Russia aerial pilot aerial group. Mailing group "Rus"

Russia aerial pilot aerial group. Pilot group
Russia aerial pilot aerial group. Mailing group "Rus"

I like aircraft. They have something mouncing, unattainable. On the opening of the seventh International Naval Salon in St. Petersburg, the aerobatic group "Rus" flew in, and I wanted to tell more about this unique pilot squadron in more detail.

1. Any journey begins with a harsh passage: concrete blocks, a caponier with a machine gun and as the last frontier - a rolled barrier with spiked teeth, capable of stopping at least somewhere in the distance, hiding behind the hill

2. At the Military Airfield of Pushkin, the helicopters of the Mi-8, Mi-24 Air Force, as well as the 20th aircraft repair plant of the Russian Federation, are based.

3. From the morning, helicopters take off the airfield and go to the planned area of \u200b\u200bexercises.

5. We were invited to shoot a pilot group "Rus", to get acquainted with the crew and look at the aircraft on which

The squadron was formed in 1987, on the basis of the Vyazemsky Aviation Center. The Vyazemsky Educational Aviation Center DOSAAF was founded on June 2, 1960 to prepare the flight and engineering and technical composition of the Armed Forces. Many deserved pilots and astronauts were trained in the center, including Svetlana Savitskaya.

For a speech at the traditional parade in Tushino, the Center, DOSAAF passed ten lung aircraft L-39. The first speech is the formation of 9 aircraft pilots committed on June 3, 1987, and this day is considered the birthday of the aerobatic group "Rus".

6. The group appears on the Czech production planes L-39 Albatross.

These light aircraft are used in the Russian Air Force and in 30 countries as training. The characteristics of the car are very modest: wing scope - 9.46 m, the maximum speed is 750 km / h, the maximum take-off weight is 4,700 kg. Now L-39 is gradually replaced by more modern Yak-130.

7. In St. Petersburg, the Group flew in five L-39 and the L-410 accompaniment aircraft for performing at the seventh international naval salon in the Harbor of Vasilyevsky Island. The "Rus" aerobatic group performs on the opening and closing ceremonies.

8. The indicative program of the "Rus" group is a colorful air performance consisting of the most spectacular elements of group and single pilotage. The unchanged decoration of the program are such figures as a counter passage of a group of six and solitary aircraft, the "five" rhombus passage with the execution of a single bodie aircraft around the top five ("fan"), passage of the chassis released - in reverse flight ("Mirror"), "ROSPASK".

9. A peculiar business card of the squadron was the performance of the "Heart" figures, pierced by an arrow by aircraft. During the execution of some elements, the distance from the wing to the wing in the group is reduced to 1 meter.

10. We were given the opportunity and we got off the camcons all the cab

11. Techniques are preparing cars for departure.

13. In the black and gold livery. One car for solo was left in the original white and blue color.

14. The aircraft engine develops 1800 kgf. Strong tubes - smoke hoses.

16. The main source of group financing is to teach piloting, speaking on holidays and cruising people.

17. In addition to the Vyazemskiy "Rus" in addition to the opening of the International Naval Salon, in addition to the Vyazemskiy "Rusi" and "Russian Vityazy".

18. "Striges" and "Vityaz" constantly fly together, and based on one airfield.

20. At 11:30, the first flew "Vitya"

22. Built into the formation and went towards the harbor

23. "Striges" are based in Cuba, and next, 2016 will celebrate its 25th anniversary.

24. A few minutes later, "Strey"

25. Chard MiG-29 is pretty, almost like Tu-134

26. Plane of accompaniment L-410

28. Preparation for the performance, final inspections of aircraft technicians

29. The group includes: the leading group - Anatoly Marunko, led by Nikolay Zherebtsov, Mikhail Collue, Nikolay Alekseev, Yuri Lukinchuk, Soloists - Stanislav Dryov and Igor Droškin. All group pilots are qualified by the first-class instructor pilot and raid on various types of aircraft more than 3.5 thousand hours.

