The cooking "The characteristic of the image of Gullyer Lemuel. Traveling into some remote countries of Light Lemuel Gullover, first Surgeon, and then captain of several ships

The cooking "The characteristic of the image of Gullyer Lemuel. Traveling into some remote countries of Light Lemuel Gullover, first Surgeon, and then captain of several ships

Gulliver attends the Great Academy and becomes a witness to many scientific "discoveries": one scientist eight years developed a project for the extraction of solar energy from cucumbers in order to apply it in the case of cold summer; another was engaged in laying ice into powder; The third opened the way to steal the Earth with the help of pigs and thus get rid of the consumption on plows, cattle and workers, etc. All these search engines, settled on a flying island, poorly imagine what is happening on Earth. Swift was far from disbelief in the possibility of human mind, but he had the foundation to strongly condemn and make fun of Lzhenauk, turning foolishness.

Roman Swift is built as a novel travel adventure-fiction character. The adventure principle of narration, fantastic situations and images make it particularly interesting for children. However, each of the episodes of the novel, in addition to the enormality, concludes in itself and much more deep meaning. Traveling Gullivier is the story of the enrichment of a person's ideas about the world. The novel was raised about the relativity of human knowledge. Talking about Liliputia, Swift Satirically depicts modern England.

Orders, laws and customs of Liliputia - caricature for monarchical system, parliamentary parties and church disagreements. The emperor sys in front of his subjects by the fact that he is slightly higher than their growth. This insignificant advantage allows him to feel like the master of the universe. The main secretary for secret cases is recognized by the Gullivera that the state body of Liliputia "corrupt two terrible ulcers: the internal parties parties and the threat of the invasion of an external powerful enemy." From further it turns out that the warring parties (the Swift has in mind Vigov and Tory) differ from each other only height of heels on shoes. In Liliputia, constant troubles occur, caused by disagreement on the issue of which end - stupid or acute - should be broken egg. Swift says about the destination system for government positions: candidates for responsible posts are elected depending on their ability to balance on the rope and perform acrobatic exercises.

Observations on the perversions of human nature cause deep pessimism from the writer. Contrasting Yehu Guiganmmov and calling them with a sad smile "the perfection of nature", the Swift understands the limitations inherent in them, and the impossibility of the revival of patriarchal lies of life.

They are greedy and so-loving, untidy and ugly, drachliva and immoral. Most of all, they appreciate colored and shiny pebbles that take away each other and bury in the ground. Because of them, they are ready to kill and shed blood. Returning to England, the Gulliver discovers the features characteristic of yum.

The fourth part of the novel - "Journey to the Guiganmov country" - contains an angry loss of the inhumanity of the bourgeois society, the disgusting generation of which is the animal creatures of Yehu, and the picture of the life of the patriarchal community of virtuous horses of Guiganmov opposed to Yehu. And external appearance, and the inner essence of Yehu is disgusting. These are similar and on monkeys, and on the people of the creatures of cunning, malicious, treacherous and vertigan. "They are strong and bolds, but at the same time, the cowvies, which makes them brazen, low and cruel."

In this regard, the picture created in his novel is essentially hopeless. Swift did not see the exit from the contradictions of the bourgeois society. But he was always irremorated to injustice and remained a zealous defender of freedom.

But at the same time, the work of the Swift carries and signs of the romance genre. The image of Gullyer, tying together all parts of the work, becomes its center.

If in Liliputia the Gulliver of all amazes in their size and gets the nickname "Mountain Man", then among the giants of the Bobdingneg, it seems "insignificant insects." Swift depicts Broketingneg as an ideal monarchy, and her king is like an enlightened and wise monarch. The king of the Bobdingneg condemns the war. In his country, he seeks to establish an order based on the principles of mind and high morality. Brilliant satire on science cut off from life and therefore unnecessary peopleIs an episode associated with the stay of Gullover in Laputhet.

