Harms Daniel diary records. Diary entries

Harms Daniel diary records. Diary entries

Diary recording

Thursday, August 8, turned out to be memorable. Today is monday next weekAnd he does not come out of his head. You have to record.

The evening was dedicated to beginners. Among them turned out to be school teacher. During the war, he walked the volunteer of the tank corps, was injured and twice, it seems awarded. Naturally, now he wants to reflect his experiences in the literature during the war, although the richest material has been accumulated in another area - in the field of rustic life and observations natural phenomena. This affected him in his work. The story, in general, Nikudyny, from the point of view of Fabul, turned out to be magnificent in separate enclosures in the empty breed. Attracts the very name of the first story "Okun - he lives in the roots." Title phrase, in my opinion, one of the most difficult. Here it is necessary to choose something very bright and short. Rarely who succeeds. Here, it seems to me that luck is indisputable. By this short phrase See the main hero, - at least a portrait of writing. So a wide old old old man stands in front of you, it can be, with Lisina, and even in gray curls. He may not be very far, but believes and tends to say. "Okun-he lives in the roots." A wide beard and "thick" voice here is quite appropriate. These are not fetal, not tricky eyes and a narrow beard. Then there would be other phrases: "Okunek - he loves roots." It turned out to be the name of one of the actors - Pavelko. I just struck me. I myself wear this name, I know, it seems, all its changes: Pasha, Pashutka, Pashuna, Pavlik, Pavlushka, Pavka, Pashka, etc., and did not even assume that. And at the same time, it is unusually simple and natural. A kind of one of the infinite indicators that you can sit the pants with the writing desk, and do not invent what you can overhear in life. And it gives impetus to your word formations. After Pavelko, it is not difficult for something in the same way. Rich turned out to be a story and details taken from observations over nature. It is felt that the author knows a lot and knows how to convey the bright collaborations that have developed as a generalization of these observations. Of course, the Gagara coughs, and the quail complains - "Here they will behave! Here will behave! " A pleasant impression was made that the author is not too easy as rushing along the ones.

In the story there is a place when the old fisherman must undress and get into the water to pull the perch. In all literary traditions In this case, it is assumed that onucha smelled, so that the person examines his naked body with swollen veins, blue veins. Regarding the tanned wrinkle neck, too, the additive is familiar. There is nothing in the story, and it gives the impression of freshness. So it should be that the reader did not remember: "But also at the Bunin, and this is Chekhov." Yes, and it is correct, it seems that in ordinary rustic conditions, such details like undressing or dressing are not commemorated. It is necessary - undressed. What is an extraordinary? On this occasion, the case of his newspaper work was remembered. We drove, it seems in Talitsky district. It was necessary to ask the way to one of the artels, where they made their way with an agronomist, I remember, Belonogov (with him, I still had to ride). Asked Pastukhov. They showed along the road and explained: "You see Won, girls: bathe. So, not reaching the little, turn to the left. Behind the forest, it is not visible from here. " Then, looking towards swimmingly, added: "Icher them, Choler, Polon Cape has fallen! Not otherwise there are from the artel. Close here. You ask which. Conducts, otherwise they will go with turning, there will be a lot of tracks, and everything in the forest. Skin just. " This is the simplicity of relationship, involving the opportunity to ask the road from "swimming girls," remembered here. The girls would probably raise the first screech, but then, learning that they ask "about the case," would calmly explain. But we, urban people, were ashamed and as a result, rightly going on the track, then confused in her numerous branches. In the evening, we laughed at the artelle: "Our girls were scared. Thought, look, - Leschahi! " "So guessing the factory potato. Read, fifteen the miles were joined, and then it does not want two. " "Their girls were frightened! The light does not see, drive in vain so much! "

A rustic man, although working for over twenty years at school, the author absorbed this simplicity and passed past such a moment as undressing and dressing, but he did not forget to vividly imagine the old man, mentioning the emergency beard. This emergency beard is also a noticeable indicator that the narrator has undoubted writer data: he sees those who writes about.

His second story "Yauz - Sandy fish" represents something completely unlike. First of all, the title. Put next to the previous one, it seems wrong. It seems that the author took up fishing stories. Rustic framing here is much worse. There is nothing that would be remembered in the same way as in the previous, in the plot of a nicuddy story. But here we found a very original plot of a military story with a deep philosophical generalization. Moreover, details that are not always available to the writer even in the rank of military correspondent. There may be physical proximity, but there are always elements of the tightness, the same as, for example, when photographing. People sometimes ask: "Keep free, natural," but every nevertheless remembers that "it is removed" and tries to "seem better." It feels the proximity of another order: the author sees people on the everyday atmosphere as in reality. As a politatar of one of the combat units, he, twice wounded, was, of course, not a third-party spectator, and one of the participants in the life of an ordinary fighter and therefore could see it in its entirety and without embellishment. It seems true that the Red Army people are talking during the forced idleness ... about fishing. One of the fighters turned out to be a specialist in fishing. Above it is a bit frown, do not quite trust that there is such a specialty. He in response tells quite detail about the features of fishing on the seasons. It is told that it is long and confused by side details, but it does not interfere with understanding the reader that fishing in essence is very complex sport, requiring great observation, excerpts and patience. Ends the story by calling the storyteller to the commander. The remaining fighters are talking between themselves about the past.