30. All elements of the future program are repeatedly driven on Earth

31. Horovod

32. And the full immersion in the future flight. And what emotions!

34. Final brief

35. The aircraft is ready for departure

37. Pilots put on anti-turn costumes

43. Warming engines

44. For departure - there!

47. A group at the executive start. Marenevo does not allow to take off.

48. Immediately after the group's runway, the airfield returns "Vityazi"

49. Wortiety rubber worses curled Dali

50. After landing the brake parachute is reset and specially trained soldiers are selected.

51. Today, "Vityazi" finished the program

52. Symmetric tails

53. Return "Streach"

54. By completing the program, returns and "Rus"

56. Throw up?

59. Paper parsing. Agotiate emotions!

60. Future generation of pilots takes autograph and phone from the commander of the squadron Anatoly Marunco

61. The parking lot is burned one of the spare mig

63. Technical techniques hang outboard tanks, for the group it's time to fly home, on the next performance.

The schedule of performances of the pilot group you can learn on

Last year, the pilot group of Russia celebrated its 25th anniversary. I was invited to Vyazma for a long time, where the group's training center is based on, and last Saturday, I finally looked to the place. On that day, the flights of the city in Smolensk were planned, however, due to bad weather, the speech had to be canceled. The title photo is borrowed from Sergey Muhamedov who managed to fly with Russia last fall for a holiday in Veliky Novgorod.

The oldest pilot group of Russia is not an easy fate. The Vyazemsky Aviation Center DOSAAF was founded in 1960, and in 1987 a group of Russia was created at its base. After the restructuring, the decision of the Russian Federation on the elimination of training aircraft centers was published and from 27 formations of the Soviet era closed 26. The Vyazemsky Center was the only one who appealed to the Constitutional Court to defend its right to existence and flights:

"The life of the pilotage has become a solid contrast: on the one hand, the shine in the sky, on the other, is poverty on earth. Instead of glorifying Russia, they were forced to think about survival. Everyone had ten hundred in the field near the military town that were completely Potatosses are planted to feed the family. Fly in old stocks of fuel. At the salary, they earned sightseeing flights for foreigners, storing fuel, sales of wrote off the equipment. Of the 27 aircraft, only the Vyazemskaya Rus survived. Stressed thanks to the cohesive team. The center was forced to re-register in Aeroclub, but the pilots managed to defend their right to heaven and continue to work. "
Today Rus is among the top ten aerobatic groups of the world. During the execution of some elements, the distance from the wing to the wing in the group is reduced to 1 meter. The business card of the squadron was the execution of the "Heart" figure, pierced by an arrow by aircraft. However, in addition to flight skills, Russia is still forced to show the "highest pilot of survival. The group does not have public financing, not supported by the military. I get sick with all my soul and I want to wish the guys of cloudless life in every sense.

Under the cut, a small excursion in the Vyazemsky Air Center, the instruction on the catapulting and video ...

Arriving in Vyazma, the first thing passed through the training center:


Near the window there is a training simulator for pilots:


Shared room, many colors and plants:


Cabinet Anatoly Marunko, Chief of the Vyazemsky Aviation Center:


Training classes:


After the acquaintance went to the airfield.

Rus will perform at the Olympics in Sochi, their task to draw Olympic rings. While the pilots train the flight part, the manager Vladimir experiments with the coloring compositions of thick and saturated smoke, with which the group will draw the Olympic symbol in the sky:

On Earth it looks not very, but in the sky, the guys promise an excellent result:


Reagents arrived from England:


Training class at the airfield:


Anatoly Merunko himself:


On the walls hang different schemes of flight figures. By the way, there is a section on the group's website in which the main figures that Rusichi perform are schematically depicted:


Upstairs KDP - a control and dispatch point where flight control is managed:


Curious anti-reflective technology:


"Rus" uses Czechoslovak reactive aircraft L-39 "Albatross". This is a light attack aircraft, it is one of the best aircraft in its class. In addition to the six operating aircraft, the aircraft has old, which are used as donors of spare parts:


The KDP has a balcony from which you can watch flying:


Card with transparent layers of figures. It is also used for flights:



And this is a simulator on the catapultation. Everyone who sits in L-39 for the first time, is necessarily instructed:


In order for the simulator to earn, you need to connect a special "battery" to it:


NTL-39 simulator, accurate copy of the cabin. Overload during the katapulting 18g, - that is, the mass of the body multiplied by 18. The process of catapultation is fast, from the moment of pulling the handle before the parachute disclosure it takes five seconds:



After the command on the catapultation, the pilot pulls the handles that run the whole process. The first thing is the shoulder attracts, then the chair rises to half a meter, the rocket accelerator is triggered and the chair flies 100 meters from the aircraft. The process opens the stabilizing parachute so that the chair would drive away from the aircraft and did not pour out the side. Then the main dome is revealed:


