German signs of distinction of the Second World War. Waffen CR shape: the history of creation and signs of the difference in the Military Form of the Wehrmacht

German signs of distinction of the Second World War. Waffen CR shape: the history of creation and signs of the difference in the Military Form of the Wehrmacht
German signs of distinction of the Second World War. Waffen CR shape: the history of creation and signs of the difference in the Military Form of the Wehrmacht

In addition to the signs of distinction in the army, many others were used in the army, but this section contains the most important of them.

Memorable signs

They should have been reminded by the troops of the tradition of the old Prussian army, who completed the existence in 1918. Supported by the newly formed military units of the Reichsber were awarded (from April 1922). And later - the wiring of the Wehrmacht. These signs were on the caps, they were lower than the insignia (eagle with a swastika). The presence of other signs prove photos of that time. They were worn according to the charter on the field caps.

In memory of the former famous Prussian shelves of Life Gusarov No. 1 and 2. In the Reichsver, this honorary sign was assigned to the 1st and 2nd squadron of the 5th (Prussian) cavalry regiment. According to the orders of February 25, 1938, the tradition and powers of this sign were transferred to the headquarters with the trumpet casing and the 1st division of the 5th Cavalry Regiment. According to the requirement of a modern war with the beginning of military action, this cavalry regiment was first disbanded, and then at its base, an intelligence division of the infantry division was formed. Not to be confused with the cavalry regiments of the 1st Cavalry Division, which continued continued. So from the 5th Cavalry Shelf were formed the 12th and 32nd reconnaissance battalions, as well as parts of the 175th intelligence battalion. The servicemen of the divisions continued to wear the "Dead Head" sign and on.

According to the order of June 3, 1944, the early cavalry regiment "North" formed by the year was renamed to the cavalry regiment No. 5. The regiment's employees were not allowed to wear the traditional sign "Dead Head" again, but without approval. After a short time, they again received the official permission to wear their former sign of differences.

Brownshweag sign "Dead Head"

This sign "Dead Head" leads its beginning from 1809 from the "black squad" of the Duke of Friedrich Wilhelm from Browishweig-Ols. The skull was longer than on Prussian sample and lay the upper jaw on crossed bones. The sign was supposed to remind about the glorious combat affairs of the former Braunschweig military units: the infantry regiment No. 92 of the Gusar Regiment No. 17, which during the 1st World War was part of the 10th Army Corps. This honorable sign was assigned to the 1st and 4th company of the 1st Braunschweig battalion of the 13th Infantry Regiment and the 4th squadron of the 13th Prussian cavalry regiment.

By order of February 25, 1938, this acquired was awarded: headquarters, 1st and 2nd battalion and the 13th and 14th company of the 17th Infantry Regiment. The same order received the right to wear this sign 2nd division of the 13th Cavalry Regiment.

The corresponding order of February 10, 1939 was to replace the Braunschweig sign "Dead Head" to the Prussian sample, however, this order, like the other similar, was unlikely to be executed. Most of the servicemen of these parts continued to continue to wear a Braunschweig sample.

On the eve of September 1, 1939, the 13th Cavalry Regiment was disbanded and on its basis 22nd, 30th were created. 152nd n 158th reconnaissance battalions, military personnel who continued to wear former memorable signs.

On May 25, 1944, the Cavalry regiment "South" formed the same year was renamed the 41st Cavalry Regiment, which retained the tradition - the right to wear the Braunschweig sign "Dead Head". A little later, this right has spread to all military personnel of the 4th Cavalry Brigade, which included this regiment. Only the 5th cavalry regiment of the same brigade continued to wear a Prussian sample of the "dead head".

Dragun Orel

In memory of the glorious victory of the 2nd Brandenburg Draghun regiment in the battle of the Swedt on Oder in 1764, the Schvedt Dragun sign was established, the name was changed to the "Swedt Eagle".

In the rejeser, the Schvedt Dragun sign was first awarded the 4th squadron of the 6th (Prussian) cavalry regiment. By 1930, this memorable sign also received the 2nd squadron. Meanwhile, during the Weimar Republic of Eagle, his crown and tapes with the motto were lost: "With God for Kaiser and Fatherland." With the arrival of Hitler's power in 1933, all this was returned. In the Wehrmacht of this sign were awarded headquarters. The 2nd and 4th squadron of the 6th cavalry regiment. From October 1, 1937, the Schvedt Orel sign received the 3rd battalion of motorcyclists. When the 6th cavalry regiment was disbanded in August 1939. The Schvedt Orel sign began to wear the 33rd, 34th and 36th intelligence battalions created at its base, as well as parts of the 179th interlock.

At the end of 1944, the 3rd Cavalry Brigade was awarded this sign, before them was awarded only the cavalry regiment "Center".

Buckles, the coat of arms of the 3rd Reich was also located a hub belt buckle and a field belt: a parade army belt for generals with gold-plated buckle. Parade army belt for officers by aluminum buckle.
Series Stamped belt buckle made of steel sheet, released after 1941 Aluminum alloy strap buckle with a grainy outer surface

Sign of Hheer's and Minor-Riflers

Special signs were introduced for military-rifle parts and divisions of huntsmen, as well as the 1st Division of the ski merger. 11РН This stamped metal signs were worn on headdresses, and embroidered sleeve stripes on a kittel, uniform and gd.

