Dina Rubina's husband is an artist boris. Films based on the works of Dina Rubina

Dina Rubina's husband is an artist boris.  Films based on the works of Dina Rubina
Dina Rubina's husband is an artist boris. Films based on the works of Dina Rubina

Dina Rubina is an Israeli and Russian prose writer and screenwriter, a member of the Writers 'Union of the Uzbek SSR, the USSR Writers' Union, the International PEN Club and the Union of Russian-speaking Writers of Israel, winner of awards from the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan, named after A. Arie Dulchin, Israel Writers' Union, Big Book, Oleg Tabakov Charitable Foundation, Portal.

Dina Ilyinichna Rubina was born on September 19, 1953 in Tashkent in the family of a Kharkov artist and a Poltava history teacher. The parents gave the girl a name in honor of the American film actress, Hollywood star of the 1940s Dina Durbin.

Dina Rubina received her secondary education at a specialized music school at the Tashkent Conservatory. Later, memories of this segment of her life appeared in her collection "Music Lessons". Having received a certificate, Dina applied to the Tashkent Conservatory, from which she graduated in 1977. Then she worked as a teacher at the Institute of Culture in Tashkent. Most of her life was associated with this city, which is why she often returned to its familiar atmosphere in her novels, especially in the work "On the sunny side of the street".

Dina Rubina: writing

Dean Rubina began to hone her writing skills at a fairly early age. While still quite a girl, she was already published in the magazine "Youth". When Dina was seventeen, her story "Restless Nature" got into the section of the magazine "Green portfolio".

But the story "When will it snow?", Published in 1977, gave her real popularity. In the center of its plot is the life segment of one girl who fell in love for the first time before a deadly operation. She later became a script for a film, play, television and radio performances.

Dina Rubina moved to Moscow after filming the film "Our grandson works in the police" based on her story "Tomorrow, as usual", which took place in 1984. The film did not become a masterpiece, but upon arrival in the capital, the writer created one of her best works, "The Camera Runs Over". And then life connected her with the metropolis until 1990 - before leaving for Israel, where she took root and continued to develop as a writer: she worked as a literary editor in the weekly literary supplement "Friday" to the Russian-language newspaper "Our Country". And she still lives in this country - in the city of Mevaseret Zion.

It was after such a decisive step in life as the emigration from the Soviet Union that the Russian magazines Novy Mir, Znamya and Druzhba Narodov began to pay attention to the works of Dina Rubina. It was after this that from 2001 to 2003 she had a chance to visit Moscow as the head of the cultural programs of the Jewish Agency.

Many of Dina Rubina's works became bestsellers in different countries, translated into several dozen languages. Among them:

  • "On the sunny side of the street";
  • "Sunday Mass in Toledo";
  • The White Dove of Cordoba;
  • "When will it snow?"

Dina Rubina's works can be read on Liters online or downloaded in fb2, txt, epub, pdf formats. Their main feature is colorful language, vivid characters, a rude sense of humor, adventurous plots and an accessible description of difficult moments. According to critics, Dina Rubina is a writer for intelligent girls.

Near Jerusalem, in our opinion - practically in a residential area, is the town of Maale Adumim. Among its inhabitants there are many representatives of the Russian intelligentsia - writers, artists, journalists, over the years they moved to Israel from Russia and other republics of the former Soviet Union. The city is young - it is not even 40 years old. Its name is translated from Hebrew in two ways: either "Red Rise" - in biblical times this was the name of the corridor between the rocks that rose from Jericho to Jerusalem, along which an important trade and military route passed; or "The Rise of the Edomites" - by the name of a tribe that lived in these places many thousands of years ago. That is, in any case, the location is significant. And it is there, on the edge of the Judean Desert, surrounded by olive trees, some of which are two thousand years old, that Dina Rubina lives. And it was there that TN correspondents visited the writer.

- Dina Ilyinichna, in Russia you are one of the most widely read Russian prose writers. Your works are translated into many languages ​​of the world, filmed (just remember the films "On Verkhnyaya Maslovka", "Lyubka", "On the sunny side of the street"). And in Israel you are simply called “our Dina”. Does the status of a recognized literary classic not press? How do you assess this - a kind of burden or a gift of fate?

- Only the first publication was a gift. When you are 16 years old, such a feint is perceived as fireworks. Now my fame is a burden, and quite serious. First of all, due to lack of time. A huge number of letters come to my email address - up to fifty a day: business, friendly, from readers. I answer most of them. There are also meetings with readers, interviews, an endless number of submitted manuscripts and books that I am asked to read, and so on. Perhaps all this would please me if I were essentially different, not appreciating solitude more than anything else in the world. After all, I only give the impression of a light, secular, sociable person. Few people suspect how morose introvert I am. I have a tragic personality, I do not know how to be joyful.

- Well, as a child, weren't you happy?

- I never understood and did not like these conversations about a happy childhood. Anyone you listen to - for everyone it turns out to be happy. And in my opinion, in childhood, a person is almost constantly unhappy, simply because he is defenseless and small, and this gigantic frightening world rushes towards him with great speed. And even if he grows up in a prosperous family, it means that something is certainly wrong in the yard, at school ... I was born in Tashkent. And she lived there for 30 years. She grew up and matured in a despotic environment. Now I am talking about this without fear of what my dad will read. (He sighs heavily.) He will not read it anymore: it has been three months since he has been gone ... And before I always gave interviews, taking into account that it could catch my father's eye. Afraid of his reaction. When I called in the morning to ask him what blood pressure he had, whether his back hurt, after two or three minutes of conversation, dad would certainly utter the catchphrase: “Well, stop talking! Work, Negro! " And I humbly listened to this in my sixth decade, with all my published volumes, huge circulations and prizes. My dad remained an oppressive father to the end. But he never touched me with a finger. The overwhelming force of his authority and character was overwhelming. He was an artist, taught painting and drawing at the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute. Students respected and loved him.

