Valeria from Friday morning. Extraordinary appearance, charisma and talent

Valeria from Friday morning.  Extraordinary appearance, charisma and talent
Valeria from Friday morning. Extraordinary appearance, charisma and talent

They say correctly: a talented person is talented in everything. Maria Ivakova is a clear confirmation of this. This charmingly incendiary blonde for her 28 years has tried herself as a TV presenter, actress, model and designer - and everywhere with success. Now she can be safely called a trendsetter in the fashion world. Moreover, Masha is not one of those who copy the fashionable images of others - she creates her own style. And he does it naturally, with ease and a smile.

Maria Ivakova began her fashion career as the host of the From the Hip project. A little later, she became the host of the Trendy program on MTV, but all-Russian fame came to her thanks to the travel show Eagle and Tails. Shopping ". The girl knows about fashion firsthand: at the beginning of her career, Maria worked as a journalist at Fashion Week in Brazil, then helped Roberto Cavalli with organizing his show in Moscow, and a couple of years later she opened a tailor shop with her sister. The purposeful beauty is not going to stop there. Not so long ago, thanks to her data, fashion sense, multiplied by enthusiasm and energy, she became the face of Maybelline New York in Russia. She spoke about her plans for the future, her wardrobe, fashion and beauty taboo in an exclusive interview with our portal.

website: In 2009, you and your sister Alena opened The Tailor Shop atelier and already in 2012 you participated in the World Fashion Awards, thus surpassing, perhaps, all other celebrities who create their own personalized clothing lines. Do you think that the key to the success of star brands is that they have big names behind them, or are quality and style still in the first place?

I am always in favor of people being versatile and moving forward. There are examples of very good collections produced by non-professional designers. I treat them great, but I prefer to buy collections of Russian designers such as Arsenicum, Chapurin and many others.

website: Do you think over the concept of the collection yourself or do you trust the designers? And what does a girl look like, dressed according to your fashionable canons?

M.I .: I do everything myself. And about a potential customer ... She is wearing her favorite things, in which she is comfortable. For example, in my wardrobe there are a lot of basic things: leather pants, leather jackets, cool T-shirts, black dresses, jackets, suits that are diluted with accessories. I love it when the image is made up of well-cut and perfectly fitting simple things. They should be like a second skin, comfortable, but at the same time bold.

? What will you never wear?

M.I .: To be honest, I really don't like nude tights. Of course, sometimes they are necessary, for example, when you have some kind of reception or you are playing on stage. But even in such cases, you can resort to trick. If the dress code requires you to keep your feet clean and you are wearing sandals, there are special toeless tights. She deceived everyone and at the same time achieved her goal! Besides, I am very careful about animal prints. But in terms of makeup, I have less and less taboo. The only thing I won't allow myself is not to wash off my makeup before going to bed. And it is worth remembering that the make-up must correspond to the place and time.

website: It is believed that shoes and bags should be expensive and of high quality. In your opinion, what things are worth spending half of your salary on, and what can you save on?

M.I .: I agree that shoes and bags should be of good quality, and anything that is of good quality cannot be cheap a priori. And there is only one reason for this - it will last longer.

"I buy a bag and I can carry it for 6-7 years, some bags, for example, Chanel, can be inherited."

Now I'm wearing boots, which are 4 years old, they have served me faithfully for more than one season, but they look like new.

website: Are there things in your wardrobe that you could pass on to your children?

M.I .: Watches, jewelry, collectible bags ... these boots are unlikely ( laughs).

Ivakova Maria and Instagram of this girl is in the top of the most popular accounts in our country. The charming blonde has been the permanent host of the Eagle and Tails TV show for four seasons. Shopping "on the Friday channel. Stylish, bright, playful - she fits into the format of a program about travel and shopping like no other. It is curious that Masha herself never dreamed of a TV presenter career and initially linked her life with the economic sphere, having worked for several years in a large financial company. On television, Maria Ivakova turned out to be quite by accident, and very quickly realized that this was exactly what she needed.

