Ilyina three trips to read. About Ilya Muromsz: Three trips Ilya Muromets

Ilyina three trips to read. About Ilya Muromsz: Three trips Ilya Muromets
Ilyina three trips to read. About Ilya Muromsz: Three trips Ilya Muromets

Objectives: introduce the prosaic version of the text of the epics; summarize and enrich the knowledge of children about the episons; Learning to understand the historical text, find analogies with real historical events; work on the content of epics; teach expressive reading, drawing up a story about Ilya Muromster; Develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination.

Planned results: subject: the use of different types of read (studying (semantic), selective, search), the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify the moral assessment of the actions of heroes; MetaPered:

- formulating the learning task of the lesson based on the analysis of the material of the textbook in joint activities, understanding it, planning together with the teacher to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating its work in the lesson,

- analysis of the text, the allocation of the main thought in it,

- Answers to the questions of a textbook based on an artistic work; Personal: Education of the feelings of pride in their homeland, her story, people, the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations.

Equipment: Exhibition of books on the subject of the lesson, the text of the epics "Three Trips Ilya Muromsz" in the retelling I.V. Carnukhova.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech workout

- Read yourself.

As in the glorious city in Kiev,

Like a gentle prince in Vladimir,

Still have lived here the boyars Kosobryukhi

They rode on Ilya they are on Murom,

Ai what he praises:

"I'm the prince of Vladimir to rise,

I myself will sit in Kiev in his place,

I myself will be in Kiev yes the prince of the printent! "

- Read the buzzing method (more: slowly, with acceleration, expressive).

III. Actualization of knowledge

1. Statement of the educational task

- What do you think we read now? (This is the zinch epics "Ilya Muromets and Idolische".)

- What did you learn from this text? How did you understand him?

- Read the topic of the lesson. Determine its tasks.

- What do you know about it? (Children's responses.)

In the east, the borders of China, among the nomadic Mongolian tribes, a person was announced, whose name was Genghis Khan. By force, stiffness, cunning and cunning, he subjugated his power steppe tribes and created from them the world's best army of conquerors. Conquer many countries and peoples, in 1237. The army headed by grandson of Genghis Khan Khan Batym, approached the borders of the Russian lands. Baty wanted to fulfill the testament of Genghis Khan - reach the Atlantic Ocean and conquer Europe. Each of the Russian principalities tried to fight back from the enemies on their own, but one after another gibbies. They burned the heroically defended cities. And the conquerors went farther and farther along the Russian Earth.

- What do you know about the Golden Horde?

(Teacher summarizes and complements children's responses.)

On the eastern borders of the Russian lands, Bati created his strong state - the Golden Horde. After the conquests, accompanied by monstrous destruction and human victims, the main goal of the Goldenopa rulers was the robbery of the enslaved population. This was achieved by cruel defeats. Many cities in the conquered territories, ruined by the Mongols, were decaded or disappeared at all.

At the head of state stood hagans from the house of Batya. In particularly important cases of political life, Kurultai was convened - the congresses of the military-feudal nobility led by members of the ruling dynasty. Public affairs led Beclaire-Beck (Prince over Princes), separate industries - Vesira. Daruga was sent to the cities and subordinates to them, the main responsibility of which was the collection of taxes and filters. Often, along with the gift of the gam and assigned commanders - Baskets. The state structure was semi-time, since military and administrative posts were usually not divided. The most important positions were held by members of the ruling dynasty, Tsarevichi ("Obligated"), who owned the lots in the Golden Horde and standing at the head of the troops.

Khan Golden Hordes were satisfied with their possessions. The construction of rich and beautiful cities began in their state. Resunted lively trade. Wars have stopped between numerous nomadic tribes.

2. Checking homework

- What illustrations to the epics have you prepared? Imagine their class. Read expressively excerpts from the epics corresponding to the illustrations.

IV. Fizkultminutka

V. Work on the subject of the lesson

Reading and analyzing prosaic version

- Today we will get acquainted with the prosaic version of the epics. But first explain the value of vintage words.

Sashen is an old Russian length of length, just over 2 m (the distance between the ends of the fingers diluted on the hands).

The span is the ancient Russian length of length, equal to the distance between the large and index fingers spread.

Harfish - the smallest copper coin dignity a quarter kopeck.

(Teacher reads the text of the epics "Three Trips Ilya Muromets" in the retelling of Irina Karnukhova.)

- When did the events described in the previous events occurred?

- What are the features of that time?

