Avarian villages of Dagestan. The origin of the Avar National

Avarian villages of Dagestan. The origin of the Avar National
September 5, 2016.

Sometimes some of us have to hear about such nationality as a crazy. What kind of nation - Avars?

This is the indigenous population of the Caucasus living in Eastern Georgia. To date, this nationality has grown so much that is the main number in Dagestan.


The origin of Avars still remains very foggy. According to the Georgian chronicle, their genus stems from Komonic, the descendant of the progenitor of the Dagestan people. According to his behalf, the Avar Khanate - Hunzakh was named.

There is an opinion that in fact, Avars originated from Caspians, Leggs and gels, but it was not supported by any evidence, including the people herself does not count themselves to anyone from the above tribes. Studies are currently underway to find a connection between Avars and Avara, who founded Canagat, however, while these attempts do not bring due results. But thanks to genetic analyzes (only the mother line) we can say that this nationality (a car) is closest to the Slavs, rather than other peoples of Georgia.

Other versions of the origin of Avars also do not make clarity, but only confuse due to the existence of two different tribes with almost the same name. The only thing that historians mention are about the likelihood that the name of this nationality was given by Kumykov, which they caused anxiety mass. The word "Avar" with the Turkic translates as "alarming" or "militant", in some legends such a name was mythic creatures gifted by superhuman power.

The same, whose nationality is a car, often names themselves as they themselves consider it appropriate: Maarulala, mountaineers and even "Supreme".

History of the people

Land occupied by Avarmen in the period from V to the VI centuries. BC e., got the name of Sarir. This kingdom extended in the north and bordered by the settlements of Alanov and Khazar. Despite all the circumstances, playing in favor of Sarira, he became a major political state in the X century.

Although it was the period of the early Middle Ages, the society and culture of the country were at a very high level, various crafts and cattle breeding flourished here. The city of Sarira became the city of Humraj. Especially distinguished by the successful rule of the king called Avar. The history of Avars mention him as extremely brave lord, and some scientists even believe that the name of the people occurred on his behalf.

Two centuries later, Avar Khanate appeared on the site of Sarira - one of the strongest settlements, and among other land, independent "free communities" were allocated. Representatives of the latter differed ferocity and strong martial spirit.

The period of the existence of Khanate was a hectic time: the war was constantly thundered, the consequences of which were devastating and stagnation. However, in the misfortune, the people of Dagestan united, and his cohesion was only strong. An example was the Andalal battle that did not stop the day or night. However, the hills achieved success due to the knowledge of the terrain and various tricks. This people were so cooled that even women who were driven by the desire to maintain their home participated in hostilities. Thus, it can be said that this nationality (Avatare) really received the correct name, the deserved militia of the residents of Khanate.

In the XVIII century, many Khanate to the Caucasus and Dagestan were part of Russia. The same that they did not want to live under the oppression of the royal power, organized an uprising, grew up in the Caucasian war, which lasted as many as 30 years. Despite all the disagreements, in the second half of the next century, Dagestan became part of Russia.

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Own language and writing Avars developed even during the time of Caucasian Albania. Since this tribe was considered the strongest in the mountains, its adverb rapidly spread through the adjacent lands, becoming dominant. To date, the language is native for more than 700 thousand people.

Avarian dialects are very different and divided into the northern and southern groups, so the native spells spoilable in different adverbs can hardly understand each other. However, the Northern spell is close to the literary norm, and grab the essence of the conversation easier.


Despite the early penetration of Arabic writing, the residents of the accident began to use it only a couple of centuries ago. Prior to that, in use was the alphabet based on Cyrillic, but at the beginning of the XIX century. It was decided to replace him with Latin.

Today, official protruding is graphically similar to the Russian alphabet, but containing 46 characters instead of 33.

Customs of Avar residents

The culture of this people is quite specific. For example, when communicating between people, a distance should be observed: men are forbidden to approach women closer than two meters, while the latter must abide by the distance half. The same rule concerns the conversation of young people with old men.

Avarzam, like other peoples of Dagestan, since childhood, instill respect for the elders not only by age, but also on social status. The one who "best" always goes to the right, and her husband is ahead of his wife.

