Brief biography Giuseppe Verdi. Opera creativity Giuseppe Verdi: General Overview

Brief biography Giuseppe Verdi. Opera creativity Giuseppe Verdi: General Overview
Brief biography Giuseppe Verdi. Opera creativity Giuseppe Verdi: General Overview

Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (Ial. Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, October 10, Ronclara, near the city of Busseto, Italy - January 27, Milan) - Italian composer, the central figure of the Italian opera school. The best operas ( Rigoletto, Traviata, Aida), known to the wealth of melodic expressiveness, are often performed in the opera theaters of the whole world. In the past, often disseminatedly mentioned by critics (for "induction of tastes of ordinary people", "Simplified polyphony" and "shameless melodramimization"), Verdi masterpieces are the basis of the usual opera repertoire after a century after their writing.

Early period

Then followed by a few more operas, among them - constantly executed today "Sicilian Supper" ( Les Vêpres Siciliennes; written by order of the Paris Opera), "Troubadur" ( Il TroVatore.), "Masquerade Ball" ( Un Ballo in Maschera), "The Force of Fate" ( La Forza del Destino; It was written in order to order the Imperial Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg), the second edition of Macbeth ( Macbeth.).

Operas Giuseppe Verdi

  • Wrap, Count Di San Bonifacio (Oberto, Conte Di San Bonifacio) - 1839
  • King for an hour (un giorno di regno) - 1840
  • Nabucco or Nebucco (Nabucco) - 1842
  • Lombards in the first crusade campaign (I Lombardi) - 1843
  • Ernani (Ernani) - 1844. According to the eponymous play of Viktor Hugo
  • Two foscari (I Due Foscari) - 1844. On the play of Lord Bayron
  • Jeanne d'Arco (Giovanna d'Arco) - 1845. On the play "Orleansk Virgo" Schiller
  • Alzira (Alzira) - 1845. According to the Voltaire's plays of the same name
  • Attila (ATTILA) - 1846. On the play "Atillas, the leader of the Gunnov" Zacharyus Verner
  • Macbeth (Macbeth) - 1847. According to the eponymous play of Shakespeare
  • Robbers (I Masnadieri) - 1847. According to the Schiller's plays of the same name
  • Jerusalem (Jérusalem) - 1847 (version Lombardtsev)
  • Corsair (IL Corsaro) - 1848. According to the same name of Lord Bairon's poem
  • Battle at Lenyano (La Battaglia di Legnano) - 1849. On the play "Battle of Toulouse" Joseph Mary
  • Louis Miller (Luisa Miller) - 1849. On the play "Deceit and Love" Schiller
  • Stiffelio (Stiffelio) - 1850. On the play "Holy Father, or Gospel and Heart", the authorship of Emil Suventra and Ezhen Bourgeois.
  • Rigoletto (Rigoletto) - 1851. On the play "King is amused" by Viktor Hugo
  • Troubadur (IL TROVATORE) - 1853. According to the eponymous play Antonio Garcia Gutierres
  • Fraviata (La Traviata) - 1853. On the play "Lady with Camellia" by A. Duma-Son
  • Sicilian Evening (Les Vêpres Siciliennes) - 1855. On the play "Duke Alba" Ezhen Skreba and Charles Lelinier
  • Giovanna de Gusman (Giovanna de Guzman) (Version of the Sicilian Evening).
  • Simon Boccanegra (Simon Boccanegra) - 1857. According to the eponymous play, Antonio Garcia Gutierres.
  • AROLDO (AROLDO) - 1857 (version of "Fiffely")
  • Ball Mascarara (Un Ballo in Maschera) - 1859.
  • The Force of Fate (La Forza del Destino) - 1862. On the play "Don Alvaro, or the strength of fate", the authorship of Angel de Saovenura, the Duke of Rivas, adapted for Schiller's scene called Vallenstein. The premiere took place in the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg
  • Don Carlos (Don Carlos) - 1867. According to the Schiller Plays of the same name
  • Aida (AIDA) - 1871. The premiere took place in Opera House HEDIVA in Cairo, Egypt
  • Otllo (Otello) - 1887. According to the eponymous play of Shakespeare
  • Falstaff (Falstaff) - 1893. According to the "Windsor Muses" Shakespeare

Musical fragments

Attention! Musical fragments OGG Vorbis format

  • "The heart of beauty is prone to treason," from the opera "Rigoletto" (info)



  • Giuseppe Verdi: wiring notes at International Music Score Library Project

Operas Giuseppe Verdi

Obto (1839) King for an hour (1840) Nabucco (1842) Lombards in the first crusade hike (1843) Ernani (1844) Two foscari (1844)

Jeanne D "ARK (1845) Alzira (1845) Atatla (1846) Macbeth (1847) Robbers (1847) Jerusalem (1847) Corsair (1848) Battle at Lenyano (1849)

Louise Miller (1849) Stifellio (1850) Rigoletto (1851) Troubadur (1853) Traviata (1853) Sicilian evening (1855) Giovanna de Gusman (1855)

One of the colors of the flag of the Italian Republic - Green, Verde, Verdi ... Amazing Providence chose a person with consonant name, Giuseppe Verdi, become a symbol of the unification of Italy and the composer, without which the opera would never have been the one we know.

short biography

Giuseppe Verdie was born on October 10, 1813 in a poor family of the innkeeper and straight, living in the village of Roncole near the town of Bucetto (now it is the Emilla-Romagna region). From the age of five, the boy begins to learn a good letter and the game on the organ in the local church. Already in 1823 young diving Related to a wealthy merchant, and at the same time a member of the "Philharmonic Society" Busetto, Antonio Bareti, who, until his death, will support the composer. Thanks to his help, Giuseppe moves to Busetto to study in the gymnasium, and two years later begins to take counterpoint lessons. Fifteen-year-old Verdi is already the author of the symphony. After graduating from the gymnasium in 1830, the young man settled in the house of his benefactor, where she gives the lessons of vocals and piano Margelate, Daughters Baretzi. In 1836, the girl becomes his wife.

