Nationality Alert: history, origin, customs. Oh, these strange anvarians ...

Nationality Alert: history, origin, customs. Oh, these strange anvarians ...
Nationality Alert: history, origin, customs. Oh, these strange anvarians ...

Avarza is brave and independent mountain peopleThroughout its history, she remained independence: he could not conquer him. In antiquity, their totem animals were wolves, bears and eagles - a strong spirit and body, free, but devoted to their native land.


The exact origin of the name of the people is unknown. According to one version, it is associated with the ancient nomadic people of Avara from Central Asia, which in the 6th century migrated to Central Europe, and then in the Caucasus. This version is supported archaeological finds On the territory of modern Dagestan: rich graves of Asian-type people.

Another version is associated with the ruler of the random-medieval state Sarir named Avar. Part of the researchers converge in the opinion that the ancestors of the kings of Sarira were those the most Avarian tribes. During the resettlement in Europe, they passed to the Caucasus, where Sarir founded or at least they had a significant impact on its formation.

According to the third version, the name of the nationality was given by the Turkic tribes, which he conveyed to the Russians. In Turkic, the words "Avar" and "Avarala" mean "restless", "alarming", "militant", "daring". Definitions correspond to Avarian character, but in Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthese words were nominated and could relate to any people, subjects or groups.
The first reliable mention of the name refers only to 1404. Diplomat, writer and traveler John de Galonifibus in his notes ranked Avar to the peoples of Nagorno Dagestan, along with Alans, Circassians and Lezgins.
The Avarians themselves called themselves by Maarulalala (in the Avar language Magichallal). The origin of the word is unknown, and most researchers consider it an undivative ethnonym. However, there is a version that the word is translated as "Highlander" or "Supreme".
Interestingly, the Avarians themselves never called themselves. They either used the word "Magiculal" common to all Caucasian peoples, or appeared on the name of the terrain or community in which they live.

Where live

The vast majority of Avars residents live in the Republic of Dagestan, which is subject Russian Federation and is part of the North Caucasus Federal District. They occupy most of the mountain Dagestan, where they lived historically. Part of the Avar residents lives in the plains in Kizilyurtovsky, Buinak and Khasavurtovsky districts. 28% of the nationality lives in cities, but the basins of the Avar Kois, Kara Cois and Andy Koisu can be considered the main settlement zone.
A significant part of Avars residents live in other regions of Russia and foreign countries. Among them:

  • Kalmykia
  • Chechnya
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia
  • Kazakhstan

The descendants of the Avars, which have been significantly assimiced, but preserved their national identification, live in the territory of Jordan, Turkey and Syria.

Although Avars considered themselves a single people, they allocated smaller ethnic groups inside the community, referred to the name of the place of residence. From the preserved until today's days are allocated:

  • bagulala, Hwarshina and Cahmalins - live in the villages of the Tsumadinsky district;
  • botlihs and Andiyza - live in the Botlikh district;
  • awakhatsy - live in the Awak district;
  • plagets and Gunzibans are the village of the Beginsk Plot.


There are more than 1 million representatives of the Avar Nation in the world. Most of the nation is located in the Russian Federation: 912,000 people. 850,000 of them live in their historic homeland - in Dagestan.
About 50,000 people live in Azerbaijan - this is one of the largest foreign diasporas. The Arvartse diaspora in Turkey has about 50,000 people in Turkey, but it is documented to confirm it, since the country's laws do not oblige to indicate the national affiliation.


The language of Avar residents refers to the North Caucasian Superstician allocated in it the Nakh-Dagestan family. In different areas there are brightly pronounced dialect differences, but all Avarians easily understand each other. National language owns 98% of the nationality.
Avar writing began to be issued during the Islamization of the Region. It was founded in the Arabic chart, which the educated ministers of the Church were taught to children of prosperous Avars. Since 1927, letters have changed to Latin, at the same time began to increase the level of education. Finally, the alphabet was formed only in 1938: it was created on the basis of Cyrillic.
Today, Avarian language is taught in primary schools of Nagorno regions of Dagestan. From the fifth grade, teaching is conducted in Russian, and Avar is studied as an additional subject. Along with other national languages, he is among the state languages \u200b\u200bof the Republic of Dagestan.


The first people appeared on the territory of modern Dagestan another 8 thousand years BC. In the era of the upper Paleolithic Mesolithic. In the Neolithic Epoch, they already had stone dwellings, cattle breeding, animal husbandry and agriculture were actively developed. It is believed that the ancestors of the Avarians were the tribes of Albanov, Leggs and gels, which were part of an ancient state in the eastern Caucasus - Caucasian Albania.

The first stage, which laid the foundation of the national affiliation of Avars, belongs to the VI century of a new era. During this period, the state of Sarire (also Seried), which existed until the XIII century was considered the largest and most powerful in Rannessee Dagestan. Crafts, agriculture were actively flourished here, trading routes were held. Neighboring states paid to the rulers of Sarira tribute to gold, silver, tissues, furs, food, weapons. Aviation Avarov residents during this period took place on a religious basis: in return of pagan mythology came Orthodoxy.
Starting from the XII-XIII century, Islamic preachers are beginning to be increasingly influenced by the Sarire, who soon add new faith Almost the entire population. At the same time, Sarir is crushed into small feudal settlements, living independently and uniting only in the event of war.
Avar lands have repeatedly tried to capture the Mongols, but they met serious reversal and changed tactics. In 1242, during the campaign of the Golden Horde, the Union was concluded supported by dynastic marriages. As a result, Avars retained their own independence, however, under the influence of the allies, a new Avar Khanate was formed, which existed for more than five centuries.

Period of Wars

IN XVIII century Awards over Avarzov called a new threat: the invasion of Nadir Shaha, the ruler of the most powerful Persian Empire, which occupied the territory from Iraq to India. The Persian army quickly captured the entire Dagestan, but the resistance of the Avars residents could not break for several years. The result of the confrontation was the battle in the fall of 1741, which lasted 5 days and the ending victory of the Avars. The losses of Nadir-Shaha were huge: only 27 thousand soldiers remained survivors from 52 thousand. The battle was widely described in folk epic. The fact that the Army of Persians used the entire arms arsenal of those years, the Avarians are only Musketes and Sabli.

In 1803, the Avar Khanate ceased to exist, and part of the Avarian territories became part of Russian state. However, the Russians did not take into account the freedom-loving mentality of the people: sharply postponed his taxes, began to cut down the forests and master the lands. As a result, the national liberation revolution occurred, as a result of which the people again gained independence. Avars and other nations of the Caucasus were rallied under the banners of Sharia, and the role of the leaders took over the Supreme Imams. One of the folk heroes, who began a sacred war against the Russians, became Shamil, who led the movement of 25 years.
Over time, his popularity began to fall, and the Avarians again entered into Russia. Praying the past unsuccessful experience, the Russian rulers strongly encouraged the people, softened taxes for him. A special Avar unit even was part of the elite guard, guarding the peace of the family.
After the revolution, part of the Caucasian peoples was merged into the Dagestan ASSR. Representatives of the Republic of the Brave manifested themselves in the fields of Battles of the Second World War, made a significant contribution to the development of industry and culture of the republic.


Avar residents belong to the Caucancing anthropological type, which refers to the Balkan-Caucasian race. The main external signs of this group include:

  • white skin;
  • eyes of green, karego or blue, as well as transition shades, for example, green-kargo;
  • "Orline" or even high nose;
  • red, dark brown, dark blonde or black hair;
  • narrow and protruding jaw;
  • big head, wide forehead and middle part;
  • high growth;
  • large or athletic physique.

Many Avarians have retained the appearance that have not been similar to the appearance of other Caucasian nationalities. However, the influence of neighboring Alanians, Chechens, Lezgins could not but affect the guise of Avars. Gaplogroups I, J1 and J2 include the ancestors of the Avars to the Semitic peoples and the "Northern Varvarars", which later had a significant impact on the formation of Nations of Croats and Chernogorstsev.


The clothes of Men-Avar residents are similar to the costumes of other Dagestan nations. Casual outfit consisted of a simple flat shirt with a collar-rack and spacious pants. The appeal necessarily complemented Beshmet - the quilted national fitted semi-confent. Circusca is widely used - a longer caftan fitted with a neckline. Burki, sheep's fur coats were performed as winter clothes, fastened the lining to Beshmet. Supplemented the appearance of the dad - a high headdress from fur.

Women's clothing Significantly differed depending on the region: it could contain not only the place of residence, but also social and family status. Most often, the outfit consisted of a long spacious shuttle, tailored from straight pieces of matter, with swelled sleeves and a rounded neckline.
In some areas, it was subjected to a bright Kushak, the length of which reached 3 m. Rich Avarka used a leather belt with silver clasps for this, put on top of the shirt-colored silk capes. Young girls preferred the fabrics of green, blue, red shade, and women aged and married chose black and brown colors. Traditional headdress - Chukhta: Hepes with bags for Kos, on top of which they told the handkerchief.