In 1726, famous "travels to different remote countries of the world Lemuel Gullivier, first surgeon, and then captain of several ships" (Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver, First A Surgeon and Then a Captain of Several Ships) . Over this book, Swift worked a total of about ten years old, it reflected the evolution of the writer's glances and the magnificence of his satirical skill, made his name immortal. In the literature of the Epoch of Enlightenment "Traveling Gullyer" belongs to an important place. Swift laid the beginning of a radical-democratic line in the development of educational art. He did not belong to the number of supporters of the class compromise of the bourgeoisie and the nobility, did not believe in the beneficiamentation of bourgeois progress, decisively crushed the flavors and contradictions of the bourgeois society and did not share the optimism of Addison, style, DEFO and Richardson. The genre nature of "Gullover travel" can be defined as a pamphlet, and like a novel. The pamphlet basis of "travel" is manifested in the publicism and concreteness of the decisions, in the open subordination of the entire structure of the work and the images created in it are emphasized by a tendentious copyright.

Creativity of Swift - an important stage in development educational realism. As a master of laughter in various forms of its manifestation - from a sewing satire to ulcer irony - Swift won a prominent place in world literature.

With regard to Gullover to the world around the world, certain shifts and changes are scheduled. You can talk about the trend of the plot of the work to self-development. Gullover Travels is a satirical philosophical and political romance at an early stage of development. educational literature In England, when the genre of the novel was in the process of becoming. Specific feature The Swift novel - the presence of a pronounced publicistic principle in it, bringing it closer to pamphlet. The novel consists of four parts, each of which is described about the stay of Gullivier in various countries.


Roman Swift "Travel Leveiel Gullivier to some remote countries of light, first Surgeon, and then captain of several ships" (Travels Into Several Remote Notions Of the World in Four Parts by Lemuel Gulliver, First A Surgeon, and the Captain of Several Ships), published in 1726 (Russian translation - 1772-1773) can not be attributed to traditional genre Roman-utopias (or novel-anti-nightopy), although it contains the features and the first and second type of novels, as well as satyric and didactic works of 16 V. .

Swift book by many strands is associated with its modernity. She sisces hints on the evil of the day. In each of the parts of Gullover travel, no matter how far, England is directly or indirectly reflected in the analogy or in contrast, English affairs are solved. But the Satira Power is that the specific facts, the characters and situations acquire the universal sense, are valid for all times and peoples.

In the history of European society, the XVIII century is known as the era of enlightenment. Intelligence figures not only were writers, but also by philosophers, political thinkers. Already at an early stage of Enlightenment, Jonathan Swift protrudes with the criticism of the developing bourgeois relations. Modern Swift The reader was supposed to find out in unknown countries and nations (and found out!) Before disgusting familiar morals, signs of their own life and history. Such, look, manners, features of the talent of the swift: He was a wise philosopher, inexhaustible videos and witty, inimitable satiri.

The mouth of Gullyer Swift Evil rises human flavors, funny and sad, which, unfortunately, have deep social roots. Therefore, the Satyr of Swift is effective in our days. It is because it is significant that deeply serious and pursues high ideological purposes. Jonathan Swift sought the truth to the modern world. "Travel Lemuel Gullyer" - parody imitation, on the one hand, search and open the truth, on the other. Swift believed that his first task was to get closer to the spiritual life of the century and figure it out. He speaks with readers about religion, but not on the incomprehensible language of theologians; about politics, but not on party jargon, incomprehensible for the majority; On literature, but without arrogance and complacency.

The product "Travel Lemuel Gullyvier" by the fact that it is deeply generalized. All things described by Jonathan Swift have features and actions of the author's contemporaries. He could not beat the enemy openly, and therefore came to him through hints, analogies and allegories.

Reading the "Gullover Travel", we see well that the identity of the writer is masked all the time. The author shows us their thoughts decorated into a satirical and very exciting text of the work. So Swift allegorically depicted his service experience strong Mira of this

To build the image of Gullyer, we will be consistent, traveling with him, comparing, analyzing and reflecting on the actions of an incorrect romance that believes in justice, although disappointed in people. A person for all times albeit a fictional brilliant writer J. Swift, but at the same time such real when you open the pages of "Travels". I want to believe that in each of us there is a little from Lemuel Gullyer albeit naive, but infinitely truthful person. And the truth in our life is not so much.


Gulliver (English Gulliver) - Hero of Roman J. Swift "Journey to some remote countries of Light Lemuel Gullivier, first Surgeon, and then captain of several ships" (1726). Roman Swift is written in the tradition of Menippeia, in which the absolute freedom of the plot fiction is motivated by the "ideological-philosophical purpose - to create exceptional situations for provoking and testing philosophical idea - Words, truth embodied in the image of a sage, seeker of this truth "(M. M. Bakhtin). The content of menippey is not the adventures of a particular hero, but the peripetia of the very idea. Such a formulation of the issue allows you to see the deep inner integrity, both the image of Gullivier himself and the work as a whole.

