Judas: Why do hero make a traitor? The problem of the borders of love in the work of L. Andreeva Judas Iskariot is a climax - the scene of traitor

Judas: Why do hero make a traitor? The problem of the borders of love in the work of L. Andreeva Judas Iskariot is a climax - the scene of traitor
Judas: Why do hero make a traitor? The problem of the borders of love in the work of L. Andreeva Judas Iskariot is a climax - the scene of traitor

This work is written with a high psychological understanding of human actions. The author reveals the essence of the lifeguard of all heroes, looking into their souls and breaks all the masks from the heroes of the story.

After entering the seal, critics thrown on the author and said that his works were impregnated with high pessimism and drama. The figures of the Orthodox Church negatively reacted to this story, because of the establishment of Judas the main character of the story.

Since Judas is painted here and considered under the microscope. In the story, all its strengths and weaknesses are lit. In detail over the years, its life is considered. From the earliest years before the moment he began to serve as an apostle in Jesus Christ.

After Judas found out that the apostles of Jesus regret that their teacher would die soon on the cross. But do nothing to save the teacher, he openly condemns all the assistants of Jesus. Although in the future execution of the teacher, the Judas is to blame.

But he does not realize this, considers himself a positive and right person. Although in fact the Judas is cruel, low moral and scary man. The author in the story describes it as a terrible person as inside in the soul. So the external appearance confirms the same qualities as spiritual defendance and physical qualities.

Andreev is openly and without sticks describes all people and removes masks from all over society. He does not adorn any of the heroes, but on the contrary shows all the negative aspects of each member of society.

Therefore, Andreeva is often accused of increased psychologism and dramatism of all its works. But the author himself calls this work as a teaching manual on ethics of society, learning psychology, and a textbook on betrayal.

The author openly writes about all the advantages and disadvantages of Judah. He also describes all the actions of the students of Jesus, who then after the death of the teacher will become apostles and will bear the light of faith to all residents of our planet.

In the actions of the apostles, the author also finds flawed this is primarily their in-depth study of the Holy Teachings and Bible. The disciples are bright and sincerely honored all the rules and vows of the Church, but they do not notice a simple ordinary human life.

Not everyone see the simple needs of the usual average person. Daily problems and difficulties are in the life of every person. But save all your best character features is not available to every person.

In the final, the story of Judas leaves life, having fun on a tree over the precipice, to connect with the teacher after death. And repent of their sins. Before that, he cruelly condemned the students of Jesus that they did not save their teacher and did not help to discourage him from the guards.

Several interesting writings

  • The main characters of the story of Peter and Fevronia Murom

    The story of Peter and Fevronia Murom, perhaps, you can call the story about the real and bright love, which everyone tries to find in his life.

He [Thomas] carefully looked at Christ and Judas,
sitting nearby and this strange proximity of the Divine
beauty and monstrous disgrace, man with meek gaze
and the octopus with dull greedy eyes oppressed his mind,
as an unresolved mystery.
L. Andreev. Juda Israariot

Judas, perhaps, the most mysterious (from a psychological point of view) The gospel character was especially attractive for Leonid Andreeva with his interest in the subconscious, to contradictions in the soul of man. In this area, L. Andreev, I remind you of the words M. Gorky, was "terribly guessed."

In the center of the story of L. Andreeva - the image of Judas Iskariot and his betrayal - "Experiment". According to the Gospel, Judas was moving a mercantile motif - betrayed the teacher for 30 silver 1 (the price is symbolic - this is the price of a slave at the time). In the Gospel of Judas Korerstolyviliv, he reproaches Mary when she buys a precious world for Jesus, - Judas was the keeper of public treasury. Andreevsky Jude is not typical of Srebrolubie. L. Andreeva Judas himself buys expensive wine for Jesus, which almost everything drinks Peter.

The reason, the motive of terrible betrayal, according to the Gospel, became Satan, who was in Judas: "Satan entered the Judea, called Isariot, .. And he went and spoke with the high priest" (Gospel from Mark, Chapter 14: 1-2). The gospel explanation seems to be from a psychological point of view, mysterious: since all the roles were already distributed (and the victims, and the traitor), then why it was the Grave Cross to be a traitor? Why he then hanged himself: did not stand the severity of the crime? Repeated in the grace for them? The scheme "Crime - Punishment" here is so generalized, abstracted, reduced to the general model, which in principle allows various psychological specifications.

Unlike the story of Y. Nagin "Favorite student" published in the early 1990s, where the author's position is definitely pronounced (in particular, already in the title), the story L. Andreeva is contradictory, Ambiva-Lental, her "answers" is encrypted and Paradoxical, which determines the controversial, often the polarity of reviews about the story. The author himself spoke about it as follows: "As always, I just put questions, but I do not give answers to them ..."

The story is symbolic and wears a parable. Proverbs are zinch: "And now Judas came ...", repeats of the Union and, sounding epically: "And there was evening, and evening silence was, and the long shadows went down on the ground - the first sharp arrows of the coming night ..."

At the beginning, the negative characteristic of Judah is given, it is approved, in particular, that "He had no children, and this once again said that Judas - a bad man and does not want the God of the offspring from Judas," he himself many years is meaningless in the people, .. and he lies everywhere, shines, violating that -To with his thieves eye " etc. These characteristics from a certain point of view are valid, they are often given to the proof of the author's negative attitude towards the central character of their story. And yet it is necessary to remember that it belongs to these reviews not to the author, but some "knowledgeable" Judas, as evidenced by the author's sending to the point of view of others: "Jesus Christ many times warnedthat Judas from Cariot - a person is very bad glory and you need to beware ... ";" Tell me Further that ... [allocated in both cases me. - V.K.] ". This initial knowledge of Judas is further complemented, the author is adjusted.

