Van Gogh Starry Night Analysis. "Star Night" Van Gogh - Masterpiece of Fine Arts

Van Gogh Starry Night Analysis.
Van Gogh Starry Night Analysis. "Star Night" Van Gogh - Masterpiece of Fine Arts

Vincent Van Gogh Star Sky

How much there is a man, the starry sky attracts so much.
Lucius Annese Seneca, the Roman sage, said that, "if there were only one place on Earth, from where the stars could be observed, people would continuously flashed from all over the ends."
Artists captured the starry sky on their canvases, and the poets devoted him a lot of poems.

Pictures Vincent Van Gogh So bright and unusual that they surprise and remember forever. And the "Star" paintings Van Gogh just fascinate. He managed to unbeat the night sky and the extraordinary radiance of the stars.

Night terrace cafe
The "Night Terrace Cafe" was written by an artist in Arle in September 1888. Vincent Van Gogh has spread ordinaryness, and in this picture he overcomes her masterfully.

How he wrote his brother then:
"The night is much more alive and rich in paints than the day."

Triu Musi over the new picture depicting the outside of one night cafe: tiny figures drinking people on the terrace, a huge yellow lantern illuminates the terrace, a house and sidewalk, and even gives some brightness bridge, which is painted in pinkish-purple tones. The triangular frontones of buildings on the running distance of the street under a blue sky, covered with stars, seem to be dark blue or purple ... "

van Gogh Stars over Ronoy
Starry Night over Rona
Amazing picture Van Gogh! The night sky is depicted over the city of Arles in France.
What could be better to reflect eternity than night and starry sky?

The artist needs a nature, real stars and the sky. And then he attaches a candle to his straw hat, collects brushes, paints and goes on the shores of Rhone to write night landscapes ...
The prospect of night arral. Above him - seven stars of a big bear, seven small sunshine striking the depth of heavenly arch. Stars are so far, but such available; They are part of eternity, since they were always here, unlike urban lamps, pouring their artificial light into the dark waters of the Rhone. The course of the river is slowly, but surely dissolves earth lights in itself and takes them away. Two boats at the pier invite to go close, but people do not notice earthly signs, their faces are drawn up, to the star sky.

Pictures Van Gogh inspire poets:

From a white chopping pierced fluff
Valid Angela Brushes Egypt,
He will pay off sliced \u200b\u200bear
And black madness after paying
And now it will come out, loaded with easel,
On the coast of the black slow rone,
Almost strangular wind
And the world of human almost strangers.
He is touching a special, an altish brush
Colorful oil on a flat palette
And, without recognizing the obvious truths,
His world will draw, flooded lights.
Heavenly colander, aggravated by Siagan
Svet secret gold tracks
In the cold Ron, current in the pit
His shores and banners of the guard.
Smear on canvas - so stay and me would
But he will not write a pierced pinch
Me - just night and grooved the sky,
And stars, and Ron, and the pier, and boats,
And light paths in water reflections,
Night urban lamps
To emerging in the sky dizziness,
Which will be equal to happiness ...
... but he and she is the fore, coupled with a lie,
Return to heat and behind a glass of absinthe
Slend smile, navigating the impossibility
Mad and Star Vincent Winner.
Starlight Night
Vincent Van Gogh made his rule and the highest measure of the "truth", the image of life is what it really is.
But his own vision of Wang Gogh is so unusual that the world surrounding ceases to be ordinary, causing and shake.
The night sky in Van Gogh is not just grated by the sparks of stars, it is twisted by the vortices, the movement of stars and galaxies, full of mysterious life, expression.
Never, looking at the night sky with a naked eye, you will not see that movement (Lie Galaktik? Star Wind?), Which saw the artist.

Van Gogh wanted to portray the star night as an example of the imagination force, which can create a more amazing nature than that we can perceive when looking at the real world. Vincent wrote to Brother Teo: "I still need religion. So I went out at home and began to draw the stars."
This picture has fallen in its imagination. Two gigantic nebulae woven among themselves; Eleven hypertrophied stars surrounded by a halo of light, break through the night sky; On the right, the surroneal orange moon, as if combined with the sun.
In the picture of the aspiration of a person to incomprehensible - the stars - the cosmic forces are opposed. Pryingness and expressive power of the image are enhanced due to the abundance of dynamic smears.
Rotate, creaked Arba Wheel.
And together spoiled him in unison
Galaxies, stars, earth and moon.
And butterfly near a silent window,

