Birch juice - homemade recipes. Recipes for conservation of birch juice at home

Birch juice - homemade recipes. Recipes for conservation of birch juice at home
Birch juice - homemade recipes. Recipes for conservation of birch juice at home

Berezovitsa (birch juice) is assembled in the spring. This drink is very useful for the human body. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and tanning substances that have a positive effect on health. Since ancient times, people have been treated with this liquid almost all their diseases, starting by avitaminosis and ending with problems with the lungs. Also, birch nectar perfectly cleans and heals the skin, can compete with better cosmetics. But you should not assume that this is a panacea from all diseases. Juice, which treats birch, can be used as a reinforcing agent.

This drink is very useful for the human body.

Correct birch "tears" correctly you just need to be able to not kill the tree. You can pick a drink when the kidneys are poured on the trees. This period is approximately from mid-March and until the end of April.

To stock juice, you need:

  1. Find a birch at which the kidney has already begun. In the grip, the village must be at least 20 cm. The older the tree, the minor he has nectar.
  2. Drill the hole in the tree a hole 1.5 cm in diameter. You need to drill a shallow. Juice is between the bark and wood.
  3. Attention! In no case use the ax. The tree is much easier to heal holes than an incision. Do not kill the tree.
  4. Insert the conductor for the current juice from last year's grass in the hole. This is the best way to collect everything so that the liquid does not spread through the tree post.
  5. Substitute a bottle to collect liquid. The bottle will be perfect for collecting. Insects and garbage will not fall into it.
  6. After you scored the desired amount of juice, or if the tree began to give it very little, clamp a hole with wax or make a wooden tube from a branch or chips.
  7. Come behind the filled containers 2-3 times a day.

The tree will be gradually lit down the hole. Do not torment the birch and do not drill a new hole. Better to drain juice with another birch.

Do not make the birch, which are near the road. Trees very well absorb all exhaust gases and harmful substances that are produced by machines.

Birch juice is a very tasty and healing product. It is characterized by a large number of useful properties that are actively used to normalize the functioning of the body. The collection of birch juice occurs in the first month of spring, until the first leaves are formed on the tree. The process of the workpiece of this healing product lasts only 14 days. How to save birch juice at home? Although most doctors recommend drinking a pure drink, it does not lose its unique properties even after a long time after harvesting.

Ways to prepare birch juice for the winter - recipes

After harvesting, the main issue of the storage of the product remains. In its pure form, the birch drink can be stored no more than a few days. Save all the beneficial properties of birch juice with preservation, freezing, sterilization. Syrup prepared on the basis of this drink. Each hostess has its own product storage recipe, but there are universal recipes with which it is worth reading more.

Frost to the view in the freezer

Birch juice very quickly loses all its healing properties. The effect of oxygen and light contributes to the destruction of most of the mineral compounds. Result - the product turns into a conventional sweet river. Long-term storage of juice is freezing, which is carried out with the help of a refrigeration chamber, but not more than 2 days. A variety of preservatives cause a devastating effect on a lifeless component of the drink. Therefore, the finished product sold in the store cannot be natural.

Conservation with lemon

Many use such a method of birch juice, like canning. Now there are many recipes, thanks to which the drink becomes delicious, and is stored for a long time. For the preservation of "harvest", use the following recipes:

  1. Put sugar, juice, lemon into the capacity. Install everything to the stove until it boils and dissolve the sugar powder. Hot drink strain with gauze to eliminate various impurities. Pour juice to banks, which is then installed in hot water (90 degree temperatures) for 25 minutes.
  2. Fill the pan with a birch drink and boil. On the 3-liter bank prepare such ingredients: 3 tbsp. Sugar spoons, 4 slices of lemon. Place the products listed in the 3-liter bank. After, put the gauze and pour boiling birch juice. Slide the lids, turn the bottle with a drink on the bedspread and warm.
  3. It is necessary: \u200b\u200bbirch juice 25 l, sugar - 300 g, 1-2 lemon with a zest, raisins - 100 g. Fill the clean capacity by a lean drink, add the washed raisins and lemon. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into banks that, after close the lids and leave for 5 days at room temperature (18 degrees). Then the containers must be installed in a cool place.
  4. Just assembled crops pour into bottles, add a teaspoon of sugar, 5 raisins, citric acid, lemon slices. Capacity clog and wait 4 days, then install them in a cool place (4-10 degrees).

