Themes to fill a personal diary. How to arrange a personal diary: Ideas for LD

Themes to fill a personal diary. How to arrange a personal diary: Ideas for LD
Themes to fill a personal diary. How to arrange a personal diary: Ideas for LD

Almost all the great people led diaries, where they recorded their thoughts, experiences and observations. If you want to follow their example and entrust the feelings of paper, then be sure to read this article. In it, you can learn interesting ideas for a personal diary, as well as learn how to create creative design and learn how to record issues.

Who needs a diary for?

Each person needs a personal space where even the closest person will not be able to enter without an invitation. The diary is the very corner where everyone can describe their feelings without censorship. Such records allow you to look at yourself from the part, to estimate the current state of affairs and make the necessary conclusions. No wonder psychologists and psychotherapists recommend to their patients to keep records, and then read them on sessions.

What can we talk about adults on all sides. Parents, school teachers, tutors and coaches require high results from young people, excellent marks and exemplary behavior. To remove a strong psychological stress, teenagers need to be expressed. And for this purpose, it is impossible to regularly suit the regular records with the description of your feelings and experiences.

Electronic diary

What ideas for a personal diary are especially popular with modern adolescents? Of course, these are electronic records. Internet sites, social networks and specialized computer programs seduce their users with interesting proposals for personal notes. Thanks to progress, each person can originally arrange its page, add photos and videos, 3D-wallpapers, volumetric backgrounds and audio signatures.

The indisputable plus of this form of the diary is that no one can read it. To do this, you just need to put a password for the program. If you are not an experienced user and are afraid that you will not be able to establish enough protection, then better contact your profile specialist. Now you will be absolutely calm for the safety of your records and you can enjoy complete privacy.

However, when conducting electronic diaries, there is one big minus - you can not hold them in your hands, hiking the pages or ink the smell of ink.

Read interesting ideas for a personal diary that we describe below and try to implement them. Imagine how pleasant you will read your children's recordings in a few years and smile, remembering difficult school years.

As a rule, the boys are shy up to start a notebook or notebooks marked "personal". They prefer to express their emotions in more active activities or hide in the worldwide cobwebs. But each girl at least once in his life tried to conduct personal records. Traditionally, the ideas for the diary can be divided into the following categories:

Ideas for making a personal diary

  • Record your thoughts with the help of pens, pencils, markers and markers of different colors.
  • Addition of handwritten text with pictures cut from glossy magazines.
  • The description of the events occurred using small drawings or comics of its own production.
  • Creating thematic pages. For example, you can choose the topic "Plans for autumn", "What do I want to learn this year?" and supplement them at any time.
  • Zoning sheets with different colors: mix shades and complement them with drawings. Against this background, recording will look especially interesting and expressive.
  • Making pockets for storing cute hearts of things - notes, tickets in cinema and photos.

Ideas for a personal diary can be invented every day. For creative personalities, we are confident, it will not be any difficulty. For those who are just starting to navigate the sea of \u200b\u200bnew ideas, we advise you to consider photos of the original pages and draw inspiration in them.

  • Record all the thoughts that visit you. Do not hesitate to emotions anger, resentment or envy. Pouring these unpleasant feelings on the pages of the diary, you can relax and switch to something more pleasant.
  • Try not to do big breaks in the records: the regularity of the reference will help you better assess the situation.
  • Collect new ideas for a personal diary: Feel free to adopt the best from your girlfriends or friends, as well as look for inspiration on the Internet.
  • Do not be boring: Describe the whole range of your emotions, enhance their own drawings and use a variety of expressive means.


As you know, a personal diary is a secret and innermost part of the soul. It can not be kept in positive or show all families. Agreed with loved ones that they do not take care of your notebook without permission and in no case read the recordings made by you.

If you do not trust them, arrange a cache and store the diary in it. In addition, you can come up with a secret cipher and write entries with it. This method will take a little longer, but gradually acquire a special appeal.

How to arrange a personal diary - a question that worries very many. And not just arrange, but make your personal diary one of the most beautiful and original. You can stick to some one style of registration, and you can fill it with a variety of various ideas. What are the ideas for LD to choose?

