Dating Victor Vlasov writer. Teacher - New Hero

Dating Victor Vlasov writer. Teacher - New Hero
Dating Victor Vlasov writer. Teacher - New Hero

Opens a large and beautiful encyclopedia, smiles and advises me - worldly people are little interested in the life of saints and in general those who contributed to the spiritual development of society. Knowing these people, we remind you that everyone can even be small in small, imitating their affairs.

It is extremely important for us to pay attention to the spiritual experience of those who sought to improve and achieved the science knowledge. The people and the church were not accidentally called such people with the "waters of God". During his lifetime, they were so pleased with the Lord that he made them by the carriers of the Holy Spirit, who often became physically visible ("Saint" and "Light" - the words of one root, and the nimbi on icons - not only the conditional designation of holiness).

We see for two thousand years a lot of evidence of a so-wonderful help. Multi-volume descriptions of miracles rendered by one or another saint after contacting it. Yes, and already in the Old Testament, we will find a story about how the man who touched the bones of the prophet Elisha was rescued. The power of God is maintained not only in the remains (relics) of such people, but also in their things, as they acted in them during life.

Let us turn to the New Testament, open the second Cathedral Message of the Apostle Peter (Chapter 1, Poems 13-15): "Fair read, I am in this bodily chramine, to initiate you with a reminder (about the kingdom of heaven)," knowing that he should soon leave Kramin My "(that is, the body)," Like the Lord, our Jesus Christ opened me. I will try to always bring it to the memory after my departure. "

In other words, the apostle promises to help Christians already being in a different world, in the intangible.

Thoughts are materialized, and the memory has the ability to configure, motivate its owner. Working or presenting anything in life, we keep a better example of an indicative activity that has fruitful influence on different circumstances?

Our conversation with Ivan Khachtenko, an eighth grader from Bow G. Omsk "Lyceum No. 74," was supposed to be held - on such topics it would be more to speak and reason. Rarely schoolchildren tell you about a man who has taken martyrdom for the sake of true values. I do not remember when the last time a school student would have led me as an example of an elder or priest. Perhaps, I expect not there or ask not those?

With a boy, I'm talking after the "seventeenth urban ethical readings" Morality and spirituality in the development of society ", which took place in Omga them. FM Dostoevsky.

- Ivan, why do we need to know about the Holy Sacred Martyr Silvestre? - I find out. - I asked about him in the gym, then at school from some teachers, then on the street in several passersby. Everyone heard about him, someone was applied to the relics, but the facts from life do not know.

"We need to know about the Holy Sacred Martyr Silvestre Omsk," says Ivan. - I am watching a noticeable decline of patriotism and spirituality, this is manifested in behavior, in the lexicon and jokes of modern youth. I believe that the upbringing of patriotism should be held on a positive example. It is important to talk about personalities who have made a great contribution to the history of Russia or a small homeland. A bright example for the Omsk region is the Holy Sacred Silvester.

- Tell me about him, please, simply and more accurately!

- Sure. Sacred Martyr Sylvester (in the world of Justin Lvovich Olshevsky) was born in the village of Kosovka Skvir district of Kiev province in the family of Diacon on June 1, 1860. He was given to the parents to the Kiev spiritual seminary, later she successfully graduated from the Kiev Education Academy. He devoted the greatest part of his life to the fight against the heretical teaching, known as Stand or Baptism. Next, Justin rapidly rises along the hierarchical staircase. First, a secular missionary, then Ieria, then Archpriest, then endured the monks named Sylvester and ordained in the bishops. In terms of the flock, Silvester's archer was also a lot of diversity: he was a bishop and Priluksky, and Chelyabinsk, and on June 4, 1915, His Holiness Synod defined the future of the Sacred Martyr to the city of Omsk. Soon the revolution was killed. When Admiral Kolchak was in Omsk, then the Archbishop Sylvester brought him to the oath. At the beginning of 1918, the power in Omsk captured the Bolsheviks. Sylvester was not frightened by the persecutors of Orthodoxy, and was cruelly tortured by them: having killed his hands with nails to the floor and thus rolling, they were burning the body with hot bayers, and then a red-hot shot pierced the heart. The Archbishop Sylvester accepted his martyr conchion on February 26, 1920.

- What are he doing feats?

