Horoscope: What to wait if the child is born twins, a girl? General characteristics of a child twin.

Horoscope: What to wait if the child is born twins, a girl? General characteristics of a child twin.

The girl born under this sign of the zodiac is just a lively information drive, while it is interested in absolutely everything. With equal attention, the girl will listen to the details of the life of neighbors and scientific explanations regarding the trajectories of the planets. At the same time, it is absolutely inexhaustible curiosity.

May 22 - June 21


In one place, the girls twins do not sit calmly - they just get bored and lonely. But surrounded by adults, small twins flourish. Parents have joy about the fact that the child has learned to speak very soon - a fairly child to start set endless questions to which it is often difficult to answer.

She is so funny that you can lose sight of the fact that thanks to the inquisitive mind, it does not allow mistakes and prompts the tricks on time. Gemini always notice what is happening right in front of them while other people indulge in distracted dreams.

Twin - changed child. This is a double sign, and you are forbidden that two different people are combined in a twin girl, because in the blink of an eye she turns out of the angel in a decent, from a quiet mouse in a confidently shopping elephant, from a playful kitten in an irritable pantry. Twins are able to distribute their attention. This is a symptom of duality of the sign: he never grabs something one. In childhood, this concern is obvious when some particular lesson annifies small twins.

As the air sign relies, the life of the twins rotates around thoughts, ideas and their expressions. In the early years, twins need an excess of mental stimulation to develop and train their inquisitive mind. Gemini Girl - the child sociable from nature, its inexhaustible curiosity to the surrounding life encourages it incessantly ask questions and smolden knowledge, which will then be required to communicate with other people.

For small twins, communication exclusively with mom will always be insufficient. In her society, Kroch will quickly begin to bored and capricious. He will calm down only with the arrival of another family member.

20.10.2016 2539 2

Children born under the sign of the Zodiac Twins, from six months old begin to demonstrate their character. Not all parents understand how to react to some crumbs and make mistakes in dealing with such a child. How to bring up small twins than to take a child and how to bring it up?

Parents are not always easy to find an approach to their child. This is especially true of those moms and dads, whose children were born under the dual signs of the zodiac. These include scales, fish and twins. The last sign is peculiar to the conception, activity and excellent imagination. Since these qualities are laid in nature, forcibly changing the crumbs will not work. It is necessary to deal with what principles are guided by its upbringing.

What are they small twins?

for small twins of communication exclusively with mom will always be insufficient. In her society, Kroch will quickly begin to bored and capricious. He will calm down only with the arrival of another family member. Gemini can not sit for a long time in one place or spend the whole day in a manneva, playing with toys. Such children need constant movement and change of the situation. A long stay alone is deepening for small twins.

Gemini love sincerity, so relatives who often embellish events, they are not perceived seriously. Children born under this sign of the zodiac can lose confidence if confidence in parents will lose. The restriction and knowledge of the world can lead to the same result.
Gemini boys are curious and mobility. They love to joke, play, fantasy. So kids are difficult to stop in place.

Gemini girls have a rich imagination, fairy tale and poetess, seek to play only in the moving games and recognize something new.

Small twins are considered good friends and comrades, erudites and connoisseurs, witness and pets of noisy companies. A child born under this zodiac sign has excellent memory and can master several languages.

Gemini Children love to read, preference give fiction, try to write poems and stories independently. With incorrect education, good imagination will lead to the fact that in adolescence, the twins will begin to lie.

Character features

The main features of the character of small twins sociability, impermanence and curiosity. Therefore, such kids always need communication, new acquaintances, the change of the situation and new impressions.
Little twins are overwhelmed, they before other children begin to chat and make the first steps. Another feature of children born under this sign they can do several things at once, but not everyone is brought to the end. Therefore, kids need from childhood to teach finishing the work started before switching to something new.

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac love to invent various items, sew clothes, build, draw, create something new.

Children born under this sign love musical instruments, especially string and keyboards

What to take a twin baby?

Little twins in the younger school age can pour parents with questions about what he can do. You should not ignore this, talk with the child and offer him a visit to the section or a mug. There, Kroch will definitely not be bored.

