The underwater world of the ocean drawings with paints. How to draw underwater world with paints

The underwater world of the ocean drawings with paints. How to draw underwater world with paints

Drawing with cotton chopsticks. Master class with photo

Master class on drawing "Underwater World"

Dumler Tatyana Petrovna, teacher drawing Maou Gymnasium No. 56 Tomsk
Purpose: This work is designed for small artists, teachers, parents.
Purpose: Perform a gouache pattern using an unconventional method.
- Teach to draw animals of the underwater world
- develop fantasy, creative abilities
- Promote the development of shallow motility, attention.
Materials: To perform this work, we will need paper for drawing, gouache, brush, cotton wands, a glass with water.

We offer first-graders to plunge into the magical world of the Marine Kingdom.
To begin with, a water surface should appear on the almitude. A wide brush guys painted with cold shades with paints.

Gouache dries quickly. After a small conversation (or games, mysteries, presentations), the guys start drawing marine inhabitants. Brown paint draw a turtle: a torso, a big oval, paws - triangles, head - small oval.

Another amazing and beautiful inhabitant of the seas - jellyfish. Draw its lilac (or violet) paint. Semicircular torso, Vitivaya tentacles.

And of course it is difficult to imagine the sea without fish, beautiful, unusual, fabulous. Out (or yellow paint) draw the torso fish of oval shape.

Cotton wands as drawing material used for a long time. But for small artists, he is always very unusual and intriguing. I suggest to decorate our heroes using cotton wands.

Makazy cotton wand in the paint, apply to the drawing, creating patterns. We continue to decorate the turtle. For each color we use a new wand, put them in a cup.

For jewelry, use pink gamut. I offer the guys mix white and pink paint, to get a new shade. We also mix violet and white helmets. Patterns guys are applied to their discretion.

You can decorate fish with warm gamma paints.

Sand bottom perform yellow, brown, ocher paints. Algae first draw a brush.

Further decoration of the drawing guys choose themselves. You can add other algae, you can draw stones, sinks, you can draw air bubbles.

Try this work with your disciples and you will see what wonderful "masterpieces" will turn out. Good luck! Thanks for watching!
Realistic 3D drawings from Singapore artist!

Singapore artist Keng Lai creates the three-dimensional artworks depicting the inhabitants of the underwater world by the reality. The drawings look so realistic that they can be easily taken for photos of floating in small tights, turtles, fish and shrimp.

A stunning 3D effect Master reaches with epoxy resin, acrylic paint and phenomenal sense of perspective.

Passing the stage of hyperealist painting, the work of Kenga went out of its framework and approached the sculpture.

Now it is experimenting with the use of additional, protruding from the picture of the elements, adding a new dimension to its bulk painting.

The work of the artist-Novator acquired many fans around the world.

The technique in which Keng Lai borrowed a Japanese artist Riuzuka Fukari, known to his talent to manage the illusion and perspective.

However, Singaporet did not stop at the classic approach of his inspirationor and went further - forced the representatives of the Water world to perform above the surface of the resin alcohol.

This is not another three-dimensional painting, the depth of which can be seen at a certain angle, it is rather a sculpture written by acrylic paints.

The process of creating volumetric masterpieces Long and painstaking - Keng Lai slowly fills plates, piles, buckets or small boxes with alternating layers of acrylic paint and epoxy resin, which can be applied a huge number of times until a satisfactory effect is achieved.

A time consuming occupation needs maximum patience and attention to detail, since all the elements of the image must be carefully applied and dry, layer on the layer.

For each job, the author spends a huge amount of time - an average month of daily labor.

With three-dimensional painting Keng Lay met in 2012.

At that time, in his 48 years, he had an education at the shoulders with a specialty "Graphic Design", the experience of the artist-director in advertising and the creation of his own company, but on this its development was not over.

Once Keng saw the video Ryuzuka Fukari, where he worked real wonders with paint and resin, and decided to repeat the feats of the Japanese. Initially, all his illustrations were "flat", and the depths of the image attached an ordinary layering of acrylic and resin.

