Ballerina XX century. Famous ballerinas and longevity Famous ballerinas of big

Ballerina XX century. Famous ballerinas and longevity Famous ballerinas of big
Ballerina XX century. Famous ballerinas and longevity Famous ballerinas of big

Soon she became one of the first Russian kinosvestans, releasing eight paintings in 1915. After the 1917 revolution, Karlya emigrated, lived in Lithuania, where the art of dance taught in Kaunas, worked in Romania, starred in France and Austria. As a result, she settled in Vienna, where she gave the lessons of ballet skill. Vera Karalli died in the Austrian Baden on November 16, 1972 at the age of eighty-three years. I filed a petition to return to your homeland, on November 1, 1972 received a Soviet passport, but after two weeks it did not.

Matilda Kshesinskaya graduated from the imperial theater school in 1890 danced in the Mariinsky Theater from 1890 to 1917

Ballet Olga Preobrazhenskaya began in 1879 under the leadership of Nikolai Leahman and Enrico Cheketti in the Vaganovsky School. After 10 years, Preobrazhenskaya was adopted in the Mariinsky Theater, where Matilda Kshesinskaya became its main opponent. Since 1895, Olga Transobrazhenskaya toured in Europe and South America, successfully performed at the La Scala Theater. In 1900, Preobrazhenskaya became prima-ballerina. In 1921, Olga Preobrazhenskaya left from the USSR, since 1923 she lived in Paris, where he opened the ballet studio and continued to be pedagogical activities for almost 40 years. In addition, Olga Preobrazhenskaya taught in Milan, London, Buenos Aires, Berlin.
Olga Josephovna Preobrazhenskaya died in 1962. He was buried on the Cemetery of Saint-Geneva de Bois.

Choreographic education Lyubov Roslavlev received in the Moscow Theater School in the Spanish Ballet Macester and Teacher Xosa Mendez (Mendez). Since 1892, Lyubov Roslavlev performed in the Bolshoi Theater. In 1902, Lyubov Roslavlev participated in the tour in Monte Carlo and Warsaw.

At all, at a young age, Olga Svetivtsi toured with great success with Russian Ballet Dyagilev in the United States. She was partner of Nizhinsky in the "Sylphides" and "Ghost Rose". Since 1918, Olga Sptustseva became the leading dancer, and since 1920, Prima-Ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater. Shortly after the 1917 revolution, she became the wife of a large Soviet security officer Boris Kaplun, who helped her emigrate along with his mother in 1923 to France, where during 1924-1932. Performed in the Paris "Grand Opera", becoming a leading invited ballerina Paris Opera.

From 1932, Speksivtsieva works with Fokina's troupe in Buenos Aires, and in 1934, at the position of the star, she visits Australia as part of the former troupe by Anna Pavlova. The last speech by Spesivtsevaya in Paris took place in 1939. After that, she moved to the United States.

In 1943, a mental illness was aggravated, Spesivseva more and more lost memory. So ended the career of the Great Ballerina. From 1943 to 1963 Olga Svetisvtsieva spent in a psychiatric hospital, the memory gradually recovered, and the outstanding ballerina recovered. The last years of Olga Spesivtsieva spent in the boarding house on the Tolstoy Foundation, Inc.), created by the younger daughter of the Writer Lion Tolstoy Alexander Lvovna Tolstoy near the city of New York.

Olga Svetisvseva

Vera Alexandrovna Trefilova (in some sources of Ivanov; October 8, 1875, Vladikavkaz - July 11, 1943, Paris) - Russian ballet dancer and teacher.

In 1894, Vera Trefilova graduated from St. Petersburg Theater School (Ekaterina Teachers and Pavel Gerdt). From 1894 to 1910, Vera Trefilova worked in the Mariinsky Theater. After the revolution, Vera Trefilova left the USSR and settled in Paris, where he opened his ballet school. In 1921-1926 Vera Trefilova danced in the "Russian ballet" Dyagilev, performing major parties in the ballet "Sleeping Beauty", "Swan Lake", "Vision of Roses". The last time Vera Trefilova danced in 1926 in Dyagilev. Faith Trefilova died on July 11, 1943 in Paris.

The light of the lights piercing music, rustling of mesh bursts and tapping pointers on a wooden parquet - ballet! How is it beautiful, inimitate and great! Having hoped his breath and fixing the view of an infinitely beautiful sight, the viewer is affected by dexterity and plastic of ballet diva, honed by the executing "Pa". The history of ballet is large, and its prerequisites go to the 16th century of our era, but the true masterpieces take their beginning in the 19th century. From here you can start the countdown.

Marie Rubber and Anna Pavlova

So, the most famous ballerinas:

1 . Graduate of the Ballet Institute of Jacques Dalcross, Polyashka Marie Ramber (Marie Rambert., the true name of Miriam Ramberg, 1988) Already in 1920, he ventured the first ballet school in the capital of England. Success was great, and therefore after ten years of Marie creates his first ballot troupe under the name "Ballea Rubber", performances and performances of which produce a real extension in English ballet. She works with such masters like Howard, Tudor, Ashton. For the name Ramber associate the beginning of the ballet in England.

2 . Illegitimate in 1881 daughter of the rail contractor and simple bars, Anna Pavlova ANNA PAVLOVA) It is undoubtedly considered one of the greatest ballerinas in the world. After graduating from the Vaganovsky School, which gives high hopes, the girl was almost immediately accepted into the Mariinsky Theater. Here she shone in such classic productions as "Giselle", "Nutcracker", "Bayaderka", "Pavilion Armid" and others. But the main triumph of a talented dancer became a miniature "Dying Swan" in December 1907.

Interesting is the fact of the emergence of miniatures: per day before the speech at the charity concert, the partner of Anna unexpectedly fell ill, and then the famous balletmaster Mikhail Fokin invented for the night specifically for Pavlian miniature on the music of the Great Sena-Sansa. In the morning, enthusiastic Anna, seeing the result asked "Misha, but after all the swan in the end dies?" "What are you!", Fokin exclaimed, - "He just fell asleep!" The San Sans himself confessed to the ballerina that thanks to her he realized that he composed beautiful music.

Matilda Kshesinskaya and Ivet Schuhir

3 . Native of Petersburg Matilda Kshesinskaya Mathilda-Marie Kschessinskaya) It was famous in Russia as a favorite Nikolai second. After the end of the Imperial Theater School of Matilda in 1890 was adopted in the Mariinsky Theater. She delightfully performed the party from "Mlades", "Nutcracker" and other ballets. A distinctive feature of the ballerina was classic Russian plastic, diluted with tank and dynamic Italian school. Kshesinskaya was a constant favorite in Fokina performances ("Eros", "Butterflies", "Evenika").

The glory of one of the most talented ballerinas was brought to her virtuoso performance of Esmeralda in the same name in 1899. One of the main advantages of Matilda, in addition to talent, according to experts, was its iron character and the ability to defend their position. It is rumored that it was with her light hand director of the imperial theaters - Prince Volkonsky.

4 . Sophisticated Parisian Ivet Schuhur(Yvette Chauvire.Born in April 1917) began to seriously engage in ballet at the Grand Opera for 10 years. A great talent of the girl was noticed by the director, and in 1941 she becomes prima-ballerina in the "Opera Garnier". Having received world fame after the first debut, Chovir is invited to the Teppers "Theater Champs Elysees", Italian "La Scala".

A business card is a sharp, pronounced drama in combination with extraordinary tenderness. She lies in full and feel the story of each heroine, filigree honing every little thing. The most successful party is the main role in the ballet "Giselle" to the music of Adolf Adana. In 1972, in Paris installed the award named after the Great Ballerina, Ivet Schuhir.

