Recommendations for the design of the reader diary. How to keep a literary diary reader diary Rules for students

Recommendations for the design of the reader diary. How to keep a literary diary reader diary Rules for students
Recommendations for the design of the reader diary. How to keep a literary diary reader diary Rules for students

What is a reader's diary? This is a notebook in which students write their feedback on the summer books. In each class, children give a list of books that need to be read during the holidays. And in the teacher's reader's diary check which books have read and if they liked him.

As a mother and teacher, I think that the reading diary is a good idea, that's just the implementation of this idea in our schools is very weak. Children conduct readership diaries as a service and make it only for the teacher.

I will tell you how to interest the child reading how to teach him to conduct a reader's diary and what to write to it.

Why keep the reader's diary

Believe me, the reader's diary needs to be conducted not during the summer holidays, and not with the "school bench." It must be filling out since then, as a small person learn to read himself. With which enthusiasm will look at this notebook your child when the first entry appears. This is not just a diary, this is a memory and pride. Your baby will go to your reader's diary, will make a record of read books and write your opinion about the read.

After a few years, the student, lubricated this diary, remembers his first book, will see how many times he reread a favorite fairy tale, and later interesting stories and novels. Perhaps someone from schoolchildren will continue to lead such a diary and after school, and then she will show this diary to his children.

Now I am already and I will not remember how many times I reread Bulgakov's "master and margarita" and when the last time I read the Bazzov's tales, and the reader's diary would carefully save all these records.

How to keep a reader's diary

It is best for the reader's diary to take a thick notebook. Thin (18 sheets) notebooks will be a little, and to lose such a thin diary is easy. You can take a notebook with a tight cover of 48 sheets or more. Some children prefer to conduct their reader's diary on the computer. It is also convenient, easy to find the right book and reading date.

If you are the reader's diary in the notebook, it will have to be drawn. Each sheet must be divided into 3 columns:

  • the name of the work and author,
  • read date
  • review or note about read.

There is no point in writing how many sheets in the book read. Now many children read books in electronic form, and the number of pages depends on the format, so there will be no such column in our diary.

Sometimes the teacher himself gives children a diary filling pattern, and there are already ready-made blanks and patterns.

First column

Fill the first column. I think it is better to write first the name of the book, and then the author, because Children can quickly recall the name of the literary work, and the author's name often forget.

Second column

The second column in the reader's diary is the date when you read the book. It is also very individual here. Someone reads the book quickly (in one day), and another need a few days or even weeks. Therefore, in the second column, you can write a date through a dash (for example, 11-21.07.2014 or 1.07.2014-29.08.2014).

Date is an interesting figure in your reader's diary. She will help to remember how long you read the "war and the world" or how quickly read the stories O. Henry. In my diary, several dates can stand next to one book. This means that I reread this book more than once.

The last column in the reader's diary is a review of the reader about the book. In this column, the child can write his impression from the work. What he liked in the book, and what seemed uninteresting. Whether he agrees with the author or how he himself finished this work. You can write interesting thoughts or allegations in this column. In general, the last column is creativity and vision of the reader's book.

Let the child himself decide that he wrote to this column. In my diary, next to some books, it is just worth the recording "went past me." The most interesting thing is that some books that have not touched me at the first reading, they have greatly influenced me when reading at an older age. Therefore, let this column be big, you may need it later.

Example of a reader diary

Reader's diary It is necessary to lead to each person to make the reading process enjoyable and useful. Many, with the phrase, the "reader's diary" arises an unpleasant association with an elementary school, when during the holidays it was necessary to keep a notebook, which indicates the author and the name of the work, the reading time and read pages, the painting of the parents. However, the maintenance of the reader diary is a fascinating occupation, if approaching it on the other side.

How and why you can conduct a reader's diary? I will tell about this in today's article.

Why keep the reader's diary?

Make a reader's diary is necessary in order to preserve your impressions of read. You can also lead books in the books in the reader's diary. It will also be useful for writing his own writings, poems, essays. Mark interesting facts about writers and record the number of pages read for the day - a wonderful idea for keeping a reader's diary!

You can write and notes about books, and your reflections, and all-all-all that will come to your mind. Disposal quotes, for example.

What form to keep a reader's diary?