The customs of the Avar hospitality beat all the gains of goodwill. According to tradition, the visitor towers over the owner, regardless of his rank and age and can come at any time of the day, not ahead of it about it in advance. The owner of the house takes over all responsibility for the health and safety of arrivals. But the guest is obliged to comply with some rules of etiquette prohibiting a number of actions not adopted in a local society.

In family relations, the authorities of the head of the house did not have a despotic, the woman belonged to the leading role in solving many issues, but there was some forced alienation between her husband and his wife. For example, according to the rules, those should not sleep in bed together or live in the same room if there are several rooms in the house.

Also there was a ban on communication between girls and young men, so a car accident (which for a nation was told earlier) visited the disclosure of the disclosure to leave a certain thing in it, regarding the proposal of the hand and heart.

Nationality Aler

Thus, it can be said that Avarians - an extremely interesting nationality with a rich century-old history and exciting customs, far from being fully described in this article. These are very open people who do not know the irony, but loving farce. They are extremely emotional, so in personal communication should not withdraw an avar of himself, hurting his sense of patriotism or hinting on physical weakness.

A strong family is the value for everyone without the exception of Caucasian peoples, including Avars. And the day of marriage is one of the most important in life. At the same time, a single scenario cannot be distinguished, according to which the wedding passes: in each Dagestan Aulu, their special, distinguishable in the nuances of tradition and customs is adopted.

Avar Wedding

In the past, family relationships were regulated by adatami - normal law. In accordance with them, it was necessary, for example, that newlyweds were immigrants from equal in the influence, significance and authority among family tribesmen. Up until the end of the XIX, the bride and the bride were selected to each other within one Tuhuma: alliances were particularly preferred between relatives and one-facilities, fellow villagers. Interethnic marriages at the Avarians until the middle of the last century were extremely rare phenomenon.

Sometime among the Avarian people practiced weddings on the parental conspiracy. It happened that the bride and groom met at the marriage ceremony for the first time. By the way, often such families turned out to be the most durable, which is not so surprising: when creating pairs, parents took into account a lot of factors that young people do not pay attention to. For example, I was closely looked at the mother of the bride, looking for a modest, hardworking and respectable female woman. Such just can not raise an unworthy daughter!

Especially often used by this principle in the case of the so-called "lullaby marriages", when the bride was chosen in his infancy to a small son.

The girl from the earliest childhood was morally prepared for her female destination: married a bold and economic guy-anvar. In parallel, parents were preparing for the wedding materially, collecting the dowry, which consisted, from the bedroom, ornaments, copper and silverware. It was impossible to hit the face in the dirt in this matter: before the wedding itself, it was necessary to assess the attached to the face of those who gathered from the whole village of relatives and fellow villagers.

Wedding communication between the young men and the girl was strictly forbidden. At the same time, the weddings are not by prior arrangement, too, were not rare. To offer a hand and heart, the groom visited the father's home of his chosen, leaving in it a dagger, a hat or any other personal item. Only by receiving the formal consent from the bride, the young aurate sent his bride to his bride, sister or another relative woman who had to discuss all the conditions of the future ceremony in detail.

Avar wedding took a few days. The first day of the celebration "walked" in the house of the closest to the bridegroom of a friend: a rich table was covered, the owner of the feast and Tamada was chosen. The second wedding day took place in the housing of the groom, where, accompanied by girlfriends came the festively dressed and bought the bride. After the obligatory redemption ceremony, the mother-in-law handed over a special gift and accompanied the girl in a separate room, in which she, together with his friends, had to be up until the end of the wedding. Interestingly, "spillings" and "ransom" during the Avar wedding were several. In addition to the classical and habitual - for the bride, the friends of the groom had to deviate bridesmaids who tried to "steal the" newly-made spouse. And after a couple of days, when the bride came out of the house to gain water, her girlfriends were twisted with sweets from guests who had interfered with the girl to come to the well.

Family life of anvartsev

Wedding wedding, but the most important event is the birth of the firstborn. Desired first of all, the appearance of the son's light, but the daughters of Avars were also rejoiced. On the birth of a baby, the head of the family was notified by fellow villagers with loud shots from the gun. The name of the newborn at the Avarians was taken to choose during the public-season feast on the occasion of the birth of a child.

Avar residents appreciated marital loyalty. In case of treason, the case could end blood revenge. According to Adam, the reason for it could serve as a violation of the marriage contract, and the desecration of the home of the heart. However, by the middle of the XIX century, these customs were practically survived.