Before Jazes Hunter! No wonder he led eight languages. I learned to catch the semes.

Again the excursion in personal memories. Krasnokamsk during its construction. The questionnaire of the building, as who spent a month of rest. Of the thirty-two replies, most are recognized as "cultural". Translated by colloquial This means that people took trips and went somewhere. Including remember, Chartish and Sysert were mentioned. (Then Krasnokamsk was also within the limits Sverdlovsk region.) But turned out to be "non-cultural". One, as it is in the sheet, a whole month I fished on Lysva, the other - the berries and the sensation. These tried to rotate "to culture", and whether it is necessary? To live a month on the Kameto shore, in my opinion, not worse than in Sysert, which I know and love, as a place of homeland, but still I will not decide to say that it costs to go to the standing waters of the pond. About Chartash and there is nothing to say.

The underestimation of some kinds of old Russian sports seems to be incorrectly, it seems to be at least fishing. Some reminder of this, even if it is given in passing, seems helpful.

From the book Stalker. Literary movie record. Exposures and articles. Author Tarkovsky Andrey

The undated entry today was in the pavilion. Two pipes are raised on the elevation, and between them the reservoir with water. Pipes are closed, stained by Vary ... three weeks ago I was in two other pavilions created by the project of Andrei. One - with standing water, in which weak

From book Urals - III Author Bazhov Pavel Petrovich

Abmitted entry The next meeting for conversations on the book. It all begins with the criticism of the lotman - oh, and does not like Tarkov's structuralists! But, as often happens to him, he goes to other topics and thoroughly forgets, where we started. Today Andrei revealed his

From the book detachment books (diary entries, letters) Author Bazhov Pavel Petrovich

The undated record after the manuscript of the "Capacup Books" was given to the Arts Publishing House, it was transferred to internal reviews. The comments received practically canceled all the work done, and if Tarkovsky agreed to follow them, then

From the book of memories by Shalamov Varlam

Undated record my father, chief Editor The magazine "The Art of Cinema", asked me to ask Tarkovsky, whether he would tell the anniversary text to the 60th anniversary of Fellini. I really doubted that Tarkovsky will agree to this because he knew that Fellini was not

From the book a reliable description of the life and transformations of Nautilusa from Pompiliusa Author Kormaltsev Ilya Valerevich

From the book Volume 4. Book 2. Diary prose Author Tsvetaeva Marina

Diary recording on August 12, 1945. During the year on August 8, it turned out to be memorable. Today Monday next week, and he does not come out of his head. We have to record. The one was dedicated to the beginning. Among them was a school teacher. During the war, he walked a volunteer of tank

From the book Croatote by Foreman Milos

A diary record on June 30, 1916. When the vision weakens, trying to read only the necessary or especially interesting. Little Fakenov I have not been reading for a long time. Today I was seduced. Felleton is written Boyko, with fiction and temperament. But you read, and you leave you,

From the book of Checkanca Author Lawrence Thomas Edward

The white record of Pasternak was the poet of world importance, and it is impossible to put it for one level with Solzhenitsy. Of course, if any of them (Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn) deserved, ran out, shouted this premium - then this is, of course, Solzhenitsyn. Essentiality over Russian literature

From the book Berezovsky, disassembled by letters Author Dodol Evgeny Yuryevich

6. Record "Titanic" according to the figurative expression of Butusov, "This album was made with a pistol at the temple and with a knife at the throat." Nevertheless, despite continuous fighting around the studio, 40-degree frost and sick teeth, butus himself simply radiated inspiration. Behind him already

From the book South Saddle Auth Nois Wilfrid

Diary prose

From the book I live to nausea Author Tsvetaeva Marina

A brought back record after the "cuckoo nest" everything in my life turned over. I put a film in Hollywood and earned a lot of money, and as a result, the reputation of the European director-an esthete, who likes to work with non-professional actors and whose

From the book of the Banana Islands Archive. Volume 1. Author Chernavsky Yuri Aksandrovich

4. The first record is now going to the hangar to continue servicing aircraft. We do it lazily, just to kill time until a new quarter started, and our cadets did not come. They say we sweat, like devils, while studying. This life is completely pleasant to me: people are not

Theme lesson: An essay in the form of diary records.

