Alexander Afanasyev cherished fairy tales read. Russian cherished fairy tales gathered by A.N

Alexander Afanasyev cherished fairy tales read. Russian cherished fairy tales gathered by A.N
Alexander Afanasyev cherished fairy tales read. Russian cherished fairy tales gathered by A.N

| Site collection
| Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev
| Cepete Russian fairy tales

He lived his grandfather da Baba. Grandfather says Baba:
"You, Baba, Peka Pies, and I will go for fish."
I caught fish and brings whole WHO home. Here he is going and sees: the chanterelle rolled out with a camber and lies on the road.
Grandfather tears from the war, came up to a chanterelle, and she would not worry, lies herself as dead.
"That will be a gift to his wife," said Grandfather, took a chanterelle and put on WHO, and he went ahead.
And the chanterelle immediately raised the time and began to throw away from the war from the war, everything is fish and fish, everything is fish and fish. Raised all the fish and left herself.
"Well, the old woman," says grandfather, "I brought you to a fur coat."
- Where?
- There, on the car, - and the fish and collar.
Baba came to Vasu: No collar, no fish, and began to scold her husband:
- Oh, you! .. such a fucking! You still thought to deceive! - Here the grandfather saved that chanterelle was not dead; Growned, chapped, but there is nothing to do.
And the chanterelle gathered the whole fish scattered on the road in a pile, sat down and eats themselves. To meet her a wolf:
- Hello, Kumushka!
- Hello, Kumanes!
- Give me fish!
- Naoul himself, and eat.
- I can not.
- Eka, because I caught up; You, Kumanes, go on the river, lower the tail in the hole - the fish itself is joining the tail, but look, sitting longer, and then do not caress.
The wolf went to the river, lowered the tail in the hole; The matter was winter. He sat, sat, the whole night promoted, his tail and live; I tried to lift: it was not there.
"Eka, how many fish took, and do not pull out!" - He thinks.
It looks, and women go beyond water and shout, enjoying gray:
- Wolf, Wolf! Bate him! Bate him!
They came running and began to bang a wolf - who is a fishe, who is a bucket than who fell. The wolf jumped, jumped, tear off his tail and got started to run away.
"Good," thinks, "I will repay you, the bitterness!"
And a fox-sister, the attempts of the fish, wanted to try whether it would be possible to pull something else; He climbed into one hut, where women baked pancakes, but got his head in a tub with a dough, smeared and runs. And the wolf towards it:
- So you teach you? I felt all myself!
- Eh, Kumanek, - says the sister-sister, - you even made the blood, and I have a brain, I knubled me; I will rush.
- And that is true, "says Wolf," where you, a naughty, to go; Sit on me, I will take you.
The chanterelle sat down on his back, he suffered it.

Here is a dead sister sits, yes slowly and says:
- Bitted Nebitant lucky, broken unborn lucky.
- What are you, Kumushka, say?
- I, Kumanes, I say: the battered is lucky.
- So, the bitterness, so! ..

Fox walked on the track and found a lapto, came to the man and asks:
- Host, let me spend the night.
He says:
- Nowhere, Lieonka! Closely!
- Yes, if you need a lot of space! I myself am on the bench, and the tail under the shop.
Let her sleep overnight; She says:
- Put my lapto to your chickens.
Put, and Lonyka got up and abandoned her lap. In the morning get up, she asks her lap, and the owners say:
- Lynonya, because he disappeared!
- Well, give me a chicken for him.
He took a chicken, comes to another house and asks for her chicken in the Masterian Guskov. At night, the fox shook the chicken and got the morning of the Guska for her.
Comes to a new house, asks to sleep and says that her Guska planted to the lambs; Again, I cheat, took a lamb for the Guska and went back in one house.
It remained to spend the night and asks to put her lamb to the host bumps. At night, Lononya stole her lamb, and in the morning she demands that a bull gave her for him.
All - both the chicken, and the Guska, and the lamb, and the bull - she dismissed, the meat straightened, and the bull's skin was straw and put on the road.
There is a bear with a wolf, and Lisa says:
- Flight, Stop Sani, let me ride.
Here they were stolen and sleigh and clamp, bullshit, sat down everything in Sani; Fox began to rule and shouts:
- Shini, shin, bull, straw bar! Sani strangers, do not have their own, chase - do not stand!
Bull naughty.
She jumped out of the sleigh and screamed:
- Stay, fools! - And herself left.
The bear with a wolf was delighted and well, to tear bulls: Diva, tear, see that one skin and straw, shook their heads and diverged home.