How to arrange a personal diary

First, let's talk about the cover of your diary. It must be remembered that the cover is the face of your personal diary. It must be neat! Decorate the cover of wrapping paper, or make it in a denim style. You can decorate the cover with beads or bright beautiful buttons.

It is also very important to make the beautiful and original first page of a personal diary. Here you can glue your photo (as an avatar on social network). You can draw some big beautiful drawing - invitation to visit the diary.

How to arrange a personal diary inside

How to arrange a personal diary Inside? You can make a variety of interesting pages.

Pages ideas for LD.:

  • page about your favorite movie;
  • page of beloved music;
  • sweet page;
  • page of secrets;
  • desires page;
  • dream page;
  • love Is ...
  • page Friendship or Page About Best Friend;
  • page favorite poems;
  • fashion page;
  • page of your hobbies.

And a lot - many other interesting pages! It all depends only on your imagination!

More ideas for a personal diary

Of the artistic materials for the execution of personal LDs, absolutely everything will be suitable! And do not forget about the beautiful hand writing! If it is written beautifully - it's always nice!

Want to see photos of beautiful personal diaries? Then go through this

If a person felt the need to sort out himself, he sits down for writing a personal diary. But it's not always that everything turns out right away, and some are faced with what they do not know where to start and how it is done. That's about Tom and talk.

Personal diary: Why?

Many people, however, more often are pretty young girls, in a certain period of their lives begin to lead personal diaries.

What is it connected with:

  1. First, with the need to deal with yourself, decompose all the feelings and emotions on the shelves. This is characteristic of people who are prone to self-analysis, creative and very thinly feeling.
  2. Keep diaries begin because of the need to speak. Not always and not everyone can say even the mother, but paper, as they say, everything is erased and will not blush. At the age of 14 and to infinity (about the then, the overwhelming majority and appeals to the epistolar genre, and many continue to write to the end of life) new and incomprehensible things begin to occur with a person. They are connected with adulthood, with the first feelings, with sex ripening. This is deeply intimate, so many people turn to the diary.
  3. Some just love to write. They are interested in them, they leave evidence of their history, and then they are happy to reread and recall semi-forgotten details. And if you felt that it was time to sit on the diary - take and start.

How to start

A personal diary is similar to school only in that it should also be the dates. A person writes his story, shares his experiences with himself, tells about the latest events.

All this is necessarily dating and beautifully drawn up. How - about it a little later. In the meantime, let's talk about how it is done at all.


And sometimes a person sits down for a personal diary simply because I want so much. Without any specific purpose. And it is also quite normal, because in general it is now about deep personal activities.

Selection of tools

The next step is the choice of toolkit. Now in stores there is simply a limitless choice of different notebooks, notebooks and other office.

You can even choose a diary on a printed basis, beautifully rated and having cute locks. The key will be only yours, so no one has no secrets.

What exactly to stop your choice is the case of the taste of each person. Someone is more convenient to take a large notebook format A4, and someone will prefer to hide their secrets into a miniature notebook, easily fit into the palm. In any case, your personal diary you are free to arrange in your own preferences.

You can write with multi-colored handles, emphasize the main thoughts and highlight important events, there you can even depict all sorts of pictures and stick funny stickers. In general, do everything that the soul wants!

And finally, modern high technologies offer another version of the diary - electronic. Many of us have already learned to write on paper, but they own the keyboard perfectly.

You can write the story of my own life and on a computer, and both personally only for myself, keeping in closed passwords folders and laying out on the expanses of the World Wide Web. But it will be blogs. And now it's not about them.

When to write

And the third question is when to start writing? In principle, again, there is no specific answer, and can not be. Write when the soul requires.

Many prefer to surrender to internal experiences before bedtime, when no one is disturbing and you can safely think about the events and listen to yourself. Probably, this is the most optimal time. But again, not for everyone.

The diary is the state of the soul, shifted on paper (or to the hard disk of the computer), and it will only then be alive and real when it will be written at the request of the soul.

Not from under the stick, not because "I started to lead, and now I have to do it every day," just - when I want. At such moments everything will be obtained by itself.

How to bet

Again, as the soul will be pleased. But still, there are some and generally accepted rules for maintaining and designing a personal diary. Still, this is one of the varieties of the epistolary genre and obey some of the requirements of the diary. Even if it is personal.

