Gravity Falls Location on the map. Gravity Falls City: Is there a real life

Gravity Falls Location on the map. Gravity Falls City: Is there a real life
Gravity Falls Location on the map. Gravity Falls City: Is there a real life

Gravity Falls is famous for its paranormal phenomena, a mysterious town, which is the main place of action in the same animated series. The first series began to go back in 2012, and only with the end of two seasons in 2016, he was officially completed. The animated series gained considerable popularity that could not entail the appearance of the topic of interest to each viewer about the existence of the strange city of Gravity Falls in real life. To respond to this question, you need to refer to the plot of the picture.

What is the animated series?

Children Twin Dipper and Meable Pains Come for the summer to your cousin Stan, who, although he does not believe in supernatural and magic, but owns a souvenir shop with the name "Huts of Miracles", where all the main characters of the series live. Here are a variety of fakes, fakes and bending for visiting tourists. As it will be further, the store itself keeps a lot of secrets, which has yet to solve the heroes.

The boredom, who was inappropriate for his brother and sister, soon dispelled, because exploring the surroundings, they managed to find a diary at number 3, telling about the most different mystical phenomena of the county. Deciding to solve the secrets of an unusual place, the dipper becomes a regular participant in dangerous clauses. Folz's familiar cartoon sector became the protrasts of gravity fouls in real life.

Characters Gravity Falls and Previews in Reality

About the characters you can say the following. Dipper Pines is one of the main heroes of the animated series. His name apparently is the nickname, because the constellation of a bucket from the moles spread on his forehead from the Hero, and translated from the English Dipper - the bucket. Interesting facts about the main character:

Mail Pains - Dipper Sister, distinguished by his cheerful and uncomplicated character. Always be happy to go to a new adventure regardless of horrific circumstances. Being active in kind, she likes to chat with girlfriends, wear catchy clothes and engage in various hobbies. To make Maibe to fall in love - a fairly beautiful guy just appear in gravity Falls. The character was most likely written from the author's sister - Ariel.

Other characters:

Location of the city on the screens

City in the cartoon is located in OregonApparently because in childhood the author of the series along with his sister was leaving for vacation in these edges. Griviti Folz was founded in 1842 by one of the US presidents Kentin Trimble, after his fall on a horse with a local cliff.

Despite this, this fact was hidden with an unknown goal, and the founder of the city named Nathaniel Natvest. As recognized during the plot, before the appearance of gold and president here, the indigenous population lived in the valley, which left these places in connection with the prediction of fashion shaman. It said that in the near future it will come strangeddon.

What is known about the city in reality?

No data about previously existing or existing settlements with the same name is not known anything. The authors argue that it makes no sense to contact the map and try to find something similar, after all, the town is nowhere and was inventedHowever, as a foundation was taken really existing places. They also raised the glory of mysterious settlements.

As the fans of the animated series notice, gravel Falls really very much like their bestows, the place of Boring and the small city of Vortex, from which he was drawn. Turning to the photos of the landscapes of Oregon, it is quite easy to agree that many of the sketches are similar to those existing in the lives in places. For example, you can find the valley a very similar hand drawn valley of gravity Falls.

Thus, it can be said that Gravity Falls in real life - does not existAnd it is represented only by a collective way of deaf towns, filled with different interesting stories, secrets and mysteries in the Oregon forests.

What is up to the name, then in translation from the English Gravity Falls can be translated as "gravity falls." Such a verbal pun, adds even greater mystery of all the most interesting stories, which even adult spectators are ready to solve with hobbies.

After a break for a whole year, gravity Folz finally returns in the second season! The brainchild of Wunderkinda Alex Hirsha includes supernatural misadventures of the twins Dipper and Mail Pines, who spend their summer holidays with "Uncle" Stan in a fictional city Gravity Falls, Oregon. Until now, they have faced a variety of creatures, ranging from the hordes of the gnomes and ending with the elderly ghosts. In the cartoon there is a part of the simpsons, secret materials and twin pixels.

Time caught up Hirsch and asked about different things related to gravity Falls. BUT G4sky. kindly transferred to you their interviews.

When did you first understand what you want to do cartoons?

As far as I know, I always wanted to make cartoons. When I went to the California Institute of Arts, I was a classmate with other strange like-minded people, some of them later went to work on the show, for example J.g. Guintel over Regular Show, and Pen Ward over Adventure Time. We were excellent friends, pushed each other in the side and laughed a lot. It was a direct transition from inexperienced children looking Disney cartoons to children-in-soul creating these most cartoons.