It is important to hurt her head to the chair and pull the handles without looking down:

The simulator has a special button in the headboard, which will stop the process when the head is improper. In this aircraft there is no such button and if you do not press your head, the overload will be broken by a catapulty neck:



By the way, the pilot will not leave the aircraft until the passenger catapults:


All that is marked in the red plane is an emergency handle, pulling out during the flight process it is categorically forbidden:



DOSAAF is dismissed as a voluntary society for the assistance of the army, aviation and a fleet:


Photo from tower KDP. Nearby is a military airfield:



Lisa - press secretary of the pilot group:


Predatory muzzle:



As, as I have already written at the beginning, the Vyazemsky Air Center does not receive support from the state, nor from the military, the guys have several commercial proposals:

Study Flights:

Flights are held every weekend at the airfield of the dust, in Vyazma. During the flight, the main elements of the highest pilotage are performed, some independently (under the ready leadership of an experienced tanker-instructor). With you, it is possible, and even you need to take a "support group" in the form of relatives and close friends. The whole process (medical examination, detailed instruction and flight itself) take about five hours. Flight can be issued as a gift certificate. If you wish, you can book a hotel.

The cost depends on time. 30 minutes - 55,000 rubles; 60 minutes - 100,000 rubles. For those who want to feel the "wing of a comrade", the possibility of flights by the group.

Piloting training with the subsequent receipt of a flight (lingerie)

Power group "Rus"- The oldest aeronautical pilot aircraft group in Russia. The squadron was formed in 1987, on the basis of the Vyazemsky Aviation Center.

The history of the group began with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the October Revolution, in honor of which it was decided to arrange a grand aerospace festival at the airfield in Tushino. Before Vyazemsky WAC set the task - for a record short time to assemble and prepare a squadron of pilotators. It was then that ten L-39 Albatross was transferred to the center from the Air Force, on which he had to speak in front of the audience.

From left to right:

Vladimir Arkhipov, Valentin Seluquin, Kazimir Noreik, Farid Akchurin, Nikolai Chekashkin, Sergey Bondarenko, Alexander Prydilshikov, Nikolay Zhdanov, Sergey Bondarenko.

To participate in the air parade gathered the nine of the best pilots, each of which had a lot of experience in instructing and flights within the course of flight training. But one thing is a single pilotat, and completely different - the flight in the team. None of the pilots had experience in a dense rank, not to mention the performance of the most complex elements of the group pilot. The task was not made out of lungs, because only a few months remained to prepare. Began stubborn training, and now On June 3, 1987, the formation of 9 aircraft was built in the air for the first time.. This day we consider the day of creation aerobatic group "Rus".

"We did not have any guidelines for the execution of flights with a dense system, nor schemes, nor even drawings. Everyone was worked out by themselves from scratch. Watching the video recordings of Patrouille De France and Frecce Tricolori, discussed, dragged on paper, prevented the possibilities of technology and developed algorithms for performing various formations. In the first workouts, the intervals between the aircraft were large. Then, gradually began to cut them. "

Despite all the difficulties, the first speech of the group had a storm success, on August 18 at the airfield in Tushino, a record number of visitors was gathered - about 800 thousand people, including all the top leadership of the country. Under the leadership of the leading (head of the Center), Farid Akchured, the pilot group completed the passages in a dense system with a set of height, rebuilding, shortcuts. Nikolai Pogrebnyak spoke with the solo program. Also showed "air battle" of two pairs of aircraft.

From the memories of Sergei Bondarenko (the first group of group):

"The first flight in the nine I remember for life. From the cockpit, I did not get out, but the output, as a kind of amorphous body. Jumpsuit at least squeeze. She passed the panels, and I did not even hear what they were talking about. But I remembered one thing: there were no comments. "

The name of the group was determined very quickly. Aside aside all the "bird" options, stopped at such a proud name "Rus"! The pilots wanted to emphasize the original Russian roots and the international team.

