Brief information about and and Bunin. Life and creativity Bunin and

Brief information about and and Bunin. Life and creativity Bunin and
Brief information about and and Bunin. Life and creativity Bunin and

Ivan Bunin - the first Russian writer, the poet and the prose, who was awarded Nobel Prize on literature. This is a writer who had to most Life to spend outside the Motherland, in emigration. But, let's go through the life of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich, having familiarized himself with his brief biography for children.

Childhood and education

Brief Bunin begins with the birth of a future writer. It happened in the distant past in 1870 in the family of a poor nobleman in Voronezh. However, the childhood of the writer passed in the Oryol province (now the Lipetsk region), because immediately after the birth of the boy, the parents moved to the generic estate.

The initial knowledge of Ivan received at home, and at the age of eight years began to write his first poems.

At 11 years old, Bunin is given to the gymnasium in Yelts, where the boy graduated from four classes. The gymnasium itself is not able to finish, because there was not enough money to study, so Bunin returns home. He is engaged in self-education. In this, he helps the elder brother, who passed with Ivan the whole course of the gymnasium, studying science and languages \u200b\u200bwith him.

Creativity and literary activities

At the age of 17, Bunin not only writes, but also prints its first compilation of the poem, where the poems have become more serious. Already the first work brings fame. Further will be the collections under open sky, Leaf fall, no less well-known. For the collection of leaf fall, Bunin receives Pushkin Prize.

Since 1889, the writer goes to the eagle, where it works as a correspondent. Next, Bunin moves to Poltava, where it works as a statist. After Ivan Alekseevich broke up with civilian wife Barbarus Paschenko, he leaves for Moscow. There meets Czech and Tolstoy. These dating have played big role in further fate writer, leaving a significant imprint in his work. Writer prints his famous Antonovskaya apples, Pines, what come in Full meeting Works.

Revolutionary events are not supported by the writer, who prior to death criticized the Bolsheviks and their power. Revolution and caused emigration.

Emigration writer

In 1920, the writer leaves to France, where he lives to his last days. It was his second homeland. Being in France, the writer continues to create his works. In 1893 it comes out autobiographical Roman The life of Arsenyev, for which he received the Nobel Prize.

During the Second World Wizard, it is located on a removable villa in Grass, where he writes many anti-war works, where supports soviet army. After the war, despite the thoughts of returning to Russia, he never returned to his native land.

Bunin died in Paris in 1953, leaving us many wonderful works. In France and was buried.

Studying the life of Bunin and his biography, it is worth mentioning interesting Facts From his personal life. The first love of Bunin - Barbara Paschenko. With her, they lived in civil marriage, but the family did not work out and they diverged. An unsuccessful marriage was and from Anna Tsakney, with which they had happened. They had common childwho died at the age of five. After the death of the child, the marriage lasted for a short time. Couple broke up.

Only with the second legitimate wife, Bunin lived until the end of his days. It was Vera Muromtseva, whom Bunin changed, but returned. The faith also forgive him and lived with him to his last breathing.

Ivan Bunin short biography The Russian writer will help write a report on Ivan Bunin. Report on Bunin you can add.

Ivan Bunin Biography briefly

In 1881, Bunin entered the gymnasium, but due to financial problems, he did not finish training. He studied at home with the support of Elder Brother Julia.

Since 1889, Bunin worked as a journalist, both in the county and in the capital's newspapers. In 1891, Bunin married Varvar Paschenko, the corrector of the newspaper Oryol Vestnik. In the same year, Bunin released a debut collection of poems.

In 1895, after a divorce from Paschenko, Bunin moved to Moscow, where he met L.N Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, M. Gorky and artists of that time.

The popularity has brought the story "Antonovsky apples" - about the problems of the impoverished noble estates.

The collection of poems "Leaf Frals" brings Bunin Pushkin Prize.

After the revolution of 1905, Bunin begins to write about the row of the Russian village, think about historical role Russia than causes a squall of criticism for negative image Russian village. But, the story "Village" and "Sukhodol" had success from readers. In 1906, Bunin meets Vera Muromtsev, with which he lived until the end of his life.

In the work of 1915-1916, the philosophy of the writer on the absurdity of the world's existence and the meaninglessness of the development of civilization is dominated. The main topics of the stories of this period ("Mr. from San Francisco" and "Brothers") - Death and rock accident.

After the October Revolution, the Bunin family goes to France.

In 1933, Bunin becomes the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The best works of the writer were written precisely during emigration. Among them, Mitina Love, "Correnet Elagina" and the cycle of the story "Dark Alleys". He himself believed that his work relates more to the generation of Tolstoy and Turgenev. Despite the fact that for a long time his work in the USSR was not printed, after 1955 he was the most published emigrant writer in the country.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - famous writer, poet, outstanding author. Born on October 10, 1870. Orlovskaya province is a place where Bunin spent his childhood years. Beautiful landscapes, Freedom and space inspired Ivan to make their first steps in writing - he tried to compose small quatrains about places surrounded him.


