How to determine the development of a child by drawing. We determine the psychological state of the child by colors

How to determine the development of a child by drawing.  We determine the psychological state of the child by colors
How to determine the development of a child by drawing. We determine the psychological state of the child by colors

It is well known that children's drawings can tell a lot. Of course, the whole inner world the child will not open up in them, but it is quite possible to understand his relationship with his parents, peers and others.

In a word, psychology based on children's drawings is a very important area. Drawing will help to understand the emotional mood of the child, since colors and colors can convey the feelings and experiences of the child. From the picture you can find out how open the child is to the world and what worries him.

All the details of the drawing are important, for example, if most leaf occupies the house, which means that the child is quite sociable, but if the doors in it are small, the child probably feels insecure.

If there are no doors at all, the child has problems, he apparently lacks communication with his parents, and if the doors are drawn on the side or there is a lock on them, the child is lonely and closes. The house is the foundation, it is laid by the parents from the birth of the child, so it is very important to look at the drawings, in the center of which is the house.

If he is drawn in the distance, then the child feels rejected, the family is tense, another confirmation of this, a staircase leading to nowhere.

Windows also say a lot, if there are many windows drawn in the house, it means that the child is open with other children and people. If there are curtains on the windows, then it is difficult for him to communicate, and if there are bars at all on the windows, the child has internal conflicts and complexes, which means

It should be better, and the communication should be more.

The chimney in the house also speaks of problems, if liquid smoke comes out of it, then the child does not have enough communication with the parents. If the chimney is hiding behind the roof, it means that the child does not want to communicate emotionally at all, and if thick smoke comes out of the chimney, his soul is hard.

What colors can mean in children's drawings

As for the colors, purple and yellow are favorable, they are usually used by children who are optimistic about the world. If red prevails, the child is hyperactive, blue speaks of melancholy and internal stress. If the picture is dominated by green, it means that the child lacks peace and love.

Brown speaks of discomfort, and black speaks of decadent mood and depression. If a child draws only with a pencil, without using paints, then he lacks vivid emotions. This needs to be corrected, since, such that the child must constantly learn new things

It is important to pay attention to how the child depicts people in the drawing. Often children draw themselves, if the child in the picture big eyes, then he needs support, if his eyes are small, then he is afraid of something.

  • If the arms are at the sides, the child is active, if they are long and lowered, then he needs help. If the drawn character is in a shaky position, then the child also needs more attention, he lacks support in life.
  • It is very good if on family drawing the child has all the family members. If someone is not there, for example, the child himself, then he does not feel the connection with this person.
  • The height of the people in the picture determines the presence of their authority in the family, according to the child, for example, the mother may be taller than the father, although this is not so. The distance between the characters is also important, it can be used to judge how close or far family members are from each other.
  • Usually, a child starts drawing a family with the person who has the most authority for him. If all people vertically challenged, the child has low self-esteem.

If the figures are drawn at the top of the sheet, the baby is unhappy with his position in the family and wants to correct the situation. If everything is drawn at the bottom, then the child has a low level of aspirations, the beloved family member is usually drawn first and drawn best of all. If you pay attention to the drawings, you will understand many and will be able to deal with them.

The image of the child himself can tell almost everything about him, if you know what children's drawings mean, then this is just a treasure useful information... If he painted himself as tall as an adult or taller, he feels his uniqueness and importance. If his height is too small, then he feels humiliated.

If he painted himself with a hat, he needs protection. If his facial features are poorly defined, he is unnecessarily closed. If his mouth is open and his teeth are visible, he is overly aggressive. If his legs are wide apart, he is confident, and if they are tucked behind his back, it speaks of insecurity. If a child has drawn ears, he obeys his parents, but they are rarely drawn.

Children almost always draw the sun, it is a symbol of warmth and well-being, but if there is someone in the drawing who fences the baby off from him, then he deprives the child of comfort.

If there are many objects in the drawing, the family is guided by the material, not the spiritual. If a lot of people are depicted, then the child does not feel comfortable and he wants to change. If the figures are drawn with sharp and discontinuous lines, then these family members are unpleasant for the child, those whom the baby loves he draws with smooth and soft lines.

