Singer Yolka: biography, family, personal life. Hardening sex life

Singer Yolka: biography, family, personal life. Hardening sex life
Singer Yolka: biography, family, personal life. Hardening sex life

Which will be the topic for discussion in this article, in childhood began to show abilities for music. However, fate played with her, and for some time the Christmas tree seemed that her dream was singer was uncomfortable. Now she is a successful actress, touring not only by CIS countries, but also by far abroad. It loves millions, criticize hundreds, but there are no indifferent to her work.

Christmas tree: the biography of the artist. Scenic pseudonym

The real name of the singer is the Ivanziv of Elizabeth Waldemarovna. Her Christmas Trees in Youth once called the best friend, and the new name was so worried that some familiar girls did not even know how her name is actually. And even the father of the future singer was offended when relatives sometimes forgot his daughter's name. Christmas tree was born on July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod (city in the West of Ukraine). The girl's family was musical - the Father collected jazz music, Mom played three tools, grandfather and grandmother sang in folk chore. I went to their footsteps and the Christmas tree - first sang in the school choir, then developed my data by visiting the vocal circle. Some time played in the KVN team and played on back-vocals at the Rap Group "B & B". And in 2001, she tried her strength as a solo artist in the style of Rap. Her presentation at the festival noted for himself (already successful at the time producer), and three years later he remembered a talented girl and offered cooperation. The Christmas tree was very surprised by the proposal, since he had already lost hope that her dream would ever come true, and it was settled to work in a restaurant waitress.

Christmas tree: biography. On the way to glory

Stretched, but fruitful work. The first song, filled with a Christmas tree in cooperation with Valov, became "Words are told by you." In 2004, she spoke with the song "Suk-Love" at the evening of Memia's memory, after which the singer found his first fans and critics. Then he saw the light one of the most successful her songs "City of Deception", which became the beginning of the album released in the fall of 2005. All the subsequent compositions and albums of the singer have multiplied the number of her fans. The tree was repeatedly awarded the Muz-TV prizes and the Golden Gramophone.

Christmas tree: biography. Crowded period

One day, the singer was invited by Alla Pugacheva's herself for the transfer, which was broadcast on the radio "Alla". The Christmas tree said that she had his little niche and did not really seek to more. Pugacheva gave an incentive to a young performer, asking the question of where she would invite her if she would like to come to her concert or come to visit. This Christmas tree was very hijling, the interview with the most Primadovna pushed her to new victories.

Christmas tree: biography. Personal life

In his life, behind the scene prefers to no one, especially journalists. She believes that personal should always stay behind the scenes, otherwise it ceases to be such. However, journalists know their business. Despite the fact that the singer carefully hid his satellite of life, they managed to find out his name. When the information was made public, many were surprised, because no one knew even that she was married.

Married Christmas tree: biography

The husband of the singers - Sergey Astakhov, who is now the administrator of the singer. They say that they have excellent relations and the tree is very happy in their personal life.

Singer Christmas tree - personality outstanding. Everything in it is unusual - starting with the image and ending the manner of the performance of the songs. Bright, interesting, not as everything - this is exactly what she clings the viewer, it is its non-informitia and originality of the crowd. But how did she come to their success and how was her musical career? What is this person? What is fond of in addition to music? How old is the singer Tree? We will deal with all these issues in our article today. However, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation, the Material of the Opus is just a small product of what can be told about this mysterious and charming girl, such a talented and efficient.

Singer Tree: Biography

Today, the singer Yolka - the person is famous. Her songs, familiar to the wide audience, sound in numerous concert "Salt's programs" and occupy the top lines of various charts of domestic radio stations. Although there was a time when no one heard about an outstanding girl with good vocal data.

The real name of the singer Yolky - Elizabeth Ivanziv. It is so in the life called the heroine of our story. She was born in the small Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod, it happened in the summer, July 2, 1982. And, probably, the creative path was destined to the girl over, as it appeared on the light in the family with a musical history. Parents were directly related to music: Mom played on several tools, grandparents sang in the Transcarpathian folk choir. Lisa also started his musical path from the choir, however, from school. By the way, the nickname of the Christmas tree appeared in childhood, when a boy from the courtyard company so called the future singer in a joke. No one then thought that this name would soon glorify Elizabeth and bring her success, but for now ...