The man held a dominant situation, solved all public and financial issues. He fully provided a family and answered children, including their upbringing, the choice of the bride and future profession. Only men were wrong to vote, the majority came in 15 years.


Despite the patriarchal structure, the Avar residents did not have the tyranny of women, they were read and did not even respected them. Even touching the outflower was considered a shame for her, and rape meant blood revenge, so almost never found.
The kingdom of a woman is a house, here she was the main thing and solved all the economic issues, without asking her husband's opinions. In the Avar women appreciated hard work, humble character, decency, honesty, cleanness, cheerful temper. The Avarka was distinguished by a slim figure and an attractive appearance, which had repeatedly noted their foreigners.

Family manner

The life of the Avarians was based on the worship and respect for the older generation. So, the daughter-in-law, coming into the house of her husband, did not have the right to first disclaimen with the mother-in-law. Usually, the mother-in-law started the conversation already the next day, and the silence of the mother-in-law could last for years. However, more often young lived alone: \u200b\u200bby tradition, her husband's parents were built for a son new house And after the wedding sent him to live there.
In the Avarian families there always existed a clear sexual separation. The young men and girls were not allowed to stay alone, struggle to each other, tightly communicate. The house has always been a female and male half, and even after the wedding, a woman slept and lived in one room with children, and not with her husband. When the boys were completed for 15 years, they crossed to live in the father's bedroom. Children loved, but since childhood they were taught to work and morality, taught the military case, because the Avarians themselves considered themselves to be a warrior.


Avarians lived in houses from the treated stone, which were boring, which was caused by a lack of space in the mountains and defensive goals. The houses were quadrangular, single, two- or three-story with a terrace gallery equipped for recreation.

In some villages, the house consisted of one room with an area of \u200b\u200b80-100 m2, in the center of which the focus was stood and decorated with a thread of a pillar around which ate and took guests. In multi-room homes, there was necessarily equipped with a room with fireplace, carpets and a carved sofa: guests were resting and received.
Avars settled by the relative communities - Tukhumi. They, in turn, united into large settlements - from 30-60 yards in highlands to 120-400 in the foothills and mountains. At the head of each village stood an elder, the decisions took together on the Council. All men participated in it, the decisive voices were at the heads of tumors.
Most of the villages were fenced with walls and strengthened by defensive towers. In the center of the village, there was a central square at which general meetings and a walk were held.

A life

Starting from the era of Neolithic, the ancestors of Avars were actively engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. Most of the herds were sheep, about 20% - large-life livestock. For the utility needs kept horses, goats, bird.
Agriculture was terraced, arable. In the highlands, it was much more difficult to cultivate land than on the plains, and due to limited territory, it was appreciated above. Wheat, barley, rye, millet, pumpkin were grown from the main crops. In the gardens and gardens, plums, Alych, peaches, apricots, corn, beans, lentils, beans were put in the gardens and gardens.

The crafts flourished, among which the blacksmith, jewelry, weapons, pottery, weaving was distinguished. Especially famous for graceful jewelry made of silver and needlework of Avarian masters:

  • warm woolen socks
  • shawl and shawls
  • ferrous bags from felt
  • sucpower
  • embroidery with golden threads
  • wicker carpets

Military preparation occupied a special role in the life of Avars. Boys S. early childhood Studied battle on sticks and sabers, near battle, tactics. Later, all kinds of training moved into the direction of freestyle wrestling, popular in all Dagestan.


Avar Folklore is represented by legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, as well as songs:

  • love
  • military
  • crying
  • heroic
  • historical
  • laroepical
  • lullaby

All songs, except love and lullabies, were performed by men in one voice, singing and penetrating. For accompaniment, singers and dancers were used a large number of traditional musical instruments. Among them:

  1. String tools: Chagur and Komuz.
  2. Language: Zurena and Yaster-Balaban.
  3. Impact: tambourine and drum.
  4. Bow: Chagana.
  5. Spear type: Lalu.

The art of chasing decorations of silver, weaving patterns was widely developed. Traditional ornaments And the symbols considered images of wolves and eagles, spiral swastikas, labyrinths, Maltese crosses, solar signs.


Before the adoption of Christianity, Avars believed in white and black spirits. In the first, they asked mercy, recovery, good luck, and from the second wore charms. Totem animals of different ethnic groups were wolves, bears and eagles. The wolf was called "God's Watchman", respected for his courage, independence and desire to live according to their rules. Orlov was honored for their strength and freedom, and they said that the eagles would not fly to winter edges, and Avars would never leave their homeland.
During the domination of Christianity, the people adhered to orthodox faith. The ruins of temples and Orthodox graves reached this day: one of the well-preserved village is at the village of Datong and belongs to the X century. Today, most of the Avarians confesses Islam Sunni and Schvitsky.


The wedding from Avars always took place with a scope and lasted from three to five days. There were the following options for choosing the bride:

  1. By agreement of the parents. Practiced "lulents", but more often woven for cousins \u200b\u200band sisters, preferring to marry within Tuhume.
  2. By choosing a young man. To do this, he came to the disclosure house and left his thing in it: a knife, dad, belt. If the girl answered agreement, walling began.
  3. Against the will of parents. If young fell in love with each other, but their parents did not approve the choice, the bride and the bride ran away and were crowned. I had to pray for the parent blessing postfactum: although such a wedding was considered a shame, forgiveness a new family received.
  4. At the insistence of society. They died in girls and widows were displayed on the central square and asked to call the name of the free man who she likes. The selected had to marry if he was not in collusion with anyone else.

On the first day of the wedding, the noisy feast was arranged from a friend of the groom, and only on the second - in the house of the culprie of the celebration. The bride was given in the evening, closed in the carpet, and took it to another room, where she spent the evening with his friends. On the third day, the relatives of her husband honored the newlyweds and gave them gifts.

A special rite of entering new family There was a bride and was called the "first water rite". In the morning, 3-5 days of the sister and the groom's beds were given in the daughter-in-law of the pitcher and with the songs went along with her water. After that, she was obliged to engage in everyday economic affairs.

Anvartsev had a special attitude towards guests: they were taken with honor, even if they did not know the purpose of the visit. Any stranger who came to the Avar Selo, the elder determined on the post. In the house, he was placed in the best room, festive dishes were preparing, did not stick to the abrasions. The guest, in turn, should not have been negative about the food or host, get up due to the table without demand and pass in female half at home.


It is mistaken to assume that the basic diet of Avarians occupied meat: it only performed an addition to other dishes. The main one is Khinkal, nothing like Georgian Hinky. The dish consisted of large pieces of dough cooked in meat broth with greens and vegetables. In many villages, instead of Hincale, soups were cooked, the main of which was a disc on sorrel, beans or lentils.
In each house there were pellets from a thin dough - boots. As a filling used meat, cottage cheese with greens, cheese with seasonings. Avars residents and analogue of dumplings: Kurza. They are distinguished by a drop-shaped form, a large size and mandatory braid, which allows the filling not to flow.

Famous Avartse

The well-known Avatary - Poet and Prosisais, Rasul Gamzatov, writing a kind of Avar Anthem: "Avarians" song. His works are translated into dozens of languages, for a special contribution to the culture in 1999, he was awarded the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the III degree.

Avarmen always famous excellent physical training and ownership of martial arts. These titles confirm the fighter of Habib Nurmagomedov - the current champion in light weight on battles without UFC rules.


Avars - most numerous people Modern Dagestan. Inhabited most of the mountain territory of Dagestan, and in part and plains (Buynakian, Khasavyurt, Kizilyurtovsky, etc. Districts). In addition to Dagestan, they live in Chechnya, Kalmykia and other subjects of the Russian Federation (814.5 thousand people), the main area of \u200b\u200bthe estuary of the Avar residents in Dagestan - Avar-OR (Avarian Koisu), Andi-OR (Andiy Koisu) and Caer-op (Kara-Koisu). 28% of Avars residents live in cities (2001).

Avars also live in Azerbaijan, mainly in the Belokan and Zabolsky districts, where according to the 1999 census, their number was 50.9 thousand people. "Very complex and controversial today," Dagestan scientist B. M. Ataev was forced to state in 2005, is the question of the number of Avar Diaspora outside Russia. This is primarily due to the fact that in their countries of residence for political and other reasons, the population censuses are not conducted indicating national affiliation. Therefore, the data on the number of descendants of the assesss in various sources are very approximate, in particular, in the Turkish Republic.

Thus, the most numerous Avar diaspora outside the borders of the former USSR and probably beyond the limits of the Russian Federation in general, presented in Turkey. At the same time, it should be noted that the small islands of the descendants of the Avarian "Muhadzhirov" of the former Ottoman Empire were also recorded in Syria and Jordan, where they, in view of their smallarity, experienced a strong cultural and linguistic effect of both the local Arab population and other North Caucasians, mostly Adygs. and Chechens.