From the memories of Nikolai Zhdanov (the first composition of the group):

"Specially for us, the sky over Moscow was freed from the clouds. He drowned pride, but also davil. When after the dissolution, the aircraft from the dive was taken over string, my left knee began to twitch. This was tension. A year later, in front of the next parade, General Maslov arrived to us, asked from the go: « Will you can make a loop? " We are in response sluggish like this: "We must try." Especially remembered the episode of the entrance to the "loop". Made a dive, "ace", combat reversals, suddenly a voice on the air lead Yura Bykov: "We will be" loop "to do?" In response silence. He again: "Well, will we do a" loop "?" Silence again. Then he could not stand Sanya Spinners: "We will be!" They gained height, further - input in a straight line, dive ... The first "loop" turned out to be purely clean. Bykov asks: "We will do the second" loop "?" There's all the choir: "Well, of course, what's not doing there?".

Speech in the Czech Republic, 1997:

Today, the aerobatic group "Rus" is a team of masters of synchronous pilot of the highest international level. In the Arsenal of Smolensk Asov, the most complicated elements of the highest pilotage, and the rich program of speeches invariably leads to the delight of even the most discerning spectators. "Warish" groupes can be called the color support of each airshow. The system of generating color smoke, which is equipped with each aircraft, makes it possible to present well-known pilot figures in a new light. Pilot literal Color the sky in the colors of the Russian tricotlora, and the golden train, which stretches for the aircraft of the soloist when performing complexthe nearest cascade from the barrels, invariably gives the audience "Sunny" mood.

The group includes: a leading group - Anatoly Marunko, led by Nikolay Zherebtsov, Mikhail Collie, Nikolai Alekseev, Yuri Lukinchuk, Soloists - Stanislav Dremo b and Igor Dresshekin. All group pilots are qualified by the first-class instructor pilot and raid on various types of aircraft more than 3.5 thousand hours.

Since 2011, the Vyazemsky UCC and the "Rus" pilot group heads the pilot-instructor and the leading group of Anatoly Marunco. Engineering and technical staff lead Victor Gurechenkov and Aleskand cats.

Squadron pilots "Rus" the only pilots in our country speaking on aircraft L.-39 "Albatross". These light reactive attack aircraft are used in the Russian Air Force as training. Modest, compared with fighter-generation fighters, the flight technical characteristics of this aircraft (wing span - 9.46 m, the maximum speed is 750 km / h, maximum take-off Mass - 4,700 kg) determine the style of piloting. After all, each group he is unique. The pilots "Rus" are primarily demonstrated by the domestic school of flight skills and flushing.

Pilot group "RUS '" Takes part in many all-Russian holidays and always welcome guest at aviation salons. The group's pilots have repeatedly demonstrated their skills in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Denmark, Belarus, where high-assessments of viewers received. And for the Masters of the highest pilot, there is no better award than the delight of the public and smiles of children, fascinated looking into the sky.

Video - History of creating a pilot group:

Historical reference: The Vyazemsky Training Aviation Center DOSAAF was founded on June 2, 1960 for the preparation and retraining of the flight and engineering and technical composition of the Armed Forces. Over the entire period, about 5,000 pilots were prepared for service in the Air Force and the formation of the reserve first on MiG-15 aircraft, MiG-17, and then on L-29 and L-39 aircraft. Many deserved pilots and astronauts were trained in the center, including Svetlana Savitskaya.

Going to Gelendzhik, I thought: Well, what to do four days there !!! I will go for two, I still have nothing to look at and ... the Lord God punished me: on the days of my presence there was a wind. Nord-Ost He is called here and if I understood the locals correctly, he blows either a day or three or nine days !!! In our case, the day and a little more, but it was enough that only on the second day I saw flights of helicopters, the pilot group "Rus" and attempt to take off La-8L, though unsuccessful: - (((and all !!!
Well, that grew, it has grown and try to look at what it turned out. !!! !!!
Today: aerobatic group "Rus"

As always using information from sites
and other sources found by me in the internet and literature.

This year, except for the site of the bay, also functioned a static platform in a freshly closed airport !!! Here immediately at the entrance and you could see the aircraft of this pilot group. L-39.

Since the aircraft flew from Vyazma, then these are their additional suspended tanks (200 liters?).
"Rus" is the aeronautical pilot airborne group, created on the basis of the Vyazemsky educational Aviation Center DOSAAF in 1987. The pilot group performs on reactive training aircraft L-39.