Attempting to enter the Milan Conservatory was not crowned with success. But Giuseppe can not return to Bucetto, bowing his head. Having delayed in Milan, he takes private lessons from one of the best teachers and heads of the La Scala orchestra Vincenzo Lavigni. Thanks to a successful coincidence, he receives an order from La Rock to his first opera. In the following years, the composer is born children. However, happiness is deceptive. Without living and one and a half years, daughter dies. Verdi and family moves to Milan. This city was destined to become a witness and loud Glory Maestro, and the most bitter losses. In 1839, dying suicide little sonAnd less than a year later Margherita died. So, twenty-six years Verda lost the whole family.

Almost two years Verda barely reduced the ends with the ends and wanted to throw music. But again, the case was intervened, thanks to which Nabucco appeared, after the premiere of which in 1842, a deafening success and all-essential recognition came to him. 40-50 years have become the most productive in the plan of creativity: Verdi wrote 20 out of 26 of his operas. Since 1847, Juseppin Streptoni, the singer, who performed the ABIGALE batch at the premiere of Nabucco, becomes the actual wife of the composer. Verdi gently called her Pppina, but he married it only 12 years later. Juseppin had dubious from the point of view of the morality of the era of the past and three children from different men. There were no joint children with a couple, and in 1867 they took to raise a small niece. Since 1851, Verdie lives in Sant Agate - own estate near Busetto, doing agriculture and horse breeding. The composer actively participated in political life In 1860, he became a deputy of the first Italian parliament, and in 1874 - Senator in Rome. In 1899, a guest house for elderly musicians was opened in Milan. In the crypt of this institution, Verdi was buried, who died in Milan on January 27, 1901. He survived his peppin for as many as 13 years ... His funeral was turned into a large procession, to hold a composer in last way More than 200,000 people came.

Interesting Facts

  • The main opera opponent J. Verdi - Richard Wagner was born with him in one year, but died 18 years earlier. It is noteworthy that over the years Verdi wrote only two operas - " Othello"And" Falstaff" Composers have never met, but there are many intersections in their destiny. One of them is Venice. In this city there were premieres " Trestahs"And" Rigoletto"And Wagner died in Palazzo Vendramine Caleriazhi. A hypothetical meeting of two great contemporaries is devoted to the book F. Cardel "Verdi. Roman Opera. "
  • The native village of the composer is now officially called Rongkla Verdi, his name is also called the Milan Conservatory, which the musician could not do.
  • The fifth opera of the composer, "Ernani", brought Verdi a record fee for him, which allowed him to think about buying his own estate.
  • British Queen Victoria, visiting the premiere of "Robbers", recorded in his diary that the music was "noisy and banal."
  • Maestro regularly called "Rigoletto" opera duets, almost completely devoid of aria and traditional choral finals.
  • It is believed that not every opera theater can afford to put " Troubadura" or " Ball Masquerad"Since both four magnificent voices are required for both - soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor and baritone.
  • Statistics says that Verdi is the most executable opera composer, and the "Traviata" is the most executed opera on the planet.
  • "Viva Verdi" is also honored by the composer, and acronym supporters of Italy, where Verdi meant: Vittorio Emanuele Re d'Italia (Victor Emmanuel is the King of Italy).
  • There are two " Don Carlos."- French and Italian. They differ not only by the language of libretto, in essence it is two different versions of the opera. So what is considered "genuine" "Don Carlos"? It is impossible to unambiguously answer this question, since there are differences even between the version presented at the Paris premiere, and the one that was executed on the second play with two days later. Italian versions are not alone, but at least three: the first, created for setting in Naples in 1872, four-hour version of 1884 for La Rock, a five-act version without a ballet 1886 for a performance in Modena. The most famous, executable and published on the disks today are the classical French version and Milan Italian.
  • From 1913 in the ancient Roman amphitheater Verona is held annual opera Festival "Arena di Verona." First stage was " Aida"In honor of the century Verdi. In 2013, Aida was also the center of the program of the jubilee festival.

Music Verdi in movies

List movies where Verdi music sounds, you can infinitely, their more than a thousand, most new and popular:

  • La La Land (2016)
  • 007: Spectrum (2015)
  • I - Start (2014)
  • Dzhango liberated (2012)
  • Madagascar 3 (2012)
  • Twilight (2008)

Let us dwell on several interesting screen vendors of Verdi operas:

  • Sophie Lauren played Aida in the 1953 film eponymous, sang Renata Tebaldi for her.
  • In 1982 she came out a striking picture Franco Dzheffirelli "Traviata" with Teresa Stratas and Placido Domingo - Beautiful, Stylish, with incredibly reliable, deprived of the overall personnel by characters.
  • The creative Union of Domingo and Dziffirelli found a continuation of four years later on the selection "Othello".
  • The transformation of the Domingo in the Rigoletto baritone parity in the 2010 Rigoletto Film in the Mantoupe was curiously in the historical interiors.

