Video from YouTube does not work, the video hangs and does not boot. Do not open video on YouTube

Video from YouTube does not work, the video hangs and does not boot. Do not open video on YouTube
Video from YouTube does not work, the video hangs and does not boot. Do not open video on YouTube

So, today we will deal with you with a common situation when YouTube does not work. What to do in this case? The reasons for this behavior can be a lot. We will look at each of them, after which we will try to figure out how to return everything in the same direction. So let's start with you to learn today's problem.

Engineering works

The first reason why you can find failures in the work of a popular site with video is to carry out technical works or the introduction of updates. In this case, YouTube does not work not only with you, but in general, all users.

As a rule, about such things is customary to warn in advance. You can see, according to news on the Internet, whether everything is fine with the site. If you were notified of preventive work, you will have to gain patience and wait until all manipulations come to an end. Only then you can fully use the hosting.

Fortunately, prevention and updates are not particularly frequent phenomenon. In this case, the time of waiting for the resumption of the site may be no more than a few hours. The administration tries to always return its resource to life as quickly as possible.

No program

YouTube is a video hosting that requires a special program to work. In principle, like any other multimedia files, the videos cannot be displayed on the computer without the so-called Flash player.

It can be noted that the lack of this application entails not particularly pleasant implications for the modern user - no pictures to see, nor the film will not deviate you. You should not be surprised if you do not work on YouTube on the absolutely new computer. It is enough just to download the necessary "player", install it and restart the browser. After actions, the problem will disappear by itself. True, there is a number of exceptions. Now we will learn why YouTube is not loaded on your computer.

Attack hackers

It may happen that our today's video hosting will be simply attacked by hackers. In other words, it will try to hack. As a result - the site will stop working for a while.

In order to understand what precisely because of the hacker "attack", you can use a special service "The current problems" YouTube ". Here you can see information about the events related to the system failure.

Unfortunately, nothing depends on users here. All that just stays do is just sit and wait until youtube return. Video hosting, as a rule, try to return to life in the first hour. Usually attempts are successful. A little patience - and everything will return to normal.

Problem with browser

Now that hacker attacks behind, you can use the site in full power. Or ... not quite. Sometimes users have problems that YouTube does not work in a specific browser.

What to do in this situation? Simply change the program used to access the Internet to the new one. Sometimes an existing browser can help. True, in most cases it is fully changed this program.

Such a kind of problem may occur even because of minor failures in the system. For example, voltage drops (disconnecting light in the apartment) or incorrectly turning off the computer. Prepress the behavior of installed applications is very difficult. So do not think how to configure YouTube in a non-working browser. Just download the analog, install it and enjoy life further. True, if it did not solve your problem, then it is worth thinking carefully, what else may be the case.

No access

Quite often, users think why YouTube is not loaded when they work one roller, and the other is not. The fact is that the so-called privacy settings are present on the hosting channels.

They are capable of blocking access to unauthorized people. True, then the system will give you a corresponding message about the reason why the roller reproduction has become impossible.

In this case, you do not have anything except to look for video outdoors. Or subscribe to the channel, having received permission to view the video. Not the best option, if you, for example, just have fun and see the funny and short "jokes". But in the case when access is covered with important information, you can and subscribe to the channel of another user.


YouTube also does not work for some users due to the presence of viruses in the operating system. Some computer infection is capable of blocking access to one or another resources or addresses.

Literally 6-7 years ago, viruses, blocking access to sites, sowed panic among users. Now it is not a problem. Even a novice user knows how to deal with such a problem.

First you have to clean your computer from viruses to clean. An antivirus program will help you. Update the database, start a deep check, and then simply wait for the results. Collure everything that is possible. "Naughty" objects remove. But that's not all.

Now you want to find a file with the name HOST in the Windows folder. It is in it that all prohibitions are prescribed on sites. It is located in the ETC folder, which is located in Drivers. But where to find this place? Of course, in System32. "Host" open a notebook. After that, we will erase everything that was written in this file. Save changes. If it is impossible to simply delete this file from the computer. This is done by holding SHIFT and DEL. Restart the computer and try to see some roller. Happened? Then it remains to configure the YouTube quality when playing (if it does not suit you), and then safely load movies and video.