Avar crosses and a spiral swastika. Stone carving.

Historic Accommodation Areas

Ahvakh, Botlikh, Gunibsky, Gumbetovsky, Hongzakh, Bezhtinsky, Tsuntinsky, Tsumadinsky, Charodinsky, Shaminist, Gergebilsky, Unzuculsky, Tlyratinsky.


According to A. G. Gadzhiev, for the most part of Avaro-Ando-Cezov, a western version of the Caucusian anthropological type of the Balkano-Caucasian race is characteristic. Distinctive features The West Caucusque embodiment is: a large body length, the face is wide, high and medium-free, the height of the nose is large with low width, the convex forms of the nose backrest profile are dominated, the tip of the nose and the base is predominantly lowered by the option. Hair mainly dark-chestnuts, there is a small admixture of dark blonde and red hair. In the color of the iris, the eye is dominated mixed shades. There is a significant percentage of light eyes. The skin compared to other Caucasian populations is very bright. The data of age anthropology records the presence of a higher percentage of rash, red and blond hair as a child of a higher percentage of the presence of chestnut, red and light hair than youth.

The Caucusque type some scientists consider the final result of the transformation of the Caspian type in the conditions of high-altitude isolation. In their opinion, the formation of the Caucusque type in Dagestan refers to the XIV century BC. e. It should be emphasized that in Dagestan, starting from the Soviet period, the official ideological plant (resembling the Dagestan version of "Yugoslavism"), which reduces the active propaganda of "exceptional proximity" (in a deliberately exaggerated form) of all the Dagestanians to each other, which is often a convenient excuse for suppressing the national identity and associated aspirations for the revival of lost ethnobassation. The same Alekseev V. P., For example, in 1974 testified: "The Caspian combination of signs of any of the Dagestan peoples is not expressed in its pure form, we can only speak of its more or less noticeable impurity, mainly in the peoples of the Lezgin Group and Kumykov " In his opinion, the territory of Dagestan was not included in the zone of formation of the Caspian group of population; Obviously, she spread from the south along the Caspian coast on the plain and foothill areas of Dagestan and only by the valleys of Samura and the Chirah-Tea, representatives of this group were penetrated high in the mountains.

G. F. Debets witnessed the similarity of the Caucusian anthropological type with an ancient population of Eastern European Plain and then until Scandinavia, expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe penetration of the ancestors of the Caucusque type in the field of their modern settlement from the north.

Despite all its peculiarity, outside the Caucasus, the Caucasians closest to the Dinar anthropological type of the Balkano-Caucasian race, characteristic primarily for Croats, Chernogorstsev and in the genetic plan, closely associated with the haplogroup I - t. N. "The genome of northern barbarians."

Anthropological type, the closer to the "classic" Creemone is usually linked to the spread of the culture of cord ceramics. The latter is often seen as the original Indo-European. In the era of the late Neolithic and the bronze of culture of cord ceramics are localized along the large spaces of the North-West of the European coast and the Baltic States, in the festo and azovye, as well as in some areas Central Europewhere it comes into contact with the culture of tape ceramics. In the II millennium BC. e. The branch of this culture applies to the upper Volga (Fatyan culture). On this occasion, Kuzmin A. G. Writes the following: "It is the main anthropological type of population associated with the cultures of cord ceramics, puzzled anthropologists with extremely wide geography of his distribution, especially since the Caucasus (the Kavkaya population) and the Balkans needed to be added to the above-mentioned regions (Dinar type in the area of \u200b\u200bAlbania and Montenegro). The literature has different options for explanation of the marked similarity. One of the pillars of the German nationalist archeology of Kososin wrote about the "German" expansion from the north to the Caucasus. In addition to German archaeologists, this point of view was supported by Swedish scientist N. Oberg and Finnish A.M. Talgren.


The language - Avarian belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan group of the North Caucasian family, has dialects divided into the Northern and South Groups (adverbs), which partly reflects the former division of the accident at Hunzakh Khanate and "Volny Societies". The first includes Satlatavsky, Hongzakh and East, in the second - Gedatlinsky, Anzuhsky, Zakaltalsky, Karakha, Andalal, Kakhibsky and Koryursky; Intermediate position occupies a Batluki dialect. In general, phonetic, morphological and lexical differences are generally noted between individual dialects and dialect groups. Avar language is related to Ando-Cesse languages. In the domestic linguistics, there is a well-established point of view, shared by both foreign scientists, according to which the North Caucasian family is related to the Yenisei and Sino-Tibetan languages. Avar (together with other languages \u200b\u200bof the Nakho-Dagestan group) on Dyaconov I. M., is a living continuation of the ancient Alarodian language world, which includes such, now the dead languages \u200b\u200bas Caucasian-Albanian (Agva), Hurritsky, Urartsky, Khui.

Within Russia, the Russian language is widely distributed among the Avars (by the beginning of the XXI century, more than 60% of Dagestan Avartsev owned the Russian language). The Avarians of the Khasavyurt and Buinakian districts of Dagestan, as a rule, are freely expressing in Kumyk. The ability to speak and understand the Türkski among Avars traced, in part, and outside of these areas, as Turkic language in the plain Dagestan acted as many centuries as a macropropean language. Ethnic Avars, who reside in Turkey and Azerbaijan own, respectively, are Turkish and Azerbaijani at the level of the native.

Writing until 1927 on the basis of Arabic graphics, in 1927 to 1938 - Latin, from 1938 - Cyrillic. On the territory of Dagestan, school training among Avar residents to the third grade is conducted in their native language, then in Russian. But this concerns only rural schools with a monofationary population, in the cities, the teaching of native languages \u200b\u200bDe Facto is prohibited. The Avar language in 2007 found the status of "official", meanwhile, Russian was announced in Dagestan only "state-owned" even at the original Avar territory with exclusively by the Avar population.

In the 50s and 1950s of the XX century, National Schools had in the cities of Dagestan. From 1938 to 1955, training in the schools of Western Dagestan to 5th grade was conducted in the Avar language, and in high schools in Russian. From the 6th grade Avar ("native") language and literature were studied as separate subjects. In the 1955-56 school year, teaching in schools of an accident from grade 1 was translated into Russian. Since 1964-65 school year All urban national schools in the republic were closed.


Carved stone from s. Soothing. (Gedat)

The overwhelming majority of the believers of Avartsev - Muslim-Sunni Sunni Schvitsky. However, as is known from numerous sources, the Avar State of Sarir (the 6th - XIII centuries) was predominantly Christian (Orthodox). In the mountains of the accident, the ruins of Christian temples and chapels are still preserved. The most famous Christian landmark is the temple from the village of Datuna (Shamilsky district), erected in the X century. Near the village of Urada, Tydib, Hunsach, Halla, Tindy, Kvanada, Ruhdja, etc. Archaeologists found typical Christian grains of the VIII-X centuries. Starting in the middle of the VII century. The first steps on the territory of Dagestan, in the area of \u200b\u200bDerbent, Islamic religion slowly, but systematically expanded the range of its influence, covering one possession after another until he penetrated the XV century. In the most remote areas of Dagestan.

According to historical legends, some insignificant part of the Avarians professed Judaism to appeal to Islam. It also mentions some žuhut-Khan (that is, "Jewish Khan"), the rules of allegedly in Andei. Dagestan scientists regard these vague and fragmentary information as an echo memories of long-term contacts with Khazars. Among the samples of a stone thread in the accident, it is possible to occasionally meet the "David Stars", which, however, cannot serve as evidence that the Judaists did the mentioned images.