- What is the narrate in the eponym? Will it help answer this question her name? (In the epics, it's narrating as Ilya Muromets fought with the enemy. By the name you can understand that Ilya has three battles.)

"Why did Ilya Muromer wanted to try all three roads?"

- How ended the trips of the hero?

- What inscription did he do?

(Re-reading the text of the episodes in the textbook reading well-reading students.)

- Read the expressions.

Good well done, pure field, glorious Kiev-hail, Bogatyrian horse, squad brave.

- How are they called? (Sustainable epithets.)

- Read the definition of the word epithet on with. 38 textbooks. Give your examples.

- Find the epics in the text, as the characters and objects are described. Write down on with. 14 creative notebooks Examples of sustainable epithets that are often found in the epic.

- Find similarities and differences in poetic and prosaic options.

Vi. Reflection

- Choose any beginning of the offer and continue it.

Today I learned in the lesson ...

In this lesson, I would praise myself ...

After the lesson I wanted ...

Today I managed ...

VII. Summing up the lesson

- Make Sinwen about Ilya Muromets.

For example:

Brave, strong.

Protects, saves, argues.

Fair defender of our Motherland.


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Signatures for slides:

Ilya Muromets

"Three trips of Ilya Muromets" (the text of the epics in retelling I. Karnukhova)

terem Kalach grappled 1066.8 meters of vests High residential building or part of his grainy

hornya Pood the smallest monetary unit in Russia's room at the top

Epics "Ilyina Three Trips" and "Three Trips Ilya Muromets" general differences

"Here Ilya forever glory and honor went ..."

Homework: Prepare a retelling about one of the trips on behalf of Ilya Muromets

What did we do? Found out ... read ... compared ...

Internet resources: M-DER.RU CONTENT-STROY.RU


Date ______ Lesson number ____ 5____ Class __4__

Subject : "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" (the text of the epics in retelling I. Karnukhova)

Purpose: continue the acquaintance of students with the epic as a folk genre; introduce students with retelling I. Carnukhova, help see the difference in poetic and prosaic text; form the skills of expressive and conscious reading; Promoting the education of independence and interconnection, expansion of the horizons and vocabulary, deepening interest and love for literature and reading.

Equipment : Textbook, Text of the epics, Illustrative Material, Presentation

Type of lesson : Combined

Planned educational results:

Subject: they know the contents of the episodes, expressively read it, call signs of the epic genre, answer questions, give the characteristic Ilya Muromets, can use the knowledge gained to perform creative tasks;

Personal: understand the importance of reading fiction; adequately judge about the causes of their success / failure in work in the lesson; Show a positive attitude towards educational activities, cognitive interest in educational material;


cognitive -

general educational : Formulate questions and answers on the topic studied; listen carefully, build speech statements; express and argue their opinion;

brain teaser : Show independent thinking, the ability to analyze language material, generalize, draw conclusions;

regulatory - correctly perceive and understand the learning task, they plan their effect in accordance with the task; carry out self-confonst;

communicative - Conditionally able to interact in work constructively, learn to listen and evaluate each other, adequately perceive praise and comments.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time. Greeting.
  2. Actualization of reference knowledge
  1. Check d / s. Clean the prepared answers.
  2. Check theoretical knowledge. Game "Yes - no"

Chronicle is a genre of folklore (no)

The chronicles recorded historical events by year (yes)

We could sing like songs (yes)

The characters of the chronicle were simple people (no)

The heroes of the epics were heroic and defenders of their native land (yes)

- "Three travels of Ilya Muromets" - this is a chronicle (no)

The singing of the epic was accompanied by a game of hubsli (yes)

The chronicle describes the tragic death of Prince Oleg (yes)

In the chronicles, it was told about how Prince Oleg raised his banners over the gates of Tsargrad (no)

Ilya Muromets on the crossroads went straight (yes)

  1. Motivation of training activities

At the last lesson, we learned about the first trip Ilya Muromets from the roadside stone. And how many more roads came from stone? (Three) And what is the name of the eponym? ("Three trips ...") Did Ielya Muromets drove these roads? (Yes) Will you find out what happened to the borty during these trips? (...)

  1. The stage of determining the theme and goal

Read the name of the eponym in the textbook and write it down by adding the topic. Read it completely. Put the goals for this lesson by adding the sentences?

Compare ...

  1. Work on the material of the new topic


Let's find what these words mean (establish a correspondence between the word and its meaning):

Versta - 1066.8 meters, or 1 km 67 m (approximately).

tEREM. - Raised, high residential building or part of it.

kalachi Krupitschy - consisting of individual particles, grains; grainy.

gornka, Gornya - room at the top, on the top floor

pUD - 16 kg

head - the smallest monetary unit in Russia

Work with text.