Creating this picture, the artist is trying to give a way out of his feelings overwhelming him.
"I paid my life for my work, and she cost me half of my reason." Vincent Van Gogh.
"Looking at the stars, I always start to dream. I ask myself: why are bright points in the sky should be less available to us than black dots on the map of France? " - wrote Van Gogh.
The artist told his dream, and now the audience is surprised and dreaming, looking at the stars written by Van Gogh. The original "Star Night" Van Gogh decorates the hall of the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York.
The one who wants in modern one-day interpret this picture Wang Gogh, can find a comet, spiral galaxy, the rest of the supernova, crab nebula ...

Poems inspired picture Van Gogh "Star Night"

Come on, Van Gogh,

Hold the constellation.

Give it paint brush


Gni back, slave,

Laying pounces of the abyss

sweet of torment

before dawn ...
Jacob Raker

How guessed you, my van Gogh,
How did you solve these paints?
Mazkov Magic Dance -
As if eternity flow.

You planets, my van Gogh,
Rather as a saucer for fortune
Revealed the secrets of the universe,
Giving obsession a sip.

You created your world as God.
Your world - sunflower, sky, paint,
Pain of the wound under a deaf bandage ...
My fantastic Van Gogh.
Laura Tron.

Road with cypressions and star
"The night sky with a thin crescent, barely peeking out of a thick, discarded shadow earth, and exaggeratedly bright, a gentle pink-green star in the Ultramarin Sky, where the clouds float. Below - the road, bordered by high yellow reeds, behind which are visible low blue small alps, an old innovation yard with orange light windows and very high, straight, gloomy cypress. On the road, two captured passersby and the yellow wagon in which a white horse is injected. The picture, in general, is very romantic, and it feels Provence. " Vincent Van Gogh.

Each scenic zone was performed using a special nature of the smears: thick - in the sky, winding, imposed in parallel to each other - on Earth and manifesting like flame languages \u200b\u200b- in the image of cypresses. All elements of the pattern merge into a single space pulsating the voltage of the forms.

Driving the sky road
And chematic thread on it
Loneliness of all his days.
Violet night silence
As one hundred thousand orchestras sounding,
As a prayer revelation,
Like eternity perunion ...
On the picture of Vincent Van Gogh
Only the starry night and the road ...
After all, hundreds of sun nights and day moon
Roads promised indirect ...
... hangs herself (and she does not need tape)
From large stars Wantogany night


Today we will write a free copy of the picture of Vincent Van Gogh "Starry Night". This is one of the most famous and recognizable paintings from ever created. "Star Night" Vincent Van Gogh is a symbol of the human imagination force, one of the most amazing and incredible landscapes that you can imagine.

In the course of working on the picture, we will try at least a little closer to the author's technique, to convey the dynamic, rhythm and pastosity of the smear inherent in this work. We will try to guess the mood and energy of the picture.

How Vincent Van Gogh wrote his picture?

It is possible that one day at night, Vincent Van Gogh left the house, armed with canvas with brushes and paints, with a completely convincing intention to write the most incredible landscape, with the most incredible stars, moon, light, sky, wind ...

Let's carefully consider the picture of Vincent Van Gogh, we will admit, we will try to catch all the details and proceed to writing our "Star Night".

Vincent Van Gogh writes "Star Night"

The process of writing this picture and the result of work will make you fall in love with this picture and the art's work.

Vincent Van Gogh - Personality is quite mysterious, his creative path was through dependence on alcohol and stay in the hospital for mentally ill.

History of creation

The picture "Starry night" was created by the author in 1889 in the hospital Saint-Remy de Provence. This picture is recognized as masterpiece. She is in the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. Being in the clinic, the artist wrote about 150 works. The brother Van Gogue Teo took care of the resolution in the hospital. To distract yourself from the attacks that tormented the author, he could write several pictures per day. This work was created by Van Gogh in memory, and not from nature. It highlights it among other paintings.

Picture composition

In the picture "Starry Night" a special place is occupied by the crescent and stars. They immediately attach the viewer's attention due to the special performance technique. The light coming from the moon and stars, creates a view of the spiral, which only emphasizes the unsurpassed beauty of heavenly shining in the picture. In his creation, the artist is trying to unite the unattainable greatness (stars, month) and earthly life (cypress, settlement). Cypressians seem to touch the sky, join the gentle dance of the shone. Thanks to the peculiarities of the smears, it seems that heavenly luminaries move in the sky.

