"Peak lady." Libretto

"Peak lady." Libretto

Group of fans Alexey Markov

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Peak lady
Borrowed from the story
A. S. Pushkin
M. Tchaikovsky

Count Tomsky (Zlatogor)
Prince Yeletsky
Polina (Milovor)
Boy commander

Integrated persons in intermedia


Milnor (Polina)
Zlatogor (gr. Tomsky)
Nyanyushki, governess, crumbles, walking guests, children, players, and so on.
The action takes place in St. Petersburg at the end of the XVIII century.


First action
Picture first
Spring. Summer garden. Playground. On the benches are sitting and packed in the Nyanyushka garden,
Governess and crumbles. Children play burners, others jump through the ropes,
Throw balls.
Gori, Gori clearly,
So as not to go out
One two Three!
(Laughter, exclamation, running.)
Sinky, kids are cute!
Rarely sunshine you, birthmarks,
Teschit joy!
If, cute, you are on a volley
Games, pranks up,
That is my little nyanyushy
You take peace then deliver.

And in the sunshine sunny!
Thank God, at least a little you can relax,
Breathing the air to the spring, see something!
Do not shout, without comment time to spend.
About the suggestion, punished, forget about the lesson.
Fuck, run, kids cute,
And in the sunshine sunk.
Bai, Bai Bai!
Sleep, Major, Wire!
Clear eyes do not open!
(Heard drum fighting and children's pipes.)

Here our warriors go - soldiers.
How slim! Must! Places! Once, two, two times ...
(Flying boys in toy weapons; ahead of the commander.)
Times, two times, two,
Left, right, left right!
Friendly, brothers!
Do not get off!
Boy commander
Right shoulder forward! Once, two, stand!
(Boys stop)
Musket in front of herself! Take a blow! Musket to the leg!
(Boys fulfill the team.)

Group of fans Alexey Markov
We all gathered here
For fear of Russian enemies.
Angry inland, beware!
And with the thoughts of the villainet run, Ile will conquer!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Fatherland save
We fell to share.
We will fight
And enemies in un
Without an account take away!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Long live a wife,
Turning the queen
We are Mother to all she,
Chown, Empress
Both pride and beauty!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Boy commander
Well done boys!
We are glad to try your gradually!
Boy commander
Musket in front of herself! Right! On guard! March!
(Boys go, drum and tube.)
Nyanyushki, Kormilitsa, Governess
Well, well done, our soldiers!
And really push fear on the enemy.
(Other children leave for the boys after the boys. Nyanyushki and governess disagree
Giving the place to another walking. Included Chekalinsky and Surin.)
What is the game yesterday?
Of course, I blurted scary!
I'm not lucky ...
Did you play again until the morning?
I'm terribly tired
Damn it, at least if you won't win!
Was Herman?
Was. And, as always,
Eight and eight in the morning
Chained to the gambling table
And silently blew wine
Yes, I looked at the game.

Group of fans Alexey Markov
What is he a strange man!
As if he had heart
Villains, at least three.
I heard that he is very poor ...
Yes, not rich. Here he is, look:
As a demon of hell grumbled ... pale ...
(It includes Herman, thoughtful and dark; with him together, Tomsky graph.)
Tell me, Herman, what to you?
With me? Nothing...
You are sick?
No, I'm healthy!
You became another one ...
Something unhappy ...
Happened: restrained, lean,
You were cheerful, at least;
Now you are gloomy, silent
And, - I do not believe our ears:
You, the new passion of grief,
As they say, up to the morning
Do you spend the night for the game?
Yes! To the goal is a hard foot
Go, as before, can not me.
I myself do not know what to me.
I lost, resenting weakness,
But to own yourself no longer ...
I like! Love!
How! Are you in love? In whom?
I do not know her name
And I can not find out
Earthly name is not wanting
It is called ...
Comparing all overgoing
I do not know who to compare ...
My love, Bliss of Paradise,
I would like to keep the age!
But the thought is jealous that it is another to possess
When I track the legs do not dare to kiss her,
Tomit me; And terrestrial passion
In vain I want to learn
And I want to hug everything then,
And I want to hug my holy holy then ...
I don't know her name
And I do not want to know ...

Group of fans Alexey Markov
And if so, soon for business!
We find out who she is, and there -
And the suggestion do boldly
And - the case is hand!
Oh no! Alas, it is valid
And I can not belong!
That's what Mutit and Gots Me!
We find another ... not alone in the world ...
You do not know me!
No, I do not believe it!
Oh, Tomsk, you do not understand!
I could only live quietly
So far, I dreamed of passion ...
Then I could own himself.
Now that the soul is in power of one dream,
Goodbye peace! Poisoned as if inuced
I'm sick, sick ... I'm in love.
Are you Herman?
I confess, I would not believe anyone,
What are you able to love so much!
(Herman and Tomsk pass. Walking fill the scene.)
Choir walking
Finally God sent a sunny day!

