How to run Adobe Flash Player: Tips and Recommendations. Does not work, does not start Windows Media Player

How to run Adobe Flash Player: Tips and Recommendations. Does not work, does not start Windows Media Player
How to run Adobe Flash Player: Tips and Recommendations. Does not work, does not start Windows Media Player

What to do if Adobe Flash Player does not work? Many have Adobe Flash Player installed on the computer. As it acts, as well as what is the principle of operation of the flash technology.

Flash Player does not work

What to do if Adobe Flash Player does not work?

Many on the computer installed Adobe Flash Player.But far from everyone knows what kind of program, as it acts, as well as what is the principle of operation of the flash technology.

Most often, the first acquaintance with the program begins as follows: you stop playing games on your computer, videos and audio are played, or on some sites ceases to respond to the menu when you click on any sections. Usually, to find out what caused all this and return as it was, you begin to make appropriate.

Most likely, you will immediately say that you flew or just outdated some Flash Player. And accordingly, to solve the problem you will be offered to download updates or completely delete it from the computer and download on a new one.

The reason can also hide in the player plug-in themselves in the browser you downloaded. But all this is said only in general, so the inexperienced user is difficult to figure out and eliminate the problem. Therefore, in this article we will consider in detail the question installations, settings, updates and delete the program on your computer.

How to update Flash Player

In some browsers, the flash player is originally built in and automatically updated when the engine itself is updated. A bright example is the popular GoogleChrome browser. But for a number of reasons, he can even turn off here. How to fix this situation, we describe a little lower.

The player has a system module that can monitor the available updates. You may have already seen the window that appears when the computer is turned on, which offers to install them.

It is best to not ignore the opportunity, because it may be updates related to security that will save your device from any infection. The application developers regularly seek all possible security holes and try to quickly close them. Therefore, if you see such a window - boldly update.

There is even a special SurfPatrol extension suitable for all types of browsers. It will inform you that there are outdated versions of any applications and plug-ins in the operational system.

If you do not want to install additional extensions, but you want to know fresh version of Flash You or not, that is, the way to do it through official developers. To do this go to the page // And click "Check now."

Nevertheless, the player's work in your browser can suddenly stop. Let's figure it out what to do in such a situation.

Installing Flash Player

The easiest way to go to the Adobe Player page and click on the Install button. This will determine your operating system and browser version.

If this information was incorrect, then click on the link "The player is needed for another computer". There you can already choose what you need.

If you use Google Chrome browser, then you do not need separate installation, but you can download the Adobe® Flash® Player system model.

Most often enough. But if the problem is not solved, then it can be a variety of reasons. In this case, it is best to fully reinstall the flash player. To do this, close all the browsers that you have. After that, click "Start", select "Control Panel" and click on the "Programs and Components" button. In the list that appears, find the desired string and delete the program or plugin. Then you should go to the official website of Adobe Flash Player and re-install it. This should help.

How to remove flash player correctly?

Sometimes the problem remains after such manipulations. In this case, it is worth useing special program Uninstall Flash Player From the official developer, which will allow you to completely get rid of "tails". This can be done as follows:

  1. Download the utility called above;
  2. Close all browsers and programs open on your computer. It is also worth checking their possible work in the background. If you disseminately react to this item, then complete removal may not happen and then the problem will remain unresolved;
  3. Run the utility. In the window that appears, you will be waiting for the installation instructions, which you need to follow;
  4. After the program finishes the player's removal process, you should restart the computer.
  5. Then install the flash player from the official site. How does it work if you have? To do this, follow the following link: // In the fifth point you must see the animation of clouds and wood floating across the sky. If it works fine, then it means that you did everything right.

Enable Flash Player plugin in browser

If the flash stopped working, then besides the above-mentioned method of removing the player from the operating system and the installation is updated, you can dig in the browser settings. So, Adobe Flash Player is a plugin, so sometimes it can be simply disabled. That is, to solve the problem, it is necessary to simply turn on. Consider how to do this, depending on which browser you use.

Google Chrome: In the address bar, you must enter the command

Then press the ENTER button on the keyboard. After that, a page appears on which the list of all plugins installed in the browser will be displayed. You only need to find a string with Adobe Flash Player and see it is turned on or not. If off, then click the "Enable" button located opposite it.

If it is enabled, but the video does not play (like audio), and the menu of some sites is not available, then find the "Allow always" field and set the checkbox in it.

