Compatibility Scorpio (Woman) - Gemini (man). Different and unlike: compatibility of Men Scorpio and Women Gemini

Compatibility Scorpio (Woman) - Gemini (man). Different and unlike: compatibility of Men Scorpio and Women Gemini
Compatibility Scorpio (Woman) - Gemini (man). Different and unlike: compatibility of Men Scorpio and Women Gemini

To win a scorpion man , it is necessary to understand what women it attracts that he is waiting for a relationship with a woman and how to behave to conquer his heart. Only a non-standard, extraordinary, independent, independent and passionate woman can conquer the man of scorpion. It is these that attract the attention of the male of Scorpio, which is eager to see something original, some challenge to society and the world around. At the same time, the scorpion man likes to win women. Easily accessible ladies do not attract it. The highest enjoyment for him is the process of courtship, and the peak is a victory over a partner, - do not forget about it if you decide to conquer the male of scorpion. Do not rush to his first in the arms, do not pursue it, be restrained and calmly, grant the opportunity for him to act myself. The more difficult it will be his task, the stronger the flames of his passion will break up and the stronger it will love you.

Family bonds for scorpion Men are unshakable. Treason is practically excluded for him. But on the spouse he looks like on his property, which can only belong to him alone. To deceive the man of scorpion will not be able to anyone, his intuition is always on top, so it's better not to play with fire and storing him loyalty, because the betrayal of Scorpio will never forgive. If you can take the stubborn and the very well-own character of a male Scorpio, you can be sure that he will repay you with such love and care, which other women can only dream of.

Thus, the character of the sign of the zodiac Scorpio is a complex and ambiguous man, and, of course, there may be happy every woman with him.

How to win a woman twins

To understand how to conquer a woman twin, let's deal with what kind of man I need, to what kind of relationship it seeks and what awaits them. A twin woman dreams of a man who would have for her with a friend, lover and a spiritual mentor in one person. However, such a combination of the qualities of the character is difficult to look, so the woman is twin and change their partners while looking for an ideal. If you want to win a twin woman - close to her ideal, and your task will be much eased.

To win a twin woman know that she prefers energetic and active men, she wishes her heart to win, so that the man showed the initiative and was a knight for her. But banal, standard techniques will not pass with a twin woman. How to win a twin woman - only intelligent, on a high spiritual and intellectual level, with a fantasy and a highlight, which will definitely be estimated and rewarded. A man who in intellectual plan can not give anything to her, her attention will not attract. To charm and conquer a twin woman, you need wit and erudition, you need to offer it something new and interesting for it.

In addition, do not forget that the monotony, boredom and emptiness are detrimental to the twin female. She needs a novelty, she needs communication, needs all the time new food for the restless and energetic nature of the twin female. Suggest her hiking and travel, entertainment events and noisy companies, exhibitions, museums, modes, modes, or just walks, - whatever that she felt the dynamics of life, movement and change - just so and in any way you can conquer a woman twin. Remember that loneliness is unacceptable for the character of a twin woman, be all the time nearby, otherwise it will not make you wait long for a long time. She will be with you and will be true to you until you are interested in and satisfying her spiritual, intellectual and sexual needs. Stay here always on top, Gemini are waiting for the shine in everything - this is the answer to the question of how to conquer the woman twin.

Scorpio twins. Compatibility Goroscope

Representatives of these signs it is necessary to be more vigilant with a suitable snake-tempter than most lovers. Without astrological support, these signs of air and water would consider that much easier and safer to remain friends, avoiding the gusts of passion and risky oaths in eternal love. It does not mean that they are denied compatibility, they are simply necessary to constantly make efforts.

Let's start with the fact that the "eternal" - the word that scares the twin woman as much as the word "temporary" scares the male scorpion. The use of the word "eternal" at the very beginning of the novel makes his finals uninterest and is able to reduce everything. Conversely, not that the scorpion man could not cope with the concept of "temporary" just like any other man, but the use of this word in itself gives rise to doubts and suspicions and deprives him of the sense of power and domination in this love connection. At first it will be fascinated: this is charm in a voice like bubbles in champagne, this living mind, this easy approach to any situation! In the end, he is just a man, despite the image of Batman in a mask and a raincoat, and also can not resist the apple, extended Eva, like any other astrological sign. But some time will pass, and he will begin to notice that some of her delicious stories with minor changes go through the second round. (Gemini is always slightly added here, slightly reduced there - for more effect. Or maybe not only they?) That she is able to be late for two or three dates in a row. At that moment, a male scorpion will erase star dust from his eyes, a long and attentive look at a woman who almost stole his heart from him, who almost stole his heart, and carefully decide to think more, before giving promise before God Love, respect and take her until the end of his days. (In the depths of the soul, Scorpio is very religious.) If he gave the floor, he should not break it, so it can stop caviar, until it is convinced that she has no more surprises that she could suddenly be presented to him (like one or two Marriages or divorces, which she forgot to tell him). Will she notice it? Her thoughts are too much about how long she will be able to endure his encroachment on her personal life, the nose of the nose into her secrets (nothing bad or certainly shocking, just there are things that she prefers to hold with him) and jealousy. Why does this woman can not be nice to smile in response to the seller's smile in a bookstore or stay on the street to talk to a friendly stranger about how best to care for old-English shepherds? And he? How he stares on all women! And how are they on him?