At first glance in the novel of the Swift, four different Gullivier.

The first is in Liliputia. In this country, he is great and mighty, as a true hero, and personifies all the best that there is in man: mind, beauty, power, mercy.

The second is in Bobdingneg. In the country, the giamlications of the Gulliver - permanent hero of comic situations. It serves as a royal jester, a funny scientist Liliput. After hearing the story of Gullivier about the political and socio-economic structure of England, the King of Broket Dingnega concludes that "most of your compatriots have broods of small disgusting reptiles, the most detrimental of all that ever crawled around the earth's surface."

The third is an indifferent and calm observer, carefully fixing madness, deformity, perversion, which sees in the flying kingdom of Laputa, the country of Balni Barbie and in the Great Academy of her capital Laga-Bde, on the island of Necromancers Gubbdobdrib, in the Kingdom of Laggnegte, where he gets eternally immortal strestnbrugs .

The fourth is a Gulliver from the country of Guingganms (reasonable horses) and Yehu (wild descendants of the British couple who came to the island as a result of shipwreck). Here Gulliver is tragically lonely and hated man. And to be a person means belonging to the genus of disgusting yahu, famous for his voraciousness, lust, laziness, malice, falseness and stupidity.

These different lalliver are the hypostasis of a single image. The hero of the work written in the menippey tradition, - man Ideas, a sage - put by the author in a situation of collisions with world evil in the most limiting expressions. Everything that sees in his travels Gulliver serves Swift to test the idea, not character. Gulliver is normal, reasonable, moral healthy personwhich the author sends on a journey to the world of madness, absurd, lies and violence. It is in relation to the Gullivera who reveals human nature: an unsightly and disgust in any reasonable creature. Gulliver was looking for a place in the insane world in which a decent man could find peace. And the Swift leads his hero in the utopian country of Guingngnm, but himself, he returns it back to England, because in the insane world there can be no society arranged at a reasonable principle. And this means that Gulliver must return home: reasonable horses expel the hero.

Thus, we see that the image of Gullyer, relies on english prose XVII century, in which the narration of travelers of the high geographical discoveries are widely represented. From the descriptions of maritime travel, the Swift borrowed an adventure flavor, which attached the illusion of a visible reality. This illusion is also increasing because appearance Between the Liliputs and the giants, on the one hand, and the Gulliver himself and its world - on the other hand, there is an exact ratio of magnifies. Quantitative ratios are maintained by high-quality differences that the Swift is set between mental and moral level Gullivier, his consciousness and, accordingly, the consciousness of Liliputov, Bobdingners, EX and Guingnm. The angle of view, under which the Gulliver sees the next country of its wanders, is accurately accurately installed in advance: it is determined by how its inhabitants are higher or lower than Gullover in mental or moral terms. The illusion of truth believes is the camouflage of the irony of the author, imperceptibly putting on the Gullyer masks, depending on the tasks of satire.

1. Journey to Liliputia.

The easiest thing is the situation in the first two travels: "Once, by recognizing the existence of giants and tiny people, you easily take everything else" - I noticed Dr. Johnson. The situation turns out to be such a picture of reality, in which there are not nonormal notes, or giants, but the newly lalliver. In the first case, it is abnormal, because he, even when sincere desire, Can not live Liliputian life. In the second - he is an Englishman, European, a new time man.

Lilitution - England, Englishman - Liliput. Fantasy of the first two travels is an ironic reception that touched all the rules of everyday and state. Moral concepts do not disappear. The kingdom of Liliput is not only fabulous, but also a puppet, Gulliver for the most part and describes their games and fun in the revived doll world and describes it in the most serious expressions. He takes from the rule, has a puppet name Queenbus Flestin ("Man-Mountain") and performs his gaming responsibilities. For a child, the essence of this game is the transformation of the present in puppet, for an adult - the transformation of the present in the puppet (children's and adult performances also differ).

You can trace how the Gulliver watches "Liliputian England" in the first journey in the right moral perspective.