Classic option - it is a notebook or a fat notebookwhere the impressions of the read books and lists of books are recorded, there is such a reader diary with stickers, cuttings, drawings and colored handles, markers and pencils. Of course, a beautiful appearance is not the purpose of the reader's diary. However, you can show your creative abilities and decorate the records in a special way. Therefore, it is true to give the value of the content, and not appearance and not be upset if it does not work beautifully decorate. Try and you will succeed!

Keep your impressions in electron form - Convenient, practical and affordable. You do not need to wear a notebook with you, not enough forget your phone! There is a disadvantage. You can not show your own recordings. This option is suitable for those who have little free time.

But what to do if you encountered such problemlike what your hand does not have time for thoughts? To solve this trouble, I advise you to try write down His impressions at the voice recorder And listen to them from time to time.

I lead similar records, it helps me reflect on read, come to new conclusions, draw up lists of read books and those I want to read. I write down the arguments for school essays - it greatly helps in preparing for them!

And do you write the impressions of the read? Does it help you better understand the works? How long have you been doing this?

Many parents try to instill love to read children from early childhood. Of course, as well as a son or daughter quickly reads and overtakes his peers.

However, often reading in many children is discontent, they just do not want to read and are not interested in books.

To do this, many teachers in literature are offered to make a reader's diary, which will make this process interesting and fascinating.

Children's psychologists argue that the reader's diary is the necessary thing.

He will facilitate reading, the child will be able to record all read stories, starting from early childhood, and in the future he will become his pride and pleasant memories.

So, what gives the reader's diary, but what does he learn the child:

  • He helps to correctly understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe studied story.
  • Using it, the child learns to correctly retell, express his thoughts, competently speak.
  • He improves memory, it analyzes the work and independently concludes.
  • Remembers the read works and their authors.
  • It develops reader's reader skills and culture.

Sample design

The design of the reader diary for 1, 2, 3, 4 classes can be performed at their discretion.

On the Internet, you can consider samples of ready-made options that can be taken as the basis.

But still it is worth considering its sections and their content:

Section Description
Title page This cover at which important information should be contained is the name and name of the student, class, school number.

Also indicated the name "Reading Diary", "Diary of the reader", "I read with pleasure."

Additionally, you can create a color cover, draw pictures, patterns, stick pictures

Content At the beginning of the diary it is worth leaving several empty pages for content. They will indicate the names of books that the child read
Relief diary This part indicates the most important thing - a brief content, story, the main characters, the main idea. Frames, tables, logos, drawings can be used for registration
Additional sections You can enable sections called - "My Gold Collection", "I recommend to read", "Read, you will not regret!"

Many literature teachers use ready-made blanks in which the student can indicate reading stories, to make a summary, reviews and record other important information.

Below are sample designs:

An example of proper filling

For students 1, 2, 3, 4 classes there are items that must be specified in a diary for reading.


  • The name of the work.
  • FULL NAME. author.
  • It is required to specify the genre in which the work is written.
  • It is advisable to draw a drawing to the book read.
  • Listing the main characters of the story. It is recommended to specify a brief description of each.
  • Summary of the work. At this point, it should be indicated, as we are talking about in the story, which I liked it, and what is not.

Each parent can fill out a diary with the child. You can also consider your filling and design option.

The child can be added to the drawings, color handles, pencils, paints, markers and other decorative devices can be used for decoration.

Important! If a diary is done for a class student of grade 1, it will be hard for him to make a characteristic and description of the story yourself.

Parents must first be filled with him at first, they must explain how this is done and to take his attention.

Ready-made reader's diary

  • Read the title, first name, the name of the author.
  • Run me, consider all illustrations.
  • Suppose you will tell you about.
  • Read the text on your own in small parts, check and clarify your assumptions.
  • Think why I have such a name.
  • Work on speech features: voice color, volume, pace.

Exemplary recommended list of extracurricular reading
S. Marshak "Baby in a cage", "Why did the cat named the cat?", "Mail", "That's what scattered"
L. Tolstoy "Two Comrass", "Bulka"
B. Zarkar "Bird School"
A. Barto "Katya"
Brothers Grimm "Three Brothers"
M. Pryshvin "Berevian tube", "Yozh"
N.NOSOV "Casting", "Mishkin Porosh", "Live Hat"
S. V. Mikhalkov "Uncle Step", "What do you have?"
K. I. Chukovsky "Phone", "Muha-Costohah", "Moydodyr", "Tarakanische", "Stolen Sun"
A. S. Pushkin "At Lukomorya Oak Green"
V. V. Mayakovsky "horse-fire", "Who to be?", "What is good and what is bad"
M. Gorky "Vorobanyshko", "Burning Heart", "About Ivanushka-Fool", "Morning"
Sh. Perro "Red Cap", "Cat in Boots"

Example of registration of speakers of the reader diary:

When filling in the diary, many may have difficulties in presenting a brief description of the work, especially among class students.