I grew up in a family where it was believed that a child should achieve everything on a daily basis, to achieve the maximum. For my father and my sister, there was always something not enough: high marks, success, thoroughness in the elaboration of some sonatas ... thirst for perfection. My personal perfection ... I still can't imagine myself doing nothing - for example, lying on the couch in front of the TV. It’s simply impossible, and not only because I don’t have a TV set. In me there is a constant inner work on the next book. Right now I am struggling with a new novel in two volumes - "Russian Canary". It is very difficult to write. The first book - in volume as "The White Dove of Cordoba" - is already ready. I have been writing this volume for two years. This means that the second will take at least another year. If you get a page a day - great luck. The first option never suits, the next day it will be rewritten, the day after tomorrow I will return to it again - and so on an uncountable number of times. At the same time, my creative baggage is huge simply by the totality of the working time in my life. Even in my youth, I woke up at five in the morning and sat down at a typewriter. The first half of the day I worked on my compositions, and the second half I was engaged in translations. I have always lived a hard, exhausting and very educating life ... By the age of 24 I was a member of the Writers' Union.

- Is your mother as stern as your father?

- No, mom is a very lively person, enchanting, I would even say adventurous. She escaped from her father's character behind some Potemkin villages. Moreover, as a teacher of Russian history, she knew many wonderful tales about that era and told them beautifully. In general, it seemed to me that Catherine II, Potemkin, Paul I, Peter the Great were representatives of our family clan.

- Did your parents encourage your literary aspirations?

- On the contrary, they considered my writing to be the most complete nonsense and idleness. They persistently led my sister and me to a musical career. By the way, my sister was taken out: Vera is a wonderful violinist. Now she lives in the USA, the president of the Massachusetts Music Association, a brilliant teacher - her students receive prizes at competitions. And my father and mother saw me as a pianist. They cooked thoroughly, and it was a real musical violence. I honestly hated classes and still believe that they took 17 years of my life. I studied at a special school at the conservatory and had to study music for six to seven hours a day. Imagine this hard labor. Of course, she tried to evade the drill, made a fair effort to get out of life at least some pieces of time for inner life. In this connection, scandals broke out in the family every now and then. But since my parents were constantly working, I still managed to slip out of their attention. I was a fantastic liar, I could build a tower of lies just to go where I wanted. For the sake of protecting your self and personal time, in order to escape from home captivity. Where to? I could take a commuter train and leave for the whole day without ever going to school. She often disappeared at the zoo - she just sat on the bench and looked at the monkeys. By the way, I moved in space in complete loneliness - and then I absolutely did not need anyone. I say: I am by nature a complete introvert, multiplied into a cube. It's strange, yes, to hear this from a person surrounded by friends, girlfriends, acquaintances, half-acquaintances, strangers? But it is so.

- How did you manage to break through to writing?

- Nobody broke through anywhere. Everything happened as if by itself. The smile of fate. Cinderella's option. While studying in ninth grade, I came across in the magazine "Youth" a story written by some eighth-grader. I thought: “But I have a hell of such stories. Why not send? " And she sent one, forgetting about it right away. And once again I ran away from school, God knows what neighborhoods in Tashkent. Returning, I knock on the door with a conventional family knock. Dad opens it and says from the doorway: "You have finished badly!" Everything is clear: the class teacher reported my absenteeism. Horror ... I am lamenting: "Dad, dad, forgive me, I will never again ... This will not happen again ..." To which he sternly said: "You have been sent a letter from the government department." Do you know in which envelope the dispatch came? Publishing house "Pravda". It was something unreal. It is good that the Stalinist times have passed, otherwise it was possible to get rid of it out of fear. Still - a letter from the leading party publishing house in the country. So, the envelope fell into the hands of my father. It was considered impossible to print other people's letters in the family, but it was also unthinkable to leave such a message unattended, so dad read it in the light, holding it to the lamp. It read: “I have read your story, I liked it… It will be published in such and such issue of the magazine…” The family was numb. The parents did not know how to react. On the one hand, I should have been blown up, because I again write some stupid handwriting, instead of studying music, and in mathematics and physics - an eternal nightmare in a cool journal. But on the other hand, the publication with a circulation of three million is not a joke. Do you know what fee I received? 92 rubles! Scary money, huge, at that time - the monthly salary of a junior researcher. Mom immediately said that she needed to buy something that would remain in memory of this event. For life! For many provincial people, everything is done "for life." (With a smile.) No, I still treat my childhood with great irony. In short, my mother and I went to the Farhad market. In the nearest gateway we were caught by a speculator. A gigantic aunt, a real Gargantua in a skirt. On her huge belly were some kind of sweaters, leggings, skirts packed in plastic bags. As soon as she saw us, my aunt squealed: "Come here, buy something for your girl, such a beauty, such a good mother!" Mom asked: "So what are you going to offer us?" She exclaimed: “And here's a jacket! Buy this charm for your daughter, Schaub she wore it all her life. " I thought longingly: “Why do we need a jacket for life? ! " But of course this monstrous pink synthetic masterpiece was bought. I wore the new thing for a week, before the first wash, after which the jacket faded and went in rolls.

- When did you fall in love for the first time?

- In 17 years. Passionately, ardently, as it should be in terms of age and emotional status. We met for three years, at the age of 20 I got married and lived in marriage for five years. Our son Dima was born. The boy was very restless, he did not sleep at all at night. Struggling with sleep, I took him out in the wheelchair - there he finally calmed down, fell asleep, and I, swinging my leg in the wheelchair, made notes in a notebook. This is how the story "When will it snow?" Was written, which was also published in "Youth". Suddenly it became popular - they made a radio staging based on it, staged a play. And I turned into a Tashkent celebrity.

- Was your husband okay with your success or was he jealous?