On the right side, the artist portrayed the village. Blue color roof reflects the moonlight even more. The picture is filled with mysteriousness and splendor, even in it and the dark paints appear. But on the background of the blue of the yellow light of the stars and the moon looks amazing.

Technique, performance, techniques

The technique of performing the night sky, the transfer of all necessary shades at the same time, was not yet mastered in this period. Vincent Van Gogh was practically a discoverer in this art area. Dutch artist uses a combination of dark blue color, different shades of yellow, adds dark green, celestial, brown shades at the same time. The color gamma is impressive with its extraordination. All colors are combined and complement each other, while emphasize the subtlety and depth of the picture.

On the canvas depicted 11 stars and a month, which is descended. So the artist wanted to hold a parallel with Jesus Christ and 12 apostles.

The author of the "Star Night" fell into the hospital with a diagnosis of epilepsy temporal fractions. Before that, he led an immoral lifestyle, abused absinthe, worked hard. These factors led to mental disorders. In 1888, being in alcoholic intoxication and quarreling with a friend of Hogen, the artist cut off his ear uhm. The artist's neighbors complained about him in the Merry because of constant noise. So he found himself in the clinic.

Maria Revyakina, art historian:

The picture is divided into two horizontal planes: the sky (upper part) and the land (city landscape below), which permeates the vertical of the cypresses. Top into the sky, like the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame, the cypresses are reminded by their outlines the cathedral made in the style of "Flaming Gothic".

In many countries, the cypress trees are considered to cult trees, symbolize the life of the soul after death, eternity, the bezness of being and help the departed to find the shortest path to the sky. Here these trees appear to the fore, they are the main characters of the picture. Such a construction reflects the main meaning of the work: the suffering human soul (perhaps the soul of the artist himself) belongs to both the sky and the Earth.

Interestingly, life in the sky looks more attractive than life on earth. This feeling is created thanks to the bright color and unique for Van Gogh technique of letters: through long, thick smears and rhythmic alternation of color spots, it creates a feeling of dynamics, rotation, spontaneity than emphasizes the incomprehensibleness and comprehensive cosmos power.

The sky is given most of the canvas to show its superiority and power over the world of people.

Heavenly shovels are depicted highly enlarged, and spiral vortices in the sky are stylized under the images of the galaxy and the Milky Way.

The effect of flickering of heavenly luminaries is created due to the combination of cold white and different shades of yellow. Yellow color in the Christian tradition was associated with divine light, with enlightenment, while the white was a symbol of the transition to another world.

The picture also replete with celestial shades, from pale blue to dark blue. Blue color in Christianity is associated with God, symbolizes eternity, meekness and humility before His will. The sky is given most of the canvas to show his superiority and power over the world of people. All this contrasts with the muted tones of the city landscape, which looks boring in her rest and serenity.

"Do not allow madness to absorb"

Andrei Rossokhin, psychoanalyst:

At first glance, I notice the cosmic harmony, the majestic parade of the stars. But the more I look into this abyss, the more clearly I feel the state of horror and anxiety. The whirlwind in the center of the painting as a funnel drags, drags me deep into space.

Van Gogh wrote a "Star Night" in the hospital for mentally ill, at the moments of clarification of consciousness. Creativity helped him come to herself, was a salvation for him. This is the charm of madness and fear of him I see in the picture: at any moment it can absorb the artist, to put into myself as a funnel. Or is it whirlpool? If you look only on the top of the picture, it is difficult to understand if we look at the sky or the exciting sea, in which this sky with the stars is reflected.

The association with a whirlpool is not accidental: it is at the same time the depths of space, and the sea depths in which the artist sinks - loses its identity. What, in essence, means madness. Heaven and water turn into a single whole. The horizon line disappears, merges the inner and external. And this moment of waiting for losses is very strongly transferred to Van Gogh.

The picture center is even not even one whirlwind, but two: one more, the other is less. Frontal collision of unequal rivals, senior and younger. Or maybe brothers? Behind this fight you can see friendly, but competitive relationships with the Paul Gauguen, who ended with a deadly clash (Van Gogh at some point rushed to him with a razor, but as a result he did not kill him, and later he paused himself, cutting himself off her ear).