Reading epics. Understanding read.

- Did you like the continuation of the epics?

- Briefly tell us about the second trip Ilya Muromets.

- How did Illya Muromer guess that the king friend was unkind?

- Who saved Ilya Muromets?

- What got Ilya Muromets in the third trip?

"Why didn't Ilya Muromets become rich?"


Match the texts of the epics of "Ilyina Three Trips" and "Three Trips Ilya Muromets". What is common in them than they differ? (Filling table)

Exemplary Answers

General : The main character - Ilya Muromets, tells about his trips, remember the stone at the crossroads; The second text is a continuation of the first.

Difference : The first text is poetic, the second - prosaic; The first is similar to the song, the second - on the story; In the first one is visible with nature, in the second there is no such connection.


Did you like Ilya Muromets? What exactly? If you met Ilya Murom, what would you tell him? Do you think, did the last words of the epics? ("Here Ilya Navel Glory and the honor went") See what a monument to Ilya Muromtsu is in one of the cities of our Motherland, Vladivostok.

Would you like to be like Ilya Muromets? To present yourself in his place will help homework.

  1. Homework: retell one of the trips on behalf of Ilya Muromets
  2. The outcome of the lesson. Reflection.

Back to goal. Did you manage to achieve the goals?

Let's finally read how after three trips Ilya Muromsa began to look inscription on the stone?


ilya on a clean field, defended Russia from the enemies from the younger years to old age. It was good at the old good horse, his little brush-kosmatushka. The tail at the brush three sages, the mane to the knees, and the wool of three spans. He did not seek Brod, I did not expect transport, he led the river with one schok. He was one of the old Ilya Muroms, saved from death.

Not fog from the sea rises, not white snow in the field whiten, Ilya Muromets rides in the Russian steppe. His head, his curly Borodka, was blunting his clear gaze.

Oh, you, old age, you, old age! Caught to you Ilya in a clean field, flew by black ravene! Oh, you, youth, youth youth! You flew away from me with a clear falcon!

Ilya drives up to three tracks, at the crossroads the stone lies, and on that stone it is written: "Whoever goes to the right - that is killed to be, who will go to the left - the rich to be rich, and who will go straight - to be a married."

Ilya Muromets thought:

What should I, old, wealth? I have no wife nor kids, no one color dress to wear, not anyone to spend the treasury. Ride me, where is the married to be? What am I, old, marry? Young to take me is not suitable, and to take an old woman, so the ovens lie down yes kisel. This old age is not for Ilya Muromet. I will go on the track where the killed to be. Umder in a clean field, like a glorious warmer!

And he drove along the road, where killed to be.

Only he drove away three versts, attacked him forty robbers. Wanted him from the horse to pull, want to rob him, to death to death. And Ilya head shakes, senses:

Hey you, robbing, you have nothing to kill me for and robing. Only I have a kunchka fur coat at five hundred rubles, a sable hat in three hundreds, yes the uzda is five hundred rubles, and Cherkasy's saddle in two thousand. Well, still the back of seven silks, shitting gold and a large pearl. Yes, between the ears at the brush, the stone gem. It is in autumn night as the sun burns, for three versts from him light. Yes, perhaps, there is a horse of Burushka - so there is no price all over the world. Because of the minor, is it worth hacking the old head?!

Atama Robbers got angry:

It is on us mocking! Oh, you, old damn, gray wolf! Very much you talk! Gay, children, chop his head!

I was jumped by Ilya from Kosmatushki's borushki, enough hat with a gray head and became a hat to wave: where she wakes up - there will be a street, there will be a street - the lane.

For one wave ten robbers lie, for the second - and not twenty in the world!

Atama of robbers prayed:

Do not beat us all, old boat! You take from us gold, silver, dress color, herds horses, only leave us alive!

Ilya Muromets grinned:

I took me from all the golden treasury, I would have a lot of cellar. I took a colored dress, for me there would be high mountains. I took the good horses, I would drive the great herds for me.

They tell him the robbers:

One Red Sun on the White World - one in Russia such a bogatyr Ilya Muromets! You go to us, Bogatyr, in comrades, you will be ataman!

Oh, brothers Robbers, I will not go to you in the comrades, and you disagree in our places, in your homes, to the wives, to the kids, will be the road to you, shed innocent blood!