To understand how this is done, you can consider the summary of famous children's stories and fairy tales:

Stories, fairy tales and authors Brief content of works
"Little Prince", Antoine de Saint-Exupery The parable about the fact that the most beautiful in life will not see my eyes, you have to see and hear in your heart, otherwise among many people people are alone and unhappy
"Scarlet Sails", Alexander Green The work tells about dreams and faith of a young girl in love and dreams.

She waited for a prince, who once sails to her on a large ship with Alami sails, and her dream soon came true

"Gray Shaika", D. Mamin-Sibiryak When someone gets into trouble, some rush to the rescue, and others do not take advantage of weakness.

A fairy tale about how to cut out comrades from the trouble when you're afraid to get into it

"White Poodle", A. I. Kuprin The boy from the rich family likes a white poodle with whom stray artists are.

The dog persuade to sell, then steal. Little acrobat will handle PSA

"French lessons", V.Resputin The main hero of the story is a boy from a poor village family. To continue studying at school, he is forced to leave home to the district center.

Only there he can go to the 5th grade. The boy learns well, with the exception of French

"Frog-traveler" V.M. Garin The author tells about the frog, which bored life in his native swamp, and she went to search for adventures by air, in ducks.

On the road, the dense traveler falls into another swamp and decides that it is more interesting

"Malachite Basket" P. Bazhov It is told about the legends of the Ural Mountains, about the heavy underground labor of the mountain workers, about the art of folk kamnesis and borders.

The work describes the events of long-time, when many people did not have complete freedom, and completely depended on their barin

"Wonderful Doctor", A. I. Kuprin One for another disease and misfortune is lying on the family.

Father family is already thinking about suicide, but he is found a doctor who helps to cope with difficulties and becomes their guardian angel

"Children of the Dungeon", V. Korolenko A boy from a good family faces the cruelty and injustice of the world towards the poor.

Despite the difficulties, he exists compassion, kindness and nobility, helping the disadvantaged

"Robinson Crusoe", D.Defo The book is about the fact that hopeless situations does not happen, but grow together with the child above the question: "What people surrounded Robinson, and what did they do?

Who and how did you understand your life path? ". Who knows at what age these questions will be useful

"Chameleon", A. P. Chekhov A police officer is trying to fulfill official debt, but grafted sinoplace prevents him
"Three fathers", Yu. Olesh Thanks to a happy chance to the Palace of rulers, the circus artist of Suok.

She is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, Suok will do everything to overtake tyrants from the throne

"Scarlet flower", S. T. Aksakov The fairy tale introduces the reader with a gentlely loving subsidiary of his daughter and younger in the daughter's family, which for the sake of salvation of his father's life, agrees to life in the Kindish Palace

There are other interesting stories that can be read with the children - the "ugly duckling", "Floor" - Andersen. "Storeroom Sun" - M.M. Sv'evin, "Gutta-the-boy" - D.

Grigorovich, "Steel Colek". "Warm bread" - K. Powesta, "Silver Xields", "Stone Flower" - P. Bazhov. "Kuste Lilan" - A.I. Kubrin, "Squa Burk" - A.N. Tolstoy, "Mary Poppins" - P.Trevers.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is M.Tven, "in the village". "Tanka", "Figures", "Snow Bull" - I.A. Bunin.

The reader's diary for children is a good tool to improve reading, the development of love for this lesson.

The main thing to plunge the child, come up with a colorful design and motivate him on his maintenance.

In the future, the older child (grade 3 or grade 4) will behave with a special interest and will try to read as much works as possible.

Useful video

Literature lessons at school are among the most interesting and fascinating. Many modern children are happy to read the epics and fairy tales, express their opinions about the plot and heroes, are not afraid to ask questions. But it is often not enough to get an excellent mark on this subject. We offer to get acquainted with several recommendations that will help to figure out how to make a reader's diary.

What it is

The reader's diary for a schoolboy is a thick notebook, in which students write out the quotes from the studied work, retell its plot. The benefits of such a work is indisputable: if necessary, to prepare for the control or writing of the essay, you do not need to re-read the text, just open your diary and refresh the event or heroes in memory.