And indirectly - Vincent's relationship with brother Theo, too close on paper (they conducted intensive correspondence), in which, obviously, there was something forbidden. The key to these relationships can serve as 11 stars depicted in the picture. They refer to history from the Old Testament, in which Joseph says to his brother: "I saw a dream in which the sun was met, the moon, 11 stars, and worshiped me all."

In the picture there is everything except the sun. Who was for Van Goga Sun? Brother, Father? We do not know, but, perhaps, Van Gogh, who hung greatly from the younger brother, wanted back from him - subordination and worship.

In fact, we see the three "I" van Gogh in the picture. The first is the omnipotent "I", which wishes to dissolve in the universe, be like Joseph, the object of universal worship. The second "I" is a small ordinary person fleeing the passion and madness. He does not see a rich, which is happening in the sky, and peacefully sleeps in a small village, under the protection of the church.

Cypress, perhaps - the unconscious symbol of what Wan Gogh would like to strive for

But, alas, the world of ordinary mortals is unavailable. When Van Gogh cut off the Ucha, the townspeople wrote a statement to the mayor of Arlya with a request to isolate the artist from the rest of the inhabitants. And Van Gogh was sent to the hospital for mentally ill. Probably, the artist perceived this exile as a punishment for the guilt that felt, for madness, for his destructive intentions, forbidden feelings for his brother and to Gauguen.

And therefore, his third, the main "I" is a rudder-cypress, which is distinguished from the village, is carried out beyond the human world. Branches of cypress, as flame languages, asked up. He is the only witness spectacle that unfolds in the sky.

This is an image of an artist who is not sleeping, which is discovered by the abyss of passion and creative fantasy. It is not protected from them the church and the house. But it is rooted in reality, in the ground, thanks to powerful roots.

This cypress, perhaps, is the unconscious symbol of what Wang Gogh would like to strive for. Feel communication with space, with the abyss, which feeds his work, but at the same time not to lose touch and with the Earth, with its identity.

In the reality of such roots, Van Gogh was not. Enchanted by his madness, he loses the support under his feet and turns out to be absorbed by this whirlpool.

Picture "Starry Night" Vincent Van Gogh Many called the peak of expressionism. It is curious that the artist himself considered it extremely unsuccessful work, and she was written at the time of the Master's mental disorder. What is so unusual in this canvas - try to understand further in the review.

1. "Star Night" Wang Gogh wrote in a mental hospital

The moment of creating the painting was preceded by a severe emotional period in the life of the artist. A few months before that, his friend Paul Gogen arrived to Van Gogh to Arles to exchange paintings and experience. But the fruitful creative tandem did not succeed, and after a couple of months, artists finally raised. In the heat of emotional disorder, Van Gogh cut off his ear, and attributed it to a brothel to a prostitute Rashel, who won Gauguen. So they did with the bull, defeated on Borida. Matadorus got sliced \u200b\u200bear animal.

Gogen soon left, and Brother Van Gogue Teo, seeing his condition, sent unhappy to the hospital for the mentally ill in Saint-Remy. It was there that the expressionist created his famous canvas.

2. "Starry Night" is an unreal landscape

The researchers are in vain trying to calculate which constellation is depicted in the picture Van Gogh. The artist took the plot from his imagination. Theo has agreed in the clinic, so that a separate room allocated for his brother, where he could have been created, but he was not released on the street.

3. The sky depicts turbulence

Whether the aggravated perception of the world, whether the shelled sense that opened the artist portray turbulence. At that time, the vortex flock could not be seen with a naked eye.

Although for 4th century to Van Gogh, such a phenomenon depicted another brilliant artist Leonardo da Vinci.

4. The artist considered his picture is extremely unsuccessful

Vincent Van Gogh believed that his "Starry Night" is not the best canvas, because it was written not from nature, which was very important for him. When the picture fell to the exhibition, the artist quite dismissively said about it: "Maybe she will show others how to portray night effects better than it happened.". However, for expressionists who believed that most importantly is the manifestation of feelings, the "Starry Night" has become almost an icon.

5. Van Gogh created another "Star Night"

In the collection Van Gogh was another "Star Night". A stunning landscape cannot leave anyone indifferent. The artist himself after creating this picture wrote Brother Teo: "Why can bright stars in the sky can not be more important than black points on the map of France? Just as we sit down to the train to get to Tarason or Rouen, we are also dying to get to the stars. ".

Today, the works of this artist are fabulous money, and after all