What dances help lose weight and what dance directions it is better to choose a teenager or an adult person. What dances help lose weight

What dances help lose weight and what dance directions it is better to choose a teenager or an adult person. What dances help lose weight
What dances help lose weight and what dance directions it is better to choose a teenager or an adult person. What dances help lose weight

All girls lose weight in different ways. Someone likes to play sports, someone - sit on a diet, but the third choose and the sport and the change in the diet. If the soul does not lie to fitness or power training, there is another way to keep yourself in good physical form - dancing. We will talk about them in our article.

Dancing for slimming belly, bleeding, buttocks - choose those girls who want to improve the mood and tone and get rid of extra fat deposits. Is it possible to lose weight from the dances? Of course yes. Dances give a useful cardion load, make the various muscle groups work. Particularly recommended dancing to those who want to introduce their own body to more severe physical exertion. Well, experienced athletes, on the contrary, relax with the help of dance movements of the muscles, which are shaved by power training.

Dance loss lessons

If you do not know, with the help of what dances you can lose weight, think about the nature of this action. In essence, any dance is a rhythm, constant movement, and therefore, the perfect way to burn calories. That is, the more active you will move, the faster you will lose weight. Thus, the answer is simple: any dances are effective in combating overweight. But the most effective are those used as possible intensive movements.

If you do not want to record in the studio, do at home. There is a huge number of dance lessons designed for home workouts with which you can adjust the figure. What to choose is to solve only you. And the choice, I must say, diverse. Lovers of passion and sensuality can be engaged in strip-plastic, fans of the incendiary rhythms - Zumbay, well, who prefers the eastern classics - the dancing of the belly.

Do not forget that it is possible to achieve the effect only with the help of regular classes. Choose a schedule for yourself and train. In the morning or in the evening, but an hour after eating. After training, hold down from receiving food for an hour and a half, and. Do regularly, eat right, and after a little time you will notice how your figure acquires seductive outlines

Dancing zombie for weight loss

What are they - Zumba dance? Stunning, cheerful, bright. Dance movements in the rhythm of Zumba are as useful as cardiotrans. Those who are regularly engaged in such dances effectively reduces weight. In addition, they have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, raise the mood, strengthen the muscles. Dancing under your favorite music, you get rid of extra fat sediments, adjust the figure and get nothing comparable.
We bring to your attention to familiarize yourself with the video tutorial on the zombie:

Eastern Dancing Slimming

Oriental dances are no less useful than Zumba. They help strengthen the muscles of the press, gain ductility. Such classes form a beautiful figure and remove extra centimeters from the waist. In addition, oriental dances are the best prevention of pathologies of the organs of the female sexual system.
And this video tutorial will help you start mastering oriental dances:

Dancing slimming at home

Not every newcomer is decided to sign up for a dance occupation in groups. Often, girls, noticing the shortcomings of their shape, simply shy to look ridiculous and attract unnecessary attention. Therefore, you can always start with a home workout.

It is necessary to pay for dancing at about 2-3 times a week. In one of the numerous video tutorials you will expect a home coach. First use the prompts, looking at the instructor, and already after a couple of weeks you can easily fulfill any dance pas.

What to choose? As we have already written above, it's all about you. Try zombu, belly dance, Latino. That is, do what you like more. Regardless of what dances you choose, you will achieve the effect that you wanted. After all, the dance is a rhythm, movement, good burden on different muscle groups and a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure. You can test different directions on yourself, and then make the final choice in favor of one of them.
When you understand that you feel in the world of movements and music quite confidently, you can sign up of group training. Develop your undertaking, and you will definitely achieve success.

To reset the boring kilograms, you can take different actions: starve, eat alive apples, exhaust yourself with unbearable physical exertion, but you can lose weight, enjoying. You just need to dance!

If you choose the right style of dancing, you can achieve incredible success. The main thing is to dance regularly and receive pleasure from it. So, do you want and do not know how to lose weight? Then - Dance! The results will pleasantly surprise you!

Eastern dance

Eastern choreography helps to put the exchange of substances, normalizes the process of digestion, which leads to the expected results: Your waist becomes much thinner, the muscles of the hips, abdomen and backs are strengthened. Women are very helpful to dance oriental dances: they contribute to the prevention of sexual diseases.

For an hour of intensive classes, you can lose 450 kcal.


Spanish passionate dance Flamenco will help you strengthen your feet and back, the figure will become tightened and slim. At the same time, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, breathing becomes rhythmic and deep.

Per hour, dancing flamenco, you can lose 650 kcal.

Latin American dances

The incendiary and rhythmic dances in the Latin American style will help to be slimmer. Dealing at least a few hours a week with these dances, you can strengthen the muscles, straighten your back and pump up a beautiful elastic press.

During the hour of Latin American dances, the average 900 kcal is lost.

