Games like minecraft. Games like minecraft

Games like minecraft. Games like minecraft
Games like minecraft. Games like minecraft

Everything games like Minecraft This list is free and run on PC, IOS, Android. They allow you to build and create your own epic adventures.

Minecraft gameplay is very open and allows players to explore the randomly generated world, as well as create all that he wants. Well, each night has to survive against dangerous night creatures. Due to its popularity, many developers began to mix Minecraft gameplay with other genres and features, which created many options for games for fans of the legendary original.
Games like minecraft The basis of its mechanics includes searching for resources, research, development, survival, and even military actions. Different genres brought their special elements that exactly to taste our readers.

Also in the list are present well clones Minecraft.where the developers did not immediately retreated from the Canon Bestseller, seeking to catch at least a few rays of glory.

Do not forget that games like Minecraft Below can be sorted based on your estimates. We call on all visitors to give their votes and contribute to the development of the site, as well as help in increasing the list, pointing to the game-like games that are not present on the page.

Rust - Online game in the Survevel genre, namely, the survival in the environment, inhabited zombies and the same players as you. The goal of in tick games is quite banal, but often delays - to hold out as long as possible in the game world, having collected dozens, and even hundreds of various resources and means of survival, become the most cool and secured on the server. As besides the surveillance games, we will be in the world that is experiencing an apocalypse, and we are not alone, except for us here are other players, zombies and animals. If a

Each time something original becomes popular, there will always be those who want to do it in their own way and count on about the same success. So, meet Don't Starve - a kind of minecraft. Before someone starts writing that he is not at all like and what it is for nonsense - I will explain. It also accidentally generates the world every new game, here it is also necessary to survive and fight off the monsters, just as to look for useful resources and this is how different household items are crafted.

After a few minutes, the gameplay, you will realize that Terraria is a comprehensive game that is constantly updated and developing. Terraria - action platformer, sandbox. . That is, you appear in the world and you can do almost anything that you want: Coppe, mining ore, make armor, looking for cool artifacts, kill bosses, and, of course, you can build, not even for the construction process itself, and in order In order for you to live NPS, in which you can buy a wide variety of things.

Can you survive if the submarine will stay in the bottom of the ocean? Are you ready to accept such a challenge, explore the depths of the ocean and try to restore your underwater apparatus, remaining alive. So, the player acts as a diver, which fell to the bottom of the ocean and tries to get out on the surface. Starting with anything, except for some major tools and a small base at the bottom of the ocean, you will have to study, collect, mine, hunt, design and build it necessary to survive things.

The project of almost the deceased genre, which exists mainly in browsers and VKontakte. Therefore, we bring to your attention - Craft the World available for PS, Mac and IOS. From the very beginning of the game, we give us a friend and saying our home, passing the bunch of RPG quests, which helps a lot in the development of this game. Also, we have a level, with an increase of which, we give new gnomes and open new opportunities.

ACE OF SPADES combines FPS gameplay with construction elements of Minecraft style, which created one of several games shooters like minecraft. Beta Ace Of Spades came out in 2011, and in 2012, the development was transferred to JAGEX studio. Ultimately, it began to spread in the stime. At the heart of the gameplay ACE OF SPADES has two main elements: shooting and construction.

Roblox is a free browser online game with an emphasis on the construction and creating your own things. In Roblox, you can focus on creating or visiting thousands of worlds created by other players. Roblox has existed since 2005 and, mostly won adolescent attention.

Terasology is a beautiful public game that combines sandbox style gameplay with other genres. The game is still in the middle of its development, but it already looks mysterious and has some very unique ideas for the genre. If you want a free game that offers very similar gaming experience as in Minecraft, Terasology can be a great option for you.

Deepworld is one of the most impressive and unique games of the Edvecher genre with elements of crafting, which can be found on the Internet, and the style style perfectly emphasizes its main advantages. The game is made in 2D style, which is similar to Terraria and Starbound.

Microtale is simple and at the same time a pleasant adventure 2D game, which also mixes the sandbox and some RPG elements. The game is available for Windows and developed by Jenito Games. At the moment is excellent modern minecraft clone.In the world of Microtale, you explore the long-lost civilization, along the way restoring some of its parts.