With the first appearance of a "man with a growing no more than six inches", the Gulliver cries loudly from amazement. The little people are hoarsely, they are singing on an incomprehensible language, shower Gullover arrings similar to needles. After all, it can easily restore himself as rights. Just get up at night and merge the whole of this army. "However, fate decided otherwise." Is a noble person with middle finger Height and desires a hungry traveler with the help of "threats, promises and regrets." Gulliver is thinking, whether he has violated the "strict rules of etiquette", i.e. He looks at himself from the eyes of Liliputs. This is the beginning of the transformation of Mr. Lemuel Gullyer in Queenbus Flestrin, a man.

Gulliver feels part of Liliputia. The next Liliputian visitor is no longer a creature with the middle finger, but "the extremes of high rank on behalf of his imperial majesty." "... He presented his credentials, for royal seal, approach them to my eye." For the reader is a comical, for Gullyer - almost normal. The emperor, the State Council decide how to be with a monster thrown ashore. Liliputa Majesty is compared with European monarchs.

Gulliver feels and behaves in the Liliputian world, like a huge tammed animal. It is planted on a binding in the form of ninety-one chain with thirty hanging castles. He is taken by a cone, abandoned the temple, in the door of which, he can "crack freely." Not a Gulliver, but a man-mountain is a manual animal of the Liliputian emperor. The portrait of Emperor Liliputia describes as follows: "... The features of his strengths and courageous, lips of the Austrian, hands and legs are proportional, the movements of graceful, the posture of the majestic"; "... he has grown on my nail above all his courtiers; One of this is enough to inspire the viewer a feeling of respectful fear. " "To better consider His Majesty, I lay down on the side." This is for Gullyer Monarch in all its magnificence. Comparison of sizes tells us that it is a comedy. Gulliver and narrator and actor. The Liliputian point of view applies to Gullivier's own things. They are described as incredible structures. Gulliver watches like small men, knee-deep in tobacco, find a comb, like a lattice in front of the imperial palace. Ticking hours for them, like a noise of a water mill. Gulliver falls into the Liliputian world and remains to live according to the laws of this country. Emperor Liliputia "Otild and Horror of the Universe", is "the greatest of the sons of human, who rests on with his foot in the center of the Earth, and his head concerns the Sun," and his possessions in the circumference of twenty miles "are distributed to extreme limits globe" But the Gullivera is not to laughter. He signs the reasonable conditions "Although some of them are not so honorable, as I would wish." "As a sign of gratitude, I fell on the legs of His Majesty, ... and I became completely free." And it is really free ... in Liliputski. The reader even sympathize little folk, whose head has fallen a man-mountain. In this country, has its own world, their laws, even quite reasonable laws. Gulliver, man-mountain enters the life of Liliputia and gradually loses the feeling of its own sizes.

Gradually, a little world ceases to die. Templement is replaced by contempt. It turns out that they do not cost condescension. More and more evil and caustic details are emerging ... and Gulliver will find out England to the reign of George I. The author wrote a stable Paskvil for political life recent years. Tory and Vigi, "High" and "Low" Church, King Georg and Queen Anna, war heroes with France and Sir Robert Walpol, ridiculed by a squash, like small, hoarse-like Liliputs. Liliputian Swarren is a pitiful sight. They are not cunning, evil, shameless, and we are cunning and shameless pigments. But since the pigments are all, they deserve attention and condescension, heating our interest, the head of science appears, on customs and laws that are completely opposite to English.

If Gullivier has the foundations to despise Liliput, then only for similarities with compatriots. We remember that when a fire broke out in the palace of King Liliputia, Gulliver redeemed his stream of his urine. Instead of congratulating it with such resourcefulness, Gullivar reported that he made the greatest crime, survived to the royal palace ... It caused even a charity to the hero, but some resentment for harsh, cruel with him appeal. Pay attention to how Gulliver depicts Liliputs. He does not use any rude means in opposition to power and weakness. Giant Gullywear sufficiently blow and from this can operate the army. He will be able to destroy cities.

Gulliver (Gulliver) - Hero of Roman J. Sviphta "Journey to some remote countries of Light Lemuel Gullivier, first a surgeon, and then captain of several ships" (1726). The Roman of Swift is written in the tradition of Menippey, in which the absolute freedom of the plot fiction is motivated by the "ideological-philosophical purpose - to create exceptional situations for provoking and testing the philosophical idea - words, truth embodied in the image of the sage, the seeker of this truth" (M.M. Bakhtin) . The content of menippey is not the adventures of a particular hero, but the peripetia of the very idea. This formulation of the issue allows you to see the deep internal integrity of both the image of the city itself and the work as a whole.