- And what man, especially in his youth, will gladly accept the success of his wife? My husband was no exception. But this was not the only reason for our divorce. Still, there is such a thing in the world as your half - a person who is intended specifically for you. Here is my second husband actually intended for me. And the first one just accidentally suffered from me. Like a meteorite. I bumped into him and hurt him for many years. I left like a man, taking only my son and a typewriter with me. Later, she bought Dimka and me a tiny one-room cooperative apartment not far from my parents with my fees.

- You have a creative take-off, you begin to actively realize yourself as a writer, and at home you are a child. How was it combined?

- I repeat, my father hammered into me the main word - "duty". In everything. And of course, the child was my main duty. I lived on a break. But an incredible amount of energy was seething in me. I remember earning a living in Uzbekistan by translating Uzbek prose writers. In particular, there was such a Nurali Kabul - the son-in-law of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the republic, Sharaf Rashidov. He wrote stories, they gave me an interlinear translation, and I made literature out of it. The resulting result was published in the magazine "Youth", and then translated into different languages ​​from my "translation". Nurali told me: “Dinkya-hon, why don't you ask for anything? What do you need? Do you want a car, do you want an apartment? What to give you?" Thinking, I answered: "Nurali, do you have paper for a typewriter?" Then it was in short supply. And he gave me a pack of paper ... From time to time Nurali arranged a "tui" ("holiday". - Approx. "TN") for some Moscow guests. And he invited me by itself, as his translator. But this eternal "duty, duty!" - dad believed that I myself should cope with my son and everyday difficulties. In a word, after sitting among the guests for a while, I got up and explained that I had to go home to my son. Nurali said: "For what I respect Dinka - he is a good mother ..."

- How, with such parental control, did you contrive to get married again?

- A film was filmed based on my story "Tomorrow as usual". The picture turned out to be worthless, but the music in it was lovely. It was written by the wonderful composer Sandor Kallosh. When I arrived in Moscow for dubbing, he said: "Dinochka, I want to introduce you to a brilliant artist." By that time, I had already been alone for five years, albeit surrounded by a crowd of suitors who circled around me with intention and hope. But I repeat: I am a heavy person and, most importantly, a workhorse, which means that it is not easy to endure me. Sandor was not aware of my personal life, he only wanted me to see interesting pictures and meet a talented person. My reaction was from a series of "thank you, no need" - since childhood, artists are fed up. But still she went. Boris Karafelov had a huge workshop in the Palace of Pioneers. He taught there several days a week. All this I described in the story "The camera comes running!". Although during my acquaintance with the painting of Boris I politely showed an approving attitude, his paintings did not make any impression on me. My father was an artist of a completely different direction, I grew up in realism, as if in materiality, and all Boris's colors, multicolor, multi-layeredness were incomprehensible to me, not close. But I liked the artist himself. Short, thin, with incredible eyes - very gentle, chaste and at the same time deep, penetrating. Moreover, his character turned out to be soft, delicate, absolutely not oppressive. In short, as it turned out later, Boris is the only person whom I can bear next to me for a long time. Nevertheless, I did not lose my head right away, unlike him, who immediately began to seek reciprocity. Everything happened very violently and very seriously: letters, trips to Tashkent - the light is not near ... He completely conquered me with his delightful old-fashionedness.

- Did your parents show loyalty?

- Well, you, with all the great love for me, there has never been any loyalty. “Why would you get married? You have a son, you have creativity! And for whom - for the artist ?! " They are used to the fact that the daughter is alone and everything seems to be fine with her, so why the hell does she need more ?! But in 1984 I left for Boris in Moscow, and two years later Eva was born to us. By the way, we registered in secret. In Tashkent. For a lot of money - to speed up the process. First, for 25 rubles they bought a certificate that I was pregnant, and another 50 rubles were paid to get us painted the day after tomorrow. The next day after the stamps in the passports were affixed, my mother's brother, Uncle Yasha, came to see me. A loyal communist, a man of extremely strict rules. It was formed unexpectedly: I came to my parents, and this is a neighboring house, but there was no one there, and he came to me. At that moment I was preparing dinner in the kitchen, Boris was in the bathroom. Uncle Yasha entered the room and sat down to drink tea. Boris hid. For a long time he did not dare to appear, finally could not resist - well, how long can you be locked up? He came out in sports pants, a T-shirt and slippers. Uncle is in a daze. A dumb scene. "Uncle Yasha," I say, "meet me: this is my husband." He choked, asked: "Who, this ?!" - with such an intonation, as if Boris were an escaped convict. “Yes,” I say, “we signed yesterday.” - "On what basis ?!" - “Uncle Yash, how on what? Based on a woman's need. " Then he to Boris: "And what are you doing?" Borya admitted that he is an artist. Uncle Yasha looked at me disparagingly: "Couldn't you find anything more solid?" I have funny relatives. But then everyone resigned themselves to my choice and, by the way, loved Borya very much. (With a smile.) What else could they do? Do you know when my husband finally conquered me? Soon after we signed, my mother came to us. She was somehow very worried that she was not in the center of the incident. "Do you know, Boris, that Dina is a difficult person?" - asks. He said, "I know." “She can be silent all day,” he says. “I readily believe,” my husband replies. And I thought: "Here is finally a man who will swallow me with all my bells and whistles." Indeed, Borya and I may not say a word to each other in a day. And it doesn't annoy anyone.

- Dina, why did you decide to emigrate?