Galina Ulanova and Maya Plisetskaya

5 . Born in 1910 in St. Petersburg Galina Ulanova (Galina Ulanova) It became famous in the 40s of the 20th century, by performing a party of classical productions of the Mariinsky Theater ("Flame of Paris", "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "Swan Lake"). In 1951, Ballerina award the title of People's Artist of the USSR, and a little later she becomes a laureate of the Leninist Prize. Starting from 1960, the actress is brilliantly dancing Cinderella in the same name of Prokofiev, as well as "Giselle" Adana. The former apartment of Ulanova is now presented as a museum, and in St. Petersburg, a monument will be erected in her honor.

6 . Of course, the most famous Russian ballerina, which entered the story of a record long ballet career, is Muscovite Maya Plisetskaya (Maya plisetskaya., 1925). Love for Ballet Plisetskaya granted aunt and uncle, also famous dancers. The graduate of the Moscow choreographic school of Maya is taken to the Bolshoi Theater's troupe under the leadership of the Great Agrippina Vaganova, where she becomes a soloist in a couple of years. In 1945, Ballerina first performs the Fairy Fairy Party in the formulation of the "Cinderella" Prokofiev. Subsequent years, she successfully participates in such productions as "Raymond" A. Glazunov, "Sleeping Beauty" Tchaikovsky, Giselle Adolf Adana, "Don Quixote" of Mincus, "Konk-Gorboon" Shchedrin.

The stunning success does it bring to her "Spartak" A. Khachaturian, where she performs the party of Egina, and then Frigia. In 1959, Plisetskoy award the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union, later it is awarded to the Order of Lenin, the Order "For Merit to Fatherland", the Order of Isabella Catholic (in France). In 1985, the artist receives the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

Plisetskaya's business card, besides many ballets, can be considered the statement of the generrine "Anna Karenina", the premiere of which was held in 1972. In this ballet, the actress acts not only in the role of ballerina, but also tries himself as a choreographer, which becomes in the future its main occupation. The last play "Lady with a dog" Ballerina danced in January 1990, then in 1994, she organized the Maya International Competition, which gives a chance to become famous for new talents.

Ulyana Lopatkin

7 . Pupil Natalia Dudinskaya and Graduate of the Academy of Russian Ballet named Vaganova Ulyana Lopatkin (Uliyana Lopatkina) Already in 1995, Prima-Ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater was. This artist has become one of the few, who received such a large number of rewards and premiums: "Golden Sofit" in 1995, "Golden Mask" in 1997, "Vaganova-Prix", "Evening Standard" of London Critics, Baltika in St. Petersburg in 1997 , 2001 In 2000, Ulyana becomes a well-deserved artist of Russia, and in 2006 - folk.

From the most striking batches of the ballerina, it is possible to allocate its incomparable Mirt and Giselle in the same name, the medor in the ballet "Corsair", Odeta-Odillia from the Swan Lake, Raimondu in the same name. In addition, she brilliantly performed in some productions "Where gold cherries are hanging", "Fairy Kiss", as well as the Ecstasy Poem. A distinctive feature of Ulyana - honed, completed movements, special, inherent in it, dramatic, high jump and inner, genuine sincerity.

Anastasia Volochkova

8 . Native of Petersburg Anastasia Volochkova ANASTASIA VOLOCHKOVA) Already in five years, a very adult told the mother "I will be a ballerina." And it became despite all the adversity, obstacles, deprivation. Career counting this talented artist can be started since 1994. The leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, Anastasia brilliantly executes the parties from "Giselle", "Fire-Birds", the ballet "Raymond". Along with the success in the theater, it is not afraid to start the solo career and often performs in various theaters.

Talent Ballerina notes Vladimir Vasilyev, and in 1998 invites her to fulfill the main game in his new production "Swan Lake." In Great Anastasia, the main parties are performed: Raymonds from the same name ballet, lilac faces from "Sleeping Beauty", Nikia from "Bayaders" and many others. The famous choreographer D. Dean creates a new one specifically for Anastasia, a new Party of Fairy Karabos in the laying of "Sleeping Beauty".

Recently, the artist schedule is filled with permanent concerts and tours, including the show in the Kremlin, where the greatest stars of the domestic stage were collected.

The word "ballet" sounds magnificent. Closing your eyes, immediately imagine burning lights, piercing music, rustling packs and a light knock of Punts on parquet. This spectacle is inimitable beautifully, it can be safely called the great achievement of a person in a striving for the beautiful.

Viewers freeze, aspiring views on the scene. Ballet disirs are affected by their ease and plastic, apparently easily performing complex "pa".

The history of this type of art is quite deep. The prerequisites for the occurrence of the ballet appeared in the XVI century. And since the XIX century, people saw real masterpieces of this art. But what would be the ballet without famous ballerinas that glorified him? About these most famous dancers and will be our story.

Marie Ramberg (1888-1982). The future star was born in Poland, in a Jewish family. The present of her name is Sivia Rambam, but it was subsequently changed on political reasons. The girl from an early age fell in love with dances, giving her hobby with his head. Marie takes lessons from dancers from the Paris Opera, and soon her talent notices Dyagilev himself. In 1912-1913, the girl dances along with Russian ballet, taking part in the main productions. Since 1914, Marie moves to England, where he continues to learn dancing. In 1918, Marie married. She herself wrote that more for fun. However, the marriage was happy and lasted 41 years old. Ramberg was only 22 years old when she opened his own ballet school in London, the first in the city. Success was so stupid that Maria organizes her own company first (1926), and then the first permanent ballet troupe in the UK (1930). The performances are becoming a real sensation, because Ramberg attracts the work of the most talented composers, artists, dancers. Ballerina took the most active part in creating a national ballet in England. And the name Marie Ramberg is forever entered the history of art.

Anna Pavlova (1881-1931). Anna was born in St. Petersburg, her father was a rail contractor, and his mother worked as a simple laundry. However, the girl was able to enter the theater school. After graduating from him, she entered the Mariinsky Theater in 1899. There she received the parties in the classic productions - "Bayaderka", "Giselle", "Nutcracker". Pavlova had excellent natural data, besides, constantly hung their skills. In 1906, it is already the leading ballerina theater, but the real glory came to Anna in 1907, when she shines in the miniature "Dying Swan". Pavlova was supposed to perform at a charity concert, but her partner fell ill. Literally for the night, Balletmister Mikhail Fokin put the ballerina a new miniature on San San Sansu music. Since 1910, Pavlova begins to tour. Ballerina acquires world fame after participating in Russian seasons in Paris. In 1913, she lasts in the walls of the Mariinsky Theater. Pavlova collects his own troupe and moves to London. Together with its wards, Anna touches the world with classic ballet masons and Tchaikovsky. The dancer became a legend in his life, dares on tour in the Hague.