Lisa studied in a secondary school, was, in general, ordinary girl, however, very bold. It was not afraid to experiment on his appearance and in general was the ease of communicating and an excellent sense of humor. She always knew how to laugh at himself.

After school entered the music school and honestly tried to get an education. But ... it did not work out. Contact with teachers failed. They could not see the individuality in the girl, which lived in it. Relationships with teachers can be described only as a complete absence of mutual understanding and the presence of permanent conflicts. Lisa left the School six months later.

Work with Vladislav Grovoy

In the mid-1990, Lisa Ivanziv began work in the Ukrainian Music Group "B & B" as a back-vocalist and some time tried to develop in this direction. However, the idea failed. The team collapsed, and the girl whose dreams were collapsed, and did not have time to be fulfilled, decided to part with his intentions and ... went to work as a waitress.

But, apparently, the fate for her had other plans, she voted Lisa a different way. In confirmation of this, Vlad Shalov, the leader of the Bad Balance group, soon in the life of the singer. With him Lisa was familiar before. They met at one of the musical festivals when the girl still worked as part of the B & B group.

The man invited Lisa to Moscow - "experiment" and try to make a joint project. As a Christmas tree in a conversation with journalists later admits, she had long thought that she was played out, and did not believe that such proposals could be something serious. However, risked. Rank and did not lose. In 2001, the girl signed a contract with his first producer Vlad Vlaovy. It was then that the singer Christmas tree was "born", the biography of her creativity begins exactly from this moment. It must be said that the project brought its fruits almost immediately, and the result of the collaboration did not make himself wait. For several years, the Christmas tree recorded an impressive number of songs, which later entered her debut collection "City of Deception".

First successes

It should be noted that the musical genre in which the Christmas tree worked was designed for a narrow circle of listeners. The songs she performed, united in themselves hip-hop styles, heavy guitar R & B and Rock. That is, her music was not popular, but more alternative. However, the album failed to fans, the musical critics also did not praise in their assessments, and her first success came to the Christmas tree. She became a popular person. The songs received a rotation on the radio stations, and the singer itself became the nominee of the RMA award on the MTV channel. Further more. After a year, the light saw the second album of the trees "Shadows". In 2007, the song "Handsome Boy" was marked by the Golden Gramophone Prize.

Over the next two years, the singer continued to work actively. She released her third musical compilation - "This magnificent world" and led an active search for a musical material for the fourth.

The iconic for Lisa began 2009. A contract with Vladislav Vallov ended, and a bold point was delivered to the joint work of the singer and producer. At the same time, there was a small decline in the work of the Christmas tree. The girl did not leave the feeling that she went into a dead end. There was a moment of rethinking, the turning point in the career.

New style in creativity

In 2011, the artist decided to change its course and focus on popular music. The girl with his head plunged into the process. What is the most interesting, work in the new genre did not affect the musical abilities of the singer. The voice is a musical instrument with which Lisa masterly owns, and the fulfillment of others on the stylistic songs did not deteriorate the impression of the artist, just the music that flowed from it with a magic flow, played with absolutely new paints. Songs "Provence", "On the Big Balloon" and "Near You", which became hits, confirm all of the foregoing.

In one of his interviews, the Russian music site "", which closes the troika of the most visited and cited portals on the expanses of Runet, Lisa admitted: she does not regret it at all that a completely different singer appeared in front of the listener. The biography of the pop performer does not make it in the eyes of fans of unattractive. It is not shameful, but very cool.

The new musical creations of the performer received awards of various musical events, and the singer itself, thanks to this, fell into the tabloids of glamor magazines and lists of successful figures of the show business of Ukraine and just popular and recognizable people.

Generally, Lisa is an open person. Often, journalists fear meetings with her, thinking that she is a girl sarcastic and stinging. However, in the course of communication, it turns out that this is not at all, and with Liza you can talk about any topic. She has a great sense of humor, and she is not hesitating to respond to a variety of questions, for example: "What men do you like?" Or "How old is the singer Tree?"

