Esoteric mystical paintings. Paradise paintings of the spiritual world and the description of the kingdom of God

Esoteric mystical paintings. Paradise paintings of the spiritual world and the description of the kingdom of God
Esoteric mystical paintings. Paradise paintings of the spiritual world and the description of the kingdom of God

Paradoxes of esoteric painting

Landscapes soul

esoteric - "Art" vampirism and cosmic reality

What, in which conventional units is the notorious "Great Power of Art"? And not at all in those most ... people susceptible to vibrations say that the degree of "masterpidence" creation testifies to the strength of some energy radiation emanating from the canvas or sculpture. It seems everything is logical and understandable. But how then to explain the paradoxes of the so-called esoteric painting?

Any banal pie, the heat of human hands, besides the wonderful filling, carries a certain energy information charge. It is clear that the degree of emanations increases as mastery and the spiritual potential attached to the created. Especially if it was born as a result of a creative act - the unity of the Spirit and Consciousness. It is the power of energy radiation that allows you to count some subject to the discharge of artwork. And if radiation rolls up, then it is nothing more than the correct sign of the eternal masterpiece.

Tightening to genius

Art historians - in the case of masterpieces - such the theory is quite suitable. These, however, in habit, explain the artist's skill and the brilliance of the embodiment of creative design. What is also denying completely meaningless. Also recognizing the fact that, possibly, contemplating a masterpiece, a viewer through an associative perception is adjusted to that condition, in whose power was the Creator at the time of his (masterpiece) of creation, that is, when he (the artist) was at the peak of creative insight. Synchronizing with this state of the genius-Creator, the viewer is experiencing it as a flight of his own elevated spirit, parallel to clean and pulling up to the genius ...

Approximately so (quite confused, but in general it is clear) you can explain the nature of spiritual catharsides experienced before the webs of great masters. They are Camerton, listening to which, you can tune in - through the impression of genius - for eternity. Stairs for the Spirit, leading the wind ...

But how then "work" the paintings of so-called esoteric, or energy artists? Neither those who felt their impact on themselves, nevertheless art historians are incomprehensible. Because there is an art power, and the art itself as a category is not always in stock. As followers of this genre put in the chapter of the corner, not an artistic image and the skill of its incarnation on the canvas, namely the energy-meradective effect. That is, the energy promise perceived by a person who contemplates the image. Therefore, for the connoisseurs of painting as art, this creation is incomprehensible, moreover, as a rule, they cause rejection precisely by virtue of non-professional execution. What, in fact, not surprisingly - after all, many esoteric paintings came out from under the brushes of people who previously never painted. Which began to "pour themselves" in a similar way under the influence of the sudden nipion ... Researchers of such extraordinary phenomena report that this "invisible creative energy of the creative energy is becoming for a while in artists of people who do not know how to draw ... Non-professionals take shaped space information. They do it in a special spiritual state, and when it passes, again lose the ability to draw ... "maybe it acts the inexplication of the power of inspiration?

Conductors and semiconductors

Or such another version. Any creation is a kind of universe model. And here, as they say, there are two options. The first is the image of the inner world of the Creator, which is usually quite far from perfect. That is why - from an esoteric point of view - such an "artistic" splash of the subconscious happens more often charged negatively, because reflects the confusion of the artist's spirit and unrealized in real life impulses. And when the viewer is part of the resonance with such a picture, it only enhances his own spiritual breakdown ... more precisely - the action of the picture depends on the personality of the Creator, his karmic programs. The picture is able to radiate energy if its creator is in the "ascending stream", or to absorb it if the artist moves down the spiral down ... such things are classified for manifestations of energy vampirism. However, in the case of "artistic" vampirism, this is not dangerous if, of course, a similar picture of the vampire to find a proper place. With the help of such creations, you can, for example, clean the apartment from excess negative energy - as a vacuum cleaner. And even move or remove the geopathogenic zone at all.