Lived - were Kum with Kuma - a wolf with a fox. They had a poker a pox. And the fox loves sweet; Lies Kuma with a kum in the hut yes stealing tails.
"Kuma, Kuma," said Wolf, "someone knocks."
- A, know, I'm called me! - murms fox.
"So go," says Wolf.
Here is Kuma from the hut yes straight to honey, looked and returned back.
- What gave God? - asks the wolf.
- Pill, - Lisa is responsible.
Another time again lies Cuma Yes, tails tails.
- Kuma! Someone is knocking, "says Wolf.
- Before, know, name!
- So go.
Fox went, yes again to honey, having gone away; Medka only on the bottom left.
Comes to the wolf.

- Sereyshka.
For the third time, again, the fox of a wolf was also deceived and plized the whole medal.
- What gave God? - asks her wolf.
- Embrellas.
Lives for a long time, briefly - a fox crashed, asks Kuma Medka to bring. I went kum, and honey neither crumbs.
"Kuma, Kuma," the wolf shouts, "because Honey is eaten."
- How is eaten? Who ate? To whom the area you! - Matches the fox.
Wolf and stink and comes.
- Oh well! - Says Lisitsa. - Let's lay down in the sun, who has honey, he is to blame.
Send, lay down. Lisea will not sleep, and the gray wolf snaps into the entire mouth. Look, look, at the Kuma, it seemed to the medical unit; She is more likely to pass it on the wolf.
- Kum, Kum, - Pushes Wolf, is that what? That's who ate!
And the wolf, nothing to do, obeyed.
Here is a fairy tale, and I can cry oil.

Lived, there were fox yes hare. The fox had an icy, but a bunny Lubyana; Spring has come Red - the fox melted, and the bunny stands in the old way.
Lisa asked the bunny to warm up, and the bunny was kicked out.
Going an expensive bunny yes cries, and he meets the dog:
- Toffee, etc., etc. What, bunny, cry?
And the bunny says:
- Loose, dogs! How don't I cry? I had an ejection of the Lubyana, and the fox of ice was asked to me to me, and I was kicked out.
- Do not cry, bunny! - They say dogs. - We will fade it.
- No, do not voluntarily!
- No, will be fused!
Approached the element:
- Toffee, etc., etc. Look, fox, won!
And she is with the furnace:

Dogs were frightened and left.
Bunny again goes yes crying. He meets the bear:
- What are the bunny, cry?
And the bunny says:
- Leave, Bear! How don't I cry? I had a false label, and in fox ice; She ascended to me, yes I was kicked out.
- Do not cry, bunny! - Says the Bear. - I will save her.
- No, you will not campaign! Dogs driven - not kicked out, and you will not be expelled.
- No, I will save!
Let's drive:
- Look, fox, won!
And she from the furnace:
- How to jump out how to emphasize, the shreds will go on the vuls!
The bear was frightened and left.
Going again the bunny yes cries, and he meets the bull:
- What, bunny, cry?
- Leave, bull! How don't I cry? I had a false label, and in fox ice; She ascended to me, yes I was kicked out.
- Let's go, I will save her.
- No, bull, you will not be expel! Dogs drove - not kicked out, the bear was driven - did not drive out, and you will not be expel.
- No, I will save.
Approached the element:
- Look, fox, won!
And she from the furnace:
- How to jump out how to emphasize, the shreds will go on the vuls!
Bull was frightened and left.
Going again the bunny yes cries, and he meets the rooster with oblique:
- Cooker! What a bunny, cry?
- Leave, cock! How don't I cry? I had a false label, and in fox ice; She ascended to me, yes I was kicked out.
- Let's go, I will save.
- No, you will not campaign! Dogs driven - did not kicked out, the bear was driven - did not kill, the bull challenged - did not drive out, and you will not be expel!
- No, I will save!
Approached the element:

And she heard, frightened, says:
- Dress up ...
Rooster again:
- Cooker! I carry a braid on the shoulders, I want a fox in the garden! Look, fox, won!
And she says:
- I put on a fur coat.
Rooster for the third time:
- Cooker! I carry a braid on the shoulders, I want a fox in the garden! Look, fox, won!
Fox ran out; He slammed her bias and began to live with a bunny Yes, but to wait good.
Here is a fairy tale, and I cry oil.

Once Lisa, all the big autumn night pulled out in the forest not the European forest. At the dawn she came running to the village, climbed the yard to the man and climbed into a nasha.
Just crunged and wanted to grab one chicken, and the cock had time to sing: suddenly he shouted the wings, flooded his feet and shouted in his throat.
Fox with seascale, so with fear flew, that the weeks were lying in the fever.
Once it was how the rooster go to the forest - to get roaring, and I wake him up for a long time; He hid behind the bush and waitles whether the rooster will soon fit. And the rooster saw a dry tree, took off on him and sits myself.
At that time, the fox boringly seemed to wait, wanted to save the rooster from the tree; I thought, I thought, and I came up with: let him take it.
Suitable for wood and began to ride:
- Hello, Peten!
"Why did her shuffle lifted?" - Knuck thinks.
And Lisa is starting with his hectares:
"I want you, Petya, I wanted to instruct the true way and teach reason." Here you are, Petya, you have fifty wives, and I have never been to confession. Shot to me to see me, and I will take everything sins with you and I will not sum up on laughter.
The rooster began to descend lower and lower and hit the fox in the paws.
Grabbed his fox and says:
- Now I will ask you to heat! You will answer me for everything; Move, the clodnik and the packed, about your thin things! Remember how I came to the autumn night and wanted to use one Kenquec, and at that time three days did not eat anything, and you slammed the wings and flooded my feet! ..
- Ah, Fox! - Says the rooster. - Affectionate your words, led princess! Here our bishop will soon have a feast; At that time, I will ask you to make you will be done, and we will have a soft crucifier with you, the eve of sweet, and will go about us the glory of good.
Lisa dissolved the paws, and the rooster - porch on the oak.