This day is not waiting for us for a long time.
Before it was better lived
And every year there were every year, early spring,
And now they are in rarity. Sun in the morning
It became worse. Right, to die.
Before, the right, it was better, it was more fun to live.
We and the sun in the sky was not in the wonder.
Before, the right, it was better than giving fun.
For many years we do not see such days,
And it happened, often we saw them.
In the days of Elizabeth - Wonderful time, -
It was better for summer, autumn and spring.
Oh, many years have passed, as there were no such days,
A, it happened, before, we often seen them.
The days of Elizabeth, what a wonderful time!
Ah, in ancient times, the greasy, more fun,
There were no such spring, clear days for a long time!
What a joy! What for happiness!
How gratifying how to live!
How nice in the summer garden walk!
Charm, how nice in the summer garden walk!
Look, look at how many young people

Group of fans Alexey Markov
And military, and civil wanders a lot along Alley
Look, see how many things are wandering:
And military, and civilians, as elegant, as beautiful.
How beautiful, look, look!
Finally God sent us a sunny day!
What air! What kind of sky! Exactly May we have!
Oh, what a charm! Right, all day for a walk!
Day not wait for this
Day this does not wait
For a long time again.
Day this does not wait
Long for us, long for us again!
Sun, sky, air, nightingry
And the blush is bright on the lans of the virgins.
Then spring gives, with her and love
Sweetly worries young blood!
Sky, sun, clean air,
Sweet nightingale entangle
The joy of life and the blush scarlet on
Lanita vir.
Then the gifts of spring are beautiful, then
Spring gifts!
Happy day, beautiful
Day like good!
Oh, joy! We are spring love and
Happiness brings!
Finally God sent us
Sunny day!
What air! What kind of sky! For sure
May we have!
Oh, what a charm!
Right, all day for a walk!
Day not wait for this
Day not wait for this
For a long time again.
(Enter Herman and Tomsk.)
Are you sure that she does not notice you?
I bet that in love and misses you ...
When an Opolovo doubts, I lost
Did it delve my soul's torment?
You see: I live, suffer, but in a terrible moment,
When I find out that I was not destined to master it,
Then there will be one ...
(Prince Yeletsky is included. Chekalinsky and Surin come to him.)
You can congratulate you.

Group of fans Alexey Markov
You say the groom?
Yes, gentlemen, I'm marrying; Light Angel converted
It's my fate to combine my fate! ..
Well, in good time!
I'm happy with all my heart. Be happy, prince!
Yeletsky, congratulations!
Thank you friends!
(with feeling)
Happy day,
You bless you!
How it all connected
So together to join me,
Everywhere reflected
Bliss of life unearthly ...
Everything smiles, everything shines,
Like on my heart
All cheerfully trembles
To the bliss of the paradise!
Unfortunate day
I curse you!
As if everything connected
To fight with me in the fight.
Everywhere joy reflected
But not in my soul my patient ...
Everything smiles, everything shines,
When I have on my heart
Announced Anga trembles,
Some torment sly ...
Tell me, do you marry?
Prince, who is your bride?
(It includes the Countess with Liza.)
(pointing to Lisa)
Here she is!
She is? She is his bride! Oh my God!...
Lisa and Countess
Again it here!
So here's who is Nameless Beauty Your!
I'm scared!
He is again in front of me
Mysterious and gloomy stranger!

Group of fans Alexey Markov
In his eyes ukore mute
Changed the fire insane, burning passion ...
Who is he? Why pursues me?

His eyes of ominous fire!
I'm scared!
I'm scared!
He is again in front of me
Mysterious and terrible stranger!
He is a ghost fatal
Embraced all the wild passion,
What does he want to pursue me?
Why again he prevailed me?
I'm scared, as if I am in power
His eyes of ominous fire!
I'm scared...
I'm scared!
Here again in front of me like
Ghost Rokoye
There was a gloomy old woman ...
In her eyes of terrible
I read my sentence dumb!
What should she want from me?
As if I am in power
Her eyes of ominous fire!
Who is she who?
I'm scared!
I'm scared!
My God, how embarrassed she!
Where does this strange excitement come from?
In her soul tomgle
In her eyes, some fear of dumb!
In them a clear day why suddenly
It came to change bad weather.
What with her? Do not look at me!
Oh, I'm scary, as if close
Threatened some unexpected
Scary to me!
That's what he spoke about?
How he is embarrassed by an unexpected news!
In his eyes, I see fear ...
Fear of mute replaced fire
Mad passion!
And with her, with it, what? How pale!
Oh, I'm scared for her!
I'm scared.
(Graph Tomsk is suitable for a decanter. Prince to Lisa. Countess stares at

Group of fans Alexey Markov
Let me congratulate ...
Tell me, who is this officer?
Which the? This? Herman, my friend.
Where did he come from? What is it terrible!
(Tomsky escorts it to the depths of the scene.)
(feeding the hand of Lisa)
Heaven charming charm
Spring, Marshmallows light rustle,
Having fun crowds, friends hello, -
Promise in the coming many years
We are happiness!
Rejoice, buddy!
Forgot you, what a quiet day
Thunderstorm happens. What is the creator
Gave the happiness of tears, Vader - Thunder!
(Remote thunder. Herman in gloomy thoughtfulness goes on the bench.)
What a witch is this countess!
No wonder it was called the "peak lady."
I can not comprehend, why doesn't she pont?
How? Old woman?
Ansky-year-old carga!
So you know nothing about her?
No, right, nothing.
Oh, so listen!
Countess Many years ago in Paris, Krasavitsa walked.
All youth on her crazy went
Calling "Venère Moscow".
Count Saint-Germain - among others, then there is still a handsome man,
Spoiled her. But unsuccessfully he sighed on the Countess:
All nights, the beauty played beauty and, alas,
Preferred Pharaoh Love.
Once in Versaille "Au Jeu De La Reine" Vénus Moscovite
Loved to the alert.
Among the invited was Count Saint-Germain;
Watching the game he heard how she
Sheptala in the midst of Azart: "Oh, God! Oh my God!
Oh God, I could not play off

Group of fans Alexey Markov
When it were enough to put again

Count, choosing a good minute when
After leaving the guests of the guests the full hall,
Beautiful silence sat alone,
In love over her ear whispered words sweeter sounds
"Countess, Countess, Countess, at the cost of one," RendezVous "
want to,
Perhaps, I will call you three cards, three cards, three cards?
The countess flared: "How dare you!"
But the count was not a coward ... and when in a day
Beauty appeared again, alas,
Without a penny in the pocket "Au Jeus de La Reine",
She already knew three cards.
They boldly putting one after another
I returned your ... but what a price!
About the card, about the card, about the card!
Since she called her card, she called
Another time their young handsome learned.
But on the same night, only one remained,
The ghost came to her and Grozno said:

