The attitude of men Lezgin to a Russian woman. Lezgins: nationality, description, history and interesting facts

The attitude of men Lezgin to a Russian woman. Lezgins: nationality, description, history and interesting facts
The attitude of men Lezgin to a Russian woman. Lezgins: nationality, description, history and interesting facts

The people who honor tradition will consider in detail this nationality. Lezgins character have pretty bright and explosive. This Caucasian people have long been honored by the customs of hospitality, kunaching and, of course, blood revenge. It is noteworthy that the right upbringing of children plays a very large role in their culture. Surprisingly, the baby begins to bring up even when it is in the maternal womb. This is probably different lezgins. Nationality has many interesting traditions. Here is one of them. - If women could not have children, that was, were childless, they were sent to the sacred places of the Caucasus. If successful, namely, the birth of children of different floors, family friends promised each other in the future to combine children with marriage. They sincerely believed in the healing power of sacred places and treated such journeys with all seriousness. Some argue that such a custom has formed as a result of the desire to strengthen friendly and related links between certain families.

Ancient rites and modern life Lezgin is what nation? Consider more below. Despite its small number, Lezgins have rather fundamental moral norms that are associated with long traditions. From the wedding customs you can allocate the same bright - the abduction of the bride. The most interesting thing is that such a tradition was practiced both with the consent of the bride and without it. As it turned out, the repurchase as such was not. For the young simply made a certain fee of her parents. Perhaps today it reminds some of this to some purchase and it seems not quite worthy, but practice shows that most of the locals treated this with joy and greater enthusiasm. Eastern hospitality traditions Special relation to Lezgin accepted against guests and elderly people. They show separate respect. Old people do not allow to perform difficult work, and the guests are not allowed to meet their homework, even if they are strongly asked about it. Guests are given all the best: sleeping on the most comfortable bed, even if the owners can stay outdoor on the floor. Sometimes I want to even today many nations to study their culture and learn something useful for themselves from there, especially with regard to how to handle guests. People today have achieved a lot, but they lost something valuable - an understanding of the true nature of human relationships. Eastern cultures, in principle, differ from other special relations to women. They are always in the East considered secondary members of society. Culture Lezgin is no exception, but it is safe to say that, despite this position, men have always treated lezgies with deep respect. A big shame for the Lezgh family was considered to raise his hand on a woman or somehow insulting her dignity in a different way.

Spiritual heritage or what religion is Lezgin National? What can be said about the spiritual heritage of the ancient Lezgin? Today, this nationality is for the most part confesses Islam. Scientists willingly recognize that the religious culture of the people has not been studied thoroughly, but it is definitely rooted in paganism and are in many ways intertwined with folk mythology. For example, Lezgin still has a rather curious idea of \u200b\u200bhow an amazing planet Earth is located in space. They believe that she keeps on the horns of Yar Yat (Red Bull), he, in turn, is on the poison poison (translated "big water"). This is such a fairly interesting design. Although it is somewhat contrary to scientific data, some believe in it very sincerely. These unusual ideas about the world were lezgin. Nationality, whose religion is Islam, quite distinctive, popular dance, known all over the world, are outraged by the fact that these religious teachings are notpic by mythology and quite often contradict the generally accepted concepts about common sense. The modern life of this nation largely accepted the foundations of modernity. They are definitely honoring traditions, but they relate to them much less fanatically than before. The special attention of tourists and travelers is attracted by the Lezgin National Dance. Today there are very few people who have never heard of Lezginka. This original and fascinating dance has long danced Lezgins. The nationality is quite distinctive, and the dance is that confirmation. How long ago there was a lezginka and how old she, it is not reliably known. Some suggest that he originates from the ritual caucasian dances. Lezginka is very dynamic and saturated dance. By the way, the Russian name was given to him. Cheerful and cheerful music, under which this dance marks, did not leave indifferent many famous composers. Some of them even changed somewhat or interpreted in a different old traditional melody. - Read more on

I have already published popular statements from the forums, and now I want to continue the campaign for interesting posts. That came across a very interesting topic - interethnic love. In this case, Azerbaijanis loved Lezgin and the members of the forum asks the Council. Surely the girls do not calmly in the soul. In general, read

Hello! I am Azerbaijani, which has grown and brought up in typical traditions of the traditions of morality, life, family mistake, etc. It was always committed to the fact that the family must be created with representatives of their nationality. But with recently, a person loved to himself unexpectedly. He is Lezgin, a wonderful person. I would like to know the opinion of the members of the forum, preferably Lezgin, about the characteristics of the character of the Lezgin Men, about their attitude to the relationship between Lezgin with a woman not their nationality, in general, about the family customs of Lezgin.

Not an angel

And where does he grow? .. here? ... if so, in principle, what could be the difference? ... As for the relationship, this is not a matter of nationality, but to a person in general, depends on his life principles, his environments His worldview, etc., in customs there are minor differences, but where they are not so much so that they put you ... Features of character: .. This is yes)))) ... the character is often difficult, but almost always it is honest, bold, remote guys))) ... so that good luck


Girls are right .. there is no special difference ... Kafkaz so to speak ...

Here I am also friends with my childhood in two lysgins and with one tobasarans, as well as I have friends of Avars. But speech about Liezgins, who will tell to continue to be friends with them? What are they in friendship? What are their customs in friendship? Thanks in advance.

lezgina who are?

Not an angel

And they are mostly all light (Flookhod)


forgably my personal opinion ... Love - does not fit into the framework of nationality or mentality ... How can we conclude that you come to each other on the basis of belonging to a particular ethnic and social group?

I agree with your opinion completely. I am not going to give up my relationship due to the difference of nationalities, if it were so, it was not worth allowing them to occur. And the opinion, for a big bill, is not designed to discuss serious interethnic differences, fraught poured into unpredictable consequences (judging by certain responses). Interest is due only to the issues of everyday. I could talk about global topics on this matter, but I do not want.

characteristics of the nature of the nation do not depend nixweiss.gif

the only one can smallest and emotional and emotional (although they have such Tongue.gif)

relationship with a woman either has nationality (((

differently depends on the individual

family customs are the same as on all Kafochase unsure.gif

zY And how in love with a woman should not perceive everything so painfully and be kinder girl.gif


My husband has a few friends of Lezgin. They have similar customs and traditionsSmilie.gif

By the way, they are usually more temperamental. Very funny, love to joke and all the same their arms of life depends on habitat where it is located. If he lived in the city, then he does not differ from us.

I remembered our neighbors of Lezgina) already friends for more than 50 years, yes yes, they were friends even with them my great-grandmother. Can help at any moment, and very friendly) By the way, I am a welcome about human qualities, and not looking at his nationality))

So that the main thing is that you have complete mutual understanding, love and respect for each other, without these qualities


For life, I had only 2 girlfriends and both lezgins ....

The only thing that I can say is .... fairly separate people .. therefore, most often get married. Although of course there are exceptions. But these are these fondness when a person gets used to his child-tribe since childhood and cooked in his juice, then they are slightly slightly polished. What else. Yes, as already noticed, men have problems with alcohol and in general harmful habits. Apparently, after all, a genetic is some kind of predisposition, or this temperament ... Couples are so manufactured)) .. very hot people, quick-tempered, give in the face - to spit)).

Fairy Bakylilar

why not? they are good husbands

White flower

I don't know why, but I am Lezgins (OK) never loved tongue.gif

we and in the class were lezginki girls, always went together, away from us, did not even be with us .. they are very smug (judging by those whom I knew and know) arrogant and cunning. We have 2 families in the block (lezgins), both husband walks, and wives are some not so wacko. I remember, somehow they said: Azerbaijanis occurred from Lezgin))) some son always shouts our guys (with Disputes): Do not touch me, I lezgin! big_grin.gif And in the last block, the Lezgin family, either no one loves them ... Do not know why nixweiss.gif

And I wish you happiness rroza.gif Not yet people identical rolleyes.gif

Master of Puppets.