Minor-rifle units (mountain rangers)

From May 1939, an oval moto sign was carried on the right shoulder of all types of uniforms. He was an embroidered edelweiss flower with white petals and yellow stamens, with a pale green stem and leaves. Flower framed a twisted climbing rope, embroidered with gray matt thread, with a silver-white crutch with a ring. The basis was the oval from the dark blue-green cloth. There were two options for this icon: the highest quality is silk, machine embroidery, and lower quality made of felt. There is a mention of the icons embroidered entirely pale green thread and about the icons of copper-brown color, also silk, machine embroidery intended for the African case.

On a cap between an eagle with a swastika and kocardoy, the flower of the edelweiss without a stem, made of white metal. On the left side of the mountain cling, and later - the sign depicting the edelweiss with a stem and two leaves made from a metal of matte white was attached on the military pilot. There were also samples. Made by manual embroidery.

Henser's division

By order of October 2, 1942, a special nuclear sign was introduced. Like a vigorous sign of mountain rangers, the hunting mark with oak leaves was introduced to carry on the top of the right sleeves of the nicer, uniforms of the nursery or overweight to all the personal membership of Hherste Divisions and Hsenthers. Three green oak sheets were depicted on it and one green acorn on a small brown branch - all this was embroidered on an oval piece of dark green fabric framed by a pale green cord. This emblem is also represented by two options: higher quality, machine embroidery with silk thread, and lower quality, from felt. Made of white metal, it was attached on the left side of the pilot. This sign was rushed like the edelweiss of mountain-rifle parts.

The servicemen of the 1st Egersk Regiment "Brandenburg" wore the sign of Hengene Divisions. And the soldiers of the 2nd Hsenther Regiment of the same division received a sign of mining and rifle parts.

Ski hyhegers troops

A special sign was introduced for the servicemen of the 1st Division of the ski merger, which was formed in September 1943, first under the name of the 1st team of skiing hurkers, in August 1944 had the same drawing and coloring as the Hsenther sign, but in the center It placed two crossed skiing copper-brown color sent with green oak leaves. It was also carried on the right sleeve the uniform of the full number of rifle units serving in the ski units.

Unter-Officer and Candidate of Officers of the 17th Grenadier Regiment. On his right sleeve will be sewn not by the charter a special mark of mountain rangers. Mountain huntsman in the parade form. On his cap is strengthened by the flower of edelweiss without a stem.

Signs of differences of labor of troops

Private and nonsense officers with special education were on the right of the forearm of the nurse, uniform and stitched an embroidered sign. It is usually portrayed by a symbol and a letter embroidered from zology-yellow wool on a round-based tissue of a dark blue-green fabric or gray. Seetablitsa 2.

Table 2. Difference signs on army pursuit

Special formation Symbol or letter
Specialist of pigeon mail gothic "b"
Builder of fortifications, Feldfel gothic "FB" (until 1936)
Fortification Engineer, Feldfel gothic "FP" (1936-1939)
Master or mechanic at production gear wheel (since 1938)
Pyrotechnic, artillery technician gothic "F"
Radist bundle of three crossed lightning
Unter-Officer of Gas Protection gothic "GU" (since 1943)
Unter-Officer Supply Service gothic "C" (since 1943)
Kuznets-mentor horseshoe and Star inside
Signaller, communication service mechanic gothic "M"
Regimental saddle gothic "RS" (since 1935)
Medical staff personnel snake and Rod Eskulap
Saddler gothic "S"
Army coaster, saddle master gothic "TS"
Unter-Officer Implip Control Service two crossed rifles
Technician for the construction of fortifications, Feldfel gothic "w" (since 1943)
Assistant Treaschay gothic "V"
Communication service staff lightning in Ovale
Ruleie (landing vessels) anchor and covered over it

The soldiers who ended the fighting preparation, but did not receive the directions appropriate to the part, weed from 1935. Horizontal Galuni iodine is familiar with differences. They starred after receiving the destination.

Initially, the violated sign of the bannamers was established by the High Command of the German Army on June 15, 1898, but after 1919 this emblem was not used. On August 4, 1936, a new version of the initial broken score of the bannamers and a standard carrier was introduced. At first, he was intended for wearing the sleeve on the upper part, only on the service, wild and uniform, but not on the sheel.

The last limitation, however, was then removed, and the sinel was included in the uniform list that this shield could be. The sleeve shield served as a sign that was distinguished by His Lipa, who occupied a special position in his military unit, namely as a banquency. The prevailing color of the dispenser was the color of the order of the troops wearing his bannamers. It sewed on the tissue base of a dark blue-green color.