Apparently you have already guessed that Gem Miner 2 is a continuation of the popular research game under the ground in search of adventures and treasures. Basically both games offer a very similar experience, but the continuation adds many separate paid items that give you more buns for their blood. In the same way as the original, you will use your pick-up for the study of underground caves.

Castleminer Z is the continuation of the popular Xbox game, which is now available on the PC. While in Castleminer focused on the crafting and the ability to create something unique, the gameplay in the sequel is reoriented to survival. In Castleminer Z, you explore a huge game world created from blocks and at the same time try to protect yourself from zombies with the help of weapons created from the collected resources.

Let us turn immediately to the bottom. The game is a 2D kraft sandbox on the likeness of a teratistry with a modern, unusual, well-detailed and strange world. You start the game next to your emergency capsule in the world of Illuna - an ancient planet, which people have long left. How did you get here and the history of its original inhabitants slowly reveal throughout the journey.

Masterspace allows you to study, extract and expand the world around in the game, which draws its inspiration from Minecraft. Initially, the game was released in April 2012 and continued its development as a sandbox, allowing you to explore space and terraraform the planets on which you land. You will begin your first galactic adventure on one planet and spend your first days in search of wood, stone and other simple resources.

Haven and Hearth - Free MMORPG, which is based on the task to survive in the ruthless world of the game with the fear of permanent death, albeit virtual. You will have to fight predatory animals, hunger and other players. The game is being developed by the studio Jorb and Loftar and at the moment it works and is located on one server.

Someday wondered how you act, if you break on damn know what planet? I know - a strange question, but there is a game that can give a response to him, namely Planet Explorers, where you can visit a similar role. RPG style of play with a large number of open world elements that have already absorbed a lot of players for many hours of gameplay, has every chance to conquer you.

Online Minecraft Games have long been gained well-deserved popularity: here, as in the original, you can create from small universe blocks, and it will look like you want.

Gameplay attracts players unlimited possibilities. Where else can be explored by endless expanses, find underground mines, full diamonds or flooded with water, rich in resources of the forest or untouched by anyone's desert. During the day, you can visit the dense groves, sising zombies, and on open spaces of plains. If I did not like the seen landscape, remember that free games like Micrafaft make it possible to remake everything to your taste. You are the owner of the world. Move the blocks and change the landscapes, as you consider fit. You are not limited to anything: no resources or time. Restrictions and framework are lined up only in imagination.

You can create not only nature, but also various buildings. Here there is an opportunity to build a housing of dreams, and it can be in an unusual place. Of course, you can build a banal palace, the luxury of which will also envy the family of Rockefellers, you can make a creative house on a tree or a small room under the ground in a deep mine. Maybe you are interested in becoming the owner of several dwellings? This is possible. The author's team of Games such as Minecraft took care so that you do not experience restrictions. By the way, I mean: if you decide how long to dig down, there is a possibility to be outside the card, and the game will have to be restarted. But up moving how much your soul.

Fantasize, embody your ideas in a breathtaking gameplay. Construction of unusual buildings under water, to have a living area in a huge pumpkin, build a raft or a house from books. Do not be afraid, any ventiy is embodied here. Resources for creating conceived projects are unlimited, use cubes as you consider it necessary. Miracle Minecraft amazed diversity. They are divided into several types:
Normal - Landscapes are similar to real. There are different biomes: dungeons, plains, villages, cities, rocks and mountains.
Super flat - Initially plain. Structures and biomes are configured independently.
Big biomes - The world is similar to the usual, but all objects are increased.
Stretched - Mountains can reach the ultimate upper border.
Individual - The world is adjusted from scratch, on their own.
Debug mode - Includes all available textures. It turns on the observer mode.

Play free in minecraft is very simple. The character moves using the keys A, S, D, W. The material is selected when pressed by the letter E. The unit is destroyed when clicking on the left mouse button, when you press the right key, on the contrary, it is built.

Voxel graphics, or three-dimensional cubic picture, funny characters and complete freedom of creating everything and all - that's what unites all games, consciously and not very copying "Minecraft".