Jazz Modern

Such a kind as Jazz-Modern, arose relatively recently. He absorbed several famous styles - such as break, hip-hop, er-en-bi, step. Not everyone can do jazz-modern, "there will be a maximum of strength, endurance and energy.

But as a reward, you will get a loss of kilocalories in a record number - 1000 per hour.

Strip of plastic

To perform movements from which the strip dance consists, it is necessary to own certain acrobatic skills, be able to make a serious stretching. In addition, before starting to engage in strip-plastic, it would be nice to go through the course of Eastern or Latin American dances. In short, this style is for the prepared girls.

During active training, excess weight is burned, the muscles of the abdomen, legs, press, back, buttocks are tightened.

Loss of 1200 kcal per hour - this is what will give you intense, but such a beautiful strip-plastic.

Houses or in the studio?

Answer this question is not easy. It all depends on the warehouse of your character, the circumstances and other nuances.

Many prefer to do dancing in the company of like-minded people - and more fun, and more efficiently, and the presence of a coach will allow unmistakably master all the skills of the selected style.

Perhaps you will want an individual approach. It is possible if you ask you to develop a trainer for dancing and fitness a special program for you - of course, not free.

An even more elite option is to hire a private coach. Then it is not necessary to adapt to someone else's schedule: you will be engaged in the studio or right at home when convenient to you.

If you visit the gym or pool, watch ads: there are often gaining groups of wishing to learn Latin American or oriental dance.

Finally, you can do yourself, at home, with the help of the training course on the disk.

Properly chosen complex will help to become slimmer after a couple of months, - of course, provided that you will be in full force.

Olga Moiseeva for the women's magazine "Charm"

If you are a woman of any age, then you must dance. Believe me, you can get tremendous pleasure from this occupation. In this article we argue about what dances are helping to quickly lose weight, become attractive and healthy.

Zumba for weight loss

Dance gymnastics equates to dancing and has a huge number of fans around the world, as it provides intense aerobic load, it helps to work out several important muscle groups at once. The harmonious dance consists of energetic bouncing, spectacular movements of hips, beautiful steps and simple turns. During the training session, the girl is charged with energy and do not feel fatigue.

Plastic Zumba absorbed the components of exciting Latin American dances, this direction includes several subspecies. A woman can choose a classic version or make up more complex dances that combine diverse loads. The main guarantor of success is systematic, competently organized classes. Typically, the training is preceded by a light warm-up for muscle warming. You will be surprised how harmonious Zumba combines simple movements and power elements. Girls do not notice their efforts and perform all movements with ease and pleasure.

Fitness, performed by incendiary music, transformed into a stunning dance Brilliant Columbian fitness instructor Alberto Perez. The surprisingly interesting direction of Zumba is a mixture of different dance directions, such as Calypso, Salsa, Flamenco, Merenge, Rumba, Kumbia, Mamba. The main purpose of classes is to gain an ideal figure without excess weight. Good cardion loads, plasticity, strengthening of the cardiovascular system, improved mood, muscle growth, health improvement - all this you will receive by choosing a zombu.

If you try, about one thousand calories is guaranteed for one session.

zumba dance

Strip-Dance for weight loss

If you do not know which direction to choose, contact your good fitness instructor or dance teacher. The specialist will tell what dances help to lose quickly, and will also help you choose the optimal option, taking into account your lifestyle, desired goals and physical data. With the right approach to Strip Danz, you will have a chance to strengthen all muscle mass, burning the colossal amount of calories, gaining sexuality, femininity and unshakable self-confidence.

In practice, breast muscles, buttocks, hands, abdomen, legs work hard. Erotic dancing is not at all vulgar, there is no obscenity in them, everything happens very aesthetic. This dance direction does not imply an exposure of the body, which cannot be said about striptease. Performing plastic sensual movements, you will feel excellent. Beautiful dance Strip-Dance Walcan of elements of classic ballet, Latin American dances are introduced into it, there are components of Eastern dance, there are also enclosures of jazz modern. Feel free to go on Strip-Dance classes, you will not regret the acquired abilities. The wonderful acting potential of your personality will be revealed, the dancing will give the feeling of common harmony with itself, and also very soon will bring true femininity.

Looking around to girls actively engaged in Strip-Dance, it can be noted that the figure has significantly improved, an attractiveness appeared in appearance, and a special charm appeared in the character. After a few lessons, girls decreases the amount of waist, the image is changed radically. There is an unsurpassed self-confidence. Definitely weight loss and strengthening the entire body will occur. In the direction of Strip-Dance, not only the owner of a thin physique is invited, with pleasure they take a ladies with overweight, because they will soon become slim.