What are the horror, I have a lot of friends lezgins, with some friends more than 20 years old have never heard anything and noticed

you can have beautiful children smilie.gif))))) blond eyes, leather. hair smilie.gif))

love arguing, stubborn, noisy. Very emotional and cheerful people smilie.gif

i knew 2 lezgins. Both scum. But as possible about the whole nation say something. You can get caught the best of them. or worst.

it all depends on the specific Chela. I advise you to find it personally. Or put up his friends.


I recently had a man was Lezgin. I considered this person perfect, Flood-like handsome with green eyes and a shocked physique. I didn't drink, I did not smoke and generally was very familially (in principle there are now, we just began to communicate less often). It was after him that I changed the opinion of Lezgins, before that I did not tolerate the Spirit

Many examples of Marriage "Azerbaijanka-Lezgin" ("Lezginka-Azerbaijani", "Lezgin-Lezgin", "Azerbaijan-Azerbaijani", etc.), it seems to live ... I have not seen anyone with bruises and fractures ...

Wai Maeeeee, how can you love Lezgin? blink.gif.

You collapsed Sumasoshel.gif from oak, at the same crime Love Lezgin

i begging do not make such nonsense poklon.gif

do not come to come ahead too late, it isiiii

good not yet diablotin.gif evilgrin1.gif

Alpha, Sorry frown.gif

people, what's wrong with Naamiii ... why such anger ....

I thought the user just wanted to know that yes, as they have in everyday life, customs ... although the name of the topic is not correct ...

if they wrote about the Englishman, the Turk, the Scots would have started writing about customs, advise ...

And so, I am also 50 \\ 50 lezginka .. Customs we have the same, I will tell you the doctor that the customs of Az-Tsev lips, Khachmaz, Hudat does not differ anything ... I have a husband from that zone, but Azerbaijan, so No differences, up to the accent from the tablet Az-Tsev smilie.gif)))

Who are lezgins, and what do you know about them, did you meet with them, what kind of people? And got the best answer

Answer from Zakir Selimov [Active]
Lezgins (self-talent: Lezagir) is one of the major indigenous peoples of the Caucasus, which is historically living in the neighboring areas of Dagestan and Azerbaijan. The number of Lezgin is according to official data of about 600-650 thousand people. As well as their historical accommodations, they also live in Kazakhstan (15 thousand), Kyrgyzstan (7.5 thousand), Turkey (15 thousand) and other countries of near abroad. They speak Lezghinsky, who, together with the Tabasaransky, Agul, Rutulsky, Taucasian, Butuki, Kryukh, Archinsky, Hinalugian and Uridsky, belong to the Lezgian branch of Caucasian languages. By religion, modern lezgins are Muslims of the Sunni sense.
Lezgino-speaking ebulibs. Infinite wars with the Romans, Byzantines, Persians, Khazars and other conquerors led to the fame of the lezniosal tribes inhabiting Caucasian Albania. Until now, Georgians and Armenians are called Dagestanis, and especially Lezgin, "Lekami", Persians and Arabs - "lexs". In addition, the dance "Lezginka" in Georgians is called "Lekuri"
Lezgian language is the language of Lezgin and other lezgin-speaking peoples. Refers to Caucasian languages. Together with nearby Tabasaransky, Aguul, Rutulsky, Tsakhur, Butuki, the Kryuksky, Archinsky and Udinsky, forms the Lezginese group of Nakho-Dagestan languages. Common in the south of the Republic of Dagestan and in the northern regions of Azerbaijan. The number of speaking in the world about 1.5 million people. He is an ancient language of Caucasian Albania.
There are 3 main adverbs: Curin, Samurian and Cuban. Almedy independent suspension: Kurushi, Garyry, Fiy and Gelkhensky. Sound composition of the Lezghinsky language: 5 vowels and about 60 consonants. There are no deaf lateral, no heminated consonants, there is a lip-spirant "f". Emphasis force, fixed on the second syllable from the beginning of the word. Unlike other North Caucasian languages, does not have categories of grammatical class and genus. Nouns have the category of cases (18 cases) and numbers. The verb does not change on persons and numbers, a complex system of time forms and challenges. The main designations of a simple sentence are nominative, ergative, dative, locative. There is a variety of types of complex suggestions.
P.S I am Lezgin. There are good people, there are bad, as in any other people. In general, there are features inherent in all lesgin: hospitable, hardworking, fundamental, rectilinear people. Source: Opinion

Answer from Procul negotiis.[guru]
One of the nations of Dagestan, and there are one hundred there. Yes, he served with such a man is malicious, touchy, fed when he is in favor of him .. In general, I won't say anything good.

Answer from Vladimir Mazur[guru]
Estay Dance Lezginka, and since I suppose it is one of the peoples, rather than nations from Dagestan

Answer from Eugene Akhmetov[guru]
one of the indigenous nationalities of Dagestan. Less nervous, but still differ from us all the concepts of life. Do not bind.

Answer from Bayun.[guru]
Lezgins Peptivia living in Onovnoy on the territory of modern Dagestan. People's fishery gangsterism and trafficking in persons. May be helpful, but until it is for yourself and do not find your position dependent. In this case, the humiliation and impact of the will for complete submission and use for their own purposes will affect fully subordination.

Answer from Orlova Elena.[guru]
I met, good people came across, my cook was Lezgin, and women worked too. Hardworking, good, tasty prepare, hospitable.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Lezgins (self-talent: Lezagir) is one of the major indigenous peoples of the Caucasus, which is historically living in the neighboring areas of Dagestan and Azerbaijan. The number of Lezgin is according to official data of about 600-650 thousand people. As well as their historical accommodations, they also live in Kazakhstan (15 thousand), Kyrgyzstan (7.5 thousand), Turkey (15 thousand) and other countries of near abroad. They speak Lezghin. Suleiman Stalsky-Sovereign poet. Like all people, different quiet. Depends on what you yourself.

Answer from Lobster[guru]
Hemes (and lezgins) in Georgia called Avars, Laksev, Dargintsev. It is these and there are peoples that occupy raids for Georgia. And the dance "Lezginka" their dance and from them Georgians accepted it. And today the dance "Lezginka" dance of all the peoples of Dagestan (including Nogai and Cossacks) besides the most lezgin. The problem is that historical lezgins (Avars, Laktsi, Darginians) are not at all lezginoni (Russian sources of Cürinsey) Kryintsy. Curin Khunning, Curin MilitiaCurin's Highlights-Here are the terms of the Russian-Caucasian War. The tongs of the Cürinians became (Cürins operating oilfields in Baku even 1900 Godmen knew that they were "lezgins") by the will of the Communists.

Answer from Zalimkhan Gadzhimuradov[expert]
Curin Khanate is one of the Khunni and free societies whose main population was Lezgins. Lezgina-modified Arabic name of Lekov (or Lek, as Arabs have no letter "to", at the end they are "ZG" Lezg or LAKZ). As for the dance, Lec with Lezghinsky translates as "Eagle", and the Lezginka-dance of Eagle. Neither in Avar, nor in Darginsky, nor in lacquer, there is no such word. Lezgins and until 1900 knew who they were perfectly well.

Answer from Zulfia Abdulazizova[active]

Answer from Magomedovich[newcomer]
Lezgins are smart and hardworking people, do not like to fake and exhibit.

Answer from Aslanbek Israpilov[newcomer]
Akhty - the Lezgin village in South Dagestan is a unique place. Among graduates of local schools No. 1 more than 80 candidates and doctors of sciences (from agricultural to philosophical). By the number of scientists per capita (18,000 inhabitants), this is a world record. Lezgins are one of the most decent, intelligent and non-violent peoples of the North Caucasus.

