovna, slammed by him because of money, he himself turned into a meek honest person, ready to help everyone around him who worshiped him as saint. So, according to the author, the Christian faith in the soul of man wonderfully influences the soul, even hacked in evil. It is determined by the mental transformation of the previously cruel characters not the logic of their characters and circumstances, but biased by the author's thought: the non-resistance destroys evil. It looks for a modern thinking person in little happy.

It is important to note: the pictures of the life of Russian society in the "fake coupon" clearly indicate that the real influence of the Church then (at the beginning of the twentieth century) quickly decreased, the dogmas of Christianity was not perceived by the majority of people as something important and valuable. Even among the clergy, a skeptical disbelief was manifested (in one episode there is a story: "In a Suzdal prison, there were fourteen spiritual persons, everything is mainly for the deviation from Orthodoxy"). Tolstovsky's disadvantaged to the era, the time of increase in atheistic sentiment in Russian society. The writer pursued the utopian goal of reviving almost lost faith. But in our time, the same trend of religious Rennessans is manifested? The story is repeated. Numerous preachers of different religions appeal to people with their sermons, but the response is very weak. Too few people who want to teach themselves empty fantasies and engage in disrespecting offended and violence. The process of secularization (weakening of religious influence) in our country, as well as around the world, continues. He will not be able to prevent even the policy of protectionism so-called traditional confessions, which the federal government is mistaken in Russia in the last 20 years.

We cannot accurately determine the start of work on the "fake coupon". In the editorial notes to the Tolstoy Diaries 1895-1899, published under the editors of V. G. Chertkov, it was said that this story began in the late 1880s. This statement is a lot of probability. Indirectly for the second half of the 1880s, it says that the period for the start of the coupon in the Chernov autograph of the first chapter is January 1, 1885 (see below). The paper on which this autograph is written is also distinguished by all signs of limitations. Finally, the fact that the first copy of this autograph was written was hand to V. G. Chertkov (see below), also leads us to the 1880s, since it was during these years the hell most often rewriting works of Tolstoy. In any case, the "fake coupon" was conceived no later than the "Fruits of Enlightenment" were conceived, written in 1889 on a piece of paper stored in the All-Union Library. Lenin (ATB, folder XXIV) Tolstoy's hand recorded a number of those conceived by them. Under number 7 recorded: "Comedia, Spirit", and under No. 8 - "Transfer of coupon, Ubіjtsa". "For what". On another leaflet stored in ACH among draft manuscripts and papers, transmitted by Tolstoy V. G. Chertkov, recorded by the Tolstoy Ten scene ones and among them in second place the story "Mitasha", on the third - "Fake coupon", on the fourth - "Creicherova Sonata", on the fifth - comedy "hershed!" And in the last place - "History of Hiles", "Tale of the Three Riddles" and "Notes of Mad". To accurately determine the time of this record is not possible. It is approximately determined by the following data. Kreutzerova Sonata was over in 1889, the comedy "I was herself!" Then, entitled "Fruits of Enlightenment", was also written in 1889 and in early 1890 only was separated. Thus, the recording was made no later than 1889. However, it was made and not earlier than 1887, judging by the title "Creichars Sonata". The story that was called this title was written no earlier than 1887 (see a comment on her in the 27th of the present publication), but the first draft editorial office in which the actual person is not a musician, but the artist does not make any mention of music , in particular, about the Sonate of Beethoven dedicated to Creacer, and therefore the title of "Creicerova Sonata" are already the leading stage of the story. Other titles shown in that record do not give material to dating recording, since works with these titles, conceived and part started in the 1880s, or were only sketched and left or designed much later. Probably the most correct date to date the end of 1888

In this case, the record on the piece of paper stored in ATB, refers to an even earlier time: a conceived comedy in it is not called "herself!", As it is called in all its original manuscripts, and "Spirit". Obviously, the title "I was herself!" Chronologically later title "Spirit".

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe theme itself, the basis of the "fake coupon", refers to an even earlier time. In the record of Tolstoy dated September 15, 1886, a program of the proposed story about the rich man of Mitasha, marked and in the above records of the plots was given. In this program, the following lines are read in this program: "And the coupon hit him a fake, and he saw a dream. The bright young man showed him the whole story of a fake coupon: where he came from and how evil was stated and how stopped. And he saw that evil diverges, but does not defeat the good. And good also diverges and defeats evil. "

On May 29, 1889, Tolstoy writes in the diary: "How good could be a killer's story that repented on an unprotected woman." From this thought, as is known, the episode of the murder of Stepan Pelageyushkin Mary Semenovna and repentance of the killer developed in the story. In the notebook of 1890, under February 11 among the conceived and, apparently, the plots of the plots are marked and "coupon." On July 31, 1891, the diary was recorded: "The plot of the impressions and the history of a man who was in the Golden Company and hitting the Karaowchik in the garden near the Lord's house, in which he sees close to the Lord's life and even takes part in it." This idea, who did not receive an independent development, later found an embodiment in the "fake coupon" in the form of the janitor of Vasily, not formerly in the gold company.

The next mention of the "fake coupon" belonging to the Tolstoy belongs to March 1895. On March 12 of this year, he records a diary: "Now I wanted to write artistic. I remembered that yes that I did not finish. It would be nice to finish everything. " And further among the nine works that would be good to predict, the coupon is mentioned. On November 14, 1897, it was written in the diary: "I thought in Pendant to Haji Murata to write another Russian robber, Grigory Nikolaeva, so that he could see all the illegal life of the rich, would have lived an apple guard in a rich estate with Lawn-tennis." In the records of the diary dated December 13, 1897, Tolstoy, among the plots, which he wants to write and, which costs and can be processed, calls and "fake coupon" and then marked "fine" - "Robber killing defenseless", i.e. the same The plot of Stepan Pelageyushkin, who felt later in the "fake coupon", but before that included as an episode into the fourth edition of the "Resurrection", over which Tolstoy worked in the period from the end of August 1898 until mid-January 1899 and where he was talking about The convict Fedorov, who killed the official and his daughter-widow.

In any case, by the mid-1898, part of the story was already written, which is applied from the record of the diary of June 12 of this year: "The story of the coupon really wants to add." But in 1898 and next year, work on the story, obviously, went very close. December 20, 1899 Tolstoy writes into the diary: "I thought now about the coupon well. Maybe I will write. After that, until 1902, in Tolstoy, we do not meet any mention of work on the "fake coupon". Only on October 6, 1902, he recorded in the diary: "Yesterday I began to correct and continue the" fake coupon "." Work on the "fake coupon" next is noted in the records of the notebook from 8 and 9 October 1902. If you rely on the date L. Obolenskaya on the cover of the manuscript described under No. 2 (see below), then by November 1902. The first seven chapters were written in Tolstoy. The following mention of this work was in the recording of a notebook of December 4, 1902 and then Only on December 2, 1903, Tolstoy writes into the diary, that he decided to start a new job - or drama, or an article about religion, or to take the end of the "fake coupon". Before that in the list of artistic plots, made around July 4, 1903, - We read in the first place "coupon" and on the eighth - the crown "robber" (see t. 54, p. 340). December 19 in the diary Next post: "" Fake coupon "thought, but did not write." Finally, in the records of the diary of December 25, 1903, we read: "I started writing a" fake coupon ". I am writing very careless, but interested in me what the new form is found out, very sobre. " Obviously, only from this time Tolstoy began close to the systematic work on the story. On January 3, 1904, he records in the diary: "We move to the" fake coupon ". But very randomly. " Further - references to work on the story in the diary records from 6, 18, 22, January 28, February 2, and in a letter to the son of L. L. Tolstoy dated January 19, 1904: "I am writing a" fake coupon ", if you remember, I have long started, and the addition of religion "(GTM).

A piece of draft autographs and a fake coupor corrected copyright copies are concluded in the covers, on which M. L. Obolensk and A. L. Tolstoy denotes the dates of the work of thick over the individual parts of the Tale: 1903. December 15, 26, 28-31, 1904 January 3, 6, 14, 15, 23, 26, 27, 29, 31, February 1-4, only 19 dates.

In early February 1904, the work on the "fake coupon" was obviously cut off and the continuation of her thicker no longer returned. The last diary record belonging to the story - "I work on coupon" (February 2) - does not indicate that Tolstoy considered his work close to completion. In the new list of plots belonging to December 1904, one of the central topics of the "fake coupon" is mentioned: "The killer, terrified non-resistance." In the spring - 1907

for the "children's coolness of reading", Tolstoy wrote a small story about the robber Fedotka, who killed an old woman who was repent of the murder and after the Kathers, which became "another person."

The "fake coupon" includes the following manuscripts stored in Irley (CIFR 22.5.16) and in GTM (AUC, folders 82 and 78) (all materials related to work on the tale - autographs and copies - to the last piece are preserved).

1. Avtographer Illey by 3 sheets of 4 °, of which the first two are written on both sides, and the third only at the beginning of the facial page. Contains the text of the first chapter and begins directly from the statement of the story. The title is not. Start: "How important people are, but still there are important them." End: "Out of a coat and went to Makhin."

2. Manuscript GTM on 10 sheets. In the first five sheets of the format of a large half-liter of postal paper - a copy of the autograph of the first chapter, written by the hand of V. G. Chertkov and the thick of Tolstoy. Following the title ("Fake Coupon") - start: "Like neither people are important." On an afflicted correspondence of the part of the fifth sheet, on the front page, it is the beginning of autograph the following chapters, until the seventh inclusive. The autograph continues on a list of large-format mail paper written on both sides, and on three quarters of the papers, also written on both sides. The division on the chapters in the manuscript is first missing, and it appears only with the VI chapter. The autograph ends with the words: "And the dead is drunk Prіѣkhal Keva." The manuscript is embedded in the cover with the inscription of M. L. Obolenskaya: "Fake coupon. Chernovik full. November 1902. By the word "full" with an unknown hand with a pencil attributed a particle "not".

3. Herley manuscript on 151 numbered hand librarian sheets, counting any format sheet and any paper unit into two pages. This manuscript was as a result of the selection of copies of autographs corrected by hand thick and subsequently entirely or partially rewritten, and the autographs themselves, usually continue the text of the copies. Material relating to copies, on the half-lists of papers, bent in half, on quourses and their shares of various sizes - written by hand M. L. Obolenskaya, A. L. Tolstoy and on a typewriter and corrected with a thick man. Autographs are written, besides these paper formats, also on high-alone mail paper of a large and small format. This manuscript contains a decisively of the entire autographic material of the story. No string from this material is lost.

4. Eleven crawling - autographs (Irley), in which we are talking about the hell, according to the initial intent of the individual moments symbolically interpreted in the story. These trimming are pinned topics to copies of individual chapters cut from these copies. Trimming are placed in an envelope, on which hand Yu. I. Igumnova is written: "Fake coupon."

5. Three quarters stored in GTM and enter into themselves a hundred-faded and then stricken text, rewritten on the typewriter, referring to the XI and XIII heads of the first part of the story.

Invalid facial and clean current pages of these quartens were used subsequently thick for drafts of the article "Take!"

6. Illey's manuscript to 140 numbered finally hand A. L. Tolstoy sheets of 4 °, written on the one hand on a typewriter and from hand - M. L. Obolenskaya, A. L. Tolstoy and Yu. I. I. I. I. In most of the heads of the Tolstoy hand. This manuscript was made of previously made and filled with thick copies, and the pages or parts of them, especially fixed, were rewritten again, sometimes replaced again. As a result, it turned out a solid connected text of the "fake coupon", divided by chapters. However, division is not consistent everywhere. Most of the attributes of the Tolstoy hand, in which they are talking about the devils, cut and the copies rewritten mainly by the hand of Yu. I. I. I. N. Almost all of these assignments are circled with a feature, next to which the thick of the Tolstoy is written "PR [okay]." (I did not make this inscription Tolstoy only when I have writes about the hell in the X and XI chapters of the second part, obviously by scattered. The manuscript is enclosed in the cover, on which the hand of M. L. Obolenskaya is written: "Fake coupon. November 1902. Clear Polyana. An unknown hand of the Tsyfra 1902 is crossed out and instead of a pencil of 1904 instead. In the same place, on the first page of the cover, the turn of a thick pencil is written in the column as the following plan:

1) Father, 2) Son, 3) Gymnasis., 4) P. F., 5) His wife, b) Yves. World., 7) P. H., 8) Prokofiy, 9) Sacred., 10) Dmitriy J., 11) Ubіjtsa P., 12) ...

The first attack to the "fake coupon" - an autograph chapter 1 - from the last editorial office of this chapter differs in the following features. Begins a tale from a general meeting:

Like neither people are important, and everything is important to them, and it gets important in order to them, who is higher than them.

This is the beginning, as well as several closest phrases, indicate that the story is conceived in style close to the style of people's stories. So it was the conventions of Fedor Mikhailovich, Smokovnikov. He had happened to him in the service of the service .: Keefzil him Starliy himself, and Fedor Mikhailovich returned home to the evil, crew, and at home he was always in advance. "

However, after this, this style changes noticeably, and the narrative is carried out in a tone usually for most of the artworks of Tolstoy.

After dinner, Mitya in his room is not alone, as in the last edition of the chapter, but with the comrades who came to him who came to him, not named by name. This comrade, not knowing that Mitya needs money, considering a coupon on which it is written: "Bearer of January 1, 1885 2.50", suggests to put ahead of the Tsyfra 2 - one. Mitya this time refuses to follow the Council of Comrade. At the end of the chapter, after it says that Mitya decided to go to Machina, so that he taught him how to lay clocks, it was about Mahine and about the attitude towards him. But all this is immediately crossed out (see option number 1). There is an autograph of the first chapter and some vocabulary and stylistic features, which are lower.

After an autograph chapter 1 was rewritten by V. G. Chatkov, the copy was remedied by a thick, and after this, on the remaining discharged part of the last sheet of copies and on the next sheets, the following six chapters were written.

Corrections are predominantly stylistic, partly vocabulary and semantic. Note the most significant. So, the initial "slapped the official" was fixed to Fedor Mikhailovich slapped the door. " Mitya in response to the Father on the fact that he received 50 kopecks during the Son, he began his replica with words: "Yes, there were no times." These words in copies are crossed out. The initial "son stumbled and was frightened, but she was frightened more, Châm got over" - Fixed: "My son was frightened and stumbled, but he glared more. In the phrase "And I went to" after "after" and "inserted" inhabited ". In the original written phrase, "Son also frowned" "frowned" crossed out and fixed on "did not raise the eye from a plate." Initially written phrase "Mother was a kind and balovnica, but it could not help him. She has already passed everything to him "Fixed so that everything that stands after the comma is crossed out and instead is written:" And she may have helped him. " Written in autographer "Today she had a sick child" was replaced by a more specific phrase: "But now it was alarmed by a bite of a smaller bunch of petition." The initial "he went away from the door" Fixed on: "He grumbled Schuѣ Podsa and went away from the door." After the words "he teachit, the GDѣ clock lay down" Posted: "He thought, feeling the clock in pocket."

In addition, the story of coming to Mita after dinner comrade will cross out and a new text is written instead, very close to the appropriate place of chapter in the last edition.

As for autograph heads II - VII, he, written with a small number of blots, is very close to the latest edition of the respective chapters. It only lacks the conversation of Evgenia Mikhailovich with the janitor (in chapter VII) and the end of the VII chapter, since the words "Wife was pregnant."

With a copy of the fixed first chapter and autograph, the following six chapters M. L. Obolensk and A. L. Tolstoy was removed by a copy, corrected and continued by Tolstoy: they were added by the VII chapter, ending with the words: "Long klyala robber - Barina, deceive Ivan," And the new chapter is written, marked as the eighth and corresponding to the IX chapter and the first paragraph of the X chapter in the last edition. Several pages, especially radically corrected thick, were rewritten on the typewriter. As a result of amendments, the text of the first seven chapters was almost completely installed. The main thing is that it is still distinguished from the last edition - this is the introduction of devils symbolizing the gradual increase in evil.

In chapter 1, after the words "and immediately wrote a brisk and stuck answer," p. 5, line 12, assigned:

And although he could not see this, in the very moment, how he was reading the paper of the chief of the province, the little priest, sitting on the papers, rearranged on the shoulder Fyodor Mikhailovich and, sitting on Mahn, it increased.

In the same chapter, after the words "Won! Schish them need! ", p. 6, line 6, assigned:

And in that minute, how Fedor Mikhailovich got up from the chair and shouted, Chetten, Sidly, on his shoulder, inflated, revealed, and Tot, who was closer, rearranged on the gymnasian shoulder.

In the same chapter, after the words "and shouted for a long time, a prevailing son, walked words", p. 6, line 17, attributed:

Chetten danced on his shoulder, dual strange grimaces.

In the same chapter, after the words "and then removed the uniform and put on a jacket", p. 6, line 27, assigned:

Chetten, at that time, how he moved around, holding to the air, sank him on his shoulder only when the jacket was on.

In the same chapter, after the words "I don't know if everything, but I do not like," p. 6, line 43, assigned:

Chetten on the shoulder of the gymnasium became the magnitude of the already gymnago mushy.

In the same chapter, after the words "he grunted something under his breath and went out of the door," p. 7, line 14, assigned:

Chetten on his shoulder twisted and wants to jump on the mother's shoulder, but at that time he approached her, she was sorry for her sorry.

In the II chapter, after the words "What to pour? - Vali! ", P. 8, lines 6-7, assigned:

Trenok on the shoulder of Mitya turned his joy over his head.

By the end of the III chapter attributed:

Between Tѣm Chetten, Situvshiy on the shoulder of Mitya, swollen to a decent magnitude, revealed and the twins left the photographic accessories.

In the IV chapter, after the words "and why take coupons", p. 9, line 20, assigned:

Chetten, stayed in Lavkѣ, first did not know, Gdѣ to put a set, but only the owner shouted, he was already sitting on his shoulder and happily smashed.

In the VI chapter, after the words "I will blow up to the Tractor", p. 11, line 27, assigned:

Chetten swelled on the shoulder of Evgenіya Mikhailovich, twisted, and his twin beat him for Ivan Mironov.

In the same chapter, after the words "let's money, which one do you have full right?", P. 12, line 5, assigned:

Chetten, ascended for Ivan Mironov in Testaner, suddenly broken down, and one jumped on Ivan Mironov's shoulder, the other on the shoulder of the buffetcher.

In the VII chapter, the words "I see it for the first time", p. 12, line 30 attributed:

Chetten, sitting on the shoulder of Evgenіya Mikhailovich, everything was inflated and became the magnitude of already in a big rat or a little kitten.

As for the autograph, the following PA text of the VII chapter, he is very close to the last edition of the IX chapter.

On the last page rewritten on the machine, concluded the end of the VII chapter, Tolstoy attributed to the chapter another final phrase, in which it was said that Ivan Mironov decided to complain about Eugene Mikhailovich, and after this, the entire VIII chapter was written, so Like the previous, marked VIII, designated by the VIII chapter of the last editor. It differs from it by a shorter end and the fact that after the words "But what was the most important thing that people saw," pp. 14, strings 5-6, followed the lines of hell:

Chetten, Leafed by the time for the shoulder on the shoulder of Evgenіya Mikhailovich, not only himself increased, but I also emptied myself from myself, much more Bolshago, he himself, the devil, who was poured on the shoulder Boycago, beautifully, always weligo Vasilia-janitor.

VIII and IX chapters after that were rewritten on a typewriter, slightly corrected, one in place is rearranged and attached to the first seven edited chapters. The last paragraph of the IX chapter became the initial paragraph of the head of the head.

Following this Tolstoy, a new chapter was written, not labeled by no tsyfra, but, obviously, as a tenth-tenth (autograph on two bent half-lists of papers written, besides the last quarter, on both sides). The manuscript in content corresponds to the X chapter of the last editor, and also includes the material as the basis of the XI and part of the XIII chapters. Pro Prophyya here speaks mostly that later related to the name of Vasily.

Part of the autograph, corresponding to the X Chapter, was not subjected to any amendments. Only in the end of Tolstoy was the following attribution:

Chetten, who lived on his shoulder, became more, especially by the one, how he broke up and left his twins from Peter Nikolayevich.

This part, being rewritten on the typewriter, as the X chapter was attached to the previously edited first nine chapters.

The second part of the autograph in a substantial coincides with the beginning of the XI chapter in its last editorial office, ending with the words "evidence was not. And the past was released, "p. 17, line 44. Next, the following was said. When the prophyus returned home, Parash was wondering for another. There was nothing at home. From the resentment of the prophyus went to the provincial city, where he lived with a suitable work, spooking everything that earned. Deciding back to the second stay to my home, he went to the village to spend the night on the road and then learned that the merchant, who removed the landlord, is looking for a guard train. To this merchant and hire proofs for five rubles per month. Next about Cofia says:

Hazard Peter Nikolayevich lived in Prokofѣ. NѣT, NѣT, and he will remember how he was offended, as Parasha I changed and father beat. It does not go to be good people, and they live only, it would only take a bigger to pick up more, and no one thinks.

Having received the calculation from the owner, the prophyus went to the Stagey courtyard, where, having met with two companions, bought them to rob them with a shop with him.

The manuscript ends after that:

The money was reversed 800 rubles. 700 He left Sem, and 100 Speaked his comrades. Drain of shops, Homes, a rich merchant and there captured the entire capital. The hundredth ticket was thrown back, and 27 thousand of the money proof would take it in an another city. In a friend, the city was caught by the three in thefts of the fur coats.

Altogether planted in Ostrog, Comrades Proofіya in a common chamber, and Proofіya is relevant.

This second part of the autograph, being rewritten on the typewriter was re-reworked again.

After it is said that Paras was wondering for the other, added:

And the proshus returned home embittered against Peter Nikolayevich and all Mira. Chetten, live on the shoulder Peter Nikolayevich, squandered his twin on the shoulder Proofіia.

After two-time fixes, the work on the XI chapter was almost finished. The chapter ended the phrase, which later was drawn to the Tolstoy and next to which they were written: "PR [okay]."

In Ostrogѣ, he became a hack of blood and the Sovsѣm desperately, hated people, and himself, and the one who sent him to Mіr.

But, at first, this second part of the autograph was not highlighted in a special chapter and thought as a thick as the second half of the chapter, which indicates the Tsyfra X, in front of the words "Peter Nikolayevich Sventitskіyiy from all the power tried ..."

In what stage of work on the story was established the last edition of this chapter, we cannot say with confidence; In any case, this was done after writing a number of subsequent chapters, as they still appear to the prophyuses of Nikolaev instead of Vasily. Chapter twice corresponded on the typewriter and twice corrected and complemented. In the copies, it was labeled with a tsyfra XVI. After it is said about the servants who worked to feed, drink and merry the Lord attributed:

About the whole of these Lords, and old and young, got into a big quantity, like midges in Zharkiy day, Little Tentyat, and all the plug as Vasilіyi said Sem: It would be nice to live, these thoughts were splitted, they broke up to the shoulder on the shoulder and turned into one Increasing the big, Pukhlago Devil.

Continuation of work on the story - in the autograph to 6 sheets, numbered by hand thick (1-6). The text is divided into chapters - XI-XVI, and only one line is written from the XVI chapter: "Stepan executed everything, as he said to him Nikolaev." In the XI chapter, it was about the quarrel of Peter Nikolayevich with the Zemsky Chief who had justified proofing, and that the son of the Zemsky Chief and his daughter Lyudmila, who was revolutionary, because of Peter Nikolayevich were in prison (see option number 2). After this chapter was rewritten, she was crossed out by Tolstoy, and the episode with the son of the Zemsky Chief and his bride, who replaced his sister in Fabul, was renovated.

The text of the XII chapter of the autograph corresponds to the text of the XIV chapter of the last editor, and differs from it only by very small parties, except for the end of the chapter, in which the Kondrathy appears instead of Stepan. He beats Mironov to face, but that he is a murderer - does not say: kills the thief of the crowd.

The text XIII chapter corresponds to the text of the XV chapter of the last edition, but much briefly. Here, among the killers, Stepan Pelageyushkin was named, but he kills Mironov Stone not because she drives his personal scores with him, and because the world had grown to kill the thief. He said about Stepana that he was "high, beautiful small." After the words "now it, tomorrow me" p. 24, line 7, there is an option in which Stepan's meeting with Pro-Phone in Ostrog and about the idea of \u200b\u200bthem to take escape. This option was subsequently developed in the III and VIII chapters of the second part of the story where the proof was replaced by Vasily. We print it under No. 3.

The text XIV chapter corresponds to the text of the XXII chapter of the last editor, but it also briefly and schematically. The woman coming into the minister is not named. It is only told about it that she was a bride of one of the conspirators who were sitting in prison along with Lyudmila.

The text XV chapter corresponds to the IX chapter of the second part of the story in the last edition. What is said about Vasily, here it is said to be applied to the proof of Nikolaev. The chapter begins in the following words:

In that night, when Nikolaev Rѣshil Bloat, in Ostrogѣ died by the Tifa Arrestant, containing the resistivity of the authorities. In Ostrog, I was typhoid, and died in a man almost every day, and then two.

In the future, the presentation is close to what is said in the IX chapter of the second part of the last edition; Only there are no some details entered in a thick copy, when it is corrected.

From the XI - XV autograph, the heads were removed on the typewriter, corrected, and the following chapters were written on the remaining clean pine pages.

In the XI chapter, after it says that the Zemsky head straightened Peter Nikolayevich's shirty gonor, Tolstoy attributed:

Dylolenok, Sidѣvshiy on the shoulder of Peter Nikolayevich, even twisted and sent his twin to the Zemsky boss.

The words "and the hatred between the two families reached the last degree" (see option number 2, p. 420, rows 16-17) were crossed out and instead it is written:

And the whole family of Zemcago chief of the head of Peter Nikolayevich, and the devil, Pereshiyiyi from Peter Nikolayevich Kz Zemsky boss, established himself in this seven, the GDѣ Onglovіei Anti Peter Nikolayevich soon passed the leader, the governor, on the Gendarkrum.

Following this, the rest of the initial XI chapter was radically recycled and highlighted in an independent XII chapter. Turckeninova is already in it - the daughter of the Cossack officer, replacing himself in the Fabuli Student's sister - Lyudmila.

It briefly describes what is later said in the XXI chapter of the last editor. But the causes of the arrest of the student are the former - the alleged denunciation of Peter Nikolayevich, and not those claimed in the XXI chapter. The head ends with the words:

The devil, living in seven-"Zemcago Chief, Skil is now GRSDOO on her shoulder and excommunication even more and more.

After that, the chapter was twice reworked in copies rewritten on the typewriter. The first processing is named after the name and surname of the arrested student - Valentin Tyurin, a lot of amendments are made approaching the text of the chapter to the last editorial board, but the reasons for the arrest of the student remain the same. The second processing is the last edition of the chapter. Here, much compared to the first processing was thickly corrected and supplemented. Tyurina is arrested for agitation among the peasants of that village, in which Peter Nikolayevich was managers. The head regretted the Tsyfra XII.

After such a motivation of the arrest of Tyurina, most of the initial XI chapter, where it was about the quarrel of the father of Tyurin - the Zemstvo chief with Peter Nikolayevich and that the student's arrest was associated with the alleged den of Peter Nikolayevich, he was eliminated by himself, and she was crushed. Only the first paragraph remained from the chapter, which was attached by the end of the previous chapter, which became the eleventh.

In the initial XII chapter, only the end is corrected: the reference to Kondrai is excluded, and about Stepan and the murder of Ivan Mironov said literally the same as they say in the XIV chapter of the last editor. Only at the end of the following attribution:

And the devil, who lived on Mahn, revealed, smoked, discolored, dismembered on a dozen devils and entered in the whole of Tѣh, who Bil Ivan Mironova.

Tsyfra XII erased and replaced by the Tsyfra XIV.

The initial XIII chapter was rewritten and corrected twice. It is difficult to say, to what stage of work on the story should be confined to these corrections. In any case, they were made later writing the initial XVIII chapter (see below). In the first copy of Tolstoy, which murder is attributed to Stepan - Ivan Mironova or Peter Nikolayevich: everywhere, where the murder of Mironova, his name was crossed out and on top it was written "P [ETRA] N [Ikolaevich]", but then the second name was also crossed out And the first is restored. The name of the prophia, with whom in this edition of Head Stepan is encroached, replaced by the name of Vasily.

With the secondary editing, the chapter was, on the one hand, reduced, from another - significantly updated. The episode of the meeting of Stepan with Vasily in the Ostrog, who was then founded in a more developed form in III and in the VIII chapters of the second part of the story, and added everything that says Stepan in the last edition of the XV head of the first part.

In both copies, the chapter is marked with a tsyfra XX.