Biographical films about the life of the Great Italian, on the contrary, not so much. The most famous of them is the Italian mini-series of 1982 "Verdi", in which the title role was played by the British actor Ronald Pickup, and Juseppin Streptoni - famous ballerina Karl Fraceci. This picture gives a wide view of Verdi's identity and historical events of that time, inextricably linked not only with the life of the composer, but also with the fate of the whole of Europe. Renato Castellani created a bulk film of Verdi, in the film the genuine words of the maestro from his letters and memories of contemporaries sound. Ronald Pickup accurately handed the explosive, often cloudy, but simple and sincere character of a frantic genius.

To everyone who is at least a bit disassembled in classical music, I know the name D. Verdie. Operas (the list will be reviewed in this article) of the Great Italian Composer still go on the scenes of world theaters. Verdie is often called Italian Tchaikovsky.

Consider the art of this musician in more detail.

Youth composer

Verdi was born in a small in 1813, but at that moment its territory was considered part of France. His parents were poor, so they could not allow the Son to engage in music seriously, although they believed that Giuseppe would still succeed.

The boy's childhood and youth passed in the struggle for the right to receive the formation of a musician, however, it was often awaited by failures on this field: for example, he was not in the number of students of the Milan Conservatory (which today wears the name of this greatest composer).

Verdie was lucky: he found the patron of the merchant Antonio Bareti. Antonio asked young musician Become a teacher of his daughter Margarita. Young people loved each other and got married. However, the fate of their marriage was sad: Margarita gave birth to two children who died in infancy, and soon and herself died.

At this time, the young composer worked on his first opera.

First operas

Milan La Scala put the first opera of the composer, which was called "Wubto, Bonifoff Count." The production was approved by both critics and the public. The leadership of the theater concluded a contract with the composer to write two more operas. Verdi's operas written due to this contract were called "King for an hour" and "Nabucco". The first was made quite cold enough, which caused Verda an attack of depression, but the second (premiere it took place in 1842), on the contrary, was again met with loud applause.

Since the first shown on stage, a triumphal procession of this opera Verdi around the world began. It was delivered about 65 times in different theatrical sites, which brought real glory and material wealth to the young composer.

Subsequent creative works

Verdi hurried to start creating new operas. They became the Opera "Lombards in a Crusade" (later renamed by the author in Jerusalem) and the Opera "Ernani".

"Jerusalem", first shown in 1847, was also widely known. After these two musical creations, Verdi opera became popular all over the world, and the composer himself received and what he dreamed of all his hard childhood And youth: the ability to write music and find a response in the hearts of the public.

Masterpieces operas

The popularity of Verdi's works (Opera, the list of which all Ros) brought him honor and prosperity. At the age of 30 years, love came again. His chosen was the singer Juseppin Streptoni. Verdie decided to leave on peace, but before that he wrote and put in the theater Opera, who brought him world famous.

This opera was called "Rigoletto". The plot was taken from the famous french writer V. Gyugo.

Another work of the master was the work, which also brought him big success. She was called "Traviata" and was created based on the works of A. Duma.

The following operas became less popular, but the audience attended them with constant interest, since Verdi's name was already at all hearing. These are such works as the Sicilian Supper, Troubadur, Ball Masquerade.

Verdi operas (the list of these works is very large) wrote even by order russian theaters. Thus, the Opera "The Force of Fate", the premiere of which took place in 1862, was written for the Imperial Theater, located in St. Petersburg.

Opera from Egyptian history and Creativity Shakespeare

IN last years Verdi becomes not just famous composerwhose name makes silenced leading musicians of the world, but also recognized genius music art.

It creates works that are still considered an unsurpassed classic. These words can be attributed to several of his later works - Opera "Aida", the premiere of which was held in Cairo in 1871 (the opera was written in honor of the opening and opera "Othello" (1887).

Opera Giuseppe Verdi, the list of which is presented above, struck contemporaries by the power of passion, love and faith in the possibility of man. These creations are talking about how difficult heroes are given the right to happiness and how often tragic circumstances Forced to lose everything that was appreciated sometime.

Last work composer

Among recent works Maestro can be called the Opera Falstaff 1893, created on the play of Shakespeare. 8 years after her premiere Verdi died at a might of the general stroke. Buried him in Milan with huge honors. His students completed several other opera partings started.

Briefly consider the plots of these operas.

Verdi Operas: List of Motiv and their plot

Consider the plots of the most popular works composer.

