"Why is Belarus so terrible?". That foreigners know about our country

"Why is Belarus so terrible?". That foreigners know about our country

Tourists who visited our country do not hide their impressions. Collecting their feedback on foreign blogs and in guidebooks, I had to laugh a lot, and sometimes to sink [we offer to discuss!]

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Here live the most cultural sports fans

"Belarus is wide plains, picturesque villages, ancient castles and monasteries, as well as dumping forests, picturesque landscapes and thousands of free bathing lakes.

And here you live here the most cultural sports fans. "

(Portal WORLDTRAVGUIDE.Net, United Kingdom)

"In Belarus, more than 7,000 lakes, wherever you stop, it is obligatory somewhere near the lake. To find it, ask for local. In Belarus, wet summer and harsh winters, so if you are going to swim, make sure you do it in the summer. "

(Rboittier, United Kingdom)

About Minsk

Patriotic consciousness sits in people

"I did not see such pure cities in life as Minsk. And this is not because someone controls people outside or hits them if they throw garbage. No, just in humans in itself sits patriotic consciousness, high morality, I really liked it in them. "

"Minsk has a glorious history and deserves to be the capital. But, unfortunately, the city was destroyed many times, and permanent wars Buried her prosperous past. The modern face of the city does not reflect the rich ancient history Belarusian people. "

About the people and traditions

No one speaks English

"I was in Belarus and believe that they have one trouble - they do not know how to drink. I tried to come to the apartments of some of my acquaintances, because there was always a lot of people and drank a lot. "

(JasonMaylett, United Kingdom)

"There is absolutely no one speaks English. Even words. "

(Ushastik, Ireland)

"Never give anyone to Belarus even number flowers. Local residents They consider it a bad admission. "

(TravelNotes Travel Guide, USA)

"Never quarrel with Belarusians even joking, it can end the fight. But if they were knighted, treat them with vodka, then they will definitely forgive you. "

(Dirty_harry, Israel)

"Do not talk about politics with anyone in Belarus. It is possible that the person who has this topic, a secret agent. "

(Tobias_Plieninger, Germany)

"When you go to Belarus, take with you less good clothes and jewels, so as not to seem like a showroom. Here, to buy what you can afford every month, Belorus leaves somewhere. "

(Blue-Viggen, United Kingdom)

"I was amazed that in Belarus they know such a group as Pink Floyd. and U2. I was told that only such songs like "Pupil" are popular here.

(Jon, Ireland)

About Belarus:

In mini skirts, despite the frost

"Russian women are unique creatures. They put the seven above themselves. They are always ready to make a brilliant career to be with her husband and children. Even if you give a Russian woman little attention, love and care, but show her that appreciate her as a wife and hostess at home, and you will admire her beauty, she will be faithful to death. "

"Belarus" means "White Russia". " Here live here beautiful women! Despite the frost, they always wear mini skirts and look so beautiful and feminine! Mostly Belarusian with blond hair and pale skin, and their eyes are green. They look like real clean, white Russians! "

(A-friend-of-belarus, Serbia)

"There are more than 300 Russian women's names. There are those that came from deep StoryBut still very popular. Interestingly, the fact that the Russians have each name has its meaning or meaning. Maybe it will seem strange, but if you know the meaning of the girl name, from whom they met, you can understand what kind of horoscope she is.

(portal city-of-brides.com, USA)

"In Belarus beautiful and sexy girls. Since men are smaller, and every Beloruska dreams only about the family, they have to look better to compete. "

(Portal MypartnerForever.com, United Kingdom)

About service:

Only the seller has keys to the showcase

« Many large stores in Belarus, especially non-food, keep in themselves great amount service personnel. Almost near each adjustment is the seller. Only this seller has keys to the showcase, behind which the goods are standing in the museum. If you want something to see, you must contact him, and he will give you it. After you choose the goods, you will need to approach another seller to pay. "

(DAO, United Kingdom)

"In many food stores or everyday demand goods, there are strange (for us) system. One store can be broken into five departments. You buy milk in one, meat - in another and so on, and it happens in small stores. It turns out that you pay all the time: you do two steps - and pay, then two more steps - and pay again, and so on. "

(Rboittier, United Kingdom)