The initial XIV head is fixed and supplemented so that it corresponds to almost literally the text of the XXII chapter in the last edition. There is only no part of the text, which starts the words "conspiracy, of course, there was no" Mais Vous Savez - Le Devoir ", page 31, line 39 - p. 32, line 12. This part of the text was added In the next copy of the chapter, which, being slightly fixed and supplemented, formed the last editorial board. In addition, at the end of the chapter it was written:

The devil, living in her, did not decrease, but rapid on the very moment when she prank the minister, and, rearranged on the minister, no longer left him.

Tsyfra XIV, denoted chapter, fixed in XIII.

The initial XV head was corrected so that the text coincided with the text of the IX chapter of the second part of the story in the last edition. The correction of the chapter in the described copy obviously happened twice (a second time when the actions of the prophia were attributed to Vasily). Tsyfra XV is replaced by Tsyfra XVI.

All these replacements of some TSYFR indicate the permutation of chapters. This permutation was not final, and subsequently established another order of chapters.

Following the remaining 3 1/2 clean pages, the continuation of the story is written in Tolstoy - two chapters are completely and one partially. They are marked by the tsyfras XVII, XVIII and XIX.

The head of the XVII autograph corresponds to the definition of the text of the XVII chapter of the last edition, but briefly. The whole story is conducted on behalf of the author, there is no dialogue. The fact that the two peasants were sentenced to hanging, not yet said.

CHAPTER XVIII is the initial sketch of the text, which lightedly late the second half of the XV chapter and the entire XXIII chapter. Instead, Vasily appears yet by Nikolaev. Briefly, the murders who made Stepan were clearly listed and externally listed: he killed the forester - the guard and his wife, taking 2 rubles from them 70 kopecks of money, a ticket and clothes, then killed another twelve person. The episode of the murder in the district city of Maryia Semenovna is briefly told, without those psychological details that are available in the description of this episode in his last editorial office, and the very name of the killed is not named (see option No. 4).

Chapter XIX, only started in this autograph, corresponds to the maintenance of the beginning I of the chapter of the second part. Then we are talking about the fact that Stepan tormented the last murder of three days, and on the fourth went to the formation.

The autograph was rewritten on the typewriter (3 quarters, written on the one hand). Then in the fields, on the backup pages of the copy, on the remaining unaccepting part of the third quarters and on the four half-lists of postal paper, written on both sides, it was corrected and strongly supplemented.

In Chapter XVII, after it says that Peter Nikolayevich Riga and Khuna, assigned to Peter Nikolayevich, attributed:

Potted this proof. We knew this, but they could not catch it.

Then the new paragraph was added, in which he was talking about the acquaintance of Peter Ivanovich in the Volga province with the Attrack of Maxim Petrovich Ivanov and his Pretchenya Maria Semenovna. Characteristic of Maria Semenovna is very close to the characteristics of that Maria Semenovna, which appears in the XVI chapter of the last editor and which Stepan is later killing later. When men kill Peter Nikolayevich, she rushes into the crowd to protect him. At court, she asks for forgiveness of killers. Immediately mentioned about the tailor, which lived and worked at Maria Semenovna and, under the influence of the example of her life, began to think (see option 5). The most part of the paragraph, including all the fact that Maria Semenovna says, crossed out thick, and its image, like the name, as well as the tailor figure was used to be used to them in another environment and in another environment.

After that, the head of this, being twice is rewritten on the typewriter, twice was corrected and supplemented with thick.

The head of the XVIII autograph corrected and is supplemented towards what is said in the head of the XXIII of the last editorial board about the murder of Stepan family Maria Semenovna. But the very name is not yet named, there is no number of details, in the way that Stepan could not carry the voices and the gaze of the killed woman, that after the murder he lit a cigarette and cleaned his clothes, and others. But a new phrase was introduced, subsequently drawn:

There was that the most woman about which Stepana said that it was necessary that she was nodded that she was prisoner, patients were treating, prisoners.

In the future, Tolstoy redesigned and expanded the material of this chapter. Part of him became part of the XV chapter of the last editor, another part formed the XXIII chapter, and the XVI chapter was written in connection with this latter. The XXIII chapter was edited five times (i.e., five times rewrote and corrected), XVI - three PAZA. The end of the XVI chapter from the words "got Mary Semenovna" and ending with the words "the person with whom she collided was Stepan", p. 32, lines 19-38, was made by the beginning of the XXIII chapter.

The processing of the XXIII chapter (by final account) was in the direction of psychological detail and naturalistic descriptions. Thus, the scene of the murder of the driver of the cab driver and her children before receiving the last treatment, gradually overcoming the naked style schematism, consistently passed through the following intermediate stages:

Then Stepan One went to the city, he said that there was a dual, would wait for the owner. And when the wife has let him down, he killed her and two two.

From the house of the courtyard, Gdѣ Stepan killed Mѣshnynina, he did not go to the village, but returned to the city. In the city, he went to an irrigator-passenger - from their village. There was no irrigation at home. He said that she would wait, and Sidel, talking to a baba. Then, when she turned to the oven, he grabbed the knife and killed her. Dui began to shout, he killed them.

Following this in the early editors of the phrase:

Then he went to the guard to spend the night, killed an old woman and the old man, took the trip and 40 kopecks -

it was crossed out, since she went into a whole episode, dedicated to the end of the XV chapter, where he was talking about the murder of Stepan the main yard and his wife.

Work on the episode of the murder of Stepan Maria Semenovna also prevented through a number of stages. In addition to the large number of minor, mostly part of stylistic fixes and additions, it was added that Stepan could no longer carry Mary Semenovna's gaze and therefore accelerated her murder. Next, such details were added: after the murder of Maria Semenovna "Stepan litter a papios, sat down, cleaned his clothes and came out." The image of Mary Semenovna was far from immediately determined in this episode. Only in the process of work on the episode of Mary Semenovna were also learned by the name and - in general terms - the very appearance of the Mary Semenovna, the presenters of Maxim Petrovich Ivanova, about which Tolstoy initially spoke in the chapter related to the scene of Peter Nikolayevich's murder. From there, the tailor figure, which, together with the characteristic of Mary, the Semenovna found a place in a special XVI chapter (originally appeared two tailors - one adult, another small - student).

The tailor figure organized a number of episodes of the story, at first, apparently not stipulated by Tolstoy. She herself, obviously, it took to motivate the transformation of the peasant-purchasrators of the Earth in the sectarians (chapter XVIII). The further fate of the sectors is told in the heads of the XIX in XX. But the events referred to in the last two chapters, demanded preliminarily writing the XII chapter, which says about the turn in the fate of the priest Mikhail Vodnachsky, in the heads of the XIX and XX of Misaile as Archimandrite. We have autographs of the heads of the XII (Quarter of the Letter Sheet and the Postalist of the Mail List) and the heads of the XVII - XX (half anistilist of the papers, bent in half, and the postal paper halflist). Paper quality of both autographs, ink color and handwriting parts are exactly the same - an indication that they wrote almost simultaneously, one after the other.

The fate of the text of the XII chapter, which in the autograph and in the copies, is marked throughout the tsyfra XII, such.

In autograph, the whole chapter is much briefly brief than in the last edition. The speech is carried out entirely on the person of the author, there are no dialogues. Nothing is said about the reflections of the lawpower about increasing immorality and atheism, there are no such details, as an indication that the lawmaker said, "stroking the sleek sides of the altered cross," or "trembled the chin, so that his rare beard was shaking". Nothing has not yet been said about the causes of hostility between the lawpower and the smokery, there is no scene of their collision. Store owner's wife, before going to the gymnasium, is complaining with a complaint with a gymnasian to his father - Fyodor Mikhailovich. Son (for forgetfulness Tolstoy himself calls him here instead of Mitya) first unlocks, then admits. Father hits him and drives him. According to Fyodor Mikhailovich's complaint to St. Petersburg, the lawpatch is dismissed, and then the lawpolor is solved to go to the monks. The head ends with the words:

Speaching him, in whom he is Ground North, and most importantly, Kramol, began to pay attention to himself, and at that time, both committed attensey on the minister, he wrote and read the dying props on the victims of the Minister and the harm, horror, and the immorality of Kramolnikov, Ministers devil.

In the highest circles began to know and press Mikhail. He was called in Archimandrite and appointed Vikariam in one of the distant provinces.

The autograph was fixed three times and supplemented in copies rewritten on the typewriter. In all these copies, the son of Fyodor Mikhailovich is invariably called Vanya. In the second copy, for the first time the wife of the host shop of photographic accessories is called by name and patronymic - Maria Vasilyevna. In determining the further fate of the lawmaker after leaving it from the gymnasium, thick hesitated. In the autograph, the status after appointment by its seminary rector receives San Archimandrite and is appointed vicar in one of the distant provinces. Further - it turns out to be a missionary in one of the southern provinces infected with standism; In the following edition, it is only about the fact that the lawpower received the place of the rector and was translated into the capital. Finally, in the last editor, it is said that the lawmaker was touched into a monk under the name Misaila and received the place of the seminary rector in the Volga city, that is, in those places where the murder of Peter Nikolayevich occurred.

In copies, episodes with hell are introduced.

At the end of the first paragraph chapter attributed:

Chetten, pomedyyyyy on the spinning of her husband, revealed and did not leave his wife now.

After the words with whom the lawmaker addresses Maria Vasilyevna, Added:

So I spoke Father Mikhail and did not know that Chetten, Sidly, on the shoulder of Marii Vasilyevna, swollen, he was heard and rearranged on his father Mikhail.

Finally, at the end of the next paragraph, after the words "it means only the benefit and salvation of the young man", p. 19, rows 17-18, also added:

And at that time, how he was like him, deceived himself, Chetten, jumped at his shoulder, like a hut-reader inflated pillow, became quickly swollen and increase.

In the autograph of the head of the XVIII-XX marked by the Tsyfras XXIII and XXIV, and the XXIII chapter of the autograph corresponds to the XVIII chapter of the story in the last edition, and the head of the XXIV was divided into two corresponding to the heads of the XIX and XX in the last edition.

XXIII Autograph's head, being rewritten once on the typewriter, slightly corrected with a thick hand. Still in autograph tolly hesitated where to attribute the place of the action of this chapter. At the beginning, it happened "in the deaf by the Kievskaya Gubernіi Vasilkovskago Uѣzda." Then these words were crossed out and instead are written. "Voronezh Gubnniy, Zavonsky". In the copy, the last words were crossed out, re-restored, they are written out again and instead of them it is written: "In the village, from Kotorago was a tailor." Neither Kiev, nor Voronezh provinces approached because the events told in this chapter needed to be associated with the place of service of Archimandrite Misaila, who acted in one of the Volga provinces.

Under forgetfulness in the autograph of all three chapters, Tolstoy calls Archimandrite his worldly name - Mikhail. In this copy, as in the copies of the following chapters, the Tolstoy word "Mikhail" fixed everywhere at Misail. Tsyfra XXIII, who denoted the chapter, the thick of the Tolstoy in the XIX, and then next to her an extraneous hand put the Tsyfra XVIII.

The first part of the initial XXIV chapter was rewritten on the typewriter and corrected the thick of the thick twice. It is indicated by the correspondence of the tsyfra XIX.

In the first copy of the hand of Tolstoy at the very beginning of the chapter, addressed:

Voronezh Eparhii appeared among the peasants of the sect of people who do not recognize the icons and the sacraments. These people threw her drinking wine, smoking tobacco, stopped swearing and helped each other.

Tolstoy stressed this entry, as the same was stated in the first chapter. Further, after the words "said Father Misail", p. 28, rows 11-12, it was added to all the continuation of the words "he was glad to this instruction" to the end of paragraph.

In the second copy after the words "said the bishop", p. 28, rows 15-16, the following words were crossed out of autograph:

and this was the SSM, it was not true, he had no dual to them, only he had care that it was luxurious, to drink sweetly and be revered.

Instead, it is said how the bishop took the tea with chubby hands, and his appeal to the service about the second jam to tea.

In the third of the end of the head of the paragraph, "but not forgetting herself" is fixed on "But, as a poor man." Then the last two paragraphs of the chapter are attributed.

The second part of the initial XXIV chapter in the copy was corrected by Tolstoy Once. The chapter is indicated by the hand of thick uncertain - zyfra x with ellipsis. Corrections are quite a lot, especially at the end of the chapter, but they mostly do not contribute material semantic and stylistic options compared to the autograph. Forgetting that Misail had already been named Archimandrite earlier, Tolstoy at the copy of the chapter was attributed to the end: "Father Misail was given a reward and Awarded Archimandrite."

Meanwhile, to the rewritten start of the initial XIX chapter of the autograph, which is discussed on page 569, the continuation of the second part of the last editorial office is connected with this beginning. These chapters are indicated by the Kyphras of the XIX, XX and XXI.

The head of the XIX autograph differs from the corresponding I chapter I head of the second part in the last edition by the following essential features. After three-day torments, Stepan himself goes to the forehead and is given to the hands of the authorities. Next, he is emphasized several times the humility of Stepan, his humility and religious mood, resulting in a feeling of a sharp transition from the image of an unusually ill robber to the image of the repentant. So, about Stepana it was said that he answers the caretaker "submissive." When the caretaker hits his fist in the jaw, he says: "Thank you, so it is necessary. I am worth it. " Sitting in the chamber, Stepan whispers something, crying or praying. In interrogations of the investigator, he is not only true, but also quiet. Further - he "dusted himself not only truthfully, but as if he was deliberately strengthened his own guilt: he obviously buried his comrades." In response to the Council of the investigator, the truth is to speak, because the complete consciousness will facilitate his punishment, "Stepan died, that he was punished with Samago grave". When he asks the prosecutor, whether he does not have complaints and whether he doesn't need something, "he answered that he was not worth him to appeal to be well, but he would ask for a volume to give him a book - Evangeli" (he It turns out here a little competent). The prosecutor is amazed "Krotsky, calm and decent species of Stepana." About Stepan, the prison, the prison, says: "The father of His is emitted, to say, too, that he is included with a repeated man."

XX The head of the autograph corresponds to the II chapter and part of the IV chapter of the second part of the last edition of the story. Here there is no episode attempts to Stepan to suicide, there is no story about the sleep of Stepan, in which he saw the Maria Semenovna killed. Stepan remembers the way, as he finished off Peter Nikolayevich; remembers their affairs with Pro-Phone Nikolaev. The gospel he began to read the meeting with the sectarians. With them, he faces for the first time in the common chamber, where it is transferred after a separate chamber was needed for the political sent. About the sectarians, meeting with them Stepan and the impression of them on him, said Generally:

In general cameras, they were convicted for the distribution of Falno scientist sectarians. They were especially close to Stepan, and Scientine, who passed the sectarian, explained to Stepan's fact that he was vaguely began to understand when the Gospeliy. And ting the stepan understood that his life was spiritual, free and, without worrying about Sebe, I thought only about Tom, how to make it so that people would understand it, and theft would have ended, robbery, uk_yasy, debauchery, punished, and All people would live in one family, not hosting each other, and helping each other.

The beginning of the XXI chapter of the autograph corresponds to the beginning of the VI chapter of the second part of the last edition of the story.

The autograph was rewritten on a typewriter (6 quartens, written on the one hand, and a half-line on which only the beginning of the first page was written). The rewritten was fixed and supplemented with a thick-handed hand on the fields, on one revolving pure page and on the remaining pure pages of the half-walker.

As a result of the phases of the XIX chapter, after that, once again rewritten and slightly corrected, the last edition of the text was installed, as it is read now in the I chapter of the second part. All the features of meekness and humility, crushed initially thick Stepan, were eliminated, and his appearance became severely closed, restrained.

XX Chapter Only in the first paragraph approached the last edition II of the chapter of the second part of the story. Here for the first time the figure of Suman Chueva, with whom Stepan is converges:

The Sovsѣm, his sight took place when he agreed with Chief, sitting in one jail. Chuev explained to him that the church's law is false, and that the true law is only in evangelii, and he read to him Evangeli. But Chuyev was transferred to another Ostrog. And then Stepan wants to read Evangeli himself.

Following this chapter, the end is attributed to this chapter, in which we are talking about the brace of Machorkin's convict and which almost literally corresponds to the V Chapter of the second part of the story.

After that, the head of this, being several times rewritten on the typewriter, was processed, corrected and complemented at least four times. At the same time, individual paragraphs were rearranged using scissors. As a result, one chapter was first broken into two - second and third, and then four, and thus the last revision of Chapter II, III, IV and V of the second part of the story was formed. Significant stylistic and semantic options, these alterations and additions do not give. Probably, at the same time, an autograph VIII chapter of the second part of the story was written. Being rewritten on the typewriter, this autograph was fixed and supplemented with thick, so that the text had increased almost twice. In the copy, the chapter was indicated by the Tsyfroi IV, then the already converted to IX.

In the III and VIII chapter of the second part, an episode was developed, which was indicated above, was planned in the original XIII chapter of the first part of the story.

In this regard, the initial XIV head was corrected in such a way that said about Proofy Nikolaev was applied to Vasily and formed the IX chapter of the second part. This IX chapter after reworking was first marked by Tsyfra V. Thus, obviously, the IV and V chapter of the second part of the story of the steel VIII and IX after the initial XX chapter, by becoming the II head of the second part of the story, was finally divided into four chapters.

Note along the way that the next naturalistic detail - "Vasily returned to the dead, removed from the cold as ice, the dead man's canvas (he touched his hands when he filmed the canvas)" - inscribed only in the last edition of the chapter.

The rewritten part of the initial XXI chapter, slightly corrected, was continued in thick on the remaining pure pages of the half-liter.

In the same way, the rest of the next chapter is written in the next chapter, ending with the words "and now the last took the top", p. 42, lines 13-14. This chapter was indicated was originally a tsyfra XXII. Being rewritten on the typewriter and corrected, both chapters were indicated by the Tsyfras VI and VII and became part of the second part of the story. At the same time, the end was completed to the VII chapter. In it, a killed woman, embarrassed by Stepan's conscience, was named a thick previously figured the last name Nechina, and the fact that Tolstoy speaks about her, completely dispersed with what was said about Maria Semenovna:

She learned before the details of Mini. Minina was an amazing woman. She was rich and the molot began to help the best, but this is widely that Uncle Her would have entered her dѣl, threatening her in a custody, and persuaded to rejoisy to him. Uncle selected the money from her and gave her 30 rubles to Mѣsyz, which she distributed the Body. This relation to the mini to the property was especially struck by Lisa.

In the copy, the first phrase of this option was corrected by Tolstoy: "She learned to the details of Mariy Semenovna to the details and was amazed by TѣM, which he learned about her." Then, all the continuation of the option was crossed out and instead of his last phrase it was written: "Lizѣ terrible wanted to be such a marine seed."

Following this Tolstoy was written by the chapter, marked by them, the secondary Tsyfra XXII and the corresponding heads of the X and XI of the second part of the story. In the copy, this chapter was divided into two, with the part of the text corresponding to chapter X of the second part, was numeronated with a thick tsyfra Vi, and a part of the text corresponding to the XI chapter - Tsyfra VII. The correspondence of both chapters are marked with the Tsyfra IX, put on the site erased XXII, then XXI is written next to the IX pencil. A copy of the autograph does not contain almost no amendments. But in three places it adds to hell. In the X Chapter after the first paragraph, Tolstoy attributed:

Tot Devil, who lived on Sheѣ Peter Nikolayevich, switched to her.

In the XI chapter, after the words "Natalia Ivanovna suddenly blushed, sweated even from thoughts," p. 45, strings 34-35, added:

And the devil, sitting in front of her shoulder, became idle: climb and descend.

Then in the same chapter added after the words "I goodbye", p. 45. String 42:

And hearing these stupid words, the devil jumped her shoulder and did not even smalle together.

On the remaining pure pages of the half-liter, on which a copy of the X - XI (initially XXII) ended, was written by the next chapter (corresponding to the XII chapter of the second part in the last edition) and then on nine individual sheets - all other chapters of the story.

First of all, chapters were written, corresponding to the heads of the XIV, XV, XVIII and XX of the second part of the story in the final edition and numbered by the hand of thick tsyfras from XXIV to XXVIII. Then - three chapters corresponding to the chapters of the XIII, XVI and XVII of the second part. They are definitely not numbered: each of them is equipped with a tsyfra XX, followed by a number of sticks. Such a numbering indicated that Tolstoy did not identify these chapters of their place among others.

All the end of the story was rewritten on the typewriter, and the chapter, apparently, on the instrument of Tolstoy, are placed in the order in which they are printed in all publications. The hand of thick correction was made only in the chapters of the XIII, XV, XVI and XVII, and only the last paragraph of the XV chapter was subjected to serious correction, which was originally read like this:

And the whole of the Tsar and before and the post, could not but see how the king was updated, and became stricter to Ke, attentive to his body and kind and krotchely dѣli, who is subject to his Roshenia.

On this, the work of Tolstoy over the story stopped. Of the preceding copies, the last time corrected for the last time were selected, with some pages that concluded especially many amendments were rewritten again and partly underwent a new light copyright. After that, it turned out a one-piece manuscript of the text of the "fake coupon", described in us under No. 6 and representing the last stage in the work of Tolstoy over this work.

On January 22, 1904, Tolstoy recorded a diary: "Today I was engaged in a coupon and hesitate, leave or destroy the devils." In the end, he decided to destroy the devil everywhere, with the exception of three places (chapters of the X and XI of the second part), and references to the devils were drawn to them with the mark "PR [omit]". This mark, of course, applies to both specified chapters of the second part and is not delivered there by scattered.

The story is broken at the beginning of the XX chapter of the second part. What part of the story is not completed, it is difficult to say. In any case, the ends are largely not reduced. Not told to the end of the fate of Turchaninov, Mahina, Vasily and some other characters. In addition, in the last edition, some contradictions are not eliminated about. This indicates that both painted finally not finished them.

The prototype for Proofing Tolstoy served his Kucher Larion, about which Tolstoy in his "Christian notes", written in 1881, says the following.

"I do not remember how and through whom I had a kucher who had just released in an indefinite artilleryman Larivon, from the villages of the cable, 8 miles from me. Then I imagined that the liberation of the peasants is a very important thing, and I was all absorbed by him, and Larivon, whom I spent a long time during our movements in my goats, did little. I remember the youthful high boyfriend. He started his hat with peacock feathers, red shirt and sleeveless. And I remember, we go, we will meet women, and they said something. Larivon turned to me and smiling says: "You are hanging, they say, not to look at the Barin, but for a koucher." I remember his vanity good-natured smile, I remember the ever-smoking distance, health, funny life, and though we are familiar to us, but in Larivon, an amazing courage. There was a Palention Caucasian, henned, evil horse. Wrongs, it happened, and beats the purpose of the person, when the latter falls behind the foot or the entrance to the tail. Larivon approached the designer and how with her calf addressed her. So he served me while I did not leave. And I have a memoiler of a glorious, kind, fun and good guy. Such he was.

This year, Tita Boriskina (our man) came in the fall of Baba ..... - What do you say? - Yes, about his bitter widow - Larivonova. Daughter she, I was Larivon, I lived in Kucher.

I remembered Larivona ....

I began to ask, and that's what the old woman told me. Larivon after me married her daughter, joined the farm with his brother and lived well. But, a person has already been torn away from his former life, broken by soldier, he was already at home, and he was again drawn to the position, it was a purely walk, there is a diet, drink tea. The brother let him go, and he entered the Coucher to a very good person, the magistrate. Again, as with me, he began to ride, squeeze in trouble. And the world judge was pleased with him. It happened, Paz, sent the world judge horses home and ordered to feed the road at the conformation. Larivon fed, but on the four oats showed, and not mourn and drank on this money. I learned this to the world judge. How to teach a person to do such things to do such cases? Previously were roses, now the court. The world judge sued a comrade. The world judge put on a chain, called witnesses, led someone to the oath, gave the right to defense, stood up and, by decree of his imperial majesty, he sentenced to a lesser extent punishment, sorry for two months in Ostrog in the city of Krapivna ....

Larivon got there and removed the trip, a red shirt, put on a stitching shirt and a robe and fell into slavery to the caretaker. Knowing the vanity, the pride of the Larivon, I can guess what happened to him. The mother-in-law said it that he had before, but since then we have weakened. Despite the fact that he was weak, the world judge took him again to himself, and he continued to live with him, but he began to drink more and give less to his brother. It happened to take rid for the throne holiday. He got drunk. Men and one knocked painful. Again the case went to the magistrate. Again the chain, again oath, again by decree of his imperial majesty. And Larivona planted for 1 [year] and 2 months. After that, he came out, no longer weakened. He began to drink. Before and drink, the mind does not lose, and now the glass will drink and drunk, did not become it already and keep it in Kucherach. From work fought off. He worked with his brother through the stump deck. And just tormented, what where to drink.

The old woman told how in the last she saw him in the wild: "I came to my daughter. They had a neighbor to Soveb. Came from Soveb, lay down. Larivon asked 20 kopecks to drink, he was not given. He lay on the bench. "The old woman said:" Only became the light to break, I hear the Larivon got up, covered the floorboard, went to the door. I also called him: where they say. Voices did not give and left. Only we fell out, I rose. I hear Na Street Creek - came out. Larivon goes and on his back browsing, and the widow of the Diachik he drives him, shouts the guard, the castle in the crates broke, the harrow stole. And the white light. The people, the headman, took, tied, were sent to the camp. Then, and Dyachiha was stupid, did not know what will be for the harrow. I would not take, says sin to the soul. "

Lead Larivona in Ostrog. Court waited for 6 months, lice fed, then again the oath, witnesses, rights, by decree of his imperial Majesty put Larivona to the artantic companies for 3 years. There he did not live for 3 years, died by a charotka "(GTM).

The episode of the murder of the peasants of the ledge of Peter Nikolayevich Swentytsky, told in the XVII chapter I of the part of the "fake coupon", almost accurately reproduces the case of murder of peasants on April 14, 1887. A. V. Stanislavsky, managing the estate of N. A. Tuchkove-Ogar Dolgorukovo. In this case, as in the case of Swentytsky, two peasants were hanged. This execution was very agitated by Tolstoy, and in 1904 he spoke about her in a conversation with A. B. Goldenveyor. (Detailed circumstances of the murder of Stanislavsky see the comments H. N. Gusev to the article Tolstoy "Regarding the case of SCLEBINSKAYA", t. 27 is ill. Ed., P. 741-743.)

For the first time, the "fake coupon" was printed in the first volume of "posthumous artwork of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy" edited by V. G. Chertkov, in the publication A. L. Tolstoy, Moscow, 1911, however, with censored dutches. In the first part, it is excluded: in the XII chapter of the phrase "do not care for your San", p. 19, line 45; In XV - from the words "Stepan never had respect for the bosses", ending "sent to the rush to feed", p. 24, rows 11-21; In the XVIII - phrase "and ceased to go to church and demolished the ass icons," p. 27, line 44 - p. 28, line 1; In the XX chapter, it is the least part of it, from the words "to the question of why they disappeared" and ending "jumped out of the hut and returned at home", p. 29, strings 6-40. In the second part, in the III chapter, the words were excluded: "That he was referred to the true faith of Christ, for the fact that the deceivers of the Spirit of those people could not hear who live according to the Gospel and are dominant" and then the words "that the Gospel Law in In order not to pray to the man-made gods, but to worship in the spirit and truth, "p. 37, rows 4-6, 7-9, only the last paragraph survived from the XIV chapter, the head of XV is eliminated entirely.

These passes are missing in the text of the story printed in the first volume of the "free speech" at the same time in Berlin simultaneously, as well as edited by V. G. Chertkov, the assembly of the posthumous works of Tolstoy.

As for the textual side, both of these publications fulfilled its in general satisfactory, although they did not avoid some errors, mostly small; The Moscow edition has been edited by Berlin's carefully. Sounds and the other, it was based not only on the last chronologically manuscript - on a corrected copy, but attracted, although not systematically, autographs. The need to attract these latter is dictated by the fact that the correspondencers often carefully or incorrectly reproduced written by Tolstoy; Thick did not notice all the copies and not fixed these misses.

Both editions also introduce the congestion, eliminating the contradictions of the text, finally not trimmed and not tested by Tolstoy, and the Moscow edition resorts to the contections more often than Berlin.

Most of these congestures are stipulated in the notes to the Moscow edition.

1) In the XX chapter of the first part, the final words of chapters are excluded, ready in manuscripts: "And they made Archimandrite," since from Chapter XVIII it is clear that Misail was already Archimandrite.

2) In the XXI chapter of the same part in the words "where she saw with Turinet" page 31, line 70, for the purposes of the syntactic correctness of "where" is fixed on "and".

3) in the V chapter of the second part, p. 40, line 15, standing in the manuscripts The word "Penza" is fixed on the "Simbirsk", since in the XXI chapter of the first part it is said that the estate of the Livents, in which the murder of Peter Nikolayevich occurred in Symbirian province. Penza, as the place of the execution of the two peasants, was indicated by Tolstoy due to the fact that the actual fact of the murder of the peasants of the Governor Stanislavsky took place in the Penza province, where there was a Tuchkove-Ogar's estate.