The most interesting games in the style of "Minecraft" with good graphics - our new list.

1. Terraria - permanent classic

Speaking of minecraft-like games, it is difficult not to mention the project, considered hardly the main competitor, and combines the elements of Dwarf Fortress and Metroid.

What is surprisingly saved by millions of copies of the sandbox, was created by the team of just 3 people.

Terraria - Minecraft type game

The game throws a character to the pool with a head, not giving to deal with the world and control, but it is for it that all these years love it. Despite the complete absence of the plot, the number of fans every year is growing only.

2. Skysaga - Dungeons, Arena and Islands

"" "Traditional cubes, of course, are present, but the stop is on the RPG component - the time of the characters are fighting on the crafta, attack the dwelling of the enemy and arrange mass raids in the dungeon.

Video: Skysaga - Minecraft type game

An excellent idea of \u200b\u200bmixing genres and a good implementation. Game qualitative graphics, tons of content and big plans for development.

3. Stellar Overload - Cubic Planets

Why not? Against the backdrop of pixel characters and animals, soaring in the air "" with very diverse biomami should not be surprised at all.


Features Stellar Overload

1 Ten celestial bodies available for development - Some consist entirely of lava or ice, others are filled with friendly fruit gardens or lunar craters.
2 Character pumps characteristics while using, becoming stronger from dragging in the hands of a sword or rustier with each breathtaking ax.
3 Not only buildings, but also cars, space ships, and even pets.
4 In the game there is some kind of plot: Friendly creatures are attacked by aliens similar to transistors, with whom you have to fight.

Cubic planets look original, the lamp graphics causes a smile of dignity, and the balance between the fights and crafts is observed on "excellent." Surprisingly a successful indie project from a small French development team.

4. Portal Knights - Magician, Warrior and Archer

At first glance, "" noticeably different from the games presented above - the construction of locks are here only for fan, not protection against night monsters, and the essence of the gameplay is reduced to the cooperative drinking of hundreds of mobs. But quite cheerful!

Video: Portal Knights - Minecraft type game


1 Four characters travel around the worldconsisting of flying islands and binding their portals. The essence of the plot is to combine the fragments of the planet in a single whole.
2 Every world is unique and can hire both hundreds of useful items for crafting and the horde of mobs. To pass the portal, each time you have to defeat boss-guards.
3 Pumping, deep customization, creating weapons and armor, plus free passage.
4 Cozy graphics not focused on cubes - Many items look normally, but scattered on the pixels during the destruction.

This is the case when you do not expect anything special from the new game, but you fall in love with the first half an hour of passage. Recommended strictly for a cooperative.

5. CUBE WORLD - Full MMORPG in cubes

"Cube World" is 4 classes, 8 specializations, a tree development of skills, sweeping dungeons with powerful bosses at the end and the reputation system of fractions. It seems that this game stepped far ahead from the usual sandbox, leaving many pixel pictures at the same time.

Video: Cube WORLD - Minecraft type game

A huge amount of content, very simple, intuitive milk, and, as a bonus, control of aircraft and ships. In perspective - new races, classes and even more adventures.

6. Buildanauts - builder simulator

On the aforementioned "minecraft", the game is similar only to graphics and the need to periodically collect equipment and buildings in detail, in the rest of the gameplay it is categorically different.

Video: Buildanauts - Minecraft type game

Features of the game Buildanauts.

1 Instead of fantasy of the setting and attacking enemies at night - survaya weekdays of the building brigade and demanding customers.
2 The character does not just collect the building from cubes, but also performs the whole range of works, ranging from clearing the territory and the choice of suitable equipment before laying the roof tiles.
3 Developers argue that the simulator carries an educational function And, having spent on him a week-other, the player will win the basis of construction in real life.
4 It is not enough to simply wave in the air with a hammer and move a couple of cubes The strength of thought, you will have to master the bulldozer, a crane and not only.

Having understood with construction, it will come time to engage in roads, traffic light and public transport stops. But this is not all, because the demanding inhabitants of the village always full orders.

7. Traverse - game from origami fans

That's what really looks original after dozens of cubic games. Characters, mobs, landscape, even a water surface - everything in this world is made of multicolored paper crumpled in the most bizarre.