In 1987, a pilot group was organized on the basis of the Vyazemsky WCC. For the created air group, ten aircraft L-39 were transferred to the Vyazemsky Tutorial Aviation Center.
one of the aircraft

August 18, 1987 A group of ten aircraft (nine aircraft was performed by a group aerobatics, one - a solo pilotat) took part in the air parade in Tushino. This was the first public speech of a new pilot group. Over 800 thousand visitors of the parade, as well as television viewers from all over the USSR, were observed by an indicative program of the Vyazemical pilots.
slightly larger

Soon, at the end of 1987, the head of the Vyazemsky Aviation Center and the leading pilot group was appointed Colonel Yuri Dmitrievich Bulls. The pilot group program was improved, and was also repeatedly demonstrated at various solemn events.

on the previous day, the wind was 16-22 meters per second, and I greeted and this is just a heroism to fly into such weather !!!

On June 7, 1991, there was a first aviation catastrophe in the history of the Vyazemsky Aviation Center. When performing a flight task, L-39 crashed under the control of the head of the center of Colonel Yu.D. Bykov. The pilot died.

The leading "Rus" was Evgeny Burkov, Deputy Head of the Tutorial Aviation Center. On June 26, 1992, the aircraft of V. E. Arkhipov crashed when working out a new pilot element. The pilot died.

Since 1992, the Vyazemsky educational Aviation Center and the aerobatical squadron "Rus" is headed by the pilot-instructor of the first class Colonel Stock Kazimir Eduardovich Tikhanovich.

Soon, Tikhanovich had a serious obstacle - a government decree on the elimination of all training aircrafts appeared on May 12, 1992, jeopardized the fate of the pilot group and the training base. Ignoring orders of officials, the group continues training, proving the need for its existence. As a result, the Vyazemsky educational accident center was renamed Vyazemsky Aeroclub, and the pilot group continued to perform.

In 1997, the Squadron "Rus" made demonstrations in the Czech Republic by visiting Prague and Gradec Kralove. The team received a high assessment of foreign professionals. Especially noted by the professionalism of Russian pilots, representatives of the manufacturer of aircraft L-39 - the company "AERO WATER". As a gift, they made a spectacular coloring of the group by airplanes.
here they are on the background of the lift

The aeronautical aerial pilot aircraft "Rus" often performed on air shows, demonstrated its program on various holidays. However, the group is currently located on the verge of decay due to lack of financing and logistical support.

The technical condition of most aircraft does not allow flights;

Composition of the group

Leading groups (at different times): In 1987, Farid Acchurin, in 1987-1991 - Yu. D. Bykov, in 1991-2002 - Evgeny Burkhanov. Now: Colle Mikhail Alekseevich.

The initial composition of the group: Farid Akchurin (Head of Aviation Center), Valentin Seluquin, Sergey Borisovich Bondarenko, Sergey Petrovich Bondarenko, Nikolay Zhdanov, Kazimir Najica, Alexander Prydilshikov, Nikolay Chekashkin, Vladimir Arkhipov, Nikolay Zolotarev. Separately solo performance was preparing Nikolai Pogrebnyak.

The composition of the group in 2000:

* Link No. 1: Evgeny Valentinovich Burchanov (Commander of the link and leading pilot group, in the group since 1989), Alexander Mikhailovich Savlyuk (in the group since 1991), Sergey Maksimov (in the group since 1996).
* Link No. 2: Anatoly Mikhailovich Marunko (commander of the link, in the group since 1990), Mikhail Alekseevich Collie (in the group since 1990), Vasily Petrovich Cogut (in the group since 1992).
* The closing group of Nikolai Zherebtsov (in the group since 1992).
* Extreme slave (perform a pair aerobatics, for example, a mirror): Valentin Seluquin (in the group from the day of foundation), Sergey Petrovich Bondarenko (in the group from the day of foundation).
* Single pilot Makes Valery Viktorovich Sobolev, Master of Sports.

due to the strong and impetuous wind, the figures were all divergent

The composition of the group in 2007 (the head of the flights of Evgeny Brechanov):
* Leading Group Stanislav Lvovich Dremov; Sergey Petrovich Bondarenko, Nikolai Zherebtsov, Mikhail Alekseevich Collie, Vasily Petrovich Kogut, Anatoly Mikhailovich Marunko, Alexander Mikhailovich Savlyuk, Soloist Valery Viktorovich Sobolev.

The current group of group: (Flight Manager Evgeny Burkov and Kokoulin Peter Alexandrovich):
* Leading Group Colle Mikhail Alekseevich
Stanislav Lvovich Dreov; Alekseev Nikolai Egorovich; Lukinchuk Yuriy Sergeevich; Emelyanov Pavel Valerianovich; Rodin Denis Aleksandrovich

Currently, the Squadron "Rus" performs flights as part of 4 aircraft.