Manufacturing syrup

From the collected crop, a very tasty concentrate may turn out. To do this, it is necessary to warm the drink to a temperature of 60 degrees, and then evaporate 75% of its volume. Next, the remaining part of the juice must be poured over sterile banks and roll. The resulting concentrate before use is sure to dilute with water so that the taste is not so rich.

Sterilization in banks

Save all the beneficial properties of the product will help the procedure for its sterilization. It is necessary to bring the drink to a boil, pour over glass tanks, cover with covers and roll. Install banks in hot water (85 degrees) and keep them for 15 minutes. After, leave them cool at a temperature mode +18 degrees. The resulting drink has an amazing taste and saves all its useful properties.

How can you save juice without conservation

Presented early methods assumed the long-term storage of the "harvest" collected from the birch, and all useful properties remained unchanged. But this product is allowed to use for the preparation of other beverages, the benefits of which will be no less than from pure birch juice. Thanks to them, the organism is saturated with useful components. Especially pleased with a long shelf life.


Morse is the easiest drink that can be obtained when using birch juice. It is very simple to prepare it, and the amount of ingredients needs minimal. All you need is any vegetable or fruit juice and birch drink. The obtained ingredients are mixed. If desired, everyone can add sugar or honey. It is only to improve the taste of the cooked morse.

Kvass with raisins

Kvass based on birch juice is delicious and useful. Here is the easiest and most popular cooking recipe. Fill the glass jar with a birch drink, add raisins, sugar, lemon zest, berries or fruits to it. The mixing field of all ingredients can close and put in a dark cool place. Use the cooked kvass is resolved after a couple of days. Enjoy the amazing taste of the drink can immediately or store it 2 months.


Those who want to prepare a delicious birch-lifting drink should be used by such a recipe. Prepare 150 g berries brystry workers and squeeze juice from them. Folding up in a saucepan and add a birch drink to them - 1 liter. The resulting "compote" is installed on a water bath, warm for 5 minutes. After cooling, connect the resulting liquid with the lingonberry juice, add a bit of honey.

Berezovik in plastic bottles

To prepare such a drink, you need to stock in the following ingredients: birch juice - 5 liters, port 1 l, lemon - 2 pieces, sugar - 1, 6 kg. Wash lemons and cut together with pieces of pieces. Fill the keg with all other products, close the lid and take it out on the cold. After 2 months, pour the product on plastic bottles and well clog them. The storage of the juice occurs in the lying position on the cold surface. Use the product is resolved after 4 weeks.

Is the juice prepared for a long time

According to medical research, the reception of the birch drink at least in the amount of one glass per day for 3 weeks helps the body to cope with such problems such as avitaminosis, scattered, depression and fatigue. It is not recommended to take juice to those people who feel allergic to birch pollen. The drink even in a canned form perfectly saves all its useful properties. The product is desirable to take people suffering from such diseases as:

  • disturbed metabolism;
  • violations in the work of the stomach;
  • avitaminosis;
  • blood diseases, leather, joints;
  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • stones in the bladder and kidneys;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the gallbladder;
  • low acidity;
  • scurvy;
  • headaches;
  • venereal diseases.

For birch juice, excellent cleaning properties are characteristic, thanks to which slags and toxins are quickly eliminated from the body, urinary stones of carbonate and phosphate origin dissolve. The product increases the protective functions of the body, preventing cold, infectious, allergic diseases. It is still possible to achieve a diuretic, anthelmal, antitumor action. Drink is used for rubbing skin with eels, eczema and for dry skin moisturizing.