"At one time my son (3 years old) drew only with a black pencil. I was already scared! What we just didn’t do to wean it: we told stories about an evil pencil, and slipped other colors, and imperceptibly took away black. Nothing helped. this article, I understood and understood what kind of stress in question... Little by little wean. "

The color yellow, according to psychologists, is chosen by creative children, dreamer children. Such children often enjoy playing with twigs, stones, rags and sand more than with expensive toys... These children are the greatest dreamers, they do not lose the ability to dream even in adulthood.

The color orange is most often chosen by excitable babies. Such children have fun, play pranks and shout always, everywhere and for no reason. Very often, orange becomes the favorite color of hyperactive kids, as well as children who suffer from attention deficit disorder. This is exactly our situation. Until the age of two, my son categorically refused to paint with any color other than orange. If I removed the orange from the box with markers, then the child refused to draw at all, looked for it, cried, took offense, got angry. Over time, my son also fell in love with yellow. Now all our drawings are sunny - yellow-orange. However, do not be alarmed ahead of time. If your child prefers exclusively Orange color, this does not mean that he is hyperactive. Perhaps he just has such a period and after a while he will begin to paint with completely different colors.

Timid children like to paint with pink and light lilac paints. Such children need constant support, the opinion of others is very important for them.

And here blue shades carefree children choose for their drawings. It is not for nothing that blue color often prevails in summer drawings children who were made on school holidays when the child has a lot of free time and few responsibilities.

Red color seems to me personally the color of aggression. But, according to child psychologists, open and active children love this color. They are very energetic, assertive, and often break toys. By the way, interesting fact- many successful politicians in childhood preferred red and yellow colors... Perhaps you are raising a future president. In general, red is the color of life, energy and health. A very good choice!

And here blue color calm, balanced children choose. Such children love to read books more than play noisy games. Children whose drawings are dominated by blue are not always quiet. Sometimes an active energetic child suddenly starts drawing blue pictures. According to psychologists, this suggests that in this moment the child just needs peace, perhaps he is just tired of noisy games.

If green, and especially dark green, predominates in the child's drawings, this should alert parents a little, since, according to psychologists, green is chosen by children who do not have enough care and attention. Even if you feel like you are giving your child enough attention, try spending more time with him. Develop an openness in the child to the world around him so that he does not become withdrawn. Blue-green tones are chosen by children who are in stress. Perhaps the child has recently just suffered stress, or maybe the parents are too strict with the baby and demand too much - some kind of achievements in sports or excellent studies. By the way, if we talk about adults, and not about children, then the blue-green colors are more often chosen by officials and people in administrative positions of responsibility. Perhaps your child has too much responsibility. Give your baby more freedom, encourage him to show initiative, praise more often, and your child will start drawing bright sunny pictures!

Purple rarely like children younger age... According to the observation of psychologists, this color is more often chosen by children. school age... Children who prefer purple shades others, sensitive and vulnerable. They have a very rich inner world.

The gray color is often chosen by reserved, quiet children. Such children must be supported in all endeavors. Give your child more attention, and his drawings will be painted in bright colors.

Brown, according to psychologists, is loved by children who live in their own imaginary world. If earlier child preferred other colors and suddenly suddenly switched to brown, this may indicate psychological difficulties, a recent illness, stress or problems in the family.

It is worthwhile to be wary if your child prefers to use exclusively black for drawing. Black is the color of threat. He says that the child is under stress. However, do not worry if the child starts drawing with black and then adds colors using other - bright colors and shades. It only says that he is a harmoniously developed personality.

  • Sex and children's drawings
  • Children's drawing and color
  • Recommendations for parents
  • Sometimes it happens that parents, having received in kindergarten the conclusion of a psychologist, fall into bewilderment: anxiety, aggression, rejection ... and this is all from cute children's doodles? "All psychologists are charlatans!" - parents decide, and do not pay attention to their conclusions.

    Let's find out what exactly psychologists see in children's drawings?