Answer from rustam Fazlyev[newcomer]
I met with Lezginka)))) insatiable and cunning people))) Well, this person exactly, told fairy tales that diluted with her husband no longer lives, and that it was pregnant from me))) In this, it was all the lies, they just wanted to breed me )) the result of her broken face and shame on the whole district))) I just did not expect this from her thought Caucasian girl should be polished and I absolutely did not pay attention like us with her the day after dating))) PS I'm Tatar She Lezginka

Answer from Rail Batyrshin.[newcomer]
He lived with boys from Dagestan in a hostel from uni, purebred lezgins. Very smart, responsive, hardworking, do not drink, not smoking guys. He served in the army in the Far East with Lezgins was friends. Hospitable very, they themselves are ready to rummate, but the neighbor will feed. I am Tatar, but Lezgh is very respectful! I speak on my own experience, not by the hears. Just respect each other, at such a moment and the Chechen will remove the wolf sharpening and smile!

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: who are such lezgins, and what do you know about them, did you meet with them, what kind of people?

Lezgins are one of the major peoples of the Dagestan ASSR. They live compactly in the southeast part of the republic and in the adjacent areas of the northern part of the Azerbaijan SSR. In the Dagestan Autonomous ASSR, they inhabit areas of Kurachsky, Kasumkenty, Mahararamar, Docuparent and Akhtynsky, as well as partially ruddral and Khivsky, and in the Azerbaijan SSR - Cuban and Kusar district. Lezgins themselves call Lezgi. Up to the Great October Socialist Revolution, Lezgins were often incorrectly called the entire mountain population of Dagestan. The number of Lezgin in the correspondence of 1959. -223 thousand, of which 98 thousand people in Azerbaijan are 98 thousand.

Lezgin language refers to the Lezginese group of the Dagestan branch of Caucasian languages. This group also includes Tabasaransky, Aguul, Rutulsky, Tsakhur, Hielulugian, Kryzovsky, Bug's and Uddean languages. With the exception of "actually, Lezghinsky and Tabasaransky, all these languages \u200b\u200bare safe. To the actual lesgin is very close to Aguly, most of those who own Lezghinsky. On Lezghinsky, the South Tabasarans and part of the rutles are also spoken freely. Living in the Dagestan Assor Lezgina and Aguly enjoy lezgin writing, Lezghinskoe The population of Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan writing. In addition to the native language, the overwhelming mass of Dagestan Lezgin knows Russian and Azerbaijani languages. The Lezgian language is divided into three dialects - Curinsky, Akhtynsky (both in Dagestan) and Cuban (in Azerbaijan). Each of the dialects in turn consists of Multiple relatives. At the heart of the literary language lies the Curin dialect.

The territory occupied by Lezgins is divided into foothill and mountain. The foothill consists of plains and low hills covered with intermittent shrubs and wood thickets. The climate in the foothills is dry, with hot summer and moderate winter. The mining part consists of high ridges and river valleys. On some vertices lies eternal snow. The slopes of the mountains are sometimes covered with shrub and poor herbal cover, they are often deprived of all vegetation, since the streams of rainwater demolish the soil cover from the slopes. Mountains in the valley p look especially deserted. Samura. However, measures are being taken to breed in these places of gardens and the creation of forests. The climate in the mountains is cooled than in the foothills, but here in the summer there are often drought. Rivers flowing through the Lezghine territory (the largest - Samur and Gulgery) have a rapid flow and change their level sharply depending on the amount of precipitation.

Lezgins are the original population of southern Dagestan. We find the oldest news of Lezgins from ancient authors who mention the "leg" living in the eastern Caucasus. Arab authors IX-X centuries. They knew in the southern Dagestan "the kingdom of Lakzov." Finds of cufic inscriptions in the villages of Akhty, Zrech, Kochur, Gel Chhen, Asha-became, Curaches made it possible to believe that these, as obviously, many other Lezginese villages arose before the XIV century.

Politically, the Lezgia population until the XIX, century. It did not compose one. It was part of a number of independent "free societies", which were small associations of rural communities. Lezgins of Azerbaijan were part of Cuban Khanate, and Lezgins who lived near Derbent were subordinate to Derbent Khanam. In the XVIII century The Lezgin territory was temporarily captured by the neighboring casicumukh khans. In 1812 in the valley of the river. Coaching and lower seconds r. Samura formed Curin Khanate (with the center of villages. Kurach), which became part of Russia. At the same time, Russian citizens and Verkhneasuri "Volnaya Societies" Lezgin (Akhty-Couple, Alty-Couple, Couple Document) were voluntaryly adopted. Before the revolution, the territory of Lezgin was Samursky and the Curing district of the Dagestan region and the Cuban Cuban County of the Baku province.


The main classes Lezgin are animal husbandry and agriculture. Significant place is horticulture. There are differences in the nature of the economy between different areas. Thus, the inhabitants of the Kurahsky, Khivsky, Akhtynsky and Docuparti regions are engaged in the main animal husbandry, and the residents of Kasumkent and Magaraskent - agriculture. In Achtyn, Kasumkent and Magaraskent districts, gardening plays a large role in the farm.

In all the Lezghinsky districts, it is prevalted predominantly small braces, and everywhere shepherd prevails over the breeding of goats. But the number of heads of this or that type of livestock in different places is different. A considerable role in the collective farm and individual farm play buffaloes. In collective farms, work is carried out to improve cattle breed.

Cattle farming in Lezgin has the same features as other peoples of Dagestan. Just like other peoples, Lezgin organized the content of livestock and annual distillations from summer pastures for winter and back, and Schti is arranged on summer pastures and Kutans - on the winter, care for livestock, wool collection, milking, The same methods of preparation of dairy products. We only note that the oil obtained in the personal farm, the Lezghian women are preparing not by knocking off with a special pattern, but by swinging a high barrel of the shaped vessel filled with sour cream.

The Great October Socialist Revolution, and then collectivization of agriculture made great changes to the leznian animal husbandry. Winter and summer pastures are now fixed behind collective farms - animal livestocks do not have, as before, to seek free from tenants each year. All the more advanced livestock methods are being introduced into animal husbandry, advanced technique (separators, electrode, eloctrick, etc.).

Agriculture is the main branch of the Lezgin of the foothill areas. If a; According to 1958, in the Mountain Akhtyn district, Pasture and Senokosov area almost five times more sown squares, then in the foothill. The area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 1.5 times more in the storage area is approximately 1.5 times more than under the pastures and haynesses. Most of the seed area are engaged in grain crops. Seyug to Urzu, wheat (predominantly wintering), rye, barley, millet, ran, rice. Garden and melting crops are playing a big role in the farm - potatoes, peas, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, and in the foothill areas of tomatoes, watermelons, melons, pumpkins, etc. Noteworthy cabbage grown in Akhtyn district, the weight of her kochanov reaches two Puddles. Sunflower, Kenaf, Len-Dolganese, hemp, tobacco are grown from oilseeds and industrial crops. Each year crop crops are expanding. Significant part of the fields has artificial irrigation.

Before the Great October Socialist Revolution, Lezgins did not sow technical and feed crops and were almost not engaged in gloomy, with the exception of breeding potatoes. Grow potatoes The local population learned in the XIX century. among the Russians. In agricultural production, the lezgins used a light housing, designed for a pair of hardened bulls, a sickle, a threshing board and a sieve for the trees. Grain Molly on hand and water mills.

During the years of Soviet power, not only significantly expanded the range of products of agricultural farm Lezgin, but agricultural engineering has changed. The nationalization of the Earth eliminated the preventive interference in the conduct of irrigation ditches and led to an increase in the parleses of irrigated land. Old hay, threshing boards and wooden shovels are replaced by factory plow, throat and themelocks. The modern technique in the foothill areas - Kasumkent and Magaraskent is especially widely used. In the collective farms of these two districts by the spring of 1959 there were more than 50 tractors (in 15-strong calculus), two dozen combines, about a hundred cargo vehicles, etc. In a number of Lezghin villages, electrical energy is used for throat and grinding. Mills with mechanical engines were built in many places.