Video: Traverse - Minecraft type game

Close access to the planet from the neighbors to create a cozy lamp world inhabited by friendly creatures, or spit on construction, engaged in prey and war. Stylish picture, interesting gameplay and big expectations.

There are several dozen games that are similar to minecraft, but a huge world, tons of content and hundreds of ways, and hundreds of ways are usually hidden at first glance.

At the moment there are only a few games that are able to achieve at least the likeness of the phenomenal success of the Minecraft game from Mojang. The mobile version of this game is constantly in the top of the paid iTunes App Store games and does not plan to pass its position. It offers practically endless gameplay players based on the construction of its own game worlds in the sandbox mode. In addition to Minecraft, there are other games with similar gameplay and pixel graphics, all of them are original and give players the opportunity to express themselves in the process of crafting, mining resources and all that Minecraft is so loved by many. Consider several of them in more detail.

This game is sufficiently large and solid, so I like many mobile gamers, making up a good competition Minecraft. Developers support SurvivalCraft permanent amount of fresh content, updates and new features.

If you are losing in games with an open finale, similar to Minecraft, and you need a clear action plan, then why not try the game Block Story? It has elements of the role-playing game, fantasy locations and quests, and, in addition, here you can manage dragons, causing them to help.

This popular game of the Re-Logic Studio is known to many and does not need ideas. It uses the basic concept of Minecraft, plus, added 16-bit retro style graphics with elements of 2D Saydskroller.

The game is at the pre-access stage.

In this game, the action unfolds in the style of Terraria, and the difference is only that location is an external space. You will come to meet with other civilizations, excavations on other planets, crafting and adventures. All this sounds tempting, and there will be more tempting - the game is at the pre-access stage, which means that after release the game will be replenished with something even more interesting.

Junk Jack X.

Junk Jack game and its continuation of the Junk Jack X, published in 2013, may not be so famous among 2D sidiscroller sandbox games with elements of crafting, but this does not mean that they have nothing to offer players. They have quite a lot of interesting content, worlds generated by randomly, as well as a complex crafting system and resource mining from underground depths.

At first glance, this game looks too simple a copy of Minecraft, but the adventures, the growth and development of characters will be very exciting to appreciate the game.

If you like not only the visual style of Minecraft, but also a genre of Tower Defence, then Block Fortress will become precisely what you are looking for - you will have to build towers from blocks, arm them and defend themselves from the upcoming enemy Horde.

This game is not particularly different from Minecraft and SurvivalCraft - it also represents a sandbox with crafting elements, in which the action comes from the first person. She offers you seriously developed worlds with a lot of opportunities for construction. Here you can build even a football stadium (if you want, of course).

If you are tired by green grass, blue water and other earth elements, then you will suit this sandbox game in space locations, in which, besides crafting, there are elements of battles with enemy astronauts.

This development from the ChooFun Games studio is very similar to Minecraft, but with a more smoothed graphics, as well as with the presence of rocket and pomegranate characters. Apparently, the authors seemed that crafting without grenade launchers was boring.

1 - Terraria

Available on Steam - One of the best games similar to minecraft

- This is a game that looks like Minecraft, but has several additional features. When creating, Terraria was greatly inspired by minecraft, but the game took a new and exciting direction, not completely copying Minecraft.

The main difference between Minecraft and Terraria is that one game is focused on the adventure aspect of the game, unlike Minecraft, where the building is worth in priority. Terraria offers NPCs that allow you to buy and sell a lot of goods and resources available in the world. The game has many interesting and unique monsters, which you will meet, during the study of the depths of the Earth.

Terraria is great for those who love adventures in the depths of the world with friends.


Maincraft is Minecraft, which has a free model and works on old computers.

MINETEST C55 is the perfect free the game that looks like MinecraftAnd if this game would not have a different name, I could swear that in reality it is he.

MINETEST C55 was released in approximately 2010 and gradually develops with all the features of Minecraft

MINETEST C55 seeks to be simple, stable and portable, this philosophy allowed her to work smoothly on many old computer systems that cannot cope with the original game. No need to speak more about MINETEST C55 After all, quality, gaming experience and gameplay accurately coincide with the original Minecraft, but with additional advantages.