Along with the signs of experts intended for wearing on the right sleeve, there were a series of signs that relied on the left sleeve. These were signs of televisionists, gunners of artillery guns and multi-launchers of reactive artillery, as well as steering boat signs. On the left sleeve of the naval, uniform and mining special signs were steering landing vessels and communication service staff. Initially, they represented the embroidery of aluminum color or stamping from babbit on the dark green tissue of oval shape. In December 1936, the signs of artillery gunners began to manufacture from artificially silly golden-yellow matte. It was a standing vertically yellow projectile with a flame at the top, in a wreath of yellow oak leaves on an oval of a dark green cloth. The sign was rushed at the bottom of the sleeve. In February 1937, a special mark was introduced for pumping vents. It was standing vertically white mine in a wreath of white oak leaves on an oval of dark green fabric. The sign was rushed at the bottom of the right sleeve.

Ober-Wahmistra's 5th Battalion Communication Battalion Communication Signal and Standard Signature and Standard Media on the right sleeve Colonel Ioachim Background Stolzman 17th Infantry Regiment. He wore a Braunschwayag sign "Dead Head", the traditional sign of his military unit.
It is noticeable that the shooter in the foreground of the picture has a double strip on the sleeve of his field jacket, the corresponding rank of Haupt-Feldofebell. Since 1939, Unter-Officers, held special training and staffing position, wore a ring from the cord of aluminum color as this training. On the right there is a snapshot. It is noticeable that the gothic "S" of yellow on a mug of dark green fabric is located in an aluminum cord ring. The sign was rushed at the bottom of the right sleeve.
Detailed view of the "Piston Ring"

Technician for the construction of fortifications, Feldfelf, Unter-Officer of Gas Protection (since 1944), pyrotechnics, artillery technician, gunner.

The officer of the medical service, with anointing-flagella-flagella (since 1939 for soldiers since 1944), staff without edging (from 1939), a radio station, a flooder of smoke curtains.
Haupt-Feldfebel (Starin Company) or Haupt-Wahmistra Cavalry, etc. He was the non-commissioned officer who was responsible for the inner routine in the company or headquarters. His title reflected the service situation and service function. His distinctive sign is a double strip on both sleeves at the bottom of the nose (on the sets of sleeves). This strip was called an unofficial "piston ring". The exit of the Haupt-Feldebell of the 30th Anti-Tank Division. The front cuitel of the Wahmistra from the tank of the 8th Cavalry Rifle Shelf. "Swallow nest" of a cavalry trumpeter, a frill of a fringe of 64 elements is noticeable.
Swallow Nest (Musician Shoulder Sign)

The musicians of the brass orchestra, drummers and the hill were a special sign (the so-called "swallow nest") on the uniform and uniform, but not on the sheel. These were special semicircular lining with naughtly on them Galun, located symmetrically on the shoulders of the uniform. On the uniform, this sign in the form of a crescent seeded on the suture of the sleeves, on the uniform - he fasted on hooks. Each such nest was attached to the shoulder of the pointer with five long metal hooks, located at an equal distance of each other's friend on the inner curved surface of the "swallow sockets".

They were inserted into five relevant loops that are sewn through equal gaps in the shoulder seam. It consisted of a cluster basis of the color of the childbirth of the troops with Kant or Galun but the edge. Since September 1935, this sign began to consist of 7 vertical and horizontal galoons, while new haunas became thinner than the previous ones. The following variants of swallowing nests were distinguished: drummers - Gray-colored Musicians and Trumpeters - Galun Light-Al Yu-mini-color Battalion Bithers - Galun Light Aluminum Color with a fringe length of 7 cm.

Parade and Casual Cords-Axelbanks

In the army there were three types of various front cords (also called accelebants): accelers for officers, the signs of distinction of adiotaites and the cords of the shooters.

Axelbant Adjutant was woven from matte aluminum cords. The generals of the same rank were the axilibans of gold, the rest of them did not differ from the officer
The accelers introduced for army officers in 1935 came to replace ReikhSversky. New accelers were distinguished by the presence of a second harness and a second figure tip. For officers, Axelbank was made of light aluminum threads, for generals - from yellow-gold threads of artificial slaughter. Metal curly tips were the corresponding color. The Axelbanks of Adutanth looked in the same way and were worn by officers only during the execution of the duties of the Adutanta. The molded by Lieutenant General Max Denerlyan with a big order
Officer Axelbots

They were introduced in the rejeser on July 22, 1922 and first were worn only on the frontal outfit. Harness and both hinges were made of light silver or aluminum thread. The generals wore Axelbates from the Golden Thread. He was attached to the officer's pursuit on the one hand and on the other to the 2nd and 3rd buttons of Mundar.

By order of June 29, 1935, the second cord was added and both harnesses ended with a metal curly tip. The officer Axelbank introduced on June 29, 1935 - no more than decoration the front-end n output form. There were Silver and Golden Axelibans, on the device, weaving, and those. What was put on droplets during conducting. They differed in red firmware in silvery cords. The long layer of the Axelbank and the folded twice the girdle cord passed the scipps through the right side on the chest. The penetration of the Weeter was thrown on the third on top of the navy buttons, and the receded cord covered a node a couple of chest cords with curly tips, freely hung along the side. The short woven hung below the chest cords, and fastened to the second button. The pursuit was a button or a button for climbing a leather lanka, sewn to the joint of the cords and a shoulder.