Prepared a teacher of Russian language and literature

Abramova Lyubov Frolovna

MBOU Bolshevarodskaya School, Aksaysky district, Rostov region

Class: 10.

Relevance lesson by modern stage The development of the school is determined primarily by the fact that the knowledge gained form the ability to competently express their thoughts and create their own statements, taking into account the tasks of communication, make it possible to prepare students to write a creative the tasks of the ege In grade 11 (block "C").
Work on the diary teaches to develop thoughts on the chosen topic, forms literary views and tastes, makes it possible to express what worries and worries. She introduces a student to creativity, allowing you to express your personality, your opinion on the world, realize yourself in written.
Whoever become today's schoolchildren in the future, they must, first of all, should be cultural people, and in a real cultural person today it is also necessary to be able to freely write, how to speak freely and competently. The development of the personality is impossible without the ability to express their thoughts and feelings - and orally, and in writing. And the development of the personality is necessary prerequisite solutions to social and economic tasks.

Thus, teach writing an essay, and especially the writing-reasoning or writing-thinking is one of the current problems. modern schoolAnd this skill is needed to every cultural person, in whatever fields of science, technology or art, he in the future is neither self-realized.

The lesson is focused on achieving the following educational results:


Understanding the role of text in human life;

Awareness of the aesthetic function of language agents in the text;

The desire for speech improvement.


Adequate understanding of information of oral and written text;

The ability to extract information from various sources;

Mastering the techniques of selection and systematization of the material on the topic passed;

Compliance in the practice of speech communication of the main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic standards of modern literary language

Ability to carry out a speech self-control in the process learning activities and in the daily practice of speech communication.


Learning the knowledge of the text about the text;

The ability to assess the aesthetic side of speech statement when analyzing texts.

Problem question:How to write an essay in the genre of diary records

Purpose: to teach analyze the content of the source texts in which the author's thought is developing through a fan and chain arrangement of arguments. Create text defined type, style and genre; It is appropriate to use language means of expressiveness.

Tasks lesson:

Education : Teach to analyze the content of the source texts in which the author's thought

develops through a fan and chain arrangement of arguments, prepare for writing home essay;

developing: Forming the ability to determine the main problem of text, formulate copyright; Develop the processing skills, namely: drafting the scheme, the release of theses, analysis

text on the algorithm corresponding to the evaluation criteria for the exam in the Russian language of the tasks of part C;

educational: Formation civilian position According to social issues of modernity, to educate the language culture of communication.

Expected results:

Ability to generalize, analyze, systematize information;

Skill work in groups;

Communicative competence;

Awareness of the usefulness of the acquired knowledge and skills;

Development of skills independent work with source of information, independent decision making;

Development of communicativeness skills;

Development of mental skills in the analysis of the text;

Development of self-analysis skills and reflection.

Work forms : Frontal, individual, work in groups

Activities : work with the epigraph, analytical conversation, text analysis (work in groups), compile a plan for writing an essay, preparation for conclusions.

Time: An occupation is designed for 45 minutes

Type of classes : Systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills

Equipment: multimedia projector; interactive board; Material for interactive boards on the subject of lesson; Slides with the stages of the lesson and tasks;

Pupils : Tutorial, notebook, distribution material

Handout : texts number 1, No. 2, No. 3 for analysis;Ahead homework: say your reflections on the purposes and tasks of diary activities in the form of a diary record

Epigraphs for lesson:

"The most interesting novel is a novel about yourself" daily ""

Yu. Olesha

Topic of the lesson: an essay in the form of diary records

During the classes

    Organizing time . Setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of educational activities of students

Hello guys sit down!

A) Preparation of students for the perception of the new educational material, actualization of knowledge. Definition of the lesson.

Guys, pay attention to the decoration of the class, on the subject of the lesson. And maybe someone will try to formulate what we will do today in the lesson today and how can all this be combined? Read the epigraph and tell me what can be like a novel?

(Students try to formulate the purpose of the lesson for their part: such a novel can become the Diary any person).

Teacher: Diary does not like a "outsiders". This is the work of the soul, which is addressed to itself or imaginary companion. You already know a lot about diary activities:

- why do people behave diaries ? (pages trust their meditation and doubts, evaluating themselves and others. Daily records help to see changes in ourselves, each page becomes a mirror. Starting communication with you, we gradually develop the ability to communicate with each other)

- what do people write about the diaries? (This may be an analysis of the events of the day, some separate case, a bright event, reflections about something)

C) adjustment of the articles of the lesson formulated

During the previous lesson, we talked about the content and structure of diary records,our task today is to summarize these knowledge and apply in practice, i.e. Write an essay in the genre of diary records.

Slide 1 Theme of the lesson, objectives of the lesson

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Now we will check the creative task in which it was necessary to set out their reflections on the purposes and tasks of diary activities in the form of a diary record. (Reading and commenting by students)

- is it easy to keep a diary?