Intentionally at the beginning of the story gives and repulsive portrait of the ugly red Judah:

And now Judas came ... He was thin, good growth, almost the same as Jesus, .. And he was enough for enough power, it was, apparently, but I someone pretended to be sick and painful ... Short red hair did not hide a strange and unusual shape His skulls: exactly blurred with a bold with a double blow of the sword and the newly compiled, he was clearly divided into four parts and inspired distrust, even anxiety: there can be no silence and consent for such a skull, noise of bloody and merciless battles always heard. The face of Judah was also doubled: one side of him, with black, sharply looking out the eye, was alive, mobile, who would be eagerly accompanied into numerous wrinkle curves. There was no wrinkle on the other, and she was a deadly smooth, flat and frozen; And although in magnitude it was first, but seemed to be huge from the wide open blind eye ...

What was the motive of the evil act Juda? S.S. Averintsev in the encyclopedia "Myths of the Peoples of the World" "the main motive calls" painful love for Christ and the desire to provoke students and the people for decisive actions "2.

From the text of the story it follows that one of the motifs is not a psychological, but a philosophical-ethical nature, and he is associated with Satanskost Judah ( "Satan entered Judea ..."). We are talking about who knows people better: Jesus or Juda? Jesus, with his idea of \u200b\u200blove and faith in a good start in man, or Judas, claiming that in the soul of every person - "Everything is not true, abomination and lies", even in the soul of a good man, if it is pretty rustled? Who will win in this unlawful dispute of good and evil, i.e. What will the outcome of the "experiment" supplied by Juda? It is important to emphasize that Judas wants not to prove, but to test his truth that L.A.I fairly noted Colobayeva: "Judas need not to prove that the disciples of Christ, like people in general, are bad - to prove to Christ, all people, and you yourself know what they are in fact, to know their real price. Judas should solve the question - he is deceived or right? In this tip of the problematics of the story, the philosophical and ethical character: the story sets the question of the basic values \u200b\u200bof human being "3.

To this end, Judas is solved on a terrible "experiment". But he is buried by him, and he would be glad to be mistaken, he hoped that "and others" will defend Christ: "One hand betraying Jesus, the other hand of Judas diligently sought upset his own plans".

The duality of Judah is connected with his satanic origin: Judas argues that his father is "goat" 4, i.e. devil. Kohl in Judas entered Satan, the Satanic began should manifest itself not only at the level of the act - the betrayal of Judas, but also at the level of philosophy, ethics, as well as appearance. Judas with his peculiar to him (and a story explained by the author) insight as if he sees and evaluate people. The author deliberately gives Judas "Snake" features: "Judah will crap", "and, walking, how everyone goes, but feeling as if he made up on the ground". In this case, we can talk about the symbolic nature of the story - about the duel of Christ and Satan. This conflict is essentially evangelsk, it is expressed in the confrontation of good and evil. Evil (including the recognition of ontological evil in the soul of man) defeats. It would be possible to say that L. Andreev comes to the thoughts about the global powerlessness of a man if (paradox!) Not the ability of Judah to repentance and self-sacrifice.

L. Andreev does not justify the act of Judah, he is trying to solve a riddle: what was led by Juda in his act 5? The writer fills the gospel plot of betrayal psychological content, and among the motives are allocated as follows:

  • rebeling, Juda Rebar, irrepressible desire to solve a human riddle (find the price "other"), which is generally characteristic of the heroes of L. Andreev. These qualities of Andreev's heroes are largely the projection of the soul of the writer itself - the maximum wisest and the rebellion, paradoxalist and heretic;
  • loneliness, rejection Judah 6. Judas was despised, and Jesus was indifferent to him. Only for a short time he received the recognition of Judas - when she won the strong Peter in throwing stones, but then again it turned out so that everyone went ahead, and Judas again began to be rear, forgotten and despised by everyone. By the way, extremely picturesque, plastic, expressive L. Andreeva, in particular, in the episode, where the apostles throw stones in the abyss:

    Peter, who did not like the quiet pleasures, and with him Philip began to take big stones from the mountain and let them down, competing in strength ... Straightening, they pulled out the old one from the ground, which had lost her stone, raised him with both hands and allowed the slope. Heavy, he hit short and stupidly and thought for a moment; Then he was hesitantly made the first jump - and with each touch to the ground, taking the speed and fortress from her, became a light, ferocious, and inspiring. No longer jumped, and he flew with crammed teeth, and the air, whistling, missed him stupid, round carcass. Here is the edge, - smooth last movement stone cooked up and calmly, in severe thoughtfulness, it flew down, at the bottom of the invisible abyss.

    The picture is so expressive that we monitor the jumps and, finally, the flight of the stone, accompanying every stage of his movement. Messiah completely ceased to pay attention to the Juda: "For all he (Jesus) was a gentle and beautiful flower, and for Judas left only sharp spikes - as if there was no heart from Judah". This is an indifference of Jesus, as well as disputes about who is closer to Jesus, who loves him more, began to be a psychologist who would have a provoking factor for the decision of Juda;

  • insult, envy, immeasurable pride, the desire to prove that it is he who loves Jesus more than everyone who is also peculiar to the Andreevsky Judas. To the question, asked Jude, who will be in the kingdom of the Heavenly first near Jesus - Peter or John, follows the answer that struck everyone: the first will be Judas! Everyone says that they love Jesus, but how they will behave at the time of the test - to check it and seek Judas. It may be that Jesus "Others" love only in words, and then will enthusiame Judas. The act of a traitor is the desire to check the love of others to the teacher and prove their love.

The plot-composite role of Judah is meaningful. It is intended to be the author to be a catalyst for events to highlight and give a moral assessment of the actions of others. But the plot is moving and the personal desire of Judas to be an understandable teacher, encourage him to pay attention to him, appreciate his love. Judas creates an existential situation - the situation of choice, which should be the moment of psychological, moral revelation for all participants in this great test.