The second option is to recreate the true world, the true reality, the knowledge of which is performed in the subtle spheres. In this case, the artist is only a conductor receiving information over and imprinted it in the physical world on the canvas. Then the work and emits such strong energy information vibrations as the fruit of deep meditative work. And here the purity of the "conductor" is very important. Russian artist Alexander Reoonenko, a member of the Union of artists, belonging to the ideologically, "workshop", on this occasion notes the following: "Creativity based on meditation, on entering a special state of the dedication stage, acquires its true meaning. This is a fixation on the material plan of events The world of mountain, the images of the spiritual hierarchy shining Shambhala ... In the current era, the Aquarius Epoch, according to Mahatma Jaal Khula ... The revival of mysterious art becomes an organic need to be born by the evolutionary process itself. The purpose of mystery art is to create a resonant energy environment that introduces the viewer to the zone of that Or other energy intensity ... Essentially, this is fixing the revelation process, broadcasting the world of mountain through the image code. " It is such a goal and pursues the so-called esoteric painting. Moreover, in this case, a complete understanding of the work requires, in addition to meditative contemplation, direct decoding of the character symbols. And here without esoteric concepts can not do. A subtle-feeling person can enter the transcendent itself and use such pictures for independent meditative exercises.

Yes, esoteric painting is really able to expand the boundaries of art: it can be used in energy-information technologies, to use thin energies attached by the artist to their creations, for the treatment of mental and somatic diseases according to the method of light flowering therapy.

Space realism
Another energically related genre is the work of space artists, in whose works two worlds are also clearly merged - thin, invisible, and dense, physical. Combining the form with the energy qualities of the highest world, the cosmists embody the images tangible by them due to internal spiritual vision.

The art of artists who embodied in their work a complex and multifaceted cosmic worldview bloomed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Perhaps their fantasy spur intensive scientific studies - the first group of Cosmists "Amaravella" in their unusually bold paintings embodied what K. E. Tsiolkovsky, V. I. Vernadsky wrote about. A powerful splash of creativity provoked Roerichi with their "live ethics". The second flourishing began in the late 1980s "under the wing" museum named after N. K. Roerich, regularly providing its halls with modern space artists, which successfully continue the traditions laid down by N. K. Roerich and M. K. Churlenis. Thanks to ultrahigh odes and phenomena, artists-cosmists will be contemplating their creation to people with the opportunity to discover curtains of cosmic evolution and touch the energy changes that have a place at different levels and in different fields of the modern world ...

And in Russia, and in Ukraine, in the last decade there is an unprecedented surge in the development of such directions. However, since ancient times, art put a task to connect the earth's world with high spheres, referring if not to the divine, then to the mythical. And any creative act was the character of a mystery. To a large extent, this concerns the archaic art, which originally performed the magic functions, was deeply symbolic, possessed by force capable of affecting the course of earthly life.

Perhaps to some extent, artistic searches in the esoteric direction and decide the contempt in this sphere. After all, many critics are stated if not the degeneracy of the art, its decline in terms of the emergence of new forms and means of expressiveness. But after all, the very name "Art" indicates its "unbelievable", "artificial" roots. And esoteric artists, on the contrary, although it is not always skillfully, but always very inspired by pure impulse, the transformation of energy, not burdened by some kind of academic conventions of art schools and the conjuncture. True, as in any pure impulse, the conjuncture is reminded of itself constantly. After all, today, producing esoteric, can be done well. So there are esoteric painters, who consider it quite sufficient to comply with the "laws of the genre" to portray the appropriate attributes and objects: luminous pyramids, statuettes of Buddhas with cylindes, not amenable to identification "Liki", light helix, angels of various configurations, pure "Reericks" vertices and other "Agni Yoga". And successfully find for their works of buyers, which inspires them to new accomplishments. And then there is a reasonable question: how to distinguish truly energy painting from profanation? And very simple: the one who is able to catch vibration will figure it out. And the rest are quite satisfied by what is. ... ANOTHER-27

Ksenia Sonina

Esoteric painting

Cosmism as a direction in art

You can hardly argue with the statement that the artist reflects in his work the reality that he sees. But what is "reality"? Is apples only in a vase or scene on the street? Spiritual search is a reality? Is this a reality? Secrets of the Universe - is it a reality? Thought is a reality? Can visible images convey the flight of thoughts?