The most comfortable little twins will feel among the members of the radio engineering mug, young naturalists, artists, musicians or astronomers. Children born under this sign love musical instruments, especially string and keyboards.

Play twins prefer to designer, logical and educational games, chess, character and computer games.

A child born under the sign of the twins is very active and impressionable. It is distinguished by great curiosity. He is trying to sleep very sensitively and not long. As you grow, the time of day sleep will be very quickly reduced, as your inquisitive child will be afraid to miss something interesting.
Children Twins Do not suffer monotony, not only in food, but also in class at all. Feed it in a small age, a rather difficult occupation. The kid is easily distracted, and you need to try to keep it attention. In infancy does not like to swim, but closer to the age of 1.5 years, it will become one of the most favorite activities. Children born under the sign of the twins, adore all moving toys. Even their passion can watch, vacuum cleaner, machine and blender. As soon as the child can ask questions a parent, they will reflue out of it. Considering the excessive impressionability of the child of the twin, it is not worth watching creepy films overnight or listen to terrible stories, it is worth avoiding any excitements.
Children Twins They have sufficient stubbornness, but they do not always perform, openly against anything, and if the case is looking for a way to refuse to perform undesirable action. In intellectual plane, children twins are sufficiently developed, they are inherent in the easiest perception of new information. But in order for children to bring started to the end, they should be patient. To communicate, they will always have like-minded people.

Boys and girls born under the sign of the twins

And the boys and girls twins can learn to read at an early age. More interest in such children will cause not fictional stories, but quite real, with facts and reliable information. Children of both sexes of this sign have the ability to study foreign languages. In addition, the girls of this sign show the game on a musical instrument, such as piano. Boys are more intensely intense intellectual activities, grafted since childhood patience. Natural talents will help achieve success in life. Girls should provide an interesting and fascinating pastime, otherwise, their curiosity can lead to unpleasant situations.
Twin children should still at the initial level to establish trust and frank relationships. Such a format of interaction between parents and children will greatly facilitate the flow of the adolescence.
Boys twins More demanding about people, therefore, if they hurt their lies on their part, it is fraught with the loss of authority.
If you wish to enlist the support of the child of the twin, it is better to call for its logic and mind. Boys, this sign of the horoscope, it is desirable to stimulate interest in sports sections or just to physical education.
Girls twins Mostly shown sea air and also sports. And all because twin children have the location of colds, which, in the absence of timely intervention, can switch to inflammation of the lungs. Possessing a moderate viability, the children of this sign need control and care.
Very often, twin children become left-handers. And before they finally define, they can alternately be managed both right and left hands.
It also needs to be noted not only impressionability, but also nervousness, and excitability of such children. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account this and try to communicate with them calmly without unnecessary emotions. The presence of a living mind requires constant food for reflection. Pay more time to various developing classes that are very familiar to the twins.
Natural mobility and thrust for knowledge makes children of twins very noticeable in the total mass. In school, they will take part in public life or become the start-up in the classroom. When growing, a restless baby can be the best student in the classroom.
These kids are distinguished by amazing sociability. They are easily adapted in the new company. As soon as the opportunity to take part in the new venture will appear, they will be here, as here.
It is also worth noting the amazing charm of the twins. The boys are inherent insight, and girls observation. These qualities will give them a good service in the future, and will help not get under a bad one's influence.
Choosing the direction of circles and sections, Parents will have to work hard. The fact is that hobbies in twin children can be diverse. Their curiosity and mobility, unforgettable is more suitable for classes in the circles of naturalists, theater studios, or radio-electronic circles.
If possible, take the boys to the twins of the book of Encyclopedia, only they will satisfy his constant interest.
And, starting from the two-year-old, both boys and girls twins will be glad to various mosaic and designers, puzzles.
But more they need live communication. And they have special love for animals. All dogs and cats must be them overwhelmed and stroked.
Another distinctive feature of the twins are their oratory. At a young age, they will be able to very naturally and concisely express their opinions, and if desired, they can even copy the teacher's maneer or to adopt the manners of any authoritative man for him.
To the strengths of twin children It is necessary to include their dexterity, high adaptation ability, good memory and mobile mind, contact and sociability.
As professional preferences It will be possible to mention journalism, accounting, commerce, work in the scientific sphere and other specialties that imply the opportunity to travel.