"Hotels personnel are something! There are few people smiling here and speaks with you in a friendly tone - and this is a fairly expensive hotel (the room cost 40 euros per night). The registration and service department of guests barely speaks English, but it was not so big problem for me. I had a dictionary with me, and my native Serbian is very similar to the Russian, where everyone says there. "

(MIX, Serbia)

"If you are traveling to Belarus on your car, be prepared for a long wait on the border. We went through Poland to border Brest and waited there for 9 hours. For so long because there is not enough checkpoints, and there are many cars. We calculated for a couple of hours waiting, but not so much. System to get everything required documents- just chaos. If my Dutch friend did not help me, who speaks Russian slightly, we would go back to Poland. "

(Harlow, Holland)

About products:

Kefir is delicious

"Apple juice in Belarus is just a dream. He is without any additives, even sugars do not add. I think the Belarusians collect apples and squeeze them without any production. Such juice is sold in funny three-liter banks and stands as far as I remember, just over 1 euro.

(Dirim, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

"In Belarus, drink such a drink as kefir. It is very similar to yogurt or Turkish Ayran, but less salted and more condensed. Very tasty! And from alcoholic beverages in Belarus drink champagne. As far as I knew, this tradition comes from the time of the USSR.

(Said, Turkey)

About entertainment:

All in black

"I was in the Minsk clubs and that's what I noticed: they go there mostly 20-year-olds (I even seemed to me that some were not 18). Music usually plays too loudly. The main part of people goes to the club in black clothes.

I was also in the same strip club, paid $ 50 for Privatthan and was disappointed.

(Ghardey, USA)

"I went to one night club In Minsk, and I liked everything! Especially the girls on the disco. They are very beautiful and easily meet with them. I was surprised that they were not a prostitute. "

(Stephan, Austria)

About security:

Crime here is low

"Minsk is a really quiet and safe place, probably the capital is the safest place in Belarus. This is due to the fact that the police go everywhere. "

(CARLETTO76, Italy)

"I would like to say that I just returned from a trip to Belarus and I can calm all who wants to go there - is completely normal there. Pretend that you are poor to do not rob, do not need. You also should not immediately work if you see the police (although it is true that you should not bother them). People are beautiful and friendly, and here is low crime. "

(Winterflop, Austria)

"In Belarus, there are many people who concerned only how to get to your money. For example, when I needed to buy a ticket to the main railway station, no one spoke in English and did not understand what I want. But one friendly girl who spoke in English, offered me to help. I paid for a ticket in rubles, and later I learned that I was overpaid 30 euros. And I thought why the cashier and the girl who helped me, so smiled at each other. Everyone is trying to heat the money. "

(Dulgros, Germany)

Located in the country without registration more than 5 days

If you live in the hotel more than 5 days, the hotel staff will do it for you. But if we settled on the apartment or in relatives, then you need to register yourself. Otherwise, when crossing the border there will be problems and will have to pay a fine.

Talking "Belarus" and "You are very clean"

Belarus is the Soviet name of the country, such as Moldova and Kyrgyzstan or Baltic. Correctly say "Belarus", so recorded in the UN documents. And many Belarusians do not like it when the country is called Belarus. I will not get to your eye for this, but the attitude towards you will be better if you call the country correctly. Clean streets are the only thing tourists see in Belarus. And often bind it with power than many Belarusians either. We believe we have a lot more than clean streets. Therefore, it is better not necessary about it.

Calculated by Russian rubles and another currency

You can pay in Belarus only by Belarusian rubles or on a card in any currency. Russian rubles, dollars and other currency are not accepted anywhere (otherwise illegally). But in Belarus there are no problems with currency exchange - you can safely change in any bank without risking to get to the underestimated course. The course is almost the same, the commissions are not issued and give the receipt.

Joke about the bomb in the subway or airport

For such jokes in Belarus, you can easily go to prison. And it already happened. The Russian woman in control at the airport joked about the bomb in the bag, but the aviation security officers did not appreciate the joke. I had to spend some time in the SIZO, and then a few months under house arrest. The most harmless joke about it will be a test for you.