Conclusion: to keep a diary - a difficult task. Having made his first experiments in this genre, you were convinced that it was not easy to sit at the table at all and force yourself to focus on a sheet of paper.

3. Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Preparation of students for generalized activities

Reproduction at the new level (reformulated questions).

Diary is verbal creativityAnd he has his own laws. We will tell the conversation on them further.

- what are the main signs of a diary record . (The content of the recording is limited to a certain temporary segment: a week, day, month. The diary record is usually done after events, less often in front of them. Mandatory sign - dates, come in drawings)

- what are the diary functions and what encourages us to turn to the diary

(1) Emotional self-expression. Splash of completeness of feelings, exit from the state of spiritual discomfort. 2) Intellectual self-sufficiency. Analysis of the events of the day to fix the most bright impressions, reflecting over what he saw, heard.

- it is believed that each entry is the text. Do you agree with this? (Yes, the proposals are associated with meaning and grammatically, you can come up with a title and define the author's task)

Which known you modern writers Used in his works the form of a diary? (N. Nosov "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn", O. Zheleznikov "Diary P.M.M.", A. Aleksin "The adventures of Seva Kotlov", etc.)

- What types of texts are presented in diaries (narration, description, reasoning, diary record is a mixed type)

- Diary as a genre involves the free form of recording. What forms of the diary record did you find out in the lessons? (Confession. Portrait sketch. Aphoristic conversation, etc.)

4. Control of the assimilation, discussion of the mistakes and their correction .

Work in groups. Each is offered text and questions. Students give expanded answers and draw conclusions

See Attachment

Slide 4.

Conclusion: do students.

5.Feflexia ( summing up the lesson)

Make an essay writing plan in diary records genre:

    To get acquainted with letters, diary records of writers, works written in the diary genre.This will help to withstand the form and conventionality of the presentation characteristic of this genre.

    Determine the idea of \u200b\u200bwritings, the main idea that you take to prove with your work.Proper definition Ideas will allow deep and fully reveal the theme of writings and not "drown" in an extensive material.

    To make a plan, which will help to schedule Where to get started, which sections are allocated in the composition, in which sequence to state the material and to which conclusions it is necessary to come.

    Keep in mind that entry and imprisonment this genre may have a framing that gives work personality.

    Remember that diary records,letters help trace the formation of personality, reveal inner world Lead Diary . Check whether this requirement meets this requirement.

Comparable tasks of a lesson with their implementation, we will give a general assessment of the work of the class, mark the work of groups, are there any questions, are they ready to perform homework: write an essay in the genre of diary records "One day from the life of yourself.

OUTPUT : Regular diary maintains good speech practice, enriches and improves language, develops attention to "trifles of life." And maybe someday your diary pages will become the pages of the main book about themselves "daily"


Writing an essay "One day from the life of yourself."

attachment 1

Group 1.

Lucky, as a drowned man! The first day of the holidays, and I can't show my nose from home, before he swollen. Allergy must be.

Our dog fell in love with Mitzi. She is Cocker Spaniel. There are no chances of the PSA: a) not powder, b) does not follow yourself like all normal dogs. I tried to push it this, but he only sadly and sadly looked at me and looked again under the gate of Mitzi. Love is not a pound Iism. After all, I have the same problems with Pandora as the PSA with Mitzi: both belong to lower classes of society than our beloved.


    Imagine yourself at the place of a teenager and try to explain that forced him to make this record?

    Find those words and speech speeds that give the author's condition? For what style are they typical?

Group 2.

I went to a boring school. I was all a Tryn-grass, so I put on red socks. Walking in red socks to school was strictly prohibited, but in a coffin I now saw their prohibitions ...

The teacher noticed my red socks and knocked the director, then called me to himself. Then he sent to change clothes into black socks, as provided for by the form.

When I came home, Dad immediately called school:

You terrorize my son because of the color of the socks!

The director said that if I would return to school in black socks, then everything would be forgiven and forgotten, but Dad answered, in these and I will walk.

The director stated that she seeks to support school "at the level". Pope objected that the England team won the world championship without black socks.

The director seems to have a challenge after that. Dad hung up and said: "One - zero in my favor."


    Why does the recording end ...? What semantic load Carries this sign?

    Give examples confirming that diary records cover life situations?

    What are the features of vocabulary? What style are these words characteristic?

Group 3.

Day off.

I solved firmly in the new year:

    Hang pants to place.

    Insert discs back into covers.

    Affectionately handle the dog.

    Do not squeeze big acne.

    Do not start smoking.

    Go to the library again.

    Become an intellectual.


    Read the diary record, what can you say about her author?

    What do you think, what point violates the sequence, does not answer the copyright ??

    What can be said about the disciplination of this person?