In a difficult situation, it remains to blame only himself. She, as a twin, should be aware that Male Scorpio, with his deep, strong and attracting voice and a hard, intelligent look, possesses the charm of the Snake-tempter. He is impressive with his external manifestation of power and tranquility, and under this, the silent appeal of the man who can resist the few women to resist.

The first thing that she can open in it is an incredible willpower. It's just not believed in it. This man, if he set the goal, can do anything. If he decides to starve a month, he will live on the same water all this time. If he wants to become president of the company, a company or country - he will become. If he wants to make a girl stay with him forever, she will lose the battle long before he starts it.

Why is all this twin woman who does not want anything from life, except for change, pleasant unrest, fun and some educational game? But when she feels that the influence of the pluto reaches it, do you think she runs away, how would it be from a hard breathable gorilla in the jungle? You would have thought so. However, no, because it is possible to understand that astrological revolution, which from time to time makes a scorpion man look like an innocent deer with velvet eyes. He is so cute, gentle and wounded, and so clearly needs caress and sincere support that the girl should have a stone heart if she is able to hurt him by running away from him. In his manner, there is something so soft that she forgets about hard as steel, looking at him when he sends a hidden power and ice determination. And she will still have one reason to remember this ...

But perhaps enough about how and why these two fall in love. It is more important to understand how they manage to keep love. Since Scorpio is a permanent sign, it has a great composure. It will be useful for him when she will experience his patience with her charming chameleon, attacks of bad mood, scattered and duality of the target. Since the twins are a moving sign, it knows how to fit, and this will help her cope with the scenes from the gauge. She will need all her abilities to preserve ease and composure when he suddenly declares or flashes because of a trifle immediately after angelic understanding. (It is always difficult to decide, an angel he or the devil ...)

She needs to remember the following: This man wants to know where she and what makes most of the time (if not all the time). He is waiting for her that she will sit in one place (if not always, then often). He will frown because of her nostalgic tears on old buddies. Because of her careless attitude towards money. Because of its bizarre transitions from one hobby to another: from singing to dancing, then to painting, then to round-the-world travel - whenever in nature the seasons change in nature. And because of its restless, managed mercury character.

What does she offer him? Pieces of devotion, rare, kisses, outbreaks of irritation, almost incredible naivety and ice contempt, a mixture of enthusiastic love, changeable judgments and opinions. And where does she take self-confidence and self-control, which are given to him from birth?

Of course, she will tease him - most twin women are so feminine, careless, talented, smart! But the twins are a male sign, and Mercury, the ruling twin planet, changes the floor as unpredictable as the wind changes the direction. Therefore, there will be a time when she pursues his male pride, and there will be a time when she pollen into this. She always has enough mind to charm his. It can not be disappointed, finding that she just needs superficially about everything, instead of signaling their depth and reach the essence - as in everything, from religion before reincarnation, from politics to polygamy, from sin before sex, does It is he.

So we reached the sexual side of their love. Although Scorpio is a strong sexy sign, it is able to comply with abstinence, chastity and composure (the life of monks and priests). But if he fell in love with a twin woman, he, apparently, not that scorpion, which chose a tough discount discipline for himself. However, sex for him is not a game, not a pleasant pastime and not something like sports. Sex is the very mystery of life. A woman who understands the most hidden desires of her scorpion men, do not worry about his loyalty. Usually a male scorpio who knows that he truly love him, will not look somewhere aside.

Scorpio shows great curiosity to sex in his youth, but most of his curiosity he may satisfy by the time he marries. His attitude to the physical side of love is deep and passionate, extremely sensual, however, with some fraction of rigor.

However, the problem is that for women twins sex is not the mystery of life itself. For her, experience is important, and not deeper revelations of the sexual union. And it does not seek to penetrate this with real feeling and strength. It's just a pleasant pastime, that's all. However, this very impartiality can cause a male Scorpio to prove to her that love and God are interrelated and that all the living is nothing without harmony of a man and women. You already know how Scorpio hates to lose (refuse to lose - it is better than to humble with the loss). In the intimate sphere of their sexual union, he is simply obliged to win.

They are able to overcome these difficulties. He can teach her secrets of universal love harmony. Scorpio is a representative of the eighth astrological house (and it is associated with sex), and the twin female feels. In fact, its inconsistency is nothing more than a mask. And the mask can always be removed if you really want it.

He can tear her, hiding his soul, how to hide from the wind, which the trees with roots are rooted. Fortunately, it is smart enough to find a way to restore their relationship, and the Scorpion has enough intuition to understand how to close all the cracks so that their relations become stronger than before. If each of them wants this.

Think about how to conquer scorpion? Contact the stars for help. The horoscope of a man born under this difficult sign will tell the path of seduction.

Many consider scorpions. It seems that these men think only about sex, do not have the concept of loyalty, family values. In fact, any Mustang can be curled.

So how to attract the attention of scorpion? Representatives of this sign of the jack on everything bright, extraordinary. A woman on which such a man will pay attention should be ... Queen. And at the same time no matter what: Bala, Chess Tournament, Dinner Parties or Sports Competitions.

How to conquer scorpion, a man of gorgeous and impregnable at first glance? The main thing is not to give him to understand that it is an object of seduction. Scorpions - conquerors by nature. Such men themselves make decisions. They do not tolerate pressure on the part of women, protruding against Emancipation. The question is how to understand Scorpio is quite complicated. On the one hand, these men do not show interest in emancipated women. On the other hand, they do not avoid initiative ladies. With the latter, though, scorpions prefer to cooperate exclusively in the business environment.