The man's man paked, a bear came to him and he says to him:
- Guy, I'll break you!
- No, do not waves; I'm swaying my turnip, myself will take at least the roots, and you will give you the tops.
- To be, - said the bear, - if you deceive - so in the wood of firewood to me, at least do not go!
He said and went to Dubrov.
It's time: a man's peasant is digging, and the bear from Dubrova gets out:
- Well, man, let's share!
- Okay, Medvedushka! Let me bring you the tops, - and took him the tops of the top.
The bear was satisfied with the honest section.
Here the man turned his turnip on WHO and brought to the city to sell, and the bear towards him:
- Guy, where are you going?
- But, Medvedushka, I'm going to the city of root to sell.
- Dai-ka try, what is the root!
The man gave him a turnip.
Bear as ate:
"Ah," called, "you deceived me, a man!" Fur your sweets. Now do not go to me along the firewood, and then it is planned!
The man has grown out of the city and is afraid to go to the forest; Fire and shelves, and shops, and kadochki, finally there is nothing to do - you need to go to the forest.
Drives quietly; From nowhere will take, fox runs.
"What are you, a peasant," she asks, "so quietly wander?"
"I'm afraid of the bear, angry with me, promised to shove.
- did not happen a bear, Ruby Firewood, and I will ring; Ki will ask the Bear: "What is?" - Tell me: "Catch wolves and bears."
The man began to chop; Looks - enoarse bear runs and man shouts:
- Hey, old man! What is this cry?
Guy says:
- Wolves catch daisms.
- Oh, a peasant, put me in Sani, throw it on firewood yes, turn the rope; perhaps think that the deck is lying.
The man put it in Sani, rinsed the rope and let's go to his head, while the bear rolled himself.
Lisa came running and says:
- Where is the Bear?
- But, chalk!
- Well, a peasant, now you need to treat me.
- Established, Lyno! We will go to me, I will treat you.
Man rides, and fox forward running; He became a man to approach the house, whistled his dogs and tried the fox.
Fox started to the forest and Yurk in Nora; hid in the hole and asks:
- Oh, you, my eyes, what did you watch when I fled?
- Oh, Lononka, we watched so that you did not say.
- And you, ears, what did you do?
- And we all listened to whether the dogs would chase.
- And you, the tail, what did you do?
"I'm," said the tail, "everyone darkened under his feet, so that you are confused, yes fell, but I got to the dogs.
- A-A, Canal! So let the dogs eat you.
And, having drowned his tail from the hole, Lisa screamed:
- Eat, dogs, fox tail!
Dogs for the tail dragged and the fox washed.
So often happens: from the tail and head disappears.

A sheep fled from Gurta's peasant. She got a fox and asked:
"Where are you, a biter, God carries?"
- Oh them, Kuma! I was a man in Gurth, but I did not have living; Where is the ram blows, and all I, sheep, is to blame! So I decided to leave Kuda's eyes look.
- And me too! - answered Lisa. - Where is the husband of my chicken, and all I, Lisa, is to blame. Fulk together.
In a few time, they met Biryuk.
- Great, Kuma!
- Hello, - says Lisa.
- Are the distant harsh?
She in response:
- Where the eyes look! - Yes, as told about your grief, Biryuk Mili:
- And me too! Where the wolf will scold a lamb, and all I, Biryuk, is to blame. Come-ka together.
Let's go Dear Biryuk and says sheep:
- And what, the sheep, because you are torture on you?
Fox heard and picked up:
- Valid, kum, yours?
- True, mine!
- Whether to bed?
- Become!
- Will you go to the oath?
- I'll go.
- Well, go, kiss the oath.
Here Lisa shifted that men on a path staged a trap; She brought Biryuk to the trap himself and says:
- Well, here you kiss!
Just jumped Biryuk Sdura - and the drone clicked and grasped him for the face. Lisa with sheats immediately escaped from him to repeat.

He lived her old man with an old woman, and they only had her own that one hill. I went to the boring in the forest of acorns. To meet him is a wolf.