At the same time, the Personality of Judah becomes a story and independently meaningful, and its significance is evidenced by the correct indicator - the speech of the central hero, unlike speech "and other" characters. R. S. Spivak discovers the priority of creative start and distinguishes in it (and on the basis of speech too) two types of consciousness: bone, Nepologica ("faithful" disciples) and creative, liberated Dogma's pressure (Judas Iskariot): "The ocossiness and infertility of the first consciousness - based on the blind faith and the authority, which is not tired of mocking Judas - finds an embodiment in the unequivocal, poor, on the household level, the speech of" faithful "students. The consciousness of which is focused on the work of a free person, replete with paradoxes, hints, symbols, poetic allegoryrs "7. I abound with metaphors, poets, for example, the appeal of Judah to the beloved student Jesus John:

Why are you silent, John? Your words are like gold apples in transparent silver vessels, giving one of them by Judas, which is so poor.

This gave the foundation of R. S. Spivak to argue that the creative person in the St. Andrew's concept of man and in Andreev's worldview belongs to the central place.

L. Andreev is a romantic writer (with personalist, that is, a deep personality type of consciousness, which was projected on his works and first of all determined their nature, the circle of topics and features of worldview) in the sense that he did not accept evil in the world around him, the most important excuse Its existence on earth was creativity 7. Hence the high value of a person's creative in his artistic world. In the story of L. Andreeva Judas - the Creator of the New Reality, a new, Christian era, as neither blaspheme sounds for a believer.

Andreevsky Judas acquires a grand scale, he is equal with Christ, is considered as a participant in re-creation of peace, its transformation. If at the beginning of the story of Judas "Mained on the ground, like a punished dog," "crawled Judah, he knew hesitantly and disappeared", then after the committed them:

... all the time belongs to him, and he goes leisurely, now the whole land belongs to him, and he steps firmly, as a master, like a king, like one who is infinitely and joyful in this world is alone. Issues the mother of Jesus and says her stern:

- Are you crying, mother? Cry, cry, and long will still cry with you all the Mothers of Earth. Dotole, until we come together with Jesus and do not destroy death.

Judas understands the situation as a choice: or he will change the world along with Jesus, or:

Then there will not be Juda from Cariot. Then there will be no Jesus. Then it will be ... Thomas, stupid froms! Would you ever wanted to take the earth and raise it?

Thus, we are talking about the transformation of the world, not less. This transfiguration is eager for everything in the world, nature is forgiven (see an expressive landscape picture in a story before the start of tragic events):

And ahead of him [Judah. - V. K.], and behind, and from all sides the walls of the ravine, the sharp line cutting the edges of the blue sky; And everywhere, poured into the ground, huge gray stones rose - as if she had passed the stone rain here and his heavy droplets were frozen in an endless Duma. And on the overturned, chopped skull looked like this wildly desert ravine, and every stone in it was like frozen thought, and there were a lot of them, and they all thought - hard, endlessly, stubbornly.

Everything in the world is eager for transfiguration. And it happened - changed time.

What are tears? - Asks Judas and pushing a still time, hits his fist, curses like a slave. It is someone else and because it is so naughty. Oh, if it belonged to Judas, - but it belongs to all this crying, laughing, chatting, as in the bazaar; It belongs to the Sun; It belongs to the Cross and the heart of Jesus, dying so slowly.

And another important feature of the Andreev Hero (Andreev's Concept of Man) emphasize researchers: "This is a potential rebel, a rebel who challenges the earth and eternal being. These rebels are very different in their vision of the world, and their rebellions are of different color, but the essence of their existence is one : They are dying, but do not surrender "8.

Of art features L. Andreeva's story "Judas Iskariot" draws the attention of literary criticism paradox system, contradictions, inexpensive, having an essential visual function. The system of paradoxes helps to understand the complexity, ambiguity of the evangelical episode, constantly keeps the reader's voltage. It reflects that emotional storm, which overwhelmed the soul of betrayed Christ, and then repentant and hanging Judah.

The paradoxical duality of appearance and the inner essence of Judas is constantly emphasized by the author. The hero of the story is false, envious, ugly, but at the same time the smartest of all the students, and the smart legs, satanic mind: he knows too deeply and understands the motives of their actions, for others he remained not impaired. Judas betray Jesus, but he loves him as a son, the execution of the teacher for him - "horror and dreams." Paradoxical duality attaches multidimensionality, polystriccy, psychological persuasiveness of the story of Andreev.

In Jude, there is no doubt, there is something from the devil, but at the same time it cannot but influence his reader personal (not from the devil, but from a person) amazing sincerity, the strength of experience for the teacher at the hour of his tragic test, the significance of his personality. The duality of the image is that it is inextricably linked that the terrible, which is enshrined behind him with a religious and cultural world tradition, and the sublime-tragic, which equals him with the teacher in the image of L. Andreeva. This author of the story belongs to piercing in meaning and emotional strength of the word:

And from this evening, until the death of Jesus, Judas did not see him near him, not one of the students; And among all this crowd were only two, inseparable to death, wildly bound by the generality of suffering, - the one who was betrayed on the crop and flour, and the one who betrayed him. From one cup of suffering, as brothers, they drank both, devotee and traitor, and the fiery moisture equally looked clean and unclean mouth 9.

In the context, the death of Judah is as symbolic, as well as the crucifixion on the Cross of Jesus. In the reduced plan, and at the same time, as a significant, towering over ordinary reality and ordinary people, the event is described by Judah's suicide. The crucifixion of Jesus on the cross is symbolic: the cross is a symbol, center, convergence of good and evil. On the broken curve branch exhausted by the wind, half-tree, but on the grief (!), Highly over Jerusalem, Judas hanged himself. Deceived by people, Judas voluntarily leaves this world after his teacher:

Judas for a long time, during his lonely walks, outlined the place where he kills himself after the death of Jesus. It was on the mountain, high above Jerusalem, and there was only one tree, the curve, exhausted by the wind, taking it from all sides, half fell. One of his broken curves of branches, it extended to Jerusalem, as if blessed him or something threatening, and I was chosen by Judas in order to make a loop on it ... [Judas] mumbled angrily:

No, they are too bad for Judah. Do you hear Jesus? Now will you believe me? I am going to you. Meet me gently, I'm tired. I am very tired. Then we are together with you, hugging how brothers, back to Earth. Okay?