Take pictures of the KGB and train stations

In fact, it is possible, but there is a risk. Belarus has a list of objects that cannot be removed. Moreover, this list of militia does not show anyone, it is for internal use. But there were cases when tourists were detained for an attempt to remove the register of the registry office and the cinema in Ivie. A photographer newspaper " TVNZ"- for a snapshot of the building of the Academy of Sciences. But, as a rule, no one touches tourists.

Drink on the street alcohol

In Belarus, it is impossible to drink alcohol on the street, even beer. Even on the balcony of the house (hotel) is impossible. IN in public places You can only on special open areas with a cafe.

Park on the sidewalk

Especially in the city center. These often abuse drivers on Russian numbers. In Minsk, such cars can be evacuated to the stalls. Yes, and citizens often remove the violations on the phone and send the "Interception" metropolitan police on the special channel.

Riding Belarus to Russia by car

Foreigners can enter Russia only through international checkpoints. And they are simply not on the border of Belarus and Russia. Therefore, it is impossible to go by car to Russia with transit through Belarus. There is no border between countries, but passports are checked. Ukrainians and Poles unfold and send to international checkpoints - coming in Ukraine, Latvia and Minsk airport.

Pass by the central supermarket

This place is unique. Here come to drink beer or coffee with cakes. Here you can find homeless and famous writerhurt bell beer. And pay attention to the stucco on the walls and the ceiling.

Walk drunk in the subway

Or if you are a girl and keep intense at heels. This case was real in Minsk. Blider Elena Stogova claimed that he drank a little champagne and was on heels. But the security of the subway decided that the girl was drunk, and did not let her in the subway. So drunken people in the Minsk metro really do not allow security. In the tube, of course, it is not forced to breathe, but look at the gait.

I have a friend, let's call him A., who is very vigorously experiencing a certain "genophobe nation". At sight sweet couplewhere, in the role of a strong half, it is clearly not a descendant of radar - it is too dark, Chernovolos and brilliant with the eye - A. Zokat as a sign of disapproval. Two-speed Swedes with a red beard, he also dislikes, but the Swede in our territories is a rare bird. So historically it happened that guests often fly to us Turkish Airlines airplanes. Arrive, and then captivated female hearts.


« This is all because you, women, compacted. Prices do not know. Go beyond the first who will adorn the finger"," Says A. And confidently leans in the chair: I solved infinity sign, no less.

I do not know. Maybe the opposite? We believe that the flowers in our lives should appear so often to be photographed with them no longer wanted. We believe that worthy of the words "Favorite", "the only" (or "bunny" at a thin end), and in what language the tenth business is. Multi-resumed A., you will not blame us, girls, in the desire to hear compliments, especially if the eloquence of the interlocutor is inspired by " beautiful eye" And although the "compliments" and "complexes" are the words similar, the last here seems to be with nothing. Even beautiful girls Fall asleep with a photo of a boy who taught them to dive in the Red Sea.

« Few gifts - but an economical husband will be, all in the house, and no squeezed gestures"," Grandma says. Ah, grandma, why do I need all these multicookers without love? Without love in carrot cake will always miss nuts ...

« Behind modesty hidden deeper feelings"," Promotes us not the latest idea of \u200b\u200bthe next series. But you do not need to be seven spans in the forehead to understand: not every modist is an enviable party. Suddenly a man is not at all modest and economical, and boring and greedy, the forest of Shakespearean Sheilok?

« Exactly! And on the money go"," Indulsion grinning by A., as if put the mat with a cheat booster. It is impossible, they say, seriously love a man with a tummy. And with Lysina. Yes, and in the years ... Stop-stop-stop. Since when has the tummy become a sign of ethnicity? In the Belarusian streets, not only Apollors (and well, because the production of Afrod, we also do not put on the conveyor).

Even the very patriotic girl who uses Tinder, with difficulty will be able to ignore absolutely all foreigners. Is that it will specifically pay attention to the names. The reality is as follows: if the avatar is a well-kept and courageous man with an infectious smile in all 32, this is an overwhelming majority of cases.

Read entirely in the photo source:


Foreigners see the "HI" seizure and easely bring acquaintance in Offline. Our guys after mutual lady are more often silent as grandfathers-partisans. Marinate them, husky. Statistics are collected. At the same time look sternly. It is understandable: autumn, dollar exchange rate, car loan ... Of course, a hurricane passion can hide behind the ice wall, but not everyone has enough heat to check this theory. And then, suddenly Kai ... all? In the sense, resuscitation is not subject to. Someone does not smile, because the weather is November, but the other is just just a misanthrop, from which you need to run, and as soon as possible!