- In the forest, there is an acorns.
- Take me with him.
"I would take," says you and you, yes, there is a deep, you will not twist.
"Nothing," says, he is jumping.
So went; They walked around the forest and came to this pit.
"Well," says Wolf, "Jump."
Borov jumped - he jumped. The wolf jumped, but right into the pit. Well, then Borov walked around the acorns and went home.
The next day again goes to the forest. To meet him a bear.
- Borov, Borov, where are you going?
- In the forest, there is an acorns.
"Take," says the bear, "me with him.
"I would take you, yes there the pit is deep, wide, you will not jump."
"I suppose," says, he is jumping.
Approached this pit. Borov jumped - he jumped; The bear jumped - right in the pit pleased. Borov walked around the acorns, went home.
On the third day of Borov again went to the forest of acorns. To meet him oblique hare.
- Hello, Borov!
- Hello, oblique hare!
- Where are you going?
- In the forest, there is an acorns.
- Take me with him.
- No, oblique, there the pit is broad, deep, you will not jump.
- That's not jumping, - how not to jump out!
Let's go and came to the pit. Borov jumped - he jumped. The hare jumped - hit the pit. Well, Borov walked around the acorns, went home.
On the fourth day there is a boring in the forest of acorns. To meet him a fox; Also asks to take her horses with him.
"No," says Borov, "there is a deep, the pit is deep, you will not jump out!"
- And - and, - says Lisitsa, - to jump! - Well, and she came to the pit.
Here they got them there in the pit four, and they began to grieve, how to extract them.
Fox and says:
- Let's pull the voice; Who will not enter into - that is.
Here they began to pull the voice; One hare has fallen behind, and the fox pulled everyone. They took the hare, broke and eaten. Hungry and again began to persuade the voice to pull: who will go back - so that there is.
"If," says Lisitsa, "I will leave, then I have it, anyway!"
Started pulling; Only the wolf behind, I could not enter the voice. Fox with a bear took him, broke and eaten.
Only a fox puffed a bear: he gave him some meat, and the rest shook him and eats himself slowly. Here the bear begins to starve again and says:
- Kuma, Kuma, where do you take yourself food?
- Eccast you, Kum! You take away the paws in the rib, hit the edge - and you know how to eat.
The bear did it, hooked myself with a paw behind the edge, and chalk. The fox remained alone. After that, the bear slam, the beginning of the fox is starved.
Above this pit was the tree, on this tree, the stroke of the nest. The fox sat, sat in the pit, everything looked at the stuck and tells him:
- Drozd, Drozd, what are you doing?
- Impelle nest.
- Why do you live?
- Children to bring.
- Drozd, feed me, if you do not feed - I sing your children.
Drozd to grieve, thrush to raise, as a fox to him to feed him. Flying to the village, brought her chicken. Fox chicken removed and says again:

- fed.
- Well, we drink me.
Drozd to grieve, thrown to wander like a fox to drink. Flying to the village, brought her water. Fox got drunk and says:
- Drozd, Drozd, did you feed me?
- fed.
- Did you drink me?
- Drown.
- pull me out of the pit.
Drozd to grieve, thrown to wander like a fox to remove. He began to throw a stick to the pit; Note that the fox climbed on these sticks to the will and near the Tree itself went - stretched.
"Well," says, "Did you feed me, Drozd?"
- fed.
- Did you drink me?
- Drown.
- Did you pull me out of the pit?
- pulled out.
- Well, whatever me now.
Drozd to grieve, thrush to raise, as a fox to laugh.
"I," he says, "I will fly, and you, Fox, go for me."
Here it is good - flushed a drop in the village, sat down on the gate to a rich man, and the fox lay down at goal. Drozd and started shouting:
- Grandma, grandmother, bring me Sala piece! Grandmother, grandmother, bring me a sala piece!
Thilled dogs and broke the fox.
I was there, my honey wine drank, flowed on the lips, did not fall into my mouth. Gave me blue caftan; I went, and the crows fly yes shout:
- Xin Kaftan, blue caftan!
I thought: "Throw off Kaftan," I took and threw off. Gave me a red slope. Crows fly yes shout:
- Red slope, red slump!
I thought that "stolen sludge", threw off - and left with anything.

Flawed fox in the forest, saw Tetherov on the tree and tells him:
- Terente, Terente! I was in the city!
- bu-boo, bu-boo! It was so.

Russian cherished fairy tales

Collected A.N. Afanasyev

"What is embarrassing? Steal - I am ashamed, but to say - nothing, everything can be".

("Strange names").

A few words about this book

Preface A.N.Afanasyev to the 2nd Edition

Shameful lady merchant wife and clerk

Like a dog

Marriage fooling

Sowing x ...