While children-teltsi can be said, manual, twin baby is something unrestrained. They collect and scatter information, they are interested in relations with people; These are school teachers, journalists, reporters - in general, everyone who deals with the means of information. Recognize in the group of children a twin child may be a matter of wisdom. The behavior of the child depends on this, which from the "twins" dominates in it in this period of time - the one that is full of love and rejoices of life, or the one that sullen and loops on himself.

And this is just the most important feature of this tribe. As parents you raise up not one child, but two, and often they are full opposites to each other.

One of the twins possessing, as it seems, endless energy, carelessly flies, like a delicious butterfly, trying to change the one, then another. He is funny, cheerful, his speech is the same lively and fast as his mind. Another twin is more prudent, more thoughtful, more pedantic. Nevertheless, both twins are in the same body and, waking up in the morning, you ask yourself a question, which of them you will meet today at breakfast. Gemini manages Mercury, mythological god, known as the Messenger.

And, like Mercury, most twins tend to move, think and speak quickly. They absorb the information like small sponges. It is worth you once to say something to a twin baby, and he remembers it even after fifty years. The combination of the moon is important for this child. The moon in the elements of the earth landing it; Air makes more intellectual; Water aggravates intuition; And the fire repels it from the water.

Despite the fact that the unrestrained energy of the twins causes them from time to time to spread it, in their restless mind there is a secluded place in which facts, statistics, numbers, stories accumulate. They masters collect different trifles. Children born under the sign of the twins love trips and travel, even if the path lies only to the nearest pharmacy at the corner. They like the crowd and turmoil everyday life, a variety that people make in it, and they usually have friends from different social circles. Such children exhibit sincere curiosity towards people; They may be attentive listeners.

Gemini children are very funny and playful

The ability to listen is one of the ways with which the twin baby acquires knowledge. Although in this plan for him all means are good: books, movies, television, newspapers, humorous stories, wrapper package with porridge - all this is a fascinating informative game for twins. One of the best gifts that you can present your twin baby is an early learning to read.

The most vulnerable body in the body of such a child is the lungs. When the twins are in a state of stress, at the physical level it is most likely to appear in the form of respiratory infections: colds, influenza, bronchitis. And then your twins require parental "therapy" - hugs, viewing old television shows, reading each other books on a rainy day. All this nonsense your twin baby will remember for a long time and will remember when he will have his own children.

Children's boy. Despite his oratory abilities and readiness to conduct conversations, your son-twin may not be too perceptive as to what it really is from the inside. But he will perfectly play the role of the situation in which at the moment. Remember: the greatest asset of twins is their adaptability. Place such a child in an unfamiliar area, and his fast, living mind will instantly appreciate all the details, and then make everything you need to connect them into a one.

Starting from the oldest age, the twin boy is very polite, sociable, attractive. He pulls him to people, and in society he literally flourishes. And it does not matter, he is in the group of children or adults, - in any case he enjoys. However, there are moments when the twin boy is content with the game alone, with interest leafing books, is engaged in pets or explores some bizarre thing that fell into the eye in the yard.

For twin boys (like the girls of this sign), an idea of \u200b\u200bhimself and the world around him, in which they live. Their irrepressible curiosity takes them into the country of reason, where you may never be able to get. At times, this mental care captures them so hard that they forget about the real environment. While in this state, your son-twin son can lose a landmark and, suddenly raising his eyes, to find out that he found himself in the most time of a crowded street or stands on his knee in the lake.

Gemini boys are very kind and attract other guys to themselves.

In his impatience, everyone to know your son-twin can be tactless. For example, maybe ask why Uncle Sasha bald, in the presence of uncle Sasha! But at the same time he does not seek anyone to offend anyone. This happens simply because the restless mind of the twins is trying to connect all the individual parts into a single whole. If you donate it, it will begin to resent. But if you tactfully remind him of ethics of behavior and that there are things that should be sympathy, this lesson will benefit him.