    What part of the speech indicates the system?

Group 4.

Carefully inspected its own appearance. Per last year Only inches into two, so you have to come to terms with a sad fact - I am destined to be one of those who are always poorly visible a movie screen.

Here is bad: the chin out the pimples, on the nose too. The ears stick out, and their hair unfolded by three instruments. No matter how taking a while, and fashionably not time.


    In this diary record, there were changes in the author, did he be faithful to his principles?

    What features of vocabulary confirm that the author is your contemporary, your classmate?

Probably there is no girl in the world that would not have led a personal diary. I think the boys write their thoughts on paper, right there hiding the record in secret placeso that no one read. So today I decided to make a personal diary. This was contributed to a teacher who asked in the form of a diary record.

Essay in the form of a diary record

Well, hello diary. Here I will write my innermost and secret.

October 19.

Today it became interesting to me how to keep a diary and that in general include in diary records. I think in the diary you can write about everything, especially about sore. For example, today, the teacher made me a reprimand, without sobering in a situation. But my classmate was guilty, which I did not give out. Now I am offended by the teacher and my mood today is not from the best. Now I understand how good when there are girlfriends. So I was able to spoke to them and became calm.

The 20th of October

Continuing his essay, I will write about cepete dream. I'm in the 9th grade and I have a dream. So, my favorite diary and my diary record, I have long been dreaming about my pet. I really want a parrot. This cheerful and naked bird, which can imitate human speech. I already know about these birds everything you need, because I reread a lot of different literature. Probably, I will ask my mother so that they give me her birthday with Pope. Maybe my dream may happen, especially since the birthday is not far from around the corner. In the meantime, until the emergency, my diary, because soon I will write my thoughts here again.

Essay in the genre of diary records

As diaries as a genre - a new, unfamiliar students, consider it appropriate to introduce schoolchildren with the meanings of this word:

1. The diary is a literal translation from the French "filtered magazine, a diary", that is, the records leading day to day.

2. The diary is a literary and household genre, the form of the narrative, which is conducted from the 1st person in the form of everyday or periodic records on the events of the current life (personal, public, literary).

The diary record is done after the events that occurred, less often - before the events that will occur.

The diaries are more subjective and at the same time directly, sincerely than other types of memoir sources.

The diary record represents a system type of speech: a narrative with elements of reasoning, reasoning with elements of a description, as well as a free recording form:

a) Confession - self-esteem of their activities;

b) analysis of the events of the day;

c) portrait sketch;

d) emotional self-expression;

e) reflection;

e) thinking over what they saw and heard.

Signs of the diary as genre:

Each entry is almost always timed to a specific date;

Famous recruitment of records;

Encryption or complete concealment of names or surnames;

The predominance of the facts themselves above their comprehension;

Sometimes - records based on primary impressions, unverified assumptions, rumors, opinions.

All these elements provide a relaxed choice and location of the material and allow you to create the illusion of the free expression of the thoughts and impressions of the author-narrator;

The diary is a genre of monologue, but the monologic word of the author may be internally dialogical. The monologue of the author sometimes becomes a conversation with an imaginary interlocutor, a witness, with human society as a whole;

The diary is not retrospective, it is modern by the events described, writes for himself and is not designed for public perception (unlike literary diary), What tells him a special authenticity, accuracy.

Memo writing an essay In the genre of diary records

1. Get acquainted with works written in the genre of diary records. This will help you withstand the form and conventionality of the presentation characteristic of this genre.

2. Determine the idea of \u200b\u200bwritings, that is main thoughtwhich you take prove to your work. The correct definition of the idea will allow you to deeply and fully reveal the topic of compositions and not "get lost" in an extensive material.

3. Make a plan that will help you outline, where to get started, which sections are allocated, in which sequence to state the material and which conclusions come.

4. Keep in mind that the entry and conclusion in the composition of this genre may have a framing that gives work personality.

Clean sitting at the table and have a pencil and paper with you. Sign up of thoughts from the book, as well as their own, flashed due to reading or for another reason. (Dad)

Often a woman refuses that herself wishes himself. (Kurrun)




monteriology (on the fingers)

herosophy (on nails)

Stupid can not be distinguished essential from random.

The boasting of a stupid man sincerely: the boasting of the smart - is evil, uncomplicated.


1) miniature [naya]

2) death prelude

3) from the "Bell"

4) Fire Snow

5) Eastern

7) Military

Friday 7 h. Chemistry.

Letter to E. Rusakova

Baba Yaga.

Broken lily.

Not a word about the Bogdad Thieves.

But on the way I (I do not know how you) all the time I thought about him and I was funny. Chort you Derie because of your rita and rita, I had to kill time behind this idiotic letter. Warsaw, clearly, it took away somewhere, and so that you burst, I am doomed to Scripture.