At first glance in the Romane of Swift Four different G.

The first is in Liliputia. In this country, he is great and mighty, as a true hero, and personifies all the best that there is in man: mind, beauty, power, mercy.

The second is in Bobdingneg. In the country of giants, the permanent hero of comic situations. It serves as a royal jester, a funny scientist Liliput. After hearing the story of G. On the political and socio-economic structure of England, the King of Broket Dingnega concludes that "most of your compatriots have broods of small disgusting reptiles, the most detrimental of all, which ever crawled around the earth's surface."

The third is an indifferent and calm observer, carefully fixing madness, deformity, perversion that sees in the flying kingdom of Laputa, Balni Barbie Country and in the Great Academy of Her Capital Laga-Bde, on the island of Necromancers Gubbdobdrib, in the Kingdom of Laggnegte, where meets eternally immortal Stoldbrug.

The fourth is G. from the country of Guingganms (reasonable horses) and Yehu (wild descendants of the British couple who came to the island as a result of shipwrecks). Here is a tragically lonely and hated man. And to be a person means belonging to the genus of disgusting yahu, famous for his voraciousness, lust, laziness, malice, falseness and stupidity.

These different lalliver are the hypostasis of a single image. The hero of the work written in the menippoe tradition, is a man of ideas, a sage - put by the author in a situation of collisions with world evil in the most limiting expressions. Everything that sees in his travels G., serves swift for testing ideas, not character. G.- This is a normal, reasonable, morally healthy person whom the author sends on a journey to the world of madness, absurdity, lies and violence. It is in relation to the city that human nature is revealed: an unsightly and causing disgust in any reasonable creature. G. Saying a place in the insane world in which a decent person could find peace. And the Swift leads his hero into the utopian country of Guingngms, but he himself returns him back to England, for a society, arranged at a reasonable principle, cannot exist in the insane world. And this means that G. should return home: reasonable horses expelled the hero.

History G.- This is the story of a man who tried to change people and their world in the word truth.

ka trying to change people and their world in the word truth. As a result, the city is forced to recognize that "Yahu is a breed of animals that are not completely capable of corrective by instructions and examples. For six months now has passed since the appearance of my book, and I not only do not see the end of all sorts of abuse and defects, but did not hear that my book makes at least one action corresponding to my intentions. " G. Refuses "Relowed Benea to reform the Yahu breed" and finds consolation only on the stable, in long conversations with his stallions.

G. served as a prototype of the Hero Pioneer in the film A.L. Ptushko "New Gulliver" (1935), in which the character of Swift became an active participant in the struggle of worlds, socialism and capitalism.

The main character This story is Gulliver. He was born in the family of a poor veelmborn, had the estate in Notgіnghampshire. In the fourteenth year he was given to College in Cambridge. But the father had no money to keep it there longer than three years.

Then Gulliver studied four years at the outstanding London Surgeon Mr. Bets and became a doctor. The money that his father sent him, he spent on books with navigation and related industries, because he dreamed of becoming a traveler. Subsequently, Lemuel two years and seven months studied natural science to Leiden University in Holland.

After sailing, on the advice of friends, he married Mary Bergen - the daughter of the owner of the Ermunda Burton Ermunda. To improve financial situation Family, Gulliver goes swimming on the ship "Antelope" to East India. Then he was about 30-33 years old.

In my opinion, Gulliver had a pleasant appearance. He is medium height, with slender figure, brown hair, sharp features of the face.

From the essay it is clear that Gulliver had positive features character. The author notes his humanity: "... (Gulliver) resolutely refused to be an instrument of reassigning the free and brave people ...", emphasizes courage: "While I hung up with this, the enemies allowed thousands of arrows, and many of them drove into my hands and The face, causing a burning pain and interfering with me to work ... "

The curiosity of Gullyer is traced throughout the work: "--and extinguish on the shore, I looked closely to the life and morals of people and at the same time studied foreign languages... "This hero has such qualities as endurance (" the first sentence I learned was a request to return me freedom. ... The emperor answered that this is a matter of time that he can only solve it in agreement with the Council ... ") And the generosity (" ... Colonel ordered to grab the six factory's gears ... and give me back in his hands .... I cut the thread knife with which he was connected and gently lowered it to the ground ... ").