- There were several reasons. One of them, quite significant, was the fact that they gradually stopped publishing me. Obviously because I started writing something more serious than the romantic stories of a country girl. For example, the story "On Verkhnyaya Maslovka". Now she is so kind, filmed, translated into different languages, according to her in Western universities they write dissertations. And then they didn't take her to Yunost. The heroes are some kind of marginal people, losers, an ancient old woman ... Where are the burning topics, where is the nerve of our time ?! I thought that in the end on "Youth" the light did not converge like a wedge, and went to other magazines. But even there they gave me a turn from the gate. I wrote some things that fell outside the social orientation, the heroes of my stories and stories were eccentrics - strange people with non-Soviet destinies who existed on their own, separate from any communities, parties. My characters did not fit into the reality of the mid-1980s, and I myself did not fit ... And one more thing: it was a time when many districts of Moscow were covered with anti-Semitic appeals. This is exactly what our area was different. And I cannot live in a situation that is offensive, unbearable for my well-being. I realized that I do not want children to grow up in this dislike ... We left for Israel at the end of 1990. I moved the whole family there. I didn't have to persuade my husband - feeling my condition subtly, he understood how important it was for me. In addition, apparently, I have long wanted to, as they say, "change the pasture" - a purely literary feeling of the exhaustion of the surrounding space and themes. However, that global move was a colossal test.

Emigration is not just a change of scenery. And not even a natural disaster. This is hara-kiri, suicide. Especially for a writer who writes in the language of the country he left. We were leaving forever. With no hope of returning, no intention of returning. Leaving the apartment, although in those years housing could already be privatized and sold - many of our friends did just that. But I didn't. She left the country just like she left her first husband - she left everything, only she took the children. And, funny as it may seem, she took out only one thing. Except for Borin's paintings, paint-brushes - and you could take no more than 20 kg per person - I took my favorite Gzhel teapot, wrapping it in the rags I had turned up. It turned out to be two pairs of cowards - a son and a husband. (Laughing.) It was with these two pairs of panties that we started a new life.

- At that time, it seems that the war in the Persian Gulf had just begun ...

- Yes, we got straight into the war - with air raid sirens, with gas masks. I described all this in the story "In your gates." A few weeks before the start of the bombing, they explained to us how the air raid siren would sound and what should be done at that moment. But when in the middle of the night a chilling howl was heard for the first time, I decided that the day of the Last Judgment had come. She lay motionless, staring blankly at the ceiling. Boris brought me out of the stupor: “Why are you lying ?! We put on gas masks and into the room! " In Israel, every home has a sealed room with a steel door and steel shutters on the windows in case of chemical and other attacks. The hardest part was putting on a gas mask on my four-year-old daughter. At these moments, Boris and Dimka, I began to dance around Eva, as if such a cheerful performance was taking place. (With a sigh.) Very scary, but there was no turning back. It just remained to live on. Life itself turned out to be the hardest test of strength. A million people fell on the country, there was no work, the language still had to be learned. All the little money that they gave us in the form of lifting money went to an apartment, a refrigerator, a heater ... There was nowhere else to take. And I started what most of the women who came from the Soviet Union did then, regardless of education, former social status and other Soviet regalia - I went to wash the floors for 10 shekels per hour. After all, the worst thing is the ghost of your starving children.

- Are you with a mop in the houses of strangers ?! This is a blow to pride.

- Yes, there was a shock. It's just that now I know that I already died once - at that time. For me, of course, it was death. I knew for sure: my earthly life as a writer was over. But I could not cope with my gut, with verbal magma, with images that involuntarily overwhelmed me. Understand, I have been writing since childhood, all my life, by that time I had already been the author of four books, that is, a completely developed writer, and writing was my tick, the running of my hand that had been accumulated over the years.

- And at the same time washing floors ...

- Well, what can you do? After all, I'm quite a hardy woman ... But soon I was offered an editorial position at a tiny publishing firm. They paid very little money, but still it was a stable income. She received the required small grant for the publication of the book - the circulation, of course, is scanty, but even that is bread. She began to travel around the country, to speak to readers - also some pennies. So little by little, life began to improve. And finally a wonderful period began: Borin's paintings began to sell well. The first was bought at an auction in Nice. It was serious money, we revived terribly and ... for the first time since our arrival, my husband and I went to a cafe.

- How did you feel about the fact that in Israel everyone, including girls, is being drafted into the army?

- Not "taken away" - each person has the opportunity to choose alternative types of service. They go voluntarily because it is necessary. And there's nothing you can do about it. Of course, when my children put on a military uniform, I, like any mother, was worried. But at the same time she was proud. The fact is that this country rests on the shoulders of our children. If not for a strong army, it would have been crushed long ago. We simply have no other choice. Mine served honestly, as they say, according to the Hamburg account. Especially Eva - she served in a very serious, prestigious army.

- What are the children doing now?

- Dima works as a manager in a large trading company - he orders products, always conducts some kind of negotiations. Awarded with diplomas every year. Eva received her first university degree in English literature and is now completing her second degree in archeology, preparing to defend her diploma. Then she plans to take up a dissertation. He draws beautifully, writes prose and poetry, both in English and Hebrew. And I also have a wonderful Karina Pasternak, whom I consider an adopted daughter. In the early 2000s, I was the head of cultural and public relations in the Moscow branch of the Sokhnut agency, and Karina worked in my department. She became a very close friend of our family, and when we were to return to Israel, she suddenly said: "I want with you." I was taken aback: “How ?! And mom, grandmother ?! You are the only one with them. " But she firmly stood her ground. I had to discuss this topic with her mother, who now comes to Israel with pleasure to visit her daughter. And Karinka made a wonderful career here, she became the designer of the site of the famous museum of memory of victims of the Holocaust of the Jewish people "Yad Vashem". He drives around in his car, rents an apartment not far from us. On Fridays, all children gather for family dinner.

- Are you comfortable in the status of a grandmother?

- I would say - stunning. The granddaughter was a huge discovery for me. It's so funny and instructive for me to watch Shiley - that's her name. Translated from Hebrew, it means "a gift to me." At first I was dumbfounded by such an unusual name for the Russian ear, hoping that after all the child would be called humanly. But now I'm used to it. And I already hear something dance-French in the name ...

- Dina, do you re-read your books?