Origin and History

HUNZ - Caucasian Hunga "Land of throne"

Wolf with a stream - the symbol of the Avarian Khan

Some of the ancestors of Avarians were in the ancient era in the territory of modern Dagestan (including where in medieval period There was an accident) tribes of Sylves and Andakov. At least these ethnonyms are most correctly transmitted to the names of the later Avarian tribal groups and political associations. The literature also meets the opinion that Avars occurred from the Leggs, gels and caspis, but these statements are speculative. Neither in the Avar, nor in the Avar Toponymik, there are no lexemes that could be linked with the Legs, Gelami or Caspians, and the Avarians themselves never identified themselves with the tribes listed. Moreover, the easiers have straight descendants - Lezgins. According to antique sources, Caspians lived on the plain, and not in the mountains. In the 6th century, Avars ("Warhuna") were invaded through the North Caucasus) - nomadic people From Central Asia, probably protonong-east-Iranian origin, which has entered into itself at an early stage and some kind of so-called "Sino Caucasians", (and later of the Ugra, Juli), although there is no complete unity on the issue of their ethnogenesis. According to the British Encyclopedia, Eurasian Avars - the people of unclear origin. Apparently, part of them, the axis in Dagestan, gave the beginning of the state Sarir or contributed to its strengthening. To supporters of this "infiltration" point of view on the Avar ethnogenesis and the folding of statehood belong to: J. Markvart, O. Prince, V. F. Minorsky, V. M. Baleis, M. G. Magomedov, A. K. Alikbers, T. M. Aitberov ,. The latter believes that the proper ethnic element contributed to reorganization and consolidation avar Narod Not only by the power of weapons: "There is reason to believe that the rulers of the associate" Avara ", located in the Dagestan mountains, relying, apparently, on their knowledge, coming from Asia, understood the significance of a single language within the state education applying for a centuries-old existence, and, Moreover, the language of a specific, sufficiently separated from the speech of neighbors. By spending certain and considerable funds, the rulers contributed to its formation and development - at a minimum within the Sulak basin. It is not interesting in this connection, which, early-medieval Christian propaganda in the specified territory, successfully carried out by the device of Katalikos Georgia, also walked on a single language for all. Later, in the XII century, Arab-Muslim intelligence officer Al-Gardisi noted that in South Dagestan and in the traditionally Dargin zone, the modern culture develops in several closely related languages, and in the Avaro-Ando-Cesse mountains, where local adverbs were and there are Only anvar. In this circumstance, we see the direct result of the targeted linguistic policy of the Avarian Vladyk. "

Does not see any serious reasons for doubt about the rightness of supporters of an infiltration point of view and Linguist Harald Haarmann, also linking the Dagestan ethnonym "Avar" with the heritage of Eurasian Avari ~ Warchonites. Hungarian archaeologist and historian Ishthan Erdei, although it approaches this topic extremely carefully, but still does not deny the possibility of having a connection between Eurasian Avars and Caucasian Avars: "... According to the ancient authors, among the rulers of Avars Seriore (the ancient name Dagestan) was one name Avar. Perhaps the nomads of Avara, moving to the West, temporarily stayed in the steppes of Northern Dagestan and politically subordinate or made their ally Seriel, the capital of which to the IX century. was in p. Tanyasi (not far from the modern p. Hunzakh). " A similar position is occupied by the Dagestan historian Mamaihan Aglarov. The outstanding German researcher Karl Menges considered Avarov protonongola, "whose traces", allegedly, "found in Dagestan".

Perhaps the situation with the existence of different "Avar" is somewhat clarifying the statement of Housing G. V., who believed that the "WAR" and "Huni" tribes should be considered real Avars, as applies to the name "Avar" among other nations, then in this Case We are dealing, apparently, with something like a formidable nickname: "The word" Avara "was primarily not the name of a certain people, but was the designation mythical beings with superhuman abilities. Slavic designation of the giants "Obra" - Avars also makes it possible to assume this old value. The most fully belonging to Avaras myths are presented at Herodotus. So, there is talking about one Avar (Greek form of Herodotus sounds like Abaris) who rushed to the countries of the world with an arrow in his hand ...

Avarians are not studied by geneticists sufficiently to judge how they can be associated with Eurasian Avars in the genetic plan. Any special archaeological studies that have written the goal of searching for an avarian (Warrchunsky) heritage in Dagestan while they were not held by anyone, although the rich military burials of representatives of the Iranian-speaking nomadic world in the Alpine Avar district were still found by archaeologists. The refugee dated to the VIII-X centuries. And conditionally attributed to Sarmatam. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that all the artifacts of the excavations of the burial grounds left by Iranian-speaking nomads on the territory of the accident only the vague definition of "Skifo-Sarmatian" is obtained. Similar sliding characteristics are devoid of specifics and do not contribute to the allocation of Avarian (Warrchunsky) propellation in the ethnogenesis and the culture of Avars, if such, of course, were. The data of the genetic molecular analysis of the parent line of origin (MTDNA) prove that the genetic distance between Avars and Tehran Iranians, Iranians of Isfahan are much less significant than between the first and almost all currently studied both Dagestan and Caucasian populations (the only exception - Rutults). The results of the analyzes of the MTDNA Avarz residents confirm that Russian, Poles (and even Slavs at all) are genetically closer to anvarians than Karachai, Balkarians, Azerbaijanis, Ingush, Adygei, Kabardians, Chechens, Circassians, Abkhaz, Georgians, Armenians, Lezgia Dagestan. At the same time, the indicators of Ossetians, Kurds, Dargintsev, Spaniards, Abazin demonstrate relatively close relatives. Russians in the degree of kinship are inferior only to the ruddles, the Iranians Tehran, Iranians of Isfahan, and Lezgia Dagestan turn out to be less related to the assessment population than the territorially distant British. Following the Russians (with a slight difference in the distance), there are again not Caucasian-speaking populations, but Poles and Ossetians-Ardonians.

State Education

The remains of the castle in p. Hotroid (Gedat)

The territory inhabited by Avars was called Sarir (Serie). The first mentions about this possession refer to VI. In the north and northwest, Sarir bordered by Alans and Khazari. The presence of a common border between sirry and Alania emphasizes al-Masidi. Sarir reached the highest heyday in the X-XI centuries, being a major political formation of the Northeast Caucasus. His rulers and the bulk of the population in this period were confessed by Christianity. Arabic geographer and traveler Ibn Ruste (X century) reports that King Sarira is called Avar (Auhar). With the X century Current contacts of Sarira with Alania, which have developed, probably on antihazar soil are traced. A contract was concluded between the rulers of the two countries, and they mutually gave each other sisters. From the point of view of Muslim geography, Sarir as a Christian state was in the orbit of the Byzantine Empire. Al-Istahri reports: "... to the state Rum includes the limits ... Rus, Sarir, Alan, Arman and all others who professes Christianity." Sarira's relationship with neighboring Islamic Emirates Derbent and Shirvan were tense and from both sides, they were abused by frequent conflicts. However, ultimately, Sarira managed to neutralize the danger from there and even interfere in the internal affairs of the Derbent, providing support, in its discretion, one or another opposition. TO beginning of XII. A century Sarir as a result of internal strife, as well as folding a wide anti-Christian front in Dagestan, which caused the economic blockade, collapsed, and Christianity turned out to be gradually displaced by Islam. Received to us the names of the kings of Sarira, as a rule, - Syrian-Iranian origin.

The territory of the accident, in contrast to the rest of Dagestan, was not affected by the Mongolian invasion of the XIII century. During the first campaign of Mongolian detachments, led by Jebe and Subuda, Dagestan (1222), the Sarirs took an active part in the fight against the enemy of Mongols Khorezmshaha Jalal Ad-Dina and his allies - Kypchakov. The events associated with the second campaign took place as follows: in the spring of 1239 from the Alanian capital of the magazine in the foothills of the Central Caucasus in the foothills of the Central Caucasus, a strong detachment was separated under the command of leaving. Having passed the North and Primorsky Dagestan, he turned around the Derbent area to the mountains and reached the autumn to the Agul Slah Richa. It was taken and destroyed, which is also evidenced by the epigraphic monuments of this village. Then the Mongols passed to the lacquers land and in the spring of 1240 were traded by their main reference point - Selo Kumuh. Mohammed Rafi notes, "that the inhabitants of Kumuchi fought with great courage, and the last defenders of the fortress - 70 boys - killed in the kikuli quarter. Saratan and Cautort devastated Kumuh ... And all the princes of Kumukhsky, originating from Hamza, dissipated in different parts of the world. " Further, according to Rashid-Ad-Dina, it is known that Mongols reached the "region of Avir" - this is an avian land. However, there are no any information about the hostile actions of the Mongols in relation to Avarz. Muhammed Rafi writes about the prisoner alliance between the Mongols and Avars - "Such a union was founded on friendship, harmony and fraternity," - supported to the same and dynastic marriages. According to the modern researcher, Murad Magomedov, the rulers of the Golden Horde contributed to the expansion of the accident borders, putting on it the role of a collector of Dani with numerous peoples conquered in the Caucasus: "The initially established peaceful relations between the Mongols and the accident may be associated with historical memory Mongols. They obviously had information about the militant Avar Kaganate, which prevail in the IV century. On the ancient territory of Mongolia ... Perhaps the consciousness of the unity of the pranodine of the two peoples and determined the loyal attitude of the Mongols to the anvarians, which they could perceive as an ancient tribesmen who were in the Caucasus long before them ... With the patronage of the Mongols, it should be obviously tied and marked in sources a sharp expansion of boundaries States and the development of economic activities in the accident ... This can be judged from Hamdull Kazvini reports, which notes about the fairly extensive sizes of the accident at the beginning of the XIV century. (the length of supposedly in one month of the road), which united the plain and mountainous areas. "

By 1404, the first reliable mention of the population of Nagorno Dagestan called "Avara", it belongs to John de Galoniforibus, which wrote that "Circassians, Leki, Yassa, Alans, Avars, Kazikumuhi" live in the Caucasus. In the testament of Nuzalhana (that is, the "ruler") of the Avarsky - Andduik, dated 1485, the latter also uses this term, if I "Emir Vilayat Avar".