Is your favorite cartoon in childhood?

The Simpsons! Well, of course, Simpsons, I loved them, because they were not limited in their audience. Many children's shows were closed in themselves. In Simpsons there was something like that ... I could say that it was smarter than me. I could say where there were layers, moments and hidden jokes that I could not understand, but I always understood the characters. Excellent shows have exactly such layers, for a wide audience, some of which are interesting to children, and some are adults.

You talked about the desire to create a show for all ages. How did you go to this?

There is one way to do it, do not think about anyone when you make a show. The best way to create a great show is the creation of a show that you yourself love. Trust yourself. I think what is it funny? Do I like it? And if you like it and you think it's funny, then you just need to believe that others like it. I maybe a very immature adult. I am something like an adult child, so if I like it, it means it will appeal to both children and adults, because I am somewhere in the middle.

Alex Hirsche painted himself in gravity Falls style

Your show is more gloomy than most other children's. Now when you switched to Disney XD, will the tone of the cartoon remain?

We were told that the show would move on Disney XD (approx. Translator - Disney XD - a digital cable channel, which is largely children's animated television series) in the middle of work over the season, therefore there was no coordinated talk about changing the tone and direction of the animated series. Although in the second season with a common style and tone, we experiment much more than in the first. The first season told us about the characters, introduced into mythology and simply tried to be funny and funny so as possible. In the second season, we have a corrupt much deeper in mythology and our heroes risk much more, more intense situations and more terrible villains. As a result, the line "Conspiracy is something type of secret materials - horns" will get more and strong scope. But we still hope to balance such a plot with traditional gravity Falls with ridiculous and funny episodes.

What character did you create the first?

In the second grade I drew my face on a paper package, I gave him a raincoat and called a super paper package. My creativity at that time was quite limited. Fortunately, the super paper packageman went to the scrap, which forced me to invent other best ideas.

And who is your favorite hero in Gravity Falls?

In the penultimate episode of our first season, we introduced this villainsky, a mischievous triangle. He is a pyramid with one eye and a butterfly tie named Bill cipher. We thought it was still at the beginning of the season, that it could be a fun, such a character have DC with their Mister Mxyzptlk, a sort of jerk, which can just appear and spoil all the plans of the main characters. It amuses me, create the most ominous, similar to the symbol of the Illuminati with the hands of Mr. Peanut and throw it in the structure of the show, see how it all will be connected together. I sent a lot of letters and photos on Twitter, the people make their tatoes with him! It is scolding when your favorite character likes and America's children.

Dipper and Mabel are written off with you and your sister, is there any other characters in the show written off from relatives or acquaintances?

Handyman Zus was 100% inspired by my friend from the college named Jesus. He is friendly, friendly and very strange. He is from those guys who are stuck in the college gravity even after the release, he tries to help everyone. I definitely wanted to add a similar character in my series.

The reason why Mailleb has a homemade pig named Pukhl - this is because my sister has always dreamed of having a domestic pig when we grew up. She wanted to make a sanctuary for a pig in her room.

You personally voiced two characters: Zohus and Uncle Stan. What are you inspired to create these votes?

The inspiration for these votes became, above all, the people in which we were based. For the Great Uncle Stan, my grandfather Stan became a protume of my father, whom I didn't know very well. But he was a big, coarse guy who wore a gold chain and a gold watch and appreciated every cent. As far as I remember, he spoke with such a rude voice in the lower case. However, if the character was inspired by my grandfather Stan, then his voice was inspired by my other Grandfather Bill. Every time I see him on the day of Thanksgiving, he always says: "Roll the red carpet, Mr. Hollywood finally decided to apply us a visit." So I strongly focused on his voice and Maneru speech.

Zus was inspired by my friend Jesus. His speech manner is completely impossible to copy it correctly. It is difficult to describe, but some elements I still copied and used to zoom.

The terrible truth is that all my summer cannanons were amazingly boring. The adventures of the dipper for the most part make up a list of what I dreamed of doing. When I was a kid, I spent these long-long summer holidays in a hut in the forest at my cousin. She said: "And so, three hours of reading!" And locked us in a room with a large window. It was so sad that I was imagined as a beat of the Dwarfs or fought with aliens or wanted a Lochnes monster. With this series I have a chance to realize my dreams at least on the screen.

Do you have advice for people who want to make their own TV series?