- Never. Although recently I had to turn to "Parsley Syndrome", but only because a friend asked for advice about dolls. While I was working on the novel, I studied the topic thoroughly. So I was forced to return to my composition. I began to read. And I remembered the wonderful story about Tolstoy, when, putting things in order, he pulled out a sheet of writing from some gap and ... read it, and after reading it to the end, he said: “Who wrote this? Well written! " I had the same feeling. I even called Boris. He came down from the workshop: "What happened ?!" And I say: "Borka, you know, a very good book!" So I said that I do not know how to be happy. That's right, it is. And yet I know what happiness is. When the book is finished and by pressing the computer key I send it to the publisher, at that moment I experience an incomparable, great happiness.

Career: author of several dozen collections of novellas, short stories and seven novels: "On the Sunny Side of the Street", "Petrushka Syndrome", etc. She taught at the Tashkent Institute of Culture, headed the literary association at the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, headed the department of cultural programs of the Jewish Agency"Dry"

Dina Rubina is a popular novelist writing in Russian. The writer's novels have been translated into Bulgarian, English, Polish, German and Hebrew. The circulation of the books comes out in one hundred thousand copies. Vivid images and witty style allowed Dina Rubina to firmly conquer her niche in modern literature. The author of contemporary prose was awarded the Prize. Arie Dulchina (Israel), the Big Book Prize (Russia), the Israel Writers' Union Prize and other awards.

Childhood and youth

Dina Rubina was born on September 19, 1953 in the city of Tashkent, Uzbek SSR. Dina's father - Kharkiv citizen Ilya Davidovich Rubin - came to Tashkent to visit his parents after demobilization from the front. Mom is a history teacher Rita Aleksandrovna. When she was 17, she came to Tashkent from Poltava during the war. Dina's parents met at an art school - a young teacher, Rita Aleksandrovna, taught history to a student Ilya Rubin.

Dina Rubina as a child with her parents and sister

Dina went to a music school for gifted children at the conservatory. The future writer called the school "an elite hard labor". Rubina described her memories of the horror during the piano exams and other school experiences in her biographical story "Music Lessons". In 1977, Dina graduated from the Tashkent Conservatory. She worked as a teacher at the Institute of Culture.


The first work of Dina Rubina was published in 1971. The section "Green portfolio" of the magazine "Youth" published a short story "Restless nature". After several publications, the writer was published on a regular basis until the 90s in the "Prose" section of the "Yunost" magazine. Work in the magazine brought Dina Rubina fame among Soviet readers.

The prose writer remembers his work in Tashkent with humor. She translated Uzbek authors into Russian to earn money. The translation of Uzbek folk tales, for which she received an award from the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan, the writer called "blatant hack". The author speaks inappropriately about his play "The Wonderful Doira", written for the musical theater.

In 1977, Dina Rubina's story “When will it snow?” Was published. This is a poignant story of a 15-year-old seriously ill girl, Nina. The heroine is offended by her father, who has forgotten Nina's dead mother and found a new love. On the eve of a serious operation, the girl meets a guy and falls hopelessly in love. The heroine constantly asks the question: "When will it snow?" The snow that fell has become a symbol of renewal for the heroine. TV version of the play "When will it snow?" Moscow Youth Theater brought Dina Rubina popularity.

The film "Our grandson works in the police", filmed at "Uzbekfilm" based on the story "Tomorrow, as usual" by Dina Rubina, turned out to be a failure. But the participation of the writer in the filming of the film served as material for the novel "The Camera Runs Over", which was a success. In 1977, Dina Rubina became a young member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan. Three years later, the writer was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. Having moved from Tashkent to Moscow, Rubina wrote for radio shows, continued to create stories and stories.

At the end of 1990, Dina Rubina and her family moved to Israel for permanent residence. I got a job in the Russian-language newspaper "Our Country". After moving to Israel, there was a creative and personal crisis in the life of the writer. The Soviet magazines Novy Mir, Znamya, Druzhba Narodov at that time began to publish Rubina's stories.

After a long silence in 1996, the novel "Here Comes the Messiah!" This is a work about the life of Russian emigrants in Israel. The author, sometimes with sadness, sometimes with humor, describes the situations in which former Russian citizens find themselves in their new homeland.

In the 2006 novel On the Sunny Side of the Street, Dina Rubina intertwined the fates of people running along the sunny side of the street. The heroes of the novel make up a motley collection of different and at the same time similar stories. The hero of the novel, the sunny city of Tashkent, united an artist and a student, a prostitute and a drunkard.

In 2008, one of the most popular books by Dina Rubina, Leonardo's Handwriting, was published. The novel tells the story of a girl named Anna, who has the gift of foresight. A woman travels the world with a circus and makes predictions. Anna's life is tragic: a woman can only watch how difficult predictions come true. The events in the novel are shown through the eyes of the main character's husband and friends.

Another work by Dina Rubina that deserves increased attention from readers is the novel "The White Dove of Cordoba", written in 2009. The book tells about the artist Zakhar Kordovin. The hero lives two lives: in one Zakhar is a teacher and an expert, in the other he makes fakes of paintings by famous masters. In 2014, one of the most successful works by Dina Rubina, "Russian Canary", was released. The detective trilogy includes the works Zheltukhin, The Voice and the Prodigal Son.

Total dictation has been held in Russia since 2004. Anyone can write a dictation - from a student to a professor. Recently, the text of the dictation has been written by writers and celebrities. Participated in the project,. In 2013, the honor to write the text for the Total Dictation was given to Dina Rubina. A scandal is associated with the event - the governor of the Ulyanovsk region replaced Dina Rubina's text with a story by Vasily Peskov. The results of the Total Dictation in the Ulyanovsk Region were invalidated.

In 2001-2003, the writer worked in the department of culture at the Russian branch of the Jewish Agency organization, which is engaged in helping repatriates.

Personal life

The first marriage of Dina Rubina, according to the writer, was unsuccessful. The couple quickly broke up. Dina with her little son Dima moved to the cramped apartment of her parents. Having received a fee for the play "Wonderful Doira", she bought a one-room cooperative apartment and lived in it before moving to Moscow.