This product contains a large number of microelements needed for the body, enzymes, calcium, magnesium, iron salts. For storage of juice in natural form, it is allowed to use a refrigerator or a glacier at a temperature of 4 degrees no more than a month. If you want to enjoy the awesome taste of a drink even in winter, it must be pastenerized in glass jars, to hermetically close and stored in a cool place for no more than a year. How to do it right, look at this video:

So, drive your home from the kitchen. Now there will be unsafe, and start again the procurement season. What happiness that ended in the winter-winter!

  • sugar - 1 in a whole 250 gram glass on a 3-yolitonean jar;
  • lemon Acid - 1 teaspoon without a slide on a 3-ylitonean jar;
  • oranges - 1 slightly laugh at a 3-yolitonean jar.

Based on how much juice you want to roll, and take the desired amount of sugar, lemon and oranges. I have about 1.5 kg of sugar, 2 orange and somewhere 70-75 g of citric acid somewhere on 8 3-yolitonean cans.

How to close birch juice with orange in banks

1. To begin with sterilize the container. This can be done for a couple and in the oven. It was not for me to hurry to hurry, so I kept them in the oven for almost an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees. It is more convenient, of course, to do it in advance so that you are not distracted by washing, drying and preparation of the container. If the birch juice is planning to roll in the evening, and in the afternoon, someone from home has at home, put jars in the oven in the morning and ask them to turn on, and then turn off the oven. Just when you come home, the flasks are sterilized and even manage to cool.

2. Fresh birch juice pour into large pans and put on a stove on a strong fire. Let him boil. This matter is unprecedented, so engaged in covers. They are rinsed and throwing in boiling water, as you understand, a small saucepan with water you need to put on fire in advance. Sterilize the lids of 5-7 minutes with active drilling.

3. After that, lay them on a dry clean cloth or towel and give me to dry.
When in a saucepan with juice, only begins to appear bubbles, bring it to a strong drone and immediately turn off. Do not digest!

4. In banks sugar sugar.

5. Following it, we put citric acid.

6. Throw a circle of orange and gently begin to pour juice.

7. In order to accidentally burst, it may also be, insert it into a plastic bowl, on the bottom of which is sure to be a dry rag (and change it as much as wet). When you work with boiling water, extra precautions will not interfere with anyone.
Fill the glass jar with birch juice to the neck and rush.

8. When turning into a jar on the neck, hold your finger the middle of the cover. She bounces off, but there is nothing terrible in it, the main thing is that the lid does not bother under the onslaught of hot birch juice.

9. Cover the jackets with a jacket or fufayka and leave overnight. In the morning, pasteurized birch juice with an orange can be launched into the cellar for the winter. In the cold room, they are good, so if you don't drink the juice earlier, it can quite adequate until the next winter. Bon Appetit!

The author of this wonderful recipe with the photo KSYSHA0810

Birch juice is a good and most valuable drink, rich in minerals, organic acids, essential oils and other indispensable substances for our organism. And not necessarily go to the store! This real elixir of health you can do at home yourself. Do you imagine how to preserve birch juice? We will tell me today!

Basic recipe

Most often, this forest nectar is combined with citric acid to give a drink with a sour-sweet taste. Follow the instructions below, and you will also achieve this result. You need a number ingredients:

  • Citric acid - 25 gr.;
  • Birch juice - 5 l.;
  • Sugar - 625 gr.


  • Pour juice into a saucepan and put on fire when the boil will be close, foam (usually yellowish or orange) appears on the surface. Be sure to take it out, otherwise it will spoil not only the appearance of the finished drink, but also its taste;
  • Important moment: do not boil juiceOtherwise, all healing trace elements will die;
  • Add sugar and citric acid;
  • Prepare banks: steriline them or rental in the oven;
  • Take the clean gauze and throw on the neck of the jars, pour juice. Such a "procedure" is necessary in order to further clean the drink from the "Gift of the Forest": small leaves, kidneys, etc. You can act differently: after sugar and citric acid dissolve, there are all 5 l. Sweet nectar. Consider only that it will be quite difficult: "Working" with hot liquid is not the most pleasant lesson;
  • Now it remains only to roll the juice, turn the banks upside down and, biting, put cool.