The position of hopeless! I am like fair man And a friend in order to honor a blowjob, without impurities of other perversions, I do not go to the hall for your coat, and I sit on your bed and praise myself for my honesty.

It turns out you are called me, but I entered the excitement and I want to write farther further. Some rigid cardboard bends in Tim and the topic, even glucerics will be straightened. Takambs are mowing the stylish key to the keys. Miscellaneous Siveri Stained Parades, Mispinus Watch Mounts. Helmopholes Great Enchanted call for a second naive chjode. The boring of a shyless flame in Nestanes is overlooked and boring ornamentally suddenly. There, the lamps are splashing with head men and a blowjob blink. Rostinki is risen and harmful forces throw a hotel - debauchery - pistalet. The prouds are placed and eating stringly, Kabernie Melika in prepised polonais. Love, the blue wall dug, style - yes, dorats yes dorats and dulls

June - July 1925

Books from the library of new books:

1) Introduction to metaphysics

2) psychophysical parallelism and positive metaphysics

Issues of philosophy and psychology.

Time and freedom of will.

Duration and simultaneity.

A. Bergson:

Matter and memory. Research on the relationship of the body to the Spirit. Direct data of consciousness, t. II. Creative evolution.

Bergson. Laughter in life and on stage.

Bernstein A. Clinical Takes psychological research soulful patients.

Bekhterev V. M.

Collective reflexology.

Objective study of personalities. Vol. I.

About hypnotism.

Basics of teaching on brain functions. Vol. III.

Sexual question:

Bard and Fokwell. - sexual weakness as a kind of neurasthenia;

I. Bloch. - Sex life our time;

Vasilevsky L. M. - to a healthy sexual sex;

Vasilevsky L. M. Paul perversion;

Wayninger O. - about the genre. Ibsen and his works;

Wayninger Otto. - gender and character;

Wayninger - O. - the last words;

Afanasyev. Covenant fairy tales. "Shameful Baryna."

Geghar A. - sexual attraction;

Prof. Herzegi. - Woman in the physiologist., Pathologist., And the famous. relative;

Levenfeld L. - Sexual problems:

Lenz A. K. - Shame and his meaning. for sexual feeling;

Meyer A. - Hygiene of a childless marriage;

Freud Z. - sexual entry theory;

Kovalevsky. - sexual psychology;


Soon horses stupid -

so they want so much.

For gears Similar

Go, go passersby

And scratch their echo

And the stupid grinds

Bringing pipes and ropotes

Putting the hoofs by Topot

About the foreheads of the buoy

And you did not understand me

And I'm yours Japan

And the whole is that our life

there is a struggle.

Mann Thomas. Herr und Hund. 1919. Berlin.

Hegeler Wilh. Der Vershuettete Mensch. 1924. Berlin.

Inbert V. Goal and Path.

Ivan Pavlovich Yuvachev (1860-1940) had an important influence on the spiritual formation of Harms. According to the memories of E. I. Gritsyna, the sister of the poet, the father was primarily his teacher, but the relationship between them remained quite complicated:

"The pesting past Ivan Pavlovich slightly shocked his son," testifies in his memoirs V. N. Petrov. - But some kind of similarity in the style of thinking, they must have, nevertheless it was. After many years, one of our mutual friends told me as one day, in his presence, Ivan Pavlovich asked her son some book. He suggested to him "Aurora or Zarya in the morning climbing" Yakova Bem. Soon the old man returned to him the book by saying that he did not understand neither be nor ME. So the HARMS himself could make it. However, Daniel Ivanovich was, as it seems to me, a completely special and separate life, and he kept somewhat away from his relatives. " (Petrov V. N. D. I. KHARMS / Private Assembly, Leningrad)

It should be noted that the religiosity of Harms, in our opinion, is associated with the consistent Orthodox views of I. P. Yuvachev, although it does not have a canonical form.

I. P. Yuvachev published a number of religious work: "Between the world and monastery" (1903), "Palestine's pilgrimage to the coffin", "Secrets of the Kingdom of Heavenly" (1910), "War and Vera" (1917), etc., which A. A. Aleksandrov in the desired preface to the mass edition of Harms, not mentioning, characterizes as "Lean reasoning about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven." (Harms D. Flight to Heaven. L., 1989. P. 10)

The graphologist becomes one of the "speaking" characters in the story "Power" (1940).

"One graphologist, raging vodka, sat in the garden on a bench and thought about how it would be good to come into a large spacious apartment in which a large, cute family would live with young daughters playing on the piano. The grief would have met very affectionately, they would spend in the dining room, they would put in the chair near the fireplace and would put a small table before him. And on the table would be a decline with vodka and a plate with hot meat pies. The graphologist would sit, and drank vodka, climbed it with hot pies, and the pretty master's daughters would play in the next room on the piano and sang beautiful arias from the Italian operas. "

(GPB. F. 1232, units. XP. 219, l. 28 OB)

According to the story, I. V. Bakhtherheva, among the familiar Harms, there was a graphologist for norpsum Nonesma.