The tumors do not check the coat of arms on the passport. The tumors are growing at all. And, by the way, there is a huge difference between the cargo, eternally displeased decades in the training pants and fake Rolecas, in whose look: "I am the same type that is always How Hamit in the queue," and a jotty fat man who prepares the world's best pizza and knows how laugh so that the walls are trembling.

On Lysin, by the way, there are also fans.

Read entirely in the photo source:


« In the country no one gives birth"Turning A. So I see him at the table of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection. By the way, A. Kaby himself while smoothly zero. I do not know what prevents him from creating blue-eyed charming for a whole hockey team. The dollar or autumn rate, and most likely, the fact that A. does not understand the main thing. If the girl married a foreigner, flew into Munich and sick for Bavaria, then she is so better. Other (their majority), no matter how much the speeches are sweeters, much more importantly experience with the chosen one's emotions at the sight of an electronic toy, where the wolf is from "Well, wait!" Catching eggs, and laugh at the same moments in the "Christmas tree".

Cultural community often outweighs imported openness. Gives ten points of the fory. But at least five can be earned, if in addition to the knowledge of the chords "Splin" learn in the right moment Switch seriousness in hibernation mode. Worth trying.

The silent office, a boss, the boss, the domestic life ... Everything is time to rest! Reviewing a lot of sentences, you stay on the capital of one of the most beautiful, clean and hospitable countries Europe - Belarus. Great choice! But how to make the rest be filled with exceptionally positive moments? How not to overshadow the impressions of the long-awaited journey to Belarus?

Attention! Every foreigner who is going to come to Minsk should know certain rules Conduct in the city. It will help save precious time and money.

Not in vain Minsk is considered one of the cleanest capitals of Europe. His inhabitants and utilities carefully protect their city from dirt and garbage. The same requires from guests. Agree, much more pleasant to walk through clean well-kept streets planted with motley colors.

In the parks of recreation, institutions of education, sports, health care, stores, stations and other public places Minsk is prohibited smoking. The same who cannot refuse this harmful habit, you should search for individual smoking.

Drink of alcoholic beverages outside special seats (cafes, restaurants, clubs, bars) in our country is prohibited by law. Now, for a walk with a beer in hand or for gatherings on a bench in a park with a bottle of champagne, you can get a solid fine.

If you are going to Belarus with children, we should know that in our state a minor can not be on the street without adults after 23:00. In this case, their parents are involved. It should not also forget that in Minsk is full of institutions where the entrance to children under 18 is prohibited.

It should be noted that in Belarus it is impossible to conduct photo and video filming of government buildings and military facilities. If you liked any architectural constructions, do not be lazy to ask the guide if it is possible to take pictures. So you will avoid multiple problems.

Belarusian "bunnies" is important

Unlike other European countries, in Belarus, the payment for goods and services is carried out exclusively in national currency. And if in the center of the capital you can almost every street find the department of the bank or an ATM, which will give the necessary currency, then when planning a trip for the city should be taken in advance about the exchange of currency on the Belarusian rubles.

Transport connection in Minsk is well developed. During transportation in the city, you can use the metro, bus, trolleybus and tram. Payment of travel is also carried out in the Belarusian "bunnies". It should be noted that fines for the unfailing passage are exactly the same for both residents of the republic and for guests from abroad.

A taxi is considered one of the most popular types of transport in Minsk. Traveling in neighboring Russia foreigners get used to move on the travelers. To their deep disappointment, in Minsk, this practice is practically absent. You can call the machine to the desired address by phone or find the nearest taxi parking lot. As a rule, payment for travel is made on the meter and in national currency.

In each state there are their own, special rules of behavior. Do you want your vacation to be filled with only positive moments? Before traveling, learn the main laws of the country you like and try to stick to them while traveling. And then vacation will be the most pleasant and unforgettable adventure in your life!

Mikhail Sender - director of "Kufara" - almost every week meets foreign guests in Minsk. For several years, he had a clear view that and how (not) to do with a foreigner so that he would love our city.