3 - Infiniminer.

They are often attributed to the inspiration of notch to create Minecraft. Infiniminer allows you to return to the roots of the Minecraft franchise and the experience of this great original.

The game was developed by Zachtronics and is considered one of the first virtual worlds that allowed to create and destroy various objects by collecting resources in the 3D world. It is still available for downloading today and offers a very unique game.

The purpose of Infiniminer is to collect precious metals for your team, which are scattered throughout the world. You can build traps, devices or directly kill your enemies to prevent these metals with them, or focus solely on collecting them for your team, avoiding the enemy team.

Development Infiniminer, unfortunately, to quickly stop after its release, but still stands for it.


Manic Digger is simple, the free version of Minecraft and is an excellent alternative if you like the creation of epic monuments and works. Being free, it does not offer many opportunities Minecraft, but slowly catchies with its permanent additions.

MANIC DIGGER 2011 includes compasses, fences, stairs, monsters, dynamizes, doors, health blocks, stock management. Manic Digger has big plans for 2012, which you can find on the news page of the official site.

Many Minecraft players hostility to Manic Digger because of its very noticeable similarity with Minecraft, but you cannot argue with the fact that it provides such experience of the game (and for free). The only disadvantage is its less polished graphics and not such a good level of development, as in Minecraft (not otherwise).

5 - Ace Of Spades

Free, action and runs on any computer (these are 3 essentials)

Ace Of Spades is probably the most funny game that looks like Minecraft. This fully free game, which is best described as a mixture of Minecraft, Team Fortress 2 and official debt, are very well evaluated.

Ace Of Spades, in fact, shooter, but also gives players an extra opportunity to create your environment. Build yourself a bunker to hide or create a tunnel directly to the enemy. This game offers two popular type of game; Team Deathmatch and Capture Exploration.

Players armed with shovel (Melee Weapons, which can be digging quickly, through the terrain), several grenades (kill the player and destroy the area), 50 blocks and weapons to choose from (rifle, a small machine gun or shotgun). All weapons in ACE OF SPADES has realistic sounds and even returns.

Ace of Spades has a very simple schedule, which allows you to work on any computer.

6 - Blockland.

Lego style Minecraft.

Blockland is often considered as Lego version of Minecraft. The world was completely built at the expense of players with blocks, making art style with pleasant and friendly.

The game itself offers many adventures and cheerful mini-games to keep the player interested, there is an opportunity to extract materials. Blockland recommends players create objects with a scope for aesthetic pleasure, or to destroy your creations (much more fun

7 - Roblox

Roblox can not be suitable for everyone who is looking for a game like Minecraft, but it has some features that are worthy to include it in this list.

Roblox offers full character setting, although this fantastic game is completely reproduced in your online browser.

8 - Cubelands.

Browser game

Cubelands - another game from the series " games like Maincraft", And it can even be considered a direct competitor. Cubelands focuses more on a construction aspect, without the need to produce an infinite number of resources. For those of you who have a creative mind, the game is suitable to the greatest extent.

Cubelands can be freely played in the browser (excellent!). It is available for both PC and Mac, and the Upjers was recently purchased, which means more features of servers and more regular updates.

Multiplayer Cubelands is also much easier to use what makes the game excellent with a bunch of friends. Create your own world, get the community support, and then share your creations with others.

9 - King Arthur's Gold

It looks like terraria and minecraft, but has cool, unique abilities.

King Arthur's Gold has a game style, as in Minecraft, which allows players to build locks, extract minerals and fight enemies. This is a 2D game where the actions of the players focuses on creating means of defeat (or defense) to help them destroy their enemy.

King Arthur's Gold has three playable classes: a knight, which is a warrior of rough strength with a sword and shield. A ray that uses the ability to fight from a long distance and is able to make deadly ambushes. The last is a builder who is capable of building defense and traps to protect your teams and locks. Thus, regardless of your style of the game, I will definitely find a class for you.

10 - Epic Inventor

Epic Inventor was inspired by Terraria, and very similar to it, so if you do not want to pay 10 bucks, then this game is for you. I can not disagree with the creators of the game, and not recognize that the content in the game is very much, given the short time of the project itself.