Turned the horse and rowed away Ilya. He returned to white stone, erased the old inscription, wrote a new one: "I went to the right track - I was not killed!"

Well, I will go now where married to be!

How Ilya drove three versts, drove to the forest glade. There are grams of christierehi, wide races of the gate of silver, the roosters sing on the gate. Ilya went to the wide yard, ran to him to meet twelve girls, among them the Kingdom of Beauty.

Welcome, Russian Bogatyr, go to my High Terem, drink sweet wine, bored bread salts, roasted swans!

He took His Royal Hand, led in Terem, planted for an oak table. Brought Ilya honey sweet whom, wines of overseas, roasted swedes, Calace of Cruppers ... Hept-foaming the hero, began to persuade him:

You are tired of the road, whatened, leaps a rest on the bed of the TESE, on the feather Pukhovy.

He led the Royal Ilya in a sleeping journal, and Ilya goes and thinks:

She is not good to me with me: that Korolevich is not a simple Cossack, the old grandfather. It can be seen, she has something conceived.

She sees Ilya that the wall has a bed-gilded bed, the flowers are painted, guessed that the bed with cunning.

Casting Ilya Korochina and threw on the bed to the chopped wall. The bed turned, and the cellar of the stone was opened, and the Korochnyna fell there.

Ilya got angry:

Hey you, the servants unnamed, carry me the keys from the cellar, and not the head of your head!

Oh, the grandfather is not like, we didn't have keys and eyes, but we will show the moves in the cellar.

They led Ilya to the dungeons deep; Ilya doors of the cellar said: they were covered with sands, dubbed oaks. Ilya Sands with hands excavated, the oaks were crushed with her legs, opened the burner's doors. And there sits the forty kings of the Korolev, forty kings-Tsarevichy and forty Russian warriors.

That is why Korochina has called in his Terema Zlatovierhi!

Says Ilya King and heroes:

You go, kings, in their lands, and you, warriors, in our places and remember Ilya Muromets. Kaba did not, would you lay the heads in a deep cellar.

Pull out Ilya for the braids on the white light of the korunovna and chuckled her the evil head.

And then Ilya returned to the white stone, I erased the old inscription, I wrote a new one: "I didn't go straight - married."

Well, I will go to the track, where is rich to be. Just drove by three versts, he saw a large stone in three hundred pounds. And on that stone it is written: "To whom the stone is under the power to turn, to be rich."

Ilya, Ilya, rested with his legs, left the knee to the ground, led himself to the mighty shoulder - she turned off the stone.

Opened under the stone, the deep cellar - wealth is reasonable: both silver, gold, and large pearls, and yahonts!

Loaded Ilya Burushka expensive treasury and took EE to Kiev-Grad. There built three churches stone to be where to save from enemies, sit down from the fire. The rest of silver-gold, pearls distributed widows, orphans, did not leave him a half-one.

Then he sat down on the brushka, drove to the white stone, I erased the old one, inscribed the inscription a new one: "I went to the left - I did not happen."

Here Ilya forever Glory and honor went, and our best reached the end.