When your twin son is experiencing stress, it is expressed in different ways. He can become very gloomy, clicter in himself, like snail in his sink, or will become picky, or just get sick. In the first case, try carefully "pull it out." Try to talk to the child, let him tell that not so. Talk to him. In the second case, give him the opportunity to release a pair with the help of some kind of physical activity. For example, play football with him, swim, go skating. And then talk about what bothers him. In the latter case, let him understand that you are near that you love him and are always ready to support.

Gemini girl. For the most part it is a mystery. All related to her leads you to confusion - her birth, temperament and behavior at an early stage of life. Starting from two years old, she can sleep calmly all night - or, on the contrary, he sleeps badly before entering the kindergarten. She begins to talk early and desperately needs interlocutors. But nothing else about your twin daughter is predictable.

At a young age, it is easy to distract with something unusual or new. Bold colors, sparkling jets of rain, exotic animals, exciting books and movies, as well as people who bring it to the world, who does not like the one in which she lives. This trend is preserved by her, perhaps, in the early school years. She is sinking with her head to the themes of interest to her, and everything else does not pay attention to. The mind of your twin daughter is often so fast that he lacks refinement and insight. From a practical point of view, this means that your twin girl can perceive the situation as if in the form of strokes, but not understand how to collect them together. Explain to her the essence of these small details, teach to connect the points into a single whole. This applies not only to its school sessions, but also relations with peers.

Gemini girls are very mysterious

As the girl will grow up, you will notice that it directly leads you to confusion. It seems that she lacks tact, sympathy or the other. But you need to understand that these qualities should not be perceived as the features of the person. This is the voice of her intellect, left half of the brain. Therefore, if you ask your daughter, how she likes your new haircut, and she will answer that you better looked with long hair, do not be offended. You asked her opinion - and she expressed him with all the directness.

Regarding all twins - men and women - there is an opinion that they are inconsistently in love. Presumably this is associated with the duality of this sign. But the ability of twins to love both how they express it are best designated by the signs of the Moon and Venus and the placement of their homes.

Since the twins tend to live basically their heads, exercise can land them a little, make their body pay attention to their body. Advise your twin daughter to take part in such a sport, where a mental strategy or mental discipline is required, and it will achieve success with the same fervor, which investigates its inner world.

Age stages Child-twin

From infancy up to seven years.At this stage, the twins are thrown from one extreme to another. They either sleep, eat and behave in all the rules, in accordance with the guidance of babies care, or, on the contrary, do not obey them completely. And sometimes it seems that they fall into both extremes at the same time. Again, it depends on this, which from the "twins" dominates this day.

In infancy, twins or very quiet, or extremely active

From the very early age, the twin baby is extremely restless and to take it to something, all your ingenuity may be required. Just remember that the twins are a mental sign. Books, riddles and folding pictures are fascinated by him. But the devotional pet can take a long time to take a little firm.

Twin from seven to fourteen years. At any age, twins may notice boredom. But at that stage, when the hormones begin to play and the teenager masters the thirst for independence, boredom can direct your twin in such places where you would not want it to be found. As a parent show vigilance and make sure that by the time your twin baby will reach the age of a second-grader, he has something that belongs exclusively to him - a family newspaper, which he himself produces; The musical instrument on which he plays; Artistic addictions. It will smooth out many sharp corners, and will make a negative pressure from the peers less tangible.

Always remember that, exciting the natural mental curiousness of your child, occupying something useful to his intelligence, you will be one step ahead in this game.

From fourteen years to twenty-one. At this stage, patience can be missed even in the saint. When you tell your child that he should not do something and then, or limit him into something, he wants to know why. It is not enough for him that you are an adult man and therefore you can prohibit something.

If your explanation seems to be not enough for a child, it will obey until you explain it so that it satisfy it. If you cannot convince him in your rightness, then you better reproduce your game plan, reconsider our goals and try to find what will work. Otherwise, these seven years you will live as in exile.

Gemini after twenty one year. At some point you will hear that your son or daughter, the twin has the intention to marry (get married) more than once or that he wants to have twins. The final decision can be successfully found thanks to the analysis.

Twins are very loving

However, at this stage, one defined relatively twins is one: in its partners, they are looking for intellectual communication, and in their professional life - intellectual satisfaction. For your Child-twin, it is vital that he finds both and the other.