Three cards three cards, three cards! "
(Thunder is heard, thunderstorm comes.)
Funny! But the Countess can safely sleep:
Lovely lover to be dishonled.
Listen, Herman, here's a great case,
To play without money. Think!
(Everyone laughs.)
Chekalinsky, Surin
"From the third who dust, passionately lovingly
Will come to learn from you
Three cards, three cards, three cards! "
(Going away. Strong thunder blow. Thunderstorm is played. Walking rushing in equal
Parties. Exclamations, screams.)
Choir walking
How fast the thunderstorm came ... Who could expect? ..
Passion what ... Blow over a blow louder, worse!
Fight soon! Most likely to go to the goal!
(Everyone scatter. Thunderstorm increases.)
Oh, soon home!
Fresh soon!
(Strong thunder blow.)
"Get a fatal blow you
From the third who dusty, passionately loving

Group of fans Alexey Markov
Will come to learn from you
Three cards, three cards, three cards! "
Oh, what to me in them, at least I possessed them!
Everything died now ... one I stayed. I storm neh
In me, all the passions woke up with such a kill
What is this thunder nothing in comparison! No, prince!
While I am alive, I will not give it to you.
I do not know how, but take away!
Thunder, zipper, wind, with you solemnly give
I am an oath: she will be mine, Il will die!
(Runs away.)

Picture of the second

Lisa room. The door to the balcony overlooking the garden. Lisa behind Claviersin. Near her
Pauline. Girlfriends.
Lisa and Polina
Even evening ... the clouds fell in the edges,
The last ray ray on the towers is dying;
The latter in the river is a shiny jet
With extinct sky fading.
All quietly: groves sleep; There is peace around;
Shattering on the grass under the guise of tilted,
I look like a murmur, merging with the river,
Flow, bushes autumn.
How to merge with cool plants fragrance!
How sweet in silence at the Bagge jet Pledins!
How quietly messenger on the waters,
And flexible willow tremble!
Choir of girlfriends
Charming! Charming!
Wonderful! Charming! Ah, wonderful, good!
More, mesdames, more, more.
Sleep, fields, we are alone.
But what to sing?
Choir of girlfriends
Please know what you know.
Ma Chère, dove, spoile something to us.
I will sing your beloved romance ...
(Sits down the harpsory, plays and sings with deep
Wait ... how is it? Yes, I remembered!
Girlfriends are lovely, in the carelessness of playful,
Under the dancing entrance you are frolic in the meadows!
And I, as you, lived in Arkady happy,
And I, in the morning of days, in the groves and fields

Group of fans Alexey Markov
Minutes of joy tasted:
Love in the dreams of the dreams of me happiness Sulil
But what did I get in this joyful places?
(All touches and excited.)
I thought the song was singing a tearful such?
Well, why? Already sad you are something, Lisa,
On such a day! Think, because you are engaged, ah, ah, ah!
Well, what did you hang all the noses? Merry let's
Yes, Russian in honor of the groom with the bride!
Well, I'll start, and you feed me!
Choir of girlfriends
And indeed, let's go funny, Russian!
(Girlfriends beat in your hands. Lisa, without taking participation in fun, it stands thoughtfully
(girlfriends sick her)
Well, Svetik Masha,
You sweat, babes,
Ai, Luli, Luli,
You sweat, baptize.
His white handle
Under the side of pick up.

"Peak lady". Opera in 3 acts, 7 pictures.

Libretto M.I. Tchaikovsky with the participation of P.I. Tchaikovsky in the same name of A.S. Pushkin.

The action takes place in St. Petersburg at the end of the XVIII century.

Existing persons and performers:
Herman-Nyolai Cherepanov,
Honored Artist of Ukraine
Lisa-Delena Barysheva, Laureate of the International Competition
Countess -Valentina Ponomareva
Count Tomsk - Vladimir Audonov
Prince Yeletsky -Lonid Wevnukhin,
-Noylai Leonov
Chekalinsky -Vladimir Mingaluv
Surin-Nyolai Lochov,
- Vladimir Dumenko
Narimov -Evyoshin
Manager - Jury Shalaev
Polina -Natalia Semenova, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation,
-Tero Sirotskaya
Masha -elin Yuniev
-Aleutina Ygunov

Existing persons and performers in Intermediate:
Prilep -anna Devyatkina
-Thero Solovyov
Milovzor - Natalia Semenova, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
-Tero Sirotskaya
Zlatogor -Vladimir AvtoMon.

Action I.

Picture 1.

Sunny summer garden. In the situation of prosperity and joy, a crowd of citizens walks, children accompanied by nyanyushka and governess. Surin and Chekalinsky officers share their impressions about the strange behavior of her friend Herman. All nights, he spends in the gambling house, but does not even try to try fate. Soon, Herman himself appears accompanied by the graph of Tomsk. He opens Herman soul: he is passionately, dustfully loved, although the name of his chosen does not know. Prince Yeletsky, who joined by the company, tells about the upcoming soon to marry: "The bright angel consent gave his fate with Wine to combine!" Herman in horror learns that the bride of the prince and is the subject of his passion when the Countess passes by the Countess, accompanied by his granddaughter, Lisa.