Wonderful twink

Wonderful ointment

Magic Ring

Men and Barin

Good father

Bride without a head

Fearless bride

Nikola Duplyansky

Husband on eggs

Men for Babian work

Family conversations

Strange names

Soldier Reshetit

The soldier sleeps himself, and x ... y works

Soldier and damn

Runny soldier

Soldier, Man and Baba

Soldier and Khokhlushka

Soldier and Khokhol.

Guy and damn

Soldier and Pop

Hunter and lees

Sandy Baba

Beating about mortgage


Laughter and Gore

Good Pop

Pop rzhet like a stallion

Popovskaya family and milking

Pop and daisy

Pop, Popula, Popovna and Bucket

Pop and man


Court of Cow

Funeral dog

Greedy Pop

Tale of how Pop gave birth to a calf

Spiritual father

Pop and Gypsy

Sound heat

Wife blind

Pop and Western

Senile verse


Loose - not bad

First acquaintance of the groom with the bride

Two brothers groom

Guessing Mistress

Baby Sadness

Battle wife

Mother-in-law and son-in-law


Guy, bear, fox and blind

Cat and Lisa

Fox and hare

Switch and flea

Bear and Baba

Sparrow and Mobile

Dog and woodpecker

Hot gag

... yes and ass

Examined Baryna


A few words about this book

"Russian cherished fairy tales" A.N. Afanasyev were printed in Geneva over a hundred years ago. They appeared without publisher, Sine Anno. On the title page, entitled, it was only indicated: "Valaam. Tipar artistic in the monasticity of brethren. Year of Markobesia." And on the control was the mark: "imprinted only for archaeologists and biblies in a small number of copies."

Exceptionally rare already in the last century, the book of Afanasyev today has become almost a phantom. Judging by the works of Soviet folklinists, in the specialties of the largest libraries of Leningrad and Moscow, only two or three copies of "cherished fairy tales" have been preserved. The manuscript of Afanasyev's book is located in the Leningrad Institute of Russian Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR ("Folk Russian fairy tales not for printing, Archive, No. P-1, Inventory 1, No. 112). The only copy of the" fairy tales ", belonged to the Paris National Library, disappeared before the First World War Wars. The book does not mean in the library catalogs of the British Museum.

Reprinting the "cherished fairy tales" Afanasyev, we hope to introduce the Western and Russian reader with a little-known face of the Russian imagination - "mesomy", obscene fairy tales, in which, according to folklorist, "beats a living key genuine popular speech, sparkling by all shiny and witty sides of the commoner" .

Obscene? Afanasyev did not consider them such. "It can not understand," he said, "that in these folk stories a million times more morality than in sermons, filled with school rhetoric."

"Russian cherished fairy tales" are organically connected with the collection of fairy tales of Afanasyev, which became classic. The fairy tales of immodest content, like the fairy tales of the famous compilation, were delivered to Afanasyev the same collectors depositors: V.I. Dall, P.I. Yakushkin, Voronezh Kontravistian N.I.Vtorov. And in that and in another compilation, we find the same topics, motifs, plots, with the only difference that satirical arrows of "cherished fairy tales" are more poisonous, and the language is quite rude. There is even a case when the first, quite "decent" half of the story placed in a classic compilation, the other, less modest, is in the "cherished fairy tales." We are talking about the story "Man, Bear, Fox and Blind."

There is no need to stop in detail on why Afanasyev, the print "People's Russian Fairy Tales" (Vol. 1-8, 1855-1863), was forced to abandon the inclusion of the part that the decade later will come out called "People's Russian Fairy Tales Not for Printing" (The epithet "cherished" appears only in the name of the second, the last edition of the "fairy tales"). Soviet scientist V.P. Nanikin so explains this refusal: "Antipop and antibarsky fairy tales was impossible in Russia." And is it possible to publish - in uncrazed and irrelevant - "cherished fairy tales" at the homeland of Afanasyev today? On this, V.P.Anikna answer is not found.

Russian cherished fairy tales

Collected A.N. Afanasyev

"What is embarrassing? Steal - I am ashamed, but to say - nothing, everything can be".

("Strange names").

A few words about this book

Preface A.N.Afanasyev to the 2nd Edition

Shameful lady merchant wife and clerk

Like a dog

Marriage fooling

Sowing x ...

Wonderful twink

Wonderful ointment

Magic Ring

Men and Barin

Good father

Bride without a head

Fearless bride

Nicola Donglyansky

Husband on eggs

Men for Babian work

Family conversations

Strange names

Soldier Reshetit

The soldier sleeps himself, and x ... y works

Soldier and damn

Runny soldier

Soldier, Man and Baba

Soldier and Khokhlushka

Soldier and Khokhol.