Yandex browser: Here, the order of actions is identical to the previous one (this is due to the fact that both browser have the same engine). The only difference is that the following command should be entered into the address bar:

browser: // plugins

Opera: If you have the newest browser versions (older 12) installed, then use the same way that we have described for chromium, that is, call the plug-in windows and check the player on or not.

Mazila Firefox: You should select a button on which three horizontal bands are depicted (located on the right above), and in the open menu, click on the "Add-on" item. A page will appear on which the plug-in tab will appear on the left side. Next, you need to find the SHOCKWAVE FLASH string (this is another name of the same flash player). Then, as in previous versions, whether it is turned on and if there is a need to change the status of the plug-in to "always turn on".

Internet Explorer: In this browser, activate the player is somewhat more complicated. The description of this process will be too cumbersome, therefore it will be easier and clearer will watch the video on which the procedure for actions is shown in detail.

If neither reinstalling nor inclusion in the browser in the browser did not bring any results, and you still cannot open the video, listen to audio and choose points in the menu on some sites, then it means to cope with this question you will not succeed. Therefore, feel free to apply for help directly to developers, describing your problem in detail.

In Opera and what to do about it. Sometimes it happens that Opera gives malfunctions while playing Flash Roller.

However, Adobe representatives do not want to recognize the availability of problems in their software. According to them, the player is quite reliable and verified.

But users often sound alarm, as the problems still appear sooner or later. What actions need to be taken if you updated the Opera browser, and then noticed that problems often began to raise or incorrect reproduction. The reasons for these problems, as well as their solutions, there are several.

The case when the plugin is disabled.

Often in Opera, the cause of the problem lies in the fact that the corresponding plugin is simply turned off. Check it and make corrections as follows:

  1. In the browser's address bar, enter the Opera: Plaagins command.
  2. Find in the SHOCKWAVE Flash list.
  3. Click "Enable" and restart the application.

Flash player does not work in Opera, what to do?

If you do not work the flash player in the opera, I advise you to read the article to the end. Opera can lead incorrect actions when playing if temporary files have become too much. They periodically need to be cleaned. To do this, do the following:

  1. Open the browser and click the CTRL + F12 key combination.
  2. We go to the "Extended" tab.
  1. Open the story.
  1. Click "Clear" and OK.
  2. Similarly, we do with cookies (for which you choose the desired item on the window panel to the left).

Problems that can be with hardware acceleration graphics.

Adobe representatives, starting with the 10 version of the program, was introduced hardware acceleration. If you simply explain, the drawing of the elements began to occur with the participation of not only the central processor, but also the video card (graphic editor).

This on the one hand allows you to quickly download the roller, but because of this, at the same time, the work of the plugin is hampered. In this case, it may help to remove the "GPU_Test.ini" file from the profile, while Opera itself should be closed at this moment. There are other reasons for which the player does not want to work correctly:

  • Acceleration itself (HWA) may not be supported by hardware. Then the output remains such - the replacement of the video card. There are already games with settings will not help.
  • The problem arising from the drivers. This option is possible if the video cards were produced even before HWA appeared. Then reinstalling drivers will help solve the problem. But if the problem persists, then you need to turn off the hardware acceleration.

On a note! Yesterday I wrote an article about whether I really advise you to read the seven worth one.

How to turn off the hardware acceleration?

This is a necessity if the hardware acceleration cannot support the video card. We do the following:

  1. Open any video file.
  2. We make a call to the context menu, for which while watching the right mouse button.
  3. When the window opens, we find "Parameters" there.

This solution can be useful for films whose resolution is up to 720p. However, this option will not help for games.

Problems caused by the old version of Flash Player.

Before you make a player update, we delete it an old version. To do this, you need to use a special uninstaller.

You can download the uninstaller on the official website.. Then download new version of Adobe Flash Player.

No need to forget that the player needs to be updated. To do this, you can go to the "Help" menu and go to the "Check Updates" tab. If you find it in the list, you can make it. Sometimes it happens that even the latest version does not work. Then the rollback to the previous version can solve the problem. You can download them on the official website..

Conflict Flash File Associations.