As a person, half of life, who lived outside of Belarus, who visited several dozen countries and hundreds of cities, as well as a lot of foreign guests in Minsk, I will immediately say that this essay concerns foreigners from developed countries.

The inhabitants of the third world countries can be safely allowed in free swimming in the Minsk streets, and they will admire almost everything. But taking guests from Guests from Western Europe and North AmericaIt is important to keep in mind that Minsk with all its charms so far is very difficult for accustomed to the convenience and comfort of cosmopolitans.

Any foreigner in any country - walking prejudice

If you want your guests to have good impressions of Minsk, one should understand one important thing. Foreigners always go to new country With whole luggage formed previously prejudice, stereotypes and expectations. These expectations are built on the country's reputation in the world and on the information that can be leaked to different channels in their heads. These expectations are not always fair and objective, however, they are often the basis for visiting the country.

It is important to understand that foreigners will first look for confirmation of these stereotypes and prejudices. So, arriving in New York, tourists are trying to calculate the number of fatels and fast food, in Amsterdam sniffed to the smell of marijuana and look for LGBT couples, and in Bangkok - fried insects and transvestites-prostitutes. One-two correspondence stereotype seen on the street to consolidate the prejudice about the country and the city. And only if a person did not see any confirmation of a stereotype for the entire trip, his prejudices could be destroyed.

Here you like the host you need to make a choice: either you give guests what they came for, and help them confirm their prejudices, or you strive to surprise them, challenging stereotypes. In the case of Minsk, I prefer the second option - at least because all stereotypes and prejudices of foreigners about Belarus are usually exceptionally negative. They can be divided into two categories: common Eastern European stereotypes and mental associations specifically with Belarus.

What prejudices about Belarus are among foreigners

To general stereotypes about Eastern Europe These are typical gray concrete boxes under the coden name "Buildings", poverty, dirt, crime, prostitution, painted blondes on studs, ready for all for money, short-lived muddy men in sports costumes And classic grandmas in scarves, known as Babúshka.

But specifically from Belarus, besides the listed, expect even more. Regularly communicating with foreigners, never happened in Belarus, I approximately imagine how they see it. Arriving in the "last dictatorship of Europe" and the only one european countrynot included in the Council of Europe and still applying fatherlandA foreigner expects to see oppressed and intimidated people in the fur hats, exhausted by corruption and bureaucracy marching the military in gigantic caps and widespread portraits and statues of Lukashenko. In addition, Belarus often is often waiting for compliance with numerous stereotypes about Russia, is also very unpleasant.

As you already understood, Minsk has a good potential to destroy many of these prejudices.

In Minsk is quite clean and safely, which is already a break of the template, and people do not look so sadly. At the same time, it is necessary to recognize that Minsk is indeed crowded with signs of militarism and the communist heritage, hide which you will not work.

But it is not bad! Saying an Item language, this is not a bug, but a feature. After all, if we talk in truth, without this Soviet heritage in Minsk there would be nothing special. The Fishka of Minsk is just that it is the perfect monument to the "scoop" in his best Ipostasi. Nowhere else in Europe is not, and it is really interesting for those who know about the USSR only from historical books and films.

Our task is to ensure that during the stay of a foreigner in Minsk this "scoop" remained at the level of the monument and did not overlook in front of the guests in reality, confirming some of the above prejudice. To do this, I recommend you the following precautions ...

What you need to remember when you meet the guest at the airport

Fortunately, despite the completely anti-gravel symbiosis of Belavia and the airport "Minsk-2", the first holds a completely decent level of service, and the second last years led to a more or less divine look. Nevertheless, at the first stage of the visit of Belarus there are its trap.

Before departure, warn your friends that they should give the migration card on the plane, which you need to fill in the plane. This is important for two reasons. First, although Belavia's flight attendants and distribute them to everyone directly on board, they do it quite imperceptibly, in a hurry moving around the aisle, without looking at the passengers and accompanying the distribution typical of many young Belarusians with unbearable mutters in Russian.

It can be assumed that the migration card most often needed passengers who do not know the Russian language. But, apparently, such assumptions are not written in job description flight attendants. Over the past four years, I arrived at the Belavia in Minsk in Minsk, and each time everything passed on the same algorithm.