First of all, it is impossible to throw a diary for a long time. Ideally, he should be written every day, with the obligatory designation of the date.

Sometimes, if in one day a person carries out several records, he makes the mark "a little later", "later in the evening", "after a while." This is how time consideration is created, gives a certain effect of presence.

In general, a personal diary is deep mental work. Therefore, there can be no strict frames here. The main thing is not to leave for a long time without attention.

Where to hide

Since we are talking about the main repository of personal secrets, make a diary - it's not all. It is important to hide well. And here is a limitless space for fantasy.

Remove it into your personal items, many hide the same way where the underwear is cleaned. It is unlikely that someone will rummage in such a place except you. You can shove deep into the closet, you can remove under the pillow, and the bed is carefully fixed. Someone goes even further and hides deeply under the mattress.

Others prefer to always wear their diary with them. And this is understandable for two reasons: first, if he is with you all the time, no one will find it. And secondly, if suddenly inspiration comes outside the house - you can sit down and write. And then again to hide the precious notebook (or notepad) inside its spacious bag.

For greater conspiracy, you can buy diaries with a lock, for sure no one will look at them, even if it will be accidentally detected.

Ideas for registration

Since we are talking about deeply personal items, then it is how to make it - the case of the preferences of the owner itself. You can somehow decorate with your own original, sticking interesting stickers or painting with different ornaments of the field.

You can also put funny pictures or images in the diary that correspond to the condition of the soul. In the electronic diary it is even easier - you can download and insert the desired drawing.

What to write

And what could you tell yourself? Yes, almost all that your heart! Different secrets, experiences, stories easily can be filling a personal diary.

You can write some facts, even the prices of new clothes - then read about it will be interesting. The more details seemingly minor and empty, the more rich and alive will be recorded.

All that currently may seem nonsense, then become an invaluable memory. And the more such little things and nonsense will be in your diary, the more expensive it will be for you.

If you briefly summarize, then all you need for a classic personal diary:

  1. A great desire to keep records of yourself. Sit down to write only when you really want.
  2. Accessories that meet the mood. Get your own stickers and marks; So it will be even more interesting.
  3. Application. Draw in your diary, draw the diagrams, try to easily arrange information.
  4. Accents on trifles. Fix as many details as possible, little things, then the diary will become more alive and interesting.
  5. Frankness with yourself. Write about the intimate, say everything. This is your personal diary, and the secrets should not be from yourself.

Drive diaries, live your own soul through them - and you will open something beautiful and infinitely deep. Or rather - you yourself.

Video: Ideas for registration

In this article we will analyze what ideas for a personal diary can be adopted so that it turns out beautiful and stylish. After all, not everyone will like to make recordings in ordinary notebook.

Adults also write thoughts on paper. Imagine that you have something happened at work, and you think what to do. Having written your thoughts in the notebook, you go to sleep. In the morning, calming down, re-read what they wrote and come to completely different conclusions.

And some people write poetry that do not show anyone. If you write them just on leaves, you can confuse. Need a separate notebook. Especially the poems can be signed by their thoughts.

How to make a cover?

To begin with, you should buy a notebook. Simple notebooks are suitable, without drawings, but with a dense cover. And then everything will depend on your imagination. You can take ideas from the Internet, but it is better to come up with a design yourself that the diary does not have analog.

Interestingly and unusually look the cover, stitched from the fabric. It is not impossible to attach it to the notebook, as it will be painted and will have to wash. For registration it is better to take a cotton fabric, as it is easier to work with it.

Some craftswomen embroider on fabric drawings with threads or beads. Undoubtedly, such covers will affect all the owners of notebooks with secrets. What is not an idea for a gift? It is useful to any girl or a girl.

The tradition of creating and decorating personal books came from the last century. Then there was a thread, pins, buttons, pieces of fabric, lace, beads. You can borrow the ideas of our great-grandfathers. Turn on the fantasy and create a miracle with your own hands.

First page

After placing the cover, you need to come up with how to decorate a turn. On the first page, you should specify the data about yourself. It can be written not only the date of birth or place of residence, but also information about what you love. For example, tell us about your favorite actors, films and your hobby. Next to attach your photo.