In the subsequent period, the ancestors of modern Avars were recorded as part of the Avarian and Mehtulin Khunni; Some combined rural communities (the so-called "free societies") preserved a democratic system of government (like ancient Greek policies) and independence. As the most influential "free societies" are known Andalal ('ẅandalal) and Gedat (HID). At the same time, the anvarians possessed a single legal system. Martial Spirit and Military Response of Representatives of "Film Societies" of the accident were traditionally very high. For example, in September 1741, on the territory of the Andalal, they, despite the significant numerical and technical superiority of the enemy, managed to apply a crushing defeat by the Iranian conqueror of Nadirshah Afsha, who did not know before the collision with Avar "Jamaatami" (that is, "societies") One military failure and in the zenith of its power. After the battles in the Aimakinsky gorge, as well as under the villages, the clad, chole and oh, more than 100 thousandth army of Nadir - the ally of Russia on the antiturique coalition - was revealed to 25-27 thousand, with which the Persian autocratic was first retained to Derbent, and in February 1743 G. and in general left the limits of Dagestan. According to the contemporary - Russian resident at the Persian courtyard I. Kalushkina: "But ten persian against one Lezgints (that is, Dagestanz) is unable to stand."

Expansion of the XVI-XVII centuries.

XVI-XVII centuries. Characterized by the processes of strengthening of feudal relations in Avar Nucelly. In a territorially, it was quite extensive: the southern border was held along the Avar Koisu River, and the North reached the Argun River. Using a favorable moment of weakening, and then the collapse of shamhamn, the Avarian khans subordinate to their power the neighboring rural communities of Bagvalinesev, Chamalians, Tindintsev and others, due to which significantly expanded their territory. Umma-Khan Avar (nicknamed "Great") was achieved in the greatest success (in the nickname "" Great "), ruled in 1774-1801. With it, nutsalism expanded its borders both at the expense of the subordination of the Avarian "free societies" and due to the neighboring Chechen territory (primarily Cheberela's society). Upon the Board of Umma-Khan, the Avar Khantystn, Dan, was paid by the Georgian king Irakli II, Derbent, Cuban, Shekinsky, Baku, Shirvan Khan, and the vassal of Turkey - Pasha Akhaltsikh. During hostilities, the Allied Society with Hongzakh Khan was obliged to supply the army and ensure it all necessary. Speaking about Umma-Khan, Kovalevsky S. S. notes that he is a man of large enterprises, leaning and courage. His own possession was small, but the influence on the surrounding peoples is "very strong, so he represents something like the Lord of Dagestan." According to Ya. Kostenetsky, "the accident not only owned many, now from it already dependent societies, but also was the only ladner in this part of the mountains, and all neighbors trembled from the Khans.

Entry into Russia

In 1803, Avar Khanate voluntarily entered the Russian Empire. However, initially, the royal administration made a number of major errors and miscalculations. Heavy defeats and grants, expropriation of land, deforestation of forest land, construction of fortresses, ubiquitous tensions caused displeasure people, first of all, his most freedom-loving and warlike part, - "WORKING" (that is, "free communities"), never before those who did not live under the like by the Board. All supporters of Russia have been declared "bootiers" and "traitors", and the royal administration "the conductors of the slaving system, -nualizing and offensive to true Muslims." On this social and religious basis at the beginning of the 20s of the XIX century. The anti-sacristian movement of the hustances under the slogans of Sharia and Muridism began. The leader became a car accident - Mullah Gazi-Mohammed from the village of Gimra. He, with a small detachment of his adherents, introduced a sharia in Avar Aulah, often by the power of weapons. Having organized the fortified camp of Chumgesgen, Gazi-Muhammed hosted against the Russians at the beginning of 1831. In 1832, he made a successful raid towards Chechnya, as a result of which most of the region passed on his side. Soon, during the battle in his native village, Gazi-Muhammed died.

The second Imam was elected Gamzat Beck from the village of Gotsatl, who for two years continued the case of Gazi-Mohammed - "Gazavat" ("Sacred War"). In 1834, they were exterminated by the Khansky dynasty, which caused anger among Hongzakh. After the murder of them Gamzat-Bek, Imam was elected Shamil - the student and the companion of Gazi-Mohammed, who headed the national liberation movement of the horses for 25 years. All these years, Shamil remained the sole political, military and spiritual leader not only an accident, but also Chechnya. I wore the official title to imam. In 1842-1845 On the territory of the entire accident and Chechnya Shamil was created a military-theocratic state - Imamat, with his hierarchy, internal and foreign policy. The entire territory of Imamata was divided into 50 terms - military administrative units, at the head of which were the most appointed Shamil. Based on the experience of war, Shamil held a military reform. Mobilization among men's population aged from 15 to 50 years, the army is divided into "thousands", "hundreds", "dozens". The core of the armed forces was a cavalry, which included the Guard "Murtazeks". The manufacture of artillery guns, bullets, powder was established. He had the title of Marshal Ottoman Empire, and in July 1854 officially received the title of Generalissimus. Long war destroyed the farm, brought huge human and material losses, many villages were destroyed and burned. No actual help from the Ottoman Empire Shamil had. It affected the fact that in a secret conspiracy with Russia, those who were ready to go to the Caucasus to Shamil as volunteers were arrested in Turkey. In this regard, Shamil has repeatedly negatively responded about the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and his subjects. He, in view of the relative small number of the Avar and Chechen peoples, tried to find among the one-day Muslims as many allies as possible, but not at all the desire to join Turkey. But not only anvarians and Chechens, as well as Tabasarans, Kumyki, Laksi, Lezgins, Dargins, and other nations of Dagestan participated in the war.

End of the Sacred War

Imam Shamil

Tsarism did not fail to learn lessons from his mistakes and failures and radically changed tactics, temporarily abandoning the policy of a rigid colonial negle. In such conditions, Muridist slogans on the need to keep a "sacred war" with Russia to the last teenager who can hold weapons in their hands, not believing with any victims, nor with what losses, they began to be perceived by the horses like hormiard and disastrous. The authority of Shamil and his Nabs began to melt. Shamil often had to fight not only with the Russians, but also with her "frondlers." So, part of the Avars (first of all, Hongzhans and Chohets) fought on the side of Russia in the divisions of the city police and the Dagestan horse shelf. After the capitulation of Shamil, all Avarian lands were included in the Dagestan region. In 1864, Avar Khanate was eliminated, an avian district was formed on its territory. In fairness, it should be noted that despite the cruel, inhuman methods of the royal command, which was used by them in the course of citizen of the national liberation movement of Dagestan and Chechnya royal RussiaHowever, as far as it was possible, in general, did not touch the national religious traditions of these peoples. In relation to the Avarz, there are numerous facts in Dagestan, testifying to empower them with such benefits and the privileges that even the vast majority of Russians themselves were deprived. In particular, this applies to the rapid provision of high military awards, noble ranks, officers. Captured Shamil from the king was rendered maximum honors. The royal administration and Russian warlords spoke very highly about Shamile as a courageous and decent person, emphasized him uncommon talent Commissioner and politics. Avars at the Emperor Alexandra II was part of the Life Guards Units of the Tsarist Conv, including the guard service in the palace rest of the monarchy family.

By the beginning of the Caucasian war in Dagestan, about 200 thousand Avars lived, and more than 150 thousand Chechens lived on the territory of Chechnya. Wars with the Russian Empire led to the fact that Avartsev and Chechens by the end of the Caucasian war left less than half. In 1897, - after the expiration of 18 years after the end of the war, the number of Avars reached only 158, 6 thousand people. In 1926, Avars residents had 184.7 thousand people in Dagestan. One of the consequences of the Caucasian War was also the emigration of Dagestanis to the Ottoman Empire. The royal administration initially even encouraged this phenomenon, but after the emigration began to acquire the nature of the mass and even, - the full-way outcome of the Avarian people to Turkey, then she began to hurry to hurry. Tsarism on the one hand could not settle the Avar Mountains with Cossacks, and on the other hand, it was a witness to the use of the Ottoman Empire of the North Caucasian ethnic element as shock fork compounds against its internal and external enemies.

As part of the USSR

In 1921, the Dagestan ASSR was formed. In the late 1920s, collectivization and industrialization began on land inhabited by Avars.

In 1928, the Avar Alphabet was created on a Latin basis (in 1938 translated into Cyrillic). Numerous Avarian schools opened, the language began to teach in universities, the national secular intelligentsia appeared.

In the 1940s, many Avarians moved from the mountainous area to the plain.

Culture and customs

Traditional lifestyle

The social organization of the people was based on a rural community, which consisted of blood-study associations - Tukhumov; Community members were private owners, but at the same time and co-owners of the property of the community (pastures, forests, etc.). The average community included 110-120 yards. The head of the community was an elder (from the end of the XIX century - a foreman), which was eating on a rural approach (Jamaat) with all male population over 15 years old. By the end of the XIX century, the role of rural communities in the life of anvars was noticeably decreased; The elders were under strong pressure of the Russian authorities.