Secrets of decoration

How to make a reader's diary correctly, so that it is convenient to use?

  • First of all, it is necessary to make numbering pages and content - it will help you quickly find the necessary work.
  • Be sure to indicate sections - "Oral folk creativity", "literature of the 18th century", "The literature of the 19th century", etc. The names of these sections should be written in large font, you can use printed capital letters and color handles. To keep the diary carefully, you need to use one color for one level headers.
  • Inside each major partition you need to highlight subsections. So, the "literature of the 19th century" will definitely include parts "Creativity Pushkin", "Poetry Lermontov", "Gogol", and other, depending on the school program. The name of the subsection also needs to be isolated by color, emphasize.

As a rule, at the school teacher, they do not put forward clear requirements for how to issue a reader's diary, because it is primarily a tip for the student. Therefore, you can freely show fantasy.

Features of form

A very convenient form is a table that includes such columns:

  • F. I. O. Author;
  • the name of the work;
  • basic heroes;
  • place and time of action;
  • key events or quotes.

It is very important to do in the table of the columns of various widths. The latter should be the bigst.

How to make a reader's diary without a table? You can write with solid text, emphasizing or highlighting the color name of works, authors and basic thoughts. Some students who have a rich fantasy themselves come up with schemes in which they reflect the relationships of the characters of the literary work and the events that occurred with them. Work on such a presentation of the material will require some time, it will not be possible to recall the text of the text.

Content specificity

How to make a reader's diary so that it is easy to prepare for writing an essay? First of all, when retelling, it is necessary to specify the pages of a book or textbook, where it is about a particular event. This will quickly find the necessary place in the text and quote.

A mandatory part of the diary are quotes from the work, helping to give a characteristic of the hero, to understand the author's design, the idea of \u200b\u200btext. They can be reduced if necessary, marking the place of reduction of ellipsis. It will be worthwhile to indicate the genre and the year of writing text, these data can be used in the introduction to an essay. Be sure to record difficult for pronouncing the names of characters, especially from ancient or foreign literature. This will save a lot of time, because they do not have to look for them on the book.

Younger schoolchildren can decorate their notebooks with illustrations and pictures.


Consider how to make a cover of the reader's diary. There are several ways:

  • The easiest - to buy a suitable notebook, on which it will be written "Reading Diary", just indicate our F. I. O. and class.
  • You can buy a regular notebook with a monochrome cover and show fantasy: stick an illustration from your favorite work, write a few you like quotes, beautiful letters (for example, in the old Slavonic style) withdraw the word "reader's diary". Then the notebook will become a real treasure of any student.
  • With the help of a conventional braid, you can make a bookmark: a braid is taken, the length of which is about 7 cm longer than the notebook, one end of it gently on the tape is glued in the upper left corner of the back cover, and the remaining part is laid on the required page. The cover can be saved and the cover.

We looked at how beautiful to make a reader's diary, so for many years he pleased his owner. It is not worth throwing away such a notebook, because when preparing for graduation and entrance exams in literature, the previously studied texts will be required. And diary owners do not have to go to the library.

Parent meeting number 4.

Topic: Why do you need a reader's diary.

Objective: To introduce the main purpose of introducing a reader's diary in elementary school and the requirements for its design.

Improving reading technology is one of the main tasks of learning junior schoolchildren. The formation of it not only as a student, but also as a personality, the formation of his relationship to teaching, school, teacher, comrades, class, class, to herself, is largely depends on the formation of children to read in many ways.

The maintenance of the reader diary will allow:

1) Like a book and reading process;
2) improve reading quality;
3) expand the horizons of the reader;
4) develop its creativity; 5) Teach a child to draw conclusions from the read, help the child better remember and understand the work.

In elementary school, students are very difficult to formulate their idea not that in writing, but even orally. Ask a child to say what he read about. At best, the child will begin to retell text very detail and it will delay for a long time. And to say to one sentence, what is written in this fairy tale, which teaches this story or the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text to express students 1- 2 and often even 3-4 classes will not be able to. They just do not know how to do it.

When conducting a reader diary, the child needs the main idea to write in a separate column and express in 1-2 sentences. So the child learns to conclude and express it to a very short phrase.

By making the analysis of the work, formulating withdrawal, the child better remembers the meaning of the work and, if necessary, it will easily remember this work.