It's all about the characters. No matter what your series looks like, regardless of its concept, regardless of the famous actors in the voice acting, regardless of budget or the other, it's all the secondary. Your heroes should be in the first place. They're funny? Are their personalities spelled out well? Do they interact with each other? All this must be taken into account. And the main super-advice for any creator of the series is to write what you know and look at your own life. I consider the most successful element in gravity folse characters. This is what they are all taken from the images of real people, I am writing about myself and my sister, about my caricature grandfather with elements of a large share of humor. If you can copy the types from people around you and shove into the series, it will be much better than if you focused on "How I make characters with complex mythology." In the end, that is why people love such living heroes with which they can associate themselves and this is the most important thing.

Do you have ideas that you never add to the show?

For each episode, there are at least 10 fully developed concepts of development, which were rejected and discarded because of too much stupidity or vice versa because of too much seriousness.

What is the most complex part in the management of your show?

This is the creation of stable quality content for 20 episodes, when you producer, screenwriter, director, designer and voicing the heroes. All this together. When you are in college, then you can create one cartoon per year or even in our entire studies, you have a lot of time to put all the points on the "I" and make sure that everything you need. When you are on TV, you are more like a conveyor. Not all episodes overlook 5 with a plus, but I try to follow the maximum for each detail.

In this article you will learn:

"Gravity Falls" is an animated television series of the studio "Disney". The cartoon series at first sight seems nursery, but after several episodes it becomes clear that adults will find a lot of interesting things here. Inimitable humor, many references to popular culture, high-quality animation and, of course, an incredible number of mysteries and secrets - this is what the animated series love thousands of fans worldwide.

The plot of the works revolves around two main characters - children named Dipper and Maber. Parents send twins on the summer holidays to the cousin by name, in the town of Gravity Falls in Oregon. The city itself and the surrounding area contain a huge number of abnormal phenomena and creatures, and riddles and secrets accompany the heroes all the time.

History of the founding of gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a small town on the unaccluents of the United States of America, or rather, somewhere in the middle of the state of Oregon. The settlement is no different from hundreds of those across the country, except that all the abnormal events of the United States are concentrated here (if not the whole world).
The secret of this is shrouded in the fog of the past.

True Founder Gravity Falls

It is reliably known that the city founded Quentin Trimble. This extravagant man is known for the age of eight and a half president of the United States. The eighth and a half, because the fact of the country's revenue itself was hidden. And this is due to the fact that the president was amazingly stunning.

So, the city of Gravity Folz was founded by Tramblibs at the moment when the unlucky president rode a horse. Backwards. Naturally, such a style led to a fall - with a pretty high hill. The place in which Quentin Tramblbles landed, he called gravity Falls (literally - "gravitational fall", "drop from gravity").

The head of the United States of America was unpleasant surprised by the next anticipation of the eighth of the eighth of a half president, so the fact of the foundation of the city was saturated. For descendants, the founder of gravity Falls became Nathaniel Natvest, which marked the beginning of the genus of Naturestov - the rich city. The descendant of Nathaniel is his great-grandfather of Pasigique, one of the main opponents of Mail.


Main places of the city

The main attraction of Gravity Falls is a hut wonderland - The building in which the main characters arrived to and come for the summer. The hut miracles is at the same time home, and a souvenir shop, and a museum. Paradoxically, but here, in the center of the Mystical Town of the United States, fakes and tricks for curious tourists are collected. Stan earns on visitors as soon as it can, while constantly deceiving them and lucavie. Wendy and Sousse also works in the hut store. However, the building itself is paying much more mysteries than it may seem at first glance.

Hut miracles

Falls gravity forest contains an overwhelming part of the miracles of the town. The forest surrounds the settlement from all sides, and the most amazing creatures live in its depths. Among them: Dwarfs, men (half men - half brands), giant spiders, volatile skulls and many others!

Lake Graviti Folz is very close to the city. It is surrounded by high cliffs, and on the one hand has a sandy beach. Many residents are resting here or engaged in fishing. According to the legend, Lake lives in the lake. In the center of the reservoir is the island - a head-shaped island-beast - on which the colony of Bobrov is located.