Matilda Kshesinskaya (1872-1971). Despite its Polish name, a ballerina was born near St. Petersburg and was always considered a Russian dancer. From early childhood, she declared his desire to dance, no one relatives and did not think to prevent her in this desire. Matilda brilliantly graduated from the Imperial Theater School, hitting the Ballet Troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. There she became famous for the brilliant performances of the "Nutcracker" parties, "Mladust", other representations. Kshesinsky was distinguished by the branded Russian plastic, which was inclined by the notes of the Italian school. It was Matilda who became a favorite of the balletmaster Fokina, who involved it in his works "Butterflies", "Eros", "Evnika". The role of Esmeralda in the ballet in the same name in 1899 he lit a new star on stage. Since 1904, Kshesinsky tours in Europe. It is called the first ballerina of Russia, the "generalissimus of the Russian ballet" is commemorated. It is said that Kshesinskaya was the favorite of the emperor Nikolai II. Historians argue that in addition to the talent of the ballerina possessed the iron character, a solid position. It is she who attribute to the dismissal at one time by the director of the imperial theaters, Prince Volkonsky. The revolution was seriously affected by the ballerina, in 1920 she left the exhausted country. Kshesinsky moved to Venice, but continued to engage in love. In 64, she was still in London Covent Garden. And the legendary ballerina in Paris is buried.

Agrippina Vaganova (1879-1951). Father Agrippines was a theater kaderdiner in Mariinsky. However, in a ballet school, he was able to determine only the youngest of his three daughters. Soon, Yakov Vaganov died, the family had hope only for the future dancer. At School, Agrippina showed himself a mischief, constantly receiving bad assessments for behavior. After graduating from the training of Vaganov, the ballerina's career began. Three-hearing roles in the theater gave her a lot, however they did not satisfy it. The solo parties went by the ballerina's side, and her appearance was not particularly attractive. Critics wrote that they simply do not see her in the roles of fragile beauties. Did not help both make-up. The ballerina herself very much suffered about this. But the stubborn labor of Vaganov achieved the roles of the second plan, there were occasionally to write about it in the newspapers. Then Agrippine sharply turned his fate. She got married, gave birth. Returning to the ballet, she as if he had risen in the eyes of the bosses. Although Vaganova continued to fulfill the second batch, in these variations it reached skill. Ballerina managed to reveal the images, seemed already lured by generations of previous dancers. Only in 1911, Vaganova received the first solo party. At 36, the ballerina was retired. She never became famous, but achieved a lot with his data. In 1921, the choreography school was opened in Leningrad, where and was invited as one of Vaganov's teachers. The profession of choreographer has become its main until the end of life. In 1934, Vaganova produces the book "Basics of Classical Dance". The second half of the life of the ballerina devoted choreographic school. Now this is the dance Academy, named in her honor. Agrippina Vaganova did not become a great ballerina, but her name was forever in the history of this art.

Uveve Chovir (Ry.1917). This ballerina is the most real sophisticated Parisian. From 10 years she began to seriously engage in dancing at the Grand Opera. Talent and performance of the icvet were marked by directors. In 1941, she has already become a primary opera Garnier. Debut speeches brought her truly world glory. After that, Chovir began to receive invitations to perform in various theaters, including in the Italian "La Rock". He glorified her ballerina her shadow party in the Alri Soggy allegory, she performed many parties to sergeuled Lifarem. From classical speeches, a role is allocated in "Giselle", which is considered the main thing for Chovir. Ivette on the stage showed true drama, without losing at this whole girl tenderness. Ballerina literally lived the life of every her heroine, expressing all emotions on stage. At the same time, Chuhur was very carefully related to each little things, rehearsing and rehearsing again. In the 1960s, Ballerina headed the school in which once herself studied. And the last way out to the scene was held in 1972. Then the premium of her name was established. Ballerina has repeatedly been with touring in the USSR, where the audience was loved. Her partner repeatedly was Rudolph Nuriyev himself after his flight from our country. The merits of the ballerina in front of the country were rewarded with the Order of the Honorary Legion.

Galina Ulanova (1910-1998). This ballerina was also born in St. Petersburg. At 9 years old, she became a student of the choreographic school, which he graduated in 1928. Immediately after the graduation performance, Ulanov entered the opera and ballet theater troupe in Leningrad. The first speeches of the young ballerina attracted the attention of the connoisseurs of this art. Already in 19 years, Ulannova dances the leading party in the "Swan Lake". Until 1944, Ballerina is dancing in the Kirov Theater. Here it glorified the roles of "Giselle", "Nutcutch", "Bakhchisarai fountain". But the most famous became its party in Romeo and Juliet. From 1944 to 1960, Ulanova is the leading ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. It is believed that the top of her creativity was the scene of madness in "Giselle". Ulanova visited in 1956 with Gastroes Big in London. They said that such success was not since Anna Pavlova. Scenic activity Ulanova officially ended in 1962. But the rest of the life of Galina worked as a balletmaster in the Bolshoi Theater. She received many awards for her creativity - became the People's Artist of the USSR, received the Leninist and Stalinist Prize, became twice the hero of socialist labor and the laureate of numerous awards. Great ballerina died in Moscow, she was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Her apartment became a museum, and in his native St. Petersburg, a monument was erected by Ulanova.

Alicia Alonso (born 1920). This ballerina was born in Havana, Cuba. The art of dance she began to study at 10 years old. Then there was only one private ballet school on the island, I supervised the Russian specialist Nikolai Yavorsky. Then Alicia continued his studies in the United States. The debut on a big scene took place on Broadway in 1938 in the musical comedies. Then Alonso works in the New York "Theater Ball." There she meets the choreography of the leading leaders of the world. Alicia with his partner Igor Yushkevich decided to develop ballet in Cuba. In 1947, she dances there in the "Lake Swan" and "Apollo Musaget". However, in those days, there were no traditions of ballet, nor scenes. Yes, and the people did not understand such art. Therefore, the task of creating a national ballet in the country was very severe. In 1948, the first performance of the "ballet of Alias \u200b\u200bAlonso" took place. Here the enthusiasts that themselves put their numbers were ruled. Two years later, the ballerina also opened her own ballet school. After the revolution of 1959, the authorities turned their eyes to the ballet. Alicia troupe turned into the desired national ballet of Cuba. Ballerina acted a lot in theaters and even squares, drove on tour, she was shown on television. One of the brightest way Alonso is the Carmen Party in the same ballet in 1967. Ballerina was so jealous of this role, which even forbade this ballet with other performers. Alonso traveled the whole world, having received many awards. And in 1999 she received from UNESCO Medal Pablo Picasso for an outstanding contribution to the art of dance.

Maya Plisetskaya (born 1925). It is difficult to challenge the fact that she is the most famous Russian ballerina. And her career turned out to be a record long. Love for the Mayan ballet has absorbed in childhood, after all, her uncle and aunt also were famous dancers. At 9 years old, a talented girl enters the Moscow Choreographic School, and in 1943 the young graduate enters the Bolshoi Theater. There, her teacher became the famous Agrippina Vaganova. In just a couple of years, Plisetskaya passed the way from the corps to a soloist. The signulation of the "Cinderella" and the Fairy Party in 1945 became a sign for her. Then there were classic already produced "Raymond", "Sleeping Beauty", "Don Quixote", "Giselle", "Konk-Gorbok". Plisetskaya shone in the Bakhchisarai Fountain, where she was able to demonstrate his rare gift - literally hang in a jump for some moments. Ballerina took part in the three productions of "Spartak" Khachaturian, fulfilling the party of Egygin and Frigia there. In 1959, Plisetskaya becomes a folk artist of the USSR. In the 1960s it was believed that it was Maya is the first dancer of the Bolshoi Theater. Roles ballerina have enough, but creative dissatisfaction accumulated. The output was "Carmen-Suite", one of the main milestones in the biographies of the dancer. In 1971, Plisetskaya took place both as a dramatic actress, playing in Anna Karenin. According to this, the novel was written ballet, the premiere of which took place in 1972. Here Maya tries himself in the new role - the choreographer, which becomes its new profession. Since 1983, Plisetskaya has been working in Roman opera, and since 1987 in Spain. There she heads the troupe, puts her ballets. The last performance of Plisetskaya took place in 1990. The great ballerina is shrouded in many awards not only in its homeland, but also in Spain, France, Lithuania. In 1994, she organized an international competition, giving him his name. Now "Maya" makes it possible to break through young talents.