Guy and damn

Soldier and Pop

Hunter and lees

Sandy Baba

Beating about mortgage


Laughter and Gore

Good Pop

Pop rzhet like a stallion

Popovskaya family and milking

Pop and daisy

Pop, Popula, Popovna and Bucket

Pop and man


Court of Cow

Funeral dog

Greedy Pop

Tale of how Pop gave birth to a calf

Spiritual father

Pop and Gypsy

Sound heat

Wife blind

Pop and Western

Senile verse


Loose - not bad

First acquaintance of the groom with the bride

Two brothers groom

Guessing Mistress

Baby Sadness

Battle wife

Mother-in-law and son-in-law


Guy, bear, fox and blind

Cat and Lisa

Fox and hare

Switch and flea

Bear and Baba

Sparrow and Mobile

Dog th black

Hot gag

... yes and ass

Examined Baryna


A few words about this book

"Russian cherished fairy tales" A.N. Afanasyev were printed in Geneva over a hundred years ago. They appeared without publisher, Sine Anno. On the title page, entitled, it was only indicated: "Valaam. Tipar artistic in the monasticity of brethren. Year of Markobesia." And on the control was the mark: "imprinted only for archaeologists and biblies in a small number of copies."

Exceptionally rare already in the last century, the book of Afanasyev today has become almost a phantom. Judging by the works of Soviet folklinists, in the specialties of the largest libraries of Leningrad and Moscow, only two or three copies of "cherished fairy tales" have been preserved. The manuscript of Afanasyev's book is located in the Leningrad Institute of Russian Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR ("Folk Russian fairy tales not for printing, Archive, No. P-1, Inventory 1, No. 112). The only copy of the" fairy tales ", belonged to the Paris National Library, disappeared before the First World War Wars. The book does not mean in the library catalogs of the British Museum.

Reprinting the "cherished fairy tales" Afanasyev, we hope to introduce the Western and Russian reader with a little-known face of the Russian imagination - "mesomy", obscene fairy tales, in which, according to folklorist, "beats a living key genuine popular speech, sparkling by all shiny and witty sides of the commoner" .

Obscene? Afanasyev did not consider them such. "It can not understand," he said, "that in these folk stories a million times more morality than in sermons, filled with school rhetoric."

"Russian cherished fairy tales" are organically connected with the collection of fairy tales of Afanasyev, which became classic. The fairy tales of immodest content, like the fairy tales of the famous compilation, were delivered to Afanasyev the same collectors depositors: V.I. Dall, P.I. Yakushkin, Voronezh Kontravistian N.I.Vtorov. And in that and in another compilation, we find the same topics, motifs, plots, with the only difference that satirical arrows of "cherished fairy tales" are more poisonous, and the language is quite rude. There is even a case when the first, quite "decent" half of the story placed in a classic compilation, the other, less modest, is in the "cherished fairy tales." We are talking about the story "Man, Bear, Fox and Blind."

There is no need to stop in detail on why Afanasyev, the print "People's Russian Fairy Tales" (Vol. 1-8, 1855-1863), was forced to abandon the inclusion of the part that the decade later will come out called "People's Russian Fairy Tales Not for Printing" (The epithet "cherished" appears only in the name of the second, the last edition of the "fairy tales"). Soviet scientist V.P. Nanikin so explains this refusal: "Antipop and antibarsky fairy tales was impossible in Russia." And is it possible to publish - in uncrazed and irrelevant - "cherished fairy tales" at the homeland of Afanasyev today? On this, V.P.Anikna answer is not found.

The question remains the question of how immodest fairy tales hit the border. Mark Azadovsky suggests that in the summer of 1860, during his trip to Western Europe, Afanasyev handed them to Herzen or another emigrant. The possibility is not excluded that the publisher "Bell" contributed to the "fairy tales" exit. The following searches, perhaps will help to highlight the history of the publication of "Russian cherished fairy tales" - the books stumbled on the obstacles not only royal, but also Soviet censorship.

Preface A.N. Afanasyev A KO 2

"Honny Soit, Qui Mal Pense"

The publication of our cherished fairy tales ... almost the only one of its kind phenomenon. It can be easy to be that that is why our edition will give a reason for all kinds of complaints and exclamations not only against the bold publisher, but also against the people who created such fairy tales in which the folk fantasy in bright paintings and the nimalo does not shy expressions with the expressions and all wealth His humor. Leaving aside all the functions actually in relation to us, we must say that any exclamation against the people would be not only injustice, but also the expression of a complete ignorance, which, for the most part, by the way, is one of the inalienable properties of screaming PRUDERIE. Our cherished fairy tales are one of a kind of phenomenon, as we said, especially because we do not know another publication, in which in a fabulous form beat such a living key a genuine popular speech, sparkling by all the shiny and witty sides of the commoner.