  • Opera Nabucco - talks about biblical events: about how the king of Babylon let go to the will of captive Jews.
  • Opera "Ernani" is written based on the works of V. Hugo. In it in the romantic key, the history of the love of the robber is retelling.
  • Opera "Jeanne d'Ark" was created based on the play of Schiller "Orleans". It is a little-known work of Verdi (Opera, the list of which we consider, include in general 26 composer works).
  • Macbeth Opera is also written by literary work. In this case, this is the work of Shakespeare about Chue McBetov, resolved on a bloody and terrible crime for the sake of power and wealth.
  • Opera Rigoletto talks about tragic history The life of the old and ugly meckwalk, with whom his Mr. did a very evil joke.
  • Opera "Traviata" reports the plot of "Ladies with Camellia" by A. Duma. The work tells about the fate of the fallen woman.
  • Opera "AIDA" is one of the strongest composer's work. Talks about love between the Ethiopian beauty-princess and the warlord of Pharaoh Ramses.
  • "Othello" transmits the plot work of the same name Shakespeare.

Verdi operas (a list with the content of these creations was given above) still remain the standard of musical art. Pass a century. However, the works of the maestro as popular, so popular and remain. Scientists still explore the unique style of the composer. And simple viewers just enjoy Verdi music.

He gave a lot of strength to his work Verdi. Operas, the list of which we looked at this article, became business card maestro.

Giuseppe Verdi is one of the famous Italian composers. His creativity is a huge contribution to the formation. opera Art, it has become culmination Moment In the development of the Italian opera of the nineteenth century.

short biography

Giuseppe Verdi ( full name Giuseppe Fortunio Francesco) was born on October 10, 1813 in a small Italian village of Le Roncola, which is located in the northern part of Lombardy. At that time, this area was part of the first French empire, so according to the documents of the birthplace of Verdi - France. In an interesting fact, the fact that Richard Wagner was born in the same year, who in the future became the main rival Verdi and one from the leading composers of the opera school of Germany.

Early biography of Giuseppe Verdi is interesting because the parents of the future of the Great Composer were not musicians. Father contained a tavern, and his mother was trick. The family lived very poorly, so the childhood Verdi was hard. The first step of the admission to music was the help of a boy in the village church. At Pietro Baystrokki, the boy learned the game on the organ and musical literacy. Parents were happy with his son to music and even gave him the spinet - a small string tool similar to the harpsichin. His composer kept until the end of his life.

Meeting with Baretsi

Next step B. music career The boy became a meeting with Antonio Baretzi, a rich trader and music lover, who lived in the neighboring town of Busseto. He drew attention to a gifted boy and believed that Giuseppe would not become an innumers or a rustic organist. He believed that he had a great future. Ten years Verdi, on the advice of Antonio Bareti, moves to Busseto, where he continues to study. However, his life was even harder. On Sundays, Verda returned to Le Roncole, where she still played the authority during the Mass. In these years, he has a teacher compositions - Fernando Conduct, which was the director of the Philharmonic Society in the city of Busseto. At the same time, young Juseppe is fond of the classics of world literature: Schiller, Dante, Goethe, Shakespeare. Probably from here and go roots of his work.


Giuseppe Verdi biography contains information about numerous moves. In eighteen, he will be recovered in Milan to continue their education. There he is trying to do in a conservatory in which It is not taken due to insufficient high level Piano games. Interesting fact: Now this conservatory is called Verdi. However, Giuseppe does not despair, he learns the counterpoint from a private teacher, in parallel visiting opera performances and various concerts. He begins to think about the career of the composer for the theater, which is more and more convinced of communication with Milan society.

A brief biography of Giuseppe Verdi cannot be called, because he passed a very long way before becoming famous. In 1830, Verdi returns to Buspeto. Antonio Baretzi did not lose faith in his protege, so helps him arrange the first public speaking. Then Giuseppe becomes a music teacher for daughter Baretzi, Margarita. Young people fall in love with each other and in 1836 play a wedding. Soon the pair are born daughter Virginia Maria Louise and Son of Icylio Romano, but both children die in infancy. Verdi at this time is working on its first opera. In 1840, the wife of the composer dies from Encephalitis.

Failure and success

And the biography, and the work of Giuseppe Verdi briefly can be described as a bright tale of the takeoffs and falls. The formulation of the first opera of the composer ("Obrano, Graph Bonifico") in Milan was quite successful, after which the Impresario of the Theater "La Scala", Bartolomeo Melly, concluded a contract for two operas with Giuseppe. On the time they were written "King for an hour" and "Nabucco" ("Nebuchadnezzar"). However, the opera "King for an hour" failed with a crash, and Verdi, who at that time lost his wife and children, wanted to end the quarry opera composer. However, the second opera - "Nabucco", the premiere of which took place on March 9, 1842 - was a great success. In life Giuseppe Verdie begins new stageAfter all, it was after the premiere of "Nabucco" there was an excellent reputation for him. Over the next year, Opera put sixty-five times, since then it does not reach this day scenes of the best opera theaters of the whole world. The following several operas also had success in Italy.

In 1847, the opera "Lombard" put in Paris Opera. She was renamed "Jerusalem", also a composer had to recycle his work several, including replacing the characters-Italians by the French. The work has become its first work in the style of the Grand Opera.

Scandalous relations

One of the most bright moments In the biography of Giuseppe Verdi is a novel with the singer Giupppina Streptoni. Verdi was thirty-eight years, and Juseppin ended her career. They entered into legitimate marriage only after eleven years, and all these years their cohabitation was relegated.