How to conquer the heart of scorpion

To understand how to conquer the heart of Scorpio, you need to learn more about this sign. So, the male Scorpio is a bright person. He is targeted. Achieving goal is the main principle of scorpion's life. The execution of the conceived is a real passion for representatives of this sign. How to marry a male scorpion? Just become his goal. He will do everything you need, on your own.

How do you like scorpion if you are not familiar? First of all, throw away all the rules, dogmas and generally accepted seduction rules. They, as a rule, do not work with scorpions. These men go to their goals. And what he is unusual, the more interesting the journey.

Do not know how to interest Scorpion? Try to act atypically for a woman. All unusual attracts these extraordinary personalities. Scorpio noticed you? It's time to implement a special seduction strategy.

How to seduce a male scorpion

To the question, how to seduce a man of scorpion, the answer is one: do it so that he notice you, and then do not give in to the gentlemen tricks. An impregnable woman becomes the desired goal. The harder the path to her heart, the more dense the coupon scorpion into skillfully placed networks.

But it is worth considering the feature of representatives of this sign. Once the goal is achieved, it is made in the achievement diary and is forgotten. It is typically for men. How to win the love of scorpion? Do not cease to surprise him. For a man of this sign, the main thing is in love tone. If a woman is a solid riddle, it is not interesting.

How to keep a male scorpion

To the question of how to keep a man of scorpion, it is impossible to answer unequivocally. Much depends on the relatives of the relationship, age, the genus of partners. Recommendations for the holding of a ferritic and passionate lover, a courageous adventurist of Scorpion can give a professional astrologer. An individual horoscope will allow to build relationships with a man, taking into account the peculiarities of its temperament and character caused by the influence of heavenly shamps and tel.

In principle, sometimes tough, but always self-sufficient and strong Scorpio, how to conquer this sign to representatives of different signs, will tell the stars.

How to conquer scorpion

How to attract a scorpion man in love with a woman Aries? The most important thing is not to confess the love of the first. To behave carefully, restrained. It is important to remain as natural as possible. Psychological clamps Scorpion squeezes at times. Most often, a man perceives them as a sign of lies. In this case, the relationship is unlikely to take place.

Recommend the Aries, how to attract the attention of scorpion, men of strong and bright, you can the following: Believe it to ideals. A strong and sometimes cynical man incredibly touches unconditional faith. Also scorpions Pads for innocence and loyalty. At the same time, the feelings should be sincere. Play with scorpion yourself more expensive. A representative of this sign may hurt a woman who risked him to deceive, lead a double game, pursue hidden goals.

So, for the Aries, the answer to the question of how to fall in love with the scorpion, is obvious. It is necessary to give him something that hundreds of modern predaten female possessions will not be able to: deep, all-consuming true love. And having received with her a completeness and loyalty, Scorpio may well become a home (to a certain extent).

How to conquer scorpion

If the woman is taurus thinks how to attract Scorpio, then he really likes it. With the first meeting with the representative of this sign, the Taurus is usually lost. A woman simply does not know how to treat a mute invitation of a man, how to resist his hypnotic look.

But if she understands that he is not so cruel and terrible, as written in standard horoscopes, it can relax and ... getting into the network. But this often all ends. For scorpion, a hypnotic look - the usual thing. It is not necessarily a manifestation of interest in a woman.

At the Taurus, respectively, the question arises how to conquer the man of scorpion. There are no effort to apply to the seduction. Only the first stage can be the most difficult. Taurus needs to cause scorpion's interest, encourage him to conquer. For this, most women born under the specified sign are all necessary, from external beauty to internal harmony and sincerity. The last quality of the man, suspicious, tough, pragmatic, appreciate especially high.

How to keep Scorpio is a more difficult question. To do this, it is necessary to create it the conditions that are most suitable for self-development. If the relationship does not interfere with the business activity of scorpion, it, as a rule, remains true to them.

How twins win scorpion

The girl twins should not be thought about how to attract a scorpion guy. The representative of this sign will notice it from afar. Twin female attractive, gentle, feminine. But at the same time decisive, ambitious, extraordinary. This is exactly the ideal companion most of the scorpions. Long-term relationships of the pair are possible only when man and women mutual work.

How to conquer scorpion - a question for twins is simple. Women of this sign are not inclined to worship. They are accustomed to admiring glances, attention from men. Gemini - a sign that needs to conquer. For scorpion, this is a typical task. All you need to twins for the conquest of scorpion, allow yourself to conquer.

Much more difficult to develop and maintain relationships. Many twins and scorpions prefer to stay friends. They are too different. He is waiting for a swan fancy woman. It is frightened by constancy. Save the Union will allow only true love. Also, Gemini will have to agree to a number of compromises. The response step of Scorpio will be a confirmation of his attachment to the partner.

How to conquer scorpion

If not how to fall in love, then how to understand a man of scorpion, a woman's cancer knows for sure. She intuitively feels the mood of everyone who is interesting to her. Cancer at the first meetings can be afraid of scorpion. But as soon as she relaxes, a man will go to the offensive. The attention of scorpion cancer attracts mysteriousness. This adventurer is not averse to unravel the new riddle. Scorpio is curious from nature. And the cancer is in no hurry to disclose their secrets. It warms the interest of an adventure crawler.