4) In the VII chapter of the second part in the autograph, it was written: "What he heard from Art. about the last murder. " Here "Art." marked "Stepana", but the correspondencer writing "Art." deciphered as "becoming". Tolstoy did not notice the mistakes of the correspondence and attributed to the rewritten phrase: "And what Pelageyushkin himself told about how the meekness", etc., since this attitent was caused by a mistake in copies, the editor completely thoroughly excludes it, restoring instead The erroneous "becoming" the correct "Stepan", p. 42, strings 5-6.

5) In the same chapter in the autograph and in the copy, it was written: "Lisa between TѣM began the struggle of her mother (there was father's father)." But then, in the XII chapter, we are talking about the struggle of Liza with the Father, why the editor introduces the permutation here, p. 42, rows 24-25.

In addition, the following non-revised congestures are made:

6) In the IX chapter of the first part, p. 15, line 13, put a tsyfra 10 instead of standing in the last copy 15, in the phrase "The estate of 300 ten in 15 years was exemplary." In the autographer Tsyfra 10 and 15 are written one on another, so there is no possibility to decide what is fixed: 10 on 15 or vice versa. But only Tsyfra 10 is logically correct, as it says that the estate by Peter Nikolayevich was acquired 12 years ago.

7) In the XII chapter of the same part and in the XIX chapter of the second part of the Symnaste, the Mitya is called "Mitya" instead of standing in autograph and in Vanya's copies. This congestion is made on the grounds that in the first three chapters the gymnasister is everywhere called the Mitya.

8) In the XIV and XVIII chapters of the second part of the car in autographs and in copies, the name of Archimandrite Mikhail is corrected by the editor to Misail, since Mikhail's world name has changed his worldly name to Misail, when he entered the monks.

In the Berlin edition of these eight congestures, only the first, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth are adopted.

Both in Moscow and in the Berlin publications, especially in the latter, in some places the text of the original, as mentioned above, is not reproduced for sure; It happened when - in some cases - the editor was forced to rely only on copies, without working with autographs. For example, in the VI chapter of the first part in both editions after the words "and hoped to sell, but spent", p. 10, lines 40-41, passed standing in the autograph "until the evening"; In the same place after the words "Ivan Mironov was ready", p. 11, line 3, missed "even"; There, after the words, "she said that", p. 11, line 32, published in the autograph "was"; There, after the words "Sidor! Clicks ka ", p. 12, line 6, instead of the" police officer "standing in the autograph, printed" Assistant ", and so on.

In 1930, the XIV volume of the full assembly of the artistic works of Tolstoy (State Publishing House, Moscow - Leningrad, 1930, the editorial office of K. Khalabayev and B. Eikenbauma) The text of the "fake coupon", as declared by the editorial office, was again printed in autographs and copies. As a result, a number of erroneous readings of the Moscow and Berlin editions were eliminated, but some of these readings, including all discharged above, and in this edition were keen. It happened because the editors apparently did not take advantage of the manuscript of the GTM described under No. 2. All the contections of the Moscow publication, with the exception of the 2nd, adopted in this newest edition.

In this edition, we print the "fake coupon" on autographs and a fixed hand of thick copies, each time the copies with autographs each time. Considering the context of the Moscow publication is logically correct, we introduce into this publication however, only the fourth, sixth and seventh, as indisputable.

Part one


Fedor Mikhailovich Smokovnikov, Chairman of the State Chamber, a man of incorruptible honesty, and proud of it, and gloomily liberal and not only free, but hate every manifestation of religiosity, which he considered the residue of superstitions, returned from the chamber in the very bad location of the Spirit. The governor wrote him the priest paper, according to which the remark could be assumed that Fyodor Mikhailovich was dishonest. Fyodor Mikhailovich very looked around and immediately wrote a brisk answer.

Homes Fedor Mikhailovich seemed to be all right, in the way.

It was every five minutes five hours. He thought that she would now eat dinner, but dinner was not ready. Fyodor Mikhailovich slammed the door and went to his room. Anyone knocked on the door. "Which devil is still there," he thought and shouted:

- Who else is there?

The room entered the gymnasium of the fifth grade, a fifteen-year-old boy, son Fyodor Mikhailovich.

- Why are you?

- Today the first number.

- What? Money?

It was headed that every first number of his father gave his son a salaries on fun three rubles. Fyodor Mikhailovich frowned, took out the wallet, went and took out a coupon at 21/2 rubles, then took out a pioneer with silver and counted fifty kopecks. The son was silent and did not take.

- Dad, please give me ahead.

"I would not ask, yes I took on an honest word, promised." I, like an honest person, I can not ... I need three more rubles, right, I will not ask ... I won't ask, but just ... please, dad.

- You are told ...

- yes dad, because once ...

- You get a salary of three rubles, and everything is not enough. I did not receive fifty kopecks in your year.

- Now all comrades are more getting more. Petrov, Ivanitsky fifty rubles get.

"And I tell you that if you behave like that, you will be a fraudster." I said.

- Yes, what they said. You will never enter my position, I will have to be a scound. You well.

- went out, sallopay. Won.

Fedor Mikhailovich jumped up and rushed to his son.

- Won. Sesch you need.

The son was frightened and stumbled, but he glared more than was frightened, and, bowing his head, he would soon go to the door. Fyodor Mikhailovich did not want to beat him, but he was glad to his anger and shouted for a long time, spending his son, swiss words.

When the maid came and said that he was ready to dine, Fyodor Mikhailovich got up.

"Finally," he said. "I already don't want to eat."

And, inhabited, went to dinner.

At the table, the wife spoke to him, but he shouted angrily a short answer that she silent. The son either did not raise the eye from the plate and was silent. They were silently and silently got up and diverged.

After dinner, the gymnasiste returned to his room, took out a coupon and a trifle from his pocket and threw the table, and then removed the uniform, put on a jacket. At first, the gymnasiste took up the despined Latin grammar, then locked the door to the hook, bold his hand from the table in the money box, pulled out the sleeve from the box, poured one, plugged with cotton and smoking.

He sat over grammar and notebooks of two hours, not understanding anything, then I got up and became, drowning heels, walk around the room and remember everything with my father. All the abusive words of the Father, especially his evil face, remembered him, right now heard and saw him. "Salopai. Schish need. " And that he remembered more, he was more angry with his father. He remembered how his father told him: "I see that you will come out - a fraudster. So know. " - "And you will leave the scammer if so. He is good. He forgot how young was young. Well, what did I do the crime? Just went to the theater, there was no money, I took the Petit of Grushatsky. What is bad here? Another would regret, asked, and this only swear and think about it. That's when he has no something - this is a cry on the whole house, and I am a fraudster. No, even though he is a father, but I do not like it. I do not know if all the way, but I do not like. "

The door knocked on the door. She brought a note.

- We ordered the answer by sure.

In the note it was written: "For the third time I ask you to return the six rubles you have taken by you, but you will unscrew. So do not come honest people. Please send immediately with SIM sent. I myself need to shear. Do you really can't get it?

Yours, depending on that, give you or you will not give, despising or self-respecting comrade

Grushetsky. "

"So think. What a fuck what. Can't wait. I'll try yet. "

Mitya went to the mother. It was the last hope. His mother was good and did not know how to refuse, and she may have helped him, but now she was alarmed by a little disease, two-year-old petuta. She was angry with Mitus for the fact that he came and looked, and immediately refused him.

He grumbled something under his breath and went out of the door. She was sorry for her son, and she matured him.

"Wait, Mitya," she said. - I don't have now, but tomorrow I will get it.

But in Mita, still boiled anger on his father.

- Why do I need tomorrow when you need now? So know that I will go to the comrade.

He came out, slamming the door.

"There is nothing more to do, he will teach where the clock lay down," he thought, feeling his clock in his pocket.

Mitya pulled out a coupon and a trifle from the table, put on a coat and went to Mahine.


Mahin was a gymnasiste with a mustache. He played the card, knew women, and he always had money. He lived with aunt. Mitya knew that Mahin was badly small, but when he was with him, he involuntarily obeyed him. Mahin was at home and gathered in the theater: in a dirty room, it smelled to fragrant soap and cologne.

"This is, brother, the last thing," said Makhin when Mitya told him his grief, showed a coupon and fifty kopecks and said that he needed nine rubles. "You can lay clock, and you can better," Makhin said, winking with one eye.

- What is better?

- And very simple. - Mahin took a coupon. - Put a unit before 2 p. 50, and will be 12 p. fifty.

- Does there be such?

- But how, and on the thousand-log tickets. I someone descended such.

- Do not you say?

- So, throw? - Makhin said, taking the pen and dealing the coupon with his left hand.

- But it's not good.

- And, nonsense.

"And for sure," Mitya thought, and he was remembered again by Father's cursing: "A fraudster." So I will be a fraudster. " He looked at Mahine's face. Mahin looked at him, smiling calmly.

- What, pour?

Mahin diligently brought the unit.

- Well, now let's go to the store. Here at the corner: photographic accessories. By the way, I need a framework, here for this person.

He pulled out a photographic card by the biggeon of the maiden with huge hair and a magnificent bust.

- What is the cut? BUT?

- Yes Yes. How ...

- Very simple. Let's go to.

Mahin dressed, and they came out together.


In the front door of the photographic store rang the bell tape. The gymnasists entered, looking around a blank store with shelves, accommodated accessories, and with shop windows on the shelves. From the back door, a woman was reached with a good face and, becoming behind the counter, asked what was needed.

- Frame of pretty, Madame.

- What price? - asked the lady, quickly and cleverly dealt with his hands in Mitens, with swollen articulations of the fingers, the framework of different styles. - These are fifty kopecks, and these are more expensive. And this is very nice, the new style, the ruble twenty.

- Well, let's do this. Can you give up? Take the ruble.

"We don't trade," the lady said adequately.

"Well, God is with you," said Makhin, putting a coupon onto the showcase.

- Let's make a frame and surrender, yes as soon as possible. We are in the theater will not be late.

"We still have time," the lady said and became a short-sighted eye to consider coupon.

- Cute will be in this framework. BUT? - said Mahin, turning to Mita.

- Do you have any other money? - Saleswoman said.

- That and grief that there is no. I gave me a father, we need to exchange.

- Did it really have a ruble of twenty?

- There are fifty kopecks. Why, are you afraid that we are deceiving you fake money?

- No, I'm nothing.

- So let's back. We are changing.

- So how old are you?

- Yes, it became eleven with something.

The saleswoman sinked in the accounts, revealed the desk, pulled ten rubles with a piece of paper and, move his hand to the little things, gathered six more dumarted and two-patch.

"Break down," said Makhin, leisurely taking money.

- now.

The saleswoman wrapped and tied to the twine.

Mitya translated his breath, only when the bell of the entrance door rang behind them, and they went outside.

- Well, here are ten rubles, and these give me. I will give you.

And Mahin went to the theater, and the Mitya went to the Grushetsky and calculated him.


An hour after the departure of the gymnasisters, the shop holder came home and began to count the revenue.

- Oh, the fool is closing! Here is a fool, he shouted to his wife, seeing the coupon and immediately noticing the fake. - And why take coupons.

- Yes, you yourself, Zhenya, I took it with me, it is twelve-bone, "the wife said, confused, distressed and ready crying. "I don't know myself, as they kind of played me," she said, "the gymnasists. A handsome young man seemed such a comulophotic.

"Comlimal fool," husband continued to scold, counting the cashier. - I take a coupon, so I know and see that it is written on it. And you, I am tea, only rye gymnasists considered in old age.

This could not stand the wife and herself became angry.

- A real man! Only others condemn, and you will play fifty-four rubles to the cards - it's nothing.

- I am another thing.

"I don't want to talk to you," the wife said and went to his room and began to remember how in her family did not want to marry her, counting her husband much lower on the situation, and how she insisted on this marriage; I remembered about my deceased child, indifference to her husband to this loss and hated her husband so that he thought about how well it was if he had died. But, thinking it, she was frightened by his feelings and hurried to dress and leave. When her husband returned to the apartment, there was no long wife. She, without waiting for him, dressed and one left for a familiar French language teacher, who called now for the evening.


The teacher of the French language, the Russian Pole, was a parade tea with sweet cookies, and then sat down for several tables in the screw.

The wife of the seller of photographic accessories of the village with the owner, officer and the old, deaf lady in the wig, the widow of the musical store, a big huntry and master play. Cards went to the wife of the seller of photographic accessories. She prescribed helmet twice. There was a plate with grapes and a pear, and she had fun in her soul.

- What is Evgeny Mikhailovich not going? - asked the mistress from another table. - We recorded it the fifth.

- True, carried away by accounts, "said the wife of Evgenia Mikhailovich, - now the calculations for provisions, for firewood.

And, remembering the scene with her husband, she frowned, and her hands trembled from the malice on him.

"Yes, it's easy to risen," the owner said, turning to Even Mikhailovich. - What were you late?

- Yes, different things, - answered Yevgeny Mikhailovich a cheerful voice, rubbing his hands. And, to the surprise of his wife, he approached her and said:

- And you know, I have lowered the coupon.

- Is it really?

- Yes, a man for firewood.

And Evgeny Mikhailovich told everyone with great indignation, "his wife included his studies in the story, - as an unscrupful gymnasists inflated his wife.

"Well, now, now for the work," he said, sitting at the table when his turn came, and Tasuya cards.


Indeed, Evgeny Mikhailovich lowered a coupon for the firewood peasant Ivan Mironov.

Ivan Mironov traded one sage firewood on wood warehouses, delivered it around the city and laid out that five fours came out of Sazhena, which he sold for the same price as it cost a quarter in a woody yard. In this unfortunate for Ivan Mironov, he early in the morning brought the Oskmushka and, soon he left the other else, she hoped to sell, but she spent before the evening, seeking the buyer, but no one bought. He all came across experienced city inhabitants who knew the usual tricks of men who sell firewood, and did not believe that he brought, as he assured firewood from the village. He himself was hungry, an ifby in his wiped coat and Ripped Armenian; Frost to the evening reached twenty degrees; The horse, which he did not regret, because I was going to sell her drachers, it was quite. So Ivan Mironov was ready to even accommodate firewood, when he met for tobacco to the store and returned home Evgeny Mikhailovich.

- Take, Barin, I will give it. The horse began at all.

- Yes, where are you from?

- We are from the village. His firewood, good, dry.

- We know you. Well, what you take?

Ivan Mironov requested, began to slow down and finally gave for his price.

"Only for you, a barin, which is close to happen," he said.

Evgeny Mikhailovich was not very traded, rejoicing the thought that he would lower the coupon. Somehow, tightening for the neck, Ivan Mironov got a firewood into the yard and unloaded them himself in the barn. The janitor was not. Ivan Mironov first jumped to take a coupon, but Evgeny Mikhailovich convinced him so much and seemed such an important Barin that he agreed to take.

Entering from the back porch in Maiden, Ivan Mironov crossed himself, relieved the icicles from the beard and, whipped the floor of the cafetan, pulled out a leather wallet and from it eight rubles fifty kopecks and gave delivery, and the coupon, wrapped in a piece of paper.

Thanking, as usual, Barina, Ivan Mironov, who accelerates not a whip, but by whipped by nation, the moving legs, a beat, who was doomed to the death of a klyonka, would blow it up for the restaurant.

In the restaurant, Ivan Mironov asked her eight kopecks of wine and tea and, allotted and even the row, in the very cheerful arrangement of the Spirit talked with a janitor who was sitting by his table. He talked to him, told him all the swap circumstances. He said that he was from the village of Vasilyevsky, at twelve versts from the city that he was separated from his father and brothers and now lives with his wife and two guys, of whom the eldest only went to the school, and did not help anything. He said that he was here on the fare and tomorrow will go to the equestrian selling his Odra and will seek, and if you have to - buy a horse. He said that he had now scored a quarter and that he had half money in the coupon. He pulled out a coupon and showed the janitor. The janitor was illiterate, according to said that he was a meant for tenants that money is good, but there are fake, and therefore advised for loyalty to give here at the rack. Ivan Mironov gave the sexual and ordered to bring the delivery, but the sex did not bring a surrender, but the bald, with a glossy face the cub with a coupon.

"Your money is not suitable," he said, showing coupon, but not giving him.

- Money is good, Barin gave me.

- That is not good, and fake.

- And fake, so let them here.

- No, brother, your brother need to learn. You fell with fraudsters.

- Come on money, what are you doing complete right?

- Sidor! Cleanni-ka policeman, - a buffetcher to the sex.

Ivan Mironov was drunk. And he drove it is non-safe. He grabbed the clerk for the gate and shouted:

- Come back, I will go to Barina. I know where he is.

The clarifier rushed from Ivan Mironov, and his shirt shook him.

- And you are so. Keep it.

Policy grabbed Ivan Mironov, and immediately appeared to the city. After listening like the boss, what's the matter, he immediately decided him:

- in the plot.

The coupon of the city put himself in the purse and, together with the horse, Ivan Mironova was diverted into the plot.


Ivan Mironov spent in a plot with drunk and thieves. For about noon, it demanded it to the foliation. The nearby interrogated it and sent photographic accessories with the city to the seller. Ivan Mironov remembered the street and the house.

When the city called Barin and introduced him a coupon and Ivan Mironov, who claimed that this very barin gave him a coupon, Evgeny Mikhailovich made surprised and then strict face.

- That you can see crazy. For the first time I see it.

"Barin, sin, we will die," said Ivan Mironov.

- What happened to him? Yes, you, right, slept. You sold to someone else, "said Evgeny Mikhailovich. "However, wait, I'll go with my wife I ask if she took the firewood yesterday.

Evgeny Mikhailovich came out and immediately called the janitor, a beautiful, unusually strong and dexterous shoe, merry little vasilla, and he told him that if he had to ask where the last firewood was taken to say that in the warehouse, and that the men's men Did not bought.

- And then the man shows that I gave him a fake coupon. Men is stupid, God knows what he says, and you are a person with a concept. So say that we buy firewood only in stock. And I wanted to give you a jacket for a long time, "Evgeny Mikhailovich added and granted five rubles to the janitor.

Vasily took the money, shone his eyes on a piece of paper, then on Evgenia Mikhailovich's face, shook his hair and smiled slightly.

- It is known that the people are stupid. Non-formation. Do not avoid worrying. I know how to say.

How much and how tearfully begged Ivan Mironov Evgenia Mikhailovich to recognize his coupon and janitor to confirm his words, and Evgeny Mikhailovich and the janitor stood on her: never took firewood from the age. And the city brought back to the station Ivan Mironova, accused of fake a coupon.

Only on the advice of a drunk writer who was sitting with him, giving the five in the midwife, Ivan Mironov got out of the guard without a coupon and with a seven rubles instead of the twenty five, which he had yesterday. Ivan Mironov was cut from these seven rubles three and with a broken face and the dead drunk came to his wife.

The wife was pregnant on demolitions and the patient. She began to scold her husband, he pushed her, she began to beat him. He, not answering, lay a belly on Nara and sharpened loudly.

Only on another morning, the wife understood what was the case, and, having believed her husband, for a long time Klyala Barin's robber, who deceived her Ivan. And Ivan, sipped, remembered that he was advised by the master with whom he drank yesterday, and decided to go to Ablakat to complain.


The lawyer undertooks not so much because of the money he could receive how much because he believed Ivan and was outraged by how unless he was deceived by a man.

Both sides were on the court, and Vasily's janitor witnessed. At the court repeated the same. Ivan Mironov remembered about God, about the fact that we will die. Evgeny Mikhailovich, although suffered by the consciousness of the nastiness and the danger of what he did, could now change the testimony and continued with an externally quiet view to deny everything.

Vasily's janitor received ten more rubles and calmly argued with a smile that Ivan Mironova did not see the view. And when he was led to the oath, although Roblast was internally, outgoed calmly repeated the words of the oath, on the cross and the saint of the Gospel of the Gospel, which will speak the whole truth.

The case ended in the way that the judge refused to Ivan Mironov in a lawsuit, laid out five rubles from him the court costs, which Evgeny Mikhailovich generously forgave him. Releasing Ivan Mironova, the judge read him the instruction that he would be more careful in the shooting of accusations for honorable people and would be grateful for the fact that he was forgiven court costs and do not pursue him for slander, for which he would have seen three months in prison .

"We thank submissively," said Ivan Mironov and, shaking his head and sighing, left the chamber.

All this seemed to end well for Yevgeny Mikhailovich and Vasli's janitor. But it just seemed like that. What happened that no one had seen, but it was most important than the fact that people saw.

Vasily has left the village for the third year and lived in the city. Every year he filed his father less and less and did not write to his wife, without needing her. He has here in the city, wives, and not, as His Nheel, was how much you want. Every year Vasily has more and more forgotten the village law and was mastered with urban orders. Everything was rudely, gray, poorly, unclearly, everything was fine here, well, clean, rich, everything is in order. And he more and more assured that the village lives without a concept, like Forest beasts, here are real people. He read the books of good writers, novels, went to the submission of the people's house. In the village and in a dream you do not see. In the village of old people they say: live in law with his wife, work, you don't eat too much, do not shoely, and here people are smart, scientists means, know real laws, "live in their pleasure. And all is well. Before the case with Coupon, Vasily did not believe that the Lord had no law about how to live. He seemed to him that he did not know their law, but there is a law. But the last thing with the coupon and, most importantly, his fake oath, from which, despite his fear, did not have anything bad, but, on the contrary, there was still ten rubles, he completely assured that there were no laws and should live in his pleasure. So he lived, and continued to live. At first he used only on the purchases of tenants, but this was not enough for all his expenses, and he could carry money and valuable things from the apartment of the residents and stole the wallet Evgenia Mikhailovich. Evgeny Mikhailovich caught him, but did not apply and the court, and its calculated.

I didn't want to go home Vasily, and he stayed in Moscow with his kind, looking for a place. The place was cheap to the bench in the wipers. Vasily arrived, but on the other purpose the month caught in the stealing bags. The owner did not complain, and beat Vasilla and drove. After this case, the place was no longer available, the money was lived, then Odea began to live, and ended with one torn jacket, pants and leafs. Calious threw it. But Vasily did not lose his cheerful, fun arrangement and, waiting for spring, went home.

Dad, please give me ahead.

I would not ask, yes I took on a honest word, promised. I, like an honest person, I can not ... I need three more rubles, right, I will not ask ... I won't ask, but just ... please, dad.

You are told ...

Yes dad, because once ...

You get a salary of three rubles, and everything is not enough. I did not receive fifty kopecks in your year.

Now my comrades are more getting more. Petrov, Ivanitsky fifty rubles get.

And I will tell you that if you try yourself, you will be a fraudster. I said.

Yes, what they said. You will never enter my position, I will have to be a scound. You well.

I went out, sallopay. Won.

Fedor Mikhailovich jumped up and rushed to his son.

Won. Sesch you need.

The son was frightened and stumbled, but he glared more than was frightened, and, bowing his head, he would soon go to the door. Fyodor Mikhailovich did not want to beat him, but he was glad to his anger and shouted for a long time, spending his son, swiss words.

When the maid came and said that he was ready to dine, Fyodor Mikhailovich got up.

Finally, he said. "I already don't want to eat."

And, inhabited, went to dinner.

At the table, the wife spoke to him, but he shouted angrily a short answer that she silent. The son either did not raise the eye from the plate and was silent. They were silently and silently got up and diverged.

After dinner, the gymnasiste returned to his room, took out a coupon and a trifle from his pocket and threw the table, and then removed the uniform, put on a jacket. At first, the gymnasiste took up the despined Latin grammar, then locked the door to the hook, bold his hand from the table in the money box, pulled out the sleeve from the box, poured one, plugged with cotton and smoking.

He sat over grammar and notebooks of two hours, not understanding anything, then I got up and became, drowning heels, walk around the room and remember everything with my father. All the abusive words of the Father, especially his evil face, remembered him, right now heard and saw him.

"Salopai. Schish need. " And that he remembered more, he was more angry with his father. He remembered how his father told him: "I see that you will come out - a fraudster. So know. " - "And you will leave the scammer if so. He is good. He forgot how young was young. Well, what did I do the crime? Just went to the theater, there was no money, I took the Petit of Grushatsky. What is bad here? Another would regret, asked, and this only swear and think about it. That's when he has no something - this is a cry on the whole house, and I am a fraudster. No, even though he is a father, but I do not like it. I do not know if all the way, but I do not like. "

The door knocked on the door. She brought a note.

We ordered the answer certainly.

In the note it was written: "For the third time I ask you to return the six rubles you have taken by you, but you will unscrew. So do not come honest people. Please send immediately with SIM sent. I myself need to shear. Do you really can't get it?

Yours, depending on that, give you or you will not give, despising or self-respecting comrade

Grushetsky. "

"So think. What a fuck what. Can't wait. I'll try yet. "

Mitya went to the mother. It was the last hope. His mother was good and did not know how to refuse, and she may have helped him, but now she was alarmed by a little disease, two-year-old petuta. She was angry with Mitus for the fact that he came and looked, and immediately refused him.

He grumbled something under his breath and went out of the door. She was sorry for her son, and she matured him.

Wait, Mitya, she said. - I do not have now, but tomorrow I will get it.

But in Mita, still boiled anger on his father.

Why do I need tomorrow when you need now? So know that I will go to the comrade.

He came out, slamming the door.

"There is nothing more to do, he will teach where the clock lay down," he thought, feeling his clock in his pocket.

Mitya pulled out a coupon and a trifle from the table, put on a coat and went to Mahine.


Mahin was a gymnasiste with a mustache. He played the card, knew women, and he always had money. He lived with aunt. Mitya knew that Mahin was badly small, but when he was with him, he involuntarily obeyed him. Mahin was at home and gathered in the theater: in a dirty room, it smelled to fragrant soap and cologne.

This, brother, the last thing, said Makhin when Mitya told him his grief, showed a coupon and fifty kopecks and said that he needed nine rubles. "You can lay clock, and you can better," Makhin said, winking with one eye.

How best?

And very simple. - Mahin took a coupon. - Put a unit before 2 p. 50, and will be 12 p. fifty.

Are there such?

But how, and on thousands of tickets. I someone descended such.

Do not you say?

So, throw? - Makhin said, taking the pen and dealing the coupon with his left hand.

But it is not good.

And, nonsense.

"And for sure," Mitya thought, and he was remembered again by Father's cursing: "A fraudster." So I will be a fraudster. " He looked at Mahine's face. Mahin looked at him, smiling calmly.

What, pour?

Mahin diligently brought the unit.

Well, now let's go to the store. Here at the corner: photographic accessories. By the way, I need a framework, here for this person.

He pulled out a photographic card by the biggeon of the maiden with huge hair and a magnificent bust.

What is the cuticle? BUT?

Yes Yes. How ...

Very simple. Let's go to.

Mahin dressed, and they came out together.


In the front door of the photographic store rang the bell tape. The gymnasists entered, looking around a blank store with shelves, accommodated accessories, and with shop windows on the shelves. From the back door, a woman was reached with a good face and, becoming behind the counter, asked what was needed.

Pretty, Madame Frame.

What price? - asked the lady, quickly and cleverly dealt with his hands in Mitens, with swollen articulations of the fingers, the framework of different styles. - These are fifty kopecks, and these are more expensive. And this is very nice, the new style, the ruble twenty.

Well, let's do this. Can you give up? Take the ruble.

We do not trade, - the lady said adequately.

Well, God is with you, "said Makhin, putting a coupon on a shop window.

Let's give a frame and surrender, yes as soon as possible. We are in the theater will not be late.

We still have time, "the lady said and became a short-sighted eye to consider coupon.

Cute will be in this framework. BUT? - said Mahin, turning to Mita.

Do you have any other money? - Saleswoman said.

That and grief that no. I gave me a father, we need to exchange.

Did there really be ruble twenty?

There are fifty kopecks. Why, are you afraid that we are deceiving you fake money?

No, I'm nothing.

So let's back. We are changing.

So how old are you?

Yes, it became eleven with something. The saleswoman sinked in the accounts, revealed the desk, pulled ten rubles with a piece of paper and, move his hand to the little things, gathered six more dumarted and two-patch.

Break down, "said Makhin, leisurely taking money.

The saleswoman wrapped and tied to the twine. Mitya translated his breath, only when the bell of the entrance door rang behind them, and they went outside.

Well, here are ten rubles, and these give me. I will give you.

And Mahin went to the theater, and the Mitya went to the Grushetsky and calculated him.


An hour after the departure of the gymnasisters, the shop holder came home and began to count the revenue.

Oh, the fool is closing! Here is a fool, he shouted to his wife, seeing the coupon and immediately noticing the fake. - And why take coupons.

Yes, you yourself, Zhenya, I took it with me, it was the twelve-bone, "said wife, confused, distressed and ready crying. "I don't know myself, as they kind of played me," she said, "the gymnasists. A handsome young man seemed such a comulophotic.