A prominent place in the Lezgin economy occupies gardening. Before collectivization, his role was relatively small. She currently has become significant. Especially rich gardens are available in the villages of the hillian Magaraskent region, Kasumkent, Ashag ^ became, Kurkent and Orta became a Kasumkent region and in the village. Akhty Akhtyn district. On the territory of the Kasumkent district is the largest gardening state farm in Dagestan. Herraikhanov, which accounts for half the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bthe district. In addition to gardens, which occupy 782 hectares (1959), this state farm has a significant field and livestock farm.

The development of agriculture contributed major irrigation work. In Soviet times, the territory of the settlement of Lezgin was covered with a thick network of irrigation channels. Thanks to the use of artificial irrigation, many thousands of hectares who previously not cultivated or abandoned lands in Kasumkent Mg Magarakent, Akhtynsky and other areas turned into collective farm fields, gardens and gardens. Big successes are achieved in the field of electrification. Many power plants were built, including Ahtish, which is the expectation from the largest in Dagestan.

In the past, the manufacturing industry on the territory of Lezgin was represented only by crafts and homemade handicrafts. The most significant centers of the craft were the villages of Akhty, Ikra, Kasumkent. In ACTA, for example, there were about a hundred masters - Kozhevnikov, Sapozhnikov, shubbniks, shoveniks, Kuznetsov, etc. It was a major trading and craft center of South Dagestan. The village of Icra was famous for its gunsmiths and jewelers. Developed was the route. Lezghian carpets enjoyed in great demand in Russia and in other countries. The craftsmen worked alone, in dark and dirty rooms, on homemade machines, receiving a scarce remuneration for their heavy work.

Over the years of Soviet power, Lezgin has its own industry: Lespromkhoz, fruit and canned plants! , fishing stations, mineral waters, oil products, food plants, printing houses, as well as a number of cooperative production artels, among which carpets are of great importance, uniting over 1.5 thousand masters. From other traditional handicrafts are preserved: skin treatment, production of copper and other metal products. In each area there are promissions that unite the wipes engaged in the manufacture and repair of household metal objects (ovens-tons, pelvis, jugs, etc.), clothes, shoes, etc.

Before the revolution, many thousands of Lezgin went on seasonal earnings, mainly to Azerbaijan. Most of the movements were the peasants of mountain villages, especially those who suffered from landlessness. From a number of villages of the Samara and mountainous part of Curinsky districts (Akhty, Kana, Khryuk, Mikrah, Ikra, Huchhur, Kurakh, Gel Chhen, etc.), almost all adult men went on earnings. Most of the movements left in autumn together with livestock distilling for winter pastures that were previously mainly in Northern Azerbaijan. Thus, the waste from Lezgin was often combined with distant animal husbandry.

People hired to dig irrigation ditches, plant trees, burning coal, [working in cookels, chernobykh, etc. Another part of the pests entered the oil crafts of Baku, where many have seen at a permanent job. By 1917, there was already a significant layer of industrial proletariat among Lezgin, who actively participate in the struggle of the Bolshevik Party for the approval of Soviet power in Dagestan and Azerbaijan. In Soviet times, especially after collectivization, the seasonal deposit of the climb has greatly decreased, but the number of Lesgin workers has grown significantly,

Of great importance for the development of the economy and culture, Lezgin had the elimination of age-old off-road. Nowadays, Lezghin villages are related to each other. With other areas of good car and wheeled roads. Automobile roads have passed even in such high mountain villages as Kurush, Hucheur, Rich, Kurag and others, who were previously reported to the outside world only for difficult paths.

I have already published popular statements from the forums, and now I want to continue the campaign for interesting posts. That came across a very interesting topic - interethnic love. In this case, Azerbaijanis loved Lezgin and the members of the forum asks the Council. Surely the girls do not calmly in the soul. In general, read

Hello! I am Azerbaijani, which has grown and brought up in typical traditions of the traditions of morality, life, family mistake, etc. It was always committed to the fact that the family must be created with representatives of their nationality. But with recently, a person loved to himself unexpectedly. He is Lezgin, a wonderful person. I would like to know the opinion of the members of the forum, preferably Lezgin, about the characteristics of the character of the Lezgin Men, about their attitude to the relationship between Lezgin with a woman not their nationality, in general, about the family customs of Lezgin.

Not an angel

And where does he grow? .. here? ... if so, in principle, what could be the difference? ... As for the relationship, this is not a matter of nationality, but to a person in general, depends on his life principles, his environments His worldview, etc., in customs there are minor differences, but where they are not so much so that they put you ... Features of character: .. This is yes)))) ... the character is often difficult, but almost always it is honest, bold, remote guys))) ... so that good luck


Girls are right .. there is no special difference ... Kafkaz so to speak ...

Here I am also friends with my childhood in two lysgins and with one tobasarans, as well as I have friends of Avars. But speech about Liezgins, who will tell to continue to be friends with them? What are they in friendship? What are their customs in friendship? Thanks in advance.

lezgina who are?

Not an angel

And they are mostly all light (Flookhod)


forgably my personal opinion ... Love - does not fit into the framework of nationality or mentality ... How can we conclude that you come to each other on the basis of belonging to a particular ethnic and social group?

I agree with your opinion completely. I am not going to give up my relationship due to the difference of nationalities, if it were so, it was not worth allowing them to occur. And the opinion, for a big bill, is not designed to discuss serious interethnic differences, fraught poured into unpredictable consequences (judging by certain responses). Interest is due only to the issues of everyday. I could talk about global topics on this matter, but I do not want.

characteristics of the nature of the nation do not depend nixweiss.gif

the only one can smallest and emotional and emotional (although they have such Tongue.gif)

relationship with a woman either has nationality (((

differently depends on the individual

family customs are the same as on all Kafochase unsure.gif

zY And how in love with a woman should not perceive everything so painfully and be kinder girl.gif


My husband has a few friends of Lezgin. They have similar customs and traditionsSmilie.gif

By the way, they are usually more temperamental. Very funny, love to joke and all the same their arms of life depends on habitat where it is located. If he lived in the city, then he does not differ from us.

I remembered our neighbors of Lezgina) already friends for more than 50 years, yes yes, they were friends even with them my great-grandmother. Can help at any moment, and very friendly) By the way, I am a welcome about human qualities, and not looking at his nationality))

So that the main thing is that you have complete mutual understanding, love and respect for each other, without these qualities


For life, I had only 2 girlfriends and both lezgins ....

The only thing that I can say is .... fairly separate people .. therefore, most often get married. Although of course there are exceptions. But these are these fondness when a person gets used to his child-tribe since childhood and cooked in his juice, then they are slightly slightly polished. What else. Yes, as already noticed, men have problems with alcohol and in general harmful habits. Apparently, after all, a genetic is some kind of predisposition, or this temperament ... Couples are so manufactured)) .. very hot people, quick-tempered, give in the face - to spit)).

Fairy Bakylilar

why not? they are good husbands

White flower

I don't know why, but I am Lezgins (OK) never loved tongue.gif

we and in the class were lezginki girls, always went together, away from us, did not even be with us .. they are very smug (judging by those whom I knew and know) arrogant and cunning. We have 2 families in the block (lezgins), both husband walks, and wives are some not so wacko. I remember, somehow they said: Azerbaijanis occurred from Lezgin))) some son always shouts our guys (with Disputes): Do not touch me, I lezgin! big_grin.gif And in the last block, the Lezgin family, either no one loves them ... Do not know why nixweiss.gif

And I wish you happiness rroza.gif Not yet people identical rolleyes.gif

Master of Puppets.