It must be said that changes in the life of the artist were not empty. Not only a creative crisis, but also one important meeting was the impetus for development in the new direction. Once, Lisa was invited to an interview to the program on the radio "Alla", where the singer actually got the opportunity to communicate with Pugacheva. The meeting of two creative women did not take a gift for the tree. Of course, nothing special there happened there, just a conversation from the Primateonous Russian pop forced the girl how she herself would later tell, rethink some things and take a look at everything in a new way. This conversation was asked a new vector motion of the singer to its goal.

Creative biography

After the Christmas tree ceased to work with Vlad Valov, she found new producers to Lian Meladze and Alyona Mikhailov from Velvet Music.

It must be said that, in addition to music, the singer led a very rich and active life - she took part as a member of the jury in several seasons of the television project "X-factor", starred in the video on the song "Comprehensive Dreams" of his colleague on the Vlady shop, Member of the group "Casta". And, by the way, the red hat in the Russian dubbing cartoon "Truthful History of the Red Hap" also tells the voice of the tree.

In April 2012, in the musical life of Lisa Ivanziv, an important occurred, as for any ambitious artist, an event was a concert of singer in the Sports Complex "Olympic". Huge work was done, and the concert was held with a bang. In September of the same year, his concert tour of the cities of Russia singer Yolka began his concert tour. The biography of her creativity has expanded with joint work with Ripers Noize MC and Heat, Megapolis and Burito groups. In addition, a girl and shooting in episodic roles in the film "Gentlemen, Good luck!" And the TV series "Fight", Sashahatany Shatkom, paintings "This is love!", "a gift with character", "about love."

Singer Tree: Personal Life

I must say that today the singer has a lot of work and even more plans for the future. The Christmas tree is constantly tours with the team of musicians, among which guitarist, bass player, keyboard player, drummer and DJ. Also in the speeches of the singer involved the dance team Loonyband, the participants of which are engaged in the formulation of dance numbers and help in the design of the scene.

In the personal life of Lisa Ivanziv, too, everything is fine. Since 2010, she is married to Sergey Astakhov. He is a non-public person, just a good guy from the Moscow region, although young people met in Moscow. Friends of singers say that in the family of artist's matriarchy, and all important decisions take the tree. Singer, children for whom only in the plans, trying to work a lot. By the way, Lisa is the main miner in the family. Recently, the guys acquired real estate in Moscow, as well as the land plot behind the city, where they plan to build a house. The couple have a very touching relationship, permeated concern about each other. And it is noticeable from the side even with the naked eye.

Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv, for his listeners more familiar as a tree was born on July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod. From the very childhood, Little Lisa heard from his mother that she was a star child, and it turned out. In general, the whole family of the Christmas tree is very musical.

Dad collector of jazz music, and mom plays on three tools. And even grandparents worked in the "Transcarpathian People's Choir". According to their footsteps, there was a little actress, first she sang in the school choir, and then in a vocal circle. Later he entered the vocal school, but did not finish it. The Christmas tree says herself herself that she would not be kicked out.

Youth is just the time of the formation of the singer's image. Already then she liked to amaze and hit the audience. For example, one day her dad painted her hair in red, success was indescribable. The Christmas tree liked this so much that she decided to take a photo with such a color to the passport. At this age, Lisa was as part of the KVN group, where it was most often assigned the role of vocalists. It was at this time that a new creative name appeared, which no one was made specially invented. Once at the rehearsal, one of the friends jokingly called her Christmas tree. I liked this name so much that, along another, no one called no one. Even parents, mom gently daughter calls herringbone. Maybe this is this unusual pseudonym and determined the further creative path of the future singer.

In the 90s, the B & B Rap group was created with friends, where he began his career with a back vocalist. In 2001, the guys decided that it was time to loudly declare themselves. What they are generally done at the Moscow International Rap Music Festival. There the musicians noticed producer Vlad Shalov. He liked the B & B group so much that he immediately suggested writing the album. But in the end, this did not happen, since the group broke down. For a short time, the tree left the scene. She believed that forever, and had already found the work of the waitress. And only three years later, fate in the image of Vlad Valova sent her another chance. The producer called the novice singer and offered it to experiment in music, and without waiting for her answer sent tickets to Moscow.