Cf. Also in the Roman K. K. Vaginov "Proceedings and the days of Svistonov": "In the evenings, psychachev worked in a restaurant as a grief." (Vaginov K. Kozlina Song. Proceedings and days Svistonov. Bambocha. M., 1989. P. 330)

Alexander Vasilyevich Tuffanov (1877 - no earlier 1941) - Poet, "Chairman Globe Zaumi. " Son of the peasant Arkhangelsk province. "Born in the era of the heyday of the Great Novgorod in the XV century during the robberies of slaves on the ears and during the resettlement of them in the cloud on the river. Sowing. Dvina, "he wrote in autobiography. (Irley F. 172, units. XP. 348)

In 1900 he graduated from the teacher's institute. From 1905 he was engaged in journalism, the theatrical reviews and the court chronicle in the newspaper "Son of the Fatherland" were published. In 1913 - 17 He was the editor of the journal "School Update". In 1915, he led the literary part of the Magazine "Northern Husar", where he published articles and poems. Printed also under the pseudonyms "SITENTIUM" and "A. V. Belomorsky "in the journals" Vertain "," Nature and People "," Life for All "," Rudin "," Modern Word "newspapers," Evening-speaking newspaper ". "Taganrog Bulletin", "Sochi Leaf".

In 1917 on own funds Released the 1st Collection of the poems of Elaov Harp, in the preface to which the creative independence proclaimed: "Yes, I - no one, and therefore should not. My soul is nowhere, and therefore I should not. " The poems of this book imbued with the influence of Balmont, Northerner and Mallarm, at the same time, were an important stage in the creation of the Tuffanov's own theory of creativity. Their musicality - as one of the necessary features of poetry ("We need a musical theory of verse") - was the manifestation of the "flow of verse" - the most important characteristic Tufanov theories. Developing the "scientific and symbolistic" ideas of Khlebnikov, he produces its semantization system to the phone, when the phonemes become "art material". The manifesto of his theoretical views was the book "To Zauri" (L., 1924), in the preface to which he formulates the main provisions of his school.

Apparently, it is at that time Harms get acquainted with Tufanov. The reason for acquaintance and rapprochement, on the one hand, it could be a worship before Khlebnikov. "(News 1922, June 24)), and on the other, definitely, the most important idea of \u200b\u200bthe consolidation of the" left forces "in art. Unfortunately, the meetings of Harms and Tufanov are practically not documented (we do not know the content of the "unemmorted" Tufanov Foundation in Irley). No doubt, they met on readings in the poets union, perhaps in Gise.

In March 1925, Tuffanov creates "Order of DSO incommps". "Order of Zaumnikov" in Leningrad arose after my speech to Leningrian [hello] department of the Union of Poets in March 1925, he wrote in a letter to an unknown collector of materials on literary groups of the 20s. - [...] DSO - the value is awesome: with the weakening of real barriers / D / radiation aspiration / s / century with an expanded perception of space and time / o /. The group's core includes three: I, HARMS and Vigilansky: Harms and Vigilansky - students who are constantly working in my studio. There are 6 more people who have a bias on the fault and pre-training. Then there is still a terentyev in Leningrad, the student is twisted, which is now departed from our work, working in the theater and having a student of the introduced (at the preparatory stage). Terentyev considers me the "only theorist in the will", therefore, in Leningrad disassens - 11 people, and my messages can be considered exhaustive. " (Private Assembly, Leningrad; prepared for the seal of T. L. Nikolskaya and Zh.F. Jacquar, as part of Toma A. V. Tufanova "Wishkigniki" (in print))

In the same letter of Tuffanov, he wrote about the "contact" of the "Order of DSO incommps" with the "Zorved" group, headed by M. V. Matyushin through the artist Boris Ender and "Order of Leningrad IMAZHINISTS", at the head of which was G. B. Schmelson, through the poet Ivan Afanasyev-Solovyov (see approx. 54). The theoretical provisions of the declaration of the "Order of DSO incommps" were published and commented by T. L. Nikolskaya. (Nikolskaya T. L. Order of Disassens / Russian Literature. XXII (1987), No. 1. P. 85-96. In the magazine, the article is incorrectly attributed by Sergey Sigov)

On October 17, 1925, the evening of the Leningrad disasses was held in the poets Union, where the "Manifesto" was announced, in which the methodology of the theory of Tufanov was determined - "the expanded perception of the world and the uneasy perception of time", and the inconsistencies (and expressionists) were named the only revolutionary in poetry (See the text in the Appendix).