    At what age children can be analyzed drawings

    Up to three years young painters are at the stage of "cephalopods" - they draw people-"bubbles" with protruding lines, symbolizing arms and legs. The drawing of details is not yet available to them, moreover, often a “masterpiece” is born first, and only then its proud author begins to ponder what exactly he has depicted.

    From 3.5-4 years old children first plan a drawing (its idea appears) and only then proceed to execution. By the age of four, the child is already quite good at using a pencil, and the "cephalopods" evolve into "people-cucumbers" - two ovals with limbs-sticks.

    Five years the artist was already skillful enough to draw large details (arms, legs, eyes, mouth), and by the age of six more and more appear in the drawings small parts: nose, fingers. Children often paint in the manner of Picasso - the character's head is in profile, but with two eyes.

    Finally, by the age of seven the drawn people are dressed, and in accordance with gender and age, they have hats and hairstyles and even necks!

    Drawings of children from 4 to 7 years old the best way suitable for analyzing their psychological state.

    Analyzing the drawing of the family

    The most popular theme is drawing your own family. To an experienced psychologist he can say a lot, but ordinary moms and dads can also draw a lot of useful information from the picture. Look for warning signs first.

    Arrangement of figures in the figure

    The location of family members in the picture very accurately indicates their relationship. Children often “remove” an unwanted character from their work, explaining that “dad is at work” and sister is “in the next room”. This does not mean that the relationship is completely destroyed, often a brother or sister is sent to the picture "to another room" after a violent quarrel.

    Conversely, beloved relatives can appear in the picture, even if they live far away, as is often the case with grandparents.

    The child depicts the closest and beloved relative next to him. If one of the characters is separated from the others, then, most likely, the child mentally excludes him from the family circle. This can be a working dad, brother or sister who is much older in age.

    A bad sign - if this “outcast” turns out to be the child himself, this is a really alarming situation!

    Image of yourself

    The child, as a rule, depicts himself or herself either in the center of the picture (this is a common situation for a family with an only child), or next to the central figure. By depicting himself at the edge of the composition, separate from his parents, the child shows that he feels he is isolated from his family. Sometimes he gives a plot explanation of this, which confirms the fears of the observer: "Everyone is celebrating, but I am punished (I have to sleep, read, play alone)."

    The pose of a happy and self-confident child is as open as possible: arms and legs are spread apart. If a child takes the trouble to draw himself with his hands pressed to the body, this symbolizes his self-doubt. Too much short arms or their absence - fears of their own ineptitude. Maybe you criticize your baby too often?

    Usually the child depicts the size of the figures in proportion real characters: more parents, less myself, younger brother and little sister. Diminishing the drawn self speaks of insecurity, the need for care and, perhaps, fear.

    Another situation that speaks of uncertainty is the child's "separation" from the ground, when all the characters are drawn in the correct proportions, but the child seems to hang between the parents: his head is on the same level as the adult, and his legs do not reach the floor. Often the parents of such a small artist do not even realize that he is experiencing discomfort: after all, they communicate with him on an equal footing!

    Fear and aggression in children's drawings

    Psychologists are aware of the signs of fear and aggression in children's drawings, which often go unnoticed by parents.

    Large, simply huge hands-rakes appear in the family member who is distinguished by aggressive behavior. If a child portrays himself as such, then he probably constantly has to suppress anger in himself.

    Clearly traced bright pupils are a sign of anxiety in a child, as well as hard shading with pressure.

    Finally, hypertrophied fists, teeth, and sharp nails are the clearest evidence of aggression. If a child draws himself like this, then, most likely, he feels a constant need for protection, which the family cannot provide him.

    Sex and children's drawings

    Contrary to prevailing fears, the depiction of the genitals in the drawings of 3-4-year-old children does not at all indicate that someone is corrupting the baby, but rather of his interest in his own body and the difference between the sexes, which he just learned about.