In 2004, the Christmas tree performed already as a solo singer at the concert of MICHEY, and sang his most famous song "Bitch - Love". After the execution of this song, a wave of criticism collapsed on her. Many believed that at the expense of Michea and his tragedy, the singer herself denies himself to win and says that the execution of this song is a tribute to the musician. No matter what goals pursued the singer, the main thing is that they spoke about it, and this is the first step to popularity.

After the excitement, which the Christmas tree caused his speech Vlad Shalov, no doubt signed a contract with the singer. It all started with the song "Words are said by you" the song did not get much popularity. But the musicians were not despair, and already with the second song "City of Deception" they received the popularity of which both had long been dreamed of. The tree itself admits that this her favorite song, because the composition is written about the singer himself.

The first album which is called the "City of Deception" came out in the fall of 2005. It includes the compositions of various musical directions. The singer itself calls his "Heavy Guitar R & B" style. The album, like all the work perceived everything in different ways. Someone really liked, and they praised the Christmas tree and her producer. But many scolded musicians, not counting them competitive. In general, about the singer spoke again, that is, they achieved success!
Since 2005, the popularity of the singer is only growing. Firstly, it is nominated on MTVRMA as "Best Rap". Then she records the songs "Good mood", "This Great World" and many others. And already in 2006, she records his most popular song "Girl-student", which gathered a colossal number of awards and the fall of the same year, the Christmas tree produces its second album, which is called "Shadows".

A year later, at the Golden Gramophone Prize, he deserved award for the song from this album "Handsome Boy". In 2008, there was a nomination "Best Hip-Hop Project" on one of the most popular MUZ-TV premiums. And when the song "Provence" came out, eliminatingly decided on style. This song brought three nominations of the MUZ-TV premium at once.

It seems everything is going well, but the Christmas tree, as a little creative nature, and she wants to try himself in some other form of art. And so when she was offered to voice the cartoon hero, she agreed without delay. It was a cartoon "truthful story of a red hat," and his voice the Christmas tree presented the main heroine. And in 2010 she was offered to try himself as a producer on the Ukrainian talent show "X-factor". During the judging on the project, we all understood that it was not only a talented singer and a musician, but also a very kind and good person. All participants and organizers talk about it as many good words that it is not clear how it is all combined in one person.

But worked on two years on the X factor, the Christmas tree understood that he completely ceased to engage in his own career, so when at the beginning of 2012 received a proposal from producers to extend the contract, the Christmas tree had to refuse. After all, with recording a new album requires a lot of time. We will be very waiting for new songs and clips from the inimitable and extravagant singer of modern pop - christmas trees.

In 2014, the artist was able to try his hand in cinema. She successfully embodied on the screen an independent and enterprising business woman. The series came out under the name "Fight". Many famous professional actors took part in it. In November 2014, a large-scale concert of the performer was organized in the Olympic Sports Complex. She presents absolutely new compositions on it. A month later, the girl became the participant of the festival "Song of the Year". The Christmas tree earned the receipt of a figurine for the single "Draw me the sky."

At the beginning of 2015, the fifth album appeared. It contains many well-known compositions. Over the next two years, the singer was able to conquer several prestigious awards. In early 2018, the Christmas tree was awarded the "Golden Gramophone" for the composition "The world opens". The working schedule of the singer is saturated with performances, visits to gears, work on a new album. In the young years, the artist was in relationships with the KVN team captain Vasilya extreme. As soon as the girl moved to Moscow, she left her beloved. The Christmas tree was married to his administrator. Marriage lasted six years. As the actress itself says, she decided to focus on creativity.

Singer Yolka - Today, one of the most popular performers, her songs sing young people and adults, and, good texts know the midst of many fans.

When the Christmas tree began a solo career and first appeared on the screens, and her songs began to sound on Russian radio stations, many thought that the Soviet singer Zhanna Aguzarova began his eccentric species and interesting costumes. However, it became quite quickly understood that the girl does not claim the throne of the "goddess of the Epataza", but simply expresses his "I".