How to fall in love with scorpion, a man of contradictory and no less mysterious than a woman cancer? It is enough to trust him. It is tough, sometimes even cruel pragmatists Scorpions appreciate most. They are bribed and the sincerity of cancer. If a woman fears to start a relationship, although she likes a man, it is noticeable. Scorpio in this case in 99% of cases will try to dispel the fears of a watermark representative. It will turn from the "aggressor", which he depicts a lot of books, in a positive hero. Cancer it is necessary. Scorpio, married and happy in marriage, will only have to guess whether the entire seduction process was.

How to conquer scorpion

For a woman, a lioness is a question how to fall in love with a scorpion guy, never stand acute. The queen, bright, an extraordinary person attracts the attention of representatives of the opposite sex without much effort. Scorpions tend to notice beautiful and successful women. And the lioness is just such.

Spripion falls in love with the queen quickly. She gladly meets him reciprocity. But in the relationship, a lot of surprises awaits. The first is permanent close attention, and not for the purpose of worship. Scorpio is inquisitive from nature. He studies every partner. It is hardly a lioness to be a "experimental rabbit".

Another surprise concerns training. Scorpio - strong sign. A man born under it is inclined to dominate. He will somehow teach a partner of life. How long will it suffer this lioness, depends on its character and the power of feelings.

Hold next to the scorpion for a woman born under the sign of the lion is easy. A pair of compromises - and the couple are happy for many years. Two strong personalities are an excellent union. But it is possible only under one condition - the presence of mutual understanding.

How to win a scorpion

The Virgin does not need to make special efforts to conquer Scorpio. She is ready to give a man what he is waiting for. The Virgin does not have any questions like, how to understand what I like scorpion, she intuitively feels his man. In addition, this election lady simply does not fall in love with those who are indifferent. Here manifests the rationalism of the Virgin.

A representative of a typical female sign at the first meeting notes signs of the in love of a male scorpion. And she willingly respond to feelings. Couple relationships at first glance may seem idyllic. But they are far from perfect. Virgo and Scorpio consider perfection boring. It kills the soul, and this can not be allowed.

The basis of the Union of Deva-Scorpio becomes its selfless devotion. He is responsible for this with irrevaluity. Disagreements in a pair rarely occur about other women and men. There are many other reasons for stocking. For example, his suspicion. Self-sufficient Virgo simply does not understand why Scorpio is so careful. Frequently and disagreement on domestic issues. But they are quickly solved. The relations of Virgo and Scorpio are based on partnership principles. Such a union has every chance of becoming strong.

As weights to conquer scorpion

How to interest a male scorpion woman weighs? To do this, the entire arsenal of female weapons can be used, from beauty to charm. Scales from nature are smart and smart. They perfectly cope with the analysis of life situations. Such women are unmistakably determine which approach to a particular man will be the most efficient.

It is more difficult for the scales to find the answer to the question of how to understand that Scorpio loves. Girls and women of this sign tend to confleate love with love. Additional difficulties creates a scorpion nature. This man is inclined to hide the true feelings, desires and intentions. Weighs life can go to learn to recognize the masks of her beloved.

A stumbling block in relationships can be leadership. Scorpio - leader by nature. Scales - a cardinal sign. With all its charm, femininity and advantage of the partner, it is unlikely to agree to give the position of the leader. Loving scorpion it will understand. Perfect for a couple will be double board, separation of authority.

As scorpion conquer scorpion

Girl Scorpio knows exactly how the scorpion guy likes. They are so similar. Two scorpions forever connect their destinies, forever break up, make it forever. For this pair there is no half-term.

Both partners manifest in relations, intentions, solutions Exceptional constancy. It keeps them a friend near a friend. At the same time, everyone takes care of its own security and security of a partner. Scorpions appreciate each other and their relationship. But they may dispay due to disagreements on fundamental issues. When the conflict is settled, the pair can again tie themselves for marriage.

Cooling relations between partners - rarity. A woman knows exactly how to charm a man of scorpion. It is not important at all, they are familiar with 5 minutes or 20 years.

So similar and such different man and women can create an exemplary family. When one scorpion finds the other, the whole world freezes waiting. Hold the relationship of the couple both at the first stage and in family life can excessive scorpion restraint. A man and a woman will not hurt to sit at the table of negotiations to clarify relationships, discussing controversial issues.

How to conquer scorpion

How to seduce a male scorpion to a woman to shoot? This process may be quite complicated. Wine from the unprecedented honesty for the stars is the unprecedented honesty. Representatives of this sign (regardless of the floor) own the virtuosically strongest weapon on Earth - in short. Often they fought out their relatives, acquaintances, loved ones. Scorpions are sufficiently offended. Accordingly, the novel of the couple can end, and without starting.

To interest, fall in love with scorpion, Sagittarius does not prevent learn how to restrain his negative emotions. Woman should be softer, feminine. It is not easy for the one that is born under the sign, symbolizing the centaur. But no one bothers try.

There are also positive features that will certainly notice, scorpion will appreciate. This is primarily optimistic, hope. These features are lacking for the man himself. Having found them in a partner, he seeks to strengthen the originating relationship. And to keep them, you will have to work hard. Scorpio - become less rigid. Sagittarius - to show tolerance and tact.