Comylphous fool, "husband continued to scold, counting the cashier. - I take a coupon, so I know and see that it is written on it. And you, I am tea, only rye gymnasists considered in old age.

This could not stand the wife and herself became angry.

A real man! Only others condemn, and you will play fifty-four rubles to the cards - it's nothing.

I am another thing.

I do not want to talk to you, "the wife said and went to his room and began to remember how in her family they did not want to marry her, counting her husband much lower on the situation, and how she insisted on this marriage; I remembered about my deceased child, indifference to her husband to this loss and hated her husband so that he thought about how well it was if he had died. But, thinking it, she was frightened by his feelings and hurried to dress and leave. When her husband returned to the apartment, there was no long wife. She, without waiting for him, dressed and one left for a familiar French language teacher, who called now for the evening.


The teacher of the French language, the Russian Pole, was a parade tea with sweet cookies, and then sat down for several tables in the screw.

The wife of the seller of photographic accessories of the village with the owner, officer and the old, deaf lady in the wig, the widow of the musical store, a big huntry and master play. Cards went to the wife of the seller of photographic accessories. She prescribed helmet twice. There was a plate with grapes and a pear, and she had fun in her soul.

What is Evgeny Mikhailovich not going? - asked the mistress from another table. - We recorded it the fifth.

True, carried away by the accounts, "said the wife of Evgeny Mikhailovich, - now the calculations for provisions, for firewood.

And, remembering the scene with her husband, she frowned, and her hands trembled from the malice on him.

Yes, here is light on messenger, "the owner said, turning to Even Mikhailovich. - What were you late?

Yes, different things, - answered Yevgeny Mikhailovich a cheerful voice, rubbing his hands. And, to the surprise of his wife, he approached her and said:

And you know, I descended coupon.

Is it really?

Yes, a man for firewood.

And Evgeny Mikhailovich told everyone with great indignation, "his wife included his studies in the story, - as an unscrupful gymnasists inflated his wife.

Well, now, for business, he said, sitting at the table when his turn came, and Tasuya cards.


Indeed, Evgeny Mikhailovich lowered a coupon for the firewood peasant Ivan Mironov.

Ivan Mironov traded one sage firewood on wood warehouses, delivered it around the city and laid out that five fours came out of Sazhena, which he sold for the same price as it cost a quarter in a woody yard. In this unfortunate for Ivan Mironov, he early in the morning brought the Oskmushka and, soon he left the other else, she hoped to sell, but she spent before the evening, seeking the buyer, but no one bought. He all came to experienced city inhabitants who knew the usual men of men,

selling firewood, and did not believe that he brought, as he assured firewood from the village. He himself was hungry, an ifby in his wiped coat and Ripped Armenian; Frost to the evening reached twenty degrees; The horse, which he did not regret, because I was going to sell her drachers, it was quite. So Ivan Mironov was ready to even accommodate firewood, when he met for tobacco to the store and returned home Evgeny Mikhailovich.

Take, Barin, I will give it. The horse began at all.

Yes, where are you from?

We are from the village. His firewood, good, dry.

We know you. Well, what you take?

Ivan Mironov requested, began to slow down and finally gave for his price.

Only for you, Barin, which is close to happen, - he said.

Evgeny Mikhailovich was not very traded, rejoicing the thought that he would lower the coupon. Somehow, tightening for the neck, Ivan Mironov got a firewood into the yard and unloaded them himself in the barn. The janitor was not. Ivan Mironov first jumped to take a coupon, but Evgeny Mikhailovich convinced him so much and seemed such an important Barin that he agreed to take.

Entering from the back porch in Maiden, Ivan Mironov crossed himself, relieved the icicles from the beard and, whipped the floor of the cafetan, pulled out a leather wallet and from it eight rubles fifty kopecks and gave delivery, and the coupon, wrapped in a piece of paper.

Thanking, as usual, Barina, Ivan Mironov, who accelerates not a whip, but by whipped by nation, the moving legs, a beat, who was doomed to the death of a klyonka, would blow it up for the restaurant.

In the restaurant, Ivan Mironov asked for eight kopecks of wine and tea and, warming up and even a row in the very cheerful arrangement of the Spirit, talked with a janitor who was sitting by his table. He talked to him, told him all his circumstances. He said that he was from the village of Vasilyevsky, at twelve versts from the city that he was separated from his father and brothers and now lives with his wife and two guys, of whom the eldest only went to the school, and did not help anything. Told that he

it stands here on the fauters and tomorrow will go to the equestrian selling its Odra and will seek, and if you have to - buy a horse. He said that he had now scored a quarter and that he had half money in the coupon. He pulled out a coupon and showed the janitor. The janitor was illiterate, but said that he was a penal for tenants that money is good, but there are fake, and therefore advised for loyalty to give here at the rack. Ivan Mironov gave the sexual and ordered to bring the delivery, but the sex did not bring a surrender, but the bald, with a glossy face the cub with a coupon.

Your money is not suitable, "he said, showing coupon, but not giving him.

Money is good, I gave Barin.

That is not good, but fake.

A fake, so let them here.

No, brother, your brother need to learn. You fell with fraudsters.

Come on, what are you doing full right?

Sidor! Cleanni-ka policeman, - a buffetcher to the sex.

Ivan Mironov was drunk. And he drove it is non-safe. He grabbed the clerk for the gate and shouted:

Come back, I will go to Barina. I know where he is. The clarifier rushed from Ivan Mironov, and his shirt shook him.

And you are so. Keep it.

Policy grabbed Ivan Mironov, and immediately appeared to the city. After listening like the boss, what's the matter, he immediately decided him:

In the area.

The coupon of the city put himself in the purse and, together with the horse, Ivan Mironova was diverted into the plot.


Ivan Mironov spent in a plot with drunk and thieves. For about noon, it demanded it to the foliation. The nearby interrogated it and sent photographic accessories with the city to the seller. Ivan Mironov remembered the street and the house.

When the city called Barin and introduced him a coupon and Ivan Mironov, who claimed that this very barin gave him a coupon, Evgeny Mikhailovich made surprised and then strict face.

What you can see crazy. For the first time I see it.

Barin, sin, we will die, "said Ivan Mironov.

What happened to him? Yes, you, right, slept. You sold to someone else, "said Evgeny Mikhailovich. "However, wait, I'll go with my wife I ask if she took the firewood yesterday.

Evgeny Mikhailovich came out and immediately called the janitor, a beautiful, unusually strong and dexterous shoe, merry little vasilla, and he told him that if he had to ask where the last firewood was taken to say that in the warehouse, and that the men's men Did not bought.

And then here the man shows that I gave him a fake coupon. Men is stupid, God knows what he says, and you are a person with a concept. So say that we buy firewood only in stock. And I wanted to give you a jacket for a long time, "Evgeny Mikhailovich added and granted five rubles to the janitor.

Vasily took the money, shone his eyes on a piece of paper, then on Evgenia Mikhailovich's face, shook his hair and smiled slightly.

It is known that the people are stupid. Non-formation. Do not avoid worrying. I know how to say.

How much and how tearfully begged Ivan Mironov Evgenia Mikhailovich to recognize his coupon and janitor to confirm his words, and Evgeny Mikhailovich and the janitor stood on her: never took firewood from the age. And the city brought back to the station Ivan Mironova, accused of fake a coupon.

Only on the advice of a drunk writer who was sitting with him, giving the five in the midwife, Ivan Mironov got out of the guard without a coupon and with a seven rubles instead of the twenty five, which he had yesterday. Ivan Mironov was cut from these seven rubles three and with a broken face and the dead drunk came to his wife.

The wife was pregnant on demolitions and the patient. She began to scold her husband, he pushed her, she began to beat

his. He, not answering, lay a belly on Nara and sharpened loudly.

Only on another morning, the wife understood what was the case, and, having believed her husband, for a long time Klyala Barin's robber, who deceived her Ivan. And Ivan, sipped, remembered that he was advised by the master with whom he drank yesterday, and decided to go to Ablakat to complain.


The lawyer undertooks not so much because of the money he could receive how much because he believed Ivan and was outraged by how unless he was deceived by a man.

Both sides were on the court, and Vasily's janitor witnessed. At the court repeated the same. Ivan Mironov remembered about God, about the fact that we will die. Evgeny Mikhailovich, although suffered by the consciousness of the nastiness and the danger of what he did, could now change the testimony and continued with an externally quiet view to deny everything.

Vasily's janitor received ten more rubles and calmly argued with a smile that Ivan Mironova did not see the view. And when he was led to the oath, although Roblast was internally, outgoed calmly repeated the words of the oath, on the cross and the saint of the Gospel of the Gospel, which will speak the whole truth.

The case ended in the way that the judge refused to Ivan Mironov in a lawsuit, laid out five rubles from him the court costs, which Evgeny Mikhailovich generously forgave him. Releasing Ivan Mironova, the judge read him the instruction that he would be more careful in the shooting of accusations for honorable people and would be grateful for the fact that he was forgiven court costs and do not pursue him for slander, for which he would have seen three months in prison .

We thank submissively, "said Ivan Mironov and, shaking his head and sighing, left the chamber.

All this seemed to end well for Yevgeny Mikhailovich and Vasli's janitor. But it just seemed like that. What happened that no one had seen, but it was most important than the fact that people saw.

Vasily has left the village for the third year and lived in the city. Every year he filed his father less and less and did not write to his wife, without needing her. He has here in the city, wives, and not, as His Nheel, was how much you want. Every year Vasily has more and more forgotten the village law and was mastered with urban orders. Everything was rudely, gray, poorly, unclearly, everything was fine here, well, clean, rich, everything is in order. And he more and more assured that the village lives without a concept, like Forest beasts, here are real people. He read the books of good writers, novels, went to the submission of the people's house. In the village and in a dream you do not see. In the village of old people they say: live in law with his wife, work, you don't eat too much, do not shoely, and here people are smart, scientists means, know real laws, "live in their pleasure. And all is well. Before the case with Coupon, Vasily did not believe that the Lord had no law about how to live. He seemed to him that he did not know their law, but there is a law. But the last thing with the coupon and, most importantly, his fake oath, from which, despite his fear, did not have anything bad, but, on the contrary, there was still ten rubles, he completely assured that there were no laws and should live in his pleasure. So he lived, and continued to live. At first he used only on the purchases of tenants, but this was not enough for all his expenses, and he could carry money and valuable things from the apartment of the residents and stole the wallet Evgenia Mikhailovich. Evgeny Mikhailovich caught him, but did not apply to the court, and his calculated.

I didn't want to go home Vasily, and he stayed in Moscow with his kind, looking for a place. The place was cheap to the bench in the wipers. Vasily arrived, but on the other purpose the month caught in the stealing bags. The owner did not complain, and beat Vasilla and drove. After this case, the place was no longer available, the money was lived, then Odea began to live, and ended with one torn jacket, pants and leafs. Calious threw it. But Vasily did not lose his cheerful, fun arrangement and, waiting for spring, went home.


Peter Nikolayevich Sventytsky, a small, custinian little man in black glasses (his eyes were hurt, he threatened a complete blindness), he got up, as usual, to the light and, drinking a glass of tea, put on the indoor, confused by Merlushki serpent and went on the housework.

Peter Nikolaevich was a customs official and gave eighteen thousand rubles there. For years, twelve ago, he retired not entirely in his will and bought the crawled young man's cauldron. Peter Nikolaich was still married in service. His wife was poor orphan of the old noble family, a large, full, beautiful woman who did not give him children. Peter Nikolaich in all matters was a man solitary and persistent. Nothing knowing anything about the economy (he was the son of Polish gentry), he did so well to the economy that the ruined estate in three hundred tenthene was exemplary. All the buildings from his house to the barn and a canopy over the fire pipe were durable, solid, covered with iron and in time painted. In the tool shed, there were order of carts, soy, plows, harrows. Challenged was smeared. The horses were not large, almost all of their factory - Savras, suit, satisfying, strong, one in one. The throat worked in the indoor Riga, the feed was retracted in a special barn, the dung Zhiy stamped into a paved pit. Cows were also their factory, not large, but dairy. Pigs were aglitsky. There was a poultry house and especially sock of chicken breed. The fruit garden was asked and affected. Everywhere everything was worn, firmly, pure, regularly. Peter Nikolayan rejoiced at his farm and was proud that all this he reached the oppression of peasants, but, on the contrary, strict justice to them. He even had a medium, rather liberal among the nobles, rather than conservative, and always defended the people before the serfs. Be it good with them, and they will be good. True, he did not descend the mistakes and workers mistakes, sometimes pushing them himself, demanded work, but the premises, Harci were the best, the salary was always issued on time, and on holidays he drove vodka.

Stepping carefully on the talom snow, it was in February, "Peter Nikolaić went past the working stables to the hut, where workers lived. It was still dark; yet

darker from fog, but the lights were visible in the windows of the worker. Workers got up. He intended to hurry them: along the along, they had to go on the gear for the last firewood in the grove.

"What's this?" - He thought, seeing the cut door to the stable.

Hey, who is here?

No one responded. Peter Nikolaichi entered the stable.

Hey, who is here?

No one responded. It was dark, softly, and smelled to manure. To the right of the door in the stall was a couple of young savrasi. Peter Nikolaiova stretched out his hand - empty. He touched his foot. Didn't they lay? Noga met nothing. "Where did they bring it down?" He thought. Package - did not harm, Sani still all the outside. Peter Nikolaich came out of the door and shouted loudly:

Hey, Stepan.

Stepan was a senior worker. He just went out of the work.

Yau! - Fun Stepan responded. - Is it you, Peter Nikolaich? Now the guys go.

What do you have a stable of squeeze?

Stable? I can not know. Hey, prosper, come on the lantern.

The prosperity came running with a lantern. Entered the stable. Stepan immediately understood.

This thieves were, Peter Nikolaich. The castle is shot down.

Brows, robbers. There is no mask, there is no hawk. Hawk here. There is no motley. There is no handsome man.

There were no three horses. Peter Nikolaich said nothing.

Frowned and breathing heavily.

Oh, I would have caught. Who guard?

Petka. Petka slept.

Peter Nikolaica filed to the police, to the forehead, the Zemsky boss, sent his own. Horses did not find.

Forest people! - spoke Peter Nikolaichi. - What made. I did not do it well. Wait you. Robbers, all robbers. Now I'm wrong with you will behave.


And horses, Troika Savras, were already on the ground. One, mask, sold the gypsies for eighteen rubles, the other, motley, was trained by a man over forty-miles, handsome drove and stabbed. Sold the skin for three rubles. The event was the leader Ivan Mironov. He served in Peter Nikolaich and knew the order of Peter Nikolaić and decided to return his money. And made a business.

After his misfortune with a fake coupon, Ivan Mironov drank a long time and would give everything if the wife did not hide the clamps, clothes and everything that could be rolled out. During the drunkenness of his Ivan Mironov, without ceasing, not only thought about his offender, but about all the gentlemen and gentleh, who only those living that they were offended by our brother. Saw once Ivan Mironov with men from under Podolsk. And men, dear, drunk, told him how they brought horses from a man. Ivan Mironov began to scold the concoctions for the fact that they were offended by a man. "Sin is," he said, "the man's man still has a brother, and you will carry it off. If you take away, so the Lord. These dogs are worth ". Further, more, told, and the Podolsk guys said that the Lords to reduce the horses horses. We must know the moves, and without your person it is impossible. Then Ivan Mironov remembered the Sventytsky, who he lived in employees, remembered that Sventytsky was found in the calculation of the ruble for a broken kkivorn, he remembered the savry horses on which he worked.

Ivan Mironov went to Sventitsky as if hired, but only then to view and learn everything. And having learned everything that the guard is not that horses in the day, in the stable, led the thieves and did the whole thing.

Sharing a revenue with Podolsk men, Ivan Mironov with five rubles came home. There was nothing at home: the horses were not. And since that time, Ivan Mironov began to be opened with the concoches and gypsies.


Peter Nikolaich Sventitsky tried to find a thief of all his might. No one could not be done. And therefore he began to suspect his and, find out the workers who

i did not spend the night at this night at home, I learned that I did not spend the night of Nikolaev - young small, just who came from military service soldiers, beautiful, dexterous small, whom Peter Nikolaich took for the exit instead of Kucher. The buddy was a friend of Peter Nikolaych, he knew both the correctness, and the leader, and the Zemsky chief, and the investigator. All these faces have been in him in the name and knew his delicious filling and salted fungi - white, oots and freight. All sorry him and tried to help him.

So, and you defend the men, "said Broan. "The truth I said that worse than animals." Without a whip and stick with them nothing can be done. So you say a prosper, the one that Chercher is driving?

Let him here.

The past was called and began to interrogate:

Where was it?

The prosbed shook her hair, shone his eyes.

How at home, all workers show that you were not.

Will Your.

Yes, not in my will deal. And where have you been?

Well, good. Sotsky, brought him to the mill.

Will Your.

So did not say the prosbus, where he was, and did not say that the night he was with his friend, Parash, and promised not to give it, and did not give out. Evidence was not. And the past was released. But Peter Nikolaich was confident that this is all the case of Proof, and hanged him. Once Peter Nikolaich, taking the proof of Kucher, sent him to the stand. The pros, as always did, took two oats measures at the inn of the courtyard. One and a half murmured, and drank the garments. Peter Nikolaich learned this and submitted to the world judge. The world judge sentenced the past for three months in Ostrog. Proophyal was proud. He considered himself above the people and proud of himself. Ostrich humiliated him. He could not be proud of the people, and he immediately fell by the Spirit.

From the Ostrog, the proshika returned home not so much embittered against Peter Nikolaich, how many against the whole world.

Proophylas, as everyone said, after the gloomy dropped, began to be lazy to work, began to drink and soon caught in the theft of the Odfa from the Meshchanka and came again in Ostrog.

Peter also learned about horses only the fact that the skins were found from Savras Merin, which Peter Nikolaich acknowledged for the skin of his handsome. And this impunity of thieves was even more annoying Peter Nikolaych. He could not see the men now without malice and talk about them and where he could tried to press them.


Despite the fact that, having lowered a coupon, Evgeny Mikhailovich stopped thinking about him, his wife Mary Vasilyevna could not forgive himself that he was deceiving, nor her husband for cruel words he told her, nor, the main thing, the two boys-villains who depersely deceived it.

From the very day, as she was deceived, she looked at all the gymnasists. Once she met Makhina, but did not recognize him, because he, seeing her, made such a face, which completely changed his face. But Mitu Smokovnikova she, encountered his nose with his nose on the sidewalk of the week two after the event, immediately found out. She gave him to pass and, turning, followed by him. Having reached his apartment and learning, whose son he was, she went to the gymnasium as another day and in front of Mikhail Vvedensky's lawmaker. He asked what she needed. She said she wishes to see the director.

The director is not, he is unhealthy; Maybe I can execute or convey to him?

Marya Vasilyevna decided to tell everything to the lawpower.

The introductory introduced was a widower, academician and a very proud person. Last year, he met in one society with the father of Smokovnikov and, faced with him in a conversation about the faith, in which the moodings broke it on all points and raised a laugh, decided to pay special attention to the Son and, having found the same indifference to The law of God, as in the unbelieving father, began to pursue him and even failed him on the exam.

Having learned from Maria Vasilyevna about the act of young

Smokovnikova, the introduction could not not feel pleasure, finding in this case the confirmation of his assumptions about the immorality of people deprived of the leadership of the Church, and decided to take advantage of this case, as he tried to assure himself, for the testimony of the danger that threatens everyone retreating from the church - in The depth of the soul in order to take revenge on the proud and self-confident atheist.

Yes, very sad, very sad, - said Father Mikhail Vvedensky, stroking the hand of smooth sides of the albeit crosse. - I am very glad that you have passed the matter to me; I, as a minister of the church, will try not to leave a young man without instruction, but also I will try as you mitigate as possible.

"Yes, I will do the way with my title," Mikhail's father told himself, thinking that he, completely forgetting his father's misfortune, he had in mind only the benefit and salvation of the young man.

The next day, in the lesson of the law of God, Mikhail, Mikhail told the disciples the entire episode of the fake coupon and said that this was done by the gymnasium.

The act is bad, shameful, - he said, - but the location is even worse. If, what I do not believe, it did one of you, then it is better to repent than hiding.

Saying this, father Mikhail stared at Mitu Smokovnikov. Gymnasists, watching his gaze, also looked around at Smokovnikov. Mitya Krasnel, sweated, finally burst into tears and ran out of class.

Mitya's mother, having learned about it, spent the whole truth with her son and ran to the photographic accessory store. She paid twelve rubles fifty kopecks of the hostess and persuaded it to hide the name of the gymnasium. The son told everything to deny and in no way recognize the Father.

And indeed, when Fyodor Mikhailovich learned about what was in the gymnasium, and the son called him out from everything, he went to the director and, told the whole thing, said that the degree of the lawpower was extremely represented and he would not leave this. The director invited the priest, and between them and Fedor Mikhailovich had a hot explanation.

A stupid woman inserted into my son, then herself renounced his testimony, and you did not find

nothing better, how to slander an honest, truthful boy.

I did not slander and won't let you speak with me. You forget my san.

Do not care for your San.

Your own concepts, - trembled the chin, so that his rare beard was shaking, a lawpower spoke, - known to the entire city.

Gentlemen, Batyushka, "tried to calm the arguing director. But it was impossible to calm them.

I have to take care of my Sana's debt to take care of religious-moral education.

Fully pretend. Don't I know that you do not believe in chole or death?

I consider unworthy to talk with such a master as you, "Mikhail's father said, offended by the last words of Smokovnikov, especially because he knew that they were fair. He passed the full course of the Spiritual Academy and therefore it was no longer believed that he confessed and preached, but believed only that all people should force themselves to believe in what he forced himself to believe.

Smokovnikov was not so much outraged by the act of the lawpipel, how much found that this is a good illustration of the clerical influence, which begins to manifest itself from us, and everyone told about this case.

The father of the same introduced, seeing the manifestations of the established nihilism and atheism not only in the young, but old generation, more and more was convinced of the need to combat him. The more he condemned the disbelief of Smokovikov and him like, the more he was convinced of the hardness and the inviolability of his faith and the less felt the need to check it or agree with his life. His faith, recognized by all of his world around him, was for him the main instrument of the struggle against her negatives.

These thoughts caused in it by a collision with Smokovnikov, together with the troubles on the gymnasium that took place from this clash - precisely, the reprimand, the remark received from the bosses, was forced to accept him for a long time, with the death of his wife, who manifested him with his decision: to accept monasticism and choose the very career on which some of his comrades on

academy, of which one was already a bishine, and the other archimandrite on the vacancies of the bishop.

By the end of the academic year, Wednedensky left the gymnasium, hesitated to the monks under the name Misaila and very soon received the place of rector of the seminary in the Volga city.


Meanwhile, Vasily-janitor walked a big road south.

The day he walked, and at night the tenth assigned him to another apartment. The bread was given everywhere, and sometimes they sat down at the table. In one village of Orlovsk province, where he spent the night, he was told that the merchant, who pulled the garden from the landowner, looking for a well-guard. Vasill was tired of a belling, and I did not want to go home, and he went to the merchant to the gardener and hired a caulter for five rubles a month.

Life in a halate, especially after he began to keep up the GRASHSOVA and from the Bar ash gum Karaowchiki brought a habitant knitting of fresh, from under the threshing, straw, was very pleasant to Vasil. Lying the whole day in fresh, spray straw is a pile, even more than straw, fragile, fell on a spring and winter apple, glancing, whether the guys behind apples did not get climbing and sowing songs. And the songs of singing Vasily was a master. And his voice was good. We will come from the village of Baba, girls behind apples. I will joke with them Vasily, I will give, how whatever you like, more or smaller apples for eggs or penny - and again lying; Just go to breakfast, dine, dinner.

A shirt on Vasill was one pink sintsevaya, and there was nothing in the holes, there was nothing on the legs, but the body was strong, healthy, and when the pot from the porridge was filmed from the fire, Vasily walked for three, so the old man's calaus girl was only on him. At night, Vasily did not sleep and either whistled, or smoked and, like a cat, had seen far in the dark. Once climbed from the village big guys shake apples. Vasily burst and attacked them; They wanted to fight back, and he broke them all, and one led to Slash and passed the owner.

The first slag Vasilla was in the far garden, and the second

shalash, when GRUSHOVKA came up, was in forty steps from the Bar ashore. And in this chaolate Vasillus was even more fun. The whole day of Vasily saw the Lord and the Lords played, went to ride, walked, and in the evenings and nights played the piano, on the violin, sang, danced. He saw a young lady with students sitting on the windows and lasted and then alone went to walk in dark lime alleys, where only strips and stains passed the moonlight. He saw, as the servants ran with food and drink and how cooks, bars, crawls, gardeners, Kucher - everything worked only to feed, poop, merry the Lord. Sometimes the young gentlemen came to him and he took him to the slaughters, and he selected them and applied the best, blurred and red bonded apples, and the young ladies immediately, Khutni's teeth, they bite them and praised and said something - Vasily understood that he was talking about -Franzusski and forced him to sing.

And Vasilius admired this life, remembering his Moscow life, and the idea that the whole thing in money, more and more went to his head.

And Vasily became more and more thinking about how to do to immediately capture more money. He began to remember how he had previously used, and decided that it was not necessary to do that it was not necessary, as before, to grasp where she lies badly, but to think about, to know and make it clean, so that no ends were left. The last Antonovka was removed to the Henre of the Virgin. The owner has used well and all karauchikov and Vasilla calculated and thanked.

Vasily dressed - a young barin gave him a jacket and a hat - and did not go home, he was very sissing to think about a man, rude life, - and returned back to the city with drinking soldiers who are watching the garden with him. In the city, he decided to hack over the night and rob the shop, whose host he lived and who nailed him and drove without a calculation. He knew all the moves and where there were money, the soldier put a guard, and he hacked the window from the courtyard, climbed and chose all the money. The case was made skillfully, and no traces found. Money took three hundred seventy rubles. One hundred rubles Vasily gave a friend, and with the rest left to another city and there he was killed with comrades and commodities.


Meanwhile, Ivan Mironov became a clever, bold and successful inkrade. Afimya, his wife, who had previously scolding him for bad things, as she said, was now happy and proud of her husband, the fact that he had an indoor coat and her herself and a new fur coat.

In the village and in the district everyone knew that no theft of horses did without him, but they were afraid to prove him, and when the suspicion had happened to him, he came out clean and right. The last theft of him was from the night in the rocker. When I could, Ivan Mironov disassembled, who had steal, and more like to take the landlords and merchants. But landlords and merchants were harder. And because when there were no landlord and merchant, he also took the peasants. So he captured in a killer from any night horses. I did not affect myself, but a clever small little Gerasim. The men had enough horses only at the dawn and rushed to search on the roads. The horses stood in the ravine, in the executed forest. Ivan Mironov intended to hold them here until the other night, and wait at night for forty miles to a familiar janitor. Ivan Mironov took Gerasim in the forest, brought him a cake and vodka and went home with a forest path where he was hoping for no one. On trouble he ran into a guard soldier.

Ali on mushrooms went? Said Soldiers.

Yes, there is nothing today, - Ivan Mironov answered, showing the Lukoshko, which he took just in case.

Yes, now not a mushroom summer, "said the soldiers," the post will go bad, "and passed by.

The soldier realized that something was wrong. There was no need to be Ivan Mironov to walk early in the morning in the official forest. The soldier returned and began to fool through the forest. Near the ravine he heard a horsepie snort and went slowly to the place where he heard. In the ravine it was tritted, and there was a horsepower. Then he was sitting Gerasim and ate something, and two horses stood tied by the tree.

The soldier ran to the village, took the headman, Sotskiy and two understood. They approached the place from three sides to the place where Herasim was, and captured him. Geraska did not stick and immediately Spyan confessed to everyone. He said, as Ivan Mironov, Ivan Mironov, and was promised, and how promised now to come behind the horses in the forest. Men

they left horses and Gerasim in the forest, and they themselves made an ambush, waiting for Ivan Mironov. When merged, whistles heard. Gerasim responded. Only Ivan Mironov began to descend from the mountain, they pounced on him and led to the village. The crowd collected a crowd in front of the old age.

Ivan Mironov brought out and began to interrogate. Stepan Pelageyushkin, a tall, short, long man, with an eagle nose and a gloomy expression, the first began to interrogate. Stepan was a lonely man who served military service. I just moved away from my father and began to cope as a horse took him. Having worked in mines, Stepan again cited two horses. Both increased.

Speak, where my horses, - gloomy looking into the ground, in the face of Ivan, spoke, pale from the malice, Stepan.

Ivan Mironov was dismissed. Then Stepan hit him in his face and broke the nose from which blood flowed.

Speak, kill!