On the question of what events is lifting in the epic of Ilyiny three trips asked by the author chevron The best answer is Ilyina Three trips
In the middle of the field of clean, at sunset the sun, the sun, at the rising day of the month, at Zaktyrskaya, Slivorssic Bogati was gathered at the hiking council. Duma thought, hesitated, across the outfits were shifted.
I took it to Ilya Muromets to go to the west side to the Great Bogatyr Watch.
Ilya Muromets leaving, he came to Rosstani, under the night clouds western. He drove on the white stone Ilya. Due to clouds, the month looked out: read Won, on Kamenny roadside inscription is clearly born:
"Ride straight - killed to be! Left to go - married to be! Right to go - rich to be! All the fate of this is prescribed! "In the deep meditation Ilya. He stands, he says himself: "This is God with you, that - fate: I am ready with the fate of the battle! Just choose what fate to join me in the fight? I'm in the campaigns. It is not necessary, I was unreliable for me. Ah, I will go, well done, I am where it is shown to be killed! "
A cloud snapped black, absorbed the bright month she. And Ilya Muromets went to the perfection for the dark-raising prescribed at night. Suddenly, here from the night darkness because of the bushes of low-spirits, because of Kammushkov, Klumenniki looked, popped out the pursuing robbing, dogs nights. They have trees from them, and their shields are sovereign, on them helmets, like a bucket upside down,
Koni-horses in a boulation armor. And the title dog-robbing is in the threat threatens: "Stop! Where, village? Pray before the destruction! "
Good well done does not pray, he does not know before the dog.
The bright month came out again, all the decoration on Ilya зазарил: I broke up in forty thousand helmet, the stones yachons were shusing at a hundred thousand in the mane by the horse, the horse itself above prices, above the estimate! Here is the robber on wealth and got hung up, each other is subjected to, incite, are encouraged: "We will kill him, border-ko, with a horse, separating it! "Ilya Paltsa waved his little and fell as far as the leader, and sphuming from the impact of a leader, swayed, fell, did not get up. From the fool of the onion tight, from Kalena Kalena Arrow, I was taken out, let out Ilya to the oak molded junction. Bashed, cleavened the old oak arrow in the chip, in the cuttings.
Cherenochki and chips scattered, they pleased in the robbers yes all to one
Overcoming killed in a row! Turned to Kamen Ilya. The inscription oldly deleted, the inscription newly inscribed: "Bogatyr Ilya Muromets was there, but he did not have been killed. Forewing the road, painted widespread! "
After that, forvalia Ilya: "I will go," says, "where it is shown married to be! »Meadow, Mountains, Rivers Yes Fields Squalled Ilya Muromets, the Palaces of Ostrichle Ponadelocamen. Mennitsy girls went to him, met well done.
All beautiful, friendly, all the pleasing, affectionate, conversations are merry about marriage, about the wedding lead. "Wait for you with a wedding so! Seven times I approve, but once cut off! "
The marshs of the maiden hurray: on the tables, on the table tops the tablecloth-charming tablecloths, they put the fault of the overseas, on the misfortune well, they will sing, with a wedding-wedding hurry. Without success! Only a laughter Ilya for a whole year, come, not to ridicule! "You would be better, beauties, would take me to the bedroom: I would sleep with the road to relax! "- says Ilya Muromets. The beauty came up, he took Ilya Muromets,


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Subject: the epic genre of oral folk art. "Ilyina three trips" 1

Ilya Muromets Alyosha Popovich solve the names and tell me that they are united? Dobrynya Nikitich Bodnyar Quinchi Chalea Pigvop Ialyl Rumonz 2

V. Vasnetsov. Bogati 1881-1898, canvas, oil, 295,3x446 cm State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 3

About the picture V. M. Vasnetsova "Bogatyri" is widely, a field that is rapidly ran. Potless, irresistible. Wolly wind buzzes in a naughty steppe. Highly in the summer midday sky slowly and proudly flood clouds. Eagles watchman Kurgan. The gusty whirlwind picked up, dispelled the mane mighty horses, brought the bitter smell of wormwood. Sparkled the eye of the frantic bruss, his beloved horse Ilya Muromets. Surov Bogatyr. Made spear. Growing a heavy dress. Looks far away far away. Possed by his friends - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. Terrible power in this silent waiting. Bessenna squad. None, even the winged creature, will not break through. Above this picture Vasnetsov worked for many years. He painfully searched for people from which the epic warriors could be written. The prototype of Ilya Muromets became a peasant Ivan Petrov, in winter he worked on in Moscow by the cab. In the face of Dobryni Nikitich, there are features of Vasnetsova himself, his father and uncle. Alyosh Popovich The artist wrote from the young son of Savva Mamontov. There are many warriors in the Russian epic tradition. But Vasnetsov chose these three. Probably because they successfully complement each other. Powerful, severe Ilya Muromets, a noble Dobrynya and a coolness, dodgy Alyosha Popovich all together make up the image of good power - defenders of Russian frontiers. This picture is so well known that, wherever the conversation about the epic velves, everyone recalls these three, standing on the outpost in the field pierced by the winds. It seems that they are the most popular and favorite heroes of the Russian people for all times. four

In the world of Russian epic

"The epics - the story about what was what happened, the story is intersectar and truthful" V.I. Distance

"The Russian people created a huge ousteful literature: wise proverbs and cunning puzzles, funny songs, solemn epics - told the told, under the son of the string - about the glorious expansion of the warriors, the defenders of the Earth ..." L.N. Tough

The epic is a folk epic song, a genre characteristic of Russian tradition. The basis of the plot of the episodes is the heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (from here the People's name of the episodas - "old man", "old-road", implying that the action in question was in the past). The term "epics" in scientific use was introduced in the 40s of the 19th century.

In the old days, the people were folded. They were performed by folk patients under the accompaniment of an old string tool, which is called the husli.