With her second husband, artist Boris Karafelov, Dina met during the filming of the film "Our grandson works in the police." After the wedding, in 1984, the couple moved to Moscow. In 1990, the family emigrated to Israel. In a marriage with Boris Karafelov, Dina Rubina gave birth to a daughter, Eva.

The writer’s husband and daughter are religious people. Boris is an illustrator of his wife's works. The family lives in the Israeli city of Mevaseret Zion.

Dina Rubina now

In 2017, the Eksmo publishing house released a new book by Dina Rubina, Babi Wind. The work drew mixed reviews from fans of the writer's talent. The novel is told on behalf of a beautician from Russia who emigrated to America. Many clients pass through the hands of the heroine, many of whom reveal the stories of their destinies to the woman.

The novels of the writer have been filmed more than once. In 2015, the film “Parsley Syndrome” was released, directed by Elena Khazanova based on the work of the same name by Dina Rubina. Famous Russian artists starred in the film: Merab Ninidze and others. The film tells about the boy Petya, who witnessed the murder of the mother of the little red-haired girl Lisa. Years later, the puppeteer Peter marries Lisa. A couple of terrible trials await.


  • 1996 - "Here comes the Messiah!"
  • 2004 - "Our Chinese Business"
  • 2005 - "Master Tarabuka"
  • 2007 - "Old Stories of Love"
  • 2008 - "Astral flight of the soul in a physics lesson"
  • 2008 - Leonardo's Handwriting
  • 2009 - "The White Dove of Cordoba"
  • 2010 - "Parsley Syndrome"
  • 2010 - "Intimate Myth ..."
  • 2010 - It only hurts when I laugh
  • 2011 - The Murderer
  • 2015 - Coxinel

Dina Ilinichna Rubina was born in the family of the artist Ilya Davidovich Rubin and a history teacher. She graduated from the music school at the Conservatory, and in 1977 - the Tashkent Conservatory.

Rubina's first story "Restless Nature" was published in 1971 in the magazine "Youth"... In 1977–78. taught at the Tashkent Institute of Culture, in 1978–84. led the literary association at the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, translated Uzbek writers into Russian. Her stories and stories were published in the magazine "Youth", and the plays "Wonderful doira" and "When will it snow?" were staged in several theaters of the Soviet Union. In the 1980s. three books of prose by Rubina were published in Tashkent: "When will it snow ..?" (1980), "The House Behind the Green Gate" (1982), "Open the Window!" (1987), in 1990 a collection of novellas and short stories "Double surname" was published in Moscow.

In 1990, Rubina immigrated with her family to Israel. After the move, she worked as a literary editor for the weekly literary supplement "Friday" to the Russian-language newspaper "Nasha Strana".

The stories and stories of the author were published in the magazines "Youth", "New world", "Ogonyok", "Continent", "Soviet Literature Abroad", "The art of cinema", "Friendship of Peoples", "22", "Time and We", "Banner", "Observer", "Jerusalem Journal", as well as in many literary almanacs and collections. Beginning in 2003, Dina Rubina began to cooperate with the Eksmo publishing house, which actively publishes and republishes the entire corpus of her prose. Over the years of cooperation with the publishing house, the total circulation of D. Rubina's books has exceeded two and a half million copies. D. Rubina's books have been translated into 22 languages. Her novels, stories and short stories have been published as separate books in Hebrew, as well as in English, Bulgarian, French, Czech and Estonian.

Rubina's prose is distinguished by a pronounced author's intonation, attention to everyday details, accurate depiction of characters, irony and lyricism. A special place in Rubina's work is occupied by the Jewish theme: the historical past of the people, as well as the modern life of Jews in Israel and in the Diaspora.

Since 2000 Rubina has been working as a representative of the Jewish Agency for Work with Communities in Moscow. Her husband is an artist Boris Karafelov, a permanent illustrator of her works. Dina Rubina has a son Dmitry from her first marriage and a daughter Eva from her second. Lives in the city of Maale Adummim.

Fiction in the work of the author. The author's profile works include the conventional cycle of novels "People of the Air", written in the genre of modern magical realism. The most famous novel of the cycle is Leonardo's Handwriting, which in 2009 was nominated for many major science fiction awards in Russia and Ukraine. The novel tells about a girl with paranormal powers and writing in a "mirror handwriting" similar to that of Leonardo da Vinci.

Other literary awards and prizes:

  • Laureate of the Ministry of Culture of the Uzbek SSR (for the musical play "Wonderful doira", 1982).
  • Laureate of the Arie Dulchina (1992) (for the book “One intellectual sat down on the road”, 1990).
  • Laureate of the Prize of the Writers' Union of Israel (for the novel "Here comes the Messiah!", 1996).
  • Laureate of the Russian Prize for the novel "The White Dove of Cordoba" (2010)
  • Laureate of the Foundation. Yuri Stern and the Ministry of Culture of Israel (2009)
  • Laureate of the Oleg Tabakov Foundation prize for the story "Adam and Miriam" (2008)
  • Winner of the "Best Book of the Literary Season" award (France, 1996) for the story "Double Surname".

  • The writer came to Moscow for the presentation of the book "Windows" and talked with "Telesem" about fate and happiness.


    was born: September 19, 1953 in Tashkent. Since 1990 he has been living in Israel. Writes books for 40 years
    books: of the big - 8 novels. Rubina's books have been translated into 27 languages. Recently added Norwegian, Albanian, Italian
    marital status: married. Spouse - artist Boris Karafelov
    dish: "Grilled meat. I am a pronounced meat eater "
    drink: “I am a liquor soul. Most of all I love Amaretto and I conveyed my love for it to Vera, the heroine of the novel On the Sunny Side of the Street
    favorite ring: from a silver coin from the time of Alexander the Great
    I bet you didn't know that ... Dina Rubina has a favorite place in Moscow - the Botanical Garden. When the writer lived in our city, she went there for a walk with the children.