Ivan Mironov was silent, bending his head. Stepan hit his long hand once, the other. Ivan was silent everything, just leaning it there, then here is his head.

All Bay! - shouted the headman.

And everyone began to beat. Ivan Mironov silently fell and shouted:

Barbarians, devils, Bates to death. I'm not afraid of you.

Then Stepan grabbed a stone from the harvested soot and broke the Ivan Mironov's head.


Killers Ivan Mironov were judged. Among these killers was Stepan Pelageyushkin. He was accused of stealing others, because everyone showed that he broke the head of Ivan Mironov. Stepan on the court did not hide anything, explained that when he took the last couple of horses, he stated in the mill, and the traces of the gypsies could have been found, and he did not accept him and did not look at him at all.

What do we do with such? Run us.

Why others did not beat, and you? Said the prosecutor.

It's not true, everyone beat, the world shared to kill, and I just finished off. Well, it should be tormented.

The judges struck in Stepan an expression of perfect calm, with whom he told about his act and about how Ivan Mironova beat and how he finished him.

Stepan really did not see anything terrible in this murder. He had to shoot a soldier in the service, and, like, as well as when the murder of Ivan Mironov, he did not see anything terrible. Killed so killed. Today it, tomorrow me.

Stepan sentenced to one year in prison. The guinea with him was removed from him, put at number in Tseykhgauz, and the artantic bathrobe and cats were put on it.

Stepan never had respect for the bosses, but now he was quite convinced that all the bosses, all the Lord, everything, besides the king, who one regretted the people and was fair, all were robbers, sucking blood from the people. The stories of the exile and religious, with whom he came across in prison, confirmed such a look. One referred to the catguard for the fact that the authorities were crushed into theft, the other - for hitting the head, when he began to describe the peasant property, the third was for the fact that forged the assignment. Gentlemen, merchants, which did not do, all came from his hands, and the man-poorness for everything about everything was sent to the ostera of the lice to feed.

In Ostrog, he visited his wife. Without him, she was so bad, and then there was also burned down and turned around, it became with children to be blocked. The disasters of the wife even more frowned Stepan. He and in Ostrog, he was angry with everyone and once almost lifted the Kashevar ax, for which he was added to the year. This year, he learned that his wife was died and that there was no more at home ...

When Stepana came out time, he was called in Tseykhgauz, got his clothes from the shelf, in which he came, and gave him.

Where will I go now? - He said, dressed, Catentarmus.

It is known home.

Not home. Must need to go on the road. People rob.

And you will rob, come back to us.

Well, it is like.

And Stepan left. He headed yet to the house. There was nowhere to go.

Without reaching the house, he went to spend the night in a familiar inn with Kabak.

The courtyard held a fat Vladimir Tradman. He knew Stepan. And he knew that he was in an urgent but misfortune. And left Stepan to spend the night.

The traders, this rich beat off his wife and lived with her, as with a worker and his wife.

Stepan knew the whole thing - as a man's intention of a man, like this bad Babenka left her husband and now drove out and sweaty sat for tea and from grace treated tea and stepan. There was no passage. Stepana left overnight in the kitchen. Matrain removed everything and went to the hubby. Stepan lay on the stove, but could not sleep and everything cracked on the messengers who dried on the stove. It did not leave him from his head a thick belly of the tradesman, who protruded from the belly of the Sitzo-liquefy, who jumped the shirt. Everything in his head came to a knife to kill it belly, release the gland. And Babenka too. He said: "Well, the hell with them, I will leave tomorrow," I recalled Ivan Mironov and again I thought about the belly of the tradesman and white, sweaty sick of Matrena. To kill, both. Run the second rooster. Do so now, and it will meet. Knife he noticed from the evening and ax. He slipped off the oven, took the ax and knife and left the kitchen. Just he came out, and the door clicked behind the door. The tradesman entered the door. He did not do as he wanted. I did not have to knife, but he waved the ax and slam the head. The tradesman fell on the pitch and the ground.

Stepan entered the hill. Mattress jumped up and stood in the bed in one shirt. Stepan killed her with the same ax.

Then he lit a candle, took out money from the desk and left.


In the county city, an old man, a former official, a drunk, with two daughters and son-in-law lived in a distance from other buildings. A married daughter, too, saw and led a bad life, the oldest, widow of Maria Semenovna, wrinkled, thin, a fifty-year-old woman, alone alone contained everyone: she had a pension in two hundred and fifty rubles. The whole family was fed to this money. Only one Maria Semenovna worked in the house. She walked for

a weak, drunk old man and her sister, and prepared and washed. And, as it always happens, all things have been dumping on it, which were needed, and all the three and scolded and even beat the son-in-law in a drunken form. She all overwhelmed silently and with meekness, and, too, as always, the more things were doing, the more she had time to do. She and the poor helped, cutting out of themselves, giving up their clothes, and helped to go for sick.

He worked once at Maria Semenovna Chrome, a legless tailor rustic. He heralding the old man and covered the cloud coat for Mary Semenovna - to walk in the bazaar in winter.

Chrome tailor was a smart and observant person, in his position a lot of different people who had different and, as a result of his chromoty, always sitting and therefore, to think. Having lived in Maria Semenovna for a week, could not put on her life. Once she came to him in the kitchen, where he sewed, caroids and talked to him about his live, as his brother was offended and how he separated from him.

I thought - it would be better, and all the same, the need.

It is better not to change, but they live, and live, "Maria Semenovna said.

Yes, I and then on you, Maria Semenovna, a day, as you are all alone, one in all the ends on people you bet. And from them good, I see little.

Maria Semenovna said nothing.

Must, you have reached the books that it will be on that light.

About this is unknown to us, - said Maria Semenovna, - but only live so better.

And in books it is?

And there are books in the books, "she said and read him the wrong sermon from the Gospel. The tailor thought, and when it was calculated and went to himself, everything thought about what he saw Semenovna from Mary and what she said and read him.


Peter Nikolaich has changed to the people, and the people have changed to him. The years did not pass, as they cut down twenty-seven oaks and burned uninsured Riga and Guby.

Peter Nikolaich decided that it was impossible to live with the local people.

At the same time, the Liventovians were looking for a manager to their lines, and the leader recommended Peter Nikolaica, as the best owner in the ureet. Having livenovsky, huge, did not give anything income, and the peasants used everyone. Peter Nikolaich took up everything in order and, giving his estimate, moved with his wife to the Fallen Volga Province.

Peter Nikolaich and always loved the order and legality, and now, even more so, it could not allow this wild, rude people to, disgust the law, to take possession of their property. He was glad to teach them and strictly undertook to work. One peasant he was abraged by the forest on the ugly, another personally beat for the fact that he did not turn off the road and did not remove the hat. About meadows, about which the dispute and the peasants were considered their own, Peter Nikolaiyek declared the peasants that if they would release cattle, he would lead her.

Spring came, and the peasants, as they did in the old years, released a cattle on the Barsky meadows. Peter Nikolaich gathered all employees and ordered the cattle to the Barsky Dvor. The men were on the smell, and therefore workers, despite the screams of women, drove the cattle. Returning from work, men, gathering, came to the Barsky yard demand the cattle. Peter Nikolaich came to them with a gun over his shoulders (he had just returned from the detour) and announced to them that he would not give a cattle, as the payment of fifty kopecks with a horned and ten from the sheep. The men began to shout that the meadows are that their fathers and grandfathers owned them and that there are no such morals to take someone else's cattle.

Give the cattle, it will not be bad, "said one old man, coming to Peter Nikolai.

What will be bad? "All pale, approaching an old man, shouted Peter Nikolaichi."

Give away from sin. Sharmery.

What? - Peter Nikolayan shouted and hit the old man in the face.

You do not dare to fight. Guys, take a strong cattle. The crowd suggested. Peter Nikolaich wanted to leave, but he was not allowed. He began to break through. The gun shot and killed one of the peasants. A cool dump was made.

Peter Nikolaich crushed. And in five minutes, the disheveled body stared in the ravine.

A military court was appointed over the killers, and two sentenced to hanging.


In the village, from whom the tailor was, five rich peasants were filmed from the landowner for a thousand hundred rubles a hundred five tents of arable land, black, like a dead, greasy land and handed over to her men, to whom to eighteen to whom fifteen rubles. No land went below twelve. So the Barysh was good. The purchasrators themselves took themselves five tents themselves, and this land accounted for them. Died in these men comrade, and they offered they to go to his comrades to the chrome tail.

When the soldiers began to share the land, the tailor did not drink vodka, and when it comes to who walked how much land to give, the tailor said, that it is necessary to make it all right, which is not necessary to take extra from the merchants, and how much will it have.

How so?

Yes, Ali we are non-Christ. After all, it is good to the gentlemen, and we are Krestyan. In God's need. Such a law of Christ.

Where is the law?

And in the book, in the Gospel. Here come Sunday, I read and ceiling.

And [in] Sunday came not all, but three to the tailor, and he began to read them.

I read the five chapters of Matvey, began to interpret. They all listened, but received only one Ivan Chury. And so accepted that he began to live in everything in God. And in the family it was so lived. From the earth, it was unnecessary, only I took my share.

And they began to go to the tall and to Ivan, and they began to understand, and they understood, and they threw smoking, drink, swear by bad words, began to help each other. And they stopped going to church and demolished the ass icons. And it became seventeen such courtyards. All sixty-five souls. And the priest was frightened and conveyed a bishop. The bishop thought, to be, and decided to send to the village of Archimandrite Misaila, the former lawpower in the gymnasium.


The bishop put Misaile with him and began to talk about what news was manifested in his diocese.

All from the weakness of spiritual and from ignorance. You are a scientist man. I rely on you. Go, create and with the people of clarification.

If Vladyka bless, I will try, "said Misail's father. He was pleased with this instruction. All where he could show that he believed, pleased him. And turning others, he most quickly convinced himself that he believes.

Try, I am very suffering for my flock, "said the bishop, leisurely taking white, chubby hands a glass of tea that served him.

Well, one jam, bring another, he turned to the service. "Very, very much hurt me," continuing he speech to Misaile.

Misail was glad to declare. But, as a person is poor, asked for money on the expenses of the trip and, fearing the opposition of the coarse people, asked yet the orders of the governor that the local police in order to assist him.

The bishop all arranged to him, and Misail, the gillar and provisions, who had to be stocking, going into a deaf place, went to the destination, went to the place of destination. Going into this business trip, Misail experienced a pleasant sense of consciousness of the importance of his ministry and moreover to stop all doubts in his faith, and on the contrary, the perfect confidence in her truth.

His thoughts were directed not to the essence of faith, she recognized as an axiom - and on the refutation of those objections that were made against its external forms.


The priest of the village and Popadov took Misaila with a big honor and the next day his arrival was collected by the people in the church. Misail in the new silk Ryasa, with a cross in black and cleaned hair, entered the Amvon, the priest became next to him, gone to the decek, singing, and the side doors are police. Came and sectarians - in the felling, cortic fur coat.

After Maswarf, Misail read the sermon, exhonding the church of the church left to return to Lono, threatening the flour of hell and promising full forgiveness to the rest.

The sectarians were silent. When they began to ask, they were answered.

On the question of why they disappeared, they responded that the churches would be honored wooden and man-made gods and that in Scripture not only is not shown this, but in the prophecies shows the opposite. When Misail asked Chuyev, is it true that they are holy icons call the boards, Chuv answered: "Yes, you flour, what you want, Icon, you will see." When they were asked why they do not recognize the priesthood, they answered that in Scripture it was said: "Dirz received, for nothing," and the priests only for money they distribute their grace. At all attempts to Misaila to rely on the Holy Scripture of the tailor and Ivan calmly, but firmly objected, pointing to the Scripture, which they firmly knew. Misail was angry, threatened by the power of worldly. The sectarians said that it was said: "I was challenged - and you will drive."

It ended in nothing, and everything would be good, but the next day I dinner Misail said the sermon about the malfunction of the seats, that they are worthy of any punishment, and in the people who left the church, began to happen to trying to take care of the boots, So that they do not embarrass the people. And on this day, while Misaile climbed salmon and Sigom with the most admitted and who came from the city by an inspector, a landfill was made to the village. Orthodox crowds from the His Chius and expected their exit to beat them. The sectarians were man twenty men and women. The preaching of Misaila and now the gloom of Orthodox and their threatening speeches caused an evil feeling in the sectarians, which was not before. Testaled, it was time for the babs of the cows to milk, and the Orthodox everyone stood and waited and the released was small and drove again in the hut. Interpreted what to do, and did not agree.

The tailor said: It is necessary to endure and not defend. Chuev said that if so tolerate, they all move away, and, capturing the chockerel, went out into the street. Orthodox rushed to him.

Well, according to the law of Moses, he shouted and began to beat

orthodox and hug one eye, the rest jumped out of the hut and returned home.

Chiyev was judged for seducing and for the blasphemy sentenced to reference.

Father Misaile gave the award and made Archimandrite.


Two years ago, from the Earth, the troops of the Donsky arrived in St. Petersburg to the courses are healthy, oriental type, beautiful girl Turchaninova. This girl met in St. Petersburg with a student of Turin, the son of the Zemsky Chief of the Symbirian province, and loved him, but she loved not ordinary female love with the desire to become his wife and mother of his children, and his friendly love that was predominant to the same indiscretion and hatred not only to the existing Build, but also to people who were his representatives, and the consciousness of their mental, educational and moral superiority over them.

She was able to learn and easily remembered lectures and surrendered exams and, moreover, the newest books were absorbed in huge numbers. She was sure that the calling her was not to give birth and educate children - she even looked at such a vocation with disgust and contempt - and in to destroy the existing system, the best forces of the people, and indicate the new one The path of life that she was indicated by the European newest writers. Full, white, ruddy, beautiful, with brilliant black eyes and a big black braid, she called in men the feelings that she did not want, and he could not share, "So she was completely absorbed by his campaign, conversational activity. But she was still nice that she caused these feelings, and therefore she did not give up, did not neglect his appearance. She was nice to what she likes, but in reality can show how she despises what is so appreciated by other women. In his views on the means of dealing with existing order, she walked further than most of his comrades and his friend Tyurin and allowed all means to be used in the struggle and could be used to kill

inclusive. Meanwhile, this very revolutionary Katya Turchaninova was in the soul a very kind and selfless woman, always directly preferred to someone else's benefit, pleasure, welfare of his benefit, pleasure, welfare and always releasing opportunities to do to someone - a child, an old man, an animal - pleasant.

Summer Turchaninova spent in the Volga district city, at the batch of their own, rural teacher. In the same county, father lived and Tyurin. All three, together with the county doctor, often seen, exchanged books, argued and indignant. The Ying of Three was next to those of the Livents, where the manager did Peter Nikolaich. How soon Peter Nikolaich arrived and took about orders, young Tyurin, seeing in the Livenovsky peasants an independent spirit and a firm intention to defend their rights, became interested in them and often went to the village and talked to the peasants, developing the theory of socialism among them in particular, among them.

When the murder of Peter Nikolaić had happened and the court hit, the circle of revolutionaries of the county city had a strong reason for indignation by the court and boldly expressed him. The fact that Tyurin went to the village and spoke with the peasants was clarified in court. Tyurina did a search, found several revolutionary brochures, and the student was arrested and brought to St. Petersburg.

Turchaninova left behind him and went to jail for a date, but she was not allowed on an ordinary day, and allowed only on the day of common dates, where she saw Turin in two lattices. A date, it even strengthened her indignation. I brought it to the extreme limit of her indignation of her explanation with the man's gendarm officer, who was obviously ready to condescend in case of its adoption of his proposals. It brought it to the last degree of indignation and malice against all supervised persons. She went to the police chief complain. The police chief told her the same thing that the gendarme said that they could not do anything that there was a disposal of the minister. She filed a memorandum to the Minister, asking for a date; she was denied. Then she decided to a desperate act and bought a revolver.


The minister took on his ordinary hour. He walked around three petitioners, accepted the governor and walked over to the black eyed, beautiful, young woman in black standing with paper in the left hand. A gentle-lustful light caught fire in the eyes of the minister at the sight of a beautiful racer, but, remembering his position, the minister made a serious face.

What you want? - He said, going to her.

She, not responding, quickly took out a hand with a revolver from under Pelinka and, settling him in the chest of the minister, shot, but missed.

The minister wanted to grab her hand, she recoiled and shot another time. The minister rushed to run. She was grabbed. She was trembling and could not speak. And suddenly weave hysterically. The minister was not even wounded.

It was Turchaninova. She was planted in a preliminary detention house. The minister, having received congratulations and condolences from the most high-ranking individuals and even the sovereign himself, appointed a commission of studying the conspiracy, whose consequence was an attempt.

Conspiracy, of course, there was no; But the ranks of the secret and explicit police diligently began to search for all the threads of the situation and conspiringly deserved their salary and content: getting early in the morning, in the dark, they did a search for a search, rewriting paper, books, read diaries, private letters, made them on the beautiful Paper was an excellent handwriting extracts and many times interrogated Turchenin and made her full-time stakes, wanting to bring her names of her accomplices.

The minister was like a good man and very much regretted this healthy, beautiful Cossack, but he told himself that he had a heavy state duties that he performs, as they were difficult to him. And when his former comrade, a chamber, familiar Turin, met him on the court ball and began to ask him for Tyurina and Turchaninov, the minister shrugged, so that the red ribbon was wrinkled on white vest, and said:

Je Ne Demanderais Pas Mieux Que De Lâcher Cette Pauvre Fillette, Mais Vous Savez - Le Devoir 1.

1 I would be very happy to let go of this poor girl, but you understand - debt (Franz.).

And Turcherinova, meanwhile, was sitting in the house of preliminary conclusion and sometimes calmly crossed out with his comrades and read the books that she was given to her, sometimes suddenly fell into despair and rabies, beat about the wall, squeezed and laughed.


Maria Semenovna received his retirement once again and, returning back, met a familiar teacher.

What, Maria Semenovna, Vazna got? He shouted her on the other side of the street.

He received, "Mary Semenovna replied," just shut down holes.

Well, there is a lot of money, and the hole will shut up, I will stay, "said the teacher and, saying goodbye, passed.

Farewell, "Maria Semenovna said and, looking at the teacher, completely encountered a high man with very long hands and strict face.

But, coming to the house, she was surprised to see again the same long man. Seeing how she entered the house, he stood, turned and left.

Maria Semenovna became terribly terribly, then sad. But when she entered the house and distributed the hotels and an old man and the small golden nephew of Fede and climbed the breathing sophisticated from joy, she became good again, and she, giving money to his father, took up the work that was never translated from her.

The man with whom she collided was Stepan.

From the inn, where Stepan killed a janitor, he did not go to the city. And an amazing thing, the memory of the murder of the janitor was not only unpleasant to him, but he recalled him several times a day. He was pleased to think that he can do it so clean and deftly that no one would know and would not hurt it to do on and above others. Sitting in a restaurant for tea and vodka, he looked at the people from the same side: how can you kill them. He went to spend the night to the countryman, breaking the vehicle. The cab driver was not. He said he would wait, and sat, talking to a woman. Then, when she turned to the oven, he had to kill her. He was surprised, shook his head, then took out of

blank knife and, cooking her, cut her throat. The children began to shout, he killed and left them, not spending the night, from the city. Over the city, in the village, he entered the restaurant and slept there.

The next day he came again in the county city and the conversation of Maria Semenovna with the teacher was heard on the street. Her view was frightened by him, but he decided to get into her house and take the money she received. At night, he hacked the castle and entered the hube. The first heard his smaller, married daughter. She screamed. Stepan immediately stabbed her. The son-in-law woke up and clung to him. He grabbed Stepan for her throat and fought for a long time, but Stepan was stronger. And, ending with the son-in-law, Stepan, excited, excited struggle, went for the partition. Behind the partition lay in the bed of Maria Semenovna and, rising, looked at Stepan frightened, cobrel eyes and baptized. Her eyes scared Stepan again, he lowered his eyes.

Where's the money? - He said, without raising his eyes. She was silent.

Where's the money? - said Stepan, showing her a knife.

What are you? Is it possible to? - she said.

It became possible.

Stepan approached her, getting ready to grasp her, so that she would not interfere with him, but she did not raise her hands, did not oppose and only pressed them to his chest and sighed heavily and repeated:

Oh, great sin. What are you? Praise myself. Other people's souls, and the way your ruin ... 0-Oh! She screamed.

Stepan could no longer transfer her voices and glances and closed her with a knife on the throat. - "Talk to you." "She sank on the pillows and stuck, pouring the pillow with blood. He turned away and went along the pebbles, collecting things. Enjoying what it was necessary, Stepan lit a cigarette, sat, cleaned his clothes and came out. He thought that this murder would come down to him, as the previous one, but, without reaching the night, suddenly felt such fatigue that he could not move by a single member. He lay down in a canva and lay in it the rest of the night, the whole day and the next night.



Lying in the ditch, Stepan without ceasing saw meekly, thin, frightened face Mary Semenovna and heard her voice: "Is it possible?" - spoke her special, her whispered, pitiful voice. And Stepan again worried about all that he did with her. And he became scary, and he closed his eyes and winds his hairy head, to shake out these thoughts and memories of it. And for a moment he was released from the memories, but one, the other black was first in place, and after another, there were still other blacks with red eyes and did the faces, and everyone said one thing: "I committed with her - and with me Pokonica, and That will not give rest. " And he opened his eyes and again saw her and heard her voice, and he was sorry for her and gadko and scary for himself. And he closed his eyes again, and again - black.

In the evening of another day, he rose and went to Kabak. Nasil did not see to the Kabak and began to drink. But how much I saw, Hop did not take it. He silently sat at the table and drank a glass behind the glass. In the Kabak came torter.

Whose will you? - asked his delayer.

And the same, I spent everything from Dobodykiv I cut everything.

He was tied up and, holding the day when I was becoming the apartment, sent to the provincial city. The prisoner, having learned about him for the previously of his arrestant-Buyan and now the Great Village, strictly accepted him.

Look, I do not have to stitch, - frowing his eyebrows and putting the lower jaw, the caretaker was stuck. - If only I note that - constraint. I will not run away from me.

What I run, "Stepan answered, dropping his eyes," I myself was in my hands.

Well, not talk to me. And when the boss says, look into the eyes, - shouted the caretaker and hit him with a fist under the jaw.

Stepan at that time she again introduced himself and her voice was heard. He did not hear what the caretaker told him.

FAQ? He asked, having come back when he felt a blow to face.

Well, well, the march, there is nothing to pretend.

The caretaker was waiting for a richness, negotiations with other arrestants, attempts to escape. But nothing was it. When neither looked in the hole of his door Wahter or a caretaker himself, Stepan sat on a straw bag, put his head with his hands, and whispered something about herself. At the interrogations of the investigator, he was also not like other arrestants: he was scattered, did not listen to questions; When I understood them, I was so truth that the investigator, accustomed to fight the dexterity and cunning with the defendants, was tested here, similar to the one that you experience when in the dark at the end of the stairs raise the leg to the step that is not. Stepan told about all his murders, frowning eyebrows and fixing the eyes of one point, the simplest, delivered tone, trying to remember all the details: "He came out," said Stepan about the first murder, - Bosoy, became in the doorway, I mean it, it means Dolbully once, he stuck, I then took up the Baba "... etc. When bypassing the prosecutor of the acute chambers, Stepan asked, but whether he has complaints and does not need anything. He answered that he did not need anything and that he was not offended. The prosecutor, having passed a few steps along the smelling corridor, stopped and asked the caretaker with his accompanying him, how does this arrestant behave?

I can't push him, "the caretaker answered, pleased that Stepan praised the appeal to him. - The second month is it with us, exemplary behavior. Only I'm afraid, does not think about anything. Man brave and power is exorbitant.


The first month of the prison Stepan without ceasing, all the same: he saw a gray wall of his camera, heard; The sounds of the head - the hums under themselves in the common chamber, the steps of the watch around the corridor, a knock of the clock and at the same time saw her - with her meek look, which won him even when meeting on the street, and thin, wrinkled neck, which he cut and heard Her dock, lighted, whisper voice: "Other souls and your ruin. Is it possible? "Then the voice ran away, and were those three - black. And they were still closed or eyes were open. With closed eyes, they were obvious.

When Stepan opened his eyes, they mixed with doors, walls and gradually disappeared, but then again performed and walked from three sides, making faces and senses: cockchi, cockchi. The loop can be done, you can freeze. And here Stepana crashed a shiver, and he began to read prayers, which he knew: "Virgin", "Voice", and first as if helped. Reading prayers, he began to remember his life: He recalled his father, mother, village, a dog-dog, grandfather on the stove, benches on which she rode with the guys, then recalled the girls with their songs, then horses, as they gave them and how the Konokrad was caught, How he finished him. And I remembered the first progress, and as he came out, and recalled a thick janitor, the wife of the cab driver, children and then recalled her again. And he became hot, and he, having lowered a bathrobe from his shoulders, drove out from Nara and started like a beast in a cage, to walk back and forth on a short chamber, quickly turning around with the swovers, raw walls. And he again read prayers, but the prayers did not help.

One of the long autumn evenings, when the wind whistled in the pipes and buzzed the wind, he, having fallen around the chamber, sat down on the bed and felt that it was impossible to fight anymore that Black had defeated them, and he was conquered. He had long been looking at the stove to the stove. If you grab it with thin twine or thin ribbons, it does not slip. But it was necessary to intelligently arrange. And he took up the case and two days was prepared by linen ribbons from the bag, on which he slept (when the Watch was entered, he covered the bed with a bathrobe). He tied up with knots and made them double so that they would not cut off, but kept the body. While he was preparing all this, he was not tormented. When everything was ready, he made a dead loop, put her on her neck, got on the bed and hanged himself. But he just began to stick out by his language, as the ribbons were cut off, and he fell. Watter entered the noise. They called the paramedic, and brought him to the hospital. The next day he completely recovered, and he was taken from the hospital and placed no longer in a separate one, but in a common chamber.

In a common chamber, he lived among twenty people, as if he was alone, did not see anyone, he did not say anyone and everything was tormented. It was especially difficult for him when everyone slept, and he did not sleep and still saw her, heard her voice, then again were black with their terrible eyes and teased him.

Again, as before, he read prayers, and, as before, they did not help.

Once, when, after prayer, she appeared again to him, he began to pray her, her dumb, that she let her go, forgave him. And when he fell into the morning to the wild bag, he fell asleep firmly, and in a dream she, with his thin, wrinkled, cut neck, came to him.

Well, forgive?

She looked at him with his meek gaze and said nothing.


And so up to three times he asked her. But she did not say anything yet. And he woke up. Since then, it has become easier for him, and he woke up, looked around himself and began to close and talk to his comrades on the chamber for the first time.


In one chamber with Stepan sat Vasily, again in theft and sentenced to refer, and Chuev, also sentenced to settlement. Vasily all the time or sang songs with his beautiful voice, or told his admissions to comrades. Chuev or worked, something sewed out of dress or lingerie, or read the gospel and psalrty.

To the question of Stepan on what he was referred to, Chuhev explained to him that he was referred to the true faith of Christ, for the fact that the deceivers of the priesthood of those people cannot hear who live according to the Gospel and give them. When Stepan asked Chueva, in which the Gospel Law, Chuv explained to him that the Gospel Law is not to pray to the man-made gods, but to worship in the spirit and truth. And he told how they did this real faith from a non-gential tailor found out on the Delay of the Earth.

Well, and for bad things? - asked Stepan.

Everything is said.

And Chuev read him:

- "When the Son of Human will be given in the glory of his own and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of the glory of their own, and all nations will be gathering; and separated some of others like a shepherd separates sheep from goats, and

put the sheep on the right side of its own, and goats - on the left. Then the king of those who, on the right side of His, "take, blessed my father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from creating peace: for Alkal I, and you gave me eating; Easted, and you drove me; was a wanderer, and you took me, was naked, and you dressed me, was sick, and you visited me; In the dungeon was, and you came to me. " Then the righteous will tell him in response: "Lord! When did we see you sharpening and fed, or thirsty and drank? When did we see you a wanderer and accepted, or naked and dressed? When did we see you sick or in the dungeon and came to you? " And the king will tell them in response: "True I tell you: since you made it one of the sizes of my smaller, they made me." Then he will say those who are on the left: "Go from me, damned, in the fire of eternal, prepared by the devil and his angels: for Alkal I, and you did not give me eating; Easted and you did not drink me; was a wanderer, and did not accept me; there was nag, and did not dandate me; sick and in the dungeon, and did not visit me. " Then they will tell him in response: "Lord! When we saw you by the striking, or thirsty, or a wanderer, or nagim, or sick, or in the dungeon, and did not serve you? " Then tells them in response: "True I tell you: since you did not make it one of the little smaller, they did not make me." And these will go into the eternal flour, and the righteous - in the life of the eternal. " (Matt. XXV, 31-46.)

Vasily, looked down on the floor against Chiuhev and listening to reading, nodded approvingly with his beautiful head.