Lack of place

True, among all the problems that may arise with Yutnub, as a rule, there is one entertaining "man". We are talking about a banal shortage of free space on a C. disk

This problem arises due to the fact that modern users absolutely forget about the care of the operating system. Because of this, it begins to accumulate temporary files that are not erased independently when rebooting the computer. One day, you stop downloading photos, videos, music. As a result, YouTube does not work. More precisely, it seems to be functions, but cannot load you a particular video.

In this case, nothing remains except to try to free the space on the computer. For example, by cleaning the operating system registry. In this case, a special free utility called CCleaner will help you. Just just pressing - and you start analyzing the status of a computer. Another click - and literally in seconds in the operating system, several gigayakes will be liberated. And even more. After you bring order in the computer, everything will come to normal.

In this publication, we will try to answer the frequent question about why doesn't YouTube open. The reasons for this can be a huge set, ranging from the most banal and ending with quite serious problems with iron or software of your computer. Let's first out the range of the most frequent and banal causes of the "breakdown" of YouTube, which most often mention themselves. So, the first and most banal cause is the lack of an Internet connection. Check if it is not, then restore and use all the delights of the video hosting. The second, but not significance, the reason that YouTube does not open are viruses that attacked your computer or laptop, which block the opening of YouTube.

Clean your system from viruses with a high-quality antivirus program like Kaspersky. Do not use not proven free antiviruses. They will only spend your time, but the expected results will not give. Another common reason not to open YouTube is the cache and cookies of your online browser. Therefore, try to clear the story. No need, you must clear the entire history of your browser. Do not forget to keep all your passwords. On the network, many users say that the cleaning of the browser from every garbage helped them and after that they were able to use the favorite YouTube. Also the problem that has been common, causing crashes in the operation of the video galvan, is to install various Windows updates. Some experts advise to have a working backup of the operating system to, in the case of which it was possible to "roll back" to a normally working option.

In addition to a variety of problems that may arise with your software or iron, it is not necessary to note the problems of the functioning of the youth itself. After all, this year, users have a lot of popularity in search engines as: ". Such a large number of inputs of such requests suggests that the problem is not local, but a global nature. And the truth, many IT portals and news sites have recently have recently more often to say that "hanging" YouTube himself. At the same time, many people throw a mistake with number 500, which indicates that the problem is external and has nothing to do with the performance of your computer.

It is worth noting that increasingly recently the inscription arises on the main page of the video hosting that "something went wrong." It is also said that experts work to eliminate the problems that have arisen. At the same time, with each such "glitch" YouTube, officials do not comment in any way comment on the work of their site. So that in such cases it remains only to wait until the problem is eliminated. Such "downtime", fortunately, is very rare and last not for a long time, so you can not worry that you lose. Losing browsing, huskies and subscribers not only you.

In addition to all the reasons described above in this publication, there may be another para-triple of frequent reasons that cause problems with junction on YouTube and viewing a variety of video content. And it will inevitably entail the fall. People ask about why the youtub does not open on the computerBut they themselves do not want to follow their PC to prevent such situations. Repeat again. The constant and periodic diagnosis and cleaning of the system from the rubble and viruses will save the computer. If all of this you are constantly doing and helps, reinstall the Adobe Flash Player correctly, before that by downloading its latest version from the official site.

Further restart the computer. If after this problem is oblivion, then you need to see the file hosts.which is located in the folder: " C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ DRIVERS \\ ETC" Open this file in the notebook and see its contents. There should be a line of type below: " Localhost."And nothing but this record. You can easily delete and save the file. To reliably restart and try to open YouTube.

A couple of days ago I started problems with YouTube - the site did not work, I just refused to load, and some incomprehensible error and other Abrakadabra got out on the page. At first I was surprised that with Yutnub today, I thought it was suddenly the largest video hosting fell suddenly.

But nothing like that - it turned out everything is much easier - this is my browser intercommed (opera). What it was connected, I honestly did not understand, but I walked everything from the Mozille everything worked.