With its songs, the Christmas tree is noticeably allocated among the rest of the Russian pop. In her texts there are no thirst for wealth, a wheelbarrow, star and even a love drama, she, as a real workaholic, knows that "it all depends on ourselves" and that is exactly what it comes to us. She "flies on a tangerine balloon" and, perhaps, precisely with his bright images and positive songs, so loved the listener. After the girl became more likely to fill on the screens and released their own clips, fans began to be interested in not only new hits favorite, but also growth, weight, elder trees.

The singer is a very fragile girl, its growth is 162 cm, and the weight is about 50 kg. In childhood, the girl was very complexed because of his not high growth, but he was distinguished, I realized that people were different, and she could be the one that she was, and even a pseudonym had chosen to themselves, which most of all came to her mood - Christmas tree. The photo in youth and now the singers say that the performer during his career externally has not changed. It is not surprising, because the Christmas tree turned 35 years old, she has many more plans and ideas.

Biography Yolka (singer)

The biography of Yolka began in 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod, which is in Ukraine. The present name of the performer - Elizabeth of Ivantsev, however, Liza, even nobody calls for a long time in the circle of relatives and friends.

The girl since childhood was very artistic and already at a small age showed herself as a real star - loved to reclaim poems, ineptly played on the musical instruments of the mother, and said that he would definitely sing. Actually, such a child's desire is not surprising, because Father - Waldemar Mironovich very much loved jazz and collecting all the records that could buy or find through acquaintances and friends, and Mother Marina Eduardovna played perfectly on three musical instruments, and since childhood he taught a daughter to musitize .

After graduation, Lisa entered the music school, where he studied vocals, but he did not graduate. As the star itself was recognized, she did not have a relationship with classmates and teachers, and the youthful maximalism did not let it in place.

In the mid-90s, the Christmas tree first got into the musical team. It was the Uzhgorod Group "B & B", in which Lisa sang, like a back vocalist. It is the composition of this small team when the guys performed at the International Festival, the voice of Yolka heard the founder of one of the Russian groups and the musician Sheff, who later became her producer. True, the famous singer the Christmas tree did not immediately.

For several years she consisted in the group "B & B", and after her decay it was settled to work as a waitress. When the girl was completely desperate to become a singer, the long-awaited call rang, and Lisa went to conquer Moscow.

The first album "City of Deception" brought the girl popularity almost instantly. Interesting motifs and fascinating voice of the singer sounded from all radio stations, and the Christmas tree very quickly began to work on the second album. Since 2001, the artist managed to imagine the different stylistics of music in his albums, and her texts changed, like she herself.

From heavy songs with tragic texts, the Christmas tree got into the world of Paris and Provence, and herself even threw smoking, so he took the spirit of attention and love fans. Hit singer Provence became one of the most popular tracks on the Russian stage in 2011, and received the Golden Gramophone Prize in the nomination "Best for a decade".

This is not the only reward that the Christmas tree has during its pop activities. The performer has a whole six awards "Golden Gramophone", the award of Muz.TV and Ru.TV, as well as the RUSSIAN MUSIC Awards award, "Tophit Awards 2015", and several more significant prizes. In addition, today Christmas tree is not only a singer and musician, she is producer, actress and TV presenter.

After the stunning creative success, Elizavet began to be invited to the movies and television. She starred in episodes in six films, in two of which played itself, and took part in the youth series "Sashatany".

Personal life Yolka (singer)

The personal life of the tree, in contrast to many Russian pop stars, is not so stormy. The girl can not boast of multiple novels, never started intrigues at work and generally tried not to give a reason to public discussions around her person.
In many events, the girl appeared alone or surrounded by his colleagues, and photographs from the rest, which then appear on the network, also do not make clarity in the theme of the performers.

Today it is known that being still very young, the girl met a young man, Sergey Astakhov, who was friends throughout the six years. Young people did not think to bring their relationship to a new level, but at some point they realized that they were so accustomed to be together, which, probably, are a good party to each other.