Ulyana Lopatkin (Ry.1973). Famous Ballerina's world was born in Kerch. In childhood, she was engaged not only for dancing, but also gymnastics. At 10 years old, at the advice of Mother, Ulyana entered the Vaganova's Russian Ballet Academy in Leningrad. There, her teacher became Natalia Dudinskaya. At 17, Lopatkin won the Vaganova All-Russian competition. In 1991, Ballerina graduated from the Academy and was adopted in the Mariinsky Theater. Ulyana quickly achieved solo parties for himself. She danced in the Don Quixote, "Sleeping Beauty", "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "Swan Lake." The talent was so obvious that in 1995, Lopatkin became a premix of his theater. Each her new role is delighted with the audience, and critics. At the same time, the ballerina itself is interested not only by classic roles, but also a modern repertoire. So, one of the favorite roles of Ulyana is the Banu party in the "Legend of Love" productions of Yuri Grigorovich. Best of the ballerina succeeds in the role of mysterious heroines. A distinctive feature of its feature is honed movement, inherent in only her dramatic and high jump. Spectators believe the dancer, because she is absolutely sincerely on stage. Lopatkin is a laureate of numerous domestic and international premiums. She is the People's Artist of Russia.

Anastasia Volochkova (born 1976). Ballerina recalls that she has determined his future profession for 5 years, which the mother said. Volochkova also graduated from the Vaganova Academy. Her teacher was also Natalia Dudinskaya. Already in the last year of learning Volochkova made his debut in the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theater. From 1994 to 1998, in the repertoire of ballerinas, leading parties in "Giselle", "Fire-Bird", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcutch", "Don Quixote", "Bayaderka" and other ideas. With the corpus of Mariinsky Volochkova half a hundred. At the same time, the ballerina is not afraid to perform and solo, building a career in parallel the theater. In 1998, Ballerina receives an invitation to the "Big Theater". There, she brilliantly performs the party of the princess-swans in the new formulation of Vladimir Vasilyeva "Swan Lake". In the main theater of the country, Anastasia receives the main parties in "Bayaderka", "Don Kiheth", "Raimond", "Giselle". Especially for her, choreographer Dean creates a new party of the Fairy Karabos in the "Sleeping Beauty". At the same time, Volochkova is not afraid to execute a modern repertoire. It is worth noting her role King Maiden in "Skate-Gorbunk". Since 1998, Volochkova has been actively touring the world. She receives the Golden Lion prize, as the most talented ballerina in Europe. Since 2000, Volochkova leaves a large theater. She begins to perform in London, where the British conquered. Volochkova returned in a big brief. Despite the success and popularity, the theater administration refused to extend the contract for the last year. Since 2005, Volochkova speaks in its own dance projects. Her name is constantly on hearing, she is a heroine of secular chronicles. Talented ballerina recently and sank, and its popularity has increased even more after the publication of the Volochkova's nude photos.

Alonso Alicia (r. 1921), Cuban Prima Ballerina. The dancer of the romantic warehouse was especially magnificent in "Giselle". In 1948, he founded on Cuba "Ballet Alicia Alonso", in the future, called "National Ballet Cuba". The scenic life of Alonso itself was very long, she stopped playing at the age of sixty.

Andreyanova Elena Ivanovna (1819-1857), Russian ballerina, the largest representative of the romantic ballet. The first performer of capital parties in the ballet "Giselle" and "Pahita". Many ballersters specifically for Andreyanova created roles in their ballet.

Ashton Frederick (1904-1988), English choreographer and head of the Royal Ballet British troupe in 1963-1970. On performances that he set, several generations of English ballet artists grew. The style of Ashton determined the features of the British ballet school.

Balanchar George (Georgy Melitonovich Balanchivadze, 1904-1983), an outstanding Russian-American choreographer of the 20th century, an innovator. He was convinced that the dance does not need the help of the literary plot, scenery and costumes, and the most important interaction of music and dance. The influence of Balanchine on the world ballet is difficult to overestimate. His legacy includes more than 400 works.

Baryshnikov Mikhail Nikolaevich (r. 1948), Russian school dancer. The virtuoso classic technique and the purity of the style made Baryshnikov one of the most famous representatives of male dance in the XX century. After the end of the Leningrad Choreographic School of Baryshnikov was adopted in the Ballet Tarpep of the Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. Kirova and soon performed the leading classic parties. In June 1974, during the tour with the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater in Toronto, the Baryshnikov refused to return to the USSR. In 1978, he joined the troupe J. Balanchine "New York City Ball", and in 1980 he became the artistic director of the American Ball Tieter and remained in this post until 1989. In 1990, Baryshnikov and choreographer Mark Morris founded the team "White Oak Dance Project", which over time turned into a large mobile troupe with a modern repertoire. Baryshnikov's awards are gold medals of international ballet competitions.

Bezhar Maurice (r. 1927), French choreographer, was born in Marseille. He founded the body "ballet of the twentieth century" and became one of the most popular and influential choreographers in Europe. In 1987 he translated his troupe to Lausanne (Switzerland) and changed her name to Balelet Bajara in Lausanne.

Blazis Karlo (1797-1878), Italian dancer, choreographer and teacher. He led the dance school at the La Scala Theater in Milan. The author of two famous works on the classical dance: "Treatise on dance" and "Code Peresichora". In the 1860s he worked in Moscow, in the Bolshoi Theater and Ballet School.

Bournonville August (1805-1879), Danish teacher and choreographer, born in Copenhagen, where his father worked as a balletmaster. In 1830 he headed the ballet of the Royal Theater and put a lot of performances. They are carefully saved by many generations of Danish artists.

Vasiliev Vladimir Viktorovich (R. 1940), Russian dancer and balletmaster. After the end of the Moscow choreographic school, he worked at the Bolshoi Theater's troupe. Possessing a rare gift of plastic reincarnation, had an unusually wide range of creativity. His performing manner is noble and courageous. The owner of many international awards and prizes. Repeatedly was called the best dancer of the era. His name is associated with higher achievements in the field of male dance. Permanent partner E. Maximova.

Veszruis Auguste (1760-1842), French dancer. His creative life proceeded in the Paris opera extremely successfully until the revolution of 1789. Then he emigrated to London. It is also famous for both the teacher: among his students J. Perso, A. Bournonville, Maria Taloni. Vestz, the greatest dancer of his era, owned by virtuoso equipment and a big jump, had the title of "god dance".

Geltzer Ekaterina Vasilyevna (1876-1962), Russian dancer. The first of the ballet artist was awarded the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR". Bright representative of the Russian school classic dance. Connected ease and swiftness with the latitude and softness of movements in its performance.

Goleyovsky Kasyan Yaroslavovich (1892-1970), Russian balletmaster. Participant of innovative Fokina and Gorsky experiments. Music and rich fantasy determined the originality of his art. In his work, it sought the modern sound of classical dance.

Gorsky Alexander Alekseevich (1871-1924), Russian balletmaster and teacher, ballet reformer. It sought to overcome the conventions of the academic ballet, replaced the pantomime dance, sought the historical reliability of the design of the performance. The ballet "Don Quixote" was a significant phenomenon in its production, which to this day in the repertoire of ballet theaters of the whole world.