If you have a large or smaller number of drinks, change, respectively, proportions, sugar volume and concentrated acid.

Lemon Breeze

If you want to put the birch juice at home without adding citric acid, but not to deprive it with sweet-sweet notch, be sure: this is possible. And this recipe will demonstrate it.


  • Birch juice - 3 l.;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 3/4 art.


  1. Perell juice in a comfortable container and put on fire;
  2. While he heats up, sterilize or calcinate banks in which you will spend the birch juice;
  3. Passing and apply lemon with circles and spread over prepared containers;
  4. Reduce the fire to the quiet, take off the foam that appears and enter sugar. While he does not dissolve, stir the drink;
  5. Further act according to the scheme described in the 1st recipe: on a jar, we throw gauze and pour juice, sunk it, turn the container upside down and, shit, give it to cool.

Orange storm

There is a lot of recipes for cooking birch juice, but this is the most harmonious. Citrus exotic notes are perfectly combined with a truly Russian drink, and as a result of such a good synthesis, a delicious mix is \u200b\u200bobtained.


  • Birch juice - 5 l.;
  • Citric acid - 25 gr.;
  • Orange - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - to taste.


  1. Perseter juice in the pan and put it on fire;
  2. Handling or sterilizing banks (liter or semi-cable);
  3. Orange breaking and cutting on the circles. In each prepared capacity, put 3-4 slices of exotic fruit for 3-4;
  4. When the drink came to a boil, removed the foam appeared, add sugar to it. Wait when it is dissolved, and then enter and citric acid;
  5. Complete the preservation of birch juice with a standard procedure: throwing gauze on the jars, break the drink, ride it and put it cool, pre-bounced.

If you do not like citrus, replace the orange with a mixture of rosehip and hawthorn, dried fruits. Or maybe you have more recent ideas on this?

Smorodine Shtail

For lovers of sweet beverages with a soft, even taste, the recipe for birch juice with currant cuttings is required. You can get the latter in the market or in the country area. Choose necessarily young shoots, bright green and rich in vitamins.


  • Birch juice - 5 l.;
  • Currant cuttings - 15 pcs.;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Lemon Acid - 25 gr.


  1. Nectar placed in a saucepan and send heightened;
  2. Prepare banks;
  3. Cuttings thoroughly slip under running water. There is so that they are fully placed in a liter-one-and-a-half bank and, subsequently, did not interfere with the rustling of birch juice;
  4. When the drink is already close to boiling, we drive fire, collect a foam, add sugar to the pan, let him dissolve, enter citric acid;
  5. Run juice through gauze on banks, sunk it and put it cool.

Mint Tornado

Fresh and spicy flavors attract many, and if you also love them, follow this recipe for canning birch juice.


  • Mint - 3 dried twigs (≈50-70 gr.)
  • Birch juice - 7 l.;
  • Sugar - 10 tbsp.;
  • Lemon Acid - 1/2 C.L.


  1. Perseter juice in a saucepan and put on fire;
  2. Meanwhile, prepare banks;
  3. Take a drink to boil, collect foam, add sugar and citric acid. When they dissolve, put it and mint (if you thirst to make nectar more fragrant, you can add more than 3 branches). Turn off the fire and give it to brew for 10 minutes. After this time, again brought a mint cocktail to a boil;
  4. Getting to pour birch juice, do not forget about polling. Sink drink and send cooling.

If there was no dried mint in the store, you can safely replace it with the lollipops of the appropriate taste. Spread them for 2-3 pcs. In triple banks and pour juice with the addition of sugar and citric acid.

As you noticed, making a delicious drink at home is quite simple, it is worth only to dare to it, and this winter you can enjoy your own masterpiece.

The people of April is considered a month of birch juice. The land commends, along with all the nature from the winter sleep, the trees are wanted, their life juices begin their new rapid running.