What are the horror, I have a lot of friends lezgins, with some friends more than 20 years old have never heard anything and noticed

you can have beautiful children smilie.gif))))) blond eyes, leather. hair smilie.gif))

love arguing, stubborn, noisy. Very emotional and cheerful people smilie.gif

i knew 2 lezgins. Both scum. But as possible about the whole nation say something. You can get caught the best of them. or worst.

it all depends on the specific Chela. I advise you to find it personally. Or put up his friends.


I recently had a man was Lezgin. I considered this person perfect, Flood-like handsome with green eyes and a shocked physique. I didn't drink, I did not smoke and generally was very familially (in principle there are now, we just began to communicate less often). It was after him that I changed the opinion of Lezgins, before that I did not tolerate the Spirit

Many examples of Marriage "Azerbaijanka-Lezgin" ("Lezginka-Azerbaijani", "Lezgin-Lezgin", "Azerbaijan-Azerbaijani", etc.), it seems to live ... I have not seen anyone with bruises and fractures ...

Wai Maeeeee, how can you love Lezgin? blink.gif.

You collapsed Sumasoshel.gif from oak, at the same crime Love Lezgin

i begging do not make such nonsense poklon.gif

do not come to come ahead too late, it isiiii

good not yet diablotin.gif evilgrin1.gif

Alpha, Sorry frown.gif

people, what's wrong with Naamiii ... why such anger ....

I thought the user just wanted to know that yes, as they have in everyday life, customs ... although the name of the topic is not correct ...

if they wrote about the Englishman, the Turk, the Scots would have started writing about customs, advise ...

And so, I am also 50 \\ 50 lezginka .. Customs we have the same, I will tell you the doctor that the customs of Az-Tsev lips, Khachmaz, Hudat does not differ anything ... I have a husband from that zone, but Azerbaijan, so No differences, up to the accent from the tablet Az-Tsev smilie.gif)))

The ratio of floors from Lezgin shows the predominance of the male population. Such a structure of the population is distinguished by Lezgin from the rest of large peoples and indicates that in our country there lives a large number of labor migrants from Azerbaijan presented largely by men.

True, the ratio of floors slightly leveled since the last census: the proportion of women increased from 48.7% to 49.5%. But most likely it is due to the abroad lezgin in large cities, namely, labor migration is directed. In addition, only a small part of Lezgin from Azerbaijan was taken into account in census as 2002 and 2010. This situation is explained by the fact that migrants unwillingly complicate their stay in Russia, avoided communication with the correspondence. In 2010, the Trend was also seen in the direction of increasing the share of the Russian population in Moscow and other cities, which took place at the expense of the non-Russian population. One of the reasons for such a policy is an attempt to reassure the Russian citizens to the dominance of migrants in cities.

Be that as it may, in Russia moved to a temporary and permanent place a lot of Lezgin not only from Azerbaijan, but also from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and other countries. Only among Armenians and Azerbaijanis there is a more deformed sexual structure - they had a more powerful "influx" of migrants, with a much higher fraction of men than Lezghin.

The census also showed the fall in the specific gravity of persons younger than working age at Lezgin: from 30% to 25% by increasing this indicator in the able-bodied population (from 61% to 66%). The share of the elderly population remained almost unchanged - 9%. The main factors of this transformation also migration of the able-bodied Lezginese population to Russia and the fall in the birth rate.

An interesting feature of recent years has become a tangible growth of Lezghian men who are married from 60.4% to 66%, the share of married lazgink has changed slightly from 61.4% to 62.2%. Probably lezgins of young and middle age, migrating to the cities, began to more actively acquire families, and they often choose from representatives of other nationalities mostly Russians. Nevertheless, the number of monofasonic leznian households has grown from 72 to 90 thousand, on average one household consists of four and a half people. It is noteworthy that the share of divorced, and among men, and among women a little fell.

The Lezghin family becomes more small. This process covered other Dagestan peoples. The proportion of women who do not have children or giving birth to 1-2, and the proportion of mothers having 3 or more children is reduced (from 35% to 31%).

The share of Lezgin has fallen by the native language - up to 82.4%, Russians owns 94.6%. In this case, the native language for Lezgin becomes a kind of symbol. The share of Lezgin, indicating the Lezgian language as a native, grew from 94% to 94.9% from 1989 to 2010. For this indicator, Lezgina is still inferior to the peoples of Dagestan and Vainah.

A more favorable situation in Lezgin is observed in the educational sphere. One and a half times the proportion of people with higher and postgraduate education increased: from 14.4% to 21.6% (the average Russian indicator is slightly excessive - 23.4%). True, other major peoples have been the same and even faster growth. Among the Minsk-Caucasian peoples are only Ossetians have a higher level of education (30%). However, as it is known, the quality of education has been steadily decreased in recent years.

Unfortunately, the census revealed a very high level of unemployment from Lezgin - 22.8% of the able-bodied population of private households. This situation is characteristic of all the Gorsky Caucasian peoples and is associated with the fact that the North Caucasus is a depressive region. However, a significant part of the unemployed is actually regularly leaving for earnings outside their region. We should expect a further outflow of Lezgin from Dagestan, until the unemployment rate is reduced to an acceptable level.

Amil Sarkarov

Information and analytical center FLNKA

Quote: Naire Sergeeva

I am a lezginka and married Russian, we have three small children and everything is wonderful, relatives are friends, celebrating and Kurban Bayram and Easter Merry Christmas. And the main love.

Quote: Lazar

We don't need a blind love from the Russian Users, we ourselves strong and smart nation and you are a nagging traitor and who will be the lezgi gene pool to keep your Ivan?

I am the nationality of Lezgin. Marry, married to get out of love is not dependent on religion, nationality. The more such marriages will be in Russia, the less conflicts will be on national soil. I have a lot of relatives who are married to Russian beauties, and married to Russian guys. I will honestly tell you, in such families, the immunity of family conservation is more developed than ordinary lezgia families. Dagestan recently there is an increase in divorces among the Lezginese people, and I don't see anything bad. I don't see anything bad that our guys get married in Russian girls, I don't see anything bad about it. The turns will support more from the Russians. Russian nation, she is a great and strong nation. I am for such marriages.

The Lezghin Nation, she always was and is closer to the Russian nation than other nations in Dagestan. I have a cousin for the 80 years married a Russian rustic guy. Now they have a big family children, grandchildren, happily live. Also, the cousins \u200b\u200bare married to Russian girls. They also have their own families. In Dagestan, there are many divorces among Lezgins. I think it is necessary to marry love, no difference is Russian, not Russian. Of course, when bleeding mixed children are born healthier, gifted.

So, girls, - Hare swear! I myself am half a khokhol, half a bullbash, half Russian, although and other blood is also embarrassed. My wife is Kabardinka, we have been living for 4 years. I think that the point is not in the nation - and in man. I consider myself Russian. And this end of this smelting boiler will end here - the new Soviet person.

I do not write nonsense !!! It sees the Lezghian guys stopped falling in love with their lezgias. And they are hanging just on girls of our Russian beauties. I see it boring with you, you obey, and we can rule the men! And along the way they like it !!!

Russian girls love our lesghinskiX guys and Russian guys are broadcasting in Russians Girls because the Nazis and the Russian girls are still, they will marry or they will not get married on Nix, the lezgins of the girls are very loved by the Lezginski guys and you are married for your lezgin as it should be married. All lezgies do not twist their lezghian guys because Russian girls will lead our girlfriend, Russian girl should feel their own dignity.

Chkemzhu] Yes, not only Lezgins, almost in all Dagestan peoples there is an increase in mixed marriages, including Russians. The main cause of mixed marriages in Dagestan is the outflow from monofasonic villages to large Dagestan cities where the share of each nationality is no more than 15%.