The traditional settlement of Avarz residents is a fortress, consisting of houses adjacent to each other (stone, with a flat roof, usually two- or three-story) and combat towers. All settlements are oriented to the south. In the center of the settlements, the area was usually arranged, which was a public gathering venue; Here, as a rule, there was a mosque. The life of the Avarian family almost always proceeded in the same room, which was essential big sizes Compared with other premises. The most important element of the room was a hearth that was in her center. An decoration of the room was also a pillar with an ornament. Currently, the interior of the housing of Avars is close to city apartments.

Avar complex spiral-shaped swastika. Stone carving

The most popular and typical Avarian symbolism in Dagestan is considered swastiki, first of all - spiral shape and with rounded edges rounded, as well as Maltese crosses, labyrinths in large quantities Meeting on carved stones, vintage carpets and women's decorations. He deserves mention that Hongzakh Khans often used as state emblem (including - on steaks) the image of the "Wolf with the Standard", and Andiyza, - "Eagle with a saber".

Avarians are engaged in animal husbandry (on plains - cattle breeding, in the mountains - sheep-flowering), pool (in the mountains, terraced agriculture is developed; Rye, wheat, barley, oats, millet, pumpkin, etc.), gardening (apricots, peaches, plum, Alycha and dr.) and viticulture; Frequently developed carpetworking, suknerem, leather treatment, copper chasing, stone carving and wood. By the end of the XX century, zonal specialization of agriculture increased; So, the importance of agriculture fell in the mountains. Avarians are also engaged in industry and services.

Prominent figures

You are in front of us, time, do not be proud,

Considering all people their shadow.

A lot of people who are such, whose life -

The source itself is your candlestick.

Whether gratefully illuminated us -

Thinking, heroes and poets.

You glowed and shine now

Not own, and their great light.

Rasul Gamzatov

There are many among Avars famous personalities, politics, science, art, sports figures. In such a favorite Internet, I found their last name. I will give only some so that you, my dear, knew them and proud of them. I hope in the future this list will be replenished with your names! Dare!

From Lezgina's book. History, Culture, Traditions Author Gadzhiyev Madelena Narimanovna

An outstanding personality with its rich history, which has no one thousand years, among Lezgin has grown a lot of greatest personalities, figures of science, culture and art, athletes who glorified our Dagestan. I will give only some of them so that you

From the book of the ancient Rome Author Mironov Vladimir Borisovich

From the book the history of the art of all times and peoples. Volume 3 [Art XVI-XIX centuries] by Virman Karl

Outstanding names from three masters, followers of Jamball, who created the reliefs of the cathedral doors in Pisa, Pietro Takka (about 1580-1640) especially served the transition of Tuscan art in the XVII century. On the central base equestrian statue Ferdinand I in Livorno, student's work Bandinelli

Author Istomin Sergey Vitalyevich

From the book Medieval Iceland Author Bouaye mode

The most outstanding authors will curious will be a list of the names of the famous Writers of Iceland according to their place in the literature of the country, since, as we said, they usually remained anonymous, especially when it comes to prosaic works. Should not forget about

From the book the book edification Author Ibn Munkyz Usama

Outstanding women I mentioned some of the acts of men and now I also mention also about the acts of women, but I will preliminarily do a little preface. Antiochia belonged to the devil from the francs by name Roger. He went to pilgrimage to Jerusalem, whose mistress

From the book Philosophy of History Author Semenov Yuri Ivanovich

3.8.7. Folk masses and outstanding personality with the opening of classes and class struggles in historiology first entered the people, and not as a passive suffering mass, but as an active social force. One of the works of O. Tierry was called "The Genuine History of Jacques Space,


1.7. Outstanding, famous women 1.7.1. The drama of the life of the princess Rogged Rogneda has been locked up in their rest and expected its fate. She did not regret anything and was preparing to take death. But what stopped her, delayed the strike of the dagger for a second? She is

From the book Russian history in faces Author Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

2.7. Outstanding, famous women 2.7.1. Sophia Paleologist's views in the opinions of contemporaries and descendants the expression "First Lady" as applied to the wife of the Supreme Head of the country appeared in our country in the second half of the 80s. XX century First of the present "First Lady" in the history of Russia

From the book Russian history in faces Author Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

3.7. Outstanding, famous women 3.7.1. And Elena Glinsky still poisoned the second wife of the Grand Duke Vasily III Elena Glinsky became from Lithuania. She was 25 years younger than Vasily Ivanovich. Employed newlyweds even shaved his beard in favor of a young wife. Only in the fifth year

From the book Russian history in faces Author Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

5.7. Outstanding, famous women 5.7.1. The philosophian at the origins of the Russian emancipation Karl Marx proposed the level of civilization of a society or country to determine in relation to women, by the Regulation, which in a particular society given the country

From the book Russian history in faces Author Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

6.7. Outstanding, famous women 6.7.1. Women of the revolution in the XVIII century. Five women squeezed on the Russian throne. In the XX century, as in the XIX, a single woman could not take the highest state post in his fatherland. In the second half of the XX century. headed

From the book Russian history in faces Author Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

7.7. Outstanding, famous women 7.7.1. "Floor women is her ceiling!" Galina Starovoitova Galina Staroyarovaya Vasilyevna Statement, which is in the title, did not like most women. Starovoitov himself, it seems, not at all disturbed. Galina Vasilyevna

From the book rulers of Russia Author Gritsenko Galina Ivanovna

Outstanding scientists Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (05 (17) .09. 1857 - 19.09.1935. At the age of ten, due to complications after Scarletina, he lost his hearing and

From the book I will know the world. History of Russian kings Author Istomin Sergey Vitalyevich

Outstanding reforms Catherine II from all previous rulers distinguished extraordinary hardworking. Early morning clock, she worked on projects of laws and decrees over literary writings, letters and translations. From the very first months of her reign daily

From the book Russia in the middle of the XIX century (1825-1855) Author Collective authors

Outstanding people of the 19th century era in Russia marked a surge of spiritual life. Almost in all areas you can see a movement forward. For example, the number of periodicals has grown from 1800 to 1850 from 64 to 250 items. In the late 50s, about two thousand were printed annually.

A strong family is the value for everyone without the exception of Caucasian peoples, including Avars. And the day of marriage is one of the most important in life. At the same time, a single scenario cannot be distinguished, according to which the wedding passes: in each Dagestan Aulu, their special, distinguishable in the nuances of tradition and customs is adopted.

Avar Wedding

In the past, family relationships were regulated by adatami - normal law. In accordance with them, it was necessary, for example, that newlyweds were immigrants from equal in the influence, significance and authority among family tribesmen. Up until the end of the XIX, the bride and the bride were selected to each other within one Tuhuma: alliances were particularly preferred between relatives and one-facilities, fellow villagers. Interethnic marriages at the Avarians until the middle of the last century were extremely rare phenomenon.

Sometime among the Avarian people practiced weddings on the parental conspiracy. It happened that the bride and groom met at the marriage ceremony for the first time. By the way, often such families turned out to be the most durable, which is not so surprising: when creating pairs, parents took into account a lot of factors that young people do not pay attention to. For example, I was closely looked at the mother of the bride, looking for a modest, hardworking and respectable female woman. Such just can not raise an unworthy daughter!

Especially often used by this principle in the case of the so-called "lullaby marriages", when the bride was chosen in his infancy to a small son.

The girl from the earliest childhood was morally prepared for her female destination: married a bold and economic guy-anvar. In parallel, parents were preparing for the wedding materially, collecting the dowry, which consisted, from the bedroom, ornaments, copper and silverware. It was impossible to hit the face in the dirt in this matter: before the wedding itself, it was necessary to assess the attached to the face of those who gathered from the whole village of relatives and fellow villagers.

Wedding communication between the young men and the girl was strictly forbidden. At the same time, the weddings are not by prior arrangement, too, were not rare. To offer a hand and heart, the groom visited the father's home of his chosen, leaving in it a dagger, a hat or any other personal item. Only by receiving the formal consent from the bride, the young aurate sent his bride to his bride, sister or another relative woman who had to discuss all the conditions of the future ceremony in detail.

Avar wedding took a few days. The first day of the celebration "walked" in the house of the closest to the bridegroom of a friend: a rich table was covered, the owner of the feast and Tamada was chosen. The second wedding day took place in the housing of the groom, where, accompanied by girlfriends came the festively dressed and bought the bride. After the obligatory redemption ceremony, the mother-in-law handed over a special gift and accompanied the girl in a separate room, in which she, together with his friends, had to be up until the end of the wedding. Interestingly, "spillings" and "ransom" during the Avar wedding were several. In addition to the classical and habitual - for the bride, the friends of the groom had to deviate bridesmaids who tried to "steal the" newly-made spouse. And after a couple of days, when the bride came out of the house to gain water, her girlfriends were twisted with sweets from guests who had interfered with the girl to come to the well.