Secondly, your guests do not have to run at the airport and search for a handle (according to eyewitnesses, the handles in the arrival hall may not really be), to then be in the tail of the passport control.

Remember:the migration card will immediately consolidate one of the prejudices of foreigners about Belarus as a certain autonomous region of Russia. For on the left in the top on it it is written " the Russian Federation" This is one of the very few physical manifestations of the so-called "Union State", which, I assure you, no one outside of him has never heard.

No one ever heard about the CIS, CSTO, EAS and the "post-Soviet space", so you can not bother attempts to translate these abbreviations and expressions on english. Nobody will not understand anyway. Just say that we have an open border with Russia and therefore the same migration card acts at the entrance to both countries. From you for a while will stop, but get ready for the fact that you will still have to miss the image of Belarus as an independent country.

By the way, the one of you, whom the constant attribution by foreigners of Belarus, some Russian stamps, advise not to remake with patriotism, for it can play in the opposite direction.

It's hard not to confuse the country with Russia, where everything is spoken in Russian, the currency is called "Ruble" and 9 of 10 pronounce english adjective "Belarusian" ("Belorussky") as "Bellaráshan". For those who are not sure how to pronounce, listen here:

I very often see how Belarusians from patriotic motives are constantly trying to talk to foreigners about the differences between Russia and Belarus, Russian and Belarusians, exposing their people in the positive light. Should not be doing that. First, it smacks xenophobia. Secondly, no matter how paradoxically, this you only strengthen in the minds of foreigners a logical connection between these peoples.

The more often you remember Russia during a foreigner's visit to Minsk, the more he will associate this city with Russia. If you do not want it - compare better with other countries.

You take a guest from the airport

Also, do not forget to prevent your friends that they need to buy in the airport the insurance, which sells Belgosstrakh (just tell me that the green booth with an inscription insurance) right at the entrance to passport control.

It does not matter what they have, like everyone else normal people, There is already insurance covering expenses abroad, and it does not matter that it is quite enough. With 90% of their probability, they are deployed in the green booth with this insurance on passport control, because there is no PRAGOSSTRA stamp (free competition in Belarusian). Fortunately, thanks to the non-promotability of this brand, your friends will not understand the absurdity of this objection and decide that they themselves are to blame. You still have a chance to keep my homeland face.

If you can not celebrate guests yourself at the airport, send a taxi for them to some kind of decent company (let's say, "Friday"). Do not even think to recommend the bus. They will immediately come across a ticket machine, where there is no English interface, and shame and grief you cannot avoid. The express train will be able to solve the transfer problem to the city in five years, when the rails will place to the terminal itself and the train does not have to approach by bus.

If a foreigner decides to take a taxi himself - wait for him of troubles. As happened in many Eastern European airports in the 1990s, briefly short-lived men in training will begin at the exit to it, offering a taxi. An experienced traveler immediately honors a divorce and, ignoring athletes, will head to parking a taxi by signs. Taxi drivers will not catch it and guide back to the brothers in sports costumes, thereby fastening the prejudice of Eastern European crime and rack.

Your next task is to bring guests to Minsk without pronounced the horrors of the Belarusian village. You should prepare the topics for the conversation in order to distract the attention of passengers from the landscapes of the queen. For example, you can pay attention to the smooth landscape on the right side of the road, noting that Belarus is the most flat country in Europe. At this title also claim the Netherlands, but who will check them ...

Drinking to Ugra, pay attention to your friends on cornflowers, adorning the facades of some panels. I am not about flowers, but about the cruciform element of the Belarusian traditional ornamentwhich we use in the form of scenery everywhere where neither spit. This is a very unusual chip, when a symbol that is not official coat of arms is used everywhere in architecture and design of everything - from interiors to clothing.

By turning attention to this, you can encourage the most gambling of them to start looking for cornflows everywhere. If you are lucky, it may distract them from finding confirmation by your vulgar prejudice.

Just imagine how difficult to foreigner understand the names

Few in Belarus thought about it, but by world standards we have a completely abnormal situation with the names of cities and streets.

There are many countries with two and more state languages \u200b\u200bin the world. But not in many countries the names of the streets differ depending on the language. As a rule, the names, like other brands, are not transferred. And we have even their own names.