The literature of other nations represent many similar cherished stories and a long time ago have already been ahead of us and in this regard. If not in the form of fairy tales, then in the form of songs, conversations, Novel, Farces, Sottises, Moralites, Dictons, etc. Other nations have a huge number of works in which the people's mind, just shy by expressions and pictures, marked humor, Hooked Satira and put sharply on dating different directions of life. Who doubts that playful Bokcchcho stories are not learned from the people's life that countless French novels and the Faceties XV, XVI and XVII centuries are not from the same source as the Satyric works of the Spaniards, Spottliede and Schmahschriften Germans, this mass of Pascvilles and different Volatile leaflets in all languages \u200b\u200bthat were about all sorts of events of private and public life - not folk work? In Russian literature, however, still there is still a whole department of folk expressions of unprints, not for printing. In the literature of other peoples, there are no such obstacles of people's speech.

... So, the accusation of the Russian people in a coarse cynicism would be charged with the same and all other peoples, in other words, it goes down to zero. The erotic content of the cherished Russian fairy tales, not to mention or against the morality of the Russian people, indicates just only on the other side of life, which most of all gives the rampant to humor, satire and irony. Our fairy tales are transmitted in that undisputed form, as they came out of the mouth of the people and are recorded from the words of the narrator. This is their singularity: they do not touch anything in them, there is no embellishment, no increases. We will not extend that in different stripes of broad Russia alone and the same fairy tale is different. There are a lot of options for such, of course, and most of them, without a doubt, moves out of mouth into the mouth, not being either overheard, nor the collectors are recorded. We cited options taken from among the most well-known or most characteristic for some reason.

Note ... that the part of the fairy tales, where the actors are animals, as it can not more draws all the immanences and the vicinity of the observation of our commoner. Away from the cities, working in the field, the forest, on the river, he deeply understands the nature of his beloved nature, rightly peeps and finely studies his surrounding his life. Vividly captured by the sides of this little, but the eloquent life for him by itself is transferred to his fellow - and the story is ready full of life and a bright humor. The fairy tale department about the so-called people "foal breed", of which we only give a small part, brightly illuminates and the attitude of our peasant to their spiritual shephers, and the right understanding of them.

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"Russian cherished fairy tales" A.N. Afanasyev were printed in Geneva over a hundred years ago. They appeared without publisher, Sine Anno. On the title page, called, was only indicated: "Valaam. Tipar art monasticity of brethren. Year of Markobesia. And on the counterface was a mark: "Printed only for archaeologists and biblies in a small number of copies."

Exceptionally rare already in the last century, the book of Afanasyev today has become almost a phantom. Judging by the works of Soviet folklinists, in the specialties of the largest libraries of Leningrad and Moscow, only two or three copies of the "cherished fairy tales" have been preserved. The manuscript of the book of Afanasyev is located in the Leningrad Institute of Russian Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ("People's Russian Tales Not for Printing", Archive, № P-1, Inventory 1, No. 112). The only copy of the "fairy tales", belonged to the Paris National Library, disappeared before the First World War. The book does not mean in the library catalogs of the British Museum.

Reprinting the "cherished fairy tales" of Afanasyev, we hope to introduce the Western and Russian reader with a little-known face of the Russian imagination - "mesomy", obscene fairy tales, in which, according to folklorist, "beats a living key genuine popular speech, sparkling by all shiny and witty sides of the commoner" .

"Russian cherished fairy tales" A.N. Afanasyev were printed in Geneva over a hundred years ago. They appeared without publisher, Sine Anno. On the title page, called, was only indicated: "Valaam. Tipar art monasticity of brethren. Year of Markobesia. And on the counterface was a mark: "Printed only for archaeologists and biblies in a small number of copies."

Exceptionally rare already in the last century, the book of Afanasyev today has become almost a phantom. Judging by the works of Soviet folklinists, in the specialties of the largest libraries of Leningrad and Moscow, only two or three copies of the "cherished fairy tales" have been preserved. The manuscript of the book of Afanasyev is located in the Leningrad Institute of Russian Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ("People's Russian Tales Not for Printing", Archive, № P-1, Inventory 1, No. 112). The only copy of the "fairy tales", belonged to the Paris National Library, disappeared before the First World War. The book does not mean in the library catalogs of the British Museum.

Reprinting the "cherished fairy tales" of Afanasyev, we hope to introduce the Western and Russian reader with a little-known face of the Russian imagination - "mesomy", obscene fairy tales, in which, according to folklorist, "beats a living key genuine popular speech, sparkling by all shiny and witty sides of the commoner" .

Obscene? Afanasyev did not consider them such. "It can not understand," he said, "that in these folk stories a million times more morality than in sermons, filled with school rhetoric."

"Russian cherished fairy tales" are organically connected with the collection of fairy tales of Afanasyev, which became classic. The fairy tales of immodest content, like the fairy tales of the famous compilation, were delivered to Afanasyev the same collectors depositors: V.I. Dall, P.I. Yakushkin, Voronezh Kontravistian N.I.Vtorov. And in that and in another collection we find the same topics, motives, plots, with the only difference that satirical arrows of "cherished fairy tales" more poisonous, and the language is quite rude. There is even a case when the first, quite "decent" half of the story placed in a classic compilation, the other, less modest, in the "cherished fairy tales." We are talking about the story "Man, Bear, Fox and Slept".