Because the Russian girls entangle their brains so our guys are married in Russians. Girls Lezghinsky Avarian Kumyki girls are not people or people.

dzhama1982 .. Lezghin men as a lifebuoy for Russian girls in Makhachkala and in Dagestan !!!

Lezghin men appreciate their lezgias and Russian girls they live temporarily after 5 or 10 years come to their homeland and marry her lezginka for love, as it should be Each Lezgin or Lezginka should know their customs and traditions, should love their people Lezgius. A Russian girl should love and make married for his Russian guy as it should be not so much on the boy's guy, the Russian girls dislike the lezgianka and on our lezginsky guys are watching them. Russian girls are better than lezgia. Lezghian girls smart, cute, educated good and ugly brought up.

tariberdiev ... You do not know the main ... Lezghian djigitis 99% pleasant outfacies as well as brief and weak the religiosity of attacks they are owned. These are perfectly known to the hands of beauty. Love (great. On Russian) the parents do not want a life of the life of the parents with the parents, it knows that they will not pull the wedding (social victims). After the Swaddle, it's not that he lost half of the status, he is no longer that Lezgin as a wounded before the groom (old friends do not show not shown In fact ....) if the lezgi live live and work, it is positive .... and children if 100% know the lesgi language. Considering that he recalled his status to Lezgiance. Here you can a lot of people, well, there is no respect for this Lezgina whoever he would not be ..... in one words .... AM Viridan Vilerag Avatna

You are the right sister

Tatiana] nonsense do not write !!! It sees the Lezghian guys stopped falling in love with their lezgias. And they are hanging just on girls of our Russian beauties. I see it boring with you, you obey, and we can rule the men! And along the way they like it !!!

Lezghin guys those who marry in Russian girl due to position because of the dough for a better life and the Russian girls don't know that they think that our leznian guys are married to nix in love Russian girls you dig better your heads stupid about the wall you have no brains You do not understand that when Lezghin marry a Russian girl, then Lezginka remains an old Virgin because only Lezghin should marry her Lezgiake as it should be. Our Lezghinese guys go to you temporarily because of the dough so that Russian girls reject our lezginski guys and check married for their own Russians a guys as it should be saying that Lezgin has the right to marry the Russian you are not legal lezgin By nationality, Lezgin, of course, our Lezgin will marry her Lezgia, as it should be Russian girls. For us, Lezginov understood, you ...

The attitude towards a woman was very controversial. The woman enjoyed great respect in society, but at the same time was unlimited in the family, even towards his own children. The man belonged to her as a substantially lower, the main severity of homework was on it: cooking, food, maintaining all kinds of economic affairs and much more. However, on this basis, to make a conclusion about the gentity of a woman hardly justified.

As F. Engels correctly emphasized, "the division of labor between both floors is determined by the provision of women in society, but completely different reasons. Narodi whose women should work much more, "what it relies on our ideas, often nourish women more than genuine respect than our Europeans."

The woman was engaged in homework and enjoyed respect and honor among his households, although the appearance towards her was harsh. A big shame was considered to be a hands-written in relation to a woman, an insult and humiliation of it in whatever form. A shame covered himself the one who, despite custom, raised his hand on a woman, in a word or action, I mourn her honor.

Occuping his wife, and even more so he beat it, was considered a disgusting act, society was turned away from such a person, such an insult was equated to the blood insult. Oh neither the life of a woman's life, but it must be said that Lezgin extremely rarely meet acts of rudeness and violence against it. To beat a woman is considered shame. If Family Drazor reached a large breaker, the wife goes to the parents' home and the husband begins troubles about reconciliation.

On the exclusive position of the Women-Lezginka in society testifies to the non-proliferation on nee blood revenge. Whatever a blood feud was between the last names, never killed a woman. If someone performed a similar crime, then he brought the greatest contempt of society.

The most intransigent enemies stopped the battle, if a woman, removing a handkerchief, threw him between them. So it was from other Caucasian Highlanders. In the presence of a woman, indecent expressions were completely imposed. Australiary a woman was considered a shame, unworthy of a man.

If a woman and man went nearby, then the woman occupied the right side, and if two men went with her, then - between them. In both cases, these provisions were considered the most honorary. The greatest number of etiquette norms was associated with a woman. To whatever the limits of intoxication of the pouring men, the Youth did not entail himself, no matter how much the fierce of quarrel, fighting or fighting - one appearance of a woman curled Buyanov, stopped and stopped bloodshed. The ambiguous word in the presence of women, careless movement during the dances, the exaggeration in handling the girl was convicted of all society.

Everyone wants to remember his story, respected traditions and culture. There are no two identical states on Earth. Each has its roots and unique features - a highlight. Here is one of these wonderful peoples and will be discussed further.

Caucasus is the terrain of high mountains, excellent wines and hot Caucasian blood. However, many years ago, when this edge was still wild and unbridled, there was a surprising people of Lezgins (Caucasian nationality), which aroused the modern civilized Caucasus to life. These were people with a rich and ancient history. Many centuries they were more famous as "legs" or "lecture". Living in the south, and it was defended by the great ancient conquerors of Persia and Rome.

Nationality "Lezgin": History

A long time ago, several original Mountain tribes united in order to create their own, no one state with their spiritual culture and deep traditions. It was the beginning of the XIII century. Well, they managed it perfectly, because today Lezgins (nationality) live in the most southern territories of Russia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. For a long time, they inhabited the Dagestan region, which then went to the possession of new invaders. The inhabitants of the terrain at that time were called "Emirs of Lezgistan." Over time, the state broke on a lot of small hanses that fought for their independence.

The people who honor tradition

Consider in detail this nationality. Lezgins character have pretty bright and explosive. This Caucasian people have long been honored by the customs of hospitality, kunaching and, of course, blood revenge. It is noteworthy that the right upbringing of children plays a very large role in their culture. Surprisingly, the baby begins to bring up even when it is in the maternal womb. This is probably different lezgins. Nationality has many interesting traditions. Here is one of them.

If women could not have children, that is, they were childless, they were sent to the sacred places of the Caucasus. If successful, namely, the birth of children of different floors, family friends promised each other in the future to combine children with marriage. They sincerely believed in the healing power of sacred places and treated such journeys with all seriousness. Some argue that such a custom has formed as a result of the desire to strengthen friendly and related links between certain families.

Ancient rites and modern life

Lezgin - what is this nation? Consider more below. Despite its small number, Lezgins have rather fundamental moral norms that are associated with long traditions.

From the wedding customs you can allocate the same bright - the abduction of the bride. The most interesting thing is that such a tradition was practiced both with the consent of the bride and without it. As it turned out, the repurchase as such was not. For the young simply made a certain fee of her parents. Perhaps today it reminds some of this to some purchase and it seems not quite worthy, but practice shows that most of the locals treated this with joy and greater enthusiasm.

Eastern traditions of hospitality

The Lezgin has a special attitude towards guests and older people. They show separate respect. Old people do not allow to perform difficult work, and the guests are not allowed to meet their homework, even if they are strongly asked about it. Guests are given all the best: sleeping on the most comfortable bed, even if the owners can stay outdoor on the floor. Sometimes I want to even today many nations to study their culture and learn something useful for themselves from there, especially with regard to how to handle guests. People today have achieved a lot, but they lost something valuable - an understanding of the true nature of human relationships.

Eastern cultures, in principle, differ from other special relations to women. They are always in the East considered secondary members of society. Culture Lezgin is no exception, but it is safe to say that, despite this position, men have always treated lezgies with deep respect. A big shame for the Lezgh family was considered to raise his hand on a woman or somehow insulting her dignity in a different way.

Spiritual heritage or what religion is Lezgin National?