How to conquer the scorpion

A rare Capricorn woman does not know how to like a man Scorpio. More precisely, any man. Representatives of this sign are usually confident. It is also peculiar to another feature: almost always the Capricors play according to the rules. So, if a woman liked the male Scorpio, she will act thoughtlessly. Most likely, first Capricorn will explore the partner horoscope, a compatibility horoscope. Then, making the conclusions, start seduction. What as a result? They will marry. And all because both are accustomed to playing the rules.

Capricorn and Scorpio combines a lot. One of the main qualities inherent in both is practicality. Practical Scorpio and Capricorn in life and in love. If it is convenient for them in each other's society, the Union will be happy and long. As soon as one partners misses rational grain, the relationship can give a crack.

Scorpio and Capricorn understand each other with a half pass. This helps them at the stage of formation of relations and in life together. The only thing that can undermine the Union is serious, is the loss of one of them confidence in another. Fooling partner is irrational and impractical for both scorpion and Capricorn.

How to conquer scorpion

Aquarily developed intuition helps to understand how to seduce scorpion. This woman does not need much time for seduction. It unmistakably defines the hidden meaning of his gestures and facial expressions. Aquarius intuitively understands that scorpion and eyebrows do not conduct without calculation. Woman skillfully playing his emotions. As a result, Scorpio, without noticing, turns out to be in the networks of Aquarius. At the same time, the man believes that he won an impregnable fortress, not established under his hypnotic onslaught.

In Love Scorpio will be long and carefully studying the partner. And he necessarily overshadows the secrets of Women. When this happens, the Union can strengthen. Scorpio will invariably admire many qualities of Aquarius. Most of all, a man appreciates in his partner a refusal of conformism, individualism and independence. The loyalty of Aquarius also has great importance. This condition is one of the main to preserve the scorpion relationships.

How to win a scorpion

How to charm Scorpio, a woman's female knows sometimes better than others. She gives him something that the young lady is more prone to leadership. Fish always admire scorpions. They perceive such men practically perfect. But only one point of view. Admiration concerns the business qualities of scorpions. The latter meet fish interest. But most often these women become girlfriends for scorpions. Friendship can last dozens of years.

Marriages between fish and scorpions are less common. Wine all the tendency to postpone the fateful decision. If the fish and scorpion are not married in time, the couple will disintegrate. At the same time, the memory of love is both carried throughout life.

If you want to be with your favorite scorpion, you will have to own a love harmony. To do this, it is necessary to overcome the suspicion of a man. Scorpio, courageous and volitional, inclined to resist the attempts of a woman to bring him to a decision on marriage. But it is worth weakening the onslaught, and the male conqueror will make the right fish move.

Human relations are always complex. And it does not matter at all, it is the union of two lions, fish and scorpion or Capricorn with Square. At the same time, everyone has the right to choose: a partner, life path. Creating an alliance, representatives of different or identical signs of the zodiac agreed primarily to cooperate. Each partner receives something from the other. Many dream of harmonious relationships. But alas, often expectations are not justified. Wine all annoying mistakes that could be avoided.

Want to build harmonious, healthy relationship with your favorite scorpion? Contact our astrologer to compile an individual compatibility horoscope.

Compatibility of scorpions and twins are not the most favorable. These signs are not very suitable for each other, although at the very beginning their relationship seems perfect. Consider what can be a source of conflict, and what is the fate of such steam.

The Union of Scorpio and Gemini is an incessant series of turbulent quarrels and no less turbulent reconciliation. They will break up, then again converge, giving each other a bunch of emotions, both negative and positive.

What is characteristic of such relations:

  1. Between them there is a strong physical and spiritual thrust to each other. At the initial stage of relationship, they constantly spend time together. For a long time they talk on the phone, if you can not be near.
  2. But due to the fact that scorpions are the Owners, and the twins love freedom, conflicts can not be avoided. In this pair, a lot of jealousy, scandals and nerves, about stability and harmony, do not have to speak.
  3. At the very beginning of the twins relationship attracts the intellect of scorpions, their ability to rationally think, find clear and simple solutions to any problems. But gradually begins to repel unpredictability and emotional instability.
  4. The owners-scorpions will try to grab the leadership in a pair and constantly hold the twins next to them. Violation of the personal borders of the freedom-loving sign sooner or later will force the twins cool, and Scorpio will become all the might try to return the lost attention.
  5. If Scorpio falls in love, he throws all the forces to provide a partner a comfortable life. He can donate to all: time, health, relationships with loved ones. It will make an unforgettable romantic surprises, give dear gifts. But little sense - twins it only entertains, but is not enough for them.

In general, such an union is not favorable. Good, stable and calm relationships between these signs are possible only in the business sphere. They can become excellent allies or business partners, and only affected love bonds.

Causes of conflict

If you are already in such a stellar pair, it is important to understand what moments can become sources of conflicts to learn how to bypass sharp corners and achieve mutual understanding.

The main causes of conflicts in the pair are as follows:

  1. Scorpio willingly fulfills all the desires of the twins, seeks to invest in relationships and is inclined to give a lot. But the twins do not appreciate it, they support all the gifts of the partner, but do not try to give something in return, which is hurt.
  2. Gemini tend to constantly change their decisions and moods, which will plunge rational and purposeful scorpions in panic and annoying.
  3. Sensuality and sielder of Scorpio annoying twins no less. They perceive it as an encroachment on personal freedom, so they are constantly trying to fight for their borders, and sometimes hard methods.
  4. Scorpio need to know everything about the partner so that he belongs to them completely. They will constantly become all secrets, the desire and fears of a partner who does not want to share it at all.