In 2010, fans finally rejoiced - their favorite married his comrade, and now she has a real family. True, the happiness of the young, alas, was not eternal and in 2016 they started talking about the fact that the couple broke up. The Christmas Eve did not comment on this information yet, until it became known that young people divorced.
Family Family (singer)

In the formation of Lisa, like a performer, the family of trees played not the last role. The singer from early childhood went to different circles, parents tried to comprehensively develop the girl and never limited her in choosing. Already being at School Lisa, I was pleased to play in KVN as part of the school team "Chamber No. 6". This practice allowed the girl in the future not to be afraid of the scene, and always go behind his star.

Parents supported Lisa and at the time of the beginning of her solo career when the girl decided to take a loved pseudonym. As the singer herself said, Mom's houses gently calling her "Christmas tree". Such a name stuck to the girl is still at school when one of the holidays classmates died Lisa "Christmas tree", having in mind that she dressed up as a New Year's symbol.

Children Christmas (singer)

As soon as Lisa Ivantsev got into the world of show business, the attention of fans immediately collapsed on her, numerous questions flew to a star from journalists who wanted to know not only about her creative plans and new works, but, of course, about her personal life , and plans for the future.

For a long time, the singer was able to bore his secluded and closed life with ten cats and not answer directly about his personal life, but something ubiquitous tabloids were still able to learn about the closed life of the performer. For example, the fact that the Christmas tree would really like to have children, but until she has such an opportunity, since last year the girl divorced her husband. Why the young people did not have children - a separate question, but he doesn't like to speak about this singer.

While the children of Christmas trees are the five of her albums that she released during his career.

Former Husband Yolki (singer) - Sergey Astakhov

The former Yolka husband - Sergey Astakhov is not a Russian famous actor, as many readers might think. The young man and Lisa met in his youth, and six years later played a wedding. The marriage was short-lived due to the fact that the performer almost the entire family budget pulled alone. After the marriage, the young family decided to build a house, but to invest in construction mainly had the Herlet itself.

To at least somehow improve the financial situation of the family, Lisa designed a husband to work in his team administrator. However, a constant joint pastime at work and at home was played with a pair of a cruel joke, and they, without preparing, broke up in 2016.

Stock Foto Tree in Maxim magazine

Singer Yolka - a fairly closed person. Therefore, despite the desire of fans to see the photo of the tree in the magazine Maxim or Playboy, the artist is not amenable to persuasions about photographs in men's magazines. Honestly, it would be strange if the artist, who even wants to talk about his personal life in public, appeared naked in the pictures.

The only candid photos for which the star agreed, completely hid her body with a white down blanket, and for the eye fans, the singer opened long legs and a tattoo on the shoulder. Such photos appeared on the Internet in March 2017 before the release of the song "Increase music", and before that the fans did not even see the photos of the singer in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yolka (singer)

After the divorce, the actress is increasingly devoted to themselves: engaged in vocals, gives concerts, participates as a guest guest on many television shows, and, of course, traveling about how to tell you Instagram and Wikipedia Christmas trees.

The singer on his page with pleasure communicates with fans, boasts new outfits and talks about its future concerts and projects. In November, the actress was a participant in the immersive show of the play "Faceless", such a kind of art is rapidly developing in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Singer Tree has gained universal recognition thanks to his beautiful voice, the ability to combine various styles of music. Girl sang with a diaper. At first she performed in the choir, at school. Parents of her father, at one time, also sang in folk chore.

The girl entered the School on the department of vocals, choosing a singer's career for himself. However, from the first of the day of study, she had a conflict with teachers because of her manners to dress and paint. Without waiting for his deductions, Lisa herself left the educational institution.

About how the Christmas tree still managed to achieve the goal and become a popular singer, you can find out by reading the article.

Growth, weight, age. How old is the christmas tree (singer)?

Always energetic on stage, with a sincere smile on his face - such a girl always appears in front of her audience. It is not surprising that many think about the same height, weight, age, how old is the singer's christmas tree? The secret of this favorite does not make a numerous public. The growth of the TV presenter is one meter sixty two centimeters, the weight is fifty kilograms. This year, the Christmas tree will be thirty-six years old.