By recording the author of the work, the main characters, the child remembers this data. If this work will be read on extracurricular reading, when holding contests, a quiz, a child, shedding your reader's diary, easily remember the heroes of the work, and the plot.

Reading various works and recording the total content in the reader, the child trains not onlyletter skills But learns to analyze the work, allocate the author's main idea, to understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader to the reader. The child develops reader's reader, reader culture.

Parents, controlling the reader's diary, can easily track the interests of the child, to understand what genre or direction more interested in the child and, if necessary, adjust the direction of reading, offer the child of another genre book.

How to make a reader's diary?

There is no single requirement for the design of the reader's diary in school. Therefore, each teacher introduces its requirements.

The main goal of the reader's diary is not to load the child and parents with additional work, but to teach draw conclusions and develop the reader's culture. Consequently, the requirements for the reading diary proceed from this purpose and they are minimal. When conducting a reader diary, it is necessary immediately after reading the work or chapter, if the work is large, write down your conclusions.

1. First you need to decide on the design of the reader diary. It is easiest way to get a simple notebook into a cage. On the title page you need to write: "Reading Diary", your name and surname, class (you can make a cover at your discretion).

2. Cut into several columns:

♦ reading date

♦ Product name,

♦ Main characters,

♦ My impressions of the read "What?" Here the child with the help of parents is written in 1-2 proposals the main thought of the text.

When writing information about the read book, you can hold the sample given in the table.

In addition, you can indicate the author's biography, put his photo.
Next, you need to list the main heroes of the book, you can give them a brief description.
The next point is the plot presentation (for example, where and when events occur, what is the conflict when it is solved, etc.)
Here are questions to help:
Describe the appearance of the hero.
Name the traits of its character.
What are his favorite classes?
Who is his friends? What are they?
Would you like to look like this hero? Than?
Is there anything that you do not like in it? Why?

3. What excerpt from the book liked (or remembered) most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you not indifferent? Write a few words about it. You can draw an illustration to the excerpt.
Can be issued differently:

If the book liked:

you can draw the hero you like or incur a picture coloring with him,

With regular filling it does not take much time, but the work is well fixes in the memory of the child. And then, when in the school year, we spend quizzes, extracurricular reading, children turn to their reader's diary and remember what stories they read what heroes are in fairy tales, the authors of works and other data. Moreover, if the work is large, and the child reads slowly, you can record individual chapters.

Teach your child to conduct a reader's diary from the first class, help him in the second, and then the child will do it himself. By spending quite a bit of time to fill the reader diary, you teach the child to analyze the read, better understand and memorize books, form the reader's culture.


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CL. Head of Demin V.O. How to arrange a "reader's diary"

Improving reading technology is one of the main tasks of learning junior schoolchildren.

Maintaining a reader diary will allow: 1) Like a book and reading process; 2) improve reading quality; 3) expand the horizons of the reader; 4) develop its creativity; 5) Teach a child to draw conclusions from the read, help the child better remember and understand the work.

The main goal of the reader's diary is not to load the child and parents with additional work, but to teach draw conclusions and develop the reader's culture.

How to issue a "reader's diary" on the title page you need to write: "Reading diary", your name and surname, class (you can make a cover at your discretion).

In the notebook, specify: reading the name of the work by the main characters of my impressions of the read "What?" Here, the child with the help of parents is written in 1-2 sentences the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

When writing information about the read book, you can hold the sample given in the table. Date of product name Author names and main characters My impressions read 30.01. 2015 "Unknown Flower" Andrei Platonovich Platonov (real names of Climen) was born on September 1, 1899 in the Yamsk Sloboda, the suburb of Voronezh. 1.Desha 2. The next flower is the story of a small flower who wanted to live. I was very sad when I read that an unknown flower died. The tale teaches us not to be afraid of difficulties, but to do everything to "not live in sad."

Here are questions to help: Describe the appearance of the hero. Name the traits of its character. What are his favorite classes? Who is his friends? What are they? Would you like to look like this hero? Than? Is there anything that you do not like in it? Why? What excerpt from the book did you like the most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you not indifferent?

Cover diary

Cover diary

Cover diary

Diary page

Memo "Learn to read correctly" watching eyes moving on line. Try not to return to reading a read word, if I understood it. When reading, be attentive to each word. Try to understand what you read. Read daily: out loud to ourselves ..

Train in reading every day