In everyday life, the power of her husband, the head of the family, was not absolute: women had the right to solve internal problems on a par with her husband. Nevertheless, there was a clear separation of the zones of the responsibility of men and women. So, the owner of the house was responsible for all the material property and for the fate of children.

In the life of the Avar family, there is still a kind of alienation between the male part of the house and female. A woman with children, as a rule, lives in the same room, her husband is in another. Even boys up to reaching 15 years old in one room with a mother. The same kind of alienation is preserved in relations between the coarse and the daughter-in-law: a young woman does not have the right to talk with the head of the house, and his questions should be briefly and strictly in the case.

Interesting facts about Avartz

Up until 1928, Avarians used writing on the basis of the Arab alphabet, then for ten years - the Latin alphabet, and only from 1938 they switched to Cyrillic.

In the names of the week of the week in the Avar language, you can find the echoes of religions, at different times the prevailed in the Caucasus. So, the word "shammat" (Saturday) clearly came from Judaism (compare with Jewish Shabbat). Thursday of Avars, as well as Christians, denote "Fish Day", and the word "Ruzman" (Friday) came to the tongue from Iranian.

One of the most famous Avars - the famous Soviet poet Rasul Gamzatov. In addition to his own rich poetic heritage, he left transfers to the native language of the works of many classics of Russian literature: A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontova, S. A. Yesenin and V. V. Mayakovsky. In the Republic of Gamzatov called "Dagestan Pushkin". In his honor, streets, theaters, libraries and even one of the asteroids are named.

Photo on the main page - "Hot Amina", Magomed Magomedov, Competition "Children of Russia".

The majestic strict Caucasus is distinctive nature, breathtaking scenery, strict mountains and blooming plains. Peoples that populate its territory, the same strict, strong spirit and at the same time poetic and rich spiritually. One of these peoples - people whose nationality is an avar.

Descendants of ancient tribes

Avarza is the Russian name of the nation, which is mainly settled by the north of Dagestan. They themselves call "Maarulal", which translates very simple and for sure: "Highlanders". Georgians called them "leeks", Kumyki - Tawla. Statistics have more than 900 thousand Avars, including 93% of them live in Dagestan. Outside the edge, a small part of this nation lives in Chechnya, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan. There is a community of Avars and Turkey. Avarza is a nationality that is genetically related to the Jews. According to the chronicles, Sultan an ancient accident accounted for a native brother of Khazaria. And the Khazarian khans, again through the chronicles, were the princes of Jewish.

What does the story say?

In the first mentiones in historical manuscripts, these North Caucasian tribes are presented as militant and powerful. Their settlement site highly in the mountains contributed a number of successful victories over the Khazars who settled on the plains. A small kingdom was called Serie, later renamed an accident by the name of the king is respected in the district. The breakdown of the accident reached in the XVIII century. In the future, the Muslim national nationality of Avartz created the theocratic state of Imamat, which existed in this form before joining Russia. Now it is an independent Republic of Dagestan with its cultural, political and religious features.

Native language

Avarza is a nationality with its own separate language, which refers to the Avaro-Ando-Cester subgroup of the Caucasus Group. The southern and northern areas of the territory of residence are characterized by two of their adverbs, differing in some phonetic, morphological and lexical signs. Both adverbs have a number of dialects, characteristic of individual regions of the republic. The literary Avar language was formed in the merger of two major laws, although there was a significant impact of the North. Earlier, Avars used the alphabet from Latin graphics, since 1938, the Avar Alphabet was letters based on Russian graphics. The main mass of the nationality is fluent in Russian.

Nationality Alert: Characteristics of the genotype

The separation of the place of residence, the spread of militant tribes throughout the Eastern European Plain, up to Scandinavia, led to the formation of external signs of Avars, significantly different from the main population of the Caucasus. For typical representatives of this mountainous people, a purely European appearance with red hair, light skin and blue eyes. A typical representative of this people is characterized by a high slim figure, a wide, medium-affiliated face, a high, but narrow nose.

Strict natural conditions of survival, the need to disintegrate from nature and other tribes, arable land and pastures have formed a resistant and militant character of Avars for centuries. At the same time, they are very patient and hardworking, excellent landpashers and artisans.