An alien who is accustomed to the fact that everything has one name, it can be very confused. For example, you offer him to go to the Victory Square. He records in the notebook Plochad Pobedy. Then looks at the map and can not find because the Victory Square is written there. Then it sits on the subway, and there are declared Pošča Pieramohi. It is impossible to understand the mind.

Therefore, personally, I try to adhere to the international toponymic standards of the UN, for which all names are translated from belorussian language With the help of the official Belarusian Latin, and be in this consistent. Our city authorities are also trying. In the subway and on the pointers, everything is written. But on the maps it happens that not so ...

In what restaurants and cafes to conduct a foreigner

Many Minsk residents do not realize this, but compared to many european capitals in Minsk so much high level Quality of restaurants and cafes. In the center today it is difficult to find a place where it can be ashamed for the interior and where they disgustly fed. But there are times to fear.

One moment - we have allowed to smoke in public places. Therefore, if your friends do not smoke, then they should not be conducted in place like Malt & Hops, where their fashionable outfits are fastened and they will be raised by Minsk (and you).

The second problem point is the complete unpreparedness of most establishments for foreigners. Most waiters in English either do not speak, or speak very bad. In many restaurants there is no menu in English. In some it is, but outdated, with prices in old rubles with twenty zero. Therefore, booking a table, it is better to clarify these moments in advance and ask the table that will serve the knowledgeable English waiter. Reliable places in this plan - Pinky Bandinsky, ID BAR, THE View, Don Coffe'on, Grünwald, News Café, Mai Thai, but there are others.

Come to the restaurant, ask the English menu for all, including yourself. What for? Repeatedly discovered that the English menu differs from Russian / Belarusian on the content and numbering of pages, not to mention the flaws of translation. This circumstance can significantly complicate the discussion of dishes and create misunderstandings and disappointment.

There is still such a moment: many waiters, although they speak English, try to avoid it if possible. If they see that the company has a local one, then they begin to lead all chatting on all guests only with you, in Russian. Personally, it is terribly tired of me, because I have to go to my free time work by the translator and perform a part of his work for the waiter, taking responsibility for possible mistakes translation and forgetfulness. And I also came to relax.

To avoid such cases, I, while in the company of foreigners, I try not to give the form that I know Russian, which I advise you. Let them train!

What to look in Minsk?

Be sure that your guests in Minsk will be much more interested in all the scary and ugly than what you would like to show them.

Nobody is interested in Troitsky and Rakovsky suburb, the upper city with its microscopic town hall and the humble church of the Holy Trinity, Syon and Alena, etc. architectural value Not much superior to the level of many provincial Western European cities.

We do not have huge gothic castles, cathedrals and palaces. Even National Library Few interests. The ugliness and backwardness is that foreigners expect to see and what will be able to tell about their friends. Your delicate task is to drive them in places where deformities are least, but to do it under the pretext of visiting something interesting.

For example, everyone is interesting to see the largest monument to Lenin, standing in front of the government. (Remember, this is a chip, not a bug!) Going there, you can spend the guests along Karl Marx Street, showing the presidential administration and the tank monument (this is also a chip).

And after a photo session with Lenin, to spend them on the Avenue of Independence to the upper city to visit the bars on Zybitskaya and at the same time to show the KGB building (the fact that the KGB still exists, is a super email!) And GUM (just do not let them inside). Thus, your guests will be located all the time within the decent look of the city, and it will form them overall impression On the architecture of Minsk, contrary to the stereotype of gray concrete boxes. They will be surprised that in Minsk is quite beautiful and tidy, although there is no outstanding works architecture.

What can you really impress foreigners?

Evening illumination. I really didn't see anywhere else in the world (and I visited more than 150 cities in 45 countries) so that all the facades in the city center were lit by the backlight for several hours. Come to guests on the avenue before dinner. Beautiful, originally and really remembered.

Keep in mind that the most pleasant impressions of Minsk will leave no buildings and statues, but a good time. Still after dinner on the bars on Zybitskaya, take off in the "attic" or wash in the "hooligan", talk with interesting and pleasant people, and the memories of Minsk with your friends will be the warmest.

Well, remind them of farewell to the migration card to be not forgotten, and other memories can be added on passport control.