From July 9, 1937, officers began to wear Axelbant for a parade uniform if Hitler himself was attended the parade - the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht. He was assumed to wear on parades dedicated to the birthday of the Fuhrer. It was worn on a parade outfit and but a certain occasion, for example, with solemn events, ceremonial marchs and GD. However, the accelets never worn on the sheel.

Axelbant Adutanatov

We are talking about the signs of distinction directly related to the official duties of the Adutanta, which referred to the command (staff) composition of the troops. For example, the adjutant headquarters of the shelf, battalion or company. The wide harness of two thin cords from 1935 was manufactured from a matte aluminum thread.

Axelbant, assigned to adjutants of generals. Staff officers, worn in the performance of official duties. It consisted only of a badge of the purse covered by the middle of the loop of the handwritten cord, the ends of which came out from under the right pursuit of the chest with two tips hanging the sleeves along the line. The end of the Axelbank was fastened to the second on top of the button of the uniform (or everyday nod, field jacket, overcoat). He lasted to the right pursuit on the one hand and to the Vurea Button's Pug, on the other hand. However, the Axelbant was worn only to the time as an officer served as Adyotant.

Acselbanks for excellent shooting

The Reichsvere had 10 initial steps of the award arrows for excellent shooting. By order of January 27, 1928, there were 24 such steps. These awards were celebrated by soldiers and nonsense officers for success in shooting from carbine, rifles, lungs and heavy machine guns. As well as progress in the development of mortar and artillery armaments (servicemen of mortar and artillery mouth. These were the matte galumies that were on the sleeve in the left forearm area.

By order of June 29, 1936, instead of these signs, Axelbant was introduced for excellent shooting. When creating its sample, the traditions of the old army were used. The cord was manufactured from the threads of a matte aluminum color, a matte sign with a pattern stamped from an aluminum alloy. There were 12 steps. For each of the 4-steps corresponds to a certain sign.

Another difference served the presence of an acorns at the lower end of the cord. They are spled out of the threads of gold or aluminum color, the number of acorns corresponded to a row from 10 to 12 levels.

Signs for excellent shooting were worn on the ground, shaped, weekend and guard uniforms, but not on the sheel. The end of the cord with a sign was attached to the right strap on the button, the other end of the cord was fastened to the second button of the twig or uniform.

Along with the factory, they existed handmade accelers, which were distinguished by retreats from the standard performed. Most of them have been made of aluminum threads. Over time, these deviations were approved, for example, accelers for an excellent shooting of artilleryrs from December 16, 1936 received metal shells instead of the acorns.

On October 17, 1938, a special sign was introduced for tankers. From the 1st to the 4th Steps on it and the tank pz.kpfw.i was noted under the eagle of the Wehrmacht. At the same time, the sign was framed by an oval of stylized tracked tracks. For steps from 5 to 8, the crown was from oak leaves. The sign of steps from 9 to 12 was the same. But made of metal gold color. The lower end of the Axelbank of Tankists for an excellent shooting was suspended with metal shells aluminum or gold colors.

Finally, in January 1939 there was a new sign for the first three steps for an excellent shooting. He was the same as for steps 5-8, but had a narrower wreath.

Signs for the difference in individual steps were in the form of shells for artilleryrs, for the rest of the delivery of troops - in the form of an acorns. For steps 9-12 they were golden Axelbant "For Excellent Shooting" of the 1st Steps. In the upper part, the aluminum alloy is cripped. In the picture sample 1939 1. Three different signs for the tank troops "For Excellent Shooting". Right left: Steps 1-4.5-8 and 9-12.
2. Three different signs for the hands of the "excellent shooting" (sample January 1939), which were attached to the Acselban. Right left: steps 1 -4.5-8 and 9-12.

She was worn on a paradine uniform and uniform, but only by order. This sign of the difference was sewn on the cloth of a uniform in the form of a block of zinc tin 4 cm wide. He strengthened so that the block closed the stripe.

The sequence of the arrangement of orders and insignia signs on the ODD

The attached list shows in which sequence various orders and the signs of distinction on the Order Power were worn. The attached instruction from 1943 differs from that, released in 1935 and 1937, primarily by the appearance of 6 new awards (in the list it is numbers 2 and 38). This list applies primarily to the awards of all Wehrmacht's military personnel, may have some changes made at a later time.
1. Iron Cross sample 1914 and 1939.
2. The cross of the military merit with swords (for combat differences) and without swords.
3. The sign of the difference "For the care of the German people" with swords on the ribbon.
4. Medal "For the care of the German people" with swords on the ribbon.
5. Medal "For the Winter Campaign in the East of 1941-42"
6. Military Merit Medal.
7. Royal Order of the House of Gogenzollers (Prussia)
8. Prussian Order of the Red Eagle 3 or 4 Class with Swords.
9. The Order of the Crown of Prussia 3 or 4th grade.
10. Austrian Military Order of Mary Teresia.
11. Austrian Imperial Order Leopold with a military difference.
12. Bavarian Military Order Maskimilian Joseph.
13. Bavarian Military Order of the Red Cross.
14. Saxon Military Order St. Heinrich.
15. Württemberg Order of the Military Merit.
16. Baden Military Order Merit of Karl Friedrich.
17. Prussian Golden Cross of Military Merit.
18. Prussian military medal 1 and 2 class.
19. Austrian Gold Medal "For Bravery"
20. Bavarian Golden and Silver Medals "For Bravery".
21. Saxon Golden Medal of St. Heinrich.
22. Württemberg Gold Medal of Military Merit.
23. Baden Military Medal Merit of Karl Friedrich.
24. Other orders and differences for the service in the 1st World War in a number of their Kiass and inside the same class every other day.
25. Honorary Cross of the 1st World War.
26. Austrian commemorative medal dedicated to the 1st World War.
27a. Commemorative Coin of War 1864
276. Memorable Cross of 1866
27c. Commemorative coin of war 1870-71.