What can be said about the spiritual heritage of the ancient Lezgin? Today, for the most part, confesses Islam. Scientists willingly recognize that the religious culture of the people has not been studied thoroughly, but it is definitely rooted in paganism and are in many ways intertwined with folk mythology. For example, Lezgin still has a rather curious idea of \u200b\u200bhow an amazing planet Earth is located in space. They believe that she keeps on the horns of Yar Yat (Red Bull), he, in turn, is on the poison poison (translated "big water"). This is such a fairly interesting design. Although it is somewhat contrary to scientific data, some believe in it very sincerely. These unusual ideas about the world were lezgin. Nationality, the religion of which is Islam, is quite distinctive.

well-known worldwide

Some are outraged by the fact that these religious teachings are notpic by mythology and quite often contradict the generally accepted concepts about common sense. The modern life of this nation largely accepted the foundations of modernity. They are definitely honoring traditions, but they relate to them much less fanatically than before. The special attention of tourists and travelers is attracted by the Lezgin National Dance. Today there are very few people who have never heard of Lezginka.

This original and fascinating dance has long danced Lezgins. The nationality is quite distinctive, and the dance is that confirmation. How long ago there was a lezginka and how old she, it is not reliably known. Some suggest that he originates from the ritual caucasian dances.

Lezginka is very dynamic and saturated dance. By the way, the Russian name was given to him. Cheerful and cheerful music, under which this dance marks, did not leave indifferent many famous composers. Some of them even changed somewhat or interpreted in a different old traditional melody.

Lezgins (Lezagir) belong to the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus. Population belongs to the European-like race and in numbers is the second people of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Lezgin has a bright story and tradition. Many centuries called "Leki", or "legs". Often, people suffered from attacks of conquerors of Rome and Persia.

Where live

People live in the Russian Federation in the south of Dagestan and in the north of Azerbaijan. In Dagestan, Lezgins inhabit Derbent, Akhtynsky, Kurahsky, Docuparti, Suleiman-Stalsky, Magarabent and Khiv district.

In Azerbaijan, this people live in Kursar, Khachmasky, Cuban, Gaby, Ogzu, Ismaillinsky, Shekinsky, Kahi, and all major cities, especially in Baku. Experts of the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences believe that Lezgin is more in the territory of Azerbaijan, but some of them are fixed as Azerbaijanis.


There are from 680,000 to 850,000 lezgin in the world. Of these in Russia, according to the results of the 2010 census, 476,228 people live, 387,746 people in Dagestan. According to the results of the 2009 census conducted in Azerbaijan, 180,300 Lezgin live here. According to other estimates, their 350,000.


The origin of the ethnonym "Lezgins" has not yet been studied to the end and needs additional research. The authors of the ancient times were called Lezgin "Leki", the Arab authors called them "LAKZ", Georgian - "Lebeby".

In written sources, the term "Lezgi" is known from the 12th century. But this word was not called a separate Dagestan nation. This term was unfamiliar to the Dagestan mountaineers. Turks and residents of Tsarist Russia lezgins called numerous mountain tribes that inhabited the Dagestan region and part of the southern slope of the Chief Caucasus Range. The Russians called the southern Dagestanians, and the northern, mostly Avars, called the brass. To lesgin, the term began to be used in the late 19th - early 20th century. The ethnonym "Lezgins" became the name of one of the mountain peoples of Dagestan after 1920.


The Lezgian language is included in the North-Dagestan group of the North Caucasian language family and refers to the Lezginese subgroup. Completed among Lezgin Russian and Azerbaijani. Lezgina residents in Azerbaijan use Azerbaijani writing.

The Lezgian language is divided into adverbs:

  1. samurian, includes Akhtynsky dialect and Docaparent transitional dialect;
  2. curinsky, includes Yarka, Gunesky, couraged dialects;
  3. cuban.

There are in Lezghin language and independent skids:

  • gilensky
  • kurushsky
  • gelkhensky
  • fiy

In 1905, the royal government decided to facilitate the Russification of the people and tried to create a leznian writing on the basements developed by the baron. But this attempt was unsuccessful. In 1928, the Latin alphabet was derived for the Lezgin language, and in 1938 a new alphabet based on Cyrillic was created.


Lezgins mostly confess Islam Sunni Sunny Mazhab. Exception - residents of the village of Misciend in Duzazpairk district Dagestan. They are shiites and confess the Jafarite Mazhab.

A life

Lezgin's family is big, it consists not only of her husband, wives and children. It includes parents, juvenile sisters and brothers of both spouses, misunderstanding. Some families consist of 17 people, but today it is rare.

Predated by the main occupation of the people was arable farming. They grown corn, wheat, millet, barley, legumes and rice. Lezgins, living on the plains, were engaged in the mostly disturbing stall cattle breeding. In the mountains, cattle breeding was distant. Mostly raised sheep, goats, cattle. Most winter pastures were located in Northern Azerbaijan. Traditional fishery is spinning, production of cloth, felt, carpets, weaving, blacksmith, leather, jewelry and weapon.


The main type of settlement in Lezgin is called "Chuir". The villages based in the mountains are located mainly on the slopes, not far from drinking water sources. Houses closely are located with each other. The village is divided into quarters, which can sometimes form large territorial-related settlements "Tukhum". In each village there is a mosque and rural square "Kim". It has local residents, namely men, are going to a rural gathering to discuss and solve the most important issues of rural social life.

The oldest quarter is located in the upper part of the village and consists of stone old houses. These are real fortresses with a closed courtyard, loopholes and a small number of outdoor shackles. Greens here usually does not happen. The middle part of the mountain village is located on a less cool slope. New blocks are located on flat places, they consist of more extensive yards that are fenced from the street by clay or a stone fence. Among the greenery in the yard is a house in one floor, which build out of stone or raw bricks. In modern lower quarters there are schools, clubs and hospitals. In the mountain village of Acht, residents have houses in the upper and lower quarters, with a garden. At the top they live in winter, and in the summer they move down.

Lezgin's houses are P - and M-shaped, or are built in the form of a closed square. To get from the street into two-storey housing, you need to go into a small courtyard through the gate in the form of the arch. In one of the corners of the courtyard there is a furnace in which the peoples of CHUREKS. A staircase from stone or tree from the courtyard leads to the gallery on which the doors of all residents of the dwelling are overlooked.

Walls and floor in the house of Lezgins are always covered with pales and carpets. In one of the rooms there is a fireplace in which food is preparing. Instead of windows until the middle of the 19th century, the houses were made in a flat roof. Today the roof is still flat, but the windows are already pierced in the walls. They are made in old houses. From the mid-19th century, balconies began to make a balcony in the dwellings. In some mountain villages, related families living on the contrary create closed transitions connecting the second floors.


Clothing Lezgin is similar to the costumes of other peoples of Dagestan. Men's clothing consists of a nice shirt to a belt with a lining, sewn from Bosi, a sharovar from dark matter, wool socks, beshmett, Circassians and dads. The suit is complemented by a silver belt, gazells and a dagger. In winter, men wore fur coats.

Today, many men wear urban clothing. Often are found from elements of the national costume of dads, woolen socks and trees with fictitious long sleeves.

Women wore a long shirt in the form of a tunic with standing collar and long sleeves. With a shirt, wide pants, who narrowed down the book. The lower part of the pantian was visible from under the shirt, women decorated with embroidered patterns and bright colored stripes from the fabric. At the end of the 19th century in the wardrobe Lezginka, a brush dress appeared. Elderly women wore such dresses, sewn out of the dark color, and young people put on a bright tissue of green, red and yellow flowers. Dresses were free Croes, every woman sewed them with her own hands. Wear national clothes of women and today, especially in rural areas. Although many are gradually acquired by the clothes and shoes of the urban type, the custom is still observed, prohibiting to appear on people with a uncoated head.

Female headdress - Chutha, this is the fitting head of the cape with the hair bag sewn to it. Wearing lezgins and various scarves from brocade, silk and wool. Elderly and married put on handkers so as to cover part of the face and mouth. It was a mandatory rule.