Family life of anvartsev

Wedding wedding, but the most important event is the birth of the firstborn. Desired first of all, the appearance of the son's light, but the daughters of Avars were also rejoiced. On the birth of a baby, the head of the family was notified by fellow villagers with loud shots from the gun. The name of the newborn at the Avarians was taken to choose during the public-season feast on the occasion of the birth of a child.

Avar residents are appreciated sophisticated loyalty. In case of treason, the case could end blood revenge. According to Adam, the reason for it could serve as a violation of the marriage contract, and the desecration of the home of the heart. However, by the middle of the XIX century, these customs were practically survived.

In everyday life, the power of her husband, the head of the family, was not absolute: women had the right to solve internal problems on a par with her husband. Nevertheless, there was a clear separation of the zones of the responsibility of men and women. So, the owner of the house was responsible for all the material property and for the fate of children.

In the life of the Avar family, there is still a kind of alienation between the male part of the house and female. A woman with children, as a rule, lives in the same room, her husband is in another. Even boys up to reaching 15 years old in one room with a mother. The same kind of alienation is preserved in relations between the coarse and the daughter-in-law: a young woman does not have the right to talk with the head of the house, and his questions should be briefly and strictly in the case.

Interesting facts about Avartz

Up until 1928, Avarians used writing on the basis of the Arab alphabet, then for ten years - the Latin alphabet, and only from 1938 they switched to Cyrillic.

In the names of the week of the week in the Avar language, you can find the echoes of religions, at different times the prevailed in the Caucasus. So, the word "shammat" (Saturday) clearly came from Judaism (compare with Jewish Shabbat). Thursday of Avars, as well as Christians, denote "Fish Day", and the word "Ruzman" (Friday) came to the tongue from Iranian.

One of the most famous Avars - the famous Soviet poet Rasul Gamzatov. In addition to his own rich poetic heritage, he left transfers to native language works of many classics of Russian literature: A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontova, S. A. Yesenin and V. V. Mayakovsky. In the Republic of Gamzatov called "Dagestan Pushkin". In his honor, streets, theaters, libraries and even one of the asteroids are named.

Photo on the main page - "Hot Amina", Magomed Magomedov, Competition "Children of Russia".

Persons of Russia. "Live together, remaining different"

The multimedia project "Persons of Russia" has existed since 2006, telling about the Russian civilization, the most important feature of which is the ability to live together, remaining different - such motto is especially relevant for the countries of the entire post-Soviet space. From 2006 to 2012, within the framework of the project, we have created 60 documentaries about representatives of different russian ethnic groups. There were also 2 cycles of radio broadcasts "Music and the songs of the Peoples of Russia" - more than 40 gears. In support of the first series of films, illustrated almanacies were released. Now we are halfway to the creation of a unique multimedia encyclopedia of the peoples of our country, a snapshot, which will allow residents of Russia to know themselves and to descend to leave a picture of what they were.


"Persons of Russia." Avars. "Wedding character"


Avars - The people of Dagestan, inhabiting the mountainous part of this republic. According to the 2002 census, 758,438 people live here. In total, in Russia, according to the correspondence of 2009, 912 thousand 90 Avars live. In addition, about fifty thousand Avarians live in Sunnaisk and Belokan regions of Azerbaijan.

Avars - ancient peopleAlready in the VII century, he is mentioned in the "Armenian geography" of Anania Shiracatsi. Avar language belongs to the Dagestan branch of the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages. Until 1928, the Avarians enjoyed the Arabic alphabet, using some additional signs for specific avian consonants. In 1938, the currently existing alphabet was adopted on the basis of Russian graphics, which was favorably distinguished from previous in that it uses the letters of the Russian alphabet with the addition of the sign "I".

The poet's famous Poet Rasul Gamzatov wrote his works on the Avarian language. Many of his poems have folk roots. For example, those that entered into the popular cycle "Inscriptions on the doors and gates". ("Do not stand, do not wait, passersby, at the door. You come out Il away go back").

Believers Avarians confess Islam. For a long time, he had to compete with local pagan beliefs. Gradually, some of them acquired a new Islamic color, and some preserved only in the form of legends and superstitions. But they are also very interesting and can tell a lot about the Avarian people. For example, Bouys are perfume, patroneal hunting. On the hunt of a man who made some sinful act, spirits thrown by stones. Normal hunter, that is, righteous, they, on the contrary, welcome and treat.


The softness of the pencil wins the saber hardness

Avarza - the people of Dagestan, inhabiting the mountainous part of this republic. According to the 2002 census, 758,438 people live here. In total, in Russia, on the same census, 814 473 Avars live. In addition, about fifty thousand Avarians live in Sunnaisk and Belokan regions of Azerbaijan. Avars - Ancient people, already in the VII century, he is mentioned in the Armenian geography of Anania Shiracatsi.

Avarians confess Islam. For a long time, he had to compete with local pagan beliefs. Gradually, some of them have acquired a new Islamic painting, while others have been preserved only in the form of legends and superstitions. But they are also very interesting and can tell a lot about the Avarian people.

Led the groom to the native of the bride

About Avarian wisdom go legends. And in general, Avarians know how to find a way out of very difficult situations. Let's listen to one Avarian parable.

Brought the groom to the native of the bride. He brought him as a gift of ram and sweets. The bridesmaid brides are asked:

Why did you choose our sister into the bride?

And he answered them the fiance of a fairy tale.

A long time ago, a huge and terrible dragon-howy captured the only source in the accident. People remained without water. Women crying, children moaned from thirst.

The wildest and strong jigs were thrown into a monster with sabers in their hands, but he knocked all the long-tail blows.

Morehak built a huge beautiful palace from the source. Heobed him with a palico and embraced his heads killed on him.

People were desperate. Who will win the terrible dragon?

At that time, the son was born at the poor widow. He walked to drink water from the source at night. And recruited with unprecedented strength, courage and delete. He saw, as the dragon was saturated at the source, and hated him. And he swore in front of the whole people to free the country from the monster.

Mother, relatives, neighbors and friends discussed him for a long time:

You just grown. Still young. You will die in the color of years. Praise yourself!

But the young man sat down at the horse and went to fight the monster.

The Dragon Morehah was already published hurt him and roared a terrible voice:

Who dares to approach the source?!

I want to fight you, the monster ispayan! - The young man replied proudly.

Dragon Gang up:

Insane! Don't you know that I do not fight weapons? You must know that there is no one in the world, equal to me by strength. With all your opponents I ask only one question. If he cannot answer him correctly, then I kill it with one blow of my huge tail!

And if you answer correctly, then I immediately and die!

Ok, I agree! - The young man is responsible. - ask a question!

The dragon buried loudly, and two women appeared in the window of his palace. One is an incredibly dazzling beauty, the other is an ordinary simple woman.

Which is more painful? Dragon asked.

The young man looked at women and replied:

Tajes that you like more!

You're right! - Dragon stuck and emptied the spirit.

So the accident was delivered from the monster.

He graduated from the fiance of a fairy tale and said: "I like your sister!"

You're right! - exclaimed the bridesmaid brothers.

And they uttered the words of prayer for the newlyweds:

And Allah bless you, and yes he is my blessings to you, and he will connect you for good!

Wedding enriched with new customs

Once I went in this Avarian parable about the newlyweds, then it's time to tell about the Avar wedding. Wedding is one of the most vintage solemn and responsible events in a person's life, which marks the creation of a new family. Avar residents have their wedding customs and traditions that originate from ancient times. They are enriched with new rituals, fun, ideological content, consonant with modernity, interests of different peoples and young people.

But the main thing remains unchanged: the weddings serve as a means of transmission from generation to a generation of cultural traditions, folklore knowledge, social experience and moral norms.

Until the last century, anvarians basically lived in mountain villages, so folk wedding rites were formed mainly there.

In the past, at the conclusion of marriage, it was necessary that the bride and groom came from equal in the meaningfulness, influence and power of the names. Back in the XIX century, Avars, like many other Dagestan peoples, adhered to endogamy, that is, they tried to make marriages within their aul. At Avars, such marriage unions were preferred to conclude between close relatives and the same names.

The most stronger was the marriage concluded between fellow villagers. The inter-marriages of the Avarians were few.

As for international marriages, they were extremely rare until the mid-40s of the 19th century. Previously, the prerogative of the conclusion of marriage mainly belonged to parents. And daughters it concerned first. Recently, these traditions are not allowed everywhere, for example, in cities there are much more liberty and innovations. But still at the conclusion of marriage, nationality, village, district takes into account.

Marriage on Shariat (Magar) and Divorce (Talak) continue to be sustainably maintained in our time and complemented by civil marriage and divorce.