General view of gravity Falls

Creatures from the series

The animated series shows a huge number of fictional creatures - funny and really terrible, harmless and dangerous. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • Gnomes. Merry dwarfs wishing to make Mabel your queen. Curly, but can create a giant gnome from their bodies.
  • Mugotaurs. Allusion on minotaurovs, fastened on the courage of semi-semi-semi-semi-punching. Aggressive, but ready to help the dipper become more courageous.
  • Zombie. Disgusting decomposing creatures that can be defeated by triple symphony. Very aggressive and dangerous.
  • Dinosaurs. They were sharpened in amber in the mine under the city. High temperatures melted amber, releasing monsters to freedom.
  • Bow-shaped island beast. The giant head in the form of the island, flying behind the dipper and mail in the mini-episode. Gemini managed to escape.
  • Multi-bear. Two injured bodies with four legs and hands and eight heads. The dipper defeated the bear, proving his courage, but did not kill him.
  • Shail Shifter. Dangerous monster who can take any appearance. Found heroes in the cave, subsequently frozen and neutralized.
  • Bill cipher. A powerful demon in the form of a yellow triangle, which can obey the mind of people. The main antagonist of history.

Gnome of gravel Falls

Urban holidays

In Gravity, Falls love to celebrate the holidays. The main ones are:

  • Day opening of the fishing season. Almost the entire city flows down to the lake on this day, when the time of fishing is officially opened. In the episode of the series, the heroes are trying to unravel the mystery of the allegation, allegedly living in the lake.
  • Party in miracles hut. The largest disco of the city, which is satisfied with Stan Pines in order to draw attention to its goods. During the party, the dipper clones itself (repeatedly).
  • Return of miracles hut. Meeting dedicated to the opening of the store for the second time after the victory over Gydon Gliful. Zombies appear in the series, whom dipper, Mail and Uncle Stan are overcome.
  • Letoin. The holiday, which the townspeople celebrate June 22, as summer Halloween. Instead of pumpkins in summer, lights from watermelons are cut. The episode shows the creepy Letowinsky Lovkach.

Day of Pioneers - Another Holiday Gravity Falls
  • In the US, there is a place that wears a very similar to gravity folse name. This is a city named Oregon Volze. It is possible that the authors of the series referred to him.
  • The main characters of the animation series - Dipper Pines and Mabin Pines - Gemini. They were "sketched" from the main author of Gravity Falls Alex Hirsha and his twin sister named Ariel.
  • Another connection with Ariel - a girl in childhood dreamed of his own piglery. That is why Mailed and got a pig in the series.
  • Some of the television series characters differ in that they have four fingers on each hand. At the other heroes, everything is in order - five fingers. The creators of the series explain this aesthetics. Just some heroes looked well with four fingers, while others - with five.
  • The final of the series is still far away, but the authors have already rebelled that in the last series the final departure of the twins from Gravity Falls home will be shown.
  • In the end of each episode, an incomprehensible set of letters appears. In fact, this is an encrypted message that belongs to either the last series or next. You can decipher the phrase by carefully listening to the whisper, which sounds at the end of the initial screensaver. Scriming the whisper with the ass in advance, you will get the key to the cipher.
  • In gravity, Falls literally each frame is a cipher, reference or "Easter egg". On the Internet there are a lot of thematic forums, in which participants are trying to solve the secrets of the series and predict the plot.

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Oregon, which is famous for its amazing nature. Located in the Pacific, neighboring the states of Idaho, California, Washington and Nevada. Here you can see the deserts, steppes and mountain arrays, stunning the beauty of the lake and sleeping volcanoes. There are several reserves, sets of caves and stormy rivers. There are still disputes about the name "Oregon". The main existing version states that the word means "hurricane" translated from French. But not all languages \u200b\u200bresearchers agree with this assumption.


The Oregon State Square is approximately 250 thousand square kilometers, and it is among the ten largest on the territory (taking the ninth place for this indicator). As for the population population, here the land will not compare with California and other regions leaders. Oregon takes only the 27th position. The number of the population is nearing 3.9 million inhabitants. In accordance with the traditions of the country, there is an original motto who sounds like: "flies on its wings." Officially adopted in 1854.

The capital is considered a small town of Salem. But there is a large settlement several times larger. This is Portland, or the city of roses, which is known for the festivals of colors held annually.


Current local time in Oregon - Pacific, UTC-7. The population is mainly the same, but there is some percentage of Latin and African Americans. Approximately 1.3% remained in these edges of the Indians who were angry in Oregon.

In large cities you can see many foreigners and people the main religion - Christianity, but according to the results of sociological research it is possible to conclude that residents are not too religious. The church is rarely visited, the share of atheists is high. There is a town of Woodburn on the territory of the state, where a significant part of the population is represented by Russian Old Believers. In previous times, these people left Russia because of the persecution of the church. Now the community has grown and is the largest in the States.