Grigorovich Yuri Nikolaevich (r. 1927), Russian choreographer. For many years, he was the main balletmaster of the Bolshoi Theater, where he put the ballet "Spartak", "Ivan Grozny" and "Golden Age", as well as their editors of the ballet trees of the classical heritage. Many of them were his wife, Natalia Immortalov. Made a great contribution to the development of Russian ballet.

Grieza Carlotta. (1819-1899), Italian ballerina, the first actor of the role of Giselle. Spent in all the capitals of Europe and in the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater. Distinguishing extraordinary beauty, she possessed equally by the passion of Fanny Elsler and ease of Maria Taloni.

Danilova Alexander Dionecaevna (1904-1997), Russian-American ballerina. In 1924 he left Russia with J. Balanchine. There was a ballerina Dyagileev's troupes until his death, then danced in the "Russian ballet Monte Carlo" in the troupe. Much has done a lot to develop a classic ballet in the West.

De Valua Ninet (r. 1898), English dancer, choreographer. In 1931, he founded the "Vic Wells Ball" troupe, subsequently the name of the royal ballet.

Dido Charles Louis (1767-1837), French balletmaster and teacher. For a long time he worked in St. Petersburg, where he set over 40 ballets. His activity in Russia helped the nomination of Russian ballet at one of the first places in Europe.

Joffrey Robert (1930-1988), American dancer, choreographer. In 1956 he founded the troupe "Joffrey Ball".

Duncan Isadora (1877-1927), American dancer. One of the founders of dance is modern. Duncan put forward the slogan: "Freedom of the body and spirit gives rise to creative thought." She sharply opposed the school of classical dance and promoted the development of mass schools, where the children in the dance would have known the beauty of the natural movements of the human body. An ideal for Duncan served ancient Greek frescoes and sculpture. A traditional ballet costume, she replaced a light Greek tunic and danced without shoes. Hence the name "Dance of the Bares". Duncan talentedly improvised, its plastic consisted of walking, running on the seams, light jumps and expressive gestures. At the beginning of the 20th century, the dancer enjoyed great popularity. In 1922 he married poet S. Yesenin And adopted Soviet citizenship. However, in 1924 he left the USSR. Duncan's art undoubtedly influenced modern choreography.

Dyagilev Sergey Pavlovich (1872-1929), Russian theater figure, ballet impresario, head of the famous "Russian ballet". In an effort to acquaint with Russian art, Western Europe, Dyagilev organized in Paris in 1907 the exhibition of Russian painting and a series of concerts, and next season - the formulation of a number of Russian operas. In 1909, he collected the troupe consisting of the dancers of the imperial theaters, and during the summer vacation took it to Paris, where he spent the first "Russian season", in which such dancers, like A.P. Pavlova, TP Karsavina, M.M. Fokin, V.F. Nizhinsky. "Season", who passed with great success and stolen to the public with his novelty, became a true triumph of Russian ballet and, of course, had a huge impact on the subsequent development of world choreography. In 1911, Dyagilev created a permanent troupe "Russian ballet Dyagileva", which existed until 1929. He chose ballet conductor of new ideas in art and saw in it the synthesis of modern music, painting and choreography. Dyagilev was an inspirer to create new masterpieces and a skillful talent opener.

Ermolaev Alexey Nikolaevich (1910-1975), dancer, balletmaster, teacher. One of the most striking representatives of the Russian ballet school of the 20-40s of the twentieth century. Yermolaev destroyed the stereotype of the courteous and gallant dancer-Kavalera, changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibilities of male dance and brought him to a new level of virtuosity. The performance of the parties of the classic repertoire was unexpected and deep, and the manner of dancing is unusually expressive. As a teacher, he raised many outstanding dancers.

Ivanov Lev Ivanovich (1834-1901), Russian choreographer, Balletmaster of the Mariinsky Theater. Together with M. Petipa put the ballet "Swan Lake", the author of the "swan" acts - the second and four. The genius of its production was the test of time: almost all the ballersters addressed to the "swan lake" leave the "swan acts" in immunity.

Ilichinna Evdotya (1799-1848), leading St. Petersburg ballet dancer. He possessed rare scenic charm, grace, virtuoso dance technique. In 1830, due to the diseases of the feet, the Mimic Parties passed, and in 1836 he left the scene. Pushkin in Evgenia Onegin has lines dedicated to her:

Brilliant, half-up,
Bow Magic obedient
The crowd of the nymph is surrounded,
Standing foreman; she is,
By one foot touching the floor,
Another slowly circles
And suddenly the jump, and suddenly flies,
Flies like fluff from the mouth of Eol;
Then the Stan Council, he will develop
And the rapid leg beats the leg.

Kamarart Marie. (1710-1770), French ballerina. He became famous for the virtuoso dance, speaking in the Paris Opera. The first of the women began to perform cabriques and anthrash, previously considered the supplies of equipment exclusively male dance. She also rooted the skirts to be able to move freely.

Karsavina Tamara Platonovna (1885-1978), leading ballerina of the St. Petersburg Imperial Ballet. Performed in the Dyagilev troupe from the first performances and was often partner of Vaclav Nizhinsky. The first performer in many foke ballets.

Kerkland Gels (r. 1952), American ballerina. Extremely gifted, she still received a teenager from J. Balanchine leading roles. In 1975, at the invitation of Mikhail Baryshnikov, he moved to the troupe "American Ball Tieter". It was considered the best of Gisel's role in the United States.

Kilian Irzhi (r. 1947), Czech dancer and choreographer. Since 1970, he danced in the troupe of Stuttgart Ballet, where he carried out his first productions, since 1978 he was the head of the Netherlands Dance Theater, which thanks to him won the world glory. His ballets put in all countries of the world, they are distinguished by a special style, founded mainly on adagio and emotionally saturated sculptural constructions. The influence of his work on modern ballet is very large.

Kolpakova Irina Aleksandrovna (r. 1933), Russian ballerina. Dancing at the Opera and Ballet Theater. CM. Kirov. Ballerina classic style, one of the best performers of the role of Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. In 1989, at the invitation of Baryshnikov, she became a teacher in the "American Tieter Ball".

Cransko John (1927-1973), English choreographer of South African origin. Much fame received his formulations of multi-active ballet ballets. From 1961 and until the end of the life was led by Stuttgart ballet.

Kshesinskaya Matilda Felixna (1872-1971), Russian artist, teacher. Possessed bright artistic personality. Her dance was distinguished by infrared, cheerfulness, flirt and at the same time classical completion. In 1929, he opened his studio in Paris. Kshesinsky took lessons to see the visible foreign dancers, including I. Chovir and M. Fontein.

Lepeshinskaya Olga Vasilyevna (P.1916), Russian dancer. In 1933-1963 he worked in the Bolshoi Theater. He possessed sparkling technology. Its execution was distinguished by temperament, emotional saturation, coheshaning of movements.

Liepa Maris Eduardovich (1936-1989), Russian dancer. The dance of Liepen was highlighted by a courageous, confident manner, latter and strength of movements, clarity, sculpture of the pattern. The thoughtfulness of all parts of the role and bright theatricality made it one of the most interesting "dancing actors" of the ballet theater. The best role of Liepa was the Crassa party in the ballet "Spartak" A. Khachaturian, for which he received the Leninist Prize.

Makarova Natalia Romanovna (P.1940), dancer. In 1959-1970 - the artist of the Opera and Ballet Theater. CM. Kirov. Unique plastic data, perfect skill, external grace and inner passion - all this is characteristic of her dance. Since 1970, Ballerina lives and works abroad. Creativity Makarova multiplied the fame of the Russian school and influenced the development of foreign choreography.