Recall that the word brothers has already been pronounced in the speech of the author-narrator earlier, and this indicates the proximity of the position of the author and his hero. A distinctive feature of the story - lyricism and expressiveness, emotionally high degree of narrative, transmitting the tensions of Judas expectations (the embodiment of "horror and dreams"). At times, first of all, when describing the execution of Christ, the story acquires the character almost unbearable in tensions:

When the hammer was raised to nourge the left hand of Jesus, Judas closed his eyes and did not breathe as much eternity, did not see, did not live, but only he listened. But with a gnish, iron about iron, and once with a stupid, short, low blows, - heard, as an acute nail in a soft tree enters the particles ...

One hand. Not too late.

Other hand. Not too late.

Leg, another leg - really all over? He hesitantly reveals his eyes and sees how rises, swinging, cross and installed in the pit. He sees how, intensely shuddering, painfully the hands of Jesus are pulled out, wounds expand - and suddenly leaves under the ribs of the abdomen ...

And again the author - together with the central hero of the story, and as a result of the maximum approximation to the suffering Jesus, the picture depicted to huge sizes (in reality, so close, Jesus could hardly see - he was on the cross, they did not let the guards, reaching it, reaching an extraordinary expressiveness. Expressiveness, emotional infection Tale L. Andreeva prompted A. Blok at one time to say: "The author's soul is a living wound."

Determine ideological
Content story
The value of the image of Judah in

Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich
Russian writer; Proser and playwright,
One of the most famous writers
Russia began the 20th century., Developed,
mainly in the plays
Expressionist poetics.
Early stories wore a democratic
and realistic character ("Bargamot and
Garska ", 1898). Sympathy
revolutionary ("Story about seven
hanged ", 1908), depicted
Revolution as a spontaneous riot ("Savva",
1906); The crisis of religious consciousness - in
Tale "Life of Vasily Fewan"
(1904); Madness and horror of war - in the story
"Red Laughter" (1905). Along with household
The drama "Days of our Life" (1908) philosophical and allegorical tragedies
("Man's Life", 1907; "Anatema", 1908).

Road contrast
Son of Amermer and daughter ruined
Polish landowner. Graduated from the gymnasium in Orel
(1891). Then entered the legal
Faculty of St. Petersburg University,
but ended the course of Moscow
University (1897). For several years practiced
like a lawyer. Amateur engaged
Painting, deserved, in particular, Praise I. E.
Repin and N. K. Roerich. In his youth twice
Athell on suicide, resulting in
acquired chronic cordial
failure. Memoirists celebrate
extreme nervousness and changeable
"Contrast" Nature of Andreeva, His
Pesssimism generated in part in passion
A. Shopenhauer's philosophy (especially his
writing "Peace like will and representation"), "he
Was all in the premonition of the catastrophe "(G. I.
Stockings), they owned the "sense of world void"
(K. I. Chukovsky).

In the stories "in the fog", "the abyss", "thought" (all 1902), the story
"Life of Vasily Fewish" (1903) intensifying the heat of spiritual
Collisses - the fatal disclaiming of the spirit and flesh, thoughts and madness, faith
and disbelief, beauty and disgrace, etc. from illustrative and
Rhetoric These works saves "Nervous Capture" (V. G.
Korolenko) Writing manner Andreev. Working
exclusively at night, quickly, on the verge of a mental breakdown,
Andreev brings the story to an unprecedented
voltage; copyright expression feed
"Nightmare" of the Russian-Japanese War (the story "Red Laughter",
1904) and the first Russian revolution. Central themes
his best stories ("Governor", 1905; "Darkness", 1907; "Story about
seven hanged ", 1908) and a weaker novel" Sasha
Zagulev "(1911) are revolutionary and especially
terrorism interpreted by Andreev as an existential
Reality revealing the contradictions of human nature.

"Juda Israariot"
Psychology of betrayal.
They would be happy
Seekie friend OT
But the thorns of the crown
Binds them

... and how there is no end in time
So there will be no end to the stories
About the betrayal of Judah
And his terrible death.
Leonid Andreev

"Juda Israariot"

The story is written based on the biblical
the plot in which he is talking about betrayal
Jesus Juda.
Got an ambiguous assessment since
Andreev in his own way interpreted the plot.
Why did you add to this topic? In the 1900s
writes a lot about Bogoralovek ("Christians",
"Elizar", "Life of Vasily Fewan").

"Juda Israariot"

Jesus Christ - the incarnation of truth,
good and beauty, and betrayed
His Juda is the personification of lies,
meanness, cunning.
Traditional opposition
Judah eleven faithful apostles
Caused Andreev doubt

Andreeva worries questions:

Only if the meanness led Judah to
Whether moral purity only
showed other apostles during
Culminated events of Christian

10. Origin of Judah Icyariot

Judas - "God will be sent"; Iskariot - "Man
from Keriota, "where Keriot is the designation of the settlement
item may be identical to Juda
Town Kiriafu.
Illuminated and spoiled Judas, the only one
The child in the family was spoiled with his
short-sighted parents. When he grew up, he has
There was an exaggerated idea of
Own significance. We must always be able to
Play, and he did not know. His ideas O.
Justice was vague. He cherished B.
Hate yourself feelings and suspicion. Masterfully
becoming interpreting the words and actions of your friends, he
all his life cultivated in itself the habit
to reduce scores with those who seemed to him badly
costs him. He possessed perverted
Representation of values \u200b\u200band devotion. (Book
Urantia, p. 1566.)

11. Juda Israariot in the story of L. Yandeva

His Judea L.andreyev gives not only
rich inner world, but also unusual
appearance. It has big
physical strength, but his body is ugly ...