Conservation of birch juice is possible at home. Add sugar, citric acid into a saucepan with juice, heat everything up to boil and completely dissolve sugar. Then hot juice strain through the gauze to remove all possible impurities and in hot pour into bottles. Closed bottles to withstand in hot water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 25 minutes. And the canning of the birch juice is completed.

There are a few more recipes for canning birch juice at home.

In the saucepan boil birch juice.
On the 3-liter jar:
3 tbsp. Sugar full to the top, the rest is optional:
- 2-4 lemon circle;
- 2-4 orange circle + 0.5 C.L. citric acid;
- 1 tsp. citric acid;
- Leaflets of dry mint + 0.5 cl. Lim. acids;
- 2 lollipops with any taste (Duchess, Apple, Mint) + 0.5 C.L. Lim. K-you.

To the sugar add any of the above options and put it into an empty pre-well wash 3-liter. jar. Then we put a gauze on a jar, folded in several layers, and pour boiling juice with a bucket. We roll around with covers, turn the jar with juice on the bedspread and insulate. Believe me, the juice is really tasty and is good.

Juice can not be preserved. Rules for storage of birch juice
Fresh birch juice is difficult to preserve longer than one day - it can develop bacteria that destroy amino acids, enzymes and other biologically active substances. Therefore, fresh juice should be prepared for longer storage.

Recipe N1.
It will take: 25 liters of birch juice, 300 g of sugar, 1-2 lemon, 100 g of raisins.
In the clean capacity, we pour the lean birch juice, add the washed raisins and the lemon slices (without seeds). Everything is well mixed and bottled by banks. Banks are closed with covers and leave at room temperature (18 degrees) for 3-5 days so that the juice climb slightly. Then we put banks into a cool place (temperature 5-10 degrees). The lower the storage temperature, the slower the fermentation and better juice. At a temperature of 5 degrees, the juice will be sparkling about 14-20 days.

Recipe N2.
It will take: 30 liters of birch juice, 100 rye flour, 150 g of sugar.
To birch juice, add rye flour, divorced in a small amount of juice, sugar and leave to wander at 18 degrees. Then we put in a cool place - 5-10 degrees.

Recipe N3.
It will take: 10 liters of birch juice, 200 g of black bread, 4 young bliss of black currant, 100 g of sugar
To birch juice, add pieces of snack black bread (you can dry the bread in the oven), young shoots of black currant, sugar. And we leave for three days to wander at a temperature of 15 degrees. Then juice flooded into cans or bottles, adding half a teaspoon of sugar to each container. Banks and bottles with juice close the lids and put in the fridge or cellar - it is important that the temperature is 4 degrees. You can take advantage of the experience of ancestors and buried the bottle into the ground.

Recipe N4.
Fresh birch juice poured into bottles, adding sugar to each teaspoon, lemon slices, 5 waswiches and citric acid at the tip of the knife. Bottles are clocked and leave for three or four days at room temperature (18 degrees). Then we put the bottles in a cooler place (4-10 degrees).

A couple of recipes of home canning birch juice

Recipe 1.
Simple modern way of birch juice workpiece
125 g of sugar and 5 g of citric acid are added per 1 liter of birch juice.
Then filtered, poured into cans, pasteurize and twisted with covers.
It is useful to mix birch juice with other juices obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as to insist on the leaves of mint, Melissa, Cabinet, Hypericum, Lipov, Rosehip Fruits, Barberry Berries.

Recipe 2.
We only did kvass, about 60 liters per season. The juice was collected, poured into 20 liter bottles, there was a handful of raisins, you can some sugar, about 1 kg per bottle. At first, the bottles must be simply covered with a marblee and wait until the fermentation starts, and then put the shutter and hold three more days. After that, strain and pour on plastic bottles from under mineral water, to wait well. We stored bottles in the cellar. Kvass turns out very tasty, loose and refreshing. How much can be stored, I can not say, because by the middle of summer we drank him.

Remember! Juice storage temperature is very important. At a temperature of 16 degrees and above, birch juice is quickly sour and becomes acute taste.