True, he strongly said, "go, they say, damned, in the flour eternal, did not feed anyone, and they fought themselves. So they need. Well, give, I read, "he added, wanting to boast his reading.

Well, will the forgiveness really be? - asked Stepan, silently, lowering his shaggy head, who listened to reading.

Wait, wait, "said Chuev Vasill, who said everything about how the rich not a wanderer did not feed, did not visit in the dungeon. - Wait for that, - repeated Chuv, overflowing the gospel. Finding what was looking for, Chuyev placed the big, whipped in a prison, a strong hand of sheets.

"And he was with him," with Christ, it means, "said Chuev," to death and two villains. And when they came to

the location called the frontal, they crucified it and villains, one according to the right, and the other on the left side.

Jesus said: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do ..." and the people stood and watched. They mumbled with them and bosses, saying: "Other saved, let him save himself, if he is Christ, the chosen one of God." Also, the warriors swore over him, coming up and bringing to him vinegar and saying: "If you are the King Jewish, save yourself." And there was an inscription above it, inscribed with the words Greek, Roman and Jewish: "This is the king of Juda". One of the hanged villains gloomped him and said: "If you are Christ, save yourself and us." The other, on the contrary, leaned it and said: "Or are you not afraid of God, when and sentenced to the same? And we are condemned fairly, because our decent on business accepted; And he did not do anything bad. " And Jesus said: "Remember me, Lord, when you attain your kingdom." And Jesus told him: "True I tell you: now you will be with me in paradise." (Luke XXIII, 32-43.)

Stepan said nothing and sat thinking, as if he had heard, but he did not hear anything from the fact that he did Chitet Chuev.

"So here it is in what the true faith, he thought. - Save only those who fed, poked the poor, visited prisoners, and in hell will go who did not do that. Still, the robber only repeated on the cross, but he went to heaven. " He did not see any contradiction here, and on the contrary, one confirmed the other: that the merciful will go to paradise, and the unlightens - to hell, therefore, that everyone should be merciful, and that Christ the robber forgave, it means that Christ was merciful. All this was completely new to Stepan; He just wondered why it was still hidden from him. And he spent all his free time with Churass, asking and listening. And, listening, he understood. He opened the overall meaning of all the teachings in the fact that people are brothers and they need to love and regret each other, and then everyone will be good. And when he listened, he perceived something forgotten and familiar, everything that confirmed the overall meaning of this teaching, and missed the ear that he did not confirm him, attributing it to his misunderstanding.

And from that time Stepan became another person.


Stepan Pelageyushkin and was previously a humble, but recently he hit the caretaker, and watches, and the comrades of the change in him. He without orders, out of turn, performed all the worst work, including the purification of parac. But, despite this submission, the companions respected and feared him, knowing his hardness and greater physical strength, especially after the case with two tramps who attacked him, but from whom he was fighting, having broken his hand to one of them. The tramps these took the beat of the young rich arrestant and took away everything he had. Stepan stood for him and took their money won. The tramps began to scold him, then beat, but he mastered them both. When the caretaker has intended, in which the quarrel, the tramps announced that Pelageyushkin began to beat them. Stepan was not justified and submiredly accepted a sentence consisting in a three-day kartzer and in moving into a single chamber.

A single camera was hard for him by separated him with the Chief and Gospel, and, moreover, he was afraid that he would return to the vision of her and black. But there were no visions. His whole soul was full of new, joyful content. He would be glad to his privacy if he could read and he would have the gospel. The gospel would give him, but he could not read.

For the boy, he began to learn a diploma of an old one: Az, Buki, lead, but did not go on misunderstanding on Alphabets and could not understand the warehouses then and remained illiterate. Now he decided to learn and asked the Wahter the Gospel. Watchman brought him, and he took up work. He recognized the letters, but could not be folded. How much he fought to understand how words are folded out of the letters, nothing went out. He did not sleep at night, everything thought, there was no wanted, and from longing for him such a lunch attacked that he could not dig away from her.

Well, all did not reach? - asked the watch time!

Yes, you know "Father"?

Well, read it. Here it is, - and Wahter showed him "Our Father" in the Gospel.

Stepan began to read "Father", merging familiar letters with familiar sounds. And suddenly he opened the secret of the addition of letters, and he began to read. It was a big joy. And since then, he began to read, and the sense distinguished little by little of the words was even greater importance.

Loneliness is now no longer painful, but pleased Stepan. He was all full of his business and was not happy when he, in order to free the cameras for newly arrived political, translated again into the general chamber.


Now it is no longer Chuv, and Stepan often read the gospel in the chamber, and some kind of prisoners sang a huge songs, others listened to his reading and his conversations read. So listened to him silently and carefully always two: the convict, the murderer, the executioner Makhorkin and Vasily, who caught in theft and, waiting for the trial, was sitting in the same acute. Makhorkin twice during its content in prison performed his duties, both times in departure, since there were no people who would have performed what the judges were imposed. The peasants who killed Peter Nikolaici were tried by a military court, and two of them were sentenced to death.

Makhorkina demanded in Penza to fulfill his duties. In the same time, he immediately wrote in these cases - he was well delused - the Governor's paper, which explained that he was sent to the fulfillment of his duties in Penza, and therefore asked the head of the province about the appointment of due daily feed money; Now he, to the surprise of the head of the prison, announced that he would not go and would not more fulfill the obligations of the executioner.

And the plenty forgot? - shouted the head of the prison.

Well, the plenty - so the scourge, and there is no kill of the law.

What are you, from Pelageyushkin scored? Found a prophet is in-law, the wait for you.


Meanwhile, Mahin, that gymnasist who taught to fake coupon, cumshot gymnasium and a course at the University of Legal Faculty. Thanks to his success in women, at the former mistress of the old man's friend, his young comrade was appointed by the judicial investigator. He was a dishonest man in debt, the seducer of women, a gambler, but he was a clever, a mild, memorable person and knew how to do well.

He was a court investigator in the district where Stepan Pelageyushkin was sued. Back at the first interrogation, Stepan surprised him with his answers, simple, truthful and calm. Mahin unconsciously felt that this man standing in front of him in the shackles and with a shaved head, whom he led and watch and take two soldiers under the castle, that this man is quite free, morally unacceptable highly standing over it. And therefore, interrogating him, he indifferedly encouraged himself and spurned, so as not to be embarrassed and not being confused. It was hit by the fact that Stepan spoke about his affairs, as about something long ago, did not, perfect, and some other person.

And you did not feel sorry for them? - asked Mahin.

No pity. I did not understand then.

Well, now?

Stepan smiled sadly.

Now, on fire, I would not have done the fire.

From what?

Because I realized that all people brothers.

What and I brother?

And how much.

How, I'm a brother, but judge you in Katorga?

From incomprehension.

What do I do not understand?

Do not understand, if you judge.

Well, continue. Then where did you go? .. The most struck Mahina's thing that he learned from the caretaker about the influence of Pelageyushkin on the executioner of Makhorkina, who risking to be punished, refused to fulfill his duties.


At the evening, Yeropkina, where there were two young lady - the rich brides, followed by both Mahin, after singing romances, in which very musical Mahin was particularly different, - he felt well and accompanied, - he told very true and in detail - he had Excellent memory - and absolutely indifferent about the strange criminal who turned the executioner. Makhin is so well and remembered and could convey everything he was always completely inspiring to those people with whom he had. He did not enter, did not know how to enter into the spiritual state of other people and that was why he could remember everything that happened to people what they did, they said. But Pelageyushkin became interested in him. He did not go into the soul of Stepan, but involuntarily wondered: what he had in the soul, and, not finding an answer, but feeling that this is something interesting, told the whole thing at the evening: and the seduction of the execution of the executioner, and the caretaker's stories about As Pelageyushkin behaves strangely, and as he reads the gospel, and what a strong influence has on comrades.

Everyone was interested in the story of Mahina, but most of all less - Lisa Yeropkin, an eighteen-year-old girl, who had just released from the institute and had just fallen from the darkness and tightness of the false conditions in which she grew up, and exactly emerging out of the water, passionately breathing fresh air of life . She began to ask Mahina about the details and how, why there was such a change in Pelageyushkin, and Makhin told what he heard from Stepan about the last murder, and as meekness, humility and fearless death of this very kind woman, whom he killed , won it, opened his eyes and how then reading the gospel did the case.

Long on this night could not fall asleep. In it for several months there was a struggle between the secular life, which fascinated her sister, and the passion for Mahin, connected with the desire to correct it. And now the latter took the top. She first heard about the killed. Now, after this terrible death and the story of Mahina, with words Pelageyushkin, she is before details

i learned the history of Mary Semenovna and was amazed by all what I learned about her.

Lisa passionately wanted to be such a Maria Semenovna. She was rich and afraid that Mahin carries for her because of money. And she decided to distribute his estate and said Makhina about it.

Mahin was glad to show off his unfortunately and said Lisa that he loves her not because of money, and this, as it seemed to him, a generous decision was touched by him. Lisa, meanwhile, began the struggle with her mother (the estate was paternal), which did not allow to distribute the estate. And Mahin helped Lisa. And the more he did so, the more he understood the other, alien to him until then the world of spiritual aspirations he saw in Lisa.


Everything subsided in the chamber. Stepan lay in his place on the horses and did not sleep yet. Vasily approached him and, twitting his leg, blocked him so that he gets up and came to him. Stepan slipped with Nar and approached Vasil.

Well, brother, "said Vasily," you really work out, allowing me. "

What to make something?

Yes, I want to run.

And Vasily opened Stepan what everything is ready for him to run.

Tomorrow I have been cheerful, - he pointed to the lying. - They will say on me. Will be transferred to the top, and there I know how. Only you break the dead out of the dead.

It's possible. Where do you go?

And where the eyes look. Is little people bad?

This is a brother, so, just do not judge them.

Yes, what, I'm shybug? I did not destroy any soul, but what to steal? What is bad here? Do they not rob our brother?

This is their business. They will answer.

Why do they look into the teeth? Well, I resent the church. Who is thin? I now want to do so so as not to a lauree, but to crack the treasury and distribute. Good people to distribute.

At this time, the arrestant was rising with Nar and began to listen. Stepan and Vasily diverged.

The next day Vasily did, as I wanted. He began to complain about the bread that cheese, hesitated all the arrestants to call the caretaker, to declare a claim. The caretaker came, Oruruga all, and, having learned that the consultant of the whole case was Vasily, ordered him to put it separately into a single chamber of the upper floor.

That only needed Vasill.


Vasily knew the top chamber in which he was planted. He knew the floor in her and as soon as he got there, so began to disassemble the floor. When it was possible to crawl into the floor, he disassembled cobwebs and jumped into the lower floor, in the dead. On this day in the dead lay on the table one dead. In the same dead, bags for the Cantes were folded. Vasily knew this and calculated this camera. The breakdown in this chamber was pulled out and nested. Vasily came out of the door and went to the order under construction at the end of the corridor. In this need, there was a through hole from the third floor to the lower, basement. Fucking the door, Vasily returned to the dead, removed from the cold as ice, the dead man (he touched his hands when he shot), then took the bags, tied them to the nodes so as to make a rope from them, and demolished this rope from bags in need ; They tied the rope to the crossbar and climbed down it. The rope did not take to the floor. Little, she lacked a little - he did not know, but there was nothing to do, he hung and jumped. Feet beat off, but could walk. There were two windows in the basement floor. You could walk, but iron lattices are worn. It was necessary to break them. Than? Vasily began to smoke. In the basement lay the cuts of the boards. He found one segment with an acute end and began to turn the bricks that kept grilles. He worked for a long time. Petuhi was already sang for the second time, and the lattice kept. Finally, one side came out. Vasily slipped the segment and ponaper, the lattice was thrown out all, but the brick fell and stuck. The sentries could hear. Vasily Zammer. Everything is quiet. It climbed into the window. Got out. He had to run through the wall. In the corner of the courtyard there was an extension. It was necessary to get on this extension and

from her through the wall. We need to take a segment of the board with you. Without it you will not fit. Vasily got back. Again, crawling with a segment and froze, listening to where the clock. In the clock, as he calculated, went on the other side of the square of the courtyard. Vasily went to the extension, put a segment, climbed. Cut slipped, fell. Vasily was in stockings. He took off the stockings to cling to his legs, put a cut again, jumped on him and grabbed his hand for the gutter. - Battyushka, do not take off, stand. - He grabbed the chute, and his knee knees on the roof. There is a clock. Vasily Less and froze. There is no clock and leaves again. Vasily jumps. Iron cracking under your feet. Another step, two, here is a wall. To the wall is easy to get hand. One hand, the other, stretched out all, and here on the wall. Just not to extend, jumping. Vasily turns over, hangs on his arms, pulls out, letters one hand, the other, - Lord, bless! - On the ground. And the earth is soft. Feet are intake, and he runs.

In the suburb, Malania unlocks, and he climbs under quenching of pieces warm, soaked by the smell of a blanket.


Large, beautiful, always calm, childless, full, as a yal cow, Peter Nikolai's wife saw out of the window, as her husband killed her and dragged somewhere in the field. The feeling of horror at the sight of this partiousness, which Natalia Ivanovna experienced (so called the widow of Peter Nikolaych), as it always happens, it was so strong that all other feelings drowned in it. When the whole crowd hidden behind the fence of the garden and the buzz of Votes, and Bosai Malania, who served them, came running with the news with her eyes, which was something joyful that Peter Nikolai was killed and threw in a ravine, because of the first feeling The horror was distinguished by the other: a sense of joy of liberation from a despot with closed black eyewear, which nineteen kept her in slavery. She herself was horrified by this feeling, he herself did not admit himself in him, and even more so did not express him to anyone. When she was washed with a yellow, hairy body and dressed and put in the coffin, she was terrified, cried and sobbed. When the investigator arrived in particularly important cases and as the witness passed

her, she saw immediately, in the apartment of the investigator, two chain peasants recognized by the main perpetrators. One was already old with a long blond beard in curls, with a calm and strict, beautiful face, another was a Gypsy warehouse, not an old man with shiny black eyes and curly, disheveled hair. She showed that he knew, recognized in these the most people those who were the first grabbed by Peter Nikolaić, and, despite the fact that a man like a gypsy, bright and reaches her eyes from under moving eyebrows, said ugly: "Sin, lady ! Oh, we will die, "despite this, she didn't mind them at all. On the contrary, during the investigation there was a hostile feeling and the desire to take revenge on the murdes of her husband.

But, when a month later, the case, transmitted to the Military Court, was decided that eight people were sentenced to religious work, and two, white-worn old man and black-eyed gypsies, as his name was sentenced to hanging, she felt something unpleasant. But this is unpleasant doubt, under the influence of the solemnity of the court, soon passed. If the highest bosses recognizes what it is necessary, then it became good.

The execution was supposed to be done in the village. And, returning on Sunday from dinner, Malania, in a new dress and new shoes, he reported to the lady, that they were building the gallows and the executioner is waiting for the executioner from Moscow and that the families are waiting without ceasing, in the whole village heard.

Natalia Ivanovna did not leave the house, so as not to see no gallop, neither the people, and one wanted: so that it would be over the case that it should be. She thought only about himself, not about the sentenced and their families.


On Tuesday to Natalia Ivanovna drove a familiar breast. Natalia Ivanovna treated him with vodka and salty fungus her cooking. Beaming, drinking vodka and biting, told her that there would be no execution tomorrow.

How? From what?

Amazing story. The executioner could not find. One was in Moscow, and he told me a son, read the gospel and says: I can not kill. For the murder himself sentenced to relieval work, and now

suddenly - can not kill according to the law. He was told that there would be a vacuum. Sequent, says, but I can't.

Natalia Ivanovna suddenly blushed, sweated even from thoughts.

And you can not forgive them now?

How to forgive when they are sentenced by the court. One king can forgive.

How does the king find out?

Have the right to ask for pardon.

Yes, because they are executed for me, "said Sleg Natalia Ivanovna said. - And I forgive.

Beam laughed.

Well, ask.

It is known.

Why now you do not have time?

Can be a telegram.

Well, and the king can be.

The news that the executioner refused and is ready to suffer rather than to kill, suddenly turned the soul of Natalia Ivanovna, and then the feeling of compassion and horror, which was asked to out several times, broke out and captured her.

Blue, Philip Vasilyevich, email me a telegram. I want to ask the king of pardon.

Stick shook his head.

How would we not fly for it?

Yes, I am responsible. I will not tell you about you.

"Eca kind babe," thought, - a good woman. So my such was, he would have been paradise, and not what now. "

And I wrote a telegram to the king: "Its imperial Majesty is a sovereign to the emperor. Liberated by your imperial Majesty, the widow of the killed peasants of the college assessor of Peter Nikolayevich Sventytsky, falling for the sacred footsteps (this place of the telegrams especially liked its formation) of your imperial Majesty, begs you to pardon those who sentenced to the death penalty of peasants, such a province, county , parish, villages.

The telegram was sent by himself, and on the soul of Natalia Ivanovna was joyful, well. It seemed to her that if she, the widow of the dead, forgives and asks to pardons, then the king could not pardon.


Lisa Yeropkin lived in an imperative enthusiastic condition. The farther the path of Christian life that opened her, the more confident she was that this is the right path, and the more gladly she became in the soul.

It has now had two nearest goals: the first to turn Mahina, or rather, as she said it to herself, return to her, to her good, beautiful nature. She loved him, and in the light of her love she opened her divine soul, common to all people, but she saw in this common people of the beginning of his life to him one characteristic kindness, tenderness, height. Another goal was to stop being rich. She wanted to free themselves from property, in order to experience Makhina, and then for himself, for his soul - for the word of the Gospel wanted to do it. At first she began to distribute, but her father was stopped, and even more than his father, a crowd of surpassed personal and written petitioners. Then she decided to turn to the old man, known for his holy life so that he would take her money and entered with them, as it would be necessary. After learning this, my father became angry and in a hot conversation called her crazy, a psychopath and said that he would take measures to protect her like a crazy, from himself.

Angry, annoyed tone of the Father handed over to her, and she did not have time to come to his senses, as the viciously burst out and said the father of Roughness, calling him a despot and even a korestolyubets.

"We must repent," she said to himself and, because he was a great post, decided to hear and say to confession to all the confessor and ask his advice on how she comes next.

Not far from the city there was a monastery, in which the elder lived, famous for his life, teachings and predictions and healings that attributed to him.

The elder received a letter from Old Yeropkin, warning him about the arrival of his daughter and his abnormal, excited state and expressing confidence that the elder would put it on the path of the true - golden middle, good Christian life, without violating the existing conditions.

Tired of reception, the elder took Lisa and began to quietly inspire her moderation, humility to existing conditions, parents. Lisa was silent, blushed and sweat, but when he cumshot, she with tears standing in his eyes, began to speak, first timidly, that Christ said: "Leave your father and mother and go after me," then, more and more An muddy, expressed all that his idea about how she understood Christianity. The old man smiled at first and objected with ordinary teachings, but then she silent and began to sigh, just repeating: "Oh my God."

Well, well, come to confess tomorrow, "he said and blessed her with a wrinkled hand.

Another day he professed her and, without continuing yesterday, let her go, briefly refusing to assign her order to her property.

Clean, complete devotion to the will of God and the laughter of this girl struck the elder. He has long wanted to renounce the world, but the monastery demanded his activities from him. This activity gave funds to the monastery. And he agreed, although vaguely felt all the wrong position. He was done by the saints, the wonderworker, and he was a weak, who was passionate about the success of a person. And the soul of this girl who opened him opened him and his soul. And he saw him was far from what he wanted to be and what his heart would attracted.

Soon after visiting Lisa, he locked into the shutter and only three weeks later went to the church, he served and after the service he said the sermon, in which he drove himself and manned the world in sin and called him to repent.

Every two weeks he spoke to sermons. And on the sermons, these passed more and more people. And his glory, as a preacher, disclosed more and more. There was something special, bold, sincere in his sermons. And from this he acted so much for people.


Meanwhile, Vasily did everything as he wanted. With his comrades, he had breakdown to Krasnopusov at night, rich. He knew how he was stingy and debauchered, and climbed into the bureau and took thirty thousand money with money. And Vasily did, as I wanted. He even stopped drinking, but gave money to poor brides. I got married, I bought from debts and hid myself. And only that and care was to distribute money well. He gave the police. And they were not searched.

His heart was happy. And when they still took it, he laughed at the court and booked that the money from Tolstopus was badly lying on, he did not know their bills, and I put them in the course of them, they helped with good people.

And his defense was such a fun, good, that the jury almost justified him. Sentenced it to the link.

He thanked and forth said that he would leave.


Svtentytsky telegram to the king did not make any action. In the commission, I first decided not to even report to the king about it, but then, when the sovereign was discussed at the sovereign breakfast, the director had breakfast, the director had reported to the telegram from his wife killed.

C'est Très Gentil de Sa Part 1, - said one of the ladies of the royal family.

The sorce sigh sighed, shrugged with the epolutes and said: "The law" - and put the glass, in which the chamber-lacquer poured a hill Moznel bucket. Everyone pretended to be surprised by the wisdom of the Soviet Word said. And more about the telegram there were no speech. And two men - old and young - hanged with the help of a cruel killer and fitting, Tatar Palach who was written out of Kazan.

The old woman wanted to wear the body of his old man into a white shirt, white onuchi and new bohinki, but she did not allow her, and both were buried in one pit for the cemetery fence.

1 This is very nice on her (Franz.).

I was told the princess Sophia Vladimirovna that he was an amazing preacher, the sovereign mother said once, the old Empress, his son: - Faites Le Venir. IL PEUT PRêCHER à la Cathédrale 1.

No, it is better with us, "said the sovereign and ordered to invite Elder Isidor.

All general generally gathered in the palace church. New, extraordinary preacher was an event.

An old man was released, slender, looked at everyone: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," and began.

At first, it went well, but what's next, then worse. "Il Devenait De Plus En Plus Agressif" 2, - as the Empress said then. He rose all. Spoke of execution. And attributed the need to execute a bad rule. Is it possible to kill people in a Christian country?

Everyone overlooked, and everyone took only indecency and how unpleasant it was a sovereign, but no one showed it. When Isidore said, "Amen," Metropolitan approached him and asked him to him.

After the conversation with the Metropolitan and Ober-Prosecutor, the old man was sent immediately back to the monastery, but not in her, and in Suzdal, where the father Mikhail was the abbot and commandant.


Everyone pretended that nothing unpleasant was from the preaching of Isidore, and no one mentioned about her. And the king seemed that the words of the elder did not leave there any trace in it, but two times in the continuation of the day he recalled the execution of the peasants, about whose pardon was requested by the telegram Sventitskaya. In the afternoon there was a parade, then departure to the walk, then receiving ministers, then dinner, evening theater. As usual, the king fell asleep as soon as she had a head to the pillow. At night, it was awakened by a terrible dream: the gallows stood in the field, and the corpses were swinging on them, and the corpses turned tongues, and the languages \u200b\u200bstretched further. And someone shouted: "Your work, your work." The king woke up in the sweat and began to think. For the first time I began to think about the responsibility that was lying on it, and all the words of the old man remembered him ...

1 Invite it. He can preach in the cathedral (Franz.).

2 He became more and more aggressive (Franz.).

But he saw a man only from afar and could not be given to the simple requirements of a person due to the requirements, from all sides of those who presented to the king; Recognize the same requirements of a person more mandatory than the demands of the king, he had no strength.


Departing a second term in Ostrog, Proofihi, this brisk, proud fierce-small, came out from there a completely finished person. Soberly he sat, did not do anything and how much his father was scolded, he ate bread, did not work and, noticing, tormented to pull something into the zabak to drink. Sat, cough, harcale and spoiled. The doctor, to whom he walked, listened to his chest and shook his head.

You, brother, you need what you do not have.

It is known, always necessary.

Drink milk, do not smoke.

Now and so fast, and there are no cows.

Since the spring he did not sleep all night, he wanted to drink him. There was nothing to capture at home. Put on the cap and came out. He passed down the street, reached Popov. Dyachie Boron outwards it is leaning to the shoulder. Proophyal approached, threw the harrow on his back and carried to Petrovna in Corchm. "Avos will give a bottle." He did not have time to move away, as the decesed fell on the porch. It really is very light, - sees, prophyus carries his harrow.

Hey, what are you?

The people came out, grabbed the profine, put in the cold. The world judge awarded the eleven months to prison.

It was autumn. Proofs transferred to the hospital. He coughed and ruptured all the chest. And he could not warm up. Who was stronger, they still did not tremble. And the prophyuses trembled and day and night. The caretaker pounded the savings of firewood and did not wind the hospital until November. It hurts the prophyus body, but the worst suffered from the spirit. He was disgusting all, and he hated everyone: and the dejacu, and the caretaker for what was not to the wind, and the Wahter, and the neighbor on the bed with bloated with the red lip. She hated and that new religious, which led to them. The core of this was Stepan. He fell ill with her head, and he was transferred to

hospital and laid next to Prokof. First, the prophyus hated him, but then I loved him so that I was waiting for just when talking to him. Only after the conversation with him, longing to the heart of the proofs.

Stepan always told everyone his last murder and how it affected him.

Not that scream or what, - he said, - But on, dir. Not me, they say herself.

Well, it is known, the soul to ruin scared, I and the ram times took to cut, I myself was not happy. But I did not turn anyone, but for what they are me, the villains, wanted. I did not do thin ...

Well, it will all go to you.

Where exactly?

As where? And God?

Something does not see it; I, brother, I do not believe, "I think, the grass will grow. That's all.

What do you think? I walked how many souls, and she, hearty, only people helped. What do you think I will be with her one? No, wait ...

So, you think, die, the soul will remain?

And how much. It's right.

It was hard to die, he chuckled. But for the last hour suddenly it became easily. He called Stepan.

Well, brother, farewell. It can be seen, my death came. And so I was afraid, and now nothing. Just soon want.

And Proophyal died in the hospital.


Meanwhile, Eugene Mikhailovich was worse and worse. The store was laid. Trade did not go. Another store opened in the city, and interest demanded. It was necessary to take again for interest. And it ran out that the store and all the goods were appointed for sale. Evgeny Mikhailovich and his wife rushed everywhere and could not get those four hundred rubles that were needed to save the case.

There was a little hope for merchant Krasnopusov, whose mistress was familiar with the wife of Evgeny Mikhailovich. Now all over the city was known

that the Krasnopovanov stole a huge money. They told that half a million were stolen.

And who stole? - the wife of Evgenia Mikhailovich told. - Vasily, our former janitor. They say, he now pops now with these money, and the police are bribed.

The villain was, "said Evgeny Mikhailovich. - As he then easily went to the oath. I did not think.

They say he went to our yard. The kitchen said he. She says that he gave fourteen misfortune poor brides.

Well, they will invent.

At this time, some strange elderly man in a cazing jacket entered the store.

What do you want?

Letter for you.

From whom?

It is written there.

What does not need a response? Yes wait.

And a strange person, giving the envelope, hastily left.

Evgeny Mikhailovich ripped a fat envelope and did not believe his eyes: storbly paper pieces. Four. What is it? And immediately an illiterate letter to Evgeny Mikhailovich: "According to the Gospel, do good for evil. You minted a lot of evil with a coupon and a peasant, I offended, and I live here. On, take four Ekaterinka and remember your wisen Vasilla. "

No, it is amazing, "said Yevgeny Mikhailovich, he also spoke and his wife and himself. And when I remembered this or spoke about this wife, the tears performed on his eyes and was joyful in the soul.


The Suzdal prison contained fourteen spiritual persons, everything is mainly for the retreat from Orthodoxy; There was also sent Isidor. Mikhail's father accepted Isidore on paper and, not talking to him, ordered him to put him in a separate chamber as an important criminal. At the third week of Isidor's stay

in prison, Father Mikhail went through the contained. Entering the Isidor, he asked: is it not necessary?

I need a lot, I can not say with people. Give me the case to speak with you alone.

They looked at each other, and Mikhail realized that he had nothing to be afraid. He ordered to bring Isidore to his cell and when they were left alone, said:

Well, speak.

Isidore fell on his knees.

Brother! - said Isidore. - What are you doing? Praise myself. After all, it is worse there is no villain you, you rang all the holy ...

A month later, Mikhail filed paper about liberation, as repentant, not only Isidore, but also seven others and was asked to the monastery on peace.


Ten years passed.

Mitya Myshkovnikov finished the course in a technical school and was an engineer with a big salaries on gold peculiarities in Siberia. He had to go through the plot. The director invited him to take the convict Stepan Pelageyushkina.

As a convict? Isn't it dangerous?

Not dangerous with him. This is a holy man. Ask who you want.

So what is he?

The director smiled.

Six shower killed, and the Holy Man. I'm talking.

And now Mitya Moldovnikov took Stepan, pleading, thin, tanned man, and drove with him.