But not always the reasons why YouTube does not work can be associated with the browser, here are some of them.

Possible reasons why YouTube does not work:

For starters, let's deal with what exactly the problem is - does not load the video on YouTube or does the site itself be loaded?

If you do not load videos, problems may be the following:

  • Absence or failure of the Adobe Flash Player flash player. Reinstall the latest version with. Without this software, you will not be able to admire videos from the Internet. Check out on other sites whether video recording is working if there is no matter exactly in the player.
  • Browser errors. Go through another browser, and check whether the problems remained. It can be as kemba problems ( for example, there are not enough allocated memory or the cache overflowed) and internal conflicts of plug-ins / renews for the browser, etc. If everything works from another browser, then the problem is in it. Try to clean the browser's cache and increase its volume, as well as disable third-party expansion.

If is not loaded:

  • Blocked the provider or admin network. Try to go to the site through an anonymizer to get around the ban and check if it is in detail about all ways you can. By the way, sometimes the provider does not block fully access to the site, and maybe, for example, limit the speed on this resource, therefore high-quality video can slow down and slowly boot.
  • Viruses - Check the HOST file that lives on your system at Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ etc. For example, the virus could slip his redirect for the. Website YouTube, and redirect it to another place. You can delete all the contents of the file if you yourself have not been assigned manually redirects, then there should be empty.
  • Take a look into the firewall, you can yuutub somehow got into a list of forbidden connections.
  • Works on YouTube, crashes on servers, Hacker attack, invasion of aliens, the site hit the list of prohibited. This is unlikely, but maybe \u003d) without panic, just wait and repeat the entrance after 1-2 hours.

YouTube is the most popular video hosting on which you can find entertainment training rollers, movies and cartoons. If the site does not open, watch the video will not succeed. We'll figure it out why YouTube does not work - what are the causes of the problem, and what to do in each case.

If YouTube does not open in the browser, the reason may be in the Web Observer itself. Open the site through another browser if there are no problems in it - look for errors in the first:

  • If you recently installed extensions or widgets, disconnect them - they can cause a conflict with YouTube.
  • Clean the program's cache - go to the settings and find the cleaning item, check the "cached data and files". The system will delete all the savings, the place to download new rollers will be released.

If YouTube does not work in all browsers, the problem can be in a flash player that is responsible for playing video. Install from the official resource. If the black rectangle is visible instead of the image, you should also update or install Adobe Player.

More Possible causes of the inaccessibility of the site - blocking certain rollers at the country level, provider or network administrator. In this case, use an anonymizer site or a VPN expansion for the browser, which will enjoy the restriction.

Do not forget the antivirus program regularly. Some viruses are prescribed automatic redirection to the system, so another site can open instead of YouTube. In this case, check the file hosts.. It is stored on the system disk in the catalog Windows, in folder System32 /drivers /eTS.. Open it with any text editor if there are lines besides "" - remove them. Save the file and run the antivirus.

In a smartphone

What if you do not work on your smartphone? First, check the Internet connection - with low speed or loaded channel, the rollers will not open. Try to go to other sites and connect to Wi-Fi if I used the mobile Internet before.

If video hosting refuses to work even with a stable connection, clean the browser cache or YouTube application. Open the settings, find the program through which you run the rollers. Click "Clear Data". After restarting the device.

YouTube worked stably, regularly update the system. In new versions, developers eliminate errors that prevent normal functioning.


On TV with Smart TV feature there is a YouTube widget. If it does not start or disappeared from the menu after the update, try to do the following. Run the application store, find the YouTube and install the widget.

If there is no youtube in the store and your TV is released until 2012, the video hosting video application will not work. Google stopped his support for old models in the middle of 2017. In this case, you can open in the browser on TV. If you are more convenient to use the app, try alternative widgets:

  • ForkPlayer is a free, understandable graphical interface, but not all links;
  • NStreamLMOD - paid, to view it is convenient to use the Smarton catalog ;
  • NStreamPal is free, to start the rollers, use the ALEXKDPU directory.

They are all pose a list of playlists from various sources. You choose the YouTube item and get access to watching videos, searching channels, compilation of playlists.