It is known that the session of correct classes burns about 500 calories.

dance Strip Dance

Break dance and hip-hop for weight loss

Hip-hop dance is suitable for a powerful attack on excess fat deposits. Classes develop flexibility, add stamina, help to form an impeccable physical form. Break Dance is one of the leaders in energy consumption, however, it is not right and beautiful for everyone, this is a real skill that can be developed thanks to constant practice.

You can choose one of two directions. One of them is called lower extreme and is characterized by performing power tricks and acrobatic techniques in space as close as possible to the floor. The second direction is the so-called top break-dance, where the focus is on plastic body, dancers are fantastically moved in space and show the exciting body of the television.

Practice shows that break-dance, filled with acrobatic elements, promotes weight loss, gives excellent body flexibility, learns artistry and retention of equilibrium in the most incredible provisions. This dance came to us from America, it was created by Hip-Hop subculture figures. It is a break-dance that we recommend as a win-win way of getting rid of excess weight. But in order to join the dance hip-hop movement requires relevant physical data.

Break dance dancing for one session contribute to burning from 200 to 1000 calories.

dance Break Dance

Beautiful physical exertion effectively remove stress and add stress resistance, instantly increase their self-esteem, instill real love for their own body, well strengthen the immune system, the metabolism is noticeably accelerated. The advantages of the mass, all do not count. Dance for your pleasure.

Movement is the first thing you need to get rid of excess weight at home. And at all, it is not necessary to wind circles at the stadium, download the press 200 times a day or sneak from the floor when there are no strength. Replace active sports activities are quite capable of weight loss dancing, which sometimes even more efficient than fitness. They resemble a simple charging, which requires only to choose suitable exercises and music. But there is another option - find video with lessons and engage in it.

Before proceeding with the case, take care of such things like:

  • Music. If in the selected video it seems too fast or slow, you can turn on the disk with other melodies. At first it is necessary to something medium pace, in order to be possible to train the breath. After 2-3 months of the start of classes, it is already possible to accelerate.
  • A place. In a private house, there should be no problems with him, but living in the apartment can come very hard. For dances, you need a room at least 5x5 square meters. m with ceilings height from 200 cm. However, it should be bright and with windows opening to ventilating. In order not to complain of neighbors and households, it is possible to make it soundproofed. In such conditions it will be able to safely perform jumps, rumbles and other dance elements. Another task is to prepare the space where it is planned to be engaged: to remove everything too much, lay a non-slip flooring, hang on the walls of large mirrors. Thanks to the latter, it will be possible to learn from their mistakes discovered during classes.
  • Situation. To dances for weight loss, performed at home, helped, need a huge power of will. Therefore, the mood and the corresponding atmosphere is very important, for which no one should distract from workouts. You need to explain to loved ones that it is very important for you, they should seriously treat it and do not interfere. If there are pets in the house, then at the time of classes it is necessary to isolate in another room. But it is best to train, when there is no one at all.
  • Equipment. There is no way to do without sportswear, and it can be pants with a T-shirt, shorts with a top, leggings with a t-shirt. The main thing is that it was comfortable and she did not constrain movements. It is important here and shoes, dancing barefoot harmful, as there is a big load on the foot. In order to avoid it, ballet shoes, dense socks or moccasins without laces.

What does clothes for dancing look like, look at the photo below

On a note! To reset the excess weight of the house with the help of video, it is recommended to train 4-5 times a week at 20-40 minutes or 2-3 times to 1-1.5 hours. After classes, it is very useful to make a short stretching. Beginners need to start a lesson at no hurry so as not to overvolt the muscles.

Features of nutrition during weight loss with dancing

At the end of the lesson, there is no earlier than after 2 hours. There are restrictions on the reception before it started: a suitable time for this is somewhere in 30 minutes. The food should be easy and low-fat, it is best to switch to a healthy diet. It includes:

  • a variety of cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice, wheat, oatmeal, etc.);
  • dairy products (kefir is especially useful);
  • fiber - it contributes to the cleansing of the intestine from slags and toxins;
  • green tea;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • olive oil and MN. Dr.

Any dancing for weight loss will not be beneficial if the refrigerator will be devastated after the occupation every time: sausage, fat, pork, butter, buns, and other baking. Fast-visible carbohydrates need to be left overboard, they are recommended to be replaced by proteins. These substances give energy and contribute to the increase in muscle mass. From drinks worthy of ginseng, infusion of richness and protein, divorced in water. It is recommended to use it for breakfast or dinner separately from food.

What the proper nutrition looks like, look at the photo below:

What dances to choose for weight loss on video at home

Here you need to proceed from the state of your health, free time, desire and existing space. For firing burning, it is often resorted to the eastern and Latin American dances, a little less than the zoombe. They give the chosen to their person not only harmony, but also flexibility with plasticity. But this is only with the condition if they do it regularly.

Eastern dance

These dance movements are suitable for representatives of any age and physique, they are easily remembered and provide:

  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • press suspender;
  • strengthening muscles of the back;
  • cellulite elimination;
  • elasticity of the buttocks;
  • strengthening lumbar muscles.