The most important problem is such a pair - the emotional incompatibility of their elements. Twins seem cold in comparison with temperamental and sensual scorpions. The absence of a response in feelings in the end may lead to painful separation.

Couple Woman twin and male scorpion

This is exactly the union about which they say that opposites are attracted. At the beginning of relations, partners are very interested in each other. But over time, they recognize their second half better, and discrepancies in views become the main source of conflict.

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. A woman in such a pair is a source of inspiration and energy. She gives her satellite forces for new achievements, he can go into growth with her: in his career, affairs or business. Its light character, charm and sense of humor, as well as limitless admiration - is a huge impetus for development.
  2. But gradually a man begins to seem that it is underestimated, do not respect and relate to him disseminately. From this, the first, first small, and then more serious quarrels.
  3. The problem moment is also in the fact that a woman happily shares the successes of his partner, and he does not support difficult periods. When a man is not afloat, she begins to be disappointed and look close to other, more successful candidates.
  4. A man will try to keep his companion's attention long enough. The manipulation usual for him does not work, so he will try to show his "coolness" conquest and achievements. But everything is in vain.

Sooner or later, Scorpio is aware that a person next to him is the tired and insincere woman, and wants to part.

Check out the video about the compatibility of these two characters:

Gemini Male and Scorpio

A man in such a pair is difficult to understand and accept that his woman spends weight of energy into jealousy and conflicts. He sincerely wonders why it is impossible to just love and enjoy relationships in their entirety.

Problem moments of this union:

  1. At the very beginning of relations, a woman begins to deify his partner, infinitely admires them and believes in him. But this is the problem - she is waiting for too much from him, so it is disappointed with time if he cannot justify its ambitious expectations.
  2. The girl may not be enough lightness, holiday, positive emotions and optimism.
  3. The problem is also the fact that the scorpion partner should belong to it entirely. Because of this, she often encroaches his freedom, which the twins do not tolerate. Woman will check phones and correspondence, in severe cases it will even make a surveillance.
  4. Sooner or later, jealousy and obsession of a scorpion woman will push a man and he will decide to stop relationships, free from suffering attention.

We summarize: the Union of Scorpio and Gemini is not the most favorable. But there is an opportunity to maintain normal relationships in a pair, if each of the partners agree to search for compromises.

Original This is a pair of scorpion and twins. Both are extraordinary, wonderful in nature. Here even the stars can not always say exactly - it will turn out something or not. The horoscope signs of the zodiac is changing very often. Today everything is intended successfully, and tomorrow they will honor once and forever.

Compatibility is also changed, then the perfect, and then low. It is not easy to chase over the pace of their relationship.

Partners themselves are recognized that in love they appreciate unpredictability, and such relationships only are heated by passion.

It will not be easy, but it will be very interesting. It is not very important here who is a man, and who is a woman in a relationship, because both signs of the zodiac are endowed with mystical energy. If they last long, then there should be no problems in marriage, although each of them periodically pulls "on Strona". Is it worth it to join such confusing relationships? A astrologer can only try to give a council that will help pair to establish harmony.

Zodiacal energy

Zodiacal energy pulls us to each other. For all the signs of the zodiac, this rule is valid. Sometimes, such a strange choice of a partner is due to the influence of stars. Man is born. At this very moment, the heavenly shine lined up in a certain order, unique. They sent him a gift - the charge of zodiac energy. It is character, the strength of the spirit, talents and abilities, strengths and weaknesses. In love, it is important who you are actually. Do not hide your truth from the partner, let him love you.

It does not always get a pair of scorpion and twins. Here a man and a woman, rather play roles. Gemini - the sign is extremely unpredictable. Two people in one, two faces of one personality. He himself doesn't always get along with him, not that with other people. But still, the stars decided that they were destined to try to be together. Compatibility for signs changeing, though high. In order for everything to work out, more often read your horoscope. It will help you bypass the dangerous places of love.

Skorpion in love

Interesting zodiac sign, this scorpion. It is able to achieve incredible heights in the career, personal life is always saturated. His vulnerable place is a family. For her, he is ready for everything.


Very interesting sign that has a strong male energy. Male Scorpio is able to minimize the mountain for his beloved. Of course, provided that he has already found this very beloved. Searches are tightened to 25-30 years. At this time, he tastes life taste. Among all the signs of the zodiac with a strong influence of Mercury, Scorpio is able to maintain a clean head. The quarrel with him is worse. He is a smart, quirky, will always find how the opponent is terrible. If scorpion is in love, then loses part of its dangerous properties. A favorite woman becomes part of his family, and for the family scorpion is ready even to sell the best friend.

In a pair, he assumes the maximum responsibility. It's nice to see a strong, intelligent woman, then let it always stay at the step below. Its compatibility with female signs is great, they themselves stretch to it. If you are in love with scorpion, then be prepared to participate in the competition for his heart.


Woman Scorpio combines a male mind, a strong grip, unsurpassed talent to intrigues and powerful ambitions. Stop it to sit at home with children and saucepans is not possible. Woman Scorpio prefers to be the best in his profession, build a business, get to power. She will not directly give orders. It is a "gray cardinal", which is capable of creating their plans to comprehensively. But, and she can love. Loving woman Scorpio will be surprisingly militant.