Artists who are called cosmists are responsible for this question with their works. Answer - Affirmative. With its work, they anticipate the disclosure of the processes of cosmic evolution, which currently unfold, but not yet be described by means of traditional scientific knowledge. In his picturesque works, they convey to the audience the idea of \u200b\u200bnew space thinking about spiritual space, about the infinity, the relationship of the person and the universe, about the worlds of other measurements and other states of the matter - mutual perimeters in each other and existing as a single reality, the beauty of these substitute worlds.

V. Chernovolenko. Radiant thoughts
Cosmism as a new direction in painting was a continuation of Russian spiritual traditions, he especially brightly declared himself at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was associated with a reflection in the artistic space of cosmic worldship, followed by a new beauty and its search. A new direction revoked symbolism and got in touch with cosmic reality, with its new energy. For the first time captured on the canvases of cosmists, the cosmic beauty of the majority brought art to the reality of the cosmos. Many canvas of cosmist artists are musical. For the power of his gift, a true artist tolerates the sounds of cosmic rhythms to the canvas, and the viewer becomes a robust new beauty and a new energy that expands his consciousness, wakes up imagination, gives rise to new high images.

This is especially important during the crisis of contemporary art, when the disgrace and chaos looks at us from the canvas, sounds in music. Speaking at the opening of the exhibition of cosmist artists at the N.K. Museum Roerich, General Director of the L.V. Museum Shaposhnikova expressed the content of cosmism with the following words: "Drawn rocket, or a simple display of stars, planets - this is not a cosmism. You can draw a kettle and it will be cosmism, because Cosmic is something spiritual, what permeates the shape, penetrates those or other artistic stories. To see in the earthly subject of cosmic strength and space energy is possible only to artists. "

Another artists include the group "Amararavella", which in his unusually bold paintings embodied the ideas about which K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Vernadsky, A.L. Chizhevsky. A powerful influence on the creativity of "Amararavella" was provided with Nikolai Konstantinovich and Elena Ivanovna Roerichi and acquaintance with the teachings of living ethics. Unfortunately, members of the AMARAvella group divided the fate of many talented Russian people destroyed by totalitarian regime. Cosmic art for many decades was prohibited.

A. Maran. Rainbow. Penetration
The new flowering of cosmism in artistic work began in the late 1980s. Since its final discovery in 1997, the N.K. Museum Roerich, regularly provides its halls with modern cosmist artists. This is not by chance. According to L.V. Shaposhnikova: "Nowadays in the cultural and spiritual space of Russia, there is an amazing process for the development of new space art. His creators are very different and skill, and on spiritual fullness. But all of them unites unlimited love for beauty and infinity. Of real masters, subtlyly sensing ingredients, with developed internal energy and the ability to create new forms<…> So far, "

But, not noticeable by official art historian, these artists rightfully deserve love and recognition of numerous visitors to exhibitions admired by the sophisticated beauty of their paintings. Through visible images on their webs, the cosmists transmit that until recently it was customary to be called intangible.

Live ethics explains to us that in addition to the dense world there are two others - thin and fiery, - and spiritual manifestations relate to these, higher forms of being. It is the thin world that reflects artists-cosmists in their work. They embody in their pictures a new beauty and new energy, thanks to which we enter into power benefits with everything that we see and what we touch.