Life of the Mountain Nor

Those whose nationality - Avars, lived long in the mountains. The main occupation was and remains in these areas and now sheep-flowering, as well as all crafts associated with the processing of wool. The need for food forced the Avarians gradually descend on the plains and master agriculture and animal husbandry, which became the main classes of the flat population. At home, their anvarians build along turbulent mountain rivers. Their buildings are very interesting and unusual for Europeans. Surrounded by rocks and stones at home looks in their continuation. The usual settlement looks like this: one big stone wall stretches along the street, because of what it looks like a tunnel. Different levels of height contribute to the fact that often the roof of one house serves as a courtyard for another. Modern influences did not go around this nationality: the Avarians are building large three-story houses with glazed terraces.

Customs and traditions

Religion of the people - Islam. Avarians belong to the religious denomination of Muslim Sunnis. Naturally, the rules of Sharia dictate all traditions and family rules that the aurate strictly adheres to. The people are generally friendly and hospitable, but their beliefs and customs, the questions of honor defend immediately. Blood revenge in these places is a matter of habitual and so-in. Believers of the local population are somewhat diluted by some pagan rites - it often happens in the territories whose peoples have long been a separate lifestyle. The husband is dominated by her husband, but in relation to his wife and children, his obligation to provide respect and maintain. Avar women have an insistent character who do not hide from their men, and always achieve their own.

Cultural values

Each alert, whose people are very attached to their national traditions, honors their ancestors. Cultural traditions are rooted in the century. A peculiar melodic songs, incendiary dances and wise legends of Caucasian long-livers were born on the mountainous expanses. Musical instruments of the Avar People - Chagchan, Chagur, Paw, Tuben, Drums. Traditional Avar Culture is the source and primary source for modern Dagestan art and painting. Living in distance, far away from trade routes and centers, residents of the accident made household items, clothes, decorations for themselves and houses with their own hands, from girlfriend. These craft crafts have become real masterpieces, the basis for the present masters.