Both women are covered by heavy premiems, hypnotized by a burning look of unfortunate German. Meanwhile, Tomsky tells the present secular anecdote about the Countess, which, being a young Moscow "Lioness," lost everything and "at the price of one Randevo", having learned the fatal secret of three always winning cards, defeated fate: "Since her card, she called, in another Once, their young handsome learned, but on the same night, only one left, the ghost appeared to her and Grozno said: "You will get a fatal blow from the third who, dusty, passionately, like, will come to find out three cards, three Maps, three cards! "Hermannds makes a story with a special tension. Surin and Chekalinsky make fun of him and offer to bring the secret of cards from the old woman. The thunderstorm begins. The garden begins. Only Herman meets the swirling element" with an open eye " no less power: "No, prince! While I am alive, I will not give her, I do not know how, but take it away! "He exclaims.

Picture 2.

In the twilight, the girls are musicized in the Lisa room, trying to cheer out the saddened, despite the engagement with the prince, a girl. Left is alone, she turns the night of his secret: "And my whole soul is in power!" "She confesses in love for a mysterious stranger, in whose eyes he read the" fire of the scorching passion. " Suddenly, Hermann arises on the balcony, who came to her before going from life. His ardent explanation carries Lisa. The knock awakened the Countess is interrupted. Herman hidden for the porter is excited by the species of the old woman, represented by the terrible ghost of death. Unable to hide your feelings more more, Lisa is given to the power of Herman.

Action II.

Picture 1.

In the house of the rich capital dignity ball. Yeletsky, alarmed by the coldness of Lisa, assures her in the immenseness of his love. Chekalinsky and Surin in masks mocked her Germany, finding him: "You are not the third one who, passionately, who will come to find out from her three cards, three cards, three cards?" Herman was excited, their words excite his imagination. At the end of the presentation of the "sincerity of the shepherd", it faces a countess. And when Lisa gives him the keys to the bedroom of the Countess, which leads to her room, Herman perceives it as an omen. Tonight, he learns the mystery of three cards - the way to take hold of the hand of Lisa.

Picture 2.

Herman sneaks into the bedroom of the Countess. He is peering with a thrill in the portrait of the Moscow Beauty, with which "some kind of secret force" is associated. So she is accompanied by survival. Countess is unhappy, she is not to taste the current morals, customs, she remembers the past and falls asleep in the chair. Suddenly, herman arises before her, begging to open the secret of three cards: "You can make the happiness of a lifetime, and it will not cost you!" But the Countess, which is frightened, immovable. Under the threat of a pistol, she emits the spirit. "She's dead, and I did not recognize the secrets," Herman's close to the misconduration crushes in response to the reproaches of the entered Lisa.

Action III

Picture 1.

Herman in the barracks. He reads Lisa's letter, who gone to him, where she appoints him a date on the embankment. In the imagination the paintings of the stools of the old woman stand, the funeral singing is heard. The emerging ghost of the Countess in White Funeral Savane is broadcasting: "Save Lisa, marry her, and three cards will win the rock. Remember! Troika! Seven! Ace!" "Troika ... Seedry ... ace ..." - how the spell repeats Herman.

Picture 2.

Lisa is waiting for Herman on the waterfront from the grocery. It is breaking doubts: "Ah, I was deprived, I made it," she exclaims in despair. At the moment when the clock is hit midnight, and Lisa finally burned in his lover, he appears. But Hermann, at first, repeating the words of love for Liza, obsessed with another idea. Trying to captivate the girl to hurry behind him in a gambling house, he shouting with a cry. Understanding the inevitability of what happened, the girl rushes into the river.

Picture 3.

Players are having fun at the card table. They entertain Tomsk joking song. In the midst of the game appears the treasured Herman. Twice in a row, offering large bets, he wins. "The damn itself plays with you at the same time," those present. Game continues. This time is against Hermann Prince Yeletsky. And instead of a win-win ace in his hands, a lady peak is. Herman is seen on the map of the deceased old woman: "Damned! What is needed! My life? Take it!" He challenges. In a clarified consciousness, the image of Lisa arises: "Beauty! Goddess! Angel!" With these words, Herman dies.

The opera was ordered by the Tchaikovsky Directorate of Imperial Theaters. The plot is offered by I.A.Vsevagoysk. The beginning of the negotiations with the Directorate refers to 1887/88. Initially, C. refused and only in 1889 decided to write a opera on this plot. At the meeting at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters at the end of 1889, the scenario was discussed, the layout of the opera scenes, staged moments, elements of the performance of the performance. In sketches, Opera Operated from 19/31 Jan. On 3/15 March in Florence. In July - Dec. 1890 C. made a lot of changes to the score, in literary text, recitatives, vocal parties; Optionally, N.N. Figner also created two variants of Aria Germany from the 7th cards. (Different tonality). All these changes are fixed in the correct arrangement of transformation for singing with piano, litters, various inserts of the 1st and 2nd ed.

When creating sketches, C. actively processed libretto. He significantly changed the text, introduced stage remarks, made abbreviations, composed his own texts for Aria Yeletsky, Aria Lisa, Choir "Well, Svetik Masha". Batyushkova verses are used in libretto (in the Romance Polina), V.A. Zhukovsky (in Duet Polina and Lisa), G.R. IDRAVINA (in the final stage), P.M. Karabanova (in the Intermedia).

In the scene in the Film Bedroom used the vintage French song "Vive Henri IV". In the same scene with insignificant changes, the beginning of Aria Loretta from Opera A.Gretri "Richard Lion's Heart" was borrowed. In the final scene, the second half of the song (Polionize) "Thunder Victory, distribute" I.A. Kozlovsky. Before starting work on Opera, Tchaikovsky was in an depressed state, what he confessed in a letter to A.K.Lazhunov: "I worry a very mysterious stage on the way to the grave. Something is done inside me, for me the most incomprehensible. Some kind Fatigue from life, some kind of disappointment: at times, insane longing, but not the one, in the depths of which foresight of the new tide of love for life, and something hopeless, the final ... And with this hunting to write a terrible ... on the one hand I feel That as if my song is already spitting, and on the other - an insurmountable desire to tighten or all the same life, or even better a new song "...