V. M. Vasnetsov. "Boyan"

The origin of the word "Bogatyr" from where does the word "Bogatyr"? It is believed that it is borrowed from Turkic languages, where is in various forms - Baghatur, Bagadur, Battur, Batyr, Bator. Scientists (Shchepkin, Buslaev) straightly output "Bogatyr" from "God" through the "rich"

Scientists classify the warriors on older and younger. Svyatogor, Volga Svyatoslavich, Samson, Sukhan, Polcan, Kolyven Ivanovich, Don Ivanovich, Danube Ivanovich, Dov Ivanovich, Danube, and others. Danil Lovchenyn and others.

The images of the Bogatyurians are a folk standard of courage, justice, patriotism and strength (no wonder one of the first Russian aircraft, who possessed an exceptional at that time with a lifting capacity, was named the creators of Ilya Muromets).

"Ilya Muromets". Reconstruction according to Gerasimov

The monument to Ilya Muromtsu in the city of Murom in the image of the Old Russian heroes, the folk concepts about the high moral qualities were embodied, as a true hero should have had. One of the most important qualities of Ilya Muromsz is a sense of justice and the consciousness of your duty - to stand for the truth. He is ready to go on a direct encounter with the prince, with boyars, when he sees that those do not truth. He is a nationwide hero, communional. "I am going to serve as a Christian faith and for the Russian land, and for the solar Kiev-hail, for widows, for orphans, for poor people."

Healing Ilya Muromets; Ilya Muromets and the nightingale-robber; Ilya Muromets and robbers; Ilya Muromets on a falcon-ship; Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor; Ilya Muromets and Sokolnik; Ilya Muromets and Kalin King; Ilya Muromets and Idolische; Ilya Muromets and Son.

epics "Ilyina Three Trories" 17

Vocabulary work Kremnejniki - bouquet armor-removal-sewer-seashene - from silicon. Steel and patterned. Decoration, exterior finish. Indecent, unserved wealth. Heavy baton with a thickened end. 2,134meters (3Arshina) 18

Vocational work Obtain - Verify - do not start - Bolsheki - Voronovsky- Ambarry - to convert into the Catholic faith. Put the basement. Do not affect deception. Warm headdress over the cap. Sukonny hood with long ends. black. Suggests for storing harvest, supplies, goods. nineteen

Fizminutka 20 rose together, two, three. We are now ogyri. We are palm to the eyes stick, the legs are strong lay. Turning to the right, looking greatly. And it is necessary to leak too much from under the palm. And to the right, and even through the left shoulder. The letter l lay the legs, exactly in dancing - hands in Boki. Leaned left left, right, it turns out to be fame!

Conversation 21 - How did you look like a fairy tale? What is the difference? - Does epics on the poem? Than? "Is it possible to call the actions of Ilya Muromets with the feats?" Why do you think so?

In ancient times, the obstellers played themselves on the humps, later the epics were performed by a recitative. For epics, a special pure-tonic epic verse is characteristic. Although the obstellers used in the execution of the epic of only a few melodies, they enriched singing a variety of intonations, and also changed voice timbre. Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Huslaria"

V. Vasnetsov. Ilya Muromets. (Fragment of the "Bogatyri" picture) Ivan Petrov, the peasant Vladimir province Etude for Figure Ilya Muromets in the picture "Bogati" 1883g, canvas, butter, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Ilyina three trips 23

V. Vasnetsov. Rights at the crossroads canvas, butter. 1882 Moscow, Russia. State Tretyakov Gallery 24

The plot of the stone on the fork of roads is found in many fairy tales and epic. The stone indicates the traveler, what fate awaits it on each of the diverging paths. Vasnetsov, choosing such a plot for the painting, tried to make it the most plausible. He wanted to convince the audience that everything told in the epic was actually happening, though, in the distant past. The artist was well familiar with the archaeological research of his time, so exactly the appearance of Vityaz epic times. The landscape is also shown with a large historical accuracy - the wild steppe, destroyed by the boulders, who dragged here the last glacier. On one of the stones, the colors of the semi-curtain letters. Whose hand knocked them out? What time immemorial times did this happen? What power begins to manage the fate of the travelers, barely will they read letters, alive death, or marriage, or a loss of a horse? Vityaz is alone in the endless steppe, and no one to tell him what kind of roads to choose. Under the stone lie two skulls, human and horse. This is the only tip. If you choose too long, you can fold your head right here, and without stepping on any of the roads. 25.

The outcome of the lesson. Reflection 26 Call the distinguishing features of the epic. Lack of rhymes N aquiety Rhythmism P Overallis on the exploits of hyperboles - exaggeration n reserves ...