The mind and ingenuity have been helped many times with the Gullivera during this journey: "... For three weeks I made great successes in learning their language ..."; "... deliberately did not fit to the shore, so that I was not noticed with some enemy ship ..."; "... I splured the rope twice in order to make it more durable and for the same purpose stroked the iron bars three times ..."

Gulliver with kindness and respect belonged to others. He traveled himself when he was in captivity he deserved by the favor of Emperor Liliputia and the sympathy of most of his subjects, although it could be free and destroy this country and her little people.

In addition, he agreed to all the conditions of dismissal, despite the fact that some of them were not as he seemed honorable. Gulliver prevented the attacks on the Lіlіputia of the hostile state Blefusk.

Part of the nobles and ministers of Liliputia favorably belonged to Gullivier, and when the accusation act was discussed, they did not oppose Gullover. Meanwhile, Flіmnap and Bole goals, the enemies of Gullywer, that they sought him to destroy, in the Union with some officials accused of state treason.

J. Swift showed Gullivier as a decent man. Comparing him with Liliputi, the author riddled claims to the world domination of the English monarchs, their ministers and the concedes, the injustice of public life throughout Europe.

Everyone knows the image of a navigator, which little men tied with ropes to Earth. But in the book of Jonathan Swift "Travel Gullyer" the main character does not stop at the visit of the country of Liliputs. The work from the children's fairy tale turns into philosophical reflection About humanity.

Lecturer, publicist, philosopher, as well as the priest Jonathan Swift was from Ireland, but wrote in English, so it is considered english writer. For his life, he created 6 volume volumes. Gullivier Travels finally published in 1726-1727 in London, while Swift created his work for several years.

The author published a novel without specifying his authorship, and the book immediately began to enjoy popular, although it was susceptible to censorship. The most common edition was the translation french writer Pierre Defontene, after which the novel was not translated from of English languageand from French.

Later began to continue and imitating the history of Gullyer, operetta and even brief children's versions of the novel, mainly devoted to the first part.

Genre, direction

"Travel Gullivier" can be attributed to the fantastic Satir-philosophical novel. The main character meets fabulous characters and becomes a guest in non-existent worlds.

The novel is written in the Epoch of Enlightenment or Late Classicism, for which the journey genre was very popular. Work this area They differ in the instructive character, attention to the details and lack of contradictory heroes.


The main character of Lemuel Gulliver as a result of shipwreck enters Liliputia, where little men take him for the monster. He saves them from the inhabitants of the neighboring Island Blefusk, but despite this, Liliputs are going to kill him, because of which Gullivera has to escape from them.

During the second travel, Lemuel enters the Bobdingneg, the country of giants. Grumdalklich girl cares about him. Little Gulliver gets to the king, where he gradually realizes the insignificance of mankind. Home The navigator gets accidental when a giant eagle flies with a box that was a temporary housing of the traveler.

The third journey transfers Gullivier to Balnibarby's country, on the flying city of Laputa, where in surprise is watching the stupidity of the inhabitants, disguised as a scholarship. On the mainland in the capital of Lagado, he visits the Academy, where the meaningless inventions of local scientists see. On the island of Gububbdobdrib, causing the souls of the dead historical personalitiesHe will learn about the truth hidden by historians. On the island of Laggglog, he meets with the immortality of Stoldbrup, after which it returns to England through Japan.