The beginning of the game includes the standard resource collection, and you will learn the main game moments, after which the game quickly switches its attention to the creation of your own city, complete with sawmills and other manufacturing buildings, reducing the need for resources (ultimately). The player must protect his wonderful city from enemies using various traps, towers and defensive buildings.

The game is constantly updated and the mistakes are corrected, and considering that the game without donat, money is missing for development, so if you enjoy the game, do not forget to donate a few dollars to keep this wonderful game!

11 - Clonk Series

Strange name, amazing game.

Clonk is a game similar to Epic Inventor, with a mixture of Terraria and Age of Empires. The game requires you to promote civilization, mining ore, wood and other resources. Like Epic Inventor, these resources are used to create buildings that serve for numerous purposes.

The Clonk series has a very interesting combination of action, strategy, tactics and skill. It has a lot of user capabilities (you can play 1 computer, through a local network or Internet), which makes it wonderful to play with friends.

12 - Cortex Command

Cortex Command is probably stretch for most people who are looking for games like Minecraft, and I thought the same as I did not play this big game.

The game is quite simple design, with the main goal to destroy the enemy bases in different worlds. So just to destroy someone's own ownership, because everything rotates around the production of resources, the development of its base and the ability to create elements and objects in the game.

The game also has a good physics and an exciting style of the game. If you are a fan of the Worms series, then this minecraft game, just for you.

13 - Mythruna.

Still in Alpha test showed well

Mythruna has not yet emerged, but you can play alpha version of the test. So you can imagine what an impressive game should be if already got into this list games similar to Maincraft.

Little is known about the direction in which Mythruna will eventually go, but his goal is to combine elements of the role-playing game with endless worlds - random sandboxes (worlds live and change).

Release not far away, get ready!

14 - Total Miner

Minecraft - a game for Xbox, available from Xbox Live Indie. MINER published and released at the end of 2011 for Xbox Live.

Total Miner is very similar to Minecraft, offers players many different game modes.

Just like in Minecraft, in Miner, you can combine resources to create various tools, Total Miner also offers shops where players can buy weapons and other items. The best feature of Total Miner is its multiplayer feature that allows you to simultaneously play 24 friends together.

Total Miner does not offer something new compared to Minecraft, but this is a wonderful game for Xbox.

15 - FortressCraft.

Again the game similar to Minecraft for Xbox (available on Xbox Live Indie). It looks like many other Minecraft games in that the chief emphasis is on creating and learning, and not at the collection of resources and tedious activities.

If you are a xbox player who feels that he lacks Minecraft, this is a game for you.

16 - Eden: World Builder (for iOS devices, $ 1)

Similar to Maincraft game for your Apple products

The only problem with the game is a control circuit that needs some practice to get used to, but it is still the best sandbox that is available for any iOS device. Eden is currently evaluating 4.5 / 5 on iTunes.

17 - SURVIVALCRAFT (Windows Phone, $ 3)

Another minecraft clone for phone

SURVIVALCRAFT - answer to Minecraft for Windows phones at a reasonable price of $ 2.99. SURVIVALCRAFT Currently has 4.5 / 5 stars from its users in the Windows Phone store.

At the beginning of SURVIVALCRAFT, your ship is broken down on the shore and you fall into the randomly generated world. SURVIVALCRAFT provides all the functions that you expect from the Minecraft clone, including standard mining, development and construction.

Like most minecraft-like games, it suffers from an ordinary problem - an uncomfortable management scheme. This is what you get used to over time, and if you spend a lot of time for games on your phone, you will probably not even notice this problem.

18 - WorldCrafter (Andriod, $ 1.50)

In general, Terraria for Android.

WORLDCRAFTER is more similar to Terraria than Minecraft, but I felt that Android owners need this game in this list. WORLDCRAFTER does not represent anything special when it comes to Minecraft (or Terraria) clones, but this game is new on the market and has permanent updates.

WORLDCRAFTER Allows the players to perform conventional tasks, study the randomly generated world, design buildings, build traps, grow agricultural crops.