    Place of power

    - Dina Ilyinichna, do you have a talisman or a place that recharges you, gives you strength? When you worked on the novel "Parsley Syndrome", a doll, a toy Parsley, helped you. And now?
    - I have such a favorite place - the whimsically indented coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the Israeli region of Haifa. There was a Phoenician fortress in ancient times. Archeology students still find coins, amphorae, and ancient anchors there. Birds such as I have never seen before fly there, because there are bird migratory routes ... This is a magical place where you forget about everything. I love working there, wandering along the shore ... Boris even has a picture that opens my website: I am walking along the shore with a dog.
    - Your husband paints you with such love as Salvador Dali does his Gala ...
    - You know, when we arrived in Israel, we were completely beggars. All those airplane kilograms that we were entitled to by law were occupied by canvases, paints, varnishes - whole rolls of canvases and a box of paints. Our first rented apartment in Jerusalem was small and empty. And once a collector from Spain came to us, a lady in high heels. The lady looked for a long time, returned to one picture, to another ... And suddenly she said: “Boris, you are a real artist! You are in love with your wife ... ”By the way, Borya is still painting my portrait. We even bought an antique 19th century armchair for his new studio so that he could paint this portrait of me. The chair has a tall carved back. I sit like an English judge and pose.
    - Do you always pose or does he draw from memory?
    - I'm posing, of course. While the wife is alive, she can pose.

    Apartment near Calvary

    - In the "Line of Life" on the channel "Russia K" you said that one of your favorite activities is to drink vodka with Igor Guberman. Surely he dedicated a garik to you!
    “Just don’t make me an alcoholic. I don’t drink at all, but the literary tasks of the text will require something else. And Garik, dedicated to me ... Once he gave me his book. And I got sick, I had another asthma attack. And so I call him, choke, cough and say: "Igor, I am now reading your book with such pleasure, I'm sorry, I can't talk for a long time, I'll get well, I'll call and tell you more." I hang up, and a minute later the phone rings. And Guberman says: “Listen, I wrote a rhyme here, in my opinion, a genius:“ Dina is lying on her bed, holding a book on her hip. After reading this work, impressionable people die. " In general, Igor is a fantastically bright person with an instant reaction. There was such a case - Shenderovich and Guberman were visiting me. And we just moved into a new apartment overlooking the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane. Guests go out onto the balcony. And I say, “See the view I have here of Calvary. True, this apartment was so expensive that I had to go into debt. " Guberman: "So name her at once - dolgofa!"

    Woman's happiness

    - In your autobiography, you write that you had two families - happy and unhappy. How are happy families different from unhappy ones?
    - This autobiography is also a literary work, you should not take it literally. However, if a person is already starting a second family, then it is obvious that the first did not suit him. Do you understand: what is a family? Either this is your man, and you forgive him everything. Either not yours, and then it's a matter of seams. After all, there are no people without flaws. Yes, you can scream and scream that you are tired of all this, and why almost all the light bulbs in the house have burned out, and no one is in a hurry to screw in others, and whether the garbage will ever be "taken out voluntarily" ... But for a successful marriage, this is absolutely nothing does not mean. And vice versa. You may have a worthy chosen one, with whom you "did not grow together." And he has only to make the slightest mistake, a trifle - for example, to leave a towel in the wrong place ... And - that's all, this towel can put an end to your relationship! It's not about the towel at all. And the fact that your partner is either your half or not. Remember Karenin's ears, which irritated Anna wildly. This is a very subtle thing, like an electronic circuit. If the details are combined, the circuit will start working. And if not, then no. My life experience says that the union of two people is a complex, sacred, mysterious thing. When a person wants to go somewhere together, it means that the marriage has turned out. I know one very old couple, they have been together for 60 years. And all the time they are drawn to take a break from each other. The wife always wants to run away somewhere in order to take a break from her old husband. It doesn't matter that they have grown-up children, that they have lived their lives together. The marriage did not work out! Yes. It's like a transplanted organ. Either stuck, or not.
    - How to "educate" a husband to obey?
    - Oh, no need to educate. It is impossible to train another person. I believe that a healthy fresh storm in the family, a scandal, is much better.
    - Do you often quarrel with Boris?
    - I was very lucky, because I am a person prone to conflicts, to blow up the situation. And Boris tries to get away from scandals or snaps peacefully, like any normal man. This is such a temperature of marriage. A family, especially with a person of such Odessa intensity as I am, cannot exist in the regime of a mortuary. There will always be some explosions. Moreover, I am generally a very difficult person in everyday life. Borya - on the contrary.
    - In fact, you are a difficult person, and I am a heavy one, - Boris enters into the conversation. - But our two minuses, as in physics, generally give a plus.
    - Do you have family traditions?
    - We have all the children on Fridays. I cook pilaf, I know how and I love to cook it. But this is only one day a week, the rest of the time I work.
    - And do you celebrate anniversaries, the day of acquaintance?
    - Oh, you know, my dates are bad! I'm not a "Danish" person at all. I don't remember a damn thing. On the eve of my father's birthday, for example, my mother calls me and says in a choked voice: "Do not forget to congratulate Dad tomorrow!"
    Once Borya and I walked all day, and in the late afternoon, lying on the couch and looking melancholy at the ceiling, he said: "And today was my birthday ..." I howled and fell on his chest ...