We figured out why the YouTube may not work on a computer, in a smartphone or TV. It is not difficult to fix the problem - do not forget to update applications, run antivirus check and clean the data cache. Return the widget of the hosting on old TVs is slightly harder, third-party utilities will solve the problem.

YouTube video hosting today hits all attendance records. You can hardly find a person who has not heard about him. However, even such a popular area is not perfect and sometimes fails. The video is not loaded or, for example, the site refuses to load. The reason for malfunctions can also serve not to correctly set up your computer. How to fix this unpleasant situation? Consider everything in order.

Video does not start. What to do?

To begin, check if a special plug-in is installed on your device, which is responsible for the correct download and subsequent playback of all videos, as well as audio files on the unbursted worldwide web. We are talking about Flash Player, without him you will not be able to enjoy watching the rollers on YouTube. Before proceeding to the following items, check if this plugin is installed on your computer. Perhaps its version is outdated and requires updating. If you do not have Flash Player, install it through the developer's website - Adobe and watch the video for pleasure.

Checking browsers

Most often, the cause of troubles while viewing the rollers on YouTube is the wrong settings of your browser. We will analyze each of them in order and try to change the settings. If the reason was in this, the problems will immediately disappear.

Internet Explorer.

The old good browser has long lost its status and increasingly brings its users. Cases when video on You Tube through this browser refuses to boot happen constantly. In order to correct this situation, you need:

  • go to the "Service" panel;
  • find there the item signed as "Observer Properties";
  • press "additionally";
  • next, go to the item "Multimedia";
  • check if you have activated image shows and play video playback. If not, do it by putting the tick in the right places.


To configure this browser, you need to go to a special "Settings" panel, and then click on "General Settings" and go to the "Extended" section, then "Content". Here you need to activate special plugins and configure video file playback. To do this, click "Enable Animation".

After the manipulations produced, be sure to restart the computer, then check if video started running. If it did not help, the problem was not gone, then try cleaning the cache. It is recommended to do it regularly, such a procedure will beneficially affect the speed of the Internet.

Mozilla Firefox.

With this browser, though less often, but nevertheless malfunctions. Suddenly cease to download video on YouTube. In order to correct this situation and continue viewing the rollers, try to resort to cache cleaning mentioned a little higher.

You can do this by clicking on "Settings" and turning into the "Advanced" tab. Next, it is necessary to find the "Network" item, set the settings there, resolve the cache size, it is desirable to set a minimum of 150 megabytes. After that, click "Clear Now." Such simple manipulations can solve your problem.


In addition to the above video on YouTube may not be loaded for other reasons. This can be attributed to the infection of your working device with a viral program or the operating system failure. For a start, try to make a simple action - just restart the computer, it is possible that it will be enough. After checking the device installed by the anti-virus program to accurately be sure that everything is clean.

Another cause of bad work YouTube can serve a bad Internet connection. In this case, you need to contact the provider and coordinate this question may have to go to another tariff.

You can always deliver the video on the download by clicking on "Play", then use the pause and wait until the video is fully booted. It is not always convenient, but sometimes very effective.

What if youtube is not loaded?

With how to act, if the video refuses to boot, we figured out, but that's what to do if the video hosting itself refuses to start. There may be several reasons:

  • the site has blocked your provider or admin network. In order to check whether this is the cause of problems, try to go to YouTube through an anonymizer - this will help to quickly and imperceptibly bypass;
  • perhaps your computer is infected with a virus. Check the device with your antivirus program;
  • take a look at your firewall, because it could happen that YouTube mistakenly hit the list of disconnected connections;
  • rarely, but still accidents occur on the video hosting itself and the site ceases to work due to hacker attacks, accidents or, for example, installing new updates.

YouTube does not work on Android devices: Video

The main reasons why Youtube does not load on Android devices? How to quickly eliminate the causes and adjust the showing of the rollers

Unfortunately, problems with the show of the rollers, and the YouTube site itself happens often. In such a situation, the main thing is not to be baked, but try to apply all the tips described above. With a clear compliance with the recommendations, everything will work instantly.