Dear Stepan walked, as he cared for everyone, where he could, as his brainchild, for Smokovnikov and dear told him his whole story. And the way and why and what he lives now.

And amazing business. Mita Molders, who lived until drinking, food, cards, wine, women, thought for the first time above his life. And these Duma did not leave him, but unfolded him the soul farther and

Part one


Fedor Mikhailovich Smokovnikov, Chairman of the State Chamber, a man of incorruptible honesty, and proud of it, and gloomily liberal and not only free, but hate every manifestation of religiosity, which he considered the residue of superstitions, returned from the chamber in the very bad location of the Spirit. The governor wrote him the priest paper, according to which the remark could be assumed that Fyodor Mikhailovich was dishonest. Fyodor Mikhailovich very looked around and immediately wrote a brisk answer.

Houses Fedor Mikhailovich seemed to be all the way he was done.

It was every five minutes five hours. He thought that she would now eat dinner, but dinner was not ready. Fyodor Mikhailovich slammed the door and went to his room. Anyone knocked on the door. "Which devil is still there," he thought and shouted:

Who else is there?

The room entered the gymnasium of the fifth grade, a fifteen-year-old boy, son Fyodor Mikhailovich.

Why are you?

Today is the first number.

What? Money?

It was headed that every first number of his father gave his son a salaries on fun three rubles. Fyodor Mikhailovich frowned, pulled out a wallet, asked and took out a coupon in 2 rubles, then took out a pioneer with silver and counted fifty kopecks. The son was silent and did not take.

Dad, please give me ahead.

I would not ask, yes I took on a honest word, promised. I, like an honest person, I can not ... I need three more rubles, right, I will not ask ... I won't ask, but just ... please, dad.

You are told ...

Yes dad, because once ...

You get a salary of three rubles, and everything is not enough. I did not receive fifty kopecks in your year.

Now my comrades are more getting more. Petrov, Ivanitsky fifty rubles get.

And I will tell you that if you try yourself, you will be a fraudster. I said.

Yes, what they said. You will never enter my position, I will have to be a scound. You well.

I went out, sallopay. Won.

Fedor Mikhailovich jumped up and rushed to his son.

Won. Sesch you need.

The son was frightened and stumbled, but he glared more than was frightened, and, bowing his head, he would soon go to the door. Fyodor Mikhailovich did not want to beat him, but he was glad to his anger and shouted for a long time, spending his son, swiss words.

When the maid came and said that he was ready to dine, Fyodor Mikhailovich got up.

Finally, he said. "I already don't want to eat."

And, inhabited, went to dinner.

At the table, the wife spoke to him, but he shouted angrily a short answer that she silent. The son either did not raise the eye from the plate and was silent. They were silently and silently got up and diverged.

After dinner, the gymnasiste returned to his room, took out a coupon and a trifle from his pocket and threw the table, and then removed the uniform, put on a jacket. At first, the gymnasiste took up the despined Latin grammar, then locked the door to the hook, bold his hand from the table in the money box, pulled out the sleeve from the box, poured one, plugged with cotton and smoking.

He sat over grammar and notebooks of two hours, not understanding anything, then I got up and became, drowning heels, walk around the room and remember everything with my father. All the abusive words of the Father, especially his evil face, remembered him, right now heard and saw him. "Salopai. Schish need. " And that he remembered more, he was more angry with his father. He remembered how his father told him: "I see that you will come out - a fraudster. So know. " - "And you will leave the scammer if so. He is good. He forgot how young was young. Well, what did I do the crime? Just went to the theater, there was no money, I took the Petit of Grushatsky. What is bad here? Another would regret, asked, and this only swear and think about it. That's when he has no something - this is a cry on the whole house, and I am a fraudster. No, even though he is a father, but I do not like it. I do not know if all the way, but I do not like. "

The door knocked on the door. She brought a note.

We ordered the answer certainly.

In the note it was written: "For the third time I ask you to return the six rubles you have taken by you, but you will unscrew. So do not come honest people. Please send immediately with SIM sent. I myself need to shear. Do you really can't get it?

Yours, depending on that, give you or you will not give, despising or self-respecting comrade

Grushetsky. "

"So think. What a fuck what. Can't wait. I'll try yet. "

Mitya went to the mother. It was the last hope. His mother was good and did not know how to refuse, and she may have helped him, but now she was alarmed by a little disease, two-year-old petuta. She was angry with Mitus for the fact that he came and looked, and immediately refused him.

He grumbled something under his breath and went out of the door. She was sorry for her son, and she matured him.

Wait, Mitya, she said. - I do not have now, but tomorrow I will get it.

But in Mita, still boiled anger on his father.

Why do I need tomorrow when you need now? So know that I will go to the comrade.

He came out, slamming the door.

"There is nothing more to do, he will teach where the clock lay down," he thought, feeling his clock in his pocket.

Mitya pulled out a coupon and a trifle from the table, put on a coat and went to Mahine.


Mahin was a gymnasiste with a mustache. He played the card, knew women, and he always had money. He lived with aunt. Mitya knew that Mahin was badly small, but when he was with him, he involuntarily obeyed him. Mahin was at home and gathered in the theater: in a dirty room, it smelled to fragrant soap and cologne.

This, brother, the last thing, said Makhin when Mitya told him his grief, showed a coupon and fifty kopecks and said that he needed nine rubles. "You can lay clock, and you can better," Makhin said, winking with one eye.

How best?

And very simple. - Mahin took a coupon. - Put a unit before 2 p. 50, and will be 12 p. fifty.

Are there such?

But how, and on thousands of tickets. I someone descended such.

Do not you say?

So, throw? - Makhin said, taking the pen and dealing the coupon with his left hand.

But it is not good.

And, nonsense.

"And for sure," Mitya thought, and he was remembered again by Father's cursing: "A fraudster." So I will be a fraudster. " He looked at Mahine's face. Mahin looked at him, smiling calmly.

What, pour?

Mahin diligently brought the unit.

Well, now let's go to the store. Here at the corner: photographic accessories. By the way, I need a framework, here for this person.

He pulled out a photographic card by the biggeon of the maiden with huge hair and a magnificent bust.

What is the cuticle? BUT?

Yes Yes. How ...

Very simple. Let's go to.

Mahin dressed, and they came out together.


In the front door of the photographic store rang the bell tape. The gymnasists entered, looking around a blank store with shelves, accommodated accessories, and with shop windows on the shelves. From the back door, a woman was reached with a good face and, becoming behind the counter, asked what was needed.

Pretty, Madame Frame.

What price? - asked the lady, quickly and cleverly dealt with his hands in Mitens, with swollen articulations of the fingers, the framework of different styles. - These are fifty kopecks, and these are more expensive. And this is very nice, the new style, the ruble twenty.

Well, let's do this. Can you give up? Take the ruble.

We do not trade, - the lady said adequately.

Well, God is with you, "said Makhin, putting a coupon on a shop window.

Let's give a frame and surrender, yes as soon as possible. We are in the theater will not be late.

We still have time, "the lady said and became a short-sighted eye to consider coupon.

Cute will be in this framework. BUT? - said Mahin, turning to Mita.

Do you have any other money? - Saleswoman said.

That and grief that no. I gave me a father, we need to exchange.

Did there really be ruble twenty?

There are fifty kopecks. Why, are you afraid that we are deceiving you fake money?

No, I'm nothing.

So let's back. We are changing.

So how old are you?

Yes, it became eleven with something. The saleswoman sinked in the accounts, revealed the desk, pulled ten rubles with a piece of paper and, move his hand to the little things, gathered six more dumarted and two-patch.

Break down, "said Makhin, leisurely taking money.

The saleswoman wrapped and tied to the twine. Mitya translated his breath, only when the bell of the entrance door rang behind them, and they went outside.

Well, here are ten rubles, and these give me. I will give you.

And Mahin went to the theater, and the Mitya went to the Grushetsky and calculated him.


An hour after the departure of the gymnasisters, the shop holder came home and began to count the revenue.

Oh, the fool is closing! Here is a fool, he shouted to his wife, seeing the coupon and immediately noticing the fake. - And why take coupons.

Yes, you yourself, Zhenya, I took it with me, it was the twelve-bone, "said wife, confused, distressed and ready crying. "I don't know myself, as they kind of played me," she said, "the gymnasists. A handsome young man seemed such a comulophotic.

Comylphous fool, "husband continued to scold, counting the cashier. - I take a coupon, so I know and see that it is written on it. And you, I am tea, only rye gymnasists considered in old age.

This could not stand the wife and herself became angry.

A real man! Only others condemn, and you will play fifty-four rubles to the cards - it's nothing.

I am another thing.

I do not want to talk to you, "the wife said and went to his room and began to remember how in her family they did not want to marry her, counting her husband much lower on the situation, and how she insisted on this marriage; I remembered about my deceased child, indifference to her husband to this loss and hated her husband so that he thought about how well it was if he had died. But, thinking it, she was frightened by his feelings and hurried to dress and leave. When her husband returned to the apartment, there was no long wife. She, without waiting for him, dressed and one left for a familiar French language teacher, who called now for the evening.


The teacher of the French language, the Russian Pole, was a parade tea with sweet cookies, and then sat down for several tables in the screw.

The wife of the seller of photographic accessories of the village with the owner, officer and the old, deaf lady in the wig, the widow of the musical store, a big huntry and master play. Cards went to the wife of the seller of photographic accessories. She prescribed helmet twice. There was a plate with grapes and a pear, and she had fun in her soul.

What is Evgeny Mikhailovich not going? - asked the mistress from another table. - We recorded it the fifth.

True, carried away by the accounts, "said the wife of Evgeny Mikhailovich, - now the calculations for provisions, for firewood.

And, remembering the scene with her husband, she frowned, and her hands trembled from the malice on him.

Yes, here is light on messenger, "the owner said, turning to Even Mikhailovich. - What were you late?

Yes, different things, - answered Yevgeny Mikhailovich a cheerful voice, rubbing his hands. And, to the surprise of his wife, he approached her and said:

And you know, I descended coupon.

Is it really?

Yes, a man for firewood.

And Evgeny Mikhailovich told everyone with great indignation, "his wife included his studies in the story, - as an unscrupful gymnasists inflated his wife.

Well, now, for business, he said, sitting at the table when his turn came, and Tasuya cards.


Indeed, Evgeny Mikhailovich lowered a coupon for the firewood peasant Ivan Mironov.

Ivan Mironov traded one sage firewood on wood warehouses, delivered it around the city and laid out that five fours came out of Sazhena, which he sold for the same price as it cost a quarter in a woody yard. In this unfortunate for Ivan Mironov, he early in the morning brought the Oskmushka and, soon he left the other else, she hoped to sell, but she spent before the evening, seeking the buyer, but no one bought. He all came across experienced city inhabitants who knew the usual tricks of men who sell firewood, and did not believe that he brought, as he assured firewood from the village. He himself was hungry, an ifby in his wiped coat and Ripped Armenian; Frost to the evening reached twenty degrees; The horse, which he did not regret, because I was going to sell her drachers, it was quite. So Ivan Mironov was ready to even accommodate firewood, when he met for tobacco to the store and returned home Evgeny Mikhailovich.

Take, Barin, I will give it. The horse began at all.

Yes, where are you from?

We are from the village. His firewood, good, dry.

We know you. Well, what you take?

Ivan Mironov requested, began to slow down and finally gave for his price.

Only for you, Barin, which is close to happen, - he said.

Evgeny Mikhailovich was not very traded, rejoicing the thought that he would lower the coupon. Somehow, tightening for the neck, Ivan Mironov got a firewood into the yard and unloaded them himself in the barn. The janitor was not. Ivan Mironov first jumped to take a coupon, but Evgeny Mikhailovich convinced him so much and seemed such an important Barin that he agreed to take.

Entering from the back porch in Maiden, Ivan Mironov crossed himself, relieved the icicles from the beard and, whipped the floor of the cafetan, pulled out a leather wallet and from it eight rubles fifty kopecks and gave delivery, and the coupon, wrapped in a piece of paper.

Thanking, as usual, Barina, Ivan Mironov, who accelerates not a whip, but by whipped by nation, the moving legs, a beat, who was doomed to the death of a klyonka, would blow it up for the restaurant.

In the restaurant, Ivan Mironov asked for eight kopecks of wine and tea and, warming up and even a row in the very cheerful arrangement of the Spirit, talked with a janitor who was sitting by his table. He talked to him, told him all his circumstances. He said that he was from the village of Vasilyevsky, at twelve versts from the city that he was separated from his father and brothers and now lives with his wife and two guys, of whom the eldest only went to the school, and did not help anything. He said that he was here on the fare and tomorrow will go to the equestrian selling his Odra and will seek, and if you have to - buy a horse. He said that he had now scored a quarter and that he had half money in the coupon. He pulled out a coupon and showed the janitor. The janitor was illiterate, but said that he was a penal for tenants that money is good, but there are fake, and therefore advised for loyalty to give here at the rack. Ivan Mironov gave the sexual and ordered to bring the delivery, but the sex did not bring a surrender, but the bald, with a glossy face the cub with a coupon.

Your money is not suitable, "he said, showing coupon, but not giving him.

Money is good, I gave Barin.

That is not good, but fake.

A fake, so let them here.

No, brother, your brother need to learn. You fell with fraudsters.

Come on, what are you doing full right?

Sidor! Cleanni-ka policeman, - a buffetcher to the sex.

Ivan Mironov was drunk. And he drove it is non-safe. He grabbed the clerk for the gate and shouted:

Come back, I will go to Barina. I know where he is. The clarifier rushed from Ivan Mironov, and his shirt shook him.

And you are so. Keep it.

Policy grabbed Ivan Mironov, and immediately appeared to the city. After listening like the boss, what's the matter, he immediately decided him:

In the area.

The coupon of the city put himself in the purse and, together with the horse, Ivan Mironova was diverted into the plot.


Ivan Mironov spent in a plot with drunk and thieves. For about noon, it demanded it to the foliation. The nearby interrogated it and sent photographic accessories with the city to the seller. Ivan Mironov remembered the street and the house.

When the city called Barin and introduced him a coupon and Ivan Mironov, who claimed that this very barin gave him a coupon, Evgeny Mikhailovich made surprised and then strict face.

What you can see crazy. For the first time I see it.

Barin, sin, we will die, "said Ivan Mironov.

What happened to him? Yes, you, right, slept. You sold to someone else, "said Evgeny Mikhailovich. "However, wait, I'll go with my wife I ask if she took the firewood yesterday.

Evgeny Mikhailovich came out and immediately called the janitor, a beautiful, unusually strong and dexterous shoe, merry little vasilla, and he told him that if he had to ask where the last firewood was taken to say that in the warehouse, and that the men's men Did not bought.

And then here the man shows that I gave him a fake coupon. Men is stupid, God knows what he says, and you are a person with a concept. So say that we buy firewood only in stock. And I wanted to give you a jacket for a long time, "Evgeny Mikhailovich added and granted five rubles to the janitor.

Vasily took the money, shone his eyes on a piece of paper, then on Evgenia Mikhailovich's face, shook his hair and smiled slightly.

It is known that the people are stupid. Non-formation. Do not avoid worrying. I know how to say.

How much and how tearfully begged Ivan Mironov Evgenia Mikhailovich to recognize his coupon and janitor to confirm his words, and Evgeny Mikhailovich and the janitor stood on her: never took firewood from the age. And the city brought back to the station Ivan Mironova, accused of fake a coupon.

Only on the advice of a drunk writer who was sitting with him, giving the five in the midwife, Ivan Mironov got out of the guard without a coupon and with a seven rubles instead of the twenty five, which he had yesterday. Ivan Mironov was cut from these seven rubles three and with a broken face and the dead drunk came to his wife.

The wife was pregnant on demolitions and the patient. She began to scold her husband, he pushed her, she began to beat him. He, not answering, lay a belly on Nara and sharpened loudly.

Only on another morning, the wife understood what was the case, and, having believed her husband, for a long time Klyala Barin's robber, who deceived her Ivan. And Ivan, sipped, remembered that he was advised by the master with whom he drank yesterday, and decided to go to Ablakat to complain.


The lawyer undertooks not so much because of the money he could receive how much because he believed Ivan and was outraged by how unless he was deceived by a man.

Both sides were on the court, and Vasily's janitor witnessed. At the court repeated the same. Ivan Mironov remembered about God, about the fact that we will die. Evgeny Mikhailovich, although suffered by the consciousness of the nastiness and the danger of what he did, could now change the testimony and continued with an externally quiet view to deny everything.

Vasily's janitor received ten more rubles and calmly argued with a smile that Ivan Mironova did not see the view. And when he was led to the oath, although Roblast was internally, outgoed calmly repeated the words of the oath, on the cross and the saint of the Gospel of the Gospel, which will speak the whole truth.

The case ended in the way that the judge refused to Ivan Mironov in a lawsuit, laid out five rubles from him the court costs, which Evgeny Mikhailovich generously forgave him. Releasing Ivan Mironova, the judge read him the instruction that he would be more careful in the shooting of accusations for honorable people and would be grateful for the fact that he was forgiven court costs and do not pursue him for slander, for which he would have seen three months in prison .

We thank submissively, "said Ivan Mironov and, shaking his head and sighing, left the chamber.

All this seemed to end well for Yevgeny Mikhailovich and Vasli's janitor. But it just seemed like that. What happened that no one had seen, but it was most important than the fact that people saw.

Vasily has left the village for the third year and lived in the city. Every year he filed his father less and less and did not write to his wife, without needing her. He has here in the city, wives, and not, as His Nheel, was how much you want. Every year Vasily has more and more forgotten the village law and was mastered with urban orders. Everything was rudely, gray, poorly, unclearly, everything was fine here, well, clean, rich, everything is in order. And he more and more assured that the village lives without a concept, like Forest beasts, here are real people. He read the books of good writers, novels, went to the submission of the people's house. In the village and in a dream you do not see. In the village of old people they say: live in law with his wife, work, you don't eat too much, do not shoely, and here people are smart, scientists means, know real laws, "live in their pleasure. And all is well. Before the case with Coupon, Vasily did not believe that the Lord had no law about how to live. He seemed to him that he did not know their law, but there is a law. But the last thing with the coupon and, most importantly, his fake oath, from which, despite his fear, did not have anything bad, but, on the contrary, there was still ten rubles, he completely assured that there were no laws and should live in his pleasure. So he lived, and continued to live. At first he used only on the purchases of tenants, but this was not enough for all his expenses, and he could carry money and valuable things from the apartment of the residents and stole the wallet Evgenia Mikhailovich. Evgeny Mikhailovich caught him, but did not apply to the court, and his calculated.

I didn't want to go home Vasily, and he stayed in Moscow with his kind, looking for a place. The place was cheap to the bench in the wipers. Vasily arrived, but on the other purpose the month caught in the stealing bags. The owner did not complain, and beat Vasilla and drove. After this case, the place was no longer available, the money was lived, then Odea began to live, and ended with one torn jacket, pants and leafs. Calious threw it. But Vasily did not lose his cheerful, fun arrangement and, waiting for spring, went home.


Peter Nikolayevich Sventytsky, a small, custinian little man in black glasses (his eyes were hurt, he threatened a complete blindness), he got up, as usual, to the light and, drinking a glass of tea, put on the indoor, confused by Merlushki serpent and went on the housework.

Peter Nikolaevich was a customs official and gave eighteen thousand rubles there. For years, twelve ago, he retired not entirely in his will and bought the crawled young man's cauldron. Peter Nikolaich was still married in service. His wife was poor orphan of the old noble family, a large, full, beautiful woman who did not give him children. Peter Nikolaich in all matters was a man solitary and persistent. Nothing knowing anything about the economy (he was the son of Polish gentry), he did so well to the economy that the ruined estate in three hundred tenthene was exemplary. All the buildings from his house to the barn and a canopy over the fire pipe were durable, solid, covered with iron and in time painted. In the tool shed, there were order of carts, soy, plows, harrows. Challenged was smeared. The horses were not large, almost all of their factory - Savras, suit, satisfying, strong, one in one. The throat worked in the indoor Riga, the feed was retracted in a special barn, the dung Zhiy stamped into a paved pit. Cows were also their factory, not large, but dairy. Pigs were aglitsky. There was a poultry house and especially sock of chicken breed. The fruit garden was asked and affected. Everywhere everything was worn, firmly, pure, regularly. Peter Nikolayan rejoiced at his farm and was proud that all this he reached the oppression of peasants, but, on the contrary, strict justice to them. He even had a medium, rather liberal among the nobles, rather than conservative, and always defended the people before the serfs. Be it good with them, and they will be good. True, he did not descend the mistakes and workers mistakes, sometimes pushing them himself, demanded work, but the premises, Harci were the best, the salary was always issued on time, and on holidays he drove vodka.

Stepping carefully on the talom snow, it was in February, "Peter Nikolaić went past the working stables to the hut, where workers lived. It was still dark; Even darker from the fog, but the light in the windows of the worker was visible. Workers got up. He intended to hurry them: along the along, they had to go on the gear for the last firewood in the grove.

"What's this?" - He thought, seeing the cut door to the stable.

Hey, who is here?

No one responded. Peter Nikolaichi entered the stable.

Hey, who is here?

No one responded. It was dark, softly, and smelled to manure. To the right of the door in the stall was a couple of young savrasi. Peter Nikolaiova stretched out his hand - empty. He touched his foot. Didn't they lay? Noga met nothing. "Where did they bring it down?" He thought. Package - did not harm, Sani still all the outside. Peter Nikolaich came out of the door and shouted loudly:

Hey, Stepan.

Stepan was a senior worker. He just went out of the work.

Yau! - Fun Stepan responded. - Is it you, Peter Nikolaich? Now the guys go.

What do you have a stable of squeeze?

Stable? I can not know. Hey, prosper, come on the lantern.

The prosperity came running with a lantern. Entered the stable. Stepan immediately understood.

This thieves were, Peter Nikolaich. The castle is shot down.

Brows, robbers. There is no mask, there is no hawk. Hawk here. There is no motley. There is no handsome man.

There were no three horses. Peter Nikolaich said nothing.

Frowned and breathing heavily.

Oh, I would have caught. Who guard?

Petka. Petka slept.

Peter Nikolaica filed to the police, to the forehead, the Zemsky boss, sent his own. Horses did not find.

Forest people! - spoke Peter Nikolaichi. - What made. I did not do it well. Wait you. Robbers, all robbers. Now I'm wrong with you will behave.


And horses, Troika Savras, were already on the ground. One, mask, sold the gypsies for eighteen rubles, the other, motley, was trained by a man over forty-miles, handsome drove and stabbed. Sold the skin for three rubles. The event was the leader Ivan Mironov. He served in Peter Nikolaich and knew the order of Peter Nikolaić and decided to return his money. And made a business.

After his misfortune with a fake coupon, Ivan Mironov drank a long time and would give everything if the wife did not hide the clamps, clothes and everything that could be rolled out. During the drunkenness of his Ivan Mironov, without ceasing, not only thought about his offender, but about all the gentlemen and gentleh, who only those living that they were offended by our brother. Saw once Ivan Mironov with men from under Podolsk. And men, dear, drunk, told him how they brought horses from a man. Ivan Mironov began to scold the concoctions for the fact that they were offended by a man. "Sin is," he said, "the man's man's peasant is still a brother, and you will carry it from. If you take away, so the Lord. These dogs are worth ". Further, more, told, and the Podolsk guys said that the Lords to reduce the horses horses. We must know the moves, and without your person it is impossible. Then Ivan Mironov remembered the Sventytsky, who he lived in employees, remembered that Sventytsky was found in the calculation of the ruble for a broken kkivorn, he remembered the savry horses on which he worked.

Ivan Mironov went to Sventitsky as if hired, but only then to view and learn everything. And having learned everything that the guard is not that horses in the day, in the stable, led the thieves and did the whole thing.

Sharing a revenue with Podolsk men, Ivan Mironov with five rubles came home. There was nothing at home: the horses were not. And since that time, Ivan Mironov began to be opened with the concoches and gypsies.


Peter Nikolaich Sventitsky tried to find a thief of all his might. No one could not be done. And therefore, he began to suspect his and, to find out the workers who did not spend the night at this night at home, found out that the pros of Nikolaev was not overwhelmed - young small, just who came from the military service soldiers, beautiful, dexterous small, whom Peter Nikolaich took for a trip instead of a course. The buddy was a friend of Peter Nikolaych, he knew both the correctness, and the leader, and the Zemsky chief, and the investigator. All these faces have been in him in the name and knew his delicious filling and salted fungi - white, oots and freight. All sorry him and tried to help him.

So, and you defend the men, "said Broan. "The truth I said that worse than animals." Without a whip and stick with them nothing can be done. So you say a prosper, the one that Chercher is driving?

Let him here.

The past was called and began to interrogate:

Where was it?

The prosbed shook her hair, shone his eyes.

How at home, all workers show that you were not.

Will Your.

Yes, not in my will deal. And where have you been?

Well, good. Sotsky, brought him to the mill.

Will Your.

So did not say the prosbus, where he was, and did not say that the night he was with his friend, Parash, and promised not to give it, and did not give out. Evidence was not. And the past was released. But Peter Nikolaich was confident that this is all the case of Proof, and hanged him. Once Peter Nikolaich, taking the proof of Kucher, sent him to the stand. The pros, as always did, took two oats measures at the inn of the courtyard. One and a half murmured, and drank the garments. Peter Nikolaich learned this and submitted to the world judge. The world judge sentenced the past for three months in Ostrog. Proophyal was proud. He considered himself above the people and proud of himself. Ostrich humiliated him. He could not be proud of the people, and he immediately fell by the Spirit.

From the Ostrog, the proshika returned home not so much embittered against Peter Nikolaich, how many against the whole world.

Proophylas, as everyone said, after the gloomy dropped, began to be lazy to work, began to drink and soon caught in the theft of the Odfa from the Meshchanka and came again in Ostrog.

Peter also learned about horses only the fact that the skins were found from Savras Merin, which Peter Nikolaich acknowledged for the skin of his handsome. And this impunity of thieves was even more annoying Peter Nikolaych. He could not see the men now without malice and talk about them and where he could tried to press them.


Despite the fact that, having lowered a coupon, Evgeny Mikhailovich stopped thinking about him, his wife Mary Vasilyevna could not forgive himself that he was deceiving, nor her husband for cruel words he told her, nor, the main thing, the two boys-villains who depersely deceived it.

From the very day, as she was deceived, she looked at all the gymnasists. Once she met Makhina, but did not recognize him, because he, seeing her, made such a face, which completely changed his face. But Mitu Smokovnikova she, encountered his nose with his nose on the sidewalk of the week two after the event, immediately found out. She gave him to pass and, turning, followed by him. Having reached his apartment and learning, whose son he was, she went to the gymnasium as another day and in front of Mikhail Vvedensky's lawmaker. He asked what she needed. She said she wishes to see the director.

The director is not, he is unhealthy; Maybe I can execute or convey to him?

Marya Vasilyevna decided to tell everything to the lawpower.

The introductory introduced was a widower, academician and a very proud person. Last year, he met in one society with the father of Smokovnikov and, faced with him in a conversation about the faith, in which the moodings broke it on all points and raised a laugh, decided to pay special attention to the Son and, having found the same indifference to The law of God, as in the unbelieving father, began to pursue him and even failed him on the exam.

Having learned from Maryia Vasilyevna about the act of a young Smokovnikov, the introduction could not help but feel pleasure, finding in this case confirmation of his assumptions about the immorality of people deprived of the leadership of the Church, and decided to take advantage of this case, as he tried to assure himself, for the testimony of the danger that threatens All retreating from the church - in the depths of the soul in order to take revenge on the proud and self-confident atheist.

Yes, very sad, very sad, - said Father Mikhail Vvedensky, stroking the hand of smooth sides of the albeit crosse. - I am very glad that you have passed the matter to me; I, as a minister of the church, will try not to leave a young man without instruction, but also I will try as you mitigate as possible.

"Yes, I will do the way with my title," Mikhail's father told himself, thinking that he, completely forgetting his father's misfortune, he had in mind only the benefit and salvation of the young man.

The next day, in the lesson of the law of God, Mikhail, Mikhail told the disciples the entire episode of the fake coupon and said that this was done by the gymnasium.

The act is bad, shameful, - he said, - but the location is even worse. If, what I do not believe, it did one of you, then it is better to repent than hiding.

Saying this, father Mikhail stared at Mitu Smokovnikov. Gymnasists, watching his gaze, also looked around at Smokovnikov. Mitya Krasnel, sweated, finally burst into tears and ran out of class.

Mitya's mother, having learned about it, spent the whole truth with her son and ran to the photographic accessory store. She paid twelve rubles fifty kopecks of the hostess and persuaded it to hide the name of the gymnasium. The son told everything to deny and in no way recognize the Father.