Their plots are quite real, only this reality is higher. That is why it is no less objective than the real world. One of the evidence of this is the exhibition of space artists in the center-museum named after N.K. Roerich. Their participants are artists working independently from each other. Among them can be called Oleg Vysotsky, Sergey Fedotova, Yuri Ushkov, Irina Bogochekov, Alexander Tikhonov, Irina Kulyabin, Valery Kargopol, Vladimir Glukhova, Alexander Reoonenko, Igor Anisorova, Alexander Maranov and many others. The technique and manner of each of them are completely individual, but how similar the language of their images, color gamut paintings, some details!

The work of modern cosmists can rightly be called synthetic: being European artists of the late twentieth century, the cosmists are free in self-expression, but, like religious artists, the purpose of their creativity they put the disclosure of some spiritual idea. The ideas of inthiotia, spiritual transformation, communications with the highest, who had a deep tradition in Russian Orthodox icon painting.

Y. Kuznetsov. St. Stephen Makhrishchensky

However, the artists of this area gradually depart from the iconographic tradition, are exempt from church canons and boldly rushed to a wide spiritual space of space.

There is another cultural tradition, the relationship of which with the work of the cosmists I want to say especially. This is China's philosophical painting and Japan, where the landscape is sometimes with rare figures, sometimes deserted - was the embodiment of a certain psychological state or a philosophical idea. Such a conditional landscape is often found in the painting of cosmists, it becomes not an image of nature, but a reflection of the human soul.

Cosmist's work is a kind of return to the initial unrecordanity of philosophy and art, but returning at a completely new level - both ideological and visual. Cosmian artists make it possible to touch the energy changes now in the world, to changes related to cosmic evolution, these changes are most fully felt in the inner creative space of art.

Despite the fact that each artist is looking for individual means of expressing their ideas, many images turn out to be similar. This is explained by the fact that artists-cosmists intuitively turn to the language of mythological symbols, the memory of which centuries is stored in human culture.

The favorite color of many artists is blue. In mythology, this is the color of wisdom, secrets, knowledge mined from the forensic worlds. Blue color - color of harmonious aura, sign of high spirituality. And therefore, a deep, solven blue - coloring many crafts of cosmist artists.

there is
the opinion that everything that man touches will keep information about
it. Especially this applies to art objects, they absorb them
information about who created them is in what condition he was at this time.

the subject of art carries certain information. It is very important who his
created in what condition. I think that any creation of spiritual
a person carries a positive healing energy.

fine art we can touch another world, peace,
who sees the artist. This world may be a fruit of meditative work.
the artist, the artist may be a conductor receiving information and
imprinting it on canvas.

In esoteric painting a lot
directions. Someone paints the word "love", someone adds to the paint
minerals, there is a concept like a light-base painting ... I think that
any creation reflects the inner world of the Creator, and the paintings themselves for themselves
will say. See and enjoy.

Pictures of Yaraya.
Daniel Brian Holeman, the artist of their USA, California
There are works of Vladimir Kush
Pictures Anton Viktorova, written by the word "love"
Andrew Annenberg - a modern artist, lives on Hawaii.
Dutch artist Janos.
The unearthly worlds of earth artists here are paintings by artists exhibiting in the center of Roerich
Art of Bruce Harman Site of the Contemporary Artist from the USA
Healing pictures of Natalia Adiyev
The site of the artist Alexander Reoonenko
Artist symbolists
Pictures on the themes: Agni Yoga, Mystery Doctrine, Great Teachers ...

How are spiritual paintings, spiritual drawing are born, spiritual painting? Often we are confident that painting or art of the picture, and even more so the spiritual drawing is not subject to us. But once again, we suddenly appear the impulse to take a brush and create a picture so that with the help of the paints to express their inner spiritual filling ... Some power from the inside encourages it. And when we start to create without fear and doubt, it happens unexpected - an image arises on paper or canvas ... and then still, and more. These images form a connection, the plot occurs, the energy pattern. So spiritual paintings and spiritual drawings are born.