28. Austrian military medal.
29V. Commemorative Coin Southwest Africa (Colonial Reward)
296. Colonial commemorative coin.
29c. The memorable coin of China (colonial reward).
30. Silesian Merit Sign (Silesian Eagle)
31. Medal "For Salvation" on the tape.
32a. A service sign of the Wehrmacht.
326. Austrian Military Service Sign. Zdrugyye state awards and NSDAP awards to the degree of their significance and inside the same stage every other day after rewarding.
34. Award for Olympic Merit.
35. Memoral Medal March 13, 1938
36. Memoral Medal of October 1938
37. Medal in memory of the reckoning of the memel.
38. Honorary medal of the Western Shaft.
39. German memorable Olympic medal.
40.Thive sign of the German Red Cross.
41. Order and honorary sign of the former German sovereign states in a number of their class and inside the same class every other day.
42. Foreign orders and medals were located in a row as they reward them.

On this ordinary block, which was worn on all other types of uniforms. There were only ordinar tapes. They were located next to each other on the block 12-18 mm wide. It has been made of aluminum tin or plastics, sometimes even leather. Along with the traditional attachment method, the Bavarian method was also applied when the tapes were laid on two and were located in each other, so that the entire block was produced more widely.

Lieutenant Colonel in the Parade Kittel - Left On Breast Big Order Pad Cavaler of the Knight's Cross Major General Georg-Wilhelm bed wore a small ordinary block on a leather lining

Small order of the 1st World War Solder. This superbly decorated Major General wore two small manual pads located on each other.
Small Order Blank with Bavarian Styling Tape Method

Signs Differences in the SS

The signs of differences on the shaped clothing of the SS members pointed to the personal titles of the SS, belonging to the nature of the SS troops, services, controls, etc., the system of loops with the designation of the titles is so familiar on the film - was introduced in 1926. Moreover, the signs themselves were similar to the fact that they existed in assault detachments (CA), - in that period SS was an integral part of the CA. The loops themselves were black, but signs of differences - white, silver or gray. Private, Unter-Officers, as well as officers to Obersturmbannfürera SS inclusive, wore signs of differences only in the left pettice (in the right pettice they wore the number of their standard, with the exception of the 87th Standard, whose members wore the image of the edelweiss, and the 105th Standard, Where since 1939, they wore an image of elk horns), and officers from the Standardfürera - in both buttercups. The staff of the SD and the security police in the rank to Obersturmbannfürer, the right buttons were clean - such well-known Dual Runes "Zig", who became the business card of the SS, were initially introduced in 1933. Originally for the "Labstandard SOC Adolf Hitler", and then distributed to all other German parts of the SS troops. Considered "belonging" of petrolery runes to the SS troops. So it was necessary that they were also worn on any field form of the SS and those who did not have attitude towards the military forces. In "Moments", without exception, the staff of the RSH and on black, and on gray, and on field form worn dual runes "Zig", Although the rights to this in the overwhelming majority do not have.

Starting from May 1933, the SS will wear one shoulder with a black form on the right shoulder.

Shares were six species, five of which pointed to belong to their owner to a certain category of ranks: to SS-Mann (ordinary), scarkers (UNTER-Officers), younger, middle and higher team formulation. At the same time, a specific chin on the pursuit was not indicated. The pursuit of the sixth type was only the Reichsführer of the SS. The titles were designated signs of distinction on the buttercups in the form of a combination of narrative strips and shishchets (four-sprockets) - not smooth cubes,like in a movie. On the left sleeve, the SD staff wore a violated stripe in the form of a black rhombus (among officers with silver cant) and the "SD" lites - such well visible in the film.

On the buttercups, the SS ranks were originally the following signs of differences:

Ordinary SS-Mannes had an empty loop;

Stormsmann - two sabotage strips;

Rottenfuers - four sabotage strips;


Scarfuers - one shishchka and two sabid strips;

Obersharfürs - two shishchers diagonally;

Hauptsharfürer - two bodies and two sabotage strips;

Stormscharpetrer - Two Beschechki and Four Judging Strips;

Untersturmfurerars - three shishchers diagonally;

Wrasturmphuers - three bumps and two sabid strips;

Hauptsturmphuers - three shishchers diagonally and four sabotage strips;

Svurbannfurerars - four bumps in the corners;

Obersbanknfuers are four bumps and two sabid strips;

Standentenfuers are straight oak leaves diagonally with stigs in a cutting;

Overalls - double curved oak leaves;

Brigadefurerars - double curved oak leaves and a bump;

Groupinfuers - Triple curved oak leaves;

Obergroupenfuers - Triple curved oak leaves and a bump;

The Reichsführer of Henry Himmler wore a triple bunch of oak leaves on the buttercups, surrounded by an open wreath of oak branches.