And indeed, when Fyodor Mikhailovich learned about what was in the gymnasium, and the son called him out from everything, he went to the director and, told the whole thing, said that the degree of the lawpower was extremely represented and he would not leave this. The director invited the priest, and between them and Fedor Mikhailovich had a hot explanation.

A stupid woman inserted into my son, then herself renounced his testimony, and you did not find anything better, how to slander an honest, truthful boy.

I did not slander and won't let you speak with me. You forget my san.

Do not care for your San.

Your own concepts, - trembled the chin, so that his rare beard was shaking, a lawpower spoke, - known to the entire city.

Gentlemen, Batyushka, "tried to calm the arguing director. But it was impossible to calm them.

I have to take care of my Sana's debt to take care of religious-moral education.

Fully pretend. Don't I know that you do not believe in chole or death?

I consider unworthy to talk with such a master as you, "Mikhail's father said, offended by the last words of Smokovnikov, especially because he knew that they were fair. He passed the full course of the Spiritual Academy and therefore it was no longer believed that he confessed and preached, but believed only that all people should force themselves to believe in what he forced himself to believe.

Smokovnikov was not so much outraged by the act of the lawpipel, how much found that this is a good illustration of the clerical influence, which begins to manifest itself from us, and everyone told about this case.

The father of the same introduced, seeing the manifestations of the established nihilism and atheism not only in the young, but old generation, more and more was convinced of the need to combat him. The more he condemned the disbelief of Smokovikov and him like, the more he was convinced of the hardness and the inviolability of his faith and the less felt the need to check it or agree with his life. His faith, recognized by all of his world around him, was for him the main instrument of the struggle against her negatives.

These thoughts caused in it by a collision with Smokovnikov, together with the troubles on the gymnasium that took place from this clash - precisely, the reprimand, the remark received from the bosses, was forced to accept him for a long time, with the death of his wife, who manifested him with his decision: to accept Monasticism and choose the very career on which some of his comrades on the Academy, of which one was already a bishop, and the other archimandrite on the vacancies of the bishop.

By the end of the academic year, Wednedensky left the gymnasium, hesitated to the monks under the name Misaila and very soon received the place of rector of the seminary in the Volga city.


Meanwhile, Vasily-janitor walked a big road south.

The day he walked, and at night the tenth assigned him to another apartment. The bread was given everywhere, and sometimes they sat down at the table. In one village of Orlovsk province, where he spent the night, he was told that the merchant, who pulled the garden from the landowner, looking for a well-guard. Vasill was tired of a belling, and I did not want to go home, and he went to the merchant to the gardener and hired a caulter for five rubles a month.

Life in a halate, especially after he began to keep up the GRASHSOVA and from the Bar ash gum Karaowchiki brought a habitant knitting of fresh, from under the threshing, straw, was very pleasant to Vasil. Lying the whole day in fresh, spray straw is a pile, even more than straw, fragile, fell on a spring and winter apple, glancing, whether the guys behind apples did not get climbing and sowing songs. And the songs of singing Vasily was a master. And his voice was good. We will come from the village of Baba, girls behind apples. I will joke with them Vasily, I will give, how whatever you like, more or smaller apples for eggs or penny - and again lying; Just go to breakfast, dine, dinner.

A shirt on Vasill was one pink sintsevaya, and there was nothing in the holes, there was nothing on the legs, but the body was strong, healthy, and when the pot from the porridge was filmed from the fire, Vasily walked for three, so the old man's calaus girl was only on him. At night, Vasily did not sleep and either whistled, or smoked and, like a cat, had seen far in the dark. Once climbed from the village big guys shake apples. Vasily burst and attacked them; They wanted to fight back, and he broke them all, and one led to Slash and passed the owner.

The first chalash Vasilla was in the far garden, and the second slag, when the GRUSHOVA came out, was in forty steps from the Bar ashore. And in this chaolate Vasillus was even more fun. The whole day of Vasily saw the Lord and the Lords played, went to ride, walked, and in the evenings and nights played the piano, on the violin, sang, danced. He saw a young lady with students sitting on the windows and lasted and then alone went to walk in dark lime alleys, where only strips and stains passed the moonlight. He saw, as the servants ran with food and drink and how cooks, bars, crawls, gardeners, Kucher - everything worked only to feed, poop, merry the Lord. Sometimes the young gentlemen came to him and he took him to the slaughters, and he selected them and applied the best, blurred and red bonded apples, and the young ladies immediately, Khutni's teeth, they bite them and praised and said something - Vasily understood that he was talking about -Franzusski and forced him to sing.

And Vasilius admired this life, remembering his Moscow life, and the idea that the whole thing in money, more and more went to his head.

And Vasily became more and more thinking about how to do to immediately capture more money. He began to remember how he had previously used, and decided that it was not necessary to do that it was not necessary, as before, to grasp where she lies badly, but to think about, to know and make it clean, so that no ends were left. The last Antonovka was removed to the Henre of the Virgin. The owner has used well and all karauchikov and Vasilla calculated and thanked.

Vasily dressed - a young barin gave him a jacket and a hat - and did not go home, he was very sissing to think about a man, rude life, - and returned back to the city with drinking soldiers who are watching the garden with him. In the city, he decided to hack over the night and rob the shop, whose host he lived and who nailed him and drove without a calculation. He knew all the moves and where there were money, the soldier put a guard, and he hacked the window from the courtyard, climbed and chose all the money. The case was made skillfully, and no traces found. Money took three hundred seventy rubles. One hundred rubles Vasily gave a friend, and with the rest left to another city and there he was killed with comrades and commodities.


Meanwhile, Ivan Mironov became a clever, bold and successful inkrade. Afimya, his wife, who had previously scolding him for bad things, as she said, was now happy and proud of her husband, the fact that he had an indoor coat and her herself and a new fur coat.

In the village and in the district everyone knew that no theft of horses did without him, but they were afraid to prove him, and when the suspicion had happened to him, he came out clean and right. The last theft of him was from the night in the rocker. When I could, Ivan Mironov disassembled, who had steal, and more like to take the landlords and merchants. But landlords and merchants were harder. And because when there were no landlord and merchant, he also took the peasants. So he captured in a killer from any night horses. I did not affect myself, but a clever small little Gerasim. The men had enough horses only at the dawn and rushed to search on the roads. The horses stood in the ravine, in the executed forest. Ivan Mironov intended to hold them here until the other night, and wait at night for forty miles to a familiar janitor. Ivan Mironov took Gerasim in the forest, brought him a cake and vodka and went home with a forest path where he was hoping for no one. On trouble he ran into a guard soldier.

Ali on mushrooms went? Said Soldiers.

Yes, there is nothing today, - Ivan Mironov answered, showing the Lukoshko, which he took just in case.

Yes, now not a mushroom summer, "said the soldiers," the post will go bad, "and passed by.

The soldier realized that something was wrong. There was no need to be Ivan Mironov to walk early in the morning in the official forest. The soldier returned and began to fool through the forest. Near the ravine he heard a horsepie snort and went slowly to the place where he heard. In the ravine it was tritted, and there was a horsepower. Then he was sitting Gerasim and ate something, and two horses stood tied by the tree.

The soldier ran to the village, took the headman, Sotskiy and two understood. They approached the place from three sides to the place where Herasim was, and captured him. Geraska did not stick and immediately Spyan confessed to everyone. He said, as Ivan Mironov, Ivan Mironov, and was promised, and how promised now to come behind the horses in the forest. The men left horses and Gerasim in the forest, and they themselves made an ambush, waiting for Ivan Mironov. When merged, whistles heard. Gerasim responded. Only Ivan Mironov began to descend from the mountain, they pounced on him and led to the village. The crowd collected a crowd in front of the old age.

Ivan Mironov brought out and began to interrogate. Stepan Pelageyushkin, a tall, short, long man, with an eagle nose and a gloomy expression, the first began to interrogate. Stepan was a lonely man who served military service. I just moved away from my father and began to cope as a horse took him. Having worked in mines, Stepan again cited two horses. Both increased.

Speak, where my horses, - gloomy looking into the ground, in the face of Ivan, spoke, pale from the malice, Stepan.

Ivan Mironov was dismissed. Then Stepan hit him in his face and broke the nose from which blood flowed.

Speak, kill!

Ivan Mironov was silent, bending his head. Stepan hit his long hand once, the other. Ivan was silent everything, just leaning it there, then here is his head.

All Bay! - shouted the headman.

And everyone began to beat. Ivan Mironov silently fell and shouted:

Barbarians, devils, Bates to death. I'm not afraid of you.

Then Stepan grabbed a stone from the harvested soot and broke the Ivan Mironov's head.


Killers Ivan Mironov were judged. Among these killers was Stepan Pelageyushkin. He was accused of stealing others, because everyone showed that he broke the head of Ivan Mironov. Stepan on the court did not hide anything, explained that when he took the last couple of horses, he stated in the mill, and the traces of the gypsies could have been found, and he did not accept him and did not look at him at all.

What do we do with such? Run us.

Why others did not beat, and you? Said the prosecutor.

It's not true, everyone beat, the world shared to kill, and I just finished off. Well, it should be tormented.

The judges struck in Stepan an expression of perfect calm, with whom he told about his act and about how Ivan Mironova beat and how he finished him.

Stepan really did not see anything terrible in this murder. He had to shoot a soldier in the service, and, like, as well as when the murder of Ivan Mironov, he did not see anything terrible. Killed so killed. Today it, tomorrow me.

Stepan sentenced to one year in prison. The guinea with him was removed from him, put at number in Tseykhgauz, and the artantic bathrobe and cats were put on it.

Stepan never had respect for the bosses, but now he was quite convinced that all the bosses, all the Lord, everything, besides the king, who one regretted the people and was fair, all were robbers, sucking blood from the people. The stories of the exile and religious, with whom he came across in prison, confirmed such a look. One referred to the catguard for the fact that the authorities were crushed into theft, the other - for hitting the head, when he began to describe the peasant property, the third was for the fact that forged the assignment. Gentlemen, merchants, which did not do, all came from his hands, and the man-poorness for everything about everything was sent to the ostera of the lice to feed.

In Ostrog, he visited his wife. Without him, she was so bad, and then there was also burned down and turned around, it became with children to be blocked. The disasters of the wife even more frowned Stepan. He and in Ostrog, he was angry with everyone and once almost lifted the Kashevar ax, for which he was added to the year. This year, he learned that his wife was died and that there was no more at home ...

When Stepana came out time, he was called in Tseykhgauz, got his clothes from the shelf, in which he came, and gave him.

Where will I go now? - He said, dressed, Catentarmus.

It is known home.

Not home. Must need to go on the road. People rob.

And you will rob, come back to us.

Well, it is like.

And Stepan left. He headed yet to the house. There was nowhere to go.

Without reaching the house, he went to spend the night in a familiar inn with Kabak.

The courtyard held a fat Vladimir Tradman. He knew Stepan. And he knew that he was in an urgent but misfortune. And left Stepan to spend the night.

The traders, this rich beat off his wife and lived with her, as with a worker and his wife.

Stepan knew the whole thing - as a man's intention of a man, like this bad Babenka left her husband and now drove out and sweaty sat for tea and from grace treated tea and stepan. There was no passage. Stepana left overnight in the kitchen. Matrain removed everything and went to the hubby. Stepan lay on the stove, but could not sleep and everything cracked on the messengers who dried on the stove. It did not leave him from his head a thick belly of the tradesman, who protruded from the belly of the Sitzo-liquefy, who jumped the shirt. Everything in his head came to a knife to kill it belly, release the gland. And Babenka too. He said: "Well, the hell with them, I will leave tomorrow," I recalled Ivan Mironov and again I thought about the belly of the tradesman and white, sweaty sick of Matrena. To kill, both. Run the second rooster. Do so now, and it will meet. Knife he noticed from the evening and ax. He slipped off the oven, took the ax and knife and left the kitchen. Just he came out, and the door clicked behind the door. The tradesman entered the door. He did not do as he wanted. I did not have to knife, but he waved the ax and slam the head. The tradesman fell on the pitch and the ground.

Stepan entered the hill. Mattress jumped up and stood in the bed in one shirt. Stepan killed her with the same ax.

Then he lit a candle, took out money from the desk and left.


In the county city, an old man, a former official, a drunk, with two daughters and son-in-law lived in a distance from other buildings. A married daughter, too, saw and led a bad life, the oldest, widow of Maria Semenovna, wrinkled, thin, a fifty-year-old woman, alone alone contained everyone: she had a pension in two hundred and fifty rubles. The whole family was fed to this money. Only one Maria Semenovna worked in the house. She walked behind a weak, drunk old father and her sister's child, and prepared and washed. And, as it always happens, all things have been dumping on it, which were needed, and all the three and scolded and even beat the son-in-law in a drunken form. She all overwhelmed silently and with meekness, and, too, as always, the more things were doing, the more she had time to do. She and the poor helped, cutting out of themselves, giving up their clothes, and helped to go for sick.

He worked once at Maria Semenovna Chrome, a legless tailor rustic. He heralding the old man and covered the cloud coat for Mary Semenovna - to walk in the bazaar in winter.

Chrome tailor was a smart and observant person, in his position a lot of different people who had different and, as a result of his chromoty, always sitting and therefore, to think. Having lived in Maria Semenovna for a week, could not put on her life. Once she came to him in the kitchen, where he sewed, caroids and talked to him about his live, as his brother was offended and how he separated from him.

I thought - it would be better, and all the same, the need.

It is better not to change, but they live, and live, "Maria Semenovna said.

Yes, I and then on you, Maria Semenovna, a day, as you are all alone, one in all the ends on people you bet. And from them good, I see little.

Maria Semenovna said nothing.

Must, you have reached the books that it will be on that light.

About this is unknown to us, - said Maria Semenovna, - but only live so better.

And in books it is?

And there are books in the books, "she said and read him the wrong sermon from the Gospel. The tailor thought, and when it was calculated and went to himself, everything thought about what he saw Semenovna from Mary and what she said and read him.


Peter Nikolaich has changed to the people, and the people have changed to him. The years did not pass, as they cut down twenty-seven oaks and burned uninsured Riga and Guby. Peter Nikolaich decided that it was impossible to live with the local people.

At the same time, the Liventovians were looking for a manager to their lines, and the leader recommended Peter Nikolaica, as the best owner in the ureet. Having livenovsky, huge, did not give anything income, and the peasants used everyone. Peter Nikolaich took up everything in order and, giving his estimate, moved with his wife to the Fallen Volga Province.

Peter Nikolaich and always loved the order and legality, and now, even more so, it could not allow this wild, rude people to, disgust the law, to take possession of their property. He was glad to teach them and strictly undertook to work. One peasant he was abraged by the forest on the ugly, another personally beat for the fact that he did not turn off the road and did not remove the hat. About meadows, about which the dispute and the peasants were considered their own, Peter Nikolaiyek declared the peasants that if they would release cattle, he would lead her.

Spring came, and the peasants, as they did in the old years, released a cattle on the Barsky meadows. Peter Nikolaich gathered all employees and ordered the cattle to the Barsky Dvor. The men were on the smell, and therefore workers, despite the screams of women, drove the cattle. Returning from work, men, gathering, came to the Barsky yard demand the cattle. Peter Nikolaich came to them with a gun over his shoulders (he had just returned from the detour) and announced to them that he would not give a cattle, as the payment of fifty kopecks with a horned and ten from the sheep. The men began to shout that the meadows are that their fathers and grandfathers owned them and that there are no such morals to take someone else's cattle.

Give the cattle, it will not be bad, "said one old man, coming to Peter Nikolai.

What will be bad? "All pale, approaching an old man, shouted Peter Nikolaichi."

Give away from sin. Sharmery.

What? - Peter Nikolayan shouted and hit the old man in the face.

You do not dare to fight. Guys, take a strong cattle. The crowd suggested. Peter Nikolaich wanted to leave, but he was not allowed. He began to break through. The gun shot and killed one of the peasants. A cool dump was made. Peter Nikolaich crushed. And in five minutes, the disheveled body stared in the ravine.

A military court was appointed over the killers, and two sentenced to hanging.


In the village, from whom the tailor was, five rich peasants were filmed from the landowner for a thousand hundred rubles a hundred five tents of arable land, black, like a dead, greasy land and handed over to her men, to whom to eighteen to whom fifteen rubles. No land went below twelve. So the Barysh was good. The purchasrators themselves took themselves five tents themselves, and this land accounted for them. Died in these men comrade, and they offered they to go to his comrades to the chrome tail.

When the soldiers began to share the land, the tailor did not drink vodka, and when it comes to who walked how much land to give, the tailor said, that it is necessary to make it all right, which is not necessary to take extra from the merchants, and how much will it have.

How so?

Yes, Ali we are non-Christ. After all, it is good to the gentlemen, and we are Krestyan. In God's need. Such a law of Christ.

Where is the law?

And in the book, in the Gospel. Here come Sunday, I read and ceiling.

And [in] Sunday came not all, but three to the tailor, and he began to read them.

I read the five chapters of Matvey, began to interpret. They all listened, but received only one Ivan Chury. And so accepted that he began to live in everything in God. And in the family it was so lived. From the earth, it was unnecessary, only I took my share.

And they began to go to the tall and to Ivan, and they began to understand, and they understood, and they threw smoking, drink, swear by bad words, began to help each other. And they stopped going to church and demolished the ass icons. And it became seventeen such courtyards. All sixty-five souls. And the priest was frightened and conveyed a bishop. The bishop thought, to be, and decided to send to the village of Archimandrite Misaila, the former lawpower in the gymnasium.


The bishop put Misaile with him and began to talk about what news was manifested in his diocese.

All from the weakness of spiritual and from ignorance. You are a scientist man. I rely on you. Go, create and with the people of clarification.

If Vladyka bless, I will try, "said Misail's father. He was pleased with this instruction. All where he could show that he believed, pleased him. And turning others, he most quickly convinced himself that he believes.

Try, I am very suffering for my flock, "said the bishop, leisurely taking white, chubby hands a glass of tea that served him.

Well, one jam, bring another, he turned to the service. "Very, very much hurt me," continuing he speech to Misaile.

Misail was glad to declare. But, as a person is poor, asked for money on the expenses of the trip and, fearing the opposition of the coarse people, asked yet the orders of the governor that the local police in order to assist him.

The bishop all arranged to him, and Misail, the gillar and provisions, who had to be stocking, going into a deaf place, went to the destination, went to the place of destination. Going into this business trip, Misail experienced a pleasant sense of consciousness of the importance of his ministry and moreover to stop all doubts in his faith, and on the contrary, the perfect confidence in her truth.

His thoughts were directed not to the essence of faith, she recognized as an axiom - and on the refutation of those objections that were made against its external forms.


The priest of the village and Popadov took Misaila with a big honor and the next day his arrival was collected by the people in the church. Misail in the new silk Ryasa, with a cross in black and cleaned hair, entered the Amvon, the priest became next to him, gone to the decek, singing, and the side doors are police. Came and sectarians - in the felling, cortic fur coat.

After Maswarf, Misail read the sermon, exhonding the church of the church left to return to Lono, threatening the flour of hell and promising full forgiveness to the rest.

The sectarians were silent. When they began to ask, they were answered.

On the question of why they disappeared, they responded that the churches would be honored wooden and man-made gods and that in Scripture not only is not shown this, but in the prophecies shows the opposite. When Misail asked Chuyev, is it true that they are holy icons call the boards, Chuv answered: "Yes, you flour, what you want, Icon, you will see." When they were asked why they do not recognize the priesthood, they answered that in Scripture it was said: "Dirz received, for nothing," and the priests only for money they distribute their grace. At all attempts to Misaila to rely on the Holy Scripture of the tailor and Ivan calmly, but firmly objected, pointing to the Scripture, which they firmly knew. Misail was angry, threatened by the power of worldly. The sectarians said that it was said: "I was challenged - and you will drive."

It ended in nothing, and everything would be good, but the next day I dinner Misail said the sermon about the malfunction of the seats, that they are worthy of any punishment, and in the people who left the church, began to happen to trying to take care of the boots, So that they do not embarrass the people. And on this day, while Misaile climbed salmon and Sigom with the most admitted and who came from the city by an inspector, a landfill was made to the village. Orthodox crowds from the His Chius and expected their exit to beat them. The sectarians were man twenty men and women. The preaching of Misaila and now the gloom of Orthodox and their threatening speeches caused an evil feeling in the sectarians, which was not before. Testaled, it was time for the babs of the cows to milk, and the Orthodox everyone stood and waited and the released was small and drove again in the hut. Interpreted what to do, and did not agree.

The tailor said: It is necessary to endure and not defend. Chuev said that if so tolerate, they all move away, and, capturing the chockerel, went out into the street. Orthodox rushed to him.

Well, according to the law of Moses, he shouted and began to beat the Orthodox and hurt one eye, the rest jumped out of the horses and returned home.

Chiyev was judged for seducing and for the blasphemy sentenced to reference.

Father Misaile gave the award and made Archimandrite.


Two years ago, from the Earth, the troops of the Donsky arrived in St. Petersburg to the courses are healthy, oriental type, beautiful girl Turchaninova. This girl met in St. Petersburg with a student of Turin, the son of the Zemsky Chief of the Symbirian province, and loved him, but she loved not ordinary female love with the desire to become his wife and mother of his children, and his friendly love that was predominant to the same indiscretion and hatred not only to the existing Build, but also to people who were his representatives, and the consciousness of their mental, educational and moral superiority over them.

She was able to learn and easily remembered lectures and surrendered exams and, moreover, the newest books were absorbed in huge numbers. She was sure that the calling her was not to give birth and educate children - she even looked at such a vocation with disgust and contempt - and in to destroy the existing system, the best forces of the people, and indicate the new one The path of life that she was indicated by the European newest writers. Full, white, ruddy, beautiful, with brilliant black eyes and a big black braid, she called in men the feelings that she did not want, and he could not share, "So she was completely absorbed by his campaign, conversational activity. But she was still nice that she caused these feelings, and therefore she did not give up, did not neglect his appearance. She was nice to what she likes, but in reality can show how she despises what is so appreciated by other women. In his views on the means of dealing with existing order, she walked further than most of their comrades and his friend Tyurin and allowed that all means can be used in the struggle and can be used to murder inclusive. Meanwhile, this very revolutionary Katya Turchaninova was in the soul a very kind and selfless woman, always directly preferred to someone else's benefit, pleasure, welfare of his benefit, pleasure, welfare and always releasing opportunities to do to someone - a child, an old man, an animal - pleasant.

Summer Turchaninova spent in the Volga district city, at the batch of their own, rural teacher. In the same county, father lived and Tyurin. All three, together with the county doctor, often seen, exchanged books, argued and indignant. The Ying of Three was next to those of the Livents, where the manager did Peter Nikolaich. How soon Peter Nikolaich arrived and took about orders, young Tyurin, seeing in the Livenovsky peasants an independent spirit and a firm intention to defend their rights, became interested in them and often went to the village and talked to the peasants, developing the theory of socialism among them in particular, among them.

When the murder of Peter Nikolaić had happened and the court hit, the circle of revolutionaries of the county city had a strong reason for indignation by the court and boldly expressed him. The fact that Tyurin went to the village and spoke with the peasants was clarified in court. Tyurina did a search, found several revolutionary brochures, and the student was arrested and brought to St. Petersburg.

Turchaninova left behind him and went to jail for a date, but she was not allowed on an ordinary day, and allowed only on the day of common dates, where she saw Turin in two lattices. A date, it even strengthened her indignation. I brought it to the extreme limit of her indignation of her explanation with the man's gendarm officer, who was obviously ready to condescend in case of its adoption of his proposals. It brought it to the last degree of indignation and malice against all supervised persons. She went to the police chief complain. The police chief told her the same thing that the gendarme said that they could not do anything that there was a disposal of the minister. She filed a memorandum to the Minister, asking for a date; she was denied. Then she decided to a desperate act and bought a revolver.


The minister took on his ordinary hour. He walked around three petitioners, accepted the governor and walked over to the black eyed, beautiful, young woman in black standing with paper in the left hand. A gentle-lustful light caught fire in the eyes of the minister at the sight of a beautiful racer, but, remembering his position, the minister made a serious face.

What you want? - He said, going to her.

She, not responding, quickly took out a hand with a revolver from under Pelinka and, settling him in the chest of the minister, shot, but missed.

The minister wanted to grab her hand, she recoiled and shot another time. The minister rushed to run. She was grabbed. She was trembling and could not speak. And suddenly weave hysterically. The minister was not even wounded.

It was Turchaninova. She was planted in a preliminary detention house. The minister, having received congratulations and condolences from the most high-ranking individuals and even the sovereign himself, appointed a commission of studying the conspiracy, whose consequence was an attempt.

Conspiracy, of course, there was no; But the ranks of the secret and explicit police diligently began to search for all the threads of the situation and conspiringly deserved their salary and content: getting early in the morning, in the dark, they did a search for a search, rewriting paper, books, read diaries, private letters, made them on the beautiful Paper was an excellent handwriting extracts and many times interrogated Turchenin and made her full-time stakes, wanting to bring her names of her accomplices.

The minister was like a good man and very much regretted this healthy, beautiful Cossack, but he told himself that he had a heavy state duties that he performs, as they were difficult to him. And when his former comrade, a chamber, familiar Turin, met him on the court ball and began to ask him for Tyurina and Turchaninov, the minister shrugged, so that the red ribbon was wrinkled on white vest, and said:

Je Ne Demanderais Pas Mieux Que de Lcher Cette Pauvre Fillette, Mais Vous Savez - Le Devoir.

And Turcherinova, meanwhile, was sitting in the house of preliminary conclusion and sometimes calmly crossed out with his comrades and read the books that she was given to her, sometimes suddenly fell into despair and rabies, beat about the wall, squeezed and laughed.


Maria Semenovna received his retirement once again and, returning back, met a familiar teacher.

What, Maria Semenovna, Vazna got? He shouted her on the other side of the street.

He received, "Mary Semenovna replied," just shut down holes.

Well, there is a lot of money, and the hole will shut up, I will stay, "said the teacher and, saying goodbye, passed.

Farewell, "Maria Semenovna said and, looking at the teacher, completely encountered a high man with very long hands and strict face.

But, coming to the house, she was surprised to see again the same long man. Seeing how she entered the house, he stood, turned and left.

Maria Semenovna became terribly terribly, then sad. But when she entered the house and distributed the hotels and an old man and the small golden nephew of Fede and climbed the breathing sophisticated from joy, she became good again, and she, giving money to his father, took up the work that was never translated from her.

The man with whom she collided was Stepan.

From the inn, where Stepan killed a janitor, he did not go to the city. And an amazing thing, the memory of the murder of the janitor was not only unpleasant to him, but he recalled him several times a day. He was pleased to think that he can do it so clean and deftly that no one would know and would not hurt it to do on and above others. Sitting in a restaurant for tea and vodka, he looked at the people from the same side: how can you kill them. He went to spend the night to the countryman, breaking the vehicle. The cab driver was not. He said he would wait, and sat, talking to a woman. Then, when she turned to the oven, he had to kill her. He was surprised, shook his head, then pulled the knife from the top of the hergon and, writing her, cut her throat. The children began to shout, he killed and left them, not spending the night, from the city. Over the city, in the village, he entered the restaurant and slept there.

The next day he came again in the county city and the conversation of Maria Semenovna with the teacher was heard on the street. Her view was frightened by him, but he decided to get into her house and take the money she received. At night, he hacked the castle and entered the hube. The first heard his smaller, married daughter. She screamed. Stepan immediately stabbed her. The son-in-law woke up and clung to him. He grabbed Stepan for her throat and fought for a long time, but Stepan was stronger. And, ending with the son-in-law, Stepan, excited, excited struggle, went for the partition. Behind the partition lay in the bed of Maria Semenovna and, rising, looked at Stepan frightened, cobrel eyes and baptized. Her eyes scared Stepan again, he lowered his eyes.

Where's the money? - He said, without raising his eyes. She was silent.

Where's the money? - said Stepan, showing her a knife.

What are you? Is it possible to? - she said.

It became possible.

Stepan approached her, getting ready to grasp her, so that she would not interfere with him, but she did not raise her hands, did not oppose and only pressed them to his chest and sighed heavily and repeated:

Oh, great sin. What are you? Praise myself. Other people's souls, and the way your ruin ... 0-Oh! She screamed.

Stepan could no longer transfer her voices and glances and closed her with a knife on the throat. - "Talk with you." - She sank to the pillows and stuck, pouring the pillow with blood. He turned away and went along the pebbles, collecting things. Enjoying what it was necessary, Stepan lit a cigarette, sat, cleaned his clothes and came out. He thought that this murder would come down to him, as the previous one, but, without reaching the night, suddenly felt such fatigue that he could not move by a single member. He lay down in a canva and lay in it the rest of the night, the whole day and the next night.

"I would be very happy to let go of this poor girl, but you understand the debt (Franz.).