12. Juda Israariot

"No, not ours he, this red Judah from cariot"
"None of the disciples noticed when for the first time
It turned out to be about Christ this red and
Ugly Jew ... "

13. Head

"Short red hair did not hide a strange and
extraordinary shape of his skull: for sure
blurred with a bold double blow of the sword and
newly compiled, he was clearly divided into four
parts and inspired distrust, even anxiety: for such
the skull can not be silence and consent, for such
Skull always hears the noise of bloody and
merciless battles. "
"... your ugly buggy head ..." (1)
"And on the overturned, chopped skull looked like
This wildly desert ravine, and every stone in it
was like frozen thought, and there were many of them, and they all
Thought - hard, infinite, stubbornly. " (2)

14. Hair color

the author in the text mentions that Judas had redhead
hair color. In mythology it often means
Selected God, proximity to the sun, right to
power. Gods war often red or red
horse. Many leaders, famous personalities had
This fire color hair. "Redhead" is
The epithet of the deities.

15. Hair color

Andreev is no wonder who assigns the hero that
hair color, because by the stories of the traitor always
it turned out that it was his first
Near Jesus. Judas sincerely believed in his
right and chosen, and most importantly he sought to
His goal with any means - betrayal
And it became a way to approach the Messiah.

16. Hair color

In addition, Judah "saved" several times
Christ from the crowd of the crowd, showing
militancy. But red hair
Iosifa, Mary, Mother's husband is attributed
Jesus (for example, in the picture
Rembrandt "Simeon in the Temple" - in his
origin from redhead, according to legend,
Tsar Psalmopevtsa). Perhaps this in this
case is emphasized again
conflicting nature of the character.

17. Family

"The face of Judah also doubled: one side of him, with
black, sharply looking out the eye, was alive,
Movable, eagerly gathered in numerous
Curves wrinkles. There was no wrinkle on the other, and
She was a deadly smooth, flat and frozen, and
although in magnitude it was the first, but seemed
I hurt from wide open blind eye.
White-covered mound, not closed at night
Next, he met the same and darkness equally, but
Was it that there was a living and cunning
Comrade, did not believe in his full blindness. When in
Flood of timidity or unrest Judah closed his
living eye and shook her head, this shot together with
Head movements and silently watched. "

18. Hands and fingers

"Judas took the whole soul into the iron fingers and in
an immense darkness of her, silently, began to build something
Huge. "
"Aisus slowly lowered the eyes. And, quietly drinking herself in
Chest bony finger, Iskariot repeated
solemnly and strictly:
- I! I will be near Jesus! "
"Rotted chest wide palm and even cough
prefeed this juda from cariot with general silence
and distilled eyes. "
"- I go to him! - said Judas, stretching up
Power hand. - Who is Iskarita to Jesus? "
"Judas, continuing to smile, I found out the eye
larger chip, affectionately dug in it
long fingers, crushed it, swinging together with
Him and, pale, sent him into the abyss. " (3)

19. Begins the story with the words:

"" Jesus Christ warned many times that
Juda from Cariot - a man of very bad glory and
it needs to beware "
Next is the presentation of rumors
That is, from the first rows is given negative
Characteristic Judah.
Oh no no good word: he
korestolobiv, cunning, tilted to
betrayal and lies (this is the author
Bad about him speak and good and bad

20. Negative

Threw his wife
Spear people
Curious, crazy, angry.
He does not have children
But Jesus is not
listens he accepted
Jude, turned on in a circle

21. "Juda Israariot"

9 chapters. 3 Chapter - betrayal; rest -
Waiting for the death of Jesus.
From the beginning of the story felt the motive of anxiety, he
Sounds in the description of nature.
New paragraph from one sentence: "And here
Judas came "
A detailed portrait is given.
Check out! What is special in the portrait?
Jesus's disciples reacted to him with
Woodiness, do not trust him.


And now Judas came ... he was thin, good growth, almost
The same as Jesus, .. and sufficient enough power it was, who heard, but I someone pretended to be sick and painful ...
Short red hair did not hide a strange and
extraordinary shape of his skull: exactly splored with
Cooling a double blow of the sword and the newly compiled, he
clearly divided into four parts and inspired distrust, even
Anxiety: for such a skull there can be no silence and consent,
The noise of bloody and
merciless battles. The face of Judah also doubled: one side
His, with black, sharply looking out the eye, was alive,
Movable, eagerly gathered in numerous curves
wrinkles. There was no wrinkle on the other, and she was
Dead-smooth, flat and frozen; And although the magnitude
She was first, but seemed to be hurt from wide
Open blind eye ...

23. "Juda Israariot"

Andreev goes after the evangelical history:
Jesus knew about betrayal, about everything that
It will happen, but still accepted Judas.
Nature waiting. Hardwood weather
preserved until the end of the story: everything happens in
The atmosphere of stuffiness, gravity, everything in black and white
Tones. As in front of a thunderstorm.
All waiting for change: Jesus is waiting for the day
betrayal, Judah lives hope that when
Jews will see the sufferings of Christ, free
Teachers will go behind him.

24. Judas suddenly becomes

Conscientiously performed by their own
Goethe: "Behavior is a mirror,
in which each shows
your face "
And yet the behavior of his
contradiction: takes on himself
duties and immediately steal 3
Dinaria; tells stories
and then admits that lied

25. Pupils of Christ

Possess earthly, human qualities
They are not perfect but diverse
Peter Loudsmen
Ioan is naive, ambition, wants one to be
Favorite student
Thomas silent, judged, but careful.
All apostles are indulgent to Judas, condemn
for lies and pretense, but with pleasure
Listen to his false history

26. Difference of Judas from the Apostles

Pupils are fighting for the first place
Near the teacher - Judas tries to be
And Christ looks at him.

27. Jesus changes the attitude towards Judas

Judas proves Jesus that Selyan was
insincere in relation to him, declared him
thief, deceiver (goat after found)
Jesus after that ceased to notice Judas, sat down to
Him my back, looked, but did not see.
Even when Judas helped Jesus, retained his life,
Again, the price of a lie, gratitude did not get:
"False to salvation" is severely adopted by Christ
Judas crying: He loves the teacher, wants to be
Favorite, utters a fatal phrase: "And now he
will perish, and with him the Judas will die "

28. Path to the crime

Meeting with the high priest Anna and
negotiates the ledge of Jesus in the hands of the law
(for 30 silver)
Now silent. Stopped talking about people
Surrounds Jesus care, tenderness.
Guess its slightest desire.
Brings flowers, transmits them through Maria
But the teacher seems to notice anything.