There is no need to stop in detail on why Afanasyev, printing "People's Russian Fairy Tales" (Vol. 1-8, 1855-1863), was forced to abandon the inclusion of the part, which decade later will come out called "People's Russian Tales Not for Printing" (The epithet "cherished" appears only in the name of the second, the last edition of the "fairy tales"). Soviet scientist V.P. Nanikin explains this refusal: "Antipop and antibarsky fairy tales it was impossible in Russia." Is it possible to publish - in uncrazed and irrelevant - "cherished fairy tales" at the homeland of Afanasyev today? On this, V.P.Anikna answer is not found.

The question remains the question of how immodest fairy tales hit the border. Mark Azadovsky suggests that in the summer of 1860, during his trip to Western Europe, Afanasyev handed them to Herzen or another emigrant. The possibility that the publisher "Bell" contributed to the exit of the "fairy tales". The next searches, perhaps help to highlight the history of the publication of "Russian cherished fairy tales" - the books stumbled on the obstacles not only the royal, but also Soviet censorship.

Preface A.N. Afanasyev A KO 2

The publication of our cherished fairy tales ... almost the only one of its kind phenomenon. It can be easy to be that that is why our edition will give a reason for all kinds of complaints and exclamations not only against the bold publisher, but also against the people who created such fairy tales in which the folk fantasy in bright paintings and the nimalo does not shy expressions with the expressions and all wealth His humor. Leaving aside all the functions actually in relation to us, we must say that any exclamation against the people would be not only injustice, but also the expression of a complete ignorance, which, for the most part, by the way, is one of the inalienable properties of screaming PRUDERIE. Our cherished fairy tales are one of a kind of phenomenon, as we said, especially because we do not know another publication, in which in a fabulous form beat such a living key a genuine popular speech, sparkling by all the shiny and witty sides of the commoner.

The literature of other nations represent many similar cherished stories and a long time ago have already been ahead of us and in this regard. If not in the form of fairy tales, then in the form of songs, conversations, Novel, Farces, Sottises, Moralites, Dictons, etc. Other nations have a huge number of works in which the people's mind, just shy by expressions and pictures, marked humor, Hooked Satira and put sharply on dating different directions of life. Who doubts that playful Bokcchcho stories are not learned from the people's life that countless French novels and the Faceties XV, XVI and XVII centuries are not from the same source as the Satyric works of the Spaniards, Spottliede and Schmahschriften Germans, this mass of Pascvilles and different Volatile leaflets in all languages \u200b\u200bthat were about all sorts of events of private and public life - not folk work? In Russian literature, however, still there is still a whole department of folk expressions of unprints, not for printing. In the literature of other peoples, there are no such obstacles of people's speech.

... So, the accusation of the Russian people in a coarse cynicism would be charged with the same and all other peoples, in other words, it goes down to zero. The erotic content of the cherished Russian fairy tales, not to mention or against the morality of the Russian people, indicates just only on the other side of life, which most of all gives the rampant to humor, satire and irony. Our fairy tales are transmitted in that undisputed form, as they came out of the mouth of the people and are recorded from the words of the narrator. This is their singularity: they do not touch anything in them, there is no embellishment, no increases. We will not extend that in different stripes of broad Russia alone and the same fairy tale is different. There are a lot of options for such, of course, and most of them, without a doubt, moves out of mouth into the mouth, not being either overheard, nor the collectors are recorded. We cited options taken from among the most well-known or most characteristic for some reason.

Note ... that the part of the fairy tales, where the actors are animals, as it can not more draws all the immanences and the vicinity of the observation of our commoner. Away from the cities, working in the field, the forest, on the river, he deeply understands the nature of his beloved nature, rightly peeps and finely studies his surrounding his life. Vividly captured by the sides of this little, but the eloquent life for him by itself is transferred to his fellow - and the story is ready full of life and a bright humor. The fairy tales department of the so-called people "grabby rock", of which we only give a small part, brightly illuminates and the attitude of our peasant to their spiritual shephers, and the right understanding of them.

In addition to many parties, our cherished fairy tales are curious and in the following respect. It is an important scientist, a deep-minded researcher of Russian nationalities, they give an extensive field to compare the content of some of them with the stories of almost the same content of foreign writers, with works of other peoples. How the Boccaccio stories were penetrated into the Russian outback (see, for example, a fairy tale "merchant wife and clerk"), satire and farms of the French XVI century, as the Western novel was reborn into a Russian fairy tale, in which their public side, where and perhaps even Whose side traces of influence, what kind of doubt and conclusion from the evidence of such a identity, etc., etc.