When Juseppin stopped acting, Verdie decided to finish his career with her (perhaps he followed the example of Joakkino Rossini). For the first time in many years, he was happy: It is famous, in love, and besides, it is worthwhile. At this moment, the biography and creativity of Giuseppe Verdes are crowded closely. Probably, Juseppin convinced him to continue his career. Perhaps under romantic influenceflura, from which so often draw the inspiration of genius, he creates his first masterpiece - opera "Rigoletto".

The libretto several times was rewritten due to the inconsistency of censorship, and Verda rose to quit work on him, but he graduated from the work, and the first statement, which took place in 1851 in Venice, had incredible success. Until now, "Rigoletto" is considered, perhaps, one of the best ever written operas. Verdi's artistic talent revealed in this work: excellent melodies, ensembles and arias are scattered throughout the score, which subsequently become part of the classic opera repertoire, follow each other, tragedy and comedy merge together.

Continuation of career

Two years later, the list of famous works by Giuseppe Verdi is replenished with another masterpiece. They are becoming the Opera "Traviata", the libretto of which was created based on the play "Lady with Camellia" Aesandra Duma-son.

Next, a few more operas were written. One of them is the "Sicilian Supper", constantly performed today, Verdi wrote on the order of the Paris Opera. It is also the works of "Troubadour", "Masquerad Ball", "The Force of Fate" (order from Russia). Macbeth has undergone changes, was released in the second edition.

In 1869, the composer writes Libera Me - part of the "Requiem" of the memory of Rossini, and in 1974 piggy bank musical works Giuseppe Verdi is replenished with his own requiem to the death of the writer Alessandro Manjoni, whose fan was composer.

One of the last great operas Verdi Is "Aida". The composer received an order for its writing from the government of Egypt, which in this way wanted to note the opening of the Suez Canal, and First, Verda refused. However, then, attending Paris, again received the same sentence, but after a du Liembretista and Impressario. This time the composer decided to familiarize himself with the script, and then accepted the proposal.


The biography of Giuseppe Verdi will not be complete, if not mentioning his rivalry with Wagner. Each of them was the leader of the opera school of his country, all his life they competed and disliked each other, although never met. Verdi reviews about the music of the opponent were few and unfolded. He said that Wagner is in vain choosing the faded trails, trying to "fly" where a person is more effective walking. However, learning about Wagner's death, he was saddened, as he believed that this composer left a huge trail in the history of music. On the side of Wagner, only one statement of Verdi is known. The great German composer, usually generous to criticism to other maestro, loving "Requiem" Verdi, said that it was better not to talk to anything.

Last years

The last twelve Verdi worked very little, basically editing the early works. After the death of Richard Wagner Verdi writes Opera "Othello" based on the play of Shakespeare. Her premiere took place in Milan in 1887. The unusualness of the work is that it does not have a traditional division of the Italian opera school on speaking and arias - there is influence opera reform Wagner. Again, under the influence of this reform, late verdi works They became more clearly cleaned, which attached the opera effect of realism, although fans of the traditional opera sometimes scared.

The last Opera Verdi, "Falstaf", whose libretto was written on the "Windsor Razoznitsa" play of Shakespeare. Here the manner of "end-to-end development" is traced, so the work with brilliantly written scores is much more about the Wagner "Metezingers", rather than comic operations Mozart and Rossini. Elusive and sparkled melodies allow the development of the plot to be not lingering, which creates the effect of the scene, which is so close to spirit of Shakespeare's Comedy. The opera is crowned with a semi-coastal fugue, in which Verda demonstrates its magnificent possession of counterpoint.

Death of the Great Composer

In 1901, January 21, Verda had a stroke. At that time he was in the hotel, in Milan. The composer turned out to be paralyzed, but read the operas of the Opera "Tosca" and "Bohemia" Pucchini, " Peak lady"Tchaikovsky and" Barpecks "Londkallo, but what he thought about them, it remains unknown. Six days later, on January 27, the great Italian composer did not. He was buried in Milan on a monumental cemetery, but a month later, the body was reburied in the holiday home for pensioners. -Muscans, whose founder was Verdi.


Almost every composer is experiencing famous influence Colleagues or precursors. Music Giuseppe Verdie did not exception. In his early works, the influence of Rossini, Bellini, Meyerber and especially Donizetti is traced. In two last operations (Falstaf and Othello) noticeably influenced its main rival - Richard Wagner. Many contemporaries influenced Guno, but Verdi did not borrow anything from the great Frenchman, whom many considered the greatest Creator of the era. In the Opera "Aida" there are passengers in which familiarity with the work of Mikhail Glinka is traced.

Orchestra and solo parties

The works of Giuseppe Verdi sometimes have a not too complicated orchestra. It is for him that he is attributed to the phrase that the orchestra is a big guitar. The composer relied on his melodic gift in the description of the feelings and emotions of heroes. Often during solo sound vocal Parties Orchestration is very ascetic, the entire orchestra becomes one accompanying tool. Some critics believed that this is the result of the lack of formation of the composer himself, however, listening to many of his works, we can easily be convinced of the opposite. For Verdi's creativity, certain innovations are characteristic of both other composers ever borrowed due to their strong recognition (for example, string, flying up by chromatic range).

Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (ITal. Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, October 10, 1813, in the Italian village of Le Roncole, located in the northern part of Lombardy, on the lower inflow of the river, near the city of Busseto, French Empire - January 27, 1901, Milan, Italy) - Italian composer whose creativity is one of the largest achievements of world opera art and the culmination of the development of the Italian opera of the XIX century.

The composer created 26 operas and one requiem. The best composer opera: "Masquerade Ball", "Rigoletto", "Troubadur", "Traviata". The top of creativity is the latest operas: "Aida", "Othello", "Falstaf".

Early period

Verdi was born in the family of Carlo Giuseppe Verdi and Luigi Uttini in Le Roncola - the village near Bursto in the Tarot Department, which at that time was part of the first French Empire after the joining the principality of Parma and Piacenza. Thus, the future Great Italian composer was officially born in France.

Verdi was born in 1813 (one year with Richard WagnerIn the future, his main rival and the leading composer of the German Opera School) in Le Rongcole, not far from Buspeto (Parm Duchy). The father of the composer, Carlo Verdi, contained a village tavern, and Mother - Luigja Utini - was Prya. The family lived poorly, and the childhood Giuseppe was hard. In the village church, he helped serve Mass. Music litera And the game on the organ studied at Pietro Baystrokki. Noticing his son to music, the parents gave Giuseppe spinet. This very imperfect tool composer retained until the end of his life.

At the musical gifted boy, Antonio Baretzi drew attention to Antonio - a rich trader and music lover from the neighboring town of Busseto. He believed that Verdi would not become a taught and not a rustic organist, but a great composer. On the advice of Baretzi, the Ten-Year Verdie moved for study in Buspeto. So the new, an even more heavy strip of life - years of adolescence and youth began. By sundays Giuseppe went to Le Roncole, where he played the organ during the Mass. Verdi has a teacher of the composition - Fernando Provia, director of the Philharmonic Society Bursto. Conducted not only by counterpoint, he awakened at Verda to serious reading. Attention Giuseppe attracts the classics of world literature - Shakespeare, Dante, Goethe, Schiller. One of the most beloved works is the novel "collapsed" the great Italian writer Alessandro Mandzoni.

In Milan, where Verdi went at the age of eighteen, in order to continue their education, to a conservatory (today wearing the name of Verdi) did not accept it "due to low level piano Game; In addition, the conservatory had age limitations. " Verdi began to take private lessons of the counterpoint, visiting at the same time opera performances, as well as just concerts. Communication with Milan Bomobe convinced him to seriously think about the career of the theater composer.

Returning to Bouseto, with the support of Antonio Barezzi (Antonio Barezzi - a local merchant and music lover, supporting Verdi's musical ambitions), Verdie gave his first public performance at Barezzi's house in 1830.

The fascinated Music Verdi music, Baretzi offers him to become a music teacher for his daughter Margarita. Soon young people warmly loved each other and on 4 May 1836, Verdi marries Margarita Bareti. Soon Margarita gave birth to two children: Virginia Maria Louise (March 26, 1837 - August 12, 1838) and Izilio Romano (July 11, 1838 - October 22, 1839). While Verdie worked on his first opera, both children die in infancy. After some time (June 18, 1840), at the age of 26, the spouse of the composer Margarita dies from Encephalitis.

Primary recognition

The first statement of the Opera Verdi ("Oberto, Bonifoff Count") ( Oberto.) In the Milan La Scala was approved by critics, after which the Impresario of the theater, Bartolomeo Merlelli, suggested Verdi a contract for writing two operas. They became the "king for an hour" ( Un giorno di regno) And "Nabucco" ("Nebuchadnezzar"). Wife and two Verdi children died when he worked on the first of these two operas. After her, the composer wanted to stop writing opera music. However, the premiere of Nabucco on March 9, 1842 in La Scala was accompanied by great success and approved Verdi reputation as an opera composer. In one subsequent year, the Opera was put in Europe 65 times and since then it occupies a strong place in the repertoire of the leading opera theaters of the world. For Nabucco, several operas were followed by several operas, including "Lombards in a Crusade" ( I Lombardi Alla Prima Crociata) and "Ernani" ( Ernani.) who were set and had success in Italy.

In 1847, the opera "Lombards", rewritten and renamed to "Jerusalem" ( Jérusalem.) was supplied by the Paris Opera on November 26, 1847, becoming the first work of Verdi in style grand Opera. To do this, the composer had to recycle this opera several and replace italian characters On french.


At the age of thirty-eight years, Verda had a novel with Juseppina Streptoni, a singer (soprano), by that time the ending career (they got married only after eleven years, and their cohabitation before the wedding was considered as scandalous in many of those places where they had to live) . Soon, Juseppin stopped performances, and Verdi, following the example of Joakkino Rossini, decided to finish his career with his wife. It was consumed, famous and loved. Perhaps it was Juseppin that convinced him to continue to write opera. The first opera written by Verdi after the "care to rest," became his masterpiece - Rigoletto. Opera libretto, written on the motives of Victor Hugo's play "King toys", was subjected to significant changes in the sake of censorship, and the composer intended to challenge the work several times, until finally, the opera was not completed. The first statement took place in Venice in 1851 and had a grand success.

Rigoletto is perhaps one of the best operas in history musical Theater. Verdi's artistic generosity is presented in it in full force. Beautiful melodies are scattered throughout the score, aria and ensembles, which have become an integral part of the classic opera repertoire, follow each other, and comic and tragic merge together.