Macmillan Kennene (1929-1992), English dancer and choreographer. After the death of F. Ashton, he was recognized as the most influential choreographer in England. Macmillana style is a combination of a classic school with more free, flexible and acrobatic, developed in Europe.

Makatimova Ekaterina Sergeevna (r. 1939), Russian ballerina. He entered the Bolshoi Theater troupe in 1958, where Galina Ulanova rehearsed with her, and soon began to perform leading roles. It has a large scenic charm, filigree deposit and purity of dance, grace, grace of plastic. It is equally available to comedy paints, thin lyricism and dramaticness.

Markova Alicia (r. 1910), English ballerina. Another teenager danced in Dyagilev troupe. One of the most famous performers of the role of Giselle, was distinguished by the exceptional ease of dance.

Messerer Asaf Mikhailovich (1903-1992), Russian dancer, balletmaster, teacher. In the ballet school began to deal with sixteen years old. Very soon he became a classic virtuoso dancer unusual style. Constantly increasing the complexity of movements, made energy, sports strength and excitement in them. On the stage, he seemed a flying athlete. At the same time he possessed a bright comedy gift and a kind of fiction. Especially glorified as a teacher, since 1946 he conducted a class for leading dancers and ballerinas in the Bolshoi Theater.

Messerer Sullaif Mikhailovna (P.1908), Russian dancer, teacher. Sister A. M. Messer. In 1926-1950 - Artist of the Bolshoi Theater. The dancer of an unusually wide repertoire, executed parties from lyric to dramatic and tragedy. Since 1980, he lives abroad, teaches in different countries.

Moiseev Igor Alexandrovich (P.1906), Russian balletmaster. In 1937, he created the ensemble of the national dance of the USSR, which became an outstanding phenomenon in the history of world dance culture. Horographic suite supplied by them are real samples of folk dance. Moiseev is an honorary member of the dance academy in Paris.

Miesin Leonid Fedorovich (1895-1979), Russian choreographer and dancer. He studied at the Moscow Imperial Ballet School. In 1914 he entered the ballet troupe S.P. Dyagileva and his debut in the "Russian seasons". The talent of measin - choreographer and a characteristic dancer - rapidly developed, and soon the dancer acquired world fame. After the death of Dyagilev, Myasin was headed by the Toruda "Russian Ballet Monte Carlo".

Nizhinsky Vaclav Fomich (1889-1950), an outstanding Russian dancer and choreographer. At the age of 18 performed the main roles in the Mariinsky Theater. In 1908, Nizhinsky met S. P. Dyagilev, who invited him as a leading dancer to participate in the "Russian Ballet Season" 1909. The Parisian public with enthusiasm welcomed the brilliant dancer with its exotic appearance and striking technique. Then, Nizhinsky returned to the Mariinsky Theater, but was soon fired (he came out in a very frank costume in the play "Giselle", which was visited by a widowed Empress) and became a permanent member of the Dyagilev troupe. Soon he tried his hand as a choreographer and changed Fokina on this post. Nizhinsky was the idol of all of Europe. In his dance, the power was combined and ease, he struck the public with his breathtaking leaps. Many people thought that the dancer freezes in the air. He had a wonderful gift of reincarnation and outstanding mimic abilities. On stage from Nizhinsky, powerful magnetism came, although in everyday life he was timid and silent. The mental illness (since 1917, he was under the supervision of doctors in the complete disclosure of his talent).

Nizhinsky Bronisal Fominichna (1891-1972), Russian dancer and choreographer, Sister Vaclav Nizhinsky. It was an artist of Dyagilev troupe, and since 1921 - a balletmaster. Its modern on the subject and choreography of the production is currently considered to be a classic of ballet art.

Novor Jean Georges. (1727-1810), French balletmaster and dance theorist. In the famous "letters about dance and ballets" outlined its views on ballet as an independent performance with a plot and developed action. The Novwer introduced a serious dramatic content in ballet and established new laws of scenic action. This is not considered the "father" of modern ballet.

Nureev Rudolf Khametovich (also Nuriev, 1938-1993), dancer. After graduating from the Leningrad Choreographic School, became the leading soloist of the ballet troupe of the Opera and Ballet Theater. CM. Kirov. In 1961, being with the theater on tour in Paris, Nureyev asked to provide him with political asylum. In 1962, he performed in the play "Giselle" of the London "royal ballet" in a duet from Margo Fontein. Nureyev and Fontaine is the most famous ballet couple of the 1960s. In the late 1970s, Nureev turned to modern dance and starred in films. From 1983 to 1989, he was the head of the ballet troupe of the Parisian opera.

Pavlova Anna Pavlovna (Matveyevna, 1881-1931), one of the greatest ballerinals of the twentieth century. Immediately after the end of the St. Petersburg theater school, he made his debut on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, where her talent quickly received recognition. She became a soloist, and in 1906 it was translated into the highest discharge - the discharge of prima-ballerina. In the same year, Pavlova tied his life with Baron V.E. Dundra. She participated in the performances of the Dyagilevsky "Russian Ballet" in Paris and London. The last speech of Pavlova in Russia took place in 1913, then she settled in England and toured with its own troupe around the world. An outstanding actress, Pavlova was a lyrical ballerina, it was distinguished by musicality and psychological content. Its image is usually associated with a dying swan in a ballet number, which was created specifically for Pavlova Mikhail Fokin, one of its first partners. Glory Pavlova legendary. Her Mobilical service dance awakened interest in the choreography worldwide and gave impetus to the revival of the foreign ballet theater.

Perro Jul. (1810-1892), French dancer and choreographer of the era of romanticism. He was a partner of Maria Taloni in the Paris Opera. In the middle of the 1830s, he met Carlottu Griys, for which he set (together in Jean coral) Ballet "Giselle" - the most famous of romantic ballets.

Petit Rolan.(r. 1924), French choreographer. He headed several teams, including "Paris's ballet", "Ballet of Rolant Petit" and "National Ballet Marseille". His performances - both romantic, and comedy - always carry a print of the bright personality of the author.

Petipa Marius. (1818-1910), French artist and choreographer, worked in Russia. The greatest choreographer of the second half of the XIX century, he headed the Petersburg imperial ballet troupe, where he put over 50 performances that became the samples of the "big ballet style", formed in this era in Russia. It was he who proved that the essay of ballet music does not humiliate the dignity of a serious musician. Cooperation with Tchaikovsky became for a petipop the source of inspiration, from which brilliant works were born, and above all the "sleeping beauty", where he reached the vertices of perfection.

Plisetskaya Maya Mikhailovna (P.1925), an outstanding dancer for the second half of the twentieth century, which entered the history of ballet with a phenomenal creative longevity. Even before release from the school, Plisetskaya danced solo parties in the Bolshoi Theater. Very quickly becoming known, it created a unique style - a graphic, distinguished by the grace, sharpness and completeness of each gesture and poses, of each individual and choreographic pattern as a whole. The ballerina has a rare talent of the tragedy ballet actress, a phenomenal jump, expressive plastic and a sharp feeling of rhythm. Her performing manner has technical virtuosity, expressiveness of hands and strong acting temperament. Plisetskaya is the first performer of many parties in the ballets of the Bolshoi Theater. Since 1942, M. Fokina "Dying Swan" has been dancing, which has become a symbol of its unique art.