This error does not rarely appear on the screens of monitors. It will also help the removal of the old version of the program and installing a new one. Further, we do everything according to the instructions:

  • Operating Opera, press the "Ctrl + F12" key combination, we will be in the settings.
  • Go to the tab with the name "Extended" and make the opening "Download".
  • Sheet list, and then press twice on the application, which is associated with Flash player.
  • In the window we find "Changing the properties of the type of files".
  • We are looking for "use plugin" and the options for plugins.
  • We make a choice of Flash Player. If you see an excess string, then there is a third-party software on a PC, which can create problems.
  • Check whether unnecessary files are available, the extension of which SWF. The fact is that the opera can not work if the number of plug-ins with the same expansion is greater than one. Excess plugin remove completely.

Flashing green screen.

This problem is also characteristic of the opera. It can be solved by downloading and installing the new version of the player. If such actions do not give results, you need to disconnect the hardware acceleration. The inconvenience will be the presence of several variations for various browsers.

If you use not one browser, then the variations need to be put in turn. Whatever there were inconvenience to using Adobe Flash Player, it is still a popular utility that deserves respect.

I have everything on this! I am sure that you have learned why the flash player does not work in the Opera and how to fix it. I'm waiting for you wishes and questions in the comments. And also, if not difficult, click on the socket button, that you will help me in the development of the blog. All good luck!

Nobody (even do not know why Flash Player does not work. They also give a list of recommendations. Something from this list fell into this article. Recommendations are located ascending difficulty. Following the recommendations at some stage, the flash player will work, but it is unknown on what. In conclusion, I will give a shorter list by which, most likely, I will use. This, of course, is not the easiest option, but it seems shorter.

1. Update browser

First, short science. What you need to know about Adobe Flash Player.

There are two versions of Adobe Flash Player

  • For Internet Explorer browser
  • For all other browsers

You also need to know that Flash Player is built into Google Chrome and it is updated with the browser.

In any case, you need to update the browser.

2. Turn on the Flash Player plugin in the browser

To work correctly, you need to use Adobe Flash Player and is installed in your browser.

How to enable Flash Player in Internet Explorer

Open the main menu and select "Set up superstructings"

Choosing "Types of Adds" - "Toolbars and Expansion"

"Display" - "All add-in"

We find SHOCKWAVE Flash Object and if its "disabled" state, click the "Enable" button at the bottom right. Restart the browser and try.

If the SHOCKWAVE Flash Object add-in is not, then you just need to install Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable Flash Player in Firefox

Open the Firefox menu and choose "add-ons"

On the left, choose "plug-ins" and looking for the right "ShockWave Flash". From the drop-down menu, select "Always turn on"

Restart Firefox. If Flash Player does not work read on. If the SHOCKWAVE Flash plugin is not - you need to install Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable Flash Player in Opera

Open a new tab and in the address bar We write - opera: // plugins

We choose the left "All" we find "Adobe Flash Player" by click "Enable". Restart Opera.

How to enable Flash Player in Google Chrome

In the new tab we write chrome: // plugins /. Right to top click "More"

We find Adobe Flash Player and turn off one of them. Restart your browser and try.

If it does not work, turn on the disconnected plugin and turn off the other. If you do not work read further.

3. Clean the cache Flash Player

Open the Start menu and in the search field write " % APPDATA% \\ Adobe". Click Enter or select the found folder "Adobe"

Delete the folder "Flash Player"

In the same way, go along the way " % APPDATA% \\ Macromedia"And delete the Flash Player folder. Run the browser and check. If Adobe Flash Player does not work, read on.

4. Delete all Flash Player data

Switch "Start\u003e Control Panel". Install View - "Large icons" and choose "Flash Player"

In the Flash Player settings opened, go to the Optional tab and click "Delete everything ..."

Check the installed tick "Delete all the data and settings of sites" and click the "Delete data" button

Close the window, open the browser and check. If Flash Player does not work read on.

5. Turn off the hardware acceleration Flash Player

Click on the picture right mouse button and choose "Parameters"

Remove the tick and turn off the hardware acceleration

Close Close. Restart the browser and check. If not working, read on.

6. Update Adobe Flash Player

First you simply update Adobe Flash Player.

7. Reinstall Adobe Flash Player

If installing a fresh version over one did not give results, we will try to remove Adobe Flash Player completely and install the latest version.

8. Restore the browser

If all of the above did not give the result, I would reinstall the browser. Naturally, you need to save your bookmarks or configure synchronization.

In the same way, you can reinstall another browser. All browsers download and install from official sites.