But not all these signs are distinguished until 1945 unchanged. On April 7, 1942, a small reform was carried out, and their design at the highest command formulation, starting with the CC Commier, has changed somewhat. In this form, they have already been existed until the end of the war. Thus, the ranks in the rank to the Standardfürera inclusive, the old signs of differences are preserved, and the senior officers received the following:

Obrafurers - Double straight oak leaves;

Brigadefureers are triple straight oak leaves with acorns in the lumens and the joint;

Groupinfuers - Triple Straight Oak Leaves and Shishchki;

Obergroupenfuers - Triple straight oak leaves and two bumps;

Orastgroupenfuers (this title was introduced just at the time) - three straight oak sheets and three shishchers.

In the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring", the authors failed to do without errors in the signs of differences, and in some cases explain why they were allowed simply impossible. Most of the highest ranks ("generals") in the film are quite appropriate to the moment of the pet rods of the 1942 sample. The exception to completely unknown reasons was only the Chef of Stirlitz - Walter Shellenberg. Already in the 1st series in the Scene of the Hitler's meeting, he appears in black uniform with the signs of the difference in the SS brigadephuer, canceled in April 1942. At the same time, it is impossible to even assume that he has retained the old signs of differences, - Shellenberg such lokes never wear it, since he received their title of brigadefuer SS for more than two years after reform, namely June 23, 1944!

Incorrect loops wear all the overshurmbannfuers in the film - including Aisman and Holtoff, "although they have four bodies on the looping, but only one story strip (In general, this strip is somewhat strange, it seems that just raised the lower edge of the loop). There were no similar loovers at all - with four shishchers, either there was no stripes at all (at the shturmbannfuers), or there were two strips (among the overshurmbannfuers). Rolf is in the film butterms are the same as the Holtoff, but in its characteristic it is called the Nutrumbannfürer(This is the 6th series of the film).

Brigadefuer (it. BrigadeFuhrer) - The title in the SS and Ca corresponded to the rank of major general.

On May 19, 1933, it was introduced into the structure of the SS as the title of managers of the main territorial divisions of the SS Obrabshnitte (SS-OBERABSCHNITTE). This is the highest structural division of the SS organization. They were numbered 17. It can be equated to the Army district, especially since the territorial boundaries of each oborbitne coincided with the borders of the Army districts. Obrabshnit did not have a clearly defined amount of abstines. This depended on the size of the territory, the number of PS formations placed on it, population. Most often, there were three abstines and several special formations: one communication battalion (SS NACHRICHTENSTURMBANN), one sapper battalion (SS SANITAETSSTURM), an auxiliary reserve office from members over 45 years old, or a women's subsidiary compartment ( SS Helferinnen). C 1936 in Waffen-SS corresponded to the rank of major general and positions of the division commander.

Changing the signs of the difference in the highest foverners (generals) of the SS in April 1942 was caused by the introduction of the title of the wubberphenfuer and the desire to unify the number of stars on the butterms and on the pursuit, which were worn on all other types of form, except for the party, since with an increase in the number of parts Waffen-ss increasingly There were problems with the correct recognition of the titles of the SS by conventional Wehrmacht's military personnel.

Starting from this title of the SS, in the event of its owner's appointment to the position of military (since 1936) or a police officer (since 1933), he received a duplicating title in accordance with the nature of the service:


30.09.2007 22:54

In Germany, from autumn 1936 to May 1945. As part of the Wehrmacht, there was a completely unique military organization - the SS troops (Waffen SS), which were part of the Wehrmacht only quickly. The fact is that the SS troops were not a military apparatus of the German state, but were an armed organization of the Nazi party. But since the German state since 1933 has become a tool to achieve the political goals of the Nazi party, the Armed Forces of Germany performed the tasks of the Nazis. Therefore, the operational troops of the SS and were part of the Wehrmacht.

To sort out the SS rank system, it is necessary to understand the essence of this organization. Many believe that the SS troops is the entire organization of the SS. However, the SS troops were only part of it (albeit the most noticeable). Therefore, the title of the titles will be preceded by a brief historical reference. I recommend in order to understand the SS, first familiarize yourself with the historical certificate for sa.

In April 1925, Hitler, concerned about the increasing influence of SA managers and exacerbation of contradictions with them, instructed one of the SCHUTZSTAFFEL Schutzstaffel (literal translation of the "Detachment of Protection"), SS. To this end, it was assumed to be allocated in each SA HUNDERT (SA SOTNE) according to one SS Gruppe (CC separation) in the amount of 10-20 people. A newly created SS divisions were prepared in the SS divisions - the physical security of the highest leaders of the party (a kind of bodyguards service) was prepared. On September 21, 1925, Shrek issued a circular about the creation of SS units. At this time, it was not necessary to talk about any SS structure. However, the SS rank system was immediately born, however, it was not yet the title, but the names of posts. At this time, the SS was one of the numerous structural divisions of the CA.