    But if a child of 6-7 years old portrays himself with the physiological attributes of an adult: a girl with a clearly defined bust, a boy with a beard and mustache - this can alert. However, most often such drawings indicate the child's need for attention, the desire to embellish himself in any way. That is why children, depicting a family, pay special attention to their figure: they carefully draw clothes, accessories, ornaments (babies often draw crowns for themselves). This picture screams: “Hey, everyone, finally look at me! I'm a prince (princess)! "

    However, you should still pay attention to the child's environment again. Is it certain that no one is showing suspicious attention to him, has the child turned out to have access to information that is not suitable for his age (for example, a porn film, a porno magazine) that can scare him?

    Children's drawing and color

    A child's drawing is usually multi-colored and variegated - usually children use 5-6 colors, this is considered the norm. The more confident a child feels, the brighter the colors they use. Of course, not everything is so simple: a child can shade dad with black, because dad really has a favorite sweater of this color, but if a pencil is among the favorites and one or two colors clearly prevail in the drawing, then you should pay attention to this factor.

    Most experts rely on the interpretation of colors by Max Luscher, a psychologist and color researcher. He concluded that the choice of color reflects the psychological state of a person and even indicates his bodily health.

    Here's how to determine the meaning of a color in a child's drawing.

      Navy blue- focus on internal problems, the need for rest;

      green- poise, independence, perseverance, striving for security;

      Red- willpower, aggression, increased activity, excitability;

      yellow- positive emotions, spontaneity, curiosity, optimism;

      purple- fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);

      Brown- sensory support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions;

      black- depression, protest, destruction, an urgent need for change;

      if the child prefers simple pencil and does not color the drawing- indifference, detachment, desire to close.

    Experimenting with self-analysis children's drawing, try for the child to do it willingly, in a calm atmosphere, without distraction.

    Pay attention to the following factors.

      Composition picture. Whether the characters are located in the center of the picture or in a corner, whether there is enough space for everyone in the picture, in what order the family members are drawn.

      What kind colors uses a child.

      What details he pays increased attention... How are the arms, legs, faces of the characters drawn, is the pressure of the pencil always the same.

      What kind unusual elements is in the picture. Is there something superfluous (for example, the sun in the room, a non-existent pet or family members), or, on the contrary, something is missing (one of the family members).

      Like a child portrays himself what details he pays special attention to, where he sees himself in the family hierarchy.

    We hope this little experiment will help you reach an understanding with your child!

    Children's drawings for illustration are taken from free sources.

    What does the color indicate?


    It is a marker of childish joy. It is difficult to determine the characteristics of the character of children under 5 years of age by their drawing. This is due to the insufficient development of motor skills to create complete images. At the same time, get information about the emotional state of the child given age from the color of a masterpiece of an aspiring artist. Some mothers, seeing bright red lines on a piece of paper, begin to sound the alarm, as they associate red with aggression, anger. Child psychologists say this color indicates joy. Chances are high that the attention of the future Picasso was attracted by the beauty of color. If your child has chosen red, then, most likely, he is characterized by activity, good health, vitality. Typically, people with these personality traits become leaders, successful businessmen, or truly creative people.


    If your baby prefers dark colors, for example, black, brown, then it is worth starting to worry (especially if this happens regularly). If the brown color is constant, the drawings should be given to a child psychologist for their analysis. If Brown color is constant and basic in drawings, it can serve as a signal of illness, insufficient development, abstract thinking, poor memory, stress. Children often use this color if there are problems in the family that the parents are not aware of.

    How to read pictures of children from 5 years old

    Color analysis is also relevant. But for reliable data, it needs to be supplemented by the study of the content of creations. Children often depict what they see, for example, cars, houses, trees ... If the painted objects are painted in their own colors, then the child is reality as it is. Don't worry about the purple monster either. Most likely, this is the result of a highly developed imagination.

    Simple yet effective test

    It allows you to find out about the hidden personality traits. For the reliability of the test results, it must be carried out when the young artist is in a good mood. Ask him to draw a house, a tree, and a person. Do not limit the test taker in choosing the color of the pencil. Corrections, erasures are acceptable. Your task is simple - to observe. And if you are often not at home and decided to hire a nanny in Moscow to take care of your child, then it is advisable that she understands the psychological aspects.