All comments (censorship and as competent) are considered in the order of a living queue, take note and even published on the site. So if you have something to say about the above -

History of creation

To write a opera to Pushkin's plot Tchaikovsky offered repeatedly, even as the composer recalled, "two twisted the year", but he did not see the tale of Pushkin's due stage, was not particularly passionate about her heroes. Indeed, the story is written quite detached language and has a main character who does not cause heart sympathy. Herman at Pushkin is cold and calculated, it will never "sacrifice it necessary to acquire excessive", Lisa for him only means on the way to enrichment - it is easy to agree that such a character could pass the Tchaikovsky, who was always necessary to love his hero. And only when, according to his own words, he appreciated that the "scene in the Bedroom is gorgeous", the creation of the opera "and went, and went."

Much in Opera does not correspond to the story of Pushkin: the time of action, the characters of the heroes. Herman at Tchaikovsky - a fermented, romantic hero with strong passions and fiery imagination; He loves Lisa, and only gradually the mystery of three cards pushes her image from Herman's consciousness. Lisa at Tchaikovsky is not a poor pupil of Lizaveta Ivanovna, she is granddaughter and the heiress of the old Countess - and this is already a social conflict. Opera events occur during the times of Catherine the second (the director of the imperial theaters insisted on this, but the heroes of Tchaikovsky - not the people of the 18th century, they are not even contemporaries Pushkin, they are contemporaries of the composer himself, especially Hermann, who is literally born in spirit years when opera was created.

The "peak lady" was written in unusually coenses, just 44 days and is one of those great works in which the author managed to express himself and his time.


  • Herman -
  • Graph Tomsky -
  • Prince Yeletsky - Bariton
  • Chekalinsky - tenor
  • Surin -
  • Chappetsky - tenor
  • Arumov - Bass
  • Manager - tenor
  • Countess -
  • Lisa -
  • Pauline -
  • Governess - mezzo-soprano
  • Masha - Soprano
  • Boy commander - without singing

Existing persons in the InterMedia:

  • Prilep - soprano
  • Milnor (Polina) - concentrate
  • Zlatogor (Graph Tomsk) - Bariton

Nyanyushki, governess, walking, Bala Manager, Guests, Children, Players.


The operation of the opera takes place in St. Petersburg at the end of the XVIII century.

First action

First picture. Sunny summer garden filled with walking crowd. Officers Surin and Chekalinsky share the impressions of the strange behavior of her friend Herman: he spends the night in the gambling house, but does not even try to try to trust the fate. Soon, Herman himself appears accompanied by the graph of Tomsk. Herman is recognized that passionately in love, although the name of his chosen does not know. Prince Yeletsky, who joined the company of officers, talks about his emergency marriage: "The bright angel consent gave his fate with wija to combine!" Herman in horror learns that the bride is prince and is the subject of his passion when the Countess passes by the Countess accompanied by his granddaughter, Lisa.

Both women who have noticed a burning look of unfortunate Germanic are covered by severe premonitions. Tomsk tells the friends of a secular anecdote about the Countess, who as the young Moscow "Lioness" lost all the fortune and "price of one Ranndene", having learned the fatal secret of three always winning cards, defeated fate: "Once her husband called her card, another time of their young handsome I learned, but on the same night, only one left, the ghost came to her and Grozno said: "You will get a fatal blow from the third who, dusty, passionately, who will come to know three cards, three cards, three cards ! "" Hermannds makes a story with a special tension. The raids are fooling over it and offer to bring the secret of the cards from the old woman. The thunderstorm begins. The garden is empty. Among the raging elements, Herman exclaims: "No, Prince! While I am alive, I will not give her, I do not know how, but take away! "

Second picture. Dusk. Girls are trying to cheer out saddle-wing lisu. Left alone, Lisa belongs to the night of his secret: "And my whole soul is in power!" - She admits in love for a mysterious stranger. Suddenly, Hermann appears on the balcony. His ardent explanation carries Lisa. The knock awakened countess them interrupts. Hermann hidden for the Porter was excited by the species of old women, in the person of which the terrible ghost of death is mounted. Unable to hide your feelings anymore, Lisa is given to the power of Herman.

Second action

First picture. Ball. Yeletsky, alarmed by the coldness of Lisa, assures her in his love. People in masks are mocking over Herman: "You are not the third one who, passionately, who will come to know three cards from it, three cards, three cards?" Herman is excited, their words excite his imagination. At the end of the intermediate "Sincerity of the Custlian", he faces graphics. Having received the keys from the secret door to the Countess, Herman perceives it as an omen. Tonight, he learns the mystery of three cards.

Second picture. Herman sneaks into the bedroom of the Countess. With trepidation, he is peering into her portrait in his youth. Countess itself appears accompanied by survival. She recalls the past and falls asleep in the chair. Suddenly, heman arises before her, begging to open the secret of three cards: "You can make the happiness of a lifetime, and it will not cost you!" But the Countess, which is frightened, immovable. Herman hungry threatens a pistol. Old woman falls. "She is dead, and the secrets did not recognize the secrets," Herman's close to the obstacle crushes in response to the reproaches of the entered Lisa.

Third action

First picture. Herman in the barracks. He reads Lisa's letter, where she appoints him a date on the embankment. In the imagination the paintings of the stools of the old woman stand, the funeral singing is heard. The ghost of the Countess in White Funeral Savan is broadcasting: "Save Lisa, marry her, and three cards will win the sort. Remember! Troika! Seven! Ace!" "Troika ... Seven ... ace ..." - how the spell repeats Herman.