The aeronautical pilot aircraft group "Rus" has its own program of performances containing various elements of group and single pilotage. Overloads tested by pilots are from -4 to +8. The minimum distance between aircraft during the flight is one meter.

All group pilots are qualified by the first-class instructor pilot and raid on various types of aircraft about 2000 hours.
after that, they were divided into two groups: 1 and three aircraft to intensively entertain the public

The engineering and technical staff lead Victor Vorontsov, Viktor Gurchenkov, Alexander Kotov.

Pilots squadron "Rus" The only in our country perform on the aircraft L-39 "Albatross" - light jet attack aircraft used in the Russian air force as training and training. The flight-specific characteristics of this aircraft are modest compared to fighters (wing span - 9.46 m, the maximum speed is 750 km / h, the maximum take-off weight is 4,700 kg) determine the style of piloting.

The pilots "Rusi" are primarily demonstrating the domestic school of flight skills and flushing.

Special attention during the demonstration speeches is given to the security of the audience. Work on the program begins with careful reconnetization of the area, calculating the path trajectory and the options for aircraft in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

During the speech, the aircraft do not leave the piloting zone at a distance of 250 meters from the audience when performing horizontal passages and 400 meters when visiting vertical figures. Elements of the program seemingly risky improvisations are practiced for years and are safe for viewers.

and here, as it seemed to me, the wind broke the system

but experienced pilots were recovered by the situation

lonely bird

And now a little about the plane:

At one refueling, the albatrum can perform 14 seven-minute or 11 nine-minute flights in a circle, or two 40-minute flights to the study area.

It turned out that the machine prevents the coating of the control knob, then begins to vibrate the entire aircraft, and after falling down on the Albatross wing, it lowers the nose on the first turn of the corkscrew and goes into the dive ..
another figure

The test technique adopted in the State Institute of Air Force, the test method showed that the corkscrew in the L-39 has a "unstable and uneven" character, the aircraft was usually output from it on the third turn.

Ultimately, it was limited to the introduction of operational restrictions on the angle of attack and the development of a more advanced conclusion method of the "Albatross" from the corkscrew.

The behavior of an airplane was also investigated, for which foam imitators of ice were glued on its wing and plumage. 28 flights showed that the aircraft retains stability and control in icing with a thickness of up to 15 mm, however, with the flaps released, the maximum speed should not exceed 230 km / h. Instead of 310 km / h under normal conditions.

but after that they were going to a bunch

Experiments were carried out related to the shooting of the cab lid, and flying without it. In particular, it turned out that in such a situation the pilot retains the ability to control the machine to a speed of 480 km / h.

very similar to what Aeroshell Team

In the Czech Republic, the death of Albatrosov turned out to be very frequent. Until 1993, 9 cars crashed in flight accidents and 9 pilots were killed. Over the next 12 years, the Czech Air Force lost four L-39 and three people. Thus, out of 78 "Albatrons", which were in the system operation, broke 16 - more than 20% of the entire fleet.

You could see this model of the aircraft and on the big screen. The fans of the epic about James Bond and the Creativity of Pierce Troyan well remember what miracles he got on the L-39 in the debut part of the film "Die, but not today." Of course. Actor plane did not piloted. Air tricks in that picture were performed three pilots: Tony Smith. Mark Hannah and Rolf Mueem. At their disposal were two L-39C Private British (board G-OTAF) and rented from "blasting".

The car has good aerobatic qualities, allows you to perform the entire complex of highlighting figures (experienced test pilots demonstrated even -tolecol on it). However, from a height of more than 1000 m, the lack of engine power is felt, especially on vertical maneuvers.

Perhaps the power plant turned out to be the weakest places of aircraft. Because of the problems with gas-dynamic stability, the exit to large attack corners threatened with a jump. overheating of the turbine and other troubles.

For example, therefore, before entering the machine in the corkscrew, it was necessary to translate the engine to -maging gas, and after the output, it does not increase the revolutions, without making sure that the gas temperature behind the turbine corresponds to the norm.