"Traviata", the next Great Opera Verdi, was composed and delivered two years after Rigoletto. Libretto is written based on the play of Alexander Duma-son "Lady with Camellias".

Then followed by a few more operas, among them - constantly executed today "Sicilian Supper" ( Les Vêpres Siciliennes; written by order of the Paris Opera), "Troubadur" ( Il TroVatore.), "Masquerade Ball" ( Un Ballo in Maschera), "The Force of Fate" ( La Forza del Destino; 1862, was written in order to order the Imperial Big Stone Theater of St. Petersburg), the second edition of the "Macbeth" opera ( Macbeth.).

In 1869, Verdi composed "LIBERA ME" to the Require of Memory Joakkino Rossini (the rest of the parts were written now by little-known Italian composers). In 1874, Verdi wrote his requiem to death by the writer Alessandro Mandzoni, including the recycled version of the previously written "Libera Me".

One of the last great operas Verdi, "Aida," was ordered to him by the Government of Egypt, in order to note the opening of the Suez Canal. First, Verda refused. Being in Paris, he received a re-supply via du Lokly. This time, Verda met with the script of the Opera, which he liked, and agreed to write a opera.

Verdi and Wagner, everyone - the leader of his national opera school, has always disliked each other. In all life, they never met. Preserved comments Verdi about Wagner and his music are small and unfriendly ("He always chooses, completely in vain, the faded path, trying to fly where normal person just go on foot, reaching much the best results"). Nevertheless, learning that Wagner died, Verdi said: "How sad! This name left a huge mark in the history of art. " Only one Wagner's statement relating to Verdi music is known. After listening to Requiem, the Great German, always eloquent, always generous on (unflattering) comments in relation to many other composers, said: "It is better not to say anything."

Aida was set in Cairo in 1871 with great success.

Last years and death

At the next twelve years, Verdi worked very little, slowly editing some of his early things.

Opera "Othello" ( Otello.), written on the motifs of William Shakespeare, was put in Milan in 1887. The music of this Opera is "continuous", it does not contain traditional for the Italian Opera division on Aria and Recatatives - this innovation was introduced under the influence of the opera reform of Richard Wagner (after the death of the last). In addition, under the influence of the same Wagner reform, the late Verdi style has acquired a greater degree of cleattability, which gave the opera effect of greater realism, although they frightened some fans of the traditional Italian opera.

Last Opera Verdi, Falstaff ( Falstaff), whose libretto Arrigo Boyto, Librettist and composer, wrote on the play of Shakespeare "Windsor Ramaznitsa" ( Merry Wives of Windsor) Translated it into French made by Viktor Hugo, developed a "end-to-end development" manner. Brilliant written score of this comedy is thus much closer to the Wagner "Maestezingers", rather than to the comic operations of Rossini and Mozart. The elusiveness and sparkiness of the melodies makes it possible not to delay the development of the plot and creates a unique effect of sinking, such a close spirit of this Shakespearecom comedy. Opera ends with a semi-lead fugue, in which Verda fully demonstrates its brilliant possession of counterpoint.

January 21, 1901 during his stay at the Grand Et De Milan (Milan, Italy), Verda had a stroke. Being an amazed paralysis, he could inner hearing to read score operas "Bohemia" and "Tosca" Pucchini, "Bigs" Tchaikovsky, "Peak Lady", but what he thought about these operations, written by his immediate and worthy heirs, remained unknown . Verdi weakens with each day and six days later, early in the morning of January 27, 1901 died.

Initially, Verdi was buried on a monumental cemetery in Milan. A month later, his body was moved to Casa di Riposo in Musicisti, also in Milan, to the holiday home for pensioners-musicians, who created Verdi.

He was agnostic. His second wife, Juseppin Streptoni, described him as a "man a little believer."


Verdi's predecessors who influenced his work - Rossini, Bellini, Meyerber and, most importantly - Donizetti. In the last two operations, Othello and Falstaf, the influence of Richard Wagner is noticeable. Respecting Guno, which contemporaries considered the greatest composer Epoch, Verdi nevertheless did not borrow anything from the great Frenchman. Some passes in Aida point to the acquaintance of the composer with things Mikhail Glinka, whom Ferenc Sheet popularized in Western EuropeAfter returning from the tour in Russia.

Throughout the career Verdi refused to use high "before" in tenor partyReferring to the fact that the ability to sing exactly this note in front of the full hall is distracting performers and before, and after, and during the fulfillment of notes.

Despite the fact that at times the orchestration of Verda workshop, the composer relied mainly on his melodic gift to express the emotions of heroes and drama action. In fact, very often in Verdi operations, especially during solo vocal numbers, harmony intentionally ascetic, and the entire orchestra sounds like one accompanizer tool (Verdes are attributed to the words: "Orchestra - a big guitar!" Some critics argue that Verdi paid to technical Aspect of the partitions is not enough attention, since it lacks schools and refinement. Verdi himself said somehow, "From all the composers I am the most unfamming." But I hurried to add, "I seriously say it, but under the" knowledge "I mean not to know music at all "

Nevertheless, it would be wrong to argue that Verdie underestimated the expressive strength of the orchestra and did not know how to use it to the end when he was needed. Moreover, the orchestral and countertal innovation (for example, string, whipping on the chromatic range in the Monterone scene in Rigoletto, in order to emphasize the drama of the situation, or, too, in Rigoletto, the choir, the closest notes behind the scenes, portraying, very impressive, The approaching storm) - characteristic of Verdi's creativity - is characteristic so much that other composers did not bother borrowing some bold techniques due to their instant recognition.

