Late love. Theater on Malaya Bronnaya

Late love. Theater on Malaya Bronnaya

Ticket prices:
Mezzanine 1500-2500 rubles
Amphitheater 2500-3000 rubles
Parterre 3000-4500 rubles

Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes

Harry Bendiner - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Leonid Kanevsky
Ethel - People's Artist of the Russian Federation Clara Novikova
Mark - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Daniil Spivakovsky

The tragicomic performance of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya "Late Love" is one of the best works of the wonderful actor Leonid Kanevsky, who played the main role of Harry Bendiner, a lonely man who lived a difficult life. One day Harry meets an amazing woman who kindles in his heart the fire of late love, all-consuming, capable of pushing the hero to new achievements. Now Harry meets a new day without fear - he is ready to do everything that he did not have time to do before.

The play "Late Love" is based on the play by playwright Valery Mukharyamov. So, in the center of the story is an elderly Jew who emigrated to the United States. He lives in a luxurious apartment, buried all his relatives and friends long ago. The only close person who remained next to Harry is his secretary Mark (Emaniul Vitorgan), and even he is preparing to leave for his homeland, to Israel. With a pain in his heart, Harry gets used to the thought of imminent loneliness. Absolute emptiness, longing and sadness - that's what awaits the protagonist. But everything changes when His Majesty Chance brings Harry to Ethel, a wealthy and cheerful lady, very attractive and lively. Falling in love with Ethel, Harry changes before our eyes. He forgets about all the insults, illnesses, adversities, he feels like a young, elated, romantic and happy person, capable of moving mountains ... But Ethel's unexpected act turns everything upside down, turning an unpretentious comedy plot into an emotional drama. Make an order for tickets for the play Late Love at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya today and we will deliver them free of charge to any district of Moscow.

Performance Late Love - video

This story is amazing, sincere, it touches the soul and remains forever in the heart of every spectator. Leonid Kanevsky's performance is beyond praise. His duet with Klara Novikova (Ethel) attracts attention and does not let go of the final remarks, gestures and looks. The talented work of director Eugene Arie, a chamber and gentle performance about the most important feeling in the life of any person.

The performance of the Israeli director Yevgeny Arie "Late Love" is a great opportunity to plunge into the world of all-consuming love, which is capable of changing people, their characters and bringing new colors to life. The tragicomedy is based on the play by Valery Mukharyamov, written based on the story of the writer Isaac Bashevis-Singer "In the Shadow of the Vineyard" about a lonely man who, in his declining years, finds his one and only.

The play "Late Love": a touching story about the main thing

For the first time the play "Late Love" was shown to the viewer in 2006. Its premiere took place in Israel at the theater in Tel Aviv. Later, the performance was seen not only by Moscow theater lovers, but also by audiences in Germany, Japan, America, China. Late Love 2019 this season is just as bright and unusual and incredibly popular.

The protagonist of the play is the lonely Harry Bendiner. Behind him is a difficult life with difficult goals. The man achieved a lot, was able to get rich and moved to another country, but wealth does not bring him satisfaction. Everything in his life will change when the amazing, full of joy, wise woman Ethel bursts into it.

The play "Late Love" at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya is 160 minutes of laughter through tears, empathy for the heroes, admiration for them. Sparkling Jewish humor captures the viewer, enveloping in magnificent jokes, sharp remarks, arguments between Harry and his friend Mark.

"Late Love" - ​​a star cast on the Moscow stage

Evgeny Arie is the artistic director of the Israeli theater Gesher. The director collaborates a lot with artists and theaters from different countries. In staging the play Late Love in Moscow, he used the magnificent Leonid Kanevsky and Klara Novikova, who are masterfully capable of conveying tragedy and irony, and grind out barbs that do not cause offense.

The musical and artistic setting makes a special atmosphere on the stage. The sets, designed by production designer Mikhail Kramenko, were made abroad and specially delivered to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

How to buy tickets for the play "Late Love"

You can buy tickets for the performance "Late Love" on the website of our agency. Working in the ticket market for over 10 years, our specialists understand all the intricacies and preferences of a demanding theater audience and are ready to do everything to make your trip to the theater vivid and memorable.

On our website you can online:

  • get information about the show;
  • book tickets by choosing the most comfortable seats in the hall;
  • pay for the order by credit card, transfer or cash.

Our service for ordering theater tickets is the most convenient. Discounts are provided for organized groups, and for those who do not want to waste time traveling to the ticket offices, our specialists will deliver tickets free of charge to any address in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Buying tickets for Late Love means giving yourself and your loved ones a wonderful evening in the company of famous artists, appreciating their skill, energy and organic interaction with each other. And it is also a great opportunity to look at your loved ones with a new look, because it is love that can work miracles.