Also, the girl played several small roles in the movies. Ivakova Maria Instagram and fans are often pleased with photos from the shooting. In addition to television, fashion and style occupy a special place in Masha's life. The girl, a friend of Roberto Cavalli, helped the designer organize shows in Moscow. She is the owner of a fashion atelier and winner of one of the World Fashion Awards.

Instagram in search of the perfect shopping

The charismatic and cheerful Masha Ivakova on Instagram quickly fell in love with users. The official page has already collected more than 640 thousand followers. The audience fell in love with the sweet and fragile TV presenter from the very beginning of the broadcast of the program, but among the subscribers are not only fans of "Eagle and Tails" - Masha leads an active social life, and in addition to TV takes part in theatrical performances, is the official face of the Maybelline cosmetic brand, attends various official events , secular parties, and, of course, travels a lot.

In her blog on Instagram, Masha Ivakova shares beautiful photos from different countries, sometimes very exotic. She has an excellent sense of humor and self-irony, allowing herself not only humorous photos, but also rather caustic statements in her address. The presenter shares behind-the-scenes photos from the filming of the programs, opening the curtain of the process of creating a favorite show for fans.

Maria Ivakova Instagram very often pleases with new pictures - the page has more than two thousand publications, and will surely please travel lovers, as well as connoisseurs of beauty - after all, she is a girl of amazing beauty.

You hardly know as much about shopping as Masha Ivakova(29). But it is important that Masha- not only a professional in his field, but also a wonderful person. Can you not smile when you look at Ivakova? It's hard for us to restrain ourselves! Happy birthday to Masha and do not get tired of admiring her!

From childhood, the stage was everything to me! I really liked the attention to myself, I loved to hold concerts and I staged the numbers myself. But, as often happens, my parents wanted to educate me as a serious person who should study well and get a worthy profession. At the same time, I myself have always strived to be successful and independent. At the age of 12, I asked my dad to help me find a job for a month, whatever. And he arranged for me to be a nurse in an X-ray room. I managed to earn only a few pennies, but the feeling of independence was unforgettable! After school, I entered Tax Academy and already imagined herself in the role of a tough financier, although mathematics was difficult and it took more time to understand the material. At the same time, literature, the Russian language and history went with a bang and with pleasure. The first conscious salary was already in my student years: then I earned $ 200 at a computer company and lowered it on a Dolce & Gabbana belt. (Laughs.) Basically, I have been working every summer since early childhood. I liked that I can learn something new and achieve something myself.

At the institute, I realized that studying is, of course, wonderful, but it's time for me to start building my career. I became an employee of a commercial real estate investment company. She started from the starting position of an assistant, but worked recklessly and eventually became a development director in two years. It was not just luck, I worked very hard while continuing my studies. But as a result, I graduated from the university with grief in half, there were also triples. At some point, I realized that I was working a lot: I rested only two weeks a year, the rest of the time I just worked hard. I wanted some kind of change. I started helping a friend who was organizing events. And one day my friend called me Max Perlin, said he was launching a new project, and offered to host a program about fashion. Together with my girlfriend Leroy once a week we went to shows and covered the events of the fashion world. We named ourselves Marie and Valerie... The trick was that we didn't bother at all, we laughed all the time and enjoyed the process. In parallel, I organized events and worked for an investment company. Then I already started making good money and, like many girls, I spent everything on clothes. But not for fashionable outfits, but for a bunch of identical shirts and skirts, since the company had a strict dress code.
Soon everything changed in my life. I decided to end my office career and start my own business. Me and my sister Alena created an atelier The tailor shop... It was a big risk, but it was worth it. I married a wonderful man. We had a great wedding, and no one even thought that everything would end so quickly. But in marriage, we both relaxed very much, did not work on relationships, each was doing something different. In the end, we broke up. Although we still communicate, respect and support each other. It is very important to develop together in a relationship. If you are fond of something, then try to do it together. Communicate, share. It is clear that everyone has a personal space, but all the same, the values ​​should be common. When a relationship ends, there is no one to blame, it is everyone's mistake. When I came to the casting of the Eagle and Tails project, the only thing I knew about it was that it would be a program about shopping in different countries. Then I thought: "Who, if not me!" I have traveled a lot, I love different brands, I can analyze local designers, communicate with new people. And I was so sure of myself that when I left the casting, I thought: "If they do not take me, they will be very sorry." And I didn’t believe I was approved until I received the tickets. When I saw my schedule for the year, I just burst into tears with happiness!