Doing for free just 60 minutes a day, you will have 400-500 kcal. For this, no sports equipment and special clothing are needed, just repeating everything that shows the instructor in the video. First you should start with small loads on the stomach and hips, then gradually train legs and hands. Complete dancing for weight loss is recommended by respiratory gymnastics and stretching.

Latin American dances

If someone does not like the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing the belly dance at home, it is worth looking at the movements from ballroom productions. If the stop needs to be done on his feet, jive will suit, in other cases the cha-cha and samba is relevant. To eliminate fat in the thighs, it is worth paying attention to Salsa, Bachata, Merenge and Mambo. All of them are based on fast circular rotations of the thighs, shoulders and the hull itself. With their help, about 900 kcal is spent in an hour.

What does the Latin American Dance lesson look like, look at the photo below:


Such a dance training is not harmful to the body, although during it on the muscles of the back, the abdomen and legs account for a large load. The effect of it is very similar to the one given cardiosany. To lose thus 1000 kcal, you need to engage only 1 hour. All exercises are made under incendiary Latin American music.

They are based on:

  • marching;
  • mahi legs;
  • power steps;
  • squats;
  • turns.

On a note! During the execution of the dance "Zumba", it is important to strain the muscles of the legs and arms as much as possible, pull the stomach and straighten your back. Attention should be concentrated on video, it is necessary to strictly repeat all the movements for the teacher. Beginners need to train at least 3 times a week, and experienced dancers - 4-5.

Dance training at home, video:


Any dance is a rather strong load. However, there are such types when dance requires greater returns and physical costs. As a result, all metabolic processes in the body occur faster, and the weight loss process is automatically started. To achieve the desired effect - make the body plastic and reset the extra kilograms, it is necessary to correctly pick up the kind of dance.

What dances help lose weight

Each dance affects the body in its own way. So, for example, classic dancing from the category of ballroom, type of waltz, rumba, etc. Help acquire a flat and beautiful posture, as well as achieve the plasticity of the whole body. In addition, they will make beautiful and slender feet of a woman. Samba, like the belly dance, contributes to the order of the area of \u200b\u200bthe berry. Flamenco aligns posture and makes hands more tightened. Active directions, such as hip-hop and r "n" b, contribute to the lowest weight loss due to its rhythm. Strip-Dance helps to make the whole figure more feminine. The Latin American program develops endurance and improves movement coordination.

Remember, the more activity in the dance you show, the faster and the process of weight loss is better. In addition, those or other muscle groups are tightened during dance. This means that the skin will become elastic and taut

What to choose: Salsa, ballet or cha-cha?

  • More details

Of course, you should not expect that the effect will be instantaneous, since the dances have their main goal still artistic and well development, and not discharge of excess weight. To feel tangible changes in your body, it is necessary to go to classes regularly and not miss them. So, experts recommend to observe such a sequence - at least four times a week. However, it is more likely that lessons on one or another dance dances are just twice. In this case, it is worth going to a small trick to achieve the desired effect: sign up for another type of dance, and as a result everything will be perfect. And you still master at once two types of dances, which will significantly expand your physical capabilities.

What should be considered to ensure that the effect is long

Even if you go to dances several times a week and already feel that we have noticeably dropped weight, it does not mean that you can start increasing the turnover and is everything in a row. The only thing that is allowed is to leave the amount and quality of food intake at the same level.

The main plus of dancing is that they give a feeling of comfort, calm and fill a person with joy. And this means that you will not need additional feeding yourself with candies and chocolate to increase your mood. Accordingly, you will get just tremendous health benefit.

What rules need to be observed

To lose weight in dancing, it is not enough just to actively move. You need to still take into account a number of nuances that contribute to maintaining the effect. One thing says that music should increase and decrease the temperitum gradually. This principle of sounding musical compositions is commonly used in aerobics.

For your own amenities, make up your program where the rhythm of music will change as convenient and comfortably for you. True, this recommendation is relevant only for household sessions.

How to lose weight with dances?

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The duration of the dance should be at least half an hour (and this is only an active stage). As a result of such training, the muscles will warm up, and the metabolic processes in the body will accelerate. As a result, you will achieve the maximum effect when fat will be aggravated in a special effectively.

After the dance, you will be counted a feeling of hunger, and this is normal. After all, after any physical activity, I strongly want to eat. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to eat everything. It is allowed only to use low-calorie food - Apple, raw vegetables, etc. In addition, it is worth remembering that during active dances the body is deprived of water, which actively evaporates and comes out later. Reserves must be replenished, since the dehydration of the body threatens quite serious problems - the weakness of the whole organism, lethargy, drowsiness, intestinal dysfunction, etc. All these problems adversely affect the process of weight loss, slowing it to the limit.