Examples of wonderful spiritual paintings:

Spiritual paintings this is a real sacrament

Spiritual painting will certainly occur due to the highest. Spiritual paintings are always created "in the stream." At the same time, our body becomes simultaneously a canal and conductor, expressing those levels of consciousness that drive our hand and create as if independent of us.

Spiritual paintings often express the fact that the highest consciousness seeks to pass through us, and the artist can perceive and convey it as much as its frequency is high, as far as he can catch signals, understand the alphabet of the highest, and convey it symbolically or in the available images through the spiritual drawing.

Spiritual paintings can be called the fruit of spatial meditation, when we become one of the whole - the same indivisible space ocean of consciousness - and everything that is in it becomes accessible to us, because it is our uniform ... Our hand creates a spiritual drawing - because What creates, in fact, the Spirit and he expresses himself through our creativity that there is the highest form of grace. At such moments, the Creator and his inspiration is becoming a single and indivisible integrity, and the Great Joy of Creation is approved here, on Earth, in Matters ...

Send your spiritual paintings, drawings so that their spiritual filing through the pages of our site was transferred to other people.

Now it's no longer for anyone that many works of art have a healing psychotherapeutic effect on a person and are able to remove stress, harmonize the overall human well-being.

Among such works of art, the paintings of the famous Russian artist N. Rereric, who possess a special, extraordinary flavor. The harmonizing effects of painting of this wonderful artist has long been noted by art historians, psychologists, doctors, not to mention the many people studying esoteric and esoteric painting.

N. Rierich passed on the eastern lands with various expeditions, not one thousand kilometers, studying the eastern philosophy, customs and morals of the inhabitants, getting acquainted with the harsh nature of Altai, Mongolia, India and Tibet. It was in these expeditions that he had inspiration for his amazing paintings dedicated to the nature and mythology of these regions.

The doctrine on the impact on the body and the psyche of a man's color and sound Mountains of the Millennium was known to the Mysteries of the East as part of esoteric knowledge. Did N. Rierich know about this teaching? Judging by the color range of his paintings - knew.

Nowadays, the effects of color waves on the senses are applied to weapon with modern medicine and psychology, and the concept of color therapy includes special healing and recovery techniques that use the positive impact of these waves on the physical and mental health of people.

Many researchers note that, saturated with bright and clean tones, the pictures of Roerich invariably harmonize the aura and biofield of people, raise his life tone and improve the mood.

In the diaries of Roerichs, you can read the following information about the impact of various colors:

Yellow color strengthens the physical organism as a whole, supports the heart;

Purple color strengthens the brain;

Green strengthens the nervous system;

Pink color is healing the stomach;

Blue color has a fascinating effect and activates cravings for spiritual knowledge.

It is not by chance that it is blue, purple, green and pink colors are quite often present in the pictures of Roerichs. It turns out the color can not only to heal the soul and body, but also to promote human spiritual development. It is in this principle that the main information component of the psychotherapeutic effects of painting of this amazing artist was founded.

Many esoteric specialists argue that pure, saturated paints of Roerich, the Consciousness of a person in a certain altered state, in which a person's consciousness opens a communication channel with its highest "I". The color range of his paintings awakens and harmonizes human energy centers, stimulates spiritual development by activating the highest chakras.

However, each of you can check all this simply while watching these amazing landscapes and remembating for some time on them. Good luck!

Mario Duguay, a talented artist from Canada, draws beautiful paradise pictures, depicting the spiritual world, which is described in various religions.

His paradise drawings carry positive energy in themselves, awakening bright feelings in us and the desire to return to the kingdom of God.

Not every artist can create such wonderful works, for this you need a special talent and communication with divine energies.

In an interview with Mario Duguay, he tells his story: he was a tattoo artist and tightly crouched on drugs and alcohol, which led to the black strip in his life.