Women wore a lot of jewelry, rings, earrings, bracelets. The outfits were decorated with silver coins. It was believed that the ringing of these coins scares bad and attracts good. Silver Lezgins considered a special metal that collects bad energy and self-cleaning from it.

The beauty of the woman of this people was determined by the harmony of the shape, black eyebrows and eyes, hair. Ideal were considered long thick hair, braided in two braids. It was not accepted only one braid, it was believed that if the girl would walk with such a hairstyle, it will forever be alone. In particular, such a hairstyle was banned by women who had brothers and fathers. Often, when Lezghin women quarreled with each other, they uttered the phrase: "So that you have left with one oblique."

Children under 3 years old wanted, amulets, coins and beads. Lezgins believed that they possess magical strength and protect against the evil and disease. For children's jackets put on a Bib Hirigan. On the back, the jackets and sleeves sometimes embroidered Murzan Tsuk's flower, which consisted of 12 petals of different colors in the number of months a year. It was believed that the flower protects the child from misfortune throughout the year.


The main traditional food of Lezgin consists of legumes, grain, dairy and meat products. Bread bake from sour or fresh dough in the form of a tortilla. Used for baking special khiara furnace. In Dagestan, Lezgin thin bread is very popular. The cakes of this people "Afrair" with filling from cottage cheese, herbs and meat are enjoyed great success. We prepare the lezgins of soups with meat and potatoes "Bozbash", Hincal, kebab and cabbage rolls. The meat is used fresh and dried, popular meat dishes: fried meat "Cabab", Gatay Kabab, cutlets. Parts and various dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine are included in the diet. From drinks do a touch - drink, similar to Kisel, cooked from rubber wheat grains. The ritual meal of Lezgin is a dish of dried lambs with corn grains and wheat, a flour porridge "Hashil" and Halva from Wheat flour "Isis". Milk drink fresh and sour, make cheeses and oil, boil porridge.


In each Lezghian family there is a unquestioned obedience. Great respect for older people are repaired. They do not allow to perform difficult work. Previously, there was a female inequality. But modern women are already economically independent, as they work, have access to education and social activities. There are old traditions that do not allow a modern leznian woman to achieve equality with a man. In many families, women are still not allowed to make food with men with strangers, and men shame to openly help a woman in work. But raise your hand on a woman or somehow offeure her dignity is considered a big shame not only for a man who went to it, but for all his family.

The tradition of blemination from Lezgin disappeared after the October Revolution, and the villagers are increasingly helping not only to their relatives, but also the neighbors.

Previously, women gave birth only at home and applied magic tools to facilitate childbirth. Men at these moments should not have been in the house, and the one who reported to him about the birth of a child first, received a gift. If a girl was born, it was a less joyful event than the birth of a boy. On the first night after the birth, the woman was not supposed to sleep, but was obliged to remove the child from the demons. In the courtyard of the spirits were distilled off with horses and shots from a gun.

The name of the newborn gave someone from the senior relatives. On this day in the family there was a holiday, prepared treats. Until now, the child is called the name of the deceased relative who lived a decent life. But if the child for a long time was capricious and sick, the name sometimes changed him. If a woman could not have children, she was sent to visit the sacred places of the Caucasus. Lezgins are very much believe in the healing force of such places and their visits are serious.

Hair, which coated the child for the first time, did not throw and protected. The first haircut was carried out by a man who was senior in the family. The hair put the child under the pillow so that he had a healthy and strong sleep. So that the child was not a thief, his nails did not cut a long time, and when for the first time they spent this procedure, the cut nails burned.

There was a bad admission if the first tooth of the child detects mother. If it happened, she ruled the gate on his underwear, so that the teeth in the child grew well. The baby also loosened a shirt collar slightly. The first one who noticed the tooth from the baby was given a needle - a symbol of sharpness.

Previously, Lezgins concluded marriage with long-range relatives. Today, this custom gradually disappears. In ancient times, the parents of the bride and groom agreed on the marriage of children when they were still small. Sometimes the bride has stolen if she did not want to marry or chosen choices were against. A wedding was held in front of the wedding. A close relative of the groom came to the bride to the house and made an offer. If he was consent, the relative of the groom sent the bride ring, a handkerchief and a dish with a pilaf. A few days later, the father of the groom with several men came to the house of the bride and brought a handkerchief and money, parents agreed about the size of Calma. From this pore, the bride and groom should not have been found.

The wedding was started simultaneously in the houses of the bride and groom. Entering the bride's house, the bride must crush the spoon with the butter, which was put on the threshold. After the bride, led to the room and put on the chest with dowry. During the holiday, the bride sat silently. At midnight, the groom came to her, and women who surrounded the bride went away. In the morning the bridegroom should go to swim on the river and spend the whole day from a friend or relative at home. If the bride was not innocent, the groom could drive her out of the house and immediately divorce with it. Often, after that, the girls went to suicide. In the Samurian district, during a divorce, the family of men should have paid a family family amount of money for the content of the ex-wife.

Today, the Lezginese wedding is different. No more Calma and Moula does not accept participation, the brides do not kidelize, and parents do not agree on the future wedding of still young children. The wedding ceremony has not changed practically, only in many villages the bride is taken not on horseback, but by car, and the dowry is transported in the cargo machine.

An important place in the life of the people occupies the upbringing of children. Teach and educate them began in the womb. Lezgins are hospitable, and gave guests the best. The owners will refuse the most comfortable and large bed in the house of the guest, and they will lie to sleep on the floor.

At the end of March, Lezgin comes a holiday - the day of the spring equinox, which marks the beginning of a new agricultural year. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, each house burn fires. Everyone tries that his fire was brighter than others. Then people jump through the fire. It is believed that so people get rid of sins and strengthen health. On this day, Lezgins put on new outfits, prepare a festive table.

Another significant holiday of this people is a festival of cherry. In the villages, where there was a rich harvest of these berries, the Lezgin family was walking for several days in cherry gardens, they sat there dancing and songs.

During the holiday of flowers, the girl and the young men went beyond the colors in the mountains. He led the champion "Shah" - a young man. In advance, young people were preparing for the holiday, sewed outfits and poisoned with food on the road. On the appointed day, accompanied by a drummer, a girl and a young man went back to the village, danced and arranged competitions in the power exercises. The winners of the girl gave prizes - socks and brushes. Such a celebration continued to 3 days.

When there was no rain for a long time, leg it was a special rite. Chose a person from the poor, dressed in a suit that did from green big leaves. Iron pelvis put on my head. Such a rich man in the company of friends went through the courtyards, the hostess poured him with water, gave him money, eggs, bread, honey and cheese. When a person went around at home, the group went to the "sacred feast" and after him the chorus uttered words causing rain. The treats were divided between those present, most of them were given to a rich man.


Azerbaijan provided a great influence on the culture of Lezgin. Lezgin has more than 500 melodies and songs, heroic songs and fairy tales. The heroic epic "Charlin" is an epic monument of Lezghin Folklore. It has been preserved in poetic and prosaic passages.

The main place in the song folklore is occupied by dance lyric songs. Instrumental music Lezgin is saturated with melmamatic. In folk art there are also dances, the most famous of which is Lezginka. This pair or solo male dance is distributed in the Caucasus. Zarb's dance McAyam also fulfill men. Known in the dance folklore People's smooth and slow dances of Usanel, perizant Khanum, Bakhtavar and Akhtya tea.

Musical instruments of the Lezgin people:

  • kamencha
  • balaban.
  • chonguri
  • daldam
  • thunder
  • zurna
  • lahut

In 1906, the first Lezgin Theater was founded in the village of Acht, in 1935 the State Lezgin Music and Drama Theater named after S. Stalsky was created. In 1998, the Lezgin State Theater opened in Azerbaijan.