Me and my co-host in the show "Heads and Tails" by Anton Lavrentiev often attributed to the novel. In fact, we traveled a lot together, so our relationship from just workers turned into a friendly one. But Anton is very different from the men I choose. So there is no romance between us and there never was. And rumors started to spread after we “played out” a wedding in Las Vegas as part of our project. But, of course, this is not a real marriage. The last pattern break in my life is visiting Africa... Many are convinced that it is dangerous there: all sorts of viruses, malaria. All this is nonsense. Africa is a huge continent, there is beautiful nature, wonderful people and a starry sky. I am delighted and will definitely return there! It seems to me that everyone should visit places untouched by civilization. By the way, I haven't met a single Russian in Africa. There were Germans, French and someone else, but no one spoke Russian. I was very disappointed with Marrakech. I always judge a country by people... And in the Arab countries people are not simple. But there is, for example, Amman in Jordan, whose inhabitants are mostly hospitable and welcoming. But in Marrakech, people are aggressive. When the locals start hitting you with sticks just because you take pictures of them without warning, it's terrible. In addition, they constantly tried to deceive us there: local merchants raised prices three times and cheated us. Therefore, I do not want to return to Marrakech. The same goes for Cairo - the people are beautiful, but it is very dirty and unpleasant there.

Madly in love South America, however, you also need to be careful there. For example, in Peru many energetically strong places. I am a sensitive person and I understand where I feel good, where I feel bad, and where I need to be on the lookout. And Peru is just such a place. There are many shamans and spirits. You need to listen to everything that happens. If someone approached you to ask for money, it is better to give it. For locals, magic is absolutely normal. And to go to the sorcerer is a common thing for them. The most valuable thing for me is the people who meet in different parts of the world. They are all so different, each with its own story. Even an ordinary driver in Tunisia can say such words that you understand everything around in a new way. I call them teachers. I strongly advise everyone to take medicines with them on trips. Gather a small first aid kit, which must contain: antibiotics, enterosorbent (in case of poisoning), something for diarrhea. And drink more water. In our group, force majeure periodically happened when someone fell ill, but always did without hospitalization. The only thing that is unpleasant is that you have to work at work.... Nobody sees what state you are in before the command "Motor!" Without cloth masks, creams, night and day masks, I don't go anywhere at all. For me, face cream is a must have! I do not do any anti-aging procedures, and I use Korean creams and masks for skin care. I do not go to the spa, styling or make-up, I do everything myself. We don't even have a makeup artist on our trips.

I have recently recovered a lot. Apparently, numerous flights and unhealthy food on the road affect. I started to play sports, but the weight continued to increase. In fact, flights greatly imbalance the body. It took me three months to lose weight without harming my health: only by sports and a healthy diet. And I'm still on my way to my ideal body. Now I don’t eat sweets at all, I go in for sports every day, I don’t eat meat, fatty, and from flour I can afford a little bread in the morning. In Moscow, I usually work out with a trainer and go to yoga. I jog or do cardio while traveling. When I see plump people in the gym, I want to hug them, hug them to me. I understand how difficult it is to fight overweight. I respect them very much for this zeal. The main thing is not to stop! My spiritual growth began with the awareness of death. I was already an adult, but for some reason I hadn't thought about the finiteness of being before. And when I realized that we are all going to die and this world will one day disappear forever, I already looked at life differently. Then I was an atheist, was fond of philosophy and read a lot of Schopenhauer... Then she began to look for herself in religion. And I am still a seeker. It is important to hear yourself. You need to find time more often to be alone with yourself. Meditation helps me with this.