The second name of the state Oregon is a joke consider "beaver". The reason lies in the fact that the beaper is the official symbol of the edge. Animals suits the climate of the territory, clean air and the presence of many rivers. And people respectfully relate to inventive animals. Beaver can be seen even on the flag of Oregon. By the way, the flag is also special: it has two sides.

Another state symbol is a labradorite stone. There are deposits of a certain variety of its species capable of the effect of iris. With bright light, the stone surface cast different shades, which is especially noticeable after the polishing operations. Therefore, the mineral was called "Sun Stone".

Division into zones

In geographical and natural features, several areas can be distinguished. The coast of the ocean and the coastal ridge are in the West. It is often raining here, but the climate is softer. Closer to the center, in the southwest, ridge climb ridge. In these places there are vertices in 2700 m and above, amazing forests with a large variety of trees, alpine meadows. On the contrary, from the northern side, the Valley Willemett is located. It is here that most people of the American state of Oregon live. Residents are engaged in winemaking. For visitors, even special tours are organized, where you can see how grapes grow and which methods get a drink. Local wine is highly appreciated not only in the United States, but also in Europe.

In the north-east, the Columbia Plateau with the same name of the river flowing along it. Nearby - a chain of blue mountains, an area of \u200b\u200balmost 50 thousand km 2. Finally, the last zone is called a high desert. It has such an unusual name due to the fact that it is located on a small Highlands, about 1200 m above sea level.


The territory was populated by people for another 15 thousand years ago. It is known that in the XVI century, the tribes of the Indians lived here: Klamata, non-Perse, Bannoki and some others. The people of non-Persians still exist, but now his representatives can only be found in Idaho. And families from the tribe clamat can still be found in Oregon. This people by agreement with Europeans agreed to move to the reservation for the Indians.

Since the XVIII century, the British first expeditions visited the region. The edge began to study, and the first founded city became astoria. There was a fort founded by the Pacific Fur Company. Since the XIX century, conflicts have begun between Indians and Europeans, then between the countries of Great Britain and the United States. Official recognition of Oregon staff occurred in 1859

During World War II, the territory suffered a little from bombing of Japanese soldiers. As a result, fires in the forest array arose, which were quite successfully extinguished.

Sights of the state

Travelers who arrived in Oregon seek to see the volcano Hood, which is the highest point of state. Its peak is at the mark of 3426 m. Panorama of the area leaves an indelible impression. Snow peak towers over numerous trees and transparent water lakes. There is a chance that the volcano will still erupt: it is included in the list of potentially active. The purpose of visiting most visits is the ski resorts. On the territory there are many trails of different degrees of complexity. Attracts volcano and professional climbers.

There are other attractions in Oregon. It is necessary to be on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The most, perhaps, amazing place here is a well well.

Education on the ocean looks like a deep funnel. The water coming there is similar to a small waterfall, losing in the depths between the stones. This point on the map is a favorite place of all photographers.

Cities of Oregon

Among the largest settlements should be called Eugene. The second largest after Portland, the city is famous for the Bach festival every year. There is also a different landmark: known in the country Oregon University. Students receive high-quality education, the opportunity to seriously engage in research and find a good job in this area.

In the list of cities of the state of Oregon - Springfield, sin, Medford, and this is not all. The first is known to many by the series "Simpsons", where in the plot action took place in the town with the same name. In sinch every year there is an event dedicated to jazz music. Medford is small in the area, the population in it is mainly agriculture, grows for sale juicy pears. Nearby there are several national parks and beautiful lakes. You can reach the city by car or bus from Yujina Airport.

Is there in the United States, Oregon, the city of gravity-folse? This is the name of the cartoon about Pains Gemini and about their summer adventures. The action takes place in gravity-folster, but in fact the city is fictional.


It is worth a separately tell about Portland. The city has many unique features and extraordinary places. For example, there is the smallest park in the world, with an area of \u200b\u200bjust 0.3 m 2. The object even got into the Guinness Book of Records Several Tens ago. In this place, different plants are constantly planted: flowers, small shrubs, cacti.

Portland Esplanade Istbank, built at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, opens a chic view of the river and the historical part of the city. The coastline stretches several kilometers, passersby can walk under bridges and enjoy the urban panorama. Often along the way there are group excursions, as it is one of the most popular places of Portland, Oregon.

About 40 brewers are concentrated in the city. Portland surpassed the German Cologne in this. People can try beer from different varieties and tastes. Some establishments are in historic buildings.

What else to see?