SS titles from IX-1925 to XI-1926

* Read more about encoding titles .

In November 1926, Hitler begins a hidden release from SS subdivisions. This introduces the position of SS Obergruppenfuehrer (SS Obergroupenfürer), i.e. senior head of the SS Group. Thus, the SS received double control (via sa and directly on its line). Josef Berthtold becomes the first overshrupenfuer. In the spring of 1927, Erhard Hyden replaces him.

SS titles from the XI-1926 to I-1929.

The code*


SS Gruppenfuehrer (SS Group

In January 1929, Henry Himmler is appointed by the head of the SS (H.Himmler). SS begins to grow rapidly. If in January 1929 there were only 280 SES, then by December 1930 they were already 2727.

At the same time, an independent structure of the SS subdivisions arise.

Hierarchy of SS units from I-1929 to 1932



abteilung (compartment)


zUG (platoon)




battalion (Battalion)




besatzung (garrison)

Note: Speaking about the equivalence of CC units (the organization of the SS (!), Not the SS forces) Army units, the author refers to the similarity of the number, but not on solved objectives, tactical purpose and combat capabilities

Accordingly, the rank system changes. However, this is not the title, but posts.

The rank system SS C I-1929 to 1932.

The code*

Names of titles (posts)



The last title assigned to A.Gitler. It meant about the following "Supreme Code of the SS".

This table clearly visits the intake of the SA rank systems. In the SS at this moment there are no formations of type Gruppe or OberGruppe, and there is a title. They are worn by the highest leaders of the SS.

In the middle of 1930, Hitler prohibits CA to intervene in the operation of the SS by the order in which it was said "... No commander of the CA has the right to give orders." Although CC still remained within the framework of CA, but in fact she was independent.

In 1932, the largest subdivision of Oberabschnitte is introduced into the SS structure (Oberabshnitt) and SS structure Acquires its completion. Please note that the speech here is not about the forces of the SS (they are not even in risen), but about a public organization, which is part of the Nazi Party, and all SSDs are engaged in this activity on a voluntary basis in parallel with their main work (workers, shopkeepers , artisans, unemployed, peasants, minor employees, etc.)

Hierarchy of SS divisions since 1932

Name of SA unit

Equivalent to the army division ....


there is no equivalent. Approximately cell of 3-5 people.


abteilung (compartment)


zUG (platoon)




battalion (Battalion)




besatzung (garrison)


kreise (Military District)

The title table acquires the following form (although it is still still more posts than titles):

SS C 1932 rank system in v-1933

The code*

Names of titles (posts)


SS Rottenfuehrer (SS Rottenfürer)


SS TruppFuehrer (SS Truppfücher)




SS Gruppenfuehrer (SA GRUPENFYURER)


Der Oberste Fuehrer Der Schutzstaffel. (Der Obersta Führiere der Schtochesteffel)

Last title wore only A.Gitler. It meant about the following "Supreme Code of the SS".

On January 30, 1933, President of Germany, Field Marshal Hindenburg, appoints A. Gitler Reichskanzler, i.e. Power in the country goes into the hands of the Nazis.

In March 1933, Hitler ordered to form the first armed formation of the SS - Leibstandarte-SS "Adolf Hitler" (Lssah). It was a personal guards of Hitler (120 people). From now onsS is separated into two components:

1.allgemeine-SS - General SS.
2.LEIBstandarte-SS is an armed formation of SS.

The difference was that the membership in CC was voluntary, and the SSEsovs were engaged in escaming affairs in parallel with their main activity (workers, peasants, shopkeepers, etc.). And consisting in Leibstandarte-SS, being also members of the CC, have already consisted of service (not on the state, but in the service in the Nazi party), received a form and money content due to NSDAP. The members of the CC, being people who were personally devoted to Hitler (about the selection of such people in the CC took care of the Himmler) after the arrival of the Nazis to power began to be appointed to key posts in the state apparatus, starting with the heads of district mail, police, telegraph, railway stations, etc. Up to top government posts. Thus, Allgemeine-SS began to gradually turn into a source of management of the state, at the same time, including a number of state institutions. Thus, the initial role of CC as a purely security unit was injected, and CC quickly turned into a political and administrative basis of the Nazi regime, becoming the organization of the National, the Organization in the interests of the Nazis supervision of the activities of the state institutions. With the beginning of the creation of a gimmler concentration camps from the composition of rapidly growing Leibstandarte-SS, concentration camps were allocated. The CC organization now began to consist of three components:

1.allgemeine-SS - General SS.
2.LEIBstandarte-SS is an armed formation of CC.

The previous scale of the ranks was missing and on May 19, 1933 a new rank scale introduces:

The rank system SS C 19.V.1933 to 15.x.1934.