Verdi was the first composer specially engaged in finding such a plot for a libretto, which would best meet the peculiarities of his composer dating. Working in close collaboration with librettists and knowing that precisely dramatic expression is the main force His talent, he sought to eliminate from the plot of "unnecessary" details and "extra" heroes, leaving only characters in which they boil passion, and rich in drama scenes.

Operas Giuseppe Verdi

Vanity Fair., 1879

  • Wrap, Count Di San Bonifacio (Oberto, Conte Di San Bonifacio) - 1839
  • King for an hour (un giorno di regno) - 1840
  • Nabucco, or Nebucco (Nabucco) - 1842
  • Lombards in the first crusade campaign (I Lombardi) - 1843
  • Ernani (Ernani) - 1844. According to the eponymous play of Viktor Hugo
  • Two foscari (I Due Foscari) - 1844. On the play of Lord Bayron
  • Jeanne d'Arco (Giovanna d'Arco) - 1845. On the play "Orleansk Virgo" Schiller
  • Alzira (Alzira) - 1845. According to the eponymous play Voltaire
  • Attila (ATTILA) - 1846. According to the play "Attila, the leader of the Gunnov" Zakharius Verner
  • Macbeth (Macbeth) - 1847. According to the possession of Shakespeare
  • Robbers (I Masnadieri) - 1847. According to the Schiller Plays of the same
  • Jerusalem (Jérusalem) - 1847 (version Lombardtsev)
  • Corsair (IL Corsaro) - 1848. According to the poem of Lord Bayron's poem
  • Battle at Lenyano (La Battaglia di Legnano) - 1849. On the play "Battle of Toulouse" Joseph Mary
  • Louis Miller (Luisa Miller) - 1849. On the play "Deceit and Love" Schiller
  • Stiffelio (Stiffelio) - 1850. On the play "Holy Father, or Gospel and Heart", the authorship of Emil Suventra and Ezhen Bourgeois.
  • Rigoletto (Rigoletto) - 1851. On the play "King is amused" by Viktor Hugo
  • Troubadur (IL TROVATORE) - 1853. According to the eponymous play Antonio Garcia Gutierres
  • Fraviata (La Traviata) - 1853. On the play "Lady with Camellia" by A. Duma-Son
  • Sicilian Evening (Les Vêpres Siciliennes) - 1855. On the play "Duke Alba" Ezhen Skreba and Charles Lelinier
  • Giovanna de Gusman (Giovanna de Guzman) (Version of the Sicilian Evening).
  • Simon Boccanegra (Simon Boccanegra) - 1857. According to the eponymous play, Antonio Garcia Gutierres.
  • AROLDO (AROLDO) - 1857 (version of "Fiffely")
  • Ball Mascarara (Un Ballo in Maschera) - 1859. Based on the real murder of Gustav III, the fastest of Ezhen Skreba
  • The Force of Fate (La Forza del Destino) - 1862. On the play "Don Alvaro, or the strength of fate" of the authorship of Angel de Sawards, Duke Rivasa. The premiere took place in a large (stone) theater in St. Petersburg
  • Macbeth ( Macbeth.) - 1865. The second edition of the Opera on the order of Paris Grand Opéra.
  • Don Carlos (Don Carlos) - 1867. According to the Schiller Plays of the same name
  • Aida (AIDA) - 1871. The premiere took place at the Hediva Opera Theater in Cairo, Egypt
  • Otllo (Otello) - 1887. According to the possession of Shakespeare
  • Falstaff (Falstaff) - 1893. According to "Windsor Mocking" and two parts of Heinrich IV Shakespeare

Other writings

  • String quartet E-Moll - 1873
  • Requiem (Messa Da Requiem) - 1874
  • Four Spiritual Pieces (Quattro PEZZI SACRI) - 1892


  • Buchena A., Birth of the Opera. (Young Verdi). Roman, M., 1958.
  • Gal G. Brahms. Wagner. Verdi. Three masters - three worlds. M., 1986.
  • Ordzhonikidze Opera Verdi on the plots of Shakespeare, M., 1967.
  • Solovtsova L. A. J. Verdie. M., Giuseppe Verdi. Life I. creative way, M. 1986.
  • Tarozzi Giuseppe Verdi. M., 1984.
  • Esa Laslo. If Verdie Vied Diary ... - Budapest, 1966.

Films and TV shows about the life and creativity of the composer

  • "Juseppe Verdi" (in Russian is known as the "History of One Life"; 1938, Italy). Director - Carmine Gallon. IN leading role - Foamco Japlety.
  • "Giuseppe Verdi" (1953, Italy). Director - Rafaello Matarazzo. The main role is Pierre Kress.
  • "Life of Giuseppe Verdi (Verdi)" (1982, Italy - France - Germany - United Kingdom - Sweden). Director - Renato Castellani. The main role is Ronald Picap.