9. We restore system files

If Adobe Flash Player does not work, I would delete the browser and deleted Flash Player. Conducted recovery system files. Installed anew browser and Adobe Flash Player.

10. Update Drivers

Last hope before reinstalling the system is the update of the drivers. Just take and install fresh drivers for your computer. If nothing happened, then, or go to another browser, or reinstall Windows.


I like the Google Chrome browser. For it, you do not need to install Adobe Flash Player. If Flash Player does not work just need to reinstall chrome. If this does not give the result, I would delete the browser, checked the computer to viruses and restored system files. Then I would install Google Chrome. Flash Player is simply obliged to earn. If not, then I would reinstall Windows.

During installation, updates or use of modules for the animation processing, there are no failures, strongly worsening the quality of the surfing. If the flash player does not work in the Yandex browser, it becomes a choice: do without a plugin or restore the work of the player from Adobe, we recommend the second option. It is usually possible to easily return the performance of the module, but due to the difficulties of diagnosing a failure, you have to try different recovery methods.

The most common groups of problems is incorrect setting and damage to files. It is important to know the source of the problem to quickly eliminate the fault, since the recovery method directly depends on the causes of the failure.

Why does not flash player player in Yandex browser:

  • There is a conflict between different versions of the flash player. In the fresh versions of the browser, the fault is not so urgent, but it is extremely often found in old versions of the browser;
  • There were damaged or missing the library plug-in;
  • A browser failure due to the conflict of modules, components or plug-ins;
  • Computer infection with viruses;
  • Critical failures of the DirectX platform.

Unfortunately, to determine the source of the problem is not easy, usually a malfunction cannot be diagnosed.

Why does flash data blocking in Yandex browser?

There are a lot of reasons why it is blocked or faced with a flash player flasher in Yandex Explorer, but the most common is the wrong setting. Flash player is often blocked in the Yandex browser due to adding a site to exclude, completely disable the module or setting the settings that do not allow normally process content.

The main reasons why Yandex Browser blocks Adobe Flash Player: The resource is in the "Black List" or flash player disabled. Why a plugin can still be blocked:

  • The individual functions of the flash module are turned off: local storage, pyring network;
  • There is no access to the microphone or chamber;
  • A frequent cause of blocking - the hard confidentiality settings are installed.

How to restore the work of ADOB flash player?

Consider the restoration methods in the form of a sequential algorithm, ranging from the simplest and fairly effective methods, ending with radical options.

Update Flash and Yandex Browser

Flash player often does not work in Yandex browser due to outdated software versions. The browser is updated with the flash player, so it is enough to update once.

We update the browser:

Useful! Flash player in the Yandex browser is not updated by booting by Adobe. Now used exclusively embedded flash player, which does not depend on the work and version of the player installed in the system.

Check player performance

It often happens that Flash Player does not work in the Yandex browser due to failures not on the client side, but by the fault of the server. If the player freezes, slows down, it gives an error or it is not displayed at all, it is worth checking the behavior of the player on another site.

In 20-30% of cases, malfunction appears on a specific site or a number of resources using the same player or work algorithm. After updates, some software is obsolete and faced with a failure, respectively, on all sites with a problem module a failure appears. It is better to check the work immediately on several resources or go to official site.

Inclusion plugin

There are two main types of module deactivation:

  • the plugin is disabled in the browser;
  • supplement is turned off on a specific site.

For one instruction, check two sections at once:

There is another way to extract the site from blocking:

Remove the incompatibility of hardware components

By default, the player includes hardware acceleration and usually it works stably, but periodically gives failures. If acceleration is incorrectly running, instead of the expected improvement in the operation of the module, there are noticeable braking and crash during multimedia viewing. The simplest way to reduce the load on the browser and restore the correct operation - turn off the hardware acceleration.

How to perform:

Remove the entire browser cache

Unfortunately, there is no provided function to remove the module cache, you will have to be done manually, but can automatically remove the browser cache. Better to perform both procedures.

The correct way to manually delete temporary plug-in files:

Important! To remove the folder, you need to completely close the browser, and it often works in the background. We recommend additionally to make PCM on the "Start button", select the "Task Manager" item and delete all the processes "yandex.exe". Another important point - the AppData folder may not be visible in the specified directory, because it is hidden. Click on the "View" tab, and then on "Parameters. Go to the section "View" and at the end of the page, choose "Show hidden files ...".