The singer tries to observe the day of the day, leads an active lifestyle. She completely refused smoking. It believes that a public person must adhere to a healthy lifestyle, because he is in sight of everyone, and someone can take an example from him. She regrets that at the dawn of his popularity allowed himself to appear with a cigarette in front of the camera.

Tree photo in youth and now differ significantly, in fact these are two different people: hairstyle, makeup, clothes - everything is absolutely different. But so, probably, it should be. There is even a statement: "That person who does not change throughout his life."

Singer Christmas tree real name, surname and nationality

One who first meets the work of the artist, almost invariably wonders: singer Tree - is it a real name, surname and nationality of this girl? There is also no secrecy here. According to the passport of the tree - Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv. This nickname was given to her even in early childhood, since then her own mother affectionates her "Christmas tree". Dad is not particularly delighted with this and always worst daughter's friends, when in his presence to her do so.

The singer itself is also used to that everything is called her Christmas tree - sometimes it may not even turn if it is dying by name.

Native girl from the Ukrainian town Uzhgorod. In the repertoire of the singer there is a composition that she performed in his native language.

Biography Christmas trees (singer)

The biography of the Christmas tree singer begins, as all of the heroes of our reviews, from birth. A girl appeared in 1982, in the middle of summer, in the family where they loved music. Father - Waldemar Mironovich Ivanziv - listened to Jazz, Mother - Marina Eduardovna Lyashenko - worked as a musician. Elizabeth was the only child in the family, the relatives supported any undertaking of the daughter.

After an unsuccessful attempt to get a specialized secondary special education - graduate from the music school, the girl begins to try himself as a back-vocalist as part of the Uzhgorod musical ensemble.

In 2001, the Group participated in the International Festival, but soon broke up. Subsequently, this fact will play a huge role in the life of the future star.

The Christmas tree was tripled to work as a waitress, having lost hope to sing on the scene. However, after three years, the girl smiled at luck - Vlad Shalov connected with her and offered her a contract. Lisa came to Moscow and from this point on, her dreams begin to turn into reality.

In 2004, the Christmas tree recorded the first successful song "City of Deception", which lasted in the chart-parade of the radio station for about three months.

In 2005, the singer released his first musical compilation. The girl jokingly began to call the "universal soldier", it was easy for her to combine different directions of music: classic rock, reggae, chanson, hip-hop. It has been preserved for her roles and later, even after she began to perform more "pop" songs - she managed to keep his listener.

The following was the album, called "Shadows". As in the first, most songs were written by her producer Vlad.

After a couple of years, the tree released its only one (for now) the video album. At the present moment there are more than thirty five videos of the singer.

In 2008, the tree released the last album in which the songs written by Vlad Vlaovy received their way.

After the end of the contract, the singer gladly decided to try his strength in other directions of music. She signs new, already with other producers.

2011 was a turning point in the career of the artist, the album "Points arranged". He opened Lisa as an excellent performer of pop music.

The songs "Provence" and "near you" become real hits, they sounded in many summer cafes, melody could be heard through the window of passing machines.

In parallel, the tree for a long time was part of the popular television show "X-factor". Because of growing fame and a dense concert graphics, she had to retreat from further participation in the project.

In 2015, another album was released, in which such hits were treated as: "I want", "fly, Lisa" and "Draw me the sky."

Songs of the Christmas tree repeatedly became the soundtracks to famous films, and the singer itself worked with many colleagues. A real gift for her was the joint performance of the song with Ilya Lagutenko, whose works of the singer admires a long time.

The singer has won the Golden Gramophone Prize many times, became the nominee of various MUZ-TV premiums. She was also awarded by titles: "The best performer", "The Best Singer".

Last year, all recognized singer spoke with a solo concert in Crocus City Hall, in the city of Moscow.

Personal Life of the Christmas tree (singer)

Personal life of the Christmas tree singer is a closed topic for an interview. However, some details still received some public. Studying in a secondary school, in the last grades, Lisa began to take an active part in KVN. Later, the KVN national team has gained fame and in the area. During this period, romantic relations began between the girl and the captain of the team - Vasily. Their love lasted long seven years, but, unfortunately, did not exceed something more. After moving the future star to the Russian capital and did not touch at all.