Of course, to certain boundaries of the possible. Of all the signs of the zodiac, it will choose the man who will be able to competently distribute the duties with it. Time for work does not confuse with the time of entertainment. That's then she will be happy. Compatibility with a strong man is the most about what scorpion dreams from the young age. Such a man in her life will be exercised over time.

Pissile twins

Transportation experience with twins is invaluable. So unpredictable zodiac signs you have never seen. His main dignity is an infinite fantasy.


He could become a famous writer or cinematographer, the benefit of fantasy on three enough. Male Gemini could be a mathematician who proved the farm theorem. Great mind, mathematical thinking. He could whatever anything, but only the contradictions tear it into parts. Many zodiac signs have problems with laziness, stubbornness, ambitions. But only the twins find problems from nothing where they could become famous. He seeks to ideal, but halfway laziness takes his. He is praised for a brilliant project, but he is dismissed, considering all the ones with cadets, thwarting his glory.

In love, the man twins can also choose a side. He meets many worthy women who could make it happy. He tries. Disappointment - he runs away. He disappointed - he would be convinced that the woman was stupid, unworthy of him. And it happens, the object of unrelated love is persecuted. In general, twins are one of the most incomprehensible signs, it is absolutely impossible to predict his actions or thoughts.


In addition to the twins of men, there are also the twins of a woman. Their universe endowed good data for success. Pleasant appearance, sharp mind, excellent sense of humor. She likes to read, travel, make dating. You have to start them so much, because the old often "disappear." Woman twins can suddenly decide that a long-standing girlfriend - envious, which shears intrigue against her. There is also a connection. But, gladly believes to find a new acquaintance. So they change constantly.

These signs have a future, even though it will be too hard

Twins Woman desperately want to be loved. She complains that it became very hard to find a decent man. The world of men is full of weaklikov, fools and just unworthy. She makes attempts, but disappointing it too easy. Twin female compatibility with other signs is not very high. The only compatibility of a woman and men twins. From such a pair, it is better to run from all legs.

Love, relationship, family

Astrologers are often bold with their hands when they ask for comment on the horoscope of the love of scorpion and twins. We can say that a pair of scorpion man and twins The woman can work out. Only in the event that a man here has a strong will, will be able to control everything, even the thoughts of his beloved. It will not allow her to leave head to their fantasies. Their compatibility is not high, but in a practical, living sense, they can live together.

Pare Woman Scorpio and Gemini Man is best to stay friends. Time will put everything in its place, but for now - they are not suitable for love. The ambitions of Scorpio will move all the twin complaints into the background, the connection will disappear. After that, the twins will not be able to trust the partner, will begin to lead a double life. Zodiacal compatibility is very small.

This is an interesting couple, in terms of the preparation of the forecast. They are unpredictable that they have to recheck 10 times. Today, scorpion and twins are planning their lives for years, come up with names for children. Tomorrow they do not want to hear about each other. What happened? In love there should be a place for the recklessness, but not so much. Such couples are doomed to a closed circle - a meeting, love, quarrel, parting. They wish to part, but can not. It takes time, and the pair is together again.

In relations partners a lot of happy moments. It holds them nearby from each other.

Everything is easier if the guy and the girl of these signs of the zodiac met. They are still young, naive places. It's easier to create a strong pair. Familiar with life does not appear, immediately understand - these relationships are inherent. If it came to a wedding, nothing will change in marriage. They will run on each other, then from each other. Scorpio and twins are doomed to such relationships - everything is marked here the powerful influence of Jupiter and Mercury for a couple. Give advice is meaningless - they do not listen to them. Just enjoy the moments of happiness without thinking about tomorrow. So you can concentrate on your love, and not on problems and differences.

Very similar and at the same time as the signs of scorpion and twins are radically opposed. Their compatibility for this reason is quite contrary. On the one hand, the partners are perfectly combined, and on the other hand they have nothing to do. Between them there is some kind of inexplicable attraction. In their union, frantic love is interspersed with real hatred.

  1. Woman twin, male scorpion - what are they?
  2. Sexual couple compatibility.
  3. What difficulties do relationships suffer?
  4. What advantages has compatibility?
  5. How does a male scorpion, a woman twins get along?
  6. What can I count in love?

What does the compatibility horoscope say? Woman twin, male scorpion - what are they?

In the relationships of these signs there are elementary laws of physics. First, lovers, as opposites, are attracted, and through time they start quietly hating each other. On its elect, Scorpio sees the energy source from which you can draw vitality. He likes to watch the twins, because she confidently goes in life, does not look around and nothing is afraid. At first, the male Scorpio and the twin woman together feel perfectly amazing his wit's wit, her character and natural kindness.

But after a time to Scorpio, the awareness comes that the beloved is not able to appreciate his merit. In addition, it is not always ready to divide his problem with a man. Such a woman easier to avoid sharp corners. In addition, it often gives reasons for suspicion and jealousy. Scorpio is trying to give twins everything, put the whole world to her feet. However, after a while he understands that he found the wrong woman, since her feelings were insincere, and thoughts were hung somewhere far away. Male Scorpio, Woman Twins Start looking for a more suitable second half.

Scorpio is quite secretive, mysterious sign. Only carefully studying his character will help truly understand this man. It has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Thanks to the natural magnetism, scorpion attracts them to others, he always has many friends.
  • Such a man is targeted, he often takes part in disputes and competitions.
  • Scorpio is a maximalist, constantly improving, improves professional qualities.
  • He is a wonderful family man, it turns out a caring, loving father.
  • For its close scorpion - real support, "Stone Wall".