Those who wish to visit the wildlife, arrange a camping in the fresh air, one can recommend a trip to the Mountain Siscay. They belong to the Zone of the Klamat Range. The climate is wet, often come rain, which has become the cause of growing in a large number of coniferous trees. The highest point of the mountain system - Mount Ashland (2296 m).

Among the National Parks, Oregon in the United States should highlight the territory near the Jefferson volcano. This stratov talcan, named after the American president, was last erupted only in 950 BC. Mountain tourists are encouraged to make climbs in the summer months of the year or in May. The physically prepared person can calmly climb the peak, in the presence of the necessary equipment ("cats", ice axes, safety cables).

A certain danger to the residents of the state is the complex of volcanoes "Three sisters". These are three mountains of different ages, "younger" of which is only 50 thousand years. Therefore, this volcano is considered active. The US geologists lead permanent monitoring of changes in the natural object and nearby lands.


Scientists from the University of Oregon are studies in the field of archeology. In particular, some archaeological monuments are studying, such as Fort Rock Cave. It was here that the most ancient shoes on the planet were found. Sandals discovered in the grotto, about 10 thousand years! They were made from the cortex of wormwood, as showed the results of archaeological analyzes. The cave itself is located in the district of Lake. There is a similar cave complex near Paisley. A whole reserve with a complex system of underground tunnels can be found next to the forests of the Siskaya. Trails are conveniently equipped for tourists. Numerous in the composition of the group accompanies the guide, on the road the narrative of the history of the object. When visiting is worth paying attention to the rules of security and on caution to people with chronic diseases (lungs, hearts and others). Children whose growth is lower than a certain mark, pass to the cave is prohibited.

Oregon lakes

Oregon's state reservoirs - more than 150. Large-scale apper-clamate is located 1200 m above sea level. Plus, it is in Oregon that the cruisher lake in the country is located in the country. To achieve its bottom, you need to fall at 589 meters! The reservoir was formed on the site of the former volcano more than 7 thousand years ago. To look at the landmark, you should come to the local National Park, offering stunning views of the lake.

Popular to visit also Summer, or "Summer Lake". Previously, there was another majestic in the size of the reservoir. Its area was 1190 m 2. Nowadays, Summer washed. The lake chose the birds. More than 200 of their varieties inhabit on the shores. Here you can meet the blue heron, and make an excellent photo of the state of Oregon, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe flora and the fauna of the edge. People should be afraid of possible dust storms near the lake.

Local celebrities

Few people know that several famous writers come from Oregon or lived here a certain period of life. At the beginning of the last century, Beverly Clery was born here. The future children's writer lived in a small village of Yamhilla, and in more mature age moved to Portland. Her books about Henry Haggins and a mouse named Ralph are known to the American reader. He studied and for some time worked in Portland and the author of bestseller "Fight Club" Chuck Palanik.

His name learned all over the world after the release of the film on the work, a Brad Pitt and Edward Norton starred. Kinokartina had a huge effect on the mass culture.

The staff is also the birthplace of some famous scientists. Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 became Portland of Lainus K. Poling. The scientist was one of the founders of molecular biology. And in 2001, the Nobel Prize in Physics received a person from the town of Korvallis - Karl Viman.

The cartoon series Gravity Falls saw the light in 2012 and since then gained very popular popularity. To date, there are two seasons, the last of which began on February 15 of this year.
His main plot unfolds around 12-year-old Twins Mail and Dipper Pines, who spend their summer holidays in the small town of Gravity Falls, which is located in Oregon. Its name is translated into Russian as "Dangerous Fall". In his district, many strange creatures live in the forest and river, and under water there is a huge, terrible head. According to the history of the town, it was founded in 1842 by Sir Lord Quentin Rumbl III, after he fell from the cliff on the horse in this place.
From the moment the cartoon appears on the screen, everything became terribly interesting - is there a city of gravity Falls actually or is it fiction?
Unfortunately, this is really another invented city. It in fact does not exist that does not really exist - neither in Origor, or anywhere else in the United States as described by its film creators.

On the other hand, his image combines several different towns of American depths, similar to each other "like two drops". After a long analysis and reflection, the fans of the cartoon came to the conclusion that he at least combined the towns of Vortex and Boring in the same state of Origor. About them, long time is the glory of some paranormality.

The valley of Gravity Falls actually does not exist, because it created a spacecraft when landing. And in this state never landed! Although in Origon state again there is one little similar place. See for yourself:

So a lot of mysteries are of course. But do not forget that this is just a cartoon and he is the fruit of the author's fantasy.