The inner world of the twin baby

Nowhere nothing is said about where the problems can have problems. In any case, he will think of them and explores. It can, for example, to conduct an extended analysis of discrepancies in the convictions of world religions, absorb each nuance, but will never be engaged in spiritual practice. He can explore different religions and practices a little, before it finds what it suits him. He can join some religion or, on the contrary, become a shaman, sorcerer. And perhaps, it will not come to any spiritual beliefs at all.

Twins are very versatile personalities

Thanks to the versatility of this sign, the twins can live a long life with contradictions in their basic beliefs. But at some point, these contradictions will begin to put the steps to them. For example, with love belonging to animals, a person born under this sign suddenly discovers that there can be no more meat, and becomes a vegetarian. Or, being smoking man, suddenly aware of the importance of environmental protection and immediately parting with his destructive habit.

In the depths of such indigenous changes lies the greatest strength of your twin baby - its intelligence. This is his filter. These are lenses through which he looks at the outside world. This is a driving tool for its evolution and transformation.

The elements of the twins are air, Mercury patronizes from the planets, the beloved color is pink and yellow, the stones of the twins - Chrysoprase, Agat, Beryl.

The main feature of the character of twins is ingenuity and communication.

By the nature, the twin children are very active, they are given natural ability to cope with any cases, they have a wonderful reaction, so they react very quickly to everything and know how to correctly evaluate the situation. These children are sociable, quickly pour into the team, because they do it easy and simple.

However, they have negative traits. Their energy leads to the fact that they are taken at the same time for several cases immediately and do not bring them to the end, fussing and nervous at the same time, are often disobedient, inconsistently, have contradictory judgments.

Parents of twins should know that their children are distinguished by high vitality and impressionability. In the house there should be a calm atmosphere, without too much noise and scream, because the twins are sharply reacting to it, the child will start shrank and scare. They are constantly waiting for, afraid to miss the most interesting event and as a result, there is a problem with sleep, children are badly falling asleep. With age, this problem is exacerbated, the child is tired by the end of the week, and parents should know it. No need to interfere with the child to sleep an extra piece on the day off. In early childhood, Gemini children pay attention to moving mechanisms and objects, to the crown toys, on the car, clock.

Gemini children are extremely inquisitive. They ask a thousand questions and do not listen to the answer, shifting their attention to another object. Twins are difficult to make something to do if they do not want it. They will come up with a thousand reasons to see from affairs without entering outdoor conflict. Nature awarded these children a unique ability to grab everything on the fly. They, as a rule, have abilities to study foreign languages \u200b\u200band in early childhood can master one of them. Children ... Gemini very early remember the letters and early begin to read. The peculiarity is that they love cognitive books, not fiction. They are interested in facts and information from the scene.

For parents it is very important to establish contact with the child in early childhood, otherwise the wall of misunderstanding in adolescence will be too high. You can not deceive the child, because it is very clever and quickly understand in a situation, and this threatens the loss of confidence in parents. You can not resort to the method of coercion, the child will still try to get out and can learn to lie.

The physical development of the child's parents must be given due attention. It is useful to breathe mountain air, but not everyone has such an opportunity, so you need to devote physical activity in the fresh air, the walks in front of bed are particularly useful.

All children are fantasies, and twins especially. You can offer your child to record your stories in the notebook, just so can you stop them.

In childhood, children are often sick of colds. Hands are vulnerable, hand brushes, shoulders. In infancy is possible convulsions. Do not panic and scared. It is necessary to put a child on the tummy, turn the head to the side and call the ambulance doctor. For twins, headaches are possible due to a large nervous voltage, they cannot relax.

Among such children are often found left-handed.

So, it can be concluded that the twin children have an unstable nervous system, they cannot be frightened, force to fall asleep some in the dark. Before bedtime, you should not watch terrible films, listen to terrible fairy tales.

Twin baby for the right development need a lot of impressions, you need to teach it to concentrate your strength on the same one, try to bring the started to the end, and not to throw at half the way.
Children's horoscope - Choose your zodiac sign
a lion