However, this man also has many drawbacks:

  • Scorpio is an incorrigible egoist.
  • His mysteriousness often leads to conflicts with others.
  • He is a real owner. I will never allow anyone to hurt your male pride.

In principle, love does not see the shortcomings, and therefore, you can even come up with such a difficult character of the chosen one. What spoils the compatibility of the scorpion and the twin of a woman? In fact, in the nature of such a lady, too, a lot of "pitfalls". By nature, she is a real actress. It is intended to change the roles, try different masks. You can never predict what image it will appear tomorrow or after a minute. Characteristic advantages of twins:

  • It is unlikely that this woman can be boring.
  • It is sociable, witty, energetic and seductive.
  • Gemini - a great mistress and a faithful spouse.

It is worth mentioning about the disadvantages:

  • This woman changed.
  • She likes adventures and adventures.
  • It can be too hot-tempered and emotional.

Suitable lovers male Scorpio, woman twins. Sexual couple compatibility

Initially, the intimate life of such partners is filled with passion. True, in time, the twin female, the male Scorpio in bed face disagreements, find contradictions. A partner in intimate proximity sees some kind of sacred secret. That is, sex for it is of great importance, and not a simple way to get pleasure.

A truly wonderful scorpion will never change the chosen. A woman perceives intimate relationships completely differently. She does not seek to penetrate the mystery of love harmony. Gemini do not focus on sex, because in the world there are more exciting and amazing things. In such a pair, a man can feel deprived of what is able to push him on treason.

What difficulties tolerate the relationship between a man scorpion and a woman twins?

This woman is often too rational and cold. However, a man does not immediately draw attention to it. Only after time he will notice that the partner does not differ in passion and dustiness. This inconsistency of characters and does not allow to build a good compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Scorpio and Gemini. Choosing Choices Upset Cavaler. He begins to seem that the beloved everything perceives too superficially, not passing through himself. Gemini also becomes harder over time. A partner often suits quarrels to somehow emotionally "dig" beloved.

Often Scorpio Puts Farm. The prudence of a woman does not give her to understand what exactly happened. The fact is that a man is waiting for some emotional reaction from her. For example, it would arrange anger, tears or resentment. A similar attitude, a woman can tolerate not long. At some point, she just can turn around and leave.

What advantages have compatibility of signs Scorpio Male - Gemini Woman?

As a rule, such partners rarely bring their relationships before marriage. But this still happens. And even ambiguous pair Scorpion man - Gemini woman has its advantages. Will in love will be much easier to get along if the cavalier is significantly older than the elect. Over the years, scorpion becomes more responsible, patient, and therefore calmly belongs to the liveliness, impermanence and restlessness of the second half.

This woman is difficult to manipulate. And Scorpio constantly strives to do it. Rhenya choices, he wants that she felt guilty. In adulthood, a man will not be suspecting a beloved without reason. It will be smart, a good friend. In addition, a good compatibility of twins and scorpion is a man in business. If lovers find a common cause, their union will be longer. As a rule, the material state of such a pair is stable.

How the male scorpion, female twins get along: compatibility in everyday life

As scorpion has all the best male qualities, he seeks to embody any desires of his beloved woman. But it is very domineering and demanding. Similar features of the elect do not give air twins calmly live. Partners are completely at different angles look at family life. They seem to seek to the same, but somehow differently. In the end, the Woman Twins Male Scorpio Compatibility is still losing.

The initiator of the rupture of relations is rarely becoming a spouse. It's just strongly tied to the lover. She does not want to solve anything. She tries to quickly do and think, but not to decide.

Gemini should not try to remake the chosen one. It is quite normal if it will suddenly become coldness and removal in relationships. This does not mean that he fought. You just need to accept the features of the character of scorpion and enjoy life with him. In this case, the Union will be successful. If the woman will be scandaling, to show aggression, then the man next to her will not stay long.

What can the Woman twins and the male Scorpio count? Combining signs, results

And despite all the minutes, still compatible woman twin, male scorpion. Interest, however, they are not the highest, because he is torn in touch, but it is to turn in the clouds. Just the girl attracts the power of Will Cavallar, his ability to look right into the soul. She is not able to resist his bold and gentle glance. In addition, Scorpio is able to love. When necessary, it is manifesting, tenderness and affection. Also, it periodically demonstrates all the power of his character. All this does not leave a woman a chance, she falls in love with the ears.

Unable to keep yourself in their hands, the twins rush into the arms of Scorpio. A man can take quite a long time towards air and impermanence of chosenness with patience and understanding. But at some point, the man Scorpio and the female twins in the relationship will decide to put the point. Salvation in this case can be the persistence of a partner, because he is not used to retreat from his goals. Even in love with scorpion retains the mind and sobriety of the mind. He will certainly think how long the windiness of the beloved will be able to endure.

Summing up It can be said that the male Scorpio, the female twins compatibility in love are able to maintain only thanks to the efforts of the beautiful half. If the partner truly wants to keep the cavalier next to him, she will succeed. She follows more often to show calm, openness in relationships. The constancy of Scorpio will allow him to put up with many disadvantages of the beloved. True, he needs to try less often to jealous the chosen. This feeling sometimes just cuts the man, becomes uncontrollable. In general, mutual efforts Scorpio, twins compatibility of signs will remain for a long time. Only you need such relationships - this is another question.