29. Path to the crime

Judah causes a feeling of pity, he sincerely
Says Jesus Christ needs to be preserved, you need
To leave here. Brought two sword to save
Duality: I betrayed and trying to save.
Believes that the love and loyalty will triumph
Jesus foresides. Says Peter: "Not
The morning will come, as you betray me three times. "

30. The climax - the scene of the traitor


L. Andreev does not justify the act of Judas, he is trying to solve a mystery: what
He managed Juda in his act5? Writer fills the gospel plot
betrayal psychological content, and among the motives are allocated
Rebeliness, juda rebellion, irrepressible desire to solve a riddle
Human (find the price "other"), which is generally characteristic of the heroes of L. Andreeva.
These qualities of Andreev's heroes are largely projection
The souls of the writer himself - the maximalist and the rebel, paradoxalist and heretic;
loneliness, rejection of Judah6. Judas was despised, and Jesus was to
It is indifferent. Only for a short time received the recognition of Judas - when
defeated strong Peter in stones throwing, but then again it came out so that all
We went ahead, and Judas again flew from behind, forgotten and despised by everyone.
H restensively painted, plastic, expressive L. Andreeva, in
particular in the episode where the apostles throw stones in the abyss:
Peter, who did not like the quiet pleasures, and with him Philip did the fact that
Large stones from the mountain and let them down, competing in strength ...
Straining, they moved the old one from the ground, the brought the stone, raised
Its high with both hands and allowed the slope. Heavy, he hit
Briefly and stupid and thought for a moment; then did hesitate
The first jump - and with each touch to the ground, taking speed from it
And the fortress, became a light, ferocious, and inspiring. No longer jumped, but
He flew with cramped teeth, and the air, whistling, missed him stupid,
Round carcass. Here is the edge, - smooth last movement stamped
up and calmly, in severe thoughtfulness, it flew down, on the bottom
invisible abyss.


The hero of the story is false, envious, ugly, but at the same time
the smartest of all students, and the smart ispowerful,
Satanian mind: He knows too deeply and understands
The motives of their actions, for others he remained not impaired. Judas
betrays Jesus, but he loves him as a son, the execution of the teacher for him
- "Horror and Dreams." Paradoxical duality attaches
Multidimensionality, Psychological persuasiveness
Test Andreev.
In Jude, undoubtedly, there is something from the devil, but at the same time can not
Do not affect your reader personal (not from the devil, but from a person)
Awesome sincerity, the strength of experience for the teacher at his hour
Tragic test, significance of his personality.
The duality of the image in the fact that it is inextricably
associated with the terrible, which is fixed behind him religious and cultural
by world tradition, and the sublime-tragic, which equalizes it
With a teacher in the image of L. Andreeva. This is the author of the story
belong to the piercing in meaning and emotional strength of the word:
And from this evening until the death of Jesus did not see Judas near him
one of the students; and among all this crowd were only two of them,
Inseparable to death, wildly related communities
suffering - the one who betrayed the crop and flour, and the one who his
betrayed From one cup of suffering, like brothers, they drank both,
devotee and traitor, and fiery moisture equally looked clean
and unclean mouth9.

33. How do pupils behave?

Judas is waiting for a miracle: now everyone will understand.
Trying to influence Anna, but then
drives him.
Pilate washes hands, says he is innocent in
the blood of the righteous, and Judas kisses him and
Call wise.


One hand betraying Jesus, the other hand of Judas diligently searched to upset his
Own plans. He did not dissuade Jesus from the last, dangerous journey to
Jerusalem, as women did, he even leaned towardide
Relatives of Jesus and those pupils who were considered to be victory over Jerusalem
I need for a complete celebration of the case. But he persistently and stubbornly warned he
On the danger and in living paints portrayed the Grozny hatred of Pharisees to Jesus, their
The willingness to go for a crime and secretly or explicitly to kill the prophet from Galilee.
Every day and every hour he spoke about it, and there was not one of the believers before
who would not stand Judas, raising a threatening finger, and would not say warningly and
- We need to take care of Jesus!
Need to take care of Jesus! Need to get out for Jesus, when it comes at that time. But
unlimited faith of students in the wonderful strength of their teacher, the consciousness of the wrong
or just blinding - the fucking words of Judas met a smile, and fellowless
The advice caused even a ropot. When Judas mined from somewhere and brought two swords, only
Petra liked this, and only Peter praised swords and Judas, the rest
They said displeased: - Do we have warriors that should be sinking?
And is Jesus not a prophet, but a warlord?
- But if they want to kill it? - They will not dare when they see that the whole
The people go for him.
- And if you dare? What then?
John spoke disdainfully:
- You might think that only one you, Judas, love the teacher.
And, greedily clutching into these words, not at all offended, Judas began to interrogate
Hurry, hot, with harsh perseverance:
- But you love him, right? And there was not a single believer who came to Jesus, who
He would not ask repeatedly: - Do you love him? Do you like tight?
And everyone answered that they love.

35. Crucifixion scene of Christ

- Throughout the execution of Judea tortured: a
Suddenly they will understand? Not too late!
- "Horror and dreams were performed"
- Judas consider the traitor, and he goes to the disciples
and accuses them in inaction calls
- And something is right. What?


Juda has long outlined the place where after death
Jesus kill himself "
Going to death, as a meeting with Jesus. "So
Memo me gently, I am very tired, Jesus "
Read out. Portrait of Judas.

37. Working with text

Clean the last paragraph
What feelings is written written?
What is the author's attitude to Judas?
Money was thrown by Juda - not because of them killed.
What is the true reason for the murder of Jesus,
Opinion Andreev?
Winner or loser Judas in a story?