In December 1926, at the suggestion of Harms and the introduced, which entered the "Order of DSO DSOs" in the summer of 1925. The name of the group was replaced by the "left flank", in January 1927, the final form "left flan". Soon, however, presumably after a quarrel between the introduced and Tufanov, he leaves the "left flank", retaining the name and returning to the situation "Circle - I myself," as he wrote in 1924 in the questionnaire of the poets Union. (Irley F. 491)

In 1927 he publishes the third and last book "Scrawn (fragments of the poem)" and continues their theoretical stages.

In December 1931, Tufanov is arrested in one case with Hams and in the spring of 1932. They refer to Novgorod, which he apparently chooses himself as a place of reference.

In 1933, he was attracted for interrogations to the local NKVD in connection with the "Business of the Novgorod Museum" (see Memories of the Director of the Museum of N. G. Porfiridova. Novgorod (L., 1987)). In Novgorod, he heads the historical office in the Pedagogical Institute. In November 1941, Tuffahov disappeared, the further fate of his unknown.

See about him: Nikolskaya T. L. Decree. op.

This year in the Berkeley Slavic Specialties series will be released by the reprint of the book "History" with the addition of basic information about the author (articles, biographical materials), scientifically prepared by J.-F. Jacquer and T. L. Nikolskaya.

Paul Aleksandrovich Marseille (China. Fam. Rusakov. 1908-1973) - composer, conductor. Born in Marseille in the family of Political Emigrant A. I. Rusakov (IOSELEVICH). In 1919, together with his family came to Petrograd. In 1929-32. He studied at the composer branch of the Leningrad Conservatory.

First independent musical works Related by 1924, soon became very popular "Tango-Tampa" and "Bustling". Published songs and romances to the verses of S. A. Yesenin ("Sorry Golden" said "), A. A. Bloka (" Harmonics "), B. L. Pasternak (" Goodbye "). N. Ya. Agnivzva ("Vicky Tspunk"), M. A. Svetlova (Grenada) and others. Under the pseudonym Paul Marseille. His tango was specially popular: "Game of Love", " Mystery love", Tango (from the film" Peter ") and others wrote music to performances.

The first statement - the performance of students III Course The State Institute and technical school of the stage arts workshop S. E. Radlova "Piggy" L. Lyabina, where the main roles were performed by Boris Chirkov and Nikolai Cherkasov.

In the house of Rusakov, the evening of music and poetry was arranged on Zhelyabov Street. In part, due to the acquaintance with Marseille, an image of a musician appears in Harms poetry:

They took a frieze chinel

Stretched Cant,

Put on the panel

So a musician came out.

In 1928-29. Family A. I. Rusakova became a victim of the GPU provocation (see: Fleischan Lazar. About one mysterious poem of Daniel Xapmca / Stanford Slavic Studies Vol. 1. Stanford, 1987. P. 256-257). Soon after, Marseille became music leader Theater of a special Far Eastern army. In 1938, his family was arrested. Mother and Esther died in the camp. Marseille was sent to Vyatlag, where it as a musician and conductor attracted to work in the "sample" music-dramatic theater Vyatang NKVD, artistic director which was L. Leo, and the director - B. Rosin. The first premiere of P. Marseille - "Staging in 6 paintings with apotheosis" "Vasily Terkin" (1943), then: "Maritsa's program" (tools of Marseille) (1943), after this statement by Marcel by order of the beginning. The camps was appointed conductor; "Zaporozhets for the Danube" (August 20, 1944), "Gypsy Baron" (October 29, 1944); He was thin. The head of the statement, "Wedding in Malinovka" (November 7, 1944), "Somewhere in Moscow" V. Mass and M. Chervinsky (August 27, 1945), "Traviata" (November 1945).

In 1947, he arrived in Voronezh with a minus, where until 1949 he worked as a local circus conductor. In 1949-56, the conductor of the circus of Ivanovo. In October 1956, the final rehabilitation returned to Leningrad. On October 21, 1956, D. D. Shostakovich writes a letter to the chairman of the Lengorispolkom N. I. Smirnov with a request to provide Marcel apartment:

"Dear Nikolai Ivanovich!

The presenter of this composer Rusakov P. A. By the decision of the Leningrad City Court is completely rehabilitated and returns to the place of its permanent residence in Leningrad.

I am convincingly, I ask you to have a full assistance in obtaining housing, considering that before arrest, he lived in Leningrad all the time and is currently appointed by the chief conductor in the Leningrad Circus.

With deep respect

D. Shostakovich "

(Tagalil. F. 211, units. Xp. 72, l. 2)

Similar letters were written by N. I. Cherkasov and Yu. V. Tolubeyev. The chief conductor of the circus Marseille was from 1956 to 1963. In 1964-70 He worked as a conductor of the "Circus on stage" ensemble. His archive is kept in Zagalil (F. 211).