The fourth journey enters Gullivier to the island, where reasonable hinungnam horses use the work of the Wild Beings by EX. The main character is expelled, as it looks like EX. Lemuel can not get used to people for a long time, whose society becomes unbearably.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. Lemuel Gulliver - Native Nottinghampsh. He is married to Mary Burton and has two children. To make money, Lemuel becomes a surgeon on the vessel, and then the captain of the ship. Like most of the main characters of the enlightenment, he is inquisitive. The traveler is easily adapted in the new conditions, quickly studies the languages \u200b\u200bof each place, which falls, and also embodies the conditional average hero.
  2. Liliputa. The word "Liliput" invented Swift. Residents of Liliputia and Blefisco with growth in 12 times less ordinary person. They are convinced that their country is the biggest in the world, because of what they behave with the Gulliver pretty fearlessly. Liliputa is an organized people who can quickly make a difficult job for them. Correct the king named Golbasto Momar Evle Gerdailo Shephin Molly Olli Gu. Liliputs are fighting with bluff missions because of the disputes about which side should be broken. But in Liliputia itself, there is a distribution between the parties of trexenov and slatexentes, supporters of high and low heels. Gully Skyresh Bulges and the Lord Chancellor of the Treasury Flimnap are turning out to Gully Skyresh Bulgolam. Liliputs personify a parody of the English monarchy.
  3. Giant. Residents of the island of Bobdingneg, on the contrary, 12 times more than an ordinary person. They carefully belong to the Gullywar, especially the daughter of Farmer Grymdalklich. The giants are ruled by a fair king coming to the horror of Gullyer's stories about gunpowder. These people are not familiar with the murder and war. Bobdingneg is an example of utopia, an ideal state. Royal Dwarf becomes the only unpleasant character.
  4. Residents of Balnibarby. So that the inhabitants of the flying island of Laput are distracted from thinking about the universe, the servants have to clap them with sticks. All around them: from clothes to meals, is associated with astronomy and geometry. Laputyan rule the country, having the right at any time crush the bunty of the island. People also live on Earth, who consider themselves smarter than all that is not true. The inhabitants of the island of Gububbdobdrib are able to cause the souls of the dead people, and on the island of Laggnegg, immortal strestbruges are sometimes born, standing out by the big stain on the head. After 80 years, they have civil death: they are more incapable, they are always aging, they are not capable of friendship and love.
  5. Guigangnma. Guigangnamia island inhabited horses capable of talking on their intelligent language. They have their homes, families, meetings. The word "Guignnm" Gulliver translates as "crown of creation." They do not know what money, power and war. They do not understand many human words, since they do not have the concepts of "weapons", "lie" and "sin." Guiganns compose poems, do not spend words in vain, die without sorrow.
  6. EX.. GuogerNMA serve as domestic animals monkey-like savage EX, feeding with Padalu. They are deprived of the ability to share, love, hate each other and collect shiny pebbles (parody of the passion of a person to money and jewels). Among the guigans, there is a legend that the first EX came here because of the ocean and were ordinary peoplelike Gulliver.
  7. Topics and problems

    The main topic of the work is a person and moral principlesFor which he tries to live. Swift raises questions about who such a person, as he looks from the side, whether he acts correctly and what is his place in this world.

    The author raises the problem of the spoilness of society. People have forgotten what it means not to fight, to create good and judgment. In the first part of the "Travel of Gullivier", attention is paid to the problem of petty government controlledIn the second - the problem of insignificance and cruelty of a person in general, in the third - the problem of losing common sense, in the fourth - the problem of achieving the ideal, as well as the fall in human morals.

    Main idea

    The work of Jonathan Swift is an illustration of the fact that the world is diverse and incomprehensible, people still have to solve the meaning of the universe. In the meantime, imperfect and weak person He has gigantic self-conceit, considers himself a higher creature, but not only can not know everything, but often himself risks it worse than animals.

    Many people have lost human appearance, inventing weapons, quarreling and deceiving. The man is petty, cruel, stupid and ugly in his behavior. The writer is not just unfounded accuses humanity in all possible sins, and offers alternative existence options. His the main idea - The need to correct society through a consistent refusal of ignorance vices.

    What does it take?

    The main character becomes a kind of observer from the side. The reader, getting acquainted with the book, with him understands that a person needs to remain a person. It should objectively assess its influence on the world, to keep a reasonable life and not immerse yourself in the vices, gradually turning the person in the savage.

    People should think about what humanity came to, and try to change the world at least in that situation when it depends on each of them.


    The novel "Travel Gullyer" was brutally criticized, despite the fact that he first was accepted for ordinary fairy tale. According to the reviewers, Jonathan Swift insults a person, which means that he insults God. The fourth part of the work suffered the most: the author was accused of hatred towards people and bad taste.

    For many years, the church banned the book, and representatives of the state shortened her to cut dangerous political reflections. However, for the Irish people, the decan of the Cathedral of St. Patrick remained a legendary fighter for the rights of oppressed poor people, about his public activities And the literary talent, ordinary citizens did not forget.

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