I desperately want to go through vipassana. Vipassana is practiced everywhere: from the Moscow region to Los Angeles... This is a trip for about a week to the ashram, all this time you are in a confined space with other people, the group has about 30 people. You don't talk to anyone and you meditate for 10 hours a day with short breaks. People come out of there with complete order in their heads. Of course, it's hard, but such changes are taking place inside, such enlightenment! Happiness, love - all this is already inside us, and we don't need any other person from the outside to feel it. I want new projects. I want to work in cinema and theater. I want to work on my brand. I am not saying that I am a designer, no. I assess myself soberly and I just want to do for people what does not exist yet, and make it accessible. I want to have a family. I want children. I love to cook, although I could not stand it before. Now I understand that it is important for a woman to be able to cook for her man, to create comfort. Before, I was only absorbed in my career. It is not right. At work, on trips, we prepare everything for each other. And I would like to cook for my family the same way. If I met myself little, I would hug myself tightly, with great love. And I would say: “There is a God, don't be afraid of anything. Dream, go ahead. Everything will work out! "

Maria Ivakova is a popular Russian TV presenter, actress and model. She was born on June 16 (twins according to the horoscope) 1986 in the city of Temirtau (Kazakhstan). Her height is about 166 centimeters, and her weight reaches 59 kilograms.

Maria was born and raised in a fairly ordinary family. True, due to the military activities of the father, the entire family had to move frequently. Thus, the girl was able to visit almost every corner of Russia, in addition to this, she was also able to see Germany. At the age of 13, the Ivakov family decides to settle in St. Petersburg. Despite frequent travels, young Maria managed to study music and dance, as well as follow fashion trends. Memories of childhood always give Mary a smile, as she spent it quite cheerfully and extremely interestingly. She often walked alone around the city and found completely unusual places, which became even more unusual thanks to the rich imagination of Mary.

Maria grew up as a fairly independent child and even had a small part-time job in childhood, which helped her in her future adult life. After leaving school, she decides to go to university in the tax business and after a short time becomes part of one investment company. The young and ambitious girl had nothing to do with television in her thoughts, she just wanted to become a businesswoman and devote herself to a good career, but fate decreed otherwise.

TV presenter career

In 2008, Maria Ivkova decides to radically change her occupation and begins to lead a program about fashion. After a while, she met many fashion celebrities, including Robert Kovali, whom she helped with organizing a fashion show in Russia. So, she begins to host the "From the Hip" program on YouTube, and after a short period of time, together with her friend, she opens her own studio, "The Tailor Shop".

In 2012 he runs the Trendy program. In 2014 she became the host of one of the most popular travel programs “Heads and Tails. Shopping "before the closure of the project in 2016.


Maria Ivakova was in a two-year marriage with businessman Ernest Rudyak, but the married life did not work out and soon the couple decides to divorce. The main reason for this turn was the careers of Maria and Ernest, but despite this they still remain best friends.

In 2015, there were rumors about Maria's romance with Anatoly Lavrentyev, a colleague in the filming raincoat of the TV show “Eagle and Reshka. Shopping ”, however, these rumors were denied by the hosts themselves. After that, there were various guesses about the presenter Ivan Chuikov, which later also became a lie.

Maria Ivakova is not just a beautiful blonde, but an interesting educated erudite lady. She has achieved success in business and on television thanks to her hard work, perseverance, special charm and dedication. As a child, Masha set a goal for herself and to achieve it she studied and worked a lot.

An extraordinary appearance, charisma and talent helped the girl become popular and famous. Beautiful speech and appearance, activity and ability to attract people contributed to a successful career and led to the project “Heads and Tails. Shopping ".