    If a person is drawn from the bottom of the sheet, then this can serve as a signal of low self-esteem. What to do in this case? Praise (the more often the better) and support of the baby will help.

    A person with an excessively small head is a signal of the child's need for additional activities, developmental games.

    The face is covered with a hat or other headgear - it can mean that the child is in fear, needs protection.

    Open mouth with teeth and raised hands. This pattern is associated with aggression. Check to see if someone is hurting your child?


    If the house has small windows, or they are completely absent, then little artist most likely, it is difficult to communicate with peers.

    The house is devoid of doors. It's time to worry. Your child is closed.

    Thick smoke from the chimney is a symbol of internal tension, lack of psychological warmth at home, the need for care and comfort.


    This is the source of knowledge about the character of the child.

    Strokes and awkward scribbles inside the trunk or crown are characteristic of children who are insecure and susceptible to the influence of others. Frequent attention, care, well-expressed tenderness will help.

    Don't take pictures too seriously. Test results are not a diagnosis. However, they should not be neglected. Anxiety has arisen, then contact a child psychologist.

    A drawing created by a child without the help and intervention of adult family members is a rare opportunity to see the real state of the forming psyche.

    Deciphering children's drawings makes it possible to conduct a mini-analysis and take action when detecting alarming symptoms. The child will not even pay attention to the work being done, which means he will be relieved of another stress.

    Picturesque diagnostics show:

    1. correspondence of the level of personal development to the actual age;
    2. likes and dislikes in the family and children's team;
    3. priorities and foundation of an emerging nature;
    4. fears and hidden feelings;
    5. secret desires.

    The psychology of children's drawings is a science, having mastered which, you can learn to understand your child without words.

    How to determine the level of development of a child through drawing

    Each age, if we are not talking about children of genius, has characteristic pictorial techniques and features. Assessment of the quality of the first masterpieces makes it possible to correlate the level of development of the baby with his age. Drawing, as one of the favorite activities of all children, is a great opportunity to develop skills and vocabulary the child, immediately assessing the effectiveness of the classes.

    A prerequisite is non-interference in the drawing process. The psychology of children's drawings is not distorted only in the case of a complete absence of young artist external hints. Having received the task to draw a tree, the child should not be guided by any similar illustrations in the book, or by advice from adults, or by diagrams and step by step instructions... Even from a direct answer to the question of how to draw a particular object, it is better to tactfully leave. It is enough to invite the child to “invent” this element on his own. The drawing should become a reflection of his personality, then the results of the analysis will be correct.

    • A drawing of a child under 3 years old most often consists of color spots and lines. It is the color that becomes the main object of decoding for the psychologist. By the age of three, the elements acquire their characteristic contours, and when depicting close people, even the details of the figure. The image of the family may look like a set of "cucumbers" and sticks, but the characters' legs and arms are already clearly reflected.
    • The plot is typical for the age of 4-5 years. The child is able to tell what exactly he portrayed, as well as the background of what was drawn. Difficulties with the transmission of the plot should lead parents to the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe need to devote more time to developing speech skills. By the age of 5, faces appear in the drawings, family members receive specific traits, their clothes and related items become overgrown with details. It is the details and their proportions that become the object of study and analysis.
    • The drawing of a child of 6-7 years old reflects not only his imagination, but also his skills. All sorts of drawing schemes are used. It is already much more difficult to isolate your own "I" from the image of the family in the form of your favorite cartoon ponies. Deciphering a child's drawing stumbles over copying the handwriting of a friend or teacher. To obtain correct results, it is necessary to evaluate the picture as a whole, take into account the arrangement of objects, and their sizes, and their relationships within the framework of the illustration. The relative proportionality of objects and their elements is characteristic only of 7-8 years of age.

    Deciphering the hidden meaning in children's drawings

    Analyzing a child's drawings is like solving a puzzle. Only a qualified psychologist can conduct it in detail, but every parent must master the elementary principles of decoding.


    First pictorial technique and most important. Toddlers rarely mix colors, so the analysis is based on primary colors. The predominance of one tone in the whole picture speaks of the baby's preoccupation with any event or phenomenon. The abundance of colors is about versatile interests and the absence of a problem that occupies all thoughts.