Clean the browser cache is easier:

We restore the settings

Flash may not work on individual sites due to blocking some functions that are important for the work of the plugin. Part of the sites require the use of a webcam or microphone, others - need local storage, etc.

Install the correct settings:

  1. We go to the repository settings page, set the amount of data from 100 KB and above, and also put the flags in both checkboxes.
  2. On the tab responsible for accessing data from other sites, install "Always allow" or "Always asking".
  3. In the chamber access section and the microphone, choose "Always ask."
  4. Also on the Pirot Network Settings page set "Always resolve".

Install DirectX

The DirectX platform performs a key role in the performance of the flash player. Without this library, the plugin will not work. It is important to install DirectX with official SiteOtherwise, there is a risk of infection with viruses. A web installer is downloaded from the site, which will independently determine the appropriate version of DirectX.

Pump changes

The correct way to restore the Flash player in the Yandex browser is to roll back the changes. The method is effective in the case when the plug-in stops working after some manipulations with the system, browser or module. To implement the method, it is important to have a system recovery point.

It makes no sense to roll back the entire system, as we are only interested in the restoration of the browser files. Perform a rollback of one program:

Reinstall Yandex Browser with Flash Player

First of all, you need to remove a problem browser and only then we can start installing a new browser. There is a chance that the failure occurred as a result of the impact of viruses on the system, so it is better to check Windows using a Dr.Web anti-virus scanner or another.

If Flash does not work in Yandex browser, we can almost always return it to the working position by one of the listed methods. The only exception is the fault on the side of the resource.

Flash Player is a popular software installed on computers of many users. This plugin is needed to play Flash content in browsers, which today is abused today. Unfortunately, this player is not deprived of the problems, so today we will look at why the flash player does not start automatically.

As a rule, if you encounter the fact that every time you have to play the contents of the Flash Player plug-in, then the problem is in the settings of your browser, so below we will deal with how you can configure the automatic launch of Flash Player.

Setting up automatic launch Flash Player for Google Chrome

Let's start, perhaps, from the most popular browser of our time.

In order to configure the work of Adobe Flash Player in the Google Chrome web browser, you will need to open a window with plugins on the screen. To do this, using the address bar of the web browser, go to the next URL link:

chrome: // plugins /

Once in menu of work with Google Chrome plugins, find it in the Adobe Flash Player list, make sure that the button is highlighted "Disable" , meaning that the work of the browser for the browser is active, and there is a check mark near the item "Launch always" . After performing this small setting, the plug-ins manage window can be closed.

Configuring automatic launch Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox

Now consider how to configure the Flash Player in the fiery fox.

To do this, click on the web browser menu button and in the displayed window go to the section "Additions" .

In the left area of \u200b\u200bthe window that emerged, you will need to go to the tab. "Plugins" . Lay in the list of installed ShockWave Flash plugins, and then check that the status is made to the right of this plugin. "Always include" . If in your case another status is displayed, set the desired one, and then close the window of working with plugins.

Setting up automatic start Flash Player for Opera

As in the case of other browsers, in order to configure the launch of Flash Player, we will need to get into the plug-ins control. To do this, in the Opera browser, you will need to go through the following link:

chrome: // plugins /

The screen will appear a list of installed plug-ins for your web browser. Find in the Adobe Flash Player list and make sure that the status is displayed about this plugin. "Disable" , meaning that the work of the plugin is active.

But on this, the Flash Player setting in the opera has not yet been completed. Click on the left right corner of the web browser by the menu button and in the list that appears, go to the section "Settings" .

On the left side of the window, follow the transition to the tab. Sites and then find the block in the displayed window "Plugins" and make sure you have an item "Automatically launch plugins in important cases (recommended)" . If the Flash Player does not want to start automatically, check the item. "Run all the contents of plugins" .

Configuring automatic launch Flash Player for Yandex.Bauser

Considering that the Yandex.Braser is the Chromium browser, then the management of the plugins in this web browser is made in the same way as in Google Chrome. And in order to configure the work of Adobe Flash Player, you will need to go through the browser as follows:

chrome: // plugins /

Once on the page of working with plugins, find the Adobe Flash Player in the list, make sure that the button is displayed about it "Disable" and then put the bird next to the item "Launch always" .

If you are a user of any other browser, but also faced the fact that the Adobe Flash Player does not start automatically, then write to us in the comments name of your web browser, and we will try to help you.