The code*

Names of titles (posts)



SS Rottenfuehrer (SS Rottenfürer)


SS TruppFuehrer (SS Truppfücher)






SS Oberfuehrer (SS Oberfurr)

SS Gruppenfuehrer (SA GRUPENFYURER)


Der Oberste Fuehrer Der Schutzstaffel. (Der Obersta Führiere der Schtochesteffel)

On the night of June 30, 1934, the SS will destroy the Espers on the orders of Hitler. After this night, the role of SA in the political life of the country was reduced to zero, and the role of the SS has repeatedly increased. On July 20, 1934, Hitler finally removes SS from the CA structure and gives it the status of an independent organization within NSDAP. The role of the SS in the life of the country continued to increase wishing to join this powerful now the organization was much, and on October 15, 1934, the Himmler changes the SS title again. The new titles of SS-Bewerber and SS-Anwarter are introduced, the first for the applicant for accession to the SS and the second for the person passing the candidate experience. The names of some ranks change. The title is introduced specifically for Himmler SS Reichsfuehrer (SS Reichsfürer).

This scale existed until 1942. Divisions on ordinary, non-commissioned officers, officers, generals in Allgemeine-SS officially was not officially. With this, as it were, the SSEsov partnership and equality emphasized. The same scale of the titles until 1936 was used in the Adolf Hitler lebstart and in concentration camp

Shared ranks SS from 15.x.1934 to 1942.

The code*

Names of titles (posts)





SS Rottenfuehrer (SS Rottenfürer)







SS Oberfuehrer (SS Oberfurr)


SS Gruppenfuehrer (SA GRUPENFYURER)


From October 1936, on the basis of Leibstandarte-SS, the creation of the SS troops begins (Waffen SS). From that time, the SS finally acquires its three main components:
1.allgemeine-SS - General CC.
2. Waffen SS - CC troops. - part of concentration camps.

Moreover, Allgemeine-SS is actually merged with the state apparatus, some institutions of the state become the departments and departments of Allgemeine-SS, and the SS troops and the protection of concentration camps in the presentation of many modern readers merge into a single whole. Hence the fallacy of the idea that the SS is the SS troops, especially since since 1936 they and the protection of conlaborageers receive their rank system, which differs from the community. Invalid and the idea that the SS troops were engaged in concentration camps. The camp guarded specially created divisions called SS-Totenkopfrerbaende, which are not part of the CC troops. The structure of the parts of Waffen SS itself was not a community, but an army sample (separation, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, division). There were no permanent formations of a large division in Waffen SS. More about divisions of the SS troops you can read on the Arsenal website .

Waffen SS and SS-TotenkopfrerBaende title from X-1936 to 1942

The code*

Names of titles


SS Schutze (SS joke)


SS Rottenfuehrer (SS Rottenfürer)


SS Unterscharfuehrer (SS UNTERSHARFURER)




Unte Fuehrer.

SS UntersturmFuehrer (SS Untersturmfücher)


Mittlere Fuehrer.



SS Oberfuehrer (SS Oberfurr)

Hoehere Fuehrer.

Why did the words "... and the general ... Police" have been added to the Waffen SS, but the author of the author is unknown, but in most official source author in German (official documents), these titles are called this way, although the SES who remains in Allgemeine-SS the general ranks This supplement did not have.

In 1937, the Waffen SS creates four officer schools whose students had the following ranks:

In May 1942, the ranks of SS-Sturmscharfuehrer and SS-OBERSTGRUNFUENFUEHRER are added in the rank scrolls SS. These were the latest changes in the rank of ss. To the end of the existence of a millennial Reich remained three years.

Shared ranks SS from 1942 to 1945.

The code*

Names of titles (posts)





SS Rottenfuehrer (SS Rottenfürer)

SS Unterscharfuehrer (SS UNTERSHARFURER)





SS UntersturmFuehrer (SS Untersturmfücher)






SS Oberfuehrer (SS Oberfurr)


SS Gruppenfuehrer (SA GRUPENFYURER)





SS REICHSFUEHRER (SS Reichsfücher) This title had only G.Gammler

Der Oberste Fuehrer Der Schutzstaffel. (Der Obersta Führer der Schutsteffel) This title had only A.Gitler

Waffen SS and SS-TotenkopFrerBaende ranks with V-1942 to 1945.

The code*

Names of titles


SS Schutze (SS joke)



SS Rottenfuehrer (SS Rottenfürer)


SS-Unterscharfuehrer (SS UNTERSHARFURER)





Unte Fuehrer.

SS UntersturmFuehrer (SS Untersturmfücher)



Mittlere Fuehrer.




SS Oberfuehrer (SS Oberfurr)

Hoehere Fuehrer.


SS Gruppenfuehrer Und Der General-Leutnant Der Polizei (SA GRUPENFYURER DE Der General-Lytnant der Polzayi)





At the end stage of the war, the activities of the SS organizations stopped with the occupation of this territory by the Red Army or allies' troops. Formal operations of the SS was discontinued, and the Organization itself was dissolved in the fall of 1945 on the basis of solutions of the Potsdam Conference of the Allies on the Denazification of Germany. The verdict of the International Tribunal in Nuremberg in the fall of 1946. SS was recognized as a criminal organization, and it is a crime membership. However, only the highest leaders and a part of the average SS staff, as well as soldiers and officers of the SS troops and concentration camps, were subjected to real criminal prosecution. They were not recognized as prisoners of war in capturing, and they were received with them, as with criminals. From the Camps of the USSR, convicted soldiers and officers of the SS troops were released by amnesty at the end of 1955