38. Conclusions:

1. The factory value is not in words, but
In actions.
2. Love should be active.
3. In order for Jesus to make his feat
- Bring the victim in the name of mankind, it is necessary
betray And the shame of the betrayal of Judah took over
Thus, an obsmerifant not only Jesus, but also himself.
Andreev considers betrayal, too, the victim, so
Like Judas Own Himself on Eternal Shame


Betrayal is the main idea. For the first time the motive of betrayal
introduced into the text title (Judah in our understanding - already
traitor). Symbolic meaning of betrayal ideas
It is compared to Judah with a scorpion. Betrayal -
Violation of loyalty, first of all - to itself. Scorpio
At a minute of danger, jalitis himself, betrays himself, that is,
It becomes a suicide like Judas. The topic of suicide sounds in
The very beginning of the story with comparison: "He quarrels us
constantly, they said, smoothing, - he thinks something
Its and in the house climbs quietly, like scorpion, but comes out of it with
noise ... ". The idea of \u200b\u200bbetrayal determining the main meaning
all works, through a comparison displays the reader on another
Headline Interpretation Level: Any betrayal
turns into betrayal itself.


The peculiarity of the story "Juda Israariot" is
that the author in it is trying to find a way out
Contradictions, argue with himself, checking on
The strength of the disbelief in the man of the main character of faith
Jesus Christ. Biblical plots in creativity
Leonid Andreeva - not just retelling. They are
enter into their own special world, close to the world
Andreeva. Take them differently. Some say
that by using biblical plots
Andreev went from Atheism to Orthodoxy, others - what
on the contrary, using a kind of "proof of
nasty, "he more and more assured

The famous Russian Silver Age Writer L. Andreev remained in the history of Russian literature as the author of innovative prose. His works were distinguished by a deep psychologist. The author tried to penetrate into such depths of the human soul, where no one looked around. Andreev wanted to show the real state of things, disappeared by the cover of lies from the usual phenomena of the social and spiritual life of man and society.

The life of Russian people at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries gave little reasons for optimism. Critics reproached Andreev in incredible pessimism, apparently, for the objectivity of the reality. The writer did not consider it necessary to artificially create benevolent pictures, give evil a decent appearance. In his work, he revealed the true essence of the unshakable laws of public life and ideology. Causeing a squall of critics in his address, Andreev risked to show a person in all his contradictions and secret thoughts, revealed the deceit of any political slogans and ideas, wrote about doubts about the issues of Orthodox faith in the form in which her church presented.

In the story of "Judas Iskariot" Andreev gives his version of the famous Gospel Proverbs. He said that he wrote "something on psychology, ethics and practice of betrayal." The story considers the problem of ideal in human life. Jesus is such an ideal, and his disciples must preach his teachings, carry the light of truth into the people. But the central hero of the work of Andreev does not Jesus, but Judas Israariot, a man of energetic, active and full strength.

For completeness of the perception of the image, the writer describes in detail the memorable appearance of Judah, whose skull was "exactly splitted with a bold a double blow of the sword and the newly compiled, he was clearly divided into four parts and inspired distrust, even anxiety ... double and the face of Judah." Eleven students of Christ look inexpressively against the background of this hero. One eye of Judah is alive, attentive, black, and the other is immobile, like a blind. Andreev draws the attention of readers to the gestures of Judas, the manner of his behavior. The hero is lowly bowed, bending the back and pulling forward a buggy, a terrible head, and "in the seizure of timidity" closes the living eye. His voice, "then courageous and strong, then shrinking, like an old woman," then thin, "annoying liquid and unpleasant." Communicating with other people, it is constantly curly.

The writer introduces us and with some facts of the biography of Judah. It was nicknamed my hero, because I came from the cariot, alone lives, threw his wife, he had no children, apparently, God does not want his offspring from him. Judas many years vagrants, "Lies everywhere, shriveling, Zorko looks out for something with his thieves eye; And suddenly leaves suddenly. "

In the Gospel, the history of Judas is a brief story about betrayal. Andreev shows the psychology of his hero, tells in detail what was before and after betrayal and what it is caused. The topic of betrayal originated from the writer not by chance. During the first Russian revolution, 1905-1907, he was surprised and contempt with how many traitors suddenly appeared, "as if they were not from Adam, but from Judah."

In the story of Andreev notes that eleven students of Christ are constantly arguing among themselves, "who has paid more love" to be close to Christ and provide himself in the future in the kingdom of heaven. These students, who will later be called apostles, belong to Judas with contempt and squeamishness, as well as other vagabonds and beggar. They are deepened in the questions of faith, they are engaged in self-pressing and burned out from people. Judas at L. Andreeva does not twist in the clouds, he lives in the real world, steals money for a hungry harmnica, he saves Christ from an aggressive crowd. He plays the role of a mediator between people and Christ.

Judas is shown with all the advantages and disadvantages, like any living person. He is smart, modest, always ready to help satellites. Andreev writes: "... simple, soft and at the same time serious was serious." Shown from all sides, the image of Judas comes to life. He is also inherent in negative features that arose from him during the time of vagrancy and search for a piece of bread. This is a falseness, dexterity and deceit. Judas tormented by the fact that Christ never praises him, although it makes it possible to conduct business and even take money from the common box office. Iskariot declares the disciples that they are not, namely, he will be near Christ in the kingdom of heaven.

Juda intrigues the Mystery of Christ, he feels that something great and wonderful is hidden under the larva of an ordinary person. Deciding to betray Christ in the hands of the authorities, Judas hoped that God would not allow injustice. Before the death of Christ, Judas follows him, expecting every minute that his tormentors will understand who they are dealing with. But the miracle does not happen, Christ suffers from the guards and dies like an ordinary person.

Having come to the Apostles, Judas with surprise notes that on this night, when their teacher died with a martyr's death, the disciples of ate and slept. They are grieved, but their lives have not changed. On the contrary, now they are no longer subordinates, and each independently going to carry the Word of Christ. Judas calls them traitors. They did not defend their teachers, did not beat him with the guards, did not convene the people to defense. They were "crowded, like a bunch of frightened lambs, not interfering with nothing." Judas accuses students in lies. We never loved the teachers, otherwise they would have rushed to the aid and would die for him. Love saves, not knowing doubts.