    • A dark pattern with an abundance of blackness, gray and burgundy, which turned out this way not due to the absence of other colors, speaks of depression and tormenting fears.
    • O good mood signals saturation in yellow and orange.
    • Red is a symbol of rapid excitability and even aggression, but it is necessary to draw a conclusion about such inclinations only after analyzing the rest of the details.
    • Blue and its shades betray a self-absorbed personality, while green is a sign of boredom. A preschooler who regularly uses herbal shades should clearly be sent to the section, even if he already visits one.
    • Purple is the color of dreamers.
    • Brown is a sign of anxiety and self-esteem problems.

    At the same time, the psychology of children's drawing is not so simple. Many mothers, having read books, in horror drag the child to a psychologist, noticing the predominance of black in his work. Yes, this color is considered a sign of anxiety, but it also speaks of the desire to highlight a significant object with contrast.

    Graphics are not a sign of problems, but a manifestation of a desire for discipline, especially if there are no other reasons for concern.


    The relationship of objects inside a child's drawing is a mirror of his thoughts. Family members huddled tightly to each other symbolize mutual understanding. Parents who find themselves in the corner of a child's drawing should think about allocating more time for communication.

    The most significant person will always be depicted in the center and largest.

    An empty center speaks of low self-esteem and inner emptiness. Image at this position inanimate objects speaks of concern financial situation... The dreamer gives out the habit of drawing figures not fixed on a solid surface. An overly drawn line of the earth speaks of lack of confidence in one's abilities.

    Family members, shown in large and detailed, have a greater influence on the child. The absence of any of the relatives in the image speaks of a conflict. Subconsciously, the child is trying to throw this family member out of his head and life. The clasped hands of the drawn speak of intimacy and trust.

    Often the subtext of a child's drawing is intuitive. The state of comfort is indicated by the dimensions of the parts relative to the proposed canvas. The selfish nature will be betrayed by the filling of the space with a self-portrait. In the drawing, an internally lonely child and his "avatar" will be lonely and small, possibly squeezed into a corner.

    Thin arms and legs demonstrate an understanding of concern about their own physical weakness. Big head in the child's drawing - a sign of self-absorption. Excessive elegance own figure warns parents about the importance of evaluating others for a particular young artist.

    Image style and characteristics

    Children are practically not familiar with drawing techniques, therefore, the manner of writing reflects the inner world no less than color and composition. A balanced baby covers the paper with strokes equal to the pressure, his lines are calm. Intermittent, uneven pressure, pencil breakage and jumping from one object to another indicate anxiety and hyperactivity. A capricious kid may not finish the drawing at all, ignoring all the persuasions.

    The portrayal of family members betrays the child's perception of each of them. Dad's austerity will manifest itself in rigid parallel shading, sister's frivolity - in drawing her curls, even if in reality she has straight hair.

    Alarms in a child's drawing

    The psychology of children's drawing is a litmus for parents, the ability to quickly notice a problem and respond.

    • Predominance brown flowers may talk about problems with the child's health that have not yet made themselves felt, it is possible that he feels weak, often gets tired.
    • Carefully depicted large eyes speak of hidden fears. Their absence, like the absence of a mouth, warns of communication problems.
    • Family members placed on the opposite side of the sheet by the child should consider restoring trust.
    • Fantastic worlds with elves and extraterrestrial beings who touch their parents so much, they often talk about discomfort in real world.
    • The appearance of animals with clearly traced fangs and claws is a sign of suppressed aggression.
    • The most alarming sign is the absence of the child himself in the picture of the family. He does not find a place for himself in home, which reflects subconsciously in the picture.


    The correctness of the information obtained from the decoding of children's drawings is ensured by the fulfillment of several conditions.

    1. The child is provided with a maximum of flowers and a sheet of paper big size;
    2. The drawing is done with pencils, which make it possible to evaluate the pressure;
    3. The child is not given any prompts during work, he is left to himself.

    Talking to the child about the drawing will also help family members learn more about their mental state.