As Balletmaster Plisetskaya put ballets R.K. Generin "Anna Karenina", "Seagull" and "Lady with a dog", performing the main roles in them. He starred in many films-ballet, as well as in feature films as a dramatic actress. Awarded many international prizes, including Anna Pavlova Award, the French orders of the Commander and the Honorary Legion. She was awarded the title of Dr. Sorbonne. Since 1990, he has been working with concert programs abroad, master classes leads. Since 1994, the International Competition "Maya" has been held in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the work of Plisetsk.

Rubinstein Ida Lvovna (1885-1960), Russian dancer. He participated in the "Russian seasons" abroad, then organized their own troupe. Possessed expressive external data, plasticity gesture. For her, several ballets were specifically written, including "Bolero" M. Irall.

Salle Marie. (1707-1756), French ballerina, performed in the Paris Opera. Rival Marie Camargo. The style of her dance, graceful and full feeling, was distinguished from the technical virtuoso manner of the execution of Camarart.

Semenova Marina Timofeevna (1908-1998), dancer, teacher. The contribution of Semenova to the history of the Russian Ballet Theater is extremely great: it was she who made a breakthrough in the uncharted spheres of classical ballet. Almost superhuman energy movements attached a dance in its execution a new dimension, spread the limits of the virtuoso equipment. At the same time she was feminine in every movement, every gesture. Her roles were struck by artistic brilliance, drama and depth.

Svetysvseva Olga Aleksandrovna (1895-1991), Russian dancer. He worked in the Mariinsky Theater and the Russian Ballet Dyagilev. The dance of Pesivtsevaya was distinguished by sharp graphitres of poses, perfection of lines, air ease. Her heroines, far from the real world, were marked exquisite, fragile beauty, spirituality. The most fully, her gift manifested itself in the role of Giselle. The party was built in contrasts and was fundamentally different from the execution of this image the largest ballerinas of the time. Spesivts was the last ballerina of the traditional romantic style. In 1937, she left the scene due to illness.

Taloni Maria (1804-1884), a representative of the Italian chih century ballet dynasty. Under the guidance of his father, Filippo, was danced, although her physical data was not quite suitable for the chosen profession: the hands seemed too long, and some argued that she was a stuff. Maria first performed in the Paris opera in 1827 HOD, but success was achieved in 1832, when he performed the main party in her father's ballet "Sylphide", which then became a symbol of Taloni and the whole romantic ballet. Before Maria Taloni, pretty ballerina conquered the public to the virtuoso dance technique and the female charm. Taloni, by no means beautiful, created a new type of ballerina - spiritualized and mysterious. In Sylphide, she embodied the image of an unearthly creature, personifying the ideal, unattainable dream of beauty. In a flowing white dress, taking off in the lungs and having simping at the tips of the fingers, Taloni became the first ballerina using the pointe and who made them an integral part of the classic ballet. All the capital of Europe admired her. In the old age of Maria Taloni, lonely and impoverished, taught dance and good manners of children of London nobles.

Tolkif Mary (r. 1925), an outstanding American ballerina. He performed mainly in the troupes that J. Balanchine headed. In 1980, he founded the "Chicago City Ball" troupe, which was led by all the years of its existence - until 1987.

Ulanova Galina Sergeevna (1910-1998), Russian ballerina. Her creativity was characterized by a rare harmony of all expressive funds. She attached spirituality even with a simple, ordinary movement. At the very beginning of the creative path of Ulanova Critics, they wrote about the complete fusion in its execution of dance technology, dramatic game and plastics. Galina Sergeyevna performed the main parties in the ballet masters of the traditional repertoire. Her highest achievements were Mary's party in the Bakhchisarai Fountain and Juliet in Romeo and Juliet.

Fokin Mikhail Mikhailovich (1880-1942), Russian choreographer and dancer. Overcoming ballet traditions, Fokin sought to get away from the generally accepted ballet costume, stereotypical gesticulation and routine construction of ballet numbers. In the ballet technique, he saw not a goal, but a means of expression. In 1909, Dyagilev invited Fokina to become choreographer "Russian Season" in Paris. The result of this Union is the world fame, accompanying Fokin until the end of his days. He put more than 70 ballets in the best theaters of Europe and America. Fokinsky performances to this day are renewed by the leading ballet troupes of the world.

Fontaine Margo (1919-1991), English prima ballerina, one of the most famous dancers in the twentieth century. Began to engage in ballet at the age of five. Debuted in 1934 and quickly paid attention. The fulfillment of Fontaine Party Aurora in the "Sleeping Beauty" glorified it to the whole world. In 1962, a successful partnership Fontaine with R.Kh has begun. Nureyev. The performances of this pair became a real triumph of ballet art. Since 1954, Fontaine - President of the Royal Academy of Dance. Awarded the Order of the British Empire.

Chesetti Enriko (1850-1928), Italian dancer and outstanding teacher. Developed its own pedagogical method in which the maximum development of dance technology was achieved. He taught at the Petersburg Theater School. Among his students were Anna Pavlova, Tamara Karsavina, Mikhail Fokin, Vaclav Nizhinsky. Its method of teaching is set forth in labor "Textbook on the theory and practice of classical theater dance."

Elsler Fanny (1810-1884), Austrian ballerina of the era of romanticism. The rival of Taloni, she was distinguished by drama, passionate temperament and was a magnificent actress.

Finally, I want to bring the words of our outstanding ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, spoken by her in one of the interviews: "I think that the ballet is art with a big and fascinating future. It will certainly live, search, develop. It will certainly be changed. But how exactly what exactly Side it will go, it is difficult to predict with all the accuracy. I don't know. I know one thing: to all of us - and performers, and balletmaster - it is necessary to work very much, seriously, without sparing yourself. People, their faith in art, their devotion to the theater can make wonders. And what will be these "miracles" of the Ballet of the Future, will decide the life itself. "

"Amateur" decided to tell about the legends of the ballot art of the XX century.

Olga Preobrazhenskaya

In 1879 he enteredwhere he was engaged in teachersNicholas Leah and Enrico Cheketti . After the release was adopted inMariinsky Theatrewhere its main rival has becomeMatilda Kshesinskaya. Since 1895 toured in Europe and South America, successfully performed in the theaterLa Rock. In 1900. Fixed Ballerina. Left scene in 1920.

In 1914, pedagogical activities began, from 1917 to 1921, a class of plastics was conducted at the Opera Truppe of the Mariinsky Theater, taught in the Petrograd Choreographic School, at the Russian Ballet SchoolA. L. Volynsky.

In 1921, emigrated, since 1923 she lived inParis. where he opened a ballet studio and almost 40 years continued pedagogical activity. Also taught B.Milan, London, Buenos Aires, Berlin . Leaving teaching activities in 1960. Among her students wereTamara Tumanova, Irina Baronova, Tatyana Rybushinskaya, Nina Cerubova, Margo Fontaine, Igor Yushkevich, Serge Golovin, etc.

Olga Josephovna died in1962. And buried on (in some sources it is mistakenly indicatedmontmartre Cemetery).

Matilda Kshesinskaya

Born in the family of ballet artistsMariinsky Theater: daughter of the Russian PoleFelix Kshesinsky (1823-1905) And Yulia Doming (widow of a ballet dancer ice, from her first marriage had five children). Sister ballerina Yulia Kshesinsky ("Kshesinskaya 1st"; in marriageZedder, husband - Zedelner, Alexander Logginovich) I. Joseph Kshesinsky (1868-1942) - dancer, balletmaster, director, honored artist of the RSFSR (1927).