Second picture. Lisa is waiting for Herman on the embankment at the winter groove. It is broken by doubts: "Ah, I was deprived, I made it." When the clock beat midnight and Lisa finally loses hope, Herman appears, initially repeating the words of love for Liza, but an obsessed with another idea. Lisa is convinced that Herman is a culprit of the death of the Countess. He shouting in a gambling house. Lisa in despair rushes into the water.

Third picture. Players are having fun at the card table. They entertain Tomsk joking song. In the midst of the game appears the treasured Herman. Twice in a row, offering large bets, he wins. "He himself plays himself at the same time," those present. Game continues. This time is against Hermann Prince Yeletsky. And instead of a win-win ace in his hands, a lady peak is. Herman is seen on the map of the dead old woman: "Damned! What is needed! My life? Take it! " He challenges. In the clarified consciousness, the image of Lisa arises: "Beauty! Goddess! Angel!" With these words, Herman dies.

First action

Picture first

Petersburg. In the summer garden, many walking, children play under the supervision of nyanyushki and governess. Surin and Chekalinsky talk about her friend of Germany: all nights are long, gloomy and silent, he spends in a gambling house, but does not touch the maps. The strange behavior of Herman was surprised and count Tomsky. Him Herman opens a secret: he is passionately in love with an excellent stranger, but she is rich, noble, and can not belong to him. Prince Yeletsky joins friends. He reports his upcoming marriage. Accompanied by the old Countess, Lisa is approaching, in which Herman learns his choices; In desperation, he is convinced that Lisa is the Bride Yeletsky.

At the sight of a gloomy figure of Herman, his glowing glooming sinister premonitions cover the Countess and Lisa. Tomsk disperse painful breakpoint. He tells a secular anecdote about the Countess. In the days of youth, she once lost all his state in Paris. At the price of a love date, a young beauty recognized the secret of three cards and, putting on them, returned the loss. Surin and Chekalinsky decide to swear over Herman - they offer him to learn from the old woman the secret of three cards. But Herman thoughts are absorbed by Liza. The thunderstorm begins. In the stormy impulse of Passion, Germans swear to achieve love Liza or perish.

Picture of the second

Lisa room. Evening. Girl entertained his wonderful girlfriend. Left alone, Lisa turns the night that she loves German. Suddenly, Herman appears on the balcony. He dust admits Lisa in love. A knock on the door interrupts a date. An old countess is included. Hipster on the balcony, Herman remembers the mystery of three cards. After the care of the Countess of Thirst for Life and Love with a new force awakens in it. Lisa is covered by a response.

Second action

Picture Three

Ball in the house of a rich capital dignitary. Regular emphasis arrives at the ball. Everyone with enthusiasm meet the empress. Prince Yeletsky, alarmed by the coldness of the bride, assures her in his love and devotion.

Among the guests Herman. The disguised Chekalinsky and Surin continue to make fun of the buddy; Their mysterious chipping about magic maps oppressively act on his upset imagination. The presentation begins - pastoral "sincerity of the shepherd". At the end of the presentation, Herman faces the old Countess; Again the thought of wealth, which three cards promise, mastering Herman. Having received the keys from the secret door from Lisa, he decides to reveal the secret from the old woman.

Picture of the fourth

Night. Empty black bedroom. Hermann enters; He is visiting the portrait of the Countess in his youth with excitement, but, having hesing the approaching steps, hiding. The countess returns accompanied. Dissatisfied with ball, she indulges memories of the past and falls asleep. Suddenly, Herman appears in front of it. He begs to open the mystery of three cards. Countess in horror silent. Herman's hungry threatens with a pistol; Frightened old woman falls dead. Herman in despair. Close to madness, he does not hear reproaches who came running to the noise of Lisa. Only one thought owns them: the Countess is dead, and he did not recognize the secrets.

Action third

Picture five

Herman room in barracks. Late evening. Herman re-read the letter of Lisa: she asks to come him at midnight for a date. Herman is again experiencing the happening, in his imagination the paintings of the death and the funeral of the old woman stand. In the wind in the wind he heard a clock singing. Herman covers horror. He wants to run, but he is having a ghost of the Countess. She calls him cherished cards: "Troika, Seven and Ace." Herman repeats them as in delusion.

Picture of sixth

Winter groove. Here Lisa must meet with Herman. She wants to believe that a loved one is not guilty of the death of the Countess. Tower clock beat midnight. Lisa loses last hope. Herman comes with a big delay: neither Lisa nor her love for him no longer exist. In his distraught brain, only one picture: a gambling house, where he will break the wealth.
In the impulse of the madness, he repels from himself Lisa and screaming: "In the gambling house!" - runs away.
Lisa in despair rushes into the river.

Picture seventh

Hall of gambling house. Herman one after another puts two cards, called the Countess, and wins. All are stunned. Especially victory, Herman puts all the winnings on the map. The challenge Hermann takes Prince Yeletsky. Herman announces the ace, but ... Instead of a tusk in his hands it turns out the lady of peak. He looks at the card into the card, in her the devilish smile of the old Countess. In the fit of madness, he cums with him. At the last minute, a light image of Lisa arises in Hermann Consciousness. With her name on the lips he dies.

Strikingly, but before P.I. Tchaikovsky created his tragic opera masterpiece, Pushkin's "peak lady" inspired Franz Zupe to an essay ... Operettes (1864); And even earlier - in 1850, OPER's named the French composer Jacques Francois Firomantal Gallevi (however, there was little from Pushkin: Libretto wrote Skrib, taking advantage of the "peak lady" to French, made in 1843 by Prosper Merim; In this opera, the name of the hero is changed, the old woman-countess was turned into a young Polish princess and so on). This, of course, curious circumstances, to find out about which you can only from musical encyclopedia - these works are not present.