Since the family was not good, Bunin received primary education At home. 1881 was marked by admission to the Yeltsin gymnasium, which Ivan did not succeed due to the lack of financial opportunities in the family. Further education Writer helped to get an elder brother.

Literary activity

The first verses of Ivan Alekseevich wrote after seventeen age. His first masterpieces were published already in 1888 in the collection of "poem". Since 1898, its following poems come out. And in 1915 the first stories are published.

Recognition Bunin received not only for his work, but also for the translation in 1896, the works of "Song of Guyavate". The writer brought broad fame and the story "Village". In his work, Bunin revealed a wide variety of topics and showed all directions of life - he wrote about nature, peasant life, love and death.


Bunin loved to travel, so his biography is saturated with emigration and life in different countrieswhere it is created best worksAmong which the "life of Arsenyev" is a novel who brought the Nobel Prize to the writer.

A family

In 1891, he married Paschenko barbarian corrector, but the family could not be saved. The second spouse Bunin is Anna Tsakney. This marriage was also unsuccessful. Only married for the third time on faith Muromseva, Bunin found love and calmness and lived with his wife to the very death in November 1953.

Biography Bunina Life and creativity 4th grade

In the nineteenth century, 1870, in the tenth of the month, the infant was born in the impoverish noble cell of the Society, which was called Ivan.

Children's years, the boy lived in the family estate near the town of Yelts. This is the middle strip of Russia. These are very picturesque places. They left a bright imprint in the consciousness of the future writer. He subsequently reflects the beauty seen in his works.

Reading, arithmetic and diploma taught Ivan Bunin at home.

At the age of eleven aged, he was given to the gymnasium, but for a sad coincidence of circumstances future writer She did not finish it. He is obliged to her elder brother Yury. He, as he could, taught younger brother Everything that knew and knew himself.

Ivan has always manifested an insurmountable thrust for literary creativity. In 1888 they saw the light of the first poems belonging to his Peru. The name of the novice poet began to acquire fame. And the poems had a certain success.

It is worth noting the fact that Bunin was personally familiar with Maxim Gorky, Alexey Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov. And the last, provided a huge impact At the identity and creativity of Ivan Alekseevich.

The 1917 revolution was not understood by the writer, and for this reason he decided to emigrate from Russia forever. His nature contradicted the decision of the conflict by the military.

If we talk about the life of Ivan Bunin in emigration, then we can say, this is a series of moves from one country to another in this way he traveled almost all of Africa, part of Asia and Europe.

Despite the conclusion from the Motherland, the Bunin works fruitfully. It is in emigration that his best textswho entered the treasury of world literature.

Roman "Life Arsenyev" allowed Ivan Alekseevich to get the highest literary award - Nobel Prize.

Shortly before death, the health of the Bunin was shaken. He has a lot and prolonged, but before last days did not change the literature.

At the end of life, he wanted to complete literary portrait Anton Chekhov, but death did not give Ivan to complete the work began. After all, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was his idol. Created by the literary portrait of Chekhov could become a tribute to the memory of the classics.

In 1953, in France, the heart of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich stopped fighting. His dust rests on one of the cemeteries of France.

It is also worth bringing some interesting facts from Ivan Alekseevich.

First, his home education (He taught him the sciences of her older brother) did not prevent Ivana twice to become a laureate of Pushkin Prize in the field of literature.

Secondly, the first pen test took place at seventeen age as the imitation of Pushkin.

Thirdly, Ivan is the first Russian writer - the owner of the Nobel Prize.

Fourthly, Ivan was, can be said, a loser in amur affairs. His love Barbara did not become his wife. And other choices did not bring him real human happiness and family calm.

Fifth, Ivan Alekseevich, all the fibirs of the soul sought from emigration to Russia, but his desire was not implemented.

Sixth, the Bunin family was related to Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. Ivan this fact improved.

V-seventh, Bunin, can be said, fatalist. He prophetically predicted his own death in one of recent records In the diary.

3, 4, 5th grade

Interesting facts and dates from life

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Brief biography I.A. Bunin.

(1870 - 1953)

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - Russian Prose, Poet, Translator, Honorary Academician of St. Petersburg An. Born in Voronezh in the family of impoverished nobleman. I could not finish the gymnasium because of poverty. At the age of 16, the first publication of poems of the Bunin in print appeared. Since 1889, he began to work. In the newspaper "Orlovsky Bulletin," with which Bunin collaborated, he met the proofreader of Barbara Paschenko, married her in 1891. They moved to Poltava and became statistics in the provincial government. In 1891, the first collection of poems of the Bunin was released. The family soon broke up. Bunin moved to Moscow. There he tied literary dating with Tolstoy, Chekhov, bitter.