He stayed without his wife, money, work, and with a sense of shame in front of his family.

All he has left, it was light inside.

Saved from loneliness, he turned to spirituality, became interested in the movement of New Age and, having started working on herself, various treatment methods were held.

Mario Duguay confesses that at that time began to draw to expel the dark sides, but now writes pictures in order to give something to others, wanting to touch spirituality in each of us.

Early paintings by the artist, according to him, were not so bright, and the current web reflects the experience he receives.

The paradise paintings of the spiritual world are the attempt of Mario Duguay to make more light into life.

And it seems that the bright mission of the artist reaches the goal, finding a response in our hearts.

We were fortunate enough to contemplate 50 paintings of the kingdom of God performed by Mario Duguay, and, although these paradise drawings are given here in a small amount, considering them, we feel the heart that it should look like a spiritual world.

Description of Paradise - the kingdom of God

In addition to the paintings of the artist, passages are given from the description of the kingdom of God, borrowed from Srimad Bhagavatam, a song 3, chapter 15.

The author of this article hopes that the texts of the Holy Scriptures of Hinduism and the paradise pictures of Mario Duguay well complement each other and will be interested in a wide circle of readers.

Despite the fact that in various religions the kingdom of God is described in different ways, you can still see a lot of similarity in the descriptions of the spiritual world.

So welcome to the spiritual world! A brief description of Paradise, the eternal abode of the Lord.

The kingdom of God is located above all the material universes, including the above planets of the demigods, and even Brahma himself, the creator of the material world, wants to get into it, not to mention other demigods.

A variety that can be found in the spiritual kingdom is inextricably linked with the transcendental games of God.

In the sky of the spiritual world, billions of spiritual planets are floating, which are called Vaikunthami. The inhabitants of Vaikunth do not know the alarms, because in the kingdom of God there is no birth, diseases, aging and death - everything is forever and blissfully. Waikuntha Planets are replete with innumerable wealth, as we will see from further descriptions.

On these planets, the Supreme Lord himself lives and his pure devotees - the souls who realized themselves, God and eternal relationship with Him.

The Lord, being an inexhaustible source of bliss, brings each person happiness with his presence alone.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original personality, the source of the entire manifested world, which can be comprehended by studying the scriptures.

The Lord is filled with clean goodness, and he himself helps his souls who made him soul to achieve higher spiritual perfection.

In the kingdom of God, everything is spiritual; All forms of life - plants, birds, animals, people - have a spiritual nature. All the inhabitants of the kingdom of God are pure devotees of the Lord.

Here we grow desires, covered with flowers and fruits regardless of the year.

Husbands with their wives fly on the aircraft from gold, emeralds and Lazurita, and firmly challenge all common acts and qualities of the Supreme Lord.

They do not have the desire to receive sensual pleasures, because the ministry of God (for example, the chanting of His Divine qualities and acts) gives them such all-consuming bliss that any sensual pleasures, compared to this bliss, simply lose their appeal.

In the spiritual world there is no difference between birds, trees, flowers, people and other inhabitants, because all forms of life in the kingdom of God are animate and possess the consciousness of God (they are in the minds of God), so they are all in the state of permafrost of ever-growing bliss.

Here everything is spiritually and fulfilled by diversity, there is nothing inanimate.

The basis of existence in the spiritual world is the principles of devotional service to the Lord, which includes, first of all, hearing and chanting the qualities and acts of God as a supreme person.

On Vaikunthah, even flowers and birds are engaged in serving the Lord.

The pure devotees of the Lord, living in the kingdom of God, do not know the lack of emeralds and precious stones.

Golden decorations, covered with precious stones, take them to the blessing of God, and not as a result of exhausting labor, as it happens in the material world.

They own indispensable treasures, without making any effort. But true pleasure to them gives the ministry to God, not the ownership of unprecedented treasures.