The plot of the "peak ladies", proposed by the composer with his brother, Modest Ilyich, was not immediately interested in Tchaikovsky (as in due time and the plot "Yevgeny Onegin"), but when he still mastered his imagination, Tchaikovsky began to work on the opera "with self-religion and Delight "(as well as" Eugene Onegin "), and opera (in a key) was written in a strikingly short term - for 44 days. In a letter to N.F. Background Mecca P.I. Tchaikovsky talks about how he came to the thought of writing Opera to this plot: "It happened in this way: the brother of my Modest three years ago began to compose libretto on the plot of" peak ladies "at the request of some Klenovsky, But this last of the essay of music eventually refused, for some reason not sighing with his task. Meanwhile, director of theaters Vsevolozhsky carried away the thought so that I wrote to this very plot of Opera and, moreover, by the future season. He expressed this desire to me, and since it coincided with my decision to flee from Russia in January and work together, I agreed ... I really want to work, and if I manage to get a good job somewhere in a cozy corner abroad - it seems to me That I will master my task and I will present to the directorate of the keywords to Mai, and in the summer I will instrument it. "

Tchaikovsky went to Florence and began working on the "peak lady" on January 19, 1890. The preserved sketched sketches give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow and in what sequence work flowed: this time the composer wrote almost a "consecutive". The intensity of this work amazes: From January 19 to January 28, the first picture is composed, from January 29 to February 4 - the second picture, from February 5 to February 11 - the fourth picture, from February 11 to 19 - the third picture, etc.

Aria Yelets "I love you, I love immensely ..." performed by Yuri Glyaeva

Libretto opera is very large different from the original. The work of Pushkin is prosaic, libretto - poetic, and with verses not only the librettist and the composer himself, but also Derzhavin, Zhukovsky, Batyushkova. Lisa in Pushkin is a poor pupil of a rich old woman-graphate; Tchaikovsky she is her granddaughter. In addition, there is no clarifying the question of her parents - who, where they are, that with them. Hermann at Pushkin - from the Germans, because it is exactly what the writing of his name, Tchaikovsky about his German origin knows nothing, and in the opera "Herman" (with one "H") is perceived simply as a name. Prince Yeletsky, which appears in the opera, there is no Pushkin

Tomsk's charges for Derzhavin's words "If you are cute girls .." Please note: the letter "P" is completely not found in these versions! Sing Sergey Leifeferus

Tomsky graph, whose relationship with Countess in Opera is not noted in any way, and where he is withdrawn by an unauthorized person (just familiar with Hermann, like other players), Pushkin is her grandson; This, apparently, explains his knowledge of family mystery. The action of the Drama Pushkin takes place in the era of Alexander I, while the Opera carries us - it was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe director of the imperial theaters I.A.Vsevojsky - in the Catherine Epoch. Drama finals at Pushkin and Tchaikovsky are also different: Pushkin Hermann, although it goes crazy ("He sits in the Obukhov Hospital in the 17th Numer"), nevertheless does not die, and Lisa, moreover, relatively safely marry himself; Tchaikovsky - both hero dying. There are still many examples of differences - both external and internal - in the interpretation of events and characters by Pushkin and Tchaikovsky.

Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Modest Tchaikovsky, for ten years younger than Brother Peter, is not known as the playwright outside of Russia, with the exception of the Libretto of the "peak lady" in Pushkin, laid on music in early 1890. The plot of the opera was proposed by the Directorate of the Imperial Petersburg theaters, which removed the grand performance from the era of Catherine II.

Aria Countess performed by Elena Exena

When Tchaikovsky began to work, he made changes to the libretto and himself partially wrote poetic text by introducing poets to him - Pushkin's contemporaries. The text of the scene with Liza at the winter groove fully belongs to the composer. The most spectacular scenes were reduced by them, but nevertheless they give the effect of the opera and make up the background of the development of action.

Scene at the grocery. Sings Tamara Milashkin

Thus, he attached a lot of strength to create a genuine atmosphere of that time. In Florence, where Opera sketches were written and a part of the orchestration was made, Tchaikovsky did not part with the music of the XVIII century, the "Peak Lady" era (Gretri, Montsigny, Picchinni, Salieri).

Perhaps, in the obsession of Germany, requiring the Countess to name three cards and the obverse of themselves to death, he saw himself, and in the Countess - His patron of Baroness von Mecc. Their strange, unique relations that were supported only in letters, as if two probable shadows, ended with a gap just in 1890.

In the appearance of Herman, the power of fate is felt before Liza; Countess makes a grave cold, and the sinister thought about the three cards poisons the consciousness of a young man.

In the scene of his meeting with the old woman, the stormy, desperate Rechitative and Aria Hermann, accompanied by the evil, repeating wooden sounds, mean the collapse of the unfortunate, who loses the mind in the next stage with the ghost, truly expressionist, with the echoes of Boris Godunova (but with a richer orchestra) . Then the death of Lisa: a very tender sympathetic melody sounds on a terrible funeral background. German death is less than magnicity, but not without tragic dignity. As for the "peak lady", she immediately was adopted by the public as a huge good luck of the composer

History of creation

The plot of Pushkin's "peak lady" was not immediately interested in Tchaikovsky. However, over time, this novel eventually mastered his imagination. Especially agitated by the Tchaikovsky scene of the fatal meeting of Hermann with Countess. Her deep drama captured the composer, causing a hot desire to write a opera. The writing was started in Florence on February 19, 1890. Opera was created, according to the composer, "with self-inflammatory and enjoyment" and was completed at a maximum short term - forty-four days. The premiere took place in St. Petersburg at the Mariinsky Theater 7 (19) of December 1890 and had a huge success