    Beloved granddaughter

    - Recently your granddaughter was born. How does the status of a grandmother change a woman?
    - If you want to ask if I feel like a grandmother, then no, I don't think about it. The birth of a new person in an already established family is a special case. I have already made my maternal trip in this life for a long time, endured two lives on myself. And, by the way, I still continue to drag my children up the hump - but in general I am such a person ... dragging this life.
    But the main thing is that our children have grown up long ago. And suddenly a baby falls into your arms. I am currently working on the novel "Russian Canary". It will be a multi-deck, wide, score novel. So, there is one heroine - a grandmother, who raised a grandson from a daughter who suffers from droogomania (this is the disease of constant running away). And this grandson grows up, marries, and his beloved young wife, having given birth to a daughter, dies in childbirth. And he absolutely falls out of life, plunges into an abyss of despair, into a nightmare depression ... A baby falls into the arms of his grandmother, already a very old woman. And the father of the newborn is not even able to take the child in his arms. And so she takes this child from the hospital, sits in front of him in complete prostration and says in a hopeless voice: "Another baby" ... So it was with us when the granddaughter was born. And I, as my heroine, thought: "Again the baby." A granddaughter is a great happiness, but also a wild responsibility! And so I just left for Moscow, left the baby for a week and call all the time, find out how she slept, how she ate ...
    - On your Facebook page, you wrote that the baby was born with your wrinkles ...
    - Yes, the newborn had wrinkles on the forehead between the eyebrows, just like mine. But now they have already passed, now such an apple-face. In my opinion, her disgusting character is mine. A funny girl turned out - she looks, smiles, laughs. Hope it will be beautiful; like ugly she has no one to be in. But it's more important to me that she be human.
    - "Do all our wrinkles already exist before a person is born?" - you wrote. But no answer was given.
    - In the Jewish tradition, it is believed that when a person is born, he remembers everything. In the womb, he "sees a thousand years ahead and a thousand years ago." This human soul, which fell into this body, still retains its knowledge in the womb. But when a child is born, a certain angel hits him on the lips, and the little man forgets his past lives. So it seems to me that when a new creature is born, it still remembers something like that. In the first days of infancy, the granddaughter looked well with such penetrating eyes that children simply do not look! So it seemed that she knew something, and I wanted to ask her: well, what is there, beyond the line? An absolutely mystical sensation! In general, many babies look like aliens in this world.
    - So you called yourself a "dragging man." It takes a lot of strength to help others - maybe it's easier to throw everyone off the neck?
    - Well, this is a given, a character. I drink pills from pressure, but I'm taking them. I was born a person who needs to control everything. As my friend says: “You had to be a controller. You get on the tram and check everyone's tickets. " I really have to control everything, otherwise it's hard for me to live. So I give my friends some task, and then I start checking them, because I know for sure: I will do it better.

    Personal fortune teller

    - I know that you have several personal astrologers who predicted your future.
    - In general, I take predictions seriously, I even have my own fortune-teller. A very interesting woman. When she lays out the cards, she hardly looks at them. Then her face changes, and she begins to speak quickly, with pressure, uttering completely unusual, unfamiliar words to her: "layout", "circulation", "contract for the sale of rights" ... But what can I say, my great-grandmother was a gypsy - therefore, of course I believe in predictions.
    And all the watches stop at my place. The only ones that are still in progress were presented by my husband. Instead of numbers, they bear the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
    I will tell you a recent case. Very scary and iconic. Not so long ago, Asar Eppel, a prose writer and a wonderful translator, died. We have always been on good, but not very close relationship. And in the morning before work, over the first cup of coffee, I take a book from the shelf ... Usually I take Brodsky or Nabokov. And then for some reason I thought that I hadn’t read Asar for a long time. I take his book "Crushed Satan". I open it at random ... I come across a story about an inkwell. A detailed description of the pen, quills, blotting paper ... After school, the boy sits in a dark classroom, looks at the street, and there, in the darkness and in the snow, a puny with brass knuckles is waiting for him. He is scared to go out there, into the cold darkness. And suddenly, in the dark, a certain adult appears (this is the author himself) and starts a conversation with a boy, who is also the author himself, but in childhood. And this is such a strange mystical conversation about not being afraid: “Come out, don't be afraid. Pull yourself together, boy, finally! " I close the book, and at that moment Boris comes down from the second floor of the workshop and says: “We just passed it on - Asar Eppel died” ... I remember Asar about once every two years. Why did I take this particular story on that very morning, when a person's soul should go out into the dark and not be afraid of anything? Why?
    - Why then go to the fortune-teller? You yourself should know everything about yourself.
    - When fateful things happen in my life, I try to synchronize my own feelings with competent fortune-telling. And I calm down when her predictions coincide with my premonitions.
    - And if she predicts bad things and programs you?
    “It's hard to program me. I am in awe of life and accept all of its manifestations.

    Love Formula

    - In one of your interviews, you confessed: "For me, love has always been a grindstone, about which my character was polished." How does love polish our characters? It turns out that unhappy love is better in this sense?
    - For a writer, all misfortunes are good, except for the most terrible ones, of course. I still have such a damned character - I am very deeply worried about everything. There are people: well, he was not lucky, he shook himself off and went on. It’s not like that for me: I blame myself, I replay my failures a hundred times, I build the possibilities of a different plot ... It's another matter that stories and stories are then born from this. But I, for example, do not have a literary work about my first marriage. I don’t want to remember him on a subconscious level. Although most often failures are played by the writer. There are those who learn from failure. There are those whom they break.
    But in general, a person needs happiness. You need confidence in the future. And especially for a woman. I always believe that it is best for a woman to have her husband alone, for life. And I'm talking about this to my daughter.
    - And what about women who have not yet met their happiness?
    - But it happens in different ways. One does not seek, but finds. And the other one walks - looks around and misses one, another, a third ... It seems to her that there, beyond the horizon, there is something like that ... Or better - in another city, or even better - in another country, where she will finally meet a handsome prince. At the same time, she misses her fate, which every day travels with her to work in the same tram.
    So don't feel like you've missed all the trams.


    - From my books, from how the idea coincided with the embodiment, the best ones turned out to be On the Sunny Side of the Street and The White Dove of Cordoba. There I could not do anything else - these are my earthly possibilities. But as an author I love Parsley Syndrome and Leonardo's Handwriting the most. It doesn't explain anything; internal disassembly with itself.
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    Photo by Artur TAGIROV and from the personal archive of Dina Rubina