Waikuntha women are many times more beautiful than the most beautiful women who can only be seen and even submit in our material world. They are beautiful as Lakshmi itself - the goddess of prosperity.

However, husbands in the kingdom of God are available much more sublime pleasures than sexual pleasures, so they do not have any need for them.

In the spiritual world, the Supreme Lord always serve millions of goddesses of prosperity. In her gardens, they worship the Lord.

Land Vaikuntha, as stated in Srimad Bhagavatam, consists of a philosophical stone. This is how the paradise is described in the Sacred Scriptures of Hinduism.

How to get into the spiritual world, enter the kingdom of God

The desire to return home, to the transcendent spiritual abode, makes a person study the nature of the spiritual kingdom.

The study of the descriptions of the spiritual world is the beginning of the path to paradise.

The one who is trying to comprehend the spiritual nature of Waikunth Planets is considered a lucky person.

Anyone can go beyond the material world and enter the spiritual abode of the Lord, if his consciousness was cleared sufficiently to realize his true nature, God and his eternal relationship with the Almighty.

Only one who found all virtues, 26 of the His Holy Personality can get to the kingdom of God. Those who are engaged in the ministry of the Noschhenum, are gradually developing all these necessary qualities. 26 The qualities of the Holy Personality are described in Caitanya Charitamrita, as well as in the third songs of Srimad Bhagavatam, the twenty-fifth chapter, verse 21.

It says that a person worthy of returning to the kingdom of God is very patient and kind of all living beings, so he has no enemies. He is always calm and calmly, with whom does not underdese the disputes and does not quarrel. Such a person with his highest goal of life considers Krishna's consciousness (the Supreme Personality of Godhead), because there is nothing higher and the beast of staying in the minds of God.

He equally refers to all living beings (not only to people), because he sees them spiritual nature. He is always clean, spiritually and physically, and has an impeccable temper. The devotee does not feel and does not consider itself the owner of anything, whether in the material world or spiritual, because it understands that everything belongs to the Lord.

He wishes to all good and peace-loving, does not have material desires and shows modesty. His feelings are curbed, and he is deprived of false self. It does not eat more than necessary to maintain the body in an optimal state. Respecting others, he does not require respect for himself. He is friendly and compassionate. These are the qualities of a person worthy of entering the kingdom of God.

Regular repetition of the Holy Mantra (Maha-Mantra Hare Krishna) is the most important part of the devotional service recommended in Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and other scriptures, and this mantra helps a person to gain all the necessary qualities to return to the kingdom of God. However, when repetition of the holy names of God should avoid insults, because it will become an insurmountable obstacle to the spiritual world. A description of the ten insults that impede the return to the kingdom of God, you can read in spiritual literature.

Unhappy people, the inhabitants of the average planets (like the Earth), instead of discussing the description of the kingdom of God, discuss topics that defile their rumor and dimming the mind.

People who refuse to listen to the descriptions of the spiritual world, and instead indulge in conversations about the material, lay their way into the darkest areas of ignorance.

Lord Brahma, the Creator of the Material World, says that the human form of life has so much value that even brahmas and demigods strive to come true among people, because only a person can find perfect spiritual knowledge and perfectly comprehend the meaning of religion, that is, to achieve.

If a person cannot comprehend the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and his spiritual kingdom, this means that it is under the strong influence of the external energy of the Lord - the aggregate of the material energies, observing the highest truth.

If a person hears the praise of the Lord and is experiencing an ecstasy, in which his breath is rapidly, and the body is covered with an exemplary, he enters the kingdom of God, even if he has never engaged in spiritual practice before and did not commit as insscis ... voluntary practice).

Other descriptions of the eternal kingdom of God can be found in other religions.

The study of the descriptions of the spiritual world is favorable for a person, because it awakens in it forgotten spiritual reality and revives the desire to return to the kingdom of God, which is the first important step on the way home, to the eternal transcendental monastery of the Most High, fulfilled wisdom and bliss.

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