Shortly after the publication of its novella (1833), Pushkin recorded in the diary: "My" peak lady "in great fashion. Players pont for a triple, seven, ace. " The popularity of the story was explained not only to the enormity of Fabul, but also the realistic reproduction of types and morals of the St. Petersburg society of the beginning of the XIX century. In the libretto opera written by the brother of the composer M. I. Tchaikovsky (1850-1916), the content of Pushkin's story is largely rethought. Lisa from the poor pupil turned into a rich granddaughter of the Countess. Pushkin Herman is a cold, calculating egoist embedded alone for the thirst for enrichment, appears in Tchaikovsky's music as a person with fiery imagination and strong passions. The difference in the social position of Heroes contributed to the Opera the topic of social inequality. With high tragedy pathos, it reflects the fate of people in society, subordinate merciless power of money. Herman - the victim of this society; The desire for wealth imperceptibly becomes an intrusive idea that obscure love for Lisa and leading it to death.


Opera "Peak Lady" is one of the greatest works of world realistic art. This musical tragedy shakes the psychological truthfulness of reproduction of thoughts and feelings of heroes, their hopes, suffering and death, brightness of the paintings of the era, intensity of musical and dramatic development. The characteristic features of the Tchaikovsky style got their most complete and perfect expression here.

At the heart of orchestral entry, three contrasting musical images: a narrative, associated with Tomsk Ballowder, an ominous, drawing the image of the old Countess, and passionately-lyrical characterizing the love of German to Lisa.

The first act opens with a bright household scene. The choirs of Nyanyushki, Governess, the progress of the boys launched the drama of subsequent events. In Arioso, Hermann "I don't know her name", then Egyptian-gentle, then a pureness and the power of his feeling are captured.

The second picture falls into two halves - domestic and loving-lyrical. The idyllic duet of Polina and Lisa "Evening" sheepiyan with light sadness. Romance Polina "Girlfriend cute" sounds gloomily and doomed. The second half of the picture opens Arioso Lisa "Where these tears" - the heartfelt monologue, full of deep feeling.

Sings Galina Vishnevskaya. "Where these tears come from ..."

Lisa longing is replaced by enthusiastic recognition "Oh, listen, night." Gently sad and passionate Arioso Herman "Sorry, Heavenly Creation"

Georgy Nalepp- Best Hermann, sings "Sorry, Heavenly Creation"

interrupted by the appearance of a Countess: Music acquires a tragic shade; There are sharp, nerve rhythms, sinister orchestral paints. The second picture is completed by the statement of the bright theme of love. Aria Prince Yeletsky "I love you" outlines its nobility and restraint. The fourth picture, central in the opera, is saturated with anxiety and drama.

At the beginning of the fifth picture (the third act) against the background of the clock singing and howling a storm, an excited monologue of Hermann "All the same Duma, all the same terrible dream". Music, accompanying the appearance of the ghost of the Countess, fascinates with dead immobility.

The orchestral entry of the sixth picture is painted in the dark tones of the doom. Wide, freely pouring melody of Aria Lisa "Ah, wasted, I'm tired" is close to Russian standing songs; The second part of the Aria "So this is true, with the villain" is full of despair and anger. The lyric duet of Herman and Lisa "Oh yes, passed suffering" is the only light episode of the picture.

The seventh picture begins with household episodes: the drinking song of the guests, the frivolous song of Tomsk "if a lovely maiden" (for the words of G. R. Derzhavin). With the advent of Herman, the music becomes nervously excited. Anxious and wary septo "There is something wrong here" transfers excitement that swept the players. Eustion of victory and cruel joy are heard in Aria Herman "What is our life? The game!". At a death minute, his thoughts are reappearing to Lisa, "the orchestra arises a tremendous delicate image of love.

Aria Herman "What is our life- game" performed by Vladimir Atlantov

Tchaikovsky was so deeply captured by the entire atmosphere of action and the images of the actors of the "peak lady", which perceived them as real living people. After graduating from the sketch of the opera with feverial speed(All work was performed for 44 days - from January 19 to March 3, 1890. The orchestration was completed in June of the same year.)He wrote to his brother Modest Ilyich, the author of Libretto: "... when I got to the death of Herman and the final choir, I had a sorry for Herman, that I suddenly began to cry hard<...> It turns out that Herman was not only a pretext to write this or other music for me, and all the time a living person ... ".

Pushkin Herman is a person of one passion, straight, calculating and hard, ready to make his own goal to the card and his own and other life. Tchaikovsky is donated internally, it is in power of contradictory feelings and deposits, the tragic intransigence of which leads it to the inevitable death. The image of Lisa was subjected to indigenous rethinking: the ordinary colorless Pushkin Lizaveta Ivanovna became a strong and passionate nature, belessly devoted to his feeling, continuing to the gallery of pure poetically elevated female images in Tchaikovsky operations from the "Okrichnik" to the "sorcerer". At the request of the director of the Imperial Theaters I. A. Vsevolozhsky, the opera was transferred from the 30s of the XIX century to the second half of the XVIII century, which gave rise to the inclusion of a magnificent ball in her in the Palace of Ekaterininskoy Velmazbi with an intermenia stylized in the spirit of the "Galant Century" But I did not affect the overall flavor of the actions and the characters of its main participants. According to the wealth and complexity of their spiritual world, the sharpness and intensity of the experiences are contemporaries of the composer, in many ways the relative heroes of psychological novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

And one more execution of Aria Herman "What is our life? Game!" Sings Zurab Andzhaparidze. Record 1965, Big Theater.

In the film-opera Picovaya Lady, the main parties were performed by Oleg Strizhenov-Herman, Olga-Krasinas. Vocal parties performed Zurab Andzhaparidze and Tamara Milashkin.