However, interviews S. Timur Aitberov, candidate of historical sciences, the senior researcher of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the DNC RAS, the department of ancient and medieval history, showed that we know about Avartz not all!
Origin and public education
In addition to the Dagestan Avarz residents, European, or, as they are also called, Imperial Avars. Do they have any connection with Dagestan Avars? What was the language and the appearance of the imperial Avar? Avaras - Cangondavian-Slavic Type Europeanoids, such as Novgorod, Pskovichi. But among them, as in almost any people of the eastern part of Eurasia, Mongoloids met. The origins of the European ultrasound of the imperial Avar are, perhaps from Western China (Uiguria, Xinjiang), where they found the burial of tall redheads of the two thousand years ago. These burials suggest that Avars came to Europe from China and reached Hungary, where they settled, having reference points in the Mountains of Transylvania (now Romania). On the continent they were divided. Part of Avarov went to Iran (V century. N. Er), and the other to Europe. At first, this is a few, but the militant people settled to the west of the Volga. However, under the pressure of other eastern peoples, among which pronounced pronounced Mongoloids prevailed, the Avaras pass for the Don and establish their border on it, which was later postponed for the Dnieper. They form Avar Kaganat - the state existed about 250 years. The history of this empire began with the victory of Avarov over francs (German-speaking tribes) and captivity of the Frankish king Schigibert. The center of this empire was in the Carpathians, within the transylvania, and their pastures were in Hungary. In the era of his heyday, the empire controlled the territory from the Danube to the coast of Baltic, where there was a lot of expensive amber, so Avars controlled the amber path. By the 30s of the 9th century, the victims defeated from the francs, the state of Avarov lost the status of the empire, but acquired the status of the Kingdom as part of the German Empire. Avars had then places in Reichstag - the predecessor of the European Parliament.
However, the Avar settlements in the Mountain Area of \u200b\u200bDagestan founded other Avars. Those that with V c. lived in Iran. Iranians led them from the territory of the current Azerbaijan to Mountain Dagestan, placing in military-strategic points, first of all, on the Hongzakh plateau. The fact is that in the 6th century, Iran appears a strong enemy - the peoples of the Gunnsky cultural circle, and then - the Mongoloid Turks. To protect against Turks, Iranians built in the middle of the VI century. Derbent fortress and created a border autonomous district with a center in Hongzach. This is an education that has turned into a state, Arabs in the VIII-IX centuries. called serial. The word "serial" in Arabic personifies an unusual throne in the shape of a table. The Hongzakh Plateau, apparently, reminded the Arabs to the Arabs with its landscape. The center of Serius was Hunsakh.
The Avaristan state is mentioned in the Dagestan famous document - the ruler's testa by name. In this text, he says: "I am the ruler of the Avar region ..." This will be available in copies of the XVII century. There is a genuine document from the current Iranian Azerbaijan - from Tabriz addressed to the ruler Avara, dated XVI century. These sources are direct evidence of the existence in Dagestan Avar State called an accident.
European imperial avars were not carriers of the Turkic language, contrary to many convictions of followers from the number of Turkic philos. They had their own language, which, of course, is not similar to the current Avar. On the territory of all Eurasia, the only area where the words "Avar" existed is Dagestan Avaristan. As an example, a letter dated 1580, from Iranian Azerbaijan, addressed to the ruler of Avaristan - Kushkanti, can be brought as evidence. That is, the word "Avar" existed for a long time. For the first time in conjunction with Mountain Dagestan, the word "Avar" was recorded in the composition of the IX century Arab historian Ibn Rusta. The word "accident" ("Avar") comes from the ancient imperial Avar.
In Avaristan, Georgian inscriptions on the stones of Christian content were found. It was a focus of a highly developed Christian culture in the Caucasus. In the accommodation of the current Avar - in Hunzach, Ruhwear - hundreds of such inscriptions in Georgian, occasionally on Avar, languages.
The writing culture in Dagestan mainly spread after the adoption of Islam. The Arab Inscriptions of the X Century was found in the residence of ethnic Avars. But Avarians have developed an Islamic culture later than other nationalities. A powerful stream of Islamic writing has spread from the XV century. The most ancient document from the Avarian regions dates back to the XV century: covenant to future generations from the rulers of the Avaristan, which put the task of expanding the territory of the Avarian state to residents. Letters from the Avar regions dated the XVI century are also preserved, which are mainly a political correspondence. However, the focused leading of historiography in Avaristan, unfortunately, was not before the time of Imam Shamil. Imprinted only some individual events that allow you to set dates.
With the arrival of the Dagestan lands of Nadirshach and victory over him, the locals woke up interest in their past. And in different villages begin to record legends. But this happens in the second half of the XVIII century. For the first time in Dagestan, the chronicle was drawn up in the Jaro-Belokan zone (the current place of residence of Avars in Azerbaijan). In the chronicles compiled by them, the events of each year are recorded. In an accident, lead the chronicles mainly became with Imam Shamile. He hired a special person (Chardain Magomed-Tagir), who, according to the stories of Shamil himself, wrote his biography and recorded events for its own observations.
Since its appearance, Avara, like all other peoples, has been confessed by paganism. However, monuments testifying to this practically did not remain. During the reign of Imam Shamil and the spread of Islam in the Caucasus, the paganism was almost completely eradicated. However, the fact of the existence of Christianity from Avarians cannot be denyed. First, the inscriptions were preserved, the ruins of churches were found and, importantly, Christian terminology was preserved in the Avar language. For example, only in the Avar language there is the word "church" - "Gotlan". In addition, translations of the days of the week from the Avar language are interesting. The first day - Saturday - "Shammat" dates back to the Jewish word "Shabbat". The second day - the day of the church - "Gotlan". Thursday Avarmen is called fishing day, as well as Christians, and Friday - "Ruzman" - Iranian word.
For the first time, the Russian army came to Dagestan before the beginning of the Caucasian War. In Hunzakh, she entered then without a fight. Among the arrivals there was a certain Kostenetsky, who, describing the Dagestanis, was allocated two races. Some - outwardly similar to the Swedes, but a very muscular physique. Until the previous times, Dagestan mountainous areas inhabited high strong people. There is a photo of Shamil, made in Kaluga in the noble collection, where he in the presence of the gathered standing by the oath of the king. So, on this photo of Gazi-Magomed (Son Shamil) Above all, after him, Shamil goes for growth, only a few Kaluga nobles of one height with him, all the others below. From this we can assume that Shamil and his contemporaries were mostly high and strong.