The theater on Malaya Bronnaya brought the play "Late Love" based on the story of Bashevis-Singer. What was there from Malaya Bronnaya, I don't know. Staged by Arie, who is the chief director of the Tel Aviv Gesher. Clara Novikova, a pop lady, Leonid Kanevsky and Daniil Spivakovsky, who is better known as a film actor, played. However, there is another participant in the production of Mukharyamov, who turned the story into a play. Singer's story is tough, fluent, and leaves the feeling of hopelessness complete. Not a play. Here an additional character is introduced, some connections are drawn, and even a certain future is outlined, which is not even mentioned in the story.
The plot of the play is as follows. Harry, who once fled from Poland to America, is now old (he is 82 years old) and lonely. His only support Mark, whom he rescued from the ghetto as a child and brought to the United States, leaves at the insistence of his wife to Israel, and Harry is left alone. His children and his wife died long ago, and there remained somewhere an unfamiliar grandson who does not want to know him. Harry is rich, but happiness is not in money, they explain and show us. And suddenly a new neighbor knocks to meet Harry. Probably, all this is happening in the Jewish area, since it is obvious to everyone that the neighbor is Jewish. Relatively young (57 years old) Ethel hails from the same area of ​​Poland where Harry once lived.Ethel is also lonely. She lost contact with her daughter, and her husband, whom she loved very much, recently passed away. By the way, the husband was exactly the same age as Harry, and also successful in business. Ethel is a rich widow. An instant romance begins. The next day, Harry proposes to Ethel, which she accepts. During the conversation, Ethel constantly remembers her husband, it turns out that after his death she spent seven months in a psychiatric clinic. And the next morning, Harry, who is already planning to break the wall separating their apartments, learns that at night Ethel threw herself out of the window and died. But Harry does not lose heart, on the contrary, he finds his grandson, and together they decide to find Sylvia, Ethel's daughter. Such a spirit-lifting end
The target group for which Arie is staging the play are elderly Jews, and he makes the right choice. It is these people who will go to the theater in Tel Aviv, Brooklyn, Moscow.
The performance turned out to be balanced. Clara did not pull the covers over herself at all, as one might expect. Although the shadow of the intonations of "Aunt Sonya" had a place to be, she also played the Polish "Aunt Sonya", who had sex in the USA and traveled around Europe. Kanevsky showed an acting class. Small details of movements, mumbling, senile inhibition and apprehension. It was funny, touching and no vulgarity or anguish. Spivakovsky overdid it a little in the role of a little henpecked Jew, but remained within the bounds of decency. Arie is excellent (as always, however) used the music. One of the most touching scenes of the play is when Ethel starts playing on the tablecloth like a piano, and Harry picks up an imaginary violin, and then they (and we) hear exactly the music they are playing. At the end of the performance, Ethel's spirit was introduced so skillfully that it did not seem in the least artificial.
In general, the performance turned out to be cute. You don't often leave the theater with a good aftertaste!

Ostrovsky's play "Late Love" is probably known to every schoolchild. But in the interpretation of Yegor Peregudov, it turned out to be very unexpected. The production turned out to be both sad and funny, light and wise, a little ironic and subtle.

About the play "Late Love"

What awaits the audience on stage? First, the search for answers to eternal questions. It turns out that "Late Love" is not just an age, it is an act that can be done at 18, 20, and 30. This is a state of mind when you so want to be loved.

In the center of the play "Late Love" is the question - what price is a person willing to pay for happiness when it seems to be very close? Give up principles? Sacrifice your life, both your own and someone else's? Give it back? Each of the heroes decides for himself - what is the border of morality, where is the very line between "allowed" and "not allowed", is it worth crossing it and will it really bring that very happiness?

Alyona Babenko, who surprises her fans with an outright eccentricity on the verge of clownery, together with the audience, is experiencing Late Love on stage, Marina Khazova, Nikolai Klyamchuk and other famous actors.

Other works of the director

Yegor Peregudov is a young, but very talented and already well-known director. Popularity in the theatrical world brought him, first of all, the stage of the Contemporary, where he staged "The Time of Women", "Warm Heart", "The Mysterious Night Murder of a Dog".

How to buy tickets for a show

Despite the fact that the play "Late Love" has been staged in Sovremennik since 2016, by 2018 the Moscow audience had not yet had time to get enough of Ostrovsky as interpreted by Yegor Peregudov. That is why it can be difficult to buy tickets for Late Love. Our clients have the opportunity to order them online or by phone. We:

  • professionals in their field, so we will always help you choose the best places in any price category;
  • we value time not in words, but in deeds, so we will deliver tickets by courier in Moscow and St. Petersburg for free;
  • we care about the convenience of our customers, therefore we have provided the opportunity to pay for the order in different ways: by card, cash and even bank transfer;
  • we just love our clients, so we delight you with the system of bonuses and discounts.

Who should go to the play Late Love? Everyone. It is ideal for the first acquaintance with the theater (although, of course, it is not simple, but, nevertheless, it is quite understandable). He has already conquered avid theatergoers. And even those who looked into the Sovremennik by chance and ended up on "Late Love" do not remain indifferent.