In 1896, Preobrazhenskaya received Prima Ballerina Status

In 1890 graduated Imperial theater schoolwhere her teachers wereLev Ivanov, Christians Johanson and Catherine Vazzez. . After graduation, the school was accepted into the ballet troupeMariinsky Theaterwhere at first danced as Kshesinskaya 2nd (Kshesinsky 1st officially called her older sisterYulia ). Danced on the imperial scene with1890 to 1917.

In 1896. Received statusprima-ballerina Imperial theaters (probably largely due to their courtyards at the courtyard, since the chief balletmasterPetipa did not support its extension on the very top of the ballet hierarchy).

In 1929. opened his own ballet studio inParis. . The student of Kshesin was "Babi-Balerina"Tatyana Rybushinskaya.

In emigration with the participation of their spouse wrotememoirs Originally published in 1960 in Paris in French. The first Russian publication in Russian was carried out only in1992.

Matilda Felixesna lived a long life and diedDecember 5, 1971 A few months before your century. Buried oncemetery of St. Geneviev de Bou Under Paris in one grave with her husband and son. On the monumentepitaph : "The light Princess Maria Felixesna Romanovskaya-Krasinskaya, Honored Artist of Imperial Theatersshanian».

Vera Trefilova

Vera Trefilova was born in the artistic family. Mother N. P. Trefilova, Unter-Officer Widow, was a dramatic actress, he did not in marriage. The godfather became an outstanding dramatic actressM. G. Savina.

In addition to the fact that the sources give the ballerina more surname Ivanova, she wore three more surnames in their husbands: on the 1st husband - Butler, 2-MU - Solovyov, 3rd - Svetlova.

Trefilova was an adherent of classic ballet

In 1894 she graduatedPetersburg Theater School, Teachers Catherine Vaset and Pavel Gerdt and immediately was accepted on stage in the imperialMariinsky Theatre in Cordeallet. with the promise that in a few years she will takeamplua Soloists - what happened in 1906 after she, already working on stage, continued to take lessons, were her teachers:Katharina Beretta, Enrico Chekketney, Mori in Paris, Evgenia Sokolova., Nikolay Lemat. . In 1898, at the premiere of "Mikado's daughter" of the balletmasterL. I. Ivanova she replaced Catherine GeltserBut the exit was unsuccessful, leaving the ballerina for another few years in the corpsiest. Nevertheless, in small solo parties she performed. And then moving, finally, in soloists, has already confidently felt in the difficult first parties.

Trefilova was a commitment of classic ballet, denying innovation. But it became a master of academic ballet.

In the Mariinsky Theater V. Trefilov worked in 1894-1910.

Julia Sedova

Graduated St. Petersburg Choreographic School In 1898. Lead PedagogueEnrico Cheketti Put for her and another studentLove Yegorova Special prom performance "Dancing lesson in a hotel", designed to demonstrate good possession of performance technique.

Although from the first years of her stay in the Mariinsky Theater, they were entrusted to her significant parties, her official career was far from safely, only in 1916 she received the title of ballerina in a ballet career. For this, the reasons for a subjective nature were, director did not franklyimperial theatersV. A. Telikovskywho left in his diaries a lot of unflattering reviews about her. She was accused of squabbles and intrigue. Now it is impossible to judge the objectivity of these statements, especially if we take into account the specific atmosphere of relations in St. Petersburg ballet, which actually fledMatilda Kshesinskaya.

Sedov had a large addition, wide shoulders, strong muscular legs

It is objectively we can say that the artist had an enterprising active nature and apparently laid with colleagues, which numerous tour, which she headed. However, in addition to subjective reasons, not quite a successful career, there were quite objective. She had a large addition, wide shoulders, strong muscular legs with large feet, so achieving very good results in difficult jumps and rotations losing in plastic pos. Thus, its external data was not satisfied with the spoiled St. Petersburg ballet audience.

By 1911, the repertoire of the Mariinsky Theater largely relied on it, as a number of actipers, for exampleAnna Pavlova and Vera Trefilova left the theater, and Kshesinskaya andTamara Karsavina Appeared on the stage limited. Nevertheless, she did not receive a long-awaited rank of ballerina and probably in protest filed a resignation when the salary of Karsavina was elevated. The resignation was adopted.

Left without work, the artist headed a big tour of the tourUSA , her partner on the trip wasMikhail Murdkin . Soloists were troupesLydia Lopukhova, Bronislav Major, Alexander Volinin and Nikolai Solynikovlike a mimic dancer. Corregal was six or ten people. Scenery were written by an artistKonstantin Korovina. Tours succeeded. The American audience, who first saw the classic ballet of this level, took well. The schedule of speeches was very tense, the performances were given almost every day. Troupe spoke in 52 cities. Sedova performed 38 times in "Lebedite Lake", 27 times in" Coppelia "And 10 times in the" Russian Wedding ", a small ballet supplied by M. Curdne. The production of "Giselle" had to cancel due to the disease of Murdhna. The St. Petersburg press watched the tour and reported the delights of the Americans.

After returning from America, negotiations were followed by returning to the Mariinsky Theater, which did not lead to anything. On March 6, 1912, the actress gave a "farewell evening" on stagePetersburg Conservatory. In 1912-1914, the actress toured inWestern Europe . Only in 1914, she was able to return to the Mariinsky Theater. On November 9, 1916, her farewell benefit was held, at which she first performed the role of Aspicchi in "Pharaoh's daughter " At the age of 36, she left the scene forever.

Agrippina Vaganova

Agrippina Vaganova was born 14 (June 26) 1879 in St. Petersburg, in the family of Kapeldiner Mariinsky Theater. Her father - Akop (Yakov Timofeevich) Vaganov - moved to Petersburg from Astrakhan, where since the time of Ivan the Terrible existedarmenian community; However, he himself was from Persian Armenians and capital in Astrakhan; He served a non-commissioned officer, and after his resignation moved to St. Petersburg.

In 1888 was adopted inImperial theater school. Among teachers Vaganova wereEvgenia Sokolova., Alexander Clouds, Anna Johansk, Pavel Gerdt, Vladimir Stepanov. In junior grades, for two years she was engaged inLion Ivanova By calling this time "two years of idleness"then moved to classCatherine Vasez. . The first role of Vaganova became the mother of Lisa, the main character, in the school play "magical flute"Supplied by Lvy Ivanov for middle class students.

In 1897, after graduating from the school, she was adopted in the ballot troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, in a few years the status receivedsoloists . Vaganova brilliantly resolved separate solo variations, for example, in balletDelibe "Coppelia ", For which it was called" queen variations ".

She made some changes to the choreographic techniques, which at first could seem inappropriate strict jeques of Academism, but subsequently occupied a worthy place in the technique of leading dancers.

Vaganova introduced some changes to choreographic techniques

Leaving the scene in 1916 , Teaching. First taught in various private schools and studios, then, after the revolution, was invitedA. A. Cloud to work in Petrograd Theater School. Your first issue, includingNina Stukolkin, Olga Mungalova and Nina Mrodzinskaya, prepared in 1922. In 1924 he released a class who began to learn in 1921. Taking pre-release women's classes prepared by such teachers likeE. P. Snetkova, M. A. Kozhukhova, M. F. Romanova , released in a year, sometimes annually. Developed its own pedagogical system based on clarity and meaningfulness of technology, the rigor of the production of the corps, positions of the arms and legs. "Vaganova system"Played a decisive role in the development of ballet art of the XX century.

From 1931 to 1937, Vaganova - artistic director of the ballet troupeLatt named S. M. Kirov.

Agrippina Yakovlevna died inLeningrad November 5, 1951. Buried on Literary MostkovVolkovsky cemetery