In 2013, the artist became wondering if he would be able to raise his technique to a higher level and began to experiment with the possibilities of hyperealist painting, adding volumetric items into the thickness of the lacquer.

So once he turned on in his compositions depicting octopus and goldfish, ordinary fine pebbles, and an egg shell used as a shell for a turtle.

In general, the idea was to give the work of art even greater 3D-volume, therefore, at any angle, the picture was in the best possible way.

Singaporesky Skillic is confident that there are still many methods that can be used in art lying on the border of painting and sculpture, and is tirelessly engaged in their research.

Fans of creativity Mr. Laya remain only to wait for the emergence of new results of its activities.

Olga Kudryavtseva
Outlook on the topic "Underwater World"

Abstract classes According to pictorial art

Subject: Underwater world.

Group: older (5 - 6 years).

Methods and techniques: Using ICT (slides with illustrations, sample show, artistic word, conversation, organization of mini drawings.

Tasks: clarify and expand the knowledge of children about underwater world, the variety of its inhabitants. Learning to create an expressive and interesting plot with the help of paints. Improve technical and visual skills, skills. Develop children's creativity when creating and implementing design. Brief love and respect for the animal world, responsiveness and kindness.

Materials and equipment: Illustration of phased drawing, slides with inhabitants illustrations underwater world; A4 sheet; simple pencil, eraser; gouache; brushes, cotton wands, glass with water; samples of children's work; A3 format for demonstrating phased drawing.

Travel course:

Guys, do you like to do discoveries?

Today we go down on the bottom of the sea to explore underwater world. Close your eyes and imagine that we are all on underwater ship, plunge on the depths of the sea. Through a special window, we watch this extraordinarily beautiful and mysterious underwater world.

This is what the sea is without end and edge.

On the sandy shore waves raid.

It will stop the wind on the sea to be angry.

It will be visible who is in the depths there.

What do we see in the sea depth?

Fish, shark, octopuses, crabs, jellyfish, sea skates, etc.

Well done! Right. Many different mysterious animals and fish live in the ocean-sea. We will now try to guess the riddles of marine inhabitants. Listen carefully.

It looks like a horse

And lives in the sea too.

That's how the fish! Skok Yesch -

Jumping sea ... Konk. (Slide number 2)

He culbs hp

And screaming: "Enough for me!

I'm tired. I'm not a slave! "

Suggal neighbors .... Crab. (Slide number 3)

This is circusch -

Nose beat the ball.

French and Finn know:

Loves to play ... Dolphin. (Slide number 4)

What are you clever, all the riddles guess. And you have an extraordinary fantasy, and she will give you now stunning paintings underwater world. A task today that: You need to draw a diverse magic mysterious underwater world. (Slide number 5)

And to make you easier to show it, consider how the artist begins to work on any idea. Artists always work on rule: From a common to particular, that is, first paint the basis, the contour of the planned object, and after - work in its details.

Let's see how to generalize the forms of marine inhabitants. These are all geometric shapes. What kind? Drawing any geometric shape, you can then do underwater resident. (Drawing method and corresponding slides). On the bottom there are many pebbles, shells, there are underwater plants. What are their names?


True, algae. Some fish feed them.

After you finish to make a composition, proceed to work in color. Fill the background of blue paint, we make it transparent to shone the drawing made by a pencil. When paint gets dry, paint the inhabitants of your drawing in bright colors. After they dry, decorate them with paint and cotton wands. It turns out such a picture. (Packaged drawing).

Practical part: Pedagogue offers children to draw their compositions underwater world. Children work independently. If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance. Reminds how to keep the brush and use the paints.

An analysis of finished works is carried out. A joint exhibition is organized in the ecological corner of the kindergarten.

How good is gold gold,

To swim in the sea blue-blue!

So that all your beauty admire,

Your beautiful outlines of lines,

In the deep sea il mighty ocean

So many secret uncharted wonders

And the sky is high above us,

And we may not know human progress.

We ourselves - magic, we are just a fairy tale!

There are a lot of us: Different and mysterious creatures.

We are a riot of color, bright colors,

We are the world of fantasies and miracles!