- Holy Sacred Martyr committed a lot of exploits for his life, and to tell them a considerable amount of time. But I would like to tell about the feat that I struck me most. Once, when the previously returned from Poltava to Omsk, and the passenger trains did not go, Sylvester sat in the soldiersky echelon. When the priest rode, some of the soldiers began to displacing the holy faith, then Sylvester, realizing that he had to say the word in defense, despite how the soldiers could be separated. He got up and pronounced the penetrated speech in which he cried with ignorant soldiers. Beliefs of faith came out at the next station, and the remaining did not say no longer the word offensive for the Church.

- What is the contribution of the contribution to Omsk Earth?

- In Omsk, the saint continued to do everything that did in the rest of his flocks: I made a lot of services, helped the poor, went through hospitals and, of course, on schools. The only thing that distinguished this time from another time when the priest was in other dioceses - there was a time of civil war and revolution. When in Omsk were the Bolsheviks, he was not afraid of him, she collected the congestion, spoke of the troubles that the future power bears for the Church, which means for Russia. For which he was cruelly, I was confused - he was forbidden to leave the city. When white, Archbishop Sylvester entered Omsk on January 29, 1919, brought Kolchak to the oath as the Supreme Ruler of Russia. Also in November 1918, a meeting of Siberia Archpastures was held in Tomsk, the highest temporary church department of Siberia was established on it, which was headed by Archbishop Sylvester. At the end of 1919, Kolchak's army left Omsk, and the Bolsheviks occupied this city, killing the saint.

- How did you find a holy person?

- In 1998, he was already glorified as a local saint Omsk diocese, but the burial place of the saint of the saint remained unknown until July 21, 2005. In July 2005, on the blessing of the Metropolitan of the Omsk and Tarsky Feodosia (Prosecus) and the location of the Governor of the Omsk Region, L. K. Polezhaeva, began restoration and rehabilitation work on the spot blown in 1935 of the Assumption Cathedral of the city of Omsk. On July 16, during the excavations in the lower temple, the icon of the Chernihiv Mother of God popped up, on the back side of the icon was the inscription:

"... Bishop Silveste from the admirer ...", signature, date "July 16, 1914". After that, the pieces of fabric and the remains of the body began to pop up. After pumping water, a coffin was discovered. The desk-medical commission confirmed belonging to the relics of Archbishop Omsk and Pavlodar Silvestra (Olshevsky).

- What should we know about Archbishop Silvestre?

- I conducted a survey among students of the 8th grade of Lyceum No. 74 to understand how famous the holy fellow among young people is. 70 people were surveyed. Question №1: Do you know who the Sylvester (Omsk) priest? Of 70 people respondents: 30% responded positively, negatively 55%, and the remaining 15% - difficult in response. I also asked everything Question No. 2: if you know, can the cathedral be called, in which his holy relics lie? Here the results are less comforting: only 5% of respondents answered in the affirmative. According to the survey results, I developed recommendations for teachers and educators: - Examine the life and activities of Archbishop Sylvester;

- Use examples of life-in-creating on educational classes;

- Start acquaintance from kindergarten, tell us about the Assumption Cathedral;

- Special attention (separate topic) Details at the orxe lessons in the 4-5th grades;

- during the study, already teenagers, the course of Russia's history in 8-9 grams, bring examples of martyrdom;

- Decree on an excursion in the Assumption Cathedral, invite a priest who will answer questions about students;

- When visiting the historical park "Russia My Story", pay attention to the students for additional information.

- Ivan, how to instill with schoolchildren interest in the life of the saints?

- Nowadays, the younger generation is mostly among the Internet, Hollywood films. The younger generation must be more likely to tell on real examples. Yes, and an adult ohmacham would not hurt to know about the history of the most important, the most beautiful temple of Omsk, about people who can be proud of who should be read and refer to them with their prayers.

Not every time you meet a schoolboy who is able to easily and clearly talk about the holy person and even recommend how to start a conversation about him in a wide circle. Our personal enlightenment often depends on the environment and will of the case. Let's wish and strive for us to surround competent and correct people not only in thoughts, but also in the actions. A person's brought up should be at the examples and experience of a better and strong moral, successful fellow. In extreme cases, society expects degradation. Loss of people's memory and traditions. Substitution ...

If the reader goes into the Internet, and the literature becomes tastech, then how to find my place under the sun as a modern writer? Quite just - to go into a circle of people who prefer paper books and magazines. Great, if a literate organizer and volunteer will help. Good people have a lot in every city - it is only worth starting to go to people and communicate.