In addition. AI-25TL had very low pickup - he went out for 9-12 s. The pilot actually could not count on the "gas" when maneuvering and performing landing, the complexity arose and in the development of group chillery. And we have what you get out !!!

and now chronicle of the construction of the heart

When working out a landing, many beginner pilots experience difficulties due to changes in the nature of the aircraft's manageability at low speeds: if the machine reacted quickly to the cruising modes quickly reacted to the deviations of the handle and pedals, then it becomes sluggish, requires longer movements from the pilot. They were mistaken at landings, allowing high alignment, flights, goats, etc.

The aircraft management system is a rigid, consisting of thrust and rocking facilities. Rockingles of manual and foot control, installed in the cabins, are closed. The spring mechanism enters the height wheel control system, which comes into operation when the steering wheel is deviating and reducing the force on the handle.

Facilities for emergency leaving the aircraft include pyrotechnic resetting systems for the resetting parts of the lantern installed in the front and rear cabins and catapult installations. The catapult installation of SU-1 BRI consists of a catapult chair, a telescopic shooting mechanism and a powder rocket engine.

The weight of the pilot with clotted outfit and equipment should not exceed 108 kg, and the growth of sitting-98 cm.

Both pilots, to compensate for the effect on the body of overloads, can use an anti-flame costume, for which the cabins are equipped with pressure automata pressure AD-6E.

that's how it all spinning around the sun

and again they are four

Modification L-39C
Wing scope, M 9.44
Airplane Length, M 12.13
Airplane height, m \u200b\u200b4.47
Wing Square, M2 18.80
Mass, kg.
empty aircraft 3395.
Normal take-off 4337.
Maximum take-off 4600.
Fuel, kg.
Domestic fuel 980.
PTB 544 (2 x 350 l)
Engine type 1 TRD ZMDB Progress AI-25TL
True infamited, KN 1 x 16.87
Maximum speed, km / h 757 (m \u003d 0.8)
Cruising speed, km / h 700
Practical range, km
With two PBB 1750
without PTB 1000.
Maximum speedwritten, m / min 1320
Practical ceiling, m 11500
Max. Operational overload 12.
Crew, person 2
Armament: Combat Load - 250 kg for 2 Suspension Nodes
Typical load: 130 mm Nur C-130,
PU WC-16-57 16x57-mm Nur, and 100- kg of bombs.

- This is the airgroup that was created in the distant 1987. So much time has already flowed, and "Russia" is invincible, despite the fact that Russian aviation dies and flight aerodromes stop their existence. Many also foreshadowed the pilot group, but to this day it exists, and keeps on the enthusiasm of aviators.

History of the aerobatic group Rus

All began in the distant 1987. A holiday dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the October Revolution was scheduled, and the task was set, to organize a speech in Tushinsky airfield, showing the audience an unforgettable aviation show.

Nine of the best pilots - Masters of single flights - united in one group, in order to take part in group flight for the first time in life. Yes, not just flight, but take part in the show with the use of various complex elements in the air, and only three months remained for the holiday preparation. But enthusiasm was huge, and the pilots began training. They had nothing: neither schemes nor methods were only nine aircraft. As well as a video of airlocks of two overseas aerobatic groups. But, all the difficulties were passed and the show took place. It happened in June 87th. Success was ambitious. This day is considered the birth of a pilot group, which was soon called "Russia". Since then, Russian pilots are trained in the Vyazemsky Aviation Training Center, receiving invaluable experience of their mentors.

Today, the oldest pilot group "Rus" consists of a wonderful team of masters, who with their synchronous performances struck the whole world, speaking at the international show. This is a team that performs the most complex elements. And this is the only pilot group that performs the complex elements of the airplane on the Albatross L-39 aircraft. In his program, Rus is used color support, which only enhances the emotions of the audience from what they saw. Seven people as part of the aerobatic group "Rus" conquered the viewer. Each member of the team has the qualifications of the instructor pilot, and over the shoulders of each more than three and a half thousand plates.

Airplane aerobatic group

By the way, the "Rus" pilot group is a group that can give you extreme and unique sensations, because here you have the opportunity to make a flight on the fighter with the instructor.

About the upcoming speeches, about the news of the group, you can find out on the official website, because many others, the "Rus" pilot group has an official website, also has a pilot group and its own page VK.

In order to make sure in the professionalism of the aerobatic group "Rus", it is enough to watch the video, and you will understand, this is the masters of your business. With such pilots, Russian aviation will not disappear ,.

Pilot group Russia video