On the second page you can write some favorite aphorism or poem. Perhaps you have a motto? Then boldly write here. Or maybe you are a talented poet or artist? In this case, declare it!

The original drawings on the first two pages will not only decorate the diary, but also will decompose your individuality. You can borrow ideas from artists or come up with some drawings yourself. For example, Dudling and Zentahl are now popular. The drawings in these styles will not only serve as an ornament, but also help to relax and forget about problems at the time of drawing.

Registration inside

Our grandmothers and moms in the diaries turned common notebooks. The decorations served different tenderloin of newspapers and magazines, candies from candies and zhwamk. His thoughts were recorded with multi-colored handles, pencils, markers. In the yard almost 2017 and there were more opportunities for creativity.

To each page attracted the attention of the hostess, you need to make them colorful. You can use the traditional style and simply write with multi-colored handles. If there is no desire to record anything, then you can cut and stick a picture from the magazine that characterizes your mood.

Some apart the airtal sheets with paints. It is best to do this watercolor. With it, you can create patterns that will not only be beautiful, but also unique. Just do not forget to glue two sheets before painting them. Then the paper will not fight.

Imagine how the records will look beautiful, after which small images are glued. Reading logs, save cool pictures. They will be useful for you. Some cut out of colored paper or cardboard card. They write beautiful quotes, thoughts or their own events. You can find cards on the Internet and print them. They look very original on paper.

We do with your own hands

Do not necessarily buy a notebook. You can enable fantasy and create your own masterpiece. For a girl, it is important to be able to make something with your own hands, so it's best to make a diary yourself. Moreover, there are a huge selection of products for creativity.

So, in order to create your creation, you will need colored paper. We require the sheets of the same size. If all of them are different, then measure the desired size and cut out. We fold them in half and lay aside. Now proceed to the cover. For her, you will need a cardboard. We are going to any cloth. Cool covers are obtained if used for this felt and lace. The cover also lay down in half.

Now you need to flash all the sheets and the cover at the scene of the fold. You can make it with multi-colored threads. Cover decorate any ways. You can just stick some kind of pretty postcard. There is another option, how to combine the sheets among themselves. It is not necessary to fold. Attach them to each other on the side, using laces or light, small rings. The tips of the shoelars can be decorated with beads.

Calendar in diary

You decide what you will write. Agree, it is boring just to describe your life every day. In such a diary, important entries will be difficult to find. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute them with something. It will be interesting to look a calendar drawn in the diary. It is not necessary to paint every month with numbers. It is enough just to write seasons. For example, now winter. So, before writing your thoughts, you need to specify this time of year.

Attach a beautiful picture with winter species to decorate the page. You can list the winter months by making each drawing. And maybe you will have inspiration on writing poem. If not, then rewrite the verse of your favorite poet. Fantasy here can be limitless.

By the way, soon the new year, which means it is time to prepare gifts. Why not write a list of gifts for relatives and friends in your personal notebook? Very often we forget that they gave our friends. Having written this list, you will not only do not forget, but also be able to determine the gifts faster. Each holiday can be devoted to a separate page, be it Christmas, birthday or Halloween. Make a beautiful signature with colored handles or markers, draw. So you will not get lost in your records. Moreover, colorful pages attract attention.

What else to dilute the records?

In the life of each person there are not only positive moments, but also sad. Each page with such entries can be allocated differently. If you write on a sad topic, then place an image of a rainy day or sad girl. If something is pleasant happened, do something funny. To all your adventures, select individual pages.

Those girls who are engaged in sports can be noted about their sports achievements, supporting their photos. If you plan to put some record, then the personal photos will be as impossible by the way. According to them, you can trace how you went to your goal.

Esoteric lover can point out information about their horoscope in the diary. Write down at the beginning of the month that stars predict. At the end of the month you can check whether something has matched or not. The same can be done with predictions per year.

To keep a diary, you need a positive attitude. Do not sit for its design in a bad mood, because you can spoil everything. The main thing is that this masterpiece like you yourself. Only in this case from their records you will receive a charge of cheerfulness and positive.

When you make notes, never lie yourself. You must record your innermost thoughts. No one, besides you, will not see them, so they pronounce everything you think. What can be secrets from themselves?