Childhood and family of Maria Ivakova

Maria was born in an ordinary family. Her father was a military man, and the girl had to travel around the garrisons. Until my father was sent to serve in Moscow, the family lived in the Far East, Germany, St. Petersburg. In each new city, Maria quickly found friends. Despite the frequent change of schools, she studied well, attended sports sections, a dance studio. Mom devoted a lot of time to raising her daughter, taught her to be patient and persistent. Noticing that Masha has a good ear, she took her to a music school. The girl studied the piano program.

Mom managed to instill good taste in her daughter, develop creativity and original imagination.

Parents believed that Masha should get a good education, which will contribute to her future career. Best of all, the girl was given exact sciences. Therefore, in 2003 she entered the Finance Academy, the department "Loans and Finance". She had enough time to study, communicate with friends, model business. Maria learned to speak English as well as Russian and drive a car beautifully. But after graduating from the academy, Ivakova did not work for long in her specialty in an investment company.

The beginning of the career of Maria Ivakova - modeling business and television

Even in her student years, Maria participated in fashion shows. She was noticed by experts from the field of fashion and show business and offered to become the leading fashion project. In the program, Ivakova talked with talented and creative people about high fashion and popular clothes. She met many celebrities and even helped the Italian designer Roberto Cavalli organize a show of his collection in Russia.

A creative approach to work, creativity, healthy ambitions were appreciated by TV producers and invited Maria to the show "From the hip".

Many were amazed at the girl's performance. She managed to appear in videos, work as a VJ of a music program, and broadcast Trendy on the MTV channel. Masha and the heroes of the show talked about fashion news, taught how to dress and create their own style, interviewed novice and eminent designers, reported interesting details from private shows. On this project, the TV presenter worked with Ivan Vasiliev, Lena Kuletskaya. She learned a lot and adopted the experience of the producer Snezhina Kulova.

At this time, Maria manages to open her own atelier in Moscow in the Atrium shopping center together with Alena Ivakova. Ernest Rudyak invested in the project, the girls also contributed a significant amount of money to the promotion of The Tailor Shop. Rotating in the circles of fashion designers, Masha got a lot of ideas. And the education received at the academy helped to study competition and risks and draw up a business plan.

The atelier sews clothes of a high price level. In two years, we managed to attract regular customers and make a profit.

In 2012, the owner of the atelier, sister Ivakov, took part in the World Fashion Awards ceremony and won the nomination “Conceptual project. New name". Masha and Alena recently opened an accessories store.

But Masha was not destined to do only business. A charming fragile blonde was invited to host the program “Heads and Tails. Shopping "

And in 2013, she played a small role in the film "The habit of parting."

Masha Ivakova at the show “Heads and Tails. Shopping "

Maria always wanted to visit different countries. And her wish came true. Traveling around the world, she shared how to successfully complete $ 100 purchases or take advantage of the unlimited gold credit card limit. She always chose stylish clothes in the most expensive boutiques and made good purchases even at flea markets. Masha has an excellent relationship with her colleagues and presenters Konstantin Oktyabrsky and Anton Lavrentyev. The smart and ironic blonde liked the viewers. The transfer brought success to Ivakova.

Personal life of Maria Ivakova

Maria tries not to advertise her personal life, so many believe that she is meeting with her co-host for the program “Heads and Tails. Shopping »by Anton Lavrentyev. But this is not true.

In fact, Masha has been married since 2013. And the wedding took place in Italy. The host's husband, Ernest Rudyak, is a co-owner of a large construction and investment holding. In 2013, he, along with his mother, brother and sister, took 13th place in the ranking of the largest family businesses.

Charity work of Maria Ivakova

Masha believes that all rich people should provide charitable assistance. Otherwise, their life will be useless.

Tailor Shop owners donate 50% of the profits from the sale of their own products. Funds are allocated for personal scholarships for students of the Moscow State University. Lomonosov, treatment of ophthalmological patients, rehabilitation programs for the disabled.

The cherished dream of Maria Ivakova

Maria dreams of becoming an actor in drama theater and cinema and acting on stage. For this purpose, she graduated from the basic course of the German Sidakov Drama Schools in 2013.