Walking on the Internet, disappearing for reading news and notes, constantly commenting on someone's events, we often forget that people are cute creatures in the flesh, and communicating with them - living, no technology will be replaced. Films are remembered: "I am a legend", "Sixtrean Samurai", "Book of ilaya" or "Triffid Day" - where people on earth gradually disappear. Do we really spend too much time on the network?

When I climb into a small room of the Institute of Engineering Education, it does not scare me that people at the event a little. Scientific employee and volunteer Anna Viktorovna Sedanova collects lovers of livelihood and books in real covers. On the Internet, this wonderful person comes to buy rare books from Bukinists and then give them. Do not often meet the scientist and the chemist of the disassembled in the literature and books - Anna Viktorovna is just such.

Conducting an event, Anna prepares distribution material and brings delicious to tea. Format sheets A-4, with quotes or other interesting facts, always with it and waiting in the wings - personally to the wonder that I can immediately get acquainted with the creativity of the author, without opening his book. Yesterday they talked about the prose of Erich Mary Remarik, and after a couple of weeks - about native poets born in April. However, where is the modern writer, printed in magazines and newspapers, published by a great circulation in the capital?

If not considered the writers of Zakhara Prilepina, Dmitry Bykov and Viktor Pelevina, who can also be considered a given author? Yes, even though I, the writer and journalist Viktor Vlasov, the poet Andrei Panfilov or Katerina Karev, it turns out, my ex-student from Bow "Sosh No. 77", it also writes poems and short stories. Who introduces us to each other - Anna Sedanova!

So that the reader knows about you - it is necessary to seem to him, oddly enough. Exit forward and boldly declare:

- I'm printed on the website of the youth glossy magazine "Our Youth" - there I have publicism, although there is a prose!

- And I published a book - 40 copies! - It is divided by an interesting poet Andrei Panfilov, who wrote the trilogy "Mu-Mu." The dog there remains alive and is in a prosperous family. The guy is not included in any union of writers, and the listeners are fond of so hard that they applaud and are ready to invite him to their events too.

- I will read the poems to you, now just load, they are in my mobile! - offers Katerina Karev, nine-grader, my ex-student.

No in the room. Neither Chairman of the Union of Russian Writers Alexander Lefefera, neither the famous poetess Tatyana Chetverikova, nor the large Russian poet Yuri Perminov. There is no well-known Journalist Nikolai Berezovsky, there is no journalist Evgeny Lifantaeva - fiction and correspondents of the newspaper of the Communists "Red Way". There are no familiar newspaper editors: Marat Isangazina, Adam Pogark and Andrei Motovilova.

Literature and writing, fast communication and a positive attitude - in a small room, where on the windowsill, the packaging of the marshmallow and a box with a cookie, where the coffee has long been launched and scattered sachets with tea. No pathos is just a view from the window to the main Omsk Road - to the street in honor of Karl Marx.

So here they are writers - at the table and smile. Here are beautiful readers - in bright sundresses who chose Bella Ahmadulina and Nikolai Gumileva poems. Great and sensually Lyudmila Rusevova reads "Captains" Nikolai Gumileva. Natalia Nesterova and Anastasia Skvortsova choose Bella Ahmadulin - they read "Your House" and "Boy from Perm". Girls here from school skill at the oratorical art "Renaissance Plus". Friendly appreciates the speeches by one of the heads of the Institute - Natalia Sedanov. At the meeting of writers and the readers, she along with her son Boris. Near the volunteer organizer - good Anya. She comes before everyone leaves later.

If worldly literature and writers, including, are so difficult to achieve, what to talk about the literary creations of Orthodox Christian orientation? Is it possible to find a lot only in a narrow circle where they are missing dedicated?

The person interested is always the opportunity to find his own. Contact and get the answer immediately. A few years ago, I heard that the believers write and printed, but did not think about it seriously. And there are many successful and talented authors among them - not all of them are clergymen, of course. I know that Archpriest Andrei Tkachev, Diacon Andrei Kuraev and Archimandrite Tikhon - very original authors who can delay the reader's attention and make it ponder as if the domestic class or even stronger. I read the books of Metropolitan Omsk and Tavrichesky Vladimir - a lot of this man tells and explains the experience of his life is huge, like a pilgrim. It competently compares and leads, instructs and will help. Bless and entertain. Otherwise, people designed to heal the soul cannot.