Ideas for a personal diary, as you understand, can be different. Do not forget how your secret notebook will be colorful, the more interesting to reread it. Come up with some marks that will fit your mood. It may be stickers or some small drawings.

When designing, do not miss any detail. It can be different little things that are converted to a diary beyond recognition. After all, any person is interesting to read not solid text, but diluted with drawings, photographs and other interesting things. You can even draw some schemes.

You should not just make notes, diluting something colorful, and invest in your creation soul. If you do not have any thoughts, it is better not to write anything. Without a desire, the masterpiece will not work. Inspire, invent something new and will definitely work out.

How to make a personal diary? Perhaps this question came to mind to each of us, if not in the youth, then in adulthood certainly.

And in this, strictly speaking, there is nothing surprising. Why? The thing is that, according to experts, the desire to streamline their thoughts in writing (or printed) form sooner or later arises from many, although, of course, not everyone is ready to organize themselves to lead such records every day.

However, this article will not only tell about how to arrange a personal diary in practice. The reader learns in more detail about why it is worth to take a rule to record the most important events, as affected by decision making, and so that such notes look so pleasant that you want to return to them, experiencing once again what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, year or decade ago.

Section 1. What is a personal diary? Let us define the concept

According to the data obtained by modern encyclopedias, it is possible to formulate a definition. In accordance with it, under the diary, you should understand a number of fragmentary records that are conducted for themselves. Usually notes of this kind are made regularly indicating the date and reflect the events from the author's life, its feelings and thoughts.

Before talking about how to make a personal diary, I would like to note that in general it is a written genre that shape your "I", experience and individuality. Simultaneously with this direction, the forms of autobiography and memoirs are developing.

Section 2. Lich Bed Beginning

It is said that, let's say, pick pictures for a personal diary is easy. This, if desired, can not be done at all, but with some nuances in fact, many people have some difficulties.

So why start? How to arrange the pages of a personal diary so that the desire to fill his own events of his own life has disappeared, say, after a couple of weeks, and then days?

Of course, it will not be about electronic records or blog, but about the paper diary. How to arrange a personal diary inside, in the first case more or less understandable, because in the virtual space there is a mass of all kinds of templates.

And if you ever thought about why, in principle, the desire to lead their personal records appears? Psychologists argue that adolescents, for example, most often begin to do it spontaneously and unconsciously. Becoming older, refer to this completely differently.

Someone sees in the diary of an understanding and confidence interlocutor. For such people, the question of how to arrange a personal diary outside. It should be beautiful, tidy and cause positive emotions.

For someone it is an opportunity to realize your life, to understand the mistakes and become better. And for others it is a memorable book about any stage of life. Everyone has its own goal.

Most likely, a certain criterion, how to make a personal diary correctly, does not exist at all. True, it is for the better, otherwise all records of such a plan would be completely deprived of creativity and originality.

In general, a diary can be any paper base:

  • simple paper sheets on which thoughts are written, and then they are fastened in a separate folder;
  • diary bought in the store, or a notebook made by hand;
  • total notebook decorated to your liking.

In general, the choice of appearance and the shape of the diary remains for its author.

When to keep a diary? Casual affairs and the truth takes a lot of time, but you can always select moments for records. This occupation does not require obligations. It is necessary to work with the diary when it wants it. Otherwise, he may subsequently cause irritation.

Someone loves to fix their events every day, and someone recalls the diary once a month. This is the personal business of its owner. In any case, make the record of your thoughts or quotes from your favorite book - it is not so difficult, but also is an important part of life.

Section 3. Are there any defined rules?

When working with a diary, there are no concepts "right" or "wrong". This is a creative process when it is best to stay alone and relax. No need to think about your appearance and opinions of other people. Even the spelling does not require special attention. And let the text allowed errors.

However, there is one important point with which you need to decide. Personal diary is an item that can be affordable and accidentally get into the hands of other people. For example, children, relatives, etc.

Decide, I would like it to you. If not, it is worth finding a hidden corner for a diary, but you can not hide, just writing your thoughts and events. But in the latter case, he, of course, will not be secret.

Section 4. How to issue a personal diary (photos, pictures and paper cuts) and is it worth doing this?

The design of the inside of the diary depends on the desire and free time. If a creative mood is felt, you can, of course, implement it on the pages.