John says that Jesus himself wanted this victim and the victim his beautiful. What Judas is angry: "Is there a wonderful victim, what do you say, a favorite student? Where the victim, there and the executioner, and traitors there! The victim is suffering for one and shame for everyone.<…> Slepts, what did you do with the earth? You wanted to destroy her, you will soon be kissing the cross on which you crucified Jesus! " Judas to finally check out students, says that he goes to Jesus on the sky to persuade him to return to Earth to the people he carried the light. Iskariot calls on the Apostles follow him. No one agrees. Peter rushing was also retreating.

The story ends with a description of Judah's suicide. He decided to hang on a bitch of a tree, growing over the precipice, so that if the rope breaks, fall on sharp stones and accurately ascend to Christ. Throwing the rope on the tree, Judas whispering, turning to Christ: "So I don't care gently. I am very tired". The next morning the body of Judah was removed from the tree and threw in the ditch, damning it as a traitor. And he was left forever in the memory of Judas Iskariot, a traitor.

Such a version of the evangelical plot caused a wave of criticism from the church. The goal of Andreeva was to awaken the consciousness of people, to make them think about the nature of betrayal, over their actions and thoughts.

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    • A lot of female images we encounter on the pages of the work of A. S. Pushkin. The poet always distinguished love for a woman in the highest sense of the word. Female images of A. S. Pushkin is almost an ideal, clean, innocent, high, lightweight. Of course, not the last place in the gallery of female images is the heroine of the novel "Captain's daughter" Masha Mironova. The author with great warmth refers to this heroine. Masha is a traditional Russian name, it emphasizes the simplicity, the naturalness of the heroine. There is no [...]
    • Masha Mironova - the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "round, rosy, with light rusia hair." For their kind, she was a cowardly: even a rifle shot was afraid. Masha lived quite closed, lonely; Grooms in their village was not. Her mother, Vasilis Egorovna, spoke about her: "Masha, a girl on granting, and what is the dowry? - a frequent comb, yes a broom, and Altyn money, with what to go to the bath. Well, if you find a kind person, otherwise Sydi Heads in the girls of New [...]
    • There is such an opinion that for the sake of love, a person is capable of a lot. Of course, this is good if love was liked a person for something significant, great. And if for the sake of love a person is solved on low, pore? Is it then? Most often, the word honor we use with the word conscience. And honor and love? Is it possible to tie them? I think that real love helps a person to save the honor, and not to go against his conscience. Consider this on specific examples. Hero Tale A. S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter" Peter Grinev [...]
    • What is true and what is a lie? By this issue, humanity is asked for many hundreds of years. True, lies, good and evil always stand next to, one without another simply does not exist. The clash of these concepts is the basis of many world-famous literary works. Among them and the socio-philosophical play M. Gorky "at the bottom." The essence of it is in the collision of the life positions and views of different people. The author is asked for Russian literature as a question of two types of humanism and his connection with [...]
    • On the ball after the ball feeling the hero, he "very much" in love; admired a girl, life, ball, beauty and the grace of the surrounding world (including interiors); Notes all the details on the wave of joy and love, is ready to die and make it possible to make any trivia. Without wine - drunk - love. He loves Varai, hopes, trembling, happy to be elected her. It's easy, does not feel your own body, "PARI". Delight and gratitude (for the pen from Were), "Cheerful and satisfied", happy, "Blessed", kind, "unearthly creature." FROM […]
  • The main theme of the story of Leonid Andreeva "Judas Iskariot" can be determined as an attempt to the most important in the history of humanity of betrayal. The author interprets the plot in his own way, trying to penetrate the very depths of the human soul, trying to understand the nature of the inner contradictions of Judas, study his psychology and, perhaps, even find an excuse for his actions.

    The gospel plot, in the center of which lies the image of Jesus Christ, is described by Andreev from another position, his attention is fully chained only to one student, who for thirty silverings of the observant of his teacher for the godfish and death. The author proves that Judas Israariot is much noble in love for Christ than many of his faithful disciples. Taking on the sin of betrayal, he allegedly saves the case of Christ. He appears to us sincerely loving Jesus and immensely suffering from the misunderstanding of his feelings surrounding. Departing from the traditional interpretation of the personality of Judah, Andreev complements the image with fictional details and episodes. Judas Iskariot divorced my wife and threw it without a means of existence, forced to wander in search of food. God did not give him children, because he did not want his offspring. And there is no in the story about the contest of the apostles in the stones throwing, the victory in which the false Judas Iskariot won.

    Analysis of the personality of the traitor

    The author offers the reader to evaluate the Judea not from the point of view of his actions, but in accordance with the experiences and passions that raged in the soul of this korestolobivoye, false and cunning Jew. A lot of attention in the book is given to the appearance of the traitor, his duality began with the face. One, alive, his side had a sharp all-way eye and wrinkle curves, the other was still dead, and the blind eye is tightened with a white veil. Yes, and the entire skull for some inexplicable reason was shared in two, showing that there is no consent in his thoughts. They gave him a random view as if donated by the devil.

    The neighborhood of such an image with the Divine beauty of Jesus was struck and caused misunderstanding from other students. Peter, John and Thomas are unable to understand the reasons why the Son of God brought to himself of this ugly man, this is the embodiment of a false flaw, and the pride is being mastered. And Jesus loved his student, as well as everyone else. At the time when the heads of the apostles are engaged in thoughts about the kingdom of heaven, Judas lives in the real world, Lies, as it seems to him, for good, he steals money for the beggar of the cloth, saves the teacher from the crowded crowd. It is shown with all human advantages and disadvantages. Judas Iskariot sincerely believes in Christ, and, even deciding to betray him, in the soul he hopes for God's justice. He follows Jesus to the very death and believes that a miracle will happen, but no magic happens, and Christ dies like an ordinary person.

    Inglorious end of red Judea

    Realizing the deed, Judah does not see another exit, except to end with life. He is forgiven with his suicide for forever with Jesus, because the paradise gates for him are now closed forever. Such appears in front of us, the new Judas Israariot. Andreev tried to awaken the human consciousness, make them think about the psychology of betrayal, rethinking his actions and life guidelines.