It is interesting to note that calm charge for Avars, as well as for some other Dagestan peoples was not characteristic custom. IN modern conditions Adat dacha calm is enhanced and quickly applies, which is explained by the improvement of the economic situation of people.

In rural areas, many positive aspects of customs and traditions are more preserved, in particular, the ethereal highlighting the status of the elders. According to this ad, younger sister or brother do not marry before the elders. The marriage between dairy brother and sister is not allowed.

Currently, the Avarians have two kinds of weddings. The first form, which the majority of the rural population adheres to is traditional. He is practiced only with minor innovations. In the second form of a wedding, modern elements prevail and traditional rites are partially observed.

And men sing heroic songs

Well, where the wedding, there is music, there and singing. Avarus music is distinguished by bright identity. Experts have long noticed that in the music of Avar residents prevail natural minor frets, most of all - Dorian. Combined two-dollar and three-tetral meters. One of the characteristic sizes is 6/8. There are also complex and mixed dimensions.

Avar men sing epico-heroic songs. They differ in the three-part melody structure. The extreme parts fulfill the role of entry and imprisonment. And in the middle (spectative warehouse) outlines the main content of the poetic text.

Typical female genre: lyrical song. For the female manner of vocal performance, the "thorny" singing is characteristic. Also prevails solo singing with instrumental support.

Unison ensemble (female duet) and choral (male) singing are found. For vintage lyrical songs is characterized by a dialogical manner of singing. Movies and dancing melodies are used as independent works. Female singing often accompanied by a tambourine. In addition to national tools Avar residents have widespread harmonics, accordion, accordion, balalaika, guitar. Traditional instrumental ensemble - zurna and drum. The first records of the People's Avar Music were made in the second half of the XIX century.

A few words about the Avar language. It refers to the Dagestan branch of the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages. Anvarians received his writing only after the establishment of Soviet power. Until 1928, the Avarians enjoyed the Arabic alphabet, using some additional signs for specific avian consonants. In 1938, the currently existing alphabet was adopted on the basis of Russian graphics, which is favorably different from previous in that it uses the letters of Russian alphabet with the addition of only sign I sign.

Inscriptions on the doors and gates

As you know, the poet famous for Russia, Rasul Gamzatov wrote his works in the Avarian language. Many of his poems have folk roots. For example, those that entered into the popular cycle "Inscriptions on the doors and gates".

Do not stand, do not wait, passerby, at the door.
You come in Ile away go back soon.

Passerby, do not knock, the owners are not awake,
With evil came - go away
with good came - come in.

Not in early hour or late
Do not knock on the door, friends:
And the heart is selected for you,
And my door.

I am jigit, and there is only one
Request for me:
Do not go, since not praise
Mine horse.

But not only horse I want to praise us. I want to praise that an anonymous author, who composed the instructive anvar fairy tale "Fox and Snake."

Somehow a fox be friends and snake and decided to wander through the light. They walked for a long time in the forests, fields, mountains and gorges, until they went to the wide river, where there were no fusion.

Let's throw in the river, - suggested Fox.

But I do not know how to swim, "Snake sewed.

Nothing, I will help you, will conceive me around me.

The snake was walked around the fox, and they swam.

It was hard was the fox, but she did not give her mind and sailed, knocking out of his strength.

Already at the very shore of the snake began to firmly compress the fox with his rings.

What are you doing? After all, it is possible to strangle! - screamed fox.

So you need, - Snake replied.

Well, it can be seen, death does not be able to avoid, - Lisa moor. - Only sorry. How many years we have been friends, and I have never seen your face near. Make the last favor - let me look at you before your death.

Okay. Yes, and I also want to look at you finally, "said the snake and brought her head to the fox.

Lisa immediately sprinkled the snake head and went ashore.

Here she was freed from the dead snake and exclaimed:

Do not trust friends who are wring!

It is easy to guess that this thought very soon became an avian proverb. Here are some more interesting proverbs of the Avarian people who are worth it to the USS:

A good man of one word is enough, a good horse - one kick.

Bee and fly together do not work together.

While game is still in the mountains, do not put the boiler on fire.

From one person the troops will not be, there will be no tower from one stone.

But a very interesting proverb, emphasizing the high role of education, as well as art in the Avar Society:

The softness of the pencil wins the saber hardness.

From myself add, but only if this pencil falls into talented hands.

Household and life

Traditional classes - cattle breeding and fatty agriculture. Archaeol. and letters. Sources indicate the antiquity of the origin and developed forms of agriculture in A. In the mountainous district and the foothills, agriculture was combined with cattle breeding, in highlands the leading role belonged to livestock. Created arts, terraced fields, strengthened by stone walls on dry laying; The terracement was combined with the drainage device. Practiced three-tiered use of sites (under the fruit trees were sled by corn, in the aisle - beans, potatoes, vegetables), ceremonary crop rotation, alternation of S.-H. cultures. Fields fell by manure, ash. In the mountain valleys, the irrigation system was developed (channels, gutters, woods, sampling).

The tools of labor: a wooden plow with an iron lemene, a hoe, Kirk, a small braid, sickle, threshing boards, volokusi, forks, rake, der. shovel; in gardener. X-Wah in the mountain valleys used a special shovel for manual plowing. Embedded barley, wheat, hungry barley, rye, oats, millet, legumes, corn, potatoes.

From tech Crops were sown flax and hemp. Molly grain on water mills with a horizontal wheel. In the mountain valleys were engaged in gardening and viticulture; Endemic varieties had. Peaches, apricots, cherry, apples, pears, Alych and others were practiced. Personal fruit drying, with con. XIX century - Processing them on handicraft canning plants, as well as exporting accidents for sale and for exchanging for grain. Of the best grape varieties did wine for sale.

With con. XIX century Began to grow onions, garlic, in owls. Period - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. In owls. The time the zonal specialization intensified, in a number of R-new branches of Prom. enterprises, canning plants.

It is believed that in the era of bronze cattle breeding on terr. A. had a settled character. Divided small (sheep, goats), as well as kr. cattle, horses, donkeys, mules. Prevailed, especially in high-mountain R-na, sheep, which is already with the XVI century. Developed as a commodity industry with geographic. division of labor.

Students. The rocks of the sheep coarse sheep (Andyaya, Hunibskaya, Avar), in owls. Time appeared and fine-dimensional. In the alpine zone, distant cattle breeding prevailed, in the mountain - stalk-distant combined with distant (sheep), in the foothill - stallo-distant. Subscribed classes - hunting (wild goats, deer, tours, foxes, etc.) and beekeeping (especially in Sadovoyatch. R-NA).

Homemade crafts and crafts: wives. - weaving (cloth, carpets), knitting from wool (socks, shoes), highlighting felt, bugs, embroidery; husband. - skin treatment, stone carving and tree, blacksmith, copper chasing, weapon, jewelry, wooden utensils. Sukna was distinguished from antiquity (there are medieval archaeol. Finds) and were considered the best in Dagestan, taken out of its limits (especially white in Tbilisi); Factory fabrics looked only in Nach. XX century There are archaeol. Finds of the VIII - X centuries. Bronze openwork belt buckles, bleaks.

A silver case stands out (the masters worked for sale and to order), Naib. kr. Centers - Sogrant, Russian, Choch, Gotsatl, Gamsutle, Unzucul. Daggers, gazei, sets for gathering, husband were distinguished. and wives. Belts, wives Decorations (bracelets, rings, chains, places, pendants, necklaces, earrings, etc.), in owls. Time is also dishes, Split. Houseware.

XIX products. Often repeated older samples. In Gotsatle in 1958 there was a landline. Art, combine. Metalworking technique: engraving, black, filigree (especially invoice), notch, grains; Inserts from natural stones, stained glass, chains, and other set details were used. In Sovr. The art of Gotsatl is a big role playing the technique of blacks.

With con. XIX - NCH. XX centuries. World fondness is used by products from Unzucul: household items (tubes, ports, caskets, canes, sticks, ink sets, boxes, caskets, etc.) from a cross-tree with a thin notch (geom pattern) from silver, copper, later and Melchior; in owls. Time is open here. Hood. factory.

OSN. Centers of carpet-va - Hongzakh, Tlyaratinsky district, part with. Levashinsky and Buynaksky district: pile and lounge double-sided carpets, smooth double-sided palaces, patterned felt carpets, chibt mats (to wool. Skier added marshes), small carpet products (traveled bags of persjin .).

Threaded wood was engaged in almost every village; She was decorated with windows and doors, columns, pillars, balconies, furniture, lari, etc. Objects of utensils, dishes. OSN. Types of threads - contour, flat-meter, triangular. Threads on the stone were decorated with facades of residential buildings, mosques, magic monuments. Especially famous carvers from her.

Russian, Choha, Kuyadinsky farm (Gunibsky district). Students. Ornament motifs - stylized animal images, astral symbols, geometric, vegetable, ribbon patterns, braid.