What to fix in the diary? Ideas for filling:

  • say today's case and describe emotions at this moment, you can even display it all in the figure;
  • praise and write a compliment yourself;
  • glisten a favorite photograph, stick a recipe from a magazine or a movie ticket where you went with your second half;
  • write text from your favorite song, anecdote or names of read books;
  • draw their alarms and fears;
  • glue the envelope and invest letters there or important notes;
  • liked the dress - make it sketch in the diary;
  • merrate a cheerful collage of magazine clippings or draw your dream;
  • from the negative will help to get rid of the simple painting of the sheet with a black marker.

Personal diary can contain everything that is important at that time to its author. Exterior appearance - also in the hands of its creator. To do this, let's use magazines, photos, color pencils and paper, packaging, ribbons, etc. Decorative covers made by their own hands will allow the diary a new look.

Section 5. What should I remember?

Although there are no certain rules of how to issue a personal diary, general recommendations are still present.

  • Determine the diary form (notepad, notebook or electronic form). In any case, it must be a good quality to be stored for a long time.
  • Guarantee yourself the presence of high-quality and convenient stationery (handle, pencil).
  • Select time for records. This will help do work with a diary habit. To immediately write down your thoughts, it is better to choose a pocket notepad, and at the end of the day transfer to general records.
  • The situation is of great importance. To begin with, you can write at different times and in different places. So it turns out to find a convenient option. The main thing is that nothing bothered and was comfortable.
  • Fix the date and time. This will help in the future clearly recreate the picture of the recorded events. Diary is a source of information that helps analyze the situation and errors.
  • Record thoughts standing at the time of their occurrence. If difficult, describe important events of the day. It doesn't matter that the thought is correctly formulated or mistakes in the text. Feel free to record all your thoughts and sensations. Freely express everything you think. This is the purpose of the diary.
  • Creative approach is necessary. Use different written styles, make sketches or collages.
  • Decide with the volume of records to leave something for tomorrow. It is important to stay on time.
  • Re-read your records. This will help analyze the situation and make amendments to notes.
  • Continue to keep a diary. Try to write regularly. The more information in it, the more valuable becomes.

Section 6. Personal schoolboy diary. Rules and advice

  • From the very beginning, the schoolboy needs to determine the appointment of a diary. It may contain a workout schedule or a timekeeping of events, the impressions of the read books, etc. The diary can be carried out on the task of the teacher.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to compliance with the schedule of reference. Do not leave tasks for the last day. You can set an alarm clock or ask for adults to remind you.
  • Date every new record.
  • Record start with the preamble. When filling in the diary, on the instructions of the teacher, the learned theme and application of the knowledge gained is described first. The most important passages from books are quoted and accompanied by a personal opinion.
  • In conclusion, the impressions of the task are described. For example, if you need to write about the book read, then share your characters or events.
  • The diary is from the first person ("I", "mine" or "mine").
  • Stick the volume of records. Usually recording contains 200-300 words.
  • Make output. The record must be summarized. For example, "Today I learned that ...", "I would like to know more about ...".

Section 7. Electronic Diaries

The electronic diary helps to tell about anything and gain new acquaintances. You can only lead it for yourself or open a specific circle of users.

In general, this is a great tool for solving internal conflicts. Tags created to records make it easy to find the necessary information and date. Such a diary is not lost and will not fall in other people's hands. There are no restrictions on the volume of records and storage time. You can attach pictures and photos to the records.

Section 8. The role of a diary from a psychological point of view

The diary helps to analyze their actions, look at himself. This allows you to find your drawbacks and dignity. On paper, fears and negative emotions can be reflected, without splashing them on others, which will avoid real conflict.

The diary, according to specialists, is simply necessary to improve their self-esteem and understanding life.

  • Start writing and do not rush. After the break in the records, do not try to fill this space. Continue writing the events of the present time, and the necessary memories will come to mind and fall on the pages.
  • If you overwhelms the negative, you should not dwell on it, because at that time there were good moments.
  • Apply direct speech.
  • Stay in time.
  • Summarize the last day.
  • A successful diary can be the basis for memoirs.
  • Fix dates and time.
  • Specify the contact details of your friends in the records. It is interesting to read in the future.