In 1900, the story of the Bunin "Antonovskaya apples" was released, later - a poetic collection "Listopad" (1901). For the translation of the poem of Longfello "Song of Guyavate" (1896), the Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize. The second marriage of Bunin, with Anna Tsakny, was also unsuccessful, in 1905 their son Kolya died. In 1906, Bunin met Vera Muromseva, married, he lived with her to death.

The main theme of the Bunin is the drama of Russian historical fate - the story "Village" (1910), "Sukhodol" (1912).

In 1910, Bunins traveled around Europe, Egypt and Ceylon were visited. Echoes of this journey - in the story "Brothers" (1914).

In 1915 - 1916 The collections of the stories "Bowl of Life", "Mr. from San Francisco". February Revolution Bunin perceived with pain, the October coup accepted as a catastrophe approach. The reflection of the events was his book of journalism " Picky days"(1918). Bunins are leaving for Odessa, and then, in 1920, - to France. In the emigration they wrote" Mitina Love "(1925)," Sunstroke" (1927), "Dark alleys"(1943), Autobiographical Roman" Life Arsenyev "(1927 - 1929, 1933). In 1933, Bunin became the first Russian writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize.

In 1939, the Bunins settled in the south of France, in Grass. In 1927 - 1942 Galina Kuznetsova lived with Bunin's family late love Writer. Possessing literary abilities, she created the memoirs of the Grare Diary, the article "Bunin's Memory." Recent years, Bunin sick and lived in poverty, worked on the book "About Chekhov", published after the death of Bunin (1955) in New York.

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Ivan Bunin was born in 1870 in the family of the nobleman, the former officer Alexei Bunin, who had time to raise. From his estate, the family was forced to move to the Oryol region, where the childhood of the writer passed. In 1881, he enters Yeletic gymnasium. But it is not possible to get an education, after the 4th grades Ivan returns home, since the ruined parents simply lack funds for his training. Julius's elder brother, who has managed to complete the university, helped pass the whole course of the gymnasium at home. Biography of Bunin - a man, Creator and the Creator - full of unexpected events and facts. In his 17 years, Ivan published the first poems. Soon, the Bunin moves to Kharkov to the older brother, goes to work as a corrector in the newspaper "Orlovsky Bulletin". In it, he prints his stories, articles and poems.

In 1891 comes first poetic collection. Here, a young writer meets Barbara - his parents did not want their marriage, so the young couple secretly leaves in Poltava. Their relationships launched until 1894 and became for writing the novel "The Life of Arsenyev".

Biography Bunin is amazing, full of meetings and interesting acquaintances. 1895 becomes a turning point in the life of Ivan Alekseevich. Trip to Moscow and Petersburg, acquaintance with Chekhov, Bryusov, Cooking, Korolenko, first success in literary society capital Cities. In 1899, Bunin marries Anna Tsakney, but this marriage is short-lived. 1900 - The story "Antonovsky apples", 1901 - a collection of poems "List Falls", 1902 - comes out of the collected works in the publishing house "Knowledge". The author is Ivan Bunin. Biography is unique. 1903 - Awarded Pushkin Prize! Writer travels a lot: Italy, France, Constantinople, Caucasus. The best works are the stories about love. About love unusual, special, without happy end. As a rule, this is a fleeting random feeling, but such a depth and strength that breaks the life and fate of heroes. And there is a difficult biography of Bunin. But his works are not tragic, they are filled with love, happiness from the fact that this great feeling happened in life.

In 1906 on literary evening Ivan Alekseevich meets faith Muromseva,

quiet young lady with huge eyes. Again, the parents of the girl were against their relationship. Faith studied on the last year, wrote a diploma. But she chose love. In April 1907 Vera and Ivan together went on a trip, this time east. For all they became her husband and wife. But married only in 1922, in France.

For the translations of Byrona, Tennison, Mussse in 1909, Bunin receives the Pushkin Prize again, becomes the Honorary Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1910, the story "Village" appears, which caused a lot of disputes and made the author popular. Having been with bitter in 1912-1914. on in Italy, Bunin wrote his famous story "Mr. from San Francisco."

But the years did not welcomed Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. The biography of the writer is not easy. In 1920, his family was adopted in the West as the largest Russian writer, became the head of the Union of Russian writers and journalists. New works are published: "Mitina Love", "Correction of Elagina", "Sunny blow", "God's Tree".

1933 - Biography Bunina is again surprising. He becomes the first Russian by that time the writer is very popular in Europe. Bunin was an opponent of the Nazi regime. During the war years, despite the loss and deprivation, he does not give a single work. During the occupation of France, he writes a cycle of nostalgic stories, but publishes them only in 1946 in last years Ivan Alekseevich does not write poems in his life. But K. Soviet Union Begins to treat with warmth, dreams of returning. But his plans were interrupted by death. Bunin died in 1953, as well as Stalin. And only a year later, his work began to be published in the union.