Then there was an unsuccessful marriage with Sergey Astakhov, who lasted no six years old, but as a result, the spouses divorced.

Currently, the singer with his head plunged into work. She not only writes new clips and songs, performs at concerts. The Christmas tree takes an active part in various talk shows, works the TV presenter.

Since 2005, Lisa is removed in the film. She starred in films such as the "truthful history of the Red Hap", "Gentlemen of Good luck", "a gift with character."

Of course, pay attention to an extravagant girl. Young people are trying in every way to take possession of the heart of the Christmas tree, but until the black cat as a black cat asks for her evening. The singer adores these animals and is ready to shelter all homeless people, it's a pity that the profession does not allow.

Former husband of the Christmas tree (singer) - Sergey Astakhov

The former husband of the Christmas tree singer - Sergey Astakhov is not connected with the song world. They are familiar from youth, even the novel rose, but without continuing. Many years have passed, the Christmas tree and Sergey met and understood that they had made a mistake. The feelings broke out with a new force and in 2010 lovers, secretly from all, officially issued their relations.

The singer does not like to talk about his family, it is unpleasant to her when journalists are trying to figure out the spicy details. And yet, some grades of information are seeping in the media.

At the beginning, the spouses said that they were happy in marriage, acquired a plot outside the city in order to further build a country house on it. Friends of the singers told that the matriarchhat reigns in their union: the Christmas tree decides all financial issues, planned large purchases, as well as a joint vacation.

Sergey really earned a little, and the spouse designed him as his administrator. As the time showed time - the family did not save this.

Six years after the wedding, the artist dismissed Astakhov from his position and confirmed the rumors for a long time about their divorce.

The former couple refuses to comment on the decision. Close familiar suggest that Sergey sat the position of Alfons, he did not seek to seek something more in life. As a result, the Christmas tree was tired of quarrels and conflicts on this basis, and she was submitted.

Children of the Christmas tree. Is the singer pregnant? From whom? When to give birth?

"Children of the Christmas tree." "Singer is pregnant?" "From whom?" "When to give birth?" Such correspondence between fans could be seen immediately after the telecast "Super" telecast, in which Lisa was directly involved. After she invited children to her concert, he was very worried about them, he said that he wanted all the guys to have new families.

It may be such attention from the singer, and maybe her concert outfit of his casual look and pushed her numerous fans on the thoughts about the pregnancy of her idol.

Whatever it was, the singer knows that she will have a big family and a lot of pets. The artist herself says that it is not yet ready to become a mother. To begin with, she wants to meet the person with whom she will be ready to give birth and educate the heirs.

Stock Foto Christmas tree (singer) before and after plastic

If you compare the images of pop diva at the beginning of a career and later, you can come to the conclusion that we have a photo of the Christmas tree singer - before and after plastics. However, it is not. Lisa since childhood was different in an extraordinary appearance: at fifteen, he made the first tattoo, painted her hair in pink color, and then she shaved at all. It was not a riot against the parents - they, by the way, were not against her experiments, just the girl so self-affirmed.

Indeed, the Christmas tree began to acquire fame, speaking on stage in shorts, sneakers and piercing on the face. As they grow up, she began to look different in a different way, and began to change the genre in which the girl performed. An important role in the transformation of the artist played her interview with Alla Pugacheva. After their communication, Lisa became more feminine, it was even called the style icon among the Russian singers.

Instagram and Wikipedia Christmas Trees (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Christmas Trees Singer are not the only social networks in which you can find a biography and career details. Artist Cheerful and very sociable person. Although she does not share something secret with his fans - all the same, fans love her for a beautiful voice, songs that through one become hits.

The Christmas tree is officially registered on Twitter, Facebook and Vkontakte. On its pages, the artist gladly lays out photos from touring, concerts and recreation. Lisa admits that she loves his work, but also tries to paint the time of rest, because it is vital. She believes that it is the ability to properly distribute his day - this is the key to a positive attitude.

Fans, in turn, wish their cumier creative inspiration and are waiting for many more new songs, albums and clips.