The problem of lack of time. Perhaps before we read more and more often, swallowing one novel after another, accepting useful information? The Internet facilitated the search for the necessary information and the same aggravated - you are lost if you are distracted. The benefit that events are organized when you can see and talk to a person who created a valuable work - in any field. Experts and volunteers work. Help wise and usually attentive people. Their names can give many, but it is better to visit and talk, having exchanging them. Welcome.

Later one of the acquaintances said:

Strange some kind

Surprised by the fact that during the event, Victor seemed to lean the chronicle.

Now I understand that this is how it lives - in non-stop mode, so as not to miss an important, take a maximum from life, tell people about what worries him. Always in the thick of events.

I agree not with all the judgments of Victor, which you read just below. It is understandable, we are quite different in views and the people in the views. However, Victor topics is interesting that against the background of an infinite number of lazy, militant as plasticine of authors stand out by its irrepressive creative energy and the desire to become a "partner" of the fate of the compelling of the prose and journalistic articles. You can not agree with him. You can laugh, say, "strange it." But did this ever stop the target man ever?

Last year, disputes aroused around the restoration of the Spassky Cathedral in the city of Tare. Kravėda tried to reach people, report the identified violations, but the media did not go to contact, because the restoration is a party party. From Omsk "Shark Feather", most of whom were before the fists in the chest, they say, "we are for the truth, we are for culture," almost everything is unnoticed. Victor, collaborating with the federal magazine "Our Youth," responded immediately. While "smart uncle" switched in the mind of the information, calculating, and will not fly to them for a similar publication in Temechko, the Vlasov proposed assistance. In the magazine "Our Youth", our conversation with him was published on this burning topic.

Today's conversation is retaliatory. I wanted Victor to respond to a variety of, sometimes stratum for pride of questions and helped to understand who "V. Vlasov "in real life and in books.

About Samurai and Dostoevsky

A. Tikhonov: When I arrive in small, neat settlements or dying villages, where our countrywood-writers have ever lived, questions about where they scared creative forces, it does not arise. Nature, fresh air, stunning landscapes. A rural resident from birth sees the world brighter, sharp, multicolored. But you are a native ohomch, the child of the burly megalpolis. Where did you get on your work?

V. Vlasov: City authors also draw "to Peru", they simply write about each other and otherwise. I began to write in high school. I watch: I feel good to invent stories about classmates and teachers. I will listen to a friend or teacher, handling a fantasy story or sketching from life, I quickly write down from hand. As a result - it turns out a small story, in it - the plot, shape, artistic means. As I hear interesting, I can not silent - I write down. Then I liked it many, at the moment I try not to get out of the rhythm. Now I am in constant search for events and people who will be inspired and "lying" on the lines. Even watching the film, cartoon or read book is affected. My first major work is a work about the Middle Ages Japan "Red Lotos", the story of the love of Ninja and the War of Clan.

A. Tikhonov: I writing the artistic and historical work seems an unbearable task. After all, you need to possess encyclopedic knowledge about the era and the nrules of people. As I will present how many works are hidden for the prose of Clarela, Yana or the same Yuzfovich - the spirit captures. How did you get ready for writing your book?

V. Vlasov: I saw the Anime, the manga was read and stood more serious things, such as the classics of Eastern literature. He applied with experienced Japan people. Being under the impression, you can write an excellent work. How after traveling by countries wrote his novels Boris Akunin? ..

The quality of the creative product depends on a lot - from the emotional attitude, mainly from an important decision - to convey its thought. Not so much the finished plot in your head, but is very important charge, thanks to him the syllable will go and build the right plot lines. Bernard show said that before writing any work, he had only the first lines in his head. I agree with him.

V. Vlasov: I am convinced that the writer will not become a writer who dies every line ... Or you work quickly and efficiently or pose. The bad is the author who is configured for a long time. One of my acquaintances before writing, walks around the room back and forward, may come out on the street and talk to someone, and then takes care. The author, I mean the real "shark of the pen", should turn on as a robot, clicking. This is a success!

A. Tikhonov: Does the work of the teacher work prevents creativity?

V. Vlasov: On the contrary, so many emotions from communicating with children and parents. Especially when helping to spend your ege or gia! And also - you wish the school, two nights in two ... so much is free. I have only the first shift, the classes are different. That is, in the afternoon there is a lot of time. Prepared planning the next day, "Made lessons" and you can write if the spouse does not force the house. It's hard to create when the child distracts, twirls without end. When a wife makes shopping.

A. Tikhonov: What kind of work, in your opinion, interferes with creativity?

V. Vlasov: For example, the work of the breeder. During the school holiday, I tried to work at one of the major enterprises - I endured the days of nine. Such work is exhausted terribly at least me. I do not know how, working at the factory, Yuri Petrovich Viskin, released the story of the stories. His monument must be put. Beautifully painted the work of the brethrower. I decided to work better in another place. For example, on the front of journalism. Many need materials to order. I am a special correspondent of the Moscow federal gloss "Our Youth". The editor of the magazine Peter Alyoshkin plans to publish the book of articles this year. Published in me he appreciates more than the author of artistic prose. No wonder I am twice the magazine laureate "Our Youth" - for articles about innovative developments, as well as about school.

A. Tikhonov: Writing the "customized" material, journalists - is it something else than creativity? I read a lot of your articles and the history of man tells in each. Do you miss through yourself?

V. Vlasov: Publishing I am writing regularly - the demand is permanent. Athletes, scientists, cultural figures, etc. are treated. These are frankly commercial things. Without this, creativity should feed. For example, I will soon be released I have an article about a new gym in Omsk. The coach there is not just pumped athlete, but a rehabilitologist. It seems to be "order", but I want to believe, important and necessary for someone. A lot of work on a volunteer-based basis. This is also good, although many journalists do not like me for it. Select bread, probably.

A. Tikhonov: And the artistic prose? How things are with her.

V. Vlasov: Prose I write by mood. Here must be a mood for long creativity. I grabbed the idea and immediately realize it, no day without a line, otherwise you set up the style and rebuild it as if rebuilding. This is a problem for many even formed writers. It's one thing to look at the lantern and start a story, and another is to travel in America and take up the novel, pre-making publicist notes. In any case, your heroes are guided by your personal experience. Here, no matter how cool, be at least a lot of spans in the forehead, but still images and action charge already tested by emotions, harvested seasoning. Having worked in the US, cleaned the pools and serving the dark-skinned brothers, I first wrote the book of travel notes "on the other side of the sky" - it is on the Internet. And then he decided on a large story - "White and Black Rose" on a very ambiguous topic.

A. Tikhonov: It has long been noticed that each writing person has a specific set of attributes of the creative process. Someone does not sit down to write without a cup of tea, someone gnaws nuts no worse than that proteins. No nuts - and no mood. Appeared - it's time to write. What helps you in creativity?

V. Vlasov: Silence. This is the main thing to get together with thoughts and write.

A. Tikhonov: You have two literary premiums by your shoulders, one of which is the regional premium. FM Dostoevsky. How do you yourself feel about victories in contests and all kinds of literary premiums? Is this an advance for the author so that he wrote better?

V. Vlasov: If there are no ranks in modern society, the people will perceive selectively. I am - the winner of the youth literary premium. FM Dostoevsky for the story "Red Lotus". Imagine: the award named after the classic, writing in the genre of realism - for an alternative story ... for fantasy! Then the famous Omsk Ninja Boris pieces, who rushed to Donbass with his club Ninjutsu "Sydyzi", for the novel "Last Dawn" handed me a literary Prize "Ninja" - there is no one in Omsk and in Russia. You are a writer, it means you have to be award. Before talent appreciated, and now, forgive, without regalia nowhere. (Laughs)

A. Tikhonov: Irryize?

V. Vlasov: Partly.

A. Tikhonov: I noticed that you move to writing a realistic prose of orthodox orientation. Who helps to inspire?

V. Vlasov: In Orthodoxy I recently. With the blessings of the Metropolitan of Omsk and Tavrichesky Vladimir, I write about the priests and experts of the native diocese. And the prose comes to mind, a clear thing, by itself. You speak in the temple with the protoirem Dimitri Olich or Archpriest Oleg Tsvetkov, so you get such a powerful charge that you can write almost anything. These are the smartest people. This is whom you need to communicate more often. With experience.

A. Tikhonov: And now briefly: Your definition of someone who is a writer. It?..

V. Vlasov: The writer is a huge work on yourself and above the work too. For someone creativity - the second life. However, it is difficult to call the work that you have not yet can be contacted and causes annoyance among family members. Say, writes, writes a person, puffed-korpite, worries, and explain - not to measure in the cash equivalent. If you abstract from a monetary unit and talk about pure creativity, it brings inspiration to the author, and the reader is a pleasure.

In accordance with our editorial policy, we always provide the opportunity to express all parties to the conflict, regardless of personal sympathies and antipathies. Word Viktor Vlasov:

- At first a little about yourself - for those who do not know me. I work at the school teacher in the first half of the day, I have only the first shift. In the afternoon, I am a special correspondent of the Moscow glossy magazine "Our Youth", he goes to the grants of the President of the Russian Federation. I write materials to order and for the soul. As I work at school, I create a lot about teachers, scientists, diocese specialists, because they do a lot for Russian education, conducting many useful events. The owner of the publication "Nm" and at the same time the editor of Peter Fedorovich Alyoshkina needs a browser to Siberia - this is me, Omich. The portal and gloss printed mainly materials related to the youth, with innovative developments, although you are interested in the whole latitude of the world, as they say. Aleshkin himself is a doctor of historical sciences and a writer, so understands a sense in journalism, journalism. I twice the laureate of this publication. On the basis of the editorial office of the magazine "Our Youth" this year, I will have a book of articles on modern figures of education and culture.

About writing. I am the author of several books of prose and many publications in the Russian and foreign periods. Member of the Union of Writers 21st Century (Moscow). Laureate of the youth literary premium. FM Dostoevsky: Alexander Leifer presented me with a Russian classic award for the work of the Middle Ages Japan "Red Lotus". Then I was awarded to me a literary award named after Ninja Tamba Momics for the prehistory of the "Red Lotus" - for the novel "Last Dawn". The jury was formed from the Omsk representatives of the Ninjutsu Club "Södyzi", headed by Boris Boris, from journalists and members of the Union of Writers of Russia.

I have a blog on the website of the newspaper Alexandra Prokhanov "Tomorrow", also printed on the website of the Omsk Diocese, I interview with the priests and specialists of various departments of the Diocese - with the blessings of the Metropolitan of Omsk and Tavrichesky Vladimir.

Proza is my hobby, working journalism, but the basis is still a school. How did I manage to contemplate me with a journalist Natalia Yakovleva? It was like this: for her works I did not follow it tightly, but I was interested in publications in the "teacher's newspaper" at all. That not the publication of Natalia Yakovleva, related to education, so necessarily sharply and scandalously. The newspaper seems to be glad to be like - catching "Haip" as blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky - Pokemon ... I am a hereditary teacher, my mother and grandmother - teachers. I decided to get up for my native education and specifically for those people on which the journalist, in my opinion, "hit" unfairly. I remembered her long-standing publication in the "teacher's newspaper" - an open letter of his daughter to the President of the Russian Federation. After all, she herself suggested discussing the situation with Angelina publicly. Have you seen comments there? Why don't I leave my opinion, and then go to the more recent things related to education? I think as a teacher, I was not worth going into details, reasoning and all the more fantasy, nevertheless the child would not happen. I am aware of this. Later, I apologized to my page on the "FB" and on the page of Natalia Yakovleva, which she then deleted and said, they say, not accepted, we will fight ...

But nevertheless, I want to publicly apologize to Natalia Yakovleva and her daughter.

Victor Vlasov

School exams: how much is scary

It is strange that a person does not use the body's mental resource at full capacity? That is, Lena wins the desire and opportunity of man. As a result: identity degradation occurs. How to check how much you are a capable student or a full-fledged worker and understand: is ready to evaluate your intelligence from the side? You need to at least get on a serious exam, which is written at the end of the ninth and eleventh grades.

03.06.2019 16:00

Thirst for knowledge

How to advance teachers training courses in Omsk

The pleasure of knowing the truth is like the saturation of the body after starvation, delivers the joy of life, fills the energy and returns the desire to communicate. The same type cannot boast of usefulness, let you often communicate and exchange experience in the team. At a minimum, it is necessary to regularly change the type of activity and the situation. If I school teacher and I need a "discharge" in the form of a change in the situation - where should I go? For advanced training courses in Bow DPO "IROOO". I sent me the Bow administration of Omsk Omsk "School No. 99 with an in-depth study of individual subjects." What is grateful for her.

08.01.2019 16:00

Problem in finding classes

Place gossip - Gym

Not yet married, of course, I thought it was difficult to find a second half. He suffered and angry, discussed random passers-by and thought about those with whom it did not work out. Time passed and the worldview was changed - to thirty years. But from the TV screen "set" a sample of behavior of a Western person, careless, glamorous and rich default. I mean not only the heroes of the popular American series "Bloodlivaya California", where the famous actor David Gukhovan players a dishonest writer Hank Moody. The issues of life of America, faith and philosophy are addressed.

23.12.2018 16:00

We fall to climb

Who is your school comrades now?

Do you remember who were your friends and friends? What did they look and what did they say, being insufficient teenagers? What did you dream about and how did your future presented? I remember. Something my friendly and past surroundings are like the main characters from the novel Victor Marie Hugo "Rejuvenable", resembles rebellious heroes of the leader Ivan Bunin and his twinkles of Shmelev. Who my comrades were then - for themselves and for the judgment of others, and who they are now - after thirty years. Who came to the Orthodox Church, and who only thinks about it. Who is alive, and who is not.

11.12.2018 16:00

Black and white world

About the musical group from Omsk "Chain Reaction 55"

To be alone next to them does not work. The body passes the current. They, like Chuck and Palan, Bergess and "Clockwork Orange", Vera and Orthodoxy, Japan and Anime, Elements and Thoughts, are interconnected. We react with these performers instantly - hands and legs, under the rhythm guitar, bass and drums. The reaction takes place in the region 55 and is not found in the chain - because, playing, these guys are scratching from the chain! It is difficult to stay with them - the portion of adrenaline you get mad. The world acquires paint, "eating" monochrome and getting meaning.

27.11.2018 16:00

Recently, Christianity is increasingly discredited, and I do not speak about its defined "branch". This happens within the framework of cultural progress created by England, America and Japan. As a Russian and a man Orthodox, I am not a fan of kinokartin offered by the famous studios of the following countries, but manufacturers are working there for glory and effectively influence the perception of modern youth. There is a question for a mass consumer who has little thought about the products of Orthodox and spiritual orientation.

24.07.2018 16:00

Everyone has their own America

About the life of a student in the USA

I do not want to praise the United States and scold too. A trip to another country with a certain goal is the choice of purposeful and sensible person. It is unlikely to go abroad without any reason. Of course, if finance and the location of the Spirit are allowed - why not. Personally, I went to the United States after the third year of the institute - to work and find out what my English is capable of. I received knowledge and skill, now they are worth up with practice. He studied at the Omsk branch of the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. The branch, by the way, was closed - there were problems with the license.

16.07.2018 19:00

Alien Vera Russia is not needed

About Catholicism and Orthodoxy

Helping the school crude to Alexander Afanasyevich to endure the accumulated waste paper from the workshop and accidentally notice the book remarkable for me, I consider it quickly - a lot of work, however. Weathered work was released in Moscow in 1981, the publishing house "Politicize". "Papacy. Age XX. " Posted by a certain I.R. Grigulevich. I watch: the plump book is resting on the Iron Barbed Table - aside from the huge yellowed mass of newspapers, rummaged cardboard boxes, juggles, different books and heaps of sheets of A-4 format, evaporation in paint. Well, how not to curb?

18.06.2018 16:00

The Lord gave us talent: sworn - to protect the Motherland

Book of life, death and military debt

In Bow G. Omsk "SOSH No. 83" a few years ago, Major reserves Viktor Nikolaevich Nikolaev, awarded the Order of the Red Star, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the author of the book "Live in Help (Aphgan Notes") and many others, the Laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize The name of the Saints Equal-Apostles Cyril and Methodius for 2012.

16.06.2018 16:00

As soon as she finishes its two-week advanced training courses in Bow DPO "IROOO", I immediately write about it - emotions are overwhelmed. You know, dear readers-experts, teachers need to teach and spend a considerable time. Why? Working with children and constantly practicing in the subject, teachers forget theory and think that their years have developed the most effective technique. In the meantime, the standard of education and the program is changing, new requirements and methodical literature appear, textbooks and knowledge of the teacher are published as usual.

01.05.2018 16:00

To whom we trust our children

How lazy to go to the temple and especially to prepare for the communion who knew. They know, of course, people do not look - they are read and educated. You find a lot of reasons so as not to get out of bed and stay in a horizontal position as long as possible. Lazy bliss and sweet ignorance - that's what's great in modern society? If I am heard, then my spouse should be stronger and stricter to myself and the child.

13.02.2017 16:00

Do you need academician countries?

Interview with the Rector of the Autonomous Non-Profit Professional Educational Organization "Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education"

When they say the word "academician", the old man was immediately appeared, the doctor of science, who knows about his scientific industry, will certainly see almost everything. However, seeds in the modern academician may not be, as however, deep wrinkles and creaking senile voices.

03.02.2017 16:00

Above the suffering land

"I was blessed by Metropolitan Omsk and Tavrichesky Vladimir"

"What city is Jesus Christ born? Why do people suddenly speak in several languages \u200b\u200band can not understand each other? What is Smirna and fragrant incense? Go out to the street and ask what gifts carried Magi and to whom. Answer, I think not everyone. Time is now, nanotechnology and "entangled" Internet. It is fashionable to know "Internet trolls", "Pranki", "Dudos" and "Likes", and biblical stories - alas. "

25.01.2017 18:30

Who enlightens the youth?

Entertaining thoughts about education, education, computer games, bloggers and media

After all, the truth: who is engaged in enlightening young people and where does it begin? It's amazing that the question worries me when thirty years on the nose. I study at school, at the university, I think little about who or that fruitfully affects the "hot age" of a person. Not prior to the development of his neighbor, neighbor - I watch Anime, Hollywood new items, I read a variety of literature, I dream to go to America. Singing a sort of egoist, who seems to be "the second I", rooted in the soul and so simply does not come out.

21.01.2017 20:00

Salt of the earth

Under the onslaught of passions and difficulties, neither the teacher should not bend, nor the more priest. I am writing a lot about education workers and Orthodox priests - they inspire me equally. How much durability and courage, patience and will. They are like a military, as the keepers of morality, eternal scientists and healers of the soul. They are the salt of the Earth.

12.01.2017 20:16

Culturism or death?

"And the new shelter filled with life. Again brought up people bringing them closer "

For several years I stayed at the table, played the computer Yes, ran down the street. Sounded seventeen - I still did not work well. Time spent behind the game prefix or on the Internet, and at night I slept badly, nightmares dreamed. Flat chest, narrow back, weak hands, thin legs - this was my physical look. Forgot, perhaps, about a windy head, but she was not considered.

12.12.2016 16:00

School - Height for many inaccessible

"It is better to borrow information from the video game than to go outside and head towards the next beer"

Many specialists energize the Pedagogical University, leaving to trade in boutiques and in beer. Wherever, only not to school - not in a noisy team with unpredictable children and parents. The teacher is always located, as if on the razor blades, any child can ask and say right in the forehead. Have seen the domestic film "Geographer Globe Propil" or "Teaching", awarded the prizes of spectator sympathy? Children are masonred over teachers, feeling impunity.

03.12.2016 16:00

Work on Vinomy will save from Internet dependence

"All our products are produced in Siberia, at a single factory - Omskvinprom, which allows you to maintain the highest level of quality control, which ..." - On the Internet you can find many information about the fact that this is a wonderful enterprise and professionals work on it. But how does this powerful object relieves from such a popular ailment - from Internet addiction? Estimates work, not heavy, but sometimes one-photon and nomine. Turning during her - only the bundles to pass. It is easier to wait for a break for lunch and in the dining room or on the street to communicate with interesting and new people than to crush the sounds of the racing electrocarios or a tirelessly moving conveyor. There is a ringing of bottles, noise of machine tools or hissing of pneumatic systems. Go to the workshop and imagine yourself by the terminator, remember, at the end of the first part of Kyle Rica includes machines to distract the robot ...

Rising his head, with curiosity I observe people hanging on thick ropes in camouflaged form. Working in the air, they are not afraid to fall from the height. Drinking by the labor, repair of walls or roof, they do not notice anyone. Quietly conquer the height and days, it is easy to sit on a small rope-fed ropes, bothering, mailing cracks in huge concrete or brick walls. How do these are the repairmen work, going down on the ropes sometimes from the sixteenth floor? Why aren't you afraid to fall and what do you think? Who are these people? Mighty "Yeti", which climb on the roofs of houses, as if on the snowy mountains